Pilgrimage Packet & customizable flyer - National Shrine of Saint ...

Pilgrimage Packet & customizable flyer - National Shrine of Saint ...

Pilgrimage Packet & customizable flyer - National Shrine of Saint ...


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Prayers for Your <strong>Pilgrimage</strong>We have provided the following prayers that pilgrims to The <strong>National</strong> <strong>Shrine</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Saint</strong> Elizabeth Ann Seton may finduseful. Some <strong>of</strong> them were written by Mother Seton herself, and some are personalizations she made <strong>of</strong> traditional prayersshe loved. Other prayers included here are from the treasury <strong>of</strong> the Church and from Scripture. We’ve also included a Novenato Mother Seton.How to Gain an Indulgence During Your VisitWhy Indulgences? Every sin a Christiancommits does two things: it harms or insome cases destroys our relationship withGod; and it attaches us more deeply to sin.While the Sacrament <strong>of</strong> Reconciliationheals the first <strong>of</strong> these wounds, it doesnot completely heal us <strong>of</strong> the secondconsequence. This disordered attachment,much like an addiction, makes oneinordinately attracted to an actionor habit <strong>of</strong> sin that is detrimental.Another term for the attachment to sin is“the temporal punishment due to sin,” whichis strange in that it is not really a punishment,but rather a consequence <strong>of</strong> sin. Since wemay not enter heaven with this disorderedattachment to sin, we need penance to purifyus from them. This penance can occur eitheron earth or in purgatory.This is where indulgences come in. TheChurch has been made the steward <strong>of</strong> atreasury <strong>of</strong> spiritual goods that come fromthe merits <strong>of</strong> Christ and the <strong>Saint</strong>s. It candispense from this treasury for the removal<strong>of</strong> these temporal punishments—ourdebt for our sinfulness. An indulgence isa dispensation by the Church from thistreasury. The indulgence may be applied tothe penitent’s own soul or applied to a soulin purgatory. While a partial indulgenceremoves some, but not all <strong>of</strong> one’s attachmentto sin, a plenary indulgence removes alltemporal punishment for one’s sins.Typically there are several requirementsthat must be met in order to gain theindulgence. In this case they are these:1.) Be truly penitent for your sins2.) Within eight days <strong>of</strong> your visit tothe <strong>Shrine</strong>, receive the Sacrament<strong>of</strong> Reconciliation and the Eucharist3.) Pray for the intentions <strong>of</strong> theHoly Father4.) In the Basilica, participate in a sacredcelebration, or remain for a congruousperiod <strong>of</strong> time in prayer and piousmeditation, concluding with:a. The Our Fatherb. The Pr<strong>of</strong>ession <strong>of</strong> Faithc. Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Maryand, if possible, to the Holy Apostlesand Patron <strong>Saint</strong>s.<strong>Saint</strong> Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Version<strong>of</strong> the MemorareRemember, O most pious Virgin Mary, thatno one ever had recourse to you, imploredyour help, or sought your mediation withoutobtaining relief. Confiding then on yourgoodness and mercy, I cast myself at yoursacred feet, and do most humbly supplicateyou, O Mother <strong>of</strong> the Eternal Word, to adoptme as your child and take upon yourself thecare <strong>of</strong> my eternal Salvation. O let it not besaid, my dearest Mother, that I have perishedwhere no one ever found but grace andEternal Salvation. Love me, my Mother.St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s Version<strong>of</strong> the Anima ChristiSoul <strong>of</strong> Jesus, sanctify me.Blood <strong>of</strong> Jesus, wash me.Passion <strong>of</strong> Jesus, comfort me.Wounds <strong>of</strong> Jesus, hide me.Heart <strong>of</strong> Jesus, receive me.Spirit <strong>of</strong> Jesus, enliven me.Goodness <strong>of</strong> Jesus, pardon me.Beauty <strong>of</strong> Jesus, draw me.Humility <strong>of</strong> Jesus, humble me.Peace <strong>of</strong> Jesus, pacify me.Love <strong>of</strong> Jesus, inflame me.Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Jesus, come to me.Grace <strong>of</strong> Jesus, replenish me.Mercy <strong>of</strong> Jesus, pity me.Sanctity <strong>of</strong> Jesus, sanctify me.Purity <strong>of</strong> Jesus, purify me.Cross <strong>of</strong> Jesus, support me.Nails <strong>of</strong> Jesus, hold me.Mouth <strong>of</strong> Jesus, bless me.Amen.A Prayer for Mercy by Mother SetonLord Jesus Christ, who was born for us in astable, lived for us a life <strong>of</strong> pain and sorrow,and died for us upon a cross, say to God inthe hour <strong>of</strong> death: “Father, forgive,” and toyour Mother, “Behold your child,” and say tous, “This day you will be with me in paradise.”Dear Savior, leave us not; forsake us not. Wethirst for You, the fountain <strong>of</strong> living water.Our days pass quickly along; soon all will beconsummated. To your hands we commendour spirit, now and forever. Amen.A Prayer <strong>of</strong> Devotion to “The Will”by Mother SetonO Father, the first rule <strong>of</strong> our dear Savior’slife was to do your holy will. Let His will <strong>of</strong>the present moment be the first rule <strong>of</strong> ourdaily life and work, with no other desire butits full and complete accomplishment, sothat doing what You wish, we may remaincompletely faithful to you. Amen.Novena Prayer to Mother Setonby Rev. Robert Stone, C.M.O God, You hear our prayers and listen tothe prayers the <strong>Saint</strong>s make on our behalf.We turn to <strong>Saint</strong> Elizabeth Ann Setonand humbly ask her to bring to you theseintentions we now make.[Pause for intentions.]God <strong>of</strong> all consolation, You know our needs;to our weakness you are no stranger.We who are afflicted and poor trust inyour mercy and love.St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us.Amen.Over »

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