Language Documentation & Linguistic Theory 2 - Hans Rausing ...

Language Documentation & Linguistic Theory 2 - Hans Rausing ...

Language Documentation & Linguistic Theory 2 - Hans Rausing ...


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LANGUAGE DOCUMENTATION AND LINGUISTIC THEORY 25. CONCLUSIONWe have seen that there are two paradigms of agreement morphology in Cicipu,one inflected for gender and the other for person, and in section 4 I set out thefactors relevant to this alternation with regard to subject agreement. Wheneverthere is an explicit subject NP (i.e. grammatical agreement) the features on theverb must match the features on the subject NP. 10 When there is no subject NP(i.e. anaphoric agreement) either gender or person agreement may occur.Anaphoric chains can progress from LEXICAL NP > GENDER AGREEMENT >PERSON AGREEMENT. This happens more quickly if the referent is high intopicality and/or animacy, and the effect of topicality is particularly clear withanimals.Anaphoric agreement markers occur with both topics and non-topics in Cicipu.Therefore topicality should be considered an independently-varying dimensonwith respect to the classification of agreement markers, not one determined by thegrammatical vs. anaphoric agreement distinction, and thus it is possible to havedistinct dependent markers encoding different information statuses (contraSiewierska 2004).Finally, neither sentence topic nor referential density are sufficient to accountfor the examples in section 4. Instead we need a theory of discourse topic that alsotakes into account the intrinsic interest which the referent holds for the speaker.Unlike generativists, most typologists hold that linguistics should be grounded inempirical data. Consequently typological claims about the nature of agreementand incorporated pronouns should take into account the possibility of grammaticalstructure being influenced by discourse topic as well as sentence topic.REFERENCESBresnan, Joan & Sam A. Mchombo. 1987. Topic, pronoun, and agreement inChichewâ. <strong>Language</strong> 63, 741-82.Chafe, Wallace. 1994. Discourse, consciousness, and time. Chicago: University ofChicago Press.Corbett, Greville G. 2003. Agreement: the range of the phenomenon and theprinciples of the Surrey Database of Agreement. Transactions of thePhilological Society 101, 155-202.Corbett, Greville G. 2006. Agreement. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Crozier, David. H. 1984. A study in the discourse grammar of Cishiningi. PhDdissertation, University of Ibadan.10 The exception to this being the co-occurrence of an NC8 controller and a vowel-initial verb, asmentioned in section 4.2.230

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