May-June 2007 Alpine Barona East County El Cajon Grossmont ...

May-June 2007 Alpine Barona East County El Cajon Grossmont ...

May-June 2007 Alpine Barona East County El Cajon Grossmont ...


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theZONE <strong>East</strong> <strong>County</strong> 28<strong>East</strong> <strong>County</strong>Agency WebsiteKevin ClarkCaptain<strong>East</strong> <strong>County</strong> Fire Protection Districtkclark@eastcountyfire.orgLatest News From ECFPD-We have formally started the process toask our citizens to vote for a benefit fee.A request for a proposal went out and S.C.I. wasthe company selected to help us with our upcoming election. Our Fire Board has made thedecision to do an election through the General<strong>El</strong>ection process. This process will be a mail outballot to registered voters of the District only.Because of this, we need a 2/3 majority to win.We continue to work hard in our overall goal toget the ship pointed back in the right direction.We will be hitting the streets soon to promoteour campaign.I would like to thank those in the fire servicethat have called to offer their help in going doorto door with us. Your support is veryappreciated to those within our organization.We will keep everyone posted on our progress.The ballots will hit the property owner’smailboxes by the end of July. They then willhave approximately 30 days to return the ballotvia mail.Fire Station 18 News-As most have heard, or read for that matter, wereceived our new Rescue 18 at the end ofFebruary. Ferrara Fire Apparatus located inHolden, Louisiana built it. The unit turned outvery nice and is currently being placed intoservice. Captain Brian Bayne our MaintenanceOfficer is doing a fine job as he has done withour other Engines. We hope to have it in servicevery soon. This unit is replacing a 1986 F-350Ford with the old non- turbo diesel motor. Thisis a much needed piece of apparatus for ourDistrict and we hope to have it in service verysoon!!Crest Fundraisers-On Saturday April 14 th the community of Crestheld a Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser sponsoredby the Kiwanis. The event was held at the St.Louise De Marillac Catholic Church hall. It was agreat success with about 140 breakfasts servedand many more donations for the FireDepartment.We also had a nice warm showing of Chief’s andFloor personnel from the San Miguel FireDepartment. Thanks for coming. It was a greatgesture of support. Our Engine’s 18&19 wereon hand to answer questions from the publicand to greet individuals at the event. BoardPresident Dawn Hubert was also in attendanceto speak on behalf of the Department. Theevent generated $1000.00 in breakfast sales and$2500.00 in just donations.Casino Night-Yes yet another fundraiser.There will be a Casino nightheld on our behalf at the <strong>El</strong>ksLodge in <strong>El</strong> <strong>Cajon</strong>. This eventwill take place on <strong>June</strong> 15 th (time still to bedetermined). As the event gets closer I will beemailing or posting the announcements.Fire Station 19 news-Not a whole lot new going on at Station 19. Itseems to have been a busy couple of monthsfor us as far as call volume goes. It’s been nice

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