Download Catalog (pdf) - Tango Advanced Nutrition

Download Catalog (pdf) - Tango Advanced Nutrition

Download Catalog (pdf) - Tango Advanced Nutrition


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Continued from page 2Analytical ScreeningPrior to full-scale evaluation by <strong>Tango</strong>, allcandidate formulas must first survive anexhaustive, multilayered analytical testingprogram, overseen by Dr. Ko and designedto detect and identify over 7,200 potentialcontaminants and drugs, many of whichhave previously shown up in other importedand domestically produced supplements.If a candidate formula passes thisfirst layer of screening, it next undergoesadditional testing to assure that it meets orexceeds FDA and U.S. Pharmacopeia(USP) safety standards for purity and quality.All tests are conducted by independent,third-party analytical laboratories utilizing,among other techniques, state-of-the-artatomic absorption and high- speed gaschromatography, mass spectrometry andhigh performance liquid chromatographytesting.Real World EvaluationOnce the composition and purity of a candidateformula has been verified, welaunch an efficacy evaluation program todetermine whether it actually does what itis supposed to do. This process involvesin-clinic evaluations with participating medicalpractitioners and clinics around thecountry, and can last anywhere from sixmonths to more than two years.While positive comments and glowing feedbackfrom doctors and patients plays an importantrole in our evaluation process, thefinal deciding factor comes down to demand.In other words, when the benefits ofa formula are so compelling that participantsbegin pressuring us to make it more widelyavailable for continued use, we know wehave a winner. This process ensures thatour formula development program is drivenby the needs and desires of our clients, notthose of a marketing department.Efficacy-Based SelectionIn the end, regardless of how much time,money and effort is invested in a potentialformula, if we aren’t convinced that it is significantlymore effective than other optionsavailable in the market, we are compelledto drop it so we can invest in other promisingcandidates. This is why our current lineof formulas – only 18 after 10 years of constantR&D – has been restricted to onlythose that meet the exceptional levels ofproduct quality, value and client satisfactionthat are the hallmarks of <strong>Tango</strong> herbal formulas.Supporting Optimal HealthWestern medicine has historically viewedtraditional herbal formulas with a high degreeof skepticism. This situation is changingas more patients seek out alternativehealth options, free from the side effects ofsynthetic pharmaceuticals, and as morehealthcare providers become aware of thegrowing body of peer-reviewed researchthat supports the safety and efficacy ofthese natural compounds.Yours In Health,Jim EnglishPresident / CEOwww.puretango.com 3

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