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62 community Festival <strong>2013</strong> comfest.COMAsk Your Veternarian:Is ComFest Right for Your Dog?You may think your best friend likes outdoor concertsand festivals as much as you do, but these are eitherpotentially hazardous to your friend or—because theyraise the dog's stress level (while you're relaxing!) andmake your friend unhappy and more likely to act in waysthat can be unpleasant—for you, for other people and fortheir dogs.1. NOISE. Your dog’shearing is perhaps 10 times moresensitive than yours. Even if youaren't right in front of a live stagespeaker, overall volume level,sound reverberation and sheerquantity of constant noise comingfrom all directions is potentiallydamaging to your dog's sensitivehearing. Guitar shredding can shredyour dog’s hearing.2. HEAT ANDFATIGUE. When was thelast time you went to a summerconcert in a fur coat? Even whenwater and shade are available, heatcan quickly dehydrate dogs andcause life-threatening heat stroke.Taking a long walk around the neighborhood is onething. Walking for hours on hot pavement or even grass isexhausting for a dog.3. CROWDS. Being in a crowd makes a dogconfused or anxious, so even the best-behaved dogsstress out in crowds. Aside from crowded conditions andsensory overload, a lot is going on at knee level that youmay not see, such as a toddler reaching to pet the dog’sface. “But my dog would never bite…” may be true inordinary calm situations, but a crowded event createsunpredictable conditions and serious risks.4. BITING. All dog bites are required by lawto be reported to the authorities. If your dog bitessomeone at ComFest, and it does not have a currentrabies vaccination tag and papers, it must be quarantined(confined) and observed for 10 days, even if it is ahealthy dog. Also, there is little to stop your dog fromcatching a disease from another dog at ComFest. Besure your dog is up to date on all of its vaccinations,especially rabies.5. FOOD DANGERS.The ground is one big chow bowl toa dog. Peppery foods, sugary foodsand onions are just part of the buffetonly a few inches away from that bigwet nose. Your dog could developpancreatitis. Often a direct resultof such “dietary indiscretions,” itcan range from milder symptomsdemanding care by a vet to severeand life-threatening problemsrequiring hospitalization, possiblesurgery, and hundreds of dollars ofexpense (your guilt aside).6. GETTING LOST. Lostpets risk never being returned to theirowners or, worse, being hit by a car. Be sure your dog iswearing some form of identification at all times.Why would you bring your dog here? Taking yourdog to any large outdoor event is an ego trip at your dog’sexpense. The only benefit to your dog is that Fido doesn'thave to pick up your poop. Do your best friend a bigfavor: don't take your dog to ComFest or other crowdedpublic events.--Paul Volker, with Dr. Theresa Burke, DVM,Creature Comforts Animal Clinic

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