Gordon Brent Ingram curriculum vitae

Gordon Brent Ingram curriculum vitae

Gordon Brent Ingram curriculum vitae


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<strong>Gordon</strong> <strong>Brent</strong> <strong>Ingram</strong> <strong>curriculum</strong> <strong>vitae</strong> 7• Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for Biodiversity Conservation and• Ecological Design for Sustainable Communities; ando co-development and coordination of a campus-wide seminar for 2006 & 2007, ‘GoingGlobal: The ethics and politics of a George Mason University campus in the Middle East’.Senior Urban Planner and Visiting Associate Professor, 2003 & 2004 with ongoinginvolvement, Institute of Urban and Regional Planning and Design, College of Architecture andDesign, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates developing and teaching twograduate courses:o Planning Theory and Methods ando Land Use Planning Principles and Practicealong with advising on aspects of environmental management, sustainability and social policy inthe development of this major new centre for sustainability for the Middle East. An additionalresponsibility was to review budgetary and development needs along with research into potentialfunding sources.Senior Lecturer, 2001 & 2002, Restoration of Natural Systems Program, School of EnvironmentalStudies, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada,1. developing and teaching courses in urban sustainability and related ecological, historical, andsocial research, urban design, and public art and2. supervising student research often focused on site planning and restoration of the agricultural,urban, woodland, forest, freshwater, and beach ecosystems of Vancouver Island and otherparts of British Columbia.Associate Professor, Universitair Hoofddocent with permanent contract, 1999 to 2001,International Institute for Aerospace Survey & Earth Sciences (ITC), University of Twente,Enschede, The Netherlands. As an environmental planner second in charge of a Division, my worktook place in The Netherlands, Canada, China, Bangladesh, and Pakistan with the mainresponsibilities being development of postgraduate-level courses, supervision of research in remoteareas, review of scientific literature and development of lectures and audiovisual presentations,management of budgets and personnel, analysis and writing reports, development of policyrecommendations, building research networks, and organization of scientific meetings.courses called “modules”• Forest Degradation & Rehabilitation (2000)• Research Preparedness (for M.Sc. thesis research) (2000)• Forest Biodiversity Assessment & Conservation (2000)regular lectures• "Local biodiversity: Shifting biogeographies at the landscape level" & "Endemism, invasions &island biogeography" (for Biodiversity mapping & modelling)• “Tradeoffs analysis in biodiversity conservation” (for Modelling land use alternatives)working groups• Conflict resolution• Forest conservation and restoration (in early phase of formation)

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