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FoodInternational food, including Mongolian and AsianspecialtiesEuropean and vegetarian food by an experienced cookApplication deadline: 20 June, 2013For more information please contact:t.erdeneochir@yahoo.comSummer school inanthropology andarchaeology9 July - 7August, 2013IntroductionThe Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, Schoolof Social Sciences hosts an annual Summer Field Schoolin Archaeology and Anthropology to provide internationalstudents the opportunity to work together with theirMongolian colleagues in fieldwork for new experience,knowledge, and insights. It aims to:broaden your understanding of traditional cultureof Mongolian nomads through the study of history,ancient and contemporary culture of Mongols, andarchaeological monuments from different historicalperiods of Mongolia.provide an excellent experience in archaeologicalexcavation of pre-historical and historical monumentsin Eastern Mongolia.Through this course we seek to promote internationalacademic and scientific exchange and collaboration inAnthropology and Archaeology and Mongolian Studies.This is an extremely interesting and challenging experience:taking part in everyday life of Mongolian nomads, trainingyour powers of observation and orientation, using acompass, digging, keeping notes, hiking in a beautifulcountry, finding and recording artifacts and features,communication via satellite, mastering photography,drawing maps, getting dirty and having fun!We assure you that you will have an eye opening experienceand a perfect forum for intercultural understanding.Course ObjectivesThe objectives of the field school are as follows:To promote in-depth awareness of cultural traditionsof MongoliansTo introduce participants to basic archaeological fieldmethods and techniques such as survey, excavation,and data recording.At the end of the course, students should be able todemonstrate:General knowledge of Mongolian culture and history;Basic understanding of burial ritual and settlementpatterns of ancient nomadsCourse StructureOrientation (9-11 July)Ulaanbaatar city tour: Visit to museums and Nationalfestival “Naadam”Basic lectures on Mongolian history, ethnography,archaeology and anthropology (During the UB city tourand fieldwork).Fieldwork (12 July - 3August)Field-based learning is the epitome of summer fieldwork.Professors and lecturers with fieldwork experience andextensive knowledge in related areas of study supervisefieldwork students.Route of fieldwork:Ulaanbaatar-Kherlen river valley archaeological sites to seearchaeological monuments from the Bronze age: differentgrave monuments, deer stone, and grave monumentsXiongnu and Turkic period – Khentii aimag center (visitto local museums) – Munkhkhaan soum center –Delgerkhaan mountain excavation site.Students will camp, cook and work as a team and may bedivided into three field groups: survey, site evaluation, andoral history teams. Team members will rotate every 2 to 3days, giving each student the opportunity to participate indifferent activities.Research report (4-7 August )Students prepare a research paper and present it at theclosing workshop.Credits: 5(Mongolian Studies-2 credits, Field research-2 credits,Research paper-1 credit)Accommodation and Work EnvironmentStudents must be prepared to live and work in a field camp,sleep in tents, share camp chores and maintenance, andengage in strenuous outdoor activities. The chores willinclude cooking, clean-up, and general maintenance ofthe field facilities. Outdoor activities will include hiking tosurvey quads and archaeological site locations. Studentswill be responsible for excavating, carrying heavy loads, andprocessing field collections.Personal SuppliesStudents in the course should arrive prepared for fieldworkand camping. Critical items include a tent, good sleeping52

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