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31<br />



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with the collaboration of M. KANTIREA<br />

/-protei<br />

w<br />

liilS<br />


-Λ<br />

L. Gounaropoulou, Μ. Β. Hatzopoulos, Les Milliaires<br />

de la Voie Egnatienne entre Héraclée des Lyncesîes et<br />

Thessalonique (ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 1; Athens 1985)<br />

Y. E. Meimaris, Sacred Names, Saints, Martyrs and<br />

Church Officiais in the Greek Inscriptions and Papyri<br />

Pertaining to the Christian Church of Palestine<br />

(ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 2; Athens 1986)<br />

M. B. Hatzopoulos - L. D. Loukopoulou, Two Studies<br />

in Ancient Macedonian Topography<br />

(ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 3; Athens 1987)<br />

M. B. Sakellariou, The Poiis-State<br />

(ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 4; Athens 1989)<br />

M. B. Hatzopoulos, Une donation du roi Lysimaque<br />

(ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 5; Athens 1988)<br />

Μ. Β. Hatzopoulos, Actes de vente de la Chalcidique<br />

centrale (ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 6; Athens 1988)<br />

M. B. Hatzopoulos, L. D. Loukopoulou, Morrylos, cité<br />

de la Crestonie (ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 7; Athens 1989)<br />

A. B. Tataki, Ancient Beroea: Prosopography and<br />

Society (ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 8; Athens 1988)<br />

L. D. Loukopoulou, Contribution à l'étude de la Thrace<br />

propontique (ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 9; Athens 1989)<br />

M. B. Sakellariou (éd.), Poikila (recueil d'articles)<br />

(ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 10; Athens 1990)<br />

M. B. Hatzopoulos, L. D. Loukopoulou, Recherches<br />

sur les marches orientales des Téménides (Anthémonte-Kalindoia)<br />

(ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 11; 1ère Partie:<br />

Athens 1992; 2e Partie: Athens 1996)<br />

M. B. Sakellariou, Between Memory and Oblivion<br />

(ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 12; Athens 1991)<br />

A. D. Rizakis (éd.), Achaia und Elis in der Antike<br />

(ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 13; Athens 1991)<br />

M. B. Hatzopoulos, Actes de vente d'Amphipolis<br />

(ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 14; Athens 1991)<br />

A. D. Rizakis (éd.), Paysages d'Achaïe I. Le bassin du<br />

Péiros et la plaine occidentale<br />

(ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 15; Athenss 1992)<br />

Ph. Gauthier - M. B. Hatzopoulos, La loi<br />

gymnasiarchique de Béroia (ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 16;<br />

Athens 1993)

Cover illustration: "L'Arcadie", Ν. Poussin-Marchais-Marthieu, A. Reindel.<br />

Etching ca. 1700<br />

ISBN 960-7905-13-X<br />

© Κέντρον Ελληνικής και Ρωμαϊκής 'Αρχαιότητος<br />

τοϋ Έθνικοΰ Ιδρύματος Ερευνών<br />

Β. Κωνσταντίνου 48-116 35 'Αθήνα - τηλ. 010-7210351<br />

Χαρτογραφία<br />

Υβόν Ριζάκη<br />

'Ηλεκτρονική επεξεργασία - στοιχειοθεσία<br />

Μάνια Βασιλάκη<br />

Παραγωγή<br />

Εργαστήριο Χαρακτικής 'Ηλία Κουβέλη


with the collaboration of M. KANTIREA<br />








31<br />



with the collaboration of M. KANTIREA<br />





ι PATRAI: ancient city settlement<br />

' Loukon: modern city settlement<br />

* Sanctuaries<br />


Y.Rizakis 2002


This book represents the first fruits of an enterprise inaugurated in 1989 with the creation of the<br />

international programme "Nomina romana in the Greek speaking provinces of the Roman Empire".<br />

This programme is intended as a response to the suggestion, formulated most notably by G. Daux and<br />

H.G. Pflaum 1 , for a systematic record of individuals with Roman personal names in the eastern<br />

provinces of the Roman Empire. The present volume and the one that will follow it provide a framework<br />

for the study of the evolution of Roman onomastic formulas and the gradual assimilation into<br />

the Roman system of peregrini living in the cities of the Péloponnèse. It also contributes to an<br />

improved understanding of the cultural milieu and modes of Romanisation.<br />

The first phase of the programme aimed at the creation of an electronic data base of inscriptions<br />

and names in specific eastern provinces (Achaia, Epirus, Macedonia, Crete and Cyrenaica, Syria and<br />

part of Asia). This work was generously assisted by many epigraphers and historians, who undertook<br />

the arduous task of gathering and studing the inscriptions, according to geographical regions, with the<br />

eventual goal of creating a data base of inscriptions and a catalogue of the names they contain. 2 Early<br />

on, A. Bresson of the University of Bordeaux III developed and placed at our disposal the computer<br />

program "Nomina romana", which facilitates electronic processing of the epigraphical material. This<br />

effort was further strengthened by the moral and scholarly support of the Finnish specialists in onomastics,<br />

H. Solin, O. Salomies, M. Kajava, J. Frösen and M. Leiwo. It was in collaboration with these<br />

scholars that we organised in Athens in 1993 an international onomastics conference later published<br />

under the title Roman onomastics in the Greek East. This conference provided the opportunity for a<br />

discussion of progress so far, as also for the drafting of plans for future research. 3<br />

The programme included the publication of a full catalogue of persons with Roman names drawing<br />

on material from large geographical units. This catalogue follows the precedents set by similar<br />

work on the western provinces. The Greek team chose to cover the Péloponnèse as its first region<br />

since it offers material of particular interest from both the political and cultural point of view - that<br />

is to say, the whole spectrum of political bodies are represented in the Roman Péloponnèse: colonies,<br />

free or tribute-paying cities, and also panhellenic sanctuaries. Another advantage was the team mem-<br />



bers' pre-existing knowledge of the epigraphic material for the region. 4 The onomasticon of the cities<br />

of the Péloponnèse will appear in two independent volumes: the present volume contains the nomina<br />

romana in alphabetical order for Achaia, Arcadia, Elis and Corinth. The second volume, whose<br />

publication will follow immediately, will include Laconia and Messenia. Finally, a third planned volume<br />

will bring together the studies of many specialists on subjects not only directly concerned with<br />

the typology of Roman onomastic formulations and their multiple forms in the Greek milieu, but also<br />

investigations into political and social history drawing their inspiration from the whole of the onomastic<br />

material in the first two volumes, as well as from other sources.<br />

While the responsibility for the most crucial decisions with regard to the choice of collaborators,<br />

the programme's aims and their realization was squarely on the present author's shoulders, the<br />

Peloponnesian project in particular would not have borne fruit had it not been for a pleiad of young<br />

scholars who played a decisive role in assembling the epigraphic material. 5 S. Zoumbaki in particular<br />

assumed responsibility for Eleia, material that formed the basis for her doctoral dissertation, as well<br />

as for Arcadia and the Argolid. L. Mendoni contributed to the assembling of material for the Argolid<br />

and lent decisive assistance during the first stages of organising the project. M. Kantirea was responsible<br />

for Corinth, in parallel with her dissertation on emperor cult. In addition to bearing responsibility<br />

for the material from Achaia, the undersigned also acted as project leader, coordinator and overseer<br />

of the collected work. But the final product also owes much to the knowledge and experience of<br />

a wide range of other colleagues to whom I would like to express my wannest gratitude. With our colleagues<br />

at the KERA, and especially with A. Tataki, we frequently benefited from discussions of<br />

method as well as substance. Through many lengthy conversations during the course of three hot<br />

Argive summers spent at the Maison Gordon, M. Piérart enriched our treatment of the material from<br />

the Argolid, and Argos in particular. For her friendly reception and assistance during our three visits<br />

to Epidaurus - the first with L. Mendoni and S. Zoumbaki - the then ephor E. Spathari and her colleague<br />

Ch. Piteros deserve our warm thanks. They spontaneously put at my disposal many facilities<br />

which sped considerably the task of locating the inscriptions in the sanctuary and checking the readings.<br />

Th. Spyropoulos, ephor of Laconia and Arcadia, received us generously in June of 1999 and led<br />

us in a splendid study-tour, together with C. Lepenioti, M. Kantirea and J.-L. Ferrary, taking in the<br />

Museum of Tripolis and the archaeological sites and museums of Tegea, Mantinea, Orchomenos, and<br />

Megalopolis. To my friend M. Petropoulos, ephor of Achaia, I once again direct my sincerest thanks<br />

for his kind and generous grant of unpublished material. The Corinth section, as is obvious from the<br />

countless references and notes, was enhanced and improved above all by the excellent command of<br />

the material, and also the great generosity, of B. Millis, to whom we again owe our gratitude. Without<br />

his substantial advice - which was made possible by the intervention of R. Stroud, whom we would<br />

also like to thank - many mistakes and innumerable problems would have escaped our notice. O.<br />

Salomies and S. Demougin dedicated many hours of their valuable time to what were for us highly<br />

profitable discussions, and on top of that they accepted to read a first version of this catalogue, making<br />

many corrections and additions, often to issues of critical importance. For this we extend our<br />

thanks, as well as to P. Le Roux, M. Christol, M. Corbier and S. Follet for much helpful advice. Finally,<br />

particular thanks go to E.K. Fowden, corrector of our English and translator of the Prologue and<br />

Introduction, as also to our colleague G. Fowden, who rendered us much good-humoured assistance.<br />

The present volume, as well as those to follow (Roman Péloponnèse II and III), is part of the<br />

ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ series published by the Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquity, a fact that gives me<br />



the opportunity to thank cordialy its director M. Hatzopoulos for his steadfast support for this longterm<br />

effort. The volume is submitted in full awareness of likely omissions, oversights, imperfections or<br />

errors for which I beg the reader's indulgence and assume full responsibility. Corrections or additions<br />

will appear in the book's electronic form that is being prepared for publication in the near future.<br />

NOTES<br />

A.D. RIZAKIS<br />

1. See H.-G. Pflaum, "Appendice. Considérations sur la méthode des sondages épigraphiques locaux en onomastique<br />

latine (d'après les inscriptions africaines)", in: L'onomastique latine, Colloques internationaux du<br />

CNRS no. 564 (Paris 1977) 320-23 as well as G. Daux, in the same volume, "Onomastique romaine d'expression<br />

grecque. Appendice. Passage du nom grec au nom romain", 405-416.<br />

2. B. Helly and his staff (Thessaly), P. Cabannes (Epirus), A. Tataki and A.D. Rizakis (Macedonia), P. Nigdelis<br />

(Cyclades except Delos), Cl. Hasenohr (Delos), S. Byrnes and M. Osborne (Athens), D. Mulliez (Delphi), Cl.<br />

Antonetti (Acarnania and Aetolia), Chr. Müller (Boeotia), D. Viviers and A. Laronde (Crete and Cyrenaica), A.<br />

Bresson (Rhodes and its peraea), K. Buraselis (the Dodecannese except for Rhodes).<br />

3. A.D. Rizakis (ed.), Roman onomastics in the Greek East: social and political aspects ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 21<br />

(Athens 1996).<br />

4. The programme, its aims and its methodology have been discussed on various occasions: A.D. Rizakis,<br />

"Anthroponymie et société: les noms romains dans les provinces hellénophones de l'Empire", in Roman onomastics,<br />

11-30; id., "Nomina Romana", in: M. Hainzmann and Chr. Schäfer (eds.), Alte Geschichte und Neue<br />

Medien, Zum EDU-Einsatz in der Altertumsforschung, Computer und Antike 5 (St-Katarinen 2000) 121-124; id.,<br />

"La banque des données des nomina romana du IERA (Athènes)", in: La circulation des Italiens dans le monde<br />

grec de 200 a.C. à 100 p.C, Actes du colloque international, organised by the École française d'Athènes, Paris<br />

14-16 May 1998 (forthcoming).<br />

5. This was made possible with the financial assistance of many European programmes as well as bilateral agreements<br />

and academic exchanges with the University of Bordeaux III (A. Bresson) and the team of Année<br />

épigraphique, most notably M. Corbier, S. Follet, P. Le Roux and S. Dardilly, all of whom we thank cordially.<br />



PREFACE 9<br />






1. The source material for personal names<br />

2. The geographical and chronological framework of the catalogue<br />

3. The organization of the entries<br />









C. INDEX<br />



III. SURNAMES 611<br />





With the exceptions noted below, abbreviated references to ancient authors follow the Oxford Classical<br />

Dictionary (1996 3 ), abbreviations of journals and series follow VAnnée Philologique, and abbreviations<br />

of epigraphical or archaeological collections follow the Supplementum epigraphicum graecum.<br />

Achaia und Elis<br />

Alföldy, Dalmatia<br />

Amandry<br />

Ameling, Herodes<br />

Atticus<br />

AnnÉpigr<br />

Barbieri<br />

Bechtel, HPN<br />

Bees<br />

Bol, Herodes-Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum<br />

Bradford<br />

Rizakis, A.D. (ed.), Achaia und Elis in der Antike. Akten des 1. Internationales<br />

Symposiums über Achaia und Elis in der Antike, ΜΕΛΕΤΗ­<br />

ΜΑΤΑ 13 (Athen 1990).<br />

Alföldy, G., Die Personennamen in der römischen Provinz Dalmatia,<br />

Beiträge zur Namenforschung, N.F. Beiheft 4 (Heidelberg 1969).<br />

Amandry, M., Le monnayage des duovirs Corinthiens, BCH Suppl. XV<br />

(Paris 1988).<br />

Ameling, W., Herodes Atticus, Subsidia Epigraphica XI (Hildesheim-<br />

Zürich - NewYork 1983).<br />

L'Année Épigraphique.<br />

Barbieri, G., L'albo senatorio da Settimio Severo a Canno (Roma 1952).<br />

Bechtel, F., Die historischen Personennamen des Griechischen bis zur<br />

Kaiserzeit (Halle 1917; repr. Hildesheim 1964).<br />

Bees, Ν.Α., Corpus der griechisch-christlichen Inschriften von Hellas: I.<br />

Isthmos- Korinthos (Athens 1941).<br />

Bol, R., Das Statuenprogramm des Herodes-Atticus-Nymphäums,<br />

Olympische Forschungen XV (Berlin 1984).<br />

Bradford, AS., A prosopographyofLacedaemonians from the death of Alexander<br />

the Great, 323 B. C, to the sack of Sparta by Alane, A. D. 396 (Munich 1977).<br />

Broughton, Magistrates Broughton, T.R.S., The magistrates of the Roman republic (99 B.C.-31 B.C.)<br />

I (1951, repr. Cleveland, Ohio 1968), II (1952, repr. Chico, California 1984).<br />

Ill Suppl. (Atlanta 1986).<br />



BullÉpigr Bulletin Épigraphique.<br />

Cartledge and Spawforth Cartledge, P. and Spawforth, A.J.S., Hellenistic and Roman Sparta. A tale<br />

of two cities (London- New York 1989).<br />

Chrimes, Ancient Sparta Chrimes, K.M.T., Ancient Sparta. A re-examination of the evidence<br />

(Manchester, 1949. repr. Westport, Connecticut 1971).<br />

Degrassi, Fasti consolari Degrassi, Α., I fasti consolari dell' impero Romano dal 30 avante Cristo<br />

al 613 dopo Cristo (Roma 1952).<br />

Démougin, CJC Démougin, S., Prosopographie des chevaliers romains Julio-Claudiens,<br />

Collection de Γ École française de Rome 153 (Rome 1992).<br />

Devijver Devijver, H., Prosopographia militiarum equestrium quae fuerunt ab<br />

Augusto ad Gallienum. Pars prima, Symbolae series A. 3,1: Litterae A-I<br />

(Leuven 1976); II: Litterae L-V: Ignoti-Incerti (Leuven 1977); III: Indices<br />

(Leuven 1980); Suppl. vol. Ill (1987-1993).<br />

Dornseiff and Hansen Dornseiff, F. and Hansen B., Reverse-lexicon of Greek proper-names<br />

(Chicago 1978).<br />

Eck, Senatoren Eck, W., Senatoren von Vespasian bis Hadrian. Prosopographische<br />

Untersuchungen mit Einschluss der Jahres - und Provinzialfasten der<br />

Statthalter (München 1970).<br />

EOS Epigrafia e ordine senatorio II (Roma 19S2)=Tituli 5<br />

Fabre, Libertus Fabre, G., Libertus: recherches sur les rapports patron-affranchi à la fin de<br />

la République romaine (Rome 1981).<br />

Faklaris, Κυνουρία Faklaris, P.B., Αρχαία Κυνουρία. Ανθρώπινη δραστηριότητα και<br />

περιβάλλον (Athens 1990).<br />

Follet, Athènes Follet, S., Athènes au Ile et au Ille siècle (Paris 1976).<br />

FOS Raepsaet-Charlier, M.-T., Prosopographie des femmes de Γ ordre sénato­<br />

rial (Ier-IIer siècles) (Louvain 1987).<br />

Graindor, Atticus Graindor, P., Hérode Atticus et sa famille (Le Caire 1930).<br />

Grant, FLTA Grant, M., From Imperium to Auctoritas; a historical study ofaes coinage<br />

in the Roman Empire; 49 B.C-A.D. 14 (Cambridge 1946).<br />



Groag, Reichsbeamten Groag, E., Die römischen Reichsbeamten von Achaia bis auf Diokletian<br />

(Wien-Leipzig 1939).<br />

Groag, Reichsbeamten Groag, E., Die Reichsbeamten von Achaia in spätrömischer Zeit<br />

spätröm. Zeit (Budapest 1946).<br />

Halfmann, Senatoren Halfmann, H., Die Senatoren aus dem östlichen Teil des Imperium<br />

Romanum bis zum Ende des 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. (Göttingen 1979).<br />

Halfmann, Itinera Halfmann, H., Itinera Principum. Geschichte und Typologie der<br />

Principum Kaiserreisen im römischen Reich (Stuttgart 1986).<br />

Hatzfeld, Trafiquants Hatzfeld, J., Les trafiquants italiens dans l'Orient hellénique (Paris 1919).<br />

—IRD, «Les Italiens résidant à Délos, mentionnés dans les inscriptions de Γ île»,<br />

BCH 36 (1912) 5-218.<br />

Hows HOROS. Ένα αρχαιογνωστικό περιοδικό".<br />

ILGR Sasel-Kos, M., Inscriptiones latinae in Grecia repertae. Additamenta ad<br />

CIL III (Faenza 1979).<br />

ILLRP Inscriptiones Latinae liberae rei publicae, 2 vols.<br />

ILS Dessau, H., Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae (reprint Chicago 1979).<br />

Kaibel, Epigr. Graeca Kaibel, G., Epigrammata Graeca ex lapidibus collecta (Berlin 1878; repr.<br />

Hildesheim 1964).<br />

Kajanto, Gr. epitaphs Kajanto, L, A study of the Greek epitaphs of Rome, Acta Instituti Romani<br />

Finlandiae II.3 (Helsinki 1963)<br />

— Onomastic Studies Kajanto, I., Onomastic studies in the early Christian inscriptions of Rome<br />

and Cartage, Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae II.3 (Helsinki 1963).<br />

— Supemomina Kajanto, I., Supernomina. A study in Latin epigraphy. Comm. hum., litt.<br />

Soc. Scient. Fenn. XL.l (Helsinki 1966).<br />

— Cognomina Kajanto, I., The Latin Cognomina. Comm. hum., litt. Soc. Scient. Fenn.<br />

XXXVI.2 (Helsinki 1965; repr. Rome 1982).<br />

Kritzas, "Πετρί Νεμέας" Kritzas, Ch. Β., "Δύο επιγράμματα από το Πετρί Νεμέας", in: Διεθνές<br />

συνέδριο για την αρχαία Θεσσαλία στη μνήμη του Δημήτρη Θεοχάοχ\<br />

(Athens 1992) 398-413.<br />



Le Bas-Foucart, Voyage II Le Bas, Ph. - Foucart, F., Voyage archéologique en Grèce et en Asie<br />

Mineure pendant les années 1843 et 1844. Explication des inscriptions<br />

grecques et latines receuillies en Grèce et en Asie Mineure II (Paris 1847-<br />

1870) 78-145.<br />

LGPN Fraser, P. M. - Matthews, E., A Lexicon of Greek personal names I. The<br />

Aegean Islands, Cyprus, Cyrenaica (Oxford 1987).<br />

III.A. The Péloponnèse, Western Greece, Sicily and Magna Graecia<br />

(Oxford 1997).<br />

Leunissen, Konsuln Leunissen, P.M.M., Konsuln und Konsulare in der Zeit von Commodus<br />

und Konsulare bis Severus Alexander (180-235 n. Chr.). Prosopographische<br />

Untersuchungen zur senatorischen Elite im römischen Kaiserreich<br />

(Amsterdam 1989).<br />

L' onomastique latine Duval, Ν., Briquel, D. - Hamiaux, M. (eds.) L'onomastique latine,<br />

Colloques internationaux du CNRS no. 564 (Paris 1977).<br />

Mason Mason, H.G., Greek terms for Roman institutions. A lexicon and analysis<br />

(Toronto 1974).<br />

Migeotte, Souscriptions Migeotte, L., Les souscriptions publiques dans les cités grecques (Genèvepubliques<br />

Quebec 1992).<br />

Mitsos Mitsos, M., Αργολική προσωπογραφία (Athens 1952).<br />

Moretti, IAG Moretti, L., Iscrizioni agonistiche greche (Roma 1953).<br />

Moretti, ISE Moretti, L., Iscrizioni storiche ellenistiche I (Firenze 1967).<br />

Moretti, Olympionikai Moretti, L., Olympionikai, i vincitori negli antichi agoni olympici (Roma<br />

1957).<br />

Nomenclator Mócsy, Α., Feldmann, R., Marion, E., Szilägyi, M., Nomenclator provinciarum<br />

Europae Latinarum et Galliae Cisalpinae. Dissertationes<br />

Pannonicae, series ULI (Budapest 1983).<br />

OlB Olympiabericht im Jahrbuch des deutschen archäologischen Instituts<br />

Oliver, Greek Oliver, J.H., Greek constitutions of early Roman emperors from inscripconstitutions<br />

tions and papyri. Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, vol.<br />

178 (Philadelphia 1989).<br />



Oliver, Marcus Aurelius Oliver, J.H., Marcus Aurelius. Aspects of civic and cultural policy in the<br />

East, Hesperia Suppl. XIII (Princeton 1970).<br />

Oliver, Oliver, J.H., The Athenian expounders of the sacred and ancestral law<br />

The Athenian expounders (Baltimore 1950).<br />

OMS Robert, L., Opera Minora Selecta, vol. I-VII (Paris 1969-1990).<br />

Papachatzis Papachatzis, N.D., Παυσανίου Ελλάδος Περιήγησις, vol. I-IV (Athens<br />

1974-1981).<br />

Papaëfthimiou, Papaèfthimiou, V., Grabreliefs späthellenistischer und römischer Zeit aus<br />

Grabreliefs Sparta und Lakonien, Quellen und Forschungen zur antiken Welt 13<br />

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Pape and Benseier Pape, W. and Benseier, G., Eigennamen: Wörterbuch der griechischen<br />

Eigennamen (Graz 1950, reprint fron the edition of 1862).<br />

Peek, Vers-Inschriften Peek, W., Griechische Vers-Inschriften I. Grab-Epigramme (Berlin, 1955<br />

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Petropoulos Petropoulos, Μ., Τα εργαστήρια των ρωμαϊκών λυχναριών της Πάτρας και το<br />

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A name is not a neutral label. It is instead a<br />

marker of social identity, one's place within a<br />

social system. "On ne nomme (...) jamais, on<br />

classe l'autre ou on se classe soi-même", wrote<br />

Claude Lévi-Strauss, 1 suggesting that name-giving,<br />

an activity often linked with power, is a<br />

means of organizing and controlling social life,<br />

since the world that is named is one that is identified.<br />

That named world is indeed a kosmos, an<br />

ordered and clearly defined entity, in contrast<br />

with its opposite, chaos. 2 In an organized society,<br />

a name marks the individual's first and last<br />

appearance in history, and in some instances<br />

survives symbolically after the bearer's death<br />

thanks to the name's inscription upon a funerary<br />

monument, an object defined by Ulpian as<br />

"something which exists to preserve memory". 3<br />

The recording and classifying of names can<br />

contribute valuable material for our understanding<br />

of social realities and of developments<br />

within evolving social systems. This is especially<br />

true for periods of major political and social<br />

change, such as that which witnessed the spread<br />

of Roman rule across the Mediterranean<br />

basin. 4 The study of onomastics progressed<br />

with great speed after the Second World War,<br />

especially with regard to the western part of the<br />

Roman empire, and drew the attention not<br />

only of specialists in onomastics, but also of<br />

political and social historians. In the western<br />

provinces, especially in Italy, Greek personal<br />

names - a significant and distinct manifestation<br />

of Hellenism in Italy - have been collected and<br />

38<br />

studied in the major work by H. Solin. 5 But the<br />

study of the presence, distribution and significance<br />

of Roman names in the East has not -<br />

with perhaps the sole exception of L. Robert 6 -<br />

attracted the same level of interest, and the<br />

problem has been approached "in a rather slapdash<br />

way", to borrow Solin's expression. 7 This<br />

is the case despite the subject's great potential<br />

importance and the light it could shed on our<br />

understanding of problems concerning the integration<br />

of peregrini into Roman society, but<br />

also more generally to the study of cultural currents<br />

and contexts, and to the phenomenon of<br />

Romanisation in the hellenophone eastern<br />

Mediterranean. The lack of significant interest<br />

in the Roman names of the Greek-speaking<br />

Roman East is due in part to the traditionally<br />

negative reaction of Hellenists, but most of all<br />

to the classic impediments and difficulties that<br />

go along with the pursuit, collection, study, and<br />

interpretation of epigraphic discoveries. The<br />

situation in the Péloponnèse, for example, is<br />

further complicated by the fact that, except for<br />

a few instances, the older systematic catalogues<br />

of inscriptions belong to the beginning of the<br />

twentieth century and the new material is frequently<br />

scattered among a variety of publications,<br />

some of them rather obscure. 8 The dearth<br />

of groundwork concerned with Roman onomastics<br />

is not filled by the fine prosopographical<br />

work of M. Mitsos on .Argos and that of<br />

A.S. Bradford on Laconia 9 , studies which, anyhow,<br />

are now outdated thanks primarily to new

discoveries. Nor is it filled by the recent monumental<br />

publication of the British Academy dedicated<br />

to the Greek personal names, 10 which<br />

does not systematically record Roman names,<br />

except when the bearer has a Greek cognomen.<br />

Obviously, an up-to-date and comprehensive<br />

onomasticum romanum of the eastern<br />

provinces is the precondition for the investigation<br />

of the various elements that make up a<br />

Roman name 11 , as also for the study of the<br />

adaptation and development of Roman names<br />

within Greek and Greek-speaking contexts. It<br />

has been established that, despite the principles<br />

and rules that govern Roman name-giving, actual<br />

everyday practice follows a variety of subtle<br />

but equally significant conventions. 12 The conclusion<br />

we may draw from this practice is that<br />

these conventions depend closely on the political<br />

regime prevailing in a given city, as also on<br />

local tradition and history, on general culture,<br />

and even on fashions dictated by the ruling social<br />

classes. 13 This fact helps to explain the differences<br />

in the formation of Roman names in the<br />

Péloponnèse that one observes between cities<br />

with diverging political situations (e.g. Roman<br />

colonies such as Corinth and Patrai or free cities<br />

such as Sparta and Messene), or even between<br />

social groups within the same city. In many<br />

cases there coexist even within the same family<br />

many different cultural traditions and influences,<br />

which explains why in some instances the father<br />

may have a Roman name, but his son carry a<br />

Greek proper name. 14<br />

Besides this typological and philological<br />

approach, the wealth and diversity of the<br />

Peloponnesian material can also provide the<br />

basis for a variety of other onomastic and statistical<br />

analyses, 15 and even for a synthetic<br />

study of the region's social and cultural history.<br />

The reason for this is that, in contrast to the<br />

freer conventions of Greek name-giving, the<br />

Roman state determines the individual ele­<br />


39<br />

ments and the rules by which names are<br />

assigned, contributing in this way to the greater<br />

meaning latent in a Roman as opposed to a<br />

Greek name, and enabling the decipherment of<br />

the political and in some cases also the social<br />

status of the name-bearer. 16 For this reason<br />

Roman personal names are often the best<br />

source for the study of the integration of influential<br />

peregrini into Roman provincial society<br />

especially if their names reveal connections<br />

with the imperial family or individuals belonging<br />

to the higher social classes. 17<br />

If the social origin of an isolated name is<br />

difficult to detect in the case of an individual<br />

belonging to the so-called lower classes, 18 collecting<br />

all the names in one city (or even better<br />

in one province) could facilitate the grouping<br />

of families and the study of family networks,<br />

together with the production of maps to illustrate<br />

the geographical distribution of certain<br />

nomina gentis. 19 Such maps could provide a<br />

foundation also for the study of the spread of<br />

Roman citizenship, which was only rarely<br />

granted until the reign of Caracalla. 20 Such a<br />

study might also contribute to our understanding<br />

of movements from lower into higher social<br />

classes 21 , as well as of the interesting career<br />

patterns of provincial elites and the many different<br />

bonds of kinship and self-interest that<br />

developed both at the local level and that of the<br />

province and the central government.<br />

Finally, the catalogue of Roman names is<br />

useful for reconstructing the cultural history of<br />

a city, since a Roman name is in part the<br />

expression or projection of romanitas.<br />

Naturally, this approach need not be either<br />

Romanocentric or Hellenocentric. The absence<br />

or presence of Roman names on its own does<br />

not provide a stable and absolute criterion for<br />

the investigation of Romanisation or of cultural<br />

resistance to Roman influences.



The catalogue of the Roman names of the<br />

Péloponnèse should not be confused with the<br />

general prosopographies that usually collate<br />

the names of all individuals in a given region or<br />

period, or with onomastic studies such as A.<br />

Mocsy's Nomenclator. 22 In contrast to these,<br />

the philosophy of the present volume comes<br />

closer to that of works which possess a more<br />

specific goal and select for presentation only<br />

those individuals belonging to a specific social<br />

category or profession. 23 The catalogue<br />

includes Roman citizens but also peregrini who<br />

used Roman names because of kinship ties<br />

through marriage or simply current fashion. In<br />

this catalogue the reader will not find purely<br />

Greek names, that is, names of peregrini who<br />

remained untouched by Roman name-giving<br />

practices. Such persons are discussed in the<br />

comments on certain names, when it seemed<br />

helpful to elucidate extended relationships,<br />

whether of blood or marriage. Also excluded<br />

from the catalogue, but appearing sometimes<br />

in the comments, are individuals - even those<br />

with Roman names - who are refered to in literary<br />

sources or in the inscriptions of other<br />

regions.<br />

1. The source material for personal names.<br />

Onomastic research of all varieties depends<br />

upon epigraphical material. Generally speaking,<br />

any investigation of personal names is<br />

incomplete unless it exploits the material<br />

inscriptions can offer. 24 Even though the<br />

40<br />

wealth of epigraphical material often depends<br />

on the existence of organised excavations, it is<br />

commonly the case that the distribution of<br />

inscriptions adheres closely to the new political<br />

and economic geography imposed by Roman<br />

occupation. This fact helps to explain the striking<br />

abundance of inscriptions at some large<br />

urban centres that enjoyed Rome's favour<br />

(Corinth, Patrai, Argos, Sparta, Messene), or at<br />

panhellenic sanctuaries (Olympia and<br />

Epidauros), and the negligible presence at cities<br />

that found themselves marginal to political and<br />

economic developments. Epigraphical activity<br />

in the Péloponnèse, as in many other regions,<br />

was especially robust in the first and second<br />

centuries, experiencing a gradual decline from<br />

the middle of the third century A.D. 25 As a rule,<br />

the epigraphical habit is an urban one, possessed<br />

mainly by the upper classes. The rural<br />

and lower urban classes are only thinly represented,<br />

26 but the significance even of this dim<br />

presence is enormous, for in this way we get to<br />

know thousands of individuals belonging to<br />

these social groups who never crop up in our<br />

literary sources. 27<br />

Even though the bulk of our evidence is<br />

drawn from inscriptions on stone, coins too,<br />

particularly those of the colonies, provide<br />

information of great interest about the elites,<br />

since in many cases they preserve the names of<br />

duumviri. 28 Personal names found on vessels,<br />

lamps or tiles (instrumentum domesticum) are<br />

numbered continuously with the corpus, but

placed in the appendices given the many outstanding<br />

uncertainties surrounding their social<br />

status, ethnic origin or even their identification<br />

with persons known to have existed. 29<br />

Although the fragments are highly ambiguous,<br />

we considered it worthwhile to include them in<br />

the catalogue. When the beginning of the name<br />

is preserved, it appears in the alphabetical<br />

sequence. Otherwise, the names are included at<br />

the end.<br />

2. The geographical and chronological<br />

framework of the catalogue<br />

The names have been divided into geographical<br />

units that are arranged alphabetically<br />

(Achaia, Arcadia, Argolid, Corinthia with<br />

Sikyonia, Kleonaia and Phleiasia, Eleia).<br />

Within each unit the material is organised by<br />

city, but with clear distinctions drawn between<br />

those inscriptions which were found in the<br />

urban centre, and those which derive from the<br />

surrounding territory. For practical reasons,<br />

we have used the ancient geographical boundaries,<br />

even though scholarly opinion diverges<br />

on their exact location.<br />

As for the chronological framework, we had<br />

chosen initially to cover the period from the<br />

second century B.C. to the third century A.D.<br />

But as work progressed it was judged necessary<br />

to include also those few names from the period<br />

after Constantine, since personal names<br />

from late antiquity are particulary interesting -<br />

both on account of morphological developments,<br />

and for the manner in which they mirror<br />

the new social situation across the empire in<br />

which Christianity's consolidation played a catalytic<br />

role.<br />

3. The organization of the entries<br />

The formula used in the lemma for each<br />

name is as follows: a. Name of the person as it<br />

appears in the text in bold capital letters, in the<br />

nominative, b. Bibliography for the inscription<br />


41<br />

or other source, c. Date. d. Description of the<br />

stone, its decoration and the condition of the<br />

text. e. Find spot of the stone and its current<br />

place of preservation, f. Transcription of the<br />

text, either partial or entire, in lower case letters.<br />

g. Ethnic origin, social position and cursus<br />

honorum of the person, h. Comments i.<br />

Personal relations through both kinship and<br />

marriage.<br />

a. The selection and presentation of individuals<br />

Our selection of names was not done<br />

mechanically by having recourse to pre-existing<br />

corpora or indices of inscriptions. Instead,<br />

our method required the careful examination of<br />

each inscription and the comparison of all previous<br />

publications. In instances where ambiguities<br />

persisted, the stone itself was consulted.<br />

This procedure, though time-consuming, bore<br />

fruit in the form of many new corrections. 30<br />

The names in each region are presented in<br />

strict numerical and alphabetical sequence,<br />

according to the Latin alphabet, and are written<br />

in bold upper case. We have retained the exact<br />

form of the name as it appears in the sources so<br />

that both the structure and peculiarities are recognizable.<br />

Fathers, part of whose name is<br />

attested tin their offspring's filiation, are also<br />

listed. Some individuals bear a Roman name<br />

whose order follows the conventions of Greek<br />

personal names, i.e. idionym + patronym, such<br />

as Κλαύδιος 'Αρτεμιδώρου or 'Απολλόδωρος<br />

Λουκίου. The use of a simple Roman name<br />

(praenomen or nomen or cognomen) in the<br />

early empire - mainly for reasons of fashion -<br />

is not related to the adoption and spread of<br />

nomina simplicia during the later empire, especially<br />

after Constantine. 31<br />

b. Bibliography<br />

The bibliography is selective and critical. It<br />

includes the most representative publications,<br />

those with photographs or facsimiles, and those

eadily available (e.g. SEG). The best publications<br />

are preceded by an asterisk. Additional<br />

bibliography of specific use for the chronology,<br />

variant readings, cursus honorum, etc. of a<br />

named individual is included in the relevant<br />

lemma with whatever supplementary comments<br />

may be required.<br />

c. Chronology<br />

The chronology of each inscription is<br />

placed in brackets after the bibliography.<br />

Problems of dating surrounding either the<br />

inscription or the cursus honorum are discussed<br />

in the comments.<br />

d. Description of the stone<br />

The brief description of each stone notes<br />

the presence of relief or other decoration<br />

because of the close relationship, especially in<br />

the case of funerary monuments, between the<br />

individual on the one hand and the monument<br />

and its decoration on the other. In many<br />

instances the decoration explicitly reflects the<br />

person's social position. The description goes<br />

on to detail the type of epigraphical text<br />

(decree, honorary or dedicatory inscription,<br />

catalogue, funerary monument, etc.) since frequently<br />

the type of name used corresponds<br />

closely to the type of text in which it appears. 32<br />

e. Find spot of the stone and its current place of<br />

preservation<br />

The importance of the precise find spot<br />

goes without saying, and to copy out mechanically<br />

from earlier publications the way in which<br />

it is identified can only compromise any subsequent<br />

study or statistical analysis. In order to<br />

obviate any possible misunderstanding we have<br />

provided the present-day administrative coordinates,<br />

with an indication in parenthesis of the<br />

ancient site where relevant. Cases of uncertainty<br />

are noted. The minute care that we have<br />

taken to identify the sources of our documents<br />


42<br />

will eventually permit the drawing up of a map<br />

showing the geographical diffusion of the nomina,<br />

on which it will be possible to represent, by<br />

using various symbols, the social standing and<br />

role of the individuals in question.<br />

/. Transcription of the text<br />

The text is transcribed in lower case letters.<br />

Exception is made only for the catalogue and<br />

in particular for the very lengthy texts. Our<br />

transcription respects the abbreviation and<br />

orthography of the names as they occur in the<br />

original text. Our restorations are given in<br />

brackets. Doubful letters are indicated with a<br />

subscript dot.<br />

g. Ethnic origin, social position and, "cursus<br />

honorum"<br />

Ethnic origin is noted when it is explicitly<br />

refered to in the text; when reference is indirect,<br />

the issue is discussed in the comments.<br />

Also included are all personal features that<br />

make up the individual's identity, that is to say,<br />

his or her social position even when that identity<br />

is not mentioned overtly, but can be pieced<br />

together from the cursus honorum or characteristic<br />

titles (e.g. clarissimus vir, eques<br />

romanus, λαμπρότατος, κράτιστος, άξιολογώτατος,<br />

augustalis, sévir augustalis, vilicus,<br />

etc.). The names of individuals holding offices<br />

related to the provincial or imperial administration<br />

are marked with an asterisk. If the<br />

names of the offices are given in Greek, the<br />

original Latin title are provided. The titles in<br />

both languages appear in the indices.<br />

h. Comments<br />

Commentary on the inscriptions is selective,<br />

rather than exhaustive. Problems related<br />

to the reading of names and their distribution -<br />

even if they are rare names - are of greatest<br />

interest. Also of concern are issues arising from<br />

an individual's cursus honorum and other activ-

ities. Discussion embraces the date of the<br />

inscription given that it is unusual for the date<br />

to be stated explicitly in the text; more commonly<br />

it is deduced indirectly from imperial<br />

titles or officials belonging to imperial circles<br />

or to the provincial administration. In this way,<br />

the process of dating is grounded, in the majority<br />

of cases, on a sequence of evidence deriving<br />

either from onomastic information, 33 or other<br />

material such as characteristic funerary language,<br />

34 the architectural style of the monument,<br />

or its decoration. Resort to palaeogra-<br />


1. Transcription of Greek names and<br />

toponyms<br />

Greek names are usually transcribed in their<br />

Latin form when this is attested, or when there<br />

exists a conventionally agreed version (e.g.<br />

\Απολλώνιος=Αρο11οηύΐ8, Άπολλωνίδης=<br />

Apollonides, T^(oç=Eros, Πριμίων=ΡΐΊΐτιΐο).<br />

Where a Greek type of name is not otherwise<br />

attested in Latin, the name is simply transliterated<br />

(e.g. 'AvTO&xiôaç=Antalcidas). Transcription<br />

of Greek toponyms is according to The<br />

Princeton encyclopedia of Classical sites, edited<br />

by W.L. MacDonald and M.H. McAllister<br />

(Princeton, 1976); names of small localities are<br />

transliterated phonetically.<br />

2. Cross-references<br />

The names are presented by geographical<br />

area (Achaia, Arcadia, Argolis, Corinthia and<br />

Eleia) according to the Latin alphabet, starting<br />

with the nomen gentis. Cross references to<br />

other areas dealt with either in this volume or<br />

phy is necessary only when there are no other<br />

clues, but is used in full awareness of its speculative<br />

nature and the risks involved in attempting<br />

a dating on such grounds, especially in the<br />

case of inscriptions from a period that experienced<br />

significant orthographic changes. 35<br />

In the last paragraph of the comments, personal<br />

ties of both kinship and marriage are<br />

analyzed. A stemma is included in exceptional<br />

cases of large families in order to clarify<br />

further the relationships between the family<br />

members.<br />


43<br />

the next (Messenia and Laconia) are given in<br />

the following form: abbreviated name of geographic<br />

area (i.e. ACH, ARC, ARG, COR and<br />

EL) + catalogue number. The only exception is<br />

Messenia to which catalogue numbers will be<br />

assigned after the addition of further names<br />

from still unpublished inscriptions.<br />

Provisionally we refer to names only (e.g.<br />

MES, s.v. Ti. Claudius Apollonius). Stemmata<br />

of the major families are included at the end of<br />

the present volume (Appendix I).<br />

3. Signs and symbols<br />

The transcriptions of Greek or Latin texts<br />

have been made according to the Leiden<br />

(SEG) system rules. Names of individuals<br />

holding offices related to the provincial or<br />

imperial administration are marked with an<br />

asterisk; a cross precedes false or ambiguous<br />

names.<br />


NOTES<br />

1. La pensée sauvage (Paris 1962) 240.<br />

2. C. de Firmas, "Des noms et des hommes.<br />

L'homme et ses désignations des sociétés antiques à<br />

l'identifiant chiffré", in: Sources travaux historiques,<br />

no. 45-46 (1996) 3-10, esp. 5.<br />

3. Ulpian, D. II.7.2.6; also II.7.42. See also Servius,<br />

Aen. III.22.6. This conception appears to be particularly<br />

Roman. For Greek thinking on the subject,<br />

see S. Humphreys, "Family, tombs and tomb-cult in<br />

classical Athens: traditions or traditionalism?", in:<br />

The family, women and death. Comparative studies<br />

(1983) 79-130, esp. 93.<br />

4. On the usefulness of prosopographical and onomastic<br />

studies, see H.-G. Pflaum, "Les progrès des<br />

recherches prosopographiques concernant l'époque<br />

du Haut-Empire durant le dernier quart du siècle<br />

(1945-1970)", in ANRW 11.1 (1974) 114-115; J.<br />

Sasel, "Probleme und Möglichkeiten onomastischer<br />

Forschung", in: Akten des IV. internationalen<br />

Kongresses für griechische und lateinische<br />

Epigraphik, Wien 17. bis 22. September 1962<br />

(Vienna 1964) 352-368; H. Solin, "Namengebung<br />

und Epigraphik. Betrachtungen zur onomastischen<br />

Exegese römischer Inscriften", in Akten des VI.<br />

internationalen Kongresses für griechische und<br />

lateinische Epigraphik, München 1972 (1973) 404-<br />

407; id., "Ancient onomastics : Perspectives and<br />

problems", in: Roman onomastics, 1-10.<br />

5. Die griechischen Personnamen in Rom. Ein<br />

Namenbuch I-III (Berlin-New York 1982).<br />

6. His work outlines the interest and limits of onomastic<br />

enterprises, and also reveals how the study of<br />

personal names is not an autonomous field terminating<br />

in list-making, but one which contributes,<br />

together with epigraphy, numismatics, papyrology,<br />

archaeology and literature, to the study of social and<br />

political history: Actes de Vile congrès international<br />

de l'épigraphie grecque et latine, Constanza 1977<br />

(Bucharest 1979)41.<br />

7. H. Solin, "Ancient onomastics: Perspectives and<br />

problems", in: Roman onomastics, 8.<br />

8. The Greek inscriptions of the Péloponnèse have<br />

been published in the CIG (1828) and then, with the<br />

exception of Achaia and Eleia, in the IG series. The<br />

older Latin texts were published in CIL III and the<br />


more recent are included in M. Sasel-Kos,<br />

Inscriptiones latinae in Grecia repertae.<br />

Additamenta ad CIL III (Faenza 1979). After A.<br />

Boeckh's, Corpus Inscriptionum graecarum 1,1542-<br />

1561, Achaean texts were published at the end of the<br />

19th century and the beginning of the 20th by J.<br />

Martha and M. Dubois, and also by F. von Duhn and<br />

Ad. Wilhelm (cf. A.D. Rizakis, "La politela dans les<br />

cités de la confédération achéenne", Tyche 5, 1990,<br />

109-134). In addition to some isolated publications<br />

of Achaean inscriptions, J. Bingen dedicated two<br />

important articles to the subject after the Second<br />

World War, and there have been more recent contributions<br />

from E. Mastrokostas, I. Papapostolou<br />

and myself (see Rizakis, Achaïe II, 3-10); the corpus<br />

of Achaean inscriptions inaugurated by Achaïe II<br />

will be completed with the forthcoming publication<br />

of Achaïe III: Les inscriptions des cités achéennes<br />

(sauf Patras).<br />

The older inscriptions of Corinth were published<br />

by Fränkel in IG IV (1902); the American excavations<br />

that began at Ancient Corinth in 1896<br />

increased the known epigraphical material and led to<br />

the systematic publication of the inscriptions in the<br />

series Corinth VIII. 1, 2 and 3 by B.D. Meriti, A.B.<br />

West and J.H. Kent respectively (see L. Robert,<br />

REG 79, 1966, 773-770 = id., "Inscriptions de<br />

l'Antiquité et du Bas-Empire à Corinthe: Compte<br />

rendu de Corinth VIII. 3", OMS VI, 1989,551-558).<br />

The older Latin texts were published in CIL III and<br />

the more recent are included in M. Sasel-Kos,<br />

Inscriptiones latinae in Grecia repertae.<br />

Additamenta ad CIL IH (Faenza 1979). The<br />

Christian inscriptions have been published by N. A.<br />

Bees, Corpus der griechisch-christlichen Inschriften<br />

von Hellas: I. Isthmos- Korinthos (Athen 1941).<br />

Inscriptions of the Roman period have subsequently<br />

been published by D. J. Geagan, "Notes on the<br />

Agonistic Institutions of Roman Corinth", GRBS 9,<br />

1968,69-80; T. R. Martin, "Inscriptions at Corinth",<br />

Hesperia46,1977,178-198, pis 49-52; Ch. B. Kritzas,<br />

"Δύο επιγράμματα από το Πετρί Νεμέας", in:<br />

Διεθνές συνέδριο για την αρχαία Θεσσαλία στη<br />

μνήμη τον Δημήτρη Θεοχάρη (Athens 1992) 398-413.<br />

The majority of inscriptions from Arcadia is<br />

published in IG V 2 (1913). Inscriptions of the<br />

Roman period have subsequently been published by<br />

M. Mitsos ('"Επιγραφαί εξ 'Αρκαδίας, Έπιδαυρίας

και Κορινθίας", ΑΕ 1936, 140-141 and "Inscription<br />

de Stymphale", REG 1946-47, 151-174; G.J.M.J. Te<br />

Riele, "Inscriptions conservées au Musée<br />

d'Olympie", BCH 88, 1964, 169-195; Y. Pikoulas,<br />

"Επιγραφές από την Αρκαδία", Hows 3, 1985, 87-<br />

88 and "Σύμμεικτα. IG Y 2 369 B", Archaiognosia<br />

2, 1981, 107-113; Ρ.Β. Faklaris, Αρχαία Κυνουρία.<br />

Ανθρώπινη δραστηριότητα και περιβάλλον<br />

(Athens 1990); Υ.Α. Souris and T. Spyropoulos,<br />

"Ένας στρατηγός και άρχιερεύς τοΰ Κοινοϋ τών<br />

'Αχαιών σε μια νέα επιγραφή από την Τεγέα", in:<br />

Achaia und Elis, 127-131.<br />

The inscriptions of the Argolid were first published<br />

by M. Fränkel in IG IV (1902). The majority<br />

of the inscriptions of Epidauros were republished in<br />

an improved form by F. Hiller von Gaertringen in<br />

IG TV 2 1 (1929). Many Epidaurian inscriptions were<br />

restudied and republished, often with different readings<br />

and additions, by W. Peek, "Inschriften aus dem<br />

Asklepieion von Epidauros", Abh. de Sachs.<br />

Akademie der Wiss. zu Leipzig 60.2 (1969) and<br />

"Neue Inschriften aus Epidauros", Abh. de Sachs.<br />

Akademie der Wiss. zu Leipzig 63.5, (1972). A few<br />

new texts were brought to light in the course of the<br />

work by the University of Athens, headed by<br />

Professor V. Lamprinoudakis (V.K. Lamprinoudakis,<br />

Ergon 1988 and Ergon 1990).<br />

Numerous new inscriptions from Argos were<br />

published or simply announced in the brief excavation<br />

reports in the BCH at the beginning of the<br />

twentieth century by W. Vollgraff (BCH 27, 1903;<br />

33, 1909; MAI 14, 1951; Mnemosyne Al, 1919; 58,<br />

1930) and after the Second World War with the initiation<br />

of systematic excavation (1952) by members<br />

of the French mission: P. Aupert, BCH 106, 1982;<br />

loc. cit. 110,1986, 771; P. Charneux, BCH11,1953;<br />

7oc. cit. 80, 1956; loc. cit. 81, 1957; loc. cit. 107,<br />

1983; loc.cit. 109, 1985; loc.cit. 114, 1990; 7oc.cif.<br />

115,1991. M. Pierart, "A propos des subdivisions de<br />

la population argienne", BCH 109,1985; M. Pierart<br />

and J.P. Thalmann, BCH 102, 1978; BCH Suppl 6,<br />

1980. New inscriptions from Hermione were published<br />

by M.H. Jameson in Hesperia 28, 1959.<br />

The basic publication for Elis is W.<br />

Dittenberger-K. Purgold, Die Inschriften von<br />

Olympia, Olympia V (Berlin 1896), based on the<br />

transcriptions made by K. Purgold. More recent<br />

inscriptions from Olympia have been published in<br />


45<br />

the Olympiaberichte of Jdl and in Nikephoros,<br />

where all new texts emerging from the excavations<br />

at Olympia are reported. The significantly fewer<br />

texts known to us from the city of Elis have been<br />

published primarily by R. Fleischer, "Epigraphisches<br />

aus Elis", JÖAI43,1961-63 Beiblatt 1965 and in the<br />

chronicles of Archaiologikon Deltion. These are<br />

mainly chance finds or the product of limited rescue<br />

excavation. Inscriptions known from the rest of the<br />

region of Elis derive from reports in Archaiologikon<br />

Deltion and from the articles of Te Riele (see bibliography.<br />

9. M. Mitsos, Αργολική προσωπογραφία (Athens<br />

1952); A.S. Bradford, A prosopography of Lacedaimonians<br />

from the death of Alexander the Great, 323<br />

B.C., to the sack of Sparta by Marie, A.D. 396,<br />

Vestigia. Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte 27<br />

(München 1977).<br />

10. P.M. Fraser and E. Matthews, Lexicon of Greek<br />

personal names, vol. III.A: The Péloponnèse,<br />

Western Greece, Sicily and Magna Graecia (Oxford<br />

1997).<br />

11. The formula for Roman personal names is<br />

defined by the tria or duo nomina with the filiation<br />

and indication of tribe, which are added to the cognomen<br />

from the end of the republican period.<br />

Perigrini who acquired Roman citizenship or slaves<br />

who were freed usually kept as their cognomen their<br />

old idionym, which did not necessarily reveal their<br />

ethnic origin; cf. R. Sailer, "The family and society",<br />

in: J. Bodel (ed.), Epigraphic evidence. Ancient history<br />

from inscriptions (London-New York 2001),<br />

107-111, for discussion of this issue with full bibliography.<br />

By contrast, the Greek tradition is simpler<br />

and is defined, at least from the archaic period, only<br />

by an idionym and a patronym or metronym. This<br />

two-part formula could in some instances be made<br />

more specific by the addition of a son's name, a tactic<br />

found at first in epigrams written in a bombastic<br />

style. In large cities the demoticon was added to the<br />

two-part formula, and the ethnicon appears beyond<br />

the city boundaries: cf. Ο. Masson, Onomastica<br />

graeca selecta I (Paris 1990) : Introduction I-VIII.<br />

12. The formulation is that of CI. Nicolet,<br />

"L'onomastique des groupes dirigeants sous la<br />

République", in: L'onomastique latine, 47; cf. Ch.<br />

Müller, Topoi4, 1994, 413.<br />

13. J.-M. Lassère, "Épigraphie et onomastique", in:<br />

Y. Le Bohec and Y. Roman (eds), Épigraphie ethis-

foire: acquis et problèmes. Actes du congrès de la<br />

société des professeurs d'Histofre ancienne, Lyon-<br />

Chambéry, 21-23 mai 1993 (Lyon 1998) 93-100, esp.<br />

98-99.<br />

14. See the examples noted by A. D. Rizakis,<br />

"Anthroponymie et société. Les noms romains dans<br />

les provinces hellénophones de l'Empire", in:<br />

Roman onomastics, 23 et n. 48-49.<br />

15. With regard for example to use of the Greek and<br />

Latin languages, the ethnic origin of individuals, the<br />

geographical and chronological classification of certain<br />

names, the onomastic customs and practices of<br />

various social groups (women, upper classes, freedmen,<br />

slaves), the local character of certain nomina<br />

and cognomina, etc.; cf. G. Alföldy, Die<br />

Personnamen in der römischen Provinz Dalmatia<br />

(Heidelberg 1969).<br />

16. See Cl. Nicolet, "L'onomastique des groupes<br />

dirigeants sous la République", in: L'onomastique<br />

latine, 46.<br />

17. Cf. Y. Burnand, "Epigraphie et anthroponymie",<br />

in: Akten des IV. internationalen Kongresses für<br />

griechische und lateinische Epigraphik, Wien 17. bis<br />

22. September 1962 (Vienna 1964) 59; J. Sasel,<br />

loc.cit., 353-354 and no. 8 with bibliography.<br />

18. On this subject, see the keen observations of R.<br />

Sailer, "The family and society", in: J. Bodel (ed.),<br />

Epigraphie evidence. Ancient history from inscriptions<br />

(London-New York 2001) 95-117, esp. 96-97.<br />

19. On the usefulness of statistics derived from nomina<br />

and the necessity of a systematic classification<br />

case by case in order to avoid confusion, see R.<br />

Etienne, in: Acta of the fifth international congress<br />

of Greek and Latin epigraphy, Cambridge 1967<br />

(Oxford 1971) 229-234.<br />

20. The Romans used the enticement of citizenship,<br />

at least after the first civil war, as a means of encouraging<br />

better and swifter assimilation of primarily the<br />

urban elites into the Roman political and social system.<br />

With the exception of the imposition of the<br />

name Aurelius at the beginning of the third century<br />

A.D., Roman names acquired through citizenship<br />

grants do not conform to political, social, economic<br />

or religious conventions imposed by the state (see<br />

A.D. Rizakis, in: Roman onomastics, 27 n. 71 with<br />

bibliography). The reasons why citizenship was<br />

granted to all the empire's free subjects remain very<br />

controversial among specialists: for a recent view,<br />

see K. Buraselis, ΘΕΙΑ ΔΩΡΕΑ. Studies on the policy<br />

of the Severans and the Constitutio Antoniniana<br />


(Athens 1989; in Greek with English summary).<br />

21. A better understanding of this phenomenon continues<br />

to be a desideratum for studies on the eastern<br />

Roman provinces: in general, see R. Sailer, in: J.<br />

Bodel (ed.), Epigraphie evidence. Ancient history<br />

from inscriptions (London-New York 2001) 113-<br />

115.<br />

22. Cf. A.D. Rizakis, in: Roman onomastics, 15 n.10<br />

with relevant bibliography.<br />

23. See recently O. Salomies, "Names and identities.<br />

Onomastics and prosopography", in J. Bodel (ed.),<br />

Epigraphie evidence. Ancient history from inscriptions<br />

(London-New York 2001) 73-94 on the relationship<br />

between prosopography and onomastics.<br />

24. Inscriptions very often record the praenomina,<br />

nomina, filiation, tribe and cognomina of persons<br />

known only by their nomen and cognomen in the literary<br />

sources. Some two thirds of the epigraphie<br />

monuments known from the West (170,000-190,000<br />

out of a total of 250, 000) are funerary; cf. R. Sailer<br />

and B. Shaw, "Tombstones and Roman family relations<br />

in the principate: civilians, soldiers and slaves",<br />

JRS 74, 1984, 124-56. In the East, funerary monuments<br />

represent somewhat less than fifty percent:<br />

see M. Guarducci, Epigrafia greca I (Rome 1967) 8-<br />

11. On this subject in general, see G. Pfohl and C.<br />

Pietri, "Grabinschrift I (griechisch)" [Pfohl] and<br />

"Grabinschrift II (lateinisch)" [Pietri], Reallexicon<br />

für Antike und Christentum 12 (Stuttgart 1983) 467-<br />

514,514-590.<br />

25. Studies of this phenomenon have not yielded satisfactory<br />

results, see especially, for the West, S.<br />

Mrozek, "A propos de la répartition chronologique<br />

des inscriptions latines dans le Haut Empire",<br />

Epigraphica 35, 1973, 113-118; id., Epigraphica 50,<br />

1988,61-64; R. MacMullen, "The epigraphie habit in<br />

the Roman empire", AJP 103, 1982, 233-246. On<br />

the same subject, see more recently the study of E.A.<br />

Meyer, "Explaining the epigraphie habit in the<br />

Roman empire. The evidence of epitaphs", JRS 80,<br />

1990, 74-96, esp. 83 with relevant bibliography.<br />

26. J. Bodel, "Epigraphy and the ancient historian",<br />

in: J. Bodel (ed.), Epigraphie evidence. Ancient history<br />

from inscriptions (London-New York 2001) 6-13.<br />

27. The benefits offered by epigraphical material<br />

for all types of research involved with personal<br />

names is clearly presented by O. Salomies, op. cit.,<br />

(η. 28), 79-81 and 84.<br />

28. Cf. A.D. Rizakis, "La constitution des élites<br />

municipales dans les colonies romaines de la

province d'Achaïe", in: O. Salomies (ed.), The<br />

Greek East in the Roman context. Proceedings of a<br />

colloquiun organised by the Finnish Institue at<br />

Athens, May 21 and 22, 1999 (Helsinki 2001) 37-49.<br />

On the privileges of duumviri in colonies (comparable<br />

with those of Roman senators), see P. Garnsey,<br />

Social status and legal privilege in the Roman<br />

empire (Oxford 1970) 242-245.<br />

29. H. Tapio, Organisation of Roman brick production<br />

in the lrst and 2nd cent. A.D. (Helsinki 1975)<br />

24; J.J. Aubert, "Workshop managers", in: W.V.<br />

Harris (ed.), The inscribed economy: production and<br />

distribution in the Roman empire in the light of<br />

'instrumentum domesticum'(Ann Arbor 1993) 171-<br />

181. On lamps of Patrai and Corinth and similar<br />

problems to those discussed here, see the interesting<br />

treatment of M. Petropoulos, Τα εργαστήρια των<br />

ρωμαϊκών λυχναριών της Πάτρας και το<br />

Αυχνομαντείο (Athens 1999) 108-110.<br />

30. This method alone allows for an understanding of<br />

each text and its geographical, archaeological and historical<br />

context; on this point, see the relevant<br />

remarks by L. Robert, in: Actes du Vile congrès<br />

international de l'épigraphie grecque et latine,<br />

Constanza 1977 (Bucharest 1979)41-42 and 188-189.<br />

31. I. Kajanto, "The emergence of the late single<br />

name system", in: L'Onomastique latine, 421-445.<br />

These names are cited only if they have a definitely<br />

Latin origin. Only names of governors or high officials<br />

are excluded from this rule.<br />

32. Cf. For examples from Delphi see G. Daux, AJPh<br />

100, 1979, 18-29 and from Sparta, H. Box, JRS 22,<br />

1932, 181-182; cf. also G. Alföldy, "Notes sur les<br />

relations entre le droit de cité et la nomenclature<br />

dans l'Empire romain", Latomus 25, 1966, 45<br />

(examples from Noricum).<br />

33. The full onomastic formula in Latin<br />

(praenomen+nomen+filiation+ tribu) without cognomen<br />

is found in earlier texts, usually those from<br />

Roman colonies. The gradual appearance of the cognomen<br />

begins in the early empire and becomes common<br />

coinage by the middle of the first century A.D.<br />

From the second century after Christ a pr<br />

ogressive decline in the use of the praenomen is<br />

observable, while the nomen and cognomen are<br />

retained. Finally, after Constantine nomina simplicia<br />

predominate: see O. Salomies, Die römischen<br />

Vornamen. Studien zur römischen Namengebung<br />

(Helsinki 1987) 346-413. The imperial nomina provide<br />

a terminus post quem for the dating, while some<br />


47<br />

cognomina are characteristic of certain ages (e.g.<br />

Christian names appear for the most part after<br />

Diocletian); cf. G. Alföldy, Die Personennamen in<br />

der römischen Provinz Dalmatia (Heidelberg 1969)<br />

Introduction 28-30; B.M. Wilkinson, The names of<br />

children in Roman imperial epitaphs. A study of<br />

social conditions in the lower classes (Ann Arbor<br />

1961) 16-35; A.D. Rizakis, in: Roman onomastics,<br />

17-23.<br />

34. The language of older funerary formulas - even<br />

in Latin - from the end of the republican period and<br />

the beginning of the empire was laconic, while from<br />

the end of the first century it becomes more elaborate<br />

in imitation of Latin practice, so that we find<br />

additional expressions that refer mainly to the monument<br />

dedicator or even to other family members,<br />

and expressions revealing the age of the deceased.<br />

The emphasis on age characterizes Roman funerary<br />

expression, but not traditional Greek (K.K. Éry,<br />

"Investigations on the demographic source value of<br />

tombstones originating from the Roman period",<br />

Alba Regia 10, 1969,51-68). The most characteristic<br />

feature of Roman funerary epigraphy is the presence<br />

of the dedicator, known as the commemorator,<br />

found on approximately 80% of the monuments in<br />

the West: cf. Β. Shaw, "Latin funerary epigraphy and<br />

family relations in the later Roman empire",<br />

Historia 33, 1984, 457-97, esp. 463 n.16. Cf. E.A.<br />

Meyer, "Explaining the epigraphie habit in the<br />

Roman empire. The evidence of epitaphs", JRS 80,<br />

1990, 75; cf. also R. Sailer, in J. Bodel, op. cit. 97-<br />

100; B.M. Wilkinson, The names of children in<br />

Roman imperial epitaphs. A study of social conditions<br />

in the lower classes (Ann Arbor 1961) 36-54.<br />

On this phenomenon in the Roman province of<br />

Macedonia, see A.D. Rizakis and I. Touratsoglou,<br />

"Mors Macedonica. Ο θάνατος στα επιτύμβια<br />

μνημεία της Ανω Μακεδονίας", ΑΕ 139,2000,237-<br />

281 and in Achaia, especially in the colony of Patrai,<br />

see A.D. Rizakis, Achaïe II, 74-77. Helpful in the<br />

dating of funerary monuments is the presence of epithets<br />

refering to the ethical virtues of the deceased,<br />

or expressions that are characteristic of funerary<br />

inscriptions - mainly the Latin ones - belonging to a<br />

certain era.<br />

35. A systematic attempt to classify and date funerary<br />

monuments on the basis of their type, typology<br />

and decoration can be found in the corpus of Patrai:<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, 64-74; on the difficulties of dating<br />

by paleography, see Rizakis, op. cit., 14-17




1. M (ARCUS) A[- - -] PRI[- - -]<br />

E. Mastrokostas, AE 1964 (1967) Chron., 61 no. 11, pi. Η' γ (ILGR 35 no. 53); *Rizakis,<br />

Achate II, no. 249 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; upper angle of a marble grave stele: M · A[- - -] I Pri[- - -].<br />

Remarks: In 1.1: MA, Mastrokostas, M(arcus) followed by the person's gentilicium, Rizakis. 1.2<br />

might be understood as the beginning of a cognomen such as Prisais, Primus,<br />

Primigenius, known at Patrai.<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 181 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; rectangular marble plaque bearing the epitaph of the named person, erected by his<br />

parents:<br />

D(iis) M(anibus) I Aelio Iucundo I filio I parentes.<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 177 [3rd c. A.D.]<br />

Patrai; marble stele bearing the epitaph of the person containing also a penalty for illegal use<br />

of the tomb:<br />

Κ(όιντος) Αΐλ(ιος) Ζώσιμος Κίλιξ {ενθάΙδε κείται Κίλιξ} ΤαβεννήΙσιος ένθάθε κεται, Ι<br />

εισερχομένων δεΙ 5 ξιάς χειρός. Ει δε τις Ιτολμήσιεν ετε{τε}Ιρόν τίνα θειναι, δώΐσει τφ ταμείω Ι<br />

(δηνάρια) αφ'.<br />

Κίλιξ, Ταβεννήσιος<br />

Remarks: The person, perhaps originally from Cilicia, seems also to have enjoyed citizenship<br />

of Ravenna. The form of the ethnic is Ταβεννήσιος (Etienne de Byzance, s.v.) or<br />




Ταβεννήτης (e.g. ILGR, 66 no. 154); some Aelii are attested at Ravenna, but not<br />

with the praenomen Quintus (CIL IX. 1, 141 sqq.). The reasons for his stay at Patrai<br />

are unknown, see comment Rizakis, op. cit.<br />

CIL III, 516; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 109 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing the funerary inscription of P. Aemilius Urbanus erected by<br />

his mother, Aemilia Erotis, and his sister:<br />

P(ublius) Aemilius Urbanus, I annor(um) XXXV. I Mater et soror I fecerunt Aemilia I 5 Erotis<br />

et I Aemilia Secunda.<br />

Remarks: The common name Erotis is often used as cognomen in imperial times among slaves<br />

and freedmen, cf. Solin, Namenbuch, 335-337.<br />

m. of P. Aemilius Urbanus (ACH 11) and Aemilia Secunda (ACH 5)<br />


CIL III, 516; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 109 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing the funerary inscription of P. Aemilius Urbanus erected by<br />

his mother Aemilia Erotis and his sister, Aemilia Secunda (text ACH 4).<br />

Remarks: It is noteworthy that she and her brother both have their mother's gentilicium, which<br />

points to their birth as illegitimate children of parents living in contubemium, cf.<br />

Thylander, Épigraphie latine, 89-90, 94; Β. Rawson, CFA 61, 1966, 74-78.<br />

d. of and Aemilia Erotis (ACH 4), sister of P. Aemilius Urbanus (ACH 11)<br />

6. L(UCIUS) (AEMILIUS)<br />

f. of L(ucius) Aemilius L(ucii) f(ilius) Quir(ina) (ACH 7) and of P(ublius) Aemilius L(ucii) f.<br />

Quir(ina) (ACH 8)<br />


Ph. Petsas, AAA 4, 1971, fase. 1, 112-115, pi. 1 (R. Frei-Stolba, Talanta 10-11, 1978/79, 45 no.<br />

2; ILGR 45) *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 156 [end 1st c. B.C.].<br />

Patrai; a slightly convex marble plaque of eight fragments bearing the epitaph of the person<br />

and his brother, who were both centuriones of the 10th legio equestris:<br />

L(ucio) Aemilio L(ucii) f(ilio) Qui(rina) I cent(urioni) [l]eg(ionis) X Eq(uestris) Ilvir(o), I<br />

P(ublio) Aem[ilio L(ucii) f(ilio) Qui(rina)] I cent(urioni) l[eg(ionis) eiusdem? —] I 5 [—].<br />

cent(urio) [l]eg(ionis) X Eq(uestris), H(vir)<br />

Remarks: The person with his brother were among the first colonists at Patrai and were<br />



certainly members of the local elite group. The convexity of the plaque suggests that<br />

it might once have been walled into a circular funerary building.<br />

s. of L(ucius) (Aemilius) (ACH 6), b. of P(ublius) Aemilius L(ucii) f. Quir(ina) (ACH 8)<br />


Ph. Petsas, AAA 4, 1971, fase. 1, 112-115, pi. 1;R. Frei-Stolba, Talanta 10-11, 1978/79,45 no.<br />

2; ILGR 45; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 156 [end 1st c. B.C.].<br />

Patrai; a slightly convex marble plaque of eight fragments bearing the epitaph of the person and<br />

his brother, who were both centuriones of the 10th legio equestris (for the text see ACH 7).<br />

cent(urio) l[eg(ionis) —]<br />

Remarks: The person was one of the original colonists of Patrai; he belonged, like his brother,<br />

to the legio X Equestris, which, together with the legio XII Fulminata, founded the<br />

colony of Patrai. Perhaps he also followed, as his brother, a municipal career.<br />

s. of L(ucius) (Aemilius) (ACH 6), b. of L(ucius) Aemilius L(ucii) f. Quir(ina) (ACH 7)<br />

9. L(UCIUS) AEMILIUS LA(- - -)<br />

M. Amandry, RN23, 1981, 55-56; RPCl, no. 1286<br />

Dyme, bronze coins<br />

duumvir with C. Iulius Calamus (ACH 135) of the years 31-27 B.C.<br />


ILGR 70 (AnnÉpigr 1979, 174 no. 579); Rizakis, RPh59, 1985, 92; *id., Achaïe II, no. 111 [2nd<br />

c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble plaque of seven joining fragments bearing the funerary inscription of the<br />

person erected by his brother Ephebio:<br />

P(ublius) Aemilius I Primionis l(ibertus) I Primigenius I vix(it) an(nos) XXXI I 5 Ephebio<br />

f rat (er).<br />

(PUBLIUS AEMILIUS) PRIMIO: patron of Primigenius, see ACH 199<br />


CIL III, 516; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 109 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing the funerary inscription of the person, who died at the age of<br />

35; erected by his mother and sister:<br />

P(ublius) Aemilius Urbanus, I annor(um) XXXV. I Mater et soror I fecerunt Aemilia I 5 Erotis<br />

et I Aemilia Secunda.<br />

53<br />



Remarks: For the cognomen Urbanus see ACH 75 (C. Clodius Urbanus). The Aemilii of<br />

Patrai may have been related to the Aemilii from Kleitor attested in Olympia (IvO<br />

473-474; cf. EL 10 [1A] and [IB]).<br />

s. of Aemilia Erotis (ACH 4) and b. of Aemilia Secunda (ACH 5)<br />

12. t [.] AENI(US) SECUNDUS T(ITI) F(ILIUS)<br />

CIL III, 525; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 135 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone bearing the funerary inscription of the family of Turpilii, perhaps forged<br />

(Mommsen):<br />

T(itus) Turpili(us) Aug(ur) sibi et Manli(us) T(iti) f(ilius), Aeni(us) I Secundus T(iti) f(ilius),<br />

Agele f(ilia) Vallia p(ecunia) s(ua) et iu(ssu) I Turpiliae Nice f(ilia) lib(ertis) libertab(us) suis<br />

poster(isque) I et Turpiliae Nymphae et libertis posteris. I 5 H(oc) m(onumentum) h(eredem)<br />

n(on) s(equetur).<br />

Remarks: For a general comment see ACH 233 (T. Turpilius). Aenius is quite a rare<br />

gentilicium, cf. Schulze, 11; it is also known from Corinth in the mid-2nd c. A.D., (cf.<br />

COR 23 and 24).<br />

s. of Titus Turpilius Augur (?) (ACH 233), b. of Manlius s. of Titus (ACH 156), Agele Vallia<br />

(ACH 236) and Turpilia Nice (ACH 231); perhaps also b. of Turpilia Nympha (ACH 232)<br />

13. AEPICIA NICE<br />

CIL III, 519; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 85 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble funerary altar or pedestal for the named person and L. Curtius Onesiphorus:<br />

L(ucius) Curtius I Onesiphorus,I Aepicia Nice.<br />

Remarks: Mommsen, CIL III 519: Aicia. Both names are very rare; for references see<br />

Rizakis, op. cit.<br />

14. AEQU[- - -]<br />

I. Papapostolou, AE 1983, 32; id., Dodone 15.1, 1986, 265; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 208<br />

[lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai, found in 80, Ermou Street; a fragment of a mutilated funerary marble plaque:<br />

vac. Va [- - -] I v(ivus vel -iva) · Aequ [—].<br />

Remarks: The nomen is to be restored either as Aequ[anus] or as Aequ[ana]. This gravestone<br />

comes from the excavations of the mausoleum of the family of the Aequani, just as<br />

the funerary epigram of Sex(tus) Aequanus Sex(ti) l(ibertus) Astius (ACH 19), a<br />

freedman of this family.<br />



v.'.'iÄ-:..· ' ^ . : v.:i.<br />

15. AEQUANA<br />

ILGR 75; *Rizakis, Aciïaie //, no. 118 [2nd c. A.D.]<br />

Patrai, found at the crossroads of Ermou Str. and Corinthou Str.; marble plaque bearing the<br />

funerary inscription of a libertus of the person: Antae, I Aequanae lib(erto).<br />

Remarks: The patroness of a freedman is usually referred to only with her gentilicium, whereas<br />

the patron is normally indicated by his praenomen, cf. Thylander, Épigraphie<br />

latine, 63; G. Fabre, Libertus. Recherches sur les rapports patron-affranchi à la fin<br />

de la République romaine (Rome 1981) 116-17. For her social status see ACH 17.<br />

The person belongs certainly to the known family of Patra's Aequani; see below<br />

ACH 16.<br />


CIL III, 510; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 5,1. 4-6 [beginning of the imperial era].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, with an inscription commemorating the offices of the named<br />

person, who was honoured by a decree of the decuriones with an image and two statues:<br />

Aequanae I Sex(ti) f(iliae) Musae I sacerd(oti) Dianae lAug(ustae) Laphriae et I 5 sac(erdoti)<br />

Aug(usti) imagine I et statuis II (duabus) [hjon(orata) I d(ecreto) d(ecurionum) I Sex(tus)<br />

Anus I pa[t(er)].<br />

sacerd(os) Dianae Aug(ustae) Laphriae et sac(erdos) Aug(usti)<br />

Remarks: Aequana Musa, member of one of the most important colonial families in Patrai,<br />

was the priestess of both Augustus and Diana Augusta Laphria. Outside Patrai the<br />

gentilicium is rare in the Greek provinces. It is known only by an inscription<br />

from Olympia (IvO 361; cf. EL 11) and another from Thessalonike (IG X. 2, 1,<br />

628a).<br />


ILGR 75; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 118 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai, found at the crossroads of Ermou Str. and Corinthou Str.; marble plaque bearing the<br />

funerary inscription of a libertus of the person:<br />

Antae, I Aequanae lib(erto).<br />

Remarks: Antas is attested as a male cognomen at Caesarea Mauretania, Athens and Rome, see<br />

Rizakis, 7oc. cit. The position of his cognomen at the head of the onomastic formula<br />

stresses his inferiority and is used when the patron himself was a freedman, see G.<br />

Fabre, Libertus. Recherches sur les rapports patron-affranchi à la fin de la<br />

République romaine (Rome 1981) 104-05.<br />




[1] CIL III, 510; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 5,1 [beginnig of the imperial era].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, with an inscription commemorating the offices of Aequana Musa,<br />

who was honoured by a decree of the decuriones with an image and two statues. Sextus<br />

Aequanus was her father. His name appears as Sex(tus) Anus (for the text see ACH 16).<br />

[2] Iph. Dekoulakou, ΣΤΗΑΗ. Τόμος εις μνήμην Ν. Κοντολέοντος (Athens 1980) 567; cf. L.<br />

Moretti, RFIC 108, 1980 fase. 4, 452 and η. 1 (corrections); *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 145<br />

[lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone stele bearing the funerary epigram of the person's libertus, Sex(tus)<br />

Aequ[anus] Sex(ti) l(ibertus) Astio (for the text see ACH 19).<br />


Iph. Dekoulakou , ΣΤΗ AH. Τόμος εις μνήμην Ν. Κοντολέοντος (Athens 1980) 567; cf. L.<br />

Moretti, RFIC 108, 1980 fase. 4, 452 and η. 1 (corrections); *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 145<br />

[lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone stele bearing the funerary epigram of the named person:<br />

Sex(to) Aequ[ano] I Sex(ti) l(iberto) Astio A[ug(ustali)]. I Nemo me lachrimet, [nemo] I pectora<br />

plan[gat], I 5 anxius hie jaceo q[ui vixi] \vac. annis vac. I Set mihi de[f]uncto levi[t]er pre[cor<br />

ossa] I vac. quiescant vac. I Quatinus explevi n[atales] I [fat]a dederunt.<br />

a[ug(ustalis)]<br />

Remarks: The person must be connected with the important family of the Aequani (ACH 15-18).<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 98 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; two fragments of a marble plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the person:<br />

Q(uintus) Aetrius I Tertius I v(ixit) ann(os) XXX.<br />

Remarks: The gentilicium of the named person is known in Italy, but rare in the province of<br />

Achaia, see Mocsy, Nomenclator, s.v.; Solin and Salomies, 8.<br />

21. ΑΓΡΙΠΠΙΑΝΗ<br />

Ph. Petsas, AD 26, 1971 (1974) Chron., 161-163, pi. 148 b-d (BCH99[1974] 625-626, fig. 116<br />

[p. 626]); *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 285 [5th/6th c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a mosaic inscription commemorating the donation of the person who paid for the<br />

mosaic:<br />

Ή θεοφιλέστατη Ι διάκονος ΑγριππιαΙνή υπέρ ευχής αύΐτής έποίησεν Ι την μούσωσιν.<br />

Remarks: For the function of διάκονος see Rizakis, op. cit.<br />




E. Mastrokostas, AD1961/1962, Chron, 128 no. 10, pi. 151 e (ILGR, 34 no. 49); *Rizakis,<br />

Achaïe II, no. 122 [lst/2nd e. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of Marcia Antiochis erected by her<br />

son, Alliatius Probus:<br />

Marcia Anltiochis. Allliatius Prolbus matri.<br />

s. Marcia Antiochis (ACH 160)<br />


CIL III, 515; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 270 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble column, now lost, bearing a Greek and a fragmentary bilingual inscription<br />

(the Latin copy of the text is very bad), which perhaps defines the limits of the private property<br />

of the person according to a decree of the boule:<br />

a: Λ(ουκίου) Άννίου Ι Άλυπιανοΰ Ι ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής). b: L.V.F.IVAL- LVPI ΤΣΙΥ.<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 136 I [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; two fragments of a large marble grave stele of the family of the person whose name on<br />

a fragment of the inscription is not preserved; the most likely reconstruction, though, is<br />

[C(aius) Annusidius C(aii ?) f(ilius)] Q[uir(ina) Ruf us], in accordance with the onomastic<br />

formulae of his two sons preserved on column II of the inscription. He was honoured<br />

d(ecurionum) d(ecreto):<br />

col. I: [C(aio Annusidio C(aii?) f(ilio)] I Q[uir(ina) Rufo dec(urioni) col(oniae)] I [Pa]tr(ensis),<br />

aed(ili), IIv[ir(o)], I [trib(uno)] milit(um) exercitu, vac. I 5 [trib(uno) coh(ortis) c]iv(ium) ·<br />

Rom(anorum) I [ ho]n(orato) • d(ecurionum) d(ecreto) I [ ] G • patri I [ e]t ·<br />

soror(i)b(us).<br />

col. II: [C(aio) Annusidi]o C(aii) f(ilio) Quir(ina) I Rufo Vireiano vac. I C(aio) Annusidio C(aii)<br />

f(ilio) Quir(ina) I Rufo Marcelliano Ilvir(alibus) I 5 et agonothet(iciis) ornam(entis) I honor(atis)<br />

d(ecurionum) d(ecreto), filis.<br />

Remarks: The name Annusidius is not otherwise known; the form Annisidius is only once<br />

attested in Italy, see Schulze, 429.<br />

f. of ACH 25 and 26<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe //, no. 136 II [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; two fragments of a large marble grave stele of the family of the Annusidii (text ACH 24).<br />

Ilvir(alibus) et agonothet(iciis) ornam(entis) honor(atus)<br />



s. of [C(aius) Annusidius C(aii ?) f(ilius)] Q[uir(ina) Rufus] (ACH 24), b. [C(aius) Annusidi]us<br />

C(aii) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Rufus Vireianus (ACH 26).<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 136 II [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; two fragments of a large marble grave stele of the family of the Annusidii (ACH 24<br />

text).<br />

Ilvir(alibus) et agonothet(iciis) ornam(entis) honor(atus)<br />

s. of [C(aius) Annusidi]us [C(aii ?)] f(ilius) Q[uir(ina) Rufus] (ACH 24), b. of C(aius) Annusidius<br />

C(aii) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Rufus Marcellianus (ACH 25)<br />

27. C(AIUS) (ANTONIUS)<br />

Patron of Pamphilus (ACH 30).<br />


Grant, FITA, 264 (3); Amandry, RN23, 1981, 51 III; RPCl, no. 1285 and pi. 65.<br />

Dyme, bronze coin.<br />

duumvir with Cn(aeus) Octavius (ACH 179) of the years ca. 39-36 B.C.<br />

29. [- - -] ANTONIUS EU[TYCHUS (?)]<br />

J. Martha, BCH2, 1878, 100, no. 9 (CIL III, 7257) [beginnig of imperial time].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a fragment of a stone, now lost, bearing a list of magistrates for<br />

some local games.<br />


J. Bingen, Mélanges helléniques offerts à G. Daux (Paris 1974), 17-19, fig. 3 (AnnÉpigr 1974,<br />

614; ILGR 44) [Second half of the 1st c. B.C.].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a limestone statue base in secondary use bearing an epitaph for C.<br />

Antonius C. 1. Pamphilus and for M. Fulvius M. 1. Philotimus and his freedmen:<br />

C(aius) Antonius C(aii) l(ibertus) Pamphilus I monumentum faciundum I coeravit sibei et sueis<br />

et I 4 M(arco) Fulvio M(arci) l(iberto) Philotimo et I leiberteis eius.<br />

31. C(AIUS) APOLLI(- - -)<br />

Iph. Dekoulakou, AD 29, 1973/4 (1979) Chron., 389, pi. 252 δ; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 36<br />

[imperial period].<br />

Patrai; a bronze plaquette bearing a fragmentary inscription. According to Rizakis, loc. cit. it<br />

5 S


is to be regarded either as a "tessere alimentaire" or as a votive plaque: C. APOLLI(- - -) I<br />


Remarks: The titulature of the person cannot be understood; see Rizakis, op. cit. About the<br />

32. ΑΠΠΙΟΣ KY[- - -]<br />

name Apolli(naris) see H. Solin, Arctos 18, 1984, 134-135.<br />

Unpublished [2nd or 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Aigion; a mutilated rectangular limestone plaque bearing an honorary inscription erected by<br />

the named person for a proconsul whose name is not preserved on the stone: [ ]v τον<br />

λαμΙ[πρότατον άνθύπατ]ον "Αππιος ΚυΙ [-ca. 3- τον εαυτού πά]τρωνα.<br />

Remarks: The name of the proconsul is lost; both, the term λαμπρότατος (see O. Hirschfeld,<br />

Kleine Schriften 1913, 646-681; Pflaum, "Titulature", 164) and the palaeography,<br />

date the inscription to the 2nd or 3rd c. A.D.<br />


CIL III, 524; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 114 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; the grave stone of the person, now lost:<br />

T(ito) Apponio I Quartioni.<br />

Remarks: T. Tapponio, Fourmont; the gentlicium Tapponius is very rare (Schulze, 95 and<br />

277 gives only two examples from Noricum and one from Rome). So Apponius is<br />

to be prefered (Schulze, 66; Alföldy, Dalmatia, 60; Mocsy, Nomenclator, s.v.),<br />

since it is attested in Delphi (Hatzfeld, Trafiquants, 67 η. 1) and in Athens (IG II 2<br />

,<br />

11324).<br />

34. APPULEIA [- - -]<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 129 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; five fragments of a marble plaque bearing the funerary inscription of Ba[-ca 4-] Cn(aei)<br />

f(ilia) Postuma erected by an Appuleia [—]:<br />

Ba[- ca. 4 - ]e Cn(aei) f(iliae) ! Postumae, ux[ori] I L(ucii) Senti Vatin[i]ani or[na]l 4 mentis<br />

sace[r]do[tal(ibus)] I honorata[e —] I Appuleia [—].<br />

Remarks: Despite the absence of the cognomen we may tentatively identify the person with<br />

the following one (ACH 35).<br />


Iph. Dekoulakou, AD 29, 1973/74 (1979) Chron., 385, pi. 24 b; ILGR, 38, no. 63; *Rizakis,<br />

Achaïe II, no. 86 [Augustan period].<br />



Patrai; a plaque of gray marble bearing the funerary inscription of the named person. It<br />

consists only of the name of the deceased in the nominative.<br />


CIL III, 511; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 52 [imperial period].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing a fragmentary inscription which commemorates a donation of<br />

the person ob honorem for some office he held: M(arcus) Appuleius Prifmus] I ob honorem [- - -].<br />

37. L(UCIUS) (APPULUS)<br />

f. Sex(tus) Appulus L(ucii) f(ilius) Firmus (ACH 38)<br />


CIL III, 517; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 113 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a grave stele, now lost, bearing only the name of the deceased in the dative:<br />

Sex(to) Appulo I L(ucii) f(ilio) Firmo.<br />

Remarks: The gentilicium Appulus, given in all copies of the text, seems very rare since it is<br />

known only from this example from Patrai (Solin and Salomies, 19 cite it with a<br />

question mark). Perhaps it is to be substituted by the gentilicium Appulus,<br />

which is attested also in Patrai.<br />

s. L(ucius) (Appulus) (ACH 37)<br />

39. C(AIUS) ARRI(US) A(ULI) F(ILIUS)<br />

Grant, F1TA, 264 (1); Amandry, RN23, 1981, 50,1 and 51, II; RPC1, no. 1283-1284 and pi. 65.<br />

Dyme, bronze colonial coin.<br />

duumvir with C(aius) Iul(ius) Tang(inus) (ACH 139) of the year 40 B.C.<br />

40. ATTIA TERTIA<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 132 [2nd c. A.D.]<br />

Patrai; a limestone stele bearing the funerary inscription of M. Attius Faustus and his liberta<br />

and wife Attia Tertia erected by his brother Clemens:<br />

M(arco) Attio Fausto I Forensi et I Attiae Tertiae I libertae et uxori I eius. I Clemens frater.<br />

w. M. Attius Faustus (ACH 42)<br />

41. (ATTIUS) CLEMENS<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 131 [2nd c. A.D.]<br />



Patrai; a limestone stele bearing the funerary inscription of M. Attius Faustus and his liberta<br />

and wife Attia Tertia (text ACH 40) erected by his brother (Attius) Clemens.<br />

b. M. Attius Faustus (ACH 41)<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 132 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone stele bearing the funerary inscription of M. Attius Faustus and his liberta<br />

and wife Attia Tertia (text ACH 40) erected by his brother Clemens.<br />

Remarks: According to Rizakis, 7oc. cit. the word Forensis following the name of the discussed<br />

person, interpreted as "du Forum", could be either an indication of his origin or of<br />

his job (artist or merchant), or a surname.<br />

h. Attia Tertia (ACH 40), b. (Attius) Clemens (ACH 41)<br />

43. C(AIUS) (AURELIUS)<br />

f. of C(aius) Aurelius C(aii) f(ilius) Bassus (ACH 46)<br />


CIL III 503; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 157 [end 1st c. B.C./beginning 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble plaque, now lost, with a fragmentary inscription, maybe the funerary<br />

inscription of a family of colonists:<br />

C(aio) Aurelio P(ublii) f(ilio) Quir(ina) veter(ano) leg(ionis) X(Decimae) Eq(uestris)<br />

aedil(iciis) ornament(is) I D.I... DATIS vac. Ο C(aii) [f(ilio)] Qu[i]r(ina) [P]rocu ? I<br />

CI...IAROVIV vac. Τ aedi[l]i d(ecreto) d(ecurionum) ---?---1 LI AE vac. [hon]orato ISOO.<br />

E S vac. [Inonorato [ ? ] I FPRIQ E vac. [ ] I 5<br />

C(aio) Aurelio C(aii) f(ilio)<br />

IA[ ]IRX vac. Prisco VI vir(o).<br />

veter(anus) leg(ionis) X Eq(uestris), honoured with aedil(icia) ornament(a)<br />

f. C(aius) Aurelius C(aii) f(ilius) [ ] Priscus (ACH 47)<br />

45. P(UBLIUS) (AURELIUS)<br />

f. of C(aius) Aurelius P(ublii) f(ilius) Quir(ina) (ACH 44)<br />


CIL III, 518; Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 121 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a grave stone, now lost, with a funerary dedication to the person followed by his age:<br />

C(aio) Aurelio I C(aii) f(ilio) Basso I annor(um) X.<br />




CIL III 503; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 157 [end 1st c. B.C./beginning 1st c. A.D.]<br />

Patrai; a marble plaque, now lost, bearing a fragmentary inscription; perhaps the funerary<br />

inscription of a family of colonists (for the text see ACH 44).<br />

VI vir<br />

s. C(aius) Aurelius P(ublii) f(ilius) Quir(ina) (ACH 44)<br />


Α. Rizakis, "Les Mauretaniens et la couleur du bronze de Corinthe", Carthago22, 1990, 55-62,<br />

pl. 1 (SEG 40, 1990, 397); *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 182 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble plaque bearing the epitaph of the named person, who came from Caesarea in<br />

Mauretania:<br />

Θ(εοις) Κ(αταχθονίοις) Ι Μ(άρκος) Αυρήλιος Ι Σέσσωρ, γένει Ι Καισαρεύς από Ι 5<br />

Μαυρητανίας,<br />

Ι χρώματι ΚορίνΙθιος, κείται εν ΠάΙτραις, ζήσας ετεσιν Ι ιη' . Και εύψύχει Ι Σέσσωρ.<br />

Ουδείς άθάΙ 10<br />

νατος.<br />

Καισαρεύς από Μαυρητανίας<br />

Remarks: According to Rizakis the phrase "χρώματι Κορίνθιος" is an allusion to the patina<br />

of the famous bronze objects that were manufactured at Corinth.<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 90 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the named person:<br />

Axia L(ucii) l(iberta I Megiste.<br />

Remarks: The gentilicium Axius, derived from the Greek word "Αξιος, is attested in Italy<br />

(Schulze, 70 n. 3); it is also attested as a cognomen in Rome (Solin, Namenbuch, 909).<br />

50. L(UCIUS) (AXIUS)<br />

Patron of Axia Megiste (ACH 49)<br />

51. BA[-ca. 4-] CN(AEI) F(ILIA) POSTUMA<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 129 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; five fragments of a marble plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the named person<br />

erected by an Appuleia [—]:<br />

Ba[- ca. 4 - ]e Cn(aei) f(iliae) I Postumae, ux[ori] I L(ucii) Senti Vatin[i]ani or[na]lmentis<br />

sace[r]do[tal(ibus)] I 5 honorata[e—] I Appuleia [—].<br />

or[na]mentis sace[r]do[tial(ibus)] honorata<br />



Remarks: The gentilicium of the person could be completed as Bafbbia]. The Babbii are a<br />

known family attested at Delphi, Thespiai and especially, at Corinth (M. Kajava-H.<br />

Solin, Epigraphica 59, 1997, 347 n. 27).<br />

w. L. Sentius Vatinianus (ACH 215)<br />


J. Bingen, BCH18 (1954) 74-82 and fig. 1-2 (SEG 13, 1956, 277; D. Feissel et A. Philippidis,<br />

"Inscriptions du Péloponnèse", T&MByz 9,1985, 374 no. 158*); *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no 37<br />

[3rd-4th c. A.D.]<br />

Patrai; limestone plaque bearing a funerary epigram for the person, descendant of a notorious<br />

and rich family, probably of Elis, which traced its ancestry to Pelops. He accepted single—<br />

handedly the charge of duumvir quinquennalis in an extremely difficult period for the city;<br />

Basilios not only assumed his charge with dignity and justice, but he offered many other<br />

services and gifts to his co-citizens:<br />

Ούτος ο κυδαλίμης γενεής Πελοπηίδος ορπηξ ΓΟξυλίδης Βασίλιος, ομώνυμος εΐο τοκήι, Ι<br />

είθυδί,κςο πινυτώ θεοπειθέι ος τε μιν οίον Ιάρχον πενταέτηρον εκών ναέτησιν οπασσεν.ΙΙ 5<br />

Όσσα δ'άριστονόου βουλής υπό νεύμασι φώτας Ι εστί θέμις κατά άστυ τελειέμεναι μάλα<br />

πάντα, Ι μοϋνος έών θεσμοισιν άνύσσατο και ναετηρας Ι πάντας όμως ξείνους τε τελεσφό-<br />

ρον ες λυκάβαντα Ι ήνεκέως λοετροισιν άρεσσατο· ήδ' άρα φώταςΙΙ 10 είλαπίναις χρυσφ τε<br />

και ειμασι δηθά γεραίρων,Ι δέχνυ (τ') ένίμ μεγάροισι· θεμιστοπόλω δέ τε βουλή Ι και δήμω<br />

κτεάνω[ν σφετ]έρων πόρε μύρια μέτρα Ι σπυροϋ Έλευσινίοιο τον εύρυχώρω ένί Πείση Ι<br />

Δημήτηρ λαγόνων σταχυοκόμος έξανέηκενΙΙ 15 έπτάκι δ' αύ δέκα χειλιάδας μελιηδέος οίνου<br />

Ι ώπασεν 'Αργυρής ζαθέης άπο· ένδεκα δ' αύτε Ι χειλιάδας γλαυκεϊο πόρ' ένναέτησιν έλαί-<br />

ου.Ι Τον μέν άρ' εν μεγάροισι πανδημαδόν ύμνείοντες,Ι ήδ' άρα γεράεσσιν αμειβόμενοι μάλα<br />

πάντες,II 20 είκόνι λαϊνέη πανομοίιον έστήσαντο.<br />

Remarks: This text is of interest for the three basic problems it poses. The first concerns the<br />

name: most likely Basilius is a nomen simplicium, since the use of this sort of name<br />

is widespread in late antiquity. It is less likely to have been part of a Roman name,<br />

such as a cognomen, which in this case would have been used on its own purely for<br />

metrical reasons. The second problem has to do with the precise nature of the offices<br />

held by Basilius. The first editor considered that άρχος πενταέτηρος in the epigram<br />

corresponded to defensor civitatis, an office introduced by Valentinian I to protect<br />

the poor from the tax-collector. This office seems to have been rare in the eastern<br />

empire (O. Seeck, RE IV [1901] 2365-2371, s.v. Defensor civitatis; V. Mannino,<br />

Ricerche sul "Defensor civitatis" [Milan 1984] passim; B.R. Rees, "The defensor<br />

civitatis in Egypt", JJP 6 [1952] 73-102). Troublesome too is the fact of the<br />

inscription's early date. In toto, it is much more probable that the office should be<br />

understood as duumvir quinquennalis, since the formula άρχος πενταέτηρος more<br />

often corresponds to this office (Rizakis, Achaïe II, 122 n. 5), which frequently<br />

appears in the earliest inscriptions belonging to the Roman period.<br />

The duumvir quinquennalis was a collégial office, but it appears that Basilius held it<br />

alone —μοϋνος έών (1. 7)— during a period of economic crisis when candidates for<br />



such expensive offices were becoming increasingly thin on the ground (Rizakis,<br />

Achaïe II, 122 η. 7).<br />

As for chronology, J. Bingen (BCH 78, 1954, 79), dated the epigram between A.D.<br />

360 and 425 based on the archaizing Homeric language, the meter and the style more<br />

generally, and in particular on the interpretation of άρχος πενταέτηρος as defensor<br />

civitatis. However, the survival og the office of duumvir quinquennalis— for which<br />

there are examples of even later survivals in Africa— makes possible an earlier date<br />

in the first half of the fourth century (cf. Rizakis, op. cit.).<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 88 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble grave stele bearing just the name of the deceased in the nominative.<br />

liberta<br />

Remarks: The nomen Betutius/a is known in Italy (Schulze, 110,403), in Spain (G. Alföldy, Die<br />

54. T(ITUS) (BETUTIUS)<br />

römischen Inschriften von Tarraco [Berlin 1975] 216 [Tarragone]), Baetica (CIL II,<br />

539), Gallia Narbonensis (Mócsy, Nomenclator, s.v.) and the province of Asia (e.g.<br />

IG XII 1, 645; IGRR IV, passim).<br />

Patron of Betutia Philete (ACH 53)<br />

55. BILLIEN[- - -]<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 100 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque with the funerary inscriptions of two persons bearing the same<br />

gentilicium, Billien[ ] (ACH 56), which is to be completed either as Billien[us] or as<br />

Billien[ius] (cf. Solin and Salomies, 34).<br />

Remarks: The person does not bear any praenomen. This is the only attestation of this gentile<br />

name in Greece. In Italy we find Billienus, Billienius and Billianius (Mócsy,<br />

Nomenclator, s.v.; Solin and Salomies, 34).<br />

56. L(UCIUS) BILLIEN[- - -]<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 100 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque with the funerary inscriptions of two persons bearing the same<br />

gentilicium, Billien[—]:<br />

L. Billien[- - -] I vi(xit) ann(os) [- - -] I Billien[- - -vi(xit)] I ann(os) [- - -].<br />



Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 84 [1st c. A.D.]<br />


Patrai; a pedimental marble grave stele, bearing just the name of the deceased in the<br />

nominative.<br />

Remarks: A connection with L. Caecilius Macer (ACH 58) is highly probable, especially if, as<br />

U. Kahrstedt suggested (Historia I, 1950, 550), the last person was a magistrate of<br />

Patrai and not of Dyme.<br />


M. Dubois, BCH4, 1880, 521, n. IV (CIL III, Suppl. 12279; cf. U. Kahrstedt, Historia I, 1950,<br />

55) [early empire].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a stone, now lost, bearing a dedication of the named person:<br />

L(ucius) Caecilius L(ucii) f(ilius) / Macer / aed(ilis), Ilvir / d(e) s(ua) p(ecunia) f(aciendum)<br />

c(uravit), idemq(ue) prob(avit).<br />

aed(ilis), Ilvir<br />


E. Mastrokostas, AD 17, 1961/62, Chron. B, 128 (ILGR, 34 no. 48); *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no.<br />

138 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble grave stele erected by Caetronia Veneria, while still living, for herself and for<br />

her mother Caetronia Quinta:<br />

Caetronia I Veneria I vix(it) annos XXVIII I 4 v(iva) Caetroniae Quintae I matri.<br />

Remarks: The gentilicium is rare in the province of Achaia (Schulze, 268, 337, 340, 351).<br />


E. Mastrokostas, AD 17, 1961/62, Chron. B, 128 (ILGR, 34, no. 48); *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no.<br />

138 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble grave stele erected by Caetronia Veneria, while still living, for herself and for<br />

her mother Caetronia Quinta (text ACH 59).<br />

d. Caetronia Quinta (ACH 59)<br />

61. ΚΑΦΑΤΙΑ<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 115 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble grave stele erected by Caphatia for Pardalus: Καφατία i ΠαρδαΙλώι.<br />



Remarks: The name Cafatius is attested in Etruria and Umbria and appears also in Dalmatia<br />

62. ΓΑ[ΙΟΣ (?)]<br />

(Alföldy, Dalmatia, 70).<br />

I.A. Papapostolou, BCH 113, 1989, 393-401, fig. 36-37 (SEG 39, 1989, 409); *Rizakis, Achaïe<br />

II, no. 173 [ca. A.D. 250-300].<br />

Patrai; a mosaic representing gladiators in a house of the imperial era. The letters ΓΑ can be<br />

read beside a human figure.<br />

63. CANIA ARESQUS1A]<br />

J. Martha, BCH 2, 1878, 10 no. 12 (St. N. Thomopoulos, Ιστορία της πόλεως Πατρών από<br />

αρχαιοτάτων χρόνων μέχρι του 1821 [Patrai 1950 2 ] 237 no. 6); Th. Mommsen, EphEpigr4,<br />

1879, no. 88; id., EphEpigr5, 1884, no. 189 (CIL III, 7259); cf. Ul. Kahrstedt, Historia 1, 1950,<br />

551 (chronology) [beginnig of imperial era].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a fragment of a marble cippus bearing the epitaph of C. Canius<br />

S[—] (text ACH 66) and Cania Aresqusa.<br />


Α. Orlandos, PAAH 1931, 80, no. 4, fig. 9 (AnnÉpigr 1934, 163; SEG 11, 1950, 1269)<br />

[beginning of imperial era].<br />

Pellene; a marble plaque bearing an honorary inscription for the person, erected by the polis<br />

and the resident Romans. He is honoured as an εκ προγόν[ων εύερ]γέτης:<br />

Ή πόλις των ΠελληΙνέων και Τωμαιοι οι κ[α]Ιτοικοϋντες Πόπλιο[ν] Ι Κανείνιον<br />

Αγρίπ[παν] Ι τον εκ προγόν[ων εύερ]1γέτην.<br />

Remarks: This person is to be identified with P. Caninius Agrippa, son of Alexiades,<br />

procurator Caesa. Aug. provine. Achaiae, some time before A.D. 15 (Corinth<br />

VIII. 2, 65-66, cf. COR 135); his father's name "betrays a provincial Greek origin,<br />

probably from the region of old Achaea" (A. Spawforth, "Roman Corinth: the<br />

formation of a colonial elite", in: Roman onomastics, 173 and 176-77). For his<br />

career see Groag, Reichsbeamten, 139-140; E. Meyer, RE XIX (1937) 364, s.v.<br />

Pellene; U. Kahrstedt, Das wirtschaftliche Gesicht Griechenlands in der<br />

Kaiserzeit (Bern 1954) 256-257; PIR 2 , C 387; Spawforth op. cit., 173 and 176-77.<br />

P. Caninius Agrippa, served as Ilvir in the colony of Corinth in the years A.D.<br />

16/17 or 22/21; see COR 135.<br />


J.G. Frazer, Pausanias's description of Greece, IV (New York 1965) 176-177 (2); cf. Ο. Walter,<br />

JÖAI19-20, 1919, Beiblatt, 40 [beginning of imperial era].<br />



Aigeira; a mutilated statue base erected by the polis bearing an inscription in honour of the<br />

named person:<br />

Π(όπλιον) Κανείνιον Ζήνωνα ή πόλις.<br />

Remarks: For the Caninii see ACH 64.<br />

66. C(AIUS) CANIUS S[- - -]<br />

J. Martha, BCH 2, 1878, 10 no. 12 (St. N. Thomopoulos, Ιστορία της πόλεως Πατρών από<br />

αρχαιοτάτων χρόνων μέχρι τον 1821 [Patrai 1950 2 ] 237 no. 6); Th. Mommsen, EphEpigr4,<br />

1879, no. 88; id., EphEpigr5, 1884, no. 189 (CIL III, 7259); cf. Ul. Kahrstedt, Historia 1, 1950,<br />

551 (chronology) [beginning of imperial era].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a fragment of a marble cippus bearing the epitaph of C. Canius<br />

S[—] and Cania Aresqusa:<br />

C(aio) Canio S [—] I Caniai I Aresqus[ai].<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 110 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble plaque bearing the funerary inscription of Cassia Secundilla and Cassius<br />

Euprepes (text ACH 69) erected by their brothers.<br />


ILGR 57; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 142 [beginnig of imperial time]<br />

Patrai; a marble plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the person, erected by the aediles:<br />

Q(uintum) Cassium I Euprepetem, aediles, I q(uaestorem) Ilvir(um) ann(orum) XXXIII.<br />

q(uaestor), Ilvir<br />

Remarks: aedile (1. 2) is not to be excluded; in this case the career of the person begins<br />

with the aedilship.<br />

69. [ΚΑΣ]ΣΙΟΣ ΕΥΠΡΠΗ[Σ]<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 110 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]<br />

Patrai; a marble plaque bearing the funerary inscription of Cassia Secundilla and Cassius<br />

Euprepes erected by their brothers:<br />

[Κασ]σία ΣεΙ[κο]υνδίλλα Ι ετών κα '. Ι [Κάσ]σιος ΕύπρπηΙ[ς, στρ]ατηγός, Ι ετών κγ '. Ι 0[ί<br />

άδ]ελφοί.<br />

[στρ]ατηγός<br />

Remarks: They may be members of the family of Cassii of Patrai, see ACH 64. According to<br />



the editor, the title strategos is used here instead of Ilvir, as in a parallel inscription<br />

from Corinth (Corinth VIII. 1, 80; cf. Mason, 161-162]. On the stone the cognomen<br />

of the person appears as ΕΥΠΡΟΠΗ[.]; according to Rizakis, Εύπρόπη[ος] cannot<br />

be excluded.<br />


70. CLAU[DIUS] T(ITI) F(ILIUS) QU[IR(INA) - - -]<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 266 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble plaque bearing a fragmentary funerary dedication:<br />

Clau[- - -] I T(iti) f(ilii ve/ilio) Qu[ir(ina)-?-] I sanct[- - -] I [a]gono[th- - -]l [.]RAGE[- - -].<br />


*Chr. Habicht, MDAI (I) 9/10, 1959-1960, 109-125, pi. 87 (Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 364) [ca.<br />

mid. 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble statue base bearing an honorary inscription for the person after a proposition<br />

by Octavius Chrysanthos, citizen of Patrai:<br />

Πατρέων ή πόλις Ι Α. Κλ. Χάρακα Ι ΰπατον Τωμαίων, Ι ηγεμόνα Κιλικίας, Ι 5 Λυκαονίας,<br />

Τσαυρίας, Ι ηγεμόνα λεγιώνος Β' Αύγ., Ι έπιμελητήν όδοϋ Ι Αατείνης, Ι [στ]ρατηγόν Τωμαί­<br />

ων, Ι 10 [κατ]αλεχθέντα υπό της Ι [συ]γκλήτου Ι εις τους αγορανομικούς, Ι ταμίαν Σικελίας, Ι<br />

τον συγγραφέα.<br />

consul (suffectus), leg. Aug. pr. pr. prov. Ciliciae, Lycaoniae, Isauriae, leg. Aug. leg. II<br />

Augustae, curator viae Latinae, praetor, adlectus inter aedilicios, quaestor prov. Siciliae.<br />

Remarks: For the senatorial career of this historian from Pergamon, see PIR 2 C 831; G.<br />

Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter den Antoninen. Prosopographische<br />

Untersuchungen zur senatorischen Führungsschicht (Bonn 1977) 298, 319 and 335.<br />

Halfmann, Senatoren, 161-162 no. 73; Ο. Andrei, Α. Claudius Charax di Pergamo.<br />

Interessi antiquari e antiquità citadine nelV età degli Antonini (Bolognia 1984) 9-22;<br />

This person has relations with many Peloponnesian cities; he is, for example,<br />

attested as citizen and patronomos in Sparta (LAC 281). His relations with Patrai<br />

and Achaia are less clear (see the comments of Rizakis, op. cit.).<br />


Unpublished [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a fragmentary funerary limestone plaque bearing some names. The person should be<br />

considered as the husband of a deceased woman.<br />




Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 128 [2nd c. A.D.]<br />

Patrai; a grave stele of white limestone bearing the funerary inscription of the named person<br />

erected by his wife, Marcia Secunda:<br />

Ti(berio) Claudio Satyro I vilico XX heredit(atium) I ornament(is) august(alibus) I 4 d(ecreto)<br />

d(ecurionum) honorato I Marcia Secunda I vac. uxor vac.<br />

Remarks: The person is a tax collector (vilicus) responsible for the vicesima hereditatium (tax<br />

of 5%) charged on the heritages of Roman citizens; comment in Rizakis, op. cit.<br />

h. Marcia Secunda (ACH 163)<br />

74. A. CLOD[IUS - - -]<br />

ILGR 77; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 320 [lrst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble plaque bearing the beginning of the name of the deceased person.<br />


I. Papapostolou, AD 31, 1976, Chron., 97, pi. 78 δ; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 94 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the person, who died two years<br />

and fourty days old:<br />

C(aius) Clodius I Urbanus, I a(nnorum) II d(ierum) XXXX.<br />


CIL III, 504; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 154 [end 1st cent B.C./beginning 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing the epitaph of the veteran of legio XII Fulminata, M(arcus)<br />

Coelius P(ublii) f(ilius); erected by his libertus Felix and his daughter Coelia Secunda; for the<br />

text see M(arcus) Coelius P(ublii) f(ilius) (ACH 77).<br />

d. M(arcus) Coelius P(ublii) f(ilius) (ACH 77)<br />


CIL III, 504; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 154 [end 1st cent B.C./beginning 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing the epitaph of a veteran of legio XII Fulminata; erected by<br />

his libertus Felix and his daughter Coelia Secunda:<br />

M(arco) Coelio P(ublii) f(ilio) vet[e(rano)] I leg(ionis) XII Fulm(inatae) I Felix lib(ertus) I<br />

v(iva) Coelia M(arci) [f(ilia)] Secunda.<br />

vet[er(anus)] leg(ionis) XII Fulm(inatae)<br />

f. Coelia M(arci) [f(ilia)] Secunda (ACH 76)<br />



78. P(UBLIUS) (COELIUS)<br />

f. M(arcus) Coelius P(ublii) f(ilius) (ACH 77)<br />

79. (M. COELIUS M. L.) FELIX<br />

CIL III, 504; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 154 [end 1st e. B.C./ beginning 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing the epitaph of the veteran of legio XII Fulminata, M(arcus)<br />

Coelius P(ublii) f(ilius); erected by his libertus Felix and his daughter Coelia Secunda (for the<br />

text see ACH 77).<br />


CIL III, 526; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 131 [2nd c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Patrai; a grave stele used in the masonry of the church of Hagios Basilios in Patrai. It bears the<br />

funerary inscription of M. Vibullius M. f. [- - -] (ACH 251), erected by M. Vibullius<br />

Ven[erianus (?)] (ACH 253) and Cornelia Gemella:<br />

M(arco) Vibullio M(arci) f(ilio) [ ] I v[ix(it)] ann(os) X[ ] I M(arcus) Vibullius<br />

Ven[erianus(?) et] I 4 Cornelia Gemella I post obitum.<br />


CIL III, 7260; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 6 [2nd c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing a dedication of the named person to Diana:<br />

Cornufic[ia] I Gn(aei) f(ilia) Modesta, I polos Cerer(is) I Dianam I 4 s(ua) p(ecunia) consecralvit.<br />

polos Cerer(is)<br />

Remarks: The title polos is the Greek πώλος which refers to the young girls devoted to<br />

Demeter and Kore. It is also the title of the priestess of Isis, who is identified with<br />

Demeter in Egypt (F. Dunant, Religion populaire en Egypt [Leiden 1979] 32 ff). The<br />

gentilicium Cornuficius is very rare (Mócsy, Nomenclator, s.v.).<br />


CIL III, 7260; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 6 [2nd c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, with a dedication by the daughter of Cnaeus to Diana; see text ACH 81.<br />

f. of Cornufic[ia] Gn(aei) f(ilia) Modesta<br />

83. ΚΡΗΣΚΗΣ<br />

A. Rizakis, BCH 108, 1984, 540, no. 7, fig. 7 (SEG 34, 1984, 347); Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 167<br />

[2nd c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Patrai; a rectangular marble stele bearing the funerary inscription of the gladiator Physon;<br />


erected by the named person:<br />

ΦύΙσωΙνΚτι Ι ΚρήσΙκης Ι μνε[ί]Ι 8<br />

ας [χά]Ι[ριν].<br />

84. ΚΡΙΣΠΕΙΝΟΣ<br />


I. Papapostolou, AD 27, 1972, Chron. 287 (SEG 26, 1976, 485); *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 345<br />

[imperial period].<br />

Patrai; a stamp with the genitive form of the name appears on a tile: Κρισπείνου.<br />

Remarks: The named person is perhaps to be identified with Τ. Φλάβιος Καίκιλος Κρισπεινος<br />

(ACH 108).<br />

85. P(UBLIUS) CURTIUS [- - -]<br />

ILGR 68 (AnnÉpigr 1979, 576); cf. A. Rizakis, RPh 59, 1985, fase. 1, 91 (corrections) [second<br />

half of 1st c. B.C.].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a marble stele bearing a list of magistrates for local games (see also<br />

ACH 102 and 121).<br />

II[vir]<br />


CIL III, 519; Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 85 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a funerary marble altar for the named person and Aepicia Nice (ACH 13):<br />

L(ucius) Curtius I Onesiphorus, I Aepicia Nice.<br />

87. (DIDIA) PRIMA<br />

CIL III, 527; Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 140 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing a funerary inscription, erected during his lifetime, by<br />

Vir(eius) Moschus (ACH 256), to his wife Didia Urbana and to (Didia) Prima, mother of<br />

Urbana (text ACH 88)<br />

m. Didia Urbana<br />

88. DIDIA URBANA<br />

CIL III, 527; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 140 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing the funerary inscription of Vir(eius) Moschus, Didia Urbana<br />

and Prima, mother of Urbana:<br />

V(ivus) Vir(eius) Moschus I Didiae Urbanae I et Primae, matri Urban[ae].<br />

d. Didia Prima (ACH 87)<br />



89. DIGNA<br />

I. Papapostolou, AD 33, 1978, Chron. 95, pi. 32 B; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 185 [3rd/4th c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble stele bearing the epitaph of Digna:<br />

Memoria I Dignae I vix(it) a(nnis) III.<br />

Remarks: The name is used as a cognomen and later as a Christian proper name.<br />

90. L(UCIUS) (DOIUS)<br />

f. M(arcus) Doius L(ucii) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Balbus (for the text see ACH 91)<br />


CIL III 512; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 125 [end 1st c. B.C./beginning 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a grave stone, now lost, erected by L. Durcatius Eros (ACH 98):<br />

M(arco) Doio L(ucii) f(ilio) Qui(rina) I Balbo, dec(urioni), arbitr(atu) I L(uci) Durcati Erotis.<br />

decurio<br />

Remarks: The name Doius is rare (Schulze, 90; Mócsy, Nomenclator, s.v.). In the eastern<br />

provinces it is also attested in Crete (K.J. Rigsby, "Cnossus and Capua", TAPhA<br />

106, 1976, 323-4; M.W. Baldwin Bowsky, "Knossos and Campania. The critical<br />

connection", in: Preacti XI Congresso Intemazionale di Epigrafia Greca e Latina,<br />

Roma 18-24 settembre 1997, 483 n. 49).<br />

92. P(UBLIUS) (DOMITIUS)<br />

f. [P(ublius) Do]mitius P(ublii) f(ilius) [T]ro(mentina) Oriculo (ACH 93)<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 152 [end 1st e. B.C./lst e. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a fragmentary limestone stele bearing the funerary inscription of the person who was a<br />

veteran of legio XII:<br />

[P. Do]mitius P. f. I [T]ro(mentina) Oriculo I leg(ionis) vac. XII.<br />

veteran of leg(io) XII<br />

Remarks: Oriculo could be a cognomen, but frequently in the inscriptions of this period<br />

cognomina are omitted; it could be also the name of the city of Domitius, although<br />

the citizens of this town were classified to the tribe Palatina, Arnensis or Galeria (see<br />

Rizakis, loc. cit.,).<br />


Kaibel, Epigr. Graeca, 481; Peek, Vers-Inschriften I, no. 1526; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 144<br />



[lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble block bearing the funerary epigram of the person:<br />

Δομιτίου Φαιδρού. 1 Την σήν εΰνοιαν και Ι πίστιν, Φαιδρέ, καλοϋΐντες εν βιοτης μέτΙροις<br />

οΰποτε παυσόμεθα.<br />

95. [.] ΔΟΜΙΤΙΟΣ [0]ΥΡΒΑΝΟΣ<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe Π, no. 102 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble grave stele of the eight-year-old person: [.] Δομίτιος Ι [0]ύρβανος Ι [έ]τών Η.<br />

96. L(UCIUS) (DURCATIUS)<br />

Patron of L. Durcatius Cissus (ACH 97)<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 117 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble stele bearing the funerary inscription of the person:<br />

L(ucio) Durcatio I L(ucii) lib(erto) I Cisso.<br />


CIL III 512; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 125 [end 1st c. B.C./begin. 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a grave stone, now lost, of L. Doius L. f. Qui. Baibus (ACH 91) erected by L. Durcatius<br />

Eros :<br />

M(arco) Doio L(ucii) f(ilio) Qui(rina) I Balbo, dec(urioni), arbitr(atu) I L(uci) Durcati Erotis.<br />

99. Q(UINTUS) (EGNATIUS)<br />

f. Q(uintus) Egnatius Q(uinti) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Timotheus (see ACH 100).<br />


Unpublished [beginning imperial era].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a mutilated rectangular limestone plaque bearing the epitaph of the<br />

person.<br />

101. C(AIUS) EM[- - -]<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 219 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of white marble. The gentilicium of the person could be completed as<br />

Em[inius], pro Aeminius (Schulze, 117): C(aius vel io) Em [---]![-- -]C[- - -].<br />



102. C(AIUS) FABIUS D(ECIMI) [F(ILIUS) - - -]<br />

ILGR 68 (AnnÉpigr 1979, 576); cf. A. Rizakis, RPh 59, 1985, fase. 1, p. 91 (corrections)<br />

[second half of 1st e. B.C.].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a marble stele with a list of magistrates for local games (see also<br />

nos. 85 and 121).<br />

103. L(UCIUS) (FABIUS)<br />

f. L(ucius) Fabius L(ucii) F(ilius) Quir(ina) (ACH 104)<br />


Unpublished [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme), Aghiovlassitika, built into the village church; a limestone grave stele<br />

with a pediment.<br />

Ilvir et Hvir quin(quennalis) of the colony of Patrai<br />


E. L. Hicks, A manual of Greek historical inscriptions (Oxford 1882), no. 202 (Syll. 2 316); T.<br />

W. Beasley, CR 14, 1900, p. 162-164 (Syll? 684; R. K. Sherk, Roman documents from the<br />

Greek East [Baltimore 1969] 246-248 no. 43); *M. Kallet-Marx , "Quintus Fabius Maximus<br />

and the Dyme Affair (Syll? 684)", CQ 45, 1995, 129-153 [145/144 B.C.].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme), in the ruins of the ancient city; a marble plaque bearing a letter of<br />

the proconsul of Macedonia, Q. Fabius Maximus, to the archontes and synedroi of Dyme<br />

concerning a local stasis against the constitution established by Rome and against the local<br />

authorities. The proconsul announces with this letter the re-establishment of order and the<br />

punishment of the guilty citizens: ... Κόιντος Φάβιος Κοϊντου Μάξιμος ανθύπατος 'Ρωμαίων<br />

ΔυμαίΙ 4 ων τοις άρχουσι και συνέδροις και τήι πόλει χαίρειν...<br />

Remarks: The majority of scholars have identified the person with the proconsul of Macedonia,<br />

Q. Fabius Maximus Eburnus (ca. 116-114 B.-C): S. Accame, 77 dominio romano in<br />

Grecia dalla guerra acaica ad Augusto (Rome 1946, repr. 1972) 149-50, and<br />

Broughton, Magistrates II, 644; but very few (L. Reinhold, Roman civilization I<br />

[New York-London 1951] no. 127, 319 and F. F. Abbot-Α. Ch. Johnson, Municipal<br />

administration in the Roman Empire [Princeton 1926] 261), have prefered Q. Fabius<br />

Maximus Servilianus (146/5 B.C.). Two new unpublished inscriptions from Argos,<br />

corroborate the early date; see J.-L. Ferrary, Philhellénisme et impérialisme (Paris<br />

1988) 186-89; M. Kallet-Marx, op. cit.<br />

106. [-ca. 4-] FELI[C]ULA<br />

E. Mastrokostas, AE 1964, Chron., 61, no. 10, pi. Zô; ILGR, 3, no. 51; cf. L. Moretti, RFIC<br />

108, 1980, 452, n. 3; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 96 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble grave stele: [- ca. 4-] Felil[c]ula vix(i)t I annos XXX.<br />


107. FESTUS<br />


107-112<br />

ILGR 74 (AnnÉpigr 1979 [1982] 175, no. 583); *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 83 [lst/2nd e. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a pedimental marble grave stele decorated with three acroteria, bearing just the name<br />

of the person.<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, 343 a+b [imperial period].<br />

Patrai; a stamp with his name in the genitive on fragments of tiles.<br />

a. Τ(ίχου) Φλ(αβιου) Καικιλ[ου]Ι Κρισπείνου. b. Τ(ίτου) Φλ(αβιου) Καικίλου Ι Κρισπείνου.<br />

Remarks: He is perhaps to be identified with Κρισπείνος (ACH 84); he may be the same<br />

person named in ACH 84 only with his cognomen.<br />


A. Rizakis, BCH108,1984,438-540, no. 6, fig. 6; Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 171 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone stele bearing the epitaph of the person, who was a gladiator (thraex):<br />

P(ublius) Folius Potitus I thraex.<br />

Remarks: The name Folius is rare in Achaia (Solin and Salomies, 81), attested only in Patrai.<br />

The family of P. Follius in Thessalonike may be related to that of the person attested<br />

in Patrai (Salomies, in: Roman onomastics, 124 n. 8 and 125). Potitus is a common<br />

cognomen in Italy (Kajanto, Cognomina, 95 and 354). Thraex means here "heavily<br />

armed" and indicates the gladiator's category (see Robert, Gladiateurs, 67-68).<br />

110. [- - - FO]RTUNAT(US/A)<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 197 [2nd c. A.D. (?) ].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble (?) stele bearing a funerary inscription with several names:<br />

[- - - Fo]rtunat(us vel a) I [- - -] Spediae I [Helpfidis vern(ae) I vixfit ann(os) [- - -].<br />

111. (FULVIA M. 1.) ARESCUSA<br />

Iph. Dekoulakou, AD 1973/4 (1979) Chron., 396-397, pi. 254 b; ILGR 60; *Rizakis, Achaïe II,<br />

no. 133 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the doctor M. Fulvius Herophilus<br />

erected by his liberta Arescusa (for the text see ACH 119).<br />

liberta<br />


J. Martha, BCH2, 100 no. 8; CIL III, 7254 [beginning of imperial time].<br />



I<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a dedication of the named person to Venus Augusta preserved in<br />

two more identical but unpublished examples:<br />

Augustae I Veneri sacru[m] IFulvinia Helene I 4 sacerdos eius I d(e) s(ua) p(ecunia) f(ecit).<br />

sacerdos of Venus Augusta<br />

113. M(ARCUS) FUL[VIUS M(ARCI) F(ILIUS) QUIR(INA)- - -] (I)<br />

ILGR 58; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 39 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stele of gray stone mutilated on its upper and lower parts, with an honorary<br />

inscription for the person, probably erected by his son, M(arcus) Fulv[ius M(arci) f(ilius)<br />

Quir(ina) - - -] (II):<br />

M(arco) Ful[vio M. f. Quir(ina) —] I aed(ili) II[vir(o) —] I M(arcus) Fulv[ius M. f. Quir(ina)<br />

[—] I d(e) s(ua) p(ecunia).<br />

aed(ilis), II[vir]<br />

f. of M(arcus) Fulv[ius M(arci) f(ilius) Quir(ina) - - -] (II) (ACH 114)<br />

114. M(ARCUS) FULV[IUS M(ARCI) F(ILIUS) QUIR(INA) - - -] (II)<br />

ILGR 58; Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 39 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stele of gray stone mutilated on its upper and lower parts, with an honorary<br />

inscription erected by the person for M(arcus) Ful[vius M(arci) f(ilius) Quir(ina) ] (text<br />

ACH 113).<br />

s. of M(arcus) Ful[vius M(arci) f(ilius) Quir(ina) ] (I) (ACH 113)<br />

115. M(ARCUS) (FULVIUS)<br />

f. M(arcus) Ful[vius M(arci) f(ilius) Quir(ina) - - -] (I) (ACH 113)<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 151 [end of the 1st c. B.C./beginning of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a large rectangular limestone stele bearing the funerary inscription of the person, who<br />

was a doctor and a veteran of legio XII:<br />

P(ublius) Fulvius Q(uinti) f(ilius) Quir(ina) vet(eranus) I leg(ionis) XII m vac. edicus.<br />

vet(eranus) leg(ionis) XII, medicus<br />

117. M(ARCUS) (FULVIUS)<br />

Patron of M. Fulvius M. 1. Philotimus (ACH 120)<br />


118. Q(UINTUS) (FULVIUS)<br />

f. P(ublius) Fulvius Q(uinti) f(ilius) Quir(ina) (ACH 116)<br />


118-123<br />


Iph. Dekoulakou, AD 1973/4 (1979) Chron., 396-397, pi. 254 b; ILGR, 37, no. 60; Rizakis,<br />

Achaïe II, no. 133 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the doctor M. Fulvius Herophilus<br />

erected by his liberta Arescusa:<br />

M(arco) Fulvio I Herophilo medico I oclario I Arescusa lib(erta) I d(e) s(ua) p(ecunia).<br />

medicus oclarius<br />


J. Bingen, Mélanges helléniques offerts à G. Daux (Paris 1974) 17-19, fig. 3 (AnnÉpigr 191 A,<br />

614; ILGR 44) [second half of the 1st c. B.C.].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a limestone statue base in secondary use bearing an epitaph for C.<br />

Antonius C. 1. Pamphilus and for M. Fulvius M. 1. Philotimus and his freedmen:<br />

C(aius) Antonius C(aii) l(ibertus) Pamphilus I monumentum faciundum I coeravit sibei et sueis<br />

et I 4 M(arco) Fulvio M(arci) l(iberto) Philotimo et I leiberteis eius.<br />

121. L(UCIUS) GAVIUS [- - -]<br />

ILGR 68 (AnnÉpigr 1979, 576); Cf. A. Rizakis, RPh 59, 1985, fase. 1, 91 (corrections) [second<br />

half of Iste. B.C.].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a marble stele bearing a list of magistrates for some local games (see<br />

also ACH 85 and 102).<br />

Ilfvir]<br />

122. M(ARCUS) (GEMINIUS)<br />

f. of M(arcus) Geminius M(arci) [f(ilius)] Primus (ACH 123)<br />


CIL III 513; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 18 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing an honorary inscription for the person, priest of an unknown<br />

cult:<br />

M(arco) Geminio I M(arci) [f(ilio)] Primo I sacerdoti.<br />

sacerdos<br />


124. GRANIUS<br />


ILGR 76; *A. Rizakis, RPh 59, 1985, 62 (corrections after a re-examination of the stone);<br />

*Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 180 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble plaque bearing the epitaph of L. Num[isius Pa]ternus, soldier of<br />

an uknown legio, and of the centuria of Granius:<br />

[D(iis) M(anibus)] I L(ucii) Num[isii Pa(?)]Itemi m[il(itis) leg(ionis) ] I (centuriae) Grani<br />

an[n(orum) —].<br />

125. T(ITUS) (GRANIUS)<br />

f. of T. Granius Auctus (ACH 127)<br />

126. (T. GRANIUS T. L.) ANTIGONUS<br />

CIL III Suppl. 14203 13 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Prevedos (anc. Pharai); a marble block with an honorary inscription for T(itus) Granius T(iti)<br />

f(ilius) Quir(ina) Auctus (ACH 127) erected by his libertus Antigonus according to a decree of<br />

the decurions of the colony of Patrai (for the text see ACH 127).<br />


CIL III Suppl. 14203" [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Prevedos (anc. Pharai); a marble altar bearing an honorary inscription for the person<br />

erected by his libertus Antigonus according to a decree of the decurions of the colony of<br />

Patrai:<br />

T(ito) Granio T(iti) f(ilio) I Quir(ina) Aucto I Antigonus I 4 lib(ertus) I d(ecreto)<br />

d(ecurionum).<br />

128. [.] GRATTIUS P(UBLII) [F(ILIUS) - - -]<br />

J. Martha, BCH2, 1878, 100, no. 9; C7L III, 7257 [beginning of the imperial period].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a fragment of a stone, now lost, bearing a list of magistrates for<br />

some local games (see also ACH 28, 230, 254 and 263).<br />


St. N. Thomopoulos, Ιστορία της πόλεως Πατρών από αρχαιοτάτων χρόνων μέχρι τον 1821<br />

(Patrai 1950 2<br />

) 233 no. 22 and η. 2; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 95 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the person with the indication of<br />

his age:<br />

Heredia I Attice vilxit ann(nos) LXII.<br />



130. IOY[- - -]<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 209 [imperial period].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble grave stele bearing the beginning of a name.<br />

131. ΓΑ[- - -] IOY[- - -]<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 217 [imperial period].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble grave stele.<br />

132. IOYA[- - -]<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 248 [imperial period].<br />

Patrai; upper part of a marble plaque, maybe from a funerary monument.<br />

133. IOYAIA ΑΚΜΗ<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 187 [3rd/4th c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a rectangular marble plaque of two fragments bearing the epitaph of Iulia Akme and<br />

her husband Lamprias:<br />

Λαμπρίας ζών Ι Ίουλιαι Άκμήι τήι Ι συμβίωι και vac. Ι 4<br />

έαυτώι κα vac. Ιθώς ό Κύριο[ς] Ι επέτρεψαν]<br />

.<br />


ILGR 59; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 271; Cf. A. Rizakis, RPh 59, 1985, 91 [imperial period].<br />

Patrai; a marble column mutilated on its upper part, indicating probably the limits of the<br />

named person's (in genitive case) property, according to a decree of the local ordo:<br />

D(ecreto) D(ecurionum) I M(arci) Iul(ii) Bassi.<br />


Amandry, RN23, 1981, 55-56; RPC1, no. 1286 and pi. 65.<br />

Dyme, bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with L(ucius) Aemilius La (—) (ACH 9) of the years ca. 31-27 B.C.<br />

136. [Γ(ΑΙΟΣ) ΙΟ]ΥΛΙΟΣ ΝΑ [- - -]<br />

M. Petropoulos, "Ή αρχαία Μεσάτις της Πάτρας", in: 6th international congress of<br />

Peloponnesian studies, Tripolis 24-30 September 2000 (in press) [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone column bearing an epigram honouring [Γ(άιος) Ίο]ύλιος Να[ ] who<br />

financed the construction of a bridge over a named stream for the use of anyone travelling<br />

from Patrai (name unclear) by the coastal road to Aigion. Column found in situ by M.<br />



Petropoulos, who will publish the text.<br />

Remarks: This discovery is very important for the topography of this area because it resolves<br />

definitely the problem concerning the position of Mesatis where Pausanias locates<br />

the sanctuary of Artemis Triclaria (Paus. VII. 22, 11 and the comments on this<br />

passage by A.D. Rizakis, Achaie I, 171-172 no. 254 [2]).<br />

137.1(ULIUS) PHILO<br />

CIL III, 522; *Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 184 [3rd/4th c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a mutilated plaque bearing the epitaph of the person:<br />

I(ulii) Philonis I memoria.<br />


J. Martha, BCH2, 1878, 100, no. 10; C7L III, 7255 [30-27 B.C.].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a statue base erected for Octavius (before he held the title of<br />

Augustus) by his libertus, Philomusus Epiroticus:<br />

Imp(eratori) Caesari divi f(ilio) Philomusus l(ibertus) Epiroticus.<br />

139. C(AIUS) IUL(IUS) TANG(INUS)<br />

[1] J. Martha, 73C772, 1878, 101, no. 11; C7L III, 7258 [ca. 40 B.C.].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a marble plaque, now lost, bearing a fragment of a name:<br />

[-(?)- Iuli]us Tangin[us].<br />

[2] Grant, FLTA, 264 (1); Amandry, RN23, 1981,50,1 and 51, II; RPCl, no. 1283-1284 and pi. 65.<br />

Dyme, bronze colonial coin.<br />

duumvir with C(aius) Arri(us) A(uli) f(ilius) (ACH 39) of the year 40 B.C.<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 116 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the named person:<br />

Iuniae I D(ecimi) lib(erta) Alciae.<br />

141. D(ECIMUS) (IUNIUS)<br />

Patron of Iunia Alcia (ACH 140)<br />


Unpublished [Iste. A.D.]<br />



Patrai; an epitaph of Marcia Maxima (ACH 162), wife of C. Laetilius Clemens (ACH 142),<br />

engraved on a rectangular frame on the front of a funeral chamber; the monument was erected<br />

by her mother Pavia (ACH 184):<br />

Marciae Maximae I C(ai) Laetili Clementis I uxori. I Pavia fecit mater.<br />


A. Bon, La Morée Franque. Recherches historiques, topographiques et archéologiques sur la<br />

Principauté d Achaïe [1205-1430] (Paris 1969) 457, n. 6 [imperial period].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme), near the railway station; a funerary inscription on a stone, now lost,<br />

seen and simply mentioned by A. Bon.<br />

144. AIKINIA<br />

I. Papapostolou, AD 32 1977 [1984] Chron. 94, pi. 63 β [imperial period].<br />

Aigion, found in a tomb; inscription on a golden leaf: Λικινία μύστις.<br />

Remarks: The editor dates this golden leaf in the Hellenistic age but the nomen Licinia<br />

145. tLIVIA FOEBA<br />

indicates with certainty an imperial date.<br />

C7L III, 514; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 141 [beginning of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing the funerary inscription of the family of the named person.<br />

For the text see T. Sulpicius Felix (ACH 225).<br />

Remarks: The cognomen of the person appears in Codex Redianus as Foeba, while Mommsen<br />

(in C7L III) restores the name as [Ph]oeba.<br />

w. T(itus) Suiius [.] f(ilius) Quir(ina) Felix (ACH 225), m. [T(itus)] Su[lp]icius T(iti)<br />

[f[(ilius)] Quir(ina) Floron (?) (ACH 226)<br />

146. D(ECIMUS) LIV[IUS (?)] NAIA[- - -]<br />

Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 139 [2nd/3rd A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble plaque bearing a funerary inscription:<br />

V(ivus) D(ecimus) Liv[—] I Naia[—] I et sui[s —] I A[—].<br />


CIL III Suppl., 7256 (715 3312); cf. Th. Mommsen, EphÉpigr 4, 1881, no. 91 [beginning of<br />

imperial period].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a small pedimental stele of white limestone, now lost. The<br />

inscription is a dedication of the person to Stata Mater by a decree of decuriones:<br />



M(arcus) Lollius I Epinicus I aed(ilis) vovit I Ilvir I 5 dec(urionum) decr(eto) I Statae Matr(i) I de<br />

sua pecun(ia) I posuit I sacrum.<br />

aed(ilis), Ilvir<br />

Remarks: He could be a libertus of M. Lollius, a person of the circle of Augustus (probably<br />

proconsul of Macedonia in 19 or 17 B.C.), who played an important role in Augustan<br />

propaganda in Greece, see E. Groag, RE XIII. 2 (1927) 1377 - 1387, 5. v. M. Lollius<br />

[11]; G. Bowersock, "Augustus and the East: the problem of the succession", in: F.<br />

Millar-Ε. Segal (eds), Caesar Augustus: seven aspects (Oxford 1984) 169-188; R.<br />

Syme, The Augustan aristocracy (Oxford 1986) passim.<br />


CIL III, 6096; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 9 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble altar, now lost, dedicated by the person to Ceres mater:<br />

I(n) h(onorem) d(omus) d(ivinae) I Cereri I matri I T(itus) Lollius I 5 Spintharus I d(e) s(uo)<br />

p(osuit).<br />

149. [- ca. 8 -]S LUPUS<br />

ILGR 64; *Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 134 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble plaque bearing the Latin funerary inscription of [- ca. 8-]s Lupus and his<br />

family. Under the Latin text there is a Greek, probably posterior, funerary inscription:<br />

[-ca. 8-]s Lupus I vac. [sibi] et suis vac. I [-ca. 5-Ε]ύοδία έτων 11 vac. [μ]ηνών Η vac.<br />

*150. MAEC[---]<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 42 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble plinthe of a statue bearing a fragmentary Latin inscription:<br />

[- - -]MAEC[- --] ΙΓ-- -]BVNI[- - -]l[- - -].<br />

Remarks: We do not know whether the [tri]bun[o] (pro [tri]buni in Achaie II) in 1. 3 marks the<br />

beginning of a senatorial career of a person whose name is partially preserved on<br />

the first line, or something else; although the first solution is highly speculative we<br />

can imagine in 1. 1 the restoration [M.] Maec[ilio Rufo]; the person was proconsul<br />

of Achaia before the reign of Nero and was honoured with a statue at Olympia (7vO<br />

334); for him see also *EL 257. Otherwise, we should have here an unknown<br />

Maecius, member of a family well known in the colony of Corinth.<br />

151. P(UBLIUS) (MAEDIUS)<br />

f. P(ublius) Maedius P(ubli) [f(ilius) Qui(rina)] (ACH 152)<br />




P.L. Vokotopoulos, AD 18, 1973, Chron. 395; ILGR 255; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 369 [end 1st<br />

c. B.C.].<br />

Naupactos (Aetolia); a marble plaque bearing the epitaph of the named person, who was a<br />

veteran-colonist of Patrai:<br />

P(ublio) Maedio P(ubli) [f(ilio) Qui(rina) vet(erano)] I leg(ionis) XII F[ulm(inatae)] I ex<br />

testamento [fieri iussit ve7 alia].<br />

[vet(eranus)] leg(ionis) XII F[ulm(inatae)].<br />

Remarks: The gentilicium of the person is rare (cf. ILS 4072). There is also the form Médius<br />

(C7L IX 6253). P. Maedius established in the area of Naupactos, probably in a<br />

praefectura of the Roman colony of Patrai (A.D. Rizakis, "La littérature<br />

gromatique et la colonisation romaine en Orient", in: Colonie romane nel mondo<br />

greco, Universita degli studi di Pisa, Giornate di studio 3-4 novembre 2000 (under<br />

press).<br />


Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 127 [2nd/3rd e. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; the rectangular grave stele of the named person erected by Hyla:<br />

Sex(to) Mallio I Apto vix(it) an(nnos) X I Hyla vac. fec(it).<br />

Remarks: Hyla was probably his liberta.<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 99 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a rectangular marble plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the person:<br />

Mamilia I Trophime I vix(it) an(nnos) XXX.<br />


ILGR 71 (Cf. L. Moretti, RFIC 108, 1980 fase. 4, 452 η. 3; A. Rizakis, RPh 59, 1985, 92<br />

[corrections of the name]); *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 123 [1st c. A.D. ].<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of Sal(vius) Vettius Sal(vii)<br />

l(ibertus) Optatus, erected by his wife, Mamilia Tyr[a]nis:<br />

Sal(vio) Vettio Sal(vii) l(iberto) I Optato I Mamilia Tyr[a]nnis I uxor.<br />

Remarks: The gentilicium of the woman is very wide spread in Italy (Schulze, 442), but rather<br />

rare in Greece (for attestations see Rizakis, 7oc. cit.).<br />

w. Sal(vius) Vettius Sal(vii) l(ibertus) Optatus (ACH 244)<br />



156. f MANLI(US) T(ITI) F(ILIUS)<br />

C7L III, 525; *Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 135 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing the funerary inscription of the family of Turpilii, possibly<br />

forged. For the text see ACH 233.<br />

Remarks: The nomen Manlius —very common in the West— is in Greece mostly attested in<br />

combination with the praenomen Titus, which reminds us of T. Manlius, a negotiator<br />

and client of Cicero busy in Thespiai in 46 B. C. (see Cic, ad Farn. XIII.221, 1). For<br />

a general comment see ACH 222 (T. Turpilius).<br />

s. of Titus Turpilius (?) (ACH 233), b. of Aenius Secundus s. of Titus (ACH 12), Agele Vallia<br />

(ACH 236) and Turpilia Nice (ACH 231); perhaps also b. of Turpilia Nympha (ACH 233)<br />

157. Q(UINTUS) (MANLIUS)<br />

f. Q(uintus) Manlius Q(uinti) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Crescens (ACH 158)<br />


ILGR 72; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 112 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the person:<br />

Q(uinto) Manlio I Q(uinti) f(ilio) Quir(ina) I Crescenti.<br />

s. Q(uintus) (Manlius) (ACH 157)<br />

159. MAPKIA<br />

A. Rizakis, BCH 108, 1984, 540, no. 8, fig. 8 (p. 539); I. Papapostolou, AD 33, 1978 (1989)<br />

Chron., 79, pi. 24a (SEG 35, 1985, 395); *Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 170 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble stele bearing the funerary inscription of Callimorphus, erected by Marcia:<br />

Μαρκία ΚαλΙλιμόρφω, Ι μνείας χάΙ 4<br />

ριν Ι εκ των αύΐτοϋ.<br />

Remarks: Marcia was probably the wife of Callimorphus.<br />


E. Mastrokostas, AD 17 1961/1962, Chron. 128 no. 10, pi. 151 e (ILGR 49); *Rizakis, Achaie<br />

II, no. 122 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the person; erected by her son,<br />

Alliatius Probus: Marcia Anltiochis. Allliatius Prolbus matri.<br />

m. Alliatius Probus (ACH 22)<br />





L. Moretti, "Due patroni per Patrasso", RFIC 108, 1980, 448-452 (SEG 30, 1980, 433);<br />

Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 33 [between 40 and 32/1 B.C.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone block bearing an honorary inscription for the person; erected by the polis<br />

of Patrai. His husband was a patron and euergetes of Patrai:<br />

Ά πόλι[ς] Ι [Κην]σωρειναν [Κηνσω]Ι[ρείν]ου θυγατέ[ρα, Σεμπρω]Ι 4 [νίου δ]έ Άτρατε[ίνου<br />

γυναίκα] Ι [πάτ]ρωνος [και ευεργέτου], Ι θε[οις].<br />

Remarks: The discussed person is to be identified with the daughter of L. Marcius Censorinus,<br />

governor of Achaia and Macedonia in 42-40 B.C., and wife of L. Sempronius<br />

Atratinus, commander of the fleet of M. Antonius and legatus pro praetore in<br />

Achaia in 39-37 B.C. L. Sempronius Atratinus is honoured as patron and euergetes<br />

of Patrai (ACH 212). The complete name of Censorina, [Μαρκίαν Κην]σωρειναν<br />

[Μαρκίου Κηνσω]Ι[ρείν]ου θυγατέ[ρα], as restored on the stone by M. Kajava,<br />

"Senatorial women in Greek East. Epigraphic evidence from the Republican and<br />

Augustan periods", in: Roman eastern policy and other studies in Roman history,<br />

CommHumLitt 91 (Helsinki 1990) 85-87, cannot be accepted, since the amount of<br />

space which (it has been supposed) was available on the stone is inadequate.<br />

d. (Marcius) Censorinus (ACH 164), w. Sempronius Atratinus (ACH 212)<br />

162. MARCIA MAXIMA<br />

Unpublished [1st c. A.D.]<br />

Patrai; an epitaph of Marcia Maxima, wife of C. Laetilius Clemens (ACH 142), engraved on a<br />

rectangular frame on the front of a funeral chamber; the monument was erected by her mother<br />

Pavia (ACH 184):<br />

Marciae Maximae I C(aii) Laetili Clementis I uxori I Pavia fecit mater.<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 128 [2nd c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Patrai; a grave stele of white limestone bearing the funerary inscription of Ti. Claudius Satyrus;<br />

erected by his wife, Marcia Secunda:<br />

Ti(berio) Claudio Satyro I vilico XX heredit(atium) I ornament(is) august(alibus) I d(ecreto)<br />

d(ecurionum) honorato I Marcia Secunda I vac. uxor vac.<br />

vilicus XX heredit(atium), ornament(is) august(alibus) I d(ecreto) d(ecurionum) honorato<br />

w. Ti. Claudius Satyrus (ACH 73)<br />




L. Moretti, "Due patroni per Patrasso", RFIC 108, 1980, 448-452 (SEG 30, 1980, 433);<br />

*Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 33 [between 40 and 32/1 B.C.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone block bearing an honorary inscription for the daughter of the person and<br />

wife of L. Sempronius Atratinus, commander of the fleet of M. Antonius and legatus pro<br />

praetore in Achaia in 39-37 B.C. (F. Münzer; RE XIV 2 [1930] 1554-1555, s.v. L. Marcius<br />

Censorinus [48]; Sarikakis, Άρχοντες A', 138-140); erected by the polis of Patrai. For the text<br />

see ACH 161.<br />

Remarks: Moretti, op. cit., identifies the discussed person with L. Marcius Censorinus,<br />

governor of Achaia and Macedonia in 42-40 B.C.; see also Rizakis, 7oc. cit.<br />

165. L(UCIUS) MARCIUS RUH[- - -]<br />

CIL III, 520; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 119 [imperial period].<br />

Patrai; a fragmentary grave stone, now lost: L(ucio) Marcio RVH...I SHA[- ca. 4- ]PAR.<br />

166. [- - -] M(APKOY) ΥΙΟΓΣ - - -]ΖΩ[- - -]<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 202 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a limestone grave stele: [—] Μ(άρκου) υίό[ς] I [—]Ζω[—].<br />

167. M. MI[- - -]<br />

Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 318 [imperial period].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble plaque.<br />


C7L III, 7262; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 124 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble plaque, now lost, bearing the funerary inscription of the person; erected by<br />

his libertus Hyacinthus:<br />

M(arco) Minucio C(ai) f(ilio) I Quir(ina) Gallo, I Hyacinthus libert(us).<br />


Libertus of M(arcus) Minucius C(aii) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Gallus (ACH 168)<br />

170. C(AIUS) (MINUCIUS)<br />

f. M(arcus) Minucius C(aii) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Gallus (ACH 168)<br />


171. ΜΟΥΤΙΟΣ<br />


I. Papapostolou, AD 29, 1973/74, Chron., Β 2, 355; id., Achaean grave stelai (Athens 1993) no.<br />

31; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 78 [2nd/lst c. B.C.] .<br />

Patrai; a limestone grave stele bearing a pediment decorated with acroteria and a relief. Mutius<br />

is the name of the father of the deceased:<br />

Στράτιε Μουτιου, χαίρε.<br />

Remarks: For the diffusion of the name Mutius see Papapostolou, op. cit., 118, η. 368. The<br />

onomastic formula Στράτιος Μουτιου is Greek, while the name of his father is certainly<br />

Roman. Stratius can also be used as a Roman name (see Solin and Salomies, 177).<br />


Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 130 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the person who died when she<br />

was eight years old; erected by her father. After death she was honoured by the decuriones of<br />

the colonia Patrensis with the ornamenta sacerdotalia, a statue and one painted image:<br />

Numisiae L(ucii) f(iliae) I Edasenae I huic post obit(um) decur(iones) I col(oniae) Patr(ensis)<br />

ornam(enta) sacerdot(alia) I 5 imaginem et statuam decr(everuni). I L(ucius) Numisius, L(ucii)<br />

f(ilius) Quir(ina) Homuncio I filiae annor(um) octo.<br />

Remarks: The cognomen of the person must be the Latin transcription of the ethnikon<br />

Έδεσηνός/ή, see D. Detschew, Die thrakischen Sprachreste (Wien 1957) 164 s.v.<br />

Έδεσσα.<br />

173. NUM[ISIUS- - -]<br />

ILGR 77; Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 320 [lst/2nd e. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble plaque: A · Clod[i — ] I N[- - -]l Numfisi —].<br />

174. L(UCIUS) (NUMISIUS)<br />

f. of L. Numisius Homuncio, gr. f. of Numisia Edasena<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 130 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of Numisia Edasena (text ACH<br />

172), who died when she was eight years old; erected by her father, L. Numisius Homuncio.<br />

Remarks: For the name Homuncio see Kajanto, Cognomina, 222.<br />

f. Numisia Edasena (ACH 172)<br />



176. NUMISIUS MA[- - -]<br />

C7L III, 521; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 310 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing a fragmentary name.<br />


CIL III, 499; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 4,1. 2-3 [beginning of the imperial time (?)].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bore a dedication to Artemis Laphria by Procula (ACH 201), the<br />

adopted daughter of the person:<br />

[Pr]ocula, Paconiae I [Hel]pidis e[t] Numisi I [Sec]undi alumna, ornam(entis) I<br />

[sace]rdotial(ibus) Dianai Laphriai.<br />

h. of Paconia [Hel]pis (ACH 183)<br />

178. L(UCIUS) NUM[ISIUS - - -]TERNUS<br />

ILGR 76; A. Rizakis, RPh 59, 1985, p. 62 (corrections); *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 180 [lst/2nd<br />

c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble plaque bearing the epitaph of a soldier:<br />

[D(iis) M(anibus)] I L(ucii) Num[isii Pa(?)]lterni m[il(itis) leg(ionis) ] I (centuriae) Grani<br />

an[n(orum)—].<br />

m[il(es) leg(ionis)—] (centuriae) Grani<br />

179. CN(AEUS) OCTA(VIUS)<br />

Grant, FIT A, 264 (3); M. Amandry, RN 23, 1981,51 III; RPCl, no. 1285 and pi. 65.<br />

Dyme, bronze coin.<br />

duumvir with M(arus) Ant(onius) Aris(tarchus) (ACH 28) of the years ca. 39-36 B.C.<br />


Chr. Habicht, MDAI (I) 9/10, 1959-1960, 109-125, pi. 87; Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 364 [ca. mid.<br />

2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Pergamon; a marble statue base bearing an honorary inscription for A. Claudius Charax (ACH<br />

71) after a proposition of Octavius Chrysanthos, citizen of Patrai: ... είσηγησαμένου Ι Όκταβίου<br />

Χρύσανθου.<br />


Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 89 [2nd/3rd e. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the person.

182. L(UCIUS) (OPPIUS)<br />

Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 89 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />


Patrai; a marble plaque bearing the funerary inscription of Oppia Synpherousa (ACH 181) who<br />

was a liberta of Lucius.<br />

183. PACONIA [HEL]PIS<br />

CIL III, 499; Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 4 [beginning of the imperial time (?)].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost. It bore a dedication to Artemis Laphria by Procula, the adopted<br />

daughter of the person (ACH 201):<br />

[Pr]ocula, Paconiae l[Hel]pidis e[t] Numisi I [Sec]undi alumna, ornam(entis) I<br />

[sace]rdotial(ibus) Dianai Laphriai.<br />

w. Numisius [Sec]undus (ACH 177).<br />

184. PAVIA<br />

Unpublished [1st c. A.D.]<br />

Patrai; an epitaph of Marcia Maxima (ACH 162), wife of C. Laetilius Clemens, (ACH 142),<br />

engraved on a rectangular frame on the front of a funeral chamber; the monument was erected<br />

by her mother Pavia (ACH 184):<br />

Marciae Maximae I C(aii) Laetili Clementis I uxori I Pavia fecit mater.<br />

185. T(ITUS) (PINARIUS)<br />

f. T(itus) Pinarius T(iti) f(ilius) Rufus (ACH 186)<br />


ILGR 62; *Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 93 (cf. L. Moretti, RFIC 108, 1980 fase. 4, p. 452, n. 3; M.<br />

Zahrnt, Gnomon 54, 1982, Heft 2, 131) [end of 1st/ beginning of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the person, erected during his<br />

lifetime:<br />

V(ivus) I T(itus) Pinarius T(iti) f(ilius) I Quir(ina) I Rufus.<br />

Remarks: According to Sasel-Kos (ILGR) the person is to be identified with Τίτος Πινάριος<br />

Τίτου of IG II 2 4108, honoured by the Athenian people. He administered the<br />

argentarla of Attius Dionysius (Cic, Fam., XII. 24, 3; id, Att., VI. 1, 23; VIII. 15, 1;<br />

cf. Hatzfeld, Trafiquants, 76). According to M.J. Osborne and S.G. Byrne, The<br />

foreign residents of Athens (Louvain 1996) s.v., the name in Athens is to be dated in<br />

the second century A.D. and it is difficult to identify the person with another one of<br />

the year 72 B.C. (Fr. Münzer, RE XX 2 [1950] 1398).<br />



187. M. P0[- - -]<br />

Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 194 [imperial period].<br />

Patrai; the upper corner of a marble stele. According to the editor it could be completed as<br />

Po[mponius].<br />

188. M. PO[- - -]<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 198 [imperial period].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble plaque.<br />

According to the editor it could be completed as Po[mponius].<br />


189. P(UBLIUS) (POMPONIUS)<br />

f. P(ublius) Pomponius P(ublii) F(ilius) Qu(irina) Atianus (ACH 190), h. Publicia Optata<br />

(ACH 202)<br />


A.D. Rizakis, ZPEK2, 1990, 205-208, no. IV, pi. Vili no. 4 (AnnÉpigr 1990, 888); *Rizakis,<br />

Achaie II, no. 53 [2nd/3rd e. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone stele recording his cursus and the offering of a gladiator spectacle and of<br />

515 modii of wheat as a donation ob honorem for the person's tenure of the office of duumvir:<br />

P(ublius) Pomponius P(ublii) f(ilius) Qu(irina) Atianus MAS I CAICEISCAESARE qu(aestor)<br />

munerar(ius) bis I q(ui) pro Ilvir(atu) munus quinque d(e) s(ua) p(ecunia) f(ecit) I 4 et in<br />

annonam col(oniae) su(a)e levandam I vendidit fumentum DXV, sing(ulum) I mod(ium) * S<br />

I cur(a) Publiciae Optatae matri.<br />

qu(aestor), munerar(ius) bis<br />

see P. (Pomponius) (ACH 189) and Publicia Optata (ACH 202)<br />


I. Papapostolou, AD 34, 1979, Chron. 136; *Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 137 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; the upper part of a marble plaque bearing the funerary inscription of Pomponii, Hilario<br />

and Philadelphus; erected while they were alive:<br />

V(ivis) I C(aio) Pomponio Hilarioni I C(aio) Pomponio Philadelpho.<br />


I. Papapostolou, AD 34, 1979, Chron. 139; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 92 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />



Patrai; a marble plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the person and his son:<br />

193-196<br />

V(ivus) Q(uintus) Pompolnius Lupus I V(ivus) Q(uintus) Pomponil 4 us Q(uinti) f(ilius) Thallio<br />

f(ilius) I qui et Pamphilus.<br />

f. Q(uintus) Pomponius Q(uinti) f(ilius) Thallio f(ilius) qui et Pamphilus.<br />


I. Papapostolou, AD 34, 1979, Chron. 136; *Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 137 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; the upper part of a marble plaque bearing the funerary inscription of Pomponii Hilario<br />

and Philadelphus; erected while they were alive:<br />

V(ivis) I C(aio) Pomponio Hilarioni I C(aio) Pomponio Philadelpho.<br />


I. Papapostolou, AD 34, 1979, Chron. 139; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 92 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the person and his father Q(uintus)<br />

Pompolnius Lupus (for the text see ACH 192).<br />

Remarks: For this particular onomastic formula, where the filiation is repeated see C7L X<br />

5663; O. Salomies, Arctos21, 1993, 95-101.<br />

s. of Q(uintus) Pomponius Lupus (ACH 192)<br />

195. [. P]ONTIUS [DA]PHNUS<br />

Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 120 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble grave stele.<br />

*196. [C(AIUS) P]OPP[AEUS SABINUS]<br />

ILGR 67; *Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 34 [A.D. 26/7 or 32/3].<br />

Patrai; a fragmentary marble plaque bearing an honorary inscription for the person whose<br />

cursus is partly preserved:<br />

C(aio) P]opp[aeo Sabino legato] I [div]i Aug(usti) pro [pr(aetore) prov(inciae) Moesiae] I [item]<br />

legato Ti(berii) Caes(aris) [Aug(usti) pro pr(aetore) extra] I 4 [sortem] optinenti prov(incias)<br />

[Achaiam et Ma]l[ced]oniam duode[viginti annos eas[— ] I /////////EO compi [e vit (?)—].<br />

legatus divi Aug(usti) pro pr(aetore) prov(inciae) Moesiae item legato Ti(berii) Caes(aris)<br />

Aug(usti) pro pr(aetore) extra sortem optinenti prov(incias) Achaiam et Macedoniam<br />

Remarks: Sasel-Kos (ILGR) dates the inscription in A.D. 24, while Rizakis, loc cit., prefers the<br />

dates given above. The person is to be identified with the consul of A.D. 9 and<br />

legatus Augusti pro praetore of Moesia in A.D. 11/12. He governed since A.D. 15,<br />

Moesia, Macedonia and Achaia till A.D. 35, when he was replaced in this post by P.<br />



Memmius Regulus; see Groag, Reichsbeamten, 23-24; A. Stein, Die Legaten von<br />

Moesien (Budapest 1940) 21, n. 4; Sarikakis, "Αρχοντες B', 48, n. 2; for further<br />

bibliography see Rizakis, 7oc cit.<br />

*197. SEX(TUS) (PRIFERNIUS)<br />

f. T(itus) Prif[ernius Sex(ti) f(ilius) QJuir(ina) Paetus [Rosianus Gemi]nus Laecanfius Bassus (?)]<br />

(ACH 198)<br />



A.D. Rizakis, Epigraphica 51, 1989, 21-27 (AnnÉpigr 1989,206, no. 660); *Rizakis, Achaïe II,<br />

no. 35 [A.D. 122/3 ].<br />

Patrai; fragment of a limestone plaque bearing an honorary inscription for the person whose<br />

cursus is partly preserved:<br />

T(ito) Prif[ernio Sex(ti filio)] I [Q]uir(ina) Paeto [Rosiano] I [Gemi]no Laecan[io Basso(?)] I 4<br />

[- ca. 4 -]Xvir(o) stlitib(us) i[ud(icandis) trib(uno) mil(itum)] I [leg(ionis) I Min]erviae<br />

Germ(aniae) [inf(erioris) q(uaestori) urb(ano) I [candidato Cae]saris Nerv[ae Traiani —] I [—].<br />

Xvir stlitib(us) iud(icandis), trib(unus) mil(itum) leg(ionis) I Minerviae Germ(aniae)<br />

inf(erioris), q(uaestor) urb(anus), candidatus Caesaris Nervae Traiani<br />

Remarks: The career of the discussed person is known by the correspondence of Pliny<br />

(R.Syme, "Pliny's less successful friends", Historia 9, 1969, 362-379); cf. also<br />

Thomasson, 193, no. 29; G. Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter den<br />

Antoninen. Prosopographische Untersuchungen zur senatorischen Führungsschicht<br />

(Bonn 1977) 44, 111,21, 208, 268 and 354 ff. For more about him and his offices<br />

outside Achaia see Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 35, esp. p. 119 (with the recent bibliography).<br />

In the inscription of Patrai he bears also the cognomen Laecanius, which<br />

indicates his relationships with the family of Laecanii (see Rizakis, loc cit.).<br />


ILGR 70 (AnnÉpigr 1979, 174 no. 579); Rizakis, RPh 59, 1985, 92; *Rizakis, Achaie II, no.<br />

Ill [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble plaque of seven joining fragments bearing the funerary inscription of the<br />

person's libertus:<br />

P(ublius) Aemilius I Primionis l(ibertus) I Primigenius I vix(it) an(nos) XXXI I 5 Ephebio<br />

frat(er).<br />

Remarks: The patron is mentioned here with his cognomen alone (Solin and Salomies, 383);<br />

this is not common and indicates that he must have been a well-known person. The<br />

cognomen is sometimes used to distinguish a freedman from others, cf. Thylander,<br />



i W i W<br />

"<br />

Épigraphie latine, 61-62; G. Fabre, Libertus. Recherches sur les rapports patronaffranchi<br />

à la fin de la République romaine (Rome 1981) 117-118.<br />


St. N. Thomopoulos, 'Ιστορία της πόλεως Πατρών από αρχαιοτάτων χρόνων μέχρι τον 1821<br />

(Patrai 1950 2<br />

) 224, η. 2; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 87 [imperial period].<br />

Patrai, now lost; a marble plaque from a funerary monument.<br />

Remarks: The interpretation of the text and the reading of the second name are very obscure,<br />

but could not be checked since the stone is lost.<br />


CIL III, 499; *Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 4, 1 [beginning of the imperial era].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing a dedication to Artemis Laphria by the person; Procula, who<br />

was the alumna of Paconia Helpis and Numisius Secundus, was honoured with the ornam(enta)<br />

[sacejrdotalia of Diana Laphria:<br />

[Pr]ocula, Paconiae I [Hel]pidis e[t] Numisi I [Sec]undi alumna, ornam(entis) I 4<br />

[sace]rdotial(ibus) Dianai Laphriai.<br />

Remarks: The name Procula is derived neither from her father's nor from her mother's names;<br />

the free origin of the alumna explains the position of her name at the beginning of<br />

the document; alumna is the Latin equivalent of the Greek θρεπτός. The early date<br />

is justified by the orthography Laphriai pro Laphriae, used in the Republican period;<br />

from the beginning of the imperial era this writing was considered an archaism (see<br />

bibliography in Rizakis, op. cit., 84).<br />


A.D. Rizakis, ZPE 82, 1990, 205-208, no. IV, pi. VIII no. 4 (AnnÉpigr 1990, 888); *Rizakis,<br />

Achaie II, no. 53 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone stele recording some donations ob honorem by the named woman's son for<br />

his tenure of the office of duumvir. The mother was responsible for the erection of the<br />

monument. For the text see ACH 190.<br />

m. P(ublius) Pomponius P(ublii) f(ilius) Qu(irina) Atianus (ACH 190)<br />

203. P(UBLIUS) ([- - -]IUS)<br />

f. [ ]ius P(ublii) f(ilius) Q[uir(ina)- - -?-] (ACH 264)<br />

204. L(UCIUS) (ROMANIUS)<br />

f. L(ucius) Romanius L(ucii) f(ilius) Ani(ensis) Iustus (ACH 205)<br />




C7L III, 505; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 159 [2nd c. A.D. ].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing the epitaph of the person, who was a soldier in the cohors X<br />

praetoria of the centuria of Crispinus:<br />

L(ucius) Romanilus, L(ucii) f(ilius) Ani(ensis) I Iustus, Verl 4 cel(ensis), mil(es) col[h]or(tis) X<br />

prae(toriae) I [c(enturiae)] Crispini.<br />

mil(es) co[h]or(tis) X prae(toriae) [c(enturiae)] Crispini<br />

From Vercellae<br />

206. [- - -] F(ILIUS) RUFU[S]<br />

Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 303 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble plaque: [ ] TO • VI[—] I [ ] f(ilius) Rufufs ] I [—]<br />

sae l(ibertae)[- - -].<br />


A. Stavropoulos, Ιστορία της πόλεως Αιγίου από αρχαιοτάτων χρόνων μέχρι των ημερών<br />

μας^Ήύ-Αϊ^οη 1954) 38; J. Bingen, BCH78, 1954, 82-85 no. 2, fig. 3 (AnnÉpigr 1954, 31;<br />

Degrassi, ILLRP 370; ILGR 80) [ca. ΙΑ B.C.].<br />

Aigion; a limestone plaque bearing an honorary inscription for the person erected by the<br />

Italian residents:<br />

Italicei I quei Aegei negociantur I P(ublium) Rutilium P(ublii) f(ilium) Nudum I<br />

q(uaestorem).<br />

Remarks: The person is identified by Bingen (op. cit. ) with the ναύαρχος who took part in the<br />

battle of Chalkedon in 74 B.C. (Appian, Mithr. 71; cf. Th. Reinach, Mithridate<br />

Eupatôr, roi du Pont [Paris 1890] 323) under the command of the proconsul M.<br />

Aurelius Cotta (Th. Reinach, op. cit., 123 n. 1; Broughton, Magistrates II, 105).<br />

208. SAL(VIUS) A[- - -]<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 218 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of alimestone plaque: Sal(vio vel vius) A[ ]/ M[ 7 / Sal(vio vel vius)<br />

A[- - -]<br />


P. Agalopoulou, AD 29, 1973/74 (1979) Chron., 406, fig. 7 (SEG 29, 1979, 426); *Rizakis,<br />

Achaïe II, no. 80 [1st c. B.C./ 1st. c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a pedimental poros grave stele:<br />

Σάλβιος ΠανΙκράτους ô Ι και Πομπήιος, Ι χαίρε.<br />



210-215<br />

210. SECU[- - -]<br />

I. Papapostolou, Dodone 15. 1, 1986, 265; *Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 250 [imperial period].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble grave stele.<br />

211. [S]EIA<br />

ILGR 78 (cf. L. Moretti, RFIC 108, 1980 fase. 4, p. 452 n. 3 and A. Rizakis, RPh 59, 1985, 93:<br />

remarks on 11. 2-3); *Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 108 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble grave stele erected by the person in honour of her husband<br />

[-ca. 3-]t[i]u[s] Amemptu[s] (ACH 267).<br />


L. Moretti, "Due patroni per Patrasso", RFIC 108, 1980, 448-452 (SEG 30, 1980, 433);<br />

*Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 33 [between 40 and 32/1 B.C.]<br />

Patrai; a limestone block bearing an honorary inscription, erected by the polis of Patrai, for<br />

Marcia Censorina (ACH 161), the wife of the named person who was patron and euergetes of<br />

the city; erected by the polis of Patrai.<br />

Remarks: Moretti, op. cit., identifies the person with L. Sempronius Atratinus, commander of<br />

the fleet of M. Antonius and legatus pro praetore in Achaia in 39-37 B.C.; for<br />

more about him see Brouhton, Magistrates II, 389; Groag, Reichsbemten, 7-8 and<br />

Rizakis, loc. cit.<br />

h. Marcia Censorina (ACH 161)<br />

213. M(ARCUS) (SENTIUS)<br />

f. L(ucius) Sentius M(arci) f(ilius) Q[ui(rina)] (ACH 214)<br />


ILGR 61; I. Papapostolou, AE 1983 (1985), 33, no. 1; Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 126 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the named person and his wife<br />

erected by their son:<br />

L(ucio) Sentio M(arci) f(ilio) Q[ui(rina) et] I Vatiniae Fau[—] I L(ucius) Sentius L(ucii) [f(ilius)<br />

Qui(rina)] I Vatinian[us -?-] I parent[ibus].<br />

Remarks: The gentilicium Sentius is rare in the Greek Orient, but common in Central and<br />

South Italy and the rest of the Roman empire. In the province of Achaia it is attested<br />

also in an inscription of the beginning of the 2nd c. A.D. from Athens (IG IV 2094,<br />

41; Agora XV 405, 8, 9; SEG 29, 1979, 127).<br />


[1] ILGR 61; I. Papapostolou, AE 1983 (1985), 33, no. 1; *Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 126 [1st c. A.D.].<br />



Patrai; a marble plaque bearing the funerary inscription of L(ucius) Sentius M(arci) f(ilius)<br />

Q[ui(rina)] (text ACH 214) and his wife; erected by the discussed person, who was their son.<br />

[2] Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 129 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; five fragments of a marble plaque bearing the funerary inscription of Ba[-ca. 4-]<br />

Postuma erected by an Appuleia [—]. The deceased was the wife of the discussed person, who<br />

appears here as L(ucius) Sentius Vatin[i]anus:<br />

Ba[- ca. 4 - ]e Cn(aei) f(iliae) I Postumae, ux[ori] I L(ucii) Senti Vatin[i]ani or[na]l 4 mentis<br />

sace[r]do[tal(ibus)] I honorata[e —] I Appuleia [—].<br />

s. L(ucius) Sentius M(arci) f(ilius) Q[ui(rina)] (ACH 214) and Vatinia Fau[- - -] (ACH 241), h.<br />

Ba[bbia] Postuma (ACH 51)<br />


Ph. Le Bas, RA 1, 1844, 279 and id., Voyage archéologique en Grèce et en Asie Mineure.<br />

Inscriptions grecques et latines recueillies en Grèce et en Asie Mineure. IL Mégaride et<br />

Péloponnèse (Paris 1847-49) no. 366, pi. 93.1; S.K. Pittakis, AE 3, 1854, 1270, no. 2580;<br />

*Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 174 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a sarcophagus with an inscription commemorating its erection by Servilius Phileros for<br />

himself and his wife:<br />

Σερβίλιος Φιλέρως κατεσκεύασα{ν} αύτφ και τη συνβίω μου ΙΒουλομνία Συνφ[ερ]ούση.<br />

h. of Volumnia Synpherousa (ACH 258)<br />

217. ΣΕΒΗΡΟΣ<br />

Α. Wilhelm, Beiträge zur griechischen Inschriftenkunde. Sonderschriften des österreichischen<br />

archäologischen Instituts in Wien, vol. VII (Wien 1909) 109, no. 93, fig. 61; Ο. Walter, 7Ö47<br />

19-20, 1919, Beiblatt 40, fig. 26 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Aigeira, east of the terrace supported by strong walls; a limestone statue base bearing a<br />

funerary inscription in honour of the person; erected by the polis by a decree of the boule:<br />

Καλόν 'Ακίνδυνου Ι και Όνασοϋς παιδα ΣεΙβηρον στασε πόλις Ι 4 σεμνού τέρμα μολόΙντα<br />

βίου. Ι Ψ(ηφισματι) β(ουλης).<br />


[- - -]ΤΙΟΣ ΣΩΡΑΝΟΣ: see ACH 268<br />


218. ΣΟΣΙΟΣ<br />

Unpublished [imperial period].<br />

Patrai; a fragmentary funerary plaque bearing some names.<br />

219. SPEDIA [HELP]IS<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 197 [2nd c. A.D.(?)].<br />


Patrai; a fragment of a marble (?) stele bearing a funerary inscription for the person:<br />

[— Fo]rtunat(us ve7 a) I [—] Spediae I [Help]idis vern(ae) I [vix]it ann(os) [—].<br />

Remarks: The gentilicium Spedius is common in South Italy, the Danube provinces,<br />

220. ΣΠΩΣΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

Macedonia and Asia Minor (Schulze, 236; Alföldy, Dalmatia, 121; Salomies, in:<br />

Roman onomastics, 125). It is attested among the negotiatores of Delos (J. Hatzfeld,<br />

BCH 36, 1912, 80) and in Athens (7GII 2 23371. 13; 5656,5684; SEG 14, 1957, 101;<br />

Agora XVII, 72).<br />

I. Papapostolou, AD 29, 1973/4, Chron. 351, pi. 218γ (SEG 19, 1979, 424); *Rizakis, Achaie<br />

II, no. 335 [imperial period].<br />

Patrai; on a helmet of the Illyrian type.<br />

221. ΣΠΩΣΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

I. Papapostolou, AD 28, 1973, Chron. 213 (SEG 26, 1976, 486); Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 341<br />

[imperial period].<br />

Patrai; a terracotta disc with a relief representing an Eros.<br />


CIL III, 506; *Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 158 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a lost funerary inscription of the person; erected by his parents:<br />

T(itus) Statilius T(iti) f(ilius) Pal(atina) Felix, I equo publico, trib(unus) c(o)ho(rtis) XXVI I<br />

voluntariorum I civium Romanorum, I 5 vixit annis XXXV, I mens(ibus) III, dieb(us) XVII, I<br />

parentes infelicissimi.<br />

honoured with equus publicus, trib(unus) c(o)ho(rtis) XXVI voluntariorum civium<br />

Romanorum<br />

Remarks: For the person see Devijver, S 65, p. 750.<br />



223. T(ITUS) (STATILIUS)<br />

f. T(itus) Statilius T(iti) f(ilius) Pal(atina) Felix (ACH 222)<br />

224. [- - - QUI]R(INA) SUCC[- - -]<br />

Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 265 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble stele bearing a funerary inscription (full text in ACH 260).<br />


CIL III, 514; *Rizakis, Achaie II, no. 141 [beginning 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing the funerary inscription (possibly forged) of the family of the<br />

named person:<br />

V(ivis) T(ito) Sui

229. Q(UINTUS) (TADIUS)<br />

Patron of Tadia Myrine (ACH 227)<br />

T(ITUS): father of ACH 70.<br />


229-233<br />

230. [TJREBULANUS<br />

J. Martha, BCHII, 1878, 100, no. 9; CIL III, 7257 [beginning of imperial era].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a fragment of a stone, now lost, bearing a list of magistrates for<br />

some local games (see also ACH 28, 128, 254 and 263).<br />

231. fTURPILIA NICE<br />

CIL III, 525; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 135 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing the funerary inscription of the family of Turpilii, possibly<br />

forged. For the text see ACH 233.<br />

d. of Titus Turpilius (ACH 233), sister of Manlius s. of Titus (ACH 156), Aenius Secundus<br />

s. of Titus (ACH 12) and Agele Vallia (ACH 236); perhaps also sist. of Turpilia Nympha<br />

(ACH 232)<br />


CIL III, 525; Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 135 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing the funerary inscription of the family of Turpilii, possibly<br />

forged. For the text see ACH 233.<br />

Remarks: Nymphe is rather rare in Greece and mainly attested under the empire, cf. LGPN I,<br />

II and III. A, s.v.; SEG 19, 1964, 361 from Boiotia; it is, though, very frequent at<br />

Rome, often among freedmen and slaves, cf. Solin, Namenbuch, 400-401. For<br />

general comment see (ACH 233, T. Turpilius).<br />

perhaps d. of Titus Turpilius (ACH 233), sister of Manlius s. of Titus (ACH 156), Aenius<br />

Secundus s. of Titus (ACH 12), Agele Vallia (ACH 236) and Turpilia Nice (ACH 231)<br />

233. fT(ITUS) TURPILI(US)<br />

CIL III, 525; Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 135 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing the funerary —possibly forged — inscription of the family of<br />

Turpilii:<br />

T(itus) Turpili(us) Aug(ur) sibi et Manli(us) T(iti) f(ilius), Aeni(us) I Secundus T(iti) f(ilius),<br />

Agele f(ilia) Vallia p(ecunia) s(ua) et iu(ssu) I Turpiliae Nice f(ilia) lib(ertis) libertab(us) suis<br />

poster(isque) I et Turpiliae Nymphae et libertis posteris. I 5 H(oc) m(onumentum) h(eredem)<br />



n(on) s(equetur).<br />

Aug(ur)<br />

Remarks: This funerary inscription was probably set up on the family tomb of the Turpilii;<br />

the final phrase H.M.H.N.S. (in 1. 5) is generally used from the end of the Republican<br />

period until A.D. 150-160, cf. A. G. Valdecasas, La formula HMHNS en las fuentes<br />

epigraficas romanas. Contribucion a la historia de los sepulcros familiäres y<br />

hereditarios en el derecho romano (Madrid 1929) passim.<br />

f. of Manlius s. of Titus (ACH 156), Aenius Secundus s. of Titus (ACH 12), Agele Vallia<br />

(ACH 236) and Turpilia Nice (ACH 231); perhaps also sister of Turpilia Nympha (ACH 232)<br />

234. VA[- - -]<br />

I. Papapostolou, AE 1983, 32; id, Dodone 15.1, 1986, 265; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 208<br />

[lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai, found in no. 80, Ermou Str.; a fragment of a mutilated funerary marble plaque:<br />

vac. Va[ J ' v(ivus vel iva) · Aequ[—].<br />

Remarks: Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 208 proposes to restore in 1. 1 a nomen such as Va[tinius] or<br />

Va[inia], cf. Solin and Salomies, 198.<br />


A. Schmidt, MDAI (A) 6, 1881, 359, no. 65; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 40 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a statue base, built into the wall of a tower, bearing an honorary inscription for the<br />

person; erected by her freedmen after a decree of the boule:<br />

ΒαλερίανΙ Μοδεστειναν Ι οι απελεύθεροι Ι ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλης).<br />

236. f AGELE F(ILIA) VALLIA<br />

CIL III, 525; Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 135 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing the funerary inscription of the family of Turpilii, possibly<br />

forged (for the text see ACH 233).<br />

Remarks: The gentilicium Vallius/-a, although quite common in the West, is rather rare in the<br />

East, see Schulze, 376. 425; Alföldy, Dalmatia, 133; in Achaia it is attested at<br />

Thespiai dating to A.D. 14, cf. P. Roesch, Études béotiennes (1982) 173-177. The<br />

Greek name Agele (LGPNl et III. A, 5. v.) is wide spread at Rome especially among<br />

freedmen and slaves, cf. Solin, Namenbuch, 1189-1190. For a general comment see<br />

(ACH 222, T. Turpilius).<br />

d. of Titus Turpilius (ACH 233), sister Manlius s. of Titus (ACH 156), Aenius Secundus s.<br />

of Titus (ACH 12) and Turpilia Nice (ACH 231); perhaps also sist. of Turpilia Nympha<br />

(ACH 232)<br />




I. Papapostolou, AD 36, 1981, Chron. 162 and 164; id., BCH 113, 1989, Chron. 620 and fig.<br />

72; id., Dodone 15. 1, 1986, 261-272, pi. 1-7, fig. 1-5 (AnnÉpigr 1989, 661); *Rizakis, Achaïe<br />

II, no. 50[lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Patrai, near the forum (Augustalium?); the base of a statue offered by the named person in<br />

return for his office of augustalis:<br />

T(itus) Varius Secundus augusta(lis) ob honorem. I S(ua) p(ecunia).<br />

augustalis<br />

238. VARRONIA VERA<br />

I. Papapostolou, AE 1983, 33, n. 3; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 49 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble stele commemorating the donation of the columns of an unknown temple (?)<br />

by the brother of the named person. For the text see ACH 239.<br />

sister of [C(aius] Varonius C(aii) Varoni Syn[e]rotis Aug(ustalis) f(ilius) Quir(ina) [V]erus<br />

(ACH 240)<br />

239. C(AIUS VARRONIUS (C. 1.) SYN[E]ROS<br />

I. Papapostolou, AE 1983, 33, n. 3; *Rizakis, 49 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble stele commemorating the donation of the columns of an unknown temple (?)<br />

by the son of the named person (ACH 240):<br />

[C(aius)] Varronius I C(aii) Varroni Synl[e]rotis Aug(ustalis) f(ilius) Quir(ina) I [V]erus,<br />

Varroniae Verae I [f]rater, aed(ilis), columnas I [m]arm(oreas) XXXIV cum ornament(is) I d(e)<br />

s(uo) p(osuit).<br />

aug(ustalis)<br />



I. Papapostolou, AE 1983, 33, n. 3; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 49 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble stele commemorating the donation of the columns of an unknown temple (?)<br />

by the named person. For the text see ACH 239.<br />

aed(ilis)<br />

241. VATINIA FAU[- - -]<br />

ILGR 61; I. Papapostolou, AE 1983 (1985), 33, no. 1; *Rizakis, no. 126 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble plaque bearing the funerary inscription of L(ucius) Sentius M(arci) f(ilius)<br />

Q[ui(rina)] and his wife (text ACH 214), Vatinia Fau[—]; erected by their son.<br />



Remarks: For the rare gentilicium Vatinius see Schulze, 249; Mócsy, Nomenciator, s.v.<br />


CIL III 7261; Th. Mommsen, EphÉpigr4, 1879, no. 92; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 153 [end 1st<br />

c. B.C./beginning 1st c. A.D.]<br />

Patrai; a block of white limestone bearing the epitaph of a veteran of legio XII:<br />

L(ucio) Veirio L(ucii) f(ilio) Qui(rina) I Frontoni I veter(ano) leg(ionis) XII Ful(minatae).<br />

veter(anus) leg(ionis) XII Ful(minatae)<br />

Remarks: His gentilicium is rare, attested only in an inscription from Rome (CIL VI 3022; cf.<br />

Solin and Salomies, 200). The common form of the name is Virius, attested mostly<br />

in Gaul (Mócsy, Nomenclator, s.v.).<br />

243. L(UCIUS) (VEIRIUS)<br />

f. of L. Veirius Quir. Fronto (ACH 242)<br />


ILGR 71 (Cf. L. Moretti, RFIC 108, 1980 fase. 4, 452 η. 3; A. Rizakis, RPh 59, 1985, 92<br />

(corrections of the names); *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 123 [1st c. A.D. ].<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing the funerary inscription of the person, who was a libertus;<br />

erected by his wife, Mamilia Tyr[a]nnis (ACH 155):<br />

Sal(vio) Vettio Sal(vii) l(iberto) I Optato I Mamilia Tyr[a]nnis I uxor.<br />

Remarks: Salvenio, ILGR pro Sal(vio) Vettio, Rizakis.<br />

245. SAL(VIUS) (VETTIUS)<br />

f. of Sal(vius) Vettius Sal(vii) libertus Optatus (ACH 244)<br />


CIL III, 508; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 155 [end 1st c. B.C./beginning 1st c. A.D. ].<br />

Patrai; funerary inscription, now lost, of the person who was a signifer of legio X Equestris:<br />

C(aius) Vetullus M(arci) f(ilius) I Qui(rina) signifer I leg(ionis) X Equ(estris).<br />

Remarks: The gentilicium Vetullus is attested only in Patrai; the form Vetulus is attested as a<br />

cognomen (Kajanto, Cognomina, 302). But the nomen Vetul(l)ius is known<br />

(Schulze, 257, 405, 407, 445; Mócsy, Nomenclator, s.v.).<br />


247. M(ARCUS) (VETULLUS)<br />

f. C(aius) Vetullus M(arci) f(ilius) Qui(rina) (ACH 246)<br />



E. Mastrokostas, AE 1964 (1967) Chron., no. 16, pi. Η β'(ILGR 43) [imperial period].<br />

Prevedos (anc. Pharai); a limestone stele bearing the epitaph of the named person: Vibia<br />

lib(erta) I Anatolle.<br />

249. C(AIUS) (VIBIUS)<br />

f. of L. Vibius Cf. Quir(ina) (ACH 250)<br />


CIL III, 509; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 368 [end 1st c. B.C./beginning of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Aitolia, Kalydon; a stone, now lost, bearing the epitaph of the person:<br />

L(ucius) Vibius C(ai) f(ilius) I Quir(ina) vete(ranus) leg(ionis) I XII Fulmi(natae).<br />

vete(ranus) leg(ionis) XII Fulmi(natae)<br />

Remarks: L. Vibius established in the area of Kalydon, probably in a praefectura of the Roman<br />

colony of Patrai (see also ACH 152).<br />

251. M(ARCUS) VIBULLIUS M(ARCI) F(ILIUS) [- - -]<br />

CIL III, 526; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 131 [2nd (?) c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a grave stele built into the church of Hagios Basilios in Patrai and bearing the funerary<br />

inscription of the named person, erected by M. Vibullius Venerianus (ACH 253) and Cornelia<br />

Gemella (ACH 80):<br />

M(arco) Vibullio M(arci) f(ilio) [- - -] I v[ix(it)] ann(os) X [- - -] I M(arcus) Vibullius<br />

Ven[erianus(?) et] I Cornelia Gemella I post obitum.<br />

252. M(ARCUS) (VIBULLIUS)<br />

f. M(arcus) Vibullius M(arci) f(ilius) [—]<br />


CIL III, 526; Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 131 [2nd (?) c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a grave stele built into the church of Hagios Basilios in Patrai and bearing the funerary<br />



inscription of M. Vibullius M.f. [—] (text ACH 251) erected by M. Vibullius Ven[erianus (?)]<br />

and Cornelia Gemella (ACH 80).<br />

254. [.] VILLIUS C(AII) F(ILIUS) [- - -]<br />

J. Martha, BCH2, 1878, 100, no. 9; CIL III, 7257 [beginning of the imperial period].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a fragment of a stone, now lost, bearing a list of magistrates for<br />

some local games (see also ACH 28, 128, 230 and 263).<br />

255. ΒΙΨΑΝΙΑ AOYKI[- - -]<br />

R. Schillbach, AA 15 (1857) col. 121-24; K.S. Pittakis, AE 1857, no. 3206; J. Bingen, BCH7S,<br />

1954, 82 η. 2 (cf. F.v. Duhn, MDAI (A) 3, 1878, 64 η. 2) [1st c. B.C.].<br />

Aigion; a marble epistyle bearing an epitaph of [—]tius Soranus (text ACH 268) and Vipsania<br />

Luci[—].<br />

256. VIR(EIUS) MOSCHUS<br />

CIL III, 527; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 140 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing the funerary inscription of Vir(eius) Moschus, Didia Urbana<br />

(ACH 88) and Prima, mother of Urbana (ACH 87):<br />

V(ivus) Vir(eius) Moschus I Didiae Urbanae I et Primae, mairi Urban[ae].<br />

Remarks: The name is common in Gaul (Schulze, 980). For another citizen of the colony,<br />

C(aius) Vireius C(aii) f(ilius) Q(uirina) Gallu[s], installed in Kynaetha (Arcadia) see<br />

ARC 171.<br />


257. C(AIUS) VO[- - - C. F.] QUIR(INA)<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 161 [end 1st c. B.C./beginning 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; the left upper corner of a marble plaque bearing a funerary inscription:<br />

C(aio) Vo[—] C. f. I Quir(ina) c(enturioni) l[eg(ionis) —] I [—].<br />


Ph. Le Bas, RA 1, 1844, 279 et id., Voyage archéologique en Grèce et en Asie Mineure.<br />

Inscriptions grecques et latines recueillies en Grèce et en Asie Mineure. IL Mégaride et<br />

Péloponnèse (Paris 1847-49) no. 366, pi. 93.1; S.K. Pittakis, AE 3, 1854, 1270, no. 2580;<br />

*Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 174 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a sarcophagus with an inscription commemorating its erection by Servilius Phileros<br />


(ACH 216) for himself and his wife Volumnia Synpherousa:<br />


Σερβίλιος Φιλέρως κατεσκεύασα{ν} αύτω και τχ\ συνβίω μου ΙΒουλομνία Συνφ[ερ]ούση.<br />

259. [- - -JCULEIA<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 264 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Achaia, village Platani (ancient Argyra), near Patrai; a fragment of a pedimental (?) limestone<br />

stele preserving only this fragment of the name.<br />

260. [- - -]ENNA [- - -]<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 265 [lst/2nd c. A.D.lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a fragment of a marble stele bearing a mutilated funerary inscription, which preserves<br />

the municipal cursus of the person: 11. 3-6:<br />

[— Perp]enna, [aed(ilis)] I 4 [II]vir, pon[tif(ex)] I [memor benef]icii ex [testamento] I sib[i et<br />

suis fieri iussit].<br />

[aed(ilis), Ilfvir, pon[tif(ex)]<br />

261. [- - -I]A EROTIS<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 206 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; fragment of limestone grave stele preserving the end of the nomen and the cognomen:<br />

[- - -i]ae Erotid[i].<br />

262. [- - -]IA SECUNDA<br />

CIL III, 523; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 190 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai, now lost; fragment of the grave monument of an unknown person, who died at the age<br />

of 20; erected by the mother: [- ca. 3 - ]ia Secunda.<br />

263. [- - -IIENVS PATERINUS]<br />

J. Martha, BCH2, 1878, 100, no. 9; CIL III, 7257 [beginning of the imperial period].<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. Dyme); a fragment of a stone, now lost, bearing a list of magistrates of some<br />

local games (see also 28, 128, 230 and 254).<br />

264. [- - -]IUS P(UBLII) F(ILIUS) Q[UIR(INA) - -(?)- -]<br />

A.D. Rizakis, ZPE 82, 1990, 204-5 no. Ill, pi. VIII (AnnÉpigr 1990, 887); *Rizakis, Achaïe II,<br />

no. 51 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a mutilated marble plaque with an inscription recording the building of a gallery and the<br />

offer of a gladiator spectacle as a donation ob honorem for his tenure in the office of aedilis<br />



and that of duumvir:<br />

[ ]ius P(ublii) f(ilius) Q[uir(ina)-?-] I [aedi]l(is) Ilvir por[ticum cum ] I [colum]nis<br />

marmo[reis— ] H [ ]a faciend(um vel a) cu[ravit] I [ ] ob honor(em) aed[il(itatis) ] I<br />

[ ] XV item ob [honor(em)] I [ ]s Ilvir(atus) glad(iatorum) I 8 [par(ia) -?- ded]it eaq(ue)<br />

omni[— ] I consumfmavit].<br />

aedilis, duumvir<br />

265. [- - -]IUS TERTIUS<br />

Iph. Dekoulakou, AD 29, 1973/74, Chron., 385; ILGR 62; *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 97 [3rd c.<br />

A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a marble grave stele with the name and the age of the deceased: [ ]ius Tertius I<br />

[v]ix(it) an(nos) XXXX.<br />

266. [- - -]SSIUS [- - -] QUIR(INA) [- - -]<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 299 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a stone, now lost, bearing a fragmentary inscription of uncertain meaning.<br />

267. [-ca. 3-]T[I]U[S] AMEMPTU[S]<br />

ILGR 78; L. Moretti, RFIC 108, 1980, 452 n. 3; A. Rizakis, RPh 59, 1985, 93; *i(L, Achaïe II,<br />

no. 108 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a limestone plaque bearing a fragmentary funerary inscription for the person erected<br />

by his wife [S]eia:<br />

[-ca. 3-]t vac. [i]u[s] I Amemptu[s] I [S]eia uxor fecit.<br />

268. [- - -1ΤΙΟΣ ΣΩΡΑΝΟΣ<br />

R. Schillbach, AA 15 (1857) col. 121-24; K.S. Pittakis, AE 1857, no. 3206; J. Bingen, BCH7S,<br />

1954, 82 η. 2 (cf. F. v. Duhn, MD AI (A) 3, 1878, 64 n. 2) [1st c. B.C.].<br />

Aigion; a marble epistylion bearing an epitaph of [—]tius Soranus and Vipsania Luci[—]:<br />

[ ]τιος Σωρανος + Βιψανία Λονκι[- - -].<br />

269. ΑΙΕΥΚΙΟΣ - - -]ΟΣ ΜΑΞ[- - -]<br />

Α. Lebègue, Bulletin de l'École française d Athènes I, 1871, 232; F.v. Duhn, MDAI (A) 3,<br />

1878, 65; J. Bingen, BCH18, 1954, 409, no. 20, fig. 5 (SEG 14, 1957, 377) [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Aigion; two fragments of a marble plaque bearing an honorary inscription for the person;<br />

erected by the polis:<br />

Ή πόλι[ς ή Αίγιέ]1ων Λ[εύκιον —]Ιον Μα|[—] Ι τον φιλ[—] Ι καλώς [αγορανο]Ιμήσα[ντα,<br />

άρετής(?)] Ι ενεκε[ν και της] Ι εις αύτ[ήν εύνοί]Ιας και [φιλοτι]! vac. μί[ας].<br />



270. [-ca. 4-IUS [- ca. 4- -]S<br />

ILGR 56 (AnnÉpigr 1979 [1982] 171, no. 568); *Rizakis, Achaïe II, no. 8 [2nd c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Patrai; a marble altar, damaged on its upper part, with a dedication to Asclepius by the person<br />

who was at that moment proconsul of Achaia:<br />

[-ca. 5-]us I [-ca. 4-]s legatus I [pr]o pr(aetore) et proco(n)s(ul) I 4 prov(inciae) Ach(aiae)<br />

Aelsculapio v(otum) s(olvit).<br />

legatus [pr]o pr(aetore) et proco(n)s(ul) prov(inciae) Ach(aiae)<br />

Remarks: For the person cf. Thomasson, 24: 84 (200); Rizakis, loc. cit., identifies him with the<br />

unknown consul attested in a fragmentary inscription from Epidauros (CIL III<br />

7267=715 963), dated in the time of Claudius.<br />


271. ΒΕΡΗΙΟΣ<br />

Petropoulos, 114 and 166 nos M6-M8, pi. 33, 35, 64, 69 [1st half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; three lamps with a relief decoration representing vine branches.<br />

Remarks: According to Petropoulos, 114 his name is a Greek transcription of Verus or Verius;<br />

272. ΚΡΗΣΚΕΝΣ<br />

the second one seems more probable.<br />

Petropoulos, 115-116 and 161-162 nos B101-B106, pi. 24, 28, 29, 30, 63 [end of lst/beginning<br />

of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; three lamps and three bases of lamps decorated with a floral or geometrical decoration<br />

and identified as products of workshop B.<br />

Remarks: For a different date proposed for the lampmaker and other products of him found<br />

abroad see Petropoulos, 115-116. His name is the Greek transcription of Crescens.<br />

273. ΑΟΥΚΙΟΣ<br />

Petropoulos, 116-117 and 162 no. B107, pi. 29, 30, 58, 63; 170 nos. 133-138, pi. 37, 66 [end<br />

1st c. /end 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; one lamp from workshop Β and six from the lychnomanteion. Most of them bear a<br />

floral decoration and one a relief scene representing gladiators.<br />

Remarks: Many of his lamps have been found abroad, which demonstrates the popularity of<br />

these products (Petropoulos, 116-117).<br />




Petropoulos, 117 and 170-171 no. M139, pi. 38, 66, 69 [end of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; a lamp decorated with vine branches.<br />

Remarks: According to Petropoulos, 117 there are more unpublished lamps of this lampmaker<br />

275. ΠΡΕΙΜΟΣ<br />

found in Patrai and a few already published that have been found abroad.<br />

Petropoulos, 120-123 and 174-176 nos M283-M341, pi. 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 67, 70, 71<br />

[2nd half of 2nd c./lst quarter of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Patrai; lamps decorated with different relief scenes. Many of his works have been also found<br />

abroad.<br />

276. ΣΠΩΣΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

Petropoulos, 124-126 and 159-161 nos B49-B100, pi. 24, 25, 26, 27, 58, 63, 68 [1st half of 2nd<br />

c, maybe still later].<br />

Patrai; whole lamps and 38 fragments. Products of his workshop have been found also in other<br />

places in Patrai and abroad.<br />

Remarks: For his relationship with a synonymous worker known from an Italian lamp found<br />

in Athens see Petropoulos, 125.<br />

277. Petropoulos, 110 gives a list of signatures on lamps from Patrai. The Roman names of this list<br />

are the following:<br />

Antullus<br />

Calandio<br />

Carpi(us?)<br />

Crescens<br />

Faustus<br />

Galenus<br />

Iulianus<br />

Luci(us)<br />

Lucius<br />

Maecius<br />

Marcianus<br />

Octavius<br />

Primus<br />

Secundus<br />

Valerius<br />

Vereius<br />





M. Mitsos, "Inscription de Stymphale", REG 1946-47, 151-174 passim (ph.) (BullÉpigr 1949,<br />

72; A. Passerini, "La condizione della città di Elatea dopo la seconda guerra macedonica in una<br />

nuova iscrizione", Athenaeum 36, 1948, 83-95 with corrections of the text [BullÉpigr 1951,<br />

108; SEG 11, 1950, 1107]; Moretti, ISE, 55); G. Klaffenbach, "Die Sklaven von Elateia", BCH<br />

1968, 257-259, also comments and corrections (BullÉpigr 1969, 265); Y. Garlan, BCH 1969,<br />

159-60, new readings in lines 15 and 17 (BullÉpigr 1970,288); for some restorations of the text<br />

see P. Riejko, Historia 37, 1988, 164 (SEG 38, 1988, 355) [after 189 B.C. (?)].<br />

Stymphalos; a decree of Elateia (Phocis) expressing the gratitude of the town to the<br />

Stymphalians who accepted the Elatean refuges after the destruction of their city by<br />

Flamininus. When Manius Acilius Glabrio, consul of the year 191 B.C., seized the region again,<br />

during the war against Antiochus and Aetolians (191/190 B.C.), he accepted the return of the<br />

Elateans to their home: ...κυριε]ύσαντος Μανίου των κατ' [Έ]λάτειαν τόπων... (1. 10) and<br />

passim.<br />

Remarks: For the Polybian description of the facts see G.A. Lehmann, Untersuchungen zur<br />

historischen Glaubwürdigkeit des Polybios (Münster 1967) 120-125 (BullÉpigr<br />

1968, 267). On the mythological ties between Stymphalos and Elateia see C.<br />

Habicht, Pausanias'guide to ancient Greece (Berkeley-Los Angeles-London 1985)<br />

67-69 (SEG 35, 1985, 370).<br />

The person is probably to be identified with Manius Acilius Glabrio (T. Livius<br />

XXXVI 2, 1; 14-24; 30; 34-35; XXXVII 4-7); see P. v. Rohden, RE I 1 (1893) 255,<br />

s.v. Acilius [35]; Broughton, Magistrates I, 320. 333. 335. 352 (consul in 191 B.C.).<br />

357 (proconsul in 190 B.C.). He was appointed as commander of the war against<br />

Antiochus, whom he defeated, with the Aetolians, at Thermopylai. The return of<br />

refuges from Elateia to their home was decided in the peace treaty concluded in 189<br />

B.C.; for the date see Mitsos, op. cit., 111.<br />


IGW1, 152 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />



Tegea, "ohm in foro" (IG); a statue base erected for the person by the Tegean boule and demos<br />

and financed by his wife:<br />

Πόπ(λιον) Αιλ(ιον) Λεωνίδην Πλο[κάμ]ου τον άξιολογώταΐτον δεκάπρωτον πάσης αρετής<br />

κεκοσμημένον εν Ι {εν} τε ταΐς άλλαις πολιτείαις και λογιστεύσαντα άκαταίγνόστως (sic).<br />

Remarks: About δεκάπρωτος see T. Schwertfeger, "Die Basis des Claudius Calligenes", OIB<br />

10, 1981, 249-255. About λογιστεύσας see A.J. Spawforth, "The Appaleni of<br />

Corinth", GRBS 15, 1974, 303, n. 42: "It (the Tegean inscription) illustrates the final<br />

stage in the evolution of the curatorship from a senatorial and equestrian office, as<br />

originally it had been, to a purely local one". About the office of λογιστής or curator<br />

see ARG 49.<br />


IG V 2, 313 [2nd/3rd c. A.D. (paleography), after Antinous' death (A.D. 130)].<br />

Mantinea, "inventa extra Mantineam septentrionem et occidentem versus in agro" (IG);<br />

honorary inscription (no information about the stone) erected for the person, who was a<br />

grammateus of the boule, by the boule of Mantinea; the monument was financed by the<br />

archiereia [. . .]τοφάνεια:<br />

[Ή β]ουλή της λαμπροτά(της) Μ[αντινέων πόλεως τον γραμματέα] Ι [τοϋ σ]υνεόρίου<br />

Λ(ούκιον) Άντίστιον [άγωνοθετήσαντα τοϋ ίσολυμ]Ι[πίο]υ και πενταετηρικοΰ ά[γώνος των<br />

'Αντινοείων -ca. 1-] Ι [. . .]τοφάνεια ή άρχιέρεια [— εκ των] Ι 5 [ίδί]ων άνέστησεν.<br />

Remarks: At the end of 1. 3 there is place for a gentilicium. For the cult of Antinous in<br />

4. ΑΝΤΩΝΙΑ<br />

Mantinea see Paus. VIII. 9, 8; also IG V 2, 281 and 312 and their commentary by L.<br />

Robert, A travers Γ Asie Mineure (Paris 1980) 134-138; cf. also H. Meyer, Antinoos.<br />

Die archäologischen Denkmäler unter Einbeziehung des numismatischen und<br />

epigraphischen Materials sowie der literarischen Nachrichten. Ein Beitrag zur<br />

Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte der hadrianisch- frühantoninischen Zeit (München<br />

1991) 166-167 (IE 8), 204-205, 208; see also ARC 105.<br />

IG V 2, 218 [3rd c. A.D. (from the style of the letters)].<br />

Tegea, Piali; a funerary stele for four women decorated with a cymatium; the other three<br />

deceased women bear a Greek name without a patronymic.<br />


IGV 2,55,1.78 [3rdc. A.D.].<br />

Tegea; part of a column bearing a list of names on six columns (ephebes ?).<br />

Remarks: The date of the inscription is based on the lettering as well as on the ending -ις of the<br />

name discussed here, which is to be found from the end of the 2nd or beginning of<br />



the 3rd century A.D. (see Kajanto, Onomastic studies, 34 sq.; id., Gr. epitaphs, 41-<br />

42; D.J. Georgakas, "On the nominal endings -ις, -tv, in later Greek", CPh 43, 1948,<br />

243-260) and the suffix -ας, also attested in this list of names, which is also to be<br />

found in late antiquity (see H. Solin, in: Roman onomastics, 8).<br />


IGY1, 131 [2nd c. A.D. (from the style of the letters)].<br />

Tegea (Doliana); a column bearing an honorary inscription erected by the polis for the person,<br />

one of the archons of the town, who were in charge of erection of some unknown building:<br />

Ή πόλις έ[κ] Ι των ίδίω[ν] Ι τους κείοΙνας άνέσ[τη]Ι 5 σεν έπιμ[ε]1ληθέντω[ν] Ι των άρχό[ν]1των<br />

Μ. Άντ[ω]Ινίου Λυγκέ[ως] Ι 10 και Άφρο[δεισί]Ιου τοϋ —.<br />

Remarks: LGPN ΙΙΙ.Α, 277 gives only this example of the name Lyngeus.<br />


IG V 2, 50, 1. 78 [έτους μβ' από της θεοϋ Γ Αδριανοϋ Ις (sic) την Ελλάδα παρουσίας=Α.ϋ.<br />

166].<br />

Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); list of ephebes.<br />

Grammateus<br />

Remarks: The chronology is given in the inscription as έτους μβ' από της θεοϋ 'Αδριανοΰ ίς<br />

(sic) την Ελλάδα παρουσίας. In IG the inscription is dated in A.D. 155-156. The<br />

first visit of Hadrian to Greece was in A.D. 124/5 (see Halfmann, Itinera principum,<br />

191), so the inscription is to be dated in A.D. 166.<br />


IG V 2, 155; A.J.S. Spawforth, "The Appaleni of Corinth", GRBS 15, 1974, 301-303 [3rd c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Tegea, found in the area of the agora (now in the public park next to the restored Byzantine<br />

church of Panagia in Episkopi); honorary inscription on an octagonal statue base erected by<br />

the polis of Tegea with the consent of the boule for the named person. The inscription is<br />

restored by F. Hiller von Gaertringen as follows:<br />

Μ(άρκον) Άππαληνόν [τον άξιολογώτατον] Ι ρήτορα, καθαρον λο[γισ]τήν, ή Τεγεατών Ι<br />

πόλις vac. ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλης) vac. and by A.J.S. Spawforth as: Μ(άρκον) ^Αππαληνόν<br />

Τι[β. υιόν - ca. 10- ] Ι ρήτορα, καθαρόν λο[γιστ]ήν, ή Τεγεατω[ν] Ι πόλις vac. ψ(ηφίσματι)<br />

β(ουλής) vac.<br />

Corinthian<br />

Remarks: The first brief publication of the inscription is by V. Bérard, BCH 17, 1893, 11, no. 14,<br />

who saw no more letters after Άππαληνόν, so Hiller von Gaertringen completes M.<br />

Άππαληνόν [τον άξιολογώτατον] after the name. According to Spawforth, op. cit.,<br />

302 the honoured person is the latest known member of the Corinthian family of the<br />



Appaleni, where the praenomina Marcus and Tiberius are used. Maybe he is the son<br />

or more probably the grandson of the hellanodikes Ti. Appalenus Anaxilaus attested<br />

in a Corinthian list of officials and victors in Caesaria Isthmia games (Corinth VIII.<br />

3, 223, cf. COR 80). So Spawforth completes also the father's name after the<br />

gentlicium of the person.<br />

About λογιστής or curator see remarks of ARG 49. About the gentilicium, which is<br />

otherwise attested only in Barium in Apulia, see Spawforth, op. cit., 303, n. 45; id.,<br />

"Roman Corinth: the Formation of a Colonial Elite", in: Roman onomastics, ill<br />

and n. 24.<br />

9. [Α]ΡΗΑ(ΙΟΣ) ΣΕΚΟΥΝΑΟ[Σ]<br />

IGNI, 369 A 1. 8 [immediately after A.D. 212].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The part Β is now built into<br />

the church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: In the IG publication the name is [—]ρηδ. Σεκοϋνδο[ς]. However it is also possible<br />

that it is to be completed as [Ά]τήδ(ιος). For the gentilicium Aredius see Solin and<br />

Salomies, 21. Y. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 1, 1981, 107-113 reexamined and<br />

republished part Β of the inscription (SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619);<br />

id., Hows 3, 1985, 87-88, where he publishes a new independent fragment of the<br />

inscription IG VI, 369 Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623).<br />


IG VI, 456=C7L III 1, 496 (CIL III 1 Suppl. 7250; Ill 2 Suppl. 13691) [Augustan].<br />

Megalopolis, "ad unum de pontibus AlpheV, immo Helissontis" (IG); bilingual inscription<br />

recording his financing the erection of a bridge over the river Alpheios in return for the<br />

permission for the lifelong "έπινόμιον" and "βαλάνων (?)..." which he acquired from the town<br />

κατά τό δόγμα των συνέδρων, i.e. after the decision of the boule:<br />

[Imp. Caesa]ri Aug. et civitati ita [iubente] I [senat]u ut promisserat T. Arm[i]l[niu]s Tauriscus<br />

pontem fecit. I<br />

[Αύτοκρ]άτορι Καίσαρι και τή πόλει [Τ. Άρμίνι]Ι[ος Ταυ]ρίσκος έπόησε τήν γέφυραν,<br />

καθώς [έπηγ]Ι[γείλατο κ]ατά το δόγμα των συνέδρων, εφ' ω[τε] Ι [λήψεσθ]αι αυτόν τό έπι­<br />

νόμιον και βαλάνω [—] Ι [όσων] έχει θρεμμάτων διά βίου.<br />

Roman resident<br />

Remarks: Tauriscus was probably a Roman landowner or his inspector. About the meaning of<br />

the permission he acquired and his activity in Arcadia see U. Kahrstedt, Das<br />

wirtschaftliche Gesicht Griechenlands in der Kaiserzeit (Bern 1954) 138 (SEG 15,1958,<br />

233); more about his name and his possible origin from the region of Taurisci south of<br />

Alps, see S. Zoumbaki, "Die Niederlassung römischer Geschäftsleute in der<br />

Peloponneso ΤΕΚΜΗΡΙΑ 4, 1998/9, 123-124.<br />



IG V 1, 492 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />


Megalopolis, church of Hagios Athanasios; funerary inscription, probably on a simple stone:<br />

Άσιννία Μαμμία Ι φιλανδροτάτη Ι και σεμνότατη Ι χαίρε.<br />


IG VI, 26 [lst/2nd c. A.D.(?) ; IG. "saec. fere Augustae"].<br />

Tegea; a fragmentary stele bearing an honorary decree for the person.<br />

Roman (?)<br />

Remarks: Maybe the person, if not a Roman, had something to do with a Roman religious and<br />


cultural circle, since in 1.4 the phrase "έν τοις ρόδοις" must be related to the Roman<br />

feast Rosalia, which is attested in Greek as ροδοφόρια, ροδισμός, ρόδα, see J.M.C.<br />

Toynbee, Death and burial in the Roman world (London 1971) 62 and n. 253 for the<br />

Latin equivalents and 63, n. 255-258 for the diffusion of the feast in the East; for the<br />

origin, diffusion and interpretation of the feast see also R. Lattimore, Themes in<br />

Greek and Latin epitaphs (Urbana 1942) 138-141; for this feast especially in<br />

Macedonia see A. Rizakis-I. Touratsoglou, "Mors macedonica. Ο θάνατος στα επι­<br />

τάφια μνημεία της Ανω Μακεδονίας", ΑΕ 139, 2000, 63 and n. 127.<br />

JGV2, 132,1. 13 [after A.D. 212].<br />

Tegea; a statue base decorated with a cymatium; the monument for the husband of Aurelia<br />

Tertia, M. Aurelius Agathocles, son of Onesimus (ARC 23), was erected by the polis Tegea and<br />

financed by Aurelia Tertia: ...προσίδεξαμένης τό άνάΙλωμα της άξιολογωτάΙτης γυναικός<br />

αύτοϋ Ι Αύρηλίας Τερτίας. On the other side of the stone there is an honorary inscription for<br />

Antoninus Pius (full text see ARC 23).<br />

w. M. Aurelius Agathocles (ARC 23)<br />

14. ΑΥΡ(ΗΑΙΟΣ) [- - -]<br />

Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88,1. 8, fig. 2, an independent fragment of the inscription IG V<br />

2, 369 Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The new fragment of the<br />

inscription (IG V1, 369 A+B) published in Horos as well as part Β is now built into the church<br />

of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

15. ΑΥΡ(ΗΑΙΟΣ) [- - -]<br />

IG VI, 29 [3rd c. A.D.: from the style of the letters].<br />



Tegea, area of the gymnasium; fragmentary inscription, which must have a relationship with<br />

the gymnasium, since a fragment of the word γυμ[νασ—] is to be read.<br />

16. ΑΥΡ(ΗΑΙΟΣ) [..]ΙΚΡΑΛ? [- - -]<br />

Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88,1. 11, fig. 2, an independent fragment of the inscription IG<br />

V 1, 369 Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The new fragment of the<br />

inscription (IGNI, 369 A+B) published in Flows as well as part Β is now built into the church<br />

of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

17. [Α]Υ[Ρ(ΗΑΙΟΣ)..]0[- - -]Ω[- - -]<br />

Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88,1. 10, fig. 2, an independent fragment of the inscription IG<br />

V 1, 369 Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The new fragment of the<br />

inscription (IGV1, 369 A+B) published in Horos as well as part Β is now built into the church<br />

of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasiä).<br />

18. [ΑΥΡ(ΗΛΙΟΣ) - - -]ΩΝΑ<br />

IG V 1, 56,1. 2 [close after A.D. 212].<br />

Tegea, in the area of the gymnasium; fragments of two columns bearing lists of names, maybe<br />

an ephebic list, since it is found in the area of the gymnasium.<br />

19. [ΑΥΡ(ΗΑΙΟΣ) - - -]PIOY<br />

IGV 2, 56,1. 5 [close after A.D. 212].<br />

Tegea, in the area of the gymnasium; fragments of two columns bearing lists of names, maybe<br />

an ephebic list, since it is found in the area of the gymnasium.<br />

20. [Α]ΥΡ(ΗΛΙΟΣ) [- - -]Σ[- - -]<br />

Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88,1. 13, fig. 2, an independent fragment of the inscription IG<br />

V 2, 369 Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The new fragment of the<br />

inscription (IGV 1, 369 A+B) published in Horos as well as part Β is now built into the church<br />

of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

21. [ΑΥΡ(ΗΑΙΟΣ) - - - Α]ΓΑΘΙΑ<br />

IG V 1, 56,1. 4 [close after A.D. 212].<br />

Tegea, in the area of the gymnasium; fragments of two columns bearing lists of names, maybe<br />



an ephebic list, since it is found in the area of the gymnasium. The gentilicium Aurelius is<br />

completed, but it seems to be very probable, since it is borne by all the other listed persons.<br />

22. ΑΥΡ(ΗΑΙΟΣ) ΑΓΑΘ[- - -]<br />

IGNI, 58 [after A.D. 212 (?)].<br />

Tegea; fragment of an inscription.<br />

Remarks: It is not to clear whether there is a relationship with the person of IGV 1, 56<br />

[Αύρ(ήλιος) - - -^γαθία (ARC 21). It is uncertain whether the praenomen<br />

[Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ)] must be accepted, as IG suggests.<br />


7GV2, 132,1. 1-2 [after A.D. 212].<br />

Tegea; statue base decorated with a cymatium; the monument was erected for M. Aurelius<br />

Agathocles by the polis Tegea and financed by his wife Aurelia Tertia. On the other side of the<br />

stone there is an honorary inscription for Antoninus Pius:<br />

Μάρκον Αύρήλιον 'Αγαθοκλή] Όνησίμου τον άξιολογώταΐτον δεκάπρωτον και άρΙχιερέα<br />

τοϋ οϊκου Ι 5 των Σεβαστών και Ι των προγόνων αυτών, Ι άρκαδάρχην, ή ΤεγεΙατών πόλις τον<br />

έαυΙτής εύεργέτην, προσίδεξαμένης τό άνάΙ 10 λωμα της άξιολογωτάΙτης γυναικός αύτοϋ Ι<br />

Αύρηλίας Τερτίας.<br />

h. Aurelia Tertia (ARC 13)<br />


IGNI, 369 Β, 1. 24 + Υ. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 1, 1981, 107-113, 1. 17, new edition of the<br />

IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The part Β is now built into<br />

the church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: Cf. Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88 publishes an independent fragment of the<br />

inscription IGNI, 369 Β (SEG35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623).<br />

25. [ΑΥΡ(ΗΑΙΟΣ)] ΑΦ[- - -]<br />

IG Ν 2,57,1. 16 [after A.D. 212].<br />

Tegea, in the area of the gymnasium; fragments of two columns bearing lists of names, maybe<br />

ephebes, since it is found in the area of the gymnasium.<br />


IG Ν 1, 369 Α, Β 1. 20+ Y. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 2, 1981, 107-113,1. 13, new edition of the<br />

IGNI, 369 Β (SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />



Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The part Β is now built into<br />

the church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: Cf. Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88 publishes a new independent fragment of the<br />

inscription IGNI, 369 Β (SEG35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623).<br />

Maybe b. Aurelius Sotades, son of Sotades (ARC 43)<br />


Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88, fig. 2, an independent fragment of the inscription IG Ν 1,<br />

369 A+B (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The new fragment of the<br />

inscription (IGN1, 369 A+B) published in Horos as well as part Β is now built into the church<br />

of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: The gentilicium is not preserved on the stone, but it is quite possible that it is to be<br />

completed as Aurelius, since only the Aurelii of this stone bear a patronymic.<br />


IG Ν 1, 295 =CIIud. 720 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Mantinea, "ante sacellum e lateribus exstructum, quod est prope theatrum"; a cylindrical base<br />

bearing an inscription that commemorates the erection of the pronaos of a synagogue by<br />

Aurelius Elpidys:<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Έλπιδϋς Ι πατήρ λαοϋ Ι διά βίου δώρον Ι τον πρόναον Ι τη συναγωγή.<br />

A Jew from Mantinea (?)<br />

Remarks: About the Jews in Péloponnèse see A. Lampropoulou, "Μορφές επικοινωνίας<br />

Εβραίων και Χριστιανών στην Πελοπόννησο κατά τήν Πρωτοβυζαντινή περίοδο",<br />

in: Ν. Moschonas (ed.), Πρακτικά τον Β' Διεθνούς Συμποσίου, Ή επικοινωνία<br />

στο Βυζάντιο, 4-6 'Οκτωβρίου 1990 (Athens 1993), 657-682 and especially<br />

about the discussed person 669-670. Comments on the name Έλπιδϋς see L. Robert,<br />

Hellenica III (1946) 99, n. 3 (SEG 11, 1950, 1095).<br />


Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3,1985, 87-88,1.2, an independent fragment of the inscription IGN 2, 369<br />

A+B (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The new fragment of the<br />

inscription (IGN 1, 369 A+B) published in Horos as well as part Β is now built into the church<br />

of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />


Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88,1. 6, fig. 2, an independent fragment of the inscription IG V<br />



2, 369 Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

31-35<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The new fragment of the<br />

inscription (IG V 2, 369 A+B) published in Horos as well as part Β is now built into the church<br />

of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: Pikoulas completes the patronymic as ΕΠΑΦΡ[Υ].<br />


IG Ν 1, 369 Β, 1. 28 + Υ. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 1, 1981, 107-113,1. 21, new edition of the<br />

IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The part Β is now built into<br />

the church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: Cf. Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88, fig. 2 publishes a new independent fragment<br />

of the inscription IGNI, 369 Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623).<br />

32. ΑΥΡ(ΗΑΙΟΣ) ΕΥΤ[ΥΧ- - -]<br />

7GV2,57,1. 12 [after A.D. 212].<br />

Tegea, in the area of the gymnasium; fragments of two columns bearing lists of names, maybe<br />

ephebes, since it is found in the area of the gymnasium.<br />

33. ΑΥΡ(ΗΛΙΟΣ) IO[- - -]<br />

IGN 2,57,1. 11 [after A.D. 212].<br />

Tegea, in the area of the gymnasium; fragments of two columns bearing lists of names, maybe<br />

an ephebic list, since it is found in the area of the gymnasium.<br />

Remarks: The first letter of the cognomen is not to be recognised with certainty; it could also<br />

be a T, L etc.<br />


Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88,1. 7, a new independent fragment of the inscription IG V 2,<br />

369 Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The new fragment of the<br />

inscription (IG V 2, 369 A+B) published in Horos as well as part Β is now built into the church<br />

of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

s. Italus (ARC 89)<br />

35. ΑΥΡ(ΗΔΙΟΣ) NEIK[- - -]<br />

IGN 2,57,1. 13 [after A.D. 212].<br />



Tegea, in the area of the gymnasium; fragments of two columns bearing lists of names, maybe<br />

ephebes, since it is found in the area of the gymnasium.<br />

36. ΑΥΡ(ΗΑΙΟΣ) ΠΑΡ[- - -]<br />

IG Ν 2,57,1. 14 [after A.D. 212].<br />

Tegea, in the area of the gymnasium; fragments of two columns bearing lists of names, maybe<br />

an ephebic list, since it is found in the area of the gymnasium.<br />


IG Ν 1, 369 A 1. 4 [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The part Β is now built into<br />

the church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: Cf. Y. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 1, 1981, 107-113, new edition of the IG V 2, 369 Β<br />

(SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619); id., Horos 3, 1985, 87-88, where he<br />

publishes a new independent fragment of the inscription IGN 1, 369 Β (SEG 35,<br />

1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623).<br />


IG Ν 1, 369 A 1. 3 [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The part Β is now built into<br />

the church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: see ARC 37.<br />


IG Ν 1, 369 Β, 1. 18 + Υ. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 1, 1981, 107-113,1. 10, new edition of the<br />

IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The part Β is now built into<br />

the church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: In IG ...Ρ.ΜΟΣ ΣΥΜ.ΡΟ ; Y. Pikoulas reads the name as [ ] Πρεϊμος<br />

Σύμφορος; the name Symphorus has here a sense only as a patronymic, while<br />

Primus is the cognomen of the person, whose gentilicium is not preserved on the<br />

stone. It is quite possible that it is to be completed as Aurelius, since only the Aurelii<br />

of this stone bear a patronymic.<br />

Cf. Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88, where he publishes a new independent<br />

fragment of the inscription IGNI, 369 Β (SEG15,1985,350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988,623).<br />

40. ΑΥΡ(ΗΑΙΟΣ) Σ[- ca. 3 -]ΤΑΣ[- - -]<br />

Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88,1. 14, fig. 2, an independent fragment of the inscription<br />



IG Ν 2, 369 Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

41-45<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The new fragment of the<br />

inscription (IGN 2, 369 A+B) published in Horos as well as part Β is now built into the church<br />

of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />


IG Ν 2, 369 Β 1. 26 + Y. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 2, 1981, 107-113,1. 19, new edition of the IG<br />

Ν 2, 369 Β (SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The part Β is now built into<br />

the church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: Cf. Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88 publishes a new independent fragment of the<br />

inscription IGN 2, 369 Β (SEG35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623).<br />


Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88,1. 3, an independent fragment of the inscription IGN 2, 369<br />

Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The new fragment of the<br />

inscription (IG V 2, 369 A+B) published in Horos as well as part Β is now built into the church<br />

of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />


IG Ν 2, 369 Α, Β 1. 21 + Y. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 2, 1981, 107-113,1. 14, new edition of the<br />

IGN 2, 369 Β (SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). Part Β is now built into the<br />

church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: Cf. Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88, where he publishes an independent fragment<br />

of the inscription IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623).<br />

Maybe b. Aurelius Arcadio, son of Sotades (ARC 26)<br />


Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88,1. 9, fig. 2, an independent fragment of the inscription IG V<br />

2, 369 Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The new fragment of the<br />

inscription (IG V 2, 369 A+B) published in Horos as well as part Β is now built into the church<br />

of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />


IGN 2, 56,1. 3 [close after A.D. 212].<br />



Tegea, in the area of the gymnasium; fragments of two columns bearing lists of names, maybe<br />

an ephebic list, since it is found in the area of the gymnasium.<br />

46. ΑΥΡ(ΗΑΙΟΣ) ΣΥΜ[- - -]<br />

IG Ν 2,51,1. 15 [after A.D. 212].<br />

Tegea, in the area of the gymnasium; fragments of two columns bearing lists of names, maybe<br />

an ephebic list, since it is found in the area of the gymnasium.<br />


IGN 2, 369 Β, 1. 16 + Y. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 2, 1981, 107-113,1. 8, new edition of the IG<br />

Ν 2, 369 Β (SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The part Β is now built into<br />

the church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: In IG the name appears as [..ΣΥ]ΜΦΟΡΟΣ EY.O . Pikoulas reads:<br />

[Σ]ΥΜΦΟΡΟΣ ΕΥΤΥΧΟΥ. The gentilicium is not preserved on the stone, but it is<br />

quite possible that it is to be completed as Aurelius, since only the Aurelii of this<br />

stone bear a patronymic. Cf. Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88, where he publishes<br />

a new independent fragment of the inscription IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350;<br />

cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623).<br />

48. ΑΥΡ(ΗΔΙΟΣ) ΣΥΜ[Φ]ΟΡΟΣ [-ca. 2-] Μ [-ca. 3-]<br />

Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88,1. 4, an independent fragment of the inscription IGN 2, 369<br />

Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The new fragment of the<br />

inscription (IGN 2, 369 A+B) published in Horos as well as part Β is now built into the church<br />

of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

49. ΑΥΡ(ΗΛΙΟΣ) T[- - -]ΝΟΣ ΑΓ[- ca. 4-]<br />

Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88,1. 5, an independent fragment of the inscription IGN 2, 369<br />

Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The new fragment of the<br />

inscription (IGN 2, 369 A+B) published in Horos as well as part Β is now built into the church<br />

of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />


IG Ν 2, 369 Β 1. 25 + Υ. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 2, 1981, 107-113,1. 18, new edition of the IG<br />

V 2, 369 Β (SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />



Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The part Β is now built into<br />

the church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: In IG the cognomen is [-ca. 2-]ΘΑΜΟΣ, but the reading Θάλλος is clear according<br />

to Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 2, 1981, 110.<br />

Cf. Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88, fig. 2 publishes a new independent fragment<br />

of the inscription IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623).<br />

51. [ΑΥΡ(ΗΑΙΟΣ) Ξ]ΕΝΟΜΕΝΗΣ [.]Ζ[- - -]<br />

IG Ν1, 369 Β, 1. 14 + Υ. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 1, 1981, 107-113,1. 6, new edition of the IG<br />

V 2, 369 Β (SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes[?]). The part Β is now built into<br />

the church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: Although the gentilicium is not preserved on the stone, it is quite possible that it is<br />

to be completed as Aurelius, since only the Aurelii of this stone bear a patronymic.<br />

Cf. Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88, where he publishes a new independent<br />

fragment of the inscription IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988,<br />

623).<br />


IG Ν 1, 369 Β, 1. 12 + Υ. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 2, 1981, 107-113,1. 4, new edition of the IG<br />

V 2, 369 Β (SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The part Β is now built into<br />

the church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: For completing the gentilicium as Aurelius see ARC 51.<br />


[1] IGNI, 146 [Iste. B.C.].<br />

Tegea, Piali, church of Panagia; honorary inscription, erected by the polis of Tegea for the<br />

person honoured as a patron and euergetes:<br />

Πόλις Τεγεαταν Ι Κόιντον Βαίβιον ΚοΐνΙτου υίον Τωμαιον, Ι τον αύτάς πάτρωνα Ι 5 καί<br />

εύεργέταν.<br />

[2] IGN 1, 147 [1st e. B.C.]: Tegea, Piali; honorary inscription, erected by the polis of Tegea<br />

for the person honoured as an άντ ι [ταμίας], patron and euergetes:<br />

[Πόλις] Ι [Τεγεα]τάν Κόιντον [-ca. 6-] Ι [Κοΐ]ντου υίόν, άντι[ταμίαν], Ι [τον α]ύτάς πάτρω[να<br />

και] Ι 5 [εύεργέταν].<br />

Roman official, perhaps proquaestor<br />



Remarks: Groag, Reichsbeamten, 101 proposes that he was a forefather of a legate attested in<br />

54. ΒΑΣΣΟΣ<br />

Athens during the Augustan period (IG IV 4164 [=111 597]); see also Broughton,<br />

Magistrates II, 480 who dates his office in Greece in the 2nd c. A.D.<br />

A. Stavridis, "Επιτύμβιες στήλες από την 'Αρκαδία", in: Πρακτικά Γ' Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου<br />

Πελοποννησιακών Σπουδών, Καλαμάτα 8-15 Σεπτεμβρίου 1985 (Athens 1987/8) 474, fig.<br />

ΞΖ', 7 [reign of Constantinus: according to the style of the relief].<br />

Tripolis; gravestone of Bassus and Seige. It is a rectangular marble stele representing a<br />

standing male figure and crowned with a pediment carved in relief: ΒΑΣΣΕ XAIPAI.<br />

55. ΓΑ(ΙΟΣ)<br />

IGNI, 165 [2nd/3rd c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Tegea, Piali; a plaque bearing several names written by various hands and at different times.<br />

The name here is "Αριστόδαμος Γα(ιου).<br />


IGN 2,215 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Mantinea (now in the Athenian Epigraphical museum); manumission. The person is attested as<br />

έπιγνωμονεύων:<br />

I. [— έγνωκώς τους Έ]λλήΙνων νόμους, τοΰτόΐν τε εΐπεν μηΐόενί προσήκειν κατά Ι 5 μηδένα<br />

τρόπον ή άτή μόνη. II. Έπί ιερέως τοϋ Ποσειδώνος ΉΙου Ευφρόσυνου, έπιγνωμονεύοΙντος<br />

δε Κελεστινιανού τού Ι Σόλωνος, Άρτέμων ΆρτέμωΙ 10 νος και Ερμείας "Ιουνίου Ι ήλευθέ-<br />

ρωσαν Διδύμην Ι τήν ιδίαν δούλην δοΰσαν Ι την υπέρ εαυτής τειμήν Ι και μηδέ έπί μηδέν<br />

προσΙ 15 [ήκουσαν], έγν[ω]κώς Ι [τους Ελλήνων νόμους].<br />

Remarks: In the IG publication the name is read as Οίκοδεσποινιανοΰ; Β. Leonardos, AD 2,<br />


1916, parartema 74 (cf. SEG 11, 1950, 1096) suggests Κο[λ]εσ[τ]ινιανοΰ. Le Bas-<br />

Foucart, Voyage II, 352 m: έπιγνωμονεύοΙντος δέ Κελεστινιανού τού Ι Πολωνός;<br />

according to them the name of the person is derived from the Latin Coelestinus and the<br />

father's name is Πόλων, whence Πολωνιανός in an inscription from Boiai in Laconia<br />

(IG V 1, 955: Πό(πλιος) Μέμμιος "Αγακλής Πολωνιανός; cf. LAC 551). About the<br />

title of the discussed person, έπιγνωμονεύων, cf. IGN 2, 269,1. 32 (τού έπιγνώμα).<br />

IG Ν 2, 506 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Megalopolis (uncertain origin); a funerary stele decorated with a pediment:<br />

Κλαυδία Ι Έπιγόνη Ι χαίρε κ[α]Ι[λ]ή έτη βιωΙ[σασα] λγ'.<br />



[1] IG V 2, 463,1. 9-10 [2nd c. A.D. (?)].<br />


58-61<br />

Megalopolis; honorary inscription on a statue base erected by Megalopolis for M. Tadius<br />

Spedianus and financed by his wife, attested here as Κλαυδία Ίουλίτη, and his children:<br />

Ή πόλις ή ΜεγαλοΙπολειτών Μ(αρκον) Τάδιον Ι Σπεδιανόν Μ(άρκου) Ταδίου Ι Τειμοκρά-<br />

τους ύόν (sic) Ι 5 τά τε άλλα πολειτευσάμενον Ι φιλοτείμως και άγωνοθετήσανίτα των Λυκαί-<br />

ων και Καισαρήων λαμΙπρώς και έναρέτως, προσδεξαΙμένης τό άνάλωμα Κλαυδίας<br />

ΊουΙ 10 λίτης τής γυναικός αυτού καί των Ι παιδιών Ταδίων Τειμοκράτους Ι καί Σωτηρίχου.<br />

Ψ(ηφίσματι) Β(ουλής).<br />

[2] IGN2, 464,1. 7-8 [2nd/3rd c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Megalopolis, "Olim Sinano in casarum muris" (IG); three fragments of a statue base erected by<br />

Megalopolis for T. Claudius Polyxenus and financed by his sister Tib. Claudia Iulite:<br />

[Ή π]όλις Ι [Τιβ(έριον)] Κλαύδιον ΠοΙ[λύξ]ενον, άγορανοΙ[μήσαντα λαμπρώς] Ι 5 [προσδε-<br />

ξαμέ]Ινης τό ά[ν]άλωμα Ι Τιβ(ερίας) Κλα[υ]δίας ΊουΙλίττης τής άδελΙφής ύπ[έ]ρ τής<br />

ΛυΙκαειτ[ώ]ν φυλής.<br />

w. Μ. Tadius Spedianus (ARC 155), sister of T. Claudius Polyxenus (ARC 69), m. Tadius<br />

Timocrates II (ARC 157) and Tadius Soterichus (ARC 154); cf. Appendix, Stemma I.<br />

59. ΚΑ(ΑΥΔΙΟΣ) [- - -]<br />

Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88,1. 12, fig. 2, an independent fragment of the inscription IG<br />

V 2, 369 Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The new fragment of the<br />

inscription (IGN 2, 369 A+B) published in Horos, as well as part B, is now built into the church<br />

of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: Cf. Y. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 2, 1981, 107-113, new edition of the IG V 2, 369 Β<br />

(SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619).<br />


IG Ν 2, 493 [1st c. A.D. or later].<br />

Megalopolis, in a private house in "Rusvanagae (i.q. Λαδόκεια [?])"; funerary stele:<br />

Τιβ. Κλαύδιε Ι χαίρε.<br />


IG Ν 2, 52,1. 5-6 [ξθ ' άπό τής θεού 'Αδριανού ίς την Ελλάδα παρουσίας=Α.ϋ. 193/4].<br />

Tegea, Episcopi; an hermaic stele decorated with the head of Heracles bearing a list of ephebes.<br />

Ύπογυμνασίαρχος<br />




IG V 2,50,1.3 [A.D. 166].<br />

Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); list of ephebes.<br />

Gymnasiarchos<br />

Remarks: Α Δαμακίων Άμύκου is to be found as archephebos; he is probably the person's<br />

son, who remarkably doesn't bear a Roman onomastic formula.<br />

For the chronology see ARC 7.<br />


[1] ILGR 40, no. 73 (AnnÉpigr 1979, 582); I.A. Papapostolou, Achaean grave stelai with<br />

epigraphical notes by A.D. Rizakis (Athens 1993) 107, no. 69; Rizakis, Achaïe II, 306, no. 376<br />

[2nd e. A.D.].<br />

Ano Goumenissa, near Kalavryta (ancient Kynaetha); upper part of a Hellenistic naiskos<br />

funerary stele in secondary use, bearing the Latin inscription Ti. Claudius Antipater.<br />

[2] Papapostolou, op. cit., 101-102, no. 48; Rizakis, Achaïe II, 306, no. 376 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Ano Goumenissa, near Kalavryta (ancient Kynaetha); lower part of a Hellenistic naiskos<br />

funerary stele in secondary use, bearing the Greek inscription Τι(βέριος) Κλαύδιος<br />

"ΆντίΙπατρος χαίρε.<br />

Remarks: Sasel-Kos, in ILGR, loc. cit., connects this individual with the family of Herodes<br />

Atticus, which seems improbable. It is unknown, whether we have to do with one<br />

person who had two funerary steles, in Greek and Latin, or with two different<br />

persons.<br />


Κ. Romaios, "Έπιγραφαί εκ Κυνουρίας", ΑΘΗΝΑ 18, 1906, 439, fig. 1 (Ameling, Herodes<br />

Atticus II, 91-92, no. 65); Faklaris, Κυνουρία, 100 and n. 324, who found a new uninscribed<br />

fragment of the stone near the monastery of Loukou (SEG 35, 1985, 291 commending the first<br />

edition of the book of Faklaris in 1985; Tobin, Herodes Atticus, 334) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Kynouria, Loukou, from the villa of Herodes; architrave of local gray marble: "Ιππαρχος<br />

"Αττικού πατήρ.<br />

Remarks: Κ. Romaios, PAAH 1950,236-238 and 1953, 254-257 identified the ruins of Loukou<br />

with Eua and located the villa of Herodes; for new investigations in the area see<br />

Faklaris, Κυνουρία, 96-104 and esp. for the villa 102-103. However J. Christien-Th.<br />

Spyropoulos, "Eua et la Thyréatide-Topographie et histoire", BCH 109, 1985, 455-<br />

466 identify the place Hellenico, near Astros, with Eua. This place is identified by<br />

P.B. Faklaris, Horos5, 1987, 119, esp. 110 with Thyrea; he repeats this identification<br />

in Κυνουρία, 78 ff.<br />

Tobin, loc. cit., finds it possible that the family acquired the estate in Loukou at the<br />

time of Hipparchus' disgrace and flight to Sparta, although she doesn't accept that<br />



Kynouria was during the Roman period a part of Spartan territory, as is mentioned<br />

by M. Pierart in Ιστορία τοϋ Έλληνικοϋ "Έθνους (Athens 1976) vol. ΣΤ', 164.<br />

There is also one inscription from the villa, which is according to Tobin, op. cit., 334-<br />

335 to be identified with the part C of the so-called "curse inscriptions" from<br />

Herodes' estates at Marathon and Kephissia.<br />

For Atticus see *EL 143; LAC 270; cf. also Appendix, Stemmata XI, 1. 2. 3.<br />


Κ. Romaios, "Έρευναι εν Κυνουρία", ΡΑΑΗ 1911, 278-279; IG Υ 1,1516; Faklaris, Κυνου­<br />

ρία, 136, pi. 54ε [2nd c A.D.].<br />

Kynouria, Hagios Athanasios (anc. Prasiae), in the valley of Sitza, engraved on the rock over<br />

against the monastery of Hagios Nikolaos; funerary inscription:<br />

Τόπος Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Ευρώτα.<br />

Remarks: For Prasiae, which was a town of Eleutherolacones see Paus. III. 21,7; 24,4; for the<br />

identification of the site with the sea port Plaka, near Leonideion, for the<br />

archaeological remains of the area and more references to ancient authors and<br />

modern bibliography, see Faklaris, Κυνουρία, 129 ff.<br />


IG V 2, 369 A 1. 6 [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). A new fragment of the<br />

inscription (IG V 2, 369 A+B) published in Hows as well as part Β is now built into the church<br />

of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Lilia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: Cf. Y. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 2, 1981, 107-113, new edition of the IGW 2, 369 Β<br />

(SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619); id., Hows 3, 1985, 87-88, where he<br />

publishes a new independent fragment of the inscription IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 35,<br />

1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623).<br />


Κ. Romaios, "Έπιγραφαί εκ Κυνουρίας", ΑΘΗΝΑ 18, 1906, 439, fig. 1 (Ameling, Herodes<br />

Atticus Π, 91-92, no. 65); Faklaris, Κυνουρία, 100 and η. 324, who found a new uninscribed<br />

fragment of the stone near the monastery of Loukou (SEG 35, 1985, 291 commending the first<br />

edition of the book of Faklaris in 1985; Tobin, Herodes Atticus, 334) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Kynouria, Loukou, from the villa of Herodes; architrave of local gray marble:<br />

'Ίππαρχος Αττικοϋ πατήρ.<br />

Remarks: For Hipparchus, the rich Athenian, father of Atticus (ARC 63), who was<br />

condemned for tyranny and executed under Domitian, see E. Groag, RE III 2<br />

(1899) 2725 [179] s.v. Claudius; PIR 2 C 801; Ameling, Herodes Atticus I, 15-20;<br />



J.H. Oliver, EOS II, 585; W. Eck, Der neue Pauly 3, 17 [II 35]. Cf. also Appendix,<br />

Stemmata XI, 1.2. 3.<br />


IG V 2, 369 Β, 1. 22 + Y. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 2, 1981, 107-113,1. 15, new edition of the<br />

IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). A new fragment of the<br />

inscription (IG V 2, 369 A+B) published in Hows as well as part Β is now built into the church<br />

of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Lilia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: Cf. Y. Pikoulas, Hows 3, 1985, 87-88, fig. 2 where he publishes a new independent<br />

fragment of the inscription IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 35,1985,350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988,623).<br />


IG V 2, 369 A 1. 5 [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). A new fragment of the<br />

inscription (IG V 2, 369 A+B) published in Hows as well as part Β is now built into the church<br />

of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Lilia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: see ARC 65.<br />


IG V 2, 464 [2nd/3rdc. A.D.].<br />

Megalopolis; honorary inscription erected for him by the polis and financed by his sister<br />

Claudia Iulite for the tribe of Lycaeitae:<br />

[Ή π]όλις Ι [Τιβ.] Κλαύδιον ΠοΙ[λύξ]ενον, άγορανοΙ[μήσαντα λαμπρώς] Ι 5 [προσδεξαμέ]Ινης<br />

το ά[ν]άλωμα Ι Τιβ. Κλα[υ]δίας ΊουΙλίττης της αδελΙφής ύπ[έ]ρ της ΛυΙκαειτ[ώ]ν φυλής.<br />

b. Claudia Iulite (ARC 58); cf. Appendix, Stemma I.<br />


IG V 2, 49 [έτους ρ' και θ': A.D. 78 (Achaean era)].<br />

Tegea, in the area of the gymnasium; hermaic stele bearing a list of personnel of cult services<br />

and liturgies.<br />

ύφιερεύς<br />


/G V 2, 504 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Megalopolis (Museum of Dimitsana [?]); funerary gravestone decorated with a pediment:<br />

Τιβ(έριε) Κλαύδι(ε) Ι Σεκοϋνδε Ι χαίρε.<br />



/G V 2, 50,1.81 (SEG 11, 1950, 1060) [A.D. 166].<br />

Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); list of ephebes.<br />

παιδοτρίβης<br />

Remarks: For the chronology see ARC 7.<br />



IG V 2, 517,1. 5 (cf. SEG 11, 1950, 1159; BullÉpigr 1941, 62) [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

72-77<br />

Lykosoura (in the pronaos of the temple of Despoina); a cylindrical base decorated with a<br />

cymatium. The inscription is an honorary decree of the Achaean Koinon for Sao, son of<br />

Polycharmus. The person discussed here was a strategos of the Achaean Koinon, ...έστρατήγει<br />

των 'Αχαιών Κλαύδιος Τείμανδρος...<br />

Remarks: Maybe he is to be identified with [Κλ]αύδιος Τειμ[ ] of an inscription from<br />

74. ΚΟΚΚΑΙΕΙΟΣ<br />

Troizen (IG IV 759, see ARG 103).<br />

IG V 2, 55,1. 77 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Tegea; part of a column bearing a list of names in six columns (ephebes [?]).<br />

Remarks: For the date see ARC 5.<br />

ΚΟ[Α]ΕΣ[Τ]ΙΝΙΑΝΟΣ ΣΟΛΩΝΟΣ: see Κελεστινιανός (ARC 56)<br />

75. ΚΟΡΝΗ[ΑΙΟΣ- - -]<br />

IGV2, 158.<br />

Tegea; fragment of an architrave.<br />


IG V 2, 55,1. 51 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Tegea; part of a column bearing a list of names in six columns (ephebes [?]).<br />

Remarks: For the date see ARC 5.<br />


IG V 2, 277 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Mantinea, "olim in casa infra Tsipianam sita; inventa extra urbem loco fere stadia ab ea<br />

distante" (IG); a manumission of Mantinice Elpis by Euodia, daughter of Symmachus; the<br />

priest of Poseidon was Cornelius Epitychanio:<br />



[Έπ]ί ιερέως τοϋ Ποσειδώνος Ι Κορνηλίου ΈπιτυγχανίΙωνος Εύοδία Συμμάχου Ι Μαντι-<br />

νική Ελπίδα τήν Ι 5 ιδίαν θυγατέρα και δούΙλην ήλευθέρωσεν, έλευθέραν τε είναι αύτεξού-<br />

σιΐον έπέτρεψεν, μηδενί μηδέν Ι προσήκουσαν κατά μηδέΙ 10 να τρόπον.<br />


IG V 2, 87 [2nd c. A.D.: from the style of the letters A and Ω].<br />

Tegea; an altar dedicated by the person to the Great Mother:<br />

Φλάβιος ΣωσικράΙτου ύός Μεγάλη Ι Μητρί τον βωμόν.<br />


JGV 2, 50,1.76 [A.D. 166].<br />

Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); list of ephebes.<br />

Remarks: For the chronology see ARC 7.<br />


IG V 2, 346; A.v. Premerstein, "Griechisch-Römisches aus Arkadien", IÖAI15, 1912,214-215,<br />

fig. 145 (RA Série 4. 22, 1913,441, no. 169) [A.D. 192/3].<br />

Orchomenos; statue base in honour of the Emperor L. Septimius Severus Pertinax erected by<br />

the polis of Orchomenos during the service period of T. Flavius Philargyrus as logistes:<br />

Αυτοκράτορα Καίσαρα Λ. Σεπτίμιον Σευήρο[ν] Ι Περτίνακα Σεβαστόν ή πόλις ή των Όρχο-<br />

μενίω[ν] Ι τον εαυτής εύεργέτην (hedera) επί λογιστοϋ Ι Τ(ίτου) Φλ(αβίου) Φιλάργυρου.<br />

Remarks: About λογιστής or curator set ARG 49.<br />


IGV 2,50,1.6 [A.D. 166].<br />

Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); list of ephebes. He is the father of the ephebe Λφρο-<br />

δίσιος Φορτουνάτου.<br />

Remarks: For the chronology see ARC 7.<br />


Faklaris, Κυνουρία, 101-102 (SEG 35, 1985, 292 commenting on the first edition of the book<br />

of 1985; cf. AR 32, 1985/6) [age of Antonines].<br />

Kynouria, Loukou; a funerary stele decorated with a relief depicting three figures, one female,<br />

probably the deceased, a man and a child holding a bird, maybe their son. On the architrave<br />

there is the inscription "Αντιοχίς Φορτουνάτου θυγάτηρ καλλίστη.<br />

Remarks: Faklaris, op. cit., n. 330 quotes the referance of the stele by A. Datsoulis-Stavridis in<br />




Γ' Διεθνές Συνέδριο Πελοποννησιακών Σπουδών (Καλαμάτα 8-15 Σεπτεμβρίου<br />

1985); however the material from Loukou is not included in the published version of<br />

her paper in the acts of the congress (A. Stavridis, "Επιτύμβιες στήλες από την<br />

"Αρκαδία" in: Πρακτικά Γ Αίεθνοϋς Συνεδρίου Πελοποννησιακών Σπουδών,<br />

Καλαμάτα 8-15 Σεπτεμβρίου 1985, Πελοποννησιακά, Παράρτημα 13, vol. II<br />

[Athens 1987/8] 472-474).<br />

/GV2,518 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Megalopolis; a base bearing an honorary decree of the Achaean Koinon for Heracleia,<br />

daughter of Eumelus, and the honorary inscription for her. Gellius Bassus introduced the<br />

proposal of the decree.<br />

Remarks: He cannot be identified with certainty with any one of the men who bear the same<br />


name. One of them, a helladarches in Olympia, [Λ(ούκιος)] Γέλλιος [Βάσ]σος (see<br />

EL 221) could be dated about the same time and may be identified with him. Another<br />

homonymous person, Manius Gellius Bassus (ARG 132), erected a statue in honour<br />

of the corrector Achaiae Cn. Claudius Leonticus (ARG 92) in the sanctuary of<br />

Epidauros (IG IV 1417; IG IV 2 1, 694). According to the commentary of IG IV 1417<br />

the praenomen of the person is completed as Marcus and he is to be identified<br />

without doubt with the one attested in the Arcadian inscription. Though it is<br />

possible, it cannot be regarded as a certainty because one of the commonest<br />

praenomina among Gellii was Lucius (cf. Gellii of Corinth, COR 290-295).<br />

I. Kouskounas, "Μία εκ Θυρέας επιτύμβιος επιγραφή", Πλάτων 5, 1951, 260-265 (SEG 13,<br />

1956, 261; cf. BullÉpigr 1954, 117; 1958,7) [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Thyrea; kept in the monastery Orthokostas till 1940 but it vanished during the second world<br />

war: six fragments of a marble funerary stele of Gellius Carpus:<br />

Γέλλιε Κάρπε χαίρε, πάντων φίλε Ι Λθηνα[1]ε εν θυρέα.κατοικών νοήματι Ι και φρ[ον]ήματι<br />

κ[αί] νεανισκεία πολλών Ι έξ[ο]χώτερος ανδρών, έγένετο πραγματευΙ 5 τής τής θυρεατικής<br />

χώρας· νοών και Ι φρ[ο]νώγ ει τι γένοιτο περί αυτόν άνθρώΙπινον κατεσκεύασεν οίκον<br />

έώνιον Ι έαυτώ τε και τοις ιδίοις πάσιν ει δέ τις Ι έπεισενέγκη τών μή προσηκόντων Ι 10<br />

[έτε]ρ[ο]ν και θή, δώσει προστείμου τοίς Ι [λογιστ]αις τής χώρας δηνάρια πεν(τακόσια).<br />

Athenian<br />

Remarks: Cf. mention of the inscription by Faklaris, Κυνουρία, 90, n. 275 (quoting also the<br />

text) and 103, n. 334. Instead of [λογιστ]αις in 1. 11 it is suggested by BullÉpigr<br />

1954, 117 [δεσπότ]αις or more possibly [μισθωτ]αις. For the word πραγματευτής,<br />

see also E. Lane, "An unpublished inscription from Laconia", Hesperia 31, 1962,<br />

396-398, where πραγματευταί of Iulius Eurycles are attested in Asopos in Laconia,<br />

cf. LAC 462 [5].<br />


85. GEMIN[- - -]<br />


CIL III. 1, 497; Rizakis, Achaïe II, 367* [1st c.B.C. or A.D.].<br />

Kleitor (Paleopolis prope Mazi); a fragmentary Latin inscription:<br />

Paconiae Q(uinti) f(iliae), uxsorei Gemin[i].<br />

h. Paconia Q.f. (ARC 130)<br />

*86. [- - -]TOY ΥΙΟΣ ΓΕΜΕΝΟΣ<br />

IG V 2, 435 (cf. SEG 11, 1950, 1148) [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Megalopolis, once in a private house; a honorary decree (...εδοξε τοις συνέδροι[ς καί<br />

τώι δάμωι...]) for Geminus, who was a procurator Augusti. The fragmentary text of the<br />

decree concerns a repair of the city fortification: ...έπ[ίτροπον αύτοκράτορος<br />

Καίσα]ρος τιμαις ίσοθέοις [άρετάς ένεκεν και εύνοιας άς έχων δι]1ατελε(1) εί[ς τε] τάν<br />

[πόλιν ] (Β, 11. 6-8).<br />

Remarks: Groag, Reichsbeamten, 148 believes that the omission of the title of rank indicates<br />


that the inscription is to be dated before Severus. Groag, op. cit., η. 612 completes<br />

the father's name [Κοΐν]του, [Τί]του or [Σέξ]του. For this otherwise unknown<br />

procurator Augusti see PIR 1 G 164 and Pflaum, Carrières, 1071.<br />

IG V 2,275 [2nd/3rdc. A.D.].<br />

Mantinea; manumission (text ARC 56).<br />

Priest of Poseidon<br />

Remarks: Probably his name is the Greek transcription of the gentilicium Heius.<br />

88. ΕΛΟΥΙΟΣ<br />

IG V 2, 386.<br />

Kleitor; fragmentary inscription.<br />

Remarks: The name is to be regarded as the Greek transcription of the gentilicium Helvius.<br />

89. ΙΤΑΛΟΣ<br />

Y. Pikoulas, Hows 3, 1985, 87-88,1. 7, an independent fragment of the inscription IG V 2, 369<br />

Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The new fragment of the<br />

inscription (IG V 2, 369 A+B) published in Hows as well as part Β is now built into the church<br />

of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Lilia (Leucasia). The person is the father of Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Ίρανίων (ARC 34).<br />




IG V 2, 338 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Mantinea (IG: "olim Tsipianae"); a funerary stele: Ιουλία Κάλλουσα Ι χαίρε.<br />


[1] IG V 2, 269 (cf. SEG 35, 1985, 360) [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Mantinea, "olim intra Mantinea muros" (IG); a stele bearing a decree of the synodos of the<br />

priests of Asclepius in honour of Iulia Eudia, who offered them a vineyard. She is attested as<br />

Τουλία Εύ[δία Εύτελείνου θυγάτηρ] (1. 2) and Εύδίαι (1. 30).<br />

[2] JGV 2, 270 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Mantinea, in the village Rimi, east of Tegea; a stele decorated with a cymatium bearing an<br />

honorary decree of the priests of Zeus for Iulia Eudia, who offered them a vineyard:<br />

Άγαθδ[ι Τύχαι]. Ι Επειδή Τουλία [Ευδία Εύτελεί]Ινου θυγάτηρ, γυ[νή καλή και αγαθή] Ι και<br />

προγόνων τ[ών αρίστων, αυτή τε] Ι 5 οΰσα μεγαλοψύ[χως πάσαν τήν σύνο]Ιδον τετίμηκεν,<br />

[συγκατατιθεμένου τήι] Ι αυτής μεγαλ[οψυχίαι και Γάίου Ιουλίου] Ι Στροβίλου τ[οϋ ανδρός<br />

αυτής, άνα]1τέθεικεν δέ [καί τοις ίερεϋσι τοϋ Διός] Ι 10 τοϋ Έπιδώτ[ου αμπέλων πλέθρα δεκα-<br />

τέσ]Ισαρα ουδέν [ένλείπουσα τής ιδίας] Ι μεγαλοψυχίας καί χρηστότητος], Ι δι' ά πάντα<br />

[δεδόχθαι τοις ίερεϋσι] Ι τοϋ Διός το[ϋ Έπιδώτου, έπαινέσαι] Ι 15 Τουλίαν Ε[ύδίαν καί άνα-<br />

θεΐναι αυτής] Ι είκό[να γραπτήν εν τω ναώ τοϋ Διός τοϋ] Ι [Έπιδώτου].<br />

Remarks: About δείπνα ισιακά καί πυρφορικά of the priests recorded in the inscription, to<br />

which Eudia and her descendants are invited see M. Jost, Sanctuaires et cultes<br />

d'Arcadie, Études peloponnesiennes IX (Paris 1985) 504-506. For women in Arcadia<br />

see M. Jost, "Évergetisme et tradition religieuse à Mantinée au 1er siècle avant J.-C",<br />

in: Splendissima civitas. Études d'histoire romaine (Paris 1996) 193-200.<br />

w. C. Iulius Strobilus (ARC 110)<br />


IG V 2, 542 Β, 1. 6-8 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Megalopolis; a base in the cella of the temple of Despoina bearing two honorary inscriptions, one<br />

for Iulia Pantimia and another for her brother C. Iulius Cratinus, erected by the polis of Megalopolis:<br />

Έπί ίερέος [Δ]αΙμύλλου Ι ά πόλις ά τών Ι ΜεγαλοπολιΙ 5 τάν Ι Τουλίαν ΠαντιΙμίαν ΛάκωΙνος<br />

θυγατέρα Ι Δεσποίναι.<br />

Lacedaemonian<br />

d. C. Iulius Laco (ARC 107), sister of C. Iulius Cratinus (ARC 99); see LAC 468.<br />


7GV2,413[2nd/3rdc. A.D.].<br />

Thelpusa (Paleobanaena); funerary epigram.<br />


94-98<br />



IG V 2, 55,1. 31 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Tegea; part of a column bearing a list of names in six columns (ephebes [?]).<br />

Remarks: For the date see ARC 5.<br />

s. of Iulius (ARC 95)<br />

95. ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ<br />

f. of Iulis, son of Iulius (ARC 94)<br />

96. ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ<br />

IG V 2, 185; W. Peek, "Epigramme und andere Inschriften aus Lakonien und Arkadien", Sitz.<br />

Heidelberger Ak. Wis., Phil.-hist. Klasse, 1971, no. 9 (cf. BullÉpigr 1973, 195) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.:<br />

from the style of the letters].<br />

Tegea; a pedimental stele probably bearing an funerary epigram.<br />

Remarks: In the reconstruction of the inscription by W. Peek the lines 4-5 are to be completed:<br />

Ιούλιος [εύ]γε[νίης σω]Ιφροσύνης [τε χ]άρι[ν], while in the IG publication a female<br />

name Τουλ[ία — Εύ]φροσύνη is to be recognised.<br />


IG V 2, 369 Α, Β 1. 24 + Y. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 2, 1981, 107-113,1. 17, new edition of the<br />

IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The part Β is now built into<br />

the church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Lilia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: Y. Pikoulas, Hows 3, 1985, 87-88, where he publishes a new independent fragment<br />

98. ΙΟΥΑ(ΙΟΣ) ΓΑΪΟΣ<br />

of the inscription IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623).<br />

IG V 2, 369 A 1. 2 [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The part Β is now built into<br />

the church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Lilia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: About Caius as cognomen see Kajanto, 172. Cf. Y. Pikoulas, "Σύμμεικτα. IG V 2<br />

369 Β", Archaiognosia 2, 1981, 107-113, new edition of the /GV2, 369 Β (SEG 31,<br />

1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619); id., Hows 3, 1985, 87-88, where he publishes a<br />

new independent fragment of the inscription IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf.<br />

BullÉpigr 1988, 623).<br />



7GV2, 541,1. 6-8 [1st c. A.D.].<br />


99-103<br />

Megalopolis; a statue base in the cella of the temple of Despoina bearing two honorary<br />

inscriptions, one for Iulius Cratinus and one for his sister Iulia Pantimia, erected by the polis<br />

of Megalopolis:<br />

[Έ]πί ίερέος ΔαΙμύλλου Ι ά πόλις τών Ι ΜεγαλοπολιΙ 5 τάν Ι Γάιον Τούλιον Ι Λάκωνος Ι υίον<br />

Κρατινον Ι Δεσποίναι.<br />

Lacedaemonian<br />

b. Iulia Pantimia (ARC 92), s. C. Iulius Laco (ARC 107); see LAC 468.<br />


IG V 2, 55,1. 28 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Tegea; part of a column bearing a list of names in six columns (ephebes [?]).<br />

Remarks: For the date see ARC 5.<br />

101. ΙΟΥΛ(ΙΟΣ) ΑΩΡΑΣ<br />

IG V 2, 369 A 1. 7 [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The part Β is now built into<br />

the church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Lilia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: Cf. Y. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 2, 1981, 107-113, new edition of the IG V 2, 369 Β<br />

(5EG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619); id., Hows 3, 1985, 87-88, where he<br />

publishes a new independent fragment of the inscription IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 35,<br />

1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623).<br />


IG V 2, 341 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Mantinea; a funerary stele in two fragments "avec un ornement bizarre" (Le Bas-Foucart,<br />

Voyage II, 352), erected by the person for himself and his relatives:<br />

Ζών Ι Γ(άιος) Τούλιος Δώρος Ι έαυτώ καί τοις ιδίοις. Ι Δώρε χαίρε. Δωρί χαίρε.<br />


/GV2, 524 [after A.D. 72].<br />

Megalopolis; a basis dedicated to Despoina by the king Philopappus:<br />

Βασιλεύς Ι Τούλιος Επιφανής Ι Φιλόπαππος Δεσποίν[α] Ι καί Σωτίρα δώρον. Ι Έπί ίερέος Ι<br />


Σωτηρίχου.<br />


Commagenian prince<br />

Remarks: The whole name of the person is C. Iulius Antiochus Epiphanes Philopappus<br />

retaining the title of King. He was a consul suffectus in A.D. 109 and was also a<br />

citizen, archon and benefactor of Athens, where he lived and left a mausoleum in a<br />

prominent place viewing the Acropolis (for the monument see D. Kleiner, The<br />

monument of Philopappos in Athens [Rome 1982]). He was a friend of Plutarch and<br />

is to be recognised in his work Quaest. conv. I. 10. For him see L. Robert, Études<br />

épigraphiques et philologiques (Paris 1938) 138, no. 7 (BullÉpigr 1939, 121; SEG 11,<br />

1950, 1160); PIR 2 I 151; R.D. Sullivan, "The dynasty of Commagene", ANRW II 8<br />

(1977) 732-798 (for the whole dynasty), esp. 796-797 for Philopappus and his sister<br />

Balbilla; Halfmann, Senatoren, 131, no. 36; J.H. Oliver, EOS II, 588 and 601; W.<br />

Eck, Der neue Paulyò, 26 [Π 12] s.v. Iulius. For Balbilla and her connction to Sparta<br />

see Halfmann, Senatoren, 131, no. 37; A.J.S. Spawforth, "Balbilla, the Euryclids and<br />

memorials for a Greek magnate", ABS A 73, 1978, 249-260.<br />


IG V 2,50,1. 3-4 [A.D. 166].<br />

Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); list of ephebes.<br />

ύπογυμνασίαρχος<br />

Remarks: For the chronology see ARC 7.<br />


[1] IG V 2, 281; SylV 841 (L. Robert, A travers Γ Asie Mineure [Paris 1980] 138 [SEG 31,<br />

1981, 349; BullÉpigr 1981, 272]) [ca. A.D. 136/7 according to Spawforth].<br />

Mantinea, in a Byzantine church near the agora; an architrave of a stoa dedicated to the temple<br />

of Antinous by the discussed person:<br />

Γ(άιος) Τούλιος Εύρυκλής Ήρκλανος Λ(ούκιος) Ούιβούλλιος ΠεΙος την στοάν συν ταις εν<br />

αύτη έξέδραις τη Μαντινέων πόλει καί τω έπιχωρίω θεώ "Αντινόω κατ[ε]σκεύασε δια τών<br />

κληρονόμων.<br />

[2] IG V 2, 311 [2nd c. A.D.]: Mantinea; part of a cylidrical base bearing the name [Γ(άιον)<br />

Ίούλι]ον Φαβία Εύρυ[κλέα Ήρκλανόν Λ(ούκιον) Ούι]βούλλιον Π[εΙον].<br />

Lacedaemonian<br />

Senator<br />

Remarks: About the foundation of the cult of Antinous at Mantinea as έπιχώριος θεός ([1]),<br />

established according to Pausanias (VIII. 9, 7) with an initiative of Hadrian because<br />

of Antinous' origin from Bithynion, which was connected traditionally with<br />

Mantinea (...oi δέ Βιθυνεις Αρκάδες τέ είσι καί Μαντινεις τά άνωθεν...), see<br />

Robert, op. cit., 134-138 commending IG V 2, 312, where Antinous is identified with<br />



Hermes as psychopompos; for evidence of the cult see also M. Jost, Sanctuaires et<br />

cultes d'Arcadie. Etudes peloponnesiennes IX (Paris 1985) 541-542 (SEG 35, 1985,<br />

364). Cf. also H. Meyer, Antinoos. Die archäologischen Denkmäler unter<br />

Einbeziehung des numismatischen und epigraphischen Materials sowie der<br />

literarischen Nachrichten. Ein Beitrag zur Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte der<br />

hadrianisch- frühantoninischen Zeit (München 1991) 166-167 (IE 8), 204-205, 208<br />

and ARC 3.<br />

About a connection with IG V 1, 489+575 and Corinth VIII. 3, 314 and purpose of<br />

dedication of [1] see Spawforth, ABSA 73, 1978, 255-260 (SEG 28, 1978, 420).<br />

About the discussed person, the first Spartan senator, see E. Groag, REX 1 (1918)<br />

580-585, s.v. Iulius (Eurycles) [221]; id., Reichsbeamten, 118; PIR 2 1 302; Halfmann,<br />

Senatoren, 125-126, no. 29; J.H. Oliver, EOS II, 594-595.<br />

s. (C. Iulius) Laco (ARC 107); see LAC 461.<br />

106. ΙΟΥΛΙ(ΟΣ) ΗΡΩΔΗ?<br />

IG V 2, 52, 1. 7 [ξθ' από τής θεού 'Αδριανού ίς (sic) την Ελλάδα παρουσίας, A.D. 193/4<br />

A.D.].<br />

Tegea, Episcopi; a hermaic stele decorated with the head of Heracles bearing a list of ephebes.<br />

archephebos<br />

*107. ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ ΛΑΚΩΝ<br />

[1]/GV2,541,1. 6-8 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Megalopolis; a statue base in the cella of the temple of Despoina bearing two honorary<br />

inscriptions, one for Iulius Cratinus and one for his sister Iulia Pantimia, erected by the polis<br />

of Megalopolis:<br />

Α. [Έ]πί ίερέος Δαμύλλου Ι ά πόλις ά τών Ι ΜεγαλοπολιΙ 5 ταν, Γάϊον Τούλιον Ι Λάκωνος Ι<br />

υίόν ΚρατΙνον Ι Δεσποίναι.<br />

[2] JGV2, 542 Β, 1.6-8 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Megalopolis; a base in the cella of the temple of Despoina bearing two honorary inscriptions,<br />

one for Iulia Pantimia and another for her brother C. Iulius Cratinus, erected by the polis of<br />

Megalopolis (text ARC 92).<br />

Lacedaemonian<br />

f. Iulia Pantimia (ARC 92), C. Iulius Cratinus (ARC 99); see LAC 468.<br />


IG V 2, 369 Α, Β 1. 23 + Y. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 2, 1981, 107-113,1. 16, new edition of the<br />

IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619) [first half of 3rd e. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The part Β is now built into<br />

the church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Lilia (Leucasia).<br />



Remarks: Cf. Y. Pikoulas, Hows 3, 1985, 87-88, where he publishes a new independent<br />

109. ΙΟΥΛ(ΙΟΣ) Σ[- - -]<br />

fragment of the inscription IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 35,1985,350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988,623).<br />

IG V 2, 369 A 1. 1 [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The part Β is now built into<br />

the church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Lilia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: Cf. Y. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 2, 1981, 107-113, new edition of the IG V 2, 369 Β<br />

(SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619); id., Hows 3, 1985, 87-88, where he<br />

publishes a new independent fragment of the inscription IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 35,<br />

1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623).<br />


[1] /GV2, 269,1.7 (SEG 35, 1985,360) [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Mantinea, "ohm intra Mantineae muros" (IG); a stele bearing a honorary decree of the<br />

synodos of the priests of Asclepius for his wife Iulia Eudia. His name appears as Γάιος Τού­<br />

λιος Στρόβειλος (11. 7, 22, 26-27) on the stone.<br />

[2] IG V 2, 270,1. 7-8 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Mantinea, in the village Rizai, east of Tegea; a stele decorated with a cymatium bearing a<br />

honorary decree of the priests of Zeus for the wife of Iulius Strobeilus, Iulia Eudia; here [Γάϊος<br />

Τούλιος] Στρόβιλος (text ARC 91,11. 7-8).<br />

h. Iulia Eudia (ARC 91)<br />

111. ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ<br />

IG V 2, 275,1. 10 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Mantinea (now in the Athenian Epigraphical museum); manumission. An Hermeias, son of<br />

Iunius, and an Artemo, son of Artemo, free their slave Didyme (text ARC 56).<br />

112. ΛΑΙΤΟΣ<br />

IG V 2, 339 [lst/2nd c. A.D.; from the style of the letters].<br />

Mantinea; a grave stele decorated with three acroteria and a relief depicting a standing man:<br />

Λαιτε χαίρε.<br />

113. ΛΙΒΥΡΝΟΣ<br />

IG V 2, 55,1. 79 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Tegea; part of a column bearing a list of names in six columns (ephebes [?]). The person is<br />


attested as father of one of the ephebes, Ζώσιμος Λιβυρνου.<br />

Remarks: For the date see ARC 5.<br />

114. ΛΟΥΚΑΣ<br />

IG V 2, 55,1. 57 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />


Tegea; list of names. Loucas is father of an Aphrodas (Λφροδάς Λουκά).<br />

114-119<br />

Remarks: On names with the suffix -ας see H. Solin, in: Roman onomastics, 8. For the date see<br />

ARC 5.<br />


IG V 2, 55,1. 65 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Tegea; list of names.<br />

Remarks: Cf. ARC 114 and for the date ARC 5.<br />

116. ΛΟΥΚΙΟ[Σ - - -]<br />

IG V 2,48,1.8 [2nd e. A.D. (?)].<br />

Tegea; a marble plaque bearing a list of ephebes and functionaries of the gymnasium.<br />


IG V 2, 302 [A.D. 125-128].<br />

Mantinea; a statue base of the emperor Hadrian erected by Phaedrus as summa honoraria for<br />

the office of the secretary:<br />

[Αυτοκράτορα Καίσαρα θεού Ι Τρα]ϊανού Παρθικο[ΰ υί]1όν, θεού Νέρβα υίωνόν, ΤραΙϊανόν<br />

Γ Αδριανόν Σεβαστόν Ι Α(ύλος) Μαίκιος Φαιδρός υπέρ γραμίματείας σύν τω ναώ εν τω Ι ίδίω<br />

ένιαυτώ εκ τών ιδίων Ι άνιέρωσε.<br />

Remarks: About the phrase υπέρ γραμματείας cf. Robert, Études anatoliennes (Amsterdam<br />

1970) 415, adn. 7 (BullÉpigr 1938, 131; 5EG 11, 1950, 1090), which is to be<br />

understood as the summa honoraria paid for the office of grammateus.<br />

118. MAPKIANH<br />

IG IV 678 (Mitsos, 121) [4th c. A.D.].<br />

Thyreatis, monastery of Loukou: a grave stele: Ζήσις, Μαρκιανή.<br />


IG V 2, 50,1. 19 (SEG 11, 1950, 1060) [A.D. 166].<br />



Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); list of ephebes.<br />

Remarks: For the chronology see ARC 7.<br />

120. ΜΑΡΚΟΣ ΤΙΤΟΥ<br />

IG V 2, 274,1. 4-5 [έτους εβδόμου καί τεσσαρακοστού: A.D. 15/16 (Actian era)].<br />

Mantinea; manumissions: Έπί ίερέος τώι Ποσιδάνος 'Απολλώνιου, δεκτήρος δέ Μάρκου<br />

τού Τίτου, έτους εβδόμου καί τεσσαρακοστού...<br />

s. Titus (?) (ARC 160)<br />

121. ΜΕΜΜΙΑ<br />

7GV2, 310 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Mantinea, in the south stoa of the agora; a capital of a Doric column erected by Memmia for<br />

her granddaughter Asclepo after a decree of the boule: Μεμμία Λσκλαπώ την ίδίίαν έγγονον<br />

εκ τών ιδίων Ι Ψ.Β.<br />


[1] IG V 2, 124 [reign of Trajan, probably after A.D. 102, when Trajan obtains the title of<br />

Dacicus, since there is in the text the phrase εν Μυ[σία νείκης (?)...].<br />

Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); a marble plaque decorated with a cymatium, erected<br />

probably by the person discussed here:<br />

[Υπέρ τής — θ]εοΰ Τραϊανού εν ΜυΙ[σία νείκης (?) — Πό(πλιος) Μέ]μμιος Αγαθοκλής<br />

Ι [—τ]οις ύπ' αυτού άνατεΙ[θειμένοις —]ήσουσιν δέ την Ι— etc.<br />

[2] IG V 2, 125 [reign of Trajan or Hadrian].<br />

Tegea, in the agora; a stone bearing a dedication of a temple with its bronze wheights and<br />

several sculptures by Agathocles to Πάντες Θεοί during his tenure of the office of the<br />

agoranomos:<br />

Πό(πλιος) Μέμμιος 'Αγαθοκλής άγορανομήσας άνέθηκεν Π[άντων θε]1ών τον οίκον καί τά<br />

εν αύτω σταθμά etc.<br />


/GV 2, 50,1.61 [A.D. 166].<br />

Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); list of ephebes.<br />

Remarks: For the chronology see ARC 7.<br />


IG V 2, 77; A.v. Premerstein, "Griechisch-Römisches aus Arkadien", IÖAI15, 1912, 197-199<br />



facsimile (M. Guarducci, "La dedica di L. Mummio a Tegea", BullComm 64, 1936 [=7, 1936-<br />

XIV-XV], 41-49 [BullÉpigr 1939, 120]) [146 B.C.].<br />

Tegea, once in Tripolis; two fragments of a base bearing a dedication of L. Mummius. On<br />

the same stone there was an older inscription, presumably of the 5th c. B.C., Ρασστυόχο<br />

and Ιιερακλέος<br />

Remarks: Ρασστυόχος is an epithet that could be associated with Athena as protector of a<br />


polis. This made scholars connect the inscription not with Athena Alea, the major<br />

divinity of Tegea, but with Athena Poliatis, whose cult and shrine is quoted by<br />

Paus. VIII. 57, 5. So F. Hiller von Gaertringen restores the text Λεύκιος Μόμ-<br />

μιος Λευκίου στρατη[γός ύπατος Τωμαίων ' Αθήναι Πολιάδι]. On the contrary,<br />

Guarducci, op. cit., associates the dedication to Athena Alea, whose epithet is<br />

derived also from a root meaning defence or protection, and identifies Alea to the<br />

ancient divinity who protected the polis of Tegea. She finds it possible that the<br />

epithet Ρασστυόχος refers to Alea or to another divinity or hews and not to<br />

Poliatis, who came from Argos.<br />

For Mummius see ARG 194; EL 284.<br />

IG Y 2,50,1. 16 [A.D. 166].<br />

Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); list of ephebes.<br />

Remarks: For the chronology see ARC 7.<br />

s. Papulus (ARC 132)<br />

126. ΟΦΙΛΛΙΟΣ<br />

IG V 2, 52,1. 8 [ξθ' από της θεού 'Αδριανού ίς (sic) την Ελλάδα παρουσίας, A.D. 193/4].<br />

Tegea, Episcope; an hermaic stele decorated with the head of Heracles bearing a list of<br />

ephebes. The person is attested as archephebos.<br />


IG V 2, 55,1. 75 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Tegea; part of a column bearing a list of names in six columns (ephebes [?]).<br />

Remarks: For the date see ARC 5.<br />


IG V 2, 55,1. 70 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Tegea; part of a column bearing a list of names in six columns (ephebes [?]).<br />

Remarks: For the date see ARC 5.<br />




/G V 2, 50,1.36 [A.D. 166].<br />

Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); list of ephebes.<br />

Ephebe<br />

Remarks: For the chronology see ARC 7.<br />

130. PACONIA Q. F.<br />

CIL III 1, 497; Rizakis, Achaïe II, 367* [1st c.B.C. or A.D.].<br />

Kleitor (Paleopolis prope Mazi); a fragmentary Latin inscription (text ARC 85).<br />

Remarks: About Paconii in Kleitor see also A.J.N. Wilson, Emigration from Italy in the<br />

Republican age of Rome (New York 1966) 149.<br />

w. Gemin[us] (ARC 85)<br />


/G V 2, 50,1.50 [A.D. 166].<br />

Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); list of ephebes.<br />

Remarks: For the chronology see ARC 7.<br />

132. ΠΑΠΥΛΟΣ<br />

IG Y 2,50,1. 16 [A.D. 166].<br />

Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); list of ephebes. The person is the father of the ephebe<br />

Octavius.<br />

f. Octavius (ARC 125)<br />

133. ΠΕΙΟΣ<br />

IGV 2,287 [lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Mantinea; dedication in verse for Lyaios (epithet of Dionysos) on a statue base in his temple,<br />

which is dated by the priesthood of the person,... επί ιερέως Τερωνύμου τοϋ Πείου.<br />


IG V 2, 517,1. 5-6 (cf. SEG 11, 1950, 1159; BullÉpigr 1941, 62) [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Lykosoura (in the pronaos of the temple of Despoina); a cylindrical base decorated with a<br />

cymatium. The inscription is an honorary decree of the Achaean Koinon for Sao, son of<br />

Polycharmus, from Megalopolis. Pompeius Apellas introduced the proposal to honour Sao:<br />

Οι 'Αχαιοί Ι Σάωνα Πολυχάρμου καί Σακλέας Μεγαλοπολείτην Ι τον ίεροφάντην των Μεγά-<br />



λων θεών δια σωφροσύνην καί την άλλην άρετήν. Ψήφισμα 'Αχαιών Ι έστρατήγει των<br />

'Αχαιών Κλαύδιος Τείμανδρος· ά έδοξε τοις ΆχαιοΙς· Πομπήιος Ι Άπελλάς εΐπεν etc.<br />


7GV2,543 [ca. A.D. 150].<br />

Lykosoura; a stele decorated with a cymatium, that bore a missing list of mystae, επί ιερέως<br />

Πομπηίου Άρ[ι]στοκράτους οι μυούμενοι τήι τών ιερών [—].<br />

Arcadian (Megalopolis) with an origin from Sparta (?)<br />

Remarks: For an identification of the person with a son of Pompeius Damaenetus and Volusene<br />

Iusta, suggesting the Spartan origin of the family, for the date and a stemma of the<br />

family see A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985, 222-224 (SEG 35, 1985, 355) and<br />

Settipani, 496 (stemma). For a study of the priestly offices of Lykosoura see E.<br />

Durie, Hows2, 1984, 137-147 (SEG34, 1984, 324).<br />

s. Pompeius Damaenetus (ARC 136) and Volusena Iusta (ARC 172); cf. LAC 618.<br />


IG V 2, 544 [ca. A.D. 150 according to the stemma in IG and the remarks of Spawforth].<br />

Lykosoura; in the pronaos of the temple of Despoina; a cylindrical marble statue base erected<br />

by Megalopolis and Lykosoura for the wife of Pompeius Damaenetus, Volusena Iusta:<br />

Α πόλις Ι ά τών Μεγαλοπολιτάν καί ά Ι τών ΑυκουραΙ 5 σίων ΟύολοσΙσηνήν Ίούσταν (?) Ι Ούο-<br />

λουσσηνοϋ ΆριΙστοκράτους θυίγατέρα καί ΠομΙπηΐου Δαμαινέτου Ι γυναίκα άρετάς Ι ένεκεν.<br />

Arcadian (Megalopolis) with an origin from Sparta (?)<br />

Remarks: For the stemma of the family see A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985,222-224 (SEG 35,<br />

1985, 356); Settipani, 496.<br />

husband of Volusena Iusta (ARC 172); cf. LAC 621.<br />


IG V 2, 151,1. 15-16 + cor. ad 151; A.v. Premerstein, "Griechisch-Römisches aus Arkadien",<br />

JÖAI15, 1912, 207-212, no. 4, fig. 144 (AnnÉpigr 4. 22, 1913, 441, no. 168; SEG 11, 1950,<br />

1062a) [under Hadrian].<br />

Tegea, Episcopi; two fragments of a base erected for Theophanes (ARC 138) by his friend M.<br />

Pompeius Eisas (text ARC 138).<br />

Remarks: It seems probable that Eisas acquired Roman citizenship with the mediation of his<br />

friend M. Pompeius Theophanes (ARC 138) or he was adopted by him. Premerstein,<br />

op. cit., 212: "ΕΊσάς Ίσάς, Kurzname für Ισίδωρος".<br />


IG V 2, 151 + cor. ad 151; Α.ν. Premerstein, "Griechisch-Römisches aus Arkadien", JÖAI 15,<br />



1912, 207-212, no. 4, fig. 144 (AnnÉpigr 4. 22, 1913, 441, no. 168; IGXU Suppl., p. 75; SEG<br />

11, 1950, 1062a) [under Hadrian].<br />

Tegea, Episcopi; two fragments of a base erected for Theophanes by his friend M. Pompeius<br />

Eisas Aelianus (ARC 137):<br />

[Μ(άρκον)] Πομπήιο[ν νέον Θεοφάνην ΚυΙρί]να Μακρεϊν[ον, τεσσάρων άν]δρών, ταμίαν καί<br />

άν[τιστρά]Ιτηγον Πόντου καί [Βειθυνίας], Ι 5 δήμαρχον, στρατη[γον Ρώμης], Ι έπιμελητήν<br />

Λατείνης ήγεΙμόνα λεγιώνος έκτης ΝικηφόΙρου, πρεσβευτήν καί άντιστράΙτηγον Αύτοκράτο-<br />

ρος Καίσαρος Ι 10 Τραϊανού Γερμανικοί) Δακικοϋ Ι Παρθικοί) έπαρχείας Κιλικίας, Ι άνθύπα-<br />

τον Σικελίας, ΰπατον, Ι ιερέα έν τοίς Αύγουσταλίοις,Ι ιερέα εν τοις ιε' άνδράσιν, Ι άνθύπατον<br />

' Αφρικος (!) -Μ(άρκος) ΠομΙπήιος ΕΊσάς Αιλιανός τόνϊδιΙ[ο]ν φίλον. Ψ(ηφίσματι) Β(ουλής).<br />

From Lesbos<br />

IVvir (viarum curandarum), quaestor pro praetore Ponti et Bithyniae, tribunus plebis, praetor<br />

urbanus, curator viae Latinae, legatus Augusti pro praetore provinciae Ciliciae, proconsul<br />

Siciliae, consul, sodalis Augustalis, XVvir sacris faciundis, proconsul prov. Africae<br />

Remarks: About the person see J. Klass, RE XXI. 2 (1952), 2278-2279, s.v. M. Pompeius<br />

Macrinus [95]; Halfmann, Senatoren, 138, no. 44; PIR 2 Ρ 628; Eck, Senatoren, 204;<br />

G. Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter den Antoninen (Bonn 1977) 85 n.<br />

51; K. Buraselis, "Two notes on Theophanes' descendants", in: Ο. Salomies (ed.),<br />

The Greek East in the Roman context, Proceedings of a colloquium organised by the<br />

« Finnish Institute at Athens, May 21 and 22, 1999 (Helsinki 2001) 67-70. The cursus<br />

honorum of the person and the date of the inscription is established by H.G. Pflaum,<br />

"La chronologie de la carrière de M. Pompeius Macrinus Theophanes, legatus leg.<br />

VI Vitricis", Germania 37, 1959, 150-155 (BullÉpigr 1960, 117; SEG 19, 1963, 325),<br />

while Premerstein prefers a date under Trajan. Premerstein, op. cit., corrects [M.]<br />

Πομπήιο[ν υίόν (tribus) ]να ΜακρεΙν[ον Θεοφάνην, δ' άν]δρών... New data about<br />

the person's career appear in an inscription from Mytilene, see R. Hodot, "La<br />

grande inscription de M. Pompeius Macrinus à Mytilène", ZPE 34, 1979, 221-237<br />

(SEG 29, 1979, 741); G. Labarre, Les cités de Lesbos aux époques hellénistique et<br />

impériale (Lyon 1996) Choix, no. 43.<br />


G.A. Souris-T. Spyropoulos, "Ένας στρατηγός καί άρχιερεύς τοϋ Κοινοϋ τών 'Αχαιών σέ<br />

μια νέα επιγραφή από τήν Τεγέα", in: Achaia und Elis, 127-131 (5EG41, 1991, 384; AnnÉpigr<br />

1991, 1444) [A.D. 218-235].<br />

Tegea, found in an excavation in the garden of Τεγεατικός Σύνδεσμος of Palaia Episcopi<br />

Tegeas; a large marble statue base erected by the polis of Tegea, with the consent of boule and<br />

demos, in honour of Menophanes:<br />

'Αγαθή Τύχη Ι Σέκστον Πομπήιον Ι Μηνοφάνην ΘεοξέΙνου, τον άξιολογώΙ 5 τατον στρατηγον<br />

τοϋ Ι Κοινοϋ τών 'Αχαιών Ι καί αρχιερέα τοϋ ΣεΙβαστοΰ καί τών θείων Ι προγόνων αύτοϋ<br />

καί Ι 10 αρχιερέα διά βίου τοϋ ΚοιΙνοϋ τών 'Αχαιών, φιλοΐκαίσαρα καί φιλόπατριν, Ι ευσεβή,<br />



140-144<br />

υίόν πόλεως Ι καί βουλής, ή Τεγεατών Ι 15<br />

πόλις τον εαυτής εύΙεργέτην.Ι Ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής)<br />

κ(αί) δ(ήμου).<br />

Spartan, citizen also of Tegea<br />

Remarks: The editors of the inscription identify the honorand as the Spartan recorded in IG Y<br />

140. ΠΡΕΙΜΟ[Σ - - -]<br />

1, 303, 325,464, who belongs to the well known family of the Sexti Pompeii studied<br />

by A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985, 244-246. After examining his titles and<br />

honours they suggest a date between A.D. 218 and 235 and conclude that he was a<br />

citizen of both Sparta and Tegea. For the person cf. also LAC 629.<br />

IG Y 2,48,1. 14 [2nd c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Tegea; a marble plaque bearing a list of names, perhaps ephebes and functionaries of a<br />

gymnasium.<br />

141. ΠΡΕΙΜΟΣ<br />

IG Y 2, 327,1. 2 and 11 [2nd /3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Mantinea, church of Hagios Ioannis; a funerary epigram.<br />


IG Y 2, 55,1. 54 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Tegea; part of a column bearing a list of names in six columns (ephebes [?]).<br />

Remarks: For the date see ARC 5.<br />

143. ΠΡΙΜΟΣ (I)<br />

IG Y 2, 55,1.81 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Tegea; part of a column bearing a list of names in six columns (ephebes [?]).<br />

Remarks: For the date see ARC 5.<br />

f. Primus (ARC 144)<br />

[- - -] ΠΡΕΙΜΟΣ ΣΥΜΦΟΡΟΥ: see [Αύρ(ήλιος)] Πρειμος Συμφόρου (ARC 39)<br />

144. ΠΡΙΜΟΣ (Η) ΠΡΙΜΟΥ<br />

IG Υ 2, 55,1. 81 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Tegea; part of a column bearing a list of names in six columns (ephebes [?]).<br />

Remarks: For the date see ARC 5.<br />

s. Primus (ARC 142)<br />


145. ΠΡΟΚΛΑ<br />


IG Y 2, 382 [Ist/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; funerary inscription: Πρόκλα χαίρε.<br />

146. Π(ΟΠΛΙΟΣ) ΣΕΙΜΑΣ<br />

IG Y 2, 239 [after 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Tegea, Piali; funerary inscription; it could be read as Πρειμα or Π(οπλία) Σείμα.<br />

Remarks: A name Σιμάς is attested in Palaeros in Acarnania in the 3rd c. B.C., see IG IX 2 1.2,<br />

147. [- - - Ρ]ΟΥΦΕΙΝΟΣ<br />

527; LGPN III. A, 395, and in Attica as Σίμας, see IG Π 2 2391; LGPNll, 398.<br />

IG Y 2, 154 [2nd e. A.D.; from the style of the letters].<br />

Tegea, in the garden of Episcopi; the person is perhaps honoured as patron and euergetes by<br />

the polis of Tegea: [πόλις Τεγεατών — Τ]ουφεϊνον Ι [τον πάτρωνα καί εύεργ]έταν.<br />

148. ΡΟΥΦΟΣ<br />

JG V~2, 50,1. 10 [A.D. 166].<br />

Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); list of ephebes, where the person is attested as father<br />

of Epiktas (Έπικτάς Τούφου).<br />

Remarks: For the chronology see ARC 7.<br />

*149. ΡΟΥΦΟΣ<br />

IG Y 2, 153; A.v. Premerstein, "Griechisch-Römisches aus Arkadien", JÖAI 15, 1912,215-218;<br />

D. Feissel, T&MByz9, 1985, 292-293, no. 32, pi. V, 1 [A.D. 395 (?)].<br />

Tegea, near the church of Episkopi; a marble statue base bearing an honorary epigram for the<br />

consul Rufus, erected by πόληος άριστοι:<br />

"Ηπιε, καρτερόθυμε, σαόπτολι, ύπατε Ι Τοΰφε, Ι άντεχε, σής Τεγέης μένος, οβριμε, Ι άντεχε<br />

πάσιν Ι δυσμενέσιν, δώρω δ' έπαγ(ά)λλεο Ι ω βασιλεύς σοι Ι άντ' αρετής δώκεν, στήσαν δέ Ι<br />

πόληος άριστοι.<br />

consul<br />

Remarks: For the person see Groag, Reichsbeamten spätröm. Zeit, 68 (5EG 11, 1950,<br />

1063), dating the text like Premerstein, op. cit., in A.D. 395 and connecting it with<br />

the invasion of the Visigoths of Alaric (Zos. V. 6, 4); id., Zeits. für d. Alt. 60, 1923,<br />

77, considers that Rufus was neither a consul Ordinarius nor a proconsul of Achaia<br />

but that he held an honorary consulate offered to him by the Emperor Arcadius.<br />

Feissel, op. cit., 292 points out the difficulties of accepting this theory, since the title<br />

is attested only under Zeno.<br />


150. ΣΕΚΟΥΝΑΟΣ<br />


The honouring of the person is probably to be connected with the defence of<br />

Tegea during the invasion of Alaric's Visigoths (A.D. 396/7) as the named<br />

scholars suggest; on the suffering of Tegea because of the German invasions see<br />

Claudian., De b. Got. 576. The phrase σής Τεγέης indicates according to Feissel,<br />

op. cit. 292 that Rufus came from Tegea and doesn't exclude the possibility that<br />

ύπατος was a local magistrate. Further, he identifies πόληος άριστοι with the<br />

members of the curia.<br />

7GV2, 81 [lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Tegea, now in the Museum of Athens; a plaque decorated with a cymatium bearing an<br />

honorary inscription for Cleopatra, daughter of Secundus, wife of Polyeuktus, ...ίερασαμένα<br />

'Αλέα Άθάνα καί Δάματρι (Priestess of Athena Alea and Demeter).<br />


7GV2, 50,1.22 [A.D. 166].<br />

Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); list of ephebes.<br />

Remarks: For the chronology see ARC 7.<br />


IG Y 2, 52,1. 4 [ξθ' από τής θεού Άδριανοϋ Ίς (sic) τήν Ελλάδα παρουσίας, A.D. 193/4].<br />

Tegea, Episcopi; a hermaic stele decorated with the head of Heracles bearing a list of ephebes.<br />

γυμνασίαρχος<br />


7GV2, 50,1. 77 [A.D. 166].<br />

Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); list of ephebes.<br />

elaeothetes<br />

Remarks: For the chronology see ARC 7.<br />


7GV2, 463 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Megalopolis; a base erected for his father, Tadius Spedianus, by the polis of Megalopolis and<br />

financed by his mother, him and his brother (text ARC 155).<br />

s. M. Tadius Spedianus (ARC 155) and Claudia Iulite (ARC 58), b. Tadius Teimocrates (II)<br />

(ARC 157); cf. Appendix, Stemma I.<br />




IG V 2, 463 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Megalopolis; a base erected for him by Megalopolis and financed by his wife and children:<br />

Ή πόλις ή ΜεγαλοΙπολειτών Μ(άρκον) Τάδιον Ι Σπεδιανόν Μ(άρκου) Ταδίου Ι Τειμοκρά-<br />

τους ύόν Ι 5<br />

τά τε άλλα πολειτευσάμενον Ι φιλοτείμως καί άγωνοθετήσανίτα τών Λυκαίων<br />

καί Καισαρήων λαμΙπρώς καί έναρέτως, προσδεξαΙμένης τό άνάλωμα Κλαυδίας ΊουΙ 10<br />

λίτης τής γυναικός αύτοϋ καί τών Ι παιδιών Ταδίων Τειμοκράτους Ι καί Σωτηρίχου. Ψ(ηφί-<br />

σματι) Β(ουλής).<br />

Remarks: For the person's cognomen, Spedianus, see Solin and Salomies, 406.<br />

s. M. Tadius Teimocrates I (ARC 156), h. Claudia Iulite (ARC 58), f. Tadius Teimocrates II (ARC<br />

157) and Tadius Soterichus (ARC 154); cf. Appendix, Stemma I.<br />


IG Y 2, 463 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Megalopolis; a base erected for his son, Tadius Teimocrates, by the polis of Megalopolis (for<br />

the text see ARC 155).<br />

Remarks: A M. Tadius Teimocrates is attested in an unpubblished inscription from Olympia<br />

(BCH 108, 1984, Chron. 769-770, fig. 56: the text is not given, the name is legible in<br />

the photo). He is the father of M. Tadius Lycortas, who was honoured by Messene;<br />

the idividuals are apparenlty Messenians (not included in the catalogue of Elis, since<br />

the text is unpublished).<br />

f. M. Tadius Spedianus (ARC 155); cf. Appendix, Stemma I.<br />


IG Y 2, 463 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Megalopolis; a base erected for his father, Tadius Spedianus, by the polis of Megalopolis and<br />

financed by the discussed person, his mother and his brother (text ARC 58).<br />

s. M. Tadius Spedianus (ARC 155) and Claudia Iulite (ARC 58), b. Tadius Soterichus (ARC<br />

154); cf. Appendix, Stemma I.<br />


7GV2,50,1. 44 [A.D. 166].<br />

Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); list of ephebes.<br />

159. ΤΙΤΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

IG V 2, 55,1. 39 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Tegea; part of a column bearing a list of names in six columns (ephebes [?]). The person is the<br />


father of the ephebe Ζώσιμος.<br />

Remarks: For the date see ARC 5.<br />

160. ΤΙΤΟΣ<br />

[1] IG Y 2, 268+cor.; SylV 783 [Augustan].<br />


Mantinea "inventa Mantinea apud "οίκον πλακόστρωτον" (IG); honorary inscription for<br />

Epigone, daughter of Artemo, and honorary decree of the town for Euphrosynus, son of Titus<br />

(Ευφρόσυνος Τίτου), who was her husband.<br />

[2] IG Y 2, 307 [Augustan].<br />

Mantinea; a statue base (according to Baumeister) or architrave (according to Bursian)<br />

preserving an honorary inscription erected by the town of Mantinea and the Roman<br />

negotiatores for Euphrosynus, son of Titus:<br />

Ά πόλις τών ΆντιγονέΙων καί Τωμαϊοι οι πραγμαΐτευόμενοι εν αυτά Ι Εύφρόσυνον Τίτου.<br />

[3] IG Υ 2, 274,1. 4-5 [έτους εβδόμου καί τεσσαρακοστού: A.D. 15/16 (Actian era)].<br />

Mantinea; manumissions:<br />

Έπί ίερέος τώι Ποσιδάνος 'Απολλώνιου, δεκτήρος δέ Μάρκου τοϋ Τίτου, έτους εβδόμου<br />

καί τεσσαρακοστού...<br />

Remarks: It is not sure whether the two persons can be identified. Cf. also U. Kahrstedt, Das<br />

wirtschaftliche Gesicht Griechenlands in der Kaiserzeit [Bern 1954] 133 (SEG 15,<br />

1958, 230). For identification of the buildings of the agora named in the inscription<br />

see F. E. Winter, "Arcadian notes I: Identification of the agora buildings at<br />

Orchomenos and Mantinea", Echos du Monde Classique/Classical Views 31, n.s. 6,<br />

f. Marcus (ARC 120)<br />

161. ΤΙΤΟΣ<br />

1987, 235-246 (BullÉpigr 1989, 92).<br />

A. Stavridis, Πρακτικά L' Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου Πελοποννησιακών Σπουδών, Καλαμάτα<br />

8-15 Σεπτεμβρίου 1985 (Athens 1987/8) 474, fig. ΞΣΓ, 2 [Tetrarchie: according to the style<br />

of the relief].<br />

Tripolis; a marble grave stele with a flat top and a relief panel between pilasters in which a<br />

standing couple, a woman at left and a man at the right, is represented.<br />


R. Martin-Η. Metzger, BCH1942/3, 334-339, fig. 13 (SEG 11, 1950, 1165; BullÉpigr 1943,26)<br />

[2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Gortys; architectural inscription; Philotas, who was a priest of Asclepius, erected a stoa and a<br />

tricleinon, financed from the income of the god:<br />



Μ(άρκος) Τουρπίλιος Ι Φιλώτας ο ίείρεύς ΆσκληΙπιοΰ τήν στοΙάν καί τό τρίκλειίνον έ{τ}κ<br />

τών Ι προσόδων Ι τοϋ θεοΰ.<br />


Μ. Mitsos, "Έπιγραφαί εξ 'Αρκαδίας, Έπιδαυρίας καί Κορινθίας", ΑΕ 1936, 140-1, no. 2,<br />

fig. 3 (SEG 11, 1950, 1124; cf. BullÉpigr 1938, 134; E. Meyer, Peloponnesische Wanderungen,<br />

Reisen und Lorschungen zur antiken und mittelalterlichen Topographie von Arkadien und<br />

Achaia [Zürich-Leipzig 1939] 90, no. 2, ph. XXV b [BullÉpigr 1939, 122]; S. Lauffer, Gnomon<br />

15, 1939, 122 presents the work of Meyer and quotes the new edition of the text; BullÉpigr<br />

1940, 57); G.J.M.J. Te Riele, "Inscriptions conservées au Musée d'Olympie", BCH 88, 1964,<br />

Inv. 772, 180-3, fig. 14 (AnnÉpigr 1965, 127; SEG 22, 1967, 323; BullÉpigr 1965, 177) [A.D.<br />

102-116].<br />

Thelpusa (village Visitzi); a marble plaque bearing an inscription commemorating the repair<br />

of the agora by Eutychus:<br />

'Υπέρ τής αύτοκράτοΐρος Νέρουα Τραϊανού Καίσαρος Ι Σεβαστού Γερμανικού Δακικοϋ Ι<br />

τύχης καί νείκης καί αιωνίου Ι 5 διαμονής, Μ(άρκος) Οΰλπιος Εΰτυχος, Ι Σεβαστού απελεύ­<br />

θερος, τή[ν Ι ]αν έκόσμει[ ].<br />

Libertus of Trajan<br />

Remarks: F. Eckstein-Ε. Meyer, "Eine Villa Rustica bei Kalliani in Westarkadien", MDAI<br />

164. ΟΡΒΑΝΟΣ<br />

(A) 75, 1960, 9-41, esp. 12 (BullÉpigr 1963, 105) connect the ruins of a villa dated<br />

in the Imperial period with the person.<br />

IG Y 2, 55,1. 71-72 and 93-94 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Tegea; part of a column bearing a list of names in six columns (ephebes [?]). The person was<br />

the father of Διομήδης, Δαμάτριος, 'Επίγονος and Έπάγαθος.<br />

Remarks: For the date see ARC 5.<br />

165. ΟΥΡΒΑΝΟΣ<br />

7GV2, 253 [lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Tegea, in a wall of Episcopi; funerary inscription bearing several names of deceased persons<br />

in the vocative followed by χαίρε.<br />

166. ΟΥΑΛΕΡΙΑ Σ[- - -]<br />

IG Y 2, 127 [reign of Hadrian, after A.D. 132 (?)].<br />

Tegea, it was built into the church of Hagios Euthymios "prope vicum Thanam"; Valeria and<br />

a person whose name is not preserved, erected or repaired a βαλανειον and a stoa, dedicated<br />

to Hadrian Panhellenios:<br />



167-170<br />

[Αύτοκράτορι Καίσαρι Τρ]αϊανώ Άόριανώ Ι [Σεβαστώ Όλυμπίω Πυθίω] Πανελλήνωι Ι [—]<br />

και Ούαλερία Σ[ Ι ] το βαλανεϊ[ον] Ι 5 [και κ]αί την στοαν Ι [ εκ των ίδιων<br />

κ]ατεσκεύασα[ν].<br />


/GV 2, 50,1.35 [A.D. 166].<br />

Tegea (in the region of the gymnasium); list of ephebes.<br />

Remarks: For the chronology see ARC 7.<br />

168. ΒΗΔΙΟΣ ΛΕΩΝΑΣ<br />

IG V 2, 55,1. 23 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Tegea; part of a column bearing a list of names in six columns (ephebes [?]).<br />

Remarks: For the date see ARC 5.<br />

169. ΒΕΤΟΥΡΙΟΣ<br />

BMC Peloponnesus, 177, nos 89-90, pi. XXIII. 1-2; R. MUnsterberg, Die Beamtennamen auf<br />

den griechischen Münzen (repr. Hildesheim-Zürich-New York 1985) 56 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

A coin bearing on the obverse the legend ΒΕΤΟΥΙΡΙΟΣ and a bust of Antinous and on the<br />

reverse the legend TOIC APKACI and a trotting horse.<br />

Remarks: For the connection of Antinous with Mantinea see ARC 3 and 105.<br />

170. ΒΙΒΙΟΣ<br />

[1] A.G. Bather, JHS 13, 1892/3, 332, no. 2ß; IG V 2, 469 [imperial].<br />

Megalopolis, Thersilium; brick inscriptions found with many others bearing inscriptions<br />

recording names in the area of Thersilium. The name appears in genitive: BIBIOY<br />

ΔΑΜ(ΟΣΙΟΙ).<br />

[2] U. Kreilinger, "Neue Inschriften aus Megalopolis", MDAI (A) 110, 1995, 378-383<br />

apographum (SEG 45, 1995, 343) [imperial].<br />

Megalopolis, at the eastern interior wall of Philippeios Stoa; here were found six roof tiles,<br />

three of which bear the stamp ΔΑΜΟΣΙΟΙ BIBIOY.<br />

Remarks: According to Bather, op. cit., the meaning of the stamp is that the tile-works or public<br />

tiles are arranged by or in the year of office of a magistrate, see also V. Tsiolis, "El<br />

"Thersilion" de Megalopolis: funciones y cronologia", Gerion 13, 1995, 67 (SEG45,<br />

1995, 350).<br />




171. C. VIREIUS C. F. Q(UIRINA) GALLU[S]<br />

CIL III 1, Suppl. 7252 (=528); Rizakis, Achaïe II, 366* [beginning of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Cynaetha in Kalavryta; a Latin funerary inscription:<br />

C(aius) Vireius I C(aii) f(ilius) Q(uirina) Gallu[s] I v(ixit) ann(os) XXIII.<br />


IG V 2, 544 [ca. A.D. 150].<br />

Lykosoura; in the pronaos of the temple of Despoina; a cylindrical marble statue base erected<br />

by Megalopolis and Lykosoura for Volusena Iusta (text ARC 136).<br />

Arcadian (Megalopolis) with an origin from Sparta (?)<br />

Remarks:B.I. Leonardos, AE 1896, 114-115, no. 11 (apographum): Ούολοσσηνήν<br />

Π(ο)ύσταν. In the IG publication the name is Ούολοσσηνή Πούσ(ιλλα); it is<br />

corrected as ούστα by Spawforth. For the stemma of the family and the date<br />

see A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985, 222-224 (SEG 35, 1985, 356) and<br />

Settipani, 496.<br />

w. Pompeius Damaenetus (ARC 136), m. Pompeius Aristocrates (ARC 135)<br />


7GV2,544 [ca. A.D. 150].<br />

Megalopolis; in the pronaos of the temple of Despoina; a cylindrical marble statue base<br />

erected by Megalopolis and Lykosoura for his daughter Volusena Iusta (text ARC 136).<br />

Arcadian (Megalopolis) with an origin from Sparta (?)<br />

Remarks: For the stemma of the family and date see Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985,222-224 (SEG<br />

35, 1985, 356) and Settipani, 496.<br />

f. Volussena Iusta (ARC 172); cf. LAC 730.<br />

174. ΒΟΔΟΥΣΣΙΑ[ΝΟΣ]<br />

M. Mitsos, "Έπιγραφαί εξ Αρκαδίας, Έπιδαυρίας και Κορινθίας", ΑΕ 1936, 142, no. 11<br />

(SEG 11, 1950, 1130); G.J.M.J. Te Riele, "Inscriptions conservées au Musée d'Olympie", BCH<br />

88, 1964, Inv. 763, 176, fig. 7 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Tropaia (Visitzi/Paleobabaena; now in the museum at Olympia); funerary inscription:<br />

Βολουσσι[ανέ or -ανή] Ι χαίρε.<br />

Remarks: E. Meyer, Peloponnesische Wanderungen, Reisen und Forschungen zur antiken und<br />

mittelalterlichen Topographie von Arkadien und Achaia (Zürich-Leipzig 1939) 91-<br />

92 and fig, XXVb doesn't exclude a date in the 1st c. and some relation to the<br />

Spartan familly of L. Volussenus Damares (LAC 732-733).<br />



175. [- - -]ΕΙΑΙΟΣ ΣΩΣΙΚΡΑΤΗΣ<br />

IG V 2, 369 Α, Β 1. 15 + Y. Pikoulas, Archaiognosia 2, 1981, 107-113,1. 7, new edition of the<br />

IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 31, 1981, 347; Cf. BullÉpigr 1987, 619) [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kleitor; a limestone plaque bearing a list of names (ephebes [?]). The part Β is now built into<br />

the church of Hagios Athanasios, near the village Filia (Leucasia).<br />

Remarks: In the publication of IG the name in 1. 15 is read as ...Σ [ΔΙ]ΟΣΚΩ[ΡΙΔ]ΗΣ (?). Cf.<br />

Y. Pikoulas, Horos 3, 1985, 87-88, where he publishes an independent fragment of<br />

the inscription IG V 2, 369 Β (SEG 35, 1985, 350; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 623).<br />

151<br />





IG IV 1332; IG IV 2 1, 569 [2nd c. A.D., after A.D. 117].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base bearing a dedication to Hygeia by P. Aelius Eutychus for<br />

his daughter Aelia Aquilina:<br />

Υγεία. Ι Π(όπλιος) Αϊλιος Εΰτυχος Ι υπέρ της θυγατρος Ι Αίλίας Α,κυλείνης.<br />

d. P. Aelius Eutychus (ARG 9)<br />

2. ΠΟ(ΠΑΙΟΣ) ΑΙΛΙΟΣ [- - -]<br />

IG IV 1086; IG IV 2 1, 481; Peek 1969, 102, no. 193, facsimile [year q£=A.D. 221].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar dedicated to Asclepius and Zeus Teleios:<br />

Πό(πλιος) Αϊλιος [—] Ι πυρο[φορή]σας Ι Άσκληπιώι Ι Διί Τελείωι. I qÇ.<br />

Pyrphoros in the year A.D. 221<br />

Remarks: After the gentilicium there is a vertical stroke still obvious on the stone, which according<br />

to Peek could be completed as Ε[ΰτυχος] by analogy with IG TV 2 1,569 (see ARG 1).<br />

3. Π(ΟΠΛΙΟΣ) ΑΙΑΙΟ[Σ - - -]ΔΗΣ<br />

IG IV 1364; IG IV 2 1, 577; cf. Peek 1969, 112, no. 242, facsimile [2nd c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a base bearing a dedication:<br />

Πό(πλιος) Αϊλιο[ς —] Ι ....δης ανέ[θηκε].<br />

Remarks: According to Peek there is no name but it is to be read as ΠΑΙΔΩΝ ΙΣΙΔ[Ι ΧΡΥΣ ?]<br />

ΑΛΛΙΣ.<br />


[1] IG IV 955; IG IV 2 1, 126 (J. & L. Edelstein, Asclepius I [Baltimore 1945] 247-8, no. 432<br />



and 294, no. 519 [cf. SEG 11, 1950, 426]; V. Longo, Aretalogie nel mondo greco I,<br />

Pubblicazioni dell'Instituto di Filologia classica dell'Università di Genova, 29 [1969] 86-89,<br />

no. 56; [cf. SEG 25, 1971, 412; BullÉpigr 1973, 194 and 413]) [ca. after mid. 2nd e. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a stele decorated with an acroterion bearing a sanatio (ίασις). P. Aelius<br />

Antiochus is the priest of Asclepius, while M. Iulius Apellas is the healed person.<br />

[2] IG IV 1028; IG IV 2 1, 480; Peek 1969, 102, no. 192 [second half of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar decorated with cymatia dedicated by Πό(πλιος) Αιλιος Διονύσιος<br />

ο "Αντιόχου to Asclepius and to the gods in Anaceion (for the text see ARG 8).<br />

Priest (of Asclepius)<br />

Remarks: The identification of P. Aelius Antiochus with the homonymous father of P. Aelius<br />

Dionysius is mentioned by Fraenkel in his commentary on IG IV 1028. For the<br />

meaning of άκοαί (cf. 1. 10: προς ταις άκοαις εν βαλανείω..., 1. 18:...κατά τας ακοας<br />

εκ του άβατου...) see J. Zingerle, "ΑΚΟΑΙ", ARW27, 1923, 53-6.<br />

f. or s. P. Aelius Dionysius (ARG 8)<br />


IG IV 1000; IG IV 2 1, 399; Peek 1969, 95, no. 159, facsimile [έτους πα'= A.D. 204/5].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a dedication to Asclepius Soter by the person, who served as ίεραπόλος:<br />

[Τίτ]ος Α[ίλ]ιος ΑτΙτικός, ίεραπολήΐσας έτους πα', Ι κελεύσαντι Ι 5 Διί Ασκληπιό) Ι Σωτήρι. Ι ιθ'.<br />

Remarks: The restoration of the name is not sure. Hiller von Gaertringen in IG IV 2 1, 399<br />

completes the name as [Γάι]ος Ίο[ύ]λιος Α.[σι]ατικος as Fraenkel in IG IV 1000;<br />

Peek reads [Γά]ιος Α[ϊλ]ιος 'Αττικός and mentions as another possibility Π<br />

ΙΣΣΑ[Κ]ΙΟΣ. We prefer the praenomen Titus, since it was common for Aelius and<br />

not excluded by the facsimile: IIOCA///IOCATI TIKOC.<br />


IG IV 1473; JG IV 2 1, 693 [3rd c. A.D.: from the style of the letters].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; statue base erected by Aurelii Helico and Blastus for their cousin T.<br />

Aelius Blastus:<br />

[T]òv άξιολογώτατον Τ. Αϊλ(ιον) Βλάστον, Ι [σ]τρατηγήσαντα της πατρίδος, έπιμεληΙ<br />

[σ]άμενον του αγώνος των Μεγάλων ΑσκληΙ[π]είων, Αύρ(ήλιοι) Ελικών και Βλαστός τον<br />

ανεψιόν.<br />

strategos, epimeletes of the game of Megala Asclepeia<br />

Remarks: For the meaning of ανεψιός/ ανεψιά see A.R. Birley, "Hadrian and Greek senators",<br />

ZPE 116, 1997, 211 and 243 n. 232, where the word is to be understood as a cousin<br />

or more distant relative.<br />

cousin of Aurelius Helico (ARG 44) and Aurelius Blastus (ARG 39)<br />




[1] W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 265, no. 16-17 (ILGR 85); cf. Mitsos, 20 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; a limestone grave stele of the person from a sepulchral monument erected by his friend<br />

Naevius Callistus:<br />

in parte antica: [L. Naevius Cal]listus sibi et Veneriae coniug(i) I [et L. Aeli]o Camo amico<br />

optimo I [in fronte c]um taberna ped(es) (numerus) in agro ped(es) (numerus) and in parte<br />

postica: L. Naevius Callistus sibi et Ven[eriae coniug(i)] I et L. Aelio Camo amico [optimo] I 3<br />

in fronte cum taberna ped(es) (numerus) in agro pe[d(es) (numerus)].<br />

[2] W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 265, no. 16 (ILGR 88) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, in a field south of the city; a limestone grave stele for the person erected by his friend<br />

L. Naevius Callistus (ARG 195):<br />

[Dis] manibus I [L. Ae]lio Camo I [Nae]vius Callistus I [a]mico optimo.<br />


IG IV 1028; IG IV 2 1, 480; Peek 1969, 102, no. 192 [second half of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar decorated with cymatia dedicated to Asclepius and to the gods<br />

in Anaceion by the person, who was an hierapolos:<br />

Πό(πλιος) Αιλιος Διονύσιος Ι ο 'Αντιόχου ίεραποΙλήσας Α.σκληπιώ και Ι 5 τοις εν τω Α,να-<br />

κείω Ι θεοις.<br />

s. or f. P. Aelius Antiochus (ARG 4)<br />


IG IV 1332; IG IV 2 1, 569 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base bearing a dedication to Hygeia by the named person for his<br />

daughter Aelia Aquilina (for the text see ARG 1).<br />

f. Aelia Aquilina (ARG 1)<br />

10. [Γ]ΑΙ[0]Σ Α[ΙΔΙ]ΟΣ Ν[ΙΚΟΠΟ]ΑΙΣ<br />

Peek, 1972, 46-47, no. 88, facsimile [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an honorary inscription for the named person and his wife erected<br />

probably by the polis Epidauros. The restoration of the name is highly hypothetical, since the<br />

existing letters in the first line are the following: /// AI ////// ΙΑ ////// ON ////////////AIN.<br />

11. Π(ΟΠΛΙΟΣ) ΑΙΑΙ(ΟΣ) ΘΟ[- - -]<br />

IG IV 1290; IG IV 2<br />

1, 524; Peek 1969, 106, no. 215 [age of Hadrian].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a dedication to Zeus Olympios.<br />



Remarks: According to Peek there is a gap of 7 or 8 letters after ΘΟ, which, according to his<br />

12. ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑΣ<br />

IG IV 1363; IGYV 2<br />

of the letters].<br />

reading, could permit the restoration of a name like Θουκυδίδης.<br />

1,576; cf. Peek 1969, 112, no. 241, pi. XLV 75 [2nd c. A.D.: from the style<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a base, which bore a statuette of Asclepius as the votive inscription<br />

suggests: Αγρίππας τω θεώ Ι τόν Ασκληπιον εύίχαριστών.<br />

Remarks: Peek doubts the relationship between the base and the statuette which has been put on it.<br />


[ΙΟΥΑΙΟΣ ΑΓΡΙΠ]ΑΣ (?): see ARG 140<br />


IG IV 1474; IG IV 2 1, 691; *Peek 1969, 130, no. 302, pi. LVI 96 (J.H. Oliver, Marcus Aurelius,<br />

120-121, no. 39) [2nd c. A.D., after Hadrian].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an honorary inscription for the person on an exedra erected by the polis<br />

of Epidauros. In IG the text is read as follows:<br />

[.Β]άσσον Αλλήιον Έπικ[- -ca. 5- - Έπιδαυρ]ίο[υ] υίόν, ίε[ρέ]1ως [σωτηρ]ος 'Ασκληπιού,<br />

[Έπιδαυρίων (?)] στρατηγόν, άγωΙνοθέ[τ]ην τών Μεγάλων [Α.σκληπιε]ίων, έπώνυμον<br />

άρχονίτα της λαμπρότατης Αθην[αί]ων πόλεως, επί τα όπλα στραΙ 5 τηγόν και έπιμελητήν<br />

γυμνα[σίου τοϋ] θεοϋ [Άδ]ρι[ανοϋ, κή]1ρυ[κ]α [τη]ς έ[ξ Αρ]είου Πάγου βουλή[ς, άρχ]ον[τα<br />

του αγώνος τών] Ι Πα[νελληνίων] και άγωνοθέτην τών ['Αδριάνειων (?) καί ί]1ε[ρέα Διός<br />

Ό]λυμπίου, έπι[μελητήν τή]ς λαμπρο[τάτης πόλε]Ι[ως ή πόλ]ις [ή] τών Έπιόαυ[ρ]ίων [- - ca.<br />

6- -]ο[—] Ι 10 [- - ca. 8- - τον] εύεργέτην [ έπιδόν]Ι[τα το άργύ]ριον το λοιπόν τών —.<br />

For different readings see Oliver, op. cit.:<br />

[Κύι]ντον 'Αλλήιον Έπίκτητον [ ]τος υίόν, ίε[ρέα] Ι τοϋ σωτηρος Ασκληπιού<br />

α[ύ]θ[αίρε]το[ν], στρατηγόν, άγωίνοθέτην τών μεγάλων Άσκληπείων, έπώνυμον άρχονίτα<br />

της λαμπρότατης "Αθηναίων πόλεως, επί τα όπλα στραΙ 5 τηγόν καί έπιμελητήν γυμνασιαρ-<br />

χία[ς] θεοϋ Γ Αδριανοϋ, κήίρυκα της έξ "Αρίου πάγου βουλής, άρχον[τα τών] σ[εμν]οτάτων Ι<br />

Πανελλήνων καί άγωνοθέτην τών [μ]εγ[άλ]ων [Παν]ελληνίΙων, [ιερέα Διός Ό]λυμπίου,<br />

έπι[μελητ]ήν [τή]ς λαμπρο[τάτ]ης [Αρ]γείΙων πό[λε]ο)[ς έτ]η ιε' τών Έπιδαυρίων [ή πόλ]ις<br />

τόν [εαυτής] Ι 10 [πάτρωνα καί] εύεργέτην [ έπιδόν]Ι[των τό άργ]ύριον το λοιπόν<br />

τών [ ]<br />

Athenian<br />

Remarks: J.H. Oliver, Hesperia 11, 1942, 86, adn. 32: [Κύι]ντον Άλλήιον [- ca. 7-]ίο[υ] υίόν;<br />

Oliver completes the text of the Epidaurian inscription taking account of the<br />



Athenian inscription /GII 2 3625 (cf. BullÉpigr 1944, 105; SEG 11, 1950, 448); IG<br />

IV 2 1, 691: [Βά]σσον Α,λλήιον Έπίκ[- ca. 5 - Έπιδαυρ]ίο[υ] υίόν; Peek reads<br />

[Κύι]ντον Αλλη io ν Έπίκτητον [- -ca. 9- -]τος υίόν; the letters after ΕΠΙΚ are now<br />

completely damaged. P. Graindor, Athènes sous Hadrien (Le Caire 1934) 46, n. 2<br />

corrects the line 5 as έπιμελητήν γυμνα[σιαρχίας] instead of έπιμελητήν<br />

γυμνα[σίου].<br />

For the gentilicium Alleius see Solin and Salomies, 12. Follet, Athènes, 521 dates the<br />

text "sous Hadrien ou Antonin", while Oliver, op. cit., 121 writes "from the second<br />

sentury". Since Hadrian appears as θεός it must be dated after his death.<br />


W. Vollgraff, BCH28, 1904,422, no. 6 (cf. SEG 1, 1923, 69); *L. Robert, BCH101, 1977, 120-<br />

132, fig. 22 (SEG 26, 1976, 426); J. Bousquet, REG 95, 1982, 192 (SEG 31, 1981, 308); P.<br />

Charneux, BCHU5, 1991, 310, n. 80 (SEGAI, 1991,283) [late 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; fragment of a limestone stele bearing a letter from the polis of Argos to Aigeai (Cilicia)<br />

regarding the renewal of the relationship between two cities. P. Anteius Antiochus, citizen of<br />

Aigeai, spent some time in Argos investigating the ties between his country and Argos.<br />

From Aigeai (Cilicia)<br />

Remarks: Cf. A.J.S. Spawforth-S. Walker, "The world of the Panhellenion II. Three Dorian<br />

cities", JRS 76, 1986, 101-104 about the ties of Argos with Cilician Aigeai. For the<br />

person cf. Mitsos, 29.<br />


IG TV 835, Cl. 4 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Troizen; three fragments of a marble plaque bearing inscriptions about loans.<br />

Remarks: The name Μεστιανός is either derived from the gentilicium Mestius (Solin and<br />

Salomies, 118) or it is to be read as Μεστιανός.<br />

ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟΣ: see Iulius Antoninus (ARG 149)<br />

16. [- - -]ΟΣ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΣ [- - -]<br />

IG IV 538 [imperial].<br />

Argolis, village Χώνικα near Heraeum of Argos; a fragmentary inscription, the text of which<br />

cannot be completed.<br />


IG IV 2 1, 66,1. 25 (Κ. Latte, Gnomon 7, 1931, 128, n.l; SEG 11, 1950, 397); Peek 1969,<br />



16-17, no. 21 [74 B.C.].<br />

Epidauros; honorary decree for Euanthes, son of Eunomos, who was agoranomos during the<br />

war of M. Antonius against the Cretan pirates: 1. 25 ...τοϋ έπί Κρητών στραταγοϋ..<br />

Remarks: For this person see also E. Klebs, RE I 2 (1894) 2594-2595 s.v. Antonius [29]; P.<br />

Foucart, "Les campagnes de M. Antonius Creticus contre les pirates, 74-71", JS,<br />

nouv. série 4, 1906, 569-581; Broughton, Magistrates II, 123; for the attestation of<br />

the person in a Gytheatan inscription see LAC 32.<br />


[1] W. Vollgraff, BCH28, 1904, 425, n. 7 (ILS 8863; Groag, Reichsbeamten, 143) [A.D. 104<br />

or later].<br />

Argos; a limestone stele bearing an honorary inscription for T. Prifernius Paetus; Antonius<br />

Achaicus paid for the erection of the monument: ... Μ. 'Αντώνιος 'Αχαϊκός έΐκ τών ιδίων<br />

υπέρ τήν πόλιν (for the whole text see ARG 213).<br />

[2] P. Charneux, BCH80, 1956, 610-614, no. VII, fig. 7 (SEG 16, 1959, 258b) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, built into a triangular pilaster of bricks; a base bearing three honorary inscriptions for<br />

the three children of Cn. Pompeius Cleosthenes, Diodotus, Cleosthenes and Calleas, who were<br />

eisagogeis (agonistic officers). M. Antonius Achaicus was the agonothetes (...έπί αγωνοθέτου<br />

Μ(άρκου) 'Αντωνίου Αχαϊκού) while Cn. Pompeius Cleosthenes (II) held the office of<br />

eisagogeus (for the text see Cn. Pompeius Cleosthenes (II) ARG 208).<br />

[3] M. Piérart, BCH 124, 2000, 495 and fig. 9 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, agora; a limestone block bearing an honorary inscription for the person erected by the<br />

tribe of Hyrnathii. The name is attested here as Μ(αρκον) Αντώνιον Ι Μ(άρκου) υίόν Αχαϊκόν.<br />

Remarks: For the person see Mitsos, 32 and cf. also COR 53.<br />


IG IV 581 [end of the Republican period].<br />

Argos; the σπατοληασταί honour the person as κτίστης and ήρως:<br />

Οι σ(πα)τοληασταί Μάρκωι Άντωνίωι Ι Άναξύονος υίει Άριστοκράτει κτίστα, Ι ήρωι.<br />

Remarks: Mitsos, 32 dates the person in 2nd/lst c. B.C. The father of the person was maybe<br />

honoured by the Athenian demos (IG II 2 3889). His grandfather, Aristocrates, is<br />

identified with a friend of M. Antonius, cf. Plut., Ant. 69, where he is named ρητο­<br />

ρικός; P. Graindor, Athènes sous Auguste (Le Caire 1927) 236. So citizenship and<br />

the family name are probably owed to M. Antonius.<br />


IG IV 641 [Iste. A.D.].<br />



21-23<br />

Argolis, Merbaka (modern Hagia Trias), built into the southern wall of the church; funerary<br />

stele decorated with a pediment and a relief dipicting a standing couple.<br />

Remarks: P. Wolters, "Cyriacus in Mykene und am Taenaron", MDAI (A) 40, 1915, 97 notes<br />

that the inscriptions IG IV 538 and 641 are joining fragments. Fourmont:<br />

..ΟΣΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΣ...Ι ..ΟΣΜΟΣ; Le Bas-Foucart, Voyage II, no. 135: Μάνιος<br />

[Μεμ]ίνιος (?) ....νος (according to a copy of Landron) noting that the reading<br />

ΑΝΕΑΛΙΝΙΟΣ in Landron 's copy cannot be accepted. In IG the name appears as<br />

ANT ΑΛΙΜΟΣ. There is no mention of the cognomen in the catalogue of Solin and<br />

Salomies. After checking the stone, it is certain that the gentilicium is to be read as<br />



For the person see Mitsos, 29 (ΑΝΤΑΛΙΝΙΟΣ).<br />

IG IV 1328; IG IV 2 1, 567 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar dedicated to Tyche by Apio, who was a slave of Iulius Maior<br />

Antoninus (ARG 149): Απίων Ι Μαΐορος Ι Τύχηι.<br />

Slave<br />


IG IV 1286; IG IV 2 1, 516; Peek 1969, 104-5, no. 210 (SEG 37, 1987, 297) [2nd c. A.D.: from<br />

the style of the letters, see remarks].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; the upper block of a large basis used three times (for the previous uses<br />

see IG IV 2 1, 489 and Peek, loc. cit., 105, Taf. XLII, Abb. 69). The person discussed here<br />

dedicated a statue to Zeus Budiates, Artemis Sotera and Asclepius Soter during the priesthood<br />

of Gennadius:<br />

Διί Βουδιάτη [κ'] Αρτέμιδι Ι Σωτείρη κ' Ι Άσκληπιώ Ι Σωτήρι Π(όπλιος ?) Ατιλιανός<br />

ίκέΙτης κατ' οναρ Ι έπ' ιερέως Ι Γενναδίου.<br />

Remarks: Peek, after examining the stone, observes that ΒΟΥΔΙΑΡΗ is more likely than<br />

ΒΟΥΔΙΑΤΗ. The number NZ at the end of the text could be the date of the<br />

monument according to the Hadrianic era (=A.D. 181). Completing the Π. of the<br />

name as Π(όπλιος), as it is suggested by the editors, is not certain, since here a<br />

gentilicium would be expected.<br />

Α[Υ](ΑΟΣ) ΑΠΟΛΑΩΝΙΔΗΣ: see Αυρήλιος Άπολλωνίδης (ARG 38)<br />

23. ΑΥΑΟΣ<br />

W. Vollgraff, BCH 33, 1909, 458, no. 24, with a photo on p. 459 (W. Vollgraff, Mnemosyne<br />

58, 1930, 38; W. Peek, MDAI (A) 57, 1932, 55 [SEG 11, 1950, 344]) [2nd/lst c. B.C.].<br />



Argos; a grave stele in the form of a naiskos , maybe in second use, with relief decoration.<br />

Remarks: The text is completed in different ways by Vollgraff (BCH 33, 1909) and Peek.<br />

For the person see Mitsos, 51 (ΑΥΛΟΣ 1 ).<br />

24. ΑΥΛΟΣ<br />

P. Charneux, BCH80, 1956, 604-610, no. 6,1. 15, fig. 3 (SEG 16, 1959, 253) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, theatre; a list of magistrates ludis praesidentium, among them an hellanodices Τερωνΰμος<br />

Αϋλου.<br />

Remarks: The person is omitted by Mitsos.<br />

*25. [Α]ΥΛΟΣ<br />

*P. Charneux, BCHSÌ, 1957, 181-202 (SEG 16, 1959, 255,1. 6) [170/169 B.C.].<br />

Argos; an honorary decree for Cn. Octavius, who was a member of an embassy to the Achaean<br />

League; the person was the consul of the year:...υπάτου στραταγοϋ τών Τωμαίων.<br />

Remarks: The date at the end of the decree (1. 25) is discussed by P. Charneux, BCH 114, 1990,<br />

398, n. 20 (SEG 40, 1990, 322) and interpreted not as that of the assembly's vote of<br />

the resolution (cf. Moretti, ISE I, no. 42; cf. SEG 25, 1971, 363) but as the "date de<br />

l'enregistrement de la clause finale" which should be reported the next year. Cf. P.<br />

Marchetti, "La marche du calendrier romain et la chronologie à l'époque de la<br />

bataille de Pydna", BCH 100, 1976, 402-426 and especially 418 ff. for the date. E.<br />

Lanzillotta, "Cn. Ottavio e gli Argivi", Studi pubblicati dall Istituto Italiano per la<br />

Storia Antica 27, 1978,233-247 discusses the circumstances of Octavius' embassy to<br />

the Achaean League and dates this decree in the early spring 169 B.C. (SEG 28,<br />

1978, 394); contra V.M. Warrior, "Livy, Book 42. Structure and chronology",<br />

Ai AH 6, 1981, 1-50 about the Roman calendar and the date of the battle of Pydna<br />

(SEG 37, 1987, 277; BullÉpigr 1988, 603).<br />

He is perhaps to be identified with the consul of the year 170 B.C., A. Hostilius<br />

Mancinus, see Liv. XLIII. 17, 10; Polyb. XXVIII. 3-5; cf. F. Münzer, RE Vili 2<br />

(1913) 2507-2508 s.v.Hostilius [16]; Broughton, Magistrates I, 419-420.<br />

26. ΑΥΛΟΣ (I)<br />

f. ΑΥΛΟΣ ΑΥΛΟΥ (Π) (ARG 27)<br />

27. ΑΥΛΟΣ ΑΥΛΟΥ (Η)<br />

IG IV 1096; IG IV 2 1, 512; Peek 1969, 104, no. 207, facsimile [1st c. B.C./ 1st c. A.D.; IG:<br />

2nd/lst c. B.C. or A.D. 32 if ΞΓ at the end of the inscription is a date counted from 31 B.C.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a base bearing a dedication to [Θε]ών Σω[τήρω]ν, by the person, who<br />


held the office of pyrphoros:<br />

[Θε]ών ΣωΙ[τήρω]ν. Αύλος Ι [Α]ΰλου πυροφοΙρήσας. Ι ΞΓ.<br />



ΡΑΑΗ 1909, 174; MDAI (Α) 36, 1911, 35, pi. Ι; Μ.Η. Jameson, "Inscriptions of Hermione,<br />

Hydra and Kasos", Hesperia28, 1959, 109, no. 1 (SEG 17, 1960, 165) [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; a stele bearing an honorary inscription erected by Aurelia Chrematine for her son<br />

Licinianus (text ARG 47).<br />


IG IV 720 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; an honorary inscription erected for Aurelius Rufus by his wife Aurelia Eleutheris<br />

with the consent of the boule (text ARG 53 [2]).<br />

30. ΑΥΡΗΛΙΑ ΛΟΥΚΙΑ (I)<br />

7GIV 726 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione, "sub divo iuxta murum novicium, qui est prope τον Άγιον Νικόλαον; a marble<br />

statue base erected by Aurelii Antigonus and Neice for their sister Lucia (II). Lucia (I) is their<br />

mother (text ARG 31).<br />

Remarks: For the person see ARG 31; for a stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma II.<br />

31. (ΑΥΡΗΛΙΑ) ΛΟΥΚΙΑ (Π)<br />

IG IV 726 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione, "sub divo iuxta murum novicium, qui est prope τον "Ayiov Νικόλαου; a statue<br />

base erected by Aurelii Antigonus and Neice for their sister Aurelia Lucia (II):<br />

Λουκίαν, θυγατέΙρα Αύρηλίων ΣωΙστράτου καί ΛουΙκίας, γυναίκα ΈΙ 5<br />

πικτήτου τοϋ ΛουΙκίου,<br />

αρετής ενεΐκεν καί σωφροσύΙνης Αύρήλιοι ΆντίΙγονος καί Νείκη Ι 10<br />

τήν ιδίαν ά[δελφήν].<br />

Remarks: For the person see S. Zoumbaki, Archaiognosia 9, 1995-96, 133-134; cf. Appendix,<br />

Stemma II.<br />


IG IV 726 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; a statue base erected by Aurelii Antigonus and Neice for their sister Aurelia Lucia<br />

II (text ARG 31).<br />

Remarks: For a stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma II.<br />




IG IV 717 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; an honorary inscription erected by Aurelia Teimarete for her husband M. Aurelius<br />

Saturninus, son of Licinianus (text ARG 54).<br />

w. M. Aurelius Saturninus<br />

34. ΑΥΡ(ΗΑΙΟΣ) [- - -]<br />

W. Vollgraff, BCH 27, 1903, 268, no. 21 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, in a cistern "sur le versant S.O. de l'Aspis, au N.E. de l'église byzantine"; a fragmentary<br />

inscription on a limestone stele, which bears an inscription of the 3rd c. B.C.<br />

ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟΣ: see Aurelius Trophimus (ARG 60)<br />


ZG IV 1571 [A.D. 198-210: from the imperial titulature].<br />

Troizen; a marble base from an honorary monument for the Emperor L. Septimius Severus<br />

erected by the polis while the person held the office of strategos: ...επί στρατηγού Μ(άρκου)<br />

Αυρηλίου τοϋ Σώλωνος.<br />


IG IV 699 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione, built into a tavern; Amarantus and his wife Iulia Iotape dedicate a statue of their<br />

daughter Iotape to Eileithya:<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) ΆμάρανΙτος καί Ίουλ(ία) Ι Ίωτάπη τήν Ι εαυτών θυίγατέρα ΊωτάΙπην θεά ΕίΙλειθυία<br />

άνέΐστησαν.<br />

h. Iulia Iotape (ARG 138)<br />


IG IV 726 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione, built into a tavern; a statue base erected by Aurelii Antigonus and Neice for their<br />

sister Aurelia Lucia (II) (text ARG 31).<br />

Remarks: For a stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma II.<br />


Le Bas-Foucart, Voyage II, no. 137; IG IV 649 [2nd/3rd e. A.D.].<br />

Argos; a marble gravestone.<br />


Priest (?) of Zeus Sebazios<br />


Remarks: IG completes the name as Α[ΰλ(ος)] Άπολλωνίδης, accepted also by Mitsos, 33:<br />

Α[ΰλ(ος)] Άπολλωνίδης Ι [ιερεύς] Διός Σεβαζείου, το μνήμαΙ [κατεσκ]εύασεν ζών.<br />

Πο. Άπολλωνίδ(α, Δ)ίων χαίρε[τε] Ι ιον ζήσασ(α) ήλικία[ς] ετεσι τριάντα<br />

δύω. Πολείταρ[χε] Ι α ραψωδέ, χαίρε, ζήσας έτη λ'. The text was in Le Bas-<br />

Foucart: Α. Άπολλωνίδης Ι [ιερεύς] Διός Σεβαζείου το μνήμα Ι [κατεσκ]εύασεν<br />

ζών. Πο. Άπολλωνιδίων, χαίρε Ι ιον ζήσας ήλικίης ετεσι τριάντα δύω. Πολεί-<br />

τα Ι— χαίρε ζήσας ετη λ'.<br />

Cf. D. Feissel, "Trois aspects de l'influence du latin sur le grec tardif", T&MByz 8,<br />

1981, 142 and n. 65 (SEG 31, 1981, 312) discusses the use of the word τριάντα<br />

instead of τριάκοντα.<br />


IG IV 1473; IG IV 2 1, 693 [3rd c. A.D.: from the style of the letters].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; statue base erected for T. Aelius Blastus by Aurelii Helico and Blastus<br />

(text ARG 6).<br />


IG IV 716 [after A.D. 212].<br />

Hermione, built into the northern wall of the church of Hagios Nikolaos; on the stone of the<br />

inscription IG IV 698 there is an honorary inscription for Aurelius Charixenus, son of<br />

Charixenus, son of Celadus, erected by his children (text ARG 41).<br />

Remarks: For the identification of the person and a stemma of the family see S. Zoumbaki,<br />

Archaiognosia 9, 1995-96, 130-134; cf. also Appendix, Stemma IL In the votive<br />

inscription IG IV 2 1, 446 from the Asclepeion of Epidauros a Κέλαδος Κελάδου is<br />

attested as pyrphoros, who could be the father of the person discussed here.<br />


IG IV 716 [after A.D. 212].<br />

Hermione, built into the northern wall of the church of Hagios Nikolaos; on the stone of the<br />

inscription IG IV 698 there is an honorary inscription for the person, erected by his children:<br />

[Α]ύρ(ήλιον) Χαρίξενον [Αύρ(ηλίου)] Ι [Χ]αριξένου τού Κελ[ά]Ι[δ]ου υίόν, ιερέα θεού Ι<br />

[Π]οσειδώνος καί παΙ 5 [τέ]ρα τής πόλεως, πάΙ[σα]ν πολιτείαν έπιΙ[φ]ανώς έκτελέσανΙ[τ]α<br />

οίκοθεν τη πόΙ[λ]ει υπέρ τε αύτούΙ 10 [καί] τών τέκνων αύΙ[τ]ού, προστάντα τε σπουίδαίως<br />

καί πιστώς Ι εν πασιν τοις χρειώδεΙ[σ]ιν τής πατρίδος, ύπέ[ρ] Ι 15 [π]ολυχρονίου μνήμ[ης] Ι<br />

[τα] τέκνα τόνϊδιον π[α]Ι[τέ]ρα άνέστ[η]σαν.<br />

priest of Poseidon<br />

Remarks: For the person, the restoration of his father's name and a stemma of the family see<br />

S. Zoumbaki, Archaiognosia 9, 1995-96, 130-134; cf. Appendix, Stemma II.<br />




BCH 78, 1954, Chron. 167, fig. 17; J. Marcadé-E. Raftopoulou, BCH 87, 1963, 85-89, n. 76,<br />

fig. 38 (BullÉpigr 1964, 179; SEG22, 1967, 268) [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; a votive inscription to Asclepius on the plinth of a statuette of Hypnos.<br />


IG IV 994; IG IV 2 1, 415 [A.D. 259=έτους ρλε'].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; base of a votive monument for the godess Homonoia erected by the<br />

priest of Asclepius M. Aurelius Dionysius:<br />

Ό ιερεύς καί ίερεομνήίμων τοϋ σωτήρος Ι Ασκληπιού Μ(αρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Διονύσιος Ι<br />

θεά Όμονοία κατά κέλευΙ 5 σιν, έτους ρλε'.<br />

priest of Asclepius and hieromnemon<br />

Remarks: The name is not recognised in the edition in IG IV 994,1. 3: .α...σ(?).σος.<br />


IG IV 1473; IG IV 2 1, 693 [3rd c. A.D.: from the style of the letters].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; statue base erected for T. Aelius Blastus by Aurelii Helico and Blastus<br />

(text ARG 6).<br />

He is probably a brother of Aurelius Blastus (ARG 39).<br />


IG IV 719 [first half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; an honorary inscription for the named person, who was agonothetes of some<br />

unknown game, erected after a decree of boule:<br />

Μ(άρκον) Αύρ(ήλιον) Έπαφρ[όδιτον] Ι Εύτύχου, τ[όν άγωνο]Ιθέτην, τό [(numerus) καί τάς] Ι<br />

λοιπάς πο[λιτείας] ι 5 άπάσας ένδ[όξως έκ]1τελέσαντα τ[ή πόλει] Ι [φιλανθρο,χττίας ένε]1κεν<br />

καί τής π[ρός τήν] Ι πατρίδα εύνο[ίας]. Ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής).<br />

46. ΑΥΡ(ΗΑΙΟΣ) ΙΩΣΗΣ<br />

W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 262, no. 4,1. 1 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, in a private house; a grave stele bearing a long funerary inscription:<br />

Αυρήλιος Τωσής ένεύίχομαι τάς θείας καί μεγάλ[ας] Ι δυνάμις τάς τοϋ Θεού καί τά[ς] Ι δυνά-<br />

μις τού Νόμου καί τήν Ι 5 τιμήν τών έθναρχών καί Ι τήν τιμήν τών σοφών καί τήν Ι τιμήν<br />

τής λατρίας τής γιγνομένης Ι εφ' εκάστης ημέρας τω Θεώ προς τω Ι 10 μηδένα ανασκεύασε τό<br />

έμόν μνήμα Ι τό μετά πολλών μόχθων έποίησ[α].<br />

Jew<br />



Remarks: For the person see Mitsos, 98. On Jews in the Péloponnèse see A. Lampropoulou,<br />

"Μορφές επικοινωνίας Εβραίων και Χριστιανών στην Πελοπόννησο κατά την Πρω-<br />

τοβυζαντινή περίοδο", in: Ν. Moschonas (ed.), Πρακτικά του Β'Διεθνούς Συμποσίου,<br />

Η επικοινωνία στο Βυζάντιο, 4-6 Οκτωβρίου 1990 (Athens 1993) 657-682.<br />


[1] ΡΑΑΗ1909, 174; MDAI (Α) 36, 1911, 35, pi. Ι; Μ.Η. Jameson, "Inscriptions of Hermione,<br />

Hydra and Kasos", Hesperia28, 1959, 109, no. 1 (SEG 17, 1960, 165) [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione, found in the excavation of Bisti by Al. Philadelpheus; a stele bearing an honorary<br />

inscription erected by Aurelia Chrematine for her son Licinianus:<br />

Μ(άρκον) Αύρ(ήλιον) Λικιννιανόν Σωκράτους τον ιερέα Ι τού Σωτήρος Λσκληπιού ένδό-<br />

ξως Ι πολειτευσάμενον καί άγωνοθετήσαντα Ι επαξίως τού γένους αυτού Αύρηλία Ι Χρημα-<br />

τίγη τόν υίόν.<br />

[2] 7GIV713 [3rd c A.D.].<br />

Hermione; two blocks of a base of an honorary monument erected by the demos of Hermione<br />

for a person whose name is not preserved on the stone, honoured as euergetes with the consent<br />

of the boule while M. Aurelius Licinianus held the office of strategos. The text is very<br />

mutilated: (11. 3-5)...επί στρατηγΙ[ο]ϋ Μ(άρκου) Αύρ(ηλίου) ΣωκράτουΙ[ς τ]ού Λικιννιανού,<br />

who is perhaps the father or the son of the person discussed here.<br />

[3] IG IV 717 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; an honorary inscription erected by Aurelia Teimarete for her husband M. Aurelius<br />

Saturninus, son of Licianianus (text see M. Aurelius Saturninus, ARG 54).<br />

priest of Asclepius, agonothetes<br />

Remarks: In [2] Fraenkel read ..επί στρατηγ[ών] I [— ο]υ, Μ(άρκου) Αύρ(ηλίου) Σωκράτου,<br />

[—] Ι [—]ου Λικιννιανού. It is unlikely that there were more strategoi of the city,<br />

cf. S. Zoumbaki, Archaiognosia 9, 1995-96, 116.<br />

s. M. Aurelius Socrates (ARG 55), f. M. Aurelius Saturninus (ARG 54)<br />


IG IV 1159; IG IV 2 1, 483 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a base bearing a statue of Athena dedicated during the priesthood of<br />

Aurelius Niceros:<br />

Πατροκασιγνήτην Ασκληπιώ εϊσατ' Ι Λθήνην Ι Ασκάλου εκ γαίης σώστρα φέρων<br />

Γέ (hedera)\vzQXiç. Ι [έπί ίερέ]ως Αύρ(ηλίου) Νικέρωτος.<br />

Priest of Asclepius<br />

Remarks: Hiller von Gaertringen in the commentary of IG IV 2 1, 483 draws attention to<br />

ιερεύς Νει[κ]έρως of IG IV 2 1, 574 and Νεικέρως Καλλιμάχου ίεραπολήσας<br />

'Ασκληπιώ of IG IV 2 1, 467.<br />




IG IV 796 [end 2nd/begin. 3rd c. A.D.; before Alexander Severus].<br />

Troizen, "ohm in aedicula ruinosa Hagii Nicolai, cuius possessor Dimitri Paschos"; a large<br />

statue base erected by the city of Troizen for M. Aurelius Olympiodorus with the consent of<br />

the boule and the demos:<br />

Αγαθήι [τύχηι·] Ι Μ(άρκον) Αύρ(ήλιον) Όλυμπιόδωρον τον φιλόσοφον, Ι ή λαμπρότατη<br />

Τροιζηνίων πόλις, τειμηΐθέντα λογιστέα ύπό τής βασιλείας Ι 5<br />

εις δεκαετίαν. Ι Ψ(ηφίσματι)<br />

β(ουλής), δ(ήμου).<br />

philosopher, logistes<br />

Remarks: Λογιστής is the Greek equivalent of the Latin curator rei publicae, which later is to<br />

be found as curator civitatis, see Mason, 66 and for the office see W. Liebenam,<br />

Philologus 56, 1897, 290-325; E. Kornemann, RE IV 2 (1901) 1807-1811, s.v.<br />

curatores; Fr. Preisigke, REXUl 1 (1926) 1020-1021, s.v. λογιστής; Th. Mommsen,<br />

Römisches Staatsrecht 2 (Graz 1969, repr. of the third edition) 1081 [1033] ff.; C.<br />

Lucas, "The Curatores Rei Publicae of Roman Africa", JRS 30, 1940, 56-74; G.P.<br />

Burton, "The curator rei publicae", Chiron 9, 1979, 465-88; M. Sartori,<br />

"Osservazioni sul ruolo del curator rei publicae", Athenaeum 11, 1989, 5-21. About<br />

curatores in Western provinces see particularily F. Jacques, Les curateurs des cités<br />

dans l'Occident Romain de Trajan à Gallien (Paris 1983) and id., Le privilège de<br />

liberté. Politique impériale et autonomie municipale dans les cités de l'Occident<br />

romain (161-244), (Paris 1984).<br />

The curatores were not citizens of the city where they held their office; this changed<br />

around the reign of Alexander Severus (A.D. 222-235). So M. Aurelius<br />

Olympiodorus, who does not seem to be a Troizenian, is to be dated before this time.<br />

E. Guerber-M. Sartre, "Un logistès à Canatha (Syrie)", ZPE 120, 1998, 95 refer to<br />

Olympiodorus as a citizen of Larissa and cite by mistake V. Bérard, "Tégée et la<br />

Tégéatide", BCH 17 (erroneously 18 in the paper of E. Guerber-M. Sartre), 1893, 11,<br />

where there is no comment on Olympiodorus but on the curator of Tegea M.<br />

Appalenus (see ARC 8). H. Müller, "Marcus Aurelius Olympiodorus, έκγονος Ιπποδρόμου",<br />

ZPE 3, 1968, 197-220 discusses and rejects the identification of the logistes<br />

of Troizen with the homonymous son of the sophist Hippodromus of Larissa.<br />


W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 268, no. 21 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, in a cistern "sur le versant S.O. de l'Aspis, au N.E. de l'église byzantine"; a fragmentary<br />

limestone stele, which also bears an inscription of the 3rd c. B.C.<br />


[1]/GIV 1157;/GIV 2 1,610; Peek 1969, 118, no. 262, facsimile [A.D. 197-198: from the titles<br />

of the emperors].<br />



52-53<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a pedestal bearing three inscriptions for M. Aurelius Antoninus, L.<br />

Septimius Severus Pertinax and Iulia Domna. It is a monument erected by the city during the<br />

period in which the person had the function of hieromnemon. The name was here completed<br />

by analogy with the next inscription [2]:<br />

Ή πόλις εκ τών ίερομνημονικών πόρων έπί ίερομνημόνων [Αύρ(ηλίου) Πλήσμονος καί]<br />

Τ(ίτου) Στατειλίου [Λουκίου].<br />

[2] IGYV 1156; IG W 2 1,611; Peek 1969, 118-9, no. 263, facsimile, pi. XLIX, fig 83-84 [A.D.<br />

211/212].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a base bearing an inscription for Caracalla. It is a momunent erected by<br />

the town during the period in which the person had the function of hieromnemon:<br />

Τον όσιώτατον αυτοκράτορα Μα[ρ]Ι[κον Αύρήλ]ιον Αντωνεινον Σεβαστόν Ευσεβή Ευτυχή Ι<br />

[Μ]έγιστον ή ιερά Έπιδαυρίων πόλις άνέθηκε τόν Σωτήρα τής Ι οικουμένης έπί ίερομνημό­<br />

νων Αύρ(ηλίου) Πλήσμονος καί Ι Στατειλίου Λουκίου.<br />


IG IV 2 1, 127; Peek, 1969, 54, no. 57 (J. & L. Edelstein, Asclepius I [1945] 238, no. 424 [SEG<br />

11, 1950, 427]; V. Longo, Aretalogie nel mondo greco I, Pubblicazioni dell'Instituto di<br />

Filologia classica dell'Università di Genova, 29 [1969] 98-99, no. 61 [SEG 25, 1971, 413])<br />

[έτους εκατοστού πρώτου=Α.ϋ. 225].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a stele decorated with a cymatium bearing a dedication of Tib. Claudius<br />

Severus to Asclepius and Apollo Maleatas after his faith-healing, during the priesthood of M.<br />

Aurelius Pythodorus (text ARG 102 [2]).<br />

Priest (of Asclepius)<br />


[1] ZG IV 680 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione, found in front of a private house; a fragmentary inscription on a marble plaque,<br />

perhaps an imperial letter: [— τω κατά πάν]τα άρίστω Αύρ(ηλίω) Τούφω. Maybe the same<br />

person is attested in [2].<br />

[2] IG IV 720 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; an honorary inscription erected for the named person by his wife Aurelia Eleutheris<br />

with the consent of the boule:<br />

Μ(άρκον) Αύρ(ήλιον) [Το]ύφον [Τ]ούφου Ι π[ασ]αν πολιτείαν [οΐΙκοθ]εν<br />

πολειτευ[σάΙμενον ] Ι 5 [....μ]ενον, Αύρηλί[α] Ι [Έλευ]θερίς τόν άνδρα. Ι Ψ(ηφίσματι)<br />

β(ουλής).<br />

[3] IG IV 672 (Mitsos, 159) [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argolis, Nauplion; honorary inscription after a decree of the boule for the person, who was<br />

agonothetes, perhaps for the third time:<br />



[Α]ύρ(ήλιον) Τούφον Τούφου Ι [τό τρίτ]ον άγωνοθέτην, [τόν] Ι καί τάς πολιτείας οικοίθεν<br />

έν[δόξ]ως έκτελέσανίτα υπέρ τε αυτού καί τών Ι τέκνων αυτού, τειμής Ι ένεκεν καί τής περί<br />

τήν πατρίδα εύνοιας. Ι Ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής).<br />

s. Ruf us (ARG 234)<br />


IG IV 717 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; an honorary inscription erected by Aurelia Teimarete with the consent of the boule<br />

for her husband:<br />

[Μ(αρκον) Α]ύρ(ήλιον) Σα[τορ]νε[Ιν]ον Λικιννιανού, Ι τόν ιερέα "Αρεως ΈνοιαλίΙου, πασαν<br />

πολιτεία[ν] ποίλειτευσάμενον καί άγωΙ 5 νοθε[τ]ήσαντα έπ[α]ξίως Ι τοϋ γένους αυτού ύΙπέρ<br />

αιωνίου μ[νήμ]ης Ι άνέ[σ]τησεν Αύρ(ηλία) ΤειμαρέΙτη τόν Ιδιον άνδρα. Ι Ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής).<br />

priest of Ares, agonothetes<br />

Remarks: He is perhaps to be identified as [ ]us, son of Licinianus of IG IV 713. For his<br />

cognomen Saturninus see Solin and Salomies, 398.<br />

s. M. Aurelius Licinianus (ARG 47), grandson of M. Aurelius Socrates (ARG 55)<br />


IG IV 713 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; two blocks of a base of an honorary monument erected by the demos of Hermione<br />

for a person, whose name is not preserved on the stone, honoured as euergetes with the<br />

consent of the boule. Socrates was the strategos of the polis:<br />

Ό δήμος Έ[ρμ]ιον[έων] I [ ]ν, τόν εύεργέτη[ν αύτοϋ.] Ι Έπί στρατηγΙ[ο]ΰ Μ(άρκου)<br />

Αύρ(ηλίου) ΣωκράτουΙ[ς τ]οϋ Λικιννιανού.<br />

Remarks: Fraenkel read (11. 4-5) ... έπί στρατηγ[ών] Ι [ ο]υ, Μ(άρκου) Αύρ(ηλίου)<br />

Σωκράτου, [—] Ι [—]ου Λικιννιανού. It is unlikely that there were more strategoi<br />

of the city, cf. S. Zoumbaki, Archaiognosia 9, 1995-96, 116.<br />

f. M. Aurelius Licinianus (ARG 47)<br />


IG IV 726 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione, near the church of Hagios Nicolaos "sub divo iuxta murum novicium, qui est prope<br />

τον "Αγιον Νικόλαον"; a statue base erected by Aurelii Antigonus and Neice for their sister<br />

Lucia (text ARG 31).<br />

Remarks: For the person and a stemma of the family see S. Zoumbaki, Archaiognosia 9, 1995-<br />

96, 134. It is not certain whether he is to be identified with the homonymous man<br />

attested in Epidauros (ARG 57); cf. also Appendix, Stemma II.<br />



IG TV 2<br />

1,612 I; Peek 1969, 119, no. 264 [A.D. 211-217].<br />


Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base erected by the town of Epidauros for Caracalla during the<br />

time when the person was an hieromnemon. On the same stone there is a second inscription<br />

for Alexander Severus (SEG 17, 1960, 184):<br />

Τόν θειότατον αυτοκράτορα Μ[αρκον] Ι Αύρήλιον Λντωνεινον Σεβαστόν, Ευσεβή, Ευτυχή, Ι<br />

Μέγιστον, ή ιερά Έπιδαυρίων πόλις άνέστησε, τόν Ι σωτήρα τής οικουμένης, έπί ίερομνη-<br />

μόνων Ι 5<br />

Κορ(νηλίου) Λ,μάνδου καί Μ(άρκου) Αυρηλίου Σωστράτου.<br />


7GIV718 [3rd c A.D.].<br />

Hermione; an honorary inscription for the person erected by his son M. Aurelius Soteras (II):<br />

Μ(αρκον) Αύρ(ήλιον) Σωτηραν, τόν Ι ιερέα τοϋ σωτήρος Ι "Ασκληπιού, Μ(άρκος)<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Ι Σωτήρας τόν πατέρα. Ι Ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής).<br />

Priest of Asclepius Soter<br />

f. M. Aurelius Soteras (ARG 59)<br />


IG IV 718 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; an honorary inscription erected by the person for his father M. Aurelius Soteras<br />

(text ARG 58).<br />

s. M. Aurelius Soteras (ARG 58)<br />

[ΑΥΡΗΛΙ]ΟΣ ΣΤΡΑΤΗΓΙΟΣ Ο ΣΩΣΤΡΑΤΟΥ: see [ ]ος Στρατήγιος ό Σωστράτου<br />

(ARG 269)<br />


IG IV 856 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argolis, Methana, found in a grove of lemon trees beneath the fortress of Methana ("εις εν<br />

λεμονοπερίβολον κείμενον υπό τό φρούριον τών Μεθάνων"); a building inscription on a<br />

marble block:<br />

Αυρήλιος σοι Ι Τρόφιμος, ΉράΙκλεις Διός, Ι έτευξα νηόν Ι εύσεβίας Ι εϊνεκεν.<br />

Remarks: The word Τρόφιμος must be regarded as a proper name rather than as an indication<br />

that the person was a slave of the sanctuary since he erected a temple, a fact which<br />

cannot presuppose a slave origin.<br />




W. Vollgraff, BCH 21, 1903, 268, no. 21 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, in a cistern "sur le versant S.O. de l'Aspis, au N.E. de l'église byzantine"; a fragmentary<br />

inscription on a limestone stele, which also bears an inscription of the 3rd c. B.C.<br />


IG IV 1537; IG IV 2 1, 404 [τό qß' ετος=Α.ϋ. 216].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary of Apollo Maleatas; an altar bearing a dedication of the person to<br />

Artemis Mounichia:<br />

Α,ρτέμιδι ΜουΙνυχία Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Ι Τρύφων ο ΔιοΙφάντου Ι ό τό qß' Ι έτος.<br />

Remarks: In the comments of IG IV 2 1, 404 Tryphon, who obviously aquired Roman<br />

citizenship through Constitutio Antoniniana, is to be regarded as ίεραπολήσας (ό<br />

τό qß' έτος).<br />

63. ΑΥΡ(ΗΛΙΟΣ) ΤΥΧ[ΑΝΔΡΟΣ (?)]<br />

W. Vollgraff, BCH 27, 1903, 268, no. 21 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, in a cistern "sur le versant S.O. de l'Aspis, au N.E. de l'église byzantine"; a fragmentary<br />

inscription on a limestone stele, which bears also an inscription of the 3rd c. B.C.<br />


IG IV 1475; IG IV 2 1, 692 [4th c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary, now in the Museo Naniano in Venice; epigram on a statue base<br />

honouring Bassus for his benefactions to the polis of Epidauros:<br />

Λλκίδου Βάσσον Ι γεννεής έρικυδέΐα φώτα βουλή Ι καί δήμος, ναέται I s ζαθέης ΈπιδαύΙρου,<br />

άντ" εύερίγεσίης, τήν πολΙλάκι δώκε πόληι, Ι είκόνι τήδε γέρηραν II θεών βουλαϊον (?)<br />

άνάΙκτων. Ι Ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής).<br />

Remarks: The onomastic formula is influenced by the metrical form. D. Feissel, "Notes<br />

d'epigraphie chrétienne", BCH 108, 1984, 550-551 (SEG 34, 1984, 298; cf. also<br />

Feissel, T&MByz 9, 1985, 371, no. 132) suggests the date of the text in 4th c. A.D.<br />


ZG IV 835 C, 1.5 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Troizen; three fragments of a marble plaque bearing inscriptions about loans.<br />

a resident Roman (?)<br />

Remarks: cf. S. Zoumbaki, "Η Τροιζήν κατά τη ρωμαϊκή εποχή: εσωτερική οργάνωση-<br />



66-68<br />

οικονομική ζωή-κοινωνία", Acts of the 1st international conference on the history<br />

and archaeology of the Argo-Saronic gulf, Poros 26-29 June 1998 (in press).<br />

*66. Q. CAECILIUS C. f. METELLUS<br />

CIL III 531 (ILS 867) [69/68 B.C.].<br />

Argos, village Hagia Trias (Merbaka), byzantine church of Panagia; an honorary inscription<br />

for Metellus erected by the resident Romans:<br />

Q. Caecilio C. f. Metelo I imperatori Italici I quei Argeis negotiantur.<br />

imperator<br />

Remarks: The person was consul in 69 B.C. He served during the next years as proconsul in<br />

command of the struggle against the Cretan pirates, thanks to which he acquired the<br />

name Creticus. He also participated in the organisation of Crete as a Roman<br />

province. For him see F. MUnzer, RE III 1 (1897) 1210-1212, s.v. Caecilius [87];<br />

Broughton, Magistrates 11, 102. 114. 131. 139. 145. 154. 159. 163. 168-9. 176. 185.<br />

206; III, 38; K.-L. Elvers, DerneuePauly2, 888 [I 23] s.v. Caecilius.<br />

For the resident Romans of Argos see D. van Berchem, "Les Italiens d'Argos et le<br />

déclin de Délos", BCH 86, 1962, 305-313.<br />


IG IV 698 (L. Robert, Hellenica XI-XII [1960], 276, adn. 2; SEG 22, 1967, 271) [7 B.C.].<br />

Hermione; a dedication by the person who had the function of τοξαρχία in the year δ' και κ':<br />

Κ(όιντος) Καικίλιος Κ(οΐντου) υιός ΣωτήριΙχος, ο[λ]ο[ν] δ' Ι καί κ' [ε]τος τοξαρχήσας, Ι εκ<br />

τών ίδίΙ 5 ων άνέθηκεν.<br />

toxarches<br />

Remarks: L. Robert suggests "τό έτος" instead of "όλον τό έτος". According to Boeck,<br />

CIG 1203, it is to be counted after 146 B.C., that means 123 B.C., while Fraenkel<br />

believes that it would be more correct to count from the visit of Hadrian. The year<br />

24 could be 7 B.C., if it is to be counted after Actium. About this new chronology<br />

based on remarks on the function of toxarches and the defeat of the pirates by<br />

Augustus, see S. Zoumbaki, Archaiognosia 9, 1995-96, 116-119.<br />

s. Quintus(ARG231)<br />

68. ΓΑΙΟΣ<br />

[1] 7GIV 2 1, 560; Peek 1969, 110, no. 234, facsimile [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a dedication to Telesphoros: Τω Τελεσφορώ Ι Γάιος ΐατρα.<br />

[2] IG IV 1334; IG IV 2 1,571 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />



Epidauros, sanctuary; a cylindrical base bearing a dedication to Hygeia: Τη Υγεία Ι Γάιος I<br />

ϊατρα.<br />

ΓΑ[Ι]ΟΣ: see Γά[ι]ος (=C. Popillius Laenas, ARG 218)<br />

69. ΓΑΙΟΣ<br />

P. Charneux, BCH80, 1956, 604-610, fig. 3, no. 6,1. 10 (SEG 16, 1959, 253) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, theatre; a fragmentary limestone list of magistrates ludis praesidentium. Gaius is the<br />

father of an hellanodikes, whose name appears in the list as Λριστοδάμου τοϋ Γαΐου.<br />


IG IV 587 (P. Charneux, BCH80, 1956, 608 and adn. 1; Mitsos, 64) [Mitsos: 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, it was built into the southern wall of the church of Hagios Dimitrios; a statue base<br />

decorated with cymatia, erected by the hellanodikai for Cleogenes, son of Cleogenes (?), one<br />

of whom is the person discussed here (for the text see ARG 268).<br />

Remarks: IG: Γάιος Δαμοσθέ[νης].<br />

*71. ΓΑΛΛΟΣ ΚΑΝΙ[ΝΙΟΣ- - -]<br />

IG IV 1410; IG IV 2 1, 631; Peek 1969, 120, no. 270, facsimile [1st c. B.C.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a stone of an exedra erected by the town of Epidauros in honour of Γάλ-<br />

λον Κανί[νιον —]. The text is very mutilated.<br />

Remarks: The person is perhaps to be identified with L. Caninius Gallus, who was with Cicero<br />

in Athens in 51 B.C., see Cic, Tarn. II. 8, 3. According to F. Münzer, RE III 2 (1899)<br />

1477, s.v. Caninius [3], he cannot be regarded as a praetor of Achaia, but in RE<br />

Suppl. I (1903) 273 he takes the opposite position, quoting also the Epidaurian<br />

inscription. He is to be identified with the person mentioned in an inscription from<br />

Thespiai (A. Plassart, BCH50, 1926, 438, no. 74); see also PIR 2 C 389; Broughton,<br />

Magistrates II, 209; K.-L. Elvers, Der neue Pauly2, 963 [1] s.v. Caninius.<br />


IGIV 835 C, 1.6 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Troizen; three fragments of a marble plaque bearing inscriptions related to loans.<br />

a resident Roman (?)<br />

Remarks: Another possible completion of the name could be [ΑΠΟ]ΥΛΛΗΙΟΣ. For the<br />

person see also S. Zoumbaki, "Η Τροιζήν κατά τη ρωμαϊκή εποχή: εσωτερική οργά-<br />

νωση-οικονομική ζωή-κοινωνία", Acts of the 1st international conference on the<br />

history and archaeology of the Argo-Saronic gulf, Poros 26-29 June 1998 (in press).<br />


73. ΚΑΣΙΑ<br />

7GIV821 Β [3rd c. A.D.].<br />


Troizen, earlier in a ruined church "sita fauces γεφυραίου ρεύματος, nunc in area paredri"; a<br />

grave stele bearing the funerary inscriptions of Dionysius and Cassia, probably members of the<br />

same family:<br />

Διονύσιε Ι χρηστέ· Ι χαίρε. Ι Κασία χρηστίή· χαίρε.<br />

74. ΚΛΑΥΔΙΑ<br />

Α. Archontidou, AD 32, 1977, Β' Chron. 48 (SEG 34, 1984, 301) [imperial].<br />

Epidauros, town; dedication to Artemis: ΑΡΤΕΜΙΔΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΑ.<br />


IG IV 1154; IG IV 2 1, 686 [end of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an inscription on a limestone plaque in honour of the woman erected by<br />

her children, Claudii Phaedrias and Paulus, after a decision of the boule and demos:<br />

[Κ]λαυδίαν Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Ι Πολυκράτους θυγατέΙρα Δαμαρώ Τιβ(έριοι) Κλαύδι-<br />

οι Ι Φαιδρίας καί Παύλος οι Ι υιοί, αρετής ένεκεν καί Ι 5 σωφροσύνης, εξ έντοΙλής τοϋ<br />

πατρός Τιβ(ερίου) ΚλαυΙδίου Ξενοκλέους άνέθηΐκαν κατά τήν τής βουλής Ι καί τού δήμου<br />

γνώμην.<br />

w. Claudius Xenocles (ARG 106); for the stemma see Appendix, Stemma III.<br />


IG IV 1438; IG IV 2 1, 659; Peek 1969, 124-125, no. 287 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an honorary inscription on an exedra; erected by the polis of Epidauros<br />

for the person and two more members of her family:<br />

[Ά πόλις τών Έπιδαυρίων] Ι Κλαυδί[α]ν Δαμέα θυγατέρα Ι Λαφάνταν, γυναίκα Τιβερίου Ι<br />

Ιουλίου Σιάνθου, άρετάς ένεκεν Ι 5 καί εύνοιας τάς εις αύτάν.<br />

Remarks: Cf. remarks of H. Box, JHS 53, 1933, 112-114 (SEG 11, 1950, 445) on the<br />

differences between the stemma of that noble Epidaurian family suggested by<br />

Fraenkel in IG IV and the version IG IV 2 1, XXV given by Hiller von Gaertringen;<br />

cf. Appendix, Stemma IV. For the name Laphanta see LGPN III. A, 269 (attestations<br />

only in Epidauros).<br />

w. Tib. Iulius Sianthes (ARG 153)<br />


IG IV 593 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />



Argos; a plaque of limestone bearing a building inscription concerning the erection of a βαλα-<br />

νείον by Claudia Olympia after a promise of her father, Tychicus:<br />

[Κ]λ[αυ]δίαν Όλυ[μπ]ίαν, (έ)ξ υποσχέσεως τοϋ πατρός Ι Κλαυδίου Τυχικοΰ το βαΐλανειον<br />

κατασκευάσασαν τη έαυ[τ]ής πάτριοι. Ι Ψηφίσματι βουλής.<br />

Remarks: P. Charneux, ECU 107, 1983, 251-252 (SEG 33, 1983, 292) points out that two<br />

different stones with virtually identical texts have been combined to form this one<br />

entry in the corpus. For the person see Mitsos, 140.<br />

d. Claudius Tychicus (ARG 104)<br />


W. Vollgraff, Mnemosyne 47, 1919, 265; *P. Charneux, BCH SO, 1956, 612 {SEG 16, 1959,<br />

259; cf. J.H. Oliver, Historia 7, 1958, 481, n. 3 [cf. SEG 17, 1960, 149]) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, agora; limestone block bearing an honorary inscription for the person erected by the<br />

gerousia:<br />

Γερουσία ή από ΔαΙναοϋ καί ΎπερμήσΙτρας και Λυ[γκέ]ος ΚλαυΙόίαν Φιλομάθιαν,<br />

γυναΙΙ[κ]α Γν(αίου) Πομπηί[ου] Κλε[ο]Ι[σ]θένους, προστάτου Ι της γερουσίας, ΗΞΔΙΑ Ι<br />

Ν.,.γέαν Ύπερμήστραν .<br />

Remarks: 1. 8 ν.,.αια. υπέρ [τ]ής π[όλεως], Vollgraff; 7-8 νέου Δ[α]Ιν[αοϋ], νεαν Ύπερμή­<br />

στραν, Oliver. For the person see Mitsos, 187; see also A.J.S. Spawforth-S. Walker,<br />

JRS 1986, 88-105 (BuIIEpigr 1988, 604).<br />

Wife of Γν(αιος) Πομπήι[ος] Κλε[οσ]θένης (ARG 207)<br />

79. [ΚΛ]ΑΥΔΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

IG IV 758,1. 17 [Hadrianic].<br />

Troizen, Damala, it was built into the foundation of the church of Hagios Georgios; Claudianus<br />

is a member of a committee elected by the synedroi and archontes and attested in an honorary<br />

decree for Eisio, son of Timotheus: 11. 16-17 [κ]αί αίρεθήσαν υπό των αρχόντων [καί] Ι [συνε-<br />

δρηών Κλ]αυδιανός, etc.<br />

ΚΛΑΥΔΙΑΝΟΣ: see Τιβέριος Ιούλιος Σιάνθου υιός Κλαυδιανός (ARG 144)<br />

80. ΚΑ[ΑΥΔΙΟΣ- - -]<br />

IG IV 1471; IG IV 2 1, 685; Peek 1969, 130, no. 299 [2nd e. A.D.: from the lettering].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; statue base erected by Claudius Polycrates in honour of the person for<br />

his benefactions to his country:<br />

Κλ[αύδιον —] Ι Έπιδαύ[ριον ένεκεν] Ι της εύεργε[σίας της] Ι εις την πατρίδ[α] Ι Κλαύδιος<br />

Πολυκρ[ά]Ιτης.<br />


81. ΚΛΑΥΔΙ[ΟΣ- - -] or ΚΑΑΥΔΙ[Α - - -]<br />

IG TV 1577 [imperial].<br />


Epidauros, "prope acropolin"; dedication to Asclepius and Hygeia: Άσκλη[—] Ι Κλαυδι[—] I<br />

υπέρ τ[—].<br />

Remarks: Fraenkel rejects the proposal of Lenormant to complete the text as Άσκλη[πιώ καί<br />

Υγεία] Ι Κλαύδι[ος —] Ι υπέρ τ[—] and finds more probable that the inscription<br />

is to be completed in some such way as Άσκλη[πιάδης] Ι Κλαυδί[α εύχήν] Ι υπέρ<br />

τ [ων τέκνων], since in the place "prope acropolin" no dedication to medical gods<br />

was found.<br />

82. ΚΔΑΥΔΙΟΣ<br />

IG IV 1056; IG IV 2 1, 389 [έτους κη' της θε[οϋ] Ι 'Αδριανού το πρώτον [ίς] (sic) Ι την Ελλά­<br />

δα επιδημίας = A.D. 152].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar with a dedication to Apollo and Asclepius carved during the<br />

priesthood of Claudius:<br />

Έτους κη' της θε[ού] Ι "Αδριανού το πρώτον [ίς] (sic) Ι την Ελλάδα επιδημίας, Πό[μ]1πων<br />

Έπαφροδιτά πυροφορήΐσας έπί ίερ[έ]ος Κλαυδίου Ι Ασκληπιώ, Απόλλωγ[ι].<br />

Priest (of Asclepius)<br />


P. Charneux, BCH 80, 1956, 610-4, no. VII, fig. 7 (SEG 16, 1959, 258a) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, built into a triangular pilaster of bricks; honorary inscription for Pompeius<br />

Cleosthenes: ... επί αγωνοθέτου Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδί(ου) vac. (text Pomepius Cleosthenes,<br />

ARG 209).<br />


[1] W. Vollgraff, Mnemosyne 47, 1919, 166, no. 12; M. Pierart, J.-P. Thalmann, BCH 102,<br />

1978, 784 (SEG 28, 1978, 397); A. Pariente, M. Piérart, J.-P. Thalmann, "Les recherches sur<br />

l'agora d'Argos: résultats et perspectives", in: A. Pariente et G. Touchais (eds.), Argos et Γ<br />

Argolide. Topographie et urbanisme, Actes de la Table Ronde internationale, Athènes-Argos<br />

28./4.-1./5./1990 (Nauplion-Athènes 1998) 220 connect the monument and the attested<br />

Antigonus with [2] [1st /2nd e. A.D.].<br />

Argos, in situ in the "salle hypostyle" of the agora; a dedication on a circular limestone statue<br />

base; it probably bore a statue of Danaos:<br />

Δαναον Ι Τι(βέριος) Κλαύδιος Ι Αντίγονος.<br />

[2] M. Pierart-J.P. Thalmann, BCH 102, 1978, 782-4, fig. 19 (SEG 28, 1978, 396); Α. Pariente,<br />

M. Piérart, J.-P. Thalmann, "Les recherches sur l'agora d'Argos: résultats et perspectives", in:<br />

A. Pariente et G. Touchais (eds.), Argos et TArgoliöe. Topographie et urbanisme, Actes de<br />

la Table Ronde internationale, Athènes-Argos 28/4-1/5/1990 (Nauplion-Athènes 1998) 219<br />



[lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Argos, reused in the west stylobate of the late palaistra in the agora; dedication on a block of<br />

limestone. The persons mentioned in the inscription have offered several donations to the<br />

polis, among them statues of Sebastoi and heroes and three baths, where they "brought the<br />

waters down from above" (translation by A.J. Spawforth-S. Walker, "The world of the<br />

Panhellenion II. Three Dorian cities", JRS 76, 1986, 102):<br />

[άγ]οράν καί τους εν αύτ[η] Ι [σε]βαστούς καί ήρωας Ι [καί (?)] βαλανεία τρία μετά Ι [τών<br />

τ]έκνων Τιβ. ΚλαυδίΙ 5 [ου] Μενεκλέους καί Τι[β.] Ι [Κλ]αυδίου Αντιγόνου, το Ι[ανωθ]ε ύδωρ<br />

καταγαγόντα. The block bears also a dedication of the 3rd c. A.D.<br />

Remarks: The identification of two persons named Antigonus in [1] and [2] has been<br />

established by Pierart-Thalmann, op. cit., 784. The date of the second text is based<br />

on the paleography. Cf. also Mitsos, 104. For hydraulic works cf. P. Marchetti-K.<br />

Kolokotsas, Le nymphée de /'agora d'Argos: Fouille, étude architecturale et<br />

historique. Étude Péloponnésiennes XI (Paris 1995), 198-199 especially on the role<br />

of this prominent family; M. Piérart, "Le «nymphée» de l'agora d'Argos et le<br />

tombeau de Danaos", La lettre de Pallas 3, 1995, 8 (SEG 45, 1995, 256) argues that<br />

hydraulic works of this scale are to be dated after the visit of Hadrian (A.D. 124/5);<br />

for older blibliography see SEG 37, 1987, 282.<br />

b. Tib. Claudius Menecles (ARG 92)<br />


IG IV 595 (Mitsos, 105) [2nd/3rd e. A.D.].<br />

Argos; limestone stele with an honorary inscription erected by the boule and demos of Argos<br />

for Tib. Claudius Carus Flavianus:<br />

Α βουλά καί Ι ό δαμος τών Ι Αργείων Τιβ(έριον) Ι Κλαύδιον ΚαρΙ 5 ον ΦλαουιαΙνόν αρεταςΙ ένεκα.<br />

86. ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΚΛ(Ε)ΟΣΣ[- - -]<br />

IG IV 549 [imperial].<br />

Argos, Heraeum; tile.<br />

Remarks: According to Mitsos, 106 it is to be dated in the 2nd or 3rd c. A.D.<br />


W. Vollgraff, BCH27, 1903, 263, no. 6 (Mitsos, 104) [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, reused in a modern house; a limestone fragment bearing part of an extremely mutilated<br />

honorary (?) inscription, preserving only a part of this name.<br />


IG IV 606 [Iste. A.D.].<br />



Argos; limestone base bearing an honorary inscription erected by the Romans settled in Argos<br />

for Tib. Claudius Diodotus:<br />

Τιβ(έριον) Κλαύδιον Διοδότου Ι υίον Διόδοτον, άγορανομήσαντα Ι καί γραμματεύσαντα,<br />

καί ίεροφαντήΐσαντα καί άγωνοθετήσαντα ΣεβάΙ 5 στεια καί Νέμεια δικαίως καί<br />

μεγαλοΐψύχως, ώς ύπερβαλεΐν τους προ αυτού Ι πάντας, καί μόνον καί πρώτον Ι θέντα<br />

έλαιον εν τε γυμνασίοις καί Ι βαλανείοις δούλοις καί έλευθέΙ 10 ροις απ" ανατολάς άλίου<br />

άχρι δύσεως Ι θύσαντά τε καί τω Διί τω Νεμείω έκαΐτόνβαν πρώτον καί μόνον,<br />

Τωμ[αΐ]Ιοι οι εν "Αργεί κατοι[κ]οϋντ[ες τ]όν έ[πιτ]1ρόπων εύεργέταν καί εκ πάππων<br />

άΙ 15 γωνοθέταν, ω καί έψαφίσαντο τάς ΠερΙσέως καί Ήρακλέος τειμάς καί χρυσοφοΙρίαν<br />

μετά πορφύρας διά βίου.<br />

agoranomos, grammateus, hiérophantes, agonothetes of Sebasteia and Nemeia<br />

Remarks: Diodotus must be a member of a rich aristocratic family, cf. θύσαντά τε καί τω Διί<br />

τω Νεμείω έκατόνβαν πρώτον καί μόνον; εκ πάππων άγωνοθέταν. It is possible<br />

that he was a member of the family of [ ]ς Διοδότου Α[ρ]γειος (IG VII 2711;<br />

according to Oliver, Greek constitutions, 69-77, no. 18, 1. 2: [ ]εύς Διοδότου<br />

Α[ρ]γείος), strategos of the Koinon of Achaeans, Boeotians, Locrians, Euboeans<br />

and Phocians, that sent an embassy to the new Emperor Caius in A.D. 37. Diodotus<br />

or Regulus (IG IV 586; ARG 233) was the agonothetes of the first Sebasteia, which<br />

replaced the Caesareia (A.B. West, "Notes on Achaean prosopography and<br />

chronology", CPh 23, 1928,258-269, especially 260, n. 2 places therefore the date at<br />

which Caesareia was replaced by Sebasteia under Claudius). Cf. also Mitsos, 105.<br />

About χρυσοφορία cf. P. Charneux, BCH11, 1953, 400 - 402, no. V; H.W. Pleket,<br />

"Three epigraphic notes", Mnemosyne (Ser. IV) 10, 1957, 141 - 143; P. Marchetti,<br />

RBNum 125, 1979, 193 - 194.<br />


IG IV 602 (Mitsos, 105) [A.D 116-117].<br />

Argos, once in the ruins of the church of Hagios Petros; statue base erected by the tribe of<br />

Hyrnathii for its protector Tib. Claudius Tertius Flavianus:<br />

[Τ]ιβ(έριον) Κλαύδιον Φλαβίου Τερτίου υίό[ν Ι Τ]έρτιον Φλαβιανόν άρξαντα φιλοτείίμως,<br />

θέντα ελαιον πρώτον εν ταϊ[ς] Ι θέαις τοΰ κυρίου αύτοκράτοΙ 5 ρος Νέρβα Τραϊανού Καίσα­<br />

ρος Ι αρίστου Σεβαστού Γερμανικο[ύ] Ι Δακικού Παρθικού καί άγωνοθεΙτήσαντα Σεβαστεί-<br />

ων καί ΝεμείΙων καί δικαίως καί μεγαλοψύχως, Ι 10 εν τε διανομαίς καί δημοθοινίίαις καί<br />

θέντα έ[λα]ιον κατά πάν γυίμνάσιον καί βα[λ]ανείον πάν Ι άνεπικωλύτως άπό ανατολής Ι<br />

ηλίου μέχρι δύσεος καί Θύσαν1 15 τα Διί τω Νεμείω έκατόμΙβην, ή φυλή τών Ύρναθίων Ι τον<br />

ϊδιον προστάτην.<br />

archon, agonothetes of Sebasteia and Nemeia<br />

Remarks: The onomastic formula shows that the person was perhaps adopted by a Tib.<br />

Claudius, cf. Ο. Salomies, Adoptive and polyonymous nomenclature in the Roman<br />

empire (Helsinki 1992) esp. 20-22.<br />




IG IV 588 (SEG 11, 1950, 324) [ca. A.D. 175].<br />

Argos, "in lapide prope forum"; honorary inscription, probably erected by the polis of Argos,<br />

for Tib. Claudius Quirina Frontinus Niceratus, son of the named person (text ARG 91).<br />

Messenian<br />

Remarks: For the person see PIR 1 C 872; Halfmann, Senatoren, 174, no. 93. For the date of<br />

the inscription see ARG 91.<br />


ΝΕΙΚΗ[ΡΛΤ]0[Σ]<br />

IG IV 588 (SEG 11, 1950, 324) [ca. A.D. 175].<br />

Argos, "in lapide prope forum"; honorary inscription, probably erected by the polis of Argos<br />

with the consent of the boule, for Tib. Claudius Quirina Frontinus Niceratus:<br />

[Ή πόλις ή τών Αργείων Τιβέριον] Ι [Κλαύδιον Τιβερίου Φροντείνου υίόν, Κυρείνα Φρο-<br />

ντεινον] Ι Νεική[ρατ]ο[ν, σ]ό[δαλ]ιν Άδ[ρι]Ι[ά]να[λ]ιν, τών [δέ]κα ανδρών Ι τών τά φονι[κ]ά<br />

δικασάνΙτων, χειλίαρχ[ο]ν πλατύΙ 5 σημον λε[γι]ώνος δ' ΦλαΙ[ου]ίας, ταμίαν καί<br />

άντιστράΙτηγον έπαρχείας Αχαΐας, Ι επί τών υπομνημάτων της συγκλήτου, κανδίδαΙ 10 τον<br />

αύτοκράτορος Μ(άρκου) ΑύρηΙλίου Αντωνείνου Αυγούστου Ι Γερμανικού, άγορανόμον Ι<br />

κουρούλλιον, στρατηγόν Ι 'Ρωμαίων, δικαιοσύνης ένεΙ 15 κεν καί άγνότητος τον Ι εαυτής<br />

εύεργέτην Ι Ψ(ηφίσματι) Β(ουλής).<br />

Messenian<br />

sodalis Hadrianalis, Xvir stlitibus iudicandis, tribunus laticlavius legionis IVFlaviae, quaestor pro<br />

praetore provinciae Achaiae, ab actis senatus, candidatus imperatoris, aedilis curulis, praetor.<br />

Remarks: The person is known also from inscriptions from Sparta, Messene and Abellinum.<br />

He was a Messenian from a rich, aristocratic and senatorial family (see also MES<br />

s.v.). His father Ti. Claudius Frontinus, son of the high priest of the imperial cult and<br />

helladarch Ti. Claudius Saethida Caelianus, was the first Messenian senator; his<br />

career includes also the consulship and is to be dated under Antoninus Pius and<br />

Marcus Aurelius (PIR 1 C 872; Halfmann, Senatoren, 174, no. 93; J.H. Oliver, EOS<br />

II, 595 and 601). It is unknown whether the person discussed here was also consul.<br />

His offices, as presented in the Argive inscription, were Xvir stlitibus iudicandis,<br />

tribunus militum legionis IV Flaviae, quaestor pro praetore provinciae Achaiae, ab<br />

actis senatus, aedilis curulis, candidatus of the Emperor M. Aurelius Antoninus,<br />

praetor. For him see PIR 2 C 873; Groag, Reichsbeamten, 120; Halfmann, Senatoren,<br />

196, no. 126.<br />

Mitsos, 105 dates the inscription about A.D. 178, but the date ca. A.D. 175 is<br />

preferable, since we know that he may have been praetor in A.D. 174/5 (Halfmann);<br />

for the family see M. Cébeillac, Les quaestores principis et candidati aux 1er et<br />

Ilième siècles de l'empire (Milano 1972) 209-210; G. Alföldy, Konsulat und<br />

Senatorenstand unter der Antoninen (Bonn 1977) 85 n. 49, 193.<br />




IG IV 1417; Syll. 3 877 E; IG IV 2 1, 694; Peek 1969, 131, no. 303, facsimile [Severan].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an honorary inscription on an exedra erected for Gn. Claudius Leonticus<br />

by Manius Gellius Bassus. The text is engraved on an older one:<br />

Τον λαμπρότατον ύπατικόν καί έπανορθωτήν της Αχαΐας Γν(αίον) Κλαύδιον Λεοντικόν,<br />

Μάγιος Γέλλιος Βάσσος τον εύεργέτην.<br />

consulans, legatus ad corrigendum statum civitatium liberarum Achaiae<br />

Remarks: For the person see E. Groag, RE III 2 (1899) 2728-2729, s.v. Claudius [203]; PIR 2 C<br />

909; Barbieri, no. 159; Thomasson, 197-198, no. 64; J.H. Oliver, GRBS 14 (1973)<br />

404sq.; id., EOS II, 587-588. Leunissen, Konsuln und Konsulare, 190, 295, 356, 374.<br />

The person as well as his son Claudius Teres and grandson Claudius Illyrius are<br />

connected with Athens and Megara, but Oliver, EOS II, loc. cit., underlines the<br />

unexpected names Illyrius and Teres, which is Thracian.<br />


M. Pierart-J.P. Thalmann, BCH 102, 1978, 782-4 fig. 19 (SEG 28, 1978, 396); Α. Pariente, M.<br />

Piérart, J.-P. Thalmann, "Les recherches sur l'agora d'Argos: résultats et perspectives", in: A.<br />

Pariente et G. Touchais (eds.), Argos et FArgolide. Topographie et urbanisme, Actes de la<br />

Table Ronde internationale, Athènes-Argos 28/4-1/5/1990 (Nauplion-Athènes 1998) 219<br />

[lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Argos; the dedication is carved on a block of limestone reused and built into the western<br />

stylobate of the late palaistra in the agora. The persons mentioned in the inscription have<br />

offered several donations to the polis, among them statues of Sebastoi and heroes and three<br />

baths, where they "brought the waters down from above" (translation by A.J.S. Spawforth-S.<br />

Walker, "The world of the Panhellenion II. Three Dorian cities", JRS 76, 1986, 102):<br />

[άγ]οράν καί τους εν αύτ[η] Ι [σε]βαστούς καί ήρωας Ι [καί (?)] βαλανεια τρία μετά Ι [τών<br />

τ]έκνων Τιβ. ΚλαυδίΙ[ου] Μενεκλέους καί Τι[β.] Ι [Κλ]αυδίου Αντιγόνου, τό Ι[άνωθ]ε ύδωρ<br />

καταγαγόντα. The block also bears a dedication of the 3rd c. A.D.<br />

Remarks: The person is a brother of Tib. Claudius Antigonus (ARG 84) of the same inscription.<br />

Another possibility of completing his cognomen could be Xenocles.<br />


[1] IG IV 1403; IG IV 2 1, 602; (cf. BullÉpigr 1976, 259) [A.D. 49-54].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a base bearing an honorary inscription erected by the named person for<br />

the Emperors Claudius and Agrippina:<br />

Τι(βέριον) Κλαύδιον Καίσαρα Σεβαστό[ν] Ι Γερμανικόν αυτοκράτορα καί Ι Άγριππίναν<br />

Καίσαρος Ι Τι(βέριος) Κλαύδιος Εύνόμου υιός Νικοτέ[λης].<br />

[2] Peek, 1972, 42, no. 76, facsimile, pi. XVIII, fig. 44 (cf. BullÉpigr 1973, 191; AnnÉpigr<br />



1974, 610; 1980, 855) [A.D. 49-54].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary, in Tholos; a statue base bearing an honorary inscription erected by the<br />

person for the Emperors Claudius and Agrippina. Agrippina's name has been erased. The text<br />

of the inscription seems to be identical with that of the inscription [1]. His name is [Τιβέριο]ς<br />

Κλαύδιος Εύνόμου υιός Νικοτέλης.<br />

[3] Μ. Mitsos, "Έπιγραφαί εξ 'Ασκληπιείου Επιδαύρου (Ι)", ΑΕ 1974, 79-83, no. 11 (cf.<br />

BullÉpigr 1976, 259) [reign of Claudius, probably before A.D. 49].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a new fragment of the mutilated inscription IG IV 2 1, 87, bearing a letter<br />

of the Emperor Claudius, which refers to an embassy led by Nicoteles: [.... ο φίλος μου<br />

Νικο]τέλης καί οι πρέσβεις [οι περί αυτόν] π[ρ]οσηλθο[ν —].<br />

Remarks: This person is also attested as agonothetes of Asclapeia in an inscription from Delphi<br />

recording victors in several games (Syll. 2, 802 A III, ca. A.D. 41-47: ...Ασκλάπεια εν<br />

Έπιδαύρω τη ιερά επί άγων[ο]θέτου Νεικοτέλου...). His father Εύνομος Νικοτέ-<br />

λους is known by the list of victors in Apolloneia and Asclapeia and Caesareia of<br />

the year A.D. 32/33. It seems that Nicoteles acquired Roman citizenship shortly<br />

before A.D. 49, so he is attested without a Roman name in the document of Delphi<br />

and in [3].<br />

For the family see A.B. West, "Notes on Achaean prosopography and chronology",<br />

CPh 23, 1928, 268-269 and for comments on the stemmas of the family suggested<br />

by Fraenkel in IG IV and F. Hiller von Gaertringen in IG IV 2 1, p. XXV see H. Box,<br />

MS 53, 1933, 112-114 (SEG 11, 1950, 445); see Appendix, Stemma IV.<br />


IG IV 1154;/G IV 2 1, 686 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; statue base erected by Claudii Phaedrias and Paulus for their mother<br />

Claudia Damaro, who was a daughter of Polycrates (text ARG 75, Damaro).<br />

s. Claudius Xenocles (ARG 106); for the stemma see Appendix, Stemma III.<br />


[1]/GTV 2 1,678 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base erected for T. Statilius Teimocartes, son of Lamprias by his<br />

relative Ti. Claudius Xenocles, son of Phaedrias:<br />

Τίτον Στα[τί]Ιλιον Λαμ[πρί]Ιου υίόν Τειμ[ο]Ικράτην Τυβέρ[ι]Ι 5 ος Κλαύδιος Φα[ι]Ιδρίου υιός<br />

ΞενοΙκλης τόνϊδιον Ι συνγενη, ψηφιίσαμένης της πόΙ 10 λεως, αρετής Ι ένεκεν.<br />

[2] IG IV 1154; IG IV 2 1, 686 [end of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; statue base erected by Claudii Phaedrias and Paulus for their mother<br />

Claudia Damaro, who was a daughter of Polycrates (ARG 99):<br />

[Κ]λαυδίαν Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Ι Πολυκράτους θυγατέΙρα Δαμαρώ Τιβ(έριοι) Κλαύδιοι Ι<br />



Φαιδρίας καί Παύλος οι Ι 5<br />

υιοί, αρετής ένεκεν καί Ι σωφροσύνης, έξ έντοΙλής τοΰ πατρός<br />

Τιβ(ερίου) ΚλαυΙδίου Ξενοκλέους άνέθηΐκαν κατά την τής βουλής Ι 10<br />

καί τοΰ δήμου γνώμην.<br />

[3] IG IV 2<br />

130)].<br />

1, 492; Peek 1969, 103, no. 199, facsimile [2nd c. A.D., after Antinous' death (A.D.<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a dedication to Antinous by [Φ]αιδ[ρ]ίας: [Αν]τινόωι [Φ]αιδ[ρ]ίας.<br />

The name has been restored by Peek, according to whom the person is to be identified with<br />

Tib. Claudius Phaedrias.<br />

Remarks: It is unknown, whether we have to do with one or two persons bearing the same<br />

name, in other words, grandfather and grandson; in the latter case there would be<br />

one Phaedrias, father of Tib. Claudius Xenocles and grandfather of Tib. Claudius<br />

Phaedrias (IG IV 2<br />

in IG IV 2<br />

1, 686). Otherwise there is a son of Tib. Claudius Phaedrias named<br />

1, 686, who was given his grandfather's name Xenocles.<br />

s. Claudius Xenocles (ARG 106); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma III.<br />


7GIV 1579 [lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros; marble base erected for the person by the polis of Epidauros :<br />

Α. πόλις τών Έπιδαυρίων Ι Τιβέριον Κλαύδιον ΦιλόξεΙνον άριστοπολειτεύσανίτα καί τρις<br />

νομοθετήσαντα.<br />


[1] IG IV 997; IG IV 2 1, 394 [τό ξγ' έτος=Α.ϋ. 187].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar dedicated to Agathos Theos:<br />

Αγαθω θεω. Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Πωλλίων Ι ίεραπολήσας τό ξγ' έτος.<br />

[2] IG IV 1155; IG IV 2 1, 609; Peek 1969, 117-118, no. 261, facsimile [reign of Commodus].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a base bearing a fragmentary inscription: [επί ίερομνημόνων —]ου καί<br />

Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Πωλλίωνος; perhaps the person is an hieromnemon. The name of the<br />

honoured Emperor Commodus is erased.<br />

Remarks: Peek 1969,118, no. 262 believes that the stone [2] belongs together with IG IV 2 1,610.<br />


[1] IG IV 2 1, 685 (IG IV 1471); Peek 1969, 130, no. 299 [2nd /3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; statue base erected by the named person for another Claudius<br />

(ΚΛ[ΑΥΔΙΟΣ]), whose name is not completely preserved. The praenomen of the discussed<br />

person is here omitted; in IG IV 1471,1. 4 the praenomen is restored:<br />

Κλ[αύδιον —] Ι Έπιδαύ[ριον ένεκεν] Ι τής εύεργε[σίας τής] Ι εις την πατρίδ[α] Ι 5<br />

Κλαύδιος<br />

Πολυκρ[ά]Ιτης.<br />



[2] IG IV 1154;/G IV 2 1, 686 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; statue base erected by Claudii Phaedrias and Paulus for their mother<br />

Claudia Damaro, who was a daughter of Polycrates: [Κ]λαυδίαν Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Ι Πολυ­<br />

κράτους θυγατέΙρα Δαμαρώ ... (full text ARG 75 and 96 [2])<br />

s. Claudius Xenocles (ARG 106); perhaps a grandson of Polycrates, son of Euanthes (IG IV 2<br />

1, 647); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma III.<br />


IG IV 835 A, 1. 9 and Β, 1. 8 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Troizen; three fragments of a marble plaque bearing inscriptions related to loans.<br />


IG IV 847 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Calauria (island Porös); a marble plaque bearing a dedication to θεός, probably Asclepius,<br />

since it was found near a statue of Asclepius: Κλ(άυδιος) 'Ρητορικός Ι τον θεόν.<br />


[1] IG IV 1251+1263; Ch. Giamalidis, "Εις Επιδαύρου έπιγραφάς", ΑΕ 1913, 127, fig. 6, who<br />

noticed that the two fragments published separately in IG IV were parts of the same<br />

inscription; IG IV 2 1, 475; Peek 1969, 101, no. 189 [first half of 3rd c. A.D.: from the style of<br />

the letters].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; three fragments of a base bearing a dedication to Asclepius Soter:<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Σευή[ρος τω σ]οπήρι Ι Ασκληπι[ω κατ' ό]ναρ.<br />

[2] IG IV 956; IG IV 2 1, 127; (J. & L. Edelstein, Asclepius I [1945] 238, no. 424 [SEG 11, 1950,<br />

427]; V. Longo, Aretalogie nel mondo greco I. Pubblicazioni dell'Instituto di Filologia classica<br />

dell'Università di Genova, 29 [1969] 98-99, no. 61 [SEG25, 1971,413]); cf. Peek, 1969,54, no.<br />

57 for line 13 [έτους εκατοστού πρώτου=Α.ϋ. 225].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a stele decorated with a cymatium bearing a dedication of Tib. Claudius<br />

Severus to Asclepius and Apollo Maleatas after his faith-healing, during the priesthood of M.<br />

Aurelius Pythodorus:<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Σευήρος Ι Σινωπεύς ΑπόλΙλωνι Μαλεάτα καί Ι 5 Σωτήρι Ασκληπιω Ι<br />

κατ" οναρ, δν ο θεός Ι εισατο εν τω ένΙκοιμητηρίω, χοιΙράδας έχοντα έπ[ί] Ι 10 τού τραχή[λου]<br />

καί Ι καρκίνον [τ]ο[ύ ώ]τός, Ι έπιστάς έ[ν]αργώς, Ι οίος έστ[- - ca. 6- - ]. Ι Έπί ίερέω[ς]<br />

Μάρ(κου) Ι 15 Αύρ(ηλίου) Πυ[θοδώρ]ου Ι έτους έ[κ]α[το]σΙστοϋ πρώτου.<br />

From Sinope<br />

103. [ΚΛ]ΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΤΕΙΜ[- - -]<br />

/G IV 759 [2nd/3rd c A.D.].<br />



Troizen, in the church of Hagia Sotira; a fragment of an inscription. The person is attested as<br />

a strategos:<br />

[Έπί] στρατη[γού] Ι [Κλ]αυδίου Τειμ[—] I [— ] ανθύπατος [— ] I [— ] ούτω παλα[ι—]<br />

I [ ]ν καί πόρους [ ] Ι [ συ]ντελούση[ς (s. -ση) ] Ι [ μεγί(?)]στων (s. -ς τών)<br />

έν [- - - ] .<br />

Remarks: 1. 1: IG: [Έπί] στρατη[γών]. About strategoi in Greek cities of the imperial period, see<br />

ARG 47.<br />


[1] P. Charneux, BCH 80, 1956, 604-610, no. 6, 1. 13, fig. 3 (SEG 16, 1959, 253) [2nd/3rd<br />

c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, theatre; a fragmentary limestone list of magistrates ludis praesidentium, where the<br />

person is attested as hellanodikes: ...[έλλ]ανοδικούντων δέ....Τι(βερίου) Κλαυδίου Τυχικού.<br />

[2] Μ. Pierart, "A propos des subdivisions de la population argienne", BCH 109, 1985, 355-6,<br />

fig. 1 (SEG 35, 1985, 270-1) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, south of Larissa; a block of limestone bearing two tribal dedications, one of the tribe of<br />

Hylleis and the other of Hyrnathioi, for the son of the person, who is attested as [Γ(άιον)]<br />

Κλαύδιον Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Τυχικού υίόν Τυ[χικόν] in the first dedication and as Γ(άιον)<br />

Κλα[ύδιον Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδί]ου [Τυχικού υίόν] Τυ[χι]κ[όν] in the second one (full text in<br />

ARG 105).<br />

[3] IG IV 593 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; a plaque of limestone bearing a building inscription concerning the erection of a bath<br />

by Claudia Olympia after a promise made by her father, Κλαυδίου Τυχικού (text ARG 77).<br />

[4] M. Piérart, BCH 98, 1974, 776-777, no. 3 (AnnÉpigr 1973, 496); P. Aupert, "Une base de<br />

la domus Augusta Domitienne à Argos (?)", Pallas 40/41, 1994, 69-77 (ph., dr.) (SEG45, 1995,<br />

257; AnnÉpigr 1994, 1612) [late 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, in the baths near the theatre; three fragments of the front surface of a limestone statue<br />

base reused in the first phase of the building late in the 1st c. A.D.:<br />

[ ] I [ ]ικός, άγων[οθέτης Ηραίων καί] Ι Νεμείων τό β' (?), ά[ρχιερεύ]ς δια βίου τοΰ Ι<br />

οίκου τών Σεβ[αστών], εκ τών ιδίων.<br />

hellanodikes, twice agonothetes of Heraia and Nemeia, lifelong highpriest of the imperial cult<br />

Remarks: He is to be identified either with the father of Claudia Olympia (ARG 77) or with<br />

the homonymous ARG 105.<br />

The person of [3] could also be identified with the son of the person discussed here,<br />

ARG 105. P. Charneux, BCH 107, 1983, 251-252, n. 6 (SEG 33, 1983, 292) points<br />

out that two different stones have been combined under no. 593 in IG, which is to<br />

be explained by the fact that the text was duplicated. For the person see Mitsos, 177.<br />

P. Aupert dates [4] from the lettering in the 1st c. A.D. and argues that the early<br />

reuse of the stone indicates a damnatio memoriae, probably of Domitian (cf. also<br />

183<br />



AnnÉpigr 1994, 1612). P. Marchetti and Κ. Kolokotsas, Le nymphée de /'agora<br />

d'Argos: Fouille, étude architecturale et historique. Étude Péloponnésiennes XI<br />

(Paris 1995) 198-199, n. 63 identify [- - -]ικός with Κλαύδιος Τυχικός following M.<br />

Piérart, BCH 98, 1974, 776-777, no. 3, n. 16.<br />

f. C. Claudius Tychicus (ARG 105), and maybe the father of Claudia Olympia (ARG 77)<br />


M. Piérart, "A propos des subdivisions de la population argienne", BCH 109, 1985, 355-6<br />

(SEG 35, 1985, 270-1) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, south of Larissa; a block of limestone bearing two tribal dedications, one of the phyle<br />

of Hylleis and the other of Hyrnathioi, for C. Claudius, son of Tib. Claudius Tychicus. The<br />

block bears two inscriptions, the second of which would have been completed on another stone<br />

at the right. He has held the office of eisagogeus and offered a dinar to each free-born citizen:<br />

[Α] [Γ(άιον)] Κλαύδιον Τιβ(ερίου) ΚλαυΙδίου Τυχικού υίόν ΤυΙ[χικόν εί]σαγωγέα<br />

γενόΙ[μενο]ν Ηραίων έπί άγωΙ 5 [νοθ]έτου Σωσιπάτρου Ι [καί δ]όντα παντί έ[λευθ]έρω δηνά-<br />

ριον ή Ι [φυλή] τών Ύλλέων τον Ι [εύε]ργέ[τη]ν.<br />

[Β] Γ(άιον) Κλα[ύδιον Τιβ(ερίου) ΚλαυΙδί]ου [Τυχικού υίόν] Ι Τυ[χι]κ[όν εισαγωγέα] Ι<br />

γενόΙ[μενον Ηραίων] Ι 5 έπί άγ[ωνοθέτου Σω]Ισιπάτ[ρου καί δόν]τα παν[τί έλευθέρω] Ι<br />

δηνάρ[ιον ή φυλή] Ι τών Ύ[ρναθίων τον] Ι εύεργ[έτην].<br />

eisagogeus<br />

Remarks: M. Piérart, op.cit. points out that, in general, Argive magistrates perform the same<br />

functions for both Sebasteia and Nemeia or both Heraia and Nemeia.<br />


[1] IG IV 2 1, 678 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base erected for T. Statilius Teimocrates (II), son of Lamprias,<br />

after a decree of the polis, by his relative (ίδιον συγγενή) Ti. Claudius Xenocles, son of<br />

Phaedrias:<br />

Τίτον Στα[τί]Ιλιον Ααμ[πρί]Ιου υίόν Τειμ[ο]Ικράτην Τυβέρ[ι]Ι 5 ος Κλαύδιος Φα[ι]Ιδρίου υιός<br />

ΞενοΙκλής τον ίδιον Ι συνγενή, ψηφιίσαμένης τής πόΙ 10 λεως, αρετής Ι ένεκεν.<br />

[2] IG IV 1154; IG IV 2 1, 686 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; statue base erected by Claudii Phaedrias and Paulus for their mother<br />

Claudia Damaro, daughter of Polycrates. Xenocles was her husband. The name of the person<br />

appears as Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Ξενοκλέους.<br />

Remarks: In IG IV 2 1, 678,1. 4-5 Τυβέριος.<br />

It is unknown, whether we have to do with two persons bearing the same name, in<br />

other words, grandfather and grandson; in that case there would be one Phaedrias,<br />

father of Tib. Claudius Xenocles and grandfather of Tib. Claudius Phaedrias (IG IV 2 1,<br />



686). Otherwise there is a son of Tib. Claudius Phaedrias named in IG IV 2<br />

who was given his grandfather's name Xenocles.<br />

1, 686,<br />

A Xenocles is the dedicator of a monument in the Asclepeium of Epidauros<br />

bearing an honorary epigram for a Cornelius Pulcher (ARG 117 [2]) (see W.<br />

Peek, Zeitschr. Halle-Wittenberg 11, 1962, 1012/3, no. 11, ph. 1011 [SEG 22,<br />

1967, 289]; Peek, 1972, 47, no. 90 [Mitsos, 110]), who is to be identified with the<br />

person discussed here or with ARG 107. For the stemma of the family see<br />

Appendix, Stemma III.<br />


IG IV 1059; IG IV 2<br />

1, 406; Peek, 1969, 96, no. 163 [α' καί ρ' έτος=Α.ϋ. 225].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar, the sides of which are decorated with reliefs, dedicated by the<br />

person to the Agathos Theos attested as πυροφορήσας. Since the function of pyrophoros was<br />

performed by youths, we should not regard the person discussed here as identical with the<br />

synomyous ARG 106:<br />

πθ' Ι Αγαθού θεού Ι Τι(βέριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Ξενοκλής Ι πυροφορήσας Ι τό α' καί ρ' έτος.<br />

Remarks: According to Hiller von Gaertringen (IG IV 2 1, 406), he is to be identified with Tib.<br />

Claudius Xenocles (I) (ARG 106). He may be a younger member of his family.<br />

[- - -]ΕΝΟΥΣ ΥΙΟΣ ΚΛΕΟΓΕΝΗΣ: see ARG 268<br />


IG IV 835 C, 1. 4 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Troizen; three fragments of a marble plaque bearing inscriptions related to loans.<br />

109. ΚΟΡΝΗΛΙΟΣ<br />

IG IV 2 1, 101, 1. 44; Peek, 1969, 40, no. 45 (publishes 1. 41-48) [έτους τρίτου καί έξηκο-<br />

στού=Α.ϋ. 32/33 (era of Actium)].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a list of victors of the games Apolloneia, Asclapeia and Caesareia. One<br />

of them is Diodorus, son of Cornelius.<br />


IG IV 2 1,612 I; Peek 1969, 119 [A.D. 211-217].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base erected by the town of Epidauros for Caracalla during the<br />

time the named person was an hieromnemon (text ARG 57, Aurelius Sostratus). On the same<br />

stone there is a second inscription for Alexander Severus (SEG 17, 1960, 184).<br />




[1] IG IV 607 [beginning of the Imperial period].<br />

Argos, near the church of Haghia Paraskevi; honorary inscription erected by the collegium of<br />

ΛεεΙται:<br />

Οι Λεείται Ι Λ(εύκιον) Κορνήλιον Ίνγένου[ον].<br />

[2] P. Charneux, BCH11, 1953, 400-402, n. V (SEG 13, 1956, 244) [beginning of the Imperial<br />

period].<br />

Argos, agora, built in a wall erected on the place of an older stoa; a statue base erected by the<br />

demos of Argos for the person:<br />

Ό δήμος ο τώ[ν] Ι Αργείων Ι Λ(εύκιον) Κορνήλιον "Ινγενον Ι γυμνασιαρχήσαντα εν τοις<br />

τρισί γυμναΙσίοις καί άγορανομήΙ 5 σαντα καί γραμματεύΙσαντα καί ταμιεύσανίτα δις καί<br />

λαβόντα τειΙμάς άγωνοθετικάς Ι άρετάς ένεκα.<br />

gymnasiarchos, agoranomos, grammateus, twice tamias<br />

Remarks: About τιμάς άγωνοθετικάς, H.W. Pieket, "Three epigraphic notes", Mnemosyne<br />

(Ser. IV) 10, 1957, 141-3; Charneux, op. cit. and BullÉpigr 1958, 233 (cf. SEG 16,<br />

1959, 256). About the person see also Mitsos, 110. The cognomen of the person is a<br />

Greek transcription of Ingenuus (see Solin and Salomies, 345), which is to be found<br />

in one inscription as Ίνγένου[ος], maybe Ίνγένου[ς], and in the other as "Ινγενος.<br />

112. [. ΚΟΡ]ΝΗΛΙΟΣ ΛΥΚΕΥΣ<br />

P. Charneux, BCH 80, 1956, 604-610, no. 6, fig. 3,1. 4 (SEG 16, 1959, 253) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, theatre; a fragmentary limestone list of magistrates ludis praesidentium.<br />


[1] IG IV 546 (Mitsos, 121) [according to Mitsos it is to be dated in the 2nd or 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, Heraeum; stamp on a tile "έπί Κορ(νηλίου) Μακία".<br />

[2] W. Vollgraff, BCH 33, 1909, 461-6, n. 26 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; a stele of gray limestone; the text is in the form of various notes dated by the Roman<br />

calendar; according to Vollgraff it is "le compte rendu des séances de la boule d'Argos": ...καί<br />

κλήρ(ος) Κορ(νηλίου) Μαικία.<br />

Remarks: In [2] under the date 28th of October there is the phrase "καί κλήρ(ος) Κορ(νηλίου)<br />

Μαικία". According to P. Charneux, BCH 115, 1991, 322,1. 25 (SEG4Ì, 1991,285)<br />

κλήρ(ος) could be the "distribution d'argent en vertu d'une fondation" as well as<br />

"héritage".<br />


[1] IG IV 2 1, 651; cf. Peek 1969, 124, no. 283 [begin, of 1st c. A.D.].<br />



Epidauros, sanctuary, in front of the temple of Asclepius; a statue base erected by the polis of<br />

Epidauros bearing two honorary inscriptions, one for Sodamus, son of Damophanes (IG IV 2<br />

1, 650), and one for the person discussed here:<br />

Ά πόλις ά τών Έπιδαυρίων Ι Νικάταν Σωδάμου Ι Έπιδαύριον άριστα Ι πολειτευόμενον.<br />

[2] IG IV 1431; IG IV 2 1, 652; Peek 1969, 124 [under Augustus].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a stone of an exedra bearing an honorary inscription for the named<br />

person:<br />

Α πόλις τών Έπιδαυρίων Γναίον Ι Κορνήλιον Σωδάμου υίόν ΝικάΙταν, ιερέα τοΰ Σεβαστού<br />

ΚαίσαΙρος δίς, άγωνοθετήσαντα πρώΙ 5 τον τά Άπολλωνίεια καί ΑσκλαΙπίεια κτίσαντά τε<br />

τ[άν] ΚαισαΙρείων πανάγυριν καί αγώνας Ι καί πρώτον άγωνοθετήσαντα, Ι άρετάς ένεκεν<br />

καί εύνοιας Ι 10 τάς εις αύτάν.<br />

[3] IG IV 1432; IG IV 2 1, 653; cf. Peek 1969, 124, no. 284 [1st c. A.D., before A.D. 32/33].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a stone of an exedra bearing an honorary inscription for the son of the<br />

person, Γναίον Κορνήλιον Γναίου Ι υίόν Ποϋλχρον (text ARG 116 [2]).<br />

twice priest of Caesar Augustus, agonothetes of Apolloneia and Asclapeia and founder and<br />

agonothetes of the Caesareia games<br />

Remarks: He is connected with the addition of Caesareia to the already existing<br />

Apolloneia and Asclapeia games at the beginning of the imperial period (cf. [2]).<br />

During this feast his son Cn. Cornelius Pulcher (ARG 116), who was then just four<br />

years old, held the offices of gymnasiarch and agoranomos. The addition of the<br />

Caesareia games is dated by L. Robert, AE 1969, 54 (OMS VII, 760) in A.D. 32 or<br />

33. This cannot be right according to M. Sève, "Les concours d'Épidaure", REG 106,<br />

1993, 314 n. 44, because in [2] Nikatas appears as a twice priest of Σεβαστός<br />

Καίσαρ, which means that Augustus was still alive.<br />

f. Cn. Cornelius Cn. f. Pulcher (ARG 116); for a stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma<br />

IV. His great grandson is Γν. Κορνήλιος Τιβερίου Φαβία Πούλχρος (ARG 117).<br />


/GIV 795 (SEG 35, 1985, 313) [ca. A.D. 114].<br />

Troizen, earlier in the place of the "mensa sacra" of the church of Hagia Sotira; a marble base<br />

erected for Cn. Cornelius Pulcher by his friend Cn. Cornelius Philiscus (text ARG 117 [1]).<br />


[1] IG IV 2 1, 101,1. 45, 47; *Peek, 1969, 40, no. 45 (publishes 1. 41-48) [έτους τρίτου καί έξη-<br />

κοστού=Α.ϋ. 32/33 (era of Actium)].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a list of victors of the games Apolloneia, Asclapeia and Caesareia. The<br />

person won in two games: 1. 45 [άρμα]τι τελέψ· Γναίος Κορνήλιος Πούλχερ and 1. 47 συνω-<br />

ρί τελεία· Γναιος Κορνήλιος [Πούλ]χερ.<br />



[2] IG IV 1432; IG IV 2 1, 653; cf. Peek 1969, 124, no. 284 [1st c. A.D., before A.D. 32/33].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a stone of an exedra bearing an honorary inscription for the person, who<br />

was only four years old:<br />

Ά πόλις τών Έπιδαυρίων Ι Γναίον Κορνήλιον Γναίου Ι υίόν Πούλχρον, ετών οντά Ι τεσσάρων<br />

καί γυμνασιαρΙχήσαντα καί άγορανομήΐσαντα εν ταΐς παναγύρεσιν, άρετάς ένεκεν καί Ι<br />

εύ[νοί]ας τάς εις αύτάν. Ι Εύνους έποίησε.<br />

gymnasiarchos, agoranomos<br />

Remarks: He is the son of Γναίος Κορνήλιος Νικάτας or Νικάτας Σωδάμου (IG IV 2 1, 651),<br />

ARG 114. The discussed person is attested also in an inscription from Delphi as<br />

agonothetes of Isthmia (Syll. 2 802 A=FD 1, 352, 534, ca. A.D. 41-47).<br />

About children who held public offices see L. Robert, Hellenica XI-XII (1960) 560-<br />

561, n. 6 and cf. Ioannes Chrysostomus: ουκ οΐδατε οτι οι εν ταίς πόλεσιν πολιτευόμενοι<br />

τής θηλής πολλάκις τους εαυτών παίδας ευθύς άποσπασθέντας θαλλοφόρους<br />

καί άγωνοθέτας καί γυμνασιάρχους καί χορειάρχους ποιοΰσιν (PG 54,<br />

658; Sermo de Anna III, 4). Further see M. Kleijwegt, Ancient youth. The ambiguity<br />

of youth and the absence of adolescence in Greco-Roman society (Amsterdam 1991)<br />

247 ff., esp. on this inscription see p. 248 (by mistake he refers to the person<br />

discussed here as a boy of fourteen years old).<br />

A sculptor Εύνους, whose signature is to be found under the inscription [2] is<br />

attested also in IG IV 2 1, 246/7 and 665.<br />

For a stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma IV.<br />


[1] IG IV 795 (SEG 35, 1985, 313) [ca. A.D. 114].<br />

Troizen, earlier in the place of the "mensa sacra" of the church of Hagia Sotira; a marble base<br />

erected for the person discussed here by his friend Cn. Cornelius Philiscus after a decree of the<br />

boule:<br />

Γν(αΐον) Κορνήλιον Τιβερίου υίόν Ι Φαβία Πούλχρον, χειλίαρχον Ι λεγ(εώνος) δ ' Σκυθικής,<br />

δύ' ανδρών αντιίστράτηγον έν Κορίνθω, εύθηνίας Ι 5<br />

έπιμελητήν, άγωνοθέτην Ι Καισαρήων<br />

Νερουανήων Τρα'ίΙανήων Σεβαστήων ΓερμαΙνικήων Δακήων καί ΊσθμίΙων καί Καισαρήων<br />

καί άγωνοΙ 10<br />

θέτην Σεβαστείων καί ΆσκληΙπείων καί στρατηγόν καί Ι γραμματέα τών<br />

Αχαιών καί Ι αρχιερέα καί έπίτροπον ΚαίΙσαρος, Γν(άιος) Κορνήλιος Φιλίσκος Ι 15<br />

τον<br />

αυτού φίλον. Ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής).<br />

[2] W. Peek, Zeitschr. Halle- Wittenberg 11, 1962, 1012/3, no. 11, ph. 1011 (SEG 22, 1967,<br />

289); Peek, 1972, 47, no. 90, pi. XXI, 51 (Mitsos, 110) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; block of a base bearing an honorary epigram for the named person,<br />

erected after his death by Xenocles: [ά]θάνατον μνήμην έλ[ιπες], Ι Κορνήλιε Ποΰλχε[ρ] I<br />

[γν]ώμηι δέ Ελλήνων εϊσ[ατο] Ι σε ενοκλής.<br />

tribunus militum legionis IV Scythicae, Ilvir quinquennalis in Corinth, curator annonae,<br />

agonothetes of the festival of Trajaneia, Isthmia, Caesareia, Sebasteia and Asclapeia, stretegos<br />



and grammateus of the Achaean Koinon, highpriest of the emperor, procurator<br />

Remarks: Peek, op. cit., identifies the person of [2] with that of [1] and Xenocles with Tib.<br />

Claudius Xenocles, pyrphoros in A.D. 225 (ARG 107); the latter cannot be regarded<br />

as certain, since there is a long gap in time.<br />

Γν. Κορνήλιος Ποΰλχερ νεώτ(ερος) Έπιδαύριος ο καί Άργεΐος, attested in a list<br />

of victors in Caesareia Isthmia games (Corinth VIII. 1,15; cf. COR 229), is identified<br />

by Meriti with the son of Πούλχρος of [1]. Therefore he could be either identified<br />

with the person discussed here or with his father.<br />

The person discussed here was an eques romanus who reached high offices of the<br />

Roman empire. He served as tribunus militum legionis IV Scythicae, which is to be<br />

found in Syria under Hadrian, see E. Ritterling, RE XII (1925) 1364, s.v. legio. The<br />

person is attested in many Corinthian inscriptions dated from Trajan to Hadrian and<br />

including more offices; cf. COR 228. He is attested in Corinthian inscriptions as<br />

procurator of Epirus and iuridicus of Egypt and Alexandria (Ηπείρου επίτροπος,<br />

Αιγύπτου καί Αλεξανδρείας δικαιοδότης). He held also several provincial offices<br />

in Achaia. He was helladarch of the Achaian Koinon and high priest of Greece, priest<br />

of Hadrian Panhellenius and Panhellenic archon. Further he was appointed to<br />

municipal offices in Corinth and was agonothetes of Isthmia and games in honour of<br />

the Emperor Trajan in Corinth as well in Asclepeia and Sebasteia, probably in<br />

Epidauros.<br />

B. Puech, "Grand-prêtres et helladarques d'Achaie", REA 85, 1983, 17-21<br />

reexamines his career, contests the date of [1] advocated by G.W. Bowersock,<br />

"Some persons in Plutarch's moralia", CQ 15, 1965,267-70 (before 114), and argues<br />

that it could be later.<br />

He is also attested in Athens (AD 25, 1970, 54-55, fig. 246). On the base of IG IV<br />

1600 {Corinth VOI. 1, 80; Oliver, Marcus Aurelius, 118, no. 35) Follet, Athènes, 126,<br />

n. 3 completes the Athenian fragmentary inscription as [τον ιερέα 'Αδριανού Πανελ­<br />

ληνίου Ι καί άρχοντα τώ]ν Πανε[λλήνων Ι Γναίον Κορνήλ]ιον Πούλχ[ρον ].<br />

Pulcher is identified as the first archon of the Panhellenes. The epigramm [2] is also<br />

connected by Follet, Athènes, 126, n. 4 with the office of Pulcher as archon of the<br />

Panhellenes, with whom she identifies the "Ελληνες of the inscription.<br />

Further, he is to be identified with the person to whom the work of Plut., Mor. 86 Β<br />

ff. (Πώς αν τις υπ' έχθρων ώφελοΐτο), addressed is (cf. Bowersock, op. cit.), as well<br />

as with the procurator of Epirus attested in Epictetus, III. 4, 1.<br />

For him see also PIR 2 C 1424; H.G. Pflaum, Les procurateurs équestres sous le<br />

Haut-Empire Romain (Paris 1950) 178; id., Carrières, 81; Devijver, C 245, p. 301;<br />

W. Eck, DerneuePauly3, 196 [II 43] s.v. Cornelius.<br />

For a stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma IV.<br />


IG IV 795 (SEG 35, 1985, 313) [ca. A.D. 114].<br />

Troizen, earlier in the place of the "mensa sacra" of the church of Hagia Sotira; a marble base<br />

L89<br />



erected for the son of the person by his friend Cn. Cornelius Philiscus. Tiberius is the father of<br />

Ποΰλχρος (text ARG 117 [1]).<br />

Remarks: His complete name is attested in two Corinthian honorary inscriptions for his son,<br />

Τιβ(ερίου) Κορνηλίου Πούλχρου υίόν (Corinth Vili. 1, 80 and 81, COR 227); one<br />

of them is erected by his daughter Calpurnia Frontina, while the dedicator of the<br />

second one is missing.<br />

f. Cn. Cornelius Pulcher (ARG 117); for a stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma IV.<br />

119. CUTIUS<br />

IG IV 2<br />

1, 440 (CIL III 7266) [imperial].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a tabula ansata bearing a dedication in Latin:<br />

Cutius has auris Gallus tibi voverat olim, I Phoebigena, et posuit sanus ab auriculis.<br />

Remarks: Svoronos, Ath. Nat. Mus., 430, 126, fig. LXX identifies the dedicator with the king<br />

of Gauls M. Iulius Cottius Donni regis f., 9/8 B.C. (A. Stein, RE X 1 [1918] 576-7,<br />

s.v. Iulius [Cottius] [197]). The identification cannot be regarded as certain. For the<br />

Roman gentilicium Cutius see Solin and Salomies, 66.<br />


IG IV 587,1. 7 (for a photo see P. Charneux, BCH 80, 1956, 607, fig. 4) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, built into the southern wall of the church of Hagios Dimitrios; a statue base decorated<br />

with cymatia, erected by the hellanodikai for Cleogenes, son of Cleogenes (?); one of them is<br />

the person discussed here (text ARG 268, Cleogenes).<br />

Remarks: On hellanodikai in Argos see Chameaux, op. cit., 608-610; for the person see Mitsos, 67.<br />


W. Vollgraff, Mnemosyne 41, 1919, 252 [first quarter of 1st c. B.C.].<br />

Argos; a fragment of a marble stele bearing a list of technitae of Dionysos.<br />

Remarks: For the person see Stefanis, Διονυσιακοί τεχνϊται, no. 627 (with bibliography).<br />

122. ΛΕΡΚΙΟΣ (?)<br />

Since he is named Τωμαΐος, he must be a person of Greek origin or an Italian from<br />

South Italy, who possesed the Roman citizenship. So he must also have had a Roman<br />

gentilicium, which is omited here.<br />

IG IV 1089; IG IV 2 1, 522; Peek 1969, 106, no. 214, facsimile [letters "ultimae aetatis" (IG)].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar bearing a fragmentary inscription. The name is to be read as<br />

Φιλόνιρος Δερκίου according to IG, while it is corrected as Φιλόνικος Λευκίου by Peek (in<br />

lapide ///////ΝΕΙΚΟΣ///////////).<br />


123. ΦΑΒΟΥΛΛΟΣ<br />

[1] IG IV 1190; IG IV 2<br />


1, 499; cf. Peek 1969, 103, no. 203 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue of Hecate on an eliptical base bearing a dedication of Fabullus<br />

to Artemis Hecate Epecoos:<br />

Αρτέμιδι Έκά[τ]ηι Ι έπηκόωι Φάβουλλος.<br />

[2]/G IV 2<br />

1,561 [lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a dedication to Telesphoros Soter; Fabullus erected a temple and a statue<br />

after a dream:<br />

Τελεσφόρωι Σωτήρι Ι Φάβουλλος έξ όνείρατος Ι τον ναόν καί τό άγαλμα.<br />

124. ΦΑΥΣΤΟΣ (Ι)<br />

[1] IG IV 777 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Troizen, found in a ruined private house; a fragment of a column bearing the inscription<br />

"Φαΰστος Φαύστου, τη πατρίδι"; the dedicator Faustus was the son of the person.<br />

[2] IG IV 798; cf. E. Konsolaki, AD 39, 1984, Β' Chron. 58 (SEG 39, 1989, 362); P. Themelis,<br />

AAA 18, 1985, 254 (ph.) (SEG 38, 1988, 325) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Troizen, found in a field between the church of Hagios Georgios and an ancient tower; a statue<br />

base erected for his son by the town of Troizen (Φαύστος Φαύστου).<br />

125. ΦΑΥΣΤΟΣ (II) (ΦΑΥΣΤΟΥ)<br />

[1] IG IV 777 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Troizen, found in a ruined private house; a fragment of a column bearing the inscription<br />

"Φαϋστος Φαύστου, τη πατρίδι".<br />

[2] IG IV 798; cf. E. Konsolaki, AD 39, 1984, Β' Chron. 58 (SEG 39, 1989, 362); P. Themelis,<br />

AAA 18, 1985, 254 (ph.) (SEG 38, 1988, 325) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Troizen, found in a field between the church of Hagios Georgios and an ancient tower; a statue<br />

base erected for the person by the town of Troizen (Φαύστος Φαύστου); according to<br />

Themelis it bore a bronze (?) statue:<br />

Φαύστον Φαύστου ήδέ Λύκας φίλον υΓ άνέθηκε Ι Πιτθήος θρέπτειρα πόλις Τροιζήν περί-<br />

σαμος. Ι Ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής).<br />

126. ΦΗΛΙΞ ΦΙΛΟΚ[^.3-]ΟΥ<br />

P. Charneux, BCH 80, 1956, 604-610, no. 6,1. 11, fig. 3 (SEG 16, 1959, 253) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]<br />

Argos, theatre; a fragmentary list of magistrates ludis praesidentium.<br />

hellanodikes<br />



127. ΦΛΑ[ΒΙ- - -]<br />

IG IV 835 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Troizen; three fragments of a marble plaque bearing inscriptions about loans.<br />


P. Charneux, BCH 80, 1956, 604-610, no. 6,1. 9, fig. 3 (SEG 16, 1959, 253) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, theatre; a fragmentary list of magistrates ludis praesidentium. He was one of the<br />

hellanodikai.<br />

Remarks: On hellanodikai in Argos see Charneux, op. cit., 608-610.<br />


IG IV 602 (Mitsos, 172) [A.D 116-117].<br />

Argos, earlier in the ruins of the church of Hagios Petros; statue base erected by the phyle of<br />

Hymathii for its protector Tib. Claudius Tertius Flavianus, son of Flavius Tertius (text ARG 89).<br />

father of Tib. Claudius Tertius Flavianus (ARG 89), who was adopted by a Tib. Claudius<br />


[1] W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 265, no. 15 (ILGR 87) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; a limestone grave stele:<br />

Dis manibus I Fuficulenae I Veneriae I Naevius Callistus I coniugi.<br />

[2] W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 265, no. 17 (ILGR 85) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; a limestone grave stele:<br />

[L. Naevius Cal]listus sibi et Veneriae coniug(i) I [et L. Aeli]o Camo amico optimo I [in fronte<br />

c]um taberna ped(es) (numerus) in agro ped(es) (numerus) and L. Naenius Callistus sibi et<br />

Ven[eriae coniug(i)] I et L. Aelio Camo amico [optimo] I 5 in fronte cum taberna ped(es)<br />

(numerus) in agro pe[d(es) (numerus)].<br />

Remarks: For the person see Mitsos, 53.<br />

w. L. Naevius Callistus (ARG 195)<br />


IG IV 793 [age of Caracalla].<br />

Troizen, earlier in the church of Hagios Ioannis, later in the place of the "mensa sacra" of the<br />

church of Hagios Georgios; a marble statue base erected by the town for the Emperor<br />

Caracalla during Gellius's tenure as strategos;<br />

Αυτοκράτορα Καίσαρα Μ(αρκον) ΑύΙρήλιον Άντωνείνον ΣεΙβαστόν, αύτοκράτορος Ι Καί-<br />



132-134<br />

σαρος Λ(ουκίου) Σεπτιμίου Ι 5 Σεβήρου Περτίνακος Ι Σεβαστού υίόν, ή πόλις Ι τον άνείκη-<br />

τον έπί στρατηγού τής πόλεος (sic) Γελλίου τού Αφροδεισίου.<br />


/GIV 2 1, 694 (IGW 1417); Peek 1969, 131, no. 303, facsimile [Severan].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an honorary inscription on an exedra erected for Cn. Claudius Leonticus<br />

(ARG 92, text) by Manius Gellius Bassus.<br />

Remarks: For a possible identification of the person see EL 221. In IG IV 1417 the name<br />

appears as [Μαρκ]ος and is identified with certainty with Gellius Bassus, who<br />

introduced a proposal of a decree by the Achaean Koinon in Lykosoura.<br />

ΓΝΑΙΟΣ: see ARG 225<br />

133. ΗΙΟΣ<br />

W. Vollgraff, Mnemosyne47,1919,167, no. 17; id, Mnemosyne 58, 1930,40, n. 13 (SEG 11, 1950,<br />

346); id., "Fouilles et sondages sur le flanc oriental de la Larissa à Argos", BCH 82, 1958,562.<br />

Argos, east slope of Larissa; a fragment of a limestone stele decorated with a relief of a young<br />

man; it bears a funerary epigram for the person, who died in the age of 18 years.<br />

Remarks: Vollgraff had read the name of the deceased first as ΠΙΟΣ and later as ΤΙΤΟΣ; the<br />

latter is to be found in the publications in Mnemosyne 47 and 58 (see above). Later,<br />

after the suggestions of G. Daux, he found the reading ΗΙΟΣ more probable. Mitsos,<br />

176, no. Ill refers to the person as ΤΙΤΟΣ.<br />


M. Mitsos, "Greek inscriptions", Hesperia 16, 1947, 84, no. 2, pi. XIV, no. 2 (AnnÉpigr 1949,<br />

90; SEG 11, 1950, 441) [first half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, Hagios Ioannis, in a pile of rocks which came from the excavations; a square altar of<br />

dark stone bearing a dedication to Asclepius by the person, who was a proconsul, possibly of<br />

Achaia:<br />

Τ(ίτος) Έλο[ύιος Βασιλάς(?)] Ι άνθύπα[τος Αχαΐας] Ι Ασκληπ[ιώι— ].<br />

proconsul Achaiae<br />

Remarks: Cf. REG 61, 1943, 153, n. 67 (SEG 11, 1950, 441). For the person see PIR 2 H 67; Κ.<br />

Kadlec, RE Vili 1 (1912), 225, s.v. Helvius [9]; A. Licordari, "Ascesa al senato e<br />

rapporti con i territori d'origine Italia: Regio I (Latium)", EOS II, 23; Thomasson,<br />

199, no. 74; Rémy, Carrières sénatoriales, 140-141, no. 104. Mitsos, op. cit.,<br />

identifies him with a person whose complete name appears in an inscription of Atina<br />

in Latium CIL X 5056. 5057=ILS 977. Mitsos believes that the same person is also<br />


135. ΗΡΑΚΛΙΑΝΟΣ<br />


attested in an inscription from Ancara: OGIS 533; D. Krencker-M. Schede, Der<br />

Tempel in Ankara (Berlin-Leipzig 1936) p. 54,1. 72 (L. Robert, Les gladiateurs dans<br />

Γ Orient grec [Amsterdam 1971] 135-137, no. 86, 1. 70): Έπί (Β)ασιλά; cf. also<br />

BullÉpigr 1948, 67. The person is identified with the legatus Augusti pro praetore of<br />

the province Galatia under Tiberius and Caligula, as shown by two more<br />

inscriptions, one from Attaleia (St. Mitchell, "Galatia under Tiberius", Chiron 16,<br />

1986, 23 ff.; S. Sahin, "Bau einer Säulenstraße in Attaleia (Pamphylien) unter<br />

Tiberius Caligula (?)", EA 25, 1995, 25-28 [AnnÉpigr 1995, 1551]) and one from<br />

Perge (I.Perge 22). According to Mitsos the Argive inscription establishes within all<br />

probability that he was a proconsul of Achaia.<br />

[1] IG IV 2 1, 476 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.: from the style of the letters].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar bearing a dedication of the person to Asclepius Soter:<br />

Ασκληπιω Σωτήρι Ι Ήρακλιανός [ο] ιερεύς.<br />

[2] IG IV 2 1, 477 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.: from the style of the letters].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar bearing a dedication of the person to Asclepius Soter, Hygeia<br />

and Telesphoros:<br />

Ασκλ[ηπιω Σωτήρι] Ι Ύγείαι, Ι Τελεσφορώ Ι Παυταλιώταις 1 5 Ήρακλιανός Ι ό ιερεύς.<br />

Priest (of Asclepius [?])<br />

Remarks: The name is either the Greek transcription of the Herc(u)llianus or —which seems<br />

more probable— the Greek Ήρακλ- with the Latin suffix -ianus.<br />

A. HOSTILIUS MANCINUS: see [Α]ύλος (ARG 25).<br />


J. Bingen, "Inscriptions du Péloponnèse", BCH 77, 1953, 641-642 (cf. BullÉpigr 1955, 105;<br />

SEG 13, 1956, 253) [2nd c, after A.D. 130 (Antinous' death)].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a fragment of a base of a statue of Hygeia dedicated to Asclepius by<br />

unknown dedicators while Hostilius Marcellus was strategos;<br />

[—] άνέθηκαν Ύγείαν Ι Ασκληπιω έπί στραΐτηγού Όστιλίου ΜαρΙκέλλου.<br />

Remarks: The date is based on an inscription from Corinthia (IG IV 1554), on which the<br />

discussed person is attested as a priest of Antinous.<br />


IG IV 2 1, 662; Peek 1969, 115, no. 253, facsimile [31-7 B.C.].<br />



138-140<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an honorary inscription erected by the town of Epidauros for Eurycles'<br />

wife, Iulia. The text is completed in IG IV 2<br />

1, 662:<br />

[Ά πόλις ά τών Έ]πιδαυρίων 1 [τάν δείνα Γ. Ιουλίου] Εύρυκλέους γυναίκα, Ι [άρετας ένεκεν<br />

κ]αί εύνοιας τάς εις αύτάν.<br />

Peek: [Α πόλις ά τών Έ]πιδαυρίων Ι [Ίουλίαν Ιουλίου] Εύρυκλέους γυναίκα, Ι [άρετας<br />

ένεκεν κ]αί εύνοιας τάς εις αύτάν.<br />

Lacedaemonian<br />

Remarks: Peek, op. cit. identifies the stone as a piece of a large exedra which bears the<br />

honorary inscription for Iulius Eurycles (IG IV 2<br />

inscription for the wife of Eurycles, Iulia.<br />

For the family of Eurycles see LAC 462.<br />

138. ΙΟΥΛ(ΙΑ) ΙΩΤΑΠΗ<br />

IG IV 699 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

1, 592) and one honorary<br />

Hermione, built into a tavern; Aurelius Amarantus and his wife Iulia Iotape dedicate a statue<br />

of their daughter Iotape to Eileithya (text ARG 36).<br />

Remarks: For the person and comments on her name see S. Zoumbaki, Archaiognosia 9, 1995-<br />

96, 127-128.<br />

w. Aurelius Amarantus (ARG 36)<br />

139. ΙΟΥΛΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

Κ. Gerolimou, "Δύο νέες επιγραφές από το Άργος", Hows 13, 1999, 49-51 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, monastery of Hagia Marina at the southern slope of Larissa; a fragment of marble<br />

grave stele decorated with a relief and bearing the funerary inscription of the person plus a<br />

later one on the right side of the stone:<br />

Έπτακαίδεκα ετών σε τέΙσθεικα, λύπην δέ μοι ί σπλάΙχνον έθηκες, ούνομα δέ Ι σοι έθά-<br />

μην τού σπείραντος Ι 5 έμέ. Ιουλιανέ χαίρε. Ι Ευτυχούσα χαίρε.<br />

140. [ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ ΑΓΡΙΠ]ΠΑΣ (?)<br />

Peek 1972, 43, no. 78, facsimile [3rd c. A.D.: Peek].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary, Tholos; a statue base erected by the polis of Epidauros for the person,<br />

who was strategos of the polis:<br />

FA πόλις ά τών Έπι]δαυΙ[ρίων Ιούλιον Αγρίπ]παν Ι [στραταγόν, τον έα]υτάς Ι [εύεργέταν].<br />

Remarks: The restoration of the name and of the whole text by Peek is based on the<br />

identification of the person with an Iulius Agrippa, strategos of the Achaean Koinon,<br />

attested in the inscription /v0487 (Syll. 3<br />

893) from Olympia (cf. EL 233). Since the<br />

inscription from Epidauros is very fragmentary, his hypothesis seems very unlikely.<br />



The chronology of the inscription suggested by Peek is also based on that<br />

identification.<br />


IG IV 955; IG IV 2 1, 126 (J. & L. Edelstein, Asclepius I [Baltimore 1945] 247-8, no. 432 and<br />

294, no. 519 [cf. SEG 11, 1950, 426]; V. Longo, Aretalogie nel mondo greco I. Pubblicazioni<br />

dell'Instituto di Filologia classica dell'Università di Genova 29 [1969] 86-89, no. 56 [cf. SEG<br />

25, 1971, 412; BullÉpigr 1973, 194 and 413]) [ca. after mid. 2nd e. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a stele bearing an ϊασις decorated with acroterium. P. Aelius Antiochus<br />

is the priest, while M. Iulius Apellas is the healed person.<br />

Ίδριεύς Μυλασεύς (from Idrias, Mylasa)<br />

Remarks: For the meaning of άκοαί (cf. 1. 10: προς ταΐς άκοαΐς έν βαλανείω..., 1. 18:...κατά<br />

τάς άκοάς έκ τοΰ άβατου...) see J. Zingerle, "ΑΚΟΑΙ", ARW27, 1923, 53-6. The<br />

person is also known from a fragmentary decree of Mylasa concerning the<br />

preservation of order in the shrine (2nd c. A.D.), see J. Crampa, Labraunda. Swedish<br />

excavations and researches III. 2, The Greek inscriptions, Part 2, no. 58. He is also<br />

attested in an Athenian inscription (IG II 2 2959), in which he is refered to as an<br />

archon of the demos of Marathon in Attica; according to this text his father was M.<br />

Iulius Damianus (cf. Follet, Athènes , 257, η. 12, there may be some relationship<br />

between Iulius [Heracleides], son of Iulius Secundus and Iulius Apellas); see also M.<br />

Woloch, Roman citizenship and the Athenian elite A.D. 96-161. Two<br />

prosopographical catalogues (Amsterdam 1973) 140-141, no. 7. For Apellas see also<br />

S.G. Byrne-M.J. Osborne, The foreign residents of Athens: an annex to the Lexicon<br />

of Greek Personal Names: Attica (Leuven 1996) 241, no. 5753, where the<br />

gentilicium of the person appears as Iunius.<br />

[ΓΑΪ]ΟΣ ΙΟ[Υ]ΛΙΟΣ Α[ΣΙ]ΑΤΙΚΟΣ (?): see T. Aelius Atticus (ARG 5)<br />


W. Vollgraff, Mnemosyne 47, 1919, 258-9, no. XXVI (Moretti, IAG, 215-9, no. 74; SEG 14,<br />

1957,316) [lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Argos; a block of white limestone bearing a decree of the polis of Argos: Miletus honours its<br />

citizen, the tragodos Bassus: ψη(φίσματι) βουλής Αργείων. Ή πό[λις] Μιλησίων τον ίδιον<br />

πολείτην etc. The inscription includes also a list of his victories in different international<br />

contests.<br />

From Miletos<br />

Remarks: More about the person see Stefanis, Διονυσιακοί τεχνίται, no. 518.<br />

Vollgraff dates the inscription in 2nd/3rd c. A.D., while Stefanis prefers a date in<br />

lst/2nd c. A.D.<br />


143. C(AIUS) IULIUS CAPI(TO)<br />


A.S. Arvanitopoulos, PAAH 1916, 96 (ILGR 84) [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Argolis, on the way between Argos and Epidauros, dedication on a marble columella:<br />

C. Iulius Capi(to) / C. Iulius Maximu[s] / dis meritis.<br />


[1] IG IV 2<br />

1, 660; cf. Peek 1969, 124-5, no. 287 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an honorary inscription for the person on an exedra, where once stood<br />

statues, one for him and one for his mother Laphanta, daughter of Dameas, erected by the polis<br />

of Epidauros:<br />

Ά πόλις ά τών Έπιδαυρίων Ι Τιβέριον Ίούλιον Σιάνθου Ι υίόν Κλαυδιανόν άρετάς Ι ένεκεν<br />

καί εύνοιας τάς Ι εις αύτάν.<br />

[2] IGW 1176-1177; /GIV 2 1,453 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a base bearing a dedication of the person to Asclepius and to Apollo:<br />

Απόλλωνι, Ι Ασκλαπιώ Ι Κλαυδιανός. His identification with [1] is already mentioned in the<br />

comments of IG IV 2 1, 453.<br />

[3] Unpublished: Argos; a statue base bearing an honorary inscription for the person erected<br />

by the tribe of Pamphyloi; he was a priest of the imperial cult and agonothetes of Sebasteia and<br />

Nemeia [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Remarks: For the differences between the stemmas of the family suggested respectively by<br />

Fraenkel in IG IV and Hiller v. Gaertringen in IG IV 2 1, p. XXV see H. Box, JHS<br />

53, 1933, 112-4 (SEG 11, 1950,445). Box underlines the use of a gentile adjective in<br />

-anus as a cognomen, Claudianus, which may be regarded as the earliest attested case<br />

among Greeks. This cognomen perpetuates the gentilicium of his mother's<br />

prominent family.<br />

s. Tib. Iulius Sianthes (ARG 153) and Claudia Laphanta (ARG 76); for a stemma of the family<br />

see Appendix, Stemma IV.<br />


P. Charneux, BCH80, 1956, 604-610, no. 6,1. 12, fig. 3 (SEG 16, 1959, 253) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, theatre; a fragmentary limestone list of magistrates ludis praesidentium.<br />

hellanodikes<br />


[1] /GIV 2 1, 592; Peek 1969, 115, no. 253, facsimile [31-7 B.C.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an honorary inscription erected by the town of Epidauros for Eurycles.<br />

Peek identifies the stone as a piece of a large exedra and reconstructs one more honorary<br />

inscription for the wife of Eurycles, Iulia (see [2]):<br />



[Γάιον] Ίούλιον Λαχάρους υίό[ν Εύρυκλέα] τον έαυτ[ά]ς πάτρωνα κα[ί εύεργέταν].<br />

[2] IG IV 1462; IG IV 2<br />

1, 662; Peek 1969, 115, no. 253, facsimile [31-7 Β. C].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an honorary inscription erected by the town of Epidauros for his wife.<br />

The text is completed in IG IV 2<br />

1, 662:<br />

[Ά πόλις ά τών Έ]πιδαυρίων Ι [τάν δείνα Γ. Ιουλίου] Εύρυκλέους γυναίκα, Ι [άρετάς ένεκεν<br />

κ]αί εύνοιας τάς εις αύτάν.<br />

Peek: [Ά πόλις ά τών Έ]πιδαυρίων Ι [Ίουλίαν "Ιουλίου] Εύρυκλέους γυναίκα, Ι [άρετάς<br />

ένεκεν κ]αί εύνοιας τάς εις αύτάν.<br />

Lacedaemonian<br />

Remarks: Peek, op. cit. identifies [2] as a piece of a large exedra, which bears the honorary<br />

147. ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ Λ[- - - ]<br />

inscription for Iulius Eurycles [1] and one honorary inscription for the wife of<br />

Eurycles, Iulia. For the person and his family see LAC 462 (ARG 137).<br />

W. Vollgraff, BCH 33, 1909, 447, no. 10 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, sanctuary of Apollo Pythios; a stamped tile.<br />

*148. ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ ΜΑΙΩΡ<br />

[1] IG IV 2 1, 454; Peek 1969, 98, no. 177, facsimile [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary of Apollo Maleatas: three non joining fragments of a building inscription.<br />

He is the father of the senator Antoninus, who paid for building activities at the sanctuary of<br />

Apollo Maleatas (for the text see ARG 149 [3]).<br />

[2] IG IV 1311; IG IV 2 1, 514; Peek 1969, 104, no. 209 [2nd c. A.D., before the visit of<br />

Pausanias].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary of Asclepius. The central block of a base bearing a dedication to Hermes,<br />

which is completed as [πόησεν ύδρ]οροάν Νηρ[ηίδων]. The name is completed as [Ιούλιος<br />

Μάίωρ] Αντωνεΐνος [υιός Ιουλίου] Μαΐορος in IG and Αντωνείνος Μαΐορος in Peek's<br />

reading. According to latter, it is a dedication to Έρμη Όρθάνη. After examining of the stone,<br />

the correction of Peek seems to be right (for the text see 149 [4]).<br />

[3] IG IV 1179; Ch. Giamalidis, "Εις Επιδαύρου έπιγραφάς", AE 1913, 126, fig. 3-5; IG IV 2<br />

1, 454; Peek 1969, 98, no. 177, facsimile [2nd c. A.D., before the visit of Pausanias].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary of Apollo Maleatas; building inscription:<br />

"Απόλλωνι Μα[λεάτα καί (?) Ασκληπιω Σωτήρι] Ι έκ θεμελ[ίων έπεσκεύασε ]Ιια καί<br />

πυρια[τήρια - - σύν - - τοις κατηριμ]Ιμένοις πάσ[ιν Ιούλιος Μάίωρ Αντ]ωνΐν[ος, υιός<br />

Ίουλ(ίου) Μαΐορος] Ι υπάτου Τ[ωμαίων, ήγεμονεύσ]αντος τής [Νουμιδίας (?) καί]<br />

ΜυΙ 5<br />

σίας τ[ής κάτω καί τής ανω καί] Συρίας, άν[θυπατεύσαντο]ς [τής Ασία]ς.<br />

consul, legatus Augusti pro praetore of Numidia (?), Moesia Superior and Inferior (?) Syria and<br />

proconsul of Africa [3]<br />



Remarks: For the person see PIR 2 I 398; G. Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter der<br />

Antoninen (Bonn 1977) 211-212 and n. 29 considers him to have been proconsul of<br />

Africa or Asia about A.D. 141/2. Since he came from Asia, it is more probable that<br />

he was a proconsul of Asia; for his origin from Nysa see Chr. Habicht, Altertümer<br />

von Pergamon VIII3. Die Inschriften des Asklepieions (Berlin 1969) 59 and for the<br />

importance of origin for the appointment of proconsuls of Africa and Asia see<br />

Alföldy, op. cit., 119 ff. E. Dabrowa, The governors of Roman Syria fromAugustus<br />

to Septimius Severus (Bonn 1998) 98-100; Th. Franke, Der neue Pauly6, 37 [II 84]<br />

s.v. Iulius. For [3] see remarks of ARG 149 [3].<br />

f. Iulius Maior Antoninus (ARG 149)<br />


[1] Peek, 1972, 22, no. 22, facsimile [2nd c. A.D., before the visit of Pausanias].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a marble plaque, the inscription of which is completed by Peek as: ["Ιούλιος<br />

Μαίωρ "Αντωνίνοίς έπεσκ[εύασε—].<br />

[2] Β.Κ. Labrinoudakis, ΕΡΓΟΝ 1990,14, ph. 16; ΡΑΑΗ \990,4Ί, pi. 14 β {SEGAI, 1991, 307)<br />

[2nd e. A.D., before the visit of Pausanias].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary of Maleatas, in the building north of the sanctuary, area Γ; fragments of<br />

stamped roof clay tiles bearing the name of the senator Antoninus. He paid for the<br />

construction of building Γ in the north part of the sanctuary. The name of the person is here<br />

given as ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟΣ.<br />

[3] IG IV 1179; Ch. Giamalidis, "Εις Επιδαύρου έπιγραφάς", AE 1913, 126, fig. 3-5; *IG IV 2<br />

1, 454; Peek 1969, 98, no. 177, facsimile [2nd c. A.D., before the visit of Pausanias].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary of Apollo Maleatas; building inscription:<br />

"Απόλλωνι Μα[λεάτα και (?) Άσκληπιω Σωτήρι] Ι εκ θεμελ[ίων έπεσκεύασε ] Ι ια και<br />

πυρια[τήρια - - σύν - - τοις κατηριμ]Ιμένοις πασ[ιν Ιούλιος Μαΐωρ "Αντ]ωνΐν[ος, υιός<br />

Τουλ(ίου) Μαΐορος] Ι υπάτου Τ[ωμαίων, ήγεμονεύσ]αντος της [Νουμιδίας (?) και]<br />

ΜυΙ 5 σίας τ[ής κάτω και της άνω και] Συρίας, αν[θυπατεύσαντο]ς [της "Ασία]ς.<br />

Remarks: The text in the first edition of IG has not been connected with Iulius Antoninus:<br />

Άπόλλωνι Μα[λεάτα και Άσκληπιω] Ι εκ θεμελ[ίων τα και Ι ια (ve/ τα) και<br />

πυρια[τήρια σύν τοις κατηρριμ (?)]Ιμένοις πασ[ιν άνεσκεύασεν έπ' άνθ]Ι 5 υπάτου<br />

Τ[ , άνασωθείς εκ] ΜυΙ[σ]ίας Τι[βέριος (see Τί[τος) ]ς Ι αγ Ι μ .<br />

According to Giamalidis, loc. cit., the fragment IG IV 1510 preserving the following<br />

text —"Αντ]ωνιν[ο—] I [—α]ντος τη— I [—Σ]υρίας άν— I—ς Χαιρ[—] I<br />

του, is to be regarded as a fragment of the same inscription. In IG IV 2 1,454 the text<br />

is published taking account of all the fragments.<br />

[4] IG TV 1311; IG IV 2 1, 514; better Peek 1969, 104, no. 209 [2nd c. A.D., before the visit of<br />

Pausanias].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary of Asclepius. The central block of a base bearing a dedication to Hermes:<br />

[Τούλιος Μαΐωρ] "Αντωνεινος [συγκλητικός (?)] Ι [υιός Τουλίου] Μαΐορος Έρμη [πόησεν<br />



ύδρ]Ιοροάν Νηρ[ηίδων]. The name is completed as [Τούλιος Μαΐωρ] Άντωνεΐνος [υιός Ιου­<br />

λίου] Μαΐορος in IG and Άντωνεΐνος Μαΐορος in Peek's reading. According to the latter it<br />

is a dedication to Έρμη Όρθάνη. After examining of the ston, the correction of Peek seems<br />

to be right.<br />

[5] IG IV 2 1,518 [2nd /3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary, church of Hagios Ioannis; a marble stele bearing the dedication Διί<br />

Εύβούλαι; the name appears as [ΑΝΤΩΝΙ(?)]ΝΟΣ<br />

[6] IG IV 2 1, 567 [2nd c. A.D., before the visit of Pausanias].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar dedicated to Fortuna by ΑΠΙΩΝ ΜΑΪΟΡΟΣ, who was a slave<br />

of Iulius Maior Antoninus: "Απίων Ι Μαΐορος Ι Τύχηι (see ARG 21).<br />

[7] IG IV 1391; IG IV 2 1,614; Peek 1969, 119, no. 266, facsimile [2nd c. A.D., before the visit<br />

of Pausanias].<br />

Epidauros; a marble fragment bearing a part of an inscription, which is completed by Peek as<br />

[Ά]γτωνΐνος [Μαΐο]ρος.<br />

[8] ZG IV 1416; IGW 2 1, 684; cf. SEGA, 1929,402-8; 11, 1950,447; Peek 1969, 130, no. 298<br />

[2nd c. A.D., before the visit of Pausanias].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; statue base erected for the person by the polis of Epidauros:<br />

Τούλιον Άντωνΐνον Ι Μαΐορος ύον ά πόλις Ι ά Έπιδαυρίων τον Ι εύεργέτην.<br />

[9] IG IV 2 1, 715/6 [2nd c. A.D., before the visit of Pausanias].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary of Asclepius; marble roof tiles; the name of the person is in this case<br />


Remarks: The full name of the person was Sex. Iulius Maior Antoninus Pythodorus. About his<br />

dedication in Epidauros see Paus. II. 27, 6. About him see E. Groag, RE X (1918)<br />

666-668, s.v. Iulius (Maior) [835]; PIR 2 I 397; Halfmann, Senatoren, 171-172, no.<br />

89; id, "Die Senatoren aus den Kleinasiatischen Provinzen des römischen Reiches<br />

von 1. bis 3. Jh. (Asia, Pontus-Bithynia, Galatia, Cappadocia, Ciucia", EOS II, 632;<br />

Th. Franke, Der neue Pauly 6, 37 [II 85] s.v. Iulius.<br />


A.S. Arvanitopoulos, PAAH 1916, 96 (ILGR 84) [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Argolis, on the way between Argos and Epidauros, dedication on a marble columella:<br />

C(aius) Iulius Capi(to) I C(aius) Iulius Maximu[s] I Dis meritis.<br />


IG IV 2 1, 405; Peek 1969, 95-6, no. 405, facsimile (BullÉpigr 1969, 247 and 103; L. Robert,<br />

CRAI 1968, 568-599 [esp. 569-570]) [το αρ' έτος=Α.ϋ. 225 (Hadrianic era)].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a cylindrical base bearing a dedication to Artemis Agoraia (Agraia<br />

according to Peek):<br />



'Αρτέμιδος Ι 'Αγοραίας ΤούΙλιος Ποπλάς Ι πυροφορήσας Ι 5<br />

το αρ' έτος. On the same stone<br />

there is one more inscription (see Peek, loc. cit.).<br />

Remarks: Peek reads before ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ the letter Γ, which could be interpreted as the<br />

praenomen Γ(άιος). For name building like Ποπλάς see H. Solin, "Ancient<br />

onomastics: perspectives and problems", in: Roman onomastics, 8.<br />

152. ΤΙΒ(ΕΡΙΟΣ) ΙΟΥΛ[ΙΟΣ - - -] ΥΙΟΣ PY[- - -]<br />

W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 264, no. 11 with facsimile [lst/2nd c. A.D.]:<br />

Argos, found in a private house; a fragmentary honorary inscription: Τιβ(έριον) ....Ιυίον ....<br />

[εύ]Ιεργέτ[ην ]l [μεγαλο]Ιψύ[χως] ....lov<br />

Remarks: In Vollgraff's facsimile a fragment of a word after TIB could be read ICYA and<br />

perhaps completed as ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ. In the facsimile it can also be read PY.<br />


IG IV 1438-9; IG IV 2 1, 659-660; cf. Peek 1969, 124-5, no. 287 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; two honorary inscriptions, one for his wife and one for his son, on an<br />

exedra erected by the polis of Epidauros:<br />

I. [ r A πόλις των Έπιόαυρίων] Ι Κλαυδί[α]ν Δαμέα θυγατέρα Ι Λαφάνταν, γυναίκα Τιβερίου<br />

Ι Τουλίου Σιάνθου, άρετάς ένεκεν Ι καί εύνοιας τας εις αύτάν.<br />

II. "Α πόλις ά των Έπιδαυρίων Ι Τιβέριον Τούλιον Σιάνθου Ι υίον Κλαυδιανόν άρετάς Ι<br />

ένεκεν και εύνοιας τας Ι εις αύτάν.<br />

Remarks: For differences between the stemmas of the family suggested respectively by<br />

Fraenkel in IG IV and Hiller von Gaertringen in IG IV 2 1, p. XXV see H. Box,<br />

/HS 53, 1933, 112-4 (SEG 11, 1950, 445). Box regards the name Σιάνθης as a<br />

mistake for Εύάνθης, since the latter name occurs in the family and no name<br />

beginning with Σια- is listed by Bechtel, HPN, s.v.; Box rejects Hiller's opinion<br />

that Sianthes was a son of Tib. Claudius Nicoteles, since they have a different<br />

gentilicium. This would suggest either that the son received Roman citizenship<br />

from Tiberius —in other words, before his father, who acquired it from<br />

Claudius— or that he was adopted by a Iulius; in this case he would have born also<br />

the name Claudianus.<br />

f. Tib. Iulius Claudianus (ARG 144), h. Claudia Laphanta (ARG 76); for the stemma of the<br />

family see Appendix, Stemma IV.<br />


IG IV 1469; IG IV 2<br />

1, 663 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a base bearing an honorary inscription erected by the town of Epidauros<br />

for the named person:<br />



Ά πόλις ά των Έπιδαυρίων Ι Γάιον Τούλιον Λάκωνος Ι υίον Σπαρτιατικον Ι άρετάς ένεκεν.<br />

Lacedaemonian<br />

Remarks: For this individual and his family see LAC 509.<br />

155. ΙΟΥΛΙΤΤΑ<br />

W. Vollgraff, BCH33, 1909, 461-6, no. 26 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; a stele of gray limestone; the text is a record dated by the Roman calendar; according<br />

to Vollgraff it is "le compte rendu des séances de la boule d'Argos".<br />

Remarks: Vollgraff interprets the name as an ethnie of Ioulis of Keos; P. Charneux, BCH 115,<br />

1991, 322 (SEGAI, 1991, 285) correctly suggests the interpretation as the genitive<br />

of the proper name Iulitta.<br />


[1] IG IV 2 1, 428 [το ρπα' =A.D. 305].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a dedication to Hygeia by the named person:<br />

Αθηνά Ύγείαι ο ιερεύς του Σωτήρος Ασκληπιού Μάρ. Τού(νιος) ν(εώτερος) δαόοΰχος<br />

το ρπα'.<br />

[2] IG IV 2 1, 429 [το ρπα" =A.D. 305].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar decorated with cymatia bearing a dedication to Apollo Pythios<br />

Patroos by the named person, who was a priest of Asclepius Soter:<br />

Αγαθή Τύχη. Ι Άπόλλωνι ΠυΙθίωι ΠατρώΙω ο ιερεύς τοΰ Ι 5 Σωτήρος 'ΑσκληΙπιοΰ το ρπα'<br />

Μάρ(κος) Ι Τού(νιος) ν(εώτερος) δαδοΰχος των Έλευσεΐνι μυστηρίων.<br />

[3]/G IV 2 1, 431; Peek, 1969, 97, no. 169, facsimile.<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a base bearing a dedication by the named person, who was a priest of<br />

Asclepius Soter and dadouchos of the Eleusinian Mysteries. The text of IG: ο ιερεύς τ[ο]ϋ<br />

Σωτήρος Άσκ[ληπι]ού, δαδοϋ[χος] τοΐν θεοΐν, Μ. [Ίου ]νου Άθη[ναΐο]ς το άγαλμα<br />

ίδρύσατο.<br />

Athenian<br />

Remarks: The name of [2] is read in IG as Μάρ(κος) Ίου. Ν(εώτερος). According to P.<br />

Kavaddias, Fouilles d'Epidaure, I (Athènes 1891) 48 the name is ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ. In<br />

lapide MAP ΙΙΟΥΝΔΑΔΟΥΧΟΣ. Perhaps he is to be identified with the dedicator<br />

of IGW 2 1,430.<br />

Peek believes that the person of [3] is the same of [1] and [2]. In [3] he reads<br />

MAPIOYN. The ending ΝΟΥ is to be understood as Ν(εωτέρ)ου, according to Peek.<br />

It seems that after [ΙΟΥΝ...] there is no space on the stone for more letters. The<br />

name is in the nominative and the genitive Ν(εωτέρ)ου, prefered by Peek, seems<br />

improbable.<br />




IG IV 1534; IG IV 2 1, 88,1. 20-21 (cf. BullÉpigr 1956, 114; Peek, 1969, 31-32, no. 37) [A.D.<br />

163 or 164, see remarks].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a fragment of a letter of a noble Roman adressed to the polis Epidauros;<br />

Pastor was one of the consuls.<br />

Consul<br />

Remarks: According to A. J. Cossage, "The date of IG\ (2) 516 (SJG 3 800)", ABSA 49, 1954,<br />

53, n. 18 the restoration of the text must be έτους τριακοστού ογδόου or τριακο­<br />

στού ενάτου and not τεσσαρακοστού of Hadianic era.<br />

About the consul see PIR 2 I 796; E. Groag, REX 1 (1918), 1074-1075, s.v. Iunius<br />

[118]; Degrassi, Fasti consolari, 46, no. 916. G. Alföldy, Konsulat und<br />

Senatorenstand unter der Antoninen (Bonn 1977) 177 and 253.<br />

158. Λ. ΛΑΙΛΙΟΣ ΦΙΛΟΣ<br />

IG IV 2 1, 101, 1. 48; Peek, 1969, 40, no. 45 (publishes 1. 41-48) [έτους τρίτου καί έξηκοστοϋ=Α.ϋ.<br />

32/33 (Actian era)].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a fragmentary list of victors of the games Apolloneia, Asclapeia and<br />

Caesareia.<br />

Victor in άρματι ποολικω<br />

159. [- - -] ΛΑΤΙΝΟΣ<br />

IG IV 2 1, 101, 1. 7; Peek, 1969, 40, no. 45 (publishes 1. 41-48) [έτους τρίτου και έξηκο-<br />

στού=Α.ϋ. 32/33 (Actian era)].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a list of victors of the games Apolloneia, Asclapeia and Caesareia.<br />

Remarks: Latinus must be a cognomen and not an ethnikon.<br />

ΛΕΥΚΙΟΣ: see Δέρκιος (ARG 121)<br />

160. ΛΕΥΚΙΟΣ<br />

IG IV 2 1, 101, 1. 6; Peek, 1969, 40, no. 45 (publishes 1. 41-48); M. Sève, "Les concours d'<br />

Épidaure", REG 106, 1993, 314 n. 50 [έτους τρίτου καί έξηκοστού=Α.ϋ. 32/33 (Actian era)].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a list of victors of the games Apolloneia, Asclapeia and Caesareia. The<br />

Athenian Epigenes, son of Λεύκιος, was a [σα]λπιστής.<br />

161. ΛΕΥΚΙΟΣ<br />

R. Weil, "Das Münzwesen des Achäischen Bundes", ZN IX, 1882, 253; W. Wroth, "Greek<br />

coins acquired by the British Museum in 1887", NC 1888, 10; R. Münsterberg, Die<br />



Beamtennamen auf den griechischen Münzen (repr. Hildesheim, Zürich, New York 1985) 55<br />

(Mitsos, 115) [229-146 B.C.].<br />

Argos; on coins of the period 229-146 B.C.; on rev. in shallow insised square there is an A,<br />

beneath it herm and in field ΛΕΥΚΙΟΣ.<br />

Remarks: The name has perhaps nothing to do with the praenomen Lucius, which is often<br />

transcribed as Λεύκιος, but it is a Greek name derived from λευκός (=white); cf. E.<br />

Kapetanopoulos, AE 1981, Chron., 25.<br />

162. ΛΕΥΚΙΟΣ (I)<br />

W. Vollgraff, Mnemosyne Al, 1919, 254, no. XXV, fragment B, 1. 17; P. Charneux, BCH 109,<br />

1985, 376-383 (SEG 33, 1983, 290) [90-80 B.C.].<br />

Argos; two non-joining fragments of a marble stele bearing a list of technitai. The person<br />

appears as the father of one of "τραγικοί χοροδιδάσκαλοι", Λεύκιος Λευκίου.<br />

Athenian<br />


W. Vollgraff, Mnemosyne Al, 1919, 254, no. XXV, fragment Β, 1. 17; P. Charneux, BCH 109,<br />

1985, 376-383 (SEG 33, 1983, 290) [90-80 B.C.].<br />

Argos; two non-joining fragments of a marble stele bearing a list of technitai. The person<br />

appears under "τραγικοί χοροδιδάσκαλοι".<br />

τραγικός χοροδιδάσκαλος<br />

Athenian<br />

Remarks: For the person and identifications with other namesakes see also Stefanis,<br />

Αίοννσιακοί τεχνίται, no. 1540.<br />


IG IV 853 [έτους β' καί Χ=Α.Ό. 1/2 (era of Actium)].<br />

Argolis, Methana; two honorary decrees set up by the boule and demos of the polis of Methana<br />

for Anteros. Anteros is honoured with proxeny and enktesis: ...εΐμέν τε αυτόν πρόξ[ε]Ινον<br />

[τ]άς π[ό]λιος άμών, έχιν τε αύτ[όν] καί γάς έν[κτ]ησιν έμ Μεθάναι, εΐναί τε αύτφ καί<br />

έπιν[ο]Ιμίαν ων έχι [βοσκ]ημάτων... (11. 19-21).<br />

Corinthian<br />

Remarks: For the date cf. A.J. Gossage, "The date of IGY [2] 516 [SIG \ 800]", ABSA 49,<br />

1954, 56 (SEG 14, 1957, 325). A.B. West refers to the person discussed here in his<br />

commentary of the Corinthian Licinii in Corinth VIII. 2, 70 and dates the inscription<br />

from Methana in A.D. 43/5.<br />


IG IV 857 [A.D. 175-180].<br />



Argolis, Methana; an honorary inscription for the Emperor M. Aurelius Antoninus erected by<br />

the polis while Hermogenes was strategos of the Achaean Koinon and epimeletes:<br />

Αυτοκράτορα Μάρκον Αύρήλιον "Αντωνεινον Ι Καίσαρα Σεβαστόν Γερμανικόν Σαρμα-<br />

τικόν μέγισίτον άνείκητον ή πόλις. Έπί στρατηγού των [Ά]χαιών κ[α]ί έπιμελητο[ύ]<br />

Π(οπλίου) Λικιννίου Έ[ρμ]ογένους.<br />

Remarks: He should be identified with Hermogenes, who honours Dionysius in IG IV 858<br />

from Methana. The date is based on the title Sarmaticus of M. Aurelius (A.D. 175)<br />

and his death (A.D. 180).<br />


A. Arvanitopoulos, PAAH 1916, 95 (?); AE 1917, 108, no. 1; A. Philadelpheus, AD 1918, 11<br />

(SEG 1, 1923, 72) [3rd/4th c. A.D.; Mitsos: 2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argolis, Nauplion; a grave stele decorated with a relief depicting a woman and a young boy:<br />

Ούεσπικία Πώλλη. Ι Λικίνιος Τουκοϋνδος Ι Πατρώος.<br />

Remarks: In SEG there is the date 3rd/4th c. A.D. According to Mitsos he is perhaps a son of<br />

167. ΛΟΝΓΟΣ<br />

Vespicia Polla (ARG 262).<br />

P. Charneux, BCH SO, 1956, 614-5, no. VIII, fig. 8 (SEG 16, 1959, 262; BullÉpigr 1958, 228)<br />

[2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, in the Geometric cemetery; limestone stele bearing a funerary poem for Marcia, wife<br />

of Longus.<br />

168. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΛΟΥΚΑΝΙΟΣ [- ca. 7-]<br />

Peek 1972, 34 , no. 54, facsimile [imperial].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar, probably dedicated to Artemis Κ[ορυφαία ?] by the person.<br />

Pyrphoros<br />


W. Peek, MDAI (A) 66, 1941, 69 (SEG 11, 1950, 385) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; a funerary altar erected by Λουκία Λουκίου for her husband Επίκτητος Μυρτίλου:<br />

Λουκία Λουκίου Ι Έπίκτητον Ι Μυρτίλου Ι τον αύτης Ι άνδρα. Ι Ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής).<br />

d. Lucius (ARG 171)<br />

170. ΛΟΥΚΙΑ ΤΡΟΠΟΥ<br />

7GIV715 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />



Hermione; an honorary inscription for Hermarchus, son of Lucius, priest of Clymenos, erected<br />

by his wife Lucia, daughter of Tropus:<br />

Έρμα[ρ]χον Λουκίου, Ι τον ίερέα τοΰ Κλυμένου, Ι από προγόνων ένδοξον, Ι Λουκία Τρόπου<br />

ή γυνή. Ψ(ηφίσματι) Β(ουλής).<br />

171. ΛΟΥΚΙΟΣ<br />

W. Peek, MD ΑΙ (Α) 66, 1941, 69 (SEGÌI, 1950, 385) [2nd c A.D.].<br />

Hermione; a funerary altar erected by Λουκία Λουκίου for her husband Επίκτητος Μυρτί­<br />

λου with the approval of the boule. The person discussed here is Lucia's father.<br />

f. Lucia (ARG 169)<br />

172. ΛΟΥΚΙΟΣ<br />

W. Peek, MD AI (A) 66, 1941, 68-69, no. 16 (SEG 11, 1950, 384) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; a base in the form of an altar bearing a sepulchral poem for Lucius. The monument<br />

was erected by his wife:<br />

11. 5-8: Λουκίου ήνορέης καί σωίφροσύνης μέγα άγαλμα, Ι ος ποτ' έην είρεύς καί άγ[ω]Ινοθέ-<br />

της αμα τ' άρχατν.<br />

Remarks: It is unknown whether he is to be identified with some of the homonymous persons<br />

173. ΛΟΥΚΙΟΣ<br />

included in this list.<br />

IG IV 715 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; an honorary inscription for Hermarchus, son of Lucius, priest of Clymenos, erected<br />

by Lucia (text ARG 170).<br />


[1] IG IV 726 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; a statue base erected by Aurelii Antigonus and Nice for their sister Aurelia Lucia<br />

(II). Lucius is the father of the husband of Aurelia Lucia, Epictetus (text ARG 31).<br />

[2] M. H. Jameson, "Inscriptions of Hermione, Hydra and Kassos", Hesperia 28, 1959, 109-<br />

110, no. 2 (SEG 17, 1960, 163) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; a dedication of a statue of Epictetus to Eileithya by his parents Lucius and<br />

Theodora, daughter of Charixenus:<br />

Έπίκτητον ΛουΙκίου Λούκιος ΈΙπικτήτου καί ΘεΙοδώρα Χαριξένου Ι 5 οι γονείς θεά Είλει-<br />

θυία υπέρ εύΐχής επί ιέρειας Ι Άφροδεισίας.<br />

Remarks: For the stemma of the family see S. Zoumbaki, Archaiognosia 9, 1995-96, 134 and<br />

Appendix. Stemma II. Cf. MD AI (A) 66, 1941, 16, no. 16 a (Επίκτητος Λουκίου).<br />



175. MAINIA ΑΒΡΑ<br />

IGW 647 (Mitsos, 13) [1st c. B.C./ 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, village Merbaka (modern Hagia Trias); a funerary inscription:<br />

Μαινία "Αβρά χρηστή· χαίρε.<br />

Remarks: "Αβρά is to be unterstood as Αύρα (LGPN III. A, 84).<br />


IG IV 620 (W. Vollgraff, MAI 14, 1951, 357; Peek,Vers-Inschriften, 973 [SEG 14, 1957, 322];<br />

Mitsos, 161) [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, found in the church of Hagios Nikolaos, in the place of which the church of Hagios Petros<br />

was later erected; a funerary epigram for Maenia Smyrna, daughter of Titus, wife of an Apollonius<br />

and mother of an eight-year-old child, ending as follow: Μαινία Τίτου Σμύρνα χρηστή· χαίρε.<br />


IG IV 620 (W. Vollgraff, MAI 14, 1951, 357; ?eek,Vers-Inschriften, 973 [SEG 14, 1957, 322];<br />

Mitsos, 161) [lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Argos; a funerary epigram for Maenia Smyrna (ARG 176), daughter of Titus, wife of<br />

Apollonius and mother of an eight-year-old child.<br />

Remarks: That Apollonius had the Roman citizenship is assumed from 1. 7-8: [...μ]νημόσυνον<br />

178. ΜΑΪΩΡ<br />

προλιποϋσα πόσι κατά δώμα θύγατρα Ι Μαινίω.<br />

IG IV 1538; IG IV 2 1, 433 [έτους ρπγ'=Α.ϋ. 306].<br />

Epidauros, previously in the church of Hagia Anna; an altar bearing a metrical dedication<br />

erected by Maior:<br />

Φοίβω άκειίρεκόμη καί Ι υίέι βωμόν έΙ{ε}θηκεν άρηΙτήρ Μαΐωρ άίτρεκέεσσι θεοις.Ι έτους ρπγ'.<br />

Remarks: According to Hiller von Gaertringen, IG IV 2 1, 433, the person owes his name to<br />

the senator Iulius Antoninus Maior (ARG 149), or he is a descendant of his.<br />

179. MAPKIA<br />

P. Charneux, BCH HO, 1956, 614-5, no. VIII, fig. 8 (SEG 16, 1959, 262; BullÉpigr 1958, 228)<br />

[2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, in the Geometric cemetery; a limestone stele bearing a funerary poem for Marcia, wife<br />

of Longus: Μαρκία ή Λόνγωι πιστή δάμαρ (1. 5).<br />


IG IV 634 (Mitsos, 97) [2nd c. B.C.(?)].<br />



Argos; a bilingual funerary inscription for the liberta Marcia Hiluria.<br />

Liberta<br />

Remarks: In IG the name is completed as [Marcia P(ublii)] 1. Hiluria and [Μαρκία Π]οπλίου<br />

181. ΜΑΡΚΙΟΣ (?)<br />

Τλυρία, based on Milchhöfers' edition, MDA/(A) 4, 1879, 156 e, who reads in the<br />

first line /////IHII..KIA/////.<br />

IG IV 610 (Mitsos 162) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; an honorary inscription erected for the son of the discussed person by the boule and a<br />

Statilia Phanocleia with the approval of the boule, which appears at the head of the inscription:<br />

Ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής). Ι Τ(ίτον) ΣτατείλιΙον Μαρκίο[υ Ι υί]όν ΑίλιαΙνόν Ι Στατειλία Ι<br />

[Φα]νόκλεια (?).<br />

Remarks: Mitsos reads the name as Τ(ΙΤΟΣ) ΣΤΑΤΕΙΛΙΟΣ ΝΑΡΚΙΣ[Σ]ΟΣ ΑΙΛΙΑΝΟΣ; in<br />

lapide MAPKICI CON.<br />


CIL III 7265 =IG IV 604=715 868 (Mitsos, 120) [67 B.C.].<br />

Argos, "in muro ecclesiae D. Basilif; a bilingual honorary inscription for the person erected<br />

by the resident Romans:<br />

Q. Maarcium Q., f. Regem] I Italicei quei negotia[ntur Argeis].<br />

Κόιντον Μαάρκιο[ν Κοΐν]Ιτου υίόν Τήγα Τταλ[οί οι] Ι [εν "Αργεί πραγματευόμενοι].<br />

Remarks: For the person and his activity in Cilicia see F. MUnzer, RE XIV 2 (1930) 1583-<br />

183. ΜΑΡΚΟΣ [- - -]<br />

1586, 5.v. Marcius [92]; Broughton, Magistrates II, 122 (praetor in 71 B.C.), 137<br />

(consul 68 B.C.), 146 (proconsul in Cilicia 67 B.C.), 154, 159, 163, 169; Degrassi,<br />

Fasti consolari, 131, 488 ff.<br />

IG IV 587, 1. 6 (for a photo see P. Charneux, BCH 80, 1956, 607, fig. 4; Mitsos, 121) [2nd c.<br />

A.D.].<br />

Argos, in the southern wall of the church of Hagios Dimitrios; a statue base decorated with<br />

cymatia, erected by the hellanodikai for Cleogenes, son of Cleogenes (?), among whom is the<br />

person discussed here.<br />

Remarks: About hellanodikai in Argos see Charneux, op. cit., 609-610.<br />

184. ΜΑΡΚΟΣ<br />

P. Charneux, BCH80, 1956, 614-5, no. VIII, fig. 8 (SEG 16, 1959,263) [imperial].<br />



Argos, in the Geometrie cemetery; a limestone stele, which also bears the funerary poem for Marcia<br />

(ARG 179); in the field in the lefthand side of the epigramm is another epitaph: Μάρκε χαίρε.<br />

185. ΜΑΡΚΟΣ<br />

W. Vollgraff, BCH 28, 1904, 420, no. 3 (Mitsos, 121) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, found in a private house; a marble grave stele; Marcus is the deceased:<br />

Μάρκε χρησΙτέ καί αλυπε Ι χαίρε.<br />


[1] IG IV 1060; IG IV 2 1, 407 [A.D. 227 (έτους γ' καί ρ')].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar dedicated to Asclepius with two inscriptions commemorating<br />

the person as a priest and his son Epaphras as pyrphoros of Dicaeosyne and Asclepius:<br />

[έ]π^ ίερέος Ι [Μ]άρκου του Ι Έρμάίσκου, Ι έτους γ' καί ρ', Ι 5 Έπαφράς Ι Μάρκου Ι πυ[ρ]οφο-<br />

ρήσας. Ι Δικαιοσύνης. Ι έπ' [ίερέος] Ι Μάρκου [τοϋ] Ι Έρμαΐσκο[υ], Ι έτους δε [γρ' ], Ι Έπα-<br />

φράς ΜάρΙκου πυροφορήσας. ΆσκληΙπιοϋ.<br />

[2] IG IV 2 1, 410; cf. Peek, 1969, 96, no. 166 [A.D. 232 (έτους η' καί ρ')].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a dedication by Diodotus, son of Aphrodisius, commemorated him as<br />

pyrphoros of Mnia and Azosia and dated in the priesthood of Hermaiscus, son of Marcus:<br />

[έπί ίερέος] Ι Έρμάίσκου Ι τοϋ Μάρκου Ι άντ' αύτοΰ δέ Ι 5 ό πατήρ· ΜάρΙκος ΈρμαΐσΙκου<br />

έτους η' Ι καί ρ' ΔιόδοΙτος ΆφροδειΙ ιο σίου πυροΙφορήσας. Ι Μνίας καί Ι Άζοσίας.<br />

[3] IG IV 2 1,411; Peek, 1969, 96, no. 166, facsimile [first half of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a dedication by Hermaiscus, son of Marcus, commemorating him as<br />

pyrphoros of Poseidon Asphaleios; probably the son of the priest Marcus:<br />

[επί ίερέος] I— Ι [έτους ..] κα[ί ρ' ], Ι [Έρμα]ΐσκος Μάρκ[ου] Ι 5 [πυρο]φορήσας. Ι Ποσιδώνος<br />

"ΑσΙφαλείου.<br />

Remarks: IG dates the inscription [3] before A.D. 231.<br />

ΜΑΡΙΟΣ (?): see Μάρ(κος) [Ίού(νιος) - - -]νου (ARG 156 [3])<br />


P. Charneux, BCH 81, 1957, 684, no. 2 (BullÉpigr 1959, 162; SEG 17, 1960, 148; AnnÉpigr<br />

1960, 305) [ca. 100 B.C.].<br />

Argos, theatre; fragment of a limestone statue base bearing an honorary inscription for the<br />

named person:<br />

Ό δήμος ο των 'Αργείων Ι Γάιον Μάριον Γαΐου υίόν Ι στραταγόν ΰπατον των Τωμαίων.<br />

consul<br />



Remarks: Cf. the honorary inscription IvO 326 [after 101 B.C.] from Olympia (EL 270) and I.<br />

Délos, 1699. He was consul of the years 107, 104, 103, 102, 101, 100 and 86 B.C.<br />

More about him see R. Weynand, fi£Suppl. VI (1935) 1363-1425, s.v. Marius [14];<br />

Broughton, Magistrates 1,521. 526. 532. 534. 547. 549.550.556-557. 558. 562. 567.<br />

570-571. 574; II, 8. 27. 29. 42. 48. 53.<br />


IG IV1298; IG IV 2 1,382 [1st half of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar bearing a dedication to Hera during the time when the named<br />

person was a priest (of Asclepius):<br />

"Ηρας. Ι έπί ιερέως Λ[ου]Ικίου Μάριου ΠυΙλάδου, πυροφόΐρου δέ ΌνησιφόΙ[ρ]ου τοϋ<br />

ΆφροόιΙσίου Ι ςζ'.<br />

Remarks: For the date cf. IG IV 2 1, 381, where the same pyrphoros is attested and dated in<br />

A.D. 128 (το ε' έτος).<br />


IG IV 939-940,1. 4-5, 17-18, 25; IG IV 2 1, 85-86,1. 4-5, 23, 24 and 31; Peek 1969, 29-31, no. 36,<br />

pi. Vili, 13 with a different restoration of the text (cf. SEG 35, 1985, 305) [1st half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a Spartan decree of consolation for T. Statilius Lamprias (III) (see also<br />

245 [2]). Pasichareia is the sister of Lamprias (...Τίτον Στατείλιον Λαμπρίαν, υίόν μεν Τει-<br />

μοκράτους καί Τειμοσθενίδος, άδελφόν δέ Πασιχαρείας etc.).<br />

Remarks: For comments on several lines of the inscription see G. Klaffenbach, "Zu IG IV 2 1,<br />

86", AE 1937, 263-5; Α. Wilhelm, ADAW 1939, Nr. 21, 5-10 (SEG 11, 1950, 409).<br />

Further A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985, 199-200, 216-219, 248-258 examines the<br />

connections between the Spartan Memmii and Volusseni with the Epidaurian family<br />

of Statuii. Pasichareia was married with P. Memmius Pratolaus (III) of Sparta and<br />

became probably the heiress of her father after the premature death of her brother<br />

Lamprias (III), who seems to have sired no family. The fact that she bears the<br />

gentilicium Memmia, known from Spartan inscriptions (see LAC 543), suggests that<br />

she acquired Roman citizenship together with her husband, attested in the<br />

Epidaurian inscription still as Pratolaus.<br />

For the date it is suggested in /Gthe period A.D. 40-42, while by A.J.S. Spawforth,<br />

ABSA 80, 1985, 254, that of A.D. 38-48.<br />

sister of T. Statilius Lamprias (III) (ARG 245), d. Statilius Teimocrates (ARG 252) and Statilia<br />

Teimosthenis (ARG 242), w. P. Memmius Pratolaus (ARG 190); for a stemma of the family see<br />

A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80,1985,249, table 7, given also in Appendix, Stemma V and Settipani, 496.<br />


IG IV 939-940,1. 4-5, 17-18, 25; IG IV 2 1, 85-86,1. 4-5, 23, 24 and 31; Peek 1969, 29-31, no.<br />



36, pi. VIII, 13 with different restoration of the text (cf. SEG 35, 1985, 305) [1st half of 1st c.<br />

A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a Spartan decree of consolation for T. Statilius Lamprias (III) (see also<br />

245 [2]). Pasichareia is the sister of Lamprias and Pratolaus is her husband (11. 2-5:...Τίτον Στα-<br />

τείλιον Λαμπρίαν, υίόν μέν Τειμοκράτους καί Τειμοσθενίδος, άδελφόν δέ Πασιχαρείας etc.<br />

and 1. 24: ... τον Πασιχαρείας άνδρα Πρατόλαον...).<br />

Remarks: He is known from Spartan inscriptions to have acquired later both Roman<br />

citizenship and the gentilicium Memmius, cf. also comments ARG 189 and LAC 574.<br />

For a stemma see Appendix, Stemma V.<br />


[1] IGW 912; JGTV 2 1, 667 (SEG 1, 1923, 158; 11, 1950, 376 [cf. 446]; Groag, Reichsbeamten,<br />

26; Η. Pomptow, Klio 17, 168, no. 153 a); Peek 1969, 126, no. 290 [A.D. 35-44].<br />

Argolis, Corone, near Ligourio; a stone which is part of a monument for both P. Memmius<br />

Regulus and his son Caius, bearing two honorary inscriptions. For the various proposals of<br />

completing the text see ARG 192 [1].<br />

[2] IG IV 2 1, 521; Peek 1969, 105, no. 213, facsimile [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a dedication to Zeus Nemeios by Τήγλος [Π(οπλίου) Μεμμίου] υιός<br />

πυρο[φορήσας].<br />

Remarks: It is not certain that the person of [2] is the son of P. Memmius Regulus, since his<br />

praenomen and his father's name are missing.<br />

C. Memmius Regulus accompanied his father during the time the latter governed<br />

Moesia, Achaia and Macedonia. Like his father he is honoured by several Greek<br />

cities (R. Hanslik, Der kleine Paully 3, 1188, s.v. Memmius [2]). He was a consul of<br />

the year A.D. 63 (see Degrassi, Fasti consolari, 17, no. 816) and perhaps proconsul<br />

of Africa, as the large number of Memmii in this province indicates. For him see also<br />

E. Groag, RE XV 1 (1931) 625-626, s.v. Memmius [28]; PIR 2 M 467.<br />

s. P. Memmius Regulus (ARG 192)<br />


[1] IG IV 912; IG IV 2 1, 667 (SEG 1, 1923, 158; 11, 1950, 376 [cf. 446]; Groag, Reichsbeamten,<br />

26; H. Pomptow, Klio 17, 168, no. 153 a); Peek 1969, 126-127, no. 290, facsimile [A.D. 35-44].<br />

Argolis, Corone, near Ligourio, probably transported from the sanctuary; a stone from a<br />

monument for both P. Memmius Regulus and his son Caius, bearing two honorary inscriptions.<br />

The text is restored in IG IV 2 1 as: a. [Π(όπλιον) Μέμμιον Γαΐου] υίόν [Τήγλον, γενόμεν]ον<br />

ιερέα [τοις —] π[αι]σίν [—]; b. Γ(άιον) Μέμμιο[ν Τήγλον] Π(οπλίου) Μεμμί[ου Τήγλου]<br />

τοϋ πρεσ[βευτοϋ] Σεβαστ[οϋ]).<br />

Groag suggests: a. [Π(όπλιον) Μέμμιον Ποπλίου] υίόν [Τήγλον, γενόμεν]ον ιερέα [εν τρισί<br />

συστήμα]σιν [ίερωσυνών], .... b. Γ(άιον) Μέμμιο[ν Τήγλον] Π(οπλίου) Μεμμί[ου Τήγλου]<br />

τοϋ πρεσ[βευτοϋ] Σεβαστ[ών αντιστράτηγου υίόν]...<br />



Peek, loc. cit.: a. Π. Μέμ[μ]ιον Π. υίόν Ι [Τήγλο]ν ύπατ(ικ)όν, ιερέα Ι [εν τρισί συστ]ή[μ]ασιν Ι<br />

[ίεροσυνών— ]. b. (as Groag).<br />

Thomasson, 191, no. 11 suggests a different restoration of the text: ό π[ρεσβευτής γενόμενος<br />

τω]ν Σεβαστών καί αντιστράτηγος].<br />

The restoration of Groag is based on an honorary inscription for Regulus from Delphi (ILS<br />

8815). About ιερέα έν τρισί συστήμασιν ίερωσυνών, i.e. three colleges that performed the<br />

principal sacrifices, cf. Polyb. XXI. 13, 11:...των τριών έν σύστημα, δι' ων συμβαίνει τάς έπιφανεστάτας<br />

θυσίας έν τη Τώμη συντελεισθαι τοις θεοϊς...<br />

The name of the father of P. Memmius Regulus completed as Caius is a mistake in IG, the<br />

father of the governor of Achaia is Publius.<br />

[2] IG IV 1139; IG IV 2 1, 665 (A. Momigliano, JRS 34, 1944, 115/6; SEG 11, 1950, 445 a);<br />

Peek 1969, 125, no. 289, facsimile, pi. LI, 87-88 [A.D. 35-44].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an exedra erected by T. Statilius Lamprias (II), son of Lamprias (I) and<br />

T. Statilius Teimocrates, son of Lamprias (II), honouring Regulus as benefactor on behalf of<br />

the Achaeans. It bears three honorary inscriptions for Πόπλιον Μέμμιον Ποπλίου υίόν<br />

Τήγλον.<br />

[3] IG IV 1411; IG IV 2 1,669 [A.D. 35-44].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; two fragments of a base bearing an honorary inscription for the person:<br />

Π(όπλιον) Μέ[μ]μιον [Ποπλίου υίόν] Ι [Τήγλο]ν ύπατ[ικόν] Ι [— ].<br />

[4] The fragmentary inscription IG IV 2 1, 668 (=JG IV 1414+1412); Peek 1969, 127-8, no. 291,<br />

facsimile, pi. LH, 89 from the sanctuary of Epidauros is completed in IG as:<br />

[Ά πόλις τών Έπιδαυρ]ίων τ[ούς εύεργέτας γενομένους Γναιον Πο]πλίλιον τ[όν] πρεσβε[υτάν<br />

καί Γναιον Μέμμι]ον Τήγλον [τον ά]ντιστρ[άταγον].<br />

According to Thomasson 191, no. 11 the inscription is an honorary one for P. Memmius<br />

Regulus and his name should not be completed as [Γναιον Μέμμι]ον Τήγλον but [Πόπλιον<br />

Μέμμι]ον Τήγλον. Groag, Reichsbeamten, 26 finds the restoration of the name of Regulus not<br />

convincing and believes that this inscription has nothing to do with him. Peek restores the text<br />

as: [Ά πόλις τών Έπιδαυρ]ίων Γ[ναιον Πο]πλίλιον Γ[άίου υί]όν Τήγλον and believes that<br />

this fragment does not belong to an inscription in honour of Memmius Regulus. Lapis III of the<br />

publication in IG is, according to Peek, an independent fragment, which is to be restored as: [Π.<br />

Μέμμιον Π. υίόν Τήγλον] Ι [ύπατικόν], πρεσβε[υτήν Σε]Ι[βαστών ά]ντιστρ[άτηγον ].<br />

Remarks: P. Memmius Regulus was the first member in his family to enter the senate under<br />

Tiberius. He held then the office of quaestor and directly after that became praetor<br />

(cf. M. Cébeillac, Les quaestores principis et candidati aux 1er et Hième siècles de<br />

l'empire [Milano 1972] 29-30). In A.D. 31 he held the consulate (Degrassi, Fasti<br />

consolari, 10, no. 784), since he was a confident of the emperor, who already suspected<br />

the conspiracy of Seianus. In A.D. 35 he succeded Poppaeus Sabinus as legatus Augusti<br />

pro praetore and governed Moesia, Macedonia and Achaia until A.D. 44. The large<br />

number of honorary inscriptions erected by many Greek cities and individuals for him<br />

and his son, who accompanied him, indicate his popularity. The many Memmii<br />



attested in the Greek inscriptions must have acquired Roman citizenship thanks to the<br />

mediation of Regulus. He encouraged the reorganisation of the provincial Koina (cf.<br />

the honorary inscription [2]), and perhaps the self-government of the Greek civitates<br />

stipendiariae (cf. Groag, Reichsbeamten, 28-29). The next office of his career was the<br />

proconsulate of Asia, which he held in A.D. 48-49.<br />

For honorary inscriptions for Regulus from Athens, Megara, Thespiai, Dion, Delphi<br />

and places beyond Greece see Groag, op. cit., 25-27. In the Peloponnesian cities<br />

there are several inscriptions in his honour. He is honoured as benefactor by the<br />

Eleian Polycleitus, son of Proxenides (IvO 337 from Olympia, see EL 277). Caligula<br />

ordered Regulus to bring the famous statue of Zeus from Olympia to Rome. The<br />

intervening death of the emperor relieved Regulus of this order (Joseph, AJ 19, 8;<br />

Cass. Dio 59. 28, 3).<br />

In a Corinthian honorary inscription, which is to be dated after A.D. 38 (Corinth<br />

VIII. 2, 53, with a discussion on the person), he seems to bear also some religious<br />

offices [vii vir] epul(onum), sodalis [augjustalis, frater Arvalis, apart from his<br />

political post as [leg(atus) Caesaris Augusftji G[er(manici) pr(o) praet(ore)]<br />

pro[v(inciae) Achaiae - - -] (see COR 423). In the damaged beginning of a letter from<br />

the proconsul of Achaia to Corinth refering to the benefaction of a Priscus<br />

(identified with P. Licinius Priscus Iuventianus, see COR 378 [4]) to the city and the<br />

Isthmian sanctuary, L. Robert, Hellenica I (1940), 43-53, esp. 52-53 restored, ...ερεί­<br />

πια στοάς Ι [τή]ς [Τ]ηγλ[ιανής] (based also on IG IV 203,1. 29, which he restores<br />

as εάν μοι πωλήσητε τής λεγ[ομ]ένης ρηγλια[νής στοάς τα ερείπια]) and recognised<br />

in this the name of P. Memmius Regulus. After examination of the stone of the first<br />

inscription, J.H. Kent restored the text as ...[τή]ς [Τ]ήγλ[ο]υ [μαρ]μάρας... (Corinth<br />

Vili. 3, 306, pi. 26; see also the re-edition of the texts by D. J Geagan, Hesperia 58,<br />

1989, 349-360 [SEG 39, 1989, 340; BullÉpigr 1990, 103]).<br />

Regulus is maybe also attested in Messenia as proconsul in a honorary decree of<br />

Messene (see also MES s.v. Μέμμιος).<br />

For the person see E. Groag, RE XV 1 (1931) 626-636, s.v. Memmius (Regulus)<br />

[29]; Groag, Reichsbeamten, 25-30; A. Stein, Die Legaten von Moesien,<br />

Dissertationes pannonicae 1.11 (Budapest 1940) 21 ff; Degrassi, Fasti consolari, 10.<br />

no. 784; D. Kanatsoulis, Μακεδόνικη προσωπογραφία από του 148 π.Χ. μέχρι των<br />

χρόνων τον Μ. Κωνσταντίνου (Thessaloniki 1955) no. 909; J. Scheid, Les frères<br />

arvales. Recrutement et origine sociale sous les empereurs julio-claudiens (Paris<br />

1975) 213-218, no. 34; B. Levick, Tiberius. The politician (London 1976) 177 ff. and<br />

203; Sarikakis, Αρχοντες Β', 51-54; A. Aichinger, "Die Reichsbeamten der<br />

römischen Macedonia der Prinzipatsepoche", AVes 30, 1979, 615-6; Thomasson,<br />

191, no. 11 PIR 2 M 468.<br />

f. C. Memmius Regulus (ARG 191)<br />

193. [- ca. 4 -]ΙΟΣ ΜΟΜΜΙΟΣ ΓΑΪΟΥ ΡΩΜ[Α]ΙΟΣ<br />

P. Charneux, BCH 11, 1953, 402-3, no. VI, fig. 6 (SEG 13, 1956, 248) [1st c. B.C.].<br />

213<br />



Argos, agora; fragment of a list, maybe of dionysiakoi technitai.<br />

Roman<br />

Remarks: For the person see P. Chiron-Bistagne, Recherches sur les acteurs dans la Grèce<br />

antique (Paris 1976) 367; Stefanis, Διονυσιακοί τεχνίται, no. 1739.<br />


[1] Μ. Pierart-JT. Thalmann, BCH Suppl. 6, 1980, 275-8, no. 6, fig. 11 (SEG 30, 1980, 365)<br />

[146 B.C.].<br />

Argos, reused as a drain cover NE of the classical stoa; a statue base erected in honour of L.<br />

Mummius by the demos of Argos:<br />

[Ό όή]μος [τών 'Αργεί]Ιων Λ[ε]ύκι[ον Μόμμιον] Ι Λευκίου σ[τρατηγόν] Ι ΰπατον Τ[ωμαίων].<br />

[2] IG IV 1180-1183; IG IV 2<br />

1, 306 D; Peek, 1972, 30-31, no. 47 (BullÉpigr 1973, 190) [146/5<br />

B.C.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; the upper part of a base bearing older inscriptions (see Peek 1969, 72-<br />

73, no. 129). On the same stone there is a dedication of L. Mummius to Apollo, Asclepius and<br />

Hygeia:<br />

Λεύκιος Μόμμιος Λευκίου Ι στρατηγός ύπατος Τωμαίων Ι "Απόλλωνι, Άσκληπιώι, Ύγείαι.<br />

Remarks: L. Pietilä-Castren, Arcfo5 25, 1991, 102-103 (SEG 41, 1991, 286) suggests that the<br />

equestrian statue on the base [1] in honour of L. Mummius was erected before the<br />

arbitration about the Nemean games recorded in an inscription from Nemea, see<br />

D.W. Bradeen, Hesperia 35, 1966, 326-329, pi. 78 (SEG 23, 1968, 180), in an<br />

attempt to influence the opinion of this official in favor of Argos. On [1] see the<br />

mention of the text by D. Knoepfler, "L. Mummius Achaicus et les cités du golfe<br />

euboïque: à propos d'une nouvelle inscription d'Erétrie", MHAS, 1991,262. There<br />

is also an unpublished letter of L. Mummius to the technitai of Dionysos, which is to<br />

be published by Ch. Kritzas, cited by J.-L. Ferrary, Philhellénisme et impérialisme:<br />

aspects idéologiques de la conquête romaine du monde hellénistique, de la seconde<br />

guerre de Macédoine à la guerre contre Mithridate (Rome 1988) 521, n. 58 and<br />

Knoepfler, op. cit., 262, n. 52.<br />

For Mummius in other Peloponnesian cities see also EL 284, ARC 124.<br />


[1] W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 265, no. 15 (ILGR 87) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, in a field outside the city, behind the church of Hagios Nikolaos; a limestone grave stele<br />

for his wife Fuficulena Veneria decorated with a cymatium:<br />

Dis manibus I Fuficulenae I veneriae I Naevius Callistus I coniugi.<br />

[2] W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 265, no. 16 (ILGR 88) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, in a field south of the city; a limestone grave stele for his friend L. Aelius Camus<br />


decorated with a cymatium:<br />

1 9 8<br />


[Dis] manibus I [L. Ae]lio Camo l[Nae]vius Callistus I [a]mico optimo.<br />

[3] W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 265, no. 17 (ILGR 85) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, in a vineyard on the road from Argos to Myloi; a limestone grave stele erected by<br />

Naevius Callistus for himself, his wife and his friend L. Aelius Camus decorated with a<br />

cymatium:<br />

in parte antica: [L. Naevius Cal]listus sibi et Veneriae coniug(i) I [et L. Aeli]o Camo amico<br />

optimo I [in fronte c]um taberna ped(es) (numerus) in agro ped(es) (numerus)<br />

in parte postica: L. Naevius Callistus sibi et Ven[eraiae coniug(i)] I et L. Aelio Camo amico<br />

[optimo] I in fronte cum taberna ped(es) (numerus) in agro pe[d(es) (numerus)].<br />

[4] W. Vollgraff, BCH21, 1903, 265, no. 18 (ILGR 86) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, in a vineyard on the road from Argos to Myloi; a funerary inscription for Naevius<br />

Callistus: [Dis] manibfus] IL. Naevi I Callisti.<br />

Remarks: For the person see Mitsos, 20. The date of the inscriptions is based on the phrase<br />

"Dis manibus"; cf. Rizakis, Achaïe II, 76 n. 2 (bibliography).<br />

196. [Ν]ΑΙΒΙΟΣ ΡΟΥΦΟΣ<br />

7GIV835 Β, 1.7 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Troizen; three fragments of a marble plaque bearing inscriptions related to loans.<br />

Remarks: Cf. S. Zoumbaki, "Η Τροιζήν κατά τη ρωμαϊκή εποχή: εσωτερική οργάνωση-οικονομική<br />

ζωή-κοινωνία", Acts of the 1st international conference on the history and<br />

archaeology of the Argo-Saronic gulf, Poros 26-29 June 1998 (in press).<br />


P. Charneux, BCH81, 1957, 181-202,1. 9 (SEG 16, 1959, 255) [170/169 B.C.].<br />

Argos; an honorary decree for Cn. Octavius, who was a member of an embassy to the Achaean<br />

League: επειδή ΓναΧος Όκτάιος Γναίου Τωμαΐος...προνοουμένος υπέρ τών συμφερόντων<br />

[τάι τε πό]λει καί τοις 'Αχαιοΐς αποσταλείς...πρεσβευτάς [μετά] Γαϊου υπό Αΰλου του<br />

υπάτου στραταγοϋ τών Τωμαίων etc.<br />

legate<br />

Remarks: For the date at the end of the decree see remarks on ARG 25. About Cn. Octavius<br />

see EL 291.<br />

198. ΟΡΚΙΟΣ<br />

W. Vollgraff, BCH 33, 1909, 461-6, no. 26 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; a stele of gray limestone; the text is a record in the Roman calendar; according to<br />

Vollgraff it is "le compte rendu des séances de la boule d'Argos".<br />



Remarks: For the name Orcius see Schulze, 364. For the date see P. Charneux, BCH 115, 1991,<br />

322,1.35 (SEG41, 1991,285).<br />


W. Vollgraff, Mnemosyne Al, 1919, 166, no. 13; W. Vollgraff, "Fouilles et sondages sur le flanc<br />

oriental de la Larissa à Argos", BCH 82, 1958, 559-560, apographum [cf. SEG 18, 1962, 150])<br />

[2nd c. A.D. ?].<br />

Argos, south of the terrace of Criterion, in the "sanctuary of the Egyptian gods"; a fragment of<br />

a marble plaque bearing a votive inscription for Isis and Sarapis; Hilarus is the dedicator:<br />

Πό(πλιος) Πάκκιος "ΙλαΙρος Ι Εϊσιδι καί ΣαΙράπιδι.<br />

Remarks: For the person see Mitsos, 142. The Isis cult, which is not mentioned by Pausanias,<br />

is attested on the Argive coins from the age of Hadrian and Antoninus Pius, cf. W.H.<br />

Röscher, Ausführliches Lexicon der griechischen und römischen Mythologie<br />

(Hildesheim-New York 1978, repr. of Leipzig 1890-1894) IL 1, 390.<br />

ΠΑΣΙΧΑΡΕΙΑ: see (Μεμμία) Πασιχάρεια (ARG 189)<br />

200. ΠΩΛΛΑ<br />

IG IV 646 (Mitsos, 158) [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; a girl's gravestone decorated with a pediment and acroteria and bearing a relief which<br />

depicts a seated girl: Πώλλα Ι χαίρε.<br />

Remarks: Instead of the Greek letter Ρ, χαίρε is written with the Latin letter R.<br />

201. ΠΩΛΛΑ<br />

IG IV 622 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Argos, built into a wall of the church of D. Basilii; a gravestone bearing the funerary epigram<br />

of Polla.<br />

202. ΠΑΥΛΟΣ<br />

IG IV 663; Ο. Masson, in: Serta Indogermanica: Festschrift G. Neumann (Innsbruck 1982) 173,<br />

no. 3 (SEG 32, 1982,375).<br />

Argos; Christian gravestone of Paulus and his wife Onesime: [Κοιμ]ητή[ρ]ιον Παύλου Ι ένλυ-<br />

χνιόά κ(αί) τής γαΐμετής αύτοϋ Όνησίμης.<br />

ένλυχνιόάς<br />

Remarks: Ο. Masson publishes the full text of the inscription based on the observations of P.<br />

Charneux, who added a new fragment, and defines the occupation of Paulus as that<br />

of a maker and seller of lamp wicks. According to Feissel, T&MByz 9, 1985, 369,<br />

no. 110 he is "...un marchand de mèches de lampe".<br />




AD 22 B, 1967, 183, no. 2, fig. 132 β (cf. AnnÉpigr 1971, 443; SEG 25, 1971, 370; 31, 1981,<br />

314); ILGR 89 [maybe 1st c. B.C.].<br />

Argos, in the area of the tombs of Έθνικόν Γυμναστήριο ν; bilingual funerary inscription on a<br />

limestone plaque including merely the name of the deceased.<br />

Remarks: About Perpema, a name of Etruscan origin, see Schulze, 88; Solin and Salomies, 141.<br />

Maybe he is a negotiator, as suggested by ILGR 89. Cf. a proxeny decree from<br />

Cierium in Thessaly, IG IX 2,258,1. 7: ...Μαάρκοι Λευκίου Περπένναι Τουμαιοι...<br />

*204. ΦΩΣΦΟΡΙΟΣ<br />

IG IV 1608 (AnnÉpigr 1901, 453, no. 125; Groag, Reichsbeamten spätröm. Zeit, 54-55;<br />

Feissel, T&MByz9, 1985, 288, no. 27) [379-382 A.D.].<br />

Argos, "prope sedem fori antiqui", a plaque bearing a honorary epigram for the person. The<br />

monument was erected by an Archelaus:<br />

Εικόνα Φωσφορίου μεγακύδεος άνθυπάτοιο Ι Άρχέλεως Δαναοις στήσε χαριζόμενος. Ι<br />

Ψ(ηφίσματι) Β(ουλής).<br />

proconsul<br />

Remarks: For the person see Groag, op. cit.; cf. also his remarks on p. 21, 67 n. 5; L. Robert,<br />

Hellenica IV (1948) 23 and n. 5; PLRE I, 700, s.v. Phosphorius 2.<br />


P. Charneux, BCH 80, 1956, 610-4, no. VII, fig. 7 (SEG 16, 1959, 258c) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, built into a triangular pilaster of bricks; a base bearing three honorary inscriptions with<br />

the consent of the boule and demos of Argos for the three children of Cn. Pompeius<br />

Cleosthenes, Diodotus, Cleosthenes and Calleas, who were eisagogeis (agonistic officers):<br />

Ή βουλή καί ο δήμος Ι ό τών Άργείων Γν(αΐον) Ι Πομπήιον ΚλεοσθέΙνους υίόν Καλλέα Ι<br />

εισαγωγέα γενόμεΐνον επί άγωνοΙθέτου Γοργίλου του Ι Μενεκλέους.<br />

s. Cn. Pompeius Cleosthenes (Ι) (ARG 207), b. Cn. Pompeius Diodotus (ARG 209) and Cn.<br />

Pompeius Cleosthenes (II) (ARG 208).<br />


IG IV 601 (cf. Mitsos, 153) [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; the person is honoured as euergetes by the tribe Hyrnathia:<br />

Γ Α φυλά τών ΎρΙναθίων Μ(άρκον) ΠομΙπήι[ο]ν Χ[α]ρεΙΙνον, τον εκ προΙ 5 γ[ό]νων<br />

εύεργέΐταν.<br />


[1] IG IV 609 (Mitsos, 107) [ 2nd c. A.D.].<br />



Argos; an honorary inscription erected by Pompeius Cleosthenes with the approval of the<br />

boule, for his father, who had occupied several functions; he was agoranomos, sitones, gropheus.<br />

His father's name (cognomen [?]) is not totally preserved on the stone, [—]αιρος; maybe he<br />

was a Roman citizen. The person discussed here is attested as Πομπήιος Κλεοσθένης.<br />

[2] W. Vollgraff, Mnemosyne Al, 1919,265, no. XXVIII; *P. Charneux, BCH80,1956,612 (SEG<br />

16, 1959, 259; cf. J.H. Oliver, Historia 1, 1958, 481, n. 3 [cf. SEG 17, 1960, 149]) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, agora; limestone block bearing an honorary inscription erected by the Γερουσία ή<br />

άπό Δαναοϋ καί Ύπερμήστρας καί Λυ[γκέ]ος for the wife of Pompeius Cleosthenes. His<br />

name is attested here as Γν(αίου) Πομπηί[ου] Κλε[ο]Ι[σ]θένους, προστάτου Ι τής γερου­<br />

σίας (text ARG 78).<br />

[3] P. Charneux, BCH80, 1956, 610-614, no. VII, fig. 7 (SEG 16, 1959, 258a-c) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, built into a triangular pilaster of bricks; a base bearing three honorary inscriptions for<br />

the three children of the person discussed here, Diodotus, Cleosthenes and Calleas, who were<br />

eisagogeis (agonistic officers); for the text see ARG 205, 208, 209..<br />

Remarks: For his family see Mitsos, 107, 153. On [2] see also A.J.S. Spawforth-S.Walker, JRS<br />

1986, 88-105 (BullÉpigr 1988, 604).<br />

h. Claudia Philomathia (ARG 78), f. Cn. Pompeii Diodotus (ARG 209), Cleosthenes (ARG<br />

208), Calleas (ARG 205)<br />


Ρ. Charneux, BCH 80, 1956, 610-4, no. VII, fig. 7 (SEG 16, 1959, 258b) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, built into a triangular pilaster of bricks; a base bearing three honorary inscriptions<br />

erected with the consent of the boule and demos of Argos for the three children of Cn.<br />

Pompeius Cleosthenes, Diodotus, Cleosthenes and Calleas, who were eisagogeis (agonistic<br />

officers):<br />

Ή βουλή καί ό δήμος Ι ό τών "Αργείων Γν(αΙον) Ι Πομπήιον ΚλεοσθέΙνους υίόν ΚλεοσθέΙνη<br />

εισαγωγέα γεΙνόμενον επί άγωίνοθέτου Μ(άρκου) ΆντωΙνίου Άχαϊκοϋ.<br />

s. Cn. Pompeius Cleosthenes (Ι) (ARG 207), b. Cn. Pompeius Calleas (ARG 205) and Cn.<br />

Pompeius Diodotus (II) (ARG 209)<br />


Ρ. Charneux, BCH 80, 1956, 610-4, no. VII, fig. 7 (SEG 16, 1959, 258a) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, built into a triangular pilaster of bricks; a base bearing three honorary inscriptions with<br />

the consent of the boule and demos of Argos for the three children of Cn. Pompeius<br />

Cleosthenes, Diodotus, Cleosthenes and Calleas, who were eisagogeis (agonistic officers):<br />

Ή βουλή καί ό δήμος Ι ό τών 'Αργείων Γν(αϊον) Ι Πομπήιον ΚλεοσθέΙνους υίόν Διόδοτον Ι<br />

εισαγωγέα γενόμεΐνον επί άγωνοθέτου Ι Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδί(ου) vacai<br />



210-212<br />

s. Cn. Pompeius Cleosthenes (I) (ARG 207), b. Cn. Pompeius Calleas (ARG 205) and Cn.<br />

Pompeius Cleosthenes (II) (ARG 208)<br />


G. Vollgraff, Mnemosyne Al, 1919,260-261, no. XXVII (AnnÉpigr 1920,375, no. 81) [ca. 63 B.C.].<br />

Argos; an honorary inscription for Cn. Pompeius Cn. f. Magnus erected by the agoranomos<br />

Aristagorus:<br />

Γναιον Πομπήιον, Γναίου Ι υίόν, Μάγνον, αύτοκράΙτορα τό τέταρτον, τον κοινόν σωτήρα<br />

καί εύεργέταν, [Ά]ρισ[τ]άγορος Χ Ι άγορανομών άνέθηκε.<br />

imperator<br />

Remarks: For the person see Mitsos, 153. He must be identified with Cn. Pompeius Cn. f. Sex.<br />

n. Magnus, consul of the years 70, 55 and 52 B.C., see F. Miltner, REXXl 2 (1952)<br />

2062-2213, s.v. Pompeius [31], especially for his activity in the East see 2107-2118.<br />

Also Broughton, Magistrates II. 64. 70. 77. 81. 84. 90 . 94. 126. 146 (proconsul with<br />

Imperium consulare infinitum against pirates in 67 B.C.). 155. 159. 163 - 164. 169 -<br />

170. 176. 181. 192.203-<br />


[1] IG IV 599 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, in the church of Hagia Paraskevi; he is honoured as euergetes with a statue by the tribe<br />

of Π[αμφυλάν]:<br />

Σέξτον Πομπή[ι]ον Σέξτ[ου] Ι υίόν Μαρκιανόν, 'ΑριστοκΐράΙΙτεος [έγγ]ονον, [τ]ό[ν] εκ<br />

προγόΙνων [ε]ύ[εργέταν], ά [φ]υλά [τών] Π[αμφυλάν].<br />

[2] IG IV 600 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, near the church of Hagios Petros; he is honoured as euergetes with a statue by the tribe<br />

of Hyrnathii:<br />

Σέξτον Πομπήιον Σέξτου Ι υίόν Μαρκιανόν, "Αριστοκράτεος Ι εγγονον, τον εκ προγόνων<br />

εύίεργέταν τάς πόλιος, ά φυλά τών Ι 5 [Ύρ]ναθίων.<br />

Remarks: For the person see Mitsos, 153. He may be a grandson of M. Antonius Aristocrates<br />

(ARG 19).<br />


IG IV 1056; IG IV 2 1, 389 ["Ετους κη' τής θε[οϋ] Γ Αδριανού τό πρώτον [ίς] τήν Ελλάδα έπι-<br />

δημίας=Α.ϋ. 152/153].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar dedicated to Asclepius and Apollo by the person who had held<br />

the office of pyrphoros during the time Claudius was priest of Asclepius (text ARG 5).<br />

πυροφορήσας<br />



Remarks: It is unknown whether the name of the person is the abbreviation of the gentilicium<br />

Pomponius, here as a proper name, as IG IV suggests, or the name Πόμπων (which<br />

is used as cognomen in the case of Pompilius Pompo [Dion. Hal. II. 58] and as a<br />

single name in Plut., Num. 21). The latter reading is prefered by IG IV 2 1 and LGPN<br />

III. A, 372, s.v. Πόμπων.<br />


W. Vollgraff, BCH28, 1904, 425, no. 7 (AnnÉpigr 1905, 6; ILS 8863; Groag, Reichsbeamten,<br />

143; E. Dabrowa, Legio X Fretensis. A prosopographical study of its officers (I-II I c. A.D.),<br />

Historia, Einzelschriften 66 [Stuttgart 1993] 70-71, no. 8 [SEG 45, 1995, 259]) (Mitsos, 153)<br />

[A.D. 104 or later].<br />

Argos; a limestone stele found east of a "portique situé sur l'agora":<br />

Α(ΰλον) Πομπώνιον Γ(αΐου) υίόν Ι Κυρίνα Αύγουρεινον Τ(ίτον) Πριφέρνιον Παιτον, χειλίαρχον<br />

Ι λεγιώνος ι' Φρητενσίας, έπα[ρ]Ιχον σπείρης α' χειλιάνδρου, τιΙ 5 μηθέντα μετά τήν<br />

κατά ΓεΙτών νείκην υπό αύτοκράτοΐρος Καίσαρος Νέρουα Τραϊανού Ι Σεβαστού<br />

ΓερμανιΙκου κόσμω άριστείω, ούηξίλΙ 10 λω άργυρώ καί δόρατι καθαρώ Ι καί στεφάνω τειχήρι,<br />

έπίτροίπον Σεβασ[τοϋ έ]παρχείας "ΑχαΙΐας, Μ. 'Αντώνιος 'Αχαϊκός έΐκ τών ίδίοον υπέρ<br />

τήν πόλιν.<br />

tribunus (militum) legionis Χ Fretensis, praefectus cohortis I milliariae, honoratus post<br />

victoriam Geticam ab imp. Caes. Traiano Aug. Germ, donis militaribus vexillo argenteo hasta<br />

pura corona murali, procurator Augusti provinciae Achaiae<br />

Remarks: The date of the inscription is based on the titulature of Trajan (C.C. Petolescu,<br />

Thraco-Dacica 16, 1995, 223-226 re-examines this inscription with more epigraphic<br />

and numismatic evidence for the victory of Trajan in Moesia Inferior in A.D.<br />

101/102). Rejecting the suggestion of J.H. Kent, Corinth VIII. 3, 63 that his father<br />

was T. Prifernius Paetus Memmius Apollinaris and that he was adopted by<br />

Pomponius Augurinus, Dabrowa, op. cit., 70 accepts that his name indicates that he<br />

was adopted by a T. Prifernius Paetus, consul suffectus A.D. 96 (for other suggested<br />

kinships see Dabrowa, op. cit., 70 n. 42). The suggestion of Dabrowa is not in<br />

agreement with the norms of the Roman adoptive nomenclature as studied by O.<br />

Salomies, Adoptive andpolyonymous nomenclature in the Roman empire (Helsinki<br />

1992). In an oral communication O. Salomies thought that, if the person discussed<br />

here was adopted, he was adopted by an A. Pomponius; another possibility could be<br />

that his father was an A. Pomponius and his mother a Prifernia.<br />

He was an equestrian promoted by Trajan to the rank of procurator after his service<br />

in the army. He must have held his office as procurator Augusti in Achaia after the<br />

Dacian war but before Trajan bore the title Dacicus, as Groag, op. cit., suggested.<br />

Under Trajan, Paetus served in the army and acquired several military<br />

decorations: vexillum argenteum, hasta pura, corona muralis. Groag dated the<br />

inscription after A.D. 102; for the date mentioned above see PIR 2 935, p. 394. A<br />

fragment of a Latin text found in Corinth (Corinth VIII. 3, 134; cf. COR 487) is<br />



214-215<br />

restored by Kent as a duplicate of the Argive inscription. The person is also<br />

honoured in Sparta, LAC 645 (ABSA 26, 1923/5, 209 [SEG 11, 1950, 778]) as<br />

[έ]πτροπον Σε[βαστοϋ].<br />

There are several members of his family who held important offices in the Roman<br />

state: Prifernius Paetus Memmius Apollinaris was honoured with the same military<br />

decorations for his activity in the Dacian war (ILS 1350) and T. Prifernius Paetus<br />

Rosianus Geminus may have been consul of the year A.D. 100 and governor of<br />

Achaia under Hadrian (cf. ACH 190).<br />

For the person see Groag, Reichsbeamten, 143-144; Pflaum, Carrières , 167 f., no.<br />

72; D. Hennig, Gnomon 52, 1980, 347 sq.; Devijver, Ρ 72 (see also IV, Ρ 72); PIR 2<br />

Ρ 935 with stemma. Dabrowa, op. cit., corrects the account of his career, refering<br />

also to the information of Corinth VIII. 3, 134 (cf. SEG 45, 1995, 259).<br />


IG IV 1279; IG IV 2 1, 511; comment in ZG V 1 p. XVII 11. 100-103; cf. Peek 1969, 104, no.<br />

206, who mentions that the inscription is engraved on a trapeza in secondary use [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a dedication to the Dioscuri:<br />

Πλω[τήρ]ιοιν Ι Διοσκούροιν Ι Σέκ(στος) Πομ(πώνιος) Ίλαριανός Ι Άλκάστου<br />

ΛακεδαιμόΙνιος κατ' οναρ.<br />

Lacedaemonian<br />

Remarks: Bradford, 205. Box, JRS 21, 1931, 214 η. 5 correctly observes that the usual<br />

praenomen for Pomponius in Spartan inscriptions is Caius (cf. the stemma of the<br />

Pomponii in IG V 1, p. 131), except for Sex. Pomponius Hilarianus. The<br />

abbreviation ΠΟΜ could be completed Πομ(πήιος) as well, which would fit the<br />

praenomen Sextus even better, but the name Alcastus at Sparta is closely linked to<br />

the gentilicium Pomponius (LAC 641 - 642, C. Pomponii Alcastoi I. II).<br />

Chronologically it is very likely that the person was the son of C. Pomponius<br />

Alcastus (I) (LAC 641); for a stemma of the family see A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80,<br />

1985, 242, table 4.<br />

215. [- - - ΠΟΜ]ΠΩΝΙΟΣ ΣΕΟΥΗΡΟΣ<br />

IG IV 1275; IG IV 2 1, 575; Peek 1969, 111, no. 240, facsimile [2nd c. A.D.(?)].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a dedication to Demeter Carpophores (?): [—]OIOY.I [- - Πομ]πώνιος<br />

Σεουήρος I— αστός AC\[.]OC I [—] άνέθηκεν .<br />

Remarks: According to Peek, the name is to be completed as [Γ. Πομ]πώνιος Σεουήρος. The<br />

following text, according to IG, should be read as - - - ΑΣΤΟΣ ΑΣ\ΟΣ, and<br />

completed as [ΒΛ]ΑΣΤΟΣ ΑΣΑ[Ι]ΟΣ. J.R. Wiseman, The land of the ancient<br />

Corinthians, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, vol. 50 (Göteborg 1978) 111,<br />

no. 17 (SEG 28, 1978,403) suggests that the ethnikon "Άσαϊος may refer to the town<br />

in Corinthia. Peek completes [πυρο]φορήσας τό ια' έ[τ]ος, which seems more<br />



probable than the restoration of the ethnic Άσαΐος. According to Peek's restoration<br />

the inscription is to be dated in A.D. 135 (on the 11th year from the presence of<br />

Hadrian in Greece).<br />


IG IV 1534; IG IV 2 1, 88; Peek, 1969, 31-32, no. 37,1. 20-21 [A.D. 164].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a fragment of a letter of a noble Roman to the polis Epidauros; the<br />

document is dated by Laelianus, who was one of the consuls.<br />

Remarks: For the precise date both of the Hadrianic era and the consuls, cf. A. J. Cossage,<br />

"The Date of IG V (2) 516 (S/G 3 800)", ABSA 49, 1954,53, η. 18 (BullÉpigr 1956, 114).<br />

For the person see Degrassi, Fasti consolari, 46, no. 916 (consul of the year A.D.<br />

163); G. Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter den Antoninen (Bonn 1977)<br />

177, 233, 279 f., 316, 325; PIR 2 Ρ 805.<br />


P. Charneux, BCH 80, 1956, 604-610, no. 6,1. 19, fig. 3 (BullÉpigr 1958, 228; SEG 16, 1959,<br />

253) [2nd/3rdc. A.D.].<br />

Argos, theatre; a list of magistrates ludis praesidentium, where the person is attested as γρο-<br />

φέως άμφοτέρ[ων] τών αγώνων.<br />

Remarks: For the identity of those games see Charneux, op. cit., 608 ff. (BullÉpigr 1958, 228).<br />


P. Charneux, BCH81, 1957, 181-202,1. 5-6 (SEG 16, 1959, 255) [170/169 B.C.].<br />

Argos; an honorary decree for Cn. Octavius who was a member of an embassy to the Achaean<br />

League; Aulus (Hostilius Mancinus) was the consul: ...αποσταλείς δέ καί πρεσβευτάς [μετά]<br />

Γα[Ϊ]ου υπό Αΰλου....<br />

Remarks: For the date at the end of the decree see remarks on ARG 25.<br />

He is to be identified with C. Popilius (Polyb. XXVIII. 3-5). About his offices see<br />

H. Volkmann, RE XXII 1 (1953) 57-58, s.v. C Popillius Laenas [18]; P. Charneux,<br />

BCHSÌ, 1957, 186; Broughton, Magistrates I, 402; 410; 426; 430; 446, II. 605.<br />

ΠΡΑΤΟΛΑΟΣ: see (Π. Μέμμιος) Πρατόλαος (ARG 190).<br />

219. ΠΡΕΙΜΑ<br />

W. Vollgraff, BCH 33, 1909, 458-460, no. 24, photo on p. 459 [imperial].<br />

Argos, found in a private garden; a grave stele decorated with a relief and bearing the funerary<br />

inscription Πρεΐμα χέρε (sic); it is the same stone as that with the funerary inscription of Aulus<br />


(ARG 23). They may be members of the same family.<br />


Remarks: For several restorations of the inscription of Aulus see ARG 23.<br />

220. ΠΡΕΙΜΕΡΟ[Σ (?)]<br />

W. Vollgraff, BCH 33, 1909, 461-6, no. 26,1. 16 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; a stele of gray limestone; the text is a record dated according to the Roman calendar;<br />

Vollgraff regards it as "le compte rendu des séances de la boule d'Argos".<br />

Remarks: For the date see P. Charneux, BCH 115, 1991, 322 (SEGAI, 1991, 285). For the<br />

*221. ΠΡΟΚΛΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

name of the person see Solin and Salomies, 383.<br />

P. Charneux, BCH 80, 1956, 616-618, no. 9, fig. 9 (AnnÉpigr 1957, 96; SEG 16, 1959, 261;<br />

BullÉpigr 1958, 228); Feissel, T&MByz, 289, no. 28 [middle of the 4th c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, agora, in second use; a statue base for the άν[θύπ(ατος)] Proculianus, erected by Leucadius:<br />

Τον πάσης σοφίης έοίστορα, Ι τον Θέμιν αυτήν δίξαντα έν μεΙρόπεσσ" ολβ[ι]ον άν[θ]ύπ(ατον)<br />

Λευκάδιος Ι Προκλιανόν έής κοσμήτορα πάτρης Ι εϊνεκεν εύδικίης στήσεν αμειβόμενος.<br />

proconsul<br />

Remarks: The proconsul is unknown; perhaps he financed the construction of some public<br />

222. ΠΡΟΚΛΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

building of Argos (cf. κοσμήτορα). About honorary epigrams for Roman proconsuls<br />

of the late Empire see L. Robert, Hellenica IV (1948) 35-114.<br />

IG TV 835 A, 1.9 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Troizen; three fragments of a marble plaque bearing inscriptions related to loans. Maybe<br />

identified with Κλαύδιος Προκλιανός, Fragment Β, 1. 8.<br />


IG IV 744 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; an inscription commemorating the building of some public monument at the<br />

expense of Sceptiane:<br />

[Πο]υβλία Σκεπτιανή [ ίδίΙο]ις άναλώμασιν [ τάς] Ι [έ]ξέ[δ]ρας συν τ[ώ (s. τ[ή,<br />

τ[οις, τ[αις)— ] Ι [κα]ί τήν — έ[π]ι—.<br />


IG IV 1413;/G IV 2 1, 666 [1st c. A.D.].<br />



Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base decorated with a cymation erected for the person by the<br />

polis of Epidauros:<br />

[Α. πό]λις των Έ[πιδαυρίων] Ι Ποπλιλίαν Σεκοϋνδα[ν] Ι Γναίου θυγατέρα άρετ[ας] Ι ένεκεν.<br />

d. Cnaeus Publilius (ARG 225)<br />


[1] IG IV 1412+1414; IG IV 2<br />

A.D.].<br />

1, 668; Peek 1969, 127-8, no. 291, facsimile, pi. LH, 89 [1st e.<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base erected by the polis of Epidauros for the person and for<br />

Cn. Memmius Regulus:<br />

Γ Α πόλις των Έπιδαυρ]ίων τ[ούς εύεργέτας γενομένους ΓναΙον Πο]πλίλιον τ[όν] πρε-<br />

σβε[υταν και ΓναΙον Μέμμι]ον Τήγλον [τον ά]ντιστρ[άταγον].<br />

legatus<br />

[2] IG IV 1413; IG IV 2 1, 666 [1st e. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base decorated with a cymatium erected for the person's<br />

daughter, Publilia Secunda (ARG 224), by the polis of Epidauros (for the text see ARG 224).<br />

Remarks: According to Thomasson, 191, no. 11 the inscription [1] is an honorary one for P.<br />

Memmius Regulus and his name should not be completed as [ΓναΙον Μέμμι]ον<br />

Τήγλον but as [Πόπλιον Μέμμι]ον Τήγλον. Groag, Reichsbeamten, 26, n. 106<br />

doubts the restoration of IG for [1], according to which Publilius is to be considered<br />

as legate of Memmius Regulus. Groag believes that this inscription has nothing to do<br />

with Regulus. Peek restores the text as: [Α. πόλις των Έπιδαυρ]ίων Γ[ναΙον<br />

Πο]πλίλιον Γ[αΐου υί]ον Τήγλον and believes, like Groag, that this fragment does<br />

not belong to an inscription in honour of Memmius Regulus. Lapis III of the<br />

publication in IG is, according to Peek, an independent fragment, which is to be<br />

restored as: [Π. Μέμμιον Π. υίόν Τήγλον] Ι [ύπατικόν], πρεσβε[υτήν Σε]Ι[βαστών<br />

ά]ντιστρ[άτηγον ].<br />

f. Publilia Secunda (ARG 226)<br />

226. ΠΟΠΛΙΟΣ<br />

IG IV 1053; IG IV 2 1, 385 [ετει κγ'=Α.ϋ. 147].<br />

Epidauros, sactuary; an altar bearing his dedication to Leto: ΛητοΙ Ι Πόπλιος Ι πυρφόρος Ι ετει<br />

κγ' .<br />

Pyrphoros<br />

227. [P(UBLIUS)]/ [Π]ΟΠΛΙΟΣ<br />

IG IV 634 [2nd e. B.C.(?)].<br />



228-231<br />

Argos; Milchhöfer, MDA/(A) 4, 1987, 156 saw the stone near the theatre; a bilingual funerary<br />

inscription for the liberta Marcia Hiluria; Publius was her patron: [Marcia] l(iberta) Hiluria I<br />

[Μαρκία Π]οπλίου Ίλυρί[α] (see also ARG 180).<br />

228. ΠΟ(ΠΛΙΟΣ) ΑΠΟΑΛΩΝΙΔ (?)<br />

Le Bas-Foucart, Voyage II, 137; IG IV 649 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; gravestone bearing the epitaphs of several persons. There is some problem in the<br />

reading and completion of the text of this inscription.<br />

Le Bas-Foucart: Α. Α,πολλωνίδης Ι [ιερεύς] Διός Σεβαζείου το μνήμα Ι [κατεσκ]εύασεν ζών.<br />

Πο. Απολλωνιδίων, χαίρε Ι ιον ζήσας ήλικίης ετεσι τριάντα δύω. Πολείτα Ι χαίρε<br />

ζήσας έτη λ'.<br />

IG IV (Fraenkel): Α[ύλ.] Απολλωνίδης Ι [ιερεύς] Διός Σεβαζείου, το μνήμαΙ κατεσκ]εύασεν<br />

ζών. Πο. Απολλωνίδ(α, Δ)ίων χαίρε[τε] Ι - -ιον ζήσασ(α) ήλικία[ς] ετεσι τριάντα δύω.<br />

Πολείταρ[χε] Ι—α ραψωδέ, χαίρε, ζήσας έτη λ'.<br />

Remarks: D. Feissel, "Trois aspects de l'influence du latin sur le grec tardif", T&MByz 8,1981,<br />

142 and n. 65 (SEG 31, 1981, 312) discusses the use of the word τριάντα instead of<br />

τριάκοντα.<br />


IG IV 1193; IG IV 2 1,501 [lst/2nd e. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar bearing a dedication of the person to Artemis Ephesia: Πόπλιος I<br />

Έπαφροδίτου Ι Άρτέμιδι Ι Έφεσίαι.<br />

230. ΚΟΪΝΤΟΣ<br />

IG IV 653 [3rd/4th e. A.D.].<br />

Argos; a funerary inscription for two persons, maybe brothers: Εύ[μ]ο[ί]ρ[ει], ΔίΙων ειρήνη I<br />

σοι, Κόιντε.<br />

Remarks: Mitsos, 109. According to Feissel, T&MByz 9, 1985,369, no. 108 the acclamation<br />

231. Κ(ΟΪΝΤΟΣ)<br />

for Κόιντος is not necessarily a Christian one.<br />

IG IV 698 (L. Robert, Hellenica XI-XII, 1960, 276, adn. 2; SEG 22, 1967, 271) [7 B.C.].<br />

Hermione; a dedication by Κ(όιντος) Καικίλιος Κ(οΐντου) υιός Σωτήριχος, who had the<br />

function of τοξαρχία in the year 24 (δ' και κ' έτος τοξαρχήσας). The person discussed here is<br />

his father (text and more for the inscription see ARG 67).<br />

f. Q. Caecilius Q. f. Soterichus (ARG 67)<br />




[1] Peek, 1972, 45, no. 83 [imperial].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base erected by the polis of Epidauros honouring its citizen<br />

Archilochus:<br />

[Α. πόλις τώ]ν Έπιδαυρ[ίων] Ι [Τιβ. Κοιντ]ον Αρχίλοχ[ον] Ι [Έπιδα]ύριον άρε[τ]ά[ς<br />

ε]νεκεν Ι [και ε]ύνοίας τά[ς εις] αύτά[ν]. According to Peek he is to be identified with the<br />

priest of IG IV 2<br />

1,554.<br />

[2] IG IV 1070; IG IV 2<br />

1, 554; Peek 1969, 109, no. 230, facsimile, pi. XLIV, 73. 74 [imperial].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a dedication made probably during his priesthood. The text in IG is: T[i.<br />

Σ]ε[ου]ήρος (?) Τιβ. Κοΐντου Αρχίλοχος.<br />

Remarks: Peek, 1. 4-5:... επί είερέος Τιβ. Κοΐντου Αρχιλόχου, i.e. the name Τ[ι. Σ]ε[ου]ήρος<br />

of IG IV 2 1, 554 is according to Peek to be completed as επί είερέως.<br />

For the gentilicium see Solin and Salomies, 153; it could be understood as Κοΐ'ντος.<br />

233. [- - -]OOY ΥΙΟΣ ΡΗΓΑΟΣ<br />

IG IV 586 (cf. U. Kahrstedt, Das wirtschaftliche Gesicht Griechenlands in der Kaiserzeit (Bern<br />

1954) 164, n. 6 [cf. SEG 15, 1958, 202]; for a photo see P. Charneux, BCH80, 1956, 607, fig.<br />

6 [cf. SEG 16, 1959, 260]) [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, it was built into the church of Hagios Dimitrios (cf. Charneux, op. cit., 608, η. 7); a<br />

fragmentary honorary inscription, from the text of which it is known that the named<br />

agonothetes was granted the honours of Heracles and Perseus (?), χρυσοφορία μετά πορφύ­<br />

ρας διά βίου and honoured with the erection of statues:<br />

[ ]όου υίόν Τήγλον, [α]Ι[ ]ειαν, άγωνοθετήσαντα Ι [Σεβάστεια δικαί]ως και μεγαλο-<br />

ψύχως ού Ι [μόνον άλλα και δ]όντα Ήρ[α] έκ των ιδίων Ι 5 [δραχμάς χιλίας (?)], ω και έδώ-<br />

καμεν τάς Ι [Περσέος και Ήρακλέος] τειμάς και χρυσοφορίαν Ι [μετά πορφύρας διά βί]ου<br />

και μόνω και πρώ[τ]ωι Ι [και άνεστήσαμεν άν]δριάντας.<br />

Remarks: Kahrstedt, op. cit., suggests completing δηνάρια instead of δραχμάς in 1. 5. For a<br />

234. ΡΟΥΦΟΣ<br />

similar text from Argos see W. Vollgraff, BCH 27, 1903, 260-261, no. 2. For the<br />

person see Mitsos, 158. About χρυσοφορία cf. ARG 88.<br />

[1] IG IV 672 (Mitsos, 158) [1st half of 3rd e. A.D.].<br />

Argolis, Nauplion, near the public bath; honorary inscription after a decree of the boule for the<br />

son of the person, M. Aurelius Rufus (text ARG 53 [3]).<br />

[2] IG IV 720 [1st half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Hermione; an honorary inscription erected for the person by his wife Aurelia Eleutheris<br />

(text 53 [2]).<br />

f. M. Aurelius Rufus (ARG 53)<br />


235. ΡΟΥΦΟΣ<br />

IG IV 613 (Mitsos, 159) [1st c. A.D.].<br />


Argos; statue base decorated with a cymatium, erected by Rufus for his wife:<br />

Φιλούσαν ΕύκράΙτους Τοΰφος Ι άνήρ άνέστησε.<br />

236. [- - - Ρ]ΟΥΦΟΣ [- - -ΙΤΙΝΟΥ ΥΙΟΣ<br />

IG IV 1011; IG IV 2<br />

letters].<br />

1,456; Peek 1969, 99, no. 178, facsimile [2nd c. A.D.: from the style of the<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a fragmentary marble plaque bearing an inscription concerning the<br />

building of a library dedicated to Apollo:<br />

[ Τ]οϋφος Γ. Ξ[ ] Ιτίνου υιός Άπόλλω]1νι Μαλεάτα κα[ί Ασκληπιω Σωτήρι την] Ι<br />

βιβλιοθήκην [και πάντα τά εν αυτή βιβλί]1α άνέθηκεν εί[εραπολήσας το ... έτος] Ι και<br />

άγω[νοθετήσας].<br />

Remarks: In IG. [Ρ]ΟΥΦΟΣ Γ' Ξ ΤΙΝΟΥ (1. 1). According to Peek the inscription is to<br />

237. ΣΕΚΟΥΝΔΟΣ<br />

be read as [Γ. Τ]οΰφος Γ. Ξ[εν]αίου [το]ύ Σα[λεν] Ιτίνου υιός. In his restoration of<br />

the text the person is a Ν[εαπολίτης], εί[εραπολήσας δίς] και άγω[νοθετήσας]. In<br />

lapide Τ]ούφος Γ. Ξ[—] Ιτίνου υιός.<br />

IG IV 2 1, 82-84,1. 7 and 21 (Α. Wilhelm, Πραγματεΐαι 'Ακαδημίας Αθηνών, 1936, 32; SEG<br />

11, 1950, 408 a) [1st half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an honorary decree of Athens for T. Statilius Lamprias (III). Secundus<br />

is the name of the archon: έπί Σεκούνδου άρχοντος και ιερέως Δρούσου υπάτου.<br />

Athenian<br />

Remarks: The date of the text is according to IG A.D. 40-42 and according to A.J.S. Spawforth,<br />

238. ΣΕΡΙΟΣ<br />

ABS A 80, 1985, 254, A.D. 38-48.<br />

G.A. Stamires, Hesperia29, 1960, 116 (SEG 17, 1960, 171).<br />

Hermione; a plaque bearing a Christian funerary inscription.<br />


IG IV 2 1, 101, 49; Peek, 1969, 40-41, no. 45 (publishes 1. 41-48) [έτους τρίτου και έξηκο-<br />

στοΰ=Α.ϋ. 32/33 (actian era)].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a list of victors of the games Apolloneia, Asclapeia and Caesareia.<br />

Victor in [άρματι(?)] τελέω<br />


240. ΣΕΞΤΟΣ<br />


[l]/GIV599[lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Argos, church of Hagia Paraskevi; his son Sextus Pompeius Marcianus is honoured as<br />

euergetes with a statue by the tribe of Π[αμφυλάν] (text ARG 211 [1]).<br />

[2] IG IV 600 (Mitsos, 153 and 160?) [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, near the church of Hagios Petros; his son Sextus Pompeius Marcianus is honoured as<br />

euergetes with a statue by the tribe Hyrnathia (text ARG 211 [2]).<br />

f. Sextus Pompeius Marcianus (ARG 211)<br />

241. ΣΤΑΤΕΙΑΙΑ [ΦΑ]ΝΟΚΔΕΙΑ (?)<br />

IG IV 610 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, built into a wall surrounding a garden; an honorary inscription erected by her for T.<br />

Statilius, son of Marcius, Aelianus, see ARG 243:<br />

Ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής). Ι Τ(ίτον) ΣτατείλιΙον Μαρκίο[υ Ι υί]όν ΑίλιαΙνόν Ι Στατειλία Ι<br />

[Φα]νόκλεια (?).<br />

m. T. Statilius Aelianus (ARG 243)<br />


[1] Peek, 1972, 32, no. 51, facsimile [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; two marble fragments, perhaps of a small altar, bearing a dedication to<br />

Hygeia and Tyche. The name of the person appears in this inscription as [Σ]τατειλία Τει-<br />

μοσ[θενίς] Ι [Ύ]γεία Τύχη.<br />

[2] IG IV 1402; IG IV 2 1,604 [A.D. 66-67].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base for the wife of Nero, Messalina, erected by Teimosthenis:<br />

Μεσσαλειναν Νέρωνος Ι Κλαυδίου Καίσαρος ΣεΙβαστού Γερμανικού Ι [γ]υναικα Ι 5 [Στα­<br />

τειλία Τειμοσθενίς.<br />

[3] IG IV 939,1. 3-4 and 940, 1. 3; IG IV 2 1, 85-86,1. 3-4, 9, 26, 30; Peek 1969, 29-31, no. 36,<br />

pi. VIII, 13 with a different reading and restoration of the text (cf. SEG 35, 1985, 305) [IG:<br />

A.D. 40-42; A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985, 254: A.D. 38-48].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a Spartan decree of consolation for T. Statilius Lamprias (III) (see also<br />

252 [2]). Teimosthenis is the mother of Lamprias and appears here without her gentilicium<br />

(...Τίτον Στατείλιον Λαμπρίαν, υίόν μέν Τειμοκράτους και Τειμοσθενίδος...).<br />

[4] IG IV 1441; IG IV 2 1, 670 [before the enfranchisement of the family, i.e. before A.D. 35-44].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary, an exedra bearing honorary inscriptions for her and her son Lamprias<br />

(III) (ARG 245). The person is attested here without a Roman gentilicium, probably because<br />

the family had not yet acquired Roman citizenship:<br />

[Ά] πόλις των Έπιδα[υρ]ίων Ι Τειμοσθενίδα Δ[αμά]ρεος Ι Λακεδαιμονίου Θυ[γ]ατέ1ρα,<br />



γυναίκα Τ[ι]μοκρ[άτ]εος Ι 5<br />

άρετάς ένεκεν κα[ί] εύΙνοίας τας εις αύτάν.<br />

[5] IG IV 2<br />

1, 681; cf. Peek 1969, 130, no. 297 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base decorated with a cymatium erected for the son of the<br />

person by the brother of his mother Teimosthenis, L. Volussenus Aristocrates of Sparta:<br />

Τίτον Στατείλιον ΤειΙμοκράτους και ΤειμοσθεΙνίδος υίόν Λαμπρίαν ΛούΙκιος Ούολοσσηνός<br />

ΑριστοΙ 5<br />

κράτης τον τής αδελφής Ι υίόν ευσεβούς μνήμης Ι ένεκεν.<br />

Lacedaimonian<br />

m. Τ. Statilus Lamprias (ARG 245); for a stemma of the family see A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80,<br />

1985, 249, table 7 and Appendix, Stemma V.<br />


IG IV 610 (Mitsos 162) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; an honorary inscription erected for the named person by the boule and a Statilia<br />

Phanocleia with the approval of the boule, which appears at the head of the inscription (for the<br />

text see ARG 241).<br />

Remarks: Mitsos reads the name as Τ(ΙΤΟΣ) ΣΤΑΤΕΙΛΙΟΣ ΝΑΡΚΙΣ[Σ]ΟΣ ΑΙΛΙΑΝΟΣ; in<br />

lapide MAPKICICON; see ARG 181 and 241.<br />


[1] JGIV 1139; IGW 1 1, 665; Peek 1969, 125-126, facsimile [A.D. 35-44].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an exedra erected by T. Statilius Lamprias, son of Lamprias and T.<br />

Statilius Teimocrates, son of Lamprias on behalf of the Achaeans honouring the governor<br />

Memmius Regulus:<br />

Τίτος Στατείλιος Λαμπρίου υιός Λαμπρίας και Τίτος Στατείλιος Λαμπρίου υιός Τειμο-<br />

κράτης υπέρ τους 'Αχαιούς άνέθηκαν.<br />

[2] IG IV 1446; IG IV 2 1, 674 [before the enfranchisement of the family, i.e. under Augustus<br />

or Tiberius].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a base for a statue erected by the polis for the person. Though his name<br />

is attested as [Λαμ]πρίαν Λαμπρία he is identified by F. Hiller von Gaertringen with the<br />

person discussed here, which is accepted also by Spawforth, 251 (see remarks):<br />

[Α. πόλι]ς των Έπιδα[υρίων] Ι [Λαμ]πρίαν Λαμπρία, ίε[ραπο]Ι[λήσ]αντα και<br />

άγωνοθε[τή]Ι[σαν]τα Άπολλωνεϊα και [Ασ]Ι 5 [κλαπ]εΐα και Καισάρηα φιλο[δό]Ι[ξως]<br />

άρετάς ένεκεν.<br />

[3] IG IV 1443; IG IV 2 1, 672 [before the enfranchisement of the family, i.e. before A.D. 35-44].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an exedra bearing several honorary inscriptions for members of the<br />

family. Lamprias is attested here as father of Callicrateia, who is honoured by the polis of<br />

Epidauros:<br />



Α πόλις των Έπιδαυ[ρίων] Ι Καλλικράτειαν Λα[μ]π[ρία] Ι άρετάς ένεκεν και εύΙνοίας τας<br />

εις αύτάν.<br />

[4] IG IV 938; IG IV 2 1, 84,1. 41 (Α. Wilhelm, Πραγματεΐαι Ακαδημίας Αθηνών Α, 1936,<br />

32; SEG 11, 1950, 408 a; cf. Peek 1969, 29, no. 35) [1st half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an honorary decree of consolation from Athens for T. Statilius<br />

Lamprias (III), who died prematurely. The grandfather of the honorand, Lamprias (II), is<br />

attested here in 1. 40-41 : ...τους γονείς αυτού Τειμοκράτην και Τειμοσθενίδα και τον πάππον<br />

Λαμπρίαν...<br />

hierapolos, agonothetes of Apolloneia, Asclapeia and Caesareia<br />

Remarks: For [2] cf. also A. Momigliano, JRS 34, 1944, 115/6 (SEG 11, 1950, 445 a); A.J.S.<br />

Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985, 254.<br />

This individual is the first attested member of the important family of the Statuii<br />

(studied by Spawforth, op. cit.). He was agonothetes of Apolloneia, Asclapeia,<br />

Caesareia under Augustus or Tiberius (cf. M. Sève, "Les concours d'Épidaure", REG<br />

106, 1993, 314), before he acquired Roman citizenship, which probably happened in<br />

the period A.D. 35-44.<br />

f. T. Statilius Timocrates (I) (ARG 252); for a stemma of the family see A.J.S. Spawforth,<br />

ABSA 80, 1985, 249, table 7 and Appendix, Stemma V.<br />


[1] IG IV 2 1, 82-84 11. 4-5, 17, 26, 38 (Α. Wilhelm, Πραγματεΐαι Ακαδημίας Αθηνών4, 1936,<br />

32; SEG 11, 1950, 408 a; cf. Peek 1969, 29, no. 35) [1st half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an honorary decree of consolation from Athens for T. Statilius<br />

Lamprias, who died prematurely. It provides for the erection of two more statues of the<br />

deceased on the Acropolis and in the telesterion of Eleusis; the person is cited here as Τίτον<br />

Στατείλιον Στατειλίου υίόν Τειμοκράτους Λαμπρίαν (11. 4-5, 16-17 and 38) and Λαμπρίαν<br />

Τειμοκράτους (1. 26).<br />

[2] IG IV 939,1. 2-6; 940,1. 2, 9 and 24; IG IV 2 1, 85-86,1. 2-6, 8, 30; Peek 1969, 29-31, no.<br />

36, pi. Vili, 13 with different restoration of the text (cf. SEG 35, 1985, 305) [1st half of 1st<br />

c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a Spartan decree of consolation for the premature death of the<br />

person. It shows that he died, not in his tenth year, as formally believed (IG IV 2 86), but in<br />

his eighteenth. The decree provides for a second bronze statue in the Spartan gymnasium<br />

and two gilded portrait-paintings respectively in the agoras of Sparta and Epidauros.<br />

Spawforth dates the premature death of T. Statilius Lamprias ca. A.D. 38-48:<br />

Γ Α πόλις των Λακεδαιμονίων Ι Τίτον Στατείλιον Λαμπρίαν,Ι υίόν μέν Τειμοκράτους και<br />

ΤειμοΙσθενίδος, άδελφόν δέ ΠασιΙχαρείας, άδελφιδοΰν δέ ΑριστοΙκράτους, ήρωα.<br />

[3] IG IV 1442; IG IV 2 1, 671; Peek 1969, 128, no. 292, pi. LII-LIII, 90-92 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an exedra bearing statues of him and his mother erected before the<br />


enfranchisement of the family:<br />


Ά πόλις των Έπιδαυρίων Λαμπρίαν Τειμοκράτεος πυροφορήσ[α]ντα. vac. υιός άριστ[ος].<br />

[4] IG IV 1448; IG IV 2 1, 676; Peek 1969, 129, no. 295 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base erected by the boule and demos of Corinth:<br />

Ή βουλή και ό δήμ[ο]ς ο ΚοΙρινθίων Τίτον Στατείλ[ι]ον Τειμοκράτους Ι υίόν Λαμπρίαν<br />

αρετής ένεκεν.<br />

[5] IG IV 1449; IG IV 2 1, 677 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base erected for the person by the polis of Epidauros:<br />

Α πόλις ά των ΈπιδαυρίΙων Τίτον Στατίλιον ΤειμοΙκράτους υίόν Λαμπρίαν Ι άρετάς<br />

ένεκεν.<br />

[6] IG IV 1450; IG IV 2 1, 679 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base erected for the person by the synod of the Asclapiastai of<br />

Panakeia:<br />

r A σύνοδος ά των Ι Ασκλαπιαστάν των έν Ι Πανάκεια Τίτον Στατείλιον Τειμοκράτους υίόν<br />

Λαμπρίαν άρετάς ένεκεν.<br />

[7] JGIV 2 1, 681; cf. Peek 1969, 130, no. 297 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base decorated with a cymatium erected for the person by the<br />

brother of his mother Teimosthenis, L. Volussenus Aristocrates of Sparta. The name is attested<br />

as Τίτον Στατείλιον ΤειΙμοκράτους και ΤειμοσθεΙνίδος υίόν Λαμπρίαν ΛούΙκιος Ούολοσσηνός<br />

ΑριστοΙκράτης τον τής αδελφής Ι υίόν ευσεβούς μνήμης Ι ένεκεν.<br />

Remarks: For comments on several lines of [2] see G. Klaffenbach, "Zu IG IV 2 1, 86", AE<br />

1937, 263-5; Α. Wilhelm, ADAW 1939, Nr. 21, 5-10 (SEG 11, 1950, 409). The texts<br />

[1] and [2] are dated by IG in A.D. 40-42 and by A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985,<br />

254 in A.D. 38-48. According to Fraenkel (IG IV 1442) the last phrase of [3] must<br />

be completed as υιός Άρίσ[των].<br />

For the person see also Mitsos, 113 and 162; A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80, 251-2,<br />

stemma on p. 249, table 7. The premature death of T. Statilius Lamprias (III) is a<br />

well documented event, since it caused two long consolation decrees respectively by<br />

Athens and Sparta reflecting the kinship of the Epidaurian family with prominent<br />

families of both cities. Maybe the family had further ties with Corinth, which also<br />

honours him. The réédition of the Spartan decree by Peek, op. cit., made clear that<br />

the death of the youth occured when he was eighteen and not ten years old, as had<br />

previously been believed. The date of his death is disputed, see Spawforth, 253-254<br />

and n. 166, who argues for a date between A.D. 38 and 48.<br />

About consolation decrees see O. Gottwald, "Zu den griechischen<br />

Trostbeschlüssen", CV 3, 1937, 5-19; L. Robert, Hellenica III (1946) 15-17; N.<br />

Ehrhardt, LavernaS, 1994, 38-55 (S£G 44, 1994, 1691).<br />

For a stemma of the family see A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985, 249, table 7 and<br />

Settipani, 496; see also Appendix, Stemma V.<br />

231<br />




IG IV 1447; IG IV 2 1, 675; Peek 1969, 128-129, no. 294, facsimile, pi. LIV, 93; cf. M. Sève,<br />

"Les concours d'Épidaure", REG 106, 1993, 316, η. 57 [end 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base erected for the named person by the polis of Epidauros:<br />

Ά πόλις ά των Έπιδαυρίων Ι Τίτον Στατείλιον ΤειμοΙκράτους υίόν Λ[α]μπρίαν ΜεμΙμια-<br />

νόν, άγωνοθετήσαντα Ι 5 Απολλωνεια και Ασκλαπ[εια] Ι — .<br />

Remarks: According to A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985, 255, he was adopted by his<br />

grandfather, Statilius Timocrates (I), after the death of his son Lamprias (III); his<br />

parents were P. Memmius Pratolaus and Memmia Pasichareia. He could have been<br />

born between A.D. 40 and 60, his public activity falling towards the end of the first<br />

century. The edition of IG identifies the person with Statilius Lamprias (III) and<br />

dates the inscription about A.D. 80.<br />

For a stemma of the family see A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985, 249, table 7 and<br />

Appendix, Stemma V.<br />

247. (Τ. ΣΤΑΤΕΙΛΙΟΣ) [Λ]ΑΜΠΡΙΑΣ (V)<br />

IG IV 590 (cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 605) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, "reperta adarcem, in ambituputei a Turcis construct!'; an honorary inscription erected<br />

by the polis of Argos for the son of the person Τ(ίτον) Στατίλιον ΛαμΙπρίου ύόν (sic) Τιμο-<br />

κράτη Ι Μεμμιανόν (for the complete text of the inscription see ARG 261).<br />

Remarks: Peek identifies this person's son with figure in IG IV 2 1, 665, 673, 678. Cf. A.J.S.<br />

Spawforth, ABSA 80,255-6 (discussion of the date) and 258, where he identifies him<br />

with an otherwise unknown son of T. Statilius Timocrates (II) of the inscription<br />

published by Peek 1972, no. 87, 46.<br />

f. T. Statilius Timocrates (III); for a stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma V.<br />


IG IV 2 1,398 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar dedicated by the person to Μνεί[α]ι και Αύξησίαι:<br />

"Ετους .. Τ. Στατ(ίλιος) Ι Λεύκιος ιερεύς Ι Ασκληπιού Ι Μνεί[α]ι και Αύξησίαι.<br />

Priest of Asclepius<br />

Remarks: It is undetermined, whether this person could be identified with T. Statilius Lucius<br />

(ARG 249).<br />


[1]/GIV 1157;/GIV 2 1,610; Peek 1969, 118, no. 262, facsimile [197-198 A.D.: from the titles<br />

of the Emperors Septimius Severus and Caracalla].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a pedestal bearing three inscriptions respectively for M. Aurelius<br />



250-252<br />

Antoninus (Caracalla), L. Septimius Severus Pertinax and Iulia Domna. It is a monument<br />

erected by the town during the period when the named person served as hieromnemon:<br />

Ή πόλις έκ των ίερομνημονικών πόρων έπί ίερομνημόνων [Αύρ(ηλίου) Πλήσμονος και]<br />

Τ(ίτου) Στατειλίου [Λουκίου].<br />

[2] IG IV 1156; IG IV 2 1,611; Peek 1969, 118-9, no. 263, facsimile [A.D. 211/2].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a base bearing an inscription for M. Aurelius Antoninus (Caracalla). It is a<br />

momunent erected by the town during the period when the named person served as hieromnemon:<br />

...επί Ιερομνημόνων Αύρ(ηλίου) Πλήσμονος και Στατειλίου Λουκίου (text ARG 51).<br />


IG IV 999; IG IV 2 1, 397 [έτει οα' =A.D. 194/5].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a base bearing a dedication of the named person, "Ιερεύς Ι Στατείλιος I<br />

ΣεκοΰνΙδος Ι 5 Ασκληπιού Ι παισίν Ι ετει οα'.<br />

251. ΣΤΑΤΕΙΛΙΟΣ ΣΩΝ[- - -]<br />

IG IV 1535; IG IV 2 1, 494; Peek 1969, 95, no. 162, facsimile and cf. no. 200 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; on the same stone there are two inscriptions (the other one is IG IV 2 1,<br />

405); a fragmentary inscription, maybe a dedication of the person: Αρτέμιδος Λπ[—] Ι Στα­<br />

τείλιος Σων[αύτας ?] Ι [ί]εραπολή(σ)ας τό C[- - έτος].<br />

Remarks: According to Peek the cognomen is to be completed as Σωτηρίδας and according to<br />

/Gas Σων[αύτας]; for this name see LGPNIII. A, 410, s.v. Σωναύτας.<br />


[1] IG IV 934-935; IG IV 2 1, 80-81, 1. 3-4, 7, 17 (SylL' 796 A; SEG 11, 1950, 408; 35, 304);<br />

Peek 1969, 28-9, no. 34, pi. VII, 11 (BulIÉpigr 1941, 58; 1949; 67; 1953, 74; 1988, 608); Α.<br />

Wilhelm, "Zwei Beschlüsse aus Epidauros", ADAW 1939, 3-21, no. 21 [A.D. 67, see the<br />

discussion below].<br />

Epidauros; a base bearing a decree of the Παναχαϊκόν Συνέδριον in honour of the person,<br />

who held the office of the grammateus of that league. The person is attested as Τίτον Στατεί­<br />

λιον Τειμοκράτη γραμματέα αυτών γενόμενον (1.5) and ... άνήρ αξιόλογος Ι και τοΰ πρώτου<br />

τάγματος άπαντι τώι προβεβιωμένω σεμνώς Ι και θαυμαστώς βίωι κάλλιστον πολείτευμα<br />

έ[ποιήσατο και αίρε]θείς Ι 10 γραμματεύς μετά τό τήν έλευθερίαν ήμεΐν άποδοθήναι<br />

μ[ε]γ[αλοψύχως εν] Ι χρόνοις έπιπονωτάτων άμα και σφαλερωτάτων καιρών πόνο[υς τε<br />

κ]αί θερα[πείας ύπέσ]1τη ενός μέν ανδρός μείζονας, ενός δ' ένιαυτ[ο]ύ πλ[είο]νας, δι' ών<br />

πολλά[κις και] καΙλώς διέθηκεν ημάς και τα τής ελευθερίας έτι πλανώμενα καταστή[μ]α[τα]<br />

(text from IG IV 2 1,81,1.7-13).<br />

Peek, op. cit., corrects the following points: 1. 9: ...έπ[ο]λιτε[ύσατο, αίρ]εθείς δ[έ]..., 1.<br />

10:...μετά τό τήν έλευθερίαν ήμεΐν άποδοθήναι μ[ε]γά[λ]ων έ[ν μ]ηκίστοις..., 1. 12: ...δι' ών<br />

πολυπάθειαν καλώς..., 1. 13: ...και τα τής ελευθερίας έτι πλανώμενα κατεστήσατο β[έ]βαια...<br />



[2] IG IV 1139; IG IV 2 1, 665 (A. Momigliano, 1RS 34, 1944, 115/6; SEG 11, 1950, 445 a);<br />

Peek 1969, 125-126, no. 289, facsimile, pi. LI, 87-88 [A.D. 35-44].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an exedra erected by T. Statilius Lamprias, son of Lamprias and T.<br />

Statilius Teimocrates, son of Lamprias on behalf of the Achaeans:<br />

Τίτος Στατείλιος Λαμπρίου υιός Λαμπρίας και Τίτος Στατείλιος Λαμπρίου υιός Τειμοκράτης<br />

υπέρ τους Αχαιούς ανέβηκαν.<br />

[3] IG IV 1441; IG IV 2 1, 670 [before the enfranchisement of the family, i.e. before A.D. 35-44].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary, an exedra bearing honorary inscriptions for his wife and son erected<br />

before the family acquired Roman citizenship:<br />

ΓΑ] πόλις τών Έπιδα[υρ]ίων Ι Τειμοσθενίδα Δ[αμά]ρεος Ι Λακεδαιμονίου Θυ[γ]ατέ1ρα,<br />

γυναίκα Τ[ι]μοκρ[άτ]εος Ι 5 άρετάς ένεκεν κα[ί] εύΙνοίας τάς εις αύτάν.<br />

[4] IG IV 1442; IG IV 2 1, 671; cf. Peek 1969, 128, no. 292, pi. LII-LIII, 90-92 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; on the same exedra erected before the enfranchisement of the family,<br />

bearing an honorary inscription for the son of the person:<br />

Ά πόλις τών Έπιδαυρίων Λαμπρίαν Τειμοκράτεος πυροφορήσ[α]ντα. υιός άριστ[ος].<br />

Remarks: IG IV 1442: υιός Αρίστ[ων].<br />

[5] JGIV 2 1, 82-84 11. 4-5, 17, 26, 38 (Α. Wilhelm, Πραγματεΐαι Ακαδημίας Αθηνών4, 1936,<br />

32; SEG 11, 1950, 408 a; cf. Peek 1969, 29, no. 35) [1st half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an honorary decree of consolation from Athens for T. Statilius<br />

Lamprias, who died prematurely. It provides for the erection of two more statues of the<br />

deceased son of Teimocrates on the Acropolis and in the telesterion of Eleusis: ...Τίτον Στατείλιον<br />

Στατειλίου υίόν Τειμοκράτους Λαμπρίαν (11. 4-5, 16-17 and 38) and Λαμπρίαν Τειμοκράτους<br />

(1. 26).<br />

[6] IG TV 939,1. 2-6; 940,1. 2, 9 and 24; IG IV 2 1, 85-86,1. 2-6, 8, 30; Peek 1969, 29-31, no. 36,<br />

pi. Vili, 13 with different restoration of the text (cf. SEG 35, 1985, 305) [1st half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a Spartan decree of consolation for the premature death of the person's<br />

son (for the text see ARG 245 [2]).<br />

The identification of the person of the next two inscriptions with Statilius Teimocrates (I)<br />

cannot be regarded as certain:<br />

[7] Peek, 1972, 39-40, no. 68, facsimile [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a fragmentary statue base bearing a dedication ...έπ[ί] Ι ιερέως Στατειλίου]<br />

Τιμοκράτ[ου]ς τό τρίΐτον. According to Peek he is to be identified with the person<br />

attested in [6], which Follet, Athènes, 131, n. 5 and 6 connects with Τ(ΓΤΟΣ) ΣΤΑΤΕΙΛΙΟΣ<br />


[8] IG IV 1444; IG IV 2 1, 673 [before the enfranchisment of the family, i.e. before A.D. 35-44].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; two stones of an exedra bearing an honorary inscription for the person<br />

erected by the polis of Epidauros:<br />

Γ Α πό[λ]ις τών Έπιδαυρίων Ι Τει[μ]οκράτην Λαμπρία, Ι ίερ[α]πολήσαντα δις, Ι άγωνοθετή-<br />


σαντα, Ι 5 άριστα πολειτευόμεΐνον.<br />


[9] IG IV 2 1, 681; cf. Peek 1969, 130, no. 297 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base decorated with a cymatium erected for the son of the<br />

person by the brother of his mother Teimosthenis, L. Volussenus Aristocrates of Sparta. The<br />

name of the person discussed here is attested as ΤειΙμοκράτους (text ARG 242).<br />

Remarks: The date of [1] is disputed. B. Keil, "Beiträge zur Geschichte des Areopags",<br />

Berichte über die Verhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu<br />

Leipzig, Phil.-Hist. Kl. 71, 1919, Heft 8, 3 dated the inscription IG IV 2 1, 82 in the<br />

time of Nero, followed by A. Momigliano, 1RS 34, 1944, 115-6; P. Graindor,<br />

"Chronologie des archontes athéniens sous l'empire", Mémoires publiés par la<br />

Classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiques de Ρ Académie royale de<br />

Belgique. Collection in quarto, deuxième Série, VIII 1921, no. 41 bis, p. 71-74 and<br />

309 argues for a date "vers l'époque de Claude". Groag, Reichsbeamten, 28-29<br />

interprets the phrase ...μετά τό τήν έλευθερίαν ήμεΐν άποδοθήναι... as an allusion of<br />

the beneficial government of Memmius Regulus. J.H. Oliver, "On the Athenian<br />

decrees for Ulpius Eubiotus", Hesperia 20, 1951, esp. 351, n. 1; id., Hesperia 47,<br />

1978, 187-8 suggests a grant of liberty to the Panachaeans under Tiberius on the<br />

basis of evidence from the cycle of Athenian secretaries, since Timocrates appears<br />

also in the honorary inscription for Memmius Regulus, erected on behalf of the<br />

Achaean League (see [2]). Oliver dates the liberation, refered to in the text before<br />

Caius, in the age of Tiberius, under whom Achaia became an imperial province; he<br />

also points out that the Δωριείς of the inscription were merged later in the Locroi,<br />

so that they are not named in IG VII 2711-2712, which are to be dated in A.D. 37.<br />

A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80, 253-4 (cf. SEG 35, 1985, 304) argues that Timocrates is<br />

mentioned in the Regulus' inscription [2] together with his father and would have<br />

been relatively young, not older that forty; in [1] he could be about fifty or sixty or<br />

more, in other words, already with great experience and qualification (cf.... άπαντι<br />

τώι προβεβιωμένω σεμνώς καί θαυμαστώς βίωι...); Β. Levy, "When did Nero<br />

liberate Achaia and why", in: Achaia und Elis, 189-194 cites the inscription as<br />

evidence for the serious administrative work done in Roman Achaia in A.D. 67, as<br />

provincial political institutions were swept away and were replaced by local<br />

administrative systems. The liberation took place in November A.D. 66 according<br />

to Levy, who places Timocrates' term of office in A.D. 66/7.<br />

The person was agonothetes before he obtained Roman citizenship, i.e. before A.D.<br />

35-44 (cf. [8]), like his father (ARG 244 [2]), who was agonothetes of Apollonia,<br />

Asclapeia and Caesareia.<br />

s. T. Statilius Lamprias (II) (ARG 244), husband of Statilia Teimosthenis (ARG 242), f. T.<br />

Statilius Lamprias III (ARG 245). For a stemma of the family see A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80,<br />

1985, 249, table 7, given also in Appendix, Stemma V, and Settipani, 496.<br />


[1] IG IV 2 1, 678 [IG: primum saec. IIp. Chr.].<br />

235<br />



Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base erected for the person by his kinsman Ti. Claudius<br />

Xenocles, son of Phaedrias after a decree of the polis. The name is attested as Τίτον<br />

Στα[τί]Ιλιον Λαμ[πρί]Ιου υίόν Τειμ[ο]Ικράτην Τυβέρ[ι]Ι 5 ος Κλαύδιος Φα[ι]Ιδρίου υιός<br />

ΞενοΙκλής τον ϊδιον Ι συνγενη, ψηφιίσαμένης της πόΙ 10 λεως, αρετής Ι ένεκεν.<br />

[2] Peek 1972, 46, no. 87 [A.D. 145/5: έτει κ'].<br />

Epidauros; an altar (on another side of the same stone IG IV 2 1,213 and 472) bearing an<br />

honorary inscription for the person erected by the polis of Epidauros:<br />

Α. πόλις ά τών Έπιδαυρίων Τ[ίτον] Ι Στατείλιον [Λ]αμπρία ύόν ΤειμοκράΙτη άγωνοθετήσαντα<br />

[κ]αί γυμνασιαρχήΙσ[α]ντ[α έ]ν Λυ[κ]είω κα[ί ίερα]πρ[λή]σαντα Ι 5 ετει ν κ' ν άριστα και<br />

δ[ικαιό]τατα [πά]Ι[σα]ς άρετάς ένεκε[ν και εύνοιας] Ι [τάς εις αύτάν].<br />

Remarks: A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985, 256 discusses the date in line 5 of [2] and the<br />

family connections of the honorand; cf. BullÉpigr 1973, 191. The date suggested by<br />

Spawforth agrees with Halfmann, Itinera principum, 191 dating the first visit of<br />

Hadrian to Greece in A.D. 124/5. M. Sève, "Les concours d'Épidaure", REG 106,<br />

1993, 317 corrects this date (A.D. 143/4) without further explanation. For the person<br />

and his family see A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985, 248-258.<br />

For a stemma of the family see A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985, 249, table 7 given in<br />

Appendix, Stemma V.<br />


[1] Peek, 1972, 38-39, no. 66, facsimile (SEG 35, 1985, 308) [A.D. 167/8 and 168/9].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; an altar bearing a dedication of the person to Mneia and Azesia. He<br />

dedicated this altar after completing his second term as pyrphoros:<br />

Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος Ι [Τ]ειμοκράτης Ι [Μ]εμ[μια]νό[ς] π[υρ]οΙφορών έτο[ς] μγ' Ι 5 έτος μδ'<br />

Μνείαν καί Ι Αζησί[αν].<br />

[2] IG IV 590 (Oliver, Marcus Aurelius, 117-118, no. 34; cf. BullÉpigr 1988, 605) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, "reperta adarcem, in ambitu putei a Turcis constructi"; an honorary inscription erected<br />

by the polis of Argos for the person:<br />

Ά πόλις ά τών ΑργείΙων Τ(ίτον) Στατίλιον ΛαμΙπρίου ύόν (sic) Τιμοκράτη Ι Μεμμιανόν,<br />

Περσέος καί Ι 5 Διοσκούρων άπόγονον, Ι τον έλλαδάρχαν καί άρχιίερέα διά βίου τών Έλλάνων,<br />

Ι στρατηγήσαντα τών ΑχαιΙών [γ 1 ], άγωνοθέταν ΉραίΙ 10 ων καί Νεμείων καί ΆνΙτινοείων<br />

έν "Αργεί καί Αντινοείων έν Μαντινεία Ι καί Ασκλαπείων έν ΈπιΙ 15 δαύρω, καί άμφικτύονα<br />

καί Ι έλλαδάρχαν άμφικτυόνων Ι καί Πανέλληνα καί έλληνοίταμίαν καί άγορανομήσαντα<br />

Ι καί στρατηγήσαντα τρις καί ταΙ 20 μιεύσαντα καί πρεσβεύσανίτα υπέρ τε τάς πατρίδος<br />

Ι καί τών Έλλάνων προς τε Ι τάν σύγκλητον καί προς βαίσιλέας καί τα άλλα καί<br />

λόΙ 25 γοις καί έργοις πολειτευσάΙμενον άριστα καί φιλοτειμόΙτατα, άρετάς ένεκα.<br />

According to Follet, Athènes, 131 two more inscriptions are to be ascribed to the person<br />

discussed here:<br />


[3] Peek 1972, 46, no. 87 [A.D. 144/5: ετει κ' ].<br />


Epidauros; an altar (on another side of the same stone IG IV 2 1, 213 and 472) bearing an<br />

honorary inscription for the person erected by the polis of Epidauros:<br />

Ά πόλις ά τών Έπιδαυρίων Τ[ίτον] Ι Στατείλιον [Λ]αμπρία ύόν ΤειμοκράΙτη.άγωγοθετή-<br />

σαντα [κ]αί γυμνασιαρχήΙ 4 σ[α]ντ[α έ]ν.Λυ[κ]είω κα[ί ίερα]πο[λή]σαντα Ι ετει ν κ' ν άριστα καί<br />

δ[ικαιό]τατα [πά]Ι[σα]ς άρετάς ένεκε[ν καί εύνοιας] Ι [τάς εις αύτάν] (see also ARG 253 [2]<br />

and adn. ARG 253 for the chronology).<br />

[4] IG IV 1444; IG IV 2 1, 673 [before the enfranchisement of the family, i.e. before A.D. 35-44].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; two stones of an exedra bearing an honorary inscription for the person<br />

erected by the polis of Epidauros:<br />

Ά πό[λ]ις τών Έπιδαυρίων Ι Τει[μ]οκράτην Λαμπρία, Ι ίερ[α]πολήσαντα δίς, Ι άγωνοθετή-<br />

σαντα, Ι 5 άριστα πολειτευόμεΐνον (see also ARG 252 [8]).<br />

Remarks: This individual is the last attested member of the prominent family of the Statuii; he<br />

played an important role in the Panhellenion and was agonothetes of many games,<br />

see A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985, 257-258, according to whom the two terms of<br />

his office as pyrphoros (see no. [1]) are dated to the forty-third and forty-fourth year,<br />

respectively, of a local era. As a result, the inscription is not to be dated around A.D.<br />

366-367, as Peek suggests, but in the second century A.D. According to A.J.S.<br />

Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985, 254 he was born in the decade A.D. 150-160; cf.<br />

BullÉpigr 1973, 190.<br />

For the date of [2]: on the basis of Peek 1972, 46, no. 87, which is dated in έτει κ'<br />

(A.D. 143), and IG IV 2 1, 673, which refers to the person as ίεραπολήσαντα δίς,<br />

Follet, Athènes, 131, n. 5 and 6 believes that the inscription is not to be dated before<br />

A.D. 144/5.<br />

According to B. Puech, "Grand-prêtres et helladarques d'Achaie", REA 85, 1983,29<br />

the person was the last officer of the Koinon of Argeian origin; from now on begins<br />

the significant role of Messene in the Achaean Koinon. The kings in question in 1.<br />

24 of [2] are M. Aurelius and L. Verus (A.D. 161-169).<br />

For the use of the name Memmianus and the mention of his heroic pedigree see<br />

Spawforth, op. cit., 258. For the offices of [2] see also SEG 2, 1929,55, for the office<br />

of helladarch see J. Oliver, "The helladarch", RSA 1978, 1-6 (esp. 2); J. Pouilloux,<br />

"Les épimélètes des amphictions: tradition delphique et politique romaine",<br />

Melanges P. Wuilleumier (Paris 1980) 281-300 (cf. BullÉpigr 1980,271; 1988,605).<br />

For a stemma of the family see A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985, 249, table 7 given in<br />

Appendix, Stemma V.<br />

*255. ΘΕΟΔΩΡΟΣ<br />

IG IV 787 (Groag, Reichsbeamten spätrem. Zeit, 62-64; L. Robert, Hellenica IV [1948] 102-<br />

103) [A.D. 393-395 (?)].<br />



Troizen, an honorary epigram for the person refered to as a benefactor of the polis. He must<br />

have had a public office (cf. ...πευκαλίμοις άγανής μήδεσι [ Groag: κήδεσι] ...) and left a sum<br />

of money to the Troizenians.<br />

Remarks: The person is identified by some scholars with the άρχον Αχαών, perhaps meaning<br />

proconsul, who is honoured in Athens under Theodosius I, see E. Sironen, "Life and<br />

administration of late Roman Attica in the light of public inscriptions", in: P.<br />

Castrén (ed.), Post-Herulian Athens. Aspects of life and culture in Athens A.D. 267-<br />

529 (Helsinki 1994) 31, no. 15 and id., The late Roman and early Byzantine<br />

inscriptions of Athens and Attica (Helsinki 1997) 70, no. 14 (in both works also the<br />

previous bibliography). But this identification is difficult since there are several<br />

256. ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΣ<br />

persons with the name Theodorus at that time (cf. PLRE 896-901, where the person<br />

discussed here is not included). H. Fiebiger, Inschriftensammlung zur Geschichte der<br />

Ostgermanen, neue Folge (Denkschr. Wien, 70, 3, 1939), n. 52 identifies him with<br />

the governor of Achaia who rescued the province from Goths in A.D. 380 and,<br />

moreover, without a battle but with gentle negotiations; this is also the point of view<br />

of Fraenkel in IG, Dittenberger (IG III 636), Kirchner (IG II 2 4223) and G. Welter,<br />

Troizen und Kalaureia (Berlin 1941) 59. A. von Premerstein, Zeitschr. f. deutsches<br />

Altertum 60, 76 and L. Robert, op. cit., accept that Theodorus had nothing to do with<br />

the provincial government and is to be regarded rather as a wealthy Troizenian, who<br />

held some offices in his country; cf. also A. Avraméa, Le Péloponnèse du IVe au<br />

Ville siècle. Changements et persistances (Paris 1997) 124.<br />

IG IV 625 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; a funerary epigram for Tiberius.<br />

257. ΤΙΒ(ΕΡΙΟΣ) [- - -]<br />

IG IV 1263 [imperial].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a marble statue base bearing a fragmentary dedication to Asclepius.<br />

ΤΙ[ΒΕΡΙΟΣ- - - ] (or ΤΙ[ΤΟΣ- - -]): IG IV 1179: see Iulius Antoninus Maior (ARG 149 [3]).<br />

ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΣ: see Τιβ(έριος) Κορνήλιος Πούλχρος (ARG 118)<br />

258. ΤΙΤΟΣ<br />

ZG IV 620 (Mitsos, 161).<br />

Argos, previously in the church of Hagios Nikolaos, where later a church of Hagios Petros is<br />



erected; a funerary epigram for Maenia Smyrna, daughter of Titus, wife of an Apollonius and<br />

mother of an eight-years-old child.<br />

Remarks: His name is to be completed as Titus Maenius.<br />

f. Maenia Smyrna (ARG 176)<br />

ΤΓΓΟΣ: see Heius (ARG 133)<br />


JGIV 591; W. Vollgraff, Mnemosyne47,1919,260, no. 26 (Mitsos, 141) [under Trajan or later].<br />

Argos; an honorary decree for the person, who was a victor of many games as kitharodos. The<br />

name of the honouring town, which was his hometown, is not totally preserved in IGIV 591;<br />

from the fragment published in Mnemosyne it is clear it was Thessalonike:<br />

[Ψηφίσματι Βουλής] Αργείων. Ι Ή πόλις ή Θεσσαλ[ονι]κέων Μ(άρκον) Ι Οϋλπιον, Διόδω­<br />

ρου υίόν, ΗλιόδωΙρον, τον ίδιον πολείτην, νεικήσανΙ 5 τα Νέμεια δ', Όλύμπια γ', Πύθια,<br />

ΊσθμιΙα [ε' ], 'Ακτια β', Νέαν Πόλιν β', τήν έξ "Αργούς ασπίδα γ', κοινόν Ασίας β', Ουράνια<br />

δ' καί τους κατ' έπαρχείαν άγώΐνας όσους ουδείς τών προ αύΙ 10 τοΰ κιθαρωδών, υπό φωνα-<br />

σκόν Ι Μ(άρκον) Οϋλπιον Θεόδωρον, τον ΐΐδιον άδελφόν.<br />

From Thessalonike<br />

Remarks: For the person see also Stefanis, Διονυσιακοί τεχνίται, no. 1066; A. Tataki,<br />

Macedonians abroad. A contribution to the prosopography of ancient Macedonia,<br />

ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 26 (Athens 1998) 185-186, no. 54.<br />

b. M. Ulpius Theodorus (ARG 260)<br />


IG IV 591; W. Vollgraff, Mnemosyne 47, 1919,260, no. 26 (Mitsos, 141) [under Trajan or later].<br />

Argos; an honorary decree for the brother of the person, who was a winner of many games as<br />

kitharodos. The name of the honouring town is not totally preserved in IG IV 591; from the<br />

fragment published in Mnemosyne it is clear it was Thessalonike (ARG 259 text). Theodorus<br />

was the phonascos of his brother Heliodorus: ... υπό φωνασκόν Ι Μ(άρκον) Οϋλπιον Θεόδω­<br />

ρον, τον ϊΐδιον άδελφόν.<br />

From Thessalonike<br />

Remarks: see also A. Tataki, Macedonians abroad. A contribution to the prosopography of<br />

ancient Macedonia, ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 26 (Athens 1998) 186, no. 55.<br />

b. M. Ulpius Heliodorus (ARG 259)<br />

261. Γ(ΑΙΟΣ) ΒΑΛΕΡΙΟΣ EYTYX[- - -]<br />

IG IV 835,1.5-6 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Troizen; three fragments of a marble plaque bearing inscriptions related to loans.<br />




Α. Philadelpheus, AD 1918, Παρ. II, 11, no. 9, fig. 10 (SEG 1, 1923, 72; Mitsos, 158) [2nd/3rd<br />

c. A.D.].<br />

Nauplion; a grave stele decorated with a relief depicting a woman and a young boy (text<br />

ARG 166).<br />

Remarks: The text is dated in SEG in the 3rd/4th c. A.D.<br />


P. Charneux, BCH8Ì, 1957, 121-140, fig. 1 (AnnÉpigr 1958 II, 15; SEG 16, 1959, 257) [A.D.<br />

169 or a little later].<br />

Argos, in the parodos of the theater; an honorary inscription on a statue base decorated with<br />

a cymatium:<br />

Μ(άρκω) Ούετουλήνωι Σέξ(του) Ι υίώι Κυρί(ναι) Κειβίκα(ι) Βάρβάρωι, Ι άδελφώι Λ(ουκίου)<br />

Καίσαρος, θείωι Ι Σεβαστών, συναποδήμωι θεοϋ Ι 5 Ούήρου έπί Παρθικήν στρατείαν, ύπάΙτωι,<br />

ίερει Αντωνεινιανώι, στρατηγώι, Ι ταμίαι Αύτοκράτορος Καίσαρος θεοϋ Ι Αντωνίνου Σεβα­<br />

στού Ευσεβούς, • τριΙ 10 άνδρωι · Χ(αλκοϋ) Α(ργύρου) Χ(ρυσοϋ) Χ(ωνεύσεως) Κ(ατασκευής).<br />

consul, sodalis Antoninianus, praetor, quaestor, triumvir monetalis aere argento auro flando<br />

feriundo.<br />

Remarks: The abbreviations at the end of the text are to be interpreted as triumvir auro<br />

argento aeri flando feriundo.<br />

He is probably to be identified with [Μ(άρκον) Ούετουληνόν Κείβικα] Βά[ρβαρον],<br />

who is attested in Olympia (IvO 541, A.D. 169; cf. EL 335) as ταμ[ίαν θεοϋ]<br />

Γ Αδρια[νοϋ, πρεσβευτήν] θεοϋ Άν[τωνείνου Εύσεβοΰς Σεβαστού] γ'<br />

ά[νδρών...ω]ν, δή[μαρχον (?)]. Completion of the Olympian inscription is<br />

attempted on the base of the Argive one. A statue base from Attica is preserved<br />

from a monument that Herodes Atticus erected in honour of the named person (SEG<br />

16, 1959, 166; cf. also T. L. Shear, Hesperia 7, 1938, 328 and Philostr., V5 537 and<br />

539). Vettulenus Civica Barbarus took part in the Parthian wars; he was consul of<br />

the year A.D. 157. His cursus honorum includes the following functions: triumvir<br />

monetalis aere argento auro flando feriundo, sodalis Antoninianus, sodalis Verianus,<br />

quaestor, praetor, consul. About him and his family see R. Syme, "Antonine<br />

relatives: Ceionii and Vettuleni", Athenaeum NS 35, 1957, 306-315 (=Roman Papers<br />

[edited by E. Badian] Oxford 1979, 325-332, on the Argive inscription see p. 326)<br />

proposing a different stemma from that of P. Charneux (BullÉpigr 1958, 230); W.<br />

Eck, RE Suppl. XIV (1974) 845-846, s.v. Vettulenus [2]; G. Alföldy, Konsulat und<br />

Senatorenstand unter der Antoninen (Bonn 1977) 169, 309, 324, 328, 365.<br />


IG IV 1415; IG W 2 1, 682 (SEG 33, 1983, 301; BullÉpigr 1974, 489) [A.D. 161-180].<br />



Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base erected for the person by the polis of Epidauros after a<br />

decree of the boule:<br />

Ούετούριον Πακκιανόν Ι τον συγκλητικόν Ι καί εύεργέτην ή πόλις ή τών Έπιδαυρίων.Ι<br />

Ψ(ηφίσματι) Β(ουλής).<br />

Remarks: While the person is attested in the Epidaurian text merely as συγκλητικόν we inform<br />

more about his career from an honorary inscription from Ephesos (D. Knibbe, JÖAI<br />

49, 1968-71, Beibl. 22-24, no. 4 with photo [AnnÉpigr 1972, 575]) erected for him<br />

by his friend Flavius Damianus, a famous orator who flourished under M. Aurelius<br />

(cf. PIR 2 F 253). The Ephesian text gives part of his cursus honorum: he was<br />

quaestor of Macedonia (ταμίαν Μακεόονία[ς]), proconsul of Crete, Cyrenaica and<br />

Libya ([άν]θύπατον Κρήτης Κυρήνης Λιβ[ϋ]ης), legatus Augusti pro praetore of<br />

the dioecesis of Ephesos (πρεσβευτήν καί άντιστράτηγον διοικήσεως Έφεσιακής;<br />

AnnÉpigr 1972, 575: "Paccianus est ensuite promu à la légation de la province<br />

proconsulaire dAsie, où il administre la juridiction dans le diocèse d'Ephese, une des<br />

trois circonscriptions de la province") and commander of the Legio of Moesia<br />

Superior (ηγεμόνα λεγιώνος Μυσίας τής άνω), which is to be identified with VII.<br />

Claudia at Viminacium.<br />

Halfmann, Senatoren, 192, no. 118 suggests that Paccianus came from Corinth, since<br />

his cognomen is attested in Corinth VIII. 1, 15 (A.D. 137); J.H. Oliver, EOS II, 595<br />

and 601 suggests that Vett[—] in Corinth VIII. 3, 174 and 257 could be completed<br />

as Vetturius. For Paccianus see also G. Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter<br />

der Antoninen (Bonn 1977) 263, 285, 300.<br />

Cf. also COR 448.<br />


W. Vollgraff, Mnemosyne 41, 1919, 263-270, n. 28 (RA Série 5. 12, 1920, 375-376, no. 82); V.<br />

Ehrenberg-A.H.M. Jones, Documents illustrating the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius 2 (Oxford<br />

1955) 308; J.H. Oliver, "Gerusiae and Augustales", Historia 7, 1958, 474-6, 480-1; R.K. Sherk,<br />

Roman documents from the Greek East (Baltimore, Maryland 1969) 323 f. no. 63; Oliver,<br />

Greek constitutions, no. 3 (cf. REG 33, 1920, 414; AnnÉpigr 1920, 82; SEG 17, 1960, 145;<br />

Mitsos, 19) [16-15 B.C.].<br />

Argos, on the back of an opisthographic stele (on the same stone an honorary decree for<br />

Alexander of Sicyon [published in Mnemosyne 1916, 64]); a letter of Agrippa to the Gerusia<br />

of Argive elders:<br />

Γερόντων Ι Αγρίππας Αργείων γέρουσι τοις από Ι Δαναοϋ καί Ύπερμήστρας χαίρειν. Ι<br />

Έγώ τοϋ τε διαμειναι τό σύστημα Ι 5 ύμών καί φυλάξαι τό παλαιόν αξίωμα Ι τήν αίτίαν<br />

έματώ σύνοιδα παρεσχηΐμένω καί πολλά τών καταλελυμένων Ι ύμειν άποδεδωκότι δικαίων<br />

προς τε Ι τούπιόν προνοειν υμών [προθύμως] Ι 10<br />

έχω καί τήν [ -] Ι νομιζ[—].<br />

Remarks: The document is dated by Vollgraff, op. cit. in 23-12 B.C. According to Oliver,<br />

Greek constitutions, no. 3 the inscription dates from the period of Agrippa's co-<br />



regency and sojourn in the East, perhaps 17-16 B.C. There is no accurate information<br />

about the activity of Agrippa during the years 17 and 16 B.C., but in 15 he is already<br />

in Syria. Therefore the Argive inscription is dated in 16-15 B.C., as J.-M. Roddaz,<br />

Marcus Agrippa (Rome 1984) 422 suggests; cf. Rizakis, Achaïe II, 28 and 33.<br />

For the person see EL 345.<br />


[1] /GIV 2 1, 681; cf. Peek 1969, 130, no. 297 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a statue base decorated with a cymatium erected for T. Statilius<br />

Lamprias, son of Teimocrates, by his uncle, L. Volussenus Aristocrates:<br />

Τίτον Στατείλιον ΤειΙμοκράτους καί ΤειμοσθεΙνίδος υίόν Λαμπρίαν ΛούΙκιος Ούολοσσηνός<br />

Λ.ριστοΙ 5 κράτης τον τής αδελφής Ι υίόν εύσεβοϋς μνήμης Ι ένεκεν.<br />

[2]/GIV 939, Π. 5-6 and 31; /GIV 2 1, 85-86, IL 5-6 and 31; Peek 1969, 29-31, no. 36, pi. VIII,<br />

13 (cf. SEG 35, 1985, 305) [1st half of 1st c. A.D.]<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a Spartan consolation decree for the premature death of T. Statilius<br />

Lamprias (ARG 245), who was a nephew of the person discussed here (more about the<br />

inscription see ARG 245 [2]). The individual is attested here as Λ,ριστοκράτους.<br />

Spartan<br />

Remarks: The origin and identification of the person are owed to A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80,<br />

1985, 215-224, esp. 215-216. The person is identified with L. Volusenus Aristocrates<br />

(II), see stemma on p. 215, brother of Statilia Timosthenis, who married the<br />

Epidaurian T. Statilius Timocrates.<br />

Uncle of T. Statilius Lamprias (III) (ARG 245), b. Teimosthenis (ARG 242)<br />


IG IV 1573 [1st c. B.C./lst c. A.D.].<br />

Calauria (Porös); a grave stele:<br />

Μάρκε Ι Ούωλούσιε Ι Τωμαιε Ι χρηστέ Ι χαίρε.<br />

Roman<br />

268. [- - -]ΕΝΟΥΣ ΥΙΟΣ ΚΔΕΟΕΕΝΗΣ<br />

IG IV 587 (for a photo see P. Charneux, BCH80, 1956, 607, fig. 4) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, built into the church of Hagios Dimitrios; a statue base decorated with cymatia, erected<br />

by the hellanodikai for Cleogenes:<br />

[ ]ένους υίόν Κλεογένη Ι [άγωνοθέτην Σεβαστ]είων καί Νεμείων, Ι [μεγαλοψυχίας ένεκα]<br />

καί τής περί τους Ι [Έλληνας (?) δικαιοσύνη]ς οι έλλανοδίκαι Ι 5 [ ], Γάιος ΔαμοσθέΙ[νης<br />

— Α]πολλωνίου, Μάρκος Ι [—], Λ(ούκιος) Δεκούμιος Ξάνθος Ι [—Ν]εικίας Σεραπίωνος, Ι<br />

[—]ος, Έρμαιος ΚαλλίΙ 10 [ου—]ς, Σώσος Νικηφόρο[υ], Ι [χρυσοφόρον μετά πορ]φύρας.<br />



269-271<br />

Remarks: Mitsos, 64. Although no Roman name is attested, it is obvious from the Roman<br />

onomastic formula that the person was a Roman citizen. His father's name was<br />

probably Cleogenes. The last line of the inscription is completed by IG as [χρυσο-<br />

φόρον μετά πορ]φύρας, maybe pro [χρυσοφορίαν μετά πορ]φύρας, which could be<br />

in that case the honour he received by the hellanodikai (cf. IG IV 586,1. 6 and 606,<br />

1. 16). About hellanodikai in Argos see Charneux, op. cit., 608-610.<br />

[—]ΟΣ ΔΙΚΙΝΙΑΝΟΣ: see Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Λικιννιανός Σωκράτους (ARG 47)<br />


IG IV 849 [1st half of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Calauria (Poros), church of Hagios Spyridon; a fragmentary inscription commemorating the<br />

erection of a building dedicated to the emperors:<br />

[Υπέρ σωτηρίας] καί αιωνίου διαμονής τ[οϋ] Ι [βίου καί ολβο(?)]υ τών αήττητων αύ[τοκρα-<br />

τόίρων ]ος Στρατήγιος ό Σωστρ[άτου Ι τά ]έρια τής Σεβαστής θε[άς] I [nomen deae<br />

έξ ά]ταξίας εις εύκοσμίαν με[ταΙποηθέντα πρέπ]οντι κόσμω έκ θεμελίων ά[νήγειρε].<br />

Remarks: Perhaps it is to be completed as [Αύρήλι]ος Στρατήγιος ο Σωστράτου.<br />

270. ΡΩΜΑΙΑ<br />

IGW 530,1. 14 (BCH 33, 1909, 183, n. 2; Hatzfeld, Trafiquants, 150; Mitsos, 159) [3rd/2nd c.<br />

B.C. (Mitsos)].<br />

Argos, Heraeum; a list of freedmen.<br />

liberta<br />

Remarks: According to the editor of IG, M. Fraenkel, Τωμαία is a name, according to<br />

271. [- - -ΓΠΝΟΣ<br />

Hatzfeld it is an ethnic.<br />

/GIV 1011;/GIV 2 1,456; Peek 1969, 99, no. 178, facsimile [2nd c. A.D.: from the style of the<br />

letters].<br />

Epidauros, sanctuary; a fragmentary marble plaque bearing an inscription concerning the<br />

building of a library dedicated to Apollo: [- - - Ρ]ΟΥΦΟΣ Γ' Ξ- - - ΙΤΙΝΟΥ (text ARG 236).<br />

Remarks: In IG: [Ρ]ΟΥΦΟΣ Γ' Ξ- - - ΤΙΝΟΥ (1. 1). According to Peek the inscription is to be<br />

read as [Γ. Τ]οϋφος Γ. Ξ[εν]αίου [το]ϋ Σα[λεν]Ιτίνου υιός. In lapide Τ]οϋφος Γ.<br />

Ξ[—]Ιτίνου υιός.<br />

[- - -]ΥΔΔΗΙΟΣ ΑΤΤΙΚΟΣ: see [Κανο]υλλήιος Αττικός (ARG 72)<br />


272. ΔΟΥΚΙΟΣ<br />



P. Aupert, ßC// 110, 1986, 771 (SEG 36, 1986, 342) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; signature on a Corinthian lamp found in the excavations of baths A.<br />

273. ΔΟΥΚΙΟΣ<br />

C. Abadie-Reynal, "Étude de la céramique", in: P. Marchetti, Κ. Kolokotsas, "Le nymphée de<br />

/'agora d Argos: Fouille, étude architecturale et historique". Étude Péloponnésiennes XI (Paris<br />

1995) 302, no. 55, pi. 38, fig. 41-41 bis, with more bibliography on Corinthian lamps bearing<br />

the name ΛΟΥΚΙΟΥ (SEG 45, 1995, 261) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, nymphaion in tha agora; signature on a Corinthian lamp.<br />

274. ΟΚΤΑΒΙΟΣ<br />

[1] P. Aupert, BCH 111, 1987, 603 (SEG 37, 1987, 289) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos; signatures on Corinthian lamps found in "Thermes A".<br />

[2] C. Abadie-Reynal, "Étude de la céramique", in: P. Marchetti, Κ. Kolokotsas, Le nymphée<br />

de /'agora d"Argos: Fouille, étude architecturale et historique. Étude Péloponnésiennes XI<br />

(Paris 1995) 313 no. 135, pi. 44, fig. 96, with more bibliography on lamps bearing this name<br />

(SEG 45, 1995, 263 giving an erroneous reference to the publication of C. Abadie-Reynal) [ca.<br />

A.D. 200 (?)].<br />

Argos, nymphaion in the agora; signature on a Corinthian lamp: [ΟΚΤΑ]ΒΙ[ΟΣ].<br />

275. ΠΡΙΜ ION<br />

Ο. Psychogiou, AD 47, 1992, B Chron. [1997] 91 (SEG 45, 1995, 260) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, excavations on Heracleous street; stamp on a large lamp: Πριμίον έποίει.<br />

Remarks: The correct form of the name must be Πριμίων.<br />

276. [ΠΟ]ΥΠΔΙΟΣ<br />

A. Bovon, Lampes dArgos, Études Péloponnésiennes (Paris 1966) 95 and 99, no. 669, pi. 18<br />

and F [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, Roman road under Gounaris Street, "secteur F"; fragment of a lamp of Corinthian clay,<br />

on the base of which there is the stamp [ΠΟ]ΥΠΛΙΟΥ.<br />


277. ΣΕΚΟΥΝΔ[ΟΣ]<br />


P. Aupert, BCH 110, 1986 Chron., 771 (SEG 36, 1986, 343) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, excavation of A baths; signature on a Corinthian lamp.<br />

278. ΣΕΒΗΡΟΣ<br />

P. Aupert, BCH 106, 1982, 643 (SEG 32, 1982, 377) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos: lamp signature.<br />

279. ΣΠΩΣΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

[1] P. Aupert, BCH 106, 1982, 643 (SEG 32, 1982, 377) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos: lamp signature.<br />

[2] C. Abadie-Reynal, "Étude de la céramique", in: P. Marchetti, Κ. Kolokotsas, Le nymphée<br />

de /'agora d Argos: Fouille, étude architecturale et historique. Étude Péloponnésiennes XI<br />

(Paris 1995) 316, no. 165, pi. 46, fig. 122 (SEG45, 1995, 264) [2nd half of the 2nd c./ beginning<br />

of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Argos, nymphaeum in the agora; signature on a lamp: ΣΠ[ΩΣΙΑΝΟΥ].<br />

Remarks: Cf. Solin and Salomies, 407: Sponsian(us).<br />


A[- - -]: see COR 657<br />

1. [- - -] ABIDIUS [- - -]<br />



Corinth VIII. 2, 184,1. 2 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; marble slab.<br />

Remarks: A. B. West, Corinth VIII. 2,184 proposes also [S]abidius (cf. indices, 150 s.v.), name<br />

otherwise unknown in Corinth. B. Millis (by correspondence) notes that after [—]<br />

ABIDIO there is a Τ or possibly a L. It is not certain whether the fragmentary name<br />

Num[—] in 1. 2 (COR 434) has some relation with the person.<br />


W. R. Biers and D. J. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93, 11. 9-10, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-<br />

1970, 587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of small grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of<br />

officials and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games.<br />

Remarks: The cognomen is restored as Φλά[κκος] by J. Oliver, GRBS 11, 1970, 335; cf. W. R.<br />

Biers and D. J. Geagan, loc. cit., who give Φλά[βιος]. For the date see T. Atilius<br />

Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />

3. Ε(ΑΪΟΣ) ΑΒΙΔΙΟΣ Π[- - -]<br />

Corinth Vili. 3, 223,1. 8, pi. 20; better in *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 295-297 [A.D. 131<br />

or 135].<br />

Corinth; part of a prism-shaped three-sided shaft of white marble recording a list of officials<br />

and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλλη[νοδίκης] of the games.<br />

Remarks: For the date see [— Pon]tian[us] (COR 488).<br />



4. [- - -]TIUS AÇ[- - -]<br />

Corinth VTJL 3, 506 (D. Feissel, T&MByz9, 1985, 275-276, no. 10) [A.D. 393-395].<br />

Corinth, three fragments of two adjoining slabs of white marble; inscription in honour of the<br />

Emperors Theodosius and Arcadius erected by the person part of whose the name is<br />

preserved in 1. 6:<br />

Reparatori R[o]manae rei fondatori] I aeternae [p]acis aucto[ri humani] I generis d. n. [Fl.]<br />

Theodos[io augusto] I felicissimo [p]atri et fi[liis dd. nn. fill.] I 5 Arcadio et H[on]orio<br />

im[peratoribus] I [—]tius Aç[—].<br />

Remarks: The inscription is dated by A. B. West, Corinth VIII. 2, 26, between the<br />

proclamation of Honorius as Augustus (23 January A.D. 393) and Theodosius' death<br />

(17 January A.D. 395).<br />


Amandry, 201-209, em. XX, pis XXXII-XXXV; RPCl, 1189-1200.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with Q. Fulvius Flaccus (COR 281) of the year A.D. 54/55<br />

Remarks: For the emission see Amandry, 22-24.<br />


[1] Amandry, 130-133, em. V, pis V-VI; RPC I, 1124-11126.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with C. Pinnius (COR 475) of the year 39-36 B.C.<br />

[2] Amandry, 138-140, em. VII, pis VIII; RPC I, 1129-1131.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir quinquennalis with M. Antonius Theophilus (COR 76) of the year 30 B.C.<br />

Remarks: Spawforth, in: Roman onomastics, 175. For the emission see Amandry, 36-38<br />

and 41-42.<br />


[1] Amandry, 141-142, em. IX, pi. IX; RPCl, 1133.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duum vir with C. Heius Pamphilus (COR 309) of the years 17/16 B.C.<br />

[2] Amandry, 148-150, em. XII, pi. XII; RPCl, 1138.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

iter duumvir quinquennalis with C. Iulius Herac(lanus) (COR 343) of the year A.D. 1/2<br />

Remarks: For the duovirship in [1] see C. Heius Pamphilus (COR 309); as for [2] Amandry,<br />

op. cit., 51-52, dates the first duovirship of P. Aebutius Sp. f. and C. Iulius<br />



8-10<br />

Herac(lanus) (COR 343) the year 5/4 B.C. The Corinthian Aebutii were cliens of the<br />

homonymous patrician family (Grant, FITA, 268).<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 237,1. 7, pis 3 (no. 26), 21 [2nd quarter of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a gray marble block; inscription in honour of his grandson<br />

[P. Aefi]cius P. f. [Ae]m(ilia) Firmus Sta[tia]nus (COR 11 [2], text) erected together by the<br />

person, his son [P. Aefjicius Atimetus [Lic]inianus (COR 9) and the son's wife [—]nia Gaiene<br />

(COR 287).<br />

Remarks: He was of freedman origin as it is suggested by his cognomen Atimetus, common<br />

among slaves and freedmen (cf. ILS 1708; 2662; 6073; 7387; 8016; Solin,<br />

Namenbuch, 900-902, 5.ν. Atimetus). For the Aeficii see (L.) Aeficius Certus<br />

(COR 10).<br />

grandf. of P. Aeficius P. f. Aem(ilia) Firmus Statianus (COR 11); f. of P. Aeficius Atimetus<br />

Licinianus (COR 9); f. in-law of [—]nia Gaiene (287).<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 237,11. 5-6, pis 3 (no. 26), 21 [2nd quarter of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a gray marble block; inscription in honour of his son [P.<br />

Aefijcius P. f. [Ae]m(ilia) Firmus Sta[tia]nus (COR 11, text) erected together by the person, his<br />

wife [- - -]nia Gaiene (COR 287) and his father [P. Aefjicius Atimetus (COR 8).<br />

Remarks: For the Aeficii see (L.) Aeficius Certus (COR 10).<br />

f. of P. Aeficius P. f. Aem(ilia) Firmus Statianus (COR 11); s. of P. Aeficius Atimetus<br />

(COR 8); h. of [- - -]nia Gaiene (COR 287).<br />


Amandry, 120-122, em. I, pis III; .RFC I, 1116.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with C. Iulius (COR 330) of the year 44 or 43 B.C.<br />

Remarks: He is the earliest attested member of the family of Aeficii in the colony's documents.<br />

They were probably connected with the eques praedives M. Aeficius Calvinus,<br />

although the different praenomina could imply that the Corinthian family<br />

belonged to another branch of Aeficii (Grant, FITA, 266-267; E. Rawson, Roman<br />

culture and society. Collected papers [Oxford 1991] 352-358, especially 356-357;<br />

Spawforth, in: Roman onomastics, 175-176). A Corinthian, Μ. Αίφίκιος Πριμι-<br />

γενιανός, is attested in an inscription from the sanctuary of Clarian Apollo of<br />

about A.D. 100, as a member of the delegation of hymnodoi (Th. Macridy, JÖAI<br />

15, 1912, 54-5, no. 27,1. 7; cf. Spawforth, op. cit., 175, no. 38). For the emission<br />

see Amandry, 28-32.<br />




[1] Corinth VIII. 2, 12 [2nd quarter of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of dark blue marble; dedication to a divinity set up by the<br />

person: here P. Aefici[u]s Firm[us —].<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 3,237,11. 1-3, pis 3 (no. 26), 21 [2nd quarter of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a gray marble block; inscription in his honour erected by his<br />

parents [P. Aef]icius Atimetus [Lic]inianus (COR 9) and [ ]nia Gaiene (COR 287), and his<br />

grandfather [P. Aef]icius Atimetus (COR 8):<br />

[P. Aefi]cio P. f. I [Ae]m. Firmo Stal[tia]no, aed., orrnam. I [o]rnato d. d. I 5<br />

[P. Aefjicius<br />

Atimetus I [Lic]inianus pater I [P. Ae]ficius Atimetus et I [. . .]nia Gaiene avi.<br />

Remarks: The identification of the person is made by J. H. Kent, Corinth VIII. 3, 237. For the<br />

Aeficii see (L.) Aeficius Certus (COR 10).<br />

grands, of P. Aeficius Atimetus (COR 8) and of [ ]nia Gaiene (COR 287); s. of P. Aeficius<br />

Atimetus Licinianus (COR 9).<br />


Corinth VIII. 1, 15,1. 26 [A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth, gymnasium area; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three sides;<br />

record of victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in the cithara contest:<br />

κιθαρω(ι)δούς.<br />

Περίνθως (Perinthian)<br />

Remarks: For the date see A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299.<br />


[1] Corinth VIII. 3, 170, pi. 16 [A.D. 117-125].<br />

Corinth; fifteen fragments from a slab of white marble; Latin inscription on the Peirene<br />

fountain probably recording the names of the donors of marble revetments, who were<br />

members of his wife's family, i.e. the Antonii. The person figures as the husbant of Antonia<br />

Sosipatra (COR 35):<br />

P. A[eli]i [Apollodoti] u[xor] An[tonia Sosipatra] Sospitis f(ilia).<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 3, 226, 11. 6-7, pi. 21; E. Kapetanopoulos, Mnemosyne 22, 1969, 80-82,<br />

stemma [under Antoninus Pius].<br />

Corinth, forum; twenty-two fragments of a pedestal of white marble with dark gray veins;<br />

Greek inscription in honour of his son Π. Αϊλιος Σώσπις (COR 18, text) erected by decree of<br />

the city council.<br />

Remarks: According to J. H. Kent, Corinth VIII. 3, 170, Apollodotus obtained Roman<br />

citizenship during Hadrian's reign, possibly through the influence of his wife's<br />

family, the Antonii.<br />

f. of P. Aelius Sospis (COR 18); h. of Antonia Sosipatra (COR 35)<br />



CorintììVm. 1, 15,1.41 [A.D. 137].<br />


14-18<br />

Corinth, gymnasium area; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three sides;<br />

record of victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in the συνωρίς τελεία.<br />

Άντινοεύς (Antinoian)<br />

Remarks: For the date see A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299.<br />


Corinth Vili. 3, 228c, 1. 2, pi. 20; (cf. L. Robert, REG 79 [1966] 749-750=M, OMS VI [1989]<br />

567-568, general commentary on the text) [3rd quarter of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, Lerna fountain; fragment of a three-sided prism-shaped slab of white marble recording<br />

a list of victors and officials of the Caesarea Isthmia games; face c, on which the person<br />

appears, probably contains the names of the hellanodikai.<br />

Remarks: B. Millis (by correspondence) remarks that the Π(ΟΠΛΙΟΣ) of the praenomen seems<br />

speculative; ΛΙΟΣ could also be ΑΙΟΣ or ΔΙΟΣ, but [ΑΙ]ΛΙΟΣ does seem to fit the<br />

available space well.<br />


*Corinth VIII. 1, 14, 11. 3-4; W. Peek, Gnomon 9, 1933, 416-417 (SEG 11, 1950, 62) [A.D. 3<br />

(Actian era)].<br />

Corinth; three-sided headless marble herm with inscriptions on all sides recording a list of<br />

victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; his name and that of his colleague Μ. Σεουείλιος<br />

(COR 566) at the beginning of the document was used as an indication of the dating: he was<br />

[ΰ]πατος (consul) of the year A.D. 3.<br />

Remarks: Peek reads Λεύκιος Αι[λ]ιος Λαμία; Αίλ[ί]ω(ι) Λα[μί]α(ι) in Corinth Vili. 1, 14;<br />

17. [ΑΙΙΑΙΟΣ ΣΑ[- - -]<br />

for the person see, PIR 2 A 200; Degrassi, Fasti consolari, 6.<br />

*W.Peek, Gnomon 9,1933,416417,1.27 (SEG 11,1950,62); cf. CorinthVlll. 1,14 [A.D. 3 (Actianera)].<br />

Corinth, gymnasium area; three-sided headless marble herm with inscriptions on all sides recording<br />

a list of victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in a contest whose name is missing.<br />

Remarks: His name is missing in Corinth VIII. 1, 14. We follow B. Millis's restoration (by<br />

correspondence) who reads [Α]ΙΛΙΟΣ ΣΑ[7-8 (?)] ΜΙΛ[3-4] ΣΕΑΣΣ [4], instead of<br />

Peek's, loc. cit.: [Α]ΙΛΙΟΣ ΛΑ[ ]; Π(όπλιος) Αΐλιος Στα [- - -], in SEG.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 226,1. 2, pi. 21; Ε. Kapetanopoulos, Mnemosyne 22, 1969, 80-82, stemma<br />



[under Antoninus Pius].<br />

Corinth, forum; twenty-two fragments of a pedestal of white marble with dark gray veins;<br />

Greek inscription in his honour erected by the people and the city council by the decree of the<br />

latter:<br />

[Ή β]ουλή κ[αί ô δήμος Ι [Π.] Αιλιον Σώσπιν Ι ρήτορα, εκγονον Ι Αν[τω]γίου Σώσπιδος Ι 5<br />

τοΓϋ] τρις άγωνοθέτου, υίον Π. Αίλίου Απολλοδό[τ]ου και Αντων[ί]ας Σωσιπάτρας,<br />

άνδραγαθίας εινεκεν και τής άλλης αρετής [ά]πάσης άνέστ[ησ]εν Ι ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής).<br />

Remarks: His cognomen in the accusative case is to be restored as Σώσπιν (BullÉpigr 1970,<br />

269; LGPNIII. A, 416, s.v. Σώσπις) and not as Σώσπιν[ον] (Corinth VIII. 3,226,1.2).<br />

s. of P. Aelius Apollodotus (COR 13) and Antonia Sosipatra (COR 35); grs. of [.] Antonius<br />

Sospis (COR 72).<br />

19. Γ(ΑΪΟΣ) ΑΙΑΙΟΣ [- - -] ΘΑΣΙΚΟ[Σ]<br />

*Corinth VIII. 1, 15,1. 56; W. Peek, Gnomon 9, 1933,417,1. 6 (SEG 11, 1950, 62) [A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth, gymnasium area; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three sides;<br />

record of victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in the ανδρών πένταθλον.<br />

Αντι(οχεύς) (Antiochian)<br />

Remarks: This restoration belongs to B. Millis (by correspondence) who reads Γ. ΑΙΛΙΟΣ [5-6]<br />

ΘΑΣΙΚΟ[Σ] ΑΝΤΙ; cf. Peek, loc. cit.: Π. Αϊλιος [ ]άσιχος. For the date see<br />

A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299.<br />


Ο. Broneer, Hesperia 22, 1953, 192-193 (SEG 11, 1950,52c and addenda on p. 215; BullÉpigr<br />

1954, 111); K. Latte, Eranos 52, 1954, 125-127; cf. Κ. Latte, Eranos 53, 1955, 75-76 (SEG<br />

14, 1957,304) [A.D. 100-150]<br />

Corinthia, Isthmus, near the stadium; statue base of limestone; inscription in his honour<br />

erected by the council and the people of Miletos:<br />

Ή βουλή και ό δήμος Ι Μειλησίων Γ(άιον) Αιλιον Ι θεμίσωνα θεοδότου υ(ίον) Ι νεικήσαντα<br />

Ίσθμια Ι 5 Νέμεα κοινον 'Ασίας ε' Ι και τους λοιπούς άγώΐνας Π Θ μόνον και Ι πρώτον Εύρει-<br />

πίδην, Σοφοκλέα και Τειμόθεον Ι έαυτώ(ι) μελοποιήσαντα. Ι 10 Ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής).<br />

Remarks: For the praenomen L. Robert in: BullÉpigr 1954, 111 proposes Τ(ίτος) or Π(όπλιος).<br />

For comments on the last lines, see Latte, loc. cit., and BullÉpigr 1954, 111.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 121, pi. 13; *J. H. Oliver, AIA 71, 1967, 307 (AnnÉpigr 1967, 457; ILGR 95)<br />

[under Titus or Domitian].<br />

Corinth, forum; inscription in his honour erected by someone whose name is missing; from his<br />

fragmentary cursus honorum only one military function is preserved: com[mi]litio<br />


[im]peratori[s Titi Caesaris di]vi Vespasiani f. Augusti].<br />


22-25<br />

Remarks: J. H. Kent, Corinth VIII. 3, indices, proposes both A[emi]lius and A[ure]lius; Oliver,<br />

loc. cit., mentions both of these and adds A[rel]lius and A[vil]lius and restores the<br />

cognomen [Paus]ania[s].<br />

22. L(UCIUS) AEMILIUS RUI[- - -]<br />

A. N. Skias, AE 1893, 114-115; CIL III. 2 Suppl., 13693 [1st c. B.C.(?)].<br />

Corinth; block of calcar in second use, probably for a funerary inscription; for the text see L.<br />

Valerius (COR 600) attested on the same inscription.<br />

Remarks: Skias's (loc. cit.) suggestion that the inscription should be dated before Corinth's<br />

foundation by Caesar in 44 B.C. seems improbable. For the name Aemilius, see<br />

ACH 4-11.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 287,11. 1-2, pi. 25 [mid. 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, near Cheliotomylos in a Roman chamber tomb; thirteen fragments of a white marble<br />

plaque; funerary dedication erected by the person for himself, his wife Calj[i]ana Hilara (COR<br />

127), their son [M.] Aenius M. f. Aem(ilia) Onesiph[or]us (COR 24) and for their descendants:<br />

V. M. Aenius I Onesiphorus sibi et I vivis Cal[[i]anae Hilarae I uxori et [M.] Aenio M. f. Aem. I<br />

Onesiph[or]o f. posterisq. suis.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 287,11. 4-5, pi. 25 [mid. 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, near Cheliotomylos in a Roman chamber tomb; thirteen fragments of a white marble<br />

plaque; funerary dedication erected by his father M. Aenius Onesiphorus (COR 23, text) for<br />

himself, his wife Call[i]ana Hilara (COR 127), for the person and for their descendants.<br />

Remarks: Although the filiation and the tribe are lacking for his father, he was ascribed in the<br />

local tribe Aemilia.<br />


Corinth VIII. 2, 16, ph. [16/15 B.C.]<br />

Corinth, forum; blue marble block; inscription in his honour erected by the tribe Vinicia:<br />

M. Agrippae cos. I tert. trib. potest., I d. d. tribus Vicinia I patrono.<br />

Remarks: A. B. West, Corinth VIII. 2, 16 suggests that this inscription should have been one<br />

of a series erected in Agrippa's honour according to a decree of the local senate by<br />

each of the tribes of the city, probably during his visit in the winter of 17/16 B.C. For<br />



Agrippa's position as patron of the colony of Corinth, see further Stansbury,<br />

Corinthian honor, 189-193. For the person see also J.-M. Roddaz, Marcus Agrippa,<br />

BEFAR 253 (Roma 1984).<br />

26. [- - -]ΣΤΟΣ ΑΜΙΝΙΟΣ [- - - Ω]Ρ<br />

IG IV 399 [lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Sicyon; fragmentary honorary inscription for a priestess of the imperial cult whose<br />

name is missing:<br />

[Ή δείνα] Ι [άρχιέρε]ια Σεβαστή[ς], I [ ] Πυθοκλέους I [ ο]υ θυγάτηρ, I [ ]στου<br />

Α.μινίου I 5 [ ο]ρος γυνή, Ι [ Κ]λαυδίου Ι [ ου]ς αρχιερέως Ι [ ] μήτηρ, Ι [ ]<br />

τή[ς] δια βίου Ι 10 [άρχιερεί]ας Σεβαστής Ι [αδελφή (?)].<br />

Remarks: For the cognomen Aminius, see Schulze, 120.<br />

h. of the honorand; f. of [Tib. Qlaudius [- - -] (COR 165)<br />

27. [AM]MIANH<br />

Bees, 13-15, no. 49 (SEG 11, 1950, 177); "Corinth VIII. 3, 588, pi. 49 [4th-5th c. A.D.]<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of green schist; early Christian funerary inscription in her memory:<br />

t Κοιμη[τήριον διαφέρον Α.μ(?)]1μιανής [ανεπαύσατο] Ι Σεπτε[μβρίω ήμ(έρα) . .] Ι<br />

Ίνδ[(ικτιώνος). f].<br />

Remarks: Ammianus is a cognomen (Solin and Salomies, 292).<br />

28. AN[- - -]<br />

*W. Peek, Gnomon 9, 1933, 416-417,1. 10 (SEG 11, 1950, 61); cf. Corinth VIII.l, 14 [A.D. 3<br />

(Actian era)].<br />

Corinth, gymnasium area; three-sided headless marble herm recording a list of officials and<br />

victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλ[ληνοδίκ]η[ς] of the games.<br />

Remarks: The name doesn't appear in Corinth VIII. 1, 14.<br />


Corinth VIII. 1, 16,11. 7-8 [A.D. 181].<br />

Corinth; two mutilated blocks of white marble which originally formed part of a monument in<br />

the shape of a triangular prism surmounted by a pyramidal cap; list of victors of the Caesarea<br />

Isthmia games; his name at the beginning of the document was used as an indication of the<br />

dating; he was ύπατος (consul) of the year A.D. 181.<br />

Remarks: He is to be identified with L. Antistius Burrus, attested here by mistake with the<br />

praenomen C(aius), consul with the Emperor Commodus of the year A.D. 181 (PIR 2<br />

A 757; Degrassi, Fasti consolari, 50 no. 934).<br />



Corinth VIII. 1, 58 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />


30-35<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of bluish marble base with his name in the genitive: Α,ντιστίου<br />

Μαξίμ[ου].<br />

31. ΑΝΤΙΣΓΠΟΣ] MIN[- - -]<br />

D. R. Jordan, Hesperia 63.1, 1994, 114-115, no. 4, 11. 1-2, facsimile (SEG 44, 1994, 307)<br />

[possibly 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Isthmus: sanctuary of Poseidon; inscribed lead tablet used as a secret ballot of<br />

rejection cast by the person, a judge of the Isthmian games, recording his decision not to admit<br />

a candidate in an athletic competition: Άντίσ[τιος] I Miv[—] I [—] Ι [έκκρείνω].<br />

Remarks: Jordan, loc. cit., proposes Μίνιμο[ς] as restoration of his cognomen.<br />

32. ΑΝΓΓΟΝΙΑ - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 177,11. 9-10, pi. 17 [mid. 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fourteen fragments of a block of white marble streaked with green; inscription<br />

in honour of her father [L. A]nto[nius L. 1. -]e[ ] Pr[ ] (COR 65, text) erected by the<br />

person, her mother [- - - G]alla (COR 288), her brothers L. Antonius - - -] (I) (COR 43) and L.<br />

Antonius - - -] (II) (COR 44) and her sister Sau[feia] P[risca] (COR 549), all [L. Antonii li]beri.<br />

33. ANTONIA<br />

Η. Robinson, AD 21, 1966, Chron. pi. 137b, ph. without the text (*ILGR 98) [mid. 1st c.<br />

B.C./mid.lstc. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; marble base; inscription in honour of Cn. Egnatius C. f. (COR 251) erected by<br />

the person and L. Antonius (COR 43).<br />

d. of L. Antonius Damonicus (COR 61).<br />

34. [A]NTO[NIA] SEDATA<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 170,1. 8, pi. 16 [A.D. 117-125].<br />

Corinth, fifteen fragments from a slab of white marble; Latin inscription on the Peirene<br />

fountain recording the names of members of her family, who were probably the donors of the<br />

fountain's marble revetments.<br />

m. of Antonius Sospis (COR 72, text)<br />


[1] Corinth VIII. 3, 170,11. 9-10, pi. 16 [A.D. 117-125].<br />

Corinth, fifteen fragments from a slab of white marble; Latin inscription on the Peirene<br />



fountain recording the names of members of her family, who were probably the donors of the<br />

fountain's marble revetments; she is attested as P. A[eli]i [Apollodoti] u[xor] An[tonia<br />

Sosipatra] Sospitis f.<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 3, 226, pi. 21; E. Kapetanopoulos, Mnemosyne 22, 1969, 80-82, stemma<br />

[under Antoninus Pius].<br />

Corinth, forum; pedestal of white marble with dark gray veins; Greek inscription in honour of<br />

his son Π. Αΐλιος Σώσπις (COR 18, text) erected by the decree of the city council.<br />

d. of Antonius Sospis (COR 72, text 1); m. of P. Aelius Sospis (COR 18); w. of P. Aelius<br />

Apollodotus (COR 13)<br />

36. [- - - A]NTON[IUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 402, pi. 32 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a block of white marble preserving only a part of his name.<br />

Remarks: The reading is confirmed by B. Millis (by correspondence; cf. Corinth VIII. 3, 402:<br />

[— A]nto[nius]).<br />

37. [- - - A]NTON[IUS]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 171 [3rd c. A.D.]<br />

Corinth; marble block; mutilated inscription preserving part of his name and that of [.]<br />

Aur(elius) [- - -] (COR 99).<br />

38. [- - - AN]TONIUS [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 414, pi. 36 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble slab preserving a part of his name in dative.<br />

39. ANTONIUS Ç. F. [- - -]<br />

Ch. Κ. Williams, Hesperia 44, 1975, 18-19, no. 20, pi. 6; *T. R. Martin, Hesperia 46, 1977, 180-<br />

183, no. 3, pi. 49 (AnnÉpigr 1977, 770); ILGR 96; cf. Corinth VIII. 3, 197, pi. 18 [under Nero].<br />

Corinth, forum; nine fragments of an Ionic epistyle-frieze of white marble; he was priest of the<br />

Genius of the colony and the donor of the monument: sacerdos Genii coloniae [Laus Iuliae<br />

Corinthi sua pecuni]a.<br />

Remarks: The person is the only known priest of the Genius of the colony, which appears for<br />

the first time on Corinthian coins in the beginning of Nero's reign (see Amandry, 23-<br />

24). To this period dated the so-called "long rectangular building" in the southwest<br />

of the forum to which belonged the epistyle recording this inscription (Ch. K.<br />

Williams, Hesperia 45, 1976, 127-135, fig. 3; pis 15, 16). See also A[- - -] (COR 657)<br />

who also offered a dedication to the Genius of the colony.<br />


40. Ç(AIUS) (ANTONIUS)<br />

f. of Antonius Ç. f. [- - -] (COR 39)<br />

41. Γ(ΑΪΟΣ) ΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΣ [- - -]<br />

Corinth Vili. 3, 369, pi. 33 [2nd/3rd e. A.D.]<br />


Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble slab containing a list of proper names in the<br />

nominative case:<br />

[ ] I [.] Μεγάριστ[ος ] Ι Ζωσιμια[νός ] Ι Γ. 'Αντώνιος [ ] Ι Γν. Πουβλι[ ] I<br />

Ζώσιμος [—].<br />

Remarks: See also Γν. Πουβλι[- - -] (COR 496).<br />

42. [L(UCIUS)] (ANTONIUS)<br />

f. of [L(ucius) A]nto[nius L. f.] Me[n.] Prfiscus] (COR 69)<br />

43. L(UCIUS) ANT[ONIUS - - -] (I)<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 177,11. 8-10, pi. 17 [mid. 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fourteen fragments of a block of white marble streaked with green; inscription<br />

in honour of his father [L. A]nto[nius L. f.] Me[n.] Pr[iscus] (COR 69, text) erected by the<br />

person, his mother [- - - G]alla (COR 288), his brother L. Antonius - - -] (II) (COR 44) and<br />

his sisters An[tonia - - -] (COR 32) and Sau[feia] Pfrisca] (COR 549), all [L. Antonii li]beri.<br />

44. L(UCIUS) ANT[ONIUS - - -] (II)<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 177,11. 8 and 10, pi. 17 [mid. 2nd century A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fourteen fragments of a block of white marble streaked with green; inscription<br />

in honour of his father [L. A]nto[nius L. f.] Me[n.] Pr[iscus] (COR 69, text) erected by the<br />

person, his mother [- - - G]alla (COR 288), his brother L. Antonius - - -] (I) (COR 43) and his<br />

sisters An[tonia - - -] (COR 32) and Sautfeia] P[risca] (COR 549), all [L. Antonii li]beri.<br />


H. Robinson, AD 21, 1966, Chron. pi. 137b, ph. without the text (*ILGR 98) [1st c. B.C./lst<br />

c. A.D.]<br />

Corinth, forum; marble base; inscription in honour of Cn. Egnatius C. f. (COR 251, text)<br />

erected by the person and Antonia (COR 33), daughter of L. Antonius Damonicus (COR 61).<br />

*46. [[MARCUS ANTONIUS]]<br />

L. Ross-Taylor and A. B. West, AIA 32, 1928, 9-22 (AnnÉpigr 1928, 5); "Corinth VIII. 2, 1;<br />



see S. Dow, "Corinthiaca", HSCPh 60, 1951, 81-100, with the previous publications and<br />

bibliography [ca. 100 B.C. or 4th decade B.C., before 31 B.C.].<br />

Corinth, forum; limestone block preserving a Latin epigram in honour of Hirrus (*COR 318);<br />

he is attested as [[Antoni Marci]].<br />

(praetor) pro consule<br />

Remarks: He is to be identified with the homonymous grandfather of M. Antony; the inversion<br />

of praenomen and gentilicium was frequent during the Republic. The epigram, in<br />

elegiac metre, refers to his campaign against the pirats in Cilicia (102-101 B.C.) and<br />

commemorates the transferring of his fleet across the Isthmus under the leadership of<br />

the legatus pro praetore C. Lucilius Hirrus (*COR 318). Marcus Antonius continued<br />

to hold this command until 100 B.C., when he celebrated, probably between<br />

December 10th and 29th, a triumph for his successes (Broughton, Magistrates I, 568,<br />

with bibliography, 572, 576; id., Magistrates II, 1). The date of the inscription is<br />

discussed extensively by Taylor and West, loc. cit. and Dow, loc. cit., who concluded<br />

on the basis of the lettering and language that it belongs to ca. 100 B.C. Since during<br />

this period Corinth had no inhabitants, this early date could be accepted on the<br />

grounds that the inscription had been erected initially at the Isthmus and transfered<br />

under Antony's rule to the forum. Another possibility is a postponed dedication after<br />

the colony's foundation by Caesar in 44 B.C., during Antony's years. The rasura of<br />

the name of Marcus Antonius is completely understandable in the political<br />

circumstances after the defeat of his grand-son Marc Antony in Actium in 31 B.C. B.<br />

Millis (by correspondence) notes, in favor of this later date that the inscription is cut<br />

on part of an earlier grave monument and it seems fairly common that these<br />

monuments in the early years of the colony were re-used for building material.<br />

47. [M(ARCUS)] AN[T]ONIUS<br />

f. of [M(arcus)] An[t]onius [M. f. - - -] Nigrinus (COR 66)<br />

48. M(ARCUS) (ANTONIUS)<br />

f. of M(arcus) Antonius M. f. [A]em(ilia) [A]çhaicus (COR 53)<br />

49. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΑΝ[ΤΩΝΙΟΣ]<br />

Corinth Vili. 1, 101 [under Marc Antony].<br />

Corinth; block of marble; probably a pedestal of a statue erected in his honour by a friend of him<br />

whose name is missing: [—] ιε [—] [—] Μ. Αν[τώνιο] I [—] προ [—] I [— τ]ογ φ[ίλον].<br />

50. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΑΝ[ΤΩΝΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

Ο. Broneer, Hesperia 28, 1959, 324, no. 4C, pi. 65b (SEG 18, 1962, 139) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />



51-53<br />

Corinthia, Isthmus; two fragments of a slab of white marble containing a catalogue of victors;<br />

he was victor in ά[γενείων πένταθλον (?)].<br />

51. [M(ARCUS)] ANTONIUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 311; "Corinth XIV, p. 39, pis 10-11 [after 31 B.C.].<br />

Corinth, sanctuary of Asclepius; dipinto on a fragmentary Doric epistyle-frieze block of poros<br />

stone.<br />

Remarks: See [M. An]ton[ius] Glau[c]i f. [.] Mi]es[i]us (COR 65, text) who appears on the<br />

same inscription.<br />

52. M(ARCUS) ANTONIU[S - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 106, pi. 10 [under Hadrian].<br />

Corinth, Hagios Ioannis Church; seven fragments of a white marble slab; inscription in honour<br />

of the Emperor Hadrian:<br />

[Imp.] Ca[es]ari H[adriano - - -] I [ ] I [ ] E CO [- - -] I [- - -]EI porticus C[- - -] I [- - -]<br />

M. Antoniu[s —] I 5<br />

[—] Aristocraties —] I [—] Pompe[ian]o [—].<br />

Remarks: Millis (by correspondence) confirms that the cognomen Aristocraties] (1. 5) could<br />

not be associated with this person, but probably with M. Antoniu[s] Aristocraties]<br />

(COR 57, see Remarks). See also T. Flavius Pompeianus (COR 272).<br />


[1] Corinth Vili. 3, 224,11. 1-2, pi. 20 [under Trajan].<br />

Corinth, forum; five fragments of a white marble base; inscription in his honour set up<br />

probably by a friend of his whose name is missing:<br />

M(arco) Antonio M. f. [A]em(ilia) [A]çhaico I [agonothete Ca]e?areon I [Nervaneon Traianeon<br />

et] I 5 [agonothete Isthmio]n et I [Caesareon isagog(ei) A]ntoni Tauri I [— , de]curionalib(us)<br />

I [— ornamjentis I [ornato d. d., post] obitum I 10 [— a]micus et I [—]tes I [—].<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 3, 134,1. 10, pi. 13 [under Trajan].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of block of grayish marble; inscription in honour of [A. P]omponius<br />

Ç. f. Quir(ina) Augur[inus T. Priferjnius Paetus (*COR 487) erected by the person whose name<br />

is completely missing but restored by J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., after a duplicate Greek text<br />

from Argos (ARG 18).<br />

[3] Corinth VIII. 3, 164, pi. 15 [under Domitian (lettering)].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a gray marble; mutilated inscription in his honour preserving parts<br />

of his cognomen and of his cursus honorum: [ / / [ ]cha [ ] I [ae]d., praef. i. d., cur.<br />

[ann.], I [Ilvir et] Ilvir [quinq.] I [- - -].<br />



[4] T. R. Martin, Hesperia 46, 1977, 183-184, no. 4, pi. 51 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble opisthographic slab with smooth surfaces front and<br />

back; inscription in honour of an emperor whose name is missing, erected probably by the<br />

person:<br />

side A: [— Ca]esa[r —] I [—] M f. Ae[m —] I [—] cur. iter [—]<br />

side B: [aed. et II]vr [et Ilvir quinq. et] I [agonothe]t. orn[amentis honorato d. d.].<br />

[5] Corinth VIII. 3, 357, pi. 32 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble block; inscription in honour of someone whose name<br />

is missing, erected by his friends [ Achaicu[s], [ ] Saturn[us] (COR 496) and [- - -]ius<br />

Pudens (COR 465): [- - -]l [- - - Ac]haicu[s] I [- - - Saturn[inus] I [- - -]ius Puden[s] Ρ amici,<br />

agonothetes of Caesarea Nervanea, Traianea, Isthmia and Caesarea, isagogeus by Antonius<br />

Taurus, decurionalibus ornamentis omatus, aedilis, praefectus iure dicundo, curator annonae,<br />

Ilvir, Ilvir quinquennalis, agonotheticiis ornamentis ornato<br />

Remarks: The complete form of the name is preserved only in [1]; the title isagog. in 1. 6 was<br />

not supplied in Corinth VIII. 3, 214. The identification of the person in [4] is due to<br />

Martin, op. cit. For the office of agonothetes in Roman Corinth, see D. J. Geagan,<br />

GRBS 9, 1968, 69-76. For the praef(ecti) i(ure) d(icundo), see J. Gascou, "La<br />

praefectura iure dicundo dans les cités de l'Afrique romaine" in: L'Afrique dans<br />

l'Occident romain, 1er siècle av. J.-C - IVe siècle ap. I.-C, (Rome 1990) 367-380;<br />

M. S. Bassignano, "I praefecti iure dicundo nell'Italia settentrionale", in: Epigrafia.<br />

Actes du Colloque en mémoire de Attilio Degrassi (Rome 1991) 515-537. For the<br />

person cf. also ARG 18.<br />

*54. [L(UCIUS) ANTONIUS L. F.] ALBUS<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 125, pi. 17; better in *J. H. Oliver and D. J. Geagan, AJA 72, 1968, 156-157<br />

(cf. AnnÉpigr 1968, 474); K.Wachtel, "Ein unbekannter Senator trajanish - hadrianischer Zeit<br />

(zu Corinth VIII 3, 125)", Historia 20, 1971, 326-333 (his suggestion for completing the text<br />

on p. 329); Eck, Epigraphische Studien 9, 1972, 17-23, pi. I (AnnÉpigr 1972, 567) [1st half of<br />

the 2nd c. A.D., in particular, under Hadrian].<br />

Corinth, forum; ten fragments of a white marble statue base; inscription in his honour erected<br />

together by [L. Gellius Mena]nder (I) (COR 292) and L. Gellius [Iustus] (I) (COR 290).<br />

[L. Antonio L. f.] Albo, I [procos. prov. Achaiae, cu]r. viarum I [Clodiae Cassiae Anniae<br />

Ciminiae (?)], I l[eg. pr. pr.] prov. A[siae (?), praet]or[i, tr]ib. I 5 pi. candidato Imperai. Caesa]ris<br />

T[r]aiani I Hadria[n]i Aug., [sevir. equitum Rom. (?), qua]e I stor[i . . . candidalo Imp. Nervae<br />

I [Traiani Caesaris Aug., tri]b. mil. leg. I Minerv.] I [piae fidelis, Illvir a. a. a.] f. f., fratri Arvali I 10<br />

[amici L. Gellius Mena]nder et L. Gellius I [Iustus, d. s. p. f. cur.], ob iustitiam, I [d.] d.]<br />

Remarks: His name given as [L. Pr]o[clus] I [C]alpu[rnius] by J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., (cf.<br />

Groag, Reichsbeamten, 72-73; PIR 2 C 303; Thomasson, 194, no. 37), is rightly<br />

restored firstly by Oliver and Geagan, loc. cit., and secondly by Eck, loc. cit., who<br />



discusses also the senatorial career of L. Antonius Albus extending from A.D. 110 to<br />

149; see also Halfmann, Senatoren, no. 58; J. Scheid, Le collège des frères arvales.<br />

Étude prosopographique du recrutement (69-304), (Roma 1990) 42-43. Wachtel, op.<br />

cit., retores the name of this individual as [Iuli(?)]o [f.] Ale[xa]n[dr]o (?) and his<br />

career different from that completed by Kent. Wachtel identifies the person with<br />

reserve with Ti. Iulius Alexander Iulianus (PIR 2 I 142). His arguments are based on<br />

epigraphical, prosopographical and chronological elements.<br />


CIL III. 1,7272 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; probably a funerary commemoration in dative; the relief of a man wearing a pallium<br />

represents probably the dead person: [AJntonio I Alexandro I [A]ntonii Timothei fil.<br />

56. [M(ARCUS) A]NTON[I]US AN[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 105, pi. 10 [under Hadrian (?)].<br />

Corinth, theatre; two fragments of a white marble revetment slab; mutilated inscription in<br />

honour of Hadrian set up by the person:<br />

[Imp.] Caesari H[adriano Aug.] I [M. A]nton[i]us An[- --]![-- -].<br />

Remarks: The two letters after his gentilicium could also be AM[—] (B. Millis, by correspondence).<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 221, pi. 19 [under Hadrian].<br />

Corinth, forum and theatre; five fragments of marble revetment slabs; inscription mentioning<br />

the Isthmian games.<br />

Remarks: The new reading of the name is that of B. Millis (by correspondence), instead of that<br />

in Corinth VIII. 3, 221: M. Antoniu[s] Aristocrates]. The person is probably to be<br />

identified with [- - -] Aristocraties] in 1. 5 of Corinth VIII. 3, 106 (see COR 52).<br />

58. ΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΣ BA[- - -]<br />

W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,1. 78, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-1970,<br />

587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of small grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of<br />

officials and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was a victor in αρμ[ατι τελείω].<br />

Remarks: For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />


J. Wiseman, The land of the ancient Corinthians (Göteborg 1978) 31 (SEG28,1978,386) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />



Corinthia, Kala Nesia; tomb inscription erected by the wife Άριστ[ονίκ]η for the named<br />

person and their children:<br />

"Αριστ[ονίκ]η Ι [κα]τεσκεύασεν ήρώον εκ τών ίΐδίων εαυτή και τοις τέκνο[ις] αυτής και έγγό-<br />

νοις αυτών και Ι τώ άνορί αυτής Μ. Άντων[ίω] Βλάστω.<br />

Remarks: LGPNIII. A, 92 s.v. Βλαστός.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 223,1. 5, pi. 20; better in *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 295-297 [A.D. 131<br />

or 135].<br />

Corinth; part of a prism-shaped three-sided shaft of white marble recording a list of officials<br />

and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλλη[νοδίκης] of the games.<br />

Remarks: For the date see [— Pon]tian[us] (COR 445).<br />


H. Robinson, AD 21, 1966, Chron. pi. 137b, ph. without the text ("ILGR 98) [1st c. B.C./lst<br />

c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; marble base; inscription in honour of Cn. Egnatius C. f. (COR 251, text)<br />

erected by L. Antonius (COR 45) and Antonia (COR 33), daughter of L. Antonius Damonicus.<br />


"Corinth VIII. 1, 14, 1. 88; W. Peek, Gnomon 9, 1933, 416-417 (SEG 11, 1950, 62) [A.D. 3<br />

(Actian era)].<br />

Corinth, gymnasium area; three-sided haedless marble herm recording a list of officials and<br />

victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in the enkomion: ένκωμιογράφο[ς].<br />

Remarks: Stefanis, Αιονυσιακοί τεχνΐται, no. 969.<br />


[1] Amandry, 142-144, em. X, pis IX-X; RPC I, 1134-1135.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with M. Novius Bassus (COR 432) of the years 10/9-5/4 B.C.<br />

[2] Amandry, 144-148, em. XI, pis IX-X; RPC I, 1136-1137.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with Servilius C. f. Primus (COR 569) of the year 2/1 B.C.<br />

Remarks: He was son of the duovir M. Antonius Theophilus (COR 76), a freedman of Marc<br />

Antony (Plin., HNXXXV, 58 [200]) who was among the first of Antony's confidents<br />

who went over to Octavian after the latter's victory at Actium and afterwards was<br />



settled in Corinth (Plut., Ant. 67, 7; 73, 2; cf. Grant, FLTA, 268). For the person, see<br />

PIR 2 A 838; Spawforth, in: Roman onomastics, 176. For the emissions see Amandry,<br />

49-50 and 50-51.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 107,1. 6, pi. (cf. Corinth VIII. 2, 22) [under Antoninus Pius].<br />

Corinth; limestone block; inscription in honour of Faustina, Antoninus Pius's wife, erected by<br />

decree of the city council at public expense; the person and [T. Flavius Pompeianus] (COR<br />

272), duumviri, seem to have been in charge of the erection of the honorary statue of the<br />

empress:<br />

Faustinae I Imp. T. Aeli Hadriani I Antonini Caesaris I [Au]g. Pii, d. d., pec. pub., I 5 [curantibus]<br />

I L. Antonio Iuliano I T. Flavio Pompeiano I [II vir].<br />

Remarks: His name is fully restored by A. B. West, Corinth VIII. 2,22 and J. H. Kent, Corinth<br />

VIII. 3, 107, after a copy of this inscription mentioned by J. Spon and G. Wheler,<br />

Voyage d'Italie, de Dalmatie, de Grèce, et du Levant II (Lyon 1687) 296.<br />

According to the same author, the person discussed here and his colleague [T. Flavius<br />

Pompeianus] were the latest pair of Corinthian duoviri attested in Corinthian<br />

inscriptions (cf. Kent, op. cit., 24-26, no. 56; Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 522).<br />



Corinth VIII. 3, 311; "Corinth XIV, p. 39, pis 10-11 [after 31 B.C.].<br />

Corinth, sanctuary of Asclepius; dipinto on a fragmentary Doric epistyle frieze block of porous<br />

stone:<br />

[M. An]ton[ius] Glau[c]i 1. [.] Mi}es[i]us, [M.] Antonius —].<br />

Remarks: For comments see Corinth VIII. 3, 311 and Corinth XIV, p. 39. The person and [M.]<br />

Anton [ius] (COR 51) attested in the same text (1.2) must have been Corinthians who<br />

received Roman citizenship through Marc Antony and settled at Corinth after<br />

Actium. The cognomen Milesius indicates a connection with Asia Minor (Stansbury,<br />

Corinthian honor, 181-183). Both, in addition of three or four other persons whose<br />

names are missing, contributed to the rehabilitation of the sanctuary of Asclepius.<br />

66. [M(ARCUS)] AN[T]ONIUS [M. F. - - -] NIGRINUS<br />

CIL III. 1, 537 [under Antoninus Pius].<br />

Corinth; inscription in honour of Q. Vilflius — f.] Titia[nus] Quadraftus] (COR 645) erected<br />

by the person.<br />



67. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΣ 0[- - -]<br />

W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,1. 66, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-1970,<br />

587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of small grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of<br />

officials and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in ίππ[ικον] πολε[μιστή-<br />

ριον].<br />

Remarks: For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 67).<br />


Amandry, 128-130, em. IV, pis IV-V; RPC I, 1122-1123.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir quinquennalis with Cn. Publilius (COR 509) of the year 40 B.C.<br />

Remarks: His gentilicium and his Greek cognomen indicate that he was one of Marc Antony's<br />

freedmen (Spawforth, in: Roman onomastics, 176). For the emission see<br />

Amandry, 39-41.<br />

69. [L(UCIUS) A]NTO[NIUS L. F.] ME[N.] PR[ISCUS]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 177,11. 1-2, pi. 17 [mid. 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fourteen fragments of a block of white marble streaked with green; inscription<br />

in his honour erected by his children L. Antonius ] (I) (COR 43), L. Antonius ] (II)<br />

(COR 44), An[tonia - - -] (COR 32), Sau[feia] P[risca] (COR 549), all [L. Antonii li]beri, and<br />

his wife [- - - Gialla (COR 288):<br />

[L. A]nto[nio] I L. f.] Me[n(inia)] Pr[isco], I [aed]ili [et cu]r. a[nnonae], I [pr]aef. [i. d. et I]I<br />

v[iralib. et] I 5 [II]vir. q. [ornamentis] I honorato, [d. d.] I ex testa[mento].<br />

Remarks: B. Millis (by correspondence) notes that both J. H. Kent's restoration (Corinth, loc.<br />

cit.) of the tribe as Me[n(inia)] and that of the cognomen as Priscus are speculative;<br />

other names such as Primus, Probus or Proculus would fit the space as well.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 265, pi. 23 [mid. 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum; thirteen fragments of a white marble base; inscription set up by the person in<br />

honour of his friend and patron. The letters [ ] ME [ ]in the first lines of the text<br />

represent, perhaps, part of this patron's name:<br />

τον φίλο[ν] και Ι π[ρο]στάτην Ι ά[ρετ]ής ενεκ[α] Ι κ[αί] πίστεως.<br />


Corinth VIII. 1, 15 1. 6 + Corinth VIII.l, 18; joined by *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-<br />


299,1. 6, pl. 8 [A.D. 137].<br />


72-73<br />

Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble, inscribed on all three sides; list of magistrates and<br />

victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games.<br />

Remarks: For the date see A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299.<br />

*72. [. A]NT[ONIUS - - -] S[OS]P[IS] ΑΝ[ΤΩ]ΝΙΟΣ ΣΩΣΠΙΣ<br />

[1] Corinth VIII. 3, 170,1. 1-2, pl. 16 [A.D. 117-125].<br />

Corinth, fifteen fragments from a slab of white marble; Latin inscription on the Peirene<br />

fountain probably recording the names of the donors of the marble revetments; Antonius<br />

Sospis, whose cursus honorum (11. 2-7) is explicitly given, seems to be the most important:<br />

[. A]nt[onius . f. (tribu)] I S[os]p[is] I s[odalis], [qua]es(tor), [trib(unus) mil(itum) legion(is)<br />

I[II I 5<br />

Aug(ustae)], [curat](or) an[nonae], [legat(us) legi]on(is) II [Adiutricis], I [a]go[noth]etes<br />

pro I A[—], [ag]ono[thetes], [FJIvir et —m[ater eiu]s [A]nto[nia] Sedata I LO [ ] I [P.]<br />

A[eli]i [Apollodoti] u[xor] I 10<br />

inc]rustavelr[unt ].<br />

An[tonia Sosipatra] I Sospitis f. Piren[em marboribus<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 3, 226,1.4 pl. 21; E. Kapetanopoulos, Mnemosyne 22, 1969, 80-82, stemma<br />

[under Antoninus Pius].<br />

Corinth, forum; twenty-two fragments of a pedestal of white marble with dark gray veins;<br />

Greek inscription in honour of his grandson Π. Αϊλιος Σώσπις (COR 18, text) erected by<br />

decree of the city council; here Antonius Sospis was evoked agonothetes three times:<br />

Άν[τω]νίου Σώσπιδος Ι το[υ] τρις αγωνοθέτου.<br />

Remarks: He was of Corinthian origin and his gentilicium shows that his Roman civitas was<br />

given by the triumvir Marc Antony. For a probable connection with the Athenian<br />

family of Leonidas of Melite, into which the name Sospis also occurs, see<br />

Kapetanopoulos, loc. cit.. The person is not included in Halfmann, Senatoren.<br />

For the post of agonothetes in Roman Corinth, see D. J. Geagan, GRBS 9, 1968,<br />

69-76.<br />

s. of Antonia Sedata (COR 34); f. of Antonia Sosipatra (COR 35); f.-in-law of P. Aelius<br />

Apollodotus (COR 13); grandi, of P. Aelius Sospis (COR 18)<br />

73. [(?) ΑΝΤ]ΩΝΙΟΣ ΣΤΑΚΤΗ[- - -]<br />

Corinth Vili. 3, 273, pis 23, 63 [2nd quarter of the 3rd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum; four fragments of a white marble slab; probably an honorary inscription<br />

erected by decree of the city council preserving parts of the names of two individuals elected<br />

by lot for a religious (?) function:<br />

[—]λϊννον I [—]μων διθυραμ[β — Κ]ορινθ[— κ]ληρούντων I [(?) Α.ντ]ωνίου Στακτ[η<br />

— Σε]ρβιλίου Ομ[... ]υ Ι [ψ.] vac. β.<br />

Remarks: The last letters could be a ligatura of TH. Cf. COR 567.<br />



74. [. A]NTONIUS TAURUS<br />

Corinth Vili. 3, 224,1. 6, pl. 20 [under Trajan].<br />

Corinth, forum; five fragments of a white marble base; inscription in honour of the agonothetes<br />

of the Caesarea Isthmia games, M[arcus] Antonius M. f. [A]em[ilia] [A]chaicus (COR 53),<br />

under the agonothesia of whom the person seems to be isagogeus (cf. Corinth VIII. 3, 214).<br />

Remarks: For the offices of agonothetes and isagogeus in Roman Corinth, see C. Rutilius L. f.<br />

Aem. Fuscus (COR 540).<br />


W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,11. 12-13, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-<br />

1970, 587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of officials<br />

and victors of the Caesarea Isthmian games; he was [έλ]ληνοδίκης of the games.<br />

Remarks: For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />


Amandry, 138-140, em. VII, pi. Vili; TOC I, 1129-1131.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir quinquennalis with P. Aebutius (COR 6) of the year 30 B.C.<br />

Remarks: His Greek cognomen and the omission of the filiation indicate that he was a<br />

freedman of Marc Antony under whom he served as procurator in Corinth before<br />

Actium (Strab., XVII, 840; Plut., Ant. 67, 7 and 73; cf. Grant, FITA, 267; Spawforth,<br />

in: Roman onomastics, 167). For the emission see Amandry, 41-43.<br />

f. of M. Antonius Hipparchus (COR 59).<br />


f. of [A]ntonius Alexandrus [Ant]oni Timothei fil. (COR 55)<br />

78. [M(ARCUS)] (APPALENUS)<br />

f. of [M(arcus) App]alenus [M. f.] Μ. η. Aem(ilia) [P]ulcher (COR 81)<br />

79. M(ARCUS) (APPALENUS)<br />

grf. of [M(arcus) App]alenus [M. f.] Μ. η. Aem(ilia) [P]ulcher (COR 81)<br />


[1] Corinth VIII. 1, 15 +Corinth VIII.l, 18; joined by *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974,297-299,<br />


1. 7, pl. 8 [A.D. 137].<br />


Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble, inscribed on all three sides; list of magistrates and<br />

victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games.<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 3, 223,11. 9-10; better in A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 295-297 [A.D. 131<br />

or 135].<br />

Corinth; part of a prism-shaped three-sided shaft of white marble recording a list of officials<br />

and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games.<br />

έλληνοδίκης [1], [2]<br />

Remarks: For the date in [1] see A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299 and for that in [2] see<br />

[- - - Pon]tian[us] (COR 488).<br />

*81. [M(ARCUS) APP]ALENUS [M. F.] M. n. AEM(ILIA) [P]ULCHER<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 187, pl. 17; *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 299-301 [mid. 2nd c. A.D.<br />

(lettering)].<br />

Corinth, forum; twenty-two fragments of a gray marble base; inscription in his honour erected<br />

by someone whose name is not preserved:<br />

[M(arco) App]aleno I M(arci) f(ilio)] M(arci) n(epoti) Aem(ilia) I [Pjulchro I [pr]aef(ecto)<br />

i(ure) d(icundo), Ilvir(i), I [d]e[cu]rioni (?)<br />

Remarks: The name of the person, not recognised in the prior edition (Corinth VIII. 3, 187:<br />

[M. Jalenus [M. f.] M. n. Aem. [P]ulcher), is restored by Spawforth, loc. cit.<br />

Appalenus is the only known gentilicium at Corinth ending in - alenus . His double<br />

affiliation was rather rare in the inscriptions of the colony (cf. other examples: COR<br />

283, COR 353, COR 507, COR 610).<br />


82. [. Α]ΠΠΟΥΑΗΙΟ[Σ]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 228c, 1. 4, pl. 20; (cf. L. Robert, REG 79 [1966] 749-150=id., OMSVl [1989]<br />

567-568, general commentary on the text) [3rd quarter of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, Lerna fountain; fragment of a three-sided prism-shaped post of white marble with a<br />

list of victors and officials of the Caesarea Isthmia games; face c, in which his name is attested,<br />

contains what are probably the names of the hellanodikai.<br />


Corinth VIII. 2, 54, ph. [under Augustus, ca. 10/9-5/4 B.C.].<br />

Corinth, forum; marble base; inscription in his honour erected by the duoviri Ti. Claudius<br />

Anaxilas (COR 167) and Ti. Claudius [Dinippus] (COR 170) at their own expense.<br />



[L. A]quillio C. f. Pom(ptina) I [Fl]oro Turciano Gallo, I [Xvir] stlitib. iud., trib. mil. leg. VIII<br />

Mac, I [qu. pro q]uaest. Cypro ex auctoritate Aug., I 5 [trib. pl.], pr., procos. provinciae Ach. I<br />

[—] Ti. Ti. Claudi Anaxilas et I [Dinippus II]vir quinq., sua pecunia.<br />

Remarks: He is also attested in a bilingual inscription from Athens (CIL III. 1, 551, cf. p. 985;<br />

IG lì 2 4126). For the person see Groag, Reichsbeamtem, 15-17; PIR 2 A 993; M.<br />

Cébeillac, Les quaestores principis et candidati aux 1er et Heme siècles de l'empire<br />

(Milano 1972) 12-14; Thomasson, 189-190, no. 7; A. Licordari, in £0511,50-51. For<br />

a discussion of an erroneous Claudian date suggested by A. B. West, Corinth, loc.<br />

cit., see Amandry, 106-107.<br />

84. L(UCIUS) AREI[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 364e, pl. 33 [early Empire].<br />

Corinth, forum; ten fragments of two white marble slabs containing a list of fragmentary<br />

names in the nominative case (COR 95, COR 109, COR 126, COR 329, COR 490, COR 656,<br />

COR 666, COR 668, COR 672).<br />

Remarks: If two fragments (d and e) are combined, J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., proposes a<br />

restoration such as [L. Arenniu]s Zosimu[s] (cf. id. indices, p. 228, .s.v. and COR<br />

656), but the placement of the two stones cannot be either proven or disproven, as<br />

B. Millis (by correspondence) notes.<br />

85. [.] (ARRIUS)<br />

f. of A(ULUS) ARRI[US] [. f.] AEM(ILIA) PROÇ[ULUS] (COR 87)<br />


Amandry, 168-180, em. XVI, pis XIX-XXIV; RPC I, 1151-1171.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with L. Furius Labeo (COR 284) of the year A.D. 32/33.<br />

Remarks: Spawforth, in: Roman onomastics, 176. For the emission see Amandry, 59-66.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 156, pl. 15 [under the first Julio-Claudians].<br />

Corinth, forum; part of a block of white marble; inscription in his honour erected by the college<br />

of the hieromnemones of Caesarea:<br />

A. Arri[o . f.] I Aem. Proc[ulo] I auguri, prae[fect. fabr.], I aed., Ilvir., sacerdoti] I 5 Neptuni<br />

Aug., I [isagog.] I Tibereon Augu[steon] I Caesareon et ag.[onoth.] I Isthmion et Caes[areon] I<br />

hieromnemo[nes] I 10 Caesareon.<br />

Remarks: His local tribe, Aemilia, indicates that he received Roman citizenship after his arrival<br />



at the colony (Spawforth, in: Roman onomastics, 167). He had begun an equestrian<br />

career (Demougin, CJC, 392). For the three-man college of augurs in Corinth, see<br />

Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 158-195. For the office of the agonothetes and<br />

isagogeus see C. Rutilius L. f. Fuscus (COR 539). For the hieromnemones, see A. B.<br />

West, Corinth VIII. 2, p. 66; J. H. Kent, Corinth VIII. 3, p. 74 and D. J. Geagan,<br />

GRBS 9, 1968,76.<br />

88. [.] [A]RRUNTIUS MOSCH[US]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 214, pl. 19 [imperial]<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of white marble; inscription in honour of an agonothetes<br />

whose name is missing: [—] I [pyrjophor. [Caesajreon et I [ls]thmion, vac. ago[.]s I [A]rrunti<br />

Moschi [isagog.] I [— i]bus o[rnamentis] I [—7.<br />

Remarks: For the pyrphoroi see L. Papius L. f. Aem. Venerius (COR 461).<br />

89. ΜΑΡΚΟΣ A?I[- - -]<br />

W. Peek, Gnomon 9, 1933,416-17,1. 37 (SEG 11, 1950, 62); cf. Corinth VIII. 1, 14,1. 37 [A.D.<br />

3 (Actian era)].<br />

Corinth; three-sided headless marble herm with inscriptions on all sides containing a list of<br />

officials and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in the men's race: α[νδρας]<br />

στά[διον].<br />

Remarks: His name is not restored in Corinth VIII. 1, 14,1. 37.<br />


Corinth VIII. 1, 15 + Corinth VIII. 1, 18; joined by A. *Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299,1.<br />

9, pl. 8 [A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble, inscribed on all three sides; list of magistrates and<br />

victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games.<br />

Remarks: Spawforth. loc. cit., suggests that he must have been a freedman of an Italian<br />

negotiator, since no governor of the province of Achaia is known with that name.<br />

91. [- - -]LIUS ATHENAEUS<br />

A. N. Skias, AE 1893, 115, no. 2; CIL III. 2 Suppl. 13692; "Corinth VIII. 2, 139, ph. [lst/2nd<br />

c. A.D.]<br />

Corinth; block of marble; funerary dedication erected by his wife [Domit]ia Saturnina] (COR<br />

243, text) for herself, her mother (?) Tallia Polla (COR 580), her husband [—]lius Athenaeus<br />

and their descendants.<br />

Remarks: A. B. West, Corinth VIII. 2, 139 proposes the restoration [C. Iu]lius Athenaeus.<br />




CIL III. 1. 1, 7277 [lst-2nd c. A.D. (lettering)].<br />

Corinth; funerary inscription erected by her two sons C. Vergilius C. f. Aem(ilia) Capito f. (Π)<br />

(COR 618), T. Vergilius C. f. Aem(ilia) Proculus (COR 619), during their lifetime, for<br />

themselves, their father C. Vergilius C. f. Aem(ilia) Capito (I) (COR 617, text), their mother<br />

Atilia T. f. Thallusa, their sister Ver[g]ilia C. f. Procula (COR 614) and their descendants.<br />

93. T(ITUS) ATILIUS<br />

f. of ATILIA T. f. THALLUSA (COR 92)<br />


W. R. Biers and D. J. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93, 11. 3-4, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-<br />

1970, 587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of small grained white marble inscribed on all three faces recording<br />

a list of officials and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; his name at the head of the document<br />

was used as an indication of the dating; he was υπα[τος] (consul) of the year A.D. 127.<br />

Remarks: PIR 2 A 1305; Degrassi, Fasti consolari, 37.<br />

95. [- - -] ATTALUS<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 364d, pl. 33 [early Empire].<br />

Corinth, forum; ten fragments of two white marble slabs containing a list of fragmentary<br />

names in the nominative case (COR 84, COR 109, COR 126, COR 329, COR 490, COR 656,<br />

COR 666, COR 668, COR 672).<br />

96. ATTILI[A R]UFA<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 285, pl. 25 [ [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of a cream-colored marble plaque; funerary dedication<br />

erected by the person for herself and her two sons [. Scri]bonius Agath[o] (COR 550) and<br />

[. Scribonius Syr[iacus] (COR 551):<br />

Attili[a R]ufa I sibi et [. Scri]bonio I Agath[o]ni et [.] I [Scribonio Syr[iaco].<br />

97. AYPH[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 647, pl. 55 [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth, theatre; fragment of gray marble; Christian funerary inscriprion preserving a part of<br />

her name.<br />

Remarks: B. Millis (by correspondence) notes that the person was probably a woman, who<br />

owned tomb and was buried with her husband, whose name occurred in 1. 2.<br />


98. ΑΥΡΗΑΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

IG IV, 404 [4th-5th c. A.D.].<br />


Corinth; limestone slab; early Christian funerary inscription in memory of his father Διονύ­<br />

σιος, his brother Διονοί[σιος], of an Ίωάν[νης], probably a relative, and of their descendants.<br />

99. [- - -] AUR(ELIUS) [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 171 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; marble block; mutilated inscription preserving part of his name and that of [-<br />

A]nton[ius- - -] (COR 37).<br />

100. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΑΥΡ(ΗΑΙΟΣ) A[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 1, 116, 117 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of white marble; mutilated inscription preserving only a part of his<br />

name.<br />

Remarks: B. Millis (by correspondence) notes that the letter following Aur(elius) is A or Λ<br />

rather than I as B. D. Meriti, Corinth VIII. 1, 116, 117 suggests.<br />


CIL III, 535 [late 2nd or 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, theatre: Aur. Dionysio I procur. Aug.<br />

Remarks: Probably an imperial procurator of Achaia (Groag, Reichsbeamten, 152); PIR Ά 1492.<br />


[l]Corinth VIII. 3, 502, pl. 42 [mid. 4th c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; statue base of white marble; inscription in honour of Μέμμιος Πόντιος Πτο-<br />

λεμέος ο κέ Παρνάσιος (COR 422, text) erected by him by decree of the city council.<br />

άποστρά(τηγος)<br />

[2] IG IV 1603 (see U. Powell, AJA 7, 1903, 47; P. Wolters, RhM 59, 1904, 157-158; A.<br />

Wilhelm, BCH 29, 1905, 415); "Corinth VIII. 1, 89 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; statue base of bluish marble; epigram in honour of his brother Ίοΰνωρ (COR<br />

363), proconsul of Achaia; here (1. 5) he is attested only with his cognomen Εύτυχιανός.<br />

Remarks: Groag, Reichsbeamten spätröm. Zeit, 98, 111, based upon B. D. Meriti, Corinth<br />

VIII. 1, 89, had identified the person in [1] with Eutychianus mentioned in [2] and<br />

assigned his career to the 2nd or 3rd c. A.D.; J. H. Kent, Corinth VIII. 3,502, accepts<br />

this identification, but he dates the person's career in the middle of the 4th c. A.D.,<br />

on the basis of the proconsular post of the honorant Μέμμιος Πόντιος Πτολεμέος<br />

ο κέ Παρνάσιος, which falls within this time period. The person is not listed in<br />



PLRE. The term αποστρά(τηγος) is not clear; Kent, loc. cit., translates it as "ex-<br />

praetor" but the term στρατηγός has also other meanings, e.g. duumvir (H. J.<br />

Mason, Greek terms for Roman institutions [Toronto 1974] 155-163). According to<br />

S. Demougin (orally): από στρα(τηγών).<br />


IG IV, 449 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; herm; inscription in honour of his friend Κλ(αύδιος) [Κλα]υ[δ]ιανός Εύ[πυ]ρίδης<br />

Κλ(αυδίου) Μινουκιανοϋ (COR 171) erected by the person.<br />

Λυχνέδιος<br />

Remarks: Lychnedius is the ethnic name of Αυχνιδός (?), a city on the Upper Macedonia (F.<br />

Papazoglou, Les villes de Macédoine à l'époque romaine, BCH Suppl. XVI<br />

[Athènes 1988] 74-76; M. B. Hatzopoulos, Macedonian institutions under the kings<br />

[Athens 1996] 100).<br />


Corinth VIII. 2, 10 (M. B. Hornum, Nemesis, the Roman state, and the games [Leiden 1993]<br />

194, no. 74) [1st half of the 2nd c. A.D.]<br />

Corinth, forum; white marble block, probably an altar; dedication to Nemesis Augusta set up<br />

by the person:<br />

Nemesi Augustae I sacrum, I Aurelius Nestor, optio I leg(ionis) IUI Fl(aviae) Fel(icis) I ex voto.<br />

Remarks: The inscription dates from the 2nd c. A.D. when the legion IUI Flavia Felix was<br />

stationed in the area of the Danube privinces (E. Ritterling, RE XII [1924], 1275-<br />

1296 s.v. legio).<br />

105. AUTRON[IUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 261, pl. 22 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of white marble; funerary inscription erected by the decree of the<br />

city council:<br />

[—] d. d. [ ] I [- - -Javos et Autron[i—7 / [po]st obitum.<br />

Remarks: Autronius could be a gentilicium (Solin and Salomies, 29) and a cognomen (Schulze,<br />

106. BABBIA<br />

257, n. 5).<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 176, pl. 17 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; four fragments of a base of grayish marble; inscription in honour of her father-<br />

in-law Gn. Publiç[ius] M. f. M. n. M. pr[on.] Aem(ilia) Rusti[cus] (COR 507, text) and his<br />



mother-in-law whose name is missing; erected by the person and her husband M. Pu[blicius<br />

Gn. f.] (COR 504).<br />

Remarks: For the Babbii in the province of Achaia, see M. Kajava and H. Solin, Epigraphica<br />

59, 1997, 347 and n. 27.<br />

BA[BBIA] (?): see COR 659<br />

107. [- - -] BABBIUS [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 259, pl. 22 [mid. of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Old Corinth; fragment of a white slab; mutilated inscription preserving part of his name.<br />

108. [- - -] BABBIUS<br />

f. of [- -BA]BBIUS [. f. QUI]R(INA) PIU[S] (?) (COR 112)<br />

109. [C]N(AEUS) BABBI[US - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 364a, pl. 33 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; ten fragments of two white marble slabs containing a list of fragmentary<br />

names in the nominative case (COR 84, COR 95, COR 126, COR 329, COR 490, COR 656,<br />

COR 666, COR 668, COR 672).<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 327, pl. 30 [mid. 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; twenty-two fragments of a thin revetment slab; mutilated inscription:<br />

[Cm] Babbius Cn. f. Aem. [I]taUç[us] I ob [- - -] AE [- - -] ENV [- - -] [A]ugus[t - - -] I IIvi[ris<br />

—] Ο [—] AN [—] Ο [- - -] pr[aescr]ipta.<br />

Remarks: The slabs on which the inscription is written belong to the so called Southeast<br />

Building in the forum of the colony. Both Italicus and his father Cn. Babbius Philinus<br />

(COR 111) were associated with the construction of the portico of this building<br />

whose identification as tabularium proposed by O. Broneer, Hesperia 16, 1947,<br />

237, is not certain.<br />


Two identical votive inscriptions to Neptune erected by the person [1 A, B] [under Augustus]:<br />

[1A] Corinth VIII. 2, 2.<br />

Corinth; marble epistyle block from a round building: Cn. Babbius Philinus INeptuno sacr(um).<br />

[IB] Corinth VIII. 2, 3: Corinth, forum; bluish marble block.<br />



[2] Corinth VIII. 2, 98 [under Augustus].<br />

Corinth, Lechaion road; block of bluish marble preserving only a part of his name: Cn.<br />

Ba[bbius Philinus].<br />

[3] Corinth VIII. 2, 99, ph. [under Augustus].<br />

Corinth; two fragments of a marble architectural block preserving only a part of his name: Cn.<br />

Babbius [Philinus].<br />

[4] Corinth VIII. 2, 100, ph. [under Augustus].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a marble architectural block preserving a part of his name: Çn. Babbi[us<br />

Philinus] l[---] IBO [- - -].<br />

[5] Corinth VIII. 2, 101 [under Augustus].<br />

Corinth; top of a bluish marble slab preserving only a fragmentary inscription: [Cn.] Babbius<br />

P[hilinus].<br />

[6] Corinth VIII. 2, 131 [under Augustus].<br />

Corinth, forum; architrave block of porous stone preserving only a part of his name: Cn.<br />

Babbius Philin[us].<br />

[7]Corinth VIII. 2, 132 [under Augustus].<br />

Corinth, forum; marble epistyle block from a round building, the so called "Babbius<br />

Monument", erected at his own expense: [C]n. Babbius Philinus aed. pontif[ex] I d. s. p. f. ç.<br />

idemque Ilvir p.<br />

[8] Corinth VIII. 3, 155, pi. 14.<br />

Corinth I. 3, 21-22 [under Augustus].<br />

Corinth, forum, beside the so-called "Babbius Monument"; slab of blue marble used as an<br />

orthostate revetment slab; the inscription was probably engraved on the podium of the<br />

"Babbius Monument" erected at the person's own expense: [Cn. Babbius Philinu]s, aed.,<br />

pontif[ex], I [d. s. p. f. c. idemque] Ilvir p.<br />

[9] Corinth VIII. 3, 241, pi. 19 [under Augustus].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a circular base of white marble found in the cavea of the Odeion;<br />

here: Cn. [Babbiol Phil in [o].<br />

Remarks: Probably a rich freedman (none of the inscriptions gives his father's name and his<br />

cognomen betrays a Greek origin) among the original colonists (Spawforth, in:<br />

Rowan onomastics, 169) or a Greek who had received Roman citizenship; however<br />

it is worth noting that his son [Cn.] Babbius Cn. f. Aem(ilia) [Ita]liç[us] (COR 110)<br />

was ascribed to the local tribe Aemilia. He was the donor of two monuments in the<br />

forum of the colony, the so-called "Babbius monument", ([7], [8]) and the adjacent<br />

fountain of Poseidon ([6]). For his descendants and their relations to Delphi, see<br />

Spawforth, op. cit. For the the three-man college of pontiffs in the Roman colony<br />

of Corinth, see Stansbury, op. cit., 158-195.<br />

M(ARCUS) B[ABBIUS] (?): see COR 660<br />


112. [- - - BA]BBIUS [. F. QUI]R(INA) PIU[S] (?)<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 391, pi. 35 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />


Corinth, forum; two fragments of white marble revetment slab.<br />

112-117<br />

Remarks: Quirina was the tribe of the colonists of Patrai (cf. Ba[bb]ia Postuma, ACH 51 adn.).<br />

113. M(ARCUS)] (BARBATIUS)<br />

f. of [M(ARCUS)] BARBATIUS M. [f.] AE[M](ILIA) CELER (COR 114)<br />

114. [M(ARCUS)] BARBATIUS M. [f.] AE[M](ILIA) CELER<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 80 [ca. 41 B.C.].<br />

Corinth; block of bluish marble; inscription in his honour erected by someone whose name is<br />

missing: [ae]dili, praef(ecto) i(ure) d(icundo), I [—]IIyir I [—] ο [—].<br />

Remarks: A. B. West, Corinth VIII. 2, 80 suggests that M. Barbatius Celer must have<br />

received Roman citizenship through M. Barbatius Pollio who served as provincial<br />

quaestor under Marc Antony in 41 B.C. (PIR 2 Β 50; cf. Broughton, Magistrates II,<br />

372). See also Amandry, 25-26. For the praef(ecti) i(ure) d(icundo), see COR 53.<br />


Amandry, 181-192, em. XVII, pis XXV-XXIX; RPCl, 1172- 1179.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with P. Vipsanius Agrippa (COR 650) of the year A.D. 37/38<br />

Remarks: Spawforth, in: Roman onomastics, 176. For the emission see Amandry, 69-71.<br />

116. Γ(ΑΪΟΣ) ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ ΓΟ[3-4]ΟΔΟ[- - -]<br />

*Corinth VIII. 1, 15, 1. 58; W. Peek, Gnomon 9, 1933, p. 417, 11. 7-8 (SEG 11, 1950, 62)<br />

[A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three sides recording a list of<br />

officials and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in παίδω[ν] π[ά]λ[η]γ.<br />

Remarks: The new reading by B. Millis (by correspondence), is preferable to that of Corinth VIII.<br />

117. K[- - -] AT[- - -]<br />

1, 15,1. 58: Γ. ^Αλέξαν[δρος - - -] and that of Peek, loc. cit. Γ. 'Αλέξανδρος TE[. .<br />

. .]ΟΛΟ[- - -]; for the date see A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299.<br />

D. R. Jordan, Hesperia 63, 1994, 114, no. 3, 11. 1-2, fig. (SEG 44, 1994, 306) [possibly 2nd<br />

c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Isthmus: sanctuary of Poseidon; inscribed lead tablet used as a secret ballot of<br />



rejection cast by the person, a judge of the Isthmian games, recording his decision not to admit<br />

a candidate in an athletic competition: K[—] Ι Άτ[—] Ι έκκ[ρείνω] Ι Ουα[—] (COR 593).<br />

118. Q(UINTUS) C[- - -]ULI[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 222, pi. 17 [1st c. A.D.(?)].<br />

Corinth; forum; seven adjoining fragments of a block of grayish marble; probably an<br />

inscription in his honour preserving part of his name and part of his municipal career set up by<br />

a Corinthian tribe, probably Vat[inia]: Q. C[- - -]l [- - - uli [- - -]l [- - - M [.] PA [- - -]l<br />

a[g]onothet[es—]l Isthmion et Ca[esare] I on trib[ules tribus] I Vat. I [be]ne mer[ito].<br />


Amandry, 133-138, em. VI, pis VI-VII; RPCl, 1127-1128.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with C. Heius Pamphilus (COR 309) about the years 34-31 B.C.<br />

Remarks: He was probably of freedman origin (Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 162-163); Grant,<br />


FIT A, 267-268 associates the person with the homonymous quaestor in Sicily in 72<br />

B.C. (Broughton, Magistrates II, 117; Spawforth, in: Roman onomastics, 176); for<br />

the emission see Amandry, 38-39.<br />

IG IV 490 [2nd/3rd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinthia, Kleonai (Gouva); base with cymatium; inscription in honour of Κορνήλιος Βετού-<br />

ριος Θεόφιλος (COR 235, text) erected by decree of the city council and the people; both the<br />

person and Δομίτιος 'Αλέξανδρος (COR 247) appear as the supervisors (έπιμεληταί) of the<br />

inscription's erection.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 135, pi. 13 [A.D 107-114].<br />

Corinth, forum; statue base of grayish marble; inscription in his honour erected by his friend<br />

(amicus) L. Gellius Menander (I) (COR 292):<br />

C. Caelio C. I fil. Ouf(entina) Martiali praef(ecto) I coh(ortis) I Raetorum quae tendit I in<br />

Raetia, trib(uno) leg(ionis) XIII Gem(inae) quae I 5 tendit in Dacia, in quo tribunatu I donis<br />

militaribus donatus est I ab imp(eratori) Caesari Nerva Traiano I Aug(usto) Germanico Dacico,<br />

et copiarum I curam adiuvit secunda expedition[e], I 10 qua universa Dacia devicta est, I<br />

proc(urator) provinc(iae) Achaiae, proc(urator) ferrari[arum] I [L. Ge]llius Menander amicus.<br />

Remarks: Groag, Reichsbeamten, 146; PIR 2 C 136; Pflaum, Carrières, 170, no. 74; Devijver,<br />

C 31. His procuratorship of Achaia dates to Trajan's second Dacian campaign<br />

(A.D. 105-107).<br />


122. CAESENNIA LAI S<br />

CIL III. 7273 [early imperial period].<br />


Corinth; funerary dedication for the person and her husband P. Caesennius Thamyris (COR<br />

123) erected during their lifetime.<br />

Remarks: Lais is a Greek feminine name (LGPN III. A, 265, s.v. Λαΐς).<br />


CIL III. 7273 [early imperial period].<br />

Corinth; funerary dedication for the person and his wife Caesennia Lais (COR 112) erected<br />

during their lifetime.<br />

Remarks: For his cognomen cf. LGPNIII. A, 198, s.v. Θάμυρις.<br />

124. A(ULUS) CAESIUS MALCH[IO vel US]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 54, pi. 8 [under Augustus or Tiberius (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum; six fragments of white marble; mutilated votive inscription erected by the<br />

person: — / sacr(um) I A. Caesius Malch[io].<br />

Remarks: His cognomen can either be Malch[us] or Malchfio]; cf. LGPN III. A, 287, s.v.<br />

125. ΓΑΙ[- - -] AI<br />

Μαλχίων and Μάλχος.<br />

Corinth III. 1, 52, no. 5b (*SEG 11, 1950, 136b) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, Acrocorinth; inscription on the Upper Peirene Fountain: Έμνήσθη Γαι... AI<br />

Remarks: The inscription seems to imply an act of worship on behalf of the person.<br />

Ç(AIUS), see COR 661<br />

126. [- - - C]ALENDIO<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 364c, pi. 33 [early imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; ten fragments of two white marble slabs containing a list of fragmentary<br />

names in the nominative case (COR 84, COR 95, COR 109, COR 329, COR 490, COR 656,<br />

COR 666, COR 668, COR 672).<br />

Remarks: Calendio is a cognomen (Solin and Salomies, 306). See also L. Pos[—] (COR 490).<br />

127. CALL[I]ANA HILARA<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 287,1. 3, pi. 25 [mid. 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />



Corinth, near Cheliotomylos in a Roman chamber tomb; thirteen fragments of a white marble<br />

plaque; funerary dedication erected by her husband M. Aenius Onesiphorus (COR 23, text) for<br />

himself, Calliana Hilara, their son [M.] Aenius M. f. Aem(ilia) Onesiph[or]us (COR 24) and for<br />

their descendants.<br />

Remarks: For the gentilicium, see Solin and Salomies, 42, s.v.Call[i]anus. Hilara is a Greek<br />


name (LGPNIII. A, 218, s.v. Τλάρα).<br />

M. Sasel-Kos, Arch. Vestnik 28, 1977, 199 (AnnÉpigr 1977, 780); ILGR 82 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Sicyon; funerary dedication erected by her father M. Calpetanus Corinthus (COR<br />

119, text), for himself, his wife Fulvia Eutychis (COR 277), their children, Calpetana Magna<br />

and Calpetanus Ianuarius (COR 130), for M. Pacuius Euporos (COR 455) and for the family's<br />

freedmen.<br />

Remarks: For the family of Calpetani, see M. Calpetanus Corinthus (COR 129).<br />


M. Sasel-Kos, Arch.Vestnik 28, 1977, 199 (AnnÉpigr 1977, 780); ILGR 82 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Sicyon; funerary dedication erected by the person for himself, his wife Fulvia<br />

Eutychis (COR 277), their children, Calpetana Magna (COR 128) and Calpetanus Ianuarius<br />

(COR 130), for M. Pacuius Euporos (COR 455) and for the family's freedmen:<br />

V. M. Calpetanus Colrinthus sibi et Fulviae I Eutychidi uxori et Callpetanis Ianuario et<br />

Mal 5 gna(e) liberis et M. Pacuio Euporo et libertis.<br />

Remarks: For the family of Calpetani, see ILGR 82. For the nomen see Solin and Salomies, 43.<br />


M. Sasel-Kos, Arch. Vestnik 28, 1977, 199 (AnnÉpigr 1977, 780); ILGR 82 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Sicyon; funerary dedication erected by his father M. Calpetanus Corinthus (COR<br />

129, text), for himself, his wife Fulvia Eutychis (COR 277), their children, Calpetana Magna<br />

(COR 128) and Calpetanus Ianuarius, for M. Pacuius Euporos (COR 455) and for the family's<br />

freedmen.<br />

Remarks: For the family of Calpetani, see M. Calpetanus Corinthus (COR 129).<br />


IG IV 1600; Corinth VIII. 1, 80 [under Hadrian, after A.D. 124].<br />

Corinth, Lechaion road; two fragments of a white marble base; inscription in honour of her<br />

brother Γν. Κορνήλιος Τιβ. Κορνηλίου Πούλχρου Φαβία Ποϋλχρος (COR 228, text) erected<br />

by the person.<br />



132-135<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 147, pi. 15 [early imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of a statue base of white marble; inscription in his honour<br />

erected by someone whose name is missing:<br />

P. Calpu[rnio . f.] I Crotofnensi proc] I Aug. pr[ov. Achaiae].<br />

Remarks: Solin and Salomies, 320. The post could also be restored as [leg(ato)] Aug(usti)<br />

pr[(o) pr(aetore)], probably of Achaia.<br />


133. CAN[INIA] DONELTA]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 284, pi. 25 [end of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a white marble plaque; funerary dedication erected by her<br />

father M. Ca[ninius Rufus] (I) (COR 136, text), for himself, his wife [Doneta] (COR 249), their<br />

children M. [Caninius] Rufus (II) (COR 137), Can[inia] Done[ta] and for their descendants.<br />


Amandry, 227-236, em. XXIV, pis XLII-XLV; RPCl, 1210-1222.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir of the year A.D. 68/69<br />

Remarks: He was the last duovir, without a colleague, attested on the Corinthian coins<br />

(Amandry, 75-76; Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 521). He was probably a relative,<br />

brother or son, of his homonymous procurator and duumvir (COR 135).<br />


[1] Corinth VIII. 2, 65 [under Claudius]<br />

Corinth; limestone base; inscription in his honour erected by Grania Quinta (COR 300):<br />

P. Caninio Alexiadae I f. Agrippae procur. Caesa. I Aug. provine. Achaiae I Grania Quinta I<br />

bene e se mito.<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 2, 66 [under Claudius]: Corinth; broken limestone block; inscription in his<br />

honour erected by his client P. Caninius P. lib. Strabo (COR 139):<br />

[P. Ca]ninio Alexiad. I f. Co. I [Agrip]pae procur. Caesar. A[ug.] I provine. Achaiae I [li]b.<br />

Strab patron [o].<br />

[3] Corinth VIIL 3, 351, pi. 31 [under Claudius (?)].<br />

Corinth; four fragments of a slab of coarsed-grained marble; mutilated inscription, most<br />

probably a dedication to a divinity or to an emperor whose name is not preserved, set up by<br />



the person, here: [P. Canini]us Alexia[dae /'. Co(llina) Agrippa].<br />

[4] Amandry, 165-168, em. XV, pis XVIII-XIX; PRCl, 1149-1150 [A.D. 21/22]: Corinthian<br />

bronze coins.<br />

duumvir quinquennalis with L. Castricius Regulus (COR 146) of the year A.D. 21/22.<br />

procur(ator) Caesa(ris) Aug(usti) prov(inciae) Achaiae [1], [2], Ilvir quinquennalis [4]<br />

Remarks: PIR 2 C 387; Groag, Reichsbeamten, 140-141 and Spawforth, in: Roman onomastics,<br />

176-177, suggest that his father Alexiades must have been a freeborn provincial<br />

Greek with personal ties to Agrippa who received Roman citizenship through a<br />

senator named Caninius; Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 219-220, supposes that<br />

Alexiades received Roman citizenship from L. Caninius Gallus, consul with Agrippa<br />

in 37 B.C., or from one of his family. His tribe could be restored either as Collina or<br />

Cornelia (cf. Demougin, CJC, 494).<br />

The person had followed an equestrian as well as a municipal career; Pflaum,<br />

Carrières, 1070, dates his procuratorship in the last years of Augustus reign;<br />

Demougin, loc. cit., favors a Claudian date. For the emission in [4] see Amandry, 57-<br />

59. It seems probable that the homonymous duovir (COR 124) under Galba was his<br />

son or his brother (cf. Demougin, loc. cit. ). For the person, see also ACH 60).<br />

136. M(ARCUS) CA[NINIUS RUFUS] (I)<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 284, pi. 25 [end of the 2nd c. A.D].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a white marble plaque; funerary dedication erected by the<br />

person for himself, his wife [Doneta] (COR 249), their children M. [Caninius] Rufus (II) (COR<br />

137), Can[inia] Done[ta] (COR 133), and for their descendants:<br />

V. M. Ca[ninius Rufus] I sibi et [Doneta] uxori I et M. [Caninius] Rufo f. I et Can[inia] Done[ta] I<br />

f. posterisque suis.<br />

Remarks: For the Caninii see Spawforth, in: Roman onomastics, 176-177.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 284, pi. 25 [end of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a white marble plaque; funerary dedication erected by his<br />

father M. Cafninius Rufus] (I) (COR 126, text), for himself, his wife [Doneta] (COR 249), their<br />

children M. [Caninius] Rufus (II), Can[inia] Donefta] (COR 133), and for their descendants.<br />

Remarks: See M. Caninius Rufus (I) (COR 136).<br />

138. ΚΑΝΕΙΝΙΟΣ ΣΟ[- - -]<br />

W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,1. 89, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-1970,<br />

587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127]<br />



139-141<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of officials<br />

and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in άποβ[ατικόν] κρίσι[ν β' ].<br />

Remarks: For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />

139. [P. CANINIUS P. li]b(ertus) STRAB<br />

L. R. Dean, AJA 23, 1919, 171, no. 14, fig. 9B (AnnÉpigr 1919, 6); "Corinth VIII. 2, 66 [under<br />

Claudius].<br />

Corinth; broken limestone block; inscription in honour of P. Caninius Alexiadae f. Co(llina)<br />

Agrippa (COR 135, text) erected by the person, who was his client.<br />

Remarks: Lapis: Β STRABD; A. B. West, Corinth VIII. 2, 66, points out that the letter Β<br />

before Strabo is difficult to understand, we propose [P. Caninius P. li]b(ertus)<br />

Strab.<br />

140. ΑΟΥΚΙΟΣ ΚΑΝ[Ι]ΟΣ<br />

Corinth I. 4, 101; "Corinth VIII. 3, 353 (SEG 14, 1957, 305); cf. Ο. Broneer, AE 1937, 132-<br />

133 and BullÉpigr 1940, 5 lb [early imperial period (?)].<br />

Corinth, forum; graffito on a wall.<br />

Remarks: Solin and Salomies, 45. Broneer, loc. cit., reads λάν[ι]ος, (lanius, i.e. butcher); cf.<br />

Robert, in BullÉpigr, loc. cit., who notes that Lanius is also a gentilicium (Solin and<br />

Salomies, 101); less probably are the readings suggested by J. H. Kent, commentary<br />

on Corinth VIII. 3, 353, Καγ[αΙ]ος (/'. e. from the city of Canae in Aeolis) or<br />

κάγ[αβ]ος (i. e. Lucius is skinny) and κάμ[π]ος (/. e. Lucius is a monster) if the text<br />

is derogatory.<br />


Corinth VIII. 2, 55 (AnnÉpigr 1932, 87); *Groag, Reichsbeamten, 51-52 [A.D. 98-102].<br />

Corinth; white marble block; inscription in his honour:<br />

C. Caristanio I [. f. Ser. I]uliano, procos., I [trib. mil. leg. XI]I Fu[l]m., pr. [a]lae, [praetori in]ter<br />

c[iv]is (?) I 5 et civis et peregr]inos et in[ter] I per[egr]inos, le[g. pr]o pr. provine I [iae ]ae.<br />

From Pisidian Antioch<br />

Remarks: He is also attested in two Greek inscriptions from Delphi (FD III. 4, 47) and Athens<br />

(IG II 2 4206). For his career, see Groag, loc. cit., 51-52; PIR 2 C, 426; E. Birley,<br />

Epigraphische Studien 8, 1969,81; Eck, Senatoren, 105, η. 70; Halfmann, Senatoren,<br />

no. 34 (his origin was from Pisidian Antioch); Devijver, C 82; Thomasson, 192-193,<br />

no. 23. His proconsulship of Achaia dates to A.D. 98-102 (Groag; for the date see<br />

also Halfmann and Eck, loc. cit.). For the family of Caristanii see A. B. West,<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, pp. 36-37.<br />



142. L. CAS(- - - )<br />

Amandry, 124-128, em. III, pis III-IV; RPC I, 1118-1121 [42 or 41 B.C.]: Corinthian bronze<br />

coins.<br />

duumvir with M. Insteius C. f. Tectus (COR 320) of the year 42 or 41 B.C.<br />

Remarks: Probably Cassius. For the emission see Amandry, 33-36.<br />

143. Γ(ΑΪΟΣ) ΚΑΣΣΙΟΣ<br />

f. of Γ(ΑΪΟΣ) ΚΑΣΣΙΟΣ Γ. ύος (sic) ΦΛΑΚΚΟΣ (COR 144)<br />

144. Γ(ΑΪΟΣ) ΚΑΣΣΙΟΣ Γ. ύος ΦΑΑΚΚΟΣ<br />

[l]Corinth VIII. 1, 14,11. 85-86 [A.D. 3 (Actian era)].<br />

Corinth; headless marble herm with inscriptions on three sides recording a list of victors of the<br />

Caesarea Isthmia games; victor in the games in the category of poets: ποιητάς.<br />

[2]Coj7/7f/iVIILl, 19,1. 11 [under Tiberius].<br />

Corinth; thick marble block; list of victors in the Caesarea musical contests; poet, victor in<br />

ποιήματι εις θεάν Τ[ο]υλίαν Σεβαστήν, i.e. Livia; here: Γ. Κ[ά]σσιος Φλάκκος.<br />

Συρακόσιο[ς]<br />

145. [L(UCIUS)] (CASTRICIUS)<br />

f. of [L(ucius) Castricius L. f (tribu) Regulus] (I) (COR 146)<br />

146. [L(UCIUS) CASTRICIUS L. F. (tribu) REGULUS] (I)<br />

[1] Corinth VIII. 3, 153, pis 14, 62 [under Tiberius].<br />

Corinth, forum; part of a white marble block; inscription in his honour recording his cursus<br />

honorum, erected by his son [L. Castri]cius Regulus (COR 135) by decree of the city council:<br />

[L. Castricio] I [. f. (tribu) Regulo] I aedili, praef. i. d., II]vir., et [Ilvir.] I [quinquennal.],<br />

[a]gonothete Tibl 5 ereon Caesar]eon Sebasteon et I [agonothete I]sthmion et Caesarl[eon qui<br />

Isthm]ia ad Isthmum egit I [primus sub cura]m Col. Laud. Iul. Cor. I [carmina ad Iulia]m diva[m<br />

Au]g. virgil 10 [numque certame]n instituit [e]t omnibl[us aedificiis Cae]sareon novatis CO I [—]<br />

to peregit epulumq. I [omnibus co]lonis dedit, I fil. L. Castri]çius Regulus I [pat]ri I [d.] d.<br />

[2] W. Willson Cummer, Hesperia 40, 1971, 220-224, fig. 6; ILGR 124, frg. 2 [1st half of the<br />

1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Kenchreai; fourty-four fragments of marble; mutilated funerary inscription in which<br />

his cursus honorum is very badly preserved; here: [Castriciu]s Reg[ulus].<br />

[3] Amandry, 165-168, em. XV, pis XVIII-XIX; RPC I, 1149-1150. Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir quinquennalis with P. Caninius Agrippa (COR 134) of the year A.D. 21/22<br />



147-151<br />

aedilis, praefectus iure dicundo, duumvir, agonothetes of several games [I], duumvir<br />

quinquennalis [1], [3]<br />

Remarks: His contribution as agonothetes to the reorganisation of the imperial contests under<br />

Tiberius was important (D. J. Geagan, GRBS 9, 1968, 70-73). For the emission in [3]<br />

see Amandry, 57-59. For the praef(ecti) i(ure) d(icundo), see COR 53.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 153, pis 14, 62 [under Tiberius].<br />

Corinth, forum; part of a white marble block; inscription in honour of his father [L. Castricius<br />

L. f. Regulus] (I) (COR 146, text) erected by the person by decree of the city council.<br />

148. L(UCIUS) CAV[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 458 [early imperial period (?)].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a revetment slab of white marble streaked with purple; mutilated<br />

inscription preserving only a part of his name; in 1. 1 there is a rasura.<br />

149. [- - - S]PUR[I F. AE]M(ILIA) CE[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 188 [early imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of a white marble slab, two of them adjoining; mutilated<br />

inscription preserving parts of his name and of his cursus honorum:<br />

[- - - S]pur[i f.] I [Ae]m. Çe[- - -] I [an]n. cu[r. - - -] I [aed.] et Ilvir [- - -] etc.<br />

Remarks: For the Spurii filiation, see K. Buraselis, in: Roman onomastics, 55-59.<br />

150. [- - - C]ENSORINUS<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 116, ph. [very early imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble block preserving a mutilated inscription: [ ]l<br />

[- - -]wnam I [ Jalea I [ Qensorinus S I [ ]o optim[o].<br />

Remarks: Censorinus is used both as gentilicium and as cognomen (Solin and Salomies, s.v.).<br />

The person could be connected with the governor of Macedonia and Achaia L.<br />

Marcius Censorinus (42-40 B.C.), whose family had close ties with Patrai (see ACH<br />

155). Cf. a Cocceius Censorinus who erected a statue in honour of Herodes Atticus<br />

(COR 174) at Eleusis on behalf of the decurions of Corinth (SylD 854).<br />

*151. C(AIUS) CERI[ALIS]<br />

Corinth I. 4, p. 113; Corinth VIII. 3, 137, pi. 12 [late in the reign of Hadrian].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragments of a statue base of gray marble; inscription in his honour erected by<br />



his friend (amicus) L. Gellius Menander (II) (COR 293) at the decree of the city council:<br />

C. Cerifali] I proc. im[p.] I Caesaris Traiani Hadriani I Aug. I provinciae Achaiae I L. Gellius<br />

Menander I amicus I dec. dec.<br />

Remarks: Groag, Reichsbeamten, 148, identifies him with the person listed in PIR 2 C 670 and<br />

his homonymous procurator marmorum (cf. ILS 8717) in PIR 2 C 675; J. A. O.<br />

Larsen, "Roman Greece", in: T. Frank (ed.), An economic survey of ancient Rome,<br />

IV (New York 1975) 462-465, accepts this identification and associates his<br />

procuratorship with the imperial marble quarries at Karystos.<br />


master of Q(UINTUS) CISPULEIUS Q. 1. PRIMUS (COR 153)<br />


[1] Corinth VIII. 2, 7 [under Tiberius].<br />

Corinth; base of Acrocorinthian limestone; inscription in his honour erected by C. Novius<br />

Felix (COR 433):<br />

Q. Cispuleio I Q. 1. Primo aug/ustali) I Ti. Caesaris Aug.(usti) I C. Novius Felix I d(ecreto)<br />

d(ecurionum).<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 2, 107 [under Tiberius]: Corinth; base; inscription in honour of Q. Cispuleius<br />

Q. f. Aem(ilia) Theophilus (COR 154, text) erected by the person; here: Q:. Cispul[ei]u[s<br />

Pri]rpu[s].<br />

Remarks: For the college of augustales and his connection with the imperial cult, see R.<br />

Duthoy, "Les Augustales", ANRWU. 16. 2, 1978, 1254-1309.<br />


Corinth VIII. 2, 107 [under Tiberius].<br />

Corinth; base; inscription in his honour erected by Q. Cispuleius Primus (COR 153).<br />

Q. Cispuleio I Q. f. Aem. 1 Theophilo, I decurionalibus I 3 et aediliciis ornament., I d. d. honorato I<br />

Q. Cispul[ei]u[s Pri]mu[s].<br />

[- - -] CLA[- - -]: see COR 663<br />

155. [- - -] CLAUDIAFNUS]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 291, pi. 24 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving only a part<br />


of his name.<br />

Cnidiaius<br />

156. [.] (CLAUDIUS)<br />

f. of. [.] Claudios] [. f.] Qu[ir(ina)] Valer[ianus] (COR 184)<br />

157. P(UBLIUS) (CLAUDIUS)<br />

f. of Ti. Claudius P. f. Fab(ia) Dinippus (COR 170)<br />

158. TI(BERIUS) C[LAUDIUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 377, pi. 33 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />


156-162<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a block of white marble; mutilated inscription whose type is<br />

unknown.<br />

159. [TI(BERIUS)] CLL4UDIUS]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 254, pi. 22 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a statue base of white marble.<br />

Remarks: The name is restored in the dative case; J. H. Kent Corinth, loc. cit., notes that [Ti.]<br />

Claudio] seems likely, but any nomen with the initial letters CE is also possible, e.g.<br />

Cerialis. It is not certain whether [ ] CLISI [ ] in 1. 2 is a patronymic, a<br />

cognomen (such as Cl(e)isthenes, [Κλεισθένης] as Kent, loc. cit., proposes) or part<br />

of another person's name.<br />

160. TI(BERIUS) CL[AUDIUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 465, pi. 38 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of white marble; mutilated inscription the character of which is<br />

unknown.<br />

161. TI(BERIUS) CLA[UDIUS- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 253, pi. 22 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of gray limestone; mutilated inscription preserving only a part of his name<br />

and of his post: sod(alis) a[ug(ustalis)].<br />

162. TI(BERIUS) CLAfUDIUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 379, pi. 33 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />



Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription whose character is<br />

unknown.<br />

163. [T]I(BERIUS) CLAU[DIUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 381, pi. 33: [1st c. A.D. (letters form)].<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription whose character<br />

is unknown.<br />

164. [Τ]ΙΒ(ΕΡΙΟΣ) ΚΑΑΥ[(ΔΙΟΣ) - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 1, 16,1. 9 [A.D. 181].<br />

Corinth; two mutilated blocks of white marble which originally formed part of a monument in<br />

the shape of a prism surmounted by a pyramidal cap; list of officials and victors of the Caesarea<br />

Isthmia games, of which the person was agonothetes:<br />

άγωνο[θέτου] Ι [δε Τ]ιβερίου Κλαυ[δίου —].<br />

Remarks: For the date see L. Antistius Burrus (COR 29). For the post of agonothetes in<br />

165. [TIB. Κ]ΑΑΥΔΙΟΣ [- - -]<br />

Roman Corinth, see D. J. Geagan, GRBS 9, 1968, 69-76.<br />

IG IV 399. [lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Sicyon; fragmentary honorary inscription for a priestess of the imperial cult<br />

([άρχιέρε]ια Σεβαστή[ς]) whose name is missing; [Τιβ. Κ]λαύδιος [—] is her son [—] (COR<br />

26, text).<br />

166. TI(BERIUS) CLAUDIUS [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 54, ph. [under Augustus, 10/9 or 5/4 B.C.].<br />

Corinth, forum; inscription in honour of [L. A]quillius C. f. Pom(ptina) [Fl]orus Turcianus<br />

Gallus (COR 83, text) erected by the person and his colleague in duovirship Ti. Claudius<br />

Anaxilas (COR 167).<br />

Remarks: The restoration of the cognomen as [Dinippus] (1. 7), suggested by A. B. West,<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 54, is based on the erroneous Claudian dating of the career of L.<br />

Aquillius C. f. Pom. Florus Turcianus Gallus; for the discussion, see Amandry, 106-107.<br />


Corinth VIII. 2, 54, ph. [under Augustus, probably 10/9 or 5/4 B.C.].<br />

Corinth, forum; marble base; inscription in honour of [Lucius A]quillius C. f. Pom(ptina)<br />

[Fl]orus Turcianus Gallus (COR 83, text) erected by the person and by the duovir Ti. Claudius<br />

[- - -] (COR 166).<br />



168-169<br />

Remarks: The person is probably the grandfather of an homonymous duovir (COR 168)<br />

under Nero (A.D. 67/8). For the identification of the duovir and the date of the<br />

inscription, see Amandry, 106-107.<br />


[1] Amandry, 221-227, em. XXIII, pis XXXIX-XLI; RPCl, 1207-1209.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with P. Ventidius Fronto (COR 613) of the year A.D. 67/68<br />

[2]Corinth VIII. 3, 212, pi. 17 [2nd half of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; five fragments of a gray marble block; inscription in honour of the isagogeus<br />

of the Istmhian games L. Papius L. f. Aem(ilia) Venerius (COR 461) when Anaxilaus was<br />

agonothetes of the same games: agonoth. Ti. Claudi Anaxüai.<br />

Remarks: He was the grandson of the homonymous duovir under Augustus (COR 167). For<br />

the emission in [1] see Amandry, 19-21. For the post of agonothetes see D. J.<br />

Geagan, GRBS9, 1968, 69-76.<br />


[1A] L. R. Dean, ALA 23, 1919, 173, no. 16, fig. 10 Β (AnnÉpigr 1919, 8); "Corinth VIII. 2, 58<br />

(Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 65-66, no. 34) [under Nerva].<br />

Corinth, forum; white marble base; inscription in his honour erected by someone whose name<br />

is partly preserved:<br />

Ti. Claudio I Ti. Claudi I Hipparchi f. I Quir. Attico, I 5 praetoriis ornament(is) I ornato, ex<br />

s(enatus) c(onsulto).<br />

[IB] Th. R. Martin, Hesperia46, 1977, 184-186, no. 5, pi. 49 (AnnÉpigr 1977, 774); ILGR 97<br />

(Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 66-67, no. 35) [A.D. 96-98].<br />

Corinth; two fragments of an epistyle of white marble; inscription in his honour:<br />

Ti. Claudio I Ti. C[laudi] I Hippar[chi f.] I [Quir. A]t[tico] I 5 [praetoriis ornament(is)] I [ornato<br />

ex s(enatus) c(onsulto)],l [—].<br />

[2]Corinth VIII. 3, 182, pi. 16+Corinth VIII. 3, 196, pi. 18; joined by *G. R. Bugh, Hesperia<br />

48, 1979, 45-53,1. 7, pi. 17 (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 67-68, no. 36) [1st half of the 2nd c.<br />

A.D. (letters form)].<br />

Corinth, forum; five fragments of a pedestal of bluish marble; inscription in honour of the<br />

isagogeus C. Çfurtius] C. til Benig[n]us Iuventianus (COR 239) under the agonothesia of the<br />

person and [- - -] REITICUS: isag. [agonothetarum (?)] REITICI et Ti. C/7. Attjici [- - -].<br />

praetoriis ornament(is) ornato ex s(enatus) c(onsulto) [IA, B], isagogeus [2]<br />

Remarks: Martin, op. cit., thinks that the two identical texts [1A] and [IB] recording the<br />

aquisition of the ornamenta praetoria by the decree of the Roman Senate were set<br />

up at opposite ends of the forum of Corinth by different groups or individuals (cf.<br />



the case of T. Manlius T. f. Col. Iuvencus, COR 361) and date to the reign of Nerva<br />

when Atticus was officialy entered into the senatorial rank. For the person see also<br />

ARG 63, EL 143, LAC 270.<br />

s. of Ti. Claudius Hipparchus (COR 175)<br />


The Latin inscriptions in his honour [1-12] erected, probably, by different Corinthian tribes,<br />

date to the reign of Nero. His cursus honorum largely preserved in [1 and 5] can be completed<br />

thanks to the other mutilated inscriptions [2-3 and 6-10]; the fully career can be established as<br />

follows: Ilvir, Ilvir quinq(uennalis), augur, sacerdos Victoriae Britann(icae), trib(unus)<br />

mil(itum) leg(ionis) VI Hispanensis, praef(ectus) fabr(um) III, annon(ae) cur(ator),<br />

agonothetes Neroneon Caesareon et Isthmion et Caesareon.<br />

[1] Corinth VIII. 2, 86, ph.<br />

Corinth; block of bluish marble; inscription in his honour erected by the tribe Atia:<br />

Ti. Claudio P. f. Fab. Dinippq I Ilvir., Ilvir. quinq., augur., I sacerdoti victoriae I Britann., trib.<br />

mil. leg. VI, I 5 annonae curatori, I agonothete Neroneon I Caesareon et Isthmion I et Caesareon,<br />

tribules I tribus Atiae.<br />

[2] L. R. Dean, ALA 22, 1918, 190, no. 2, fig. 2 (AnnÉpigr 1918, 2); "Corinth VIII. 2, 87, ph.<br />

Corinth, forum; block of bluish white marble; inscription in his honour erected by a tribe whose<br />

name is missing; here: Ti. Claudio P. f. [Fab.] Dinippo.<br />

[3] CIL III, 539<br />

Corinth VIII. 2,89, ph.: Corinth, forum; inscription in his honour; here his name is completely missing.<br />

[4] Corinth VIII. 2, 90, ph.<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of bluish white marble; inscription in his honour erected by<br />

the tribe Au[relia] (?); here: [Ti. Claudijo P. [f. Fab. Dinippo].<br />

[5] Corinth VIII. 3, 158, pi. 14<br />

Corinth, forum; part of a pedestal of white marble; inscription in his honour erected by a tribe<br />

whose name is missing:<br />

[Ti.] Claudi[o P. f. Fab.] I Dinippo IIv[ir., Ilvir. quinq.], I auguri, sacerdoti victoriae] I<br />

Britannic, [trib. mil. leg. VI] I Hispanen[sis, praef. fabr.] I III, annon[ae curat., agonothete] I<br />

Nerone[on Caesareon et Isthmion] I [et Caesareon tribules tribus] —<br />

[6] Corinth Vili. 3, 159, pi. 14<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of a pedestal of grayish marble; inscription in his honour<br />

erected by a tribe whose name is missing; here: Ti. Cflaudio P. f. Fab. Dinippo].<br />

[7] Corinth VIII. 3, 160, pi. 14<br />

Corinth, forum; a statue base of white marble; inscription in his honour erected by a tribe<br />

whose name is missing; here:<br />



Ti. Claudio P. f. [Fab.] I Dinippo Ilvir., II[vir.] I quinq., auguri, sac[erd.] I victor. Britannic,<br />

t[rib.] I [m]il. leg. VI Hispane[nsis], I [praef. fa]br. Ill, annon[ae] I [curatori, [ag]onothe[te] I<br />

[Neroneon et Isth[m] I [ion et Caesareon] —<br />

[8] Corinth VIII.3 , 161, pi. 15<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of white marble; inscription in his honour erected by a tribe<br />

whose name is missing; here: [Ti. Claudijo P. f. [Fab. Dinippo].<br />

[9] Corinth VIII. 3, 162, pi. 15<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of a block of bluish marble; inscription in his honour erected<br />

by a tribe whose name is missing; here: [Ti.] Claudio P. f. [Fab. Dinippo].<br />

[10] Corinth VIII. 3, 163, pi. 15<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of gray marble; inscription in his honour erected by a tribe whose<br />

name is missing; here: [Ti. Claudio P. f. Fab. Dinippo].<br />

[11] Corinth VIII. 3, 393, pi. 35<br />

Old Corinth; fragment of a white marble slab; here possibly: [Ti. Claudi Din]ippi.<br />

[12] Corinth VIII. 3, 394, pi. 35<br />

Corinth, theatre; fragment of a white marble slab; here possibly: [Ti. Claudi Dini]ppii.<br />

Remarks: In [11] and [12] only some letters of his name are preserved and the attribution of<br />

these documents to Ti. Claudius Dinippus is highly speculative. He was probably<br />

of Corinthian origin, although he was not ascribed to the colony's tribe Aemilia,<br />

but to Fabia. For the career of the person and the date of the inscriptions, see A.<br />

B. West, Corinth VIII. 2, 86; Demougin, CJC, 607; Devijver, C 139. For the post<br />

of agonothetes, see D. J. Geagan, GRBS 9, 1968, 69-76. For the office of<br />

praef(ectus) fabr(um), see B. Dobson, "The praefectus fabrum in the early<br />

Principate", in: Britain and Rome. Essays presented to Eric Birley on his sixtieth<br />

birthday (Kendal 1966) 61-84; R. Sablayrolles, "Les praefecti fabrum de<br />

Narbonnaise", RAN 17, 1984, 239-247; A.D. Rizakis, "La praefectura fabrum à<br />

Philippes, colonie romaine de Macédoine', in: Β' Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Επι­<br />

γραφικής στη μνήμη της Φανούλας Παπάζογλου, Θεσσαλονίκη, 24/25-11-2001<br />

(in press).<br />


IG IV, 449 [3rd c A.D.].<br />

Corinth; herm; inscription in his honour erected by a friend (φίλος) of his called Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Μενέδημος (COR 103):<br />

Κλ(αύδιον) [Κλα]υ[δ]ιανον Ι Εύ[πυ]ρίδην Κλ(αυδίου) Ι Μινουκιανοϋ Ι τ[ο]ϋ διδασκάλου Ι<br />

υίον Αύρ(ήλιος) ΜενέΙδημος ΛυχνέΙδιος, τον φίΐλον.<br />

s. of Claudius Minucianus (COR 179)<br />

289<br />



172. ΤΙΒ(ΕΡΙΟΣ) ΚΑ(ΑΥΑΙΟΣ) ΦΑ[- - -]<br />

Corinth Vili. 3, 492, pi. 39 [lst/2nd e A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of white marble; mutilated inscription the character of which is<br />

uncertain.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 184, pi. 16 [2nd part of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; five fragments of a block of gray marble streaked with white; inscription in his honour<br />

erected by someone whose name is missing; only the beginning of his career is preserved:<br />

Ti. Claudio I [Her]mox[e]no I [p]raef. I [—] I IIvi[ralibus orna]men[tis honorato].<br />

Remarks: J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., notes that the only cognomen that fits the space is<br />

Hermoxenus, as [Da]moxenus or [Ti]moxenus are too short; cf. Έρμοξένα<br />

recorded in Argos (LGPN III. A, 154) and Έρμόξενος in Samos (LGPN I. 166).<br />


[1] A. Philadelpheus, AD 1919, Parartema, 38-40; id. BCH, 44, 1920, 170-180, ph. (AnnÉpigr<br />

1922, 31; SEG2, 1924, 52); "Corinth VIII.l, 85; Corinth IX, 88, no. 169 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; herm of white marble with his portrait head which was presumably set up in some<br />

garden in the environs of the city after his death in A.D. 177 or 178: Ηρώδης Ι ένθάδε Ι περιε-<br />

πάτει (Herodes used to walk here).<br />

[2] Corinth I. 3, 69, adn. 49, pi. 26, 2 (SEG 13, 1956, 226); J. Bousquet, BCH 88, 1964, 609-<br />

613, with commentary; cf. SEG 22, 1967, 216; BullÉpigr 1966, 186; new edition in "Corinth<br />

VIII. 3, 128,1. 3, pi. 12; cf. BullÉpigr 1966; SEG 23, 1968, 171 [A.D. 143-160].<br />

Corinth, forum: Temple of Tyche; marble base; epigram in honour of his wife Τήγιλλα (COR<br />

477); here: [Άττικ]ος Ηρώδης.<br />

[3] Corinth VIII. 3, 129, pis 13, 62 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; two pieces of a blue marble block; mutilated inscription containing the last<br />

three lines of an epigram in elegiac couplets in his honour; his name is missing.<br />

[4] Ch. Kritzas, "Πετρί Νεμέας", 398-413, in particular 400, epigram B, 1. 9 (AnnÉpigr 1992,<br />

1549) [end of the 2nd/beginning of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Nemea (Petri); sandstone slab recording an epigram in honour of the family of Φλα-<br />

βιανός (I) (COR 261) and Σαλβία (COR 493); here: Ηρώδης.<br />

Remarks: The well known orator and senator. Although his name is completely missing in [3]<br />

(only the title ανθυπάτου in 1. 3 is preserved on the stone), the similarity of this<br />

text with the epigram [2] in honour of his wife Regula makes certain that the<br />

inscription refers to him (L. Robert, REG 79, 1966, 742-143=id., OMS VI [1989]<br />

560-561). In [4] his name appears in the context of a comparison between his<br />

glory and that of an Αριστομένης, a sixth-generation descendant of Φλαβιανός (I)<br />



175-178<br />

and Σαλβία, who set up the honorary monument for his ancestors. For the person<br />

see also EL 144 and LAC 271.<br />


f. of Ti. Claudius Ti. Claudi Hipparchi f. Quir(ina) Atticus (COR 169)<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 118, pi. 12 (*L. Robert, REG19, 1966, 740-742=/*/., OMS VI [1989] 558-560)<br />

[mid. 3ndc. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; left half of a tall statue base of gray marble; epigram in his honour:<br />

[τον σοφον [—] Ι πολιή[οχον —] Ι εξοχον αι[—] Ι ίδρύσατ[ο —] Ι 5<br />

Ίλλύριον Γα [—]<br />

Ι ιδος ηγ[—] άντευεργε[τική —] Ι χαρίζ[εται βουλή].<br />

Athenian<br />

Remarks: The person is identified by Robert, loc. cit., with the Athenian proconsul of Achaia<br />

under Valerian (Groag, Reichsbeamten, 94-95; PIR 2 C 892, Thomasson, 196, no.<br />

51). Cf. the previous identification of J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., with the Emperor<br />

Claudius Gothicus or Aurelian.<br />


[l]Corinth VIII.l, 15 + Corinth VlllA, 18; joined by *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974,297-299,<br />

1.5, pi. 8 [A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three sides; list of magistrates and<br />

victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; here: [Τιβ. Κ]λαυδίου Μαξίμου.<br />

[2]Corinth Vili. 3, 223,11. 5-6, pi. 20; better in A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 295-297,11. 7-8<br />

[A.D. 131 or 135].<br />

Corinth; part of a prism-shaped three-sided shaft of white marble; list of officials and victors<br />

of the Caesarea Isthmia games; here: [Τιβ.] Κλαυδίου Μαξίμο[υ].<br />

[3] W. R. Biers and D. J. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,11. 8-9, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-<br />

1970, 587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of small grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of<br />

officials and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; here: [Τιβ. Κ]λαυδίου Μαξίμου.<br />

έλληνοδίκης [1], [2], [3]<br />

Remarks: For the date in [1] see A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299, for the date in [2] see<br />

[- - -Πον]τιαν[ος] (COR 488), for the date in [3] see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />


Corinth Vili. 3, 223,11. 8-9, pi. 20; better in A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 295-297,11. 10-11<br />



[A.D. 131 or 135].<br />

Corinth; part of a prism-shaped three-sided shaft of white marble; list of officials and victors<br />

of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλλη[νοδίκης] of the games.<br />

Remarks: He was probably the homonymous son of COR 177. For the date see<br />

[- - - Pon]tian[us] (COR 488).<br />


IG IV, 449 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; herm; inscription in honour of his son: Κλ(αύδιον) [Κλα]υ[δ]ιανόν Εύ[πυ]ρίδην<br />

Κλ(αυδίου) Μινουκιανοϋ τ[ο]ϋ διδασκάλου υίόν (COR 171, text).<br />


Amandry, 209-215, em. XXI, pis XXXV-XXXVII; RPC I, 1201-1202.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with C. Iulius Polyaenus (COR 350) of the year A.D. 57/58 or 58/59<br />

Remarks: For the emission see Amandry, 24.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 62, pi. 7 [A.D. ca. 120 (letter form)].<br />

Corinth, forum; bottom of a rectangular base of gray marble recording the dedication of a<br />

monument by the association of the Lares of the imperial House; two outstanding members T.<br />

Flavius Aug(usti) lib(ertus) Antio[chus] (COR 263) and Ti. Claudius Primigenius, probably a<br />

freedman too, were charged with the erection:<br />

[— decernente] I collegio Larum domus I divinae, I curam agentibus collegiani(s) I 5 primi(s)<br />

T(ito) Flavio Aug(usti) lib(erto) Antio[cho] I et Ti(berio) Claudio Primigenio.<br />

Remarks: For the collegium of the Lares of the imperial House, see J. H. Kent's commentary<br />

on Corinth, loc. cit.<br />


Corinth Vili. 1, 75, ph.; better in Corinth VIII. 3, 136 [A.D. 103-114].<br />

Corinth; three fragments of a white marble pedestal; inscription in honour of a friend of his<br />

whose name is missing; erected by the person with the decree of the city council:<br />

[—] Ι [χι]λίαρχον [ [λεγεών]ος iß' Ι Κεραυνοφόρ[ου, έπί]τροπον Ι [Αύ]τοκράτορος Νέρβ[α<br />

Τ]ραϊανοϋ Ι [Κα]ίσαρος Σεβαστού Γερμα[νικοϋ] Δακικοϋ Ι [το]ϋ εν Άλεξανδρεία(ι)<br />

φ[ίσκου] καί Ι [έπαρ]χείας 'Αχαΐας, και δικα[ιο]δότην Ι Αιγύπτου. Ι [Τιβ. Κλα]ύδιος<br />

Σπηρατος τον έαυ[τοϋ] Ι φίλον, ψ. β.<br />

Remarks: The date of the inscription is based on the recorded career of his friend whose name<br />



183-187<br />

remains unknown (Groag, Reichsbeamten, 114-115; Pflaum, Carrières, 77; Devijver,<br />

vol. II: ignoti-incerti, 14).<br />


CIL III. 2, 6099 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

New Corinth; inscription in his honour: Ti. Claudio Stephano I augustali.<br />

Remarks: For the augustales see Q. Cispuleius Q. 1. Primus (COR 153).<br />

184. [. .] CLAUDI[US] [. . F.] QU[IR(INA)] VALER[IANUS]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 244, pi. 20 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a gray marble block; inscription in his honour erected by<br />

someone whose name is missing: [Ti.] Claudi[o] I [Ti. f.] Qu[ir.] Valer[ia]l[no —]omaml[entis<br />

ornato].<br />

Remarks: The praenomen and the filiation of the person are as suggested by B. Millis (by<br />

correspondence), [L.] and [L. f.] respectively; cf. J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., with<br />

some reservations: [Ti.] and [Ti. f.]. Valer[ianus] would fit better a gentilicium (Solin<br />

and Salomies, 417) than a cognomen such as Valerius].<br />

185. [CL]ODIA<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 160 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; broken marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving only few letters of her name.<br />


Corinth VIII. 2, 138 [3rd c. A. D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; white marble slab; funerary dedication erected by her grand-daughter Clodia<br />

Polla (COR 188, text) for herself, her grandmother Clodia Bractice and for her children.<br />

Remarks: The cognomen Bractice seems rare and it probably comes from the Greek name<br />

Πρακτική; cf. the male form Πρακτικός is attested as a cognomen during the<br />

imperial period (LGPNIII. A, 373, s.v.).<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 302, pi. 25 [early 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, near Cheliotomylos in a Roman chamber tomb; plaque of blue marble; funerary<br />

dedication erected by L. Coranus Patrobius (COR 200, text) for himself, his wife Grania<br />

Homonoia (COR 299), their step-children Clodius Ephemus (COR 192), Clodius Granianus<br />

(COR 193), Clodia Homonoia and for their descendants.<br />

Remarks: For the family see L. Coranus Patrobius.<br />



188. CLODIA POLLA<br />

Corinth Vili. 2, 138.<br />

Corinth, forum; white marble slab; funerary dedication erected by the person for herself, her<br />

grandmother Clodia Bractice (COR 186) and her children:<br />

V(iva) Clodia Polla I sibi et I Clodiae Bractice I [avi]ae et liberis suis.<br />

189. [- - - C]L[ODIU]S [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 9, ph.<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a base of bluish marble; mutilated inscription preserving part of<br />

his name:<br />

[— C]lodius I [—] Concordiae.<br />

190. [- - - ΚΛ]ΩΑΙΟ[Σ- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 1, 110; * A. M. Woodward, JHS 52, 1932, 144, no. 110a (SEG 11, 1950, 85)<br />

[2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; six fragments of bluish marble bearing an extremly mutilated inscription<br />

probably on a statue base; see [—] Corne[lius—] (COR 206).<br />

Remarks: Corinth VIII. 1,110 gives [—]οδιο.<br />


Corinth VIII. 1, 15,1. 50 [A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth, near the gymnasium area; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three<br />

sides; record of victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in έπιβατήριον.<br />

Remarks: For the date see A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 302, pi. 22 [early 3rd century A.D.].<br />

Corinth, near Cheliotomylos in a Roman chamber tomb; plaque of blue marble; funerary<br />

dedication erected by L. Coranus Patrobius (COR 200, text) for himself, his wife Grania<br />

Homonoia (COR 299), their step-children Clodius Ephemus, Clodius Granianus (COR 193),<br />

Clodia Homonoia (COR 187) and for their descendants.<br />

Remarks: For the family see L. Coranus Patrobius.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 302, pi. 22 [early 3rd c. A.D.]<br />

Corinth, near Cheliotomylos in a Roman chamber tomb; plaque of blue marble; funerary<br />



194-197<br />

dedication erected by L. Coranus Patrobius (COR 200, text) for himself, his wife Grania<br />

Homonoia (COR 299), their step-children Clodius Ephemus (COR 192), Clodius Granianus,<br />

Clodia Homonoia (COR 187), and their descendants.<br />

Remarks: It seems most likely that the person was a descendant of a freedman of the<br />

homonymous proconsul of Achaia of A.D. 118/119 Clodius Granianus (Groag,<br />

Reichsbeamten, 58-59; PIR 2 C 1166; Thomasson, 193, no. 28) as suggested by J. H.<br />

Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., rather than the proconsul himself as T. L. Shear, AJA 35,<br />

1931, 438, thinks. For a further discussion concerning also the dating of the<br />

inscription see L. Coranus Patrobius (COR 200).<br />


Corinth VIII. 1, 15,1. 31 [A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth, gymnasium area; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three sides<br />

recording a list of victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in ίππικον πολεμιστή-<br />

ριον.<br />

Remarks: For the date see A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299.<br />


W. R. Biers and D. J. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,11. 11-12, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-<br />

1970, 587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of officials<br />

and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games.<br />

Remarks: For a possible identification with an homonymous at Olympia, see EL 170 (Iv051,<br />

1. 56). For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />

196. ΚΛΩΑΙΟ ΘΑΛΛ[- - -]<br />

W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,1. 93, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-1970,<br />

587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of small grained white marble inscribed on all three faces recording<br />

a list of officials and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in αποβ[ατικόν]<br />

κρίσι[ν δ'].<br />

Remarks: For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />


Corinth Vili. 1, 15,11. 34-35 [A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth, near the gymnasium area; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three<br />

sides recording a list of victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in the άποβατικον<br />



επί Λ. Καίσαρι Σεβαστού υ[ίώ].<br />

Remarks: For the date see A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299.<br />

*198. COCCE[IUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 119, pi. 11 [2nd half of the 1st c. B.C.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a thin slab of white marble preserving a mutilated inscription:<br />

quaesftor - - -]l et Cocce[i —].<br />

Remarks: J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., suggests that he should be identified either with C.<br />

Cocceius Balbus, consul suffectus in 39 B.C. (E. Groag, RE IV (1900) s.v. C<br />

Cocceius Balbus [3]; PIR 2<br />

C 1214 Broughton, Magistrates II, 386), who was<br />

honoured as imperator at Athens (IG II 2<br />

4110), or with L. Cocceius Nerva, special<br />

envoy in Achaia in 37 B.C. (Broughton, Magistrates II, 398; E. Groag, RE IV<br />

(1900) 5.v. L. Cocceius Nerva [12]; PIR 2<br />

C 1223).<br />

199. ΚΟΚΟΣ<br />

A. N. Oikonomidis and S. N. Koumanoudis, Πολέμων 5, 1952-3, 28-30, fig. 1 (SEG 11, 1950,<br />

153a; BullÉpigr 1954, 109); J. Bingen, RBPh 32, 1954, 507-9 (SEG 13, 1956, 228; BullÉpigr<br />

1955, 98); W. Peek, Griechische Vers-Inschriften, I (Chicago 1955) 484 (SEG22, 1967, 223)<br />

[3rd-4rth c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, near the forum; slab of marble; funerary epigram in his honour.<br />

Remarks: Cocus is a cognomen probably of Celtic origin (Kajanto, Cognomina, 323; cf. Solin<br />

and Salomies, 315).<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 302, pi. 25 [early 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, near Cheliotomylos in a Roman chamber tomb; plaque of blue marble; funerary<br />

dedication erected by the person for himself, his wife Grania Homonoia (COR 299), their stepchildren<br />

Clodius Ephemus (COR 192), Clodius Granianus (COR 193), Clodia Homonoia (COR<br />

187), and their descendants:<br />

V. L. Coranus I Patrobius sivi I et vivis, Grania I Homonoia uxori, et Cloldio Ephemo, Clodio<br />

Graniano, I Clodia Homonoia prilvignos posterisque I suis.<br />

Remarks: J. H. Kent's (Corinth , loc. cit.) remark that his nomen and cognomen were given<br />

in inverted order cannot be correct since Coranus is a gentilicium (Solin and<br />

Salomies, 60) and Patrobius a Greek cognomen (LGPNIII. A, 356, s.v. Πατρόβιος).<br />

Furthermore the same author rejects T. L. Shear's (ALA 35, 1931, 438) previous<br />

identification of Coranus' stepson Clodius Granianus with the homonymous<br />

proconsul of Achaia of 118/9 A.D. and suggests that he should be a descendant from<br />

a freedman of the homonymous proconsul. However it is a very real question<br />

whether Latin continued to be written in Corinth in 3rd c. A.D.<br />



201. [- - -] CORINT[HU]S<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 345, pi. 29 [2nd quarter of the 1st c. B.C.].<br />

Corinth, Lechaion road; fragment of white marble; the inscription preserves part of his name<br />

and the fragmentary names of four other men in the accusative case, M. Instieus Tectus (COR<br />

320), C. Minfucius - - -] (COR 424), M. Cornelius [- - -] (COR 214) and Q. Cornelius [- - -]<br />

(COR 218).<br />

Remarks: For the date see M. Instieus C. f. Tectus.<br />

202. CORNEL(IA) BAEBIA<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 112, pi. 12 [A.D. 190].<br />

Corinth, forum; white marble epistyle block from the left end of the epistyle of Temple H<br />

(temple of Hercules); dedication to the Emperor Commodus made after her testament; the<br />

name of the Emperor has been erased:<br />

Imp. Caesar divi M. Antonini Pii Ger[—] I divi Nervae adnepos [[M. Aurei. Comm—]] ex<br />

testamento Cornel. Baebiae I fecit cur[—].<br />

Remarks: She was also possibly the benefactress of Temple J (Corinth VIII. 3, 111).<br />

203. CORNEL[I]A M. F. [PROCULA] (?)<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 152, pi. 14 [under Augustus (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum: ten fragments of a statue base of gray marble; funerary dedication for her<br />

husband Sex. 0[lius L. f.] A[e]m(ilia) Secu[ndus] (COR 446, text) erected by the person and<br />

their son Sex. Olius Sex. f. Aem(ilia) Procu[lus] (COR 445); her name is given (11. 9-10) as:<br />

Cornel[i]a M. f. [Procula Secundi uxor].<br />

Remarks: Cornelia's second name, Procula, is uncertain, suggested solely from the name of her<br />

son and from considerations of space.<br />

204. [CO]RN[ELIA SECUNDA]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 124 +Corinth VIII. 2, 125; better in "Corinth VIII. 3, 321, pi. 28 [under<br />

Augustus].<br />

Corinth, forum; thirteen fragments of three slabs of white marble; inscription recording the<br />

names of the dedicators of a monument (?), who where members of her familly.<br />

d. of Q. Cornelius [. f.] Aem(ilia) Secundus (I) (COR 231, text) and Maecia Q. f. (COR 386);<br />

sist. of [.] Cornelius Secundus Maecianus (COR 233) and Q. Cornelius Secundus (II) (COR<br />

232); w. of Q. Maecius Q. 1. Cleogenes (COR 389)<br />

205. [COR]NELIA SEMNE<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 283, pi. 25 [imperial period].<br />



Corinth, Hexamilia in a tomb; fragment of a white marble plaque; funerary inscription erected<br />

by her father Q. Çorneli[us] (COR 216, text) during his lifetime for himself, his wife [ i]a<br />

Semne (COR 561), their daughter [Corjnelia Serrine, and for all their descendants.<br />

*206. [- - -] ΚΟΡΝΗ[ΛΙΟΣ] [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 1, 110; * A. M. Woodward, LHS 52, 1932, 144, no. 110a (SEG 11, 1950, 85) [2nd<br />

c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; six fragments of bluish marble bearing an extremely mutilated inscription,<br />

probably on a statue base; the person in question is either the honorand or the dedicator.<br />

Remarks: B. D. Meriti, Corinth VIII. 1, 110 and Groag, Reichsbeamten, 76-77, think that the<br />

*207. [- - -] ΚΟΡΝΗΛΕΙ[ΟΣ]<br />

person could be identified with the [άν]θύπατ[ος] of 1. 11 (Thomasson, 200, no.<br />

91[?]), but it is also possible that Cornelius is the στρα[τηγός] of 1. 6; in this case the<br />

proconsul is another person. In the same inscription (1. 1) is also attested the<br />

fragmentary name of [Κλ]ωδιο[ς] (COR 190).<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 230, pi. 20 [2nd quarter of the 3rd c. A.D. (lettering)].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a statue base of gray marble; inscription in his honour erected by<br />

someone whose name is missing:<br />

[Τον άξιολογώτατον καί] Ι [κ]ράτιστον [—] Ι Κορνήλει[ον των Καισα]1ρήων και των Σεβα­<br />

στή] Ιων, των μεγάλω[ν Άσκλη] Ι 5 πίων, των Τσθμί[ων καί των Ι Καισαρήων αγωνοθέτην] Ι<br />

[- - -]·<br />

Remarks: He was qualified as [κ]ράτιστος, a title which indicates that he belonged to the<br />

208. ΚΟΡΝΗΛΙΟ[Σ ]<br />

equestrian rank (see EL 192).<br />

W. R. Biers and D. J. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,1.43 , pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-1970,<br />

587; cf. BullÉpigr 197Ί, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of officials<br />

and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in the π[αΙδας κ]ωμωδούς.<br />

Remarks: Stefanis, Διονυσιακοί τεχνϊται, no. 1483. For the contest of παίδες κωμωδοί in<br />

Corinth, see L. Vivius Florus (COR 625). For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus<br />

(COR 94).<br />

209. [.] (CORNELIUS)<br />

f. of Q(uintus) Cornelius [.] f. Aem(ilia) Secundus (I) (COR 231)<br />



210-216<br />

210. [- - - C]ORNELIUS Q. F. [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 278, pi. 23 [under Augustus (letter forms)].<br />

Old Corinth; fragment of a column of gray marble streaked with white; funerary dedication for<br />

the person, [- - -] Statius Q. f. [- - -] (COR 576) and [- - -]ius P. f. Aem(ilia) [- - -] (COR 675).<br />

211. L(UCIUS) COR[NELIUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 239, pi. 19 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of white marble preserving only a part of his name.<br />

212. L(UCIUS) COR[NELIUS] (?)<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 215 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of grayish marble; mutilated inscription preserving a part of his<br />

name and the word agono[th.] in 1. 2.<br />

Remarks: Another possible restitution is [C(olonia)] L(aus)] I(ulia) Cor[inthiensis].<br />

213. M(ARCUS) (CORNELIUS)<br />

f. of Cornelia M. f. [Procula] (?) (COR 203)<br />

214. M(ARCUS) CORNELIUS [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 345, pi. 29 [2nd quarter of the 1st c. B.C.].<br />

Corinth, Lechaion road; fragment of white marble; the inscription preserves part of his name<br />

and the fragmentary names of four other men in the accusative case: M. Instie[us Tectus] (COR<br />

320), [- - -] Corint[hu]s (COR 201), C. Min[ucius - - -] (COR 424) and Q. Cornelius [- - -]<br />

(COR 218).<br />

Remarks: For the date see M. Insteius C. f. Tectus (COR 320).<br />

215. Q(UINTUS) (CORNELIUS)<br />

f. of [- - - Qornelius Q. f. [- - -] (COR 210)<br />

216. Q(UINTUS) CORNELI[US]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 283, pi. 25 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, Hexamilia, in a tomb; fragment of a white marble plaque; funerary inscription erected<br />

by the person during his lifetime for himself, his wife [—i]a Semne (COR 561), their daughter<br />

[Cornelia Semne (COR 205), and for all their descendants:<br />



V. Q. Cornelius sibi et] I [Cor]neliae Semne [filiae suae et] I [ ]ae Semne ux[ori]<br />

posterisque] I suis om[nibus].<br />

217. Q(UINTUS) COR[NELIUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 374, pi. 33 [under Augustus (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, Lechaion road; fragment of a slab of white marble preserving only part of his name<br />

and some other letters.<br />

218. Q(UINTUS) CORNELIUS [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 345, pi. 29 [2nd quarter of the 1st c. B.C.].<br />

Corinth, Lechaion road; fragment of white marble; the inscription preserves part of his name and<br />

the fragmentary names of four other men in the accusative case: M. Instei[us Tectus] (COR 320),<br />

[- - -] Corint[hu]s (COR 201), C. Min[ucius - - -] (COR 424) and M. Cornelius [- - -] (COR 214).<br />

Remarks: For the date see M. Insteius C. f. Tectus (COR 320).<br />

219. ΤΙΒ(ΕΡΙΟΣ) ΚΟΡΝΗΛΙΟ[Σ - - -]<br />

W. R. Biers and D. J. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,1. 56, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-1970,<br />

587; cf. BuIlÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of officials<br />

and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in κιθαρψ[δούς].<br />

Remarks: Stefanis, Διονυσιακοί τεχνΐται, no. 1485. For the date see Ti. Atilius Rufus Titianus<br />

(COR 94).<br />


P. A. Clement, AD 25, 1970, Chron., 166-167; J.-P. Michaud, BCH 94, 1970, 947-979<br />

(BuIlÉpigr 1971, 308, with brief interesting remarks); P. A. Clement, " L. Cornelios Korinthos<br />

of Corinth", in: D. W. Bradeen and M. F. Mc Gregor (eds.), Φόρος. Tribute to Benjamin Dean<br />

Meriti (Locust Valley 1974), 36-39, ph. (SEG 29, 1979, 340; cf. BuIlÉpigr 1976, 248); cf. I.<br />

Stephanis, Ελληνικά 33, 1981, 399-402 (SEG 31, 1981, 293) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, Hexamilia fortress; large marble stele with pediment and akroteria in relief;<br />

inscription in his honour erected by his two sons Α. Κορνήλιος Σαβεινος (COR 230) and Λ.<br />

Κορνήλιος Κόρινθος (Π) (COR 221).<br />

victor in a lot of games: πυθαύλης, περιοδονείκης, νεικήσας την περίοδον, νεικήσας δε την<br />

εξ "Αργούς Ασπίδα ένί νόμω, των ανταγωνιστών δυσί νόμοις εύληκότων<br />

list of victories inscribed outside and inside the pediment: "Ισθμια, Νέμεια, Πύθια, τήν εξ<br />

"Αργούς 'Ασπίδα<br />

list of victories inscribed below the portrait in coronis in four rows of three: 'Ακτια δ', Νέαν<br />

Πόλιν β', Καισαρεία εν Κορίνθω η', εν Πάτραις β', εν Λακεδαίμονι β', εν Χαλκίδι β', τήν εξ<br />



"Αργούς Ασπίδα β', Παναθήναια εν Δημητριάδι α', εν Λαρείση β', εν 'Ασία δ'.<br />

Remarks: Cf. Stefanis, Διονυσιακοί τεχνΐται, no. 1480.<br />


221-224<br />

Ρ. Α. Clement, AD 25, 1970, Chrom, 166-167; J.-P. Michaud, BCH 94, 1970, 947-979<br />

(BuIlÉpigr 1971, 308, with brief interesting remarks); P. A. Clement, "L. Cornelios Korinthos<br />

of Corinth", in: D. W. Bradeen and M. F. Mc Gregor (eds.), Φόρος. Tribute to Benjamin Dean<br />

Meriti, 36-39, ph. (SEG29, 1979, 340; cf. BuIlÉpigr 1976,248); cf. I. Stephanis, Ελληνικά 33,<br />

1981, 399-402 (SEG 31, 1981, 293) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, Hexamilia fortress; inscription in honour of his father Λ. Κορνήλιος Κόρινθος (I)<br />

(COR 220) erected by the person and his brother Λ. Κορνήλιος Σαβεινος (COR 230): ανέθη-<br />

καν δύο υιοί Λ. Λ. Ι Κορνήλιοι, Σαβεινος πυθαύλης και Κόρινθος χοραύλης.<br />

Remarks: Cf. Stefanis, Διονυσιακοί τεχνΐται, no. 1481.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 100, pi. 12 [A.D.I 14-116].<br />

Corinth, forum; ten fragments of a slab of white marble; inscription in honour of the Emperor<br />

Trajan erected by the person:<br />

Imp. Çaesari I Nervae Traiano I Optumo Aug. I Germanico Dacico I P. Cornelius Crescens I<br />

promag. pub. XX li[b.] I provine. Achaiae et I Syriae.<br />

Remarks: For the post of the promagister public! vicesimae libertatis in charge of collecting<br />

the Roman imperial taxes on manumissions, see J. H. Kent's commentary on<br />

Corinth, loc. cit. and H.-G. Pflaum, Essai sur les procurateurs équestres sous le Haut-<br />

Empire romain (Paris 1950)55-56.<br />

223. ΚΟΡΝΗΛΙΟΣ AE[- - -]<br />

W. R. Biers and D. J. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,1. 68, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-1970,<br />

587; cf. BuIlÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of officials<br />

and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in the συνω[ρίδι πωλική].<br />

Remarks: For the date see Ti. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />

*224. [. ] ΚΟΡΝΗ[ΛΙΟΣ] ΜΑΙΚΙ[ΑΝΟΣ]<br />

Corinth Vili. 3, 248, pi. 20 [beginning of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum and theatre; two fragments of cream-colored block of marble streaked with<br />

black; inscription in his honour erected by the Cretan city of Lyttos:<br />

Λυττί[ων] Ι ή πόλ[ις] I [.] Κορνή[λιον] Ι Μαικι[ανόν] Ι 5 [τ]όν κ[ράτιστον —].<br />



Remarks: He was qualified as κ[ράτιστος] (L. Robert, REG 79, 1966, 750=M, OMS VI [1989]<br />

568) and thus he belonged to the equestrian or the senatorial rank (see EL 192), but<br />

225. ΚΟΡΝΗΛΙΟΓΣ ]ΩΝ<br />

no further identification of the person can be made.<br />

W. R. Biers and D. J. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,11. 22,26 and 59, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr<br />

1969-1970, 587; cf. BuIlÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of officials<br />

and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in the encomium in honour of<br />

Hadrian, of the deified Emperors Trajan and Nerva, and of the imperial house (11. 20-1 and 23-<br />

25): ένκωμιο[γράφους] εις Άδριανόν Ι [Καί]σαρα Σεβαστόν and εις θεό[ν Τραιανόν Σεβα-<br />

στον Ι και εις θ[εόν Νέ]ρουαν Σεβαστόν Ι και εις τό[ν οΐκον] των Σεβαστών; he was also first<br />

victor (πρωτεΐον) in the contest δια πάντων (11. 58-59); his name is preserved in 11. 22 and 26<br />

as Κορνήλιο[ς ]ων Κορίνθιος, in 1. 59 as Κορν[ήλιος ων Κορ.].<br />

Remarks: Stefanis, Διονυσιακοί τεχνΐται, no. 1484. For the contest δια πάντων see L. Vivius<br />

Florus (COR 625). For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />

226. [. COR]NELIUS [PULCHER]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 173, pi. 17 [A.D. 43].<br />

Corinth, forum; five fragments of a pedestal of grayish marble; inscription in honour of an<br />

isagogeus of the Isthmia Caesarea Sebasta games whose name is missing; Cornelius Pulcher<br />

was agonothete when the honorand was isagogeus:<br />

[—] I [isagogi] [. Cor]neli I [Pulchri agonoth]et. Isl[thm. Caesareon] Sebasteon [—].<br />

Remarks: The person is identified by J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., with Cornelius Pulcher<br />

mentioned in a Delphic agonistic inscription as agonothete of the Isthmian games in<br />

Corinth (Syll. 3 802) and with Γν. Κορνήλιος Γν. υιός Ποϋλχρος attested in two<br />

Epidaurian inscriptions (ARG 116). For the office of the agonothetes see D. J.<br />

Geagan, GRBS9, 1968, 69-76.<br />


f. of Γν. Κορνήλιος Τιβ. Κορνηλίου Πούλχρου Φαβία Ποϋλχρος (COR 228)<br />

The complete form of his name is known from two Corinthian inscriptions (COR 228 [1 A, B]),<br />

in the inscriptions of Epidauros he is known only by his praenomen (ARG 118).<br />


Two identical cursus honorum [ΙΑ. B] of the person:<br />

[ΙΑ] IG IV, 1600; Corinth VIII.l, 80 (Oliver, Marcus Aurelius, 118, no. 35) [under Hadrian,<br />

after A.D. 124]: Corinth, Lechaion road; two fragments of a white marble base; inscription in<br />



his honour, erected by his sister Καλπουρνία Φροντεινα (COR 121).<br />

Γν(αιον) Κορνήλιον Τιβ(ερίου) Κορνηλίου Πούλχρου υίόν Φαβία(ι) Πού[λ]χρον στρατηγόν Ι<br />

της πόλεως Κορινθίων πενταετηρικόν, άγωνοθέτην Καισαρείων Τσθμίων, άρχιερ[έα] Ι της<br />

Ελλάδος και έλλαδάρχην από του κοινού των Αχαιών συ[νεδ]ρίου διά βίου, Ηπείρου Ι έπίτροπον,<br />

Αιγύπτου και 'Αλεξανδρείας δικαιοδότην, άρχον[τα τοϋ] Πανελληνίου και ιερέα II 5<br />

Αδριανού Πανελληνίου, αλλάς τε μεγάλας δωρεάς έπιδόντα καί τήν άτέ[λειαν] τή(ι) πόλει<br />

παράσχοντα Ι Καλπουρνία Φροντεινα ή άδελ[φή].<br />

[IB] Corinth VIII.l, 81 [under Hadrian, after A.D. 124].<br />

Corinth, Lechaion road; two contiguous fragments of a pedestal of white marble erected by<br />

someone whose name is missing; here: [Γ]ν. Κορνήλιον Τιβ. Κορνηλίου ΠούΓλχρου υ]ίόν<br />

Φαβία(ι) Πούλχρον . ..<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 1, 82 [under Hadrian]<br />

Corinth, forum; statue base of white marble in his honour erected by Λ. Γέλλιος Μένανδρος<br />

(I) (COR 292): Γν(αιον) Κορνήλιον Ποΰλχρο[ν] Ι Λ. Γέλλιος Μέναν[δρος].<br />

[3] Corinth VIII. 1, 83 [probably under Hadrian].<br />

Corinth, forum; statue base of white marble in his honour erected by Λ. Γέλλιος Τοΰστος (I)<br />

(COR 290): Γν(αιον) Κορνήλιον Πούλχρον Ι Α. Γέλλιος Τοϋστος.<br />

[4] Corinth Vili. 2, 71 [probably under Hadrian].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of bluish marble; Latin inscription in his honour recording his partly<br />

preserved cursus honorum in descending order; here his name is missing:<br />

[ ] [archieri] [ ] I [ i]ani A[ugusti et domus] I [august]ae in perpetu[um agonothet] I<br />

[Caesareo]n Nervaneon Trai[aneon Sebast(eon)] II 5 [et Isthmio]n et Caesareon et<br />

Aescul[apeon et Sebast(eon)] I Corinth(iensium) patrono<br />

[5] Corinth VIII. 2, 72 [probably under Hadrian].<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of white marble; Latin inscription in his honour recording his<br />

partly preserved cursus honorum; here his name is missing:<br />

[---]! [ag]on[othetae Caesareon Nervaneon] I Traian.[eon Sebasteon Ge]ima[niceon] I<br />

[Da]ceon [et Isthm(ion) et Caes(areon) I [ii]vir quinq. II 5<br />

ob [virtutem eius (?)]<br />

[6] Corinth VIII. 3, 138, pi. 13 [under Hadrian].<br />

Corinth, forum; two adjoining fragments of white marble (the first one is published in Corinth<br />

VIII. 1, 76); inscription in his honour recording his cursus honorum erected by someone whose<br />

name is missing; here his name is not preserved.<br />

[- - - έπι]Ι[μελη]τήν [εύθηνίας, άγωνοθέτην Καισαρέων Νερουανήων] Ι [Τραια]νήων<br />

Γ[ερ]μανικήων Δα[κικήων, στρατηγόν] Ι [πεντ]αετηρικό[ν], χειλίαρχ λε[γεώνος δ'<br />

Σκυθι]ΙΙ 5<br />

[κής, Έ]λλαδάρχη[ν κ]αί αρχιερέα [Αύτοκράτορος Καίσα]Ι[ρος Τ]ραιανοϋ<br />

Άδ[ριαν]οϋ Σεβ[αστοΰ από τοΰ κοι]Ι[νού τ]ων Άχαιω[ν συνεδρίου διά βίου, Ι έπίτροπον<br />

Ήπεί]Ι[ρου, δικ]αιο[δότην Αιγύπτου καί 'Αλεξανδρείας, —].<br />

[7] Corinth VIII. 3, 139 (Oliver, Marcus Aurelius, 119, no. 36) [under Hadrian].<br />



Corinth, forum; two fragments of a white marble slab; inscription in his honour recording his<br />

cursus honorum from which only the end of his career is preserved; here his name is missing.<br />

[ Αιγύπτου καί] I ["Αλεξανδρείας δικαιοδότην, άρ]χοντα τού Πανελληνί[ου καί ιερέα<br />

'Αδριανού Πανε]λληνίου, άλλας τε μεγά[λας δωρεάς έπιδόντα καί] τήν άτέλειαν τή(ι) πόλει<br />

Ι παρασ[χόντα].<br />

[8] Corinth VIII. 3, 140, pi. 13; cf. Β. Puech, REA 85,1983, 17-21 [under Hadrian].<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of a statue base of grayish marble; inscription in his honour<br />

recording his cursus honorum from which only the beginning of his career is preserved:<br />

Γγ(αΐον) [Κο]ρνήλιον Ι Πούλχρον Τιβ(ερίου) Ι Φαβ((ίαι) Πούλχρου Ι υίόν, έπίτροπον II 5<br />

[Αύτ]οκράτο[ρο]ς Καίσαρος Ι [Τραϊανού Γ Αδρια]νού Σεβαστού, Ι [Πανελληνίου ιερέα,<br />

έπι]μεληΙ[τήν εύθηνίας —] Ι [—].<br />

[9] Corinth VIII. 3, 141, pi. 13; [under Hadrian].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a statue base of white marble; inscription in his honour; here:<br />

Γν(αιον) [Κορνήλιον] Τιβ(ερίου) [Φαβ(ίαι) Πούλχρου] υ[ίόν, —].<br />

[10] Corinth VIII. 3, 142 [probably under Hadrian].<br />

Corinth, forum; two adjoining fragments of a base of white marble; inscription in his honour<br />

recording his cursus honorum which is partly preserved; here his name is missing.<br />

[11] Corinth VIII. 3, 143 [probably under Hadrian].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of gray marble; inscription in his honour recording his cursus<br />

honorum from which only the beginning of his career is preserved; here his name is missing.<br />

[12] Corinth VIII. 3, 223,11. 6-7; pi. 20; better in A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 295-297,11. 6-<br />

7 [A.D. 131 or 135].<br />

In Corinth VIII. 3,223, his name is restored as [Γν. Κορνήλιος] Πούλχρος and he is identified<br />

with Γν. Κορνήλιος Τιβ. Κορνηλίου Πούλχρου Φαβία Ποΰλχρος (COR 228); Spawforth, toc.<br />

cit., rejects this identification on the grounds that it seems doubtful that a man who had already<br />

served twice as Isthmian agonothetes, served at a later date on the subordinate board of the<br />

hellenodikai. For the date see [—Pon]tian[us] (COR 488).<br />

Epidaurian<br />

The cursus honorum of the person is better preserved in [ΙΑ, Β and 6]. The posts of his<br />

municipal career in Corinth: επιμελητής εύθηνίας [6] [8] [10] [11]; [δύο] άνδ[ρών] [10]; στρατηγός<br />

της πόλεως Κορινθίων πενταετηρικός [1Α.Β] [6]; [II]yir [quinq(uennalis)] [5]; άγωνοθέτης<br />

Καισαρείων Τσθμίων [1Α.Β]; [agonothet(es) Ceasareojn Nervaneon Traifaneon<br />

Sebast(eon) et Isthmiojn et Caesareon et Aescul[apeon et Sebast(on)] [4]; [ag]on[othet(es)<br />

Ceasareon Nervaneon] Traianfeon Sebast(eon) Ge]rma[niceon Dajceon et [Isthmion et<br />

Caesareon] [5]; [άγωνοθέτης Καισαρέων Νερουανήων Τραια]νήων Γ[ερ]μανικήων Δα[κικήων]<br />

[6] [10]; έλλη[νοδίκης] [12]<br />

The posts of his panhellenic career: άρχιερεύς της Ελλάδος καί έλλαδάρχης από τού κοινού<br />

των Αχαιών συνεδρίου διά βίου [1Α.Β]; [έ]λλαδάρχη[ς κ]αί άρχιερεύς [αύτοκράτορος Καίσαρος<br />

Τ]ραϊανού Άδ[ριαν]ού Σεβ[αστού άπό τού κοινού τ]ών Άχαιώ[ν συνεδρίου διά<br />



229-230<br />

βίου] [6]; [- - - archieri ijani A[ugusti et domus augustjae in perpetu[um] [4]; άρχων τού<br />

Πανελληνίου [1Ä.B] [7]<br />

ιερεύς 'Αδριανού Πανελληνίου [1Α.Β], [7]; [Πανελληνίου ιερεύς] [8]<br />

The posts of his equestrian career: χειλίαρχ λε[γεώνος δ' Σκυθικής] [6] [10]; επίτροπος<br />

[αύτ]οκράτο[ρο]ς Καίσαρος [Νέρουα Τραϊα]γοΰ Σεβαστού [1]; επίτροπος<br />

[αύτ]οκράτο[ρο]ς Καίσαρος [Τραϊανού Άδρια]νοΰ Σεβαστού [8] [11]; Ηπείρου επίτροπος<br />

[1Α.Β] [6]; Αιγύπτου καί 'Αλεξανδρείας δικαιοδότης [1Α.Β] [6] [7]<br />

Remarks: The restoration of [3], [4] and [5] is based on [2].<br />

In [ΙΑ, B] and [7] he was honoured by the colony of Corinth because αλλάς τε μεγά-<br />

λας δωρεάς έπιδόντα καί τήν άτέλειαν τη πόλει παράσχοντα; for the clause τήν άτέ-<br />

λειαν τη πόλει παράσχοντα, see Μ. Ε. Η. Walbank, AJN 1,1989,79-87. In [4] he was<br />

honoured as patronus. For the date in [12] see [— Πον]τιαν[ός] (COR 488).<br />

Pulcher belonged to one of the most important Epidaurian families which had<br />

received Roman citizenship under Augustus; cf. Cn. Cornelius Nicatas (ARG 114).<br />

He was a friend of Plutarch, to whom the biographer consacrated his essay "πώς αν<br />

τις υπ' έχθρων ώφελοΐτο" (How to profit from one's enemies).<br />

For the person, see PIR 2 C 1424; Pflaum, Carrières, no. 81 ; Β. Puech, REA 85,1983,<br />

17-21; Devijver, C 245 and Suppl. I, C 245; cf. A. Magioncalda, "I governatori delle<br />

province procuratorie: carriere" in: S. Demougin, H. Devijver and M. Th. Raepsaet-<br />

Charlier (eds.), L 'ordre équestre; Histoire d'une aristocratie: He siècle av. J.-C.-IIIe<br />

siècle apr. J.-C, Actes du colloque international, Bruxelles-Leuven, 5-7 octobre<br />

1995 [Rome 1999] 391-462); Follet, Athènes, 129. More about this individual in<br />

ARG 117.<br />

b. of Calpurnia Frontina; f. of Cn. Cornelius Pulcher (COR 229)<br />


Corinth VIII.l, 15,11. 45-46 [A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth, near the gymnasium area; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three<br />

sides recording a list of victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in the κέλης τέλει­<br />

ος.<br />

Έπιδαύριος ο καί Άργειος (Epidaurian and Argian)<br />

Remarks: For the date see A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299.<br />

s. of Cn. Cornelius Tib. Cornell Pulchri f. Fabia Pulcher (COR 228)<br />


P. A. Clement, AD 25, 1970, Chron., 166-167; J.-P. Michaud, BCH 94, 1970, 947-979<br />

(BuIlÉpigr 1971, 308, with brief interesting remarks); P. A. Clement, " L. Cornelios Korinthos<br />

of Corinth", in: D. W. Bradeen and M. F. Mc Gregor (eds.), Φόρος, Tribute to Benjamin Dean<br />

Meriti, 36-39, ph. (SEG29, 1979, 340; cf. BuIlÉpigr 1976, 248); cf. I. Stephanis, Ελληνικά 33,<br />

1981, 399-402 (SEG 31, 1981, 293) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />



Corinth, Hexamilia fortress; inscription in honour of his father Λ. Κορνήλιος Κόρινθος (Ι)<br />

(COR 220) erected by the person and his brother Λ. Κορνήλιος Κόρινθος (II) (COR 221):<br />

άνέθηκαν δύο υίοί Λ. Λ. Ι Κορνήλιοι, Σαβείνος πυθαύλης καί Κόρινθος χοραύλης.<br />

Remarks: Cf. Stefanis, Διονυσιακοί τεχνΐται, no. 2206.<br />


[1] Corinth VIII. 2,124 +Corinth VIII. 2, 125; better in "Corinth VIII. 3, 321,1. 1, pi. 28 [under<br />

Augustus].<br />

Corinth, forum; thirteen fragments of three slabs of white marble; inscription recording the<br />

names of members of his familly, who where dedicators of a monument (?):<br />

Q. Co[r]n[elius.] f. [A]em(ilia) Secundus et I Maec[ia Q.] f. uxor [eius .] I [Cornelius Secundus<br />

M]a[e]cianus f., Q. Corn[elius] I Secu[nd]us f., [Co]rn[elia Secunda f. eius uxor Q. M]a[e]ci Q.<br />

1. Cleogen[is] I macellu[m — cum —] et pi[scario—] l 5<br />

inea loc[—].<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 2, 195.<br />

Corinth, forum; broken block of white marble preserving a part of his name and that of a<br />

[M]aeç[ia]: [- - -]M [- - -]l [- - - Cor]neli[- - -]l [- - - M]aec[ia - - -]l [- - -]MI [- - -].<br />

Remarks: The last two lines of the inscription [1] should indicate that the monument or<br />

monuments mentioned were a meatmarket and a fishmarket.<br />

h. of Maecia Q. f. (COR 386); f. of [.] Cornelius Secundus Maecianus (COR 233), Q. Cornelius<br />

Secundus (II) (COR 232) and Cornelia Secunda (COR 204); f.-in-law. of Q. Maecius Q. 1.<br />

Cleogenes (COR 389)<br />


Corinth VIII. 2, 124 +Corinth VIII. 2, 125; better in "Corinth VIII. 3, 321,1. 3, pi. 28 [under<br />

Augustus].<br />

Corinth, forum; thirteen fragments of three slabs of white marble; inscription recording the<br />

names of members of his family, who were the dedicators of a monument (?).<br />

s. of Q. Cornelius [. f.] Aem(ilia) Secundus (I) (COR 231, text) and Maecia Q. f. (COR 386); b.<br />

of [.] Cornelius Secundus Maecianus (COR 233) and Cornelia Secunda (COR 204); b.-in-law of<br />

Q. Maecius Q. 1. Cleogenes (COR 389)<br />


Corinth VIII. 2, 124 +Corinth VIII. 2, 125; better in Corinth *VIII. 3, 321,1. 2, pi. 28 [under<br />

Augustus].<br />

Corinth, forum; thirteen fragments of three slabs of white marble; inscription recording the<br />

names of members of his familly, who where dedicators of a monument (?); for the text see Q.<br />

Co[r]n[elius .] f. [A]em. Secundus) (I) (COR 231).<br />



234-238<br />

s. of Q. Cornelius [. f.] Aem(ilia) Secundus (I) (COR 231, text) and Maecia Q. f. (COR 386); b.<br />

of Q. Cornelius Secundus (II) (COR 232) and Cornelia Secunda (COR 204); b.-in-law of of Q.<br />

Maecius Q. 1. Cleogenes (COR 389)<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 52, pi. 8 [Augustan period].<br />

Corinth, forum; four fragments of a white marble slab; dedication to divus Augustus set up by<br />

the person:<br />

[Divo A]ugus[to] I [sac]rum I Cn. [Corneliu]s Speratus aug(ustalis) I ob i[ustitia]m.<br />

aug(ustalis)<br />

Remarks: For the augustales see Q. Cispuleius Q. 1. Primus (COR 153).<br />


IG IV 490 [2nd/3rd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinthia, Kleonai (Gouba); limestone base with cymation; inscription in his honour erected<br />

by the decree of the city council and the people under the supervision of Καιλήριος Κλαρος<br />

(COR 120) and Δομίτιος 'Αλέξανδρος (COR 247):<br />

Κορνήλιον Βετούριον Ι Θεόφιλον, τον άξιολογώΐτατον στρατηγόν, άγωίνοθέτην της<br />

λαμπροτάΙ 5 της Κλεωναίων πόλείως καί εύεργέτην περί Ι τους πολείτας, ή βουΙλή καί ο<br />

δήμος εκ των Ι ιδίων άνέστησαν υπό Ι 10 έπιμελητάς Δομίτιον ΆλέΙξανδρον, Καιλήριον<br />

Κλάρον, Ι ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής).<br />


D. R. Jordan, Hesperia 63, 1994, 116-125, no. 5, col. 1,11. 6-7, fig. (SEGAA, 1994, 308) [3rd c.<br />

A.D.(?)].<br />

Corinthia, Isthmus: sanctuary of Poseidon; inscribed lead curse tablet: Κρονίωνα Ι τον καί<br />

Λαιτον Ι κάτεχε.<br />

Remarks: The meaning of the message was to prevent the athletes from running in the Isthmian<br />

games; for the commentary, see Jordan, loc. cit. Cf. Μαρκίων ο καί Θηριώτης (COR<br />

396) attested in the same context.<br />

237. C(AIUS) (CURTIUS)<br />

f. of C(aius) Curtius C. f. [- - -] Lesbicus (COR 240)<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 182, pi. \6+Corinth VIII. 3, 196, pi. 18; joined by *G. R. Bugh, Hesperia 48,<br />



1979, 45-53,1. 10, pi. 17 (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 67-68, no. 36) [end of the lst/beginning<br />

of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; seven fragments of a pedestal of bluish marble; inscription in honour of his son<br />

C. Ç[urtius] C. fil. [—] Benig[n]us Iuventianus (COR 221, text) erected by the person and his<br />

wife Iu[ventia] Hagne (COR 366).<br />

239. C(AIUS) QURTIUS] C. fil. [- - -] BENIG[N]US IUVENTIANUS<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 182, pi. \6+Corinth VIII. 3, 196, pi. 18; joined by *G. R. Bugh, Hesperia 48,<br />

1979, 45-53, pi. 17 (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 67-68, no. 36) [1st half of the 2nd c. A.D.<br />

(letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum; seven fragments of a pedestal of bluish marble; inscription in his honour<br />

erected by his parents C. Curtius Benignus (COR 238) et Iu[ventia] Hagne (COR 366):<br />

C. Çfurtio] I C. fil. [—] I Benig[n]o I Iuventiano, theocolo I 5 [Iov]is Capit[ol]ini s[a]cerl[doti<br />

Ne]ptuni [Aug. isag. agonothetarum (?)] RETTICI et Ti. C[l. Att]ici I aedilic. et Ilvir. et quinq.<br />

et agonoth. I ornament, honorato [a]b ordine I 10 C. Curtius Benignus et Iu[ventia] Hagne I<br />

parentes d[edic.(?)].<br />

Remarks: The first reading of the nomen as C. 0[rfidius] in Corinth VIII. 3, 196, has been<br />

corrected by Bugh, loc. cit. The person is to be identified with the maternal grandson<br />

of Iuventius Proclus, the agonothete of the Isthmia games of A.D. 41 (Syll? 802;<br />

Bugh, op. cit, 50-52). For the office of isagogeus see C. Rutilius L. f. Aem. Fuscus<br />

(COR 540).<br />

240. C(AIUS) CU[R]TIUS C. F. [- - -] LES[B]IC[US]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 198, pi. 17.<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of a white marble base; inscription in his honour erected by<br />

someone whose name is missing:<br />

C. Cu[r]tio I C. f. [Cl]u. I Les[b]ico, I praef., [ae]d., theo[colo] I 5 Iovis Ca]pitoli., s[ac], I<br />

[agonoth.] Isthmi[on et] I [Caesareon] et Ilvir. [—].<br />

Remarks: The restoration of his name as Cutius and his tribe as [Cl]u(stumia) proposed by J.<br />

H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., are not certain, since they are not elsewhere attested in<br />

Corinth; his name could better be restored as Curtius (cf. G. R. Bugh, Hesperia 48,<br />

1979, 52). For a discussion on the office of theocolus Iovis Capitolini, see L. Robert,<br />

REG19, 1966, 745-746=M, OMS VI (1989) 563-564.<br />

241. [L(UCIUS)- - - L. L] DELM- - -] / [ΛΕΥΚΙΟΣ - - -]ΟΣ ΛΕΥΚΙΟΥ άπελ[εύθερος ΛΗΛΜ- - -]<br />

Corinth Vili. 3, 276, pi. 25 [2nd half of the 3rd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinthia, Solomos; fragment of gray marble; mutilated bilingual inscription, probably a<br />

funeral dedication, made at the cost of two thousand sesterces willed by his liberta and wife (?)<br />


Theodora:<br />


[—] I [— L. 1.] Delm[—] I [decurioni prae[fecto —] I [liberta T]heodora uxor [Delm - -<br />

-] I [ ]OM HS MM ex testa[ment. f.] I 5<br />

[ ]ωι Λευκίου άπελ[ευθέρωι Δηλμ ] I [<br />

δ]εκορίωνι, έπάρχω[ι ] Ι [ ] απελεύθερα Θε[οδώρα, γυνή του Δηλμ ] Ι [κατά<br />

διαθήκην] έποίησε συν[—] Ι [— άπελευ]θέρα Θεοδώρα [—].<br />

Remarks: His cognomen is listed as Delm[aticus (?)] in Corinth VIII. 3, indices, s.v.; the person<br />

242. [DO]MITIA<br />

was [decurijo and prae[fectus] of the colony (1. 2), terms given in the Greek text as<br />

[δ]εκορίων and επαρχο[ς] (1. 6); Devijver, vol. II, ignoti-incerti, 15. For the<br />

decurions in the Roman colony of Corinth, see Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 157-158.<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 156 [lst/2nd c. A.D.]<br />

Corinth; marble fragment; mutilated funerary dedication set up by the person for his parents:<br />

[Dojmitia parenftibus].<br />


A. N. Skias, AE 1893, 115, no. 2; CIL III. 2 (Suppl.) 13692; "Corinth VIII. 2, 139, ph. [lst/2nd<br />

c. A.D.]<br />

Corinth; block of marble; funerary inscription for herself, her mother (?) Tallia Polla (COR<br />

580), her husband [—]lius Athenaeus (COR 91), and their descendants:<br />

V(iva) [Domitjia Saturnil[la sibi et] Talliae Pollae I [ et ]lio Athenaeo viro suo I<br />

[et —]ae f. posterisque suis.<br />

Remarks: Skias, loc. cit. and CIL restored [ ]ia Saturni[na]; A. B. West, Corinth VIII. 2,<br />

139 prefers Saturni[la] because of a Domitia Saturnila Apollonis (COR 244)<br />

attested in Corinth.<br />



IG IV, 398; "Corinth Vili. 1, 134 (SEG 11, 1950, 91).<br />

Old Corinth; grave stele with pediment containing a representation of a vase; dedicatory<br />

inscription for the person:<br />

Δομετία Φιλίπα καί Λουκίου Δομετίου Λουκίου υίο Φαλέρνα Σατορνίλα<br />

Απόλλωνι.<br />

Remarks: There are probably some errors due to the engraver or the copisi. The correct<br />

reading of the tribe is Φαλέρνα and not Φαλέρνα as B. D. Meritt, Corinth VIII.<br />

1, 134, suggests (cf. AIA 1932, 369; if the reading 'Απόλλωνι at the end is correct,<br />

we would have a dedicatory inscription to the god (Monceaux, Gazette<br />



Archéologique 10, 1885, 409,no. 3); otherwise the reading Απολλωνί, adopted<br />

by the last editor, is not completely satisfactory.<br />


f. of Λούκιος Δομέτιος Λουκίου υιός Φαλέρνα (COR 246); grf. of Δομετία Φιλίπα<br />

καί Λουκίου Δομετίου Λουκίου υίο Φαλέρνα Σατορνίλα 'Απόλλωνι (COR 244)<br />


f. of Δομετία Φιλίπα καί Λουκίου Δομετίου Λουκίου υίο Φαλέρνα Σατορνίλα<br />

'Απόλλωνι (COR 244); h. of a certain Φίλιππα<br />


IG IV 490 [2nd/3rd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinthia, Kleonai (Gouba); limestone base with cymation; inscription in honour of Κορνή­<br />

λιος Βετούριος Θεόφιλος (COR 235, text) erected by decree of the city council and the people<br />

under the supervision of the person and Καιλήριος Κλάρος (COR 120) who acted as έπιμε-<br />

ληταί of the erection of the base.<br />

248. DONATUS<br />

h. of Papia L. f. Donati uxo(r) Methe (COR 456).<br />

249. [DONETA]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 284, pi. 25 [end of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a white marble plaque; funerary dedication erected by her<br />

husband M. Ca[ninius Rufus] (I) (COR 136, text), for himself, his wife [Doneta], their children<br />

M. [Caninius] Rufus II (COR 137), Can[inia] Done[ta] (COR 133) and their descendants.<br />

Remarks: The name of the person is reconstituted from the cognomen of her daughter.<br />

250. C(AIUS) (EGNATIUS)<br />

f. Cn(aeus) Egnatius C. f. (COR 251)<br />

251. CN(AEUS) EGNATIUS C. F.<br />

H. Robinson, AD 21, 1966, Chron., fig. 137b, ph. without the text ("ILGR 98) [1st c. B.C./ 1st<br />

c. A.D.]<br />

Corinth, forum; base of marble; inscription in honour of the person erected by L. Antonius<br />



(COR 45) and Antonia (COR 33), d. of L. Antonius Damonicus (COR 61):<br />

Cn. Egnatio C. f. I L. Antonius et Antonia I L. Antoni Damonici f. auxili erg(o).<br />

252. Π(ΟΠΛΙΟΣ) ΕΓΓΝΑΠΟΣ] ΑΠΟΛΛ[- - -]<br />

Corinth Vili. 3, 303, pi. 25 [early empire].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a slab of white marble; funerary dedication erected by the person<br />

for himself, her wife Μοσχ[ίνη] and their descendants:<br />

Ζών Π. Έγ[νάτιος] Ι Άπολλ[ώνιος] Ι Έφέσιος [έαυτώ κ]1αί Μοσχ[ίνη (?) γυναι]κί Ι καί το[ις<br />

έκγόνοις].<br />

Έφέσιος<br />

Remarks: J. Η. Kent, Corinth , loc. cit., notes that the spacing favours a restoration of a<br />

253. [- - -]S EUPHAMIL - -]<br />

cognomen such as Άπολλ[ώνιος] rather than Άπολλό[δωρος].<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 366, pi. 32 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, theatre; fragment of white marble; mutilated inscription preserving part of his name<br />

which, according to the editor, was probably Euphami[das].<br />

254. [- - -] ERASTUS<br />

T. L. Shear, AIA 33, 1929,525-526, fig. 9 (AnnÉpigr 1930, 118; F. J. de Waele, Gnomon 6,<br />

1930, 54; id., Gnomon 10, 1934, 226; A. G. Roos, Mnemosyne 58, 1930, 160-165; H. J.<br />

Cadbury, "Erastus of Corinth", lourn. of Bibl. Liter. 50, 1931, 42-58, with the previous<br />

bibliography; H. van de Weerd, "Een nieuw opschrift van Korinthe", Rev.Belg. 10, 1931,<br />

87-95, ph. on the opposite of page 88; Corinth VIII. 3, 232, pi. 232 [middle of the 1st c.<br />

A.D.].<br />

Corinth, theatre; portions of two inscribed paving slabs of gray Acrocorinthian limestone;<br />

the letters were of metal and were fastened into cuttings in the pavement blocks; he laid the<br />

pavement for his aedilship at his own expense: [ jErastus pro aedilit[at]e I s. p. stravit.<br />

Remarks: He was probably of freedman origin; it has been suggested that he should be<br />

identified with the Corinthian Erastus of the New Testament (Acta apostolorum<br />

19, 22) mentioned twice by St. Paul in the Epistula Pauli ad Timotheum II. 4, 20<br />

and in the Epistula Pauli ad Romanos 16,23: ασπάζεται υμάς "Εραστος ο οικονό­<br />

μος της πόλεως, on the grounds that this last Greek title could describe the<br />

function of a Corinthian aedilis (J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit.; Stansbury,<br />

Corinthian honor, 320-327). Both Cadbury, loc. cit. and van de Weerd, loc. cit.,<br />

who also proposes for the person the cognomen Eperastus, reject this<br />

identification as improbable, if not impossible.<br />



255. Λ(ΟΥΚΙΟΣ) ΕΡΕΝΝΙΟΣ Φ[.]Λ[. .]ΝΟ[Σ]<br />

For the person see infra COR 312a.<br />

*256. Q(UINTUS) FAB[IUS] Q. F. [- - -] CARPET[ANUS]<br />

CIL III. 6098=7271; Corinth VIII. 3, 132, pi. 12 [under Claudius].<br />

Old Corinth; large piece of a white marble statue base; inscription in his honour erected by<br />

someone whose name is missing:<br />

Q. Fab[io] I Q. f. [ ] I Carpetfano] I proc. Aug. prov[inc] I 5<br />

Achaiae (pro Achaiai in CIL)<br />

prae[f. eq.] I trib. milit. leg. X [Gem.] I curatori viae no[ment.] I —<br />

Remarks: Pflaum, Carrières, 22 restores his cognomen as Ca[s]pe[rianus] (cf. A. Stein, RE VI<br />

2 [1909], 1761, s.v. Q. Fab[ius] Q. f Ca[.]pe . . . [60]; PIR 2 F 24, s.v. Q. Fab[ius]<br />

Caspel. . . or Carpel . . .); Demougin, CIC, 499, suggests Ca[l]pet[anus], whereas<br />

Devijver, F 2, proposes Carpet[anus] or Casper[ianus]. For a discussion of his<br />

equestrian career, recorded here in descending order, see Demougin, loc. cit., who<br />

places it under Claudius (cf. Devijver, loc. cit., who dates it before Claudius,<br />

restoring the name of the legion as Gemina; according to Groag, Reichsbeamten,<br />

139, his title prae[f. eq.] suggests an Augustan date).<br />

257. FAUSTUS<br />

Corinth Will. 2, 175 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth; fragment of white marble revetment slab preserving his name.<br />

258. [- - -] [FE]LIX (?)<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 182, pi. 16 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of grayish marble; inscription in his honour erected by a certain Hagne:<br />

[— Fe]lici I [aedilic. et II viralib. et quin]q. et agonotheti. I [ornamentis ornato] (?)<br />

259. ΦΛΑΒΙΑΝΗ<br />

Kritzas, "Πετρί Νεμέας", 398-413, in particular 400, epigram B, 1. 4 (AnnÉpigr 1992, 1549)<br />

[end of the 2nd-beginning of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Nemea: Petri; sandstone slab recording an epigram in honour of her family (COR<br />

260 text).<br />

Remarks: See Φλαβιανός (I) (COR 260) and Σαλβία (COR 545). For the family see Kritzas,<br />

op. cit. and Settipani, 477-479. d. of Ξειναγόρης; b. of Φλαβιανός (II) (COR 261);<br />

grandd. of Φλαβιανός (I) and Σαλβία. For a more complete stemma also including<br />

the members of her family attested with Greek names, see Kritzas, op. cit., 402 and<br />

Settipani, 479.<br />



260. ΦΛΑΒΙΑΝΟΣ (I)<br />

[1] * Kritzas, "Πετρί Νεμέας", 398-413, in particular 399, epigram A, 1. 3 (AnnÉpigr 1992,<br />

1548) [end of the 2nd/beginning of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Nemea: Petri; sandstone slab recording an epigram in honour of his wife Σαλβία.<br />

Θεσσαλλικόν βλάστημα τό Πηλέος Αίακίδαο<br />

Σαλβία, ην Έφύρης εκ ποτέ σευάμενος<br />

Φλαβιανός, πολλοίσι συν ϊπποις ήμιόνοις τε,<br />

εύρύχορον Πέλοπος νήσον έσηγάγετο.<br />

5 Υίήων στεφάνωι έπ' άμύμονι θήσει, υιέ,<br />

δώματος εύδόξου ρύτορα καί κτεάνων,<br />

δώμητορ χώροιο. Πόσις δ'έμός έξενέπει τοι<br />

οππως αίμα φίλον νωΐτερον τελέθεις.<br />

Δη γάρ σοι καί τόσσον άγαλλόμεθ', οττι πατρώου<br />

10 ημβροτες ούδ' ολίγον κύδεος εν βιότω.<br />

[2] * Kritzas, op. cit, in particular 400, epigram B, 1. 1 (AnnÉpigr 1992, 1549) [end of the 2nd/<br />

beginning of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Nemea: Pefri; sandstone slab recording an epigram in honour of him and of his<br />

descendants; here: Φλαβιαν[—].<br />

Φλαβιαν[- - -]I[- - -ca. 1- - -]EN[- - -ca. Ί- - -]ΔΡΩΝ<br />

Φλ[α]βιανός σαόφρων, Ξειναγόρης [- - ca. 5- -]ός·<br />

Φλαβιανός μεν έτικτε Μένανδρον, Ξειναγόρης δε<br />

Φλαβιανήν. Τοιιν δ'έρνος 'Αριστομένης.<br />

5 Αύταρ Άριστομένει όμοώνυμος έπλετο πατρί<br />

υιός, οτις τρίτατον τίκτεν 'Αριστομένη.<br />

Του τάδε έργα τέτυκται, έπεί σκύμνον φάτις εστίν<br />

λείοντος κρατεροϋ καρτερόν έξιέναι-<br />

Ηρώδης μοΰνός μοι Ισον κλέος ήρατ'Άχαιών,<br />

10 οσσον καί μορφής εϊδεϊ συμφέρεται.<br />

Remarks: The two epigrams complete each other as [2] gives the genealogy announced by [1];<br />

both belonged to a monument set up by an 'Αριστομένης, a sixth-generation<br />

descendant of the person, in honour of his ancestors. The person was a rich<br />

Corinthian landowner maried with Σαλβία (COR 493), a woman of Thessalian<br />

origin. Kritzas suggests that his family must have had connections with many men<br />

of letters, such as the philosophers Ti. Flavius Arrianus (COR 264) and Epictetus,<br />

and with wealthy families like the Gellii and that of the Athenian rhetor and senator<br />

Tib. Claudius Herodes Atticus (COR 174), as reference to the name of this last one<br />

in [2,1. 9] illustrates. For the family see also Settipani, 477-479.<br />

h. of Σαλβία (COR 545); f. of Φλαβιανός (II) (COR 261); grandi, of Φλαβιανή (COR 259). For<br />

a more complete stemma also including the members of his family attested with Greek names,<br />

see Kritzas, op. cit., 402 and Settipani, 479.<br />



261. ΦΛΑΒΙΑΝΟΣ (II)<br />

Kritzas, "Πετρί Νεμέας", 398-413, in particular 400, epigram Β, 11. 2 and 3 (AnnÉpigr 1992,<br />

1549) [end of the 2nd/beginning of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Nemea: Petri; sandstone slab recording an epigram in honour of his family; in 1. 3<br />

his name is fully preserved, in 1. 2 he is attested as Φλ[α]βιανός (COR 260 text).<br />

Remarks: See Φλαβιανός (I) (COR 260) and Σαλβία (COR 545). For the family see Kritzas,<br />

op. cit. and Settipani, 477-479.<br />

s. of Φλαβιανός (I) and Σαλβία; uncle of Φλαβιανή (COR 259). For a more complete stemma<br />

also including the members of his family attested with Greek names, see Kritzas, op. cit., 402<br />

and Settipani, 479.<br />

262. Τ(ΙΤΟΣ) ΦΛΑΒ[ΙΟΣ] [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 228a, 1. 4, pi. 20; (cf. L. Robert, REG 79 [1966] 749-750=M, OMS VI [1989]<br />

567-568, general commentary on the text) [3rd quarter of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a three-sided prism-shaped post of white marble recording a list<br />

of victors and officials of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor probably in the πα[νκρά-<br />

τιο]γ or in the πα[1δας παγκρατιαστάς] as L. Robert, REG 79 (1966) 750, suggests.<br />

263. T(ITUS) FLAVIUS Aug. lib. ANTIO[CHUS]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 62, pi. 7 (AnnÉpigr 1964, 167) [A.D. c. 120 (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum; bottom of a rectangular base of gray marble recording the erection of a<br />

monument by the association of the Lares of the imperial house; two outstanding members, T.<br />

Flavius Aug(usti) lib(ertus) Antio[chus] and Ti. Claudius Primigenius (COR 181, text),<br />

probably a freedman too, were charged with the task.<br />

Remarks: J. H. Oliver, "Domitian's freedman Antiochus", Hesperia 32, 1963, 87, identifies<br />

him with the slave Άντίοχος Καίσ(αρος) δοϋλ(ος) of a bilingual funeral altar from<br />

Athens (Hesperia 10, 1941, 243-244, no. 43, ph.; BuIlÉpigr 1944, 86). For the<br />

collegium of the Lares of the imperial house in Corinth, see J. H. Kent's<br />

commentary on Corinth VIII. 3, 62.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 124, pi. 11; *G. W. Bowersock, "A new inscription of Arrian", GRBSS, 1967,<br />

279-280 (BuIlÉpigr 1968, 253; AnnÉpigr 1968, 473); J. Η. Oliver, GRBS 11, 1970, 335-338, in<br />

particular 336, stemma; A. N. Oikonomidis, AncW3, 1980, 94-96, restores the first two lines<br />

on the basis of the Athenian inscription: SEG 30, 1980, 159; for a summarized report of all<br />

these views, see SEG 31, 1981, 285 [mid. 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; four fragments of marble block; inscription in his honour erected by L. Gellius<br />

Menander (II) (COR 293) and L. Gellius Iustus f(ilius) (COR 291):<br />

[A. or Α. Φλ(άβιον) Άρριανόν Αθήναιον] Ι [φιλ]όσοφ[ον Στωικόν, ύπατικόν], Ι [πρεσ]βευτήν<br />



[αύτοκράτορος] Ι Καί[σα]ρος Τραια[νοϋ Άδρ]ι[ανοϋ] Ι [Σ]εβα[σ]τοϋ, άντιστ[ράτηγ]ον [της]<br />

Ι 5 έπαρχ[είας της Καππαδ]οκ[ίας, Α.] Ι [Γ]έλλιος Μ[ένανδρος καί Λ. Γέλλιος] Ι [Ίο]ϋστος<br />

υ(ίός) τό[ν φίλον καί] Ι εύεργ[έτην].<br />

Athenian, originated from Nicomedia<br />

consularis, legatus Augusti pro praetore provinciae Cappadociae<br />

Remarks: The person is identified by Bowersock, loc. cit., with T. Flavius Arrianus, the well<br />

known Athenian philosopher originating from Nicomedia who attained the consular<br />

rank (SEG 31, 1981, 285); for the person, see further E. Schwartz, RE II 1, 1896,<br />

1230-1247 [9]; PIR 2 F 219; Halfmann, Senatoren, no. 56; id., in: EOS II, 637-638;<br />

Thomasson, 269 no. 25; Rémy, Carrières sénatoriales, 213-217, no. 169, with<br />

bibliography. For the inscriptions recording his eponymous archonship in Athens in<br />

the year A.D. 145/6 (IG II 2 2055) see Oliver, GRBS, op. cit., appendix, 337-338 and<br />

id., in: EOS II, 588 and 593; according to Oikonomidis, loc. cit., the Corinthian<br />

inscription is to be dated before A.D. 145/6, i.e. the year of his Athenian archonship.<br />

For his friendship with the Corinthian Gellii, see BuIlÉpigr 1968,253; Oliver, loc. cit.<br />

(cf. BuIlÉpigr 1971, 304 and L. Moretti, RFIC103, 1975, 182-186); the restoration of<br />

the last two lines is that of J. and L. Robert (BuIlÉpigr 1968, 253 and 1971, 304),<br />

which differs slightly from that proposed by Bowersock, loc. cit. and Oliver, loc. cit.<br />

(cf. SEG 31, 1981, 285). For his probable relations with the wealthy family of Φλα-<br />

βιανός (I) (COR 260) and Σαλβία (COR 545), see Kritzas, "Πετρί Νεμέας", 398-413.<br />


[1989] 577-578) [A.D. 353-358].<br />

Corinthia, Lechaion; three-sided block of gray marble evidently made to receive a bronze<br />

statue; inscription in his honour erected by the city council and the citizens of Corinth:<br />

Φλάβιον Έρμ[ο]γένην Ι τον λαμ(πρότατον) άνθύπατον Ι ή βουλή καί ό δήμος ο Κορινθίων Ι<br />

τον εύεργέτην καί κτίστην του λι[μένος] Ι 5 άνέθηκαν.<br />

Remarks: Groag, Reichsbeamten spätrom. Zeit, 36-38; PLREl, s.v. Fl. Hermogenes, no. 9. He<br />

was appointed proconsul of Achaia probably by Constantius after A.D. 350. The<br />

inscription honours him as ευεργέτης καί κτίστης του λι[μένος], for the<br />

improvements he made at the Corinthian harbor of Lechaion (cf. Robert, loc. cit.,<br />

who sites a parallel inscription from Side in Pamphylia).<br />

268. Λ(ΟΥΚΙΟΣ) ΦΛ[ΑΒΙΟΣ ] Λ[- - -]<br />

Corinth Vili. 3, 474, pi. 39 [under the Flavians or later].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a gray marble block with an inscription preserving part of his<br />

name.<br />

269. [- - -] FLA(VIUS) 0[L]UMPU[S]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 350, pi. 32 [under the Flavians or later].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a grayish marble block preserving his name.<br />

*270. Τ(ΙΤΟΣ) ΦΛΑΒ(ΙΟΣ) ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΝΟΣ (?)<br />

[1] Corinth I. 4, 113; better in Corinth VIII. 3, 504 (*D. Feissel, T&MByz 9, 1985, 273, no. 6;<br />

AnnÉpigr 1989, 654) [A.D. 364-375].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragments of five epistyle-frieze blocks of bluish marble; inscription in honour<br />

of the Emperors Flavius Valentinian and Flavius Valens erected by the person.<br />

['Υπέρ σ]ωτηρίας κ(αί) νείκης κ(αί) αιωνίου διαμο[νης των μεγίστων κ(αί) αήττητων<br />

δεΙσ]ποτών ημών Φλαβ(ίου) Βαλλεν[τινιαΙν]οϋ κ(αί) Φ[λαβί(ου) Βάλεντος τών αιωνίων<br />

ΣεΙ 5 βαστών], Τ(Ιτος) Φλάβ(ιος) Όλυμπιανός ο λαμ(πρότατος) άνθ(ύπατος) Ι [της 'Αχαΐας<br />

κ(αί) —] Ι [— εκ τών ιδίων κατέΙΙσκεύασεν]<br />

\l\Corinth Ι. 4, 115, 159; "Corinth VIII. 3, 505 [A.D. 364-375].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragments of two epistyle-frieze blocks of white marble; inscription in honour<br />

of the Emperors Flavius Valentinian and Flavius Valens erected by the person; here his name<br />

is missing but restored after [1].<br />

[Τ(ΐτος) Φλάβ(ιος) Όλυμπιανός ο λαμ(πρότατος) άνθ(ύπατος)] Ι [ύπ]έρ σωτηρίας κ(αί) νεί­<br />

κης κ(αί) αίωνί[ου διαμονής τών μεγίστων κ(αί)] Ι [τα π]άντα νεικώ[ντων δεσποτών ημών<br />

Φλαβ(ίου) Βαλλεντινιανοϋ κ(αί) Φλαβί(ου) ΒάΙλεντος τών αιωνίων Αύγουστων].<br />

λαμ(πρότατος) άνθ(ύπατος) (proconsul) [1]<br />



Remarks: The reading by J. H. Kent (Corinth VIII, 3, 504) of the cognomen (OAYQKAAvos),<br />

confirmed by B. Millis (by correspondence), has no sense; the reading Όλυμπιανός<br />

in the fragment c [1] is not to be excluded although such a person is not known by<br />

E. Groag (Reichsbeamten spätröm. Zeit, passim) in his list of governors of Achaia<br />

under the late Empire.<br />


CIL III. 1, 538 [2nd c. A.D.]: Corinth; funerary inscription for him:<br />

D. M. / Q. Flavii I Philippi I decurionis I coloniae.<br />

Remarks: For the decurions in the Roman colony of Corinth, see Stansbury, Corinthian<br />

honor, 157-158.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 107, pi. (cf. Corinth VIII. 2, 22): [under Antoninus Pius].<br />

Corinth; limestone block; inscription in honour of Faustina, Antoninus Pius's wife, erected by the<br />

decree of the city council at public expense; the person and L. Antonius Iulianus (COR 64, text),<br />

duumviri, seem to have been in charge of the erection of the honorary statue of the empress.<br />

Remarks: His name is fully restored by J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., after a copy of this<br />

inscription mentioned by Spon and Wheler. The person could further be identified<br />

with a [—] Pompe[ian]o in line 6 of Corinth VIII. 3, 106, attested together with a<br />

M. Antoniu[s ], (COR 52, text), who cannot however be identified with the<br />

duovir L. Antonius Iulianus, as he bears a different praenomen. For his duovirship<br />

see L. Antonius Iulianus (COR 64).<br />

273. ΦΛΑΒΙΟΣ ΤΡΩΪΛΟΣ (I)<br />

IG IV 207 [imperial period].<br />

Corinthia, Kenchreai; slab of marble; funerary dedication erected by the person and his<br />

homonymous brother (COR 274) for an another brother:<br />

Φλάβιοι Τρωίλοι Ι Φωκαεις άδελφω Ι καί Άπφύδι βουκόλα Ι μνείας χάριν, ήρως χρηστέ, χαίρε.<br />

Φωκαεύς<br />

274. ΦΛΑΒΙΟΣ ΤΡΩΪΛΟΣ (Η)<br />

IG IV 207 [imperial period].<br />

Corinthia, Kenchreai; slab of marble; funerary dedication erected by the pesron and his<br />

homonymous brother (COR 273, text) for an another brother.<br />

Φωκαεύς<br />




IG IV 364; Syll? 904; SEG 1, 1923, 64; "Corinth VIII.l, 10; Bees, 13-15, no. 5 (cf. SEG 11<br />

1950, 59a) [4th c. A.D.]<br />

Corinth; inscription on the reverse side of a water basin of white marble broken away at the<br />

bottom; edict of the proconsul concerning law courts : Φλ(άβιος) Οΰλπ(ιος) ό λαμ(πρότατος)<br />

άνθ(ύπατος) λέγει (1. 1).<br />

Remarks: Groag, Reichsbeamten spätröm. Zeit, 58-59; PLRE 1,525, s.v. Fl. Ulpius Macarius [6].<br />

276. ΦΛ(ΑΒΙΟΣ) ΒΑΛ[- - -]<br />

Corinth Vili. 1, 145 [4rth/5th e. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; slab of bluish marble; grave stele preserving a part of his name.<br />


M. Sasel-Kos, Arch. Vestnik 28, 1977, 199 (AnnÉpigr 1977, 780); "ILGR 82 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Sicyon; funerary dedication erected by his husband M. Calpetanus Corinthus (COR 129,<br />

text), for himself, his wife Fulvia Eutychis, their children, Calpetana Magna (COR 128) and<br />

Calpetanus Ianuarius (COR 130), for M. Pacuius Euporos (COR 455) and for the family's freedmen.<br />

278. Q(UINTUS) (FULVIUS)<br />

f. of Q(uintus) Fulvius Q. f. [Q. (?)] n. Ouf(entina) Nobilior (COR 283)<br />

279. [Q(UINTUS)] (FULVIUS)<br />

grf. of Q(uintus) Fulvius Q. f. [Q. (?)] n. Ouf(entina) Nobilior (COR 283)<br />

280. M(ARCUS) FU[LVIUS- - - (?)] COR[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 164.<br />

Corinth, theatre; two fragments of a marble plaque; mutilated inscription preserving part of<br />

his name.<br />

Remarks: A. B. West, Corinth VIII. 2, 164, thinks that the person was inscribed in the tribe<br />

Cor(nelia), but COR could also as well be the beginning of a cognomen.<br />


Amandry, 201-209, em. XX, pis XXXII-XXXV; RPCl, 1189-1200.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir mth M. Acilius Candidus (COR 5) of the year A.D. 54/55<br />

Remarks: For the emission see Amandry, 22-24.<br />



282-285<br />


[1] Corinth VILLI, 15 + Corinth VIII. 1, 18; joined by *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-<br />

299,1.8, pi. 8 [A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three sides recording a list of<br />

magistrates and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games; here:<br />

Μ. Φουλβίου Ιουλιανού.<br />

[2] W. R. Biers and D. J. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,11. 7-8, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-<br />

1970, 587; cf. BuIlÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of officials<br />

and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games; here: Μ. Φουλ­<br />

βίου 'Ιουλιανό [ϋ].<br />

Remarks: For the date in [1] see Spawforth, loc. cit., for that in [2] see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus<br />

(COR 94).<br />

283. Q(UINTUS) FULVIUS Q. F. [Q. (?)] n. OUF(ENTINA) NOB[ILI]OR<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 120, pi. 11 [1st c. B.C./lst c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of a block of bluish marble; inscription in his honour erected<br />

by someone whose name is not preserved:<br />

Q. Fulvio Q. f. I [.] n. Ouf. Nob[ili]or I [— orna]ment. I [honorato —].<br />

Remarks: J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., suggests that he should have been a descendant of<br />

Marcus Fulvius Nobilior, the conqueror of Aetolia in 189 B.C. (Broughton,<br />

Magistrates I, 360 ), whose son Quintus was consul in 153 B.C. (Broughton,<br />

Magistrates I, 452). It is most likely that his grandfather was a freedman of the<br />

senatorial family. His triple filiation was rather rare in the inscriptions of the colony<br />

(cf. other examples: COR 81, COR 353, COR 507, COR 610).<br />


Amandry, 168-180, em. XVI, pis XIX-XXIV; RPC I, 1151-1171.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with L. Arrius Peregrinus (COR 86) of the year A.D. 32/33<br />

Remarks: For the emission see Amandry, 59-66.<br />

285. [- - -] FUSQUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 189, pi. 18 [1st c. B.C./lst c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a slab of white marble streaked with gray; the mutilated<br />

inscription preserves part of his name and probably his office:<br />

[- - -] Fusç[o - - -]l Ilvir [---]![-- -].<br />


286. [- - - FU]SCUS<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 363, pi. 33 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a block of cream-colored marble; mutilated inscription preserving<br />

only a part of his name in the nominative case; he seems to be the dedicator of a statue.<br />

287. [- - -]NIA GAIENE<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 237, pis 3 (no. 26), 21 [2nd quarter of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a gray marble block; inscription in honour of her grandson<br />

[P. Aefi]cius P. f. [Ae]m(ilia) Firmus Sta[tia]nus (COR 11, text) erected by herself, her son [P.<br />

Aef]icius Atimetus [Lic]inianus (COR 9) and her husband [P. Aef]icius Atimetus (COR 8).<br />

Remarks: Solin and Salomies, 85, give the form of the name Gaienna (?).<br />

288. [- - -] [G]ALLA<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 177,1. 11, pi. 17 [mid. 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fourteen fragments of a block of white marble streaked with green; inscription<br />

in honour of her husband [L. A]nto[nius L. f. M]e[n.] Pri[—] (COR 69, text) erected by the<br />

person and their children L. Antonius ] (I) (COR 43), L. Antonius ] (II) (COR 44),<br />

An[tonia - - -] (COR 32) and Sau[feia] P[risca] (COR 549), all [L. Antonii li]beri.<br />


W. R. Biers and D. J. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93, 11. 2-3, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-<br />

1970, 587; cf. BuIlÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces recording a list<br />

of officials and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; his name at the head of the document was<br />

used as an indication of the dating: he was [ΰ]πατος (consul) of the year A.D. 127.<br />

Remarks: E. Groag, RE VII 1 (1912) 871, s.v. M. (Gavius) Squilla Gallicanus [24]; Degrassi,<br />

Fasti consolari, 37; PIR 2 G 113.<br />


[l]Corinth VIII. 1, 83, ph. [under Hadrian].<br />

Corinth, forum; base of white marble; inscription in honour of Γν. Κορνήλιος Ποϋλχερ (COR<br />

228) set up by the person; here: Λ. Γέλλιος Ίοϋστος.<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 2, 93, ph. [under Hadrian].<br />

Corinth, forum; slab of white marble; inscription in his honour (?) and in honour of L. Gellius<br />

Menander (I) (COR 292):<br />

[L. Ge]llio I [Mena]ndri I [Aem.] Iusto I [aed., IIvir]ii, agonoth. —<br />

[3] Corinth VIII. 3, 125,11. 10-11, pi. 11 [under Hadrian].<br />



Corinth; ten fragments of a white marble statue base; inscription in honour of L. Antonius L.<br />

f. Albus (COR 54, text and for the identification of the person see COR 54, remarks) erected<br />

at the expense of him and [L. Gellius Mena]nder (I) (COR 292) by the decree of the city<br />

council:<br />

[amici L. Gellius Mena]nder et L. Gellius I [Iustus d. s. p. f. cur.], ob iustitiam, I [d.] d.<br />

[4] Corinth VIII. 3, 263, pi. 23 [2nd quarter of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, north slope of Acrocorinth; fragment of a white marble revetment slab; inscription in<br />

honour of a person whose name is missing erected by a decree of the city council by him and<br />

L. Gellius Menander (I) (COR 292):<br />

[— Λ. Γέλλιος Μένανδρος], Λ. Γέλλιο[ς Ίοϋστος] Ι ψ. β.<br />

[5] W. R. Biers and D. J. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,11. 5-6, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-<br />

1970, 587; cf. BuIlÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of officials<br />

and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was agonothete of the games: επί άγωνθέτου<br />

Λ. Γελλίο[υ Μενά]νδρου υίοϋ Αίμ. Ίούσ[του]<br />

aedilis, Ilvir, agonothetes [2] and [5]<br />

Remarks: PIR 2 G 128; J. H. Oliver, GRBS 1970, 335-338, stemma; L. Moretti, RFIC103, 1975,<br />

182-186, stemma. For the date in [5] see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />

According to Oliver's stemma: s. of L. Gellius Menander (I); f. of L. Gellius Menander (II)<br />

(COR 293) and L. Gellius Iustus f. (II) (COR 291). According to Moretti 's stemma: s. of L.<br />

Gellius Menander (I); b. of L. Gellius Mysticus (COR 294); f. of L. Gellius Iustus f. (II); uncle<br />

of L. Gellius Menander (II).<br />


[1] Corinth Vili. 3, 124, pi. 11; *G. W. Bowersock, "A new inscription of Arrian", GRBS 8,<br />

1967, 279-280 (BuIlÉpigr 1968, 253; AnnÉpigr 1968, 473); J. H. Oliver, GRBS 11, 1970, 335-<br />

338, in particular 336, stemma; A. N. Oikonomidis, AncW3,1980, 94-96, restores the first two<br />

lines on the basis of the Athenian inscription: SEG 30, 1980, 159; for a summarized report of<br />

all these views, see SEG 31, 1981, 285 [mid. 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; four fragments of marble block; Greek inscription in honour of the philosopher Φλάβιος<br />

Άρριανός (COR 264, text) erected by him and [Λ. Γ]έλλιος Μ[ένανδρος (II) (COR 293).<br />

[2] CIL III. 1,1, 7269 [A.D. 139]: Corinth; statue base in honour of Antoninus Pius erected by<br />

the person and L. Gellius Menander (II) (COR 293):<br />

L. Gellius Menander et L. Gellius I Iustus f. Imp. Caesari divi Hadrliani f. divi Traiani nepoti<br />

divi Nerlvae pronepoti T. Aelio Hadriano Antonino I Aug. Pio pontifex max. trib. p[otest. II<br />

cos. II] I desig. II[I p. p.] I L. Gellius Menander et [L. Gellius] I Iustus f.<br />

[3] W. R. Biers and D. J. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,1. 7, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-<br />

1970, 587; cf. BuIlÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />



Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of officials<br />

and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was [έλ]ληνοδίκης of the games; here: Λ. Γελλίου<br />

[Ίούστο]υ υ(ίοϋ).<br />

Remarks: J. Η. Oliver, GRBS 1970, 335-338, stemma; L. Moretti, RFIC 103, 1975, 182-186,<br />

stemma. For the date in [3] see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />

According to Oliver's stemma: s. of L. Gellius Iustus (I) (COR 290); b. of L. Gellius Menander<br />

(II); grands, of L. Gellius Menander (I) (COR 292). According to Moretti's stemma: s. of L.<br />

Gellius Iustus (I); grands, of L. Gellius Menander (I); cousin of L. Gellius Menander (II)<br />


[1] Corinth VIII. 1, 82, ph. [under Hadrian].<br />

Corinth, forum; base of white marble; inscription in honour of Γν. Κορνήλιος Ποΰλχερ (COR<br />

228) erected by the person; here: Λ. Γέλλιος Μέναν[δρος].<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 2, 93, ph. [under Hadrian]: Corinth, forum; slab of white marble; inscription<br />

in his honour (?) and in honour of L. Gellius Justus (I) (COR 290):<br />

[L. Ge]llio I [Mena]ndri I [Aem.] Iusto I [aed. iivirjii.agonoth. [—]<br />

[3] Corinth VIII. 3, 125, pi. 11 [under Hadrian].<br />

Corinth, forum; ten fragments of a white marble statue base; inscription in honour of [L.<br />

Antonius L. f.] Albus (COR 54, for the identification of the person see COR 54, remarks)<br />

erected at the expense of him and L. Gellius [Iustus] (I) (COR 290) by decree of the city<br />

council:<br />

[amici L. Gellius Mena]nder et L. Gellius I [Iustus d. s. p. fac. cur.] ob iustitiam I [d.] d.<br />

[4] Corinth VIII. 3, 135, 1. 12, pi. 13 [A.D. 107-114]: Corinth, forum; statue base of grayish<br />

marble; Latin inscription in honour of his frient (amicus) C. Caelius C. f. Ouf(entina) Martialis<br />

(COR 121, text) erected by him: [L. Geljlius Menander amicus.<br />

[5] Corinth VIII. 3, 263, pi. 23 [2nd quarter of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, north slope of Acrocorinth; fragment of a white marble revetment slab; inscription in<br />

honour of a person whose name is missing erected with a decree of the city council by the<br />

discussed person and L. Gellius Iustus (I) (COR 290):<br />

[— Λ. Γέλλιος Μένανδρος], Α. Γέλλιο[ς Ίοΰστος] Ι ψ. β.<br />

[6] J. Wiseman, Hesperia 38, 1969, 94, ph. Tab. 30, 1; ÌLGR 99 [under Hadrian (?)].<br />

Corinth; fragment of an epistyle of marble preserving only a part of his name: [L.] Gelilo<br />

Mfenandri].<br />

[aedilisl] [2], [Ilvir] [2], agonoth[etes] [2]<br />

Remarks: In PIR 2 G 132 he is identified as one person with the homonymous L. Gellius<br />

Menander (II) (COR 293). J. H. Oliver, GRBS 1970, 335-338, stemma; L. Moretti,<br />

RFIC 103, 1975, 182-186, stemma. The person in [6] could also be L. Gellius<br />



293-294<br />

Menander (II). For probable connections with the wealthy family of Φλαβιανός (I)<br />

(COR 260) and Σαλβία (COR 545), see Kritzas, "Πετρί Νεμέας", 398-413, in<br />

particular 408, who identifies the person with a certain Μένανδρος, son of Φλαβια-<br />

νός (Π).<br />

According to Oliver's stemma: f. of L. Gellius Iustus (I); grf. of L. Gellius Menander (II) (COR<br />

293) and L. Gellius Iustus f. (II) (COR 291). According to Moretti's stemma: f. of of L. Gellius<br />

Mysticus (COR 294) and L. Gellius Iustus (I); grf. of L. Gellius Menander (II) and L. Gellius<br />

Iustus f. (II)<br />


[I] Corinth VIII. 3, 124, pi. 11; *G. W. Bowersock, "A new inscription of Arrian", GRBS 8,<br />

1967, 279-280 (BuIlÉpigr 1968, 253; AnnÉpigr 1968, 473); J. Η. Oliver, GRBS 11, 1970, 335-<br />

338, in particular 336, stemma; A. N. Oikonomidis, AncW3,1980, 94-96, restores the first two<br />

lines on the basis of the Athenian inscription: SEG 30, 1980, 159; for a summarized report of<br />

all these views, see SEG 31, 1981, 285 [mid. 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; four fragments of marble block; Greek inscription in honour of the philosopher Φλά­<br />

βιος Άρριανός (COR 264, text) erected by him and L. Gellius Iustus f. (II) (COR 291): [A.<br />

Γ]έλλιος Μ[ένανδρος (Π) καί Λ. Γέλλιος] Ι [Ίο]υστος υ(ίός).<br />

[2] Corinth Ι. 4, ρ.113; better in Corinth Vili. 3, 137, pi. 12; [late in the reign of Hadrian].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragments of a statue base of gray marble; inscription in honour of his friend<br />

C. Ceri[alis] (COR 151, text) erected by his friend (amicus) L. Gellius Menander (II) by decree<br />

of the city council; here: L. Gellius Menander amicus.<br />

[3] CIL III. 1,1, 7269 [A.D. 139].<br />

Corinth; statue base in honour of Antoninus Pius erected by the person and L. Gellius Iustus f.<br />

(II) (COR 291): I. Gellius Menander et L. Gellius I Iustus f.<br />

[4] Corinth VIII. 3, 223,11. 3-4; pi. 20; better in A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 295-297,1. 5-6<br />

[A.D. 131 or 135].<br />

Corinth; part of a prism-shaped three-sided shaft of white marble recording a list of officials<br />

and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games: [επί άγωνοθέτου] Ι 5 Λ. Γελλίου Μυστικο[ϋ τοϋ<br />

Γελλίου] Ι Μενάνδρου.<br />

Remarks: In PIR 2 G 132 he is identified as one person with the homonymous L. Gellius<br />

Menander (I) (COR 292). J. H. Oliver, GRBS 1970, 335-338, stemma; L. Moretti, RFIC<br />

103, 1975, 182-186, stemma. For the date in [4] see [- - - Pon]tian[us] (COR 488).<br />

According to Oliver's stemma: s. of L. Gellius Iustus (I) (COR 290); b. of L. Gellius Iustus f. (II);<br />

grands, of L. Gellius Menander (I) (COR 292). According to Moretti's stemma: s. of L. Gellius<br />

Mysticus (COR 294); grands, of L. Gellius Menander (I); cousin of L. Gellius Iustus f. (II)<br />


Corinth Vili. 3, 223,11. 3-4; pi. 20; better in A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 295-297, 1. 5-6<br />




Corinth Vili. 3, 296, pi. 25 [3rd quarter of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a white marble slab; funerary inscription for him: Λ. Γέ[λλιος] I<br />

Ζώσ[ιμος] Ι έτώ[ν . . ] Ι χαι[ρε].<br />


Corinth VIII. 1, 14,11. 89-90 [A.D. 3 (Actian era)].<br />

Corinth; three-sided headless marble herm with inscriptions on all sides; list of officials and<br />

victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in the flute contest (αύλητάς).<br />

From Ni[—]<br />

Remarks: The gentilicium in Latin is Genucius (Solin and Salomies, 87). His ethnic name<br />

beginns with Ni[—].<br />

297. Π(ΟΠΑΙΟΣ) ΓΕΡΕΛΑΑΝΟΣ [- - -]<br />

Corinth VÏÏI.1, 15,1.62; *W. Peek, Gnomon 9, 1933,417,1. 12 (SEG 11,1950, 62) [A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three sides; record of officials and<br />

victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in παίδων π[ανκρά]τιον (?).<br />

Remarks: Peek, loc. cit., reading Π. Γερελλάνος [—] (Solin and Salomies, 87), is confirmed<br />

298. ΓΕΡΜ[ΑΝΟΣ]<br />

by B. Millis (by correspondence); cf. Corinth VIII. 1, 15,1. 62: Γερο[ ]. Β. Millis<br />

notes also that the cognomen seems to start with a round letter, i.e. Ε, Ο or Σ. The<br />

restoration of his victory in the games is Peek's, loc. cit. For the date see A.<br />

Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974,297-299.<br />

Bees, 118-119, no. 59 (SEG 11, 1950, 181) [4rth-5th c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; slab of white marble; funerary inscription on his grave in memory of his child:<br />

[Κοιμητ]ήρ(ιον) διΙ [αφέρο]ντα ΓερΙ[μα]νφ, Ι [εν]θα κ[ειται το] Ι [παιόίον α]ύτ[οϋ].<br />



299-302<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 302, pi. 22 [early 3nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, near Cheliotomylos in a Roman chamber tomb; plaque of blue marble; funerary<br />

dedication erected during his lifetime by her father L. Coranus Patrobius (COR 200, text), for<br />

himself, his wife Grania Homonoia, their step-children Clodius Ephemus (COR 192), Clodius<br />

Granianus (COR 193), Clodia Homonoia (COR 187), and their descendants.<br />

Remarks: For her family see L. Coranus Patrobius (COR 200).<br />

300. GRANIA QUINTA<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 65, ph. [under Augustus or Tiberius].<br />

Corinth; limestone base; inscription in honour of P. Caninius Alexiadae f. Agrippa (COR 135,<br />

text) erected by the person.<br />

Remarks: She was probably a sister or daughter of Q. Granius Bassus (COR 302); the Granii<br />

and the Caninii were two prominent Corinthian families connected by marriage<br />

(Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 219-220).<br />

301. Q(UINTUS) (GRANIUS)<br />

f. of Q(uintus) Granius Q. f. Bassus (COR 302)<br />


[1] O. Broneer, "Colonia Laus Iulia Corinthiensis", Hesperia 10, 1941, 388-390 (AnnÉpigr<br />

1947, 82); *Corinth VIII. 3, 130, pi. 15 [under Claudius].<br />

Corinth, forum; statue base of gray limestone; dedication to the Genius of the colony of<br />

Corinth set up by the person:<br />

Cojoni[ae] L. I Iuliae I Corinthiens} I Q. Granius Q. f. I 5 Bassus s. p. d. d. I proc. Aug.<br />

[2]Corinth VIII. 3, 131, pi. 13 [under Claudius].<br />

Corinth, forum; twenty-two adjoining fragments of a white marble revetment slab concerning<br />

the bath:<br />

[Q.] [Gr]anius Q. f. Bassus, proc. Aug., I [ei]usdem comes, praef. fa[brum] I [—]um de balineo<br />

im[—] ι [—]ne m[—]·<br />

proc(urator) Aug(usti) [1], [2], comes Aug(usti) et praef(ectus) fabrum [2]<br />

Remarks: PIR 2<br />

G 208; Pflaum, Carrières, 1070; Demougin, CJC, 501. Stansbury, Corinthian<br />

honor, 218-220, identifies him with the homonymous person who accused Piso of<br />

treason (Tac, Ann., 4. 21, 4) in the mid. 20s A.D., but the fact that the name is<br />

common makes this hypothesis less certain (cf. Demougin, 7oc. cit.). Bassus was the<br />

first known imperial procurator attested in Corinth. The fact that he dedicated a<br />


303. ΓΡΑΤΟΣ<br />


public monument to the colony indicates that he was originated from that city<br />

(Demougin, loc. cit.) and probably he was a relative, father or brother, of Grania<br />

Quinta (COR 300). For the office of praef(ectus) fabr(um) see COR 170.<br />

E. Stikas, Ergon 1962,84-85, fig. 95 (G. Daux, BCH 87,1963,728, fig. 17) [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth; plaque of marble; funerary inscription for him: [Α.ν]επαύσατο ό λαμπρότατος Γρά-<br />

τος Ι [- - -].<br />

Remarks: Gratus is a cognomen (Solin and Salomies, 340).<br />

304. [- - - AE]M(ILIA) HAI[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 227, pi. 19 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving part of his<br />

name and of his cursus honorum:<br />

[— Ae]m. Hai[—] I [— an]non. cu[r.] I [ago]nothe[te —].<br />

305. HEIUS AGATHO<br />

D. I. Pallas and St. P. Dantis, AE 1977, 78-9, no. 24 [under Augustus].<br />

Corinthia, Kokkinobrysi; fragment of a slab of white marble; funerary dedication erected by<br />

his father (?) C. Heius Corin[thius] (COR 307, text) during his lifetime for himself, his wife (?)<br />

Licinia Philist[a] (COR 370), and their son Heius Agatho.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 151, pi. 14 [14/3-9/8 B.C.].<br />

Corinth, forum; base of gray marble; inscription in his honour erected by the coloni of Corinth<br />

in a decree of the city council:<br />

C. Heio Aristfoni] I aed., Ilvir. q., I d. d. I coloni.<br />

Remarks: For the Heii in Corinth, see C. Heius Pamphilus (COR 307).<br />


D. I. Pallas and St. P. Dantis, AE 1977, 78-9, no. 24 [under Augustus].<br />

Corinthia, Kokkinobrysi; fragment of a slab of white marble; funerary dedication erected by the<br />

person during his life time for himself, his wife (?) Licinia Philist[a] (COR 370), and their son<br />

Heius Agatho (COR 305):<br />

V(ivens) C(aius) Heius Corin[thius sibi et] I Liciniai Philist[ai uxori et] I Heio Agatho [ni filio —].<br />

Remarks: For the Heii in Corinth, see C. Heius Pamphilus (COR 309).<br />



308. [Γ(ΑΪΟΣ) ΗΪΟΣ] ΙΚΕΣΙΟΣ π(ατήρ)<br />

[1] Corinth Vili. 3, 223,1. 12, pi. 20; better in *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 295-297,1. 12<br />

[A.D. 131 or 135].<br />

Corinth; part of a prism-shaped three-sided shaft of white marble recording a list of officials<br />

and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games; here [Γ. Ήΐου]<br />

Τκεσίου π(ατρός).<br />

[2] W. R. Biers and D. J. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93.1. 10, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-<br />

1970, 587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of small grained white marble inscribed on all three faces recording<br />

a list of officials and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games;<br />

here: [.]Ήΐου Ίκεσίου π(ατρός).<br />

Remarks: The identification of the person is made by Spawforth, loc. cit. For the date in [1] see<br />

[- - - Pon]tian[us] (COR 448) and for that in [2] see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />

309. [C(AIUS) HEIU]S [PA]MPHILUS<br />

[1] Corinth VIII. 3, 150, pi. 14 [17/6-10 B.C.].<br />

Corinth, near the forum; four fragments of a white marble base; inscription in his honour<br />

erected by someone whose name is missing:<br />

[C. Hei]o [Pa]mphilo I [ag]ono[th. I]sthmion I [et Ca]esare[on], Ilvir. iter, I [pra]ef. pro [IIvi]r.,<br />

decu., I [deer, colon. suffra]gio ite[rlumq. Caes. Aug. imp. iu[bend[o] etc.<br />

[2] Amandry, 133-138, em. VI, pis VI-VII; RPCl, 1127-1128.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with Q. Caecilius Niger (COR 119) of the year 34-31 B.C.<br />

[3] Amandry, 140-141, em. VIII, pis VIII-IX; RPCl, 1132.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

iter duumvir with C. Heius Pollio (I) (COR 310) of the year 27/26 B.C.<br />

[4] Amandry, 141-142, em. IX, pi. IX; RPCl, 1133.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with P. Aebutius Sp. f. (COR 7) of the year 17/16 B.C.<br />

Remarks: His Greek cognomen Pamphilus and the omission both of the filiation and of the<br />

tribe indicate that he was a freedman of a certain C. Heius (cf. Spawforth, in: Roman<br />

onomastics, 178-179; Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 186-189).<br />

For the emissions [2] and [3] see Amandry, 38-39, 47-49; for [4] the same author,<br />

54-55, supposes that Pamphilus and his third colleague P. Aebutius Sp. f. were<br />

praefecti iure dicundo on behalf of honorary duumvirs (see COR 53), as the<br />

inscription [1] attests, who during this time were Agrippa's two sons Caius et Lucius<br />

Césars (Stansbury, op. cit., 190; Spawforth, op. cit., 175); Pamphilus was praefectus<br />

pro duumvir once by decree of the city council and by vote of the colony, a second<br />

time by order of the Emperor Augustus [1]. J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., suggests<br />



that the Pam[philus] attested in Corinth VIII. 3, 240 should be identified with the<br />

person, but the restoration of this name is erroneous instead of libero Pat[ri] (see<br />

COR 587).<br />

310. C(AIUS) HEIUS POLLIO (I)<br />

Amandry, 140-141, em. VIII, pis VIII-IX; RPCl, 1132.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

(iterum) duumvir with C. Heius Pamphilus (COR 309) of the year 27 or 27/26 B.C.<br />

Remarks: For the emission see Amandry, 47-49. For the Heii in Corinth, see C. Heius<br />

Pamphilus.<br />

311. C(AIUS) HEIUS POLLIO (II)<br />

Amandry, 151-156, em. XII, pis XIII-XV; RPCl, 1139-1143.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

(iter) duumvir with C. Mussius Priscus (COR 430) of the year A.D. 4/5<br />

Remarks: For the emission see Amandry, 52-54.<br />

312. HELPIS 1. VflBULEI]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 280, pi. 25 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, Hagios Ioannis Church; white marble plaque; funerary dedication erected by his<br />

husband [M. V]ibulleius M. l(ibertus) Heracliu[s] (COR 629, text) for himself, his wife Helpis,<br />

and their descendants.<br />

312a. Α(ΟΥΚΙΟΣ) ΕΡΕΝΝΙΟΣ Φ[.]Λ[. .]ΝΟ[Σ]<br />

Corinth VIII.l, 15, 1. 74; W. Peek, Gnomon 9, 1933, p. 417, 1. 26 (SEG 11, 1950, 62) [A.D.<br />

137]<br />

Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three sides recording a list of<br />

officials and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in the ανδρών [παγκρά-<br />

τιον].<br />

Α,ντιοχεύς<br />

Remarks: The reading adopted here is that of B. Millis (by correspondence), instead of those<br />

of B. D. Meritt, Corinth VIII. 1, 15,1. 74: Έρέννι[ο]ς [- - -] and Peek, op. cit.: A.<br />

Έρέννειος Φιλεινος; for the date see A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299.<br />

313. L(UCIUS) HERMIDIUS [- - -]<br />

CIL III, 534; "Corinth VIII. 2,120, ph. [under Augustus or little later].<br />

Corinth, forum; inscription on an Ionic architrave block of white marble; he is attested<br />



together with L. Hermidius Celsus (COR 314, text), L. Rutillius [ ] (COR 536) and L.<br />

Hermid[ius] Maximus (COR 315) as the donors of a temple, a statue of Apollo Augusti (or<br />

Augustus) and ten tabemae.<br />

Remarks: For a probable date after Augustus' death see L. Rutilius [—] (COR 536).<br />


CIL III, 534; *Corinth VIII. 2,120, ph. [under Augustus or little later].<br />

Corinth, forum; inscription on an Ionic architrave block of white marble; he is attested<br />

together with L. Rutillius [ ] (COR 536), L. Hermid[ius] Maximus (COR 315) and L.<br />

Hermidius [ ] (COR 313) as the donors of a temple, a statue of Apollo Augustus and ten<br />

tabernae:<br />

L. Hermidius Celsus et L. Rutillius [ sacerdotes Apollinis (?)] I Augusti et L. Hermidfius]<br />

Maximus et L. Hermidius [—] I aedem et statuam Apollinis Augusti et tabernas decern.<br />

Remarks: For a probable date after Augustus' death see L. Rutilius [—] (COR 536).<br />


CIL III, 534; *Corinth VIII. 2,120, ph. [under Augustus or little later].<br />

Corinth, forum; inscription on an Ionic architrave block of white marble; he is attested<br />

together with L. Hermidius Celsus (COR 314, text), L. Rutillius [ ] (COR 536) and L.<br />

Hermidius [ ] (COR 313) as the donors of a temple, a statue of Apollo Augustus and ten<br />

tabernae.<br />

Remarks: For a probable date after Augustus' death see L. Rutilius [—] (COR 536).<br />


316. [- - -] l(ib.) HESYCHUS<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 316, pis 28, 63.<br />

Corinth, forum; nineteen fragments of a white marble Ionic frieze belonging to a not yet<br />

identified monument erected by him and [—]arius Pylades (COR 524, text).<br />

Remarks: It seems probable that the two dedicators were augustales as the abbreviation<br />

l(ibertus) and their names suggest. For the augustales see Q. Cispuleius Q. 1. Primus<br />

(COR 153).<br />

317. [- - -] HICESIUS<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 231, pi. 20 [1st half of the 1st c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, theatre, block of cream-colored marble; inscription on a monument (?), which he built<br />



at his own expense with the official permission of the city council when he was aedile: [- - -]GR<br />

[- - -]l Hicesius I aed. d. s. p. f. d. d.<br />

Remarks: The Greek name Hicesius is known in Corinth (see LGPN III.A, 218, s. v. Τκέσιος);<br />

here it is a cognomen.<br />

*318. (C. LUCILIUS) HIRRUS<br />

L. Ross-Taylor and A. B. West, ASA 32, 1928, 9-22 (AnnÉpigr 1928, 5); * Corinth VIII. 2, 1;<br />

see S. Dow, "Corinthiaca", HSCPh 60, 1951, 81-100, with the previous publications and<br />

bibliography [4th decade B.C., before 31 B.C.].<br />

Corinth, forum; limestone block preserving a Latin epigram in his honour.<br />

Remarks: His full name is C. Lucilius Hirrus (Broughton, Magistrates I, 569 and 573). He was<br />

legatus pro praetore under Marcus Antonius (COR 46), the grandfather of M.<br />

Antony, in the war against the pirates of Cicilia (102-101 B.C.). The epigram, in<br />

elegiac metre, commemorates the transferring of his fleet across the Isthmus during<br />

this campaign. Hirrus was probably an ancestor of the homonymous C. Lucilius<br />

Hirrus, who supported Pompey in 53 B.C. (A. B. West, Corinth VIII. 2, 1;<br />

Broughton, Magistrates II, 228-229). Although this identification seems probable,<br />

some others proposed previously by Taylor and West, loc. cit. are not to be<br />

excluded. For the date of the inscription see Marcus Antonius (COR 46).<br />

319. C(AIUS) INSTEIUS<br />

f. M(arcus) Insteius C. f. Tectus (COR 320)<br />


[1] Corinth VIII. 3, 149, pi. 14 [2nd quarter of the 1st c. B.C.].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a block of gray marble; inscription in his honour: M.<br />

Inste[i]o C f. Tecto I [Ilvir et Ilvir qjuinqu.<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 3, 345, pi. 29 [2nd quarter of the 1st c. B.C.].<br />

Corinth, Lechaion road; fragment of white marble; the inscription preserves part of his name<br />

and the fragmentary names of four other men in the accusative case, [—] Corint[hu]s (COR<br />

201), C. Min[ucius - - -] (COR 424), M. Cornelius (COR 214) and Q. Cornelius [- - -] (COR<br />

218): [- - -]l M. Instei[um Tectum - - -]l [- - -]Corint[hu]m C. Min[ucium] M. et Q. Cornelium<br />

[- - -]l [pjrobarunt XX.<br />

[3] Amandry, 124-128, em. Ill, pis III-IV; RPCl, 1118-1121.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins: Inst(eius)<br />

duumvir quinquennalis with L. Cas(— ) (COR 142) of the year 42 or 41 B.C.<br />

Remarks: Lapis: Insti[e]o. pro Inste[i]o in [1], according to J.H. Kent. M. Insteius Tectus was<br />

on the side of M. Antony at the seige of Modena in 43 B.C. as tribunus plebis (Cic,<br />



321-324<br />

Phil. 13.26); at the battle of Actium in 31 B.C. he served as commander of the centre<br />

of Marc Antony's naval battleline (Plut., Ant, 65. 1). For the emission in [3] see<br />

Amandry, 33-36, who further dates the two inscriptions in 35 B. C. (Stansbury,<br />

Corinthian honor, 518; cf. J. H. Kent, Corinth VIII. 3, 149, who places [1] in the<br />

year 32/1 B.C.).<br />

321. IULIA<br />

K. Skarmoutsou, AD 47, Chron. 1992, 167 (SEG 1995, 238; AnnÉpigr 1996, 1398) [late<br />

imperial period].<br />

Corinthia, Plèvres: Roman cemetery; fragment of a slab containing a funerary inscription for<br />

the person: V IULIA IEISEXI AG A<br />

Remarks: The V before her name is the abbreviated form of v(iva).<br />

322. IULIA BASILA<br />

S. I. Charitonidis, AE 1952, 205-207, ph. (AnnÉpigr 1957, 22); ILGR 125 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, Kenchreai; three fragments of a slab of white marble; funerary dedication erected by<br />

her husband M. Iulius M. f. Aem(ilia) Crispus (COR 338, text) for himself, his wife Iulia Basila,<br />

their children, their freedmen and freedwomen.<br />

Remarks: Solin and Salomies, 301, give the cognomens Basilla and Bassilla; cf. LGPNl, 99,<br />

s.v. Βασίλλη.<br />

323. IULIA BILLA[---]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 167, pi. 14 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of grayish marble; funerary dedication for her husband (?)<br />

whose name is missing and who was probably honored with the perquisities of duovir by the<br />

decree of the city council: [- - -]l [- - -]tho I [-- - et] IIv[ir.] I [- - - honojrato d. d. I [-- - e]t Iulia<br />

Bilia I [- - -Jpost obitum I<br />

Remarks: For the name Βίλλος, probably of Ionic origin, see L. Robert, Études épigraphiques<br />

et philologiques (Paris 1938) 166-167; id. REG 79, 1966, 745=M, OMS VI (1989)<br />

563 and for Βίλος, see L. Gounaropoulou and M. B. Hatzopoulos, Επιγραφές<br />

Κάτω Μακεδονίας. Επιγραφές Βέροιας ('Αθήνα 1998) commentary on no. 179.<br />


Μ. Mitsos, Hesperia 18, 1949, 77, no. 10, pi. 2 (SEG 11, 1950, 52e); "Corinth VIII. 3, 294, pi.<br />

25 [mid. of the 2nd e. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, Hexamilia in a tomb; slab of Pentelic marble; funerary dedication erected by her<br />

father Γ. Ιούλιος Μαρκιανός (COR 347, text) for himself, her wife Τερεντία Ιουλία (COR<br />

582) and their daughter Ιουλία Τηκτείνη.<br />



Remarks: Solin and Salomies, 390, give the cognomen Rectina. Mitsos, loc. cit., dates the<br />

325. ΙΟΥΑΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

inscription in the 1st c. B.C. or in the 1st c. A.D.<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 534, pi. 45 [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth, Asclepieion; five adjoining fragments of a gray marble plaque; funerary inscription in<br />

his memory: f ΚυμητήΙριον διαΙφέρωντα Ι ΤουλιανΙοϋ βα[λν]Ιικαρί[ο]υ f.<br />

Remarks: Βαλνικάριος means bath attendant.<br />

326. ΙΟΥΛΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 587, pi. 50 [early Christian period).<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a gray marble plaque; funerary inscription in his memory.<br />

t ΚυμηττιΙρ(ιον) ΤουλιαΙνοϋ έγιίαρίου τ[ο] Ι υίοΰ το[ϋ] Ι [. . ] αιι [. . . ] Ι [—].<br />

Remarks: Έγιάριος, probably instead of αίγιάριος, means goatherd.<br />

327. [- - -] IULI[US - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 362, pi. 33 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a slab of green schist; mutilated inscription preserving only this<br />

name and the cognomen Zosim[us] (COR 655) which belongs to another person.<br />

328. [I]ULIUS<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 49 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving only part of his name.<br />

329. C(AIUS) IU1LIUS]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 364c, pi. 33 [early Empire].<br />

Corinth, forum; ten fragments of two white marble slabs containing a list of fragmentary<br />

names in the nominative case (COR 84, COR 95, COR 109, COR 126, COR 490, COR 656,<br />

COR 666, COR 668, COR 672).<br />

330. C(AIUS) IULIUS<br />

Amandry, 120-122, em. I, pis I-II; RPCl, 1116.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins<br />

duumvir with (L.) Aeficius Certus (COR 10) of the year 44 or 43 B.C.<br />

Remarks: A freedman of Julius Ceasar (?) (Spawforth, in: Roman onomastics, 170). For the<br />

emission see Amandry, 28-32.<br />


331. C(AIUS) IU[LIUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 178 [imperial period].<br />


Corinth, Acrocorinth; broken marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving part of his name.<br />

332. Γ(ΑΪΟΣ) ΙΟΥΑ[ΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 1, 65, ph. [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of blue limestone; mutilated inscription preserving in 1. 2 part<br />

of his name.<br />

333. Γ(ΑΪΟΣ) ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 518, pi. 41 [late 4th or early 5th c. A.D. (letter forms)]: Corinth; fragment of<br />

gray marble; mutilated inscription preserving the beginning of five lines (in 1. 3 parts of his<br />

name).<br />

334. Λ(ΟΥΚΙΟΣ) ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ<br />

C. B. Kritzas, AD 28, 1973, Chron., 1, 135β (SEG 26, 1976-1977, 418); [impérial period].<br />

Corinthia, Phlious; sandstone slab with cymation preserving parts of his name.<br />

335. M(ARCUS) (IULIUS)<br />

f. M(arcus) Iulius M. f. Aem(ilia) Crispus (COR 338)<br />


D. I. Pallas, S. Charitonidis and J. Venencie, BCH 83, 1959, 498-508, pi. XXVII, with<br />

translation and commentary (SEG 18, 1962, 143; cf. L. Robert, REA 62, 1960, 324-342;<br />

BullÉpigr 1961, 300; Ch. Picard, RA 1962. Π, 95-97; G. Klaffenbach, Kilo 48,1967, 54; SEG<br />

22, 1967, 232; SEG23, 1968, 176) [A.D. 43].<br />

Corinthia, Solomos; five documents (decrees and letters of various Lycian cities and the<br />

Lycian Koinon) adressed to the city of Corinth concerning the honours attributed to Του-<br />

νία Λευκίου Θεοδώρα (COR 359). The person appears as the epimelete of the decree's<br />

erection (11. 11-12): μεριμνήσει δέ ο φροντιίστής ημών Σέξτος Ιούλιος καί έπιγράψαι την<br />

έπιγραφήν τήνδε, and as her heir (11. 53-54): το[ν τε δ]ιάδοχον αυτής Σέκτον (sic.) Τούλιον<br />

Τω[μαΙ]ον άνδρα αγαθόν.<br />

Remarks: For the person, see the commentary of the editors of the texts, loc. cit.<br />





Corinth Vili. 3, 370 and 693, joined by *L. Robert, REG 79, 1966, 156-759=id., OMS VI<br />

(1989) 574-577 (SEG 45, 1995, 237) [under Commodus].<br />

Corinth, theatre; two non-joining fragments of a statue base recording the honours that the<br />

person received in many cities.<br />

Remarks: Although the name is completely missing, Robert, loc. cit., identifies the honorand<br />

with the famous pantomime Tib. Iulius Apolaustus known from inscriptions at<br />

Delphi, Ephesos and Settai of Lydia. Stefanis, Διονυσιακοί τεχνΐται, no. 236;<br />

Rizakis, Achaïe I, no. 718.<br />


S. I. Charitonidis, AE 1952, 205-207, ph. (AnnÉpigr 1957, 22); *ILGR 125 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Kenchreai; three fragments of a slab of white marble; funerary dedication erected by the<br />

person for himself, his wife Iulia Basila (COR 322), their children, their freedmen and freedwomen:<br />

D. M. f. I v. M. Iulius M. f. I Aem. Crispus I veteranus I 5 leg. II ad. sibi et I Iulia Basilae coiugi<br />

sue (sic) liblerisque suis I libertis libertel 10 sque (sic) suis F.(?) f. c.<br />

339. C(AIUS) IULIUS Aug. 1. EPAGATHUS<br />

AnnÉpigr 1977, 779; ILGR 83 [1st half of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Sicyon; stele of marble; inscription in his honour erected by his friend Ithacus: C.<br />

Mio Aug. 1. I Epagatho Ithacus I amicus.<br />

*340. [C(AIUS) IULIUS Aug. 1. EPAGATHUS<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 76 [2nd c. a. D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of bluish marble; mutilated inscription preserving his cognomen and<br />

his function: [C Iulius Aug. 1.] Epagathus I [tabellariujs Augusti.<br />

Remarks: He has been identified by A. B. West, Corinth VIII. 2, 76, with an Epagathus<br />

attested in an Arcadian inscription from Lycosoura (IG V 2, 525) dated under<br />

Hadrian: Έπάγαθος τοϋ κυρίου Καίσαρος ταβελλάριος, Δεσποίναις έπηκόοις<br />

εύχήν). However the name Epagathus is very common in the Péloponnèse (LGPR<br />

III.A, 143).<br />


f. of C(aius) Iulius C. f. Fab(ia) Laco (COR 345); grf. of C(aius) Iulius Spartiaticus (COR 353)<br />


Ο. Broneer, Hesperia 27, 1958,23, no. 4, pi. 9, c (SEG 17,1960,132); M. C. Sturgeon, Isthmia<br />



IV, Sculpture I: 1952-1967 (Princeton 1987) 155 no. 134, pi. 78 f [3nd c. A.D., probably in the<br />

1st half (letter forms)].<br />

Corinthia, Isthmus: sanctuary of Poseidon; white marble fragment of a tail-shaped object (an<br />

elaborate lamp handle, a dolphin tail or a finial of a standard) used probably as a part of the<br />

support for a statue: Γ. Ιούλιος Ι Ευτυχής Ι νεοκό[ρος].<br />

Remarks: Νεοκό[ρος] means temple caretaker (Broneer, loc. cit.).<br />


[1] Amandry, 148-150, em. XII, pi. XII; RPCl, 1138.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins: C Mio Hera, or Herac.<br />

iter duumvir quinquennalis with P. Aebutius Sp. f. (COR 7) of the year A.D. 1/2<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 3, 314, pi. 27 [under Augustus (lettering)].<br />

Corinth, forum; fifteen fragments of a revetment slab of white marble; mutilated dedication to<br />

the Genius of the colony (Coloniae Laud[i Miae Cor]inth[iensiJ) set up by the person, here:<br />

[C. Iulius Eurycjlis Her[c]ulan[us].<br />

Remarks: For the identification of the person, see J. H. Kent, commentary on Corinth, loc.<br />

cit.; L. R. Taylor and A. B. West, AIA 30, 1926, 398-400, had proposed to identify<br />

him with a member of the famous family of C. Iulius Eurycles of Sparta (LAC 461).<br />

For his duovirship see Amandry, 51-52, who dates the first of the two the year 5/4<br />

B.C.<br />


K.K. Smith, AIA 23, 1919, 351-358, no. 68 (AnnÉpigr 1920, 1); "Corinth VILLI, 19,11. 4 and<br />

8 [under Tiberius].<br />

Corinth; thick marble block recording the names of victors in the Caesarea musical contests;<br />

poet, victor in the λογικον ένκώμιον in honour of Augustus and Tiberius.<br />

Κορίνθιος ο και Άρ[γειος (?)]<br />

Remarks: Stefanis, Διονυσιακοί τεχνίται, no. 1306.<br />

*345. C(AIUS) IULIUS C. F. FAB(IA) LACO<br />

L. R. Taylor and A. B. West, AJA 30, 1926, 389 ff., fig. 1 (AnnÉpigr 1927, 1). "Corinth Vili.<br />

2, 67, ph. [under Claudius].<br />

Corinth, forum; base of Acrocorinthian limestone; inscription in his honour erected by<br />

Cydichus Simonis Thisbeus:<br />

Ti. Claudi Caesar. I Aug. Germanici I procuratori I C. Mio C. f. Fab. Laconi I augur., agonothet.<br />

I Isthm. et Caesareon, I Ilvir quinq., cur., fla. Aug., I Cydichus Simonis I Thisbeus b. m. Spartan.<br />

Remarks: Demougin, CIC, 503, remarks that Laco's procuratoship did not refer to the whole<br />



province of Achaia (cf. Pflaum, Carrières, p. 1081), but the title procurator was<br />

isolated and illustrates the equestrian rank of the person. All the other posts that he<br />

was charged with were local Corinthian; for the three-man college of augurs in the<br />

Roman colony of Corinth, see Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 158-195. For the person<br />

see also LAC. 468.<br />


Corinth VIII. 2, 79, ph. [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; white marble base; funerary inscription for his wife Iunia P. f. Polla (COR 358,<br />

text) erected by decree of the coloni of Corinth.<br />


Μ. Mitsos, Hesperia 18, 1949, 77, no. 10, pi. 2 (SEG 11, 1950, 52e); "Corinth VIII. 3, 294, pi.<br />

25 [mid. of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, Hexamilia in a tomb; slab of Pentelic marble; funerary dedication erected by the<br />

person for himself, his wife Τερεντία Τουλία (COR 582) and their daughter Ιουλία Τηκτείνη<br />

(COR 324):<br />

Τ(άιος) Ιούλιος Μαρκιανος Ι ζών έαυτώι καί Τερεντίαι Ι Τουλίαι τήι γυναικί και Ι Τουλίαι<br />

Τηκτείνηι τήι Ι θυγατρί ζώση[ι].<br />

Remarks: Mitsos, loc. cit. dates the inscription in the 1st c. B.C. or in the 1st c. A. D.<br />


Amandry, 123-124, em. II, pis II-III; RPCl, 1116.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins<br />

duumvir with P. Tadius Chilo (COR 579) of the year 43/42 B.C.<br />

Remarks: As his Greek cognomen shows, the person was a Greek who profited by his<br />

association with Iulius Caesar during the civil wars (Grant, FLTA, 267). For the<br />

emission see Amandry, 32-33.<br />


/G IV, 206 [3rd/4th c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Kenchreai; slab of marble; funerary inscription for him; he was mentioned as παις<br />

παλαιστής, ασιονείκης.<br />

Σαρδιανός<br />


Amandry, 209-215, em. XXI, pis XXXV-XXXVII; RPCl, 1201-1202.<br />



Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with Ti. Claudius Optatus (COR 180) of the years A.D. 57/8 or 58/9<br />

351-352<br />

Remarks: For the cognomen see LGPN III. A, 367, s.v. He was probably an ancestor of the<br />

hellanodikes [L. Ί]ούλιος Πολύαινος υ(ίός) (COR 351) and he could also be<br />

identified with a [—] Polyaenus of Corinth VIII. 2, 180, pi. 16. For the emission see<br />

Amandry, p. 24.<br />


Corinth Vili. 1, 15 + Corinth VILLI, 18; joined by *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299,<br />

1. 2, pi. 8 [A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three sides recording a list of<br />

magistrates and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games.<br />

Remarks: For the cognomen see LGPN III. A, 367. The use of the term υ(ίός) distinguished<br />

him from a well-known homonymous father, probably the son or grandson of the<br />

duovir C. Iulius Polyaenus (COR 350).<br />


[l]Corinth VIII. 2, 56, ph. [under Antoninus Pius, after A.D. 152/3].<br />

Corinth, Lechaion road; white marble base; inscription in his honour erected by [L.] Marius<br />

Piso (COR 412) and his children L. Marius Florus Stlaccianus (COR 411) and L. Marius Piso<br />

Resianus (COR 413) on behalf of the tribe Maneia by decree of the city council:<br />

C. Iulium Iuli Quadrati I [f. F]ab(ia) Severum pr., leg. I pro pr. prov. Asiae, leg. leg. I IUI<br />

Scythicae, procos. prov. I 5 Ach., curionem, patronum I ob iustitiam et sanctitatem, I [L.] Marius<br />

Piso q. et praet. I [hui]c sponte sua cum L. L. I Mariis Floro Stiacciano I 10 et Pisone Resiano<br />

libelris suis, I pro tribu Maneia I d. d.<br />

[2]Corinth VIII. 2, 57 [under Antoninus Pius, after A.D. 152/3].<br />

Corinth, forum; white marble block; mutilated inscription in his honour preserving only a part<br />

of his cursus honorum and restored thanks to [1]; here: [C Iulium Mi Quadrati f. Fab.<br />

Severum].<br />

[SlCorinth VIII. 3, 126, pi. 11 [after 152/3 A.D., under Antoninus Pius].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a statue base of grayish marble; mutilated inscription in his honour<br />

preserving part of his cursus honorum and restored thanks to [1]; here: [C. Iulium Iuli<br />

Qu]adra[ti f. Fab. Severum].<br />

pr(aetor), leg(atus) pro pr(aetore) prov(inciae) Asiae, leg(atus) leg(ionis) IUI Scythicae,<br />

proco(n)sul prov(inciae) Ach(aiae), curio, patronus obiustitiam et sanctitatem.<br />

Remarks: He was appointed proconsul of Achaia by Hadrian, at 133/4 A.D; the inscriptions<br />

date after his proconsulship of Asia in 152/3 A.D. For his cursus honorum, see A. B.<br />

West, Corinth VIII. 2, 56; Groag, Reichsbeamten, 66-68; J. H. Oliver, The Ruling<br />



Power: A study of the Roman Empire in the second century after Christ through the<br />

Roman oration of Aelius Aristides, TAPhS43. 4 (Philadelphia 1953), 966 ff.; PIR 2 1<br />

573; Thomasson, 228 no. 134 (Asia) and p. 194 no. 31 (Achaia); Rémy, Carrières<br />

sénatoriales, 50-52 no. 34. J. Scheid, "Les sacerdoces publics équestres", in: S.<br />

Demougin, H. Devijver and M. Th. Raepsaet-Charlier (eds.), L'ordre équestre.<br />

Histoire d'une aristocratie: Ile siècle av. J.-C.-IIIe siècle apr. I.-C, Actes du<br />

colloque international, Bruxelles-Leuven, 5-7 octobre 1995 (Rome 1999) 79-96 and<br />

114-147, especially 83, suggests that the function of curio was not a local one as A.<br />

B. West, Corinth VIII. 2, 56, had thought, but that of Rome and it belonged to his<br />

imperial career.<br />



[1] Corinth VIII. 1, 70, ph. [under Claudius].<br />

Corinth; pedestal of yellowish Acrocorinthian limestone; Greek inscription in his honour:<br />

Γαιον Ιούλιογ Ι Σπαρτιατικον I [. . ]θοκλής I [—] ovo [—] Ι [ανέθηκε].<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 2, 68, ph. [under Claudius].<br />

Corinth, Lechaion road; base of Acrocorinthian limestone; Latin inscription in his honour<br />

erected by the tribe Calpurnia:<br />

C. Iulio Laconis f. I Euryclis n. Fab(ia) Spartiati[co] I [procuratori Caesaris et Augustae I<br />

Agrippinae, trib. mil., equo [publico] I 5<br />

[ex]ornato a Divo Claudio, flam. I divi Iuli, pontif.,<br />

Ilvir quinq. iter, I agonothete Isthmion et Caese. I [S]ebasteon, archieri domus Aug. I [in]<br />

perpetuum primo Achaeon, I 10<br />

ob v[i]rtutem eius et animosam I f[usi]ss[im]amque erga domum<br />

I divinam et erga coloniam nostr. I munificientiam tribules I tribu[s] Caplurniafe] I 15<br />

[pa]trono.<br />

Remarks: For his cursus honorum, see [2]; cf. E. Groag, REX 1, 1918, 839-840 [495]; PIR 2<br />

1<br />

587; Pflaum, Carrières, 63-65, no. 24bis; Halfmann, Senatoren, 126-127 no. 29a;<br />

Devijver, I 128; Demougin, CJC, 564. His double filiation was rather rare in the<br />

inscriptions of the colony (cf. other examples: COR 81, COR 283, COR 507, COR<br />

610). For the the three-man college of pontiffs in the Roman colony of Corinth, see<br />

Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 158-195. For the person see also LAC 509.<br />

354. C(AIUS) IULIUS [S]YR[US]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 57, pi. 8 [middle of the 1st c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, theatre; fragment of a column of green marble records a dedication to Isis and Serapis<br />

set up by the person: Isi et Serapi I V. I C. Iulius [S]yr[us].<br />


O. Broneer, Hesperia28, 1959, 324, no. 4B, pi. 65b (SEG 18, 1962, 139) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Isthmus; two fragments of a slab of white marble recording a catalogue of victors;<br />


he was victor in the συνωρίς τελεία.<br />

Σικυώνιος<br />



Corinth VIII. 1, 15 + Corinth VILLI, 18; joined by *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299,1.<br />

10, pi. 8 [A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble, inscribed on all three sides recording a list of<br />

magistrates and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games.<br />

Remarks: He was possibly to be identified with the homonymous in Laconia (LAC 511).<br />

357. [- - - IOY1NIA<br />

F. Hiller von Gaertringen, Ph.W. 52, 1932, 363; Corinth VIII. 1, 115, fig.; *Bees, 19, n. 1,<br />

(SEG 11, 1950,87).<br />

Corinth, forum; upper right-hand corner of a white marble base: [ Ίου]νίαν Ι [γυναίκα]<br />

Μάρκου I Πλειν[ιανοϋ] Ι [του άρχι]συναγώ[γου —]<br />

w. (?) of M. [- ca. 6 -] Plinianus (COR 477)<br />

358. IUNIA P. F. POLLA<br />

Corinth Vili. 2, 79, ph. [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; white marble base; funerary inscription for the person erected by decree of the<br />

coloni of Corinth:<br />

Iuniae P. f. I Pollae, uxori I C. Iuli Lecti I post obitum I 5 d. d. coloni.<br />

Remarks: Solin and Salomies, 380 give the form Pol(l)a.<br />

w. of C. Iulius Lectus (COR 346)<br />


D. I. Pallas, S. Charitonidis and J. Venencie, BCH 83, 1959, 496-508, pi. XXVII, with<br />

translation and commentary (SEG 18, 1962, 143; cf. L. Robert, REA 62, 1960, 324-342;<br />

BullÉpigr 1961, 300; Ch. Picard, RA 1962. 2, 95-97; G. Klaffenbach, Klio 48,1967, 54; SEG<br />

22, 1967, 232; SEG23, 1968, 176) [A.D. 43].<br />

Corinthia, Solomos; two fragments of a marble slab; five documents, decrees and letters of<br />

various Lycian cities and the Lycian Koinon, adressed to the city of Corinth; the stele<br />

preserving this document of eighty-five lines was part of her funeral monument set up by the<br />

Lycian Koinon and concerning the honours attributed to her in gratitude for her benefactions<br />

toward the Koinon and the Lycians. The name Ίουνία Λευκίου Θεοδώρα is attested only once<br />

in 11. 16-17, whereas in 11. 1, 10, 13, 22, 45, 47, 62-63, 67, 72, 81 is cited as Τουνία Θεοδώρα<br />

(Τωμαία) and in 11. 32, 37-8, 56-57 as Τουνία.<br />



Remarks: She was a Roman citizen of Lycian origin and resident of Corinth. See also Σέξτος<br />

360. [- - - I]UNIUS [- - -]<br />

Τούλιος (COR 336) mentioned in this document.<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 179 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; broken marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving a part of his name.<br />

361. ΛΕΥΚΙΟΣ (ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ)<br />

f. of Τουνία Λευκίου Θεοδώρα (COR 359)<br />

362. P(UBLIUS) (IUNIUS)<br />

f. of Iunia P. f. Polla (COR 358)<br />

*363. ΙΟΥΝΩΡ<br />

IG IV 1603 (J. U. Powell, AJA 1, 1903, 47; REG 1904, 247; P. Wolters, RhM 59, 1904, 157-<br />

158; A. Wilhelm, BCH 29, 1905, 415); "Corinth VIII. 1, 89 [mid. 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; statue base of bluish marble; epigram in his honour erected by his brother and<br />

successor in the proconsulship of Achaia Αυρήλιος Εύτυχιανός (COR 102); here, 1. 1: Ίούνο-<br />

ρος άνθυπάτοιο.<br />

ανθύπατος<br />

Remarks:T9irvCrX^oç: IG, Wolters; Τθύνορος: Powell, REG; Ίούνορος: Wilhelm, who<br />

suggests that the man should be identified with the proconsul of Achaia mentioned<br />

in CIL X 3723: Ti. Cl(audius) Me[- - -] [P]risc[us] Ruffinus] [I]un(ior); if this<br />

identification is to be accepted, see further, Groag, Reichsbeamten, 97-98; Barbieri,<br />

no. 2250; PIR 2 I 719; EOS II, 79-80; Thomasson, 199 no. 75; cf. L. Robert,<br />

HellenicaA, 1948, 89, no. 3.<br />


Corinth VIII. 2, 117 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; circular statue base of white marble; mutilated funeral inscription preserving<br />

the name of the person which can still be read despite the erasure. The stone was reused for a<br />

Greek inscription (Corinth VIII. 1, 102).<br />

365. ΙΟ(Υ)ΣΤΟΣ<br />

Corinth VIII. 1, 158 [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth, Lechaion road; marble slab; funerary inscription in his memory.<br />



366. IU[VENTIA] HAGNE<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 182, pi. \6+Corinth VIII. 3, 196, pi. 18; joined by *G. R. Bugh, Hesperian,<br />

1979, 45-53, 1. 10, pi. 17 (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 67-68, no. 36): [1st half of the 2nd c.<br />

A.D. (letters form)].<br />

Corinth, forum; five fragments of a pedestal of bluish marble; inscription in honour of her son<br />

C. Ç[urtius] C. fil. Benig[n]us Iuventianus (COR 239, text) erected by the person and her<br />

husband C. Curtius Benignus (COR 238).<br />

Remarks: She was the daughter of Iuventius Proclus, the agonothetes of the Isthmia games of<br />

A.D. 41 (Syll? 802; Bugh, op. cit., 50-52).<br />


Corinth Vili. 3, 560, pi. 49 [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth, grave in the Asclepieion; plaque of green schist; funerary inscription in memory of<br />

his daughter Παϋλα (COR 463):<br />

(+) Κυμητήρ[ι]ον Ι διαφέρωντ[α] Ι Ααυρετήω του Ι υίοϋ ΚαλογενήΙτω. ένθα καταΙ[κ]ϊτε<br />

πεδίων Ι [α]ύτου ώνωμα Ι Παϋλα μη(νι) Μαΐω 11' ίνδ(ικτιώνος) γ' +<br />

Remarks: On the stone Λαυρετηωτου Καλωγενήτω instead probably of Καλογενήτου (LGPN<br />

III. A, 236, s.v. Καλογένητος); Solin and Salomies, 350 give Laurentius. See also L.<br />

Robert, REG 79, 1966, 765=/d., OMS VI (1989) 583.<br />

368. ΛΕΥΚΙΟ[Σ ] ΚΑ [- - -]<br />

W. Peek, Gnomon 9, 1933, 416-417,1. 24 (SEG 11, 1950, 61); cf. Corinth VIII.l, 14 [A.D. 3<br />

(Actian era)].<br />

Corinth; three-sided headless marble herm with inscriptions on all three sides containing a list<br />

of victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλ[ληνοδίκ]η[ς] (?) of the games.<br />

Remarks: B. Millis (by correspondence), reads an A before ΛΕΥΚΙΟ[Σ] and notes concerning<br />

369. [L(UCIUS)] / ΛΕΥΚΙΟΣ<br />

the cognomen that it could also be ΚΑΙ M [ ]; cf. the reading of Peek, loc. cit.:<br />

ΛΕΥΚΙΟ[Σ . . . ]PATE. In Corinth VIII.l, 14 his name is not restored.<br />

master of [L(ucius) L. 1.] Delm ]/[Λεύκιος ]ος Λευκίου απελ[εύθερος Δηλμ ]<br />

(COR 241)<br />


D. I. Pallas and St. P. Dantis, AE 1977, 78-9, no. 24 [under Augustus].<br />

Corinthia, Kokkinovrysi; fragment of a slab of white marble; funerary dedication erected by his<br />



husband (?) C. Heius Corin[thius] (COR 307, text) during his lifetime for himself, his wife (?)<br />

Licinia Philist[a] and their son Heius Agatho (COR 305).<br />

371. [- - - ΛΙΚ]ΙΝΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 228c, 1. 3, pi. 20; (cf. L. Robert, REG 79 [1966] 749-50=M, OMS VI [1989]<br />

567-568, general commentary on the text) [3rd quarter of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, fountain of Lerna; fragment of a three-sided prism-shaped slab of white marble<br />

recording a list of victors and officials of the Isthmia games; face c on which the person appears<br />

contains probably the names of the hellanodikai.<br />

372. LICINIUS<br />

Amandry, 192-195, em. XVIII, pis XXIX-XXX; RPCl, 1180-1181.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

iter duumvir with Octavius (COR 441) of the years A.D. 42-43 and 45-46<br />

Remarks: For the emission see Amandry, 72-73.<br />

373. P(UBLIUS) (LICINIUS)<br />

master of P(ublius) Licinius P. 1. [- - -] (COR 375)<br />

374. Π(ΟΠΛΙΟΣ) (ΛΙΚΙΝΙΟΣ)<br />



375. P(UBLIUS) LICINIUS P. 1. [- - -]<br />

L. R. Dean, AJA 26, 1922, 458ff., no. 25, fig. 6 (AnnÉpigr 1923, 10); "Corinth VIII. 2, 15:<br />

[under Tiberius].<br />

Corinth, forum; base of Acrocorinthian limestone; dedication to [Diana] Pacilucifefr]<br />

[Augjusta erected by the person at his own expense:<br />

[Dianae] Pacilucifel[rae Aug]ustae sacrum I [pro salut]e Ti. Caesaris I [Augusti] P. Licinius P.<br />

1. I [ ] Philosebastos I [d. s. ] p. f. c.<br />

Remarks: For the titles of philosebastos and philocaesar, see K. Buraselis, Kos between<br />

Hellenism and Rome. Studies on the political, institutional and social history of Kos<br />

from ca. the middle second century B.C. until late Antiquity, TAPhA 90. 4<br />

(Philadelphia 2000) 101-110.<br />


Corinth VIII.l, 15,1. 39 [A.D. 137].<br />



377-378<br />

Corinth, near the gymnasium area; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three sides<br />

recording a list of victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in the κέλης πωλικός.<br />

Remarks: For the date see A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299.<br />

*377. [Q. LICINIUS - - -] MODESTIN[US] [SEX (?)] ATTIUS LABEO<br />

CIL III. 1, 7270 [shortly before 146 A.D.].<br />

Corinth, Panaghia Church; mutilated dedication in his honor preserving part of his name and<br />

of his cursus honorum:<br />

[—] I Modestin [um] I [—] Attium Labeonem I [Xvir.] stlitibus iundican[dis —].<br />

Remarks: For the cursus honorum of Q. Licinius Modestinus, proconsul of Achaia, see PIR 2 L<br />

213; H.-G. Pflaum, CRAI 1967, 195 ff.; W. Eck, KESuppl. XIV (1974) 233 no. 116;<br />

G. Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter der Antoninen (Bonn 1977) 260 and<br />

Thomasson, 194 no. 38 (with bibliography).<br />



[1] Corinth VIII. 2, 70, ph. + Corinth Vili. 2, 111 (AnnÉpigr 1939, 111); "Corinth Vili. 3, 199,<br />

pi. 17 [2nd e. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; two fragments of a white marble block; Latin funerary dedication for [ ] M. f.<br />

[Poly]aena (COR 481, text), erected by the person by decree of the city council; here: [P.<br />

Lijcinius Priscufs Iuventianjus.<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 3, 200, pi. 18 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a white marble block; Greek inscription in which only his name in dative<br />

is attested: Π. Λικι[νίΙψ] l[ Π. υ(ίώ) Α]ίμ. Πρείσκ[ωι] Ι [Ίουβεντιανώ] I [—]<br />

[3] Ο. Broneer, Hesperia 8, 1939, 188-189 (SEG 17, 1960, 131); Corinth VIII. 3, 201, pi. 17;<br />

O. Broneer, Hesperia 27, 1958, 23, no. 3, pi. 9d [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; statue base of gray marble erected in his honour: Ίουβεντιανος Ι ιερεύς.<br />

[4] Ο. Broneer, Hesperia 8, 1939, 181-190 (AnnÉpigr 1939, 110); L. Robert, Hellenica I, 1940,<br />

43-53 (SEG 11, 1950, 121); Corinth VIII. 3, 306,1. 4, pi. 26 (cf. L. Robert, REG 79, 1966, 754-<br />

155=id., OMS VI [1989] 572-573, commentary on some lines); *D. J. Geagan, Hesperia 58,<br />

1989, 349-360 with the addition of IG IV 203 ("SEG 39, 1989, 340; BullÉpigr 1990, 103) [2nd<br />

c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; two large fragments of a gray limestone block; official letter written by the<br />

governor of Achaia approving a local decision made by the city of Corinth honouring P.<br />

Licinius Priscus for his benefactions at the Isthmian sanctuary (here Λικίνιον Π[ρ]εΙσ[κον [1.<br />

9] and Πρει[σκ]ος [1. 17]).<br />

[—] I [— traces of two lines —] I [—]α[.]ο[.]νεπια[ —] Ι [....]του[..]ο[..]σ[.]τος ανθύ­<br />

πατος [—] II 5 [—]ανο[—] I [—]α[ ]τανευ[—] Ι [—]ς τής σ[τοα]ς [—] Ι [—] ΝΩ<br />



[...]ΝΩ ύετη[ ] I [ ] απ[ο]δέχεσθαι ν Λικίνιον Π[ρ]εισ[κον άνδραΙΙ 10 πε]πολιτευμένον<br />

φιλοτειμότατα καί τα [μεν καΙτ]α στάδιον υπό σεισμών έσκυλμένα τα δε [υπό παΙλ]α[ι]ότητος<br />

δ[ε]δαπανημένα άποκαθεστ[ότα— Ι...]θα υπό το[ϋ] δήμου [..]τε φημ[—] Ι [..] τοίς χρίοσι<br />

άθλητ[άς- - - ]ωΙ[.]Πμ[- - -] II 15 [- - -]ος [συ]ναραι ερείπια στοάς Ι τής Τήγλ[ο]υ<br />

[.]α[.]μάρας ούτως ώστε ποιή[σ]αι οίκους Ι πεντήκ[ο]ντα ν έπεί ούν καί εν τούτω φι[λ]οτείμως<br />

Ι ό ΠρεΙ[σκ]ος αναστρέφεται ώστε υπέρ τής τειμής Ι του προδηλουμένου τόπου δούναι<br />

τοίς πολείταις II 20 έκάστω δηνάριον εν ν ού μόνον συνκατατίθεμαι Ι τη τε τής [β]ουλής καί<br />

τού δήμου γνώμη άλλα καί αίποδέχομαι τον άνδρα ούτως εν άπασιν άναστρεΙφόμενον φιλοτείμως<br />

καί επιτρέπω τον προΐδηλούμενον τόπον ταύτη τη αίρέσει αύτω πραΙΙ 25 θήναι ν ούτως<br />

μέντοι ώστε τους γεινομένους Ι οίκους τοις άθληταίς προίκα τφ καιρώ τών άγώΐνων σχολάζειν<br />

εις τό διηνεκές έχοντος τού καΙτά καιρόν άγωνοθέτου έξουσίαν διανέμειν Ι τάς<br />

ξενίας αύτοϊς ν ει μέντοι τις προς τούτο άνΙΙ 30 τιλέγει δυνήσεται διδάξαι με εντός Καλανδών<br />

Ι Ιανουαρίων τών ένγιστα ν έρρώσθαι ύμας εύχομαι I [data ] ΙΙΠΚ Decembr ν et pro<br />

rostris lecta I pr. *Decembr'<br />

[5] IG IV, 202 [2nd c. A.D.]<br />

Corinth; inscription on a dolphin of a large statue of Neptune erected by the person discussed<br />

here; here: Π. Αικίνιος Ι Πρεισκος, Ι ιερεύς [—].<br />

[6] P. A. Clement, AD 27, 1972, Chron., 230 (SEG 26, 1976-1977, 410; cf. *D. R. Jordan,<br />

Hesperia63, 1994, 115, n. 7; SEG44, 1994, 309) [A.D. 160-179]: Corinthia, Isthmus: sanctuary<br />

of Poseidon; two fragments of inscribed white marble revetment preserving parts of his name;<br />

here: [Π. Λικί]ν[ιος] Ι [Π]ρεϊσκ[ος Ίο]υβεντ[ιανός] I [—] M [—]<br />

[7] "Corinth VIII. 2, p. 55 (SEG 11, 1950, 84; cf. J. K. Powell, AJA 1, 1903,57; Corinth VIII.l,<br />

105): Corinth, Propylaea; block of bluish marble; here: Πόπλι[ον Αι]κίννιον I [ ] I [ ] I<br />

[αρχιερέα Σεβ]αστού [—]<br />

ιερεύς [3], [5]; archiereus [1], άρχιερεύς δια βίου [4]; [άρχιερεύς Σεβ]αστού [7]<br />

Remarks: The complete form of his name is given ony in [1], [2] and [6]; in [3] he is attested<br />

only with the cognomen Ίουβεντιανός, in [4] and [5] this cognomen is missing; in<br />

[7] Powell, loc. cit., and B. D. Meriti, Corinth VIII. 1, 105 read Ποπ[ίλιον Ν]ίννιον,<br />

while A. B. West, Corinth VIII. 2, p. 55 (SEG 11, 1950, 84) suggests Πόπ[λιος<br />

Λικ]ίνιος. The person could further be identified with the archiereus Λουκάνιος<br />

attested in Plut., Quaest. Conviv. V, 3, 1. For the person, see further PIR 2<br />

, L 232.<br />

The date of his highpriesthood has been the subject of a long discussion: A. B. West,<br />

commentary on Corinth, VIII. 2, 70, dates it under Vespasian, after the earthquake<br />

of A.D. 77, because [4] mentions the reparation of dammaged monuments; B.<br />

Puech, REA 85, 1983, 35, dates Iuventuanus' career the earliest under the reign of<br />

Trajan; O. Broneer, Hesperia 8, 1939, 190 dates his highpriesthood within the 2nd c.<br />

A.D.; J. H. Kent, commentary on Corinth, VIII. 3, 306, and D. J. Geagan, Hesperia<br />

58, 1989, 349-360, based upon paleographical criteria date his highpriesthood during<br />

the period of the last Antonines. D. J. Geagan, GRBS 9, 1968, 75-76, thinks that<br />

Priscus accomplished all these works in the frame of his charge of agoranomos, the<br />

traditional Greek office and not this of the Roman aedilship.<br />



It has been suggested that the cognomen Iuventianus évoques Iuventius Proclus, the<br />

agonothete of the Isthmia games of A.D. 41 (Syll. 3 802). In addition his mother could<br />

be Iuventia Hagne (COR 366; A. B. West, commentary on Corinth VIII. 2, 70) and<br />

his grandson C. Ç[urtius] C. fil. [—] Benig[n]us Iuventianus (COR 239; cf. Puech,<br />

op. cit., 40). However, G. R. Bugh, Hesperia 48, 1979, 50-52, dissociates the person<br />

from the family of Iuventius Proclus. [—] M. f. [Poly]aena in [1] was probably P.<br />

Licinius Priscus Iuventianus's wife.<br />


379. ΛΟΥΚΙΟΣ<br />

f. of Λούκι[ος —] Λουκίου [υιός] (COR 382).<br />

380. LUCIUS<br />

Corinth III. 1, 55, no. 9a (SEG 11, 1950, 140a) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]: Corinth, Acrocorinth;<br />

inscription on the Peirene Fountain: E . . . Epicons(?) et Luciuls [et] Cratinus.<br />

Remarks: Probably three names connected by er. Α Λο[ύκιος (?)] attested in an early<br />

381. L(UCIUS) (- - -)<br />

Christian funerary inscription (IG IV 408) in his memory and in memory of an<br />

[Ίωά]νν[ης] and of an Ωφέλιμος should be restored as Λο[υκας].<br />

f. [- - - iu]s L. f. A[em(ilia)] (COR 673)<br />

*382. ΛΟΥΚΙ[ΟΣ - - -] ΛΟΥΚΙΟΥ [υιός]<br />

Corinth VIII.l, 95 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; a broken slab of marble veneer; mutilated inscription in his honour preserving<br />

part of his career; the restorations proposed by B. D. Meritt, Corinth VIII.l, 95 are not<br />

certain: [άντι(?)]στράτηγον [—] καί στρατ[ηγόν]. See Λούκιος (COR 379).<br />

383. ΛΟΥΚΡΗΤΙΟΣ [- - -]<br />

W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,1. 87, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-<br />

1970, 587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces recording a list<br />

of officials and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in αποβ[ατικόν] κρίσι[ν<br />

α']·<br />

Remarks: For the date see T. Atilius Ruf us Titianus (94).<br />



384. LUCRIUS<br />

CIL III, 1.1, Suppl. 7275; "Corinth III. 1, 53-54, no. 7 (SEG 11, 1950, 138b) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, Acrocorinth; inscription on the Peirene Fountain: Lucrio I V. Id(us) A(priles).<br />

385. [L1YSANDER AUG. LIB.<br />

CIL III, 536,1. 18 [under Severus Alexander].<br />

Corinth; slab of white marble; inscription in honour of Theoprepes Aug. lib. (COR 586, text)<br />

erected by the person by a decree of the city council.<br />

Remarks: His nomen gentile could have been Aurelius.<br />

386. MAEC[IA Q. ] F.<br />

[1] Corinth VIII. 2, 124 +Corinth VIII. 2, 125; better in "Corinth VIII. 3, 321, pi. 28 [under<br />

Augustus].<br />

Corinth, forum; thirteen fragments of three slabs of white marble; inscription recording the<br />

names of members of her familly, who were the dedicators of a monument (?); (text, 231 [1]).<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 2, 195 [1st half of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; broken block of white marble preserving a part of her name and that of a [—<br />

Cor]nelius ], probably one of her relatives: [- - -]M [ ] I [ Cor]neli[- - -] I [- - -<br />

M]aec[ia - - -]l [- - -]MI [- - -].<br />

w. of Q. Cornelius [. f.] Aem(ilia) Secundus (I) (COR 231); m. of [.] Cornelius Secundus<br />

Maecianus (COR 233), Q. Cornelius Secundus (II) (COR 232) and Cornelia Secunda (COR<br />

204); m.-in-law of Q. Maecius Q. 1. Cleogenes (COR 389)<br />

387. L(UCIUS) MAECIUS [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 424, pi. 36.<br />

Between Old Corinth and Lechaion; fragment of a gray marble base preserving his name in the<br />

dative case; he was probably the honoured person.<br />

388. Q(UINTUS) (MAECIUS)<br />

f. of Maecia Q. f. (COR 386); master of Quintus Maecius Q. 1. Cleogenes (COR 389)<br />

389. [Q(UINTUS)] [M]A[E]CIUS Q. 1. CLEOGEN[ES]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 124 +Corinth VIII. 2, 125; better in "Corinth VIII. 3, 321, pi. 28 [under<br />

Augustus].<br />

Corinth, forum; thirteen fragments of three slabs of white marble; inscription recording the<br />

names of members of the family of his wife, [Co]rn[elia Secunda] (COR 204), who were the<br />

dedicators of a monument (?) (text 231 [1]).<br />



390-394<br />

Remarks: He was a freedman and he married with [Co]rn[elia Secunda] (COR 204), the<br />

daughter of Q. Cornelius [. f.] Aem(ilia) Secundus (I) (COR 231), and Maecia Q. f.<br />

(COR 386), who was the granddaughter of his patron, Q. (Maecius) (COR 388). For<br />

the diffusion of the cognomen in the Péloponnèse, see LGPN III. A, 246.<br />


W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39,1970, 79-93,1. 11, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-1970,<br />

587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces recording a list<br />

of officials and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was [έλ]ληνοδίκης of the games.<br />

Remarks: For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />


Corinth Vili. 3, 264, pi. 21; J. Η. Oliver, AJPh 89, 1968, 345-347, with stemma (AnnÉpigr<br />

1968, 475); id., Marcus Aurelius, 119, no. 37 [under Antoninus Pius].<br />

Corinth, forum; twenty-three adjoining fragments of a cream-colored marble statue base;<br />

inscription in his honour erected by the city by a decree of the city council :<br />

[Α.] Μαίκιο[ν] Ι Φαυστεινον, σ[τ]ρατηγό[ν], Ι παν[έ]λλ[ηνα], Ι 5 ρή[τορα] άγαθ[όν], ή πα[τρ]ίς<br />

επί Ι καλο[κ]αγα[θ]Ιία, Ι ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής).<br />

Remarks: For a possible connection of the person with the family of the Emperor Gordian I,<br />

392. MANLIA D[- - -]<br />

see Oliver, AJPh, loc. cit. and PIR 2 M 56; for a further connection with Herodes<br />

Atticus (COR 174) and the imperial family, see Follet, Athènes, 132. Oliver (Marcus<br />

Aurelius, loc. cit.) suggests that the office of strategos refers probably to the<br />

generalship of the Achaean League and the word πατρίς confirms the idea that he<br />

was a Corinthian but he resided outside of Corinth.<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 175, pi. 16 [lst/2nd c. A.D.]<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of grayish marble; inscription in honour of [M. Pacuvius —<br />

f.] Aem(ilia) [ ] (COR 454, text) erected by the person, her husband (?) M. Pacuius M. [f.]<br />

[- - -] (COR 453) and M. Pacuvius (COR 452).<br />

393. T(ITUS) (MANLIUS)<br />

f. of T(itus) Manlius T. f. Col(lina) Iuvencus (COR 394)<br />


Two similar texts [A, B] in his honour (the [A] was set up by the hieromnemones and the [B]<br />



by the members of the tribe Agrippia.):<br />

T. Manlio IT. f. Col. Iuvenco I aed., praef. i. d., I Ilvir, pontif., I 5 agonothet. Isthm. et Caesareon<br />

I qui primus Caesalrea egit ante Isthmia.<br />

[A] AnnÉpigr 1923, 5; Corinth VIII. 2, 81, ph. [under Tiberius].<br />

Corinth, forum; slab of blue veined marble.<br />

[B] AnnÉpigr 1934, 4; Corinth VIII. 3, 154, pi. 15 [under Tiberius].<br />

Corinth, forum; slab of blue marble.<br />

aedilis, praef(ectus) i(ure) dicundo), Ilvir, pontif (ex), agonothetes of Isthmian and Caesarian<br />

games<br />

Remarks: For the post of praefectus iure dicundo (COR 53) J. H. Kent, Corinth VIII. 3, 154<br />

suggests that Manlius should have acted as the personal representative of Tiberius as<br />

duovir of Corinth (cf. P. Aebutius Sp. f. COR 7, and C. Heius Pamphilus COR 309).<br />

For the office of the agonothetes, see D. J. Geagan, GRBS 9, 1968, 69-76. For<br />

hieromnemones at Isthmus, see A. Arrius [. f.] Aem. Proculus (COR 87). For the<br />

three-man college of pontifs in Corinth, see Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 158-195.<br />

395. MARCIA FERV[IDA]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 286, pi. 25 [first half of the 2nd c. A.D. (lettering)].<br />

Corinth, Cheliotomylos in a tomb; four fragments of a white marble slab; funerary dedication<br />

erected by the person for herself, her father Marcius Ermetus (COR 397), her brother Marcius<br />

Evelpistus (COR 398), for [Marcius] Pr[iscus] (COR 400), [Marcius] Pollio (COR 399) and for<br />

their descendants:<br />

V. Marcia Ferv[ida] I sibi et Marcio Ermeti [patri] I et Marcio Evelpisto f[ratri] I et [Marciis]<br />

Pr[isco] et Pollioni I [posterisque om]nibus. vac.<br />

396. ΜΑΡΚΙΩΝ ό καί ΘΗΡΙΩΤΗΣ<br />

D. R. Jordan, Hesperia 63, 1994, 116-125, no. 5, col. V, 11. 6-8, fig. (SEG44, 1994, 308) [3rd c.<br />

A.D.(?)].<br />

Corinthia, Isthmus: sanctuary of Poseidon; inscribed lead curse tablet: Μαρκίωνα Ι τον και<br />

θηριΙώτην κάτεχε.<br />

Remarks: The meaning of this message was to prevent the athletes from running in the<br />


Isthmian games; for the commentary, see Jordan, loc. cit. Cf. Κρονίων ό καί Ααίτος<br />

(COR 236) attested in the same context.<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 286, pi. 25 [first half of the 2nd c. A.D. (lettering)].<br />

Corinth, Cheliotomylos in a tomb; four fragments of a white marble slab; funerary dedication<br />



398-402<br />

erected by her daughter Marcia Ferv[ida] (COR 395, text) for herself, her father Marcius<br />

Ermetus, her brother Marcius Evelpistus (COR 398), for [Marcius] Pr[iscus] (COR 400),<br />

[Marcius] Pollio (COR 399, and for their descendents.<br />

Remarks: The cognomen Ermetus (or Hermetus) is otherwise unknown.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 286, pi. 25 [first half of the 2nd c. A.D. (lettering)].<br />

Corinth, Cheliotomylos in a tomb; four fragments of a white marble slab; funerary dedication<br />

erected by her sister Marcia Fervfida] (COR 395, text) for herself, her father Marcius Ermetus<br />

(COR 397), her brother Marcius Evelpistus, for [Marcius] Pr[iscus] (COR 400), [Marcius]<br />

Pollio (COR 399), and for their descendents.<br />

Remarks: For the diffusion of the cognomen in the Péloponnèse, see LGPN III. A, 163-164<br />

399. [MARCIUS] POLLIO<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 286, pi. 25 [first half of the 2nd c. A.D. (lettering)].<br />

Corinth, Cheliotomylos in a tomb; four fragments of a white marble slab; funerary dedication<br />

erected by Marcia Ferv[ida] (COR 395, text) for herself, her father Marcius Ermetus (COR<br />

397), her brother Marcius Evelpistus (COR 398), for [Marcius] Pr[iscus] (COR 400), [Marcius]<br />

Pollio and for their descendants.<br />

400. [MARCIUS] PR[ISCUS]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 286, pi. 25 [first half of the 2nd c. A.D. (lettering)].<br />

Corinth, Cheliotomylos in a tomb; four fragments of a white marble slab; funerary dedication<br />

erected by Marcia Ferv[ida] (COR 395, text) for herself, her father Marcius Ermetus (COR<br />

397), her brother Marcius Evelpistus (COR 398), for [Marcius] Pollio (COR 399), [Marcius]<br />

Pr[iscus] and for their descendants.<br />

401. [Μ]ΑΡΚΙΟΣ T[- - -]<br />

D. R. Jordan, Hesperia 63, 1994, 113, no. 2, fig. (SEG 44, 1994, 305) [possibly 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Isthmus: sanctuary of Poseidon; inscribed lead tablet used as a secret ballot of<br />

rejection cast by the person, a judge of the Isthmian games, recording his decision not to admit<br />

a candidate in an athletic competion: [Μ]άρκιος T[—] Ι Λεο[—] Ι έκ[κρείνω].<br />

Remarks: Other possibilities of restoring his gentilicium, such as Arcius, Barcius, Larcius and<br />

Tarcius (Solin and Salomies, s.w.) are less probable.<br />

402. M[A]PKO?<br />

*W. Peek, Gnomon 9, 1933, 416-417,1. 26 (SEG 11, 1950, 61); cf. Corinth VIII. 1, 14 [A.D. 3<br />



(Actian era)].<br />

Corinth; three-sided headless marble herm with inscriptions on all sides containing a list of<br />

victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he seems to be the father of a victor in the games (?):<br />

[- - -] Μ[ά]ρκου M[. ] . EAAO[. ]<br />

Remarks: His name is not restored in Corinth VIII. 1, 14. Peek reads - - - Μ[ά]ρκου<br />

403. ΜΑΡΚΟ[Σ - - -]<br />

Μ[ετ]έλλ[ου]; Μ[ά]ρκου is the patronymic of the person so in the place of<br />

Μ[ετ]έλλ[ου] an ethnicon should be restored. B. Millis (by correspondence), notes<br />

that the trace before E is a vertical dash.<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 500, pi. 40 (L. Robert, REG 79, 1966,159=id., OMS VI [1989] 577).<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble slab; inscription in honour of the person or erected<br />

by the person with decree of the city council: [—] Μάρκο[ς —] I [—] σαγιττα[ρίων(?) —]<br />

I [—] ψηφίσμα[τι βουλής].<br />

Remarks: In 1. 3 J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., reads with some reserve σαγιττά[ριος (?)]<br />

404. M(ARCUS) (- - -)<br />

(Sagittarius), whereas Robert, loc. cit., restores σαγιττα[ρίων(?)] (sagittariorum) and<br />

thus he identifies the person with a prefect of a wing.<br />

f. of [- - -] M. f. [Polyjaena (COR 481)<br />

405. M(ARCUS) (- - -)<br />

f. of Quintf- - -]ae M. f. T[- - -] (COR 527)<br />

406. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) (ΒΑΑΕΡΙΣ)<br />

f. of Βάλερις Μα. Κόρινθος (COR 605) and Βάλερις Μα. Σεκοϋνδος (COR 606)<br />

407. M(ARCUS) (- - -)<br />

f. of [- - - i]us M. f. [- - -]ilianus (COR 676)<br />

408. ΜΑΡΙΝΟΣ<br />

Corinth Vili. 1, 204+214 (*SEG 11, 1950, 109) [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a paving slab of white marble recording a prayer for the sake of<br />

the person:<br />

Ό Θ(εός της δίκης της δικαΐζούσης ορθώς Φλα[ ]σωσον τροχός (?) Ι τους Έληνας<br />

τ[ ] ούποτε κ(αι) άπώΙ[λ]εσον τους έχθ[ρούς —]όρο(υ) κ(αί) Μαρίνου I vac. υιών<br />

[—κ]ουρέος. vac. +<br />


409. ΜΑΡΙΝΟΣ<br />

Corinth VIII. 1, 215 [early Christian period].<br />


Corinth, forum; fragment of a paving slab of white marble recording a prayer for the person<br />

and Petrunia (COR 472).<br />

410. L(UCIUS) MAR[IUS- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 146.<br />

Corinth; two fragments of a blue streaked marble base; probably a funerary inscription<br />

preserving part of his name.<br />


Corinth VIII. 2, 56,11. 8-9, ph. [after A.D. 152/3, under Antoninus Pius].<br />

Corinth, Lechaeum Road; white marble base; inscription in honour of C. Iulius Iuli Quadrati [f.<br />

F]a(bia) Severus (COR 352, text), erected by the person, his father [L.] Marius Piso (COR 412),<br />

and his brother L. Marius Piso Resianus (COR 413) in behalf of the tribe Maneia by decree of<br />

the city council.<br />

Remarks: For the cognomen Stlaccianus, see Solin and Salomies, 408. For the date, see C.<br />

Iulius Iuli Quadrati f. Fab. Severus (*COR 352).<br />

*412. [L(UCIUS)] MARIUS PISO<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 56,1. 7, ph. [after A.D. 152/3, under Antoninus Pius].<br />

Corinth, Lechaeum Road; white marble base; inscription in honour of Achaia's proconsul C.<br />

Iulius Iuli Quadrati [f. F]a(bia) Severus (COR 352, text) erected by the person and his two sons<br />

L. Marius Flaccus Stlaccianus (COR 411) and L. Marius Piso Resianus (COR 413) on behalf of<br />

the tribe Maneia by decree of the city council:<br />

[L.] Marius Piso q. et praet. I [hui]c sponte sua cum L. L. I Marris Floro Stiacciano I 10 et Pisone<br />

Resiano libelris suis I pro tribu Maneia I d. d.<br />

Remarks: L. Marius Piso was quaestor and praetorin Corinth rather than in Rome; he is not listed<br />

either in RE or in PIR 2 . For the date, see C. Iulius Iuli Quadrati f. Fab. Severus (COR 352).<br />


Corinth VIII. 2, 56, 8-10, ph. [after A.D. 152/3, under Antoninus Pius].<br />

Corinth, Lechaeum Road; white marble base; inscription in honour of C. Iulius Iuli Quadrati [f.<br />

F]a(bia) Severus (COR 352, text) erected by the person, his father [L.] Marius Piso (COR 412)<br />

and his brother L. Marius Florus Stlaccianus (COR 411) on behalf of the tribe Maneia by decree<br />

of the city council.<br />

Remarks: Resianus probably derives from the nomen Resius (Solin and Salomies, 155). For the<br />

date, see C. Iulius Iuli Quadrati f. Fab. Severus.<br />




D. R. Jordan and A. J. Spawforth, Hesperia5\, 1982, 65-68 (SEG 32, 1982, 364; AnnÉpigr<br />

1982, 858; cf. BullÉpigr 1982, 173); D. R. Jordan, Hesperia 63, 1994, 112-113, no. 1,1. 1, fig.<br />

[possibly 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Isthmus: sanctuary of Poseidon; inscribed lead tablet used as a secret ballot of<br />

rejection cast by the person, a judge of the Isthmian games, recording his decision not to admit<br />

a candidate in an athletic competion: Μάριος Τύραννος Ι Σήμακον εκκρείνω.<br />

Remarks: Μαρίων is given in BullÉpigr, op. cit. For the diffusion of the cognomen in the<br />

415. [MA]RTIA<br />

Péloponnèse, see LGPNlll. A, 437, 5. v. Τύραννος.<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 200 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of gray marble; mutilated inscription preserving part of her name.<br />

Remarks: Martius is attested as a gentilicium (Solin and Salomies, 113).<br />

416. ΜΑΥΡΙΚΙΟΣ<br />

Corinth VIII. 1, 148 [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth, Lechaeum road; marble slab; funerary inscription in his memory: f ΚυμητίριΙων<br />

διαφέΐροντα ΜαυΙρικίου γουΐναρίου t<br />

Remarks: Mauricius is both a gentilicium (Solin and Salomies, 115) and a cognomen (Solin<br />

and Salomies, 360). Gounarius describes the profession of the person, i.e. a furrier.<br />

417. [- - - MA]XIM[US - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 191, pi. 18 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of white marble; mutilated inscription preserving only a part of his<br />

name.<br />

418. ΜΑ[Ξ]ΙΜΟΣ<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 298, pi. 24 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, Cheliotomylos in a tomb; fragment of gray marble; probably a funerary inscription:<br />

[ ]υδας Μαξίμου.<br />

419. ΜΑΞΙΜΟΣ<br />

Corinth Vili. 3, 540, pi. 45 [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth, Asclepeion; seven fragments of a gravestone of green schist; funerary inscription in<br />

his memory:<br />



[|X Κοιμη]τήριον διαφέρο(ν) I [ ]ανω σαλγαμ[αρ]ίω Ι [ ] την γωνίαν. [εν]θα Ι<br />

[κατακ]ΐτε ό την μακαρίαν Ι [μνήμη]ν Μάξιμος μηνί Ι [ ]βριω ι' έπιν(εμέσεως) γι' fX.<br />

420. ΜΑΞΙΜΟΣ<br />

f. of Λ. Σερ[β]ί[λ]ιος Μαξίμου υιός Φάων (COR 568)<br />


[1] Corinth Vili. 3, 81, pi. 9 [A.D. 63-68].<br />

Corinth; three fragments of a marble slab; inscription in honour of the Emperor Nero erected<br />

under the supervision of the discussed person as duumvir and his colleague:<br />

[Neroni C]la[udio], I [divi Caludii f., Germanici] I [Caes.] n., Ti. Cae[s. Aug. pro nepoti], I [divi]<br />

Aug. ab n[epoti, Caesari Aug.] I 5 [Germ., po]nt. max., trib. [pot.—, imp.—, cos.—], I [curam<br />

agentibus II viris P. Memmio Qleand. I [—] Valer P. P. I [—] P.<br />

[2] Amandry, 215-221, em. XXII, pis XXXVIII-XXXIX; RPCl, 1203-1206.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir quinquennalis with with L. Rutilius Piso (COR 542) of the year A.D. 66/67<br />

Remarks: For his duovirship at the time of Nero's visit in Greece in A.D. 66/67 see Amandry,<br />

14-22. He was also epimeletes of the Amphictyonic League and priest of the<br />

imperial cult (ιερεύς τών Σεβαστών) (Syll? 808); he probably received Roman<br />

citizenship from the governor P. Memmius Regulus (COR 423).<br />


Corinth Vili. 3 , 502, pi. 42 (*D. Feissel, T&MByz 9, 1985, 291, no. 31; AnnÉpigr 1989, 655)<br />

[middle of the 4th e. A.D. (letter forms and abbreviations)].<br />

Corinth, forum; statue base of white marble; inscription in his honour erected by Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Εύτυχιανός (COR 102):<br />

Μέμμιον Πόντιον Ι Πτολεμεον τον κέ Ι Παρνάσιον τον λαμ(πρότατον) Ι πάτρωνα της<br />

λαμ(προτάτης) Ι 5 Κορινθίων πόλεως Ι Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύτυχιανός άποστρά(τηγος) Ι ψ(ηφίσμα-<br />

τι) β(ουλής).<br />

Remarks: He is to be identified with Parnasius, native of Patrai and citizen of Corinth, who was<br />

praefectus Aegypti in A.D. 357-359; so the Corinthian inscription was probably<br />

erected before A.D. 357; for further discussion of the person, see PLRE I, 667-668,<br />

s.v. Parnasius I and Rizakis, Acha'fe I, 69, no. 20 .<br />


[1] Corinth VIII. 2, 53 [A.D. 38-47].<br />



Corinth, forum; three fragments of a white marble slab; inscription in his honour erected by<br />

someone whose name is missing:<br />

P. Memm[io P. f.] I Regulo [VII vir.] I epul., sodali [aug.], fratri Arvalis, [leg.] I Caesaris<br />

Augus[t]i G[er.] I [pro praet. pro[v. Achaiae] I DI —<br />

[2] Ο. Broneer, Hesperia 8, 1939, 181-190 (AnnÉpigr 1939, 110); L. Robert, Hellenica I, 1940,<br />

43-53 (SEG 11, 1950, 121); Corinth VIII. 3, 306,1. 4, pi. 26 (cf. L. Robert, REG 79, 1966, 754-<br />

755=id., OMSVl [1989] 572-573, commentary on some lines); *D. J. Geagan, Hesperia 58,<br />

1989, 349-360 with the addition of IG IV 203 (SEG 39, 1989, 340; BullÉpigr 1990, 103) [2nd<br />

c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; two large fragments of a gray limestone block; a proconsular rescript<br />

recording the benefactions of P. Licinius Priscus Juventianus at the Isthmian sanctuary and<br />

particularly the restoration of the galery of Regulus (text COR 378 [4], 11. 15-16 : συ[ναραι]<br />

ερείπια στοάς της Τήγλ[ο]υ) which had suffered damage in an earthquake.<br />

VHvirepul(onum), sodalis augustalis, augur, frater Arvalis, legatus Caesaris Augusti Germanic<br />

pro praetore provinciae Achaiae<br />

Remarks: He was of senatorial rank; for his career [1], see ARG 192 and EL 277; M. Cébeillac,<br />

Les "quaestores principis et candidati" aux 1er et Heme siècles de l'empire (Milano<br />

1972) 29-30; J. Scheid, Les frères arvales; recrutement et origine sous les empereurs<br />

julio-claudiens (Paris 1975) 213-218, no. 34. For the three-man college of augurs in<br />

the Roman colony of Corinth, see Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 158-195.<br />

424. C(AIUS) MIN[UCIUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 345, pi. 29 [2nd quarter of the 1st c. B.C.].<br />

Corinth, Lechaion road; fragment of white marble; the inscription preserves part of his name<br />

and the fragmentary names of four other men in the accusative case, M. Insteilus Tectus] (COR<br />

320), [- - -] Corint[hu]s (COR 201), M. Cornelius [- - -] (COR 214) and Q. Cornelius [- - -]<br />

(COR 218).<br />

Remarks: The gentilicium is given as Minutius in Corinth VIII. 3 indices, 5. v. For the date see<br />

M. Insteius Tectus (COR 320).<br />


D. W. Bradeen, Hesperia 35, 1966, 326-329,11. 10 and 13, pi. 78 (SEG 23, 1968, 180); cf. S. G.<br />

Miller, Hesperia 48, 1979, 75-77 (SEG 29, 1979, 348) [145 B.C.].<br />

Corinthia, Nemea; fragment of hard limestone recording his arbitration in the Nemean games.<br />

Remarks: For the person see ARC 124. ARG 194 and EL 124. For the dispute between the<br />

cities of Argos and Kleonai in the middle of the 2nd c. B.C. over the organisation of<br />

the Nemean games, see the commentary of Bradeen, loc. cit.<br />


426. CN(AEUS) [- - -] MOSC[HUS]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 69, pi. 7 [under Augustus (?)].<br />


426-429<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a white marble base; dedication probably to Augustus set up<br />

by the person, Cn. [- - -] Pius (COR 476) and Cn. [- - -] Rom[ulus] (COR 530):<br />

August[o sacrum(?)] I Cn. Cn. Cn. [gentilicium] I Pius Rom[ulus] I Mosch[us] I 5<br />

[d.] s. p.<br />

[f. c.].<br />

Remarks: According to J. H. Kent, Corinth, op. cit., Pompeius is the gentilicium that fills<br />

the length requirements, but the restoration is very speculative. For the the three-<br />

man college of pontifs in the Roman colony of Corinth, see Stansbury, Corinthian<br />

honor, 158-195.<br />


[1] Corinth VIII. 2, 63 [A.D. 98/9].<br />

Corinth, forum; white marble slab; inscription in his honour preserving part of his name and<br />

the beginning of his senatorial cursus honorum: L. [- - -]M. f. Ter. Gallo I [X vir st]litib(us)<br />

iudic(andis) —<br />

[2]Corinth VIII. 3, 122, pl. 11 [A.D. 98/9].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a pedestal of white marble; inscription in his honour<br />

erected by someone whose name is missing: [L. Munatio M. f. Ter] I Gal[lo ] I com[iti]<br />

[- - -]imp[e]rato[ris —] I et di[vi - - -] I 5 [p]roq[uaestori (?) —]<br />

Remarks: The identification of the person is made by J. H. Kent, Corinth VIII. 3, 122. For the<br />

428. MUSSIUS<br />

person see E. Groag, REXWl 1, 1933,538-541, no. 21; id., Reichsbeamten, 49; PIR 2<br />

M 725; Thomasson, 192 no. 20 He was proconsul of Achaia in A.D. 98/9.<br />

CIL III, 7274; * Corinth III. 1, 53-54, no. 7d (SEG 11, 1950, 138d) [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, Acrocorinth; inscription on the Peirene Fountain: Mussius IXII K(alendas) A(priles)<br />

vel A(ugustas).<br />


Corinth VIII.l, 15 + Corinth VIII.l, 18; joined by *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299,1.<br />

11, pl. 8 [A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three sides recording a list of<br />

magistrates and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games.<br />

Remarks: Spawforth, loc. cit., suggests that he must have belonged to the same family as C.<br />

Mussius Priscus (COR 430). For the date, see Spawforth, loc. cit.<br />




Amandry, 151-156, em. XIII, pis XIII-XV; RPCl, 1139-1144: Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with C. Heius Pollio II (COR 311) of the year A.D. 4/5<br />

Remarks: Cf. Grant, TITA, 268. For the emission see Amandry, 52-54.<br />

431. ΝΕΙΝ[ΙΟΣ] ΔΙΟΓ[ΕΝΟΥΣ]<br />

S. Powell, ALA 7, 1903, 323; Corinth VIII.l, 104, fig. [imperial period].<br />

Old Corinth; fragment of a white marbleherm.<br />

Remarks: Powell, loc. cit., dates the inscription in the 4th c. B.C. but an earlier date is<br />

not to be excluded. For the gentilicium Ninius see Solin and Salomies, 127.<br />


Amandry, 142-144, em. X, pis IX-X; RPCl, 1134-1135.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with M. Antonius Hipparchus (COR 63) of the year 10/9-5/4 B.C.<br />

Remarks: For the person, see Spawforth, in: Roman onomastics, 180; cf. Grant, PITA, 267.<br />

For the emission see Amandry, 49-50.<br />


Corinth VIII. 2, 77, ph. [under Tiberius].<br />

Old Corinth; base of limestone; inscription in honour of Q. Cispuleius Q. 1. Primus (COR 153,<br />

text) erected by the person.<br />

Remarks: The cognomen Pelix evokes a freedman origin (cf. Kajanto, Cognomina, 13, 29-30,<br />

434. NUM[- - -]<br />

71-73, 134). A. B. West, Corinth VIII. 2, 77, suggests that he must have been<br />

connected with the family of M. Novius Bassus (COR 432).<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 184: Corinth, forum; marble slab; inscription whose character remains<br />

unknown.<br />

Remarks: Two possible restorations are Num[erius] and Num[isius] (Solin and Salomies, 128<br />

and 129; cf. COR 435-438); on the same stone the name [- - -] Abidius [- - -] (COR<br />

1) is also preserved.<br />

*435. L. NUMEROUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 358, pi. 31 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a white marble slab:<br />


[- - -] et L. Numerous —]l [— provincijae Achaiae [—7<br />

imperial official (?)<br />

436. NUMIS[IA] L. 1. ANTIGON[A]<br />


Corinth VIII.l, 130,1. 2, fig. [2nd half of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

436-441<br />

Corinth; stele of white marble; Latin funerary inscription on which are also attested Numisia<br />

L. 1. Prima (COR 437, text) and another freedman (?) [- - -]hus (COR 678).<br />

437. NUMISIA L. 1. PRIMA<br />

Corinth VIII.l, 130,1. 2, fig. [2nd half of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth; stele of white marble; Latin funerary inscription on which are also attested Numisia<br />

L. 1. Antigonfa] (COR 436) and another freedman (?) [ ]lius (COR 678): [- - -]Numisia<br />

Numis[- - -] I [ ]lius: L. L. Prima L. L. Antigon[a].<br />

Remarks: Below the Latin names is recorded a Greek epigram in honour of Prima.<br />

438. L(UCIUS) (NUMISIUS)<br />

master of Numisia L. 1. Antigona (COR 436) and Numisia L. 1. Prima (COR 437)<br />

439. ΝΟΜΩΝΙΑ<br />

IG IV49\ (SEGU, 1950, 297) [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Kleonai; stele decorated with a pediment; funerary epigramme for the person:<br />

Νομωνία ΜεγαλοπολΙ[τι]· χαίρε. . .<br />

Μεγαλοπολΐ[τις]<br />

Remarks: Numonius is a gentilicium (Solin and Salomies, 129).<br />


Corinth VIII.l, 15,1. 76; W. Peek, Gnomon 9, 1933,417,11.27-29 (SEG 11, 1950,62) [A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three sides recording the<br />

magistrates and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in the hoplites course<br />

contest: όπλείτης.<br />

Remarks: The new reading is by B. Millis (by correspondence) and replaces those of B. D.<br />

441. OCTAVIUS<br />

Meritt, Corinth VIII. 1, 15,1. 76: Π. Ώκ[τ]ά[β]ιος (?)[- - -] and of Peek, loc. cit.: Π.<br />

Ώκλάτιος Τύραννος; for the date, see A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299.<br />

Amandry, 192-195, em. XVIII, pis XXIX-XXX; .RFCI, 1180-1181.<br />



Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with Licinius (COR 372) of the years A.D. 42-43/45-46<br />

Remarks: For the person, see Spawforth, in: Roman onomastics, 180. For the emission see<br />

Amandry, 72-73.<br />


N. Bookidis, Hesperia 43, 1974, 280-281, ph. (SEG 40, 1990, 303) cf. Κ. M. D. Dunbabin,<br />

IRA 3, 1990, 85-87, ph. [A.D. 200].<br />

Corinth; mosaic inscription in the sanctuary of Demeter and Kore on Acrocorinth: Όκτάβιος<br />

Αγαθόπους Ι νεωκόρος έψηφοθέτησε Ι επί Χαράς ιέρειας νεωτέρας.<br />

*443. [- - -] OCTON[IUS] [- - -]<br />

Corinth Vili. 3, 354, pi. 29 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, area of the Asclepeion; fragment of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription, erected<br />

by the person, in honour of a praelectus alae whose name is missing:<br />

[- - -] I [prae]f. ala[e] I [- - -]Octon[ius - - -] I [- - -].<br />

Remarks: For the anonymous praelectus alae, see Devijver, vol. II, ignoti-incerti, 16.<br />

444. [L(UCIUS)] (OLIUS)<br />

f. of Sex. OQius 1. f. A[e]m(ilia) Secu[ndus] (COR 446)<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 152,11. 8-9, pi. 14 [under Augustus (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum: ten fragments of a statue base of gray marble; funerary dedication for his<br />

father Sex. Oflius L. f.] A[e]m(ilia) Secufndus] (COR 446, text) erected together by the person<br />

and his mother Cornelia M. f. [Procula] (COR 203).<br />

*446. SEX. 0[LIUS L. F.] A[E]M(ILIA) SECU[NDUS]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 152,11. 1-2, pi. 14 [under Augustus (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum: ten fragments of a statue base of gray marble; funerary dedication for the<br />

person erected together by his wife Cornelia M. f. [Procula] (COR 203) and their son Sex. Olius<br />

Sex. f. Aem(ilia) Procu[lus] (COR 445):<br />

Sex. 0[lio L. f. A[e]m. I Secu[ndo] [p]raef. I fabr., theocol. Iovis I [Ca]p[it]ol., aedilic. et I 5 [Ilvir.<br />

e]t qu[in]q. et I ag.[ono]t[eti]c. ornalment[i]s d. [d. o]rnato.<br />

praef(ectus) fabr(um), theocol (us) Iovis Capitol(ini), aedilic(iis) et Hvir(alibus) et<br />

quinq(uennalibus) et agonothetic(iis) ornamentis ornato<br />



447-449<br />

Remarks: For the filiation of the person J. H. Kent, Corinth VIII. 3, 122, notes that L. f. is<br />

suggested by the lack of space for Q, M or A, but the space is large enough for Ρ or<br />

T. He was a Roman knight (Demougin, CJC, 172). His municipal cursus honorum<br />

indicates that he was an outstanding citizen of the colony (his tribe Aemilia is that<br />

of Corinth; cf. Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 501-515) and one of the first<br />

Corinthians decorated with the ornamenta agonotheticia after the return of the<br />

Isthmian games to the supervision of Corinth, sometime between 7 B.C. and A.D. 3<br />

(see a brief discussion of Kent, op. cit., p. 70). For the office of the agonothetes at<br />

Isthmia see D. J. Geagan, GRBS 9, 1968, 69-76. For the office of praef(ectus)<br />

fabr(um), see COR 170<br />

447. [- - -]LI F. [AE]M(ILIA) PA [ ] MAMAE<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 213, pi. 17 [2nd half of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; inscription in his honour:<br />

[—]li f. I [Ae]m. Pa Mamae I [so]dali augustal(i) isa[gog(i)] I [Ca]esareon [S]ebaste[on]<br />

Ρ [et] [agonothe]t(e) Çaesa[reon] I [- - -]TAE M[- - -] I [- - -]E AV[- - -] I [- - -]S LIV[- - -].<br />

Remarks: J. H. Kent, Corinth, op. cit., proposes as a possible restoration in 1. 1: [Corn]eli and<br />

448. [- - -] ΠΑΚΚΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

in 1. 3 he thinks on the name Mama or Mamas. For his priestly office as sodalis<br />

Augustalis, see J. H. Kent's remark in Corinth VIII. 3, 185. For the augustales see<br />

Q. Cispuleius Q. 1. Primus (COR 153). For the office of the agonothetes at Isthmia<br />

see D. J. Geagan, GRBS 9, 1968, 69-76.<br />

[1] Corinth VIII.l, 15a, 1. 1 [A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble, inscribed on all three sides recording the names<br />

of magistrates and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was probably the agonothetes of<br />

the games and his name is attested in the genitive case: [—] Πακκιανοϋ.<br />

[2] P. A. Clement, AD 1971, Chron. 110 [ca. 137 A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Isthmus; fragment of marble on which the editor recognised the name Πακκιανός.<br />

Remarks: The identification of [2] with the person in [1] has been proposed by Clement, op.<br />

cit.; cf. J. P. Michaud, BCH 95, 1971, 848, fig. 108; for the date see A. Spawforth,<br />

GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299. For the office of the agonothetes at Isthmia see D. J.<br />

Geagan, GRBS 9, 1968, 69-76.<br />

449. L(UCIUS) PACONIUS FLAM[- - -]<br />

Amandry, 195-200, em. XIX, pis XXX-XXXII; RPCl, 1182-1188 [A.D. 50/51].<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with Gn. Publicius Regulus (COR 506) of the year A.D. 50/51<br />



Remarks: For the person, see Spawforth, in: Roman onomastics, 180. For the emission see<br />

Amandry, 73-74.<br />

450. ΠΑΚΩΝΙΟΣ 0E[- - -]<br />

W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,1. 91, pis 17,18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-1970,<br />

587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces recording a list<br />

of officials and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in αποβ[ατικόν] κρίσι[ν<br />

Y']·<br />

Remarks: For the date see T. Atilius Rufus (COR 94).<br />

451. [M(ARCUS)] (PACUIUS)<br />

probably f. of [M(arcus) Pacuius M. f.] Aem(ilia) [—] (COR 454)<br />

452. M(ARCUS) PACU[IUS. F. - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 175,1. 7, pi. 16 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of grayish marble; inscription in honour of [M. Pacuius M. f.]<br />

Aem(ilia) [- - -] (COR 454, text) erected by M. Pacuius M. [f.] [- - -] (COR 453), his wife (?)<br />

Manlia D[- - -] (COR 392) and the person.<br />

Remarks: J. H. Kent's (Corinth, op. cit.) suggestion that the person was the father of Manlia<br />

E>[- - -] (COR 392) is uncertain.<br />

453. M(ARCUS) PACUIUS M. F. [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 175,1. 5, pi. 16 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of grayish marble; inscription in honour of [M. Pacuius M. f.]<br />

Aem(ilia) [- - -] (COR 454, text) erected by the person, his wife Manlia D[- - -] (COR 392) and<br />

M. Paoi[ius . f.] (COR 452).<br />

454. [M(ARCUS) PACUIUS M. F.] AEM(ILIA) [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 175,1. 1, pi. 16 [lst/2ndc. A.D.]<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of grayish marble; inscription in his honour erected together by<br />

M. Pacuius M. [f.] [- - -] (COR 453), his wife (?) Manlia D[- - -] (COR 392) and M. Pacu[ius. f.]<br />

(COR 452):<br />

[M. Pacuio M. f.] I Aem. [—] [aed.] I et Ilvir [et quinquen. ornamentis] I ornato [d. d.] I 5 M.<br />

Pacuius M. [f.] [ et] I Manlia D[ uxor eius et ] I M. Pacu[i . f. —].<br />



455-461<br />


M. Sasel-Kos, Arch.Vestnik 28, 1977, 199 (AnnÉpigr 1977, 780); ILGR 82 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Sicyon; funerary dedication erected by M. Calpetanus Corinthus (COR 129, text)<br />

for himself, his wife Fulvia Eutychis (COR 277), their children, Calpetana Magna (COR 128)<br />

and Calpetanus Ianuarius (COR 130), for M. Pacuius Euporus and for the family's freedmen.<br />

Remarks: The relationship of M. Pacuius Euporus with the family of Calpetani is not evident<br />

from this text.<br />

456. PAPIA L. F. DONATI uxo(r) METHE<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 105,11. 7-8, ph. [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; bluish marble base; inscription in honour of his grandson L. Papius L. f.<br />

Fal(erna) Lupercus (COR 460, text) erected by herself.<br />

Remarks: For the Greek name Methe, see LGPNlll. A, 291-292, s.v. Μέθη.<br />

457. L(UCIUS) (PAPIUS)<br />

f. of Papia L. f. Donati uxo(r) Methe (COR 456)<br />

458. L(UCIUS) (PAPIUS)<br />

f. of L(ucius) Papius L. f. Falerna Lupercus (COR 460); s. of Papia L. f. Donati uxo(r) Methe<br />

(COR 456)<br />

459. L(UCIUS) (PAPIUS)<br />

f. of L(ucius) Papius L. f. Aem(ilia) Venerius (COR 461)<br />


Corinth VIII. 2, 105, ph. [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; bluish marble base; inscription in his honour erected by his grandmother Papia<br />

L. f. Donati uxo(r) Methe (COR 456):<br />

L. Pappio L. f. I Fai. Luperco I aed. et Ilvir. et I agonothetic. et I 5 quinq. ornamen. I ornato d.<br />

d. I Papia L. f. Donati uxor I Methe avia.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 212, pi. 17 [2nd half of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; five fragments of a gray marble block; inscription in his honour erected by<br />



someone whose name is missing:<br />

L. Papio L. f. I Aem. Venerio I isagog., I agonoth. Ti. Claudi I Anaxilai, pyrophor. I Isthmioni,<br />

conagon[oth.] I L. Vibullii Pii isthmio[n.], nem[eo]nices, sacerdoti] I M[a]rtis Aug. —<br />

Remarks: J. H. Kent, Corinth, op. cit., restores the cognomen as Venereus, not recorded by<br />

Solin and Salomies, 419; in lapide VENERID. The inscription contains a local<br />

"priestly" cursus honorum. He was isagogeus, that is, an assistant to the agonothetes<br />

Ti. Claudius Anaxilaus (COR 168), a Corinthian duumvir during the reign of Nero,<br />

and conagonothetes with L. Vibulius Pius (COR 642). For the office of the<br />

agonothetes and isagogeus see C. Rutilius L. f. Aem. Fuscus (COR 540). The<br />

pyrophoroi were children (L. Robert, REG 79, 1966, 746-748=M, OMS VI [1989]<br />

564-566; D. J. Geagan, GRBS 9, 1968, 76). He may have been related to L. Papius<br />

L. f. Fal(erna) Lupercus (COR 460), even though he belonged to the local tribe<br />

Aemilia (cf. Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 501-515).<br />

462. ΠΑΣΚΑΣΙΑ<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 545, pi. 47 [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth, Asclepieion; a white marble gravestone; funerary inscription in her memory: fX<br />

Ανεπαύσατο Ι ή την μακαρίαν Ι Πασκασία Ι μη(νί) Φεβρ(ουαρίω) ζιλ<br />

Remarks: J. Η. Kent, Corinth, op. cit., notes that the name Pascasia is the Latin equivalent of<br />

the Greek Anastasia; cf. Solin and Salomies, 138, who give the gentilicium<br />

Paschasius.<br />

463. ΠΑΥΑΑ<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 560, pi. 49 [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth, a grave in the Asclepieion; slab of green schist; funerary inscription in her memory.<br />

Remarks: Paula died still a child. The sepulchral momument belonged to his father<br />

Ααυρετήω του υίοϋ Καλογενήτω (?) (COR 367).<br />

464. ΠΑΥΑΙΝ[Α]<br />

Ε. Stikas, Ergon 1962, 84-85, fig. 96 (G. Daux, BCH 87, 1963, 728, fig. 18) [early Christian<br />

period].<br />

Corinth; slab of marble; funerary inscription in her memory:<br />

t "Ανεπαύσατ[ο] Ι ή μακάρια Παυλιν[α] Ι περί ετ[η δ]έκα Ι επτά προ τεσάρων Ι καλανόών<br />

αύγούστω[ν].<br />

465. ΠΑΥ[Α(ΟΣ] (?)<br />

Bees, 49-50, no. 25 (SEG 11, 1950, 166) [5th c. A.D.].<br />



Corinth; slab of gray marble; funerary inscription in his memory:<br />

466-470<br />

[Κοιμητήριο]ν Παύ[λου] I [ ]ος πρ(ο) ε' ε[ίδ(ών)] Ι [Μ]αρτίω[ν άπογενά]Ιμενος [ ] Ι<br />

[—] άνϋξε [—].<br />

*466. [- - -] ΠΑΥΑΟΣ [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 509, pi. 40 [early Christian period].<br />

Old Corinth; fragment of gray marble: [—] I [—] Παύλου [—] I [— λ]αμπρο[τάτου —]<br />

I [—]ιεστ[—].<br />

467. ΠΥ[ΑΟΣ]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 653, pi. 55 [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth, forum; gravestone of gray marble; funerary dedication in his memory:<br />

t [Κο]ιμη[τή]Ιριον δι[αφέ]Ιον Πλ[ευρά]τω ve/ Π[ύλω] Ι τω χευ[ματο]Ι[ποιητη] vel<br />

χευ[ματο] Ι [πωλητή].<br />

Remarks: The person was probably a "metal moulder" or a "seller of metal bowls".<br />

468. ΠΑΥΛ(ΟΣ)<br />

J. Wiseman, Hesperia4l, 1972, 41-42, no. 33, pi. 11 [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth, gymnasium area; paving slab of dull red marble; funerary inscription mentioning him<br />

and his son Sotiris: f Παϋλ(ος) Ι ράπτη(ς) υί(ο)ς Ι υίοϋ Σωτηρίς t μν(ημα) ff<br />

469. ΠΑΥΑΟΣ<br />

Corinth Vili. 3, 542, pi. 46; L. Robert, REG 79, 1966, 763=/d, OMS VI [1989] 581) [5th c.<br />

A.D. ]: Corinth, forum; gravestone of gray marble; funerary dedication in his memory erected<br />

by his son: Κοιμητήριον Παύλου σιτευταρίου. Ανίας Παύλου σιτευταρίου υιός έπέγραψεν<br />

αυτά.<br />

Remarks: For the profession σιτευτάριος or σιτιστάριος, i.e. poultryman, see Robert, loc. cit.<br />

470. ΠΑΥΛΟΣ<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 559, pi. 47; (L. Robert, REG 79, 1966, 765=M, OMS VI [1989] 583) [early<br />

Christian period].<br />

Corinth, Asclepeion; fragment of a slab of blue marble streaked with white; funerary<br />

inscription in his memory: Κοιμητήρια διαφέροντα Παύλου Ι σιτισταρίου Ι έπίκλην<br />

M Ι [α]κροχεί[ρου —].<br />

Remarks: For the profession σιτιστάριος or σιτευτάριος, see Paulus (COR 469). The person<br />

is also attested by the nickname Μ[α]κρόχει[ρος] (Longhand), which according to J.<br />



H. Kent, Corinth, op. cit., may well have been intented to distinguish two<br />

contemporaries of the same name and similar occupation.<br />


O. Broneer, AJA 37, 1933, 562 (AnnÉpigr 1934, 1; SEG 11, 1950, 125; L. Robert, REG 79,<br />

1966, 750-751=M, OMS VI [1989] 568-569); Corinth VIII. 3, 269, pi. 23 (P. Cabanes and N.<br />

Ceka, Inscriptions d'Épidamne-Dyrrachion et d Apollonia. Corpus des inscriptions grecques<br />

d'Illyrie méridionale et d'Épire, Études épigraphiques 1.2 [Paris 1997] no. 322) [under Marcus<br />

Aurelius].<br />

Corinth, forum; statue base of white marble; inscription in his honour erected by the city of<br />

Corinth called μητρόπολις with the vote of the city council:<br />

Πεδουκαιον Ι Κεστιανόν Ι [Α]πολλωνιάτην Ι ρήτορα Ι 5 Κόρινθος Ι ή μητρόπολις Ι ψ(ηφί-<br />

σματι) β(ουλής).<br />

From Apollonia<br />

Remarks: For the attestation of the person on the epigraphical and numismatic documents of<br />

472. ΠΕΤΡΟΥΝΙΑ<br />

Apollonia in Illyria, an ancient colony of Corinth, see L. Robert, loc. cit.; id.,<br />

BullÉpigr 1967,249 and BullÉpigr 1968, 321; Cabanes, op. cit., no. 193; cf. no. 189.<br />

Corinth VIII. 1, 215 [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a paving slab of white marble; inscription containing a prayer for<br />

the sake of the person.<br />

473. [- - -]ΟΥΙΟΣ ΦΙΑΑΑΕΑΦΟΓΣ]<br />

D. J. Geagan, Hesperia 44, 1975, 396-401,1. 11, ph. (Oliver, Greek constitutions, 139-140, no.<br />

47; SEG 45, 1995, 234) [A.D. 98/99].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a stele of white marble; letter of Trajan to the Isthmian Synod; the<br />

function of the person is completed as [πρεσβευτής].<br />

Remarks: Geagan thinks that the person was a member of the Dionysiac technitai at Isthmus.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 67, pi. 8 [mid. 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; forty-three adjoining fragments of a white marble slab; dedication to the<br />

Genius of the emperor erected by the person, a freedman of the emperor, with the official<br />

permission of the decurions:<br />

[Ge]nio sanctissimo Aug. I [procur]at. XX her. I [pr]ov. Acha. I Phileros Aug. lib. tabul(arius)<br />

eiusdem I pat(roni) et provinciae I d. d.<br />


475. C(AIUS) PINNIUS<br />

Amandry 130-133, em. V, pis V-VI; RPCl, 1124-1128.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with P. Aebutius (COR 6) of the year 39-36 B.C.<br />


Remarks: For the emission see Amandry, 36-38, who associates him with T. Pinnius, the<br />

476. CN(AEUS) [- - -] PIUS<br />

familiarissimus of Cicero (Ad /am., XIII. 61); see further Grant, TITA, 267 and<br />

Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 160-161.<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 69, pi. 7 [under Augustus (?)].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a white marble base; dedication probably to Augustus set up<br />

by him, Cn. [- - -] Rom[ulus] (COR 530) and Cn. [- - -] Mosc[hus] (COR 426, text).<br />

Remarks: According to J. H. Kent, Corinth, op. cit., Pompeius is the gentilicium that fills the<br />

length requirements, but the restoration is very speculative.<br />

477. ΜΑΡΚΟΣ [- ca. 6-] ΠΑΕΙΝ[ΙΑΝΟΣ]<br />

F. Hiller von Gaertringen, Ph.W. 52, 1932, 363; Corinth VIII. 1, 115, fig.; Bees, 19, η. 1,<br />

(*S£G 11, 1950,87).<br />

Corinth, forum; upper right-hand corner of a white marble base:<br />

[— Ίου]νίαν Ι [γυναίκα] Μάρκου I Πλειν[ιανοϋ] Ι [του αρχι]συναγώ[γου —].<br />

h. (?) of Ίουνία (COR 357)<br />

Remarks: Μάρκου [- ca. 6-] Πλειν[ίου], ed. prior.<br />

478. ΠΛΩΤΙΟΣ<br />

Ο. Broneer, ALA 32, 1928, 465 (SEG 11, 1954, 219) [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, Odeion; stamped tile; here: Πλωτίου πατήρ.<br />


CIL III. 1,541 [lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; funerary dedication erected by Q. Publicius Capito (COR 505, text) for himself, his<br />

liberta Publicia Banausis (COR 498), D. Plotius Valens and for their descendants.<br />

480. ΠΟ[- - -]<br />

*W. Peek, Gnomon 9, 1933, 416-417,1. 9 (SEG, 11, 1950, 61); cf. Corinth VIII.l, 14 (his name<br />

is not restored) [A.D. 3 (Actian era)].<br />

Corinth; three-sided headless marble herm with inscriptions on all sides recording a list of<br />



officials and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλ[ληνοδίκη[ς] of the games.<br />

Remarks: Probaly Πό[πλιος].<br />

481. [- - -] M. F. [POLY]AENA<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 70+111; "Corinth VIII. 3, 199, pi. 17 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; two fragments of a white marble block; funerary dedication for the person erected by<br />

[P. Li]çinius Priscu[s Iuvnetian]us (COR 378) by decree of the city council:<br />

[ ] M. f. I [Poly]aenae l[sacerdot]i Victoriae I [viv. P. Lijcinius Priscu[s] I [Iuventianjus<br />

archiereus I [o]ptumae I d. d.<br />

Remarks: J. H. Kent, Corinth VIII. 3, 199, thinks that 1. 1 consists of only two letters M. f., but<br />

this form of nomination is unusual.<br />

w. (?) of P. Licinius Priscus Iuventianus<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 165, pi. 14 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, theatre; gray marble block; inscription on a monument erected by him and his<br />

colleague in the duovirship [ i]us Sosthe[enes] (COR 572): curantibus [ i]o Sosthe[ne],<br />

Tib(erio) Polyaeno duovir(is).<br />

Remarks: Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 521.<br />

483. Γ(ΑΪΟΣ) ΠΟΜ[ ]ΟΣ ΣΚΕΠΤΟΣ<br />

W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,1. 13, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-1970,<br />

587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of small grained white marble inscribed on all three faces recording<br />

a list of officials and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was [έλ]ληνοδίκης of the games.<br />

Remarks: For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />

484. [.] ΠΟΜΠΗΙΟΣ ΚΑΑΥΔΙΑΝ[ΟΣ]<br />

Corinth VIII.l, 15 + Corinth VIII.l, 18; joined by *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 297-299,1.<br />

12, pi. 8 [A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three sides recording a list of<br />

magistrates and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games.<br />

Remarks: For the date see A. Spawforth, op. cit.<br />


Corinth VIII.l, 15,1. 48 [A.D. 137].<br />



486-488<br />

Corinth, gymnasium area; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three sides; list<br />

of magistrates and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in τέθριππο τέλειο.<br />

Αργειος (of Argos)<br />

Remarks: There are two persons in Argos bearing the name Pompeius Cleosthenes, father and<br />

son (ARG 207, 208) but it is unknown which one is meant here. For the date see A.<br />

Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974,297-299.<br />


*G. Lambakis, Miscellanea Salinas (Panormi 1907) 78, n. 2 (E. Ziebarth, Bursian<br />

Jahresberichte, 184, 1920, 109; SEG 11, 1954, 50); M. Mitsos, AE 1936, 146; M. Guarducci,<br />

Epigraphica 1, 1939, 17-20 (AnnÉpigr 1940, 58) [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Kenchreai; inscription on a rock recording a dedication to Zeus set up by the<br />

person:<br />

Πραιτωριανοί: Ι Γναιος ΠοΙμπήιος Ι Ζηνάς άΙ 5 γορανοΙμήσας ΔΙιός ΔιονύΙσω δεκ(άτην).<br />


Corinth Vili. 3, 134, pi. 13 [A.D. 102-114 ].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a block of grayish marble; inscription in his honour erected by [M.<br />

Antonius Achaicus] (COR 53):<br />

[A. P]omp[onio] I Ç. fil. Quir. [Augu]r[ino T. Priferjlnio Paeto trib. [mil. legionis X] I Fretensis,<br />

prae[f. coh. I miliariae], I 5 [p]raef. alae II Fl., [post victori. Geticam] I [ab] Imp. Caesare Ne[rva<br />

Traiano Aug. Germ. I Dae. doni]s m[ilitaribus vexillo] I [argenteo hasta pura corona murali] I<br />

honorato, [proc. Aug. prov. Achaiae], I 10 [M. Antonius Achaicus s. p. f. c.].<br />

Remarks: The restoration of the fragment is assured by a duplicate Greek inscription in his<br />

honour erected in Argos (ARG 213). For the person see Groag, Reichsbeamten, 143-<br />

144; Pflaum, Carrières, no. 72; Devijver, Ρ 72. His procuratorship of Achaia dates<br />

after A.D. 102.<br />

*488. [- - - ΠΟΝ]ΤΙΑΝ[ΟΣ]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 223, 11. 2-3, pi. 20; better in *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 295-297 [A.D.<br />

131 or 135].<br />

Corinth; part of a prism-shaped three-sided shaft of white marble recording a list of officials<br />

and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; his name at the head of the document is used as an<br />

indication of the dating; he was ύπατος (consul).<br />

Remarks: The person can be identified either with Ser. Octavius Laenas Pontianus, senior<br />

Ordinarius in A.D. 131 (Degrassi, Tasti Consolari, 37) or L. Tutilius Lupercus<br />

Pontianus, senior Ordinarius in A.D. 135 (Degrassi, Tasti consolari, 38); for a<br />

discussion, see Spawforth, loc. cit.<br />




Corinth VIII.l, 87 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; large block of coarse-grained bluish-white marble; honorary inscription<br />

erected by the person to a friend of him whose name is missing: [ ] ταλε[ ] Ι Πόντιος<br />

Σωγένης Ι ό παράδοξος τον Ι αληθή φίλον Ι ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής).<br />

490. L(UCIUS) POS[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 364b, pi. 33 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; ten fragments of two white marble slabs containing a list of fragmentary<br />

names in the nominative case (COR 84, COR 95, COR 109, COR 126, COR 339, COR 656,<br />

COR 666, COR 668, COR 672).<br />

Remarks: J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., suggests exempli gratia L. Pos[tumius Qalendio, /'. e.<br />

joining this fragment b with c on which appears [— Qalendio (COR 126), but this<br />

restoration remains very speculative (cf. id. indices, p. 231, s.v. Calendio).<br />

491. [- - -] ΠΟΣΕΙΔΩΝΕΙΟ[Σ]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 307, pi. 26 [end of the 2nd c. A.D. (lettering)]<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of white marble; fragmentary inscription containing probably a part<br />

of a decree in honour of the person:<br />

[—] I [—]μου [—] I [—]ης το σήμα (?) [—] Ι καί πας 'Αχαιών δ[—] 11 έπεί Ποσειδώ-<br />

νιο[ς — ] Ι 5 ος έλλαδάρχης [—] Ι πρώτος τε ρήτω[—] Ι [. . ] μβωδεμ[.][—] Ι μηδέ ε[—]<br />

Ι έπεί θάν[ατος (?) [—] Ι 10 τας πεντ[—] Ι εναγω[—] Ι ίερεύ[ς —] Ι [—].<br />

492. [- - -] P. F. AEM(ILIA) PRIMUS<br />

Corinth Vili. 3, 74, pi. 7 [A.D. 42].<br />

Corinth, theatre; fragment of a white marble slab; inscription in honour of the Emperor<br />

Claudius erected by the person:<br />

[Ti. Claudio] I [Caesari Augusto] I [Germanico] pontifici I [maximo] trib. potest. III [imp. Ill]<br />

cos. III P. f. Aem. Primus f.<br />

P[RISCA ] SAU[FEIA]: see SAU[FEIA] P[RISCA] (COR 549)<br />

493. L(UCIUS) PRO[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 395 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving only a part<br />

of his name.<br />


494. [- - -] [PRO]ÇLUS<br />

Corinth Vili. 3, 245, pi. 22 [imperial period].<br />


494-499<br />

Corinth, Hagios Ioannis Church; fragment of white marble; mutilated inscription preserving a<br />

part of his name.<br />


495. M(ARCUS) PU[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 208,1. 5, pi. 18 [under Tiberius].<br />

Corinth, forum; ten fragments of a base of white marble; inscription in honour of P. Puticius<br />

P. f. Aem(ilia) R[ufus] (COR 522 [1], text) erected by the person.<br />

Remarks: He was agonothetes of iheCaesa[rea] Neron[e]a when isagogeus was P. Puticius P.<br />

f. Aem. Rufus (COR 552). For the office of the agonothetes and isagogeus see C.<br />

Rutilius L. f. Aem. Fuscus (COR 540).<br />

496. ΓΝ(ΑΙΟΣ) ΠΟΥΒΑΙ[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 369, pi. 33 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of white marble slab containing a list of proper names in the<br />

nominative case; see Γ. Αντώνιος [—] (COR 41, text).<br />

497. [- - - P]UBLICIA<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 367, pi. 33 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving parts of<br />

some names; see [- - - P]ubli[cius - - -] (COR 499) and Vibull[ius - - -] (COR 635).<br />


CIL III. 1,541 [lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; funerary dedication erected by Q. Publicius Capito (COR 505, text) for himself, his<br />

liberta Publicia Banausis, D. Plotius Valens (COR 479) and for their descendants.<br />

499. [- - - P]UBLI[CIUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 367, pi. 33 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving parts of<br />

some names; see [- - - Pjublicia (COR 497) and VibuU[ius - - -] (COR 635).<br />



500. [- - - P]UBLIÇ[IUS- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 429, pi. 37 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving a part of his name.<br />

501. M(ARCUS) (PUBLICIUS)<br />

f. of Cn(aeus) Publicius M. f. M. n. M. pron. Aem(ilia) Rusticus (COR 507 text)<br />

502. M(ARCUS) (PUBLICIUS)<br />

grf. of Cn(aeus) Publicius M. f. M. n. M. pron. Aem(ilia) Rusticus (COR 507 text)<br />

503. M(ARCUS) (PUBLICIUS)<br />

gr.-grandf. of Cn(aeus) Publicius M. f. M. n. M. pron. Aem(ilia) Rusticus (COR 507 text)<br />

504. M(ARCUS) PU[BLICIUS CN. F.]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 176,1. 8, pi. 17 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; four fragments of a base of grayish marble; inscription in honour of his<br />

father Cn. Publiç[ius] M. f. Μ. η. M . pr[on.] Aem(ilia) Rusti[cus] (COR 507 text) and in<br />

honour of his mother whose name is missing; erected together by him and his wife Babbia<br />

(COR 106).<br />


CIL III. 1,541 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; funerary dedication erected by the person for himself, his liberta Publicia Banausis<br />

(COR 498), D. Plotius Valens (COR 479) and for their descendants:<br />

V(ivus) Q. Publicius Calpito sibi et Publicilae Banausidi li[b]. I et D. Plotio Valenti I<br />

[pos]terisque suis.<br />


Amandry, 195-200, em. XIX, pis XXX-XXXII; RPCl, 1182-1188.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with L. Paconius Flam[—] (COR 449) of the year A.D. 50/51<br />

Remarks: For the emission see Amandry, 73-74.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 176,11. 1-3, pi. 17 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />



508-511<br />

Corinth, forum; four fragments of a base of grayish marble; inscription in his honour and in<br />

honour of his wife whose name is missing; erected together by their son M. Pu[blicius Cn. f.]<br />

(COR 507) and their d.in-law Babbia (COR 106) by decree of the city council:<br />

Cn. Publiç[io] I M. f. M. n. M . pr[on.] I Aem. Rusti[co] I Ilviralibus [et quinquen.] I et<br />

agonoth[et. ornamentis] I hon[orato et — uxori] I po[st obitum (?) —] I M. Pu[blicius Cn. f.<br />

et] I Babbia u[xor eius] I parent [ibus] I d. [d.].<br />

Remarks: It is not frequent in Corinthian inscriptions to indicate in someone's filiation the<br />

names of his grandfather and great-grandfather (cf. other examples: COR 81, COR<br />

283, COR 353, COR 610).<br />

508. CN(AEUS) PUBLIL[IUS - - -]<br />

R. L. Scranton, Corinth I. 3, 118-119, pi. 57, 2; "Corinth VIII. 3, 324a, pi. 30 [mid. of the 1st<br />

c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum; twenty-one fragments of several slabs of blue marble; mutilated inscription of<br />

uncertain character containing only a few words.<br />

Remarks: A possible combination of two fragments (a and e) gives the reading Cn. Publil[ius<br />

C]n. f. (cf. the gentilicium listed as Publicius in Corinth VIII. 3 indices, s.v.);<br />

Scranton's (loc. cit.) restoration of the name as Cn. Publilfius] Re[gulus] was<br />

rejected by J. H. Kent, Corinth VIII. 3, 324. On the fragment b the name of [<br />

Pu]blilius Tyrannufs] (COR 510) is also recorded.<br />


Amandry, 128-130, em. IV, pis IV-V; RPCl, 1122-1123.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir quinquennalis with M. Antonius Orestes (COR 68) of the year 40 B.C.<br />

Remarks: For the emission see Amandry, 39-41.<br />

510. [- - - PU]BLILIUS TYRANNU[S]<br />

R. L. Scranton, Corinth I. 3, 118-119, pi. 57, 2; "Corinth VIII. 3, 324b, pi. 30 [mid. 1st c. A.D.<br />

(letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum; twenty-one fragments of several slabs of blue marble; mutilated inscription of<br />

uncertain character containing only some words.<br />

Remarks: On the fragment a the name of Gn. Publil[ius —] (COR 508) is also recorded.<br />

511. P(UBLIUS) (- - - )<br />

f. of [- - -] P. f. Aem(ilia) Primus (COR 492)<br />



512. P(UBLIUS) ( - - )<br />

master of [- - -] P. 1. Thyrsus (COR 587)<br />

513. P(UBLIUS) ( - - )<br />

f. of [- - -]ius P. f. Aem(ilia) [- - -] (COR 675)<br />

514. [- - -]IUS PUDEN[S]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 357, pi. 32 [under Trajan].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of white marble block; inscription in honour of someone whose<br />

name is missing; erected by the person and two other friends (amici) whose names are [<br />

Ac]haicus (COR 53, text) and [- - -] Saturnus (COR 548).<br />

Remarks: Solin and Salomies, 386, give the form Pude(n)s.<br />

515. P(UBLIUS) PU[TICIUS]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 206,1. 3 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of white slab; mutilated funerary dedication (?): P. [Putido ] I<br />

Cam[- - -]l P. Pufticius].<br />

Remarks: A. B. West, Corinth VIII. 2, 206, restores Puticius rather than Publicius on the<br />

grounds that the Putidi bore the praenomen P(ublius).<br />

516. M(ARCUS) (PUTICIUS)<br />

f. of P. Puticius M. f. Aem(ilia) Iulius Paternus (COR 521)<br />

517. P(UBLIUS) (PUTICIUS)<br />

f. of P. Puticius P. f. Aem(ilia) Rufus (COR 522)<br />

518. P(UBLIUS) PUTICIUS AC[- - -]<br />

CIL III. 1, 542 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, Acrocorinth; funerary inscription for the person and his familly: for the text see P.<br />

Puticius Secufndus] (COR 523).<br />

519. ΠΟΥΤΙΚΙΟΣ ΑΠ[- - -]<br />

W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93, 1. 54, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-<br />

1970, 587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of small grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of<br />



officials and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in τραγω[δούς].<br />

Remarks: For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />

520. P(UBLIUS) P[UTICIUS - - -] CAM[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 206,11. 1-2 [imperial period].<br />

520-523<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of white marble; mutilated funerary dedication (?): P. P[uticio —]l<br />

Cam[- - -]l P. Pu[ticius].<br />

Remarks: CAM may be the tribe Cam(ilia), however unknown in Corinth (cf. Stansbury,<br />

Corinthian honor, 501-515); it seems more probable to be part of a cognomen (cf.<br />

Solin and Salomies, 307).<br />


Corinth VIII. 2, 106, ph. [under Tiberius].<br />

Corinth, forum; five fragments of a white block; inscription in his honour erected by someone<br />

whose name is missing:<br />

P. Puticio M. f. Aem. I Iullo Pa[te]rno, I aedil. et [Ilvirjr. orlname[ntis hono]rat[us] d. d.<br />


[1] Corinth VIII. 3, 208, pi. 18 [under Tiberius].<br />

Corinth, forum; ten fragments of a base of white marble; inscription in his honour erected by<br />

someone whose name is missing:<br />

P. Puticio I P. f. Aem. R[ufo] I isagogi Caesa[reon] I Neron[e]on ag[onoth.], I M. Pu[—]<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 3, 209, pi. 18 [under Tiberius].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a base of white marble; inscription in his honour erected by<br />

someone whose name is missing; here: [- - -] I [- - -]Aem. Ru[fo] I [- - -]isagog[i] I [ ]<br />

Neroneon Ca]esare]o[n] I [---] PUD [- - -]<br />

Remarks: He was isagogeus (assistant) of the agonothetes M. Pu[ ] (COR 495). For the<br />

office of the agonothetes and isagogeus at Isthmia see D. J. Geagan, GRBS 9,<br />

1968, 69-76.<br />


CIL III. 1, 542 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, Acrocorinth; funerary inscription for the person and his familly:P. Puticius Secu[ndus]<br />

I V. P. Puticius Ac[- - -]l [- - -]imio[- - -];<br />

Remarks: see also P. Puticius Ac[—] (COR 518).<br />



524. [- - -]ARIUS PYLADIS<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 316, pis 28, 63 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; nineteen fragments of a white marble Ionic frieze belonging to a not yet<br />

identified monument; in the same inscription a certain [—] l(ibertus) Hesychus (COR 316) is<br />

also attested: [- - -Jarius Pyladis ÇA [- - -]l [- - -] I. Hesychus Augusta[- - -Jsacrum.<br />

Remarks: Alius could be a gentilicium (Solin and Salomies, 21), but also the ending of a name.<br />

The cognomen Pylades is prefered to Pyladis given by J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit..<br />

The two or more dedicators were probably augustales as the abbreviation l(ibertus)<br />

and their names suggest. See Q. Cispuleius Q. 1. Primus (COR 153).<br />

525. ΚΟΔΡΑΤΟΣ<br />

An. Orlandos, Ergon 1962, 85-87, fig. 97 (BullÉpigr 1964, 177) [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth, forum: funerary basilica of Quadratus; inscription on a linte recording an invocation<br />

to the saint: [αγι]ε Κοδράτε μνήσθ[ητι] τώ δούλου σο[υ].<br />

Remarks: The basilica in which this inscription was set, was dedicated to this figure, a martyr<br />

in Corinth under the reign of Valerian.<br />


Corinth Villi, 72; *J. Bousquet, ECU 88,1964,607-609 (SEG22, 1967,214); [196-194 B.C.].<br />

Corinth, forum; block of a hard blue limestone base; inscription in his honour:<br />

Τίτον [Τίτου υίον Κοΐνκτιον Τωμαΐον] Ι Α.ρίσταιν[ος Τιμοκάόεος Δυμαΐος] Ι άρετάς ένε[κα<br />

και ευεργεσίας τας] Ι εις τε αύ[τον και τους Αχαιούς].<br />

Remarks: He should be identified with the consul of the year 198 B.C. T. Quinctius Flamininus.<br />

For the person see LAC 659.<br />

527. QUINT[- - -]A M. F. T[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 158.<br />

Corinth, forum; white marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving only a part of her name:<br />

Quinti- - -Me M. f. T[- --]![-- -]V [- - -].<br />

528. ΡΗΓΙΑΑΑ<br />

[1] AnnÉpigr 1901, 1; IG IV 1599; "Corinth VIII. 1, 86, ph.; J. Bousquet, BCH 88, 1964, 613<br />

[2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum: Peirene foundain; statue base of white marble; epigram in her honour.<br />

[2] L. R. Scranton, Corinth I. 3, 69, adn. 49, pi. 26, 2 (SEG 13, 1956, 226); J. Bousquet, BCH<br />

88, 1964, 609-613, figs 2-3, with commentary (SEG22, 1967, 216); "Corinth VIII. 3, 128, pi.<br />



12 (BuIIÉpigr 1966, 186; SEG23, 1968, 171) [A.D. 143-160].<br />

529-532<br />

Corinth, forum: Temple of Tyche (?); statue base of white marble; epigram in her honour.<br />

Remarks: She was the wife of the well known Athenian rhetor and sophist Tib. Claudius<br />

529. ΡΩΜΑΝΟΣ<br />

Herodes Atticus (COR 174, LAC 271, EL 17). In both epigrams she is called by her<br />

cognomen Ρήγιλλα. The inscription in [2] mentions that she was honoured with a<br />

statue assimilating her with Tyche and set up in that goddess's temple in the forum<br />

of Corinth (Ch. M. Edwards, "Tyche at Corinth", Hesperia59, 1990,529-542, pis 83-<br />

88, especially 537; see also L. Robert, REG 79,1966, 742-3=M, OMS VI [1989] 560-<br />

561). Although the language of the inscription dates the dedication of the statue<br />

during Regilla's lifetime between A.D. 143 and 160, the letter forms indicate a date<br />

at least one hundred years later, and so it has been suggested that the base should<br />

have been a replacement of an earlier one (J. H. Kent, Corinth VIII. 3, 128;<br />

Edwards, op. cit., 537, n. 44).<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 657, pi. 54 [early 4th c. A.D.].<br />

Old Corinth; fragment of white marble; funerary inscription in his memory: Τόπος Ι Τωμανοϋ I<br />

βουλευΙτ[οϋ —] I [—].<br />

βουλευτ[ής]<br />

Remarks: The epitaph was probably a pagan one.<br />

530. CN(AEUS) [- - -] ROM[ULUS]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 69, pi. 7 [under Augustus (?)].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a white marble base; dedication probably to Augustus set up<br />

by him, Cn. [- - -] Pius (COR 476) and Cn. [- - -] Mosc[hus] (COR 426, text).<br />

Remarks: According to J. H. Kent, Corinth, op. cit., Pompeius is the gentilicium that fills the<br />

531. [- - -]IUS ROMU[LUS]<br />

length requirements, but the restoration is very speculative.<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 471, pi. 38 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of a slab of blue marble streaked with white; mutilated<br />

inscription preserving part of his name.<br />

532. ROSC[IUS]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 214 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble base; mutilated inscription preserving part of his name.<br />


533. ΡΟΥΦΙΝΟΣ<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 564, pi. 49 [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth, forum; marble revetment slab of a gravestone of white marble; funerary inscription<br />

for him, Μαρία and Ελένη in a sepulchral monument belonging to a certain Μαθθέα:<br />

+Κ(οι)μ(η)τ(ήριον) διαφ(έρον) Μαθθέα Ι ένθα κατακΐτε Ι Τουφινος κ(αί) Μαρία. Ι<br />

άνετΐ(αύσατο) Ελένη μη(νί) Σεττε(εμβρίω) ή(μέρα) Ι κ' έπινε(μήσεως) β'. +<br />

534. [- - - Ρ]ΟΥΦΟΣ<br />

W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,1. 121, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-<br />

1970, 587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of officials<br />

and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in [παιδας π]αγκράτιον.<br />

Έφέσιος<br />

Remarks: For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />

535. L(UCIUS) (RUTILIUS)<br />

f. of [L(ucius)] Rutilius L. f. Fuscus (COR 539)<br />

536. L(UCIUS) RUTILIUS [- - -]<br />

CIL III, 534; "Corinth VIII. 2, 120, ph. [under Augustus or little later].<br />

Corinth, forum; inscription on an Ionic architrave block of white marble; he is attested<br />

together with L. Hermidius Celsus (COR 314, text), L. Hermid[ius] Maximus (COR 315) and<br />

L. Hermidius [ ] (COR 313) as the donors of a temple, a statue of Apollo Augusti (or<br />

Augustus) and ten tabernae.<br />

[sacerdos Apollinis(?)] Augusti<br />

Remarks: Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 226-227, dates the inscription in the late<br />

Augustan/early Tiberian period, suggesting an identification of the person with L.<br />

Rutilius Plancus (COR 543) who served as duovir between A.D. 12/3 and 15/6;<br />

this cannot be accepted as certain, though the hypothesis that these monuments<br />

were consacrated to Apollo Augustus shortly after Augustus' death seems quite<br />

probable.<br />


CIL III. 2, 6100 [early imperial period].<br />

Corinth; funerary inscription for the person and his son L. Rutilius Martialis (COR 541),<br />

erected according to his testament by his freedmen L. Rutilius Primus (COR 544) and L.<br />

Rutilius Clymenus 1. (COR 538):<br />

M. L. Rutili Alcimi I et L. Rutili Martiali f. eius I L. Rutilius Primus 1. et I L. Rutilius Clymenus<br />


1. I ex testamento.<br />


Remarks: The M in 1. 1 is the abbreviated form of M(emoriae) or M(anibus).<br />

538-540<br />

538. L(UCIUS) RUTILIUS CLYMENUS I(ibertus)<br />

CIL III. 2, 6100 [early imperial period].<br />

Corinth; funerary inscription for L. Rutilius Alcimus (COR 537, text) and Alcimus' son L.<br />

Rutilius Martialis (COR 541), erected after the former's testament by his two freedmen, L.<br />

Rutilius Primus (COR 544) and the person discussed here.<br />


[1] Corinth VIII. 2, 82,11. 5-6, fig. (AnnÉpigr 1932, 88) [under Claudius].<br />

Corinth, Lechaion road; block of Acrocorinthian limestone; inscription in honour of his son C.<br />

Rutilius L. f. Aem(ilia) Fuscus (COR 540, text) erected by someone whose name is missing;<br />

here: [L] Rutili IL. f. [- - -].<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 2, 84 [under Claudius].<br />

Corinth, forum; block of white marble; mutilated inscription in honour of his son (?) C. Rutilius<br />

L. f. Aem(ilia) Fuscus (COR 488, text); here: [- - - Rutili] Fusci.<br />

Remarks: His prenomen and nomen are preserved on [1] and his cognomen on [2]. He was<br />

agonothetes of the games when isagogeus was his son C. Rutilius L. f. Aem(ilia)<br />

Fuscus (COR 540, with comments on these two offices).<br />


[1] Coninth VIII. 2, 82,11. 1-2, fig. (AnnÉpigr 1932, 88) [under Claudius].<br />

Corinth, Lechaion road; block of Acrocorinthian limestone; inscription in his honour erected<br />

by someone whose name is missing:<br />

C. Rutilio L. f. I Aem. Fusco, isagogi I Tibereon Claudieon I Cae[s]a[reon Seba]steon I<br />

[agonothetae L.] Rutili I L. f. [—] [p]atris I [—].<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 2, 84, ph. [under Claudius].<br />

Corinth, forum; block of white marble; inscription in his honour erected by someone whose name<br />

is missing: [- - -]l Aem. [---]! isagogi [- - - Rutili] I Fusci a[gonothetae] I Isthm[ion- - -].<br />

[3] Corinth VIII. 3, 251, pi. 22 [under Claudius].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving part of his name:<br />

[C. Ruti]lio L. f. I [Aem. F]usç[o - - -].<br />

Remarks: Only in [1] his name is fully preserved. He was isagogeus (assistant) of the games in<br />

[1 and 2] when the agonothetes was his father [L.] Rutilius L. f. Fuscus (COR 539).<br />

The isagogeus was a young man, probably chosen by the agonothete to assist him<br />

in the administration of the Isthmian games (Corinth VIII. 2, 82; L. Robert, OMSII<br />



[1969] 1106-1108; id., Études Anatoliennes [Paris 1937] 419, n. 2; id., REG79, 1966,<br />

738-739=M, OMS VI (1989) 556-557; G. R. Bugh, Hesperia 48, 1979, 45-53;<br />

Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 67-68, no. 36). For the office of the agonothetes see D.<br />

J. Geagan, GRBS9, 1968, 69-76<br />


CIL III. 2, 6100 [early imperial period].<br />

Corinth; funerary inscription for his father L. Rutilius Alcimus (COR 537, text), and the person<br />

erected according to his father's testament by his freedmen L. Rutilius Primus 1. (COR 544) and<br />

L. Rutilius Clymenus 1. (COR 538).<br />


Amandry, 215-221, em. XXII, pis XXXVIII-XXXIX; RPC I, 1203-1206.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir quinquennalis with P. Memmius Cleander (COR 421) of the year A.D. 66/67<br />

Remarks: For the emission see Amandry, 14-22.<br />


Amandry, 156-165, em. XIV, pis XV-XVIII; RPC I, 1145-1148.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins<br />

duumvir with A. Vatronius Labeo (COR 611) of the years A.D. 12/13-15/16<br />

Remarks: For the emission see Amandry, 67-69. For a probable identification of the person,<br />

see L. Rutilius [- - -] (COR 536).<br />


CIL III. 2, 6100 [early imperial period]<br />

Corinth; funerary inscription for L. Rutilius Alcimus (COR 537, text), his son L. Rutilius<br />

Martialis (COR 541), erected after the former's testament by his two freedmen, L. Rutilius<br />

Clymenus 1. (COR 538) and the person discussed here.<br />

545. ΣΑΑΒΙΑ<br />

Kritzas, "Πετρί Νεμέας", 398-413, in particular 399, epigram A, 1. 2 (AnnÉpigr 1992, 1548)<br />

[end of the 2nd/beginning of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Nemea: Petri; sandstone slab recording an epigram in her honour; both this<br />

inscription and epigram Β (400) belonged to a monument set up by an 'Αριστομένης, a sixthgeneration<br />

descendant in honour of his ancestors (COR 260 text).<br />

Remarks: She was of Thessalian origin brought to Corinth by her husband Φλαβιανός (I) (COR<br />



546-549<br />

260). Kritzas proposes an identification with the Thessalian woman Salvia married to<br />

a wealthy Corinthian mentionned in Apuleius' Metamorphoses. He also suggests that<br />

her family must have had connections with the Gellii and with important men of<br />

letters such as Tib. Claudius Herodes Atticus (COR 174) and the philosophers Ti.<br />

Flavius Arrianus (COR 264) and Epictetus. For the family see also Settipani, 477-479.<br />

w. of Φλαβιανός (I); m. of Φλαβιανός (II) (COR 261); grandm. of Φλαβιανή (COR 259). For<br />

a more complete stemma also including the members of her family attested with with Greek<br />

names, see Kritzas, op. cit., 402 and Settipani; 479.<br />

546. [- - - Σ]ΑΤΟΡΝΙΛΟΣ<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 507, pi. 40 [A.D. 395-402].<br />

Corinth, forum; six fragments of a slab of white marble probably preserving parts of a cadastre;<br />

the fragmentary names in the genitive case are followed by a numeral (frgs b and c):<br />

(frg a) [Υπέρ σωτηρίας και νείκης καί αίων]ίου διαμο[νης τών] Ι [δεσποτών της οικουμέ­<br />

νης Φλ. Αρκαδίου κα]ί Φλ. Όν[ωρίου] Ι [—] Ι (frg b) [—] I [—]πιλλιο[υ —] I [—]στρα-<br />

το[—] Ι [—]ου Κάρπ[ου —] Ι [— Ε]ύτυχι[ανοΰ —] Ι [—]σκλη[—] Ι [—]ινο[—] Ι<br />

[- - -] Ι (frg c) [---]![-- -]ος Ι [- - - Σ]ατορνίλου fX Ι [- - -].<br />

547. [- - - SAT]URNIN[US]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 479 [early imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a gray marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving a part of his<br />

name.<br />

548. [- - -] SATURNfUS]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 357, pi. 32 [early imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of white marble block; inscription in honour of someone whose<br />

name is missing; erected by him and two other friends (amici), [— Ac]haicus (COR 53 text)<br />

and [- - -]ius Puden[s] (COR 514).<br />

549. SAU[FEIA] P[RISCA]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 177,11. 9-10, pi. 17 [mid. 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fourteen fragments of a block of white marble streaked with green;<br />

inscription in honour of her father [L. A]nto[nius L. f.-]e[ ] Pr[ ] (COR 69, text)<br />

erected by the person, her mother [— G]alla (COR 288), her brothers L. Ant[onius —]<br />

(I) (COR 43) and L. Antonius - - -] (II) (COR 44) and her sister An[tonia - - -] (COR 32),<br />

all [L. Antonii li]beri.<br />

Remarks: Her gentilicium and cognomen were given in the text in inversed order as: P[risca]<br />

Sau[feia].<br />



550. [SCRI]BONIUS AGATH[0]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 285, pi. 25 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of a cream-colored marble plaque; funerary dedication<br />

erected by his mother Attili[a R]ufa (COR 96, text) for herself, [Scri]bonius Agath[o] and his<br />

brother Scribonius Syr[iacus] (COR 551 ).<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 285, pi. 25 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of a cream-colored marble plaque; funerary dedication<br />

erected by his mother Attilifa R]ufa (COR 96, text) for herself, Scribonius Syr[iacus] and his<br />

brother [Scri]bonius Agathfo] (COR 550).<br />

552. [- - -]EINIA ΣΕΚΟΓΥΝΔΑ]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 297, pi. 24 [early imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; slab of white marble; mutilated inscription preserving part of her name.<br />

553. ΣΕΚΟΥΝΔΙΛΛΑ<br />

IG IV 447 [imperial period].<br />

Corinthia, Petri (ancient Phlious); marble funerary herm for the person.<br />

Remarks: She was probably the mother of a certain Λογισμός (IG IV 448).<br />

554. ΣΕΚΟΥΝ[ΔΕΙΝΟΣ]<br />

Corinth VIII.l, 88; *S. Dow, "Corinthiaca", HSCP, 60, 1951, 81-100 (cf. SEG 11, 1950, 77)<br />

[imperial period].<br />

Corinth; two fragments of a base of bluish marble; funerary epigram for an Athenian, erected<br />

by the person.<br />

555. ΣΕΚΟΥΝΔΙΝΟΣ<br />

J. Wiseman, The land of the ancient Corinthians (Göteborg, 1978) 91-93 and 96-97, fig. 116<br />

(SEG 28, 1978, 390) [early Christian period].<br />

Corinthia, Tenea; slab of white marble; funerary inscription for the person:<br />

Ανεπαύσατο ô θεοφιΐλέστατος κ(αί) μακαριώΐτατος Σεκουνδίνος Ι ο τελών(ις) Δεκεμβ(ρίψ)<br />

Ι τώ(ι) μη(νί) των βρούμ(ων) μ'.<br />

Remarks: For the commentary of the last words see SEG, loc. cit.<br />

556. ΣΕΚΟ[ΥΝΔΟΣ]<br />

Corinth III. 1, 55, no. 8, fig. 58; (SEG 11, 1950, 139) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />



557-561<br />

Corinth, Acrocorinth; inscription on the Upper Peirene fountain: Έμνήσθη Ι Σεκο[ϋνδος].<br />

Remarks: The inscription seems to imply an act of worship on behalf of the person.<br />

557. [- - - ΣΕΚΟ]ΥΝΔΟΣ<br />

W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,1. 102, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-<br />

1970, 587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127]<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces; list of officials<br />

and victors of the Caesarea Isthmian games; he was victor in the [αγένειους] στάδιον.<br />

Remarks: For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />

558. ΣΕΚΟΥΝΔΟΣ<br />

Corinth VIII. 1, 118 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, west of the Odeion; base of the statue (the lower part of which is carved also on the<br />

same block); only a part of his name is preserved.<br />

559. ΣΕΚΟΥΝΔΟΣ<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 64, pi. 7 [mid. 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, Odeion; mutilated statue of white marble; an epigram mentions the dedication of a<br />

statue of Hygeia in honour of a Healing Saviour, either Asclepius or Apollo, erected by the<br />

person, an imperial freedman: [την] δ' Ύγιήν, άπελεύθερο[ς] Ι [ώ]ν θείωμ βασιλήων Ι<br />

[άνθετ]ο Παιηωνιεώ Σωτή[ρι] Ι Σεκουνδος.<br />


Corinth VIII. 1, 14, 11. 5-7; *W. Peek, Gnomon, 9, 1933, 416-417, 11. 5-7 (SEG 11, 1950, 61)<br />

[A.D. 3 (era of Actium)].<br />

Corinth, gymnasium area; headless marble herm with inscriptions on all sides recording a list<br />

officials and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games: επί άγωνο[θέτ]ου [Τσ]θμίων κ[αί] Και-<br />

σαρή[ων-03. 4-]a [Σ]εκούνδο[υ] Σθενο[- ca. 4-5-]ος Δ[ε]ινίππου.<br />

Remarks: Β. Millis (by correspondence) reads an A before [Σ]εκούνδο[υ]; cf. Corinth, loc. cit.:<br />

561. [- - -I]A SEMNE<br />

[ ]ούνδ[ου] Σθεν[ ]νίππου; Peek, loc. cit.: [Σ]εκούνδ[ιος] Σθενο . . .ος<br />

[Δ]είνιππος and J. Η. Kent's translation in Corinth VIII. 3, p. 30: C. Secundius<br />

Dinippus, son of Stheno[—]os.<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 283, pi. 25 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, Hexamilia in a tomb; fragment of a white marble plaque; funerary inscription erected<br />



by her husband Q. Çorneli[us] (COR 216, text) during his lifetime for himself, [— i]a Semne,<br />

their daughter [Cor]nelia Semne (COR 205) and for all their descendants.<br />

562. [- - - SE]MPR[ONIUS(?) I]STHMI[CUS]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 103: Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble base; mutilated inscription<br />

preserving parts of his name and his cursus honorum: [— Se]mpr[onio (?) I [— I]sthmi[co -<br />

- -]l [- - -111 vir I [- - -]l [- - -]R decu[r.] Ρ [suffragio ite[r- - -]etc.<br />

Remarks: Α [Σε]μπρό[νιος (?)] or [Σε]μπρώ[νιος] Κορίν[θιος], as read by J. H. Kent, Corinth<br />

VIII. 3, 270, is to be rejected, because it is more probable to read [ή λα]μπρο[τάτη]<br />

Κοριν[θίων πόλις] (L. Robert, REG 79, 1966, 751-752=M, OMS VI [1989] 569-<br />

570).<br />

563. C(AIUS) SER[- - -] RUF[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 163 [early imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; a broken slab of white marble; mutilated inscription preserving only his name.<br />

Remarks: A possible restoration is C. Ser[vilius C. f.] Ruf [us].<br />

564. ΣΕΡΓΙΟΣ<br />

D. I. Pallas, PAAH 1977 A [1980] 174-175, no. 3, ph.; cf. Ergon 1977, 96 (SEG 29, 1979, 318)<br />

[early Christian period].<br />

Corinth, Kraneion Basilica; funerary epigram for his son Πέτρος.<br />

Remarks: Sergius is agentilicium (Solin and Salomies, 168).<br />

565. C(AIUS) (SERVILIUS)<br />

f. of C(aius) Servilius C. f. Primus<br />


Corinth VIII. 1, 14, 11. 3-4; *W. Peek, Gnomon 9, 1933, 416-417, 11. 3-4 (SEG 11, 1950, 61)<br />

[A.D. 3 (Actian era)].<br />

Corinth; three-sided headless marble herm with inscriptions on all sides containing a list of<br />

victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; his name and that of his colleague Α. Αίλιος Λαμία<br />

(COR 16) at the beginning of the document was used as indication of the dating: he was<br />

[ΰ]πατος (consul) of the year A.D. 3.<br />

Remarks: B. D. Meritt, Corinth, VIII. 1, 14, 11. 3-4, gives Σερου[ί]λιος. Degrassi, Fasti<br />

consolari,6;PIRS4\9.<br />


567. [- - - ΣΕΙΡΒΙΑΙΟΣ OM[. . .]Σ<br />


Corinth Vili. 3, 273, pis 23, 63 [2nd quarter of the 3rd c. A.D. (lettering)].<br />

Corinth, forum; four fragments of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription, erected by decree<br />

of the city council, probably in honour of some individuals; see [. 'Αντώνιος Στακτ[η ]<br />

(COR 73).<br />

Remarks: The name is listed as Servilius Hom[il]us in the Corinth VIII. 3 indices, s.v.<br />


IG IV 442 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Polyphegon; inscription commemorating his benefactions towards the city of<br />

Phliasia:<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Σερ[β]ί[λ]ιος Μαξίμου υιός Φάων Ι Κορίνθ[ι]ος τη Φλιασίων πόλει την Ι<br />

έξέδ[ρ]αν εκ θεμελίω[ν] συν τη σ[τ]έΙγη κατασκευάσας εκ [τ]ών ί[δί]ων Ι 5 ανέθηκεν. ψ(ηφί-<br />

σματι) β(ουλής).<br />


Amandry, 144-148, em. XI, pis X-XI; RPCl, 1136-1137.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with M. Antonius Hipparchus (COR 63), of the year 2/1 B.C.<br />

Remarks: For the emission see Amandry, 50-51.<br />

570. Π(ΟΠΑΙΟΣ) ΣΕΞΤΙΟΣ ΦΟΙ[- - -]<br />

W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93, I. 74, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-<br />

1970, 587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces recording a list<br />

of officials and victors in the Caesarea Isthmian games; he was victor in τεθρί[ππω πωλικω].<br />

Remarks: For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />

571. SEX(TUS) [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 290 [early imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a slab of gray marble; probably a funerary inscription erected by<br />

the person during his lifetime: vac. I V. Sex. [—] I [—].<br />

572. [- - - I]US SOSTHE[NES]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 165, pi. 14 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />



Corinth, theatre; gray marble block; inscription on a monument whose erection was the<br />

responsibility of him and his colleague in the duovirship Tib(erius) Polyaenus (COR 482):<br />

curantibus [— i]o Sosthefne], Tib(erio) Polyaeno duovir(is).<br />

Remarks: Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 521.<br />

573. [- - -]IUS ST[- - -]<br />

Corinth \Ul. 2, 188.<br />

Corinth, forum; white marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving only a part of his name.<br />

574. T(ITUS) STAT[ILIUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2,5.<br />

Corinth, forum; white marble slab; dedication to the Genius of the colony set up by him:<br />

[Genio colo]niae Laud[is Iuliae Corinthi] I [sacrum —] T. Stat[ilius - - -].<br />

Remarks: He was probably a member of the well known Epidaurian familly of the Statuii (see<br />

ARG 241-254). For the dedications to the Genius of the colony, see (COR 39) and<br />

(COR 657).<br />

575. Q(UINTUS) (STATIUS)<br />

f. of [.] Statius Q. f. [- - -]<br />

576. [.] STATIUS Q. F. [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 278, pi. 23 [under Augustus (letter forms)].<br />

Old Corinth; fragment of a column of gray marble streaked with white; funerary dedication<br />

erected by the person for himself, [—]us P. f. Aem(ilia) [—] (COR 675) and [— CJornelius<br />

Q. [f.] [- - -] (COR 210): [- - -]l [- - -]Stati Q. /'. / [- - -]a sibi et I [-- -]o P. f. Aem. I [- - - Qornelio<br />

Q. f. Ρ [- - -Jfratri I [- - -]o. vac.<br />


[1] Corinth VIII. 3, 223, 1. 11; better in *A. Spawforth, GRBS 15, 1974, 295-297,1. 13 [A.D.<br />

131 or 135].<br />

Corinth; part of a prism-shaped three-sided shaft of white marble; list of officials and victors<br />

of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games; here: [ Σ]τ[α]τίου<br />

0[- - -]<br />

[2] W. R. Biers and D. J. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,1. 9, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-<br />

1970, 587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces recording a list<br />



of officials and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games; here:<br />

Α. Στα[τίου Π]ούλχρου.<br />

Remarks: In Corinth VIII. 3, 223, his name is restored as [Γν. Κορνήλιος] Ποϋλχρος and he<br />

is identified with Γν. Κορνήλιος Τιβ. Κορνηλίου Πούλχρου Φαβία Ποϋλχρος<br />

(COR 228); Spawforth, loc. cit., rejects this identification on the grounds that it<br />

seems doubtful that a man who had already served twice as Isthmian agonothetes,<br />

served at a later date on the subordinate board of the hellenodikai. The identification<br />

of the person mentionned in [1] is high speculative.<br />

For the date in [1] see [- - - Pon]tian[us] (COR 488), for the date in [2] see T. Atilius<br />

Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />

STRABO: see [P. CANINIUS P. li]b(ertus) STRAB (COR 139 and 135)<br />

*578. LUÇI[U]S SUL[- - -] PAULUS<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 23 [A.D. 293-305].<br />

Corinth, forum; seventeen fragments of white marble revetment slab; inscription in honour of<br />

the Emperor Diocletian set up by the person:<br />

Impera[tor]i Caesari C. Aur. Val. D[iocle]tiano P. f. In [vieto] Aug. I Luci[u]s SuL Paulus y(ir)<br />

p(erfectissimus) praes(es) [p]r[ov](inciae) [Ach]aiae D. [—] [— s]emper D[—].<br />

Remarks: Groag, Reichsbeamten spätröm. Zeit, 15; PLRE 1,685, 5. v. Lucius Sul. Paulus II. The<br />

title v(ir) p(erfectissimus) indicates that he was a member of the equestrian order,<br />

although the title praeses is a general term which might be given to a governor of<br />

any rank.<br />


Amandry, 123-124, em. II, pis II-III; RPC I, 1117.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins<br />

duumvir with Iulius Nicephorus (COR 348) of the year 43 or 42 B.C.<br />

Remarks: Spawforth, in: Roman onomastics, 181. For the emission see Amandry, 32-33.<br />

580. TALLIA POLLA<br />

A. N. Skias, AE 1893, 115, no. 2; CIL III. 2 (Suppl.) 13692; "Corinth VIII. 2, 139 [early<br />

imperial period].<br />

Corinth; block of marble; funerary dedication erected by her daughter (?) [Domit]ia Saturnina]<br />

(COR 243, text) for herself, her mother (?) Tallia Polla, her husband [—]lius Athenaeus (COR<br />

91) and their descendants.<br />


581. ΤΑΤ[ΙΑΝΟΣ] (?)<br />


IG IV 412 [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth; limestone slab; Christian funerary inscription for his wife: Τατ[ιανοϋ] γυνή Αναστασία.<br />


M. Mitsos, Hesperia 18, 1949, 77, no. 10, pi. 2 (SEG 11, 1950, 52e); "Corinth VIII. 3, 294, pi.<br />

25 [mid. 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, Hexamilia in a tomb; slab of Pentelic marble; funerary dedication erected by her<br />

husband Γ. Τούλιος Μαρκιανός (COR 347, text) for himself, his wife Τερεντία Ιουλία and<br />

their daughter Ιουλία Τηκτείνη (COR 324)<br />

Remarks: Mitsos, loc. cit., dates the inscription in the 1st c. B.C. or in the 1st c. A.D.<br />


D. I. Pallas and S. P. Dantis, AE 1977, 76, no. 20, ph. (SEG 29, 1979, 321) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Kretika; naiskos type stele of white marble; funerary inscription for the person:<br />

Τερεντία Ι Θεοδώρα Ι χαίρε· Ι καί συ.<br />


[1] Corinth VIII. 2, 7, ph. [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a cylindrical base of white marble; here: [— rasura] I [—<br />

Tere]ntius I [sace]rdos [— Cori η ] thus.<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 2, 8, ph. [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; a marble block with reliefs of female figures and festoons of flowers and grain;<br />

here: [rasura ]l Teren[tius ]l sacer[dos] I [d.] s. s.<br />

[3]Corinth VIII. 3, 288, pi. 24 [imperial period].<br />

Old Corinth; fragment of white marble; funerary inscription erected by someone whose name<br />

is missing, for himself, for the person discussed here and for [—]a Tyche (COR 591): [—]l [-<br />

- - s]ibi [et - - -]l [—]P. Terentio Cor[—]l [- - -]ae Tyche Ger[man —].<br />

Remarks: The rasura in the beginning of [1] and [2], probably refers to the name of an<br />

emperor.<br />

585. ΤΕΡΤΙ[ΟΣ - - -]<br />

A. K. Orlandos, PAAH 1953, 189-190, fig. 9 (SEG 16, 1959, 239) [imperial period].<br />

Corinthia, Sicyon; fragment of a funerary stele with pediment preserving only a part of his<br />

name.<br />

Remarks: According to SEG, op. cit., the inscription dates from the Hellenistic period; in fact,<br />

the stele belongs to this period but is reused in imperial times.<br />


*586. THEOPREPES Aug. lib.<br />

CIL III. 1, 536,1. 18; ILS 1575 [under Alexander Severus].<br />


586-590<br />

Corinth; slab of white marble; inscription in his honour erected by [L]ysander Aug. lib. (COR<br />

385) by decree of the city council:<br />

Theoprepen I Aug. lib., proc. I domini I n. M. Aur. I Severi Alexandri I 5 Pii Fel. Aug. I provinciae<br />

Achaiae I et Epiri et Thessaliae I rat. purpurarum, I proc. I ab ephemeride, I 10 proc. a mandatis proc.<br />

I at praedia Galliana, I proc. saltus Domitiani, I tricliniarcham, praelpositum a fibulis I 15<br />

praeposit[um] a crylstallinis hominem I incomparabilem, I [L]ysander Aug. lib., officilalis Ι 20 ψ. β.<br />

Remarks: His nomen could have been Aurelius. For his posts see Groag, Reichsbeamten, 153-154;<br />

587. [- - -] P. 1. THYR[SUS]<br />

G. Boulvert, Esclaves et affranchis impériaux sous le Haut-Empire romain: rôle<br />

politique et administratif (Napoli 1970) 329-330. Cf. a [ ] Theopre[pes] attested<br />

in an uncertain context in Corinth Vili. 3, 275c.<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 240, pi. 20 [1st half of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a gray marble block; dedication to a divinity; erected by the<br />

person, who was a freedman: [- - -]l Ubero Pat[ri] I sacrum con[- - -]l Philocaesa[r ] I P. 1.<br />

Thyr[sus ?].<br />

588. M. TI[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 167 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; white marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving only a part of his name.<br />

589. [T]IB. [nomen - - -]IOY ΥΙΟΣ<br />

Corinth VIII.l, 91 corrected by A. M. Woodward, JHS 52, 1932, 143-144 (SEG 11, 1950, 78)<br />

[lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment from the lower right-hand corner of a marble slab; probably a dedication on<br />

a monument set up probably by his son whose name is missing at his own expense:<br />

[— Τ]ιβ. I [— ι]ου υίός, [—]ιτο περί I [— εκ τώ]ν ιδίων Ι [— άνέθηκε]ν.<br />

Remarks: Α [Τ]ιβέρ[ιος] (?) recognized by Β. D. Meritt on a mutilated inscription (Corinth<br />

590. [- - -]A TYCHE<br />

Vili. 1, 90), is rejected by Millis (by correspondence); what remains, IBEP (1. 1), is<br />

perhaps not a name.<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 288, pi. 24 [imperial period].<br />

Old Corinth; fragment of white marble; funerary inscription erected by someone whose name<br />

is missing, for himself, for the person discussed here and for P. Terentius Cor[in]thus (COR<br />

584, text).<br />



591. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΤΥΔΑΗΙΟΣ M[- - -]<br />

W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,1. 80, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-1970,<br />

587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of small grained white marble inscribed on all three faces recording<br />

a list of officials and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in έπι[βατήριον].<br />

Remarks: For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94). For the nomen Tulleius see Solin<br />

and Salomies, 191.<br />


Corinth Vili. 3, 131; Corinth IX, 126, no. 262, ph. [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; stele with a relief; funerary inscription: Τυρανία Σωσιπάτρα Πτολεμαίο) χαίρειν.<br />

Remarks: Tyranius is agentilicium (Solin and Salomies, 193).<br />

593. OYA[- - -]<br />

D. R. Jordan, Hesperia 63, 1994, 114, no. 3,1.4, fig. (cf. SEG 44, 1994,306) [possibly 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinthia, Isthmus: sanctuary of Poseidon; inscribed lead tablet used as a secret ballot of<br />

rejection cast a judge of the Isthmian games recording his decision not to admit the person, a<br />

candidate in an athletic competition: K[—] Ι Ατ[—] Ι έκκ[ρείνω] Ι Ουα[—].<br />

Remarks: Jordan proposes the probable restorations Ούα[λήριος] or Ούα[ληριανός].<br />

594. [- - -] VALER<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 81, pi. 9 [A.D. 63-68].<br />

Corinth; three fragments of a marble slab; inscription in honour of the Emperor Nero erected<br />

under the supervision of this person as duovir and his colleague [P. Memmius Cjleander (COR<br />

421, text.): [curam agentibus II viris P. Memmio CJleandr. I [—JValerp. p.<br />

595. ΒΑΑΕΡΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

G. Daux, BCH 1962, 700, fig. 13 [early Christian period].<br />

Corinth; plaque of marble; funerary inscription in his memory: Α,νεπαύΙσατο ΒαΙλεριανος I<br />

πρεσβ(ύτερος) Ι τη προ δ' Ι ιδών ΑύΙγούστων.<br />

596. [- - -] VALERIUS<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 140 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble block; mutilated inscription preserving a part of<br />

his name in 1. 3.<br />


597. L(UCIUS) (VALERIUS)<br />

f. of [L(ucius)] Valerius L. f. Aem(ilia) [- - -] (COR 599)<br />


598. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) (ΒΑΑΕΡΙΟΣ)<br />

f. of Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΒΑΛ[ΕΡΙΟΣ] Μ. υ[ίος] ΤΑΥΡΕ[ΙΝΟ]Σ (COR 603)<br />

599. [L(UCIUS)] VAL[ERIUS] (?) L. F. AEM(ILIA) [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 168 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

597-603<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of bluish marble; mutilated inscription preserving a part of his name.<br />

600. L(UCIUS) VALERIUS<br />

A. N. Skias, AE 1893, 114-115, fig.; CIL III. 2 (Suppl.), 13693 [1st c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Corinth; block of poros in second use, probably as funerary inscription: L. Valerius I<br />

SCRERGUIII TL. Aemili I Rui[- - -].<br />

Remarks: Skias' suggestion that the inscription should be dated before Corinth's foundation by<br />

Caesar seems improbable; however the absence of a cognomen suggests an early<br />

date. On the same inscription L. Aemilius Rui[—] (COR 22) is also attested.<br />

601. [L(UCIUS)] VALfERIUS] L. F. AEM(ILIA) [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 192, pi. 18 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a block of blue marble streaked with white; inscription in his<br />

honour erected by someone whose name is missing: [L.] Val[erio] IL. f. Aem. I [- - -] I [- - -] I<br />

sacerdot[al.] omamen. h[onorato].<br />

602. ΒΑΑΕΡΙΟΣ NO[- - -]<br />

W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,1. 84, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-1970,<br />

587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of small grained white marble inscribed on all three faces recording<br />

a list of officials and victors in the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in ίεράν [λαμπάδα].<br />

Remarks: For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />


Corinth Vili. 3, 268, pi. 23 [3rd quarter of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum, ten fragments of a white marble block; inscription in his honour erected by the<br />

city by decree of the city council:<br />



M. Βαλ[έριον] M. υ[ίον] Ι Ταυρε[ΐνο]ν, φιλ]Ι[όσο]φον ] Ι [ρήτο]ρ[α αγαθόν] Ι 5<br />

ή [πόλις<br />

αρετής] ενεκ[εν] ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής).<br />


M. Sasel-Kos, JRS68, 1978, 22-25, pl. I (AnnÉpigr 1978, 777); ILGR 103 [1st c. A.D., before<br />

Vespasian].<br />

Corinthia, Kraneion cemetery; stele of white marble decorated with an epistylion bearing a<br />

deeply-carved and well-executed relief of a naked Roman soldier depicted in an architectural<br />

frame; funerary inscription for the person erected according to his testament by his heirs:<br />

C. Valerius C. f. Quir. Valens, Cam(unnus), I mil(es) leg(ionis) Vili Augustae (centuria)<br />

Senuci(onis), vixit a[n(nis)] I XXXV, mil(itavit) an(nis) XIIII, her(es) ex testamento<br />

Cam(munus)<br />

Remarks: For the person see Sasel-Kos, loc. cit. His ethnic name Cam(unnus) indicates that<br />

his origins were in Camunni in Brixia (Brescia).<br />

605. ΒΑΑΕΡΙΣ ΜΑ. Κ[0]ΡΙΝΘΟΣ<br />

Κ. Skarmoutsou, AD 47, Chron., 1992, 167 (SEG 45, 1995, 238; AnnÉpigr 1996, 1399) [late<br />

imperial period].<br />

Corinthia, Plèvres: Roman cemetery; slab probably containing a funerary inscription: Βαλερις<br />

Μα. Ι Σεκοϋνδος Ι Βαλερις Μα. Ι Κ[ό]ρινθος.<br />

Remarks: Βαλέρκε>, SEG following the prior editor; BAAEPIC in lapide (AnnÉpigr). The<br />

editor of SEG observes a ligature of MA at the end of the 1. 1, which, according to<br />

Th. Drew-Bear (orally), should be the filiation of the person: Μά(ρκου υιός). On the<br />

same inscription Βαλερις Μα. Ι Σεκοϋνδος (COR 606) is also attested.<br />


Κ. Skarmoutsou, AD 47, Chron., 1992, 167 (SEG 45, 1995, 238; AnnÉpigr 1996, 1399) [late<br />

imperial period].<br />

Corinthia, Plèvres: Roman cemetery; slab probably containing a funerary inscription; for the<br />

text see Βαλερις Μα. Κ[ό]ρινθος (COR 605) attested on the same inscription.<br />


W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39, 1970, 79-93,11.45 and 62-63, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr<br />

1969-1970, 587; cf. BullÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of grained white marble inscribed on all three faces recording a list<br />

of officials and victors of the Caesarea Isthmian games; he was victor in the πα[Χδας<br />

κι]θαρωδούς (1. 44) and third victor (τριτεϊον ) in the contest δια πάντων (11. 58 and 62); 1. 45:<br />



608-612<br />

Λ. Βάλλιος [ ]ς Α,γελιανος [ο καί] Κορίνθιος— 11. 62-63: Λ. Βάλ[λιος ς<br />

Remarks: Stefanis, Διονυσιακοί τεχνιται, no. 516. For a discussion about the contest δια<br />

πάντων in agonistisc catalogues of victors, see E. J. Jory, BICS 14, 1967, 84-90 and<br />

L. Robert, BullÉpigr 1968, 254. For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />

608. [.] (VATRONIUS)<br />

gr-grf. of A(ulus) Vatronius Men(inia) A. f. Q. n. [.] pron. (COR 610)<br />

609. Q. (VATRONIUS)<br />

grf. of A(ulus) Vatronius Men(inia) A. f. Q. n. [.] pron. (COR 610)<br />

610. A(ULUS) V[A]TRO[NI]US [ME]N(INIA) A. F. Q. n. [.] [pro]n.<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 250, pi. 22 [first half of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of a block of white marble; inscription in his honour erected<br />

by someone whose name is missing:A. V[a]tro[ni]o I [Me]n. A. f. Q. n. I [.] [pro]n. vac. I [—<br />

]VN[- - -].<br />

Remarks: His triple filiation was rather rare in the inscriptions of the colony (cf. other<br />

examples: COR 81, COR 283, COR 353, COR 507).<br />

s. of A. Vatronius Labeo (COR 611)<br />


[1] Amandry, 156-165, em. XIV, pis XV-XVIII; RPC I, 1145-1148.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with L. Rutilius Plancus (COR 543) of the years A.D. 12/13-15/16.<br />

[2] Corinth VIII. 3, 250, pi. 22 [first half of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of a block of white marble; inscription in honour of his son A.<br />

V[a]tro[ni]us [Me]n(inia) A. f. Q. n. [.] pron. (COR 610, text).<br />

Remarks: The identification of [1] and [2] is proposed by J. H. Kent, Corinth VIII. 3,250. For<br />

612. ΒΕΝΕΝΑΤΟΣ<br />

the emission see Amandry, 67-69.<br />

J. Wiseman, Hesperia 38, 1969, 93, pi. 30e (BullÉpigr 1969, 230) [4th/6th c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, gymnasium area; white marble with a gray vein near bottom; funerary inscription in<br />

his memory: f Άνεπαύσατο Ι ο μακάριος Ι Βενενάτος Ι μη ΔεκεμβρίΙω • δ' • ίνδ. • γ'.<br />

Remarks: The name Venenatus is listed by Solin and Salomies, 419, as a cognomen.<br />




Amandry, 221-227, em. XXIII, pis XXXIX-XLI; RPCl, 1207-1209.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with Ti. Claudius Anaxilaus (COR 168) of the year A.D. 67/68.<br />

Remarks: For the emission see Amandry, 14-22.<br />

614. VER[G]ILIA C. F. PROCULA<br />

CIL III. 3, 7277 [lst-2nd c. A.D. (lettering)].<br />

Corinth; funerary dedication erected by her two brothers C. Vergilius C. f. Aem(ilia) Capito f.<br />

(II) (COR 618) and T. Vergilius C. f. Aem(ilia) Proculus (COR 619), during their lifetime, for<br />

themselves, their father C. Vergilius C. f. Aem(ilia) Capito (I) (COR 617, text), their mother<br />

Atilia T. f. Thallusa (COR 92), for Ver[g]ilia C. f. Procula and for their descendants.<br />

Remarks: Her name on the stone is attested as Proculaia, but the last LA seems to be an error<br />

615. ΒΕΡΓ[ΙΑΙΟΣ]<br />

of the stone cutter.<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 152 and Corrigenda et Addenda, p. 144 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth; fragment of marble preserving only his name in an uncertain context: [κ]αί Βεργ[ίλιος].<br />

616. C(AIUS) (VERGILIUS)<br />

f. of C. Vergilius C. f. Aem(ilia) Capito (I) (COR 617, text)<br />


CIL III. 3, 7277 [lst/2nd c. A.D. (lettering)].<br />

Corinth; funerary dedication erected by his two sons C. Vergilius C. f. Aem(ilia) Capito f. (Π)<br />

(COR 618) and T. Vergilius C. f. Aem(ilia) Proculus (COR 619), during their lifetime, for<br />

themselves, their father C. Vergilius C. f. Aem(ilia) Capito (I), their mother Atilia T. f. Thallusa<br />

(COR 92), their sister Ver[g]ilia Procula (COR 614) and for their descendants:<br />

Vivi C. T. Vergili C. f. Aem. I Capito f. et Proculus I vivis parentib. IC. Vergilio IC. f. Aem. Capitoni<br />

et Atilia T. f. I 5 Thallusa et Ver[g]ilia C. f. I Procula sorori posterisq. suis 11. p. d. d. d.<br />


CIL III. 3, 7277 [lst/2nd c. A.D. (lettering)].<br />

Corinth; funerary dedication erected by the person and his brother T. Vergilius C. f. Aem(ilia)<br />

Proculus (COR 519) during their lifetime, for themselves, their father C. Vergilius C. f.<br />

Aem(ilia) Capito (I) (COR 617, text), their mother Atilia T. f. Thallusa (COR 92), their sister<br />

Ver[g]ilia Procula (COR 614) and for their descendants.<br />



CIL III. 3, 7277 [lst/2nd c. A.D. (lettering)].<br />


619-624<br />

Corinth; funerary dedication erected by him and his brother C. Vergilius C. f. Aem(ilia) Capito<br />

f. (II) (COR 618) during their lifetime for themselves, their father C. Vergilius C. f. Aem(ilia)<br />

Capito (I) (COR 617, text), their mother Atilia T. f. Thallusa (COR 92), their sister Ver[g]ilia<br />

Procula (COR 614) and for their descendants.<br />

620. L. VET[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 257 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving a part<br />

of his name; he and some other persons, whose names are missing, appear to be the dedicators<br />

of a statue, erected by their own expenses.<br />


Corinth Vili. 3, 274, pi. 23, 63 [2nd quarter of the 3rd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum; nine fragments of a gray marble block; inscription in his honour set up by<br />

decree of the city council after his death:<br />

Λ. Βετ[ούριο]ν Ι Ποπ[λιλιαν]ον Ι ήρωα [—] Ι σειτων[ ] I [—] Ι ζήσ[αντα ετη] δεκατέσ-<br />

σαρα Ι αντ[—] και προτουσα Ι το[—]τατον παιδα. [ψ.] β.<br />

Remarks: The person is qualified as ήρως (1. 3) and lived 14 years. The inscription is probably<br />

erected by his parents.<br />


622. L(UCIUS) VIB[- - -]<br />

Corinth Vili. 3, 496 [imperial period].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving a part of<br />

his name.<br />

623. L(UCIUS) (VIBIUS)<br />

f. of L. Vibius L. [f.] P[- - -] (COR 626)<br />


C. Roebuck, Corinth XIV: The Asklepieion andLema (Princeton 1951) 156-157, pi. p. 65, no.<br />

3, with commentary; "Corinth VIII. 3, 206, pi. 18 [last quarter of the 2nd c. or first quarter of<br />

the 3nd c. A.D. (letter forms)].<br />



Corinth, near the Asclepeion; two fragments of a grayish marble slab; inscription in his honour<br />

erected by the city of Corinth or by the city council.<br />

Γάιον Ούίβι[ον] Ι ίατρον Εύέλπισ[τον] Ι Μέγητος Ά]σκλ[ηπιου] Ι ιερέα [- - -] Ι ή<br />

Κορινθ[ίων πόλις].<br />

Remarks: It is noteworth that the title ιατρός appears between the gentilicium and the cognomen.<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 272,1. 1, pi. 21 [end of 1st / beginning of. 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, theatre; statue base of gray marble; inscription in his honour erected by his father A.<br />

Βείβιος Οΰρσυλος (COR 567) by decree of the city council; he was citizen of Patras and<br />

Corinth and victor as a boy actor in many contests:<br />

παιδα κωμωδόν, Ι Πατρέα καί Κορίνθιον, νειΙκήσαντα εν Άργει τον άγώΙ 5 να των Ηραίων και<br />

τον διίά πάντω, καί εν Κορίνθω Ι Καισαρεία δίς κατά το έΐξής καί τον δια πάντων, Ι εν<br />

Σικυώνι Καισαρεία Ι 10 καί τον δια πάντων, Ι εν Έπιδαύρω 'ΑσκληΙπεϊα καί τον δια πάνΙτων.<br />

Remarks: Stefanis, Διονυσιακοί τεχνΐται, no. 2576. For a discussion of the contests see L.<br />

Robert, REG 79, 1966, 752-753=M, OMS VI (1989) 570-571 and id., BullÉpigr<br />

1968, 254 who rejects J. H. Kent's translation (Corinth, loc. cit.) of παις κωμωδός<br />

as "boy singer" and proposes that of "acteur enfant". For a general remark on δια<br />

πάντων see E. J. Jory, BICS 14, 1967, 84-90 and L. Robert, BullÉpigr 1968, 254;<br />

loc. cit., 1971, 307; M. Sève, "Les concours d'Épidaure", REG 106, 1993, 315-316.<br />

The date is proposed by L. Robert (3rd c. A.D. in Corinth VIII. 3, 272).<br />

626. L(UCIUS) VIB(IUS) L. [ F. - - -] P[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 60, pi. 8 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, Odeion; fragment of an altar in porous stone; probably a dedication to Jupiter<br />

O(ptimus) M(aximus) set up by the person: I. O. [M.] IL. Vib. L. [f.] I P[- - -]l CO [- - -].<br />


Corinth Vili. 3, 272,11. 13-14, pi. 21 [mid. 2nd c. A.D.]<br />

Corinth, theatre; statue base of gray marble; inscription in honour of his son Α. Βείβιος<br />

Φλώρος (COR 625, text) erected by the person.<br />

628. M(ARCUS) (VIBULLEIUS)<br />

master of M. Vibulleius M. 1. Heraclius (COR 629) and of Helpis 1. Vibullei uxor (COR 312)<br />

629. [M(ARCUS) V]IBULLEIUS M. l(ibertus) HERACLIU[S]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 280, pi. 25 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />



Corinth, Hagios Ioannis Church; white marble plaque; funerary dedication erected by the<br />

person for himself, his wife Helpis l(iberta) M. Vfibulei] (COR 312) and their descendants:<br />

[M. V]ibulleius I [viv.] M. 1. Heracliu[s] I [sib]i et Helpini 1. Vfibullei] I [uxori] suae et sueis<br />

p[osteris].<br />

630. VIBULLIA [---]<br />

CIL III, 544 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; funerary dedication erected by her husband [— V]ibulli[us —] (COR 634, text) for<br />

himself (?), his wife (?) Vibullia [- - -] and their freedwomen Vibullia I[- - -] (COR 632), Vibullia<br />

Pollis (COR 633), Vibullia An[tiochis] (COR 631) and their descendants.<br />


CIL ΙΠ.1,544 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; funerary dedication erected by his patron [ V]ibulli[us —] (COR 634, text), for<br />

himself (?), his wife Vibullia [ ] (COR 630), his freedwomen Vibullia I[- - -] (COR 632),<br />

Vibullia Pollis (COR 633), Vibullia An[tiochis] and their descendants.<br />

632. VIBULLIA I[- - -]<br />

CIL ULI, 544 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; funerary dedication erected by his patron [— V]ibulli[us —] (COR 634, text) for<br />

hismself (?), his wife (?) Vibullia [- - -] (COR 630), his freedmomen Vibullia I[- - -] Vibullia<br />

Pollis (COR 633), Vibullia An[tiochis] (COR 631) and their descendants.<br />


CIL III. 1,544 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; funerary dedication erected by his patron [ V]ibulli[us ] (COR 634, text), for<br />

hismself (?), his wife (?) Vibullia [- - -] (COR 630), his freedwomen Vibullia I[- - -] (COR 632),<br />

Vibullia Pollis, Vibullia An[tiochis] (COR 631) and their descendants.<br />

634. [- - - V]IBULLI[US - - -]<br />

C/LIII.l, 544 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; funerary dedication erected by the person for himself (?), his wife Vibullia [—] (COR<br />

630), his freedwomen Vibullia I[ ] (COR 632), Vibullia Pollis (COR 633), Vibullia<br />

An[tiochis] (COR 631) and their descendants:<br />

[V. V]ibulli[us - - -] I Vibullia[e - - -] I uxo[ri et] I V. Vibullis I[- - -] I Pollidi et An[tiochidi]<br />

libertisqu[e earum] su[isq.].<br />



635. VIBULL[IUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 367, pi. 33 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving some<br />

fragmentary names; see [- - - P]ubli[cius - - -] (COR 499) and [- - - P]ublicia (COR 497).<br />

Remarks: According to J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., the significance of the two preserved<br />

636. [- - -] VIBULL[IUS - - -]<br />

letters TV before the name is not apparent.<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 347, pi. 31 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of gray marble; mutilated inscription preserving a part of his name.<br />

637. L(UCIUS) VIB[ULLIUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 348,1. 1, pi. 31 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a slab of coarse-grained white marble; mutilated inscription preserving<br />

parts of his name and that of [Vi]bullius Phi[- - -] (COR 641).<br />


f. of Γ. Ούιβούλλιος Λ. ύος Πρόκλος (COR 643)<br />

639. P(UBLIUS) (VIBULLIUS)<br />

f. of C. Vibullius P. f. Adauctus (COR 640)<br />


CIL III, 543 [Iste. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; funerary inscription for the person: C. Vibul[lius] I P. f. Adafuctus] I h. s. [e].<br />

641. [- - - VI]BULLIUS PHI[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 348,1. 2, pi. 31 [lst/2nd c. A.D.]<br />

Corinth; fragment of a slab of coarse-grained white marble; mutilated inscription preserving a<br />

part of his name and that of L. Vib[ulius —] (COR 637).<br />


Corinth VIII. 3, 212,1. 6, pi. 17 [2nd half of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; five fragments of a gray marble block; inscription in honour of L. Papius L. f.<br />

Aem. Venerius (COR 461, text) with whom the person was conagonothetes: conagon[oth.] IL.<br />


Vibullii PU, etc.<br />


Remarks: According to J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., the person is not to be identified with C.<br />

Iulius Eurycles Herculanus L. Vibullius Pius (ARC 105, LAC 461), whose career falls<br />

in the reign of Trajan and Hadrian. For the office of the agonothetes see D. J.<br />

Geagan, GRBS9, 1968, 69-76.<br />


[1] "CorinthWlU. 1, 14,11. 75-76 [A.D. 3 (Actian era)].<br />

Corinth, gymnasium area; three-sided headless marble herm with inscriptions on all sides<br />

recording a list of officials and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in άπο-<br />

βάτην.<br />

[2] T. R. Martin, Hesperia 46, 1977, 179, no. 2, pi. 49; ILGR 104 [1st half of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of white marble slab; dedication to an emperor or an empress whose name<br />

is missing; erected by the person; only a part of his name is preserved:<br />

[- - -] Augu[st- --]![-- -]ulliu[s - - -].<br />

Remarks: Martin, op. cit., suggests that the two persons in [1] and [2] should be identified.<br />

644. ΒΙΚΤΩΡΙΝΟΣ<br />

[1] IG IV 204; Corinth VIII. 3, 508, pi. 41, with the precedent bibliography; D. Feissel,<br />

T&MByz 9, 1985, 279-280, ph. (AnnÉpigr 1989, 656) [A.D. 548-555 or A.D. 551-565].<br />

Corinthia, Kenchreai; part of a frieze marble block built into the Justinian's Isthmianic wall,<br />

the Hexamilia; inscription recording a prayer to God for the sake of the Emperor Justinian,<br />

the person and the inhabitans of the Greece; here, 1. 6: Βικτωρινον.<br />

[2] IG IV 205; D. Feissel, T&MByz 9, 1985, 281, ph. (AnnÉpigr 1989, 657) [A.D. 548-555].<br />

Corinth (?), in the Verona museum; inscription recording a prayer to the Vergin Mary for the<br />

sake of the Emperor Justinian, the person discussed here and the inhabitans of Corinth; here,<br />

1. 6: Βικτωρινον.<br />

Remarks: For Victorinus, a devoted servant of Justinian, and for a further discussion of the<br />

historical significance of these texts, see the bibliography in [1] and [2].<br />


CIL III. 1, 537 [under Antoninus Pius].<br />

Corinth; inscription in his honour erected by [M.] An[t]onius [M. f. —] Nigrinus (COR 66):<br />

Q. Vil[lio (?) ..['.]...! Titia[no] I Quadralo] I IHIvir(o) vi[ar(um)] I [cur(andarum)],<br />

[trib(uno)] I 5 la[t]icl(avio) [le]g(ionis) — , [leg(ato) prov(inciae)] I Ach(aiae) ob ius[titiam et<br />

fidem], I quam circa [universam] Achaia[m exhibuit], I qu[a]m pro pr(aetore) I [administravit],<br />

I 10 [M.] An[t]onius [M. f. . . .] I Nigrinus.<br />



Remarks: For the person, see PIR V 435; Groag, Reichsbeamten, 107-108; Halfmann,<br />

Senatoren, 172, no. 91 and passim; Thomasson, 199-200, no. 81. He belonged to the<br />

family of Vilii of Patara in Lycia; he was the son or uncle of the Q. Villius Titianus<br />

(Halfmann, Senatoren, 172-3, no. 91a).<br />

646. [- - - VI]PSAN[IUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 247a, pi. 22 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a white marble slab: [- - -]l [- - - Vi]spanio [- - -]l [- - - Vi]psan[io ] I<br />

[- - -]l [- - - V]ipsan[io ---]![--- V]ipsani[o - - -]l [- - -]<br />

Remarks: J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., notes that the words are so arranged that the letters on<br />

the back are upside down when the letters on the front are right side up (cf. Corinth<br />

VIII. 3, 181); the name Vispanius is attested four times (see also COR 647, COR<br />

648, COR 649).<br />

647. [- - -] [VI]PSANIUS [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 247a, pi. 22 [lst/2nd c. A.D.]<br />

Corinth; fragment of a white marble slab.<br />

Remarks: See [—] Vipsanius [—] (COR 646, text).<br />

648. [- - - V]IPSAN[IUS - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 247b, pi. 22 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a white marble slab.<br />

Remarks: See [—] Vipsanius [—] (COR 646, text).<br />

649. [- - - V]IPSANI[US - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 247b, pi. 22 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a white marble slab.<br />

Remarks: See [—] Vipsanius [—] (COR 646, text).<br />



Amandry, 181-192, em. XVII, pis XXV-XXIX; RPC I, 1172-1179.<br />

Corinthian bronze coins.<br />

duumvir with M. Bellius Proculus (COR 115) of the year A.D. 37/38<br />



651-655<br />

Remarks: He was probably a descendant of a soldier enfranchised by M. Vipsanius Agrippa<br />


(COR 25), or of a freedman or a relative of him (Stansbury, Corinthian honor, 192-<br />

193). For the emission see Amandry, 69-71.<br />

D. I. Pallas and S. P. Dantis, AE 1977, 75-76, no. 19, ph. (SEG29, 1979, 301) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]<br />

(letter forms)].<br />

Corinthia, Skoutela; slab of white marble; inscription set up by the person and his brother<br />

Βιτέλιος Φροντεινος (COR 652): [Οι] Βιτέλλιοι Ι [Φρο]ντεινος Ι [και Έ]ραστος Ι 5 [τω]<br />

γένει [—]ι.<br />

Remarks: Pallas's and Dantis's (loc. cit.) commentary on the character of the text —which<br />

remains uncertain—is not quite satisfactory.<br />


D. I. Pallas and S. P. Dantis, AE 1977, 75-76, no. 19, ph. (SEG29, 1979, 301) [2nd/3rd c. A.D.<br />

(letter forms)].<br />

Corinthia, Skoutela; slab of white marble; inscription set up by the person and his brother Βιτέ­<br />

λιος Έραστος (COR 651, text).<br />

653. Π. ΒΟΥΛΤΗΙΟΣ [- - -]<br />

W. R. Biers and D. G. Geagan, Hesperia 39,1970, 79-93,1. 76, pis 17, 18 (AnnÉpigr 1969-1970,<br />

587; cf. BuIlÉpigr 1971, 307: general commentary on the text) [A.D. 127].<br />

Corinth, Roman bath; stele of small grained white marble inscribed on all three faces recording<br />

a list of officials and victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was victor in the κέλη[τι<br />

τελείψ].<br />

Remarks: For the date see T. Atilius Rufus Titianus (COR 94).<br />

654. [- - -] ZOSIM[US]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 365, pi. 33 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving only part of<br />

his name.<br />

655. [- - -] ZOSIM[US]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 362, pi. 33 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a slab of green schist; mutilated inscription preserving only this<br />

name and that of [- - -] Iuli[us - - -] (COR 327).<br />



656. [- - -]S ZOSIMU[S]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 364d, pi. 33 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; ten fragments of two white marble slabs containing a list of fragmentary<br />

names in the nominative case (COR 84, COR 95, COR 109, COR 126, COR 329, COR 490,<br />

COR 666, COR 668, COR 672).<br />

Remarks: For a probable restoration, see L. Arei[ ] (COR 78). Cf. a Corinthian Cn.<br />

657. A[--- ]<br />

Pompeius Zosimus, twice herald of the Mouseia games under the Antonines, who<br />

was also a citizen of the city of Thespiai (IG VII 1773; SEG3, 1927, 334; Α. Β. West,<br />

Corinth Vili. 2, 173).<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 4,1. 3 [under or after Nero].<br />


Corinth, east of the forum; broken white marble slab; dedication to some divinities, probably<br />

to Jupiter Optimus Maximus, to Apollo, to the Genius of the colony and of the colonists, set<br />

up by the person:<br />

[Iovi O. M. Apoll]inique genio[que] I [coloniae et colono]rum L. I. C. sacrum A. I [— habens<br />

or]nament. decurion[alia].<br />

Remarks: Probably A[ulus —] (?). Cf. Antonius C. f. [—] (COR 39), the only known priest<br />

658. [- - -]AE C[- - -]<br />

of the Genius of the colony at Corinth.<br />

M. D. Dixon, Hesperia 69, 2000, 335-342, fig. 1 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, near forum; fragmentary stele of white marble preserving a Latin and a Greek<br />

inscriptions refering to religious buildings at Corinth:<br />

[—] AE C[—] I [— sac]erdos I [— P]roserpinae I [—] marmorea I [—] vac. I [— στ]οάν<br />

και ναον ΠλούΙτωνος — τα] προσκοσμήματα ΔΗ Ι vacar<br />

659. ΒΑ[ΒΒΙΑ] (?)<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 185, pi. 16 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; four fragments of a block of grayish marble; inscription in honour of M.<br />

B[- - -] (?).<br />



660-664<br />

Remarks: The restoration of both her name as Β [abbia] and the honorand as M. B[abbius —]<br />

(COR 660, text) is extremely speculative.<br />

660. M(ARCUS) B[ABBIUS] (?)<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 185, pi. 16 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; four fragments of a block of grayish marble; inscription in his honour erected<br />

by Bafbbia] (COR 659): sod. A[ug., aed. et] I Ilvir, et [Ilvir q] I et a[gonothetic] I [ornamentis]<br />

I [honorato], I Ba[bbia] —<br />

Remarks: The restoration of both his name and that of Ba[bbia] is extremely speculative. For<br />

661. C(AIUS) [- - -]<br />

his priestly office as sodalis Augustalis, see J. H. Kent's remark on Corinth, loc. cit.<br />

For the augustales see Q. Cispuleius Q. 1. Primus (COR 154).<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 210, pi. 18 [under Vespasian].<br />

Corinth, forum; three fragments of a coarse-grained white marble slab; inscription in his<br />

honour set up by a tribe whose name is missing; his municipal career is partly preserved:<br />

[agonothete] I [Caesareojn Vespa[sianeon Se]l[basteon] et Isthmj[on et Caesar]l[eon tri]bul[es]<br />

I [tri]bu[s] - - -<br />

Remarks: His praenomen could also be restored as Ç(naeus). For the post of agonothetes in<br />

662. [- - -]CIUS<br />

Roman Corinth, see D. J. Geagan, GRBS9, 1968, 69-76.<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 246 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; two adjoining fragments of a white marble base; mutilated inscription<br />

preserving only part of his name in the dative case: [—]cio.<br />

663. [- - -] CLA[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 378, pi. 33[lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a slab of coarse-grained white marble.<br />

Remarks: Possibly [Ti.] Cla[udius] according to J. H. Kent, Corinth, loc. cit., but other<br />

664. [- - -]DIA<br />

restorations are not to be excluded, e.g. Cla(udia) tribu.<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 140 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of a white marble block; mutilated inscription preserving part of his<br />

name in 1. 2.<br />



665. [- - -IPIONIS F. AEM(ILIA) [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 356, pi. 31 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; two adjoining fragments of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription<br />

preserving only part of his name.<br />

666. [- - -]EIUS<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 364a, pi. 33 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; ten fragments of two white marble slabs containing a list of fragmentary<br />

names in the nominative case (COR 84; COR 95; COR 109; COR 126; COR 329; COR 490;<br />

COR 656; COR 668, COR 672).<br />

667. [- - - JELIUS [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 400, pi. 35 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of white marble; mutilated inscription preserving only part of his<br />

name in the nominative case.<br />

668. [- - -]ELIUS R[- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 364d, pi. 33 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; ten fragments of two white marble slabs containing a list of fragmentary<br />

names in the nominative case (COR 84; COR 95; COR 109; COR 126; COR 329; COR 490;<br />

COR 656; COR 666, COR 672).<br />

669. [- - -]ELLI[US - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 386, pi. 35 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, theatre; fragment of a gray marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving part of his<br />

name.<br />

Remarks: Probably [G]elli[us].<br />

670. [ ]ΕΝΤΙΟΣ [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII.l, 15 + Corinth VIII.l, 18; joined by *A. Spawforth,GfiRS 15, 1974, 297-299,1.<br />

13, pi. 8 [A.D. 137].<br />

Corinth; triangular pedestal of white marble inscribed on all three sides; list of magistrates and<br />

victors of the Caesarea Isthmia games; he was έλληνοδίκης of the games.<br />

Remarks: B. D. Meritt saw a Σ at the beginning of the line. The name can be restored as [—<br />

Ίου]έντιος as Meritt proposed (Solin and Salomies, 98) or [ Τερ]έντιος (Solin<br />

and Salomies, 184).<br />


671. [- - -]INA<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 173, pi. 17 [A.D. 43].<br />


671-677<br />

Corinth, forum; five fragments of a pedestal of grayish marble; inscription in honour of an<br />

isagogeus of the Isthmia Caesarea Sebasta games whose name is missing erected by his wife<br />

[- - -]ina.<br />

672. [- - -]IUS<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 364c, pi. 33 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; ten fragments of two white marble slabs containing fragmentary names (COR<br />

84; COR 95; COR 109; COR 126; COR 329; COR 490; COR 656; COR 666; COR 668).<br />

673. [- - - IU]S L. F. A[EM(ILIA)]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 168, pi. 14 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; four adjoining fragments of a white marble block; inscription in honour of a<br />

person whose name is missing; erected by the person by decree of the city council.<br />

674. [- - -]IUS P. F. AEM(ILIA) [- - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 278, pi. 23 [under Augustus (letter forms)].<br />

Old Corinth; fragment of a column of gray marble streaked with white; funerary dedication for<br />

the person, Statius Q. f. [- - -] (COR 576, text) and [- - - Qorndius Q. [f.] [- - -] (COR 210).<br />

675. [- - - I]US M. F. [- - -]ILIANUS<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 243, pi. 20 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of a white marble slab; mutilated inscription preserving only<br />

part of his name in the dative case: [— i]o M. f. [—]iliano.<br />

676. [- - -]ΛΙΝΝΟΣ<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 273, pis 23, 63 [2nd quarter of the 3rd c. A.D. (lettering)].<br />

Corinth, forum; four fragments of a white marble slab; inscription erected by decree of the city<br />

council, probably in honour of some individuals.<br />

Remarks: On the stone [—]λίννον; e.g. [— Μεσσα]λλινον or [— Μαρκε]λλινον.<br />

677. [- - -]LIUS<br />

Corinth VIII. 1, 130,1. 2, fig. [2nd half of the 2nd c. A.D. (letter forms)]<br />

Corinth; stele of white marble; Latin funerary inscription on which are also attested Numisia<br />

L. 1. Prima and Numis[ia] (COR 437, text) and L. 1. Antigon[a] (COR 436).<br />



Remarks: He was probably another freedman of L. Numisius and his name could be restored<br />

as [L. Numisius L. 1. —]lius.<br />

678. [- - -]LIUS<br />

f. of [- - -]li f. [Ae]m(ilia) Pa[- - -]mamae (COR 447)<br />

679. [- - -]MIUS<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 337, pis 31, 64 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; a large piece of an epistyle-frieze block of gray marble belonging to a building<br />

for the construction of which the person may have contributed; mutilated inscription<br />

preserving part of his name.<br />

680. [- - -]ΠΙΛΛΙΟ[Σ - - -]<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 507, pi. 40 [A.D. 395-402].<br />

Corinth, forum; six fragments of a slab of white marble; inscription in honour of the Emperors<br />

Flavius Arcadius et Flavius Honorius; the inscription contains fragmentary names in the<br />

genitive case.<br />

681. [- - -]REITICUS<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 182, pi. 16+Corinth VIII. 3, 196, pi. 18; joined by *G. R. Bugh, Hesperia 48,<br />

1979, 45-53, pi. 17 (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 67-68, no. 36) [1st half of the 2nd c. A.D.<br />

(letter forms)].<br />

Corinth, forum; seven fragments of a pedestal of bluish marble; inscription in honour of the<br />

isagogeus C. Ç[urtius] C. fi]. Benig[n]us Iuventianus (COR 239, text), when agonothetes were<br />

the person here and Ti. Claudius Atticus (COR 174): [agon (?)] I [othetarum (?) - - -JREITICI<br />

et Ti. C/7. Attjici [- - -].<br />

Remarks: Bugh, op. cit., 48, proposes for his nomen Ti. Cl(audius) or T. Fl(avius). For the<br />

office of the agonothetes at Isthmia see D. J. Geagan, GRBS 9, 1968, 69-76.<br />

682. [- - -]RNIU[S]<br />

Corinth VIII. 2, 187 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, forum; fragment of marble revetment; mutilated inscription preserving a part of his<br />

name.<br />

Remarks: Two possible restorations could be Calpurnius or Caesernius.<br />

683. [- - -]THUS<br />

Corinth VIII. 3, 167, pi. 14 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />



684-687<br />

Corinth, forum; two fragments of grayish marble; funerary dedication for the person,<br />

probably honoured with the perquisites of duovir by decree of the city council: [ et] II<br />

v[ir] I [ hono]rato d. d. etc. The dedication was probably erected by his wife (?) Iulia<br />

Bilia (COR 323, text).<br />


For a list of Corinthian lamp-makers, see also KenchreaiY, appendix I, p. 89.<br />

684. [ΑΝΤ]ΩΝ[ΙΟΣ]<br />

Corinth IV. 2, 713, pi. XXXI [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature [ΑΝΤ]ΩΝ[ΙΟΥ] (?).<br />

685. ΓΑΪΟ[Σ]<br />

[1] Corinth IV. 2, 706, pis XXIX and XXXI [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; lamp (type XXVII): rim divided into two bands, both plain; on the discus a<br />

gladiatorial scene; on the reverse is incised ΓΑΙΟ[Υ].<br />

[2] Corinth IV. 2, 717, pi. XXXI [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature TA[IOY].<br />

686. ΓΑΛΗΝΟΣ<br />

Corinth IV. 2, 718, pi. XXXI [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature ΓΑΛΗΝΟΥ.<br />

687. ΚΡΗΣΚΗΣ<br />

[1] Corinth IV. 2, 538, fig. 43, pi. XXX [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; lamp in the shape of a barrel with the handle and the filling-hole on the top; on the left<br />

side is inscribed twice: KPHCKENTOC.<br />

[2] Corinth IV. 2, 538, fig. 43, pis XII and XXX [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; lamp (type XXVII): plain rim with panels and stamped circles on each side of the<br />

handle; on the discus is the figure of a seated lion looking back; on the reverse is incised<br />


[3] Isthmia III, 2852, pi. 11 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Isthmus, sanctuary of Poseidon; fragment of an inscribed lamp base (type XXVII) which bears<br />

the signature [KP] ΗΣ Κ ΕΝΤΟΣ.<br />


688. ΔΟΜ[ΕΣΤΙΧΟΣ]<br />


Corinth IV. 2, 719, pi. XXXI [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature AOM[ECTIXOY].<br />

689. FELI(X)<br />

Kenchreai V 147, pi. 7 [1st half of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Kenchreai; fragment of a lamp with no handle, imported from Italy; on base in relief with<br />

three relief rings: FELI(X).<br />

690. [- - -]ΗΙΟΣ<br />

Corinth IV. 2, 736, pi. XXXI [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature [- - -]HIOY, probably<br />

[ΠΟΜΠ]ΗΙΟΥ.<br />

691. M(ARCUS) [I(UNIUS)] A(ESCINUS)<br />

Corinth IV. 2, 555, fig. 112, pi. XXX [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; minature lamp (type XXVII): rays on the discus and three stramped circles at the<br />

lower end of the handle; on the reverse is inscribed M [I] A.<br />

Remarks: O. Broneer, Corinth IV. 2, p. 97, notes that the inscription is probably the signature<br />

692. LUCI(US)<br />

of the lampmaker M. Iunius Aescinus.<br />

Corinth IV. 2, 453, fig. 103 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; small lamp (type XXII) with a row of raised doms on the rim; plain discus with a<br />

raised circular line; without handle, but with two ear-like projections on the sides; within the<br />

base-ring upside down bears the signature LUCI.<br />

Remarks: The lampmaker is probably an Italian one since the lamp seems imported from Italy<br />

693. ΛΟΥΚΙΟΣ<br />

(O. Broneer, Corinth IV. 2, p. 78).<br />

[1] Corinth IV. 2, 582, pis XXVII and XXX [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; lamp (type XXVII): the outer band of the rim is plain, the inner is of wavy lines and<br />

triple dots; on the discus figures the bust of Athena; on the reverse is incided ΛΟΥΚΙΟΥ.<br />

[2] Corinth IV. 2, 603, pis XII and XXX [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; lamp (type XXVII): ovules and panels on the rim; on the discus is the head of Tyche;<br />

on the reverse is incided ΛΟΥΚΙΟΥ.<br />


[3] Corinth IV. 2, 745, pi. XXXI [2nd c. A.D.].<br />


Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature AOYKIO[Y].<br />

[4] Corinth IV. 2, 746, pi. XXXI [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature [AO]YKIOY.<br />

[5] Corinth IV. 2, 747, pi. XXXI [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature AOY[KIOY].<br />

[6] Corinth IV. 2, 748, pi. XXXI [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature AOYK[IOY].<br />

[7] Corinth IV. 2, 749, pi. XXXI [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature [AOYK]IOY (?).<br />

Remarks: See also Ph. Bruneau, "Lampes corinthiennes (II)", BCH 101, 1977, 249-295.<br />

694. ΜΑΙΚΙΟΣ<br />

Corinth IV. 2, 750, pi. XXXI [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature MAIKI[0]Y.<br />

695. ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

Corinth IV. 2, 583, pi. XXX [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, theatre area; lamp (type XXVII): plain rim with panels; on the discus is the bust of<br />

Athena; on the reverse is incised [MA]PKIAN[0]Y.<br />

Remarks: See also Ph. Bruneau, "Lampes corinthiennes", BCH 95, 1971, 437-501.<br />

696. ΜΙΝΙΚΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

[1] Corinth IV. 2, 560, pi. XXX [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; lamp (type XXVII): wide rim with an ovule pattern; on the reverse is incised<br />


[2] Isthmia III, 2850, pi. 12 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Isthmus, sanctuary of Poseidon; small fragment of an inscribed lamp base (type XXVII) which<br />

bears the signature MIN[IKIANOY].<br />

697. ΟΚΤΑΒΙΟΣ<br />

[1] Corinth IV. 2, 752, pi. XXXI [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature OKT[A]BIO[Y].<br />

[2] Corinth IV. 2, 1433, pi. XXXIII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; lamp (type XXX) with ovules on the rim; on the reverse is incised [OKT]A]BIOY.<br />



[3] KenchreaiW 171 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Kenchreai; lateral half of a lamp; disk with rays, framing ring with grape clusters and sprays of<br />

vine leaves; base within circle: [0]KTABIOY.<br />

[4] Kenchreai V 209 [2nd half of the 2nd - early 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Kenchreai; base fragment of a lamp; within circle: [0]KTAB[IOY].<br />

[5] Kenchreai V 220.<br />

Kenchreai; base fragment of a lamp; within circlular groove: [- - -]TOB/IOY, probably<br />


Remarks: Kenchreai V 210-214: fragments of lamps probably with the signature ΟΚΤΑΒΙΟΥ.<br />

698. ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

See also G. Siebert, "Lampes corinthiennes et imitations au musée National<br />

d'Athènes", BCH 90, 1966, 472-513.<br />

[1] Corinth IV. 2, 753, fig. 143 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΝΟΓΥ].<br />

[2] Isthmia III, 2851, pi. 11 [2nd c. A.D.]: Isthmus, sanctuary of Poseidon; fragment of an<br />

inscribed lamp base (type XXVII) which bears the signature ΟΛΥΜ[ΠΙ]ΑΝΟΥ.<br />

699. [POPILL]IUS<br />

Corinth IV. 2, 461, fig. 39 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, theatre area; small fragment of a lamp (type XXIV) with a narrow sloping rim; on the<br />

discus is a gladiatorial scene and below a tabula ansata with the names of the gladiators, one of<br />

the them is named [POPILL]IUS.<br />

Remarks: Cf. the other gladiator represented on the lamp named [Sabijnus (no. 704). O.<br />

700. ΠΡΕΙΜΟΣ<br />

Broneer, Corinth IV. 2, pp. 81-82, notes that this lamp is imported from Italy.<br />

[1] Corinth IV. 2, 566, pis XI and XXX [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; lamp (type XXVII): tendrils rosettes on the rim and rays on the discus; on the reverse<br />

is incised ΠΡΕΙΜΟΥ.<br />

[2] Corinth IV. 2, 755, pi. XXXI [late 2nd or early 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature ΠΡ[ΕΙΜΟΥ] (?).<br />

[3] Corinth IV. 2, 756, pi. XXXI [late 2nd or early 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature ΠΡΕ[ΙΜΟΥ] (?).<br />

[4] Corinth IV. 2, 757, fig. 144 [late 2nd or early 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature ΠΡΕΙ[Μ]ΟΥ].<br />


[5] Isthmia III, 2858, pi. 11 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />


Isthmus, sanctuary of Poseidon; small fragment of an inscribed lamp base (type XXVII) which<br />

bears part of the signature [ΠΡΕΙΜ]ΟΥ.<br />

[6]Kenchreai V 233 [1st half of the 3rd c. A. D.].<br />

Kenchreai; disk and base fragment of a lamp, probably Athenian; disk with tip of thyrsos; base<br />

inside circle: ΠΡ[ΕΙΜ]/ΟΥ.<br />

701. ΠΡΙΜΟΣ<br />

Corinth IV. 2, 692, fig. 137, pi. XXX [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; lamp (type XXVII): ovules and panels on the rim; a rosette of eight petals on the<br />

discus; on the reverse is incised ΠΡΙΜ[ΟΥ].<br />

Remarks: See also G. Siebert, "Lampes corinthiennes et imitations au musée National<br />

702. ΠΟΥ[ΒΛΙΟΣ]<br />

d'Athènes", BCH 90, 1966, 472-513; Ph. Bruneau, "Lampes corinthiennes", BCH<br />

95, 1971,437-501.<br />

Corinth IV. 2, 552, pi. XXX [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; lamp (type XXVII): stamped ovules on the rim and plain discus; on the reverse is<br />

incised ΠΟΥ [BAIO Y].<br />

Remarks: See also Ph. Bruneau, "Lampes corinthiennes", BCH 95, 1971, 437-501.<br />

703. ΡΟΥ[ΦΟΣ]<br />

[1] Isthmia III, 3068, pi. 12 [1st half of the 4rth c. A.D.].<br />

Isthmus, Theatre; fragment of an inscribed lamp base (type XXVIII E) which bears the<br />

signature ΡΟΥ[ΦΟΣ].<br />

[2] Kenchreai V 323, pi. 14 [1st half of the 4rd c. A. D.].<br />

Kenchreai; Athenian lamp; plain disk with double framing groove; on the base inside double<br />

circular groove: ΡΟΥ.<br />

Remarks: This Corinthian lampmaker seems to have migrated to Athens and established in the<br />

704. [SABI]NUS<br />

Kerameikos (O. Broneer, Isthmia III, 73).<br />

Corinth IV. 2, 461, fig. 39 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth, theatre area; small fragment of a lamp (type XXIV) with a narrow sloping rim; on the<br />

discus is a gladiatorial scene and below a tabula ansata with the names of the gladiators, one of<br />

the them is named [SABI]NUS.<br />



Remarks: Cf. the other gladiator represented on the lamp named [Popill]ius (COR 699). O.<br />

705. ΣΕΚΟΥΝΛΟΣ<br />

Broneer, Corinth IV. 2, pp. 81-82, notes that this lamp is imported from Italy.<br />

[I] Corinth IV. 2, 537, pi. XXX [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp in the shape of a human head with the handle and the filling-hole<br />

on the top; on the reverse is incised [CEKOY]NA[OY].<br />

[2] Corinth IV. 2, 693, pi. XXX [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII): ovules and panels on the rim; oblique loops on the<br />

discus; on the reverse is incised CEKOY[NAOY].<br />

[3] Corinth IV. 2, 759 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature C[EKOYN]AO[Y].<br />

[4] Corinth IV. 2, 760, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature CEKO[YN]AOY.<br />

[5] Corinth IV. 2, 761, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature CEKO[YNAOY].<br />

[6] Corinth IV. 2, 762, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature CEKOYNAOY.<br />

[7] Corinth IV. 2, 763, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature [CEKOY]NAOY.<br />

[8] Corinth IV. 2, 764, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature [CEKOYN]AO[Y].<br />

[9] Corinth IV. 2, 765, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature [CEKOY]NAO[Y].<br />

[10] Corinth IV. 2, 766, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature [CEKOY]NAO[Y].<br />

[II] Corinth IV. 2, 767, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature CEKO[YNAOY].<br />

[12] Corinth IV. 2, 768, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature CEKO[YNAOY].<br />

[13] Corinth IV. 2, 769, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature CEK[OYNAO]Y.<br />

[14] Corinth IV. 2, 770, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature CEK[OYNAOY].<br />

[15] Corinth IV. 2, 771, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature [CEKOY]NAOY.<br />



[16] Corinth IV. 2, 772, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature [CEKOY]NAOY.<br />

[17] Corinth IV. 2, 773, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature CEK[OYNAOY].<br />

[18] Corinth IV. 2, 774, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature [CEKOYN]AOY.<br />

[19] Corinth IV. 2, 775, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature [C]EKO[YNAOY].<br />

[20] Corinth IV. 2, 776, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature CEKOfYNAOY].<br />

706-708<br />

[21] Corinth IV. 2, 777, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.]: Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII)<br />

with the signature CE[KOY]N[AOY].<br />

[22] Isthmia III, 2843, pis 8, 30 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Isthmus, sanctuary of Poseidon; large lamp put together from many pieces (type XXVII E);<br />

the discus is decorated with a scene showing Kybele and Attis; on the reverse of the lamp is<br />

incised CE[KOYNAOY].<br />

[23] Isthmia III, 2856, pi. 11 [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Isthmus, sanctuary of Poseidon; fragment of an inscribed base and side of a lamp (type XXVII)<br />

which bears the signature [CEKOYN]AOY.<br />

706. [ΣΕΒ]ΗΡΟΣ<br />

Corinth IV. 2, 572, pi. XXX [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; back half of a lamp (type XXVII): vine pattern on the rim; on the reverse of the lamp<br />

is incised [CEB]HPOC.<br />

707. ΣΠΩΣΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

[1] Corinth IV. 2, 599, pis XII and XXX [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; lamp (type XXVII): plain rim with panels; on the discus is the bust of Dionysos (?);<br />

on the reverse is incised CnQCIANOY.<br />

[2] Corinth IV. 2, 778, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature [ΟΙΩ] CIA[N]OY.<br />

[3] Corinth IV. 2, 779, pi. XXXII [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature [ΟΙΩ CIA]NO[Y] (?).<br />

708. ΒΑΛΕΡΙΟΣ<br />

Corinth IV. 2, 716, pi. XXXI [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Corinth; fragment of a lamp (type XXVII) with the signature BAAE[PIOY] AE.<br />


1. Π(ΟΠΛΙΟΣ) [ΑΙΛΙΟΣ - - -]<br />



7v0535 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 22 [2nd c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia; a fragment of Pentelic marble, possibly of an honorary inscription.<br />


ivO 463 facsimile [reign of Hadrian (?)].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble, erected by the demos of Elis and the Olympic boule<br />

for the orator P. Aelius Antonius Crispinus Metroteimus:<br />

ALL Όλυμ[πί]ψ Ι ο δήμος ο Ήλείω[ν] και ή ΌλυμπιΙκή βουλή Π(όπλιον) Αϊλ(ιον) Άντώνιον<br />

ΚρισΙπεΙνον Μητρότειμον ρήτορα Ι 5 Άντιοχέα της προς Δάφνην, τον Ι και Κυζικηνόν,<br />

εύνοιας εινεκεν Ι τής εις τήν πόλιν.<br />

Citizen of Antioch and Kyzikos<br />


JvO 238 facsimile [after A.D. 212].<br />

Olympia; sandstone base of a bronze statue from the monument erected by the athlete himself<br />

in memory of his Olympic victory:<br />

Πό(πλιος) Αϊλιος Α,λκανδρίδας Ι Δαμοκρατίδα Λακεδαιμόνιος.<br />

Olympic victor<br />

Lacedaemonian<br />

Remarks: Members of this Laconian family are attested in many Spartan inscriptions (e.g. IG<br />

V 1, 144. 304. 305. 553-556. 655 [SEG 11, 1950, 831 and 34, 1984, 313]. 682). The<br />

names Alcandridas and Damocratidas are very common in the area. The Olympic<br />

victor Alcandridas is the third member of his family that bears this name (see A.J.S.<br />

Spawforth, ABS A 80, 1985, 246-248); see also LAC 8.<br />

For the person see also Moretti, Olympionikai, 917, 920 (two victories in A.D. 221<br />



and 225), who believes that he is to be identified with the person attested in J. Keil,<br />

Kleinasien und Byzanz (Berlin 1950) 65 no. 30 (BullÉpigr 1952, 139); A.J.S.<br />

Spawforth, ABS A 79, 1984, 273-274; Cartledge and Spawforth, 188.<br />


7v0459 facsimile [reign of Hadrian].<br />

Olympia; a limestone base of a statue erected with the consent of the Elean boule by the<br />

Achaean Koinon for P. Aelius Aristo, homonymous son of Aristo (I), attested here as Π(οπλίου)<br />

Αίλίου Άρίστωνος ίεροφάντου υίόν (full text EL 5).<br />

Messenian<br />

f. P. Aelius Aristo (EL 5), f. of P. Aelius Harmoneicus (?) (EL 6).<br />


7ν0459 facsimile [reign of Hadrian].<br />

Olympia; a limestone base for a statue erected by "all the Hellenes" with the consent of the<br />

Elean boule for P. Aelius Aristo:<br />

Tò κοινόν των Ι Αχαιών Π(όπλιον) Αϊλιον Ι Αρίστωνα ΜεσσήΙνιον ίεροφάντην, Ι 5 Π(οπλίου)<br />

Αίλίου ΑρίστωΙνος ίεροφάντου Ι υίόν, στρατηγήσανίτα των Ελλήνων Ι φιλοτείμως,<br />

σύνΙ 10 παντες οι Έλληνες Ι ανέστησαν, έπιίψηφισαμένης και Ι της ίερωτάτης ΉλείΙων βουλής.<br />

Messenian<br />

Remarks: His designation as hiérophantes is probably to be connected with the mysteries of<br />

Andania (see Paus. IV. 3, 10; 26. 8; cf. IG V 1, 1390; P. Georgounysos, "Τα μυστήρια<br />

της Ανδανίας", Platon 31, 1979, 2-43); L. Piolot, "Pausanias et les Mystères<br />

d'Andanie. Histoire d'une aporie", in: J. Renard (éd.), Le Péloponnèse. Archéologie<br />

et Histoire (Rennes 1999) 195-228. For the title στρατηγήσας των Ελλήνων, see J.<br />

Η. Oliver, "Panachaeans and Panhellenes", HesperiaAl, 1978, 185-191.<br />

s. P. Aelius Aristo (EL 4), f. or b. of P. Aelius Harmoneicus (?) (EL 8).<br />


7v0 237 facsimile (Moretti, lAG, 196-198, no. 70; cf. SEG 14, 1957, 367) [A.D. 137 (Όλυμπιάδι<br />

σκθ' )].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble bearing a record of the person's victories in<br />

many games:<br />

(11. 1-3) Π(όπλιος) Αΐλιος Άρτεμας Λαοδικεού[ς, νική]σας Όλυμπιάδι σκθ' Όλύ(μ)πια<br />

κήρυ[κας και τους ύπογε]Ιγραμ(μ)ένους αγώνας· ....Ι (11. 8-11) και αλ(λ)ους θεματικούς<br />

[άγώ]Ινας σν', υπό φωνασκον Α(ούκιον) Τυρρώνιον Λόνγον Είκονι[έ]α τον και Λαο[δι]Ικέα.<br />

α' 'Αδριάνεια εν Ζμύρνη και εν Έφέσω και τα πρώτως ΠαΙνελλήνια αχθέντα εν 'Αθήναις<br />

πρώτος κηρύκων.<br />


Olympic victor and victor of several other games<br />

From Laodicea<br />


Remarks: His ethnikon appears in this inscription as Λαοδικεούς instead of Λαοδικεύς; about<br />

this variation see L. Robert, Documents de Γ Asie Mineure méridionale (Genève-<br />

Paris 1966) 17 n. 3. Robert identifies Laodicea with the town in Lycaonia and not<br />

that of Phrygia, as Moretti, Olympionikai, 854 believes; see also L. Moretti,<br />

"Supplemento al catalogo degli olympionikai", Klio 52, 1970, 301; id., "Nuovo<br />

Supplemento al catalogo degli olympionikai", MGR 12, 1987, 77. Starting from the<br />

synchronism of the Olympic games of A.D. 157 with the 6th Panhellenias and given<br />

that Artemas' victory took place in the first Panhellenia, M. Wörrle, Chiron 22,<br />

1992, 337-349, no. 1 dates the first celebration of that festival in September A.D. 137<br />

in Athens {SEGA2, 1992, 389).<br />


J. Ebert, Nikephoros 10, 1997, 217-233, esp. 218, col. 1,1. 6, facsimile (p. 219) [2nd c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia, area of the so-called "Südwestbau", in a drainage canal; a bronze plaque bearing the<br />

names of some Olympic victors and athletes of different times: [Αΐ]λ. Καλλίνεικος πάλ(η).<br />

Olympic victor<br />

Remarks: Ebert, op. cit., 220, η. 4 suggests that the victors of 11.6-9 could be dated in the 2nd c. A.D.<br />


IvO 446 facsimile [reign of Hadrian (?)].<br />

Olympia; a large marble base for a statue erected by the polis of Messene in honour of the<br />

person:<br />

[Άγ]αθή τύχη. Ι Πόπλιον Αϊλ(ιον) ΆρμόνειΙκον ά πόλις α ΜεσσαΙνίων ανέθηκεν, αριΙ 5 στα<br />

πολειτευσάμεΐνον, άρετας ένεκεν Ι και εύνοιας άς έχων Ι διατελεί εις αύτάν.<br />

Messenian<br />

Remarks: Though the patronymic of the person is not given in the Olympian inscription, he<br />

could be the son of one of either Aelii Aristones attested in Olympia (EL 4 and 5),<br />

since he is most certainly identified with an Harmoneicus attested in an inscription<br />

from Koroni (/GV 1, 1399); his father was the Messenian Aristo and his mother the<br />

Spartan Memmia (?) Ageta. A.J.S. Spawforth, ABS A 80, 1985, 213-215, suggests,<br />

that he is either a son or a brother of the strategos of the Achaean Koinon (EL 5).<br />

The family could have obtained Roman citizenship during the reign of Hadrian.<br />

9. [ΛΙ]Λ(ΙΟΣ) ΕΡΜΙΠΠΟΣ<br />

J. Ebert, Nikephoros 10, 1997, 217-233, esp. 218,1.8-9, facsimile (p. 219) [2nd c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia, area of the so-called "Südwestbau", in a drainage canal; a bronze plaque bearing the<br />



names of some Olympic victors and athletes of different times:<br />

[Αΐ]λ(ιος) Έρμιππος ΦιλαΙ[δελφεύς (?)] παίδ(ων) πάλη.<br />

From Philadelphia (?)<br />

Remarks: Ebert, op. cit., 220, n. 4 suggests that the victors of 11. 6-9 could be dated in the 2nd c. A.D.<br />


[1 A] JvO 473 facsimile [A.D. 212/3].<br />

Olympia; a pedestal of Parian (?) marble that bore a statue erected by the polis of Elis after a<br />

decree of the boule honouring Claudia Tyche, the daughter of Aemilia Philoxena (for the text<br />

see EL 119 [1A]).<br />

[1 B] JvO 474 facsimile [A.D. 212/3].<br />

Olympia; the lower part of a statue base. Its fragmentary inscription is completed as a<br />

duplicate of the honorary inscription mentioned above, erected by the polis of Elis honouring<br />

the daughter of Aemilia Philoxena (for the text see EL 119 [1A]).<br />

Arcadian<br />

m. Claudia Tyche (EL 119); w. Claudius Tertullus (EL 163)<br />

11. ΑΙΚΟΥ[ΑΝΟΣ (?)]<br />

IvO 361 facsimile [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a fragmentary, maybe honorary, inscription.<br />

Remarks: The name is completed by Dittenberger and Purgold as Αίκου[άνιος]. The<br />

gentilicium Aequanus is preferable since it is attested also in Patrai, see ACH 13-18<br />

and further in Thessalonike: IGX2, 628. For the gentilicium see Schulze, 355. 531;<br />

Solin and Salomies, 7. For the person see Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 21.<br />



ΙνΟ 335 facsimile [Augustan (?)].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue, bearing an honorary inscription for the person erected by the<br />

polis of Elis and the ΤωμαΙοι ένγαιούντες:<br />

Ή πόλις ή των Ηλείων και Τωμ[αίων] Ι οι ένγαοϋντε[ς] Πόπλιο[ν] 'Αλφ[ιον] Ι Πριμον,<br />

πρεσβευ[τ]ήν και άντιστ[ράτη]γον, Διί Όλυμπίω.<br />

legatus Augusti pro praetore<br />

Remarks: For further possibilities with regard to the gentilicium's completion, see Solin and<br />



13-15<br />

Salomies, 12; for the gentilicium see also Schulze, 119. 221 and for its diffusion in the<br />

West see Mócsy, Nomenclator, 13.<br />

For the person see PIR 2 A 515; Groag, Reichsbeamten, 99; Broughton, Magistrates,<br />

III, 14: *P. Alf(ius) or Alf(enus) Primus. Maybe father or grandfather of an [Alfia (?)]<br />

Prima (FOS, 61 comments on no. 61).<br />

For the interpretation of Τωμαιοι ένγαιοΰντες not merely as resident Romans, but<br />

Romans engaged in agriculture see S. Zoumbaki, Tyche 9, 1994, 213-218 (AnnÉpigr<br />

1994, 1610; SEG 45, 1995, 411); the word ένγαροϋντε[ς], understood by<br />

Dittenberger and Purgold as of the same root as αγγαρεία, is shown by G. Daux,<br />

BCH 105, 1981, 573-575 (cf. SEG 31, 1981, 370) and id., "Un mot-fantome ou les<br />

méfaits d' une erreur de lapicide", in: Symposion 1977, Vorträge zur griechischen<br />

und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte, Chantilly, 1.-4. Juni 1977 (Köln-Wien 1982)<br />

183-188 to be a mistake of the engraver.<br />

13. ΑΛΛΙΑΤΙΟΣ ΜΑ[ΡΚΟΣ- - -] (I)<br />

7vO570 facsimile [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; two fragments of a marble plaque, which possibly bore an honorary inscription for<br />

the son of the named person.<br />

Remarks: For the person see Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 42. For the name see EL 14.<br />

f. ['Αλλιάτιος Μαρκο]ς Άλλιατίου Μά[ρκου υιός—]ατος (EL 14)<br />


/νΟ570 facsimile [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; two fragments of a marble plaque, which possibly bore an honorary inscription.<br />

epimeletes of Olympia (?)<br />

Remarks: The Olympian attestation of the gentilicium Alliatius is refered to by Schulze, 345 as<br />

the only one existing; see also Solin and Salomies, 12. The name is also attested in<br />

Patrai, see ACH 21. For the person see Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 43.<br />

s. Αλλιάτιος Μα[ρκος] (EL 13)<br />


ΙνΟ 328 facsimile [1st c. B.C.].<br />

Olympia; a limestone base for a statue bearing an honorary inscription for the named person;<br />

it was erected by the Achaean Koinon:<br />

To κοινον των Ι Αχαιών Ι Κόιντον Άγχάριον Ι Κοΐντου υίόν, Ι αν[τι]ταμίαν, τον Ι αύτ[ώ]ν<br />

πάτρωνα και Ι εύεργέταν θεοις.<br />

proquaestor<br />

Remarks: Perhaps he is to be identified with the legatus Augusti pro praetore and proquaestor<br />



of Macedonia in the second quarter of the first c. B.C., who is attested in an<br />

inscription from Gytheion (IG V 1, 1146; LAC 25) and took part in the war of M.<br />

Antonius Creticus against the Cretan pirates. His identification either with the<br />

proconsul of the year 55 or 54 B.C., successor of L. Calpurnius Piso (Cic, Earn.<br />

XIII. 40; Pis. 36, 89), or with a son of the man who was killed by the part of Marius<br />

are also possible; Dittenberger and Purgold identify him with the ex-praetor who<br />

was killed by Marius' supporters. It is possible to identify him with the honorand of<br />

an inscription from Delphi erected by the Koinon of Amphiktyons (FD III. 4, 254).<br />

For the person see E. Klebs, RE I (1894) 2102, s.v. Ancharius [3]; D. Kanatsoulis,<br />

Μακεδόνικη προσωπογραφία από τον 148 π.Χ. μέχρι των χρόνων τον Μ. Κων-<br />

σταντίνον (Thessalonike 1955) 154; Broughton, Magistrates Π, 112. 115, η. 5. 158.<br />

189. 208. 218. 224. 474. 480; Sarikakis, Αρχοντες, Α' , 121-122 and 175-176.<br />

For the gentilicium see Schulze, 122. 203; Mócsy, Nomenciator, 18; Solin and<br />

Salomies, 15.<br />



ΙνΟ 624 facsimile (Ameling, Hemdes Atticus II, 133, no. 126); Bol, Herodes-Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 130-131, no. 15, facsimile (fig. 59) and 132-134, pi. 10 (Tobin, Hemdes Atticus,<br />

84, no. 5) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; several fragments of a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes<br />

Atticus bearing an honorary inscription for his daughter Elpinice:<br />

Αππίαν Αννίαν Α[τ]ειλία[ν] Ι Τήγιλλα[ν] Έλπινείκην ΑγριππεΙναν Ι Ατρίαν Πόλλαν,<br />

Ήρώδου και [Τη]γίλλης Ι θυγατ[έρα, ή πόλ]ι[ς ή των Ηλείων].<br />

Remarks: About the person, who was born about A.D. 143 and died about A.D. 167, before her<br />

father, see P.v. Rohden, RE I 2 (1894) 2310, s.v. Annius [107]; PIR 2 A 706;<br />

Halfmann, Senatoren, 158 and 156, nos [25], [45], [52], [53]; FOS, 71-73, no. 56,<br />

stemma XXVII and XXXII; Settipani, 475-476.<br />

d. Herodes Atticus (EL 144); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemmata XI, 1. 2. 3.<br />



[1] 7ν0288 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus Π, 127, no. Ill) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a marble statue base bearing a votive inscription to Hygeia erected by Regula. The<br />

monument may have been built as part of the hydraulic donation of Regula in Olympia: 'Ρήγιλ-<br />

λα Ύγείαι.<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 610 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 127-128, no. 113); Bol, Herodes-Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 109-110, no. 1, pi. 2.3 and facsimile, fig. 44 (Tobin, Herodes Atticus, 77) [middle<br />

of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a bull of Pentelic marble; on the right side of its body it bears a dedication of the wife<br />



of Herodes Atticus, Regula, commemorating her tenure of the office of the priestess of<br />

Demeter Chamyne. The statue of the bull must have been erected over the water cistern in the<br />

so-called exedra of Herodes Atticus, which, according to this inscription, should be recognised<br />

as a donation of Regula:<br />

Τήγιλλα ιέρεια Δήμητρος το ύδωρ και τα περί το ύδωρ τω Διί.<br />

[3] ΙνΟ 612 facsimile (Oliver, The Athenian expounders, 112, no. 5; Ameling, Herodes Atticus<br />

II, 129, no. 114) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; twenty-four fragments of a plaque of Pentelic marble make up one of the<br />

inscriptions on the exedra of Herodes Atticus in honour of Regula.<br />

The text is to be restored according to Dittenberger and Purgold: [Α.ππία Άν]νί[α Τήγιλλα<br />

Άππίου] ύ[π]άτο[υ πο]ντ[ίφικος θ]υγάτηρ, [Τιβερί]ου [Κλαυδί]ου [Ήρώδου γυ]νή. [Τιβέ-<br />

ριος Κλαύδι]ος, Τ[ιβερίου Κλαυδίου Αττικού] υιός, Ηρώδης Αθηναίος.<br />

Oliver, op. cit., completes: [Αππία Αν]νί[α Τήγιλλα Λτιλία Καυκιδία Τερτύλλα Άππίου]<br />

ύ[π]άτο[υ πο]ντ[ίφικος θ]υγάτηρ [Ήρώδ]ου [ύπάτ]ου [έξηγητού γυ]νή.<br />

[4] ΙνΟ 619 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II 131, no. 121); Bol, Herodes- Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 120-121, no. 10, pi. 7, facsimile (fig. 52) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble bearing an honorary inscription for Regilla's father.<br />

The statue belonged to the exedra of Herodes Atticus: ... Τηγίλλης πατέρα της Ήρώδου I<br />

[γυ]ναικό[ς], ή [π]όλι[ς] ή [τ]ώ[ν Ή]λ[είων] (for the full text see EL 18).<br />

[5] IvO 620 facsimile (ILS 8824 a; Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 131-132, no. 122) [middle of<br />

2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; one of the honorary inscriptions of the exedra of Herodes Atticus for Regilla's<br />

grandfather: Μ(αρκον) "Αππιον Βραδούαν, ... τον Τη[γίλλης πρ]ός μητρός πάππον... (for<br />

the full text see EL 50).<br />

[6]IvO 623 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 133, no. 125); Bol, Herodes- Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 129-130, no. 14, facsimile (fig. 57) and 132-134, pi. 10 (Tobin, Herodes Atticus,<br />

91, no. 2) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble bearing one of the honorary inscriptions on the exedra<br />

of Herodes Atticus concerning the son of Herodes and Regula: Μ(αρκον) Ατείλιον Αττι[κον] I<br />

Βραδούαν Τήγιλλον, Ι Ήρώδου και Τηγίλλης υίόν etc. (for the full text see EL 57).<br />

[7] ΙνΟ 62A facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 133, no. 126); Bol, Herodes-Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 130-131, no. 15, facsimile (fig. 59) and 132-134, pi. 10 (Tobin, Herodes Atticus,<br />

84, no. 5) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; several fragments of a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes<br />

Atticus bearing an honorary inscription for the daughter of Herodes and Regula, Elpinice: ...<br />

Ήρώδου και [Τη]γίλλης Ι θυγατ[έρα etc. (for the full text see EL 16).<br />

[8] IvO 625 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 134, no. 127); Bol, Herodes- Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 132-3, no. 16, pi. 11, facsimile, fig. 60 (Tobin, Herodes Atticus, 87, no. 4) [middle<br />

of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />



Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes Atticus bearing<br />

honorary inscriptions erected by the polis of Elis for his children Athenais and Regullus: Μαρκίαν<br />

Κλαυδίαν Άλκίαν Ι Αθηναΐδα Γαβιδίαν Λατιαρίαν Ι Ήρώδου και Τηγίλλης θυγατέρα<br />

etc. (for the full text see EL 113).<br />

[9] IvO 626 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 134, no. 128); Bol, Herodes- Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 132-3, no. 17, pi. 11, facsimile, fig. 60 (Tobin, Herodes Atticus, 89, no. 2) [middle<br />

of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes Atticus bearing<br />

honorary inscriptions erected by the polis of Elis for his children Athenais and Regullus:<br />

Λ(ούκιον) Κλαύδιον Ι Βιβούλλιον Τήγιλλον Ι Ήρώδην, Ήρώδου Ι και Τηγίλλης υίόν, etc.<br />

(for the full text see EL 167).<br />

[10] L. Schumacher, "Eine neue Inschrift für den Sophisten Herodes Atticus", OIB 1999, 421-<br />

437 (BullÉpigr 2000, 351) [ca. A.D. 175].<br />

Olympia; honorary inscription for Herodes Atticus erected by the polis of Elis. His name is<br />

not preserved, but there is no doupt, that the person bearing the functions of [— ]vir, sodalis<br />

Augustalis, sodalis Hadrianalis and priest of Dionysos, and is named as husband of Regula and<br />

Athenian is to be identified with Herodes.<br />

Remarks: The full name of Regula is Appia Annia Regula Atilia Caucidia Tertulla; from the<br />

large bibliography on the person see in particular P.v. Rohden, RE I 2 (1894) 2315-<br />

2316, s.v. Annius [125]; PIR 2 A 720; Halfmann, Senatoren, 158; FOS, 83-84, no. 66,<br />

stemma XXVII and no. 118 (Atilia Caucia Tertulla), stemma VIII, XXVII;<br />

Settipani, 472-476 with stemmata. For the dedications [1] and [2] of Regula,<br />

respectively, to Hygeia and Demeter see also Tobin, Herodes Atticus, 322-323. A<br />

statue of Hygeia in Heraion is mentioned by Pausanias V. 20, 3; the dedication is,<br />

however, connected with the so called nymphaeum; the importance of water is<br />

obvious, especially in a place which was crowded during the period of the Olympic<br />

festival (cf. Lucian, De mort. Peregr. 19 and I. Weiler, "Olympia-jenseits der<br />

Agonistik: Kultur und Spektakel", Nikephoros 10, 1997, 193-195).<br />

Regula is also attested in Corinth, to which her husband Herodes was connected as<br />

a benefactor. A marble statue base bearing an epigram in honour of Regula was<br />

found in front of the middle of the eastern apse of Peirene, connecting in this way<br />

the family of the Athenian sophist with a reconstruction of the court of the fountain<br />

(COR 528 [1]). A second statue base bearing a flattering epigram in her honour is<br />

found near the so-called Temple F (maybe of Tyche, since Regula appears also in the<br />

epigram connected with Tyche), see COR 528 [2].<br />

w. Herodes Atticus (EL 144), d. Appius Annius Gallus (EL 18). For the stemma of the family<br />

see Appendix, Stemmata XI, 1. 2. 3.<br />


IvO 619 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 131, no. 121); Bol, Herodes- Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 120-121, no. 10, pi. 7, facsimile (fig. 52) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />



19-21<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble bearing an honorary inscription for the person, who<br />

was Regilla's father. The statue belonged to the exedra of Herodes Atticus:<br />

5 Αππιον 'Αννιον Γάλλον, Ι [τ]α[μ]ί[α]ν, σ[τρ]α[τ]η[γ]όν, [ΰ]πα[τ]ον, Ι ποντίφηκα, Τηγίλλης<br />

πατέρα της Ήρώδου Ι [γυ]ναικό[ς], ή [π]όλι[ς] ή [τ]ώ[ν Ή]λ[είων].<br />

quaestor, praetor, consul, pontifex<br />

Remarks: About the person, who is a member of a senatorial family, see P.v. Rohden, RE I 2<br />

(1894) 2278, 5. v. Annius [88]; PIR 2 A 654; G. Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand<br />

unter den Antoninen. Prosopographische Untersuchungen zur senatorischen<br />

Führungsschicht (Bonn 1977) 139, 303, 323, 327; cf. FOS, 83-84 (comments on no.<br />

66); Settipani, 472-476 with stemmata.<br />

f. Regula (EL 17). For the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemmata XI, 1. 2. 3.<br />


Ιν0 9\, 1.5 facsimile [A.D. 113-117].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. The name of the person is followed by the abbreviation Γ. (see<br />

EL 82).<br />

theocolos<br />

Remarks: The Greek forms of the name Antistius/Antestius are Α,ντέστιος, Άντίστιος,<br />

Ανθέστιος, Ανθίστιος, that could, in one interpretation, be derived from a false<br />

etymology from the words άνθος (flower) or εστία, άντ(ί)-έστία (hearth), see B.<br />

Meinersmann, Die lateinischen Wörter und Namen in den griechischen Papyri<br />

(Leipzig 1927) 67-68; see also E. Klebs, RE I 2 (1894) 2545, s.v. Antestius; Mócsy,<br />

Nomenciator, 22; id., Beiträge zur Namenstatistik, Dissertationes Pannonicae,<br />

Seiles III, vol. 3 (Budapest 1985) 69. 80. 86. 87. 89; Solin and Salomies, 17. For the<br />

person cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 59.<br />


7v0456 facsimile [A.D. 157 (έπ[ί] της σλδ' Όλυμπ[ι]άδος)].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected by the polis of Elis and the Olympic boule in honour of<br />

the priestess of Demeter Chamynaia Antonia Baebia:<br />

"Αντωνίαν ΒαιΙβίαν, Μ(άρκου) ΑντωνίΙου Σαμίππου Ι θυγατέρα τοϋ από Ι 5 Όξύλου τού κτίσανίτος<br />

τήν πόλιν, Ι ίέρειαν γενομέΙνην της ΔήμηΙτρος έπ[ί] της σλδ' Ι Όλυμπ[ι]άδος, Ι ή<br />

πόλις ή τών ΉΙλείων και ή ΌλυμΙπική βουλή.<br />

Remarks: For the person, who was a member of an important Elean family (see below EL 46),<br />

see also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 11 and Σ 2.<br />

ά. M. Antonius Samippus (EL 46); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XII.<br />


JvO 428 facsimile [1st c. A.D.].<br />



Olympia; a base for a statue erected by her and Antonius Proculus for their benefactor Claudia<br />

Cleodice:<br />

Κλαυδίαν Κλεοδίκην Ι Ήλείαν Ι Μ(αρκος) Αντώνιος Πρόκλος Ι και Άντωνία Καλλώ Ι<br />

Μεσσήνιοι τάν αυτών Ι εύεργέτιν Ι εκ τών ιδίων.<br />

Messenian<br />

Remarks: For the connection of the person with the important Elean family of Antonius<br />

Alexion see EL 34.<br />

Perhaps w. Antonius Proculus (EL 44)<br />


[1] 7v0429 facsimile [second half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble erected by the polis of Elis and the Olympic council<br />

in honour of the named person:<br />

Ή πόλις Ηλείων και ή Ι Όλυμπική βουλή ΆντωΙνίαν Κλεοδίκην, Μ(άρκου) ΆντωΙνίου<br />

Αλεξίωνος και ΚλαυΙ 5 δίας Κλεοδίκης θυγατέρα, Ι μητέρα Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου ΠέλοΙπος<br />

και Κλαυδίας ΔαμοξέΙνας και Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου ΑριΙστομένους, πάσης ένεΐκεν αρετής<br />

και ευσέβειας Ι Διί Όλυμπίω.<br />

[2] 7νΟ430 facsimile [beginning of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble erected by the Achaean Koinon honouring her son<br />

Tib. Claudius Pelops: ...Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Ι Άριστέα και Αντωνίας Ι Κλεοδίκης υίόν...<br />

(for the full text see EL 160 [2]).<br />

Remarks: More about the person and her family see also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 78<br />

and 99. She was a member of a prominent Elean family, see below EL 34.<br />

d. M. Antonius Alexio (EL 34) and Claudia Cleodice (EL 117), w. Tib. Claudius Aristeas (EL<br />

140), m. Tib. Claudius Pelops (EL 160), Claudia Damoxena (EL 118), Tib. Claudius<br />

Aristomenes (EL 142); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XIII.<br />


IvO Affi facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 79 and Κ 4 [second half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; she is attested in the honorary inscription on a base for a statue erected for her<br />

daughter, Baebia Procula, by the polis of Elis and the Olympic boule:<br />

...Καικιλίου Πρόκλου και Αντωνίας Πώλλης θυγατέρα... (for the full text see EL 96).<br />

m. Baebia Procula (EL 96), w. Caecilius Proculus (EL 98)<br />

24. [ΑΝΤ]ΩΝΙΟΣ (?)<br />

7vO 137,1. 3 facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 80 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; he is attested in a list of cult personnel as the father of an unknown functionary.<br />


25. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) Α[ΝΤΩΝΙΟΣ - - -]<br />


ΙνΟ 91,1. 6 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 82 [A.D. 153].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />

26. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) Α[ΝΤΩΝΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

IvO 99,1. 6 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 83 [second half 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />

27. M(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΑΝΤ[ΩΝΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

IvO 99,1. 9 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 84 [second half 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

28. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΑΝΤΩΓΝΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

IvO 100,1. 3 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 85 [about A.D. 181].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />

29. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΑΝΤΩΝ[ΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

IvO 100,1. 4 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 86 [about A.D. 181].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />

30. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) Α[ΝΤΩΝΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

IvO 100,1. 8 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 87 [about A.D. 181].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

31. [ΜΑΡΚΟ]Σ ΑΝΤ[ΩΝΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

IvO 101,1. 5 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 88 [about A.D. 177].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />

32. Μ (ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΑΝΤ[ΩΝΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

7v0569 facsimile [2nd/3rd c. A.D. (?)].<br />



Olympia; a fragmentary plaque of Pentelic marble, possibly from an honorary monument<br />

which is in all likelihood dated by the name of the strategos of the Achaean Koinon:<br />

Έπί στρ[ατηγοϋ των 'Αχαιών] Μ(άρκου) Άντ[ωνίου— ].<br />

Remarks: For this otherwise unknown strategos of the Achaean Koinon cf. also Zoumbaki,<br />

Elis und Olympia, A 89.<br />


7ν0 283 facsimile [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; three fragments of a small base bearing a votive inscription for Zeus Olympios:<br />

Δα Ό[λυμπίω] Ι χα[ριστήριον] Ι Γάιος [Αντώνιος] Ι Πεισ[ανοϋ υιός] I I 5 LO . .<br />

... Ι [αρχ]ιερεύ[ς και γυ]Ι[μνασ]ίαρχ[ος . . . .] I .<br />

archiereus (of the emperor cult), gymnasiarch<br />

Remarks: Dittenberger and Purgold identify the person with a son of Callippus Pisanus (EL<br />

299) and grandson of Alexio (EL 34) and further also with the epimeletes attested in<br />

IvO 84 (EL 34a). This identification seems tenuous since the person bears the<br />

praenomen Caius and not Marcus, which is common in the family of M. Antonius<br />

Pisanus. For the person and the possibility of completing his cognomen as Leon see<br />

also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 81. His praenomen Caius implies that he is to<br />

be connected with the clientele of C. Antonius Hybrida, uncle of M. Antonius, who<br />

spent some years in exile in Kephallenia (cf. E. Klebs, RE 12 (1894) 2577-2582, s.v.<br />

Antonius [19]); according to Strabo (X. 2, 13: ...εν τη Κεφαλληνία όιέτριψε και την<br />

ολην νήσον ύπήκοον εσχεν, ώς Ιδιον κτήμα...) he possesed the whole island as a<br />

private property.<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 426 facsimile [first half 1st e. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue dedicated to Zeus by the person in honour of his benefactor C.<br />

Iulius Laco. Alexio was an archiereus of the imperial cult:<br />

Μ(αρκος) 'Αντώνιος Πισανοϋ Ι υιός Άλεξίων ό άρχιερεύς Ι Γ(άιον) Ίούλιον Εύρυκλέους Ι<br />

υίον Λάκωνα τον εαυτού Ι 5<br />

εύεργέτην Διί Ι Όλυμπίψ.<br />

[2] /ν0429 facsimile [second half of 1st e. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected by the polis of Elis honouring the daughter of the person,<br />

Antonia Cleodice: ...Μ(άρκου) 'Αντωνίου Άλεξίωνος και Κλαυοίας Κλεοοίκης θυγατέρα...(for<br />

the full text see EL 22).<br />

Remarks: He was a member of a prominent Elean family with connections beyond Eleia. In [1]<br />

it is clear that Alexio had some personal relationship with Laco, the son of Eurycles<br />

of Sparta (LAC 468). His wife Claudia Cleodice is honoured as euergetes by two<br />

Messenians (see EL 117). As suggested by Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 99 the<br />



34a-37<br />

ties of the family with Messene seem to be continued in the generation of Alexio's<br />

daughter, Antonia Cleodice (EL 22), whose husband, Claudius Aristeas (EL 140),<br />

could be of Messenian origin and one of whose sons, Claudius Aristomenes (EL 142),<br />

bears the name of a very important personality in Messenian history, just as her<br />

other son, Pelops, bears the name of an important legendary personality connected<br />

with Eleia. For the person and his family see also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 91.<br />

s. M. Antonius Pisanus (EL 41), h. Claudia Cleodice (EL 117), f. Antonia Cleodice (EL 22),<br />

Callippus Pisanus (EL 299); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XIII.<br />


7v0 84,1. 17 facsimile [A.D. 69-73].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

epimeletes<br />

Remarks: Most probably he is not to be identified with EL 34, cf. also EL 33 and Zoumbaki,<br />

Elis und Olympia, A 90.<br />


ΙνΟ 102,1. 7 facsimile [A.D. 181-185].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

Remarks: The cognomen is perhaps derived from the Latin name Antiquus (Kajanto, 288;<br />

Solin and Salomies, 293). For the transcription of the Latin "i" as "ει" see Th.<br />

Eckinger, Die Orthographie lateinischer Wörter in griechischen Inschriften<br />

(München 1892) 42-46 and E. Garcia Domingo, Latinismos en la koiné (en los<br />

documentos epigraficos desde el 212 a.J.C. hasta el 14 d.J.C). Gramatica y léxico<br />

griego-latino, latino-griego (Burgos 1979) 49-52; for the transcription of "-quus" as<br />

"-κος" see Eckinger, op. cit., 125. The person is also attested in 1. 23 of the same list<br />

([Κα]λόόρυς Άντεικοϋ); cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 92.<br />


ΙνΟ 102,1. 9 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 93 [A.D. 181-185].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />


ΙνΟ 99,1. 10 facsimile [second half of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a fragmentary list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />



Remarks: The completion of the cognomen is not to be regarded as certain; however it is<br />

possible, since the name is attested in Eleia, see LGPN III. A, 50 and Zoumbaki, Elis<br />

und Olympia, A 104, Φ 29; cf. also id., op. cit., A 94 for the person discussed here.<br />


7ν0472 facsimile [end of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue with an honorary inscription erected by the Achaean Koinon with<br />

the consent of the Olympic council in recognition of an embassy of the named person on behalf<br />

of the Koinon:<br />

To κοινον τών 'Αχαιών, Ι συνεπιψηφισαμέΙνης καί της ίερωτάτης Ι Όλυμπικης βουλής, Ι<br />

Μ(άρκον) Άντώνιον Άριστέαν Ι 5<br />

Δάμωνος, πρεσβεύΙσαντα υπέρ τοϋ κοιίνοϋ τών 'Αχαιών<br />

προΙΙκα, και επί βίου κοσμιΐότητι καί σωφροσύΙνη.<br />

From Abia in Messenia (?)<br />

Remarks: The person discussed here performed an embassy on behalf of the Achaean Koinon<br />

but it is unknown whether he had a function in the Koinon. A Damo, son of Aristeas<br />

from Abia in Messenia, and grammateus of the Koinon between A.D. 119 and 137<br />

(IG V 1, 1352), could be identified with the father of the here attested person.<br />



ΙνΟ 103,1. 7 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 95 [second half of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />


ΙνΟ 82,1. 6 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 97 [A.D. 67].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is followed by the letter Π bearing a horizontal line<br />

above, probably an abbreviation (see EL 82).<br />

theocolos<br />


[1] Iv012\ facsimile [after A.D. 17].<br />

Olympia; a large pedestal bearing an inscription commemorating the Olympic victory of<br />

Pisanus' patron, Germanicus, adopted son of the emperor Tiberius:<br />

Γερμανικον Καίσαρα, αύτοκράτορος Ι Τιβερίου Καίσαρος Σεβαστού υίόν, Ι νικήσαντα<br />

'Ολύμπια τεθρίππω τελεί[ω] Ι Μάρκος 'Αντώνιος Πεισανος Ι 5<br />

τον εαυτού πάτρωνα Διί<br />


Όλυμπίω.<br />

[2] 7v0426 facsimile [first half 1st c. A.D.].<br />


42-43<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected by the son of the person in honour of C. Iulius Laco (EL<br />

236). The discussed person is attested here as Πισανοϋ.<br />

Remarks: For the Olympic victory of Germanicus see Moretti, Olympionikai, 750. Cf. also M.<br />

Kaplan, Greeks and the imperial court, from Tiberius to Nero (New York 1990)<br />

258-259; according to him, the gentilicium of the person indicates his acquisition of<br />

Roman citizenship from M. Antonius and since the family continued to be one of the<br />

most prominent in Elis it shows that they were loyal to Augustus. However there is<br />

also the possibility that Pisanus owed his citizenship to his patron Germanicus,<br />

whose mother was Antonia Minor (about her see P. Groebe, RE 12 [1894] 2640, s.v.<br />

Antonius [114]). For a possible etymology of his cognomen s. S. Zoumbaki, "Die<br />

Verbreitung der römischen Namen in Eleia", in: Roman onomastics, 194.<br />

More about the person and his family see also EL 34 and Zoumbaki, Elis und<br />

Olympia, A 99.<br />

f. M. Antonius Alexio (EL 34); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XIII.<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 102,1. 14 facsimile [second half 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name, [Μ(αρκος) Άν]τώνιος Πολύκλειτος, is followed by<br />

the abbreviation Π. bearing an horizontal line above (see EL 82).<br />

[2] IvO 103,1. 19 facsimile [second half of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is attested here as Μ(αρκος) 'Αντώνιος [Πολύ­<br />

κλειτος.<br />

[3] ΙνΟ 106,1. 16 facsimile [A.D. 197-201].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Μ(άρκος) 'Αντώνιος [Πολύκλειτος].<br />

[3a] ΙνΟ 104,1. 16 facsimile [A.D. 185-188].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Πολύκλειτ[ος ]ου, who has the function of exegetes, is<br />

perhaps to be identified with the person discussed here.<br />

exe^efes<br />

Remarks: It is unknown whether he is to be identified with the homonym (EL 43), who is the<br />

first spondophoros of [2]. For the person see also Zoumbaki, His und Olympia, A<br />

101.<br />


ΙνΟ 103,1. 9 facsimile [second half of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />



Remarks: It is unknown, whether he is to be identified with the homonym (EL 42), who is the<br />

exegetes of this inscription, attested also in IvO 102 and 106. For the person see also<br />

Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 100.<br />


/ν0428 facsimile [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected by him and Antonia Callo for their benefactor Claudia<br />

Cleodice (for the text see EL 117).<br />

Messenian<br />

Remarks: Perhaps he is to be identified with a homonym attested in a decree of the Augustan<br />

age in Messene which includes a list of contributions of citizens for the restoration<br />

of public buildings. He offers 100 dinars for the reparation of a portico; see MES s.v.<br />

Μάρκος Αντώνιος Πρόκλος; Α.Κ. Orlandos, PAAH 1959, 167-8, 170-3 (SEG23,<br />

1968, 205 + 207; BullÉpigr 1966, 200; L. Migeotte, BCH 109, 1985, 597-607).<br />


ΙνΟ 102,1. 3 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 102 [A.D. 181-185].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is followed by the abbreviation Γ. (see EL 82).<br />

theocolos<br />


ΙνΟ 456 facsimile [A.D. 157].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected by the polis of Elis and the Olympic boule honouring the<br />

daughter of the named person, Antonia Baebia:<br />

Άντωνίαν ΒαιΙβίαν, Μ(άρκου) ΆντωνίΙου Σαμίππου Ι θυγατέρα του από Ι 5 Όξύλου του κτί-<br />

σανίτος την πόλιν, Ι ίέρειαν γενομέΙνην της ΔήμηΙτρος έπ[ί] της σλο'Ι Όλυμπ[ι]άοος, Ι ή πόλις<br />

ή τών ΉΙλείων καί ή ΌλυμΙπική βουλή.<br />

Remarks: There is an honorary decree of the Athenian Areopagos for the son of the person M.<br />

Antonius Oxylus (IG II 2 1072). For the name Σάμιππος see LGPN III.A, 388.<br />

He is a member of a prominent Elean family, the roots of which can be followed<br />

back to the 4th c. B.C. His daughter Antonia Baebia was a priestess of Demeter<br />

Chamyne, which was the most eminent cultict function open to a woman in the<br />

imperial period and was also held by women of senatorial status, like Regula (cf. EL<br />

17 [2]) and Claudia Baebia Baebiana (EL 116). His son M. Antoninus Oxylus is<br />

honoured in Athens (IG II 2 , 1072 [SEG 29, 1979, 126]) about A.D. 96/7 - 102/3 (cf.<br />

Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 98. For the person see Zoumbaki, Elis und<br />

Olympia, A 103 and Σ 2.<br />

f. Antonia Baebia (EL 20); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XII.<br />




J. Ebert, Nikephoros 10, 1997, 217-233, esp. 218, col. 1,1. 7 and 224, n. 10, facsimile (p. 219)<br />

[2ndc. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia, area of the so-called "Südwestbau", in a drainage canal; a bronze plaque bearing the<br />

names of some Olympic victors and athletes of different times: [Μ(αρκος) Ά]ντώνιος πάλ(η).<br />

Remarks: Ebert, op. cit., 220, η. 4 suggests that the victors of 11. 6-9 could be dated in the 2nd<br />

c. A.D. and ibid., 224, η. 10 considers it a possibility that he could be identified with<br />

an athlete known from I.Ephesos IV, 1127.<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 113,1. 4 facsimile [after A.D. 221].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: ['Αντώνιος Ζήθος Κλυ]τιάοης.<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 114,1. 8 facsimile [A.D. 225-229].<br />

Olympia; completed in a list of cult personnel: [Άντ(ώνιος) Ζ]ήθο[ς Κλυ(τιάδης)].<br />

[3] ΙνΟ 115,1. 9 (facsimile); cf. also the new fragments of the inscription OIB 5, 1956, 173-5,<br />

fig. 73 (SEG 15, 1958, 258) [A.D. 229-233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Άντ(ώνιος) Ζήθος Κλυ(τιάδης).<br />

[4] ΙνΟ 116,1. 16 facsimile [Α.ϋντ(ώνιος) Ζήθος [Κλυτ(ιάδης)].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Άντ(ώνιος) Ζηθος [Κλυτ(ιάοης)].<br />

[5] ΙνΟ 117,1. 14 facsimile [second quarter 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Μ(αρκος) Άντ(ώνιος) Ζή[θ]ος Κλυτιάδης.<br />

seer<br />

Remarks: For the name Zethus see LGPN III. A, 186. For the person cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und<br />

Olympia, A 96.<br />





*49. ΑΠ[ΠΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

7ν0 353 facsimile [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a fragment of a statue base which may bear an honorary inscription: 'Απ[πιον —],<br />

[άνθύπατον] Άσ[ίας] (compi, by Dittenberger and Purgold).<br />



Remarks: There is no known proconsul of Asia bearing the name Appius; Appius Claudius<br />

Pulcher (27-26 B.C.; cf. Thomasson, 243, no. 2; Rémy, Carrières sénatoriales, 18-19) was<br />

a governor of Bithynia and Pontus; therefore the identification with him seems difficult.<br />


ΙνΟ 620 facsimile (ILS 8824 a; Ameting, Herodes Atticus II, 131-132, no. 122); Bol, Herodes-<br />

Atticus-Nymphäum, 121-123, no. 11, pi. 7.8, facsimile (fig. 53) [middle of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; one of the honorary inscriptions of the exedra of Herodes Atticus:<br />

Μ(αρκον) "Αππιον Βραδούαν, ταμίαν, στρατηγόν, Ι [υπατον, πρεσβευτήν καί άντιστράτη-<br />

γον] Ι θεού Γ Αδριανοϋ ύπατικον Γερμανίας καί Βρεταννίας, ποντίφικα, Ι σοδαλιν<br />

Άδριαναλιν, τον Τη[γίλλης πρ]ος μητρός πάππον της Ήρώδου Ι γυναικός, ή πόλις ή [τ]ών<br />

'Ηλείων.<br />

quaestor, praetor, consul, legatus Augusti pro praetore ([υπατον, πρεσβευτήν καί άντιστρά-<br />

τηγον], restoration by Dittenberger-Purgold), legatus consularis Germaniae item Britanniae<br />

(PIR), pontifex, sodalis Hadrianalis<br />

Remarks: About this patrician, whose full name was M. Appius Atilius Bradua and who was a<br />

grandfather of Regula from the side of her mother, see P. v. Rohden, RE II 1 (1895)<br />

242-243, s.v. Appius [5]; PIR 2 A 1298; L. Schumacher, Prosopographische<br />

Untersuchungen zur Besetzung der vier hohen römischen Priesterkollegien im<br />

Zeitalter der Antoninen und der Severer (96-235 η. Chr.) (Mayence 1973) 19, A 44;<br />

Bol, op. cit., 128, n. 424 for his religious offices; cf. FOS, 84 (comments on no. 66)<br />

refered to with the name M. Atilius Metilius Bradua; Settipani, 472-476 with<br />

stemmata. He is often identified with M. Atilius Metilius Bradua (PIR 2 A 1302;<br />

Halfmann, Senatoren, 158 [M. Appius Metilius Bradua] and 156 no. [41]; W. Eck,<br />

Der neue Pauly 2, 214 [Π 8], 5. v. M.A. Metilius Bradua). For the restoration of<br />

Dittenberger and Purgold [υπατον, πρεσβευτήν καί άντιστράτηγον] in 1. 2 see also<br />

PIR, loc. cit.<br />

Dittenberger and Purgold, Sp. 629-630 explain the reasons of accepting Μ(αρκον)<br />

Άππιον Βραδούαν in this inscription, while Thomasson, 16 f., n. 10 prefers<br />

Μ(αρκον) Άτίλιον Βραδούαν, which is accepted by Ameling; Bol, loc. cit., 122, n.<br />

398. His portrait may be preserved, Bol, op.cit., 165-169, no. 34, fig. 73.<br />

Grandfather of Regula (EL 17). For the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemmata XI, 1. 2. 3.<br />



ΙνΟ 355 facsimile [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a large base that bore a bronze statue, erected for the consular Appius Sabinus by the<br />


Olympic boule:<br />


52-54<br />

'Αγαθή Τύχη. Ι Τον λαμπρόΙτατον ύπατιΙκον Άππιον Ι ΣαβεΙνον ή ΌΙλυμπική βουλή Ι αρετής<br />

ένεκα. Ι ψ(ηφίσματι) Όλ(υμπικής) β(ουλής).<br />

consularìs<br />

Remarks: The date is based on the lettering and the abbreviation of the decree of the Olympic<br />

52. ΑΠΡΙΑ ΚΑΣΣΙΑ<br />

council at the end of the document, which appears only in the third c. A.D. (see<br />

comments of Dittenberger and Purgold). According to Dittenberger and Purgold the<br />

person is not to be identified with the homonymous Ap. Sabinus Probi f. (CIL II<br />

2495). For him see also PIR 2 A 952; Barbieri, no. 1440; cf. nos. 946, 1465, 1495,<br />

1720 and p. 513, 527, 529 adn., 541.<br />

/v0477 facsimile [A.D. 210-220].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected by the named person for her son L. Pompeius Craterus<br />

Cassianus, strategos of the Achaean Koinon, with the consent of the Olympic boule:<br />

Λ(ούκιον) Πομπήιον Κράτερον ΚασΙσιανόν, στρατηγήσαντα του Ι κοινού τών 'Αχαιών καί<br />

τειμηΐθέντα υπό τής κρατίστης ΉλείΙ 5 ων βουλής τειμαις ταις άρίσταις Ι άπάσαις, Άπρία<br />

Κασσία ή μήτηρ Ι δια Ι Π(οπλίου) Έγνατίου Μαξίμου ΒενυΙστείνου τού ύού (sic) Ι άνέστησεν.<br />

strategos of the Achaean Koinon<br />

Remarks: On the rare name Aprius, which is common only in the Gallian provinces, see<br />

Schulze, 110; Alföldy, Dalmatia, 60; Mócsy, Nomenciator, 25; Solin and Salomies,<br />

19. For the person, who was a member of a prominent Elean family of the end of<br />

2nd and beginning of 3rd c. A.D., see Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 113; cf. EL<br />

302.<br />

m. L. Pompeius Craterus Cassianus (EL 302)<br />

53. [ΑΚΥ]ΑΑΣ<br />

ΙνΟ 80,1. 12 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 25 [third quarter of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

epispondorchestes<br />

slave<br />

54. [Α]ΚΥΛΑΣ<br />

ΙνΟ 106,1. 8 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 26 [A.D. 197-201].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

f. of the spondophoros Aquila (EL 55)<br />


55. ΑΚΥΑΑΣ [A]KYAA<br />


ΙνΟ 106,1. 8 facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 27 [A.D. 197-201].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />


ΙνΟ 356 facsimile [after A.D. 223].<br />

Olympia; a large base that bore a bronze statue, erected by the Olympic boule and the Elean<br />

demos for the discussed person:<br />

'Αγαθή τύχη. Ι Ή Όλυμπική βουλή καί ό Ι δήμος ο Ηλείων Γ(άιον) Άσίνιον Ι Κουαδράτον<br />

ανθύπατον, Ι υπατον άποόεδειγμένον, Ι τειμήσαντα τήν ΌλυμπίΙαν καί λόγω καί έργα).<br />

proconsul (Achaiae), consul<br />

Remarks: About C. Asinius (Protimus) Quadratus, who is identified by Dittenberger and<br />

Purgold with the homonymous person, who wrote a history from the foundation of<br />

Rome to the reign of Alexander Severus under the title "Χιλιετηρίς", see Ed.<br />

Schwarz, RE II 2 (1896) 1603-1604, 5. v. Asinius [31-32]; PIR 1 A 1246; cf. also 1245;<br />

Groag, Reichsbeamten, 90-91. 160. 164, n. 694 and 701; Barbieri, no. 59; H.<br />

Halfmann, "Die Senatoren aus den kleinasiatischen Provinzen", in: EOS, 631;<br />

Thomasson, 197, no. 58; Κ. Dietz, Senatus contra principem. Untersuchungen zur<br />

senatorischen Opposition gegen Kaiser Maximinus Thrax, Vestigia 29 (München<br />

1988) 88-89; Leunissen, Konsuln und Konsulare, 147, 190 n. 266, 294, 356 and 374.<br />

Settipani, 7; E. Degani and T. Heinze, Der neue Pauly 2, 83 [I 5] s.v. Asinius.<br />

Perhaps he is to be identified with the man who, with his brother Rufus, erected a<br />

statue for the Emperor Caracalla in Amorgos (IG XII 7, 267 + IG XII Suppl.; see<br />

also P.M. Nigdelis, Πολίτευμα και κοινωνία των πόλεων των Κυκλάδων κατά την<br />

ελληνιστική και αυτοκρατορική εποχή [Thessalonike 1990] 65).<br />


ΥΙΟΣ<br />

ΙνΟ 623 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus, II, 133, no. 125); Bol, Herodes- Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 129-130, no. 14, facsimile (fig. 57) and 132-134, pi. 10 (Tobin, Herodes Atticus,<br />

91, no. 2) [middle of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes Atticus bearing an<br />

honorary inscription concerning his son:<br />

Μ(αρκον) Άτείλιον Άττι[κον] Ι Βραδούαν Τήγιλλον, Ι Ήρώδου καί "Ρηγίλλης υίόν, Ι [ή<br />

π]όλις [ή τ]ών [Ήλε]ίων.<br />

Athenian<br />

Remarks: The full onomastic formula of the person included also Tib. Claudius. He is also<br />

attested in Athens (IG I I/I 11 2113; 2114; 3978, in the latter inscription he is defined<br />



as ευπατρίδης; see also Hesperia 44, 1975, 404). He was eponymous archon at<br />

Athens of the year A.D. 187/8 (S. Rotroff, Hesperia 44, 1975, 407). The person was<br />

also a consul of the year A.D. 185 (Degrassi, Fasti consolari, 51). Further on him see<br />

E. Groag, RE III 2 (1899) 2680, s.v. Claudius [87]; PIR C 785; Halfmann,<br />

Senatoren, no. 128; J. Oliver, EOS, 586-588 and 601 and for the whole family 585-<br />

588; Ameling, op. cit.; FOS, 72-73 (comments on no. 56).<br />

Oliver, op. cit., believes that there were four sons of Herodes, a Ti. Claudius Appius<br />

Atilius Bradua Regillus Atticus (EL 167), who is to be recognised in the above<br />

mentioned Athenian inscriptions, a second one appearing in the inscription from<br />

Olympia, a third one named L. Vibullius Regillus Claudius Herodes attested also in<br />

Olympia (ΙνΟ 626) and a fourth one, who died in infancy. The second son, who is<br />

discussed here, honoured in Olympia (7v0623) passed, according to Oliver, into the<br />

gens Atilia through adoption —perhaps by a maternal uncle of his mother, in the<br />

family of which there was the name Atilius—, moved out of the Athenian<br />

environment into that of Rome and is consequently to be identified with the consul<br />

of A.D. 185 (see above) and the proconsul Africae attested in J.M. Reynolds and J.B.<br />

Ward Perkins, The inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania (Rome-London 1952) 517; he<br />

also proposes completing the lacuna of the text with the name Regillus instead the<br />

Tertullus of the editors Reynolds and Perkins. So his whole name would be M. Atilius<br />

Metilius Bra[dua] Cauci[dius Regillus Claudius At]ticus [Vibu]llius Pollio Gavidius<br />

Latiaris Atrius Bassus. Oliver died before he could have known the new reading of<br />

G. di Vita-Evrard, "Le proconsul d'Afrique polyonyme IRT 517: une nouvelle<br />

tentative d'identification", MEFR 93, 1981, 183-226 who reads [ ]blicus instead<br />

of [At]ticus (see esp. p. 208-209); W. Eck, Der neue Pauly2, 214 [Π 9].<br />

It seems likely, that he is to be identified with 'Αττικού τοϋ Ήρώδου, attested in a<br />

cursus honorum of his synephebos Corinthas, son of Nicephorus, from Sparta (IG V<br />

1, 45 11. 9-10; LAC 272); this opinion is supported by Boeckh, CIG 1256; Kolbe (in<br />

the comments of IG V 1, 45); Graindor, Atticus, 103 ns 5-6; Follet, Athènes, 134;<br />

Halfmann, Senatoren, no. 128 [5]; A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 75, 1980, 208-10 (cf.<br />

SEG 30, 1980,406); on the contrary Chrimes, Ancient Sparta, AAA no. 20; Bradford,<br />

494 and Ameling, Herodes Atticus, I, 37-38 n. 14. II no. 70 identify him with his<br />

father Herodes Atticus.<br />

s. Herodes Atticus (EL 144) and Regula (EL 17); for the stemma of the family see Appendix,<br />

Stemmata XI, 1.2. 3.<br />



[1] /ν0 85,1. 15 facsimile [A.D. 77-81].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel; here attested as [Μ(αρκος) Άττήδιος] Κόγνιτος.<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 86,1. 11 facsimile [A.D. 85-95].<br />

433<br />



Olympia; list of cult personnel; here attested as Μ(αρκος) Άττήδιος Κόγνιτορ.<br />

grammateus<br />

Remarks: In the inscription IvO 86 the form Κόγνιτορ appears instead of Κόγνιτος as a result<br />

of the Elean rotacism. For the name Attedius see Schulze, 427. 457. 558; Solin and<br />

Salomies, 26; it is often attested in Gallia Narbonensis and Moesia Superior (cf.<br />

Mócsy, Nomenciator, 35), but it is uncommon in the Greek mainland. It should be<br />

noted however that â praetor in Achaia before A.D. 25 was named Attedius Geminus<br />

(see Thomasson, 197; Groag, Reichsbeamten, 17). The name is also attested in<br />

Koroni in Messenia (IG V 1, 1398, MES s.v. Attedii). For the person see also<br />

Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 160.<br />

59. ΑΥΛΟΣ [- - -]<br />

7v0 56,1. 2 facsimile [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; seven fragments of a plaque of Pentelic marble bearing the rules of the organisation<br />

of the games 'Ιταλικά Σεβαστά Ίσολύμπια at Naples. The named person is one of the πρεσβεύσαντες.<br />

Remarks: Dittenberger and Purgold date the inscription after the year 2 B.C. when the first<br />

Ίταλίς is dated. Its publication in the panhellenic sanctuary at Olympia is to be<br />

explained as an announcement to the athletes who came for the Olympic games; cf.<br />

also P. Siewert, "The Olympic rules", in: W. Coulson-H. Kyrieleis (eds.),<br />

Proceedings of an international symposium on the Olympic games, Athens 5-9<br />

September 1988 (Athens 1992) 113-114.<br />


[1] /v0 91,1. 15 facsimile [A.D. 113-117].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Ώρά[ρι]ος Σαβίνος A. For the abbreviation A. cf. EL 82.<br />

[2] IvO 92,1. 16 facsimile [1st quarter of the 2nd c. A.D., after A.D. 117].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Μ(άρκος) Ώρά[ρ]ιος Σαβειν[ος].<br />

exegetes<br />

Remarks: According to Dittenberger and Purgold another possibility for completing the<br />

gentilicium could be Ώράτιος. Because of the initial letter "Ω", it seems unlikely to<br />

regard the name as the Greek transcription of the name Orarius, since "Ω" is the<br />

usual equivalent of the Latin "Au". For Aurarius see E. Habel, RE II 2 (1896) 2425,<br />

who believes that the name is derived from aurum (gold) and means the goldsmith<br />

(aurarius); Solin and Salomies, 28. For the person see also Zoumbaki, Elis und<br />

Olympia, Ω 1.<br />





Κ. Pittakis, ΑΕ 1851, 1419-1420 no. 2868; R. Fleischer, JÖAI46, 1961-63, 83-87, fig. 54a,<br />

facsimile fig. 54b (SEG22, 1967, 330) [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Elis, Buchioti, in a private house; a marble grave stele bearing a relief which represents a<br />

standing woman in chiton and himatium. The inscription is written on the architrave and on<br />

the field of the relief:<br />

Έβείωσα ετών κθ'.Ι Αύρ(ηλία) Ζωσίμη Ι 'Αθηναία, ΆφροΙδεισίου τού καί Ι 5 θριασίου γυνή, Ι<br />

θυγάτηρ δε Ι Αύρ(ηλίου) ΕύκαρΙπίδου ΤριΙκορυσίου, Ι 10 ένθάδε Ι κεϊμε- Ι τον θεον Ι ύμειν Ι<br />

τον έπουΙ 15 ράνιον μείΙ τις σκυ[λ]ή μου Ι το [μ]νημειον, Ι ει μη ποτέ ο άΙνήρ μου βουΙ 20 ληθή τα<br />

οστέΙα μου μεταρε Ι εν τη πατρίΐδι.<br />

Athenian<br />

Remarks: Cf. the corrections of the threats against potential grave robbers of BullÉpigr 1966,<br />

213; about the name Zosime see H. Solin, L'Onomastique Latine, Colloques<br />

internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris 13-15 Octobre<br />

1975 (Paris 1977) 138. Fleischer, op. cit. considers the inscription as a Christian<br />

gravestone, while J. and L. Robert, BullÉpigr 7A, 1966,213 argue that it is a pagan one.<br />

d. Aurelius Eucarpides (EL 75)<br />

62. ΑΥΡΗ[ΛΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

IvO 120,1. 5 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 161 [3rd c. A.D.]<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

63. [Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) Α]ΥΡΗ[(ΑΙΟΣ) - - -]<br />

JvO 454 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 163 [middle of 2nd c.A.D.].<br />

Olympia; three fragments of a marble plaque bearing an honorary inscription for a person,<br />

maybe Tib. Claudius Herodes Atticus, erected by the Olympic boule:<br />

[Τι(βέριον) Κλαύδιον] Ήρ[ώ]δη, ύπατ[ικόν, Ι τον εαυτών] εύεργέτ[η]ν, [ή Ι Όλυμπική]<br />

βουλ[ή δια έπιΐμελητοϋ Μ(άρκου) Α]ύρ[ηλίου ].<br />

maybe epimeletes of Olympia<br />

64. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) Α[(ΥΡΗΑΙΟΣ) - - -]<br />

R. Fleischer, JÖAI A6, 1961-63, 91-92, fig. 58 (SEG 22, 1967, 333); cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und<br />

Olympia, A 162 [imperial period].<br />

Elis; two joining fragments of a marble plaque bearing possibly an honorary inscription.<br />




ΙνΟ 121,1. 9 facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 165 [A.D. 245-249].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />


[la] ΙνΟ 103,1. 15 facsimile [second half 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: 'Αλέξανδρος [Άλεξάν]δρου Ίαμί(δης).<br />

[lb] ΙνΟ 107,1. 8 facsimile [end of 2nd/ beginning of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Άλέξα]νδρος (Αλεξάνδρου) Ίαμίδης.<br />

[2] IvO 110,1. 14 facsimile [A.D. 209-213].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Αύ(ρήλιος) 'Αλέξανδρος (Αλεξάνδρου) [Ί]αμίδης.<br />

[3] ΙνΟ 112,1. 1 facsimile [first half 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; completed in a list of cult personnel: [Αύ(ρήλιος) 'Αλέξανδρος (Αλεξάνδρου)<br />

Ίαμ]ίδης.<br />

seer<br />

Remarks: According to Dittenberger and Purgold the name is omitted in the list IvO 106 by<br />

error. Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 166.<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 110,1. 21 facsimile [A.D. 209-213].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Αύ(ρήλιος) 'Αλφειός Σόφωνος.<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 112,1. 6 facsimile [first half 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Άλφ(ε)ιο[ς Σόφωνος].<br />

spondaules<br />

Remarks: Cf. the homonymous person attested in Sparta (LAC 88). The name is perhaps to<br />

68. ΑΥΡΗΑΙΟΣ AP[- - -]<br />

be completed also in IvO 107,1. 13, see Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 167.<br />

IvO 118,1. 6 facsimile [A.D. 241].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />

Remarks: He is perhaps to be identified with the spondophoros of an earlier list, see EL 70 and<br />

cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 169.<br />


69. [ΑΥΡ(ΗΛΙΟΣ)] ΑΡΤΕΜΩΝ<br />


ΙνΟ 114,1. 4 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 168 [A.D. 225-229].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is followed by the abbreviation F. (cf. EL 82).<br />

theocolos<br />

70. ΑΥΡ(ΗΔΙΟΣ) Α[ΡΤ]ΕΜΩΝ<br />

IvO 114,1. 7 facsimile [A.D. 225-229].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

69-74<br />

Remarks: Since the spondophoroi were regularly the sons of the theocoloi, it is likely that the<br />

person was the son of the homonym EL 69; cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 169.<br />

71. [ΑΥ]Ρ(ΗΑΙΟΣ) ΑΤΤΙΚΟΣ<br />

ΙνΟ 114,1. 8 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 172 [A.D. 225-229].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />


IvO 121,1. 4 and 20 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 173 [A.D. 245-249].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />

f. Aurelius Neocles (EL 86)<br />


J. Ebert, Nikephoros 10, 1997, 217-233, esp. 218, col. II, 1. 9-11, facsimile (p. 219) [A.D. 333].<br />

Olympia, area of the so-called "Südwestbau", in a drainage canal; a bronze plaque bearing the<br />

names of some Olympic victors and athletes of different times:<br />

Όλ(υμπιάδι) σοη' Μάρ(κος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Ι Κάλλων Θεσπιεύς Ι νεικώ άν(δρών) δόλιχ(ον).<br />

From Thespiai<br />


ΙνΟ 110,1. 16 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 180 [A.D. 209-213].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

seer<br />

maybe b. Aurelius Onesiphorus, s. of Cleomachus (EL 88)<br />




Κ. Pittakis, ΑΕ 1851, 1419-1420, no. 2868; R. Fleischer, JÖAI 46, 1961-63, 83-87, fig. 54a,<br />

facsimile fig. 54b (SEG22, 1967, 330) [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Elis; a marble grave stele bearing a relief which represents a standing woman in chiton and<br />

himatium. The inscription is written on the architrave and on the field of the relief. Aurelius<br />

Eucarpides is the father of the deceased (text EL 61).<br />

Athenian<br />

Remarks: The name Eucarpides is very common in the Athenian family of Berenikeidae, who<br />

also bear the Roman gentilicium Aurelius. For a list of the known members of the<br />

family see E. Kapetanopoulos, AE 1974, Chron. 3-4.<br />

f. Aurelia Zosime (EL 61)<br />


J. Ebert, Nikephoros 7, 1994, 240-241, pi. 10 (p. 332) (SEGA5, 1995, 412 citing also a number<br />

of brief reports of the texts in several journals); id., Nikephoros 10, 1997, 217-233, esp. 229-<br />

232, facsimile (p. 219) [A.D. 381].<br />

Olympia, area of the so-called "Südwestbau", in a drainage canal; a bronze plaque bearing<br />

names of Olympic victors and athletes of different times:<br />

[Μάρ(κος)] Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύκαρπίδης Ζωπύρο[υ] Ι [Άθηνα]Ιος νικώ παίδων πανκράτιον Ι<br />

[έ]πί Όλ. oq'.<br />

Athenian<br />

Olympic victor in παίδιον πανκράτιον<br />

Remarks: The completion of the praenomen Μαρ(κος), as well as in the next inscription<br />

(see EL 94), [Μάρ(κος) Α]ύρ(ήλιος) Ζώπυρος, is based on the appearance of this<br />

abbreviation instead of Μ(άρκος) in several other names of the same inscription.<br />

The date of the victories of the two brothers, Eucarpides and Zopyrus, is interesting<br />

because it shows that the cult life of the sanctuary at Olympia went on beyond the<br />

date of the Herulean invasion (A.D. 267) and the date of the victory of the Armenian<br />

prince Varazdates (A.D. 369). The building where the bronze plaque was found, in<br />

the south of the bath ("Leonidaiontherme"), is interpreted by the excavators as<br />

"Vereinhaus einer Athletengilde", which is one more sign of the continuity of the<br />

activities in Olympia (see Nikephoros 6, 1993, 157; 7, 1994, 233 f. and 313-314).<br />

b. Aurelius Zopyrus (EL 94)<br />


IvO 122,1. 3 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 175 [A.D. 265].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />




78-81<br />

J. Ebert, Nikephoros 10, 1997,217-233, esp. 218, col. 1,11. 16-17 and 11. 18-20, facsimile (p. 219)<br />

[A.D. 341-381].<br />

Olympia, area of the so-called "Südwestbau", in a drainage canal; a bronze plaque bearing the<br />

names of some Olympic victors and athletes of different times:<br />

11. 16-17: [Μ(άρκος) Α]ύρ(ήλιος) ΉλιΙ[όδωρος άν(δρών) πα]νκρά[τ(ιον)]; 11. 18-20: [ ]<br />

Μάρκος Αύρ(ήλιος) Ηλιόδωρος Ι [Ήλιοδ]ωρου Θεσπιες νικφ παίδων Ι [πανκρ]άτιον.<br />

From Thespiai<br />

Remarks: Ebert, op. cit., 221, η. 4 supposes, with circumspection because of the bad condition<br />

of the left part of the plaque, that we have to do here with one person; his victory in<br />

the pankration of youths may be one olympiad before his victory in the pankration<br />

of men, which was probably put on the list in small letters at a later date. The date<br />

of the victories is suggested by Ebert, loc. cit.<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 116,1. 6 facsimile [A.D. 233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is followed by the abbreviation Φ. (cf. EL 82).<br />

[2] IvO 117,1. 6 facsimile [2nd quarter of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Αύρ(ήλιος) Έλληνο]κράχης.<br />

spondophoros<br />

Remarks: Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 174.<br />


J. Ebert, Nikephoros 10, 1997, 217-233, esp. 218, col. 1,1. 13-15, facsimile (p. 219) [A.D. 341].<br />

Olympia, area of the so-called "Südwestbau", in a drainage canal; a bronze plaque bearing the<br />

names of some Olympic victors and athletes of different times:<br />

[ν]εικ[.] Όλ(υμπιάδι) ΤΠ Ι [Μ(άρκος) Αύρή]λιος Έρμήνιο[ς] ? Ι [παίδων] πανκράτ(ιον).<br />

Remarks: The absurd number of the olympiad 380 must be corrected to 280 according to<br />

Ebert, op. cit., 221, η. 4, which is to be dated in A.D. 341.<br />


[1] IvO 107,1. 13 facsimile [end of 2nd / beginning of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Αύρ(ήλιος) Ύγεινος.<br />

[2] IvO 110,1. 21 facsimile [A.D. 209-213].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Μ(άρκος) Αύ(ρήλιος) Ύγεινος.<br />



[3] IvO 112,1. 6 facsimile [first half 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Αύ(ρήλιος) Ύγείν]ος.<br />

[4] ΙνΟ 121,1. 24 facsimile [A.D. 245-249].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Αύρ(ήλιος) Ύγεινος.<br />

spondaules<br />

Remarks: It is unknown whether he is to be identified with the spondophoros [ ο]ς Ύγεινος<br />

of IvO 127. For the person cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 188.<br />


ΙνΟ \21, \. 6 facsimile [A.D. 245-249].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />

Remarks: The strange ligature following the name and transcribed by Dittenberger and Purgold<br />

as A, is recognised by S. Zoumbaki, Ό γρίφος τών λεγομένων «συντομογραφιών<br />

φυλών» στους καταλόγους προσωπικού της 'Ολυμπίας: μιά νέα προσέγγιση, in:<br />

6th international congress of Peloponnesian studies, Tripolis 24-30 September 2000<br />

(in press) as a modern engraving; in the same article there is also a new<br />

interpretation of the abbreviations following the names of the functionaries in the<br />

lists of the sanctuary of Olympia as a survival of abbreviated ancient names of poleis<br />

or districts of Eleia, that played in older time some part in the cult life. For the<br />

person see also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 179.<br />


J. Ebert, Nikephoros 10, 1997, 217-233, esp. 218, col. II, 1. 4-8, 224 n. 10, facsimile (p. 219)<br />

[A.D. 321].<br />

Olympia, area of the so-called "Südwestbau", in a drainage canal; a bronze plaque bearing the<br />

names of some Olympic victors and athletes of different times:<br />

σοε' Όλ(υμπιάδι) Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Μαρκιανός Ι Σαρδιανός νεικώ Ι παίδων πανίκρά-<br />

τιον εύτυΐχώς.<br />

From Sardis<br />

Remarks: According to Ebert, op. cit., 224, n. 10 the identification of the person with the<br />

Olympian victor Μαρκιανός (Moretti, Olympionikai, 1015), who is possibly dated<br />

about A.D. 225, is impossible because of chronological disagreement.<br />


IvO 110,1. 11 and 26 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 181 [A.D. 209-213].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />




IvO 110,1. 9 and 24 facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 182 [A.D. 209-213].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />


ΙνΟ 121,1. 8 facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, 183 [A.D. 245-249].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

s. Aurelius Basileides (EL 72)<br />


ΙνΟ 110,1. 15 facsimile [A.D. 209-213].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

seer<br />

85-90<br />

Remarks: He is attested also in IvO 106, 1. 12; 107, 1. 9; 112, 1. 4 without a Roman name.<br />

Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A ISA.<br />


ΙνΟ 110,1. 10 and 25 facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 185 [A.D. 209-213].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

maybe b. Aurelius Cleomachus Clytiades (EL 74)<br />


IvO 119,1. 8 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 186 [A.D. 221-261].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

seer<br />


F. Eckstein, "Ehreninschrift für Apollonios aus Antiochia", OIB 6, 1958, 221-223, fig. 136<br />

(AnnÉpigr 1960, 80; SEG 17, 1960, 200) [A.D. 221-224].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected by the Olympic boule:<br />

Ή πόλις 'Ηλείων Ι καί ή Όλυμπική Ι βουλή έτείμησεν Ι Αύρ(ήλιον) Σεπτίμιον Ι 5 Άπολλώ-<br />

νιον ΆνΙτιοχέα από ΜαιάνΙδρου, πατέρα συνίκλητικών, άρχιεΙρέα 'Ασίας ναών τών Ι 10 εν<br />

Σάρδεσιν τον Ι ρήτορα Ι Ψ(ηφίσματι) θσν' Β(ουλής).<br />



From Antioch on the Maeander<br />

father of senators, highpriest of Asia of the temples in Sardis<br />

Remarks: The function of the highpriest of the imperial cult of Asia has been identified by<br />

several scholars with that of the asiarch, see in particular J. Deininger, Die<br />

Provinziallandtage der römischen Kaiserzeit von Augustus bis zum Ende des dritten<br />

Jahrhunderts n. Chr. (München-Berlin 1965) 41-50; M. Rossner, "Asiarchen und<br />

Archiereis Asias", Studii clasici 16, 1974, 101-111; P. Herz, "Asiarchen und<br />

Archiereiai: Zum Provinzialkult der Provinz Asia", Tyche 7, 1992, 93-115; M.<br />

Campanile, I sacerdoti del koinon d'Asia (I sec. a.C - HI sec. d.C): Contributo allo<br />

studio della romanizzazione delle élites provinciali nell'Oriente greco (Pisa 1994);<br />

H. Engelmann, "Asiarchs", ZPE132, 2000, 173-175. Based on evidence from<br />

inscriptions and coins other scholars argue, however, against the identification of the<br />

two titles, see R. Kearsley, "Asiarchs, archiereis and archiereiai of Asia: New<br />

evidence from Amorium in Phrygia", EA 16, 1990, 69-80; id., "The Asiarchs of<br />

Cibyra again: the Roman presence in southern Asia Minor 1st c.B.C.-lst c. A.D. and<br />

its impact on the epigraphic record", Tyche 11, 1996, 129-155 and S. Friesen,<br />

"Highpriests of Asia and Asiarchs: Farewell to the identification theory", in: P.<br />

Scherrer-H. Taeuber-G. Thiir (eds.), Steine und Wege. Festschrift für Dieter Knibbe<br />

(Wien 1999) 303-307.<br />


J. Ebert, Nikephoros 10, 1997,217-233, esp. 218, col. II, 1. 12-14, facsimile (p. 219) [A.D. 233].<br />

Olympia, area of the so-called "Südwestbau", in a drainage canal; a bronze plaque bearing the<br />

names of some Olympic victors and athletes of different times:<br />

Όλ(υμπιάδι) σοη' Αύρ(ήλιος) ΣτρατόΙνεικος Τενέδ(ιος) Ι νεικώ άν(δρών) δίαυλον.<br />

From Tenedos<br />


J. Ebert, Nikephoros 10, 1997, 217-233, esp. 218, col. I, 11. 21-23, facsimile (p. 219) [A.D.<br />

341-381].<br />

Olympia, area of the so-called "Südwestbau", in a drainage canal; a bronze plaque bearing the<br />

names of some Olympic victors and athletes of different times:<br />

[—] Μάρκος Αυρήλιος Σότηρος Ι [Σοτή]ρου Θεσπιεύς νικά πέδων Ι [στάδι]ον.<br />

From Thespiai<br />

Remarks: For the date see Ebert, op. cit., 221, n. 4.<br />

93. ΑΥΡ(ΗΛΙΟΣ) ΖΗΘΟΣ<br />

IvO 122,1. 21 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 177 [A.D. 265].<br />


Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

Spondaules<br />



J. Ebert, Nikephoros 7, 1994, 240-241, pi. 10 (p. 332) (SEG45, 1995, 412 citing also a number<br />

of brief reports of the texts in several journals); id., Nikephoros 10, 1997, 217-233, esp. 229-<br />

232, facsimile (p. 219) [A.D. 385].<br />

Olympia, area of the so-called "Südwestbau", in a drainage canal; a bronze plaque bearing<br />

names of Olympic victors and athletes of different times. The victory of the person in παίδων<br />

πυγμήν is commemorated with an inscription engraved exactly after that of his brother M.<br />

Aurelius Eucarpides. Between the two inscriptions there are wreaths, one bearing the name of<br />

one brother, Εύκαρπίδου, and the other of Ζωπύρου:<br />

[Μάρ(κος) Α]ύρ(ήλιος) Ζώπυρος 'Αθηναίος νικώ{ι} Ι [παίδ]ων πυγμήν επί Όλ. oqa'. αύξι Ι<br />

[Εύκαρ]πίδη καί Ζωπύρ(ω) ά(ε)ί ή φιλαδελφία.<br />

Athenian<br />

Remarks: For the completion of the praenomen Marcus, the date and the founding place of the<br />

inscription, see remarks EL 76. On the orthography of the text and the verb αύξι see<br />

Ebert, Nikephoros 10, 1997, 231-232.<br />

b. Aurelius Eucarpides (EL 76)<br />


IvO 121,1. 10 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 178 [A.D. 245-249].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

Spondophoros<br />

ΑΝΤΩΝΙΑ BAIBIA: see EL 20<br />




JvO 467 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Β 1 and Κ 4 [second half of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue, erected by the polis of Elis and the Olympic boule:<br />

Ή πόλις 'Ηλείων Ι καί ή Όλυμπική Ι βουλή Βαιβίαν ΠρόΙκλαν, Καικιλίου Ι 5 Πρόκλου καί<br />

ΆντωΙνίας Πώλλης θυγαΐτέρα καί Φλαβίου ΛεΙωνίδου γυναίκα, πάΙσης ένεκεν αρετής Ι 10 καί<br />

σωφροσύνης.<br />

d. Caecilius Proculus (EL 98) and Antonia Paulla (EL 23), w. Flavius Leonidas (EL 202)<br />




7v0 325 facsimile [143 B.C.].<br />

Olympia; a base of a bronze statue erected by a Damo, son of Nicanor, from Thessalonike in<br />

honour of the discussed person:<br />

Δάμων Νικάνορος Μακεδών άπό Ι Θεσσαλονίκης Κόιντον Καικέλιον Ι Κοϊντου Μέτελλον,<br />

στρατηγόν υπατον Ι 'Ρωμαίων, Διί Όλυμπίω Ι 5<br />

αρετής ένεκεν καί εύνοιας ης έχων διατείλεΐ<br />

εις τε αυτόν καί τήν πατρίδα καί τους λοιπούς Ι Μακεδόνας καί τους άλλους "Ελληνας.<br />

consul<br />

Remarks: About the person, who was consul of the year 143 B.C., see F. MUnzer, RE III 1<br />

(1897) 1213-1216, s.v. Caecilius [94]; Broughton, Magistrates I, 430. 450. 461. 464.<br />

471-2. 474. 488. 500; Sarikakis,"Αρχοντες A', 27 ff.<br />


7v0467 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 4 [second half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected by the polis of Elis and the Olympic boule for the daughter<br />

of the named person, Baebia Procula: ...Καικιλίου Ι Πρόκλου καί Άντωνίας Πώλλης<br />

θυγαΐτέρα... (for the full text see EL 96)<br />

f. Baebia Procula (EL 96), h. Antonia Polla (EL 23).<br />


/ν0 95,1. 4-5 facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 5 [A.D. 141-145].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is followed by the abbreviation T. (cf. EL 82).<br />

theocolos<br />

100. ΓΑΙΟΣ ΓΑΙΟΥ<br />

IvO 91,1.9 facsimile [A.D. 113-117]<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

Remarks: Perhaps he is to be identified with Caius in 1. 19. Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und<br />

Olympia, Γ 1.<br />

maybe s. Γάιος Μουσαίου (EL 102), stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XIV.<br />

101. ΓΑΙΟΣ [ΓΑΙΟ]Υ<br />

7v0 95,1. 8 facsimile [A.D. 141- 145].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />



Remarks: Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Γ 2. Maybe a son of Caius (EL 100), for a<br />


stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XIV.<br />

IvO 91,1. 4 and 8 facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Γ 4 [A.D. 113-117].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. The name of the person is followed by the abbreviation A. (cf.<br />

EL 82). In 1. 8 he is attested as the father of the spondophoros Mousaeus.<br />

theocolos<br />

For a stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XIV.<br />

103. [ΓΑΙΟ]Σ [....]ΙΟΣ KOI[NTOY ΥΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

IvO 362 facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, FRAG. 34 [1st c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia; block of a statue base bearing an honorary inscription for him:<br />

[Γάιο]ν [....]ιον Κοΐ[ντου υίόν — ] Ι [άρ]ετης ένεκε[ν καί ευεργεσίας] Ι [Διί] Ό[λυμπίω].<br />

s. Quintus(EL313)<br />

104. Γ(ΑΙΟΣ) ΜΟ[- - -]<br />

ΙνΟ 103,1. 6 facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, M 30 [second half of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />


7v052 III, 1. 43-44 facsimile [138 B.C.].<br />

Olympia; seven fragments of a pedestal which supported a Nike statue. The pedestal bears an<br />

inscribed account of arbitration between Lacedaemonians and Messenians about the area of<br />

Dentheliatis: ...ως δέ ό στρατηγός [έγρα]ψε Κόιντος Καλιπόρνιος Γαΐου υιός...<br />

praetor<br />

Remarks: About the person see F. Münzer, RE III 1 (1897) 1386, s.v. Calpurnius [86];<br />

Broughton, Magistrates I, 483. 488-489; Sarikakis, "Αρχοντες, A', 42-44. His title<br />

στρατηγός is to be understood as praetor of the year 138 B.C.<br />

106. ΓΑΙΟΣ ΚΑΝΔΙΔΟ[Σ - - -] or ΓΑΪΟΣ ΚΑΝΔΙΔΟ[Υ- - -]<br />

Κ. Kourouniotis, AE 1905, 253-58 facsimile [A.D. 85].<br />

Olympia; list of alytae.<br />

Alytes<br />



Remarks: Candidus is a cognomen, see Solin and Salomies, 308; for its diffusion see Mócsy,<br />

Nomenclator, 64. Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Γ 3 and Κ 22.<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 80,1. 8 facsimile [third quarter of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. He is attested here as [Το]ϋφος Τούφου.<br />

[2] IvO 83,1. 1 facsimile [second half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel; here attested as Γ(άιος) Κάνιο[ς Τοΰφος].<br />

[3] IvO 84,1. 18 facsimile [A.D. 69-73].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Γ(άιος) Κάνιος 'Ροϋφος Φ.<br />

[4] ΙνΟ 85,1. 14 facsimile [A.D. 77-81]: Olympia; list of cult personnel; here [Γ(άιος) Κάνιος<br />

Τ]οϋφος Φ.<br />

auletes<br />

Remarks: The name Canius is common in North Italy, Spain, Pannonia and other provinces<br />

s. Rufus(EL315)<br />

but not in Achaia and Macedonia (for its diffusion see Mócsy, Nomenclator, 65). In<br />

Péloponnèse it is also to be found in the colony of Dyme (see ACH 62) and in<br />

Macedonia in Eordaea (Th. Rizakis and G. Touratsoglou, Επιγραφές "Ανω Μακε­<br />

δονίας [Athens 1985] no. 50). For the person cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia,<br />

Κ 23. For the abbreviation Φ. cf. EL 82.<br />


IvO 233 +BCH 114, 1990, 746-747, fig. 59 (S. Zoumbaki, "Zu einer neuen Inschrift aus<br />

Olympia: Die Familie der Vettuleni von Elis", ZPE 99, 1993, 227-232 [AnnÉpigr 1993, 1415;<br />

SEGAA, 1994, 389]) [επί της σ' Όλυμπιάδος=Α.ϋ. 21].<br />

Olympia; a marble plaque from a statue base that bears an agonistic inscription<br />

commemorating the Olympic victory of Cassia:<br />

Κασία Μ[άρκου (?) Β]ετληνοϋ Ι Λαίτου θ[υγάτη]ρ νικήσασα Ι Όλύμπι[α τεθρί]ππωι<br />

πωίλικώι έ[πί της] σ' ΌλυμΙ 5 πιάδος [Διί Όλ]υμπίωι.<br />

Remarks: About the named woman and her family see Zoumbaki, op. cit., 227-232 (with<br />

stemma). For the person see Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 24 and for her family<br />

Β 10. Cf. also below EL 337 for short comments on the family.<br />

d. M. Vettulenus Laetus (EL 337). For the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />


109. ΚΑΣΣΙΟΣ<br />

IvO 117,1. 20 facsimile [2nd quarter of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />


Olympia; list of cult personnel. The person is the owner of the slave Lycarion.<br />

Remarks: Dittenberger and Purgold, IvO 117, 1. 20, reads the name of the second<br />

epispondorchestes as Κάσσιο[ς] Οίνεύς Πολυκράτους. It seems improbable since<br />

after Ο on the stone a slanting line is visible, maybe from an Y. Despite of this, we<br />

know that the epispondorchestae were slaves, and so they didn't possesed Roman<br />

citizenship. Therefore it is logical that the names of the three epispondorchestae<br />

are to be read: Λυκαρίων Κασσίο[υ], Οίνεΰς Πολυκράτου[ς], Πολυκ[ρά]της<br />

Ήλιοδώ[ρο]υ. Cf. also S. Zoumbaki, "Zum sozialen Status der Epispondorchesten<br />

von Olympia", Tyche 12, 1997, 241. For the person see also Zoumbaki, Elis und<br />

Olympia, Κ 26.<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 118,1. 8 facsimile [A.D. 241].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κάσσιος Βέγ[ετος].<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 119,1. 5 facsimile [A.D. 221-261].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Κάσσ]ιος Βέγετος.<br />

[3] ΙνΟ 120 ,1. 3 facsimile [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Κάσσιο]ς Βέγ[ετος].<br />

[4] ΙνΟ 122,1. 9 facsimile [A.D. 265].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κά(σσιος) Βέγετος.<br />

spondophoros<br />

Remarks: Since spondophoroi were youths it is unlikely that this individual is to be identified with<br />

one of the exegetae EL 111 and Ilia. Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 29.<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 103,1. 20 facsimile [ second half of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κάσιος Βέ[γετος].<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 104,1. 18 facsimile [A.D. 185-189].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Βέγετος K[ ]ου.<br />

[3] ΙνΟ 106,1. 15 facsimile [A.D. 197-201].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Γ(άιος) Κάσσιος [Βέγετος].<br />

[4] ΙνΟ 107,1. 11 facsimile [ca. A.D. 200].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Κάσσ]ιος Βέγετος.<br />

[5] ΙνΟ 110,1. 18 facsimile [A.D. 209-213].<br />


llla-113 ROMAN PELOPONNESE I<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κάσσ(ιος) Βέγετος.<br />

exegetes<br />

Remarks: It is unknown whether all of these attestations of the name are to be connected with<br />


one or more persons of the same family. Perhaps some of them refer to EL Ilia,<br />

who was also an exegetes. Since the attestations cover such a long period, there must<br />

have been at least two exegetae bearing the name Cassius Vegetus. For the person<br />

cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 27.<br />

[1] ΙνΟ 115, 1. 10 facsimile +Ε. Kunze,0/B5, 1956, 173-5, fig. 73 (SEG 15,1958, 258) [A.D.<br />

229-233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Κάσ(σιος) Βέ]γετος.<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 116,1. 14 facsimile [A.D. 233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κάσσιος Βέγε[τος].<br />

[3] ΙνΟ 117,1. 17 facsimile [second quarter 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κάσ(σιος) Βέγετος.<br />

[4] ΙνΟ 139,1. 1 facsimile [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Κάσσιος Βέγ]ετος.<br />

exegetes<br />

Remarks: It is unknown whether all of these attestations of the name are to be connected with<br />

112. [- - -ΚΔΑΥ]ΔΙΑ<br />

one or more persons of the same family. Perhaps some of them refer to EL 111, who<br />

was also an exegetes. Since the attestations cover such a long period, there must<br />

have been at least two exegetae bearing the name Cassius Vegetus. For the person<br />

cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 28.<br />

ΙνΟ 849 (facsimile); cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 32 [1st c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia; a fragment of an honorary (?) inscription, restored by Dittenberger and Purgold as:<br />

[— Κλαυ]δία συν Ι [τω άδελφω Κ]λαυδί[ω—].<br />

sister of Claudius (EL 124)<br />

[ΒΕΤ]ΟΥΛΗΝΗ ΚΛΑΥ[ΔΙΑ]: see EL 333<br />



ΙνΟ 625 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus, II, 134, no. 127); Bol, Herodes- Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 132-3, no. 16, pi. 11, facsimile, fig. 60 (Tobin, Herodes Atticus, 87, no. 4) [middle<br />



114-116<br />

of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes Atticus erected by the<br />

polis of Elis in honour of his children Athenais and Regillus:<br />

Μαρκίαν Κλαυδίαν Άλκίαν Ι "Αθηναΐδα Γαβιδίαν Λατιαρίαν Ι Ήρώδου και 'Ρηγίλλης θυγα­<br />

τέρα Ι ή πόλις ή τών Ηλείων.<br />

Athenian<br />

Remarks: About the person see also: Philostr., VSII. 1, 10 as Παναθηναΐς; PIR 2<br />

A 720; C 802;<br />

M. Fluss, REXW 2 (1930) 1606, s.v. Marcius [123]; Halfmann, Senatoren, 158 and<br />

156 no. [46]; FOS 70-71, no. 55.<br />

d. Herodes Atticus (EL 144); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemmata XI, 1. 2. 3.<br />



7ν0435 facsimile [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble erected by the town of Elis for the person discussed<br />

here:<br />

[Ή π]όλις Ήλ[είων] Ι [Κ]λαυδίαν Άλκιν[όαν] Ι Κλαυδίου ΘεογέΙνους και Ιουλίας Ι Χρυ-<br />

σαρέτας θυγαΐτέρα καί Λουκίου Ι Βετληνοϋ Φλώρου Ι γυναίκα, πάσης ένεΐκεν αρετής.<br />

Remarks: For the person and the prominent family of the Vettuleni see below EL 337 and<br />

Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 33 and for her family Β 10.<br />

d. Claudius Theogenes (EL 164) and Iulia Chrysareta (EL 227), w. L. Vettulenus Florus (EL<br />

336); for a stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />


7v0431 facsimile [A.D. 95-105].<br />

Olympia; a block of a base of Parian marble for at least two statues, one erected by Tib.<br />

Claudius Lyso commemorating the tenure of the office of spondophoros by Claudia's son,<br />

Claudius Lucenus Saeclarus; the other statue was erected by the polis of Elis in honour of Tib.<br />

Claudius Lyso:<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος ΑύΙσων Κοσμόπολις Ι Κλαύδιον Λουκηνον Ι Σαίκλαρον, τον εκ Ι<br />

Κλαυδίας Άριστο Ι μάντιδος της ιδίας Ι προγόνου, σπονδοφοΙρήσαντα, Διί Όλυμπίψ.<br />

Remarks: For the person and her prominent family see below EL 155 and Zoumbaki, Elis und<br />

Olympia, Κ 34 and for her family Κ 50.<br />

adopted d. Tib. Claudius Lyso (EL 155); m. Claudius Lucenus Saeclarus (EL 251); for a stemma<br />

of the family see Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />


IvO 941 facsimile [A.D. 193-198 (?)].<br />



Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble erected by the Olympic council in honour of Claudia<br />

Baebia Baebiana, daughter of the governor of the province Achaia, Claudius Demetrius:<br />

Διί Όλυμπίω Ι Κλ(αυδίαν) Βαιβίαν Βαιβιανήν, Ι Κλ(αυδίου) Δημητρίου ανίθυπάτου της<br />

Αχαΐας Ι και πρεσβ(ευτοϋ) Σεβ(αστοϋ) και άντιίστρατήγου καί έπανίορθωτοϋ των<br />

έλευΐθέρων πόλεων θυίγατέρα, έ[π]ί σεμνότηίτι βίου καί σωφροσύΙνη ή Όλυμπική βουΙλή εν<br />

ίερείας σχήματι Ι έψηφίσατο.<br />

possibly from Nicomedia<br />

Remarks: From the clause εν ίερείας σχήματι it is perhaps to be understood that she held the<br />

office of the priestess of Demeter Chamyne. We know that another prominent<br />

woman of senatorial standing, Regula, Herodes Atticus' wife, also held this cult<br />

function.<br />

d. Claudius Demetrius (EL 149)<br />


[1] JvO 223 facsimile [A.D. 41-54 ].<br />

Olympia; a monument erected by her and commemorating the Olympic victory of her son<br />

Callippus Pisanus:<br />

Κλαυδία Κλεοδίκη Ι Κάλλιππον Πεισανόν, Ι τον εαυτής υίόν, νειΙκήσαντα Όλύμπια Ι κέλητι<br />

πωλικω, Διί Ι Όλυμπίω.<br />

[2] JvO 428 facsimile [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected for her by two Messenians, who honour her as euergetes:<br />

Κλαυδίαν Κλεοδίκην Ι Ήλείαν Ι Μ(αρκος) Αντώνιος Πρόκλος Ι καί Άντωνία Καλλώ Ι<br />

Μεσσήνιοι τάν αυτών Ι εύεργέτιν Ι εκ τών ιδίων.<br />

[3] ΙνΟ 429 facsimile [second half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected by the polis of Elis and the Olympic boule for her daughter<br />

Antonia Cleodice (text see EL 22).<br />

Remarks: For the person, her family —one of the most prominent in Eleia in the 1st and<br />

beginning of the 2nd c. A.D.—, the ties of the family with C. Iulius Laco and<br />

Messene see EL 34 and Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 36 and for her family A 99.<br />

w. Antonius Alexio (EL 34), m. Callippus Pisanus (EL 299), Antonia Cleodice (EL 22); for the<br />

stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XIII.<br />


ΙνΟ 429 facsimile [second half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected by the polis of Elis and the Olympic boule in honour of<br />

her mother, Antonia Cleodice (text EL 22).<br />

Remarks: For the person, her family —one of the most prominent in Eleia in the 1st and<br />

beginning of the 2nd c. A.D.—, the ties of the family with C. Iulius Laco and<br />



Messene see EL 34 and Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 35 and for her family A 99.<br />

d. Tib. Claudius Aristeas (EL 140) and Antonia Cleodice (EL 22); for the complete stemma of<br />

the family see Appendix, Stemma XIII.<br />




[1 A] iVO 473 facsimile [A.D. 212/3].<br />

Olympia; a pedestal of Parian (?) marble that bore a statue erected by the polis of Elis after a<br />

decree of the boule honouring Claudia Tyche:<br />

"Αγαθή τύχη. Ι Κλαυδία Τύχη, Ι Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Ι Τερτύλλου καί Ι 5 Αιμιλίας ΦιλοξέΙνας<br />

θυγάτηρ, ΚλειΙτορία καί Ηλεία, ίέρειία Δήμητρος καί Ι άρχιέρεια δια βίου του Ι 10 κυρίου<br />

ημών Ι αύτοκράτορος Ι καί του κοινού Ι τών Αχαιών καί Εστία Ι δια βίου τον κοινού Ι τών<br />

Άρκάδων Ι επί της σμζ' Ι "Ολυμπιάδος. Ι ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλης).<br />

[1 Β] 7ν0474 facsimile [A.D. 212/3].<br />

Olympia; the lower part of a statue base. Its fragmentary inscription is completed as a<br />

duplicate of the honorary inscription mentioned above, erected by the polis of Elis honouring<br />

the person discussed here.<br />

Citizen of Kleitor and Elis<br />

priestess of Demeter, lifelong high-priestess of the emperor and of the Achaean Koinon,<br />

lifelong Hestia of the Arcadian Koinon<br />

Remarks: Since the ethnika of the woman in the inscription are Κλειτορία και Ηλεία and the<br />

names of her parents are more common in Arcadia than in Elis, her origin must be<br />

Kleitor. The date επί της σμζ' (247th) "Ολυμπιάδος is A.D. 209. We prefer<br />

considering "Ολυμπιάδος as the whole four-years period and dating the inscription<br />

in A.D. 212/213, when Caracalla was alone on the throne (cf. 1. 10: τοϋ κυρίου ημών<br />

αύτοκράτορος). Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, *K 38.<br />

d. Ti. Claudius Tertullus (EL 163), Aemilia Philoxena (EL 10)<br />

120. ΚΛΑΥΔΙΑ[ΝΟΣ]<br />

ΙνΟ 84,1. 5 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 39 [A.D. 69-73].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel in which he is attested as father of the theocolos Amphicrates.<br />

121. [ΚΑ]ΑΥΔ[ΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

ΙνΟ 118,1. 11 facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 40 [A.D. 241].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

seer<br />



122. [Κ]ΑΑΥ[ΔΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

ΙνΟ 533 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 41 [1st c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia; fragment of an inscription.<br />

123. [Κ]Α[Α]ΥΔ[ΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

ΙνΟ 539 facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 42 [1st c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia; fragment of an inscription.<br />

124. [Κ]ΑΑΥΔ[ΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

ΙνΟ 849 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 43 [1st c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia; a small fragment of a marble plaque bearing an honorary (?) inscription.<br />

125. [ΤΙΒ(ΕΡΙΟΣ)] ΚΛΑΥΔ[ΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

ΙνΟ 101,1. 4 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 44 [ca. A.D. 177].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />

126. [ΤΙΒ(ΕΡΙΟΣ)] ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ [- - -]<br />

ΙνΟ 126,1. 3 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 45 [first half of 2nd c.A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />

127. [ΤΙΒ(ΕΡΙΟΣ)] ΚΑΑΥ[ΔΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

ΙνΟ 126,1. 7 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 46 [first half of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

128. [ΤΙ]Β(ΕΡΙΟΣ) ΚΑ[ΑΥΔΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

ΙνΟ 395 facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 47 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a part of a limestone statue base bearing an honorary inscription erected by the<br />

person for an emperor.<br />

129. ΤΙ[Β(ΕΡΙΟΣ) ΚΑΑΥΔΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

7v0 534 facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 48 [imperial].<br />

Olympia; two fragments of a marble plaque bearing a fragmentary inscription.<br />



130. Τ(ΙΒΕΡΙΟΣ) ΚΑ[ΑΥΔΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

ΙνΟ 848 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 49 [1st c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia; a fragmentary inscription on a plaque of gray marble.<br />

131. [ΤΙ]Β(ΕΡΙΟΣ) ΚΑ[ΑΥΔΙΟΣ - - -]ANA[- - -] ΥΙΟ[Σ]<br />

JVO 529 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 51 [imperial].<br />

Olympia: three fragments of a limestone plaque bearing an honorary inscription.<br />


130-136<br />

ΙνΟ 100,1. 11 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 60 [last quarter of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

seer<br />

133. ΤΙΒ(ΕΡΙΟΣ) ΚΛ(ΑΥΔΙΟΣ) [- - -Ι]ΟΣ<br />

ΙνΟ 114,1. 5-6 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 61 [A.D. 225-229].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />


ΙνΟ 99,1. 13 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 63 [second half of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

seer<br />

135. ΚΑΑΥΔ[ΙΟΣ - - -]ΟΣ<br />

ΙνΟ 57 facsimile [A.D. 126].<br />

Olympia; decree of the Achaean Koinon honouring the Emperor Hadrian. It reproduces also<br />

a letter of the emperor. The fragmentary condition of the inscription offers no possibility for<br />

further identification of the person, who is attested at the bottom of this long incription: ...[ή<br />

δε δαπάνη έστω] εκ τον π[— προν]οία Κλαυδί[ου Ι —]ου.<br />

Remarks: The date is based on the tenth tribunicia potestas of the Emperor Hadrian (1. 58); cf.<br />

D. Kienast, Römische Kaisertabelle (Darmstadt 1990) 130, who mentions his 3rd<br />

(10. Dez. 118-9. Dez. 119 ) and his 22nd (10. Dez.- 10 Juli 138).<br />


[1] /ν0432 facsimile [A.D. 95-105].<br />

Olympia; a block of a base of Parian marble for at least two statues, one erected by the son of<br />



the person discussed here, Tib. Claudius Lyso, commemorating the tenure of the office of<br />

spondophoros by Claudia Aristomantis' son, Claudius Lucenus Saeclarus, and one in honour of<br />

Tib. Claudius Lyso, erected by the polis of Elis and the Olympic boule:<br />

Ή πόλις Ήλείω[ν] καί ή Όλυμπική Ι βουλή Τι(βέριον) Κλαύδ[ιο]ν Λύσωνα κοσΙμόπολιν,<br />

Κλαυ[δίο]υ "Αγία υίόν, πάΙσης αρετής [ένεκ]α καί της εις αύΙ 5 τήν άδιαλείπ[του μεγαλοψυχίας.<br />

[2] /ν0433 facsimile [end of lst/begin. of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Parian marble bearing two statues, one of Agias financed by the<br />

testament of his son Tib. Claudius Lyso and one of his son erected by the polis of Elis and the<br />

Olympic boule. The inscription honouring Agias is:<br />

Ή πόλις "Ηλείων καί ή ΌλυμπιΙκή βουλή Τιβ(έριον) Κλαύδιον Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Ι 'Αγία<br />

καί Γιγανίας Πώλλης υίόν ΛύΙσωνα κοσμόπολιν, ιερέα γ' Διός ΌΙ 5 λυμπίου καί άγορανόμον<br />

καί γυμνασίαρίχον καί άλλυτάρχην καί γραμματέα, Ι τειμής καί αξίας χάριν.<br />

[3] 7ν0434 facsimile [end of lst/begin. of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Parian marble bearing two statues, one of Agias financed by the<br />

testament of his son Tib. Claudius Lyso, and one of his son erected by the polis of Elis and the<br />

Olympic boule. The inscription honouring the latter is:<br />

Ή πόλις "Ηλείων καί ή Ι Όλυμπική βουλή Τιβ(έριον) ΚλαύΙδιον "Αγίαν τειμής καί άΙξίας<br />

χάριν εκ διαθήκης Ι 5 Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Λύσωνος 1 τού υιού αυτού.<br />

[4] a. ΙνΟ 77 facsimile [first half of the 1st c. A.D.]; b. IvO 82 facsimile [A.D. 67]; c. IvO 86<br />

facsimile [A.D. 85-95].<br />

Olympia; lists of cult personnel. The person appears in these catalogues without a Roman<br />

name (see Remarks). An 'Αγίας [Λύσωνος] is attested as epimeletes in one of the earliest lists<br />

of cult personnel [a]; he is the first known member of this important Elean family. He could<br />

be identified with the theocolos of IvO 82 ["Α]γίας Αύ[σ]ω[ν]ος Π (cf. EL. 82) [b], who was<br />

apparently father of the spondophoros of the same list Λ[ύσων "Αγία], who could be identified<br />

with the third theocolos of [c].<br />

Epimeletes [4a], theocolos [4b]<br />

Remarks: Both, Agias and Lyso, are attested in IvO 432 for the first time as Roman citizens,<br />

which they may have obtained during the reign of Nero, since Agias was theocolos<br />

when Nero visited Olympia and took part in the Olympic games. For the person and<br />

his son, who held also important offices see Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 50.<br />

h. Gegania Polla (EL 219); f. Tib. Claudius Lyso (EL 155); for the stemma of the family see<br />

Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />


ivO 226 facsimile [A.D. 53].<br />

Olympia; a marble plaque, probably from a large pedestal commemorating the victory of the<br />



person in the Olympic games. The monument was financed by L. Vettulenus Florus:<br />

Τιβέριον Κλαύδιον Ι Άφροδείσιον, νεικήΐσαντα κέλητι τελείω Ι επί της ση' "Ολυμπιάδος, Ι<br />

Αούκιος Βετιληνός Φλώρος Διί Όλυμπίω.<br />

Remarks: About his Olympic victory see Moretti, Olympionikai, 781. Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis<br />

und Olympia, Κ 56 for the person and his possible kinship with the family of<br />

Vettuleni, since he bears the gentilicium of the wife of Vettulenus Florus, Claudia<br />

Alcinoa (EL 114).<br />


[1] IvO 220 facsimile [16 B.C. (?)].<br />

Olympia; a large base, maybe for a chariot monument, erected by the person for the Olympic<br />

victory of his patron, Tib. Claudius Nero, the future Emperor Tiberius:<br />

Τιβέριον Κλαύδιον Τι[βε]Ιρίου υίόν Νέρωνα, νικήΐσαντα "Ολύμπια τεθρίππω<br />

τελείω Ι ,Ι 5 "Απολλ[ώ]νιος "Απολλώνιου ύός Ι "Ηλείος ό καί Τιβέριος<br />

[Κλ]αύδιος, Ι τον εαυτού πάτρωνα καί εύεργέΐτην, Διί Όλυμπίω.<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 369 facsimile [15 B.C. or shortly before].<br />

Olympia; a large statues pedestal erected by him for his patrons Tib. Claudius Nero and Drusus,<br />

i.e, the future Emperor Tiberius and his brother; a posteriori, perhaps shortly after the<br />

monument's erection the name of Tiberius's son Drusus, born in 15 B.C., was added on the<br />

stone: ...Τι[βέριος Κ]λαύδιος "Απολλώνιου υιός ο καί "Απολλών[ιος τού]ς εαυτού<br />

[πάτρ]ωνας Ι κα[ί εύ]εργέτας...<br />

[3] ΙνΟ 424 facsimile [last decades of 1st c. B.C.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected for him by the polis of Elis:<br />

Ή πόλις ή "ΗλείωνΙ Άπολλώνιον "Απολλώνιου Ι τον καί Τιβέριον, αρξαντα Ι τάς μεγίστας<br />

αρχάς, Ι 5 αρετής ένεκεν καί φιλαγαθίας Ι της εις έατήν Διί "Ολυμπίω.<br />

Remarks: He is the first Elean attested as a Roman citizen. He obtained the citizenship and<br />

gentilicium by his patron Tib. Claudius Nero, the future Emperor Tiberius, before his<br />

adoption by Augustus and renaming as Iulius. Apollonius is a characteristic example<br />

of the incorrect use of the Roman onomastic formula in Greek inscriptions of this<br />

early period. The phrase "ο καί" is always incorrectly used in the name of Apollonius<br />

(ο καί "Απολλώνιος, τον καί Τιβέριον), since it does not indicate a surname but,<br />

rather, one of the three basic elements of his Roman name.<br />

The Olympic victory of Tiberius ([1]) is dated in the period 20-8 B.C. by<br />

Dittenberger and Purgold, excluding the period before 20 B.C. when Tiberius was<br />

not yet mature, and the period of Tiberius's exile on Rhodes, 6 B.C. till A.D. 2;<br />

Moretti, Olympionikai, 738: before 4 B.C.; id., Nuovo supplemento al catalogo degli<br />

olympionikai, MGR 12, 1987, 74. A new date between 6 and 2 or even 1 B.C. is<br />

proposed by M. Kaplan, Greeks and the imperial court, from Tiberius to Nero (New<br />

York 1990) 223-226. If this date is correct, we should accept that Apollonius<br />



acquired Roman citizenship before the Olympic victory of his patron, since in [2],<br />

which is to be dated shortly before 15 B.C., he already bears a Roman name. The<br />

date of [2] is certain, since Tiberius's brother Drusus died in 9 B.C. and Tiberius's<br />

son Drusus was born in 15 B.C. Perhaps Apollonius erected a monument honouring<br />

Tiberius, Drusus the elder and Drusus the younger exactly after having obtained<br />

Roman citizenship. In that case there would have been a good opportunity for<br />

meeting Tiberius during the Olympic games of the previous year, i.e. 16 B.C. So<br />

there is perhaps some basis for dating the Olympic victory of Tiberius in 16 B.C. For<br />

the person see also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 52.<br />


ΙνΟ 940 facsimile [first half of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; fragments of a limestone plaque which may be parts of a statue base, which was<br />

erected by the polis of Elis and the Olympic boule, and financed probably by the testament of<br />

a [—]σαιος ["Αρτε]μά, possibly his son or brother:<br />

[Ήλεί]ων ή [πόλ]ις [καί ή Όλυμπικ]ή Ι [βου]λή Τι(βέριον) [Κ]λαύδιον "Αρ[ "Αρ]τεμα, Ι<br />

[γυμνασιαρχ]ήσαντα εκ [τών ιδίων] επί της Ι [σ.. Όλυμπιάδ]ος, αρετής [ένεκα Διί<br />

Όλυ]μπίω. Ι 5 ....σαιος ["Αρτε]μά εκ τής α[ύτο]ύ διαθ[ήκη]ς τήν [εικόνα α]ύτού ά[νέθηκ]ε.<br />

Remarks: A possibility for completion of his name could be Τι(βέριος) [Κ]λαύδιος "Αρ[τεμάς<br />

"Αρ]τεμα. Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 53.<br />


7νΟ430 facsimile [beginning of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble erected by the Achaean Koinon for the son of the<br />

person:...Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Ι "Αριστέα καί "Αντωνίας Ι Κλεοδίκης υίόν... (text EL 160 [2]).<br />

Messenian (?)<br />

Remarks: For the person, his family and his origin, maybe from Messene, see EL 34 and<br />

Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 54 and A 99.<br />

h. Antonia Cleodice (EL 22); f. Tib. Claudius Pelops (EL 160), Claudia Damoxena (EL 118),<br />

Tib. Claudius Aristomenes (EL 142); for a stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XIII.<br />


JvO 462 facsimile [age of Antonines].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of gray marble that bore a bronze statue of the orator and consular<br />

Claudius Aristocles:<br />

Κλαύδιον Ι "Αριστοκλέα Ι ρήτο[ρα] Ι ύπατικόν.<br />

From Pergamon (?)<br />

consularis<br />



142-143<br />

Remarks: He is perhaps to be identified with the sophist Aristocles from Pergamon<br />

(Philostr., VS II, 3). He could be identified with the consul suffectus during the last<br />

years of the reign of M. Aurelius or under Commodus; see MDA/(A) 32, 1907, 324,<br />

no. 52; PIR 2 C 789; G.W. Bowersock, Greek sophists in the Roman empire (Oxford<br />

1969) 19. 22; G. Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter den Antoninen.<br />

Prosopographische Untersuchungen zur senatorischen Führungsschicht (Bonn 1977)<br />

202, 322; Halfmann, Senatoren, no. 121. Degrassi, Fasti consolari, 117 dates his<br />

consulate under Septimius Severus, which is not accepted by most scholars.<br />


IvO 429 facsimile [second half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble erected by the polis of Elis and the Olympic council<br />

in honour of the person's mother Antonia Cleodice:<br />

Ή πόλις "Ηλείων καί ή Ι "Ολυμπική βουλή "ΑντωΙνίαν Κλεοδίκην, Μ(άρκου) ΆντωΙνίου<br />

"Αλεξίωνος καί ΚλαυΙ 5 δίας Κλεοδίκης θυγατέρα, Ι μητέρα Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου ΠέλοΙπος<br />

καί Κλαυδίας ΔαμοξέΙνας καί Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου "ΑριΙστομένους, πάσης ένεΙ 10 κεν αρετής<br />

καί ευσέβειας Ι Διί Όλυμπίω.<br />

Remarks: Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 55 and for his family A 99. The person was<br />

a member of a most prominent Elean family of the 1st and of the beginning of the<br />

2nd c. A.D. with connections beyond Eleia, cf. also EL 34.<br />

s. Tib. Claudius Aristeas (EL 140) and Antonia Cleodice (EL 22), b. Tib. Claudius Pelops (EL<br />

160), Claudia Damoxena (EL 118); grandson Antonius Alexion (EL 34); for a stemma of the<br />

family see Appendix, Stemma XIII.<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 621 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus Π, 132, no. 123); Bol, Herodes- Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 213-4, no. 12, pi. 8.9, facsimile (fig. 54) [middle of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes Atticus erected by the<br />

polis of Elis for Herodes' mother, Vibullia Alcia Agrippina:<br />

Βιβουλλίαν Άλκίαν "ΑγριππεΙ[ναν], Ι [θυγατέ]ρα [Τ]ο[ύ]φο[υ], "Α[ττ]ι[κ]ο[ϋ γυν]α1κ[α] Ι<br />

Ήρώδου μητέρα, ή πόλις ή τών Ι "Ηλείων. The named person, who was her husband, is<br />

completed here as "Α[ττ]ι[κ]ο[ύ].<br />

[2] IvO 622a+622c+359+539+492 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 132-133, no. 124);<br />

Bol, Herodes-Atticus-Nymphäum, 124-129, no. 13, pi. 9, facsimile, fig. 55 (AnnÉpigr 1986,<br />

632) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia, Nymphaeum of Herodes Atticus; several fragments, which according to R. Bol and<br />

L. Schumacher (contribution in Bol, Herodes- Atticus-Nymphäum) are derived from the base<br />

of a statue for the person. The fragment IvO 622b ascribed by Dittenberger and Purgold to this<br />

base is regarded as a fragment that has nothing to do with the inscription discussed here. His<br />



name and offices are completed by the new editors as follows:<br />

[Τι. Κ]λαύδιον "Αττ[ικό]ν Ήρώδη[ν] Ι [Ίπ]πάρχο[υ] Μαραθώ[νιον υπατον] Ι<br />

[κυι]νδεκέμ[β]ηρα ίερέ[α τών Σεβαστώ]ν εν Άθή[ναις] Ι [Ήρώδου πατέρα, ή πόλις ή τών<br />

Ηλείων].<br />

Athenian<br />

consul, quindecemvir<br />

Remarks: For the person, the first Athenian who reached the senatorial order and the<br />

consulship see PIR 2 C 801; Graindor, Atticus, 19 ff.; M. Woloch, Roman citizenship<br />

and the Athenian elite A.D. 96-161. Two prosopographical catalogues (Amsterdam<br />

1973) 163-167, no. 30; Halfmann, Senatoren, 120-123, no. 27; J. Oliver, EOS II, 584-<br />

585 and 601; FOS, 84 (in the comments on no. 84); Settipani, 469-470; W. Eck, Der<br />

neue Pauly3, 13 [II 10]; A.R. Birley, "Hadrian and Greek senators", ZPE 116, 1997,<br />

209-245. Atticus was allowed under Nerva to resume the wealth and status of his<br />

father Hipparchus, who was condemned for tyranny and exiled under Domitian, and<br />

received the ornamenta praetoria and became twice consul under Trajan. He made<br />

his enormous wealth probably from money-lending, investments in land and<br />

commerce.<br />

In Olympia he appears in the inscriptions of the nymphaeum built by his son. His<br />

office [κυι]νδεκέμ[β]ηρα in [2] is probably the Greek transcription of quindecemvir<br />

(cf. Mason, 14 f., 116 f). In the same inscription he is also refered to as ίερέ[α τών<br />

Σεβαστώ]ν εν "Αθή[ναις]; the fragment ΙνΟ492 [—]ν εν "Αθή[—] was considered<br />

as a part of this inscription by Bol and Schumacher (contribution in Bol, Herodes-<br />

Atticus-Nymphäum) since Atticus is attested merely as ιερεύς only in Athens. In<br />

other documents Atticus is attested as άρχιερεύς τών Σεβαστών; for different uses<br />

of αρχιερεύς and ιερεύς see P. Graindor, Athènes sous Auguste, Recueil de travaux<br />

publiés par la Faculté des lettres de l'Université Egyptienne I (Le Caire 1927) 151<br />

ff.; J.H. Oliver, The Athenian expounders of the sacred and ancestral law (Baltimore<br />

1950) 95 f.; A.J.S. Spawforth, "The early reception of the imperial cult in Athens:<br />

Problems and ambiguities", in: M.C. Hoff-S.T. Rotroff (eds), The Romanization of<br />

Athens (Oxford 1997) 183-201.<br />

Apart from Eleia, Claudius Atticus is attested also in inscriptions of other<br />

Peloponnesian regions. The family had close ties with Sparta, see A.J.S. Spawforth,<br />

"Sparta and the family of Herodes Atticus: a reconsideration of the evidence",<br />

ABS A 75, 1980, 203-217. Atticus is attested in several Spartan documents, see LAC<br />

270. His attestation as κ(άσεν) indicates that he had acquired Spartan citizenship (cf.<br />

Spawforth, op. cit., 209; Ameling, Herodes Atticus, II, 65 no. 33 app. crit.); he<br />

appears in a catalogue of gerontes of Trajanic age, where an Hierocles, "Αττικώ<br />

κ(άσεν) is to be found (Woodward, ABS A 26, 1923-25, 168 C 7 1. 2 and p. 192 [SEG<br />

11, 1950, 565 app. crit. col. Ill 1. 2]). In about the early 130s A.D. he seems to have<br />

held the office of the eponymous patronomos: IG V 1, 287 11. 7-8, add. p. 303;<br />

Woodward, JHS Suppl. 5, 1929, 320 no. 44; Ameling, Herodes Atticus I, 29 n. 48<br />

(text in II, 75-76 no. 46 and IG V 1, 288 11. 3-4); also in Woodward, JHS Suppl. 5,<br />



1929, 321 no. 45. facsimile (cf. SEG 11, 1950, 712 and add. 712); Ameling, Herodes<br />

Atticus I, 29 n. 48 (text in II, 74-75 no. 45); he is attested indirectly in IG V 1, 32 A<br />

I. 13 and IG V 1, 62 a 1. 2 (cf. SEG 11, 1950, 520) erected in his term. Before A.D.<br />

138 he appears also among the [ενσ]ειτοι in a catalogue of ephors and<br />

nomophylakes (Woodward, ABS A 29, 1927-28, 21-22 no. 42 b. facsimile [SEG 11,<br />

1950, 533 b]; Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 78-79 no. 50 b). Further he must be<br />

identified with Atticus in a cursus honorum of C. Iulius Theophrastus dated in the age<br />

of Antoninus Pius who held the office of Κυθηροδίκας υπέρ "Αττικού (Woodward,<br />

ABSA 27, 1925-26, 227-34 F 3. ph. [AnnÉpigr 1929, 20; SEG 11, 1950,492 col. II1.<br />

13]; Ameling, Herodes Atticus I, 29 n. 49, text in II, 79-80 no. 51; for Κυθηροδίκας<br />

see Spawforth, ABSA 75, 1980, 207, ns 27-29). There are also more members of his<br />

family that were related to Sparta, i.e. his daughter Claudia Tisamenis (FOS 226-227,<br />

no. 251), attested in a dedication from a family group found in the theater of Sparta<br />

(Woodward, ABSA 29, 1927-28, 37-38 no. 59 1. 1; cf. emendations by Spawforth,<br />

ABSA 75,1980,208.211-17, pi. 23 a [SEG 11,1950, 781]; Ameling, Herodes Atticus<br />

II, no. 68) and his son Herodes (see also remarks of EL 144).<br />

Claudius Atticus is probably to be identified with [Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος "Α]ττικός<br />

(ο) λαμπρότατος [ύπατικός] in a rescript of the Emperor Hadrian with a letter of<br />

the proconsul from Gytheion (IG V 1, 1147). The polis of Gytheion honours<br />

Claudius Atticus with a statue at the Propylaea in Athens (IGW 1, 1171=JG II 2 3596<br />

[SEG 11, 1959, 933]); in this document he appears as a high priest of the imperial<br />

cult and as a κηδεμών τοϋ έθνους (probably of the Eleutherolacones) and σωτήρ καί<br />

κτίστης of the polis of Gytheion (LAC 270 [6]).<br />

The person is also attested in two honorary inscriptions from Corinth, one on a<br />

marble architrave (COR 169 [IB]) and another on a marble statue base (COR 169<br />

[1A]), where he appears as praetoriis ornament(is) ornato ex s(enatus) c(onsulto).<br />

In addition some ruins in Loukou in Arcadia have been identified with a villa of<br />

Herodes Atticus, where his father is mentioned in an inscription, see ARC 63.<br />

f. Herodes Atticus (EL 144); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemmata XI, 1. 2. 3.<br />


[1] 7ν0 454 facsimile [after A.D. 143]<br />

Olympia; three fragments of a plaque of Pentelic marble bearing an honorary inscription for<br />

Herodes Atticus erected by the Olympic boule:<br />

[Τιβ(έριον) Κλαύδιον] Ήρ[ώ]δη, ύπατ[ικόν], [τον εαυτών] εύεργέτ[η]ν [ή Όλυμπική]<br />

βουλ[ή διά επιμελητού Μ(άρκου) Α]ύρ[(ηλίου)- - -].<br />

[2] 7ν0612 facsimile (Oliver, The Athenian expounders, 112, no. 5; Ameling, Herodes Atticus<br />

II, 129, no. 114) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; twenty-four fragments of a plaque of Pentelic marble consisting one of the<br />

inscriptions on the exedra of Herodes Atticus in honour of Regula.<br />

The text is to be restored according to Dittenberger and Purgold: ["Αππία "Αν]νί[α Τήγιλλα<br />

459<br />



"Αππίου] ύ[π]άτο[υ πο]ντ[ίφικος θ]υγάτηρ, [Τιβερί]ου [Κλαυδί]ου [Ήρώδου γυ]νή. [Τιβέριος<br />

Κλαύδι]ος, Τ[ιβερίου Κλαυδίου "Αττικού] υιός, Ηρώδης Αθηναίος, while Oliver<br />

completes: ["Αππία "Αν]νί[α 'Ρήγιλλα "Ατιλία Καυκιδία Τερτύλλα "Αππίου] ύ[π]άτο[υ<br />

πο]ντ[ίφικος θ]υγάτηρ [Ήρώδ]ου [ύπάτ]ου [έξηγητοΰ γυ]νή.<br />

[3a] ΙνΟ 613-618 [middle of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; statue bases bearing honorary inscriptions for several members of the imperial<br />

family erected by Herodes Atticus. In all these texts he is attested merely as Ηρώδης.<br />

[b] IvO 619 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 131, no. 121); Bol, Herodes- Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 120-121, no. 10, pi. 7, facsimile (fig. 52) [middle of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble bearing an honorary inscription for the person, who<br />

was Regilla's father. The statue belonged to the exedra of Herodes Atticus: ... Τηγίλλης πατέρα<br />

τής Ήρώδου Ι [γυ]ναικό[ς]... (for the text see EL 18).<br />

[c] IvO 620 facsimile (ILS 8824 a; Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 131-132, no. 122); Bol,<br />

Herodes- Atticus-Nymphäum, 121-123, no. 11, pi. 7.8, facsimile (fig. 53) [middle of the 2nd c.<br />

A.D.].<br />

Olympia; one of the honorary inscriptions of the exedra of Herodes Atticus: Μ(αρκον)<br />

"Αππιον Βραδούαν, ...τον Τη[γίλλης πρ]ός μητρός πάππον τής Ήρώδου Ι γυναικός...(for<br />

the text see EL 50).<br />

[d] IvO 621 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 132, no. 123); Bol, Herodes- Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 213-4, no. 12, pi. 8.9, facsimile (fig. 54) [middle of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes Atticus erected by the<br />

polis of Elis for Herodes' mother, Vibullia Alcia Agrippina (EL 341):<br />

Βιβουλλίαν "Αλκίαν "ΑγριππεΙ[ναν], Ι [θυγατέ]ρα [Τ]ο[ύ]φο[υ], "Α[ττ]ι[κ]ο[ύ γυν]αικ[α] Ι<br />

Ήρώδου μητέρα, ή πόλις ή τών Ι "Ηλείων.<br />

[e] ΙνΟ 622a+622c+359+539+492 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 132-133, no.<br />

124); Boi, Herodes-Atticus-Nymphäum, 124-129, no. 13, pi. 9, facsimile (fig. 55) [middle<br />

of 2nd e. A.D.].<br />

Olympia, Nymphaeum of Herodes Atticus; several fragments which, according to R. Bol and<br />

L. Schumacher (contribution in Bol, Herodes- Atticus-Nymphäum), are derived from the base<br />

of a statue for the father of Herodes Atticus. The fragment IvO 622b ascribed by Dittenberger<br />

and Purgold to this base is regarded as a fragment that has nothing to do with the inscription<br />

discussed here: [Τι. Κ]λαύδιον "Αττ[ικό]ν Ήρώδη[ν] Ι [Τπ]πάρχο[υ] ... [Ήρώδου πατέρα]...<br />

(for the text see EL 143 [2]).<br />

[f] IvO 623 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 133, no. 125); Bol, Herodes- Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 129-130, no. 14, facsimile (fig. 57) and 132-134, pi. 10 (Tobin, Herodes Atticus,<br />

91, no. 2) [middle of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble bearing one of the honorary inscriptions on the<br />

exedra of Herodes Atticus concerning his son: Μ(άρκον) "Ατείλιον "Αττι[κόν] Ι Βραδούαν<br />

Τήγιλλον, Ι Ήρώδου καί Τηγίλλης υίόν ...(for the text see EL 57).<br />

[g] IvO 624 facsimile (Ameling,Herodes Atticus II, 133, no. 126); Bol, Herodes-Atticus-<br />



Nymphäum, 130-131, no. 15, facsimile (fig. 59) and 132-134, pi. 10 (Tobin, Herodes Atticus,<br />

84, no. 5) [Middle of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; several fragments of a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes<br />

Atticus bearing an honorary inscription for his daughter Elpineike: "Αππίαν "Αννίαν<br />

Α[τ]ειλία[ν] Ι Τήγιλλα[ν] "Ελπινείκην "Αγριππειναν Ι "Ατρίαν Πόλλαν, Ήρώδου καί<br />

[ Γ Ρη]γίλλης Ι θυγατ[έρα]...(ί"θΓ the text see EL 16).<br />

[h] IvO 625 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 134, no. 127); Bol, Herodes- Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 132-3, no. 16, pi. 11, facsimile, fig. 60 (Tobin, Herodes Atticus, 87, no. 4) [middle<br />

of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes Atticus bearing<br />

honorary inscriptions for his children Athenais and Regullus erected by the polis of Elis: Μαρκίαν<br />

Κλαυδίαν "Αλκίαν Ι "Αθηναΐδα Γαβιδίαν Λατιαρίαν Ι Ήρώδου καί Τηγίλλης θυγατέρα...<br />

(for the text see EL 113).<br />

[i] IvO 626 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 134, no. 128); Bol, Herodes- Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 132-3, no. 17, pi. 11, facsimile, fig. 60 (Tobin, Herodes Atticus, 89, no. 2) [middle<br />

of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes Atticus bearing<br />

honorary inscriptions for his children Athenais and Regullus erected by the polis of Elis:<br />

Λ(ούκιον) Κλαύδιον Ι Βιβούλλιον Τήγιλλον Ι Ήρώδην, Ήρώδου Ι καί Τηγίλλης υίόν, ...(for<br />

the text see EL 167).<br />

[j] L. Schumacher, "Eine neue Inschrift für den Sophisten Herodes Atticus", OIB 1999, 421-<br />

437 (BuIIÉpigr 2000, 351) [ca. A.D. 175].<br />

Olympia; honorary inscription for the person erected by the polis of Elis. His name is not<br />

preserved, but there is no doupt, that the person bearing the functions of [ Jvir (maybe<br />

Vllvir epulonum; but cf. also J. H. Oliver, 77?e Athenian expounders of the sacred and ancestral<br />

law [Baltimore 1950] chapters I and VII [p. 102-121], suggesting that exegetes could be<br />

interpreted as XVvir sacris faciundis), sodalis Augustalis, sodalis Hadrianalis and priest of<br />

Dionysos, and is named as husband of Regula and Athenian is to be identified with Herodes.<br />

Athenian<br />

consularis [1], consul [2], exegetes [2], [- - -7v/r[3j], sodalis Augustalis [3j], sodalis Hadrianalis<br />

[3j] and priest of Dionysos [3j]<br />

Remarks: For a select bibliography on the person, one of the few Greek senators and consuls,<br />

see PIR 2 C 802; Graindor, Atticus, passim (extended biography and description of<br />

his activities); G.W. Bowersock, Greek sophists in the Roman empire (Oxford<br />

1969); G. Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter den Antoninen.<br />

Prosopographische Untersuchungen zur senatorischen Führungsschicht (Bonn 1977)<br />

9. 42. 44-45. 57.90.144. 319. 323. 329; Halfmann, Senatoren, 155-160, no. 68;<br />

J.H.Oliver, EOS II, 584-588, stemma 587; Ameling, Herodes Atticus, passim<br />

(biography and sources); Bol, Herodes-Atticus-Nymphäum (For a presentation of<br />

the study of R. Bol, op. cit., see AnnÉpigr 1986, 632); FOS, 72 (comments on no.<br />

56); Tobin, Herodes Atticus, passim; Settipani, 468-490 for the family, the ancestors<br />



and the descendants of Herodes. On Herodes Atticus and tyranny in the Roman<br />

empire, for which Herodes' grandfather, Hipparchus, was already charged, as well as<br />

its connection with the letter of M. Aurelius to Athens (Oliver, Marcus Aurelius),<br />

see N.M. Kennell, "Herodes Atticus and the rhetoric of tyranny", CPh 92,1997, 346-<br />

362. He was well educated in the house of the grandfather of M. Aurelius and a<br />

famous sophist of his time, married to Regula, a member of a patrician family, and<br />

became consul Ordinarius in A.D. 143.<br />

His family's most important public work at Olympia was the so-called nymphaeum.<br />

It is strange that this impressive work is not described by Pausanias, which is<br />

interpreted by Ch. Habicht, Pausanias und seine »Beschreibung Griechenlands«<br />

(München 1985) 137-138, η. 74 (cf. AnnÉpigr 1987, 914) as an act of the peregete's<br />

lack of interest in contemporary monuments and events. K.W. Arafat, Pausanias'<br />

Greece. Ancient artists and Roman rulers (Cambridge 1996) 37-38 supposes that<br />

Pausanias omits the description of the nymphaeum not only because of his dislike of<br />

contemporary works, but also because its role had nothing to do with the character<br />

of the sanctuary of Zeus at Olympia. For observations on the architectural features<br />

of the structure see Tobin, op. cit., 314-323. On the arrangement and date of the<br />

nymphaeum see I. Avotins, "On the dating of the exedra of Herodes Atticus at<br />

Olympia", Phoenix 29, 1975, 244-249, who argues for the year A.D. 153 based on<br />

the narrative of Lucian's, De mort. Pereg. 19-21, but does not exclude the year A.D.<br />

149. Tobin, op. cit., 321 finds it probable that the work was finished by A.D. 153,<br />

which is also in agreement with the identifications of the statues suggested by Bol,<br />

Herodes- Atticus-Nymphäum, pointing out the alterations carried out later by<br />

Vibullius Hipparchus, who replaced three of the original statues of the structure.<br />

Herodes and his family are attested in several other regions of the Péloponnèse.<br />

Though his father held many offices and seems to have played an important role in<br />

the Spartan public life, Herodes is attested only in a dedication from a family statue<br />

group of his sister Claudia Tisamenis in the theater of Sparta dated after the mid. 2nd<br />

c. A.D. (Woodward 1927/8, 37 ff. no. 59 11. 4 sq. emended by Spawforth 1980, 208.<br />

211-7. pi. 23 a [SEG 11, 1950, 781; 30, 1980,407]; Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, no.<br />

68); cf. LAC 271 [1].<br />

On the basis of internal dating in the inscription IGV 1, 45, which contains a cursus<br />

honorum of Corinthas, son of Nicephorus, synephebos "Αττικού τοΰ Ήρώδου (1. 9-<br />

10), it seems unlikely that he is identified with the person discussed here, as is<br />

supported by Chrimes, Ancient Sparta, AAA no. 20; Bradford, 494 and Ameling,<br />

Herodes Atticus I, 37-38 n. 14. II no. 70. The document must be dated about the end<br />

of the 2nd c. A.D. and connected with Herodes' son Ti. Claudius Appius M. Attilius<br />

Bradua Regillus Atticus, as suggested Boeckh, CIG 1256 and accepted by Kolbe (in<br />

the comments of IG V 1, 45); Graindor, Atticus, 103 ns 5-6; Follet, Athènes, 134;<br />

Halfmann, Senatoren, no. 128 [5]; Spawforth, ABSA 75, 1980, 208-10 (cf. SEG 30,<br />

1980,406).<br />

The relationship of Herodes Atticus, as well as his father's, with Corinth is known<br />

from both literary and epigraphical sources; he is connected with several public<br />



works in Corinth, the Odeum (Philostr., VSII. 1, 9; Paus. II. 3, 6), dedications at the<br />

Isthmian sanctuary (Paus. II. 1, 7) and the Peirene fountain. He was honoured by the<br />

polis of Corinth in Eleusis (Syll. 3 854). His name appears on a marble —probably<br />

posthoumous (cf. the inscription Ηρώδης ένθάδε περιεπάτει)— heim bearing his<br />

portrait (COR 174 [1]) and in an epigram on a statue base in honour of Regula (COR<br />

174 [2]) also boastfully praising her husband Herodes; cf. also COR 174 [3] and [4].<br />

The family of Herodes also possessed a villa in Loukou which is in Eua in Arcadia,<br />

cf. ARC 63.<br />

s. Tib. Claudius Atticus Herodes, son of Hipparchus (EL 143) and Vibullia Alcia Agrippina (EL<br />

341). For a stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemmata XI, 1. 2. 3.<br />

145. ΤΙΒ(ΕΡΙΟΣ) KAAΎ[ΔΙ]Ος K[- - -]<br />

IvO 97,1. 5 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 62 [A.D. 153].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />


7ν0458 [age of Hadrian or Antoninus Pius].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected for him by the Achaean Koinon with the consent of the<br />

Elean boule:<br />

Tò κοινόν τών Ι "Αχαιών Τιβ(έριον) Κλ(αύδιον) Ι Καλλιγένην, τον Ι από τής μητροπόΙ 5 λεως<br />

Μεσσήνης στραΐτηγόν, άσυνκρίτως Ι άρξαντα τής ΈλλάΙδος, συνεπιψηφισαΐμένης καί τής<br />

κρατίσΙ 10 της "Ηλείων βουλής.<br />

Messenian<br />

strategos of the Achaean Koinon<br />


T. Schwertfeger, "Die Basis des Claudius Calligenes", OIB 10, 1981, 249-255, fig. 85 on p. 251<br />

and pi. 25; M. Marcovich, "Zur Inschrift des Tiberius Claudius Calligenes", ZPEA6, 1982, 175-<br />

176 (AnnÉpigr 1989, 663) [end of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; built into a late Roman wall on the western side of River Cladeos; a marble base for<br />

a statue erected by the polis Messene in honour of the discussed person:<br />

Ή πόλις ή ΜεσσηνίΙων Τιβ(έριον) Κλ(αύδιον) ΚαλλιΙγένην τον άξιόΙνεικον δεκάπρωΙ 5 τον<br />

επί τφ στεΙφάνω τής άρισίτοπολιτείας Ι καί τοις άρίστοις Ι τον αρχιερέα τού Ι 10 οίκου τού<br />

ΣεβασΙμίου πάσης άρεΙτής χάριν.<br />

Messenian<br />

δεκάπρωτος, highpriest of the imperial cult<br />

Remarks: According to Schwertfeger both homonymous men are members of the same family,<br />



but there is only a minute possibility that they are one and the same person.<br />

Schwertfeger, op. cit. connects the epithet άξιόνεικος with the competition of the<br />

aristopoliteia; for a different view see B. Puech, "Grand-prêtres et helladarques<br />

d'Acha'fe", REA 85, 1983, 31, η. 64. The collegium of δεκάπρωτοι corresponds to<br />

decemprimi attested in many cities of Greece and Asia Minor (T. Schwertfeger, OIB<br />

10, 1981, 251-252 for parallels and more bibliography). About άριστοπολιτεία see<br />

CG. Brandis, RE II 1 (1896) 1008-1010, s.v. άριστοπολιτεία; see also L. Robert,<br />

"Études d'épigraphie grecque", RPh 1934, 268, η. 4, who argues that, among the<br />

Greeks, this honour was frequently alloted by competition (άγων); a typical<br />

example is that of άριστοπολιτεία in Sparta and Messene; see also L. Robert,<br />

Hellenica XI-XII (1960), 573-576. The phrase έπί τω στεφάνω τής άριστοπολιτείας<br />

καί τοίς άρίστοις is to be interpreted as the justification of the dedication.<br />

According to Schwertfeger, op. cit., 254 the άριστοπολιτεία appears, with only one<br />

exception, only in the Péloponnèse in the imperial era and especially in Sparta.<br />


[1] 7v0447 facsimile [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of gray marble erected by the polis of Messene honouring the person<br />

as νέος "Επαμεινώνδας:<br />

Ή πόλις Ι ή Μεσσηνίων Τιβ(έριον) ΚλαύΙδιον Κρισπιανόν, νέον Ι Έπαμεινώνδαν, αρχιερέα<br />

διά βίου τών Σεβαστών, στρατευΙ 5 σάμενον έπαρχον σπείρης πρΙώτης Βοσποριανής καί<br />

χειλίίαρχον λεγιώνος δωδέκατης Ι κεραυνοφόρου, άριστα πολειίτευόμενον.<br />

[2] /ν0448 facsimile [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a limestone statue base erected by the Achaean Koinon in honour of the person<br />

discussed here:<br />

To κοινόν Ά[χαιών] Ι Τιβ(έριον) Κλαύδιον Ι Κρισπιανόν ΜεσσήΙνιον [άρ]ξαντα τοις Ι<br />

Έλλησι συν[φερ]όνΙτως.<br />

Messenian<br />

praefectus cohortis primae Bosporianae, tribunus militum legionis XII Fulminatae<br />

Remarks: For έπαρχος σπείρης πρώτης Βοσποριανής (=praefectus cohortis primae<br />

Bosporianae) see Mason, 45, for χειλίαρχος λεγιώνος δωδέκατης κεραυνοφόρου<br />

(=tribunus militum legionis XII Fulminatae) see Mason, 138. About Cohors I<br />

Bosporiana see C. Cichorius, RE IV 1 (1900), 255, s.v. Legio; about Legio XII<br />

Fulminata, veterans of which were settled in Patrai (cf. Rizakis, Achaïe II, 25-26),<br />

see W. Kubitschek, RE XII 2 (1925) 1705-1710, s.v. Legio (XII Fulminata) (Ti.<br />

Claudius Crispianus St. 1709); H.M.D. Parker, The Roman legions (Chicago 1980)<br />

110. 128. 134. 136-8. 148. 159. 254. 261. 269. The phrase [άρξ]αντα τοις Έλλησι<br />

συν[φερ]όντως [2] means the head of the Achaean Koinon and is to be regarded as<br />

an equivalent to helladarch.<br />

For the person see Devijver, C 136, p. 249. He is also honoured by the Achaean<br />

Koinon in Messene, see SEG 11, 1950, 984 and MES s.v.<br />



7v0 941 facsimile [A.D. 193-198].<br />


149-153<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble erected by the Olympic council in honour of Claudia<br />

Baebia Baebiana, daughter of the governor of the province Achaia Claudius Demetrius:<br />

Διί Όλυμπίω Ι Κλ(αυδίαν) Βαιβίαν Βαιβιανήν, Ι Κλ(αυδίου) Δημητρίου άνΙθυπάτου τής<br />

"Αχαΐας Ι καί πρεσβ(ευτοΰ) Σεβ(αστοϋ) καί άντιίστρατήγου καί έπανίορθωτού τών<br />

έλευΐθέρων πόλεων θυίγατέρα (full text EL 116).<br />

From Nicomedia (Groag)<br />

proconsul Achaiae, legatus Augusti pro praetore ad corrigendum statum liberarum civitatium<br />

Remarks: The proconsul Achaiae, legatus Augusti pro praetore ad corrigendum statum<br />

liberarum civitatium, Claudius Demetrius is to be identified with the person from<br />

Nicomedia who was the consular legate of Pontus-Bithynia attested in the<br />

inscription of a monument for Iulia Domna in Nicomedia (IGR III, 6), see Groag,<br />

Reichsbeamten, 80-81. About him see E. Groag, RE III 2 (1899), 2702, 5. v. Claudius<br />

[124-125]; PIR C 845-6; Barbieri, no. 150; J.H. Oliver, "Imperial commissioners in<br />

Achaia", GRBS 14, 1973, 404; Thomasson, 195, no. 45; Rémy, Carrières<br />

sénatoriales, 109-110; Leunissen, Konsuln und Konsulare, 148, 260, 294 no. 429,<br />

352 and 367.<br />

f. Claudia Baebia Baebiana (EL 116)<br />


E. Kunze, Ο/Β 5, 1956, 173-5, fig. 73 (new fragments of IvO 115, see SEG 15, 1958, 258,1. 3);<br />

cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 57 [A.D. 229-233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. The name is followed by the abbreviation P. (cf. EL 82).<br />

theocolos for the second time<br />


IvO 107,1. 6 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 75 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />


ΙνΟ 110,1. 5 facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 76 [A.D. 209-213].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is followed by the abbreviation Φ. (cf. EL 82).<br />

theocolos<br />


IvO 127, 3 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 78 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />



Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

Remarks: The name is very fragmentary and the exact date of the list is unknown, so it cannot<br />

be decided, whether the spondophoros attested here later held the office of theocolos<br />

and —in that case— could be identified with EL 152.<br />


[1] IvO 107,1. 12 facsimile [end of the 2nd/beginning of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is completed in this list: [Κλ(αύόιος) Ύπατιανός].<br />

[2] IvO 110,1. 18 facsimile [209-213 A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλαύ(οιος) Ύπ[α]τιανός.<br />

[3] ΙνΟ 115,1. 10-11 facsimile + Ε. Kunze, OIB 5, 1956, 173-5, fig. 73 (SEG 15, 1958, 258,1.<br />

10-11) [A.D. 229-233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλαύ(διος) [Ύπατιανός].<br />

[4] ΙνΟ 117,1. 17 facsimile [2nd quarter of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλα(ύόιος) [Ύ]πατιανός.<br />

[5] IvO 118,1. 16-17 facsimile [A.D. 241].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Κλαύδιος] Ύπ[ατιανός].<br />

[6] IvO 120,1. 13 facsimile [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλαύδ(ιος) [Ύπατιανός].<br />

[7] IvO 121,1. 18 facsimile [A.D. 245-249].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλ(αύδιος) Ύπατιανός.<br />

[8] IvO 122,1. 15 facsimile [A.D. 265].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλ(αύδιος) Ύπατιανός.<br />

[9] IvO 138,1. 1 facsimile [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; completed in a list of cult personnel: Τι(βέριος) Κ[λαύδιος Ύπατιανός].<br />

[10] IvO 139,1. 2 facsimile [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; completed in a list of cult personnel: [Κλαύδιος Ύπατιανός].<br />

exegetes<br />

Remarks: Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 77.<br />



[1] /ν0431 facsimile [A.D. 95-105].<br />



Olympia; block of a large base of Parian marble that bore two statues, one erected by the<br />

discussed person for his grandson Claudius Lucenus Saeclarus in memory of his tenure of the<br />

office of spondophoros:<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος ΛύΙσων Κοσμόπολις Ι Κλαύδιον Αουκηνόν Ι Σαίκλαρον, τον εκ Ι<br />

Κλαυδίας Α,ριστοΙμάντιδος τής ιδίας Ι προγόνου, σπονδοφοΙρήσαντα, Διί Όλυμπίω.<br />

[2] 7ν0432 facsimile [A.D. 95-105].<br />

Olympia; on the same base of [1] stood also a statue of Tib. Claudius Lyso erected by the polis<br />

of Elis and the Olympic boule:<br />

Ή πόλις Ήλείω[ν] καί ή Όλυμπική Ι βουλή Τι(βέριον) Κλαύδ[ιο]ν Αύσωνα κοσΙμόπολιν,<br />

Κλαυ[δίο]υ "Αγία υίόν, πάΙσης αρετής [ένεκ]α καί τής εις αύΐτήν άδιαλείπ[του μεγαλοψυχίας.<br />

[3] ΙνΟ 433 facsimile [end of lst/begin. of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a large block of a statue base, that bore two statues, one erected by the polis of Elis<br />

and the Olympic boule for the person and one of his father (see [4]):<br />

Ή πόλις Ηλείων καί ή ΌλυμπιΙκή βουλή Τιβ(έριον) Κλαύδιον Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Ι 'Αγία<br />

καί Γιγανίας Πώλλης υίόν ΛύΙσωνα κοσμόπολιν, ιερέα γ' Διός ΌΙ 5 λυμπίου καί άγορανόμον<br />

καί γυμνασίαρίχον καί άλλυτάρχην καί γραμματέα, Ι τειμής καί άξιας χάριν.<br />

[4] ΙνΟ 434 facsimile [end of lst/begin. of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a large block of a statue base, that bore two statues, one erected by the polis of<br />

Elis and the Olympic boule for Tib. Claudius Lyso and one for his father financed by the<br />

testament of Lyso:<br />

Ή πόλις Ηλείων καί ή Ι Όλυμπική βουλή Τιβ(έριον) ΚλαύΙδιον Άγίαν τειμής καί άΙξίας<br />

χάριν έκ διαθήκης Ι Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Λύσωνος Ι τον υιού αυτού.<br />

[5a] ΙνΟ 82 facsimile [A.D. 67].<br />

Olympia; a list of cult personnel, where the person is attested as a spondophoros without a<br />

Roman name as Λ[ύσων 'Αγία].<br />

[5b] 7v0 86[A.D. 85-95].<br />

Olympia; a list of cult personnel, where the person is attested as a theocolos without a Roman<br />

name as Λύσων 'Αγία Π. (for the abbreviation cf. EL 82).<br />

Spondophoros [1], [5a], theocolos [5b], ιερεύς γ' Διός Όλυμπίου (priest of Zeus),<br />

agoranomos, gymnasiarchos, alytarches, grammateus [3]<br />

Remarks: The word κοσμόπολις following the name of Lyso was interpreted by Dittenberger<br />

in the first publication of the inscription (AZ36,1878,199-200) as the title of a public<br />

function. But in the commentary of IvO 432 he believes that it was, instead, a<br />

surname, as an "Erkennung seiner Verdienste um die Vaterstadt", i.e. a recognition<br />

of his benefactions toward his home city, which is justified by the fact that Lyso was<br />

one of the most important personalities of Elean political life at the end of the first<br />

and beginning of the second c. A.D. According to L. Robert, Études anatoliennes.<br />

467<br />



Recherches sur les inscriptions grecques de l'Asie Mineure (Paris 1937, reprint<br />

Amsterdam 1970) 349 it is an honorific term, the equivalent of phrases like ...κοσμή-<br />

σας τήν πατρίδα or τήν πόλιν... (i.e. he adorned the polis). According to P. Veyne,<br />

Le pain et le cirque. Sociologie historique d'un pluralisme politique (Paris 1976) 349,<br />

n. 219 it is the equivalent of the Latin formula ornator patriae, which is found in<br />

Roman Tripolitania (J.M. Reynolds and J.B. Ward Perkins, The inscriptions of<br />

Roman Tripolitania [Rome-London 1952] nos 275; 318; 321; 322; 323; 347).<br />

Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 65; see also remarks on Tib. Claudius Agias<br />

(EL 136).<br />

s. Tib. Claudius Agias (EL 136) and Gegania Paulla (EL 219); for a stemma of the family see<br />

Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />


ΙνΟ 102 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 66 [A.D. 181-185].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. The name is followed by the abbreviation F. (cf. EL 82).<br />

exegetes<br />


/v0478 facsimile [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a marble plaque of a monument erected by the polis of Elis and the Olympic boule:<br />

Ή πόλις Ηλείων Ι καί ή Όλυμπική β(ουλή) Ι Τίτον Κλ(αύδιον) Νικήρατον, Ι φιλοτίμως εν<br />

τή σπάΙνει τών επιτηδείων Ι 5 κατά τό αυτό άρξαντα Ι καί άγορανομήσαντα. Ι Ψ(ηφίσματι)<br />

β(ουλής).<br />

archon, agoranomos<br />

Remarks: The praenomen "Titus" indicates, according to Dittenberger and Purgold, that<br />

Κλ(αύδιος) is incorrect for Φλ(άβιος). Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 67.<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 102,1. 11 facsimile [A.D. 181-185].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Τι(βέριος) Κλα]ύδιος Όλυνπος Ταμίδης.<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 103,1. 14 facsimile [second half 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλ(αύδιος) Όλυμ[πος] Ταμίδης.<br />

[3] ΙνΟ 106,1. 11 facsimile [A.D. 197-201].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλαύδιος Όλυ[μ]πος Ταμίδης Ν.<br />

[4] ΙνΟ 107,1. 7 facsimile [end of the 2nd/beginning of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Τιβ(έριος)] Κλ(αύδιος) Όλυμπος [Ταμίδης].<br />

[5] ΙνΟ 110,1. 13 facsimile [A.D. 209-213].<br />



Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλ(άυδιος) Όλυμπος Ταμίδης.<br />

[6] ΙνΟ 112,1. 2 (?) facsimile [first half 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Τιβ(έριος) [Κλ(αύδιος) Όλυμπος Ίαμ]ίδης.<br />

[7] ΙνΟ 120,1. 7 facsimile [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Όλ]ύμπου.<br />

[8] E. Kunze, Ο/Β 5, 1956, 174-175,1. 12, fig. 74 (SEG 15, 1958, 259) [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [—Τ)λυ]μπος Ταμίδης.<br />

seer<br />

159-160<br />

Remarks: Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 68. For the abbreviation Ν. in [3] cf. EL 82.<br />


Ε. Kunze, Ο/Β 5, 1956, 173-174,1. 5, fig. 73 (publishing new fragments of the inscription IvO<br />

115, cf. SEG 15, 1958, 258,1. 5); cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 69 [A.D. 229-233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />



[1] 7ν0429 facsimile [second half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble erected by the polis of Elis and the Olympic council<br />

in honour of the person's mother:<br />

Ή πόλις Ηλείων καί ή Ι Όλυμπική βουλή ΆντωΙνίαν Κλεοδίκην, Μ(άρκου) ΆντωΙνίου<br />

"Αλεξίωνος καί ΚλαυΙ 5 δίας Κλεοδίκης θυγατέρα, Ι μητέρα Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου ΠέλοΙπος<br />

καί Κλαυδίας ΔαμοξέΙνας καί Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου ΆριΙστομένους, πάσης ένεΐκεν αρετής<br />

καί εύεσεβείας Ι Διί Όλυμπίω.<br />

[2] 7VO430 facsimile [beginning of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble erected by the Achaean Koinon for the son of the<br />

person:<br />

To κοινόν τών Ι Αχαιών Τιβ(έριον) Κλαύδιον Ι Πέλοπα, Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Ι Άριστέα καί<br />

"Αντωνίας Ι 5 Κλεοδίκης υίόν, Ι τον στρατηγόν τών Ι "Αχαιών καί γραμματέα τό β', Ι πάσης<br />

ένεκεν αρετής Ι καί τής εις αυτούς εύνοιας.<br />

strategos and twice grammateus of the Achaean Koinon<br />

Remarks: For the person see Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 70 and for his family A 99. He<br />

was a member of a very important Elean family connected with C. Iulius Laco and<br />

with Messenians; cf. EL 34.<br />

s. Tib. Claudius Aristeas (EL 140) and Antonia Cleodice (EL 22), b. Claudia Damoxena (EL<br />



118) and Tib. Claudius Aristomenes (EL 142); grandson Antonius Alexion (EL 34); for a<br />

stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XIII.<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 113,1. 1 facsimile [after A.D. 221].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Κλαύδιος Πολυκράτης] Ταμίδης.<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 114,1. 8 facsimile [A.D. 225-229].<br />

Olympia; completed in a list of cult personnel: Κ[λαύ(διος) Πολυκράτης Ίαμ(ίδης)].<br />

[3] IvO 115,11. 7-8 (facsimile)+E. Kunze, Ο/Β 5, 1956, 173-174,11. 7-8, fig. 73 (SEG 15, 1958,<br />

258) [A.D. 229-233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλαύ(διος) Πολυκρά[της] Ταμ(ίδης).<br />

[4] IvO 116,1. 11 facsimile [A.D. 233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλαύδ(ιος) Πολυκράτης Ταμ(ίδης).<br />

[5] IvO 117,1. 12 facsimile [2nd quarter of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Κλαύδιος Πολυ]κράτης Ταμίδης.<br />

[6] IvO 121,1. 14 facsimile [A.D. 245-249].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλ(αύδιος) Πολυκράτης Ταμίδης.<br />

seer<br />

Remarks: Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 71.<br />


ΙνΟ 471 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 72 [3rd c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia, a cylindrical statue base of gray marble bearing an honorary inscription for the<br />

person:<br />

"Αγαθή τύχη. Ι Κλαύδιον Ι Πολύνεικον Ι ή Ηλείων πόΙλις καί ή ΌλυμΙπική βουλή Ι αρετής<br />

ένεΐκα καί εύνοίΐας τής εις Ι αυτήν.<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 54 (facsimile); Syll. 3 1073 II (R. Merkelbach, "Der unentschiedene Kampf des<br />

Pankratiasten Ti. Claudius Rufus in Olympia", ZPE 15, 1974, 99-104) [A.D. 41-123].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of dark marble bearing an honorary decree of the Eleans concerning<br />

the award of the Elean citizenship to Tib. Claudius Rufus:<br />

11. 2-3: ... Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Τούφος, άνήρ πανκρατιαστής.... 11. 40-43: τετειμήσθαι δε<br />

Τούφον Ι πολιτεία, καί έπιτραπήναι αύτω άναίθεΐναι ανδριάντα επί τής Όλυμπίας Ι έπι-<br />

γραφήν έχοντα τήν προγεγραμμένην.<br />

[2] JvO 55 (facsimile)=7. Smyrna II, 1, 657 (R. Merkelbach, "Der unentschiedene Kampf des<br />



Pankratiasten Ti. Claudius Rufus in Olympia*', ZPE 15, 1974. 99-104) [A.D. 4 1-123].<br />

Olympia: on the same base, on which there is also the decree, an honorary inscription by the<br />

demos of Smyrna:<br />

Ό νεωκόρος Ζμυρναίων δήμος Ι Τιβέριον Κλαύδιον Τοΰφον, τον Ι εαυτού πολείτην, άνδρα<br />

πλειστοΐνείκην καί ίερονείκην από συνόδου, Ι 5 τών καθ" εαυτόν πανκρατιαστών Ι ανδρεία τε<br />

καί σοκρροσύνη διενένκαντα Ι καί δια τήν προς τους [Σ]εβαστούς Ι γνώσιν τυχόντα τής διά<br />

γένους ξυστ[α]ρχί'/:; πάντων τών αγομένων Ι άγώνίον εν Ζμύρνη, έτείμησεν Ι 10 εκ τών ιδίων,<br />

καθώς καί Ηλείοι.<br />

[3] J. Ebert, Nikcphoros 7. 1994. 239 (SEG 45. 1995, 412); id., "Zur neuen Bronzeplatte mit<br />

Sicgcrinschrillcn aus Olympia (luv. 1148)"'. Nikcphoros 10. 1997. 217-233. col. I. I. 3-5. csp.<br />

223-229, facsimile (p. 219) [A.D. 41-123].<br />

Olympia, arca of ι he so-called "SUdweslbau". in a drainage canal; a bronze plaque bearing the<br />

names of some Olympic victors and athletes of different limes: on its upper left corner there<br />

is an inscription commemorating the undecided outcome of the athletes' competition in<br />

pankration:<br />

[Όλ(υμπιάόι) σ'] Τ. Κλαύδιος Τοϋφος Ι [πρώ]τος ανδρών ίεράν Ι [έπ]οίησε πανκράτιον<br />

(completions according to Nikcphoros 10, 1997. 223).<br />

From Smyrna<br />

athlete, xystarches in Smyrna<br />

Remarks: For an hypothetical but probable description of what followed the "ιερά νίκη of Rufus<br />

until the publication of the decree in Olympia and the erection of both monuments<br />

in Olympia and Smyrna, see Merkelbach. op.cil.<br />

Dittenberger and Purgold date [1] (see commentary of Λ054, Sp. 113) in the age of<br />

Trajan or beginning of that of Hadrian because the neocoria of Smyrna is attested for<br />

the first lime on coin legends of Trajan. However it is known by Tac. Ann. IV. 55-<br />

56 that Smyrna acquired the first temple dedicated to the Emperor Tiberius. Livia and<br />

the senate, and consequently its first neocoria. in A.D. 26. Moretti. Olympionikai.<br />

no. 808 identifies Rufus with a homonymous magistrate, who appears on Smyrnean<br />

coins of the age of Trajan, see BMC Ionia. 276. no. 325: στρ(ατηγός) Τού(φος ?).<br />

He believes that Claudius Apollonius and Claudius Rufus (Moretti. Olympionikai.<br />

890 and 924) are descendants of the person discussed here. According to W. Ameling,<br />

"Der Sophist Rufus". EA 6. 1985, 30. who studied the personality of the sophist<br />

known from the text of Philostr.. VS11. 17 born about A.D. 120-150 and died between<br />

A.D. 181 and 211 the sophist Rufus cannot be identified with the hieronikes because<br />

of chronological difficulties, but he could be either his son or a close relative. G. Pctzl.<br />

I.Smyrna, no. 657 dates the inscription between A.D. 41 and 123. i.e. from the<br />

accession of the Emperor Claudius until the year of the second neocoria of Smyrna.<br />

J. Eben. Nikcphoros 10. 1997.227 dales the ιερά νίκη of Rufus in the 200th Olympiad<br />

(A.D. 21). [Όλ(υμπιάδι) σ]. and the honours he received from the Elcans and the<br />

Smyrneans in the age of Tiberius, since the introducer of the Elcan decree was r M.<br />

Vettulenus Laetus who is, according to Ebert, to be identified with the lather of<br />

471<br />

1 (ì ~


Cassia, whose agonostic inscription is dated in A.D. 21 (200th Olympiad) by a new<br />

fragment (BCH 114, 1990, 746-747, fig. 59; cf. EL 108, 338 and 339). If the ιερά νίκη<br />

and Rufus' honour are to be dated in [Όλ(υμπιάδι) σ' ], i.e. in the year A.D. 21, his<br />

home city Smyrna could not have been neocoros yet which, according to Tacitus<br />

(Ann. IV. 55-56), happened in A.D. 26. Further more, the gentilicium Claudius of the<br />

person discussed here offers an indication that he acquired Roman citizenship at the<br />

earliest under Claudius, so that it would be more sensible to date all inscriptions<br />

where he is attested after A.D. 41. More about the person and the date of the<br />

inscriptions see Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, *K 73 and Β 10.<br />

For parallels for ίερονείκην άπό συνόδου of [2] see BullÉpigr 1977, 416; the word<br />

[Σ]εβαστούς, on the stone Ζεβαστούς, according to Petzl, op. cit., p. 145 (for<br />

parallels) does not refer to a co-reign of emperors but to the emperors in succession,<br />

who Rufus knew personally. For τήν προς τους Σεβαστούς γνώσιν of [2] see L.<br />

Robert, Études Anatoliennes. Recherches sur les inscriptions grecques de l'Asie<br />

Mineure (Paris 1937, reprint Amsterdam 1970) 227-228. The phrase of [2] τυχόντα<br />

τής δια γένους ξυστ[α]ρχίας is interpreted as a mark of honour bestowed by the<br />

emperor, often to foreigners; the work of xystarches was to enforce discipline in a<br />

game or all the games of a city (G. Glotz, in: Daremberg-Saglio-Pottier, Dictionaire<br />

des antiquités grecques et romaines, vol. V, 1025-1031 [esp. 1029ff], s.v. xystos; A.<br />

Forbes, "Ancient athletic guilds", CPh 50, 1955, esp. 247-249; L. Robert, OMS II<br />

[Amsterdam 1969] 1120).<br />

About ίεράν ποιείν, commemorated in [1] 1. 36 (...υπέρ τής ιεράς, ην μόνος άπ'<br />

αιώνος ανδρών έποίησεν...) and [3], which means the end of the competition<br />

without a victor, see comments of Dittenberger and Purgold, IvO 54, Sp. 115 and<br />

Ebert, Nikephoros 7, 1994, 239; 10, 1997, 225-227, with more bibliography.<br />


[1 A] 7v0 473 facsimile [A.D. 212/3].<br />

Olympia; a pedestal of Parian (?) marble that bore a statue erected by the polis of Elis after a<br />

decree of the boule honouring Claudia Tyche, the daughter of the person (text EL 119 [1 A]).<br />

[1 B] 7v0474 facsimile [A.D. 212/3].<br />

Olympia; the lower part of a statue base. Its fragmentary inscription is completed as a<br />

duplicate of the honorary inscription mentioned above, erected by the polis of Elis honouring<br />

the daughter of the person discussed here.<br />

From Kleitor<br />

Remarks: He is otherwise unknown. His daughter Claudia Tyche held several important cult<br />

offices of Olympia, of the Achaean Koinon and of the Arcadian Koinon. She<br />

obtained also Elean citizenship. For his Arcadian origin cf. EL 119.<br />

f. Claudia Tyche (EL 119), h. Aemilia Philoxena (EL 10)<br />



7v0435 facsimile [1st c. A.D.].<br />


164-166<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble erected by the polis of Elis for the daughter of<br />

Claudius Theogenes, Claudia Alcinoa (text EL 114)<br />

Remarks: Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 59 for the person, who was a member of an<br />

important family of Eleia connected with that of Vettuleni.<br />

f. Claudia Alcinoa (EL 114), h. Iulia Chrysareta (EL 227); for a stemma of the family see<br />

Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />


JvO 225 facsimile [A.D. 49].<br />

Olympia; a statue of gray marble inscribed on its three sides commemorating the Olympic<br />

victory of Aristo from Ephesos; Thessalus was the composer of the agonistic epigram:<br />

Τιβερίου Κλαυδίου Θεσσαλού Κωου πλειστονείκου.<br />

From Kos<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 113,1. 3 facsimile [after A.D. 221].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Κλαύδιος Τεισαμενός Τα]μίδης.<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 114,1. 8 facsimile [A.D. 225-229].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Κλαύδιο]ς Τισαμενός [Ίαμίδης].<br />

[3] ΙνΟ 115,1. 8 facsimile + Ε. Kunze, 01Β5, 1956, 173-174,1. 8, fig. 73 (SEG 15, 1958, 258,<br />

1. 8) [A.D. 229-233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλαύ(διος) Τεισαμενός Ταμ(ίδης).<br />

[4] ΙνΟ 116,1. 12 facsimile [A.D. 233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλ(αύδιος) Τεισαμενός Ταμ(ίδης).<br />

[5] ΙνΟ 117,1. 13 facsimile [2nd quarter of the 3rd e. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Κ]λ(αύδιος) [Τ]εισ[αμ]ενός Τα[μ]ίδης.<br />

[6] ΙνΟ 121,1. 15 facsimile [A.D. 245-249].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλ(αύδιος) Τεισαμενός Ταμίδης.<br />

[7] ΙνΟ 122,1. 12 facsimile [A.D. 265].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Κλ(αύδιος) Τεισαμενός Ταμίδης.<br />

seer<br />

Remarks: Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 74.<br />





ΙνΟ 626 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 134, no. 128); Bol, Hemdes- Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 132-3, no. 17, pi. 11, facsimile, fig. 60 (Tobin, Herodes Atticus, 89, no. 2) [middle<br />

of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes Atticus bearing<br />

honorary inscriptions for his children Athenais and Regillus erected by the polis of Elis:<br />

Λ(ούκιον) Κλαύδιον Ι Βιβούλλιον Τήγιλλον Ι Ήρώδην, Ήρώδου Ι και Τηγίλλης υίόν, Ι ή<br />

πόλις ή των Ηλείων.<br />

Athenian<br />

Remarks: For the person see PIR 1 C 886; Halfmann, Senatoren, 158; Ameling, Herodes<br />

Atticus, Kat. 128; Oliver, EOS II, 586 and 601, stemma 587 (according to whom this<br />

person should be identified with that of FD III 3, 70, cf. EL 57); Bol, Herodes-<br />

Atticus-Nymphäum, 132-134, no. 17; FOS, 73: (Ti.) Claudius Herodes L. Vibullius<br />

Regillus (comments on no. 56); Settipani, 477.<br />

s. Herodes Atticus (EL 144); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemmata XI, 1. 2. 3.<br />


ΙνΟ 479 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 58 [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a marble base for a statue erected for him as alytarches and patron of the polis by<br />

the Olympic boule:<br />

Κλαύδιον ΖηνόφιΙλον τον κράτιστον Ι άλυτάρχην και πάΙτρωνα της πόλεΙ 5 ως η Όλυμπική Ι<br />

βουλή εύνοιας Ι ένεκα και της Ι εις αυτήν όαίψιλοϋς φιλοίτειμίας.<br />

Alytarches<br />


[1] JvO 451 facsimile [after A.D. 212].<br />

Olympia; a limestone statue base erected by C. Clodius Iulius Cleoboulus for his father C. Iulius<br />

Theagenes after a decree of the Achaean Koinon:<br />

'Αγαθή τύχη. Κατά το ψήΐφισμα του κοινού των Ι 'Αχαιών, έπιψηφισαμένης και της Ι ιεράς<br />

Όλυμπικής βουλής, Γ(άιον) Ι 5 Τούλιον ΘεΙαγένην Κορωναϊον Γ(αϊου) Ι Ιουλίου Θεαγένους<br />

υίόν, στρατηγήσανίτα τού κοινού των Αχαιών, επί βίου Ι κοσμιότητι Γ(άιος) Κλώδιος Τούλιος<br />

Ι Κλεόβουλος, στρατηγών τού κοιΙ 10 νο(ύ) τών Αχαιών, τον πατέρα.<br />

[2] /ν0452 facsimile [after A.D. 212].<br />

Olympia; a limestone statue base bearing an honorary inscription for the discussed person<br />

erected by his own son with the consent of the Olympic council:<br />

Τον στρατηγόν τού Ι κοινού τών 'Αχαιών Ι και προστάτην δια βίΐου τών Ελλήνων και Ι 5 αγωνοθέτην<br />

τών μεΙγάλων Άντινοείων Ι Γ(άιον) Κλώ(διον) Ίούλ(ιον) ΚλεόβουΙλον Γ(άιος)<br />



170-174<br />

Φούφ(ιος) Ίούλ(ιος) ΘεΙαγένης ό ύός, έπιψηΙ 10 φισαμένης και τής Ι Όλυμπικής βουλής.<br />

Strategos of the Achaean Koinon [1], [2], agonothetes of Megala Antinoeia [2]<br />

From Koroni<br />

Remarks: The person is also attested in an ephebic list from Koroni: IG Y 1, 1398 (SEG 11,<br />

1950, 987), see MES s.v. Γ(άως) Κλώ(δως) Ίούλ(ιος) Κλεόβουλος. For Megala<br />

Antinoeia cf. also Paus. Vili. 9, 8.<br />

s. C. Iulius Theagenes (EL 243), f. C. Fufius Iulius Theagenes (EL 218).<br />


ΙνΟ 57,1. 65-67 facsimile [A.D. 126].<br />

Olympia; 22 fragments of a marble plaque with a pedimental upper edge; decree; the function<br />

of the person is unknown:...έπεψήφισεν Γ(άιος) Κλώδιος Σεκο[ύνδος]...<br />

Remarks: The date is based on the tenth tribunicia potestas of the Emperor Hadrian (1. 58), cf.<br />

171. ΚΟΡΝΗΔΙΟΣ<br />

D. Kienast, Römische Kaisertabelle (Darmstadt 1990) 130. Cf. also COR 195.<br />

7v0 643 facsimile [beginning of the imperial period].<br />

Olympia; artist signature on marble base.<br />

Sculptor<br />

From Aphrodisias<br />

172. Γ(ΑΪΟΣ) ΚΟΡΝΗΛ[ΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

ΙνΟ 100,1. 5 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 90 [ca. A.D. 181].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />


7ν0 225 facsimile [Όλυμπιάδι σζ'=Α.Ο. 49].<br />

Olympia; a marble statue base commemorating the person's Olympic victory and bearing a<br />

long metrical inscription: ...παις πανκρατιαστής νεικήσας Όλυμπιάδι σζ'...<br />

Ephesian<br />

Remarks: About the person see Moretti, Olympionikailll; id., IAG 64. Another P. Cornelius<br />

174. [- - -Κ]ΡΕΙΣΣΠΟ[Σ]<br />

Aristo, perhaps a descendant, is attested in lists of curetae in Ephesos, see I.Ephesos,<br />

1015-1035. 1039-1040.<br />

ΙνΟ 108 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 93 [A.D. 205].<br />



Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />

175. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΚΟΥΡΙΟ[Σ- - -]<br />

ΙνΟ 118,1. 4 facsimile [A.D. 241].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />

Remarks: For the name see Solin and Salomies, 65 and for its diffusion in the West Mócsy,<br />

Nomenclator, 95. In the Greek mainland it is very rare. In Polyb. II. 19, 8 there is<br />

the variation Κόριος. Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 92.<br />

*176. A(ULUS) DIDI[U]S [GALLUS]<br />

Α. von Domaszewski, "Praefectus equitatus", MDAI [R] 6, 1891, 163- 167; 7v0 914 facsimile<br />

=CIL ULI. Suppl. 7247=12278 (J.H. Oliver, AJPh 1948, 219-222 [RA série 6. 34, 1949 II, 174-<br />

175, no. 11]; ILGR 42) [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; four fragments of a plaque of Pentelic marble from a pedestal for several statues. The<br />

preserved part of the Latin inscription includes a cursus honorum of the person completed in<br />

various ways by scholars:<br />

A(ulus) Didi[u]s [Gallus, orn]atus [dono Ti(beri)] I Claudi Caes[aris] Aug(usti) Ger[mani]lci<br />

tr[i]umphal[ibus o]rname[ntis, co(n)s(ul)], I [XVvir s(acris) f(aciundis), proco(n)[s(ul)...a]e et<br />

Sicilia[e], I 5 [leg(atus) Aug(usti) pr(o) pr(aetore) Moe]siae, pr[aefectus] equitat(us) I [bello<br />

Britannico, praetor, quaestor impe]ratoris,... (restoration by Domaszewski accepted by<br />

Dittenberger and Purgold).<br />

Oliver restores the text: A. Didius G[allus leg]atus [Ti.] I Claudi Caes[aris] Aug. Ger[mani]lci<br />

tr[i]umphal[ibus o]rname[ntis] I [XVuir] s. f. proco[s. Asia]e et Sicilia[e] I 5 [dux Moe]siae<br />

pr[aefectu]s equitat. [comes et legatus Impe]ratoris i[n] I [Britannia ].<br />

(for his offices see below in remarks)<br />

Remarks: For the person see E. Groag, RE V 1 (1903) 410, s.v. Didius [6]; PIR 2 D 70; J.H.<br />

Oliver, AJPh 1948, 219-222; id, "Epigramma Magni Momenti IG IX ii 1135",<br />

GRBS 8. 3, 1967, 237-239 (cf. Δείδιος of the epigramm); W. Eck, RE Suppl. XIV<br />

(1974) 111, s.v. Didius [6]; L. Petersen - L. Vidman, "Zur Laufbahn des Α. Didius<br />

Gallus", in: Actes de la XII e conférence intern, d'études class. "Eirene". Cluj-<br />

Napoca, 2-7 Octobre 1972 (1975) 653 ff.; A. Aichinger, "Die Reichsbeamten der<br />

römischen Macedonia der Prinzipatsepoche", AVes 30, 1979, 657-658; U. Vogel-<br />

Weidermann, Die Statthalter von Afrika und Asia in den Jahren 14-68 η. Chr. (Bonn<br />

1982) 348 ff., no. 48 (with an extensive bibliography); L. Sensi, "Praescriptio del S.C.<br />

Larinate", in: EOS I, 519-520 for A. Didius [- - -]; Thomasson, 375, no. 34; cf. FOS<br />

136 (comments on no. 127: Attica); W. Eck, Der neue Paulyl, 541-542 [II 2].<br />

The person is perhaps to be identified with the legatus pro praetore, who defeated<br />



King Mithrithates VIII of the Kingdom of Bosporus and put Cotys in his place in<br />

A.D. 46 (Tacitus, Ann. XII, 15). He held the offices of quaestor (A.D. 19), proconsul<br />

Siciliae, consul suffectus (A.D. 39), curator aquarum (till A.D. 49), legatus and comes<br />

of Claudius in Britannia (A.D. 43), legatus pro praetore Moesiae (A.D. 46),<br />

proconsul Asiae (between A.D. 49 and 52) and governor of Britannia (A.D. 52-57).<br />

According to Dittenberger-Purgold (7vO 914, St. 777-778) and most scholars, all this<br />

evidence is to be connected with one person, while, according to A. von<br />

Domaszewski, op. cit., the governor of Britannia in the period A.D. 52-57 was the<br />

father of the legatus pro praetore Moesiae of the year A.D. 46.<br />

The exact date of the inscription from Olympia as well as his connection with the<br />

province of Achaia are not clear. The phrase [leg]atus [Ti.] Claudi Caes[aris] Aug.<br />

Ger[mani]ci (see Oliver's restoration above), without naming the province, can be<br />

connected with Achaia. Oliver argued for the possibility that Gallus was the<br />

governor of the three provinces Achaia-Macedonia-Moesia between Poppaeus<br />

Sabinus and Memmius Regulus in A.D. 36, which cannot be accepted since it is now<br />

certain that he held the consulate in A.D. 39. Petersen - Vidman, op. cit., date the<br />

activity of Gallus in Achaia to the period when the government of the three<br />

provinces together was already abolished, but special governors for each one had not<br />

been established. Aichinger, loc. cit., prefers to leave the question open and<br />

underlines that Gallus appears in the inscription from Olympia already as procofs.<br />

Asia (?)]e, which indicates that Achaia was no longer connected with Moesia and<br />

Macedonia.<br />


E. Kunze, 01B5, 1956, 160-164, pi. 81 (SEG 15, 1958, 254; AnnÉpigr 1960, 76; Moretti, ISE<br />

153-4, no. 60; T. Schwertfeger, Der achäische Bund von 146 bis 27 ν. Chr. [München 1974] 28-<br />

40, text on p. 28; cf. BullEpigr 1959, 170); L. Semmlinger, Weih-, Sieger- und Ehreninschriften<br />

aus Olympia und seiner Umgebung (Diss. Erlangen-Nürnberg 1974) 398-405 [2nd c. B.C.].<br />

Olympia; a block of a base for an equestrian statue bearing an honorary inscription erected by<br />

the soldiers of 19 poleis of Achaia and Arcadia for Damo, son of Alcisthenes, from Patrai, who<br />

fought as the leader of the Achaeans (Αχαιών) with the consul Cn. Domitius against the Gauls:<br />

...οι στρατευσάμενοι Ι μετά Γναίου Δομετίου στραταγού υπάτου Ι 'Ρωμαίων επί Γαλατάς<br />

Δάμωνα 'Αλκισθένεος Ι Πατρή τον αυτών άγεμόνα άρετάς ένεκεν Ι Διί Όλυμπίω.<br />

Consul<br />

Remarks: The date of the inscription is problematic, since there are homonyms who held the<br />

office of consul at different times, four of whom are candidates for identification with<br />

the consul who appears in the inscription from Olympia: Cn. Domitius L. f. L. n.<br />

Ahenobarbus (18), consul in 192 B.C. (Broughton, Magistrates I, 350; Ill, 81), Cn.<br />

Domitius Cn. f. L. n. Ahenobarbus (19), consul suffectus in 162 B.C. (Broughton,<br />

Magistrates I, 442; Ill, 81), Cn. Domitius Cn. f. Cn. n. Ahenobarbus (20), consul in<br />



122 B.C. (Broughton, Magistrates I, 516; Ill, 81-82), Cn. Domitius Cn. f. Cn. n.<br />

Ahenobarbus (21), consul in 96 B.C. (Broughton, Magistrates II, 9; Ill, 82-83).<br />

According to Kunze, op. cit., he was the consul of the year 122 B.C., Cn. Domitius<br />

Ahenobarbus. L. Moretti, "Epigraphica5. Per la storia della lega achea", RFIC1965,<br />

278-283 (cf. BullEpigr\966,2ì\; SEG25, 1971,466) identified him with another Cn.<br />

Domitius Ahenobarbus, consul of the year 192 B.C. (F. Münzer, RE V 1 [1903]<br />

1320-1321 [18]), grandfather of the younger homonymous consul, since according to<br />

Paus. VI. 16, 9 ff. the leagues were revoked after 146 B.C. and were reconstituted on<br />

an ethnic basis; the Gauls of the inscription are interpreted as Galli Boi.<br />

Schwertfeger, op. cit., 30-38 (cf. BullEpigr 1976,282) argues for the date in 122 B.C.<br />

(Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus: F. Münzer, RE V 1 [1903] 1322-1324 [20]), while<br />

Semmlinger, op. cit., supports the date of Moretti in 192 B.C. On the basis of the<br />

lettering, R. Kallet-Marx, "Quintus Fabius Maximus and the Dyme affair (Syll 3<br />

684)", CQ45, 1995, 352-353 (SEG45, 1995, 409) excludes the date in 192 B.C. but<br />

finds the identification of Domitius with the consul of 122 B.C. also "too easy", since<br />

there are two more homonyms, who may have fought against the Gauls in 162 and<br />

96 B.C., respectively F. Münzer, RE V 1 [1903] 1322 [19] and 1324-1327 [21].<br />


[1] JvO 333 facsimile (SEG 17, 1960, 198) [100-72 B.C.].<br />

Olympia; a fragment of a pedestal for a statue of the discussed person erected by the Achaean<br />

Koinon and the Roman residents:<br />

[To κοινόν τώ]ν 'Αχαιών και τών Ι ['Ρ(ομαίων οι ένγαιοΰντες] Ι [ΓναΙον Έγνά]τιον<br />

Γναίου υίόν.<br />

[2] JvO 938 facsimile + Ο/Β 6, 1958, 214-216, fig. 133 (AnnÉpigr 1960, 78; SEG 17, 1960, 197)<br />

[100-72 B.C.].<br />

Olympia; a pedestal for a statue erected for the named person by the Achaean Koinon and the<br />

Roman residents:<br />

To κοινόν τών "Αχαιών και Γ<br />

Ρωμ[αί]ων τών ένγαιούντων ΓναΙον Έγνάτιον Γναίο[υ] υίόν.<br />

Remarks: He is perhaps to be identified with the man cited by Cic, Clu. 135; see also F.<br />

Münzer, RE V 2 (1905) 1993, s.v. Egnatius [2]; Broughton, Magistrates II, 490; Ill,<br />

85; cf. R. Syme, "Missing senators", Historia 4, 1955, 6\=Roman papers I (Oxford<br />

1979)280-281.<br />

For the interpretation of 'Ρωμαίοι ένγαιούντες not merely as resident Romans, but<br />

as Romans engaged in agriculture see S. Zoumbaki, Tyche 9, 1994, 213-218<br />

(Α/7/7Ερ/£Γΐ994, 1610; SEG45, 1995,411).<br />


ΙνΟ 51,1. 2 facsimile [A.D. 126].<br />



180-182<br />

Olympia; 22 fragments of a plaque of Pentelic marble with a pediment bearing a decree of the<br />

Achaean Koinon.<br />

Strategos of the Achaean Koinon<br />

Remarks: The homonymous strategos of the Achaean Koinon attested in an Athenian decree<br />

(IG II/III 2 , 1094) from the reign of Caracalla should be identified with a descendant<br />

of the person. The date is based on the tenth tribunicia potestas of the Emperor<br />

Hadrian (1. 58), cf. D. Kienast, Römische Kaisertabelle (Darmstadt 1990) 130.<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 122 1. 5 facsimile [A.D. 265].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Βενυστείνου.<br />

[2] /v0477 facsimile [A.D. 210-220].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected by the person and Apria Cassia for L. Pompeius Craterus<br />

Cassianus, with the consent of the Olympic boule:<br />

Λ(ούκιον) Πομπήιον Κράτερον ΚασΙσιανόν, στρατηγήσαντα τού Ι κοινού τών 'Αχαιών και<br />

τειμηΐθέντα υπό τής κρατίστης ΉλείΙ 5 ων βουλής τειμαις ταΐς άρίσταις Ι άπάσαις, Άπρία<br />

Κασσία ή μήτηρ Ι δια Ι Π(οπλίου) Έγνατίου Μαξίμου ΒενυΙστείνου τού ύού (sic) Ι άνέστη-<br />

σεν.<br />

Remarks: Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, E 4.<br />

s. L. Pompeius Craterus Cassianus (EL 302), f. P. Egnatius Venustinus (EL 181); for the<br />

stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XVI.<br />


ΙνΟ 122,1. 5 facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, E 3 [A.D. 265].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />

Maybe s. P. Egnatius Maximus Venustinus (EL 180); for the stemma of the family see<br />

Appendix, Stemma XVI.<br />

182. ΦΑΥΣΤΟΣ<br />

[1] ΙνΟ 90,1. 4 facsimile [A.D. 113].<br />

Olympia; lists of cult personnel. The named person is attested as father of the theocolos<br />

Μάρκος Φαύστου Γ.<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 94,1. 4 facsimile [first half 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; lists of cult personnel. The named person is completed as father of the theocolos:<br />

[Μα]ρκος [Φαύστου Γ, το β'].<br />

Remarks: Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 3. For the abbreviation Γ. cf. EL 82.<br />



183. [Φ]ΑΥΣΤ[ΟΣ] ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ<br />

ΙνΟ 106,1. 7 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 4 [A.D. 197-201].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

184. ΦΗΣΤΟΣ<br />

ΙνΟ 659 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 5 [beginning of 2nd c. or later].<br />

Olympia; the name is engraved on the a base for a statue which bears the inscriptions<br />

IvO 433-434.<br />

Slave(?)<br />

185. ΦΛΑΟΥΙΑ ΓΟΡΓΩ<br />

7v0438 facsimile [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base of Pentelic marble for a statue bearing an honorary inscription for her<br />

daughter, Numisia Teisis, erected by the polis of Elis (text EL 289).<br />

Remarks: For the person, member of the prominent Elean family of Vettuleni, see Zoumbaki,<br />

Elis und Olympia, Φ 48 and for her family Β 10.<br />

w. L. Vettulenus Laetus (EL 339), m. Numisia Teisis (EL 289); for a stemma of the family see<br />

Appendix, Stemma XVI.<br />

186. [- - -] ΦΛ(ΑΒΙΟΣ) [- - -]<br />

ΙνΟ 107, 1. 5 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 24 [end of 2nd/beginning of<br />

3rdc. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

187. ΦΛ(ΑΒΙΟΣ) [- - -]<br />

IvO 111,1. 7 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 25 [after A.D. 213-214].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

188. Τ(ΙΤΟς) ΦΛΑ[(ΒΙΟΣ) - - -]<br />

ΙνΟ 99,1. 8 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 26 [second half of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

189. Τ(ΙΤΟΣ) Φ[ΛΑΒΙΟΣ(?) - - -]<br />

ΙνΟ 537 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 27 [2nd c. A.D. (?)].<br />



Olympia; a small fragment of marble plaque bearing a fragmentary inscription.<br />

190. [Τ(ΙΤΟΣ) ΦΛ]ΑΒΙΟ[Σ- - -]<br />

7v0538 facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 28 [2nd c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia; a small fragment of a marble plaque bearing a fragmentary inscription.<br />


IvO 102,1. 5 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 29 [A.D. 181-185].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is followed by the abbreviation X. (cf. EL 82)<br />

theocolos<br />


[1] IvO 121,1. 5 facsimile [A.D. 245-249].<br />

190-192<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel, where he is attested as theocolos for the third time: Φλ(άβιος)<br />

'Αρχέλαος 'Αρχελάου τό γ'.<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 122,1. 4 facsimile [A.D. 265].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel, where he is attested as theocolos for the fourth time: Τ(ίτος)<br />

Φλ(άβιος) 'Αρχέλαος ο κράτιστος τό δ'.<br />

[3] 7ν0483 facsimile [A.D. 245].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble erected for the discussed person by the alytai of the<br />

256th Olympiade:<br />

[Τό]ν κρ(άτιστον) Έλλαδάρχην Ι Τ(ίτον) Φλάβιον Ι Άρχέλαον, Ι φιλοτείμως Ι<br />

άλυταρχήΐσαντα, οι άΙλύται Όλ(υμπιάδι) σνς'.<br />

[4] 7ν0484 facsimile [middle<br />

finances of the sanctuary after a decree of the boule:<br />

Ή πόλις ή τώ[ν] Ι 'Ηλείων Τ(ίτον) Φλάβ(ιον) Ι Άρχέλαον, τον Ι εαυτής εύερΙ 5 γέτην, εκ τών Ι<br />

ιερών τού Διό[ς] Ι χρημάτων άΙνέστησεν. Ι Ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής).<br />

[5] 7ν0485 facsimile [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a marble statue base erected by the discussed person for his wife [—]illa, who was<br />

a priestess of Demeter Chamynaia. For reading and completing the name of Archelaus' wife<br />

see EL 348:<br />

[—]ιλλαν, Ι [τήν ιέ]ρειαν τής Ι [Χα]μυναίας, Φλάβ(ιος)Ι 'Αρχέλαος τήν γυναίκα.<br />

theocolos at least four times [1], [2], alytarches [3], helladarches [3]<br />

Remarks: Maybe he is attested also in IvO515 as [Άρ]χέ[λαον]. On the person, who in [2] and<br />

[3] appears with the predicate κράτιστος, see J.H. Oliver, EOS II, 596, who argues<br />

for the possibility that Archelaus has been assimilated to a senator or has received<br />



the ornamenta personally. For this title see also A. Stein, "Griechische Rangtitel in<br />

der römischen Kaiserzeit", Wiener Studien 34, 1912, 160-170; O. Hirschfeld, "Die<br />

Rangtitel der römischen Kaiserzeit", in: Kleine Schriften (Berlin 1913) 646-681; J.<br />

Deininger, Die Provinziallandtage der römischen Kaiserzeit (München-Berlin 1965)<br />

152. 178; Pflaum, "Titulature", 159-185, esp. 164; H. Mason, Greek terms for Roman<br />

institutions. A lexicon and analysis (Toronto 1974) 64; G. Alföldy, "Die Stellung der<br />

Ritter in der Führungsschicht des Imperium Romanum", Chiron 11, 1981, 190-194; F.<br />

Miliar, "Empire and city, Augustus to Julian: Obligations, excuses and status", JRS 73,<br />

1983, 90-91; Chr. Brunn, "Some comments on the status of imperial freedmen (The<br />

case of Ti. Claudius Aug. lib. Classicus)", ZPE 82, 1990, 272-274.<br />

He was the most prominent person in Elis of 3rd c. A.D. He held importand offices<br />

and had had also a career in the Achaean Koinon; for more about him and his family<br />

see Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 32.<br />

h. [—lilla. (EL 348), f. Flavius Archelaus (EL 193); for a stemma of his family see Appendix,<br />

Stemma XVII.<br />


IvO 122,1. 8 facsimile [A.D. 265].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

Remarks: For the person, who was the son of the most prominent Elean of the 3rd c. A.D., and<br />

his family see also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 33 and 32; cf. EL 192.<br />

s. T. Flavius Archelaus (EL 192); for a stemma of his family see Appendix, Stemma XVII.<br />

194. Τ(ΙΤΟΣ) ΦΛΑ(ΒΙΟΣ) [ΑΡΙΣΤΟΒΙΟΣ (?)]<br />

ΙνΟ 99,1. 20 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 30 [second half of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

grammateus<br />


ΙνΟ 117,1. 22 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 38 [2nd quarter of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

grammateus<br />

196. [Φ]Λ(ΑΒΙΟΣ) ΚΑΛΛΙΠΠΟΣ<br />

IvO 111, 1. 5 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 39 [after A.D. 213-214].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is followed by the abbreviation X. (cf. EL 82).<br />

theocolos<br />




197-202<br />

IvO 92,1. 7 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 34 [1st quarter of the 2nd c. A.D.,<br />

after A.D. 117].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />


ΙνΟ 116,1. 5 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 35 [A.D. 233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is followed by the abbreviation Γ. (cf. EL 82).<br />

theocolos (in this inscription he has this function for the third time)<br />


E. Kunze, 01B5, 1956, 173-5, fig. 73 (new fragments of IvO 115, see SEG 15, 1958, 258,1. 4);<br />

cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 31 [A.D. 229-233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />


ΙνΟ466 facsimile [2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected for him by the Olympic boule and the Elean demos:<br />

Ή Όλυμπική βουλή Ι και ο δήμος 'Ηλείων Ι Τίτον Φλάουιον Ι Ήράκλειτον, τον Ι 5 από Φει­<br />

δίου, φαιδυντήν Ι τοϋ Διός 'Ολυμπίου, Ι της εις τον θεόν εύσείβείας και της εις εαυτούς Ι<br />

εύνοιας ένεκεν.<br />

Remarks: About phaed(r)yntae see Paus. V. 14, 5 (φαιδρυνταί); G. Donnay, "Damophon de<br />

201. ΦΛΑΒ(ΙΟΣ) ΛΑΪΟΣ<br />

Messene et les phaidyntai d'Olympie", BCH 91, 1967, 546-551. Cf. also Zoumbaki,<br />

Elis und Olympia, Φ 36.<br />

IvO 115, 1. 4 facsimile + E. Kunze, OlB 5, 1956, 173-5, fig. 73 (SEG 15, 1958, 258, 1. 4);<br />

Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 40 [A.D. 229-233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 111,1. 4 facsimile [after A.D. 213-214].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is followed here by the abbreviation N. (cf. EL 82).:<br />

Φλά(βιος) Λεωνίδας Ν.<br />



[2] JvO 467 facsimile [end of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

OLympia; a marble base for a statue erected by the polis of Elis for his wife, Baebia Procula:<br />

Ή πόλις 'Ηλείων Ι και ή Όλυμπική Ι βουλή Βαιβίαν ΠρόΙκλαν, Καικιλίου Ι 5<br />

Πρόκλου και<br />

Άντωνίας Πώλλης θυγαΐτέρα και Φλαβίου ΛεΙωνίδου γυναίκα, πάΙσης ένεκεν αρετής Ι καί<br />

σωφροσύνης.<br />

theocolos [1]<br />

Remarks: Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 41.<br />

h. Baebia Procula (EL 96)<br />

203. [Τ(ΙΤΟΣ) ΦΛΑ(ΒΙΟΣ) ΛΕΩΝΙ(?)]ΔΑΣ<br />

IvO 99,1.4 (?) facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 42 [second half of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is followed by the abbreviation K.<br />

theocolos<br />

Remarks: The homonymous person EL 202 bears the abbreviation N. Therefore he is probably<br />

not to be identified with the individual discussed here. For these abbreviations cf. EL 82.<br />


IvO 92,1. 17 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 43 [1st quarter of the 2nd c. A.D.,<br />

after A.D. 117].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

grammateus<br />



ΙνΟ 111,1. 4 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 46 [after A.D. 213-214].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />


7vO 115, 1. 6-7 facsimile +E. Kunze, OlB 5, 1956, 173-5, fig. 73 (SEG 15, 1958, 258, 1. 6-7)<br />

[A.D. 229-233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

Remarks: It is impossible to identify this individual with the homonym in EL 205 since<br />

spondophoroi were youths and theocoloi adults. A person who had served as<br />

theocolos cannot serve later as spondophoros. There are also other possibilities for<br />



the completion of the cognomen, e.g. Φιλό[ξεν]ος. Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und<br />

Olympia, Φ 47.<br />


JvO 476 facsimile [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected by the polis of Athens after a decree of the Olympic boule:<br />

'Αγαθή τύχη. Ι Δόγματι τής ΌλυμπιΙκής βουλής Φλ(άβιον) Ι Φιλόστρατον ΆθηΙ 5 ναΙον, τον<br />

σοφιστήν, Ι ή λαμπρότατη πατρίς.<br />

Athenian<br />

Remarks: He is perhaps to be identified with the author of the " Vitae Sophistarum" and of the<br />

biography of Apollonius of Tyana. About this man, the two homonymous persons<br />

from his family and the difficulties of distinguishing one from the other see PIR 2 F<br />

332; F. Solmsen, RE XX 1 (1941) 125-176; H. Gärtner, Der kleine Pauly A, 780-784,<br />

s.v. Philostratos [5].<br />


IvO A6A facsimile [end of 2nd / beginning of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a large statue base of Pentelic marble erected by the Olympic boule in honour of the<br />

sophist, member of the Thessalian synedrion and of the Athenian Areopagos, Flavius Phylax.<br />

The formulating of the text is improvised:<br />

'Αγαθή τύχ[η] Ι "Εδοξε τή βουλή Ι τή Όλυμπική Ι Φλάβιος Φύλαξ Ι 5 'Αλεξάνδρου, Θεσσαλός Ι<br />

σοφιστής, Ι Θεσσαλών Ι σύνεδρος, Ι 'Αθηναίων Ι Άρεοπαγείτης.<br />

From Hypata, citizen also of Athens<br />

member of the Thessalian synedrion and of the Athenian Areopagos<br />

Remarks: He is attested also at Delphi where he and his brother Phoenix honour their father<br />

T. Flavius Alexander, who was a sophist and a member of the Thessalian synedrion<br />

and citizen of Hypata, see J. Pouilloux, "Une famille de sophistes Thessaliens à<br />

Delphes au II e s. ap. J.-C", REG 80, 1967, 379-384; see also M. Rainer,<br />

"Bürgerrechtsprobleme im 2. Jahrhundert n. Chr., Flavius Phylax", in: G. Wesener<br />

et alii (eds), Festschrift für Arnold Kränzlein. Beiträge zur antiken Rechtsgeschichte<br />

(Graz 1986) 83-93, where, using the honorary inscription for Phylax in Olympia as<br />

a springboard, Rainer discusses the problems of Greek citizenship, the possession of<br />

both Greek and Roman citizenships, and the organisation of the Thessalian League<br />

and Areopagos in Athens. Cf. also Philostr., VSII. 23, 1.<br />


[1] IvOAA9 facsimile [reign of Hadrian].<br />

Olympia; a marble base for a statue erected by the polis of Messene in honour of the person<br />



with the consent of the Olympic council:<br />

11. 1-2: epigramm. Ή πόλις ή ΜεσσηνίΙων άνέθηκεν άριστία πολειτευσάμεΐνον Τ(ίτον)<br />

Φλ(άουιον) Πολύβιον Ι άρετάς ένεκεν και εύΙνοίας, άς έχων διατεΙλεΧ εις αύτάν, συνείπιψηφισαμένης<br />

Ι και τής λαμπροΙτάτης Όλυμπικής Ι βουλής.<br />

[2] 7νΟ450 facsimile [reign of Hadrian, after Antinous' death (A.D. 130)].<br />

Olympia; a marble base for a statue erected by the Achaean Koinon in honour of the person:<br />

'Αγαθή τύχη. Tò κοινόν τών Άχα[ι]1ών Τ(ίτον) Φλ(άουιον) Πολύβιον Ι Μεσσήνιον, στρατη[γον]<br />

Ι τών 'Αχαιών και ά[γω]Ι 5 [νο]θ[έτη]ν Άντιν[οεί]Ι[ω]ν, άγ[ν]ώς κ[αί έπιμε]λώ[ς άγορανομή]Ισαν[τα].<br />

11. 10-11: epigram.<br />

άριστα πολειτευσάμενον [1], στρατη[γον] τών 'Αχαιών (strategos of the Achaean Koinon),<br />

agoranomos (άγ[ν]ώς κ[αί έπιμε]λώ[ς άγορανομή]σαντα), agonothetes of Antinoeia<br />

(ά[γωνο]θ[έτη]ν Άντιν[οείω]ν) [2].<br />

Messenian<br />

Remarks: By ά[γωνο]θ[έτη]ν Άντιν[οείω]ν is probably meant the Megala Antinoeia,<br />

celebrated every fifth year.<br />


[1] 7v0 486 facsimile [επί τής σνθ' Όλ(υμπιάδος)=Α.ϋ. 257].<br />

Olympia; a marble base for a statue erected by the polis of Messene in honour of the person<br />

with the consent of the Olympic council:<br />

'Αγαθή τύχη. Ι Ή πόλις Ι ή Μεσσηνίων Ι Τ(ίτον) Φλά(βιον) ΠολύΙ 5 βιον, ιερέα θεάς [Τ]ώμης,<br />

Με(σ)σήνιον Ι [κ]αί Λακεδαιμόνιον Ι [λ]αβόντα τάς τής Ι άριστοπολειτείας Ι τειμάς κατά τον<br />

νόμον Ι 10 επί τής σνθ' Όλ(υμπιάδος), συνείπιψηφισαμένης και Ι τής λαμπρός ΌλυμπικΙ[ής]<br />

βουλής. Ψ(ηφίσματι) Β(ουλής).<br />

[2] 7ν0487 facsimile [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a marble base for a statue erected the by the Achaean Koinon in honour of the<br />

person after a decree of the boule with the consent of the Olympic council:<br />

'Αγαθή τύχη. I Tò κοινόν τών Ι 'Αχαιών, επί στρατηίγοϋ 'Ιουλίου Άγρίππα, Ι 5<br />

Τίτον Φλάβιον<br />

ΠοΙλύβιον Μεσσήνιον Ι και Λακεδαιμόνιον, Ι ιερέα θεάς Τώμης, τον Ι όντως Ήρακλείδην, Ι<br />

συνεπιψηφισαμένης Ι 10<br />

και τής Όλυμπικής βουΙλής διά τε τήν περί Ι τά κοινά έλευθέριον Ι<br />

και άδιάβλητον πάνΙτων χάριν φροντίδα Ι 15<br />

και διά τήν οίκοθεν άΙνυπέρβλητον εν πάΙσιν<br />

φιλοτειμίαν. Ι ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής).<br />

Messenian, Lacedaemonian<br />

Remarks: He was probably a grandson of Polybius (EL 209). The younger Polybius is attested<br />

in the Messenian inscription IGV 1, 1456, see MES s.v. [Τ(ίτος) Φλ(άβιος)]Πολύβιος.<br />

On άριστοπολιτεία see EL 147.<br />


211. Τ(ΙΤΟΣ) ΦΛΑΟΥΙΟΣ ΠΡ[- - -]ΔΑ ΥΙΟΣ Π[- - -]<br />

Κ. Kourouniotis, ΑΕ 1905, 253-258 facsimile [A.D. 85].<br />

Olympia; list of alytae.<br />

Alytarches<br />


211-213<br />

Remarks: It is possible to complete the name as Τ(ίτος) Φλάουιος Πρ[οξενί]δα υιός Π[ροξε-<br />

νίδας] since the name is attested in Eleia (cf. LGPN III, 5.v.). The Roman filiation<br />

form probably shows the person's pride in having acquired Roman citizenship, most<br />

probably under the Flavians. Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 49.<br />


R. Fleischer, JÖAIΑ6, 1961/63, 79-80, fig. 52 (AnnÉpigr 1965, 207; SEGll, 1967, 329) [Ist/<br />

2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Elis; a statue base of porous stone with a cornice decorated in three zones of relief and bearing<br />

an honorary inscription for the person; erected by the polis of Elis and the Olympic council:<br />

Ή τών 'Ηλείων Ι πόλις και ή Ι Όλυμπική{ι} Ι βουλή Τίτον ΦλάΙβιον Σαβεινον Ι τον νεανι-<br />

σκάρΙχην αρετής ένεκεν.<br />

Neaniscarches<br />

Remarks: He has the same name as the brother of the Emperor Vespasian, who was praefectus<br />

urbis in the year A.D. 69 and was active against the Vitellians. Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis<br />

und Olympia, Φ ΑΑ.<br />


JvO 240 facsimile [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; dedication on a bronze disc:<br />

Διί Όλυμπίω, άλυτάρχου Φλ(αβίου) Σκρειβωνιανοϋ, συνγενοϋς Ι συγκλητικών καί<br />

ύπατικών, 'Ολυμπιάδος υνς'.<br />

Remarks: On the other side of this disc there is the votive inscription of a victor in pentathlon,<br />

Πόπλιος Άσκληπιάδης (JvO 241, EL 304), in the olympiad σνε' (255th, in the year<br />

A.D. 241). The date 'Ολυμπιάδος υνς' in Scribonianus' inscription is absurd, since it<br />

means the 456th olympiad, well outside the period of the attested Olympic games.<br />

Dittenberger and Purgold in their commentary of IvO 240 explain it as an echo of<br />

legends related to the foundation of the Olympic games. Another explanation could be<br />

the mistake of the inscriber, who wrote υνς' (456) instead of σνς' (256), see Barbieri,<br />

no. 1529 and 2018. However, this must be rejected since the whole style of the letters<br />

and the lay out of the inscription on the disc is very diligent. M. Lämmer, "Der Diskos<br />

des Asklepiades aus Olympia und das Marmor Parium", ZPE 1,1967,107-109 pointed<br />

out that counting back 456 olympiads from the date of Asclepiades' victory in A.D.<br />

241 gives us the year 1580 B.C., which coincides with the first year of the Parian<br />

chronicle. J. Ebert, "Der olympische Diskus des Asklepiades und das Marmor<br />



Partum", Fyche 2, 1987, 11-15 argues that the inscription of the alytarches<br />

Scribonianus could be more or less earlier than that of Asclepiades; he supposes also<br />

that the inscription must have been already cast on the mould from which the disc was<br />

made. Further he supposes that the alytarches could have had more discs made and<br />

gave them as votive objects to the victors of the next olympiad or olympiads.<br />

The person introduces himself as a relative of senators and consulars. About<br />

Scribonianus see PIR 2 F 360; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 45. He is perhaps a<br />

member of the family of the senator Flavius Marc(ius (?)) Scribonianus, father of<br />

Claudius Valerius Menander. He is attested on Paros (IG XII 5, 328; cf. P.M.<br />

Nigdelis, Πολίτευμα και κοινωνία των πόλεων των Κυκλάδων κατά την ελληνι­<br />

στική και αυτοκρατορική εποχή [Thessalonike 1990] 147-8, η. 155); see auch PIR 2<br />

F 312 and H. Halfmann, "Die Senatoren aus den Kleinasiatischen Provinzen des<br />

römischen Reiches von 1. bis 3. Jh. (Asia, Pontus-Bithynia, Galatia, Cappadocia,<br />

Cilicia", in: EOS II, 624. A sister of Scribonianus could be a priestess of Hera on<br />

Samos, Flavia Scriboniana (IGR IV 1730 [SEG 1, 1923, 399]; Nigdelis, op. cit., 149,<br />

η. 160). The family obtained citizenship probably during the reign of Vespasian, see<br />

B. Holtheide, Römische Bürgerrechtspolitik und römische Neubürgerin der Provinz<br />

Asia (Freiburg 1983) 74-75.<br />

214. Τ(ΙΤΟΣ) ΦΛΑΒΙΟΣ ΘΕ[- - -]<br />

IvO 97,1. 4 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 37 [A.D. 153].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 104,1. 7 facsimile [A.D. 185-189].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is followed here by the abbreviation M. (cf. EL 82):<br />

[Φουφ]είκιος Σειλέας M.<br />

[2] 7V0461 facsimile [end of 2nd/ begin, of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected by his grandson M. Vipsanius Seileas with the consent of<br />

the Olympic council:<br />

Γ(άιον) ΦουφείΙκιον Σειλέα[ν] Ι Μ(άρκος) Ούιψάνιος Ι Σειλέας, τον πάπΙ 5 πον, ψηφισαμένης<br />

Ι τής Όλυμπικης Ι βουλής.<br />

theocolos [1]<br />

Remarks: The name Σ(ε)ιλέας is attested in the Péloponnèse only in Eleia (LGPNIII, 394, s.v.<br />

Σιλέας; cf. Σειλίας in Epidamnos-Dyrrhachion (LGPN III A, 391). The gentilicium<br />

Fuficius (cf. Mócsy, Nomenciator, 130) is uncommon in the eastern provinces; cf.<br />

ILGR 130 from Eleusis; see also Solin and Salomies, 83. Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und<br />

Olympia, Φ 50.<br />

Grandfather of M. Vipsanius Seileas (EL 347).<br />



IvO 330 facsimile [48-47 B.C.].<br />


Olympia; a large base of an equestrian statue; the base bears two honorary inscriptions for one<br />

or two homonymous men and was erected by the demos of the Eleans. The person discussed<br />

here appears on the right side of the stone: ...πρεσ[βευτήν] Ι καί άν[τιστράτηγον], Ι τον<br />

έαυτ[οϋ σωτήρα] Ι καί εύεργέ[την]...<br />

legatus pro praetore<br />

Remarks: The full name of the person was Q. Fufius Q. f. Calenus. He was consul of the year<br />

47 B.C.; in 49/8-47 B.C. he won for Caesar Delphi, Thebes, Orchomenos and Oropos<br />

(Caes., Β Gall. VIII. 39,4; Β Civ. III. 106, 1; Β Afr. AA, 2; Cic, Att. II. 18, 1; XL 15,<br />

2; 16, 2). He is to be identified with the honoured person of an inscription from<br />

Oropos (IG VII 380; cf. A. Oikonomidis, "Defeated Athens, the land of Oropos,<br />

Caesar and Augustus. Notes on the sources for the history of the years 49-27 B.C.",<br />

AncWl, 1979, 97-99). On this person see also F. MUnzer, RE VII 1 (1910) 204-207,<br />

s.v. Fufius [10]; Broughton, Magistrates II, 180; 188-189; 244; 252; 267; 286; 351;<br />

361; 440; Ill, 94; Sarikakis, "Αρχοντες, A', 206-207; W. Will, DerneuePaulyA, 696-<br />

697 [I A] s.v. Fufius.<br />

According to Dittenberger and Purgold, IvO 330 the inscription on the left side of<br />

the Olympic base is to be connected with another Q. Fufius, the son of the person<br />

discussed here (see Appian, Β Civ. V. 51; MUnzer, op. cit., 207).<br />

f. Q. Fufius (EL 217).<br />


ΙνΟ 330 facsimile [48-47 B.C.].<br />

Olympia; a large base of an equestrian statue bearing two honorary inscriptions for one or two<br />

homonymous men, erected by the demos of the Eleans. The person discussed here is that on<br />

the left side of the stone.<br />

Remarks: According to Dittenberger and Purgold, IvO 330 the inscription on the left side of<br />

the Olympic base is to be connected with the son of Q. Fufius Calenus (EL 216),<br />

whose name was also Q. Fufius (see Appian, Β Civ. V. 51; F. MUnzer, RE VII 1<br />

[1910] 207, s.v. Fufius [lì]).<br />

s. Q. Fufius (EL 216)<br />


ΙνΟ 452 facsimile [after A.D. 212].<br />

Olympia; a limestone statue base bearing an honorary inscription for the strategos of the<br />

Achaean Koinon, C. Clodius Iulius Cleobulus, erected by his own son, C. Fufius Iulius<br />

Theagenes, with the consent of the Olympic council:<br />

Τον στρατηγον του Ι κοινού τών 'Αχαιών Ι καί προστάτην διά βίΐου τών Ελλήνων καί Ι 5 άγω-<br />

νοθέτην τών μεΙγάλων Άντινοείων Ι Γ(άιον) Κλώ(διον) Ίούλ(ιον) ΚλεόβουΙλον Γ(άιος)<br />



Φούφ(ιος) Ίούλ(ιος) ΘεΙαγένης ο ύός (sic), έπιψηΙ 10 φισαμένης καί τής Ι Όλυμπικής βουλής.<br />

From Koroni in Messenia<br />

Remarks: The person is attested also in a long ephebic list from Koroni (IG V 1, 1398,1. 83 [L.<br />

Robert, Hellenica III (1946) 100-101; SEG 11, 1950, 987]); for his family see also<br />

MES 5.v. For the name Fufius, which is not very common, see Solin and Salomies,<br />

83 and Mócsy, Nomenclator, 130.<br />

s. C. Clodius Iulius Cleobulus (EL 169) and MES 5. v. Γ(άιος) Κλώ(όιος) Ίούλ(ιος) Κλεόβου­<br />

λος; grandson of C. Iulius Theagenes II (EL 243 and MES 5. v. Γ(άιος) Ίούλ(ιος) Θεαγένης II<br />

Κλεοβούλου)<br />


219. ΓΙΓΑΝΙΑ ΠΩΛΛΑ<br />

7ν0433 facsimile [end of lst/begin. of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected by the polis of Elis and the Olympic boule for her son, Tib.<br />

Claudius Lyso: ...Τιβ(έριον) Κλαύδιον Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Ι 'Αγία καί Γιγανίας Πώλλης<br />

υίόν ΛύΙσωνα κοσμόπολιν... (for the full text see EL 136).<br />

Remarks: It is not sure, according to Schulze, 273, whether this is the transcription of the Latin<br />

name Geganius influenced by the Greek word γίγας, as Dittenberger and Purgold<br />

believe, or it is a Greek name. For the gentilicium see also F. MUnzer, RE VII. 1<br />

(1910), 927-929, s.v. Geganius; Mócsy, Nomenclator, 134; Solin and Salomies, 86.<br />

The name is further attested in Thessalonike (IG X 2. 1, 495 and *980) and possibly<br />

in Koroni in Messenia as Γεγάνιος (N.S. Valmin, Bull. Soc. R. Lettres Lund 1928/9,<br />

151-152, n. 24; cf. MES s.v. ). For the person and her prominent family see also<br />

Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Γ 8; cf. EL 155.<br />

w. Tib. Claudius Agias (EL 136), m. Tib. Claudius Lyso (EL 155); for the stemma of the family<br />

see Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />


ΙνΟ 382 facsimile [A.D. 138].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble erected by the Achaean Koinon honouring the<br />

daughter of the Emperor Antoninius Pius, Faustina; L. Gellius Areton was the strategos of the<br />

Koinon:<br />

θεάν Φ[αυστεΙΙναν Σεβα[στ]ήν, Ι Τ(ίτου) Αίλίου Αύ[ρη]λίου Ι Βήρου Άντωνείνου Ι 5 Καίσα­<br />

ρος θυ[γ]ατέρα, Ι τό κοινόν τών Άχα[ι]1ών, επί στρατηγού Ι καί Έλλαδάρχου Λ(ουκίου) Ι<br />

Γελλίου Άρέτωνο[ς].<br />

Corinthian (?)<br />

Remarks: According to Dittenberger and Purgold, the person could be identified with the<br />



221-223<br />

agonothetes of Eurycleia in Sparta (IG V 1, 666; SEG 11, 1950, 836; Bradford, 43),<br />

who is dated in the reign of Caracalla and, according to U. Kahrstedt, "Zwei<br />

Probleme im kaiserzeitlichen Griechenland", SO 28, 1950, 72, seems to be a<br />

Corinthian.<br />


7νΟ460 facsimile [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; three fragments of a statue base bearing a fragmentary honorary inscription for the<br />

person:<br />

[Λούκιον] Γέλλιον [...]σον, τον έαυτ[ών εύεργέτην, Ι ί]ερών καί ....ων [κ]αί τών [ , Ι<br />

ιερέα του Δ]ιός τοϋ Ό[λυμ]πίου, γραμ[ματεύσαντα Ι τής πόλεω]ς καί έλλ[αδάρχ]ην τών<br />

[—, Ι 5 συνεπι]ψηφισ[αμένης] τής Ό[λυμπικής βουλής....].<br />

Elean (?)<br />

Remarks: Commentary on the important family of Gellii in Corinth see Corinth VIII. 2, 93;<br />

222. ΓΕΜΕΛΛΑ<br />

Gellii are also found in Argolis, Laconia and Megalopolis. His Elean origin is to be<br />

accepted because of his tenure of some Elean offices. The restoration of his<br />

cognomen as [Bas]sus is based on the frequency of that name among Gellii in several<br />

areas of the Péloponnèse, e.g. IG IV 1417 (=IG IV 2 1, 694); V 2, 518; Corinth VIII.<br />

2, p. 78. B. Puech, "Grand-prêtres et helladarques d'Achaïe", REA 85, 1983, 31<br />

identifies him "sans doute" with the person of IG IV 2 1, 694, who dedicated a statue<br />

for Claudius Leonticus, corrector of Achaia.<br />

The word έλλ[αδάρχ]ην in 1. 4 of the inscription is followed by a genitive τών,<br />

which is completed by Dittenberger and Purgold as [εν.... ιερών], which is<br />

however not attested.<br />

For the person see also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Γ 5.<br />

Te Riele, BCH 88, 1964, Inv. 642, 172-174, phs. 1-2 (AnnÉpigr 1965, 126; SEG 22, 1967, 353)<br />

[3rd c. A.D.(?)].<br />

Olympia; a rectangular marble plaque in secondary use. The ten verses of the funerary<br />

inscription for the husband of Gemella are inscribed on engraved lines. At the end of the eighth<br />

line there is an engraved ivy leaf, while on the tenth line there is an engraved picture of a πωλο-<br />

δαμαστής (for the text see EL 240).<br />

From Syria?<br />

*223. [- - - Γ]ΕΜΙ[ΝΟΣ] (?)<br />

JvO 349 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a fragmentary honorary inscription erected for him by a Licinia:<br />

[ Γ]έμι[νον] (?) Ι [ΰπατον, άν]θύπαΙ[τον Μακεδ]ονίΙ[ας M··], Ι [στρατηγ]όν,<br />



άγοραΙ[νόμον, τ]αμίαν, [ Λ]ικινία Ι [ εύε]ργέτην [γενόμενον αύ]τής.<br />

consul, proconsul Macedoniae, praetor, aedilis, quaestor<br />

Remarks: About his identification with a Roman magistrate see Sarikakis, "Αρχοντες, Β', 68-69;<br />

224. ΕΡΕΝΝΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

he could also be identified with M. Helvius Geminus (Sarikakis, op. cit., 139-140) or<br />

proconsul P. Iulius Geminius Marcianus (Sarikakis, op. cit., 87-88); see also A.<br />

Aichinger, "Die Reichsbeamten der römischen Macedonia der Prinzipatsepoche",<br />

AVe5 30, 1979,621.<br />

IvO 90,1. 8 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, E 23 [A.D. 113].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel; the name is attested as the father of the spondophoros Thraso.<br />

225. ΕΡΕΝΝΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

R. Fleischer, JÖAI46, 1961-63, 87-89, no. 4, fig. 55 (BullÉpigr\966,2\3; SEG22, 1967,331;<br />

cf. also D. Feissel, T&MByz 9, 1985, 373, no. 152); cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, E 24<br />

[4th c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Elis, Octogon, byzantine graves; funerary inscription; the person is the father of the deceased.<br />

226. ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΑΠΛΑ<br />

IvO 470 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, I 7 [1st /2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble financed probably by her and erected by the Olympic<br />

boule and the demos in honour of her son P. Memmius Philodamus (for the text see EL 276).<br />

m. P. Memmius Philodamus (EL 276), w. C. Memmius Eudamus (EL 275), d. C. Iulius<br />

Sostratus (EL 241); for a stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XVIII.<br />


7V0435 facsimile [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base of Pentelic marble for a statue erected by the polis of Elis for her daughter.<br />

Remarks: For the person, member of the prominent Elean family of Vettuleni, see Zoumbaki,<br />

Elis und Olympia, I 8 and for her family Β 10.<br />

m. Claudia Alcinoa (EL 114), w. Claudius Theogenes (EL 164); for a stemma of the family see<br />

Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />


ΙνΟ 286 facsimile [1st /2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; about twelve fragments of a marble plaque, which may have served originally as a<br />



roof tile from the temple of Zeus. The fragmentary inscription could be an honorary one.<br />

Remarks: For the person see also EL 235.<br />

d. C. Iulius Italicus (EL 235)<br />

229. ΙΟΥΛΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

IvO 104,1. 12 and 27 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, I 9 [A.D. 185-189].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

230. ΙΟΥΛΙΑΝ[ΟΣ]<br />

IvO 118,1. 9 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, I 10 [A.D. 241].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

231. Γ[ΑΙΟΣ] Ι[ΟΥΛΙΟΣ - - - ]<br />

7v057,1. 9 facsimile [A.D. 126].<br />

Olympia; 22 fragments of a plaque of Pentelic marble with a pediment; it bears a decree of the<br />

Achaean Koinon. The person was pehaps a grammateus of the Achaean koinon (the strategos<br />

was P. Egnatius Brachyllus).<br />

Remarks: The date is based on the tenth tribunicia potestas of the Emperor Hadrian (1. 58), cf.<br />

232. [ΓΑΙΟς] ΙΟΥΛΙΟ[Σ- - -]<br />

D. Kienast, Römische Kaisertabelle (Darmstadt 1990) 130.<br />

IvO 101,1. 6 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, I 11 [ca. A.D. 177].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />


ivO 487 facsimile (SylP 893) [3rd e. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected by the Achaean Koinon for T. Flavius Polybius. Iulius<br />

Agrippa was the strategos of the Achaean Koinon:<br />

To κοινόν τών Ι 'Αχαιών, επί στρατηίγοϋ Ιουλίου Άγρίππα ...<br />

Strategos of the Achaean Koinon<br />

Remarks: The person is identified by Peek, 1972, 43, no. 78 with an [ΙΟΥΛΙΟΣ ΑΓΡΙΠ]ΠΑΣ<br />

(?), who is attested in an inscription from Epidauros (cf. ARG 140). This<br />

identification seems, however, most unlikely.<br />




7ν0465 facsimile [reign of Hadrian].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble erected for the person by the polis of Messene:<br />

Ή πόλις ή ΜεσσηΙνίων Ίούλιον Αθήναιον Νεοπολειτανοϋ Ι υίόν, στεφανώσασα τω τής άρι-<br />

στοπολιτείας στεφάνω.<br />

Messenian<br />

Remarks: On άριστοπολιτεία see EL 147.<br />




7ν0286 facsimile [1st /2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; about twelve fragments of a marble plaque, which may have served originally as a<br />

roof tile from the temple of Zeus. The fragmentary inscription could be an honorary one. The<br />

person is attested as a βασιλε[ύς].<br />

Remarks: According to Dittenberger and Purgold he was member of a "depossedierten<br />

orientalischen Dynastie, die im 1. oder 2. nachchristlichen Jahrhundert in irgendeiner<br />

griechischen Stadtgemeinde lebte".<br />

f. Iulia Dicaeosyne (EL 228)<br />


ΙνΟ426 facsimile [A.D. 30-50].<br />

Olympia; a base of a bronze statue erected for him by the Elean M. Antonius Alexio as a<br />

benefactor:<br />

Μ(άρκος) 'Αντώνιος Πισανοϋ Ι υιός 'Αλεξίων ο άρχιερεύς Ι Γ(άιον) Ίούλιον Εύρυκλέους Ι<br />

υίόν Λάκωνα, τον εαυτού Ι εύεργέτην, Διί Ι Όλυμπίω.<br />

Lacedaemonian<br />

Remarks: About Laco and his family, see PIR 2 J 372; G.W. Bowersock, "Eurycles of Sparta",<br />

JRS5\, 1961, 112-118; J.H.Oliver, EOS II, 594-5; A.J.S. Spawforth, ARSA 80,1985,<br />

193. 200; W. Eck, Der neue Pauly 6, 36 [II 78] s.v. Iulius.<br />

He was the son of the dynast of Sparta, C. Iulius Eurycles, and dynast himself after<br />

his father's death until the reign of Tiberius. His name is found on coins. It is not<br />

clear, though, whether he was the procurator of the Emperor Claudius (Corinth<br />

VIII.2, 67; also see auch Cartledge and Spawforth, 102); according to Bowersock,<br />



op. cit., 17 we have to do with two different persons.<br />

For this individual see LAC 468.<br />

237. [ΙΟΥ]ΛΙΟΣ ΛΕ[ΠΤΙΝΗΣ (?)]<br />

IvO 564 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, I 13 [1st c. A.D. (?)]<br />

Olympia; fragmentary inscription.<br />


7ν0465 facsimile [reign of Hadrian].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected for his son by Messene (text EL 234).<br />

Messenian<br />

f. Iulius Athenaeus (EL 234)<br />


7v0455 facsimile [Όλυμπιάδι σλβ' =A.D. 149].<br />

237-240<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble erected by the Olympic boule for the person, who<br />

was an asiarches:<br />

Ή Όλυμπικ[ή] Ι βουλή Γ(άιον) Ίούλιο[ν] Ι Φίλιππον ΤραλΙλιανόν, τον άσιΐάρχην, ηθών<br />

ενεΐκα, Όλυμπιάδι Ι σλβ'.<br />

From Tralles<br />

Remarks: About asiarches and the problem of the identification of asiarches with the high priest<br />

of Asia see EL 90.<br />

For the person see PIR 2 I 460 (and also bibliography for more attestations);<br />

Leunissen, Konsuln und Konsulare, 97, 166, 192 and 367. He was a member of a<br />

known family of Tralles (cf. Halfmann, Senatoren, 42 und 81). His son was an eques<br />

romanus and procurator Augustorum (PIR 2 I 459) and his grandson entered the<br />

senate under M. Aurelius or Commodus (PIR 2 I 458).<br />


G.-J.-M.-J. Te Riele, "Inscriptions conservées au musée d'Olympie", BCH88, 1964, Inv. 642,<br />

172-174, phs. 1-2 (AnnÉpigr 1965, 126; SEG 22, 1967, 353) [ 3rd e. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia; a rectangular marble plaque in secondary use. The ten verses of the funerary<br />

inscription for the person are inscribed on engraved lines. At the end of the 8th line there is an<br />

engraved ivy leaf, while on the 10th line there is an engraved picture of a πωλοδαμαστής. The<br />

grave stele was erected by his wife Gemella:<br />

Γέμελλα πεποίηκεν Ι μνήμην έκκ (sic) τών Ι ιδίων αυτού· τω ίδίω Ι άνδρεί· Ιούλιος Κόιντος<br />

1 5 Σαβεινος: Σύρος ΈμεσηΙνός · ο και ΝεικοπολείΙτης, ετών είκοσι Ι πέντε (hedera) Ι χαίρε-<br />



τε οι παράγονίτ (anaglyphum) ες.<br />

Athlete (πωλοδαμαστής)<br />

From Emessa in Syria, he had also the citizenship of Nicopolis (Σύρος Έμεσηνός ο και Νει-<br />

κοπολείτης).<br />

Remarks: For the meaning of the decoration see BullÉpigr 1965, 182; G.-J.-M.-J. Te Riele,<br />

h. Gemella (EL 222)<br />

BCH 1965, Inv. 642, 385). For his double citizenship see G.-J.-M.-J. Te Riele, BCH<br />

88, 1964, 173 and n. 3. For the appearance of the praenomen after the gentilicium<br />

see Te Riele, loc. cit., 172-174.<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 373 facsimile [A.D. 50-54].<br />

Olympia; a marble plaque from a monument in honour of the Emperor Nero erected by the<br />

person discussed here, who is attested as [Γ(άιος)] Ιούλιος Σώστρα[τος] φιλόκαισα[ρ].<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 470 facsimile [end 1st / beginning 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble for his grandson financed probably by his mother<br />

and erected by the Olympic boule and the demos:<br />

Ή Όλυμπική Ι βουλή Ι καί ό δήμος ΉΙλείων Π(όπλιον) ΜέμμιΙ 5 ον Φιλόδαμον, Ι Γ(αΐου)<br />

Μεμμίου Εύδάμου Ι υίόν, Γ(άίου) Ιουλίου Σωστράτου Ι εγγονον, έφηβεύσανίτα, αρετής καί<br />

σωφροΙ 10 σύνης καί παιδείας Ι ένεκεν καί υπέρ Ι τήν ήλικίαν δόξης, Ι άνέθηκεν Ι Τουλία "Απλα<br />

Ι 15 ή μήτηρ.<br />

Remarks: Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, I 14.<br />

f. Iulia Hapla (EL 226); for a stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XVIII.<br />


JvO 451 [after A.D. 212].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected for his son, see EL 243.<br />

From Koroni (Messenia)<br />

f. C. Iulius Theagenes (II) (EL 243)<br />


7ν0451 [after A.D. 212].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected for C. Iulius Theagenes by his son with the consent of the<br />

Olympic council after a decree of the Achaean Koinon:<br />

Αγαθή τύχη. Κατά τό ψήΐφισμα τού κοινού τών Ι Αχαιών, έπιψηφισαμένης καί τής Ι ιεράς<br />

Όλυμπικής βουλής, Γ(άιον) Ι 5 Ίούλιον ΘεΙαγένην Κορωναιον Γ(άίου) Ι Ιουλίου Θεαγένους<br />

υίόν, στρατηγήσανίτα τού κοινού τών Αχαιών, επί βίου Ι κοσμιότητι Γ(άιος) Κλώδιος Ίού-<br />



λιος Ι Κλεόβουλος, στρατηγών τού κοιΙ 10<br />

νο(ΰ) τών 'Αχαιών, τον πατέρα.<br />

From Koroni (Messenia)<br />

244-248<br />

s. C. Iulius Theagenes (I) (EL 242); f. C. Clodius Iulius Cleobulus (El 169 and MES s.v. Γ(άιος)<br />

Κλώ(διος) Ίούλ(ιος) Κλεόβουλος)<br />


244. Λ(ΕΚΜΟΣ) ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ [- - -]<br />

ΙνΟ 106,1. 18 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, I 15 [A.D. 197-201].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />


ΙνΟ 119,1. 4 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, I 16 [A.D. 221-261].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />


/ν0 287 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, I 17 [A.D. 68].<br />

Olympia; votive inscription on a plaque probably derived from a basin, erected by three<br />

theocoloi, who held the office in the second year after Nero's visit.<br />

theocolos<br />

247. [A]IKINIA<br />

IvO 349 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Λ 19 [perhaps 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a plaque that preserves an honorary inscription and the cursus honorum of a Roman<br />

magistrate, Geminus, erected by her.<br />

Elean (?)<br />

248. [- - - ΛΙΚΙ]ΝΙΟΣ [- - -]<br />

IvO 365 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Λ 20 [end of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; fragments of a marble plaque bearing an honorary inscription erected by the named<br />

person.<br />

Elean (?)<br />

Remarks: Dittenberger and Purgold identified the honourand with C. Iulius Caesar but were<br />

later inclined to retract (IvO, zu Sp. 477 no. 365).<br />




IvO 321 facsimile and Sp. 800 (Zu Sp. 443 No 320-324) [after middle of the 1st c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia; one of the inscriptions of a group of statues erected on a large pedestal honouring L.<br />

Mummius and the 10 legati who worked with him for the organisation of Greece, among them<br />

the person discussed here.<br />

Remarks: On the date see EL 284. The date of the inscription is established by Dittenberger<br />

and Purgold and based on lettering, orthography, the abbreviation of the<br />

praenomina and the appearance of Τυρτανός instead of Tuditanus in the name of<br />

another legate, C. Sempronius Tuditanus. According to Dittenberger and Purgold, he<br />

was the brother of P. Licinius Murena, grandfather of the consul of the year 62 v.<br />

Chr., L. Murena (Cic, Mur. 7. 15). For the person see F. MUnzer, RE XIII 1 (1926)<br />

444, s.v. Licinius [120]; Broughton, Magistrates I, 463. 467; II, 443; Ill, 123 (120).<br />

Perhaps one of his descendants is honoured in Messene (MES s.v. Αεύκ[ιο]ς Αικί-<br />

νιος [Α]ευκίου [υ]ί[ό]ς Μουρήνας).<br />



7νΟ440 facsimile [first half of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected for her by the polis Elis and the Olympic boule:<br />

Ή πόλις Ηλείων Ι καί ή Όλυμπική Ι βουλή Λουκηνήν Ι Κλαυδίαν ΜνασιθέΡαν, Κ(λαυοίου)<br />

Λουκηνού ΣαιΙκλάρου καί Βετληνής Ι Κασσίας Χρυσαρέτας Ι θυγατέρα.<br />

Remarks: For the person and her prominent family see also S. Zoumbaki, "Zu einer neuen<br />

Inschrift aus Olympia: Die Familie der Vettuleni von Elis", ZPE 99, 1993, 227-232<br />

(AnnÉpigr 1993, 1415; SEG 44, 1994, 389) cf. EL 337 and Zoumbaki, Elis und<br />

Olympia, Κ 37.<br />

For the rare name Lucenus see Schulze, 183; Solin and Salomies, 107.<br />

d. Claudius Lucenus Saeclarus (EL 251), Vettulena Cassia Chrysareta (EL 332); for a stemma<br />

of the family see Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />


[1] IvO 126,1. 4 facsimile [first half of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel, where the person is attested as theocolos: [Κλαύ(όιος)<br />

Α]ουκηνός [Σαίκλαρος].<br />

[2] JvO431 facsimile [end of 1st c. A.D., ca. A.D. 95-105].<br />

Olympia; block of a large base of Parian marble, that bore two statues, one erected by Tib.<br />

Claudius Lyso for his grandson Claudius Lucenus Saeclarus:<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος ΛύΙσων κοσμόπολις Ι Κλαύοιον Λουκηνόν Ι Σαίκλαρον, τον εκ Ι 5<br />

Κλαυδίας 'ΑριστοΙμάντιδος της ιδίας Ι προγόνου, σπονδοφοΙρήσαντα, Διί Όλυμπίω.<br />

[3] /ν0439 facsimile [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />



252-255<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue honouring him, erected by his wife Vettulena Cassia Chrysareta<br />

after a decree of the Olympic council and the demos and boule of Elis:<br />

[Κ(λάυδιον)] Λουκηνον Ι [Σ]αίκλαρονΙ [Βετ]ληνή ΚασΙ[σί]α Χρυσαρέτα Ι 5 [τ]ον εαυτής<br />

άνΙδρα, ψηφίσματι Ι της Όλυμπικής Ι βουλής και του Ι δήμου και των Ι συνέδρων.<br />

[4] ΙνΟ 440 facsimile [first half of 2nd e. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected for his daughter, Lucena Claudia Mnasithea, by the polis<br />

Elis and the Olympic boule:<br />

Ή πόλις Ηλείων Ι και ή Όλυμπική Ι βουλή Λουκηνήν Ι Κλαυδίαν ΜνασιθέΙ 5 αν, Κ(λαυδίου)<br />

Λουκηνοϋ ΣαιΙκλάρου και Βετληνής Ι Κασσίας Χρυσαρέτας Ι θυγατέρα.<br />

Spondophoros [2], theocolos [1]<br />

Remarks: For the person and his family see also EL 155, S. Zoumbaki, "Zu einer neuen<br />

Inschrift aus Olympia: Die Familie der Vettuleni von Elis", ZPE 99, 1993, 227-232<br />

(AnnÉpigr 1993, 1415; SEG 44, 1994, 389) and Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 64.<br />

The second of the two gentilicia of the person is his original gentilicium while the first<br />

one is the gentilicium he bore after his adoption by Claudius Lyso; for this type of<br />

adoptive polyonymy, common in the 1st and 2nd c. A.D., see O. Salomies, Adoptive<br />

and polyonymous nomenclature in the Roman empire (Helsinki 1992) 26-30.<br />

Adopted grandson of Tib. Claudius Lyso (EL 155), h. Vettulena Cassia Chrysareta (EL 332), f.<br />

Lucena Claudia Mnasithea (EL 250); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />

252. Λ(ΟΥΚΙΟΣ) [- - -]<br />

ΙνΟ 99,1. 5 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 22 [second half of the 2nd e. A.D.]:<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />

253. ΛΟΥΚΙΟΣ<br />

ΙνΟ 736-738 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 23 [1st c. A.D., (lettering)].<br />

Olympia; stamps on bricks.<br />

epimeletes<br />


ΙνΟ 95,1. 4 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Λ 25 [A.D. 141-145].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is followed by the abbreviation N. (cf. EL 82).<br />

theocolos<br />

255. ΛΟΥΚΙΟΣ ΛΙΟΣ<br />

[1] ΙνΟ 102,1. 18 facsimile [A.D. 181-185].<br />



Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 103,1. 22 facsimile [ second half of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

[3] IvO 104,1. 21 facsimile [A.D. 185-189].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

[4] IvO 138,1. 4 facsimile [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondaules<br />

Slave of the sanctuary<br />

Remarks: Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Λ 24.<br />

256. ΜΑΚΡΕΙΝΟΣ<br />

ΙνΟ 811 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, M 3 [early Byzantine].<br />

Olympia; funerary inscription.<br />


IvO 334 facsimile [before A.D. 67].<br />

Olympia; a part of a large pedestal erected by the polis of Elis in honour of the proconsul M.<br />

Maecilius Rulus:<br />

Ή πόλις ή των Ηλείων Μάρκον Ι Μαικίλιον Τοΰφον άνθύπατον I ALL Όλυμπίω.<br />

proconsul<br />

Remarks: According to Dittenberger and Purgold, he is to be identified with M. Metilius Rufus,<br />

proconsul of the Augustan age (Groag, Reichsbamten, 14. 46. 160. 171). In<br />

opposition to this view, Groag, Reichsbeamten, 46-47, believes that they must be<br />

treated as two persons. The Athenian Maecilius Alexander from Sphettos received<br />

Roman citizenship from Maecilius Rufus (IG II 2 1774; 2069). Also see PIR 2 M 44;<br />

Thomasson, 199, no. 76. For the name see Solin and Salomies, 109, for its diffusion<br />

in the West see Mócsy, Nomenclator, 173.<br />

258. ΜΑΛΛΙΟΣ<br />

K. Kourouniotis, AE 1905, 258-260 (ph.) [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of alytae. Among the alytae there is one [Μ]αρκος Μαλλιού.<br />

Remarks: It is not sure whether he had Roman citizenship; since his son is also cited simply as<br />

Marcus, without any gentilicium, he cannot be treated as a Roman citizen. Cf.<br />

Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, M 4.<br />

f. Marcus (EL 266)<br />



7v0 318 [2ndc. B.C.].<br />


259-263<br />

Olympia; a large limestone base of an equestrian statue erected by the Achaean Koinon in<br />

honour of of the person:<br />

To κοίνον των Αχαιών [Κ]όιντον Μαάρκιον Αευκίου Ι Φίλιππον στραταγον ΰπατον<br />

'Ρωμαίων, άρετάς έΐνεκεν και καλοκαγαθίας τας εις αύΐτούς και τους άλλους Έλλανας.<br />

Consul<br />

Remarks: For the person see Broughton, Magistrates I, 365. 370-371. 379. 390. 413. 419. 423.<br />

429. 435. 439.<br />


260. [ΓΝ]ΑΙΟΣ ΜΑΡΚΙΟΣ [- - -]<br />

/v0222 facsimile [before A.D. 17].<br />

Olympia; a marble statue base bearing an agonistic inscription commemorating the Olympic<br />

victory of the person...νικήσας δυσί τε έ[ξής και] Ι τήν ρ[.. 'Ολυμπιάδα].<br />

Roman eques (?)<br />

Remarks: According to Dittenberger and Purgold he was a Roman eques; see also Moretti,<br />

261. [ΜΑ]ΡΚΟΣ<br />

Olympionikai, 743. 745.<br />

IvO 80,1. 10 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, M 6 [third quarter of the 1st c. A.D.<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel, where the person is attested as the father of a grammateus.<br />

262. [- - -] ΜΑΡΚΟΣ<br />

IvO 106,1. 5 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, M 7 [A.D. 197-201].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is followed by the letter N. (cf. EL 82).<br />

theocolos<br />

263. ΜΑΡΚΟΣ (I)<br />

IvO 444 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, M 8 [lst/2nd c. A.D.]<br />

Olympia; a statue pedestal erected by [—]a, daughter of Marcus for her brother Marcus:<br />

[ ]α Μάρκου τοϋ (Μάρκου) Μάρκον, [τ]ον Ι [έαυ]τής αδελφόν, Διί Όλυμπίω.<br />

Elean (?)<br />

f. Marcus (EL 267), grandfather of Marcus (EL 268)<br />



264. ΜΑΡΚΟΣ ΛΕΙΛΑ<br />

7v0228 facsimile [A.D. 97].<br />

Olympia; a marble base for a statue commemorating his Olympic victory:<br />

Μάρκος Δειδά Ι Άντιοχεύς από Δάφνης, νεικήΐσας παιδας πάΙλη Όλυμπιάδι Ι σνθ', Διί<br />

Όλυμπίω.<br />

From Antioch<br />

Remarks: The name Δειδάς is attested in Athens (LGPNII, 100) and the variation Διδάς in<br />

Creta (LGPN I, 131).<br />


[1] IvO 90 facsimile [A.D. 113].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel; attested Μάρκος Φαύστου Γ. The letter Γ must be an<br />

abbreviation, cf. EL 82.<br />

[2] IvO 94 facsimile [fisrt half of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel; here attested as [Μά]ρκος [Φαύστου Γ, το β'].<br />

theocolos<br />

Remarks: Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, M 13.<br />

266. [Μ]ΑΡΚΟΣ ΜΑΛΛΙΟΥ<br />

Κ. Kourouniotis, AE 1905, 258-260 (ph.); cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, M 12 [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of alytae.<br />

Alytes<br />

267. ΜΑΡΚΟΣ ΜΑΡΚΟΥ (H)<br />

IvO 444 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, M 9 [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue pedestal erected by [—]a, daughter of Marcus for her brother Marcus (text<br />

EL 263).<br />

Elean (?)<br />

s. Marcus (EL 263), f. Marcus (EL 268)<br />

268. ΜΑΡΚΟΣ ΜΑΡΚΟΥ (ΠΙ)<br />

IvO444 facsimile [lst/2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue pedestal erected by [—]a, daughter of Marcus for her brother Marcus (text<br />

EL 263).<br />

Elean (?)<br />


Remarks: Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, M 10.<br />

s. Marcus (EL 267), grandson of Marcus (EL 263)<br />

269. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΕΥΜ[ΕΝ]ΗΣ<br />


ΙνΟ 103 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, E 41 [ second half of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

*270. [ΓΑΪΟΣ] ΜΑΡΙΟΣ [ΓΑ]ΪΟ[Υ ΥΙΟΣ]<br />

ΙνΟ 326 facsimile [after 101 B.C.].<br />

269-274<br />

Olympia; a limestone base for a statue bearing a fragmentary honorary inscription for the<br />

person; erected by the polis of Elis:<br />

Ή π[όλι]ς ή [των Ηλείων Γάιον] Μάριον [Γα]ΐο[υ υίόν, —].<br />

Remarks: He was consul of the years 107, 104, 103, 102, 101, 100 and 86 B.C. More about him<br />

271. Μ[Α]ΞΙΜΟΣ<br />

see ARG 187.<br />

IvO 138,1. 3 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, M 5 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondaules<br />


ΙνΟ 91,1 21 facsimile [A.D. 113-117].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

grammateus<br />

Remarks: For the uncommon gentilicium Melfennius see Schulze, 125; 535; Solin and<br />

273. [- - - ΜΕ]ΜΜ[ΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

Salomies, 116. For the person see Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, M 14.<br />

7vO590 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, M 15 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; honorary inscription possibly erected for the named person.<br />


IvO 110,1. 6 facsimile [A.D. 209-213].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is followed by the abbreviation Γ. (cf. EL 82).<br />


theocolos<br />


Remarks: The cognomen is perhaps derived from the Latin name Antiquus, for its<br />

transcription see EL 35. Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, M 16.<br />


JvO 470 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, M 17 [end 1st / beginning 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected by the Olympic boule and the demos of the Eleans for his<br />

son, ...Π(όπλιον) ΜέμμιΙον Φιλόδαμον, Ι Γ(αΐου) Μεμμίου Εύδάμου Ι υίόν... The monument<br />

was probably financed by his wife Iulia Hapla (full text EL 276).<br />

Remarks: cf. EL 276. For a stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XVIII.<br />



ΙνΟ 470 facsimile [end 1st / beginning 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble for the person erected by the Olympic boule and the<br />

demos and financed probably by his mother:<br />

Ή Όλυμπική Ι βουλή Ι και ô δήμος ΉΙλείων Π(όπλιον) ΜέμμιΙ 5 ον Φιλόδαμον, Ι Γ(αΐου)<br />

Μεμμίου Εύδάμου Ι υίόν, Γ(αΐου) "Ιουλίου Σωστράτου Ι εγγονον, έφηβεύσανίτα, αρετής και<br />

σωφροΙ 10 σύνης και παιδείας Ι ένεκεν καί υπέρ Ι τήν ήλικίαν δόξης, Ι άνέθηκεν Ι Ιουλία "Απλα<br />

Ι 15 ή μήτηρ.<br />

Remarks: For the person see Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, M 18 and for his family I 14. The<br />

use of both praenomina Caius und Publius by this family of Memmii sugests, that<br />

they obtained Roman citizenship from the governor of Achaia, Macedonia and<br />

Moesia, P. Memmius Regulus, who was accompanied in the East by his son C.<br />

Memmius Regulus (see EL 277 and ARG 191 and 192).<br />

s. C. Memmius Eudamus (EL 275), Iulia Hapla (EL 226), grandson of C. Iulius Sostratus (EL<br />

241); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XVIII.<br />


IvO 337 facsimile [A.D. 35-44].<br />

Olympia; fragments of a marble plaque bearing an honorary inscription erected by Polycleitus,<br />

son of Proxenides, for his euergetes P. Memmius Regulus:<br />

Πόπλιο[ν Μέ]μμιον [Τή]Ιγλον Πο[λύκλ]ειτο[ς] Ι Προξεν[ίδου, τον] Ι αύτου ε[ύεργέτην] Ι Δι[ί<br />

Όλυμπίω].<br />

Remarks: He was consul of the year A.D. 31, legatus Augusti pro praetore, who governed<br />

Moesia, Macedonia and Achaia during the period A.D. 35-44. For the person see<br />

ARG 192.<br />


*278. [- - -] ΜΕΣΣΑΛΕΙΝ[ΟΣ]<br />

IvO 351 facsimile [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />


278-279<br />

Olympia; block of a base for a statue erected for him by the polis of Elis and the Olympic boule<br />

as a benefactor:<br />

[Ηλείων] ή πόλις κα[ί ή Όλυμπική βουλή ] Ι Μεσσαλεϊν[ον, τον εαυτών εύεργέ]1την,<br />

αρετής [ένεκεν].<br />

Remarks: For the person, who could be a Roman magistrate, see Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia,<br />

M 26.<br />


ΙνΟ 236 facsimile [A.D. 129-144/45(7)].<br />

Olympia; a large limestone pedestal, perhaps for an equestrian statue, commemorating the<br />

Olympic victory of the praetorius (στρατηγικός), ύπατος (consul) and proconsul Africae:<br />

[Λούκιος Μινίκιος] Νατάλις στρατηγικός, Όλυμπιάδι σκζ', αρματι τελείω νεικήσα[ς,<br />

άν]Ιέθηκεν τό άρμα, ύπατος, ανθύπατος Λιβύης.<br />

From Barano (Barcelona)<br />

praetorius, consul, proconsul Libyae<br />

Remarks: According to Dittenberger and Purgold, this person is to be identified with L.<br />

Minicius Natalis Quadronius Verus, son of the consul of the year A.D. 106 L.<br />

Minicius Natalis. His Olympic victory is to be dated in the year A.D. 129 (Moretti,<br />

Olympionikai, 846). Dittenberger and Purgold believe that his monument in<br />

Olympia was not erected right after his victory, but later, after his consulate (133 or<br />

134 A.D.) and proconsulate in Africa, which is dated by Dittenberger and Purgold to<br />

A.D. 139, while by E. Groag, RE XV 2 [1932] 1808-1809, s.v. Minicius [1] to A.D.<br />

149/150. His consulate is dated by G. Alföldy, Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter<br />

den Antoninen. Prosopographische Untersuchungen zur senatorischen<br />

Führungsschicht (Bonn 1977) 138 in A.D. 139 and his proconsulate of Africa in A.D.<br />

154/5, see Alföldy, op. cit., 273. Also see PIR 2 M 620; Thomasson, 381, no. 86; id.,<br />

Fasti Africani. Senatorische und ritterliche Amtsträger in den römischen Provinzen<br />

Nordafricas von Augustus bis Diokletian (Stockholm 1996) 54, no. 65; 106, no. 21;<br />

140, no. 17; A. Avram, Inscriptions grecques et latines de Scythie Mineure, vol. III.<br />

Callatis et son territoire (Bucarest 1999) 444-447, no. 114 (with more bibliography).<br />

According to A. Oliver, "Honors to Romans: Bronze portraits", in: C.C. Mattush<br />

(ed.), The lire of Hephaistos. Large classical bronzes from North-American<br />

collections (Cambridge, Mass. 1996) 142 L. Minicius Natalis should be identified<br />

with the Roman senator who is said by Paus. V. 20, 8 to have won an Olympic<br />

victory in the chariot race and to have found ancient objects while digging in order<br />

to erect a monument in commemoration of his victory.<br />


*280. ΜΟΛ[ΕΣΤΟΣ]<br />


IvO 352 facsimile [lst/2nd c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia; a fragment of a pedestal bearing an honorary epigram.<br />

Roman magistrate (?)<br />

Remarks: Dittenberger and Purgold suppose a possible identification with C. Trebonius<br />

281. [- - - ΜΟ]ΝΤΑΝΟΣ<br />

Proculus Mettius Modestus, imperial legate in Lycia and later proconsul of Asia<br />

under Domitian (see commentary of IvO 352); see also Rémy, Carrières<br />

sénatoriales, 291 -293.<br />

ίν056,1. 3 [lst/2ndc. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; seven fragments of a plaque of Pentelic marble bearing a decree for the organisation<br />

of the Sebasta games in Naples. Montanus may be a member of some legation.<br />


IvO 106,1. 9 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, M 33 [A.D. 197-201].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />


IvO 327 facsimile [1st e. B.C.].<br />

Olympia; fragments of a large limestone pedestal that bears an honorary inscription for him.<br />

The name of the public body or the citizen who erected the monument is not preserved:<br />

[ εν τή προς Τ]ωμαίο[υ]ς φιλία και Ι [ άγωνοθέτη]ν έλόμενοι τής Ι [ά]γομέ[νης<br />

εν εορτής των Σω]τηρίων καί Μουκείων Ι [Κό]ιντον [Μούκιον Ποπλίου υίόν] Σκαιό-<br />

λαν, Ι δια[φανέστατον άνδρα, στρατη]γόν άνθύπατον Ι Τωμαίων, σωτήρα και [εύεργέτην<br />

γε]νόμενον εαυτών Ι [κ]αί διενέγκαντα άρε[τή καί δικαιοσύ]νη καί καθαρειότητι.<br />

praetor, proconsul (Asiae)<br />

Remarks: He was the consul of the year 95 B.C., proconsul of Asia in 97 B.C. (OGIS 437; 439).<br />

The date of his proconsulate in Asia has been put in 94 B.C., one year after his<br />

consulate, by E. Badian, "Q. Mucius Scaevola and the province of Asia", Athenaeum<br />

N.S. 34, 1956, 104-123. Broughton, Magistrates III, 145-146 argues that Mucius<br />

Scaevola was governor of Asia as a praetorian province in 98 or 97 B.C., while J.-<br />

L. Ferrary, "Les gouverneurs des provinces romaines d'Asie Mineure (Asie et<br />

Cilicie), depuis l'organisation de la province d'Asie jusqu' à la première guerre de<br />

Mithridate (126-88 av. J.-C", Chiron 30, 2000, 192 puts his tenure of office in 99 or<br />

98 or 97 B.C. About this figure see also F. Münzer-B. Kubier, RE XVI 1 (1933) 437-<br />

446, s.v. Mucius [22]; Broughton, Magistrates I (no. 22) 546; 553; 575. II 4. 7. 11.<br />



37; III, 145-146; K.-L. Elvers, Der neue PaulyS, 427 [I 9].<br />

A game called Muceia, mentioned in the Olympian inscription and the text of<br />

Cic, Verr. II. 21, 51, was held in Pergamon, where a fragmentary letter of Scaevola<br />

addressed to the boule and demos has been found, in which he expressed his gratitude<br />

for the honour, cf. OGIS 439.<br />


[1] 7v052 facsimile [ca. 138 B.C.].<br />

Olympia; arbitration between Sparta and Messene about the area of Dentheliatis. In the<br />

inscription he is attested as Λεύκιος Μόμμιος.<br />

[2] 7v0278 facsimile [after 146 B.C.].<br />

Olympia; base of an equestrian statue dedicated by Mummius: Λεύκιος Μόμμιος Λευκίου<br />

υιός, στρατηγός ύπατος Τωμαίων, Διί Όλυμπίω.<br />

[3] ΙνΟ 279 facsimile [Augustan (?)].<br />

Olympia; on another side of [2]. He is attested here as Λεύκιος Μόμμιος Λευκίου υιός, στρατηγός<br />

ύπατος Τωμαίων, Διί Όλυμπίω.<br />

[4] 7νΟ280 facsimile [after 146 B.C.].<br />

Olympia; base of horseman statue dedicated by Mummius: Λεύκιος Μόμμιος Λευκίου υιός.<br />

[5] 7ν0281 facsimile [augustan (?)].<br />

Olympia; on another side of [4]. He is attested here as Λεύκιος Μόμμιος Λευκίου υιός.<br />

[6] ΙνΟ 319 facsimile [146 B.C.].<br />

Olympia; upper part of a large pedestal, erected by the polis of Elis:<br />

Ή πόλις ή των Ηλείων Λεύκιον Μόμμιον Λευκίου, στρατηγόν Ι ΰπατον Τωμαίων, αρετής<br />

ένεκεν καί ευεργεσίας, ης έχων Ι διατελεί εις τε αυτήν καί τους άλλους "Ελληνας.<br />

[7] ΙνΟ 320 facsimile and col. 800 (col. 443 no. 320-324 [after middle of the 1st e. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia; one of the inscriptions of a group of statues erected on large pedestal honouring L.<br />

Mummius and the 10 legati who worked with him for the organisation of Greece after the<br />

Roman conquest: Λεύκιος Μόμμιος ό ύπατος.<br />

Consul of the year 146 B.C.<br />

Senator<br />

Remarks: Each of the bases of the two honorary monuments for Mummius bear two<br />

inscriptions, respectively, [2]-[3] and [4]-[5], one contemporary with the erection of<br />

the statue and the other a reproduction of its text in the Augustan period. This must<br />

be explained as a result either of a replacement of the road in the sanctuary of<br />

Olympia, or the erection of other monuments in front of those of Mummius. In<br />

either case the old inscriptions must have been made invisible (cf. commentary on<br />

IvO 279 by Dittenberger and Purgold). For discussion of the problems of these<br />

507<br />



monuments see H. Philipp - W. Koenigs, "Zu den Basen des L. Mummius in<br />

Olympia", MDAI (A) 94, 1979, 193-216. For further dedications of Mummius at<br />

Olympia see Paus. V. 10, 5; 24, 4 and 8. In the light of the text of Pausanias, Y.Z.<br />

Tzifopoulos, GRBS 34, 1993, 93-100 (AnnÉpigr 1993, 1416) discusses the honorary<br />

statues erected in Olympia for Mummius and his legati. While the Periegete refers<br />

to the dedications of Mummius in Olympia, he doesn't mention the statues erected<br />

in his honour. Tzifopoulos believes that Pausanias passes over these statues in<br />

silence because of Mummius' destruction of Corinth, which caused a negative<br />

attitude towards him. Pausanias' comment that the dedication of Mummius at<br />

Olympia was the first one of a Roman in a Greek sanctuary has been regarded by<br />

modern scholars as false, since such dedications are attested in Delos and Delphi (M.<br />

Guarducci, "La dedica di L. Mummio a Tegea", BullComm 64, 1936, 41-49; id., "Le<br />

offerte dei conquistatori romani ai santuari della Grecia", RendPontAcc 13, 1937,<br />

41-78; E. S. Gruen, The Hellenistic world and the coming of Rome [Berkeley 1984]<br />

166-172; Ch. Habicht, Pausanias und seine «Beschreibung Griechenlands» [München<br />

1985] 98 f). Tzifopoulos points out that Pausanias refers only to the statue of Zeus<br />

dedicated by Mummius at Olympia, which is described as ανάθημα. It was indeed the<br />

first dedication of a statue to a god, while Mummius himself and other Romans<br />

before him had dedicated other objects, like shields, wreaths, self-portraits etc. On<br />

the dedication of Mummius see also W. Kendrick-Pritchett, Pausanias periegetes, in:<br />

ΑΡΧΑΙΑ ΕΛΛΑΣ. Monographs on ancient Greek history and archaeology, vol. 6<br />

(Amsterdam 1998)80-81.<br />

Dittenberger and Purgold had originally dated the group of statues for Mummius and<br />

the ten legates in the Augustan age. Later they put it after the middle of the 1st c.<br />

A.D. because of the way the base was made. Since a dedication of such a group at<br />

that time would have had no meaning, he concludes that there was a rearrangement<br />

of the statues on a new base ( col. 800 [col. 443 no. 320-324]).<br />

About the senator and consul Mummius see F. MUnzer, REXVl 1 (1933), Nachtrag<br />

7a, 1195-1206, s.v. Mummius; Broughton, Magistrates I, 452; 454; 465-6; 470; 474-<br />

5. Add.; Ill, 146; Sarikakis,Άρχοντες A', 189; L. Pietilà-Castrén, "Some aspects of<br />

the life of Lucius Mummius Achaicus", Arctos 12, 1978, 115-123; D. Knoepfler, "L.<br />

Mummius Achaicus et les cités du golfe euboique: à propos d' une nouvelle<br />

inscription d'Eretrie", M/748, 1991, 252-280; W. Kierdorf, Der neue Pauly 8, 466<br />

[I 3] s.v. Mummius.<br />

*285. [- - -] ΜΟΜΜΙΟΣ ΓΑΪΟΥ Υ[ΙΟΣ ΑΧΑΪΚΟΣ]<br />

IvO 331 facsimile [1st c. A.D., perhaps Augustan].<br />

Olympia; four fragments of a limestone statue base erected by the polis of Elis for the person:<br />

Ή πόλις ή τ[ών Ηλείων — ] ΜόμΙμιον Γαΐου υΙ[ίόν Άχαϊκόν,] πρεσβευτήν τον ατής [εύεργέτην],<br />

Διί Όλυμπίω.<br />

legatus<br />



286-289<br />

Remarks: There are several attempts to identify the legate of this inscription. A possibility is<br />

*286. [ΝΕΜΙΕΣΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

to identify him with Mummius Achaicus, brother of Mummia Achaica, mother of the<br />

Emperor Galba (F. Münzer, RE XVI 1 [1933] 533-534, s.v. Mummius [26]; FOS,<br />

458, no. 556) and another with the legate of the Athenian inscription IG II/III 2 4170<br />

(F. Münzer, Ν. Jahr. f. d. kl. Alt. 12, 1909, 190, 3 identifies him with Sp. Mummius,<br />

brother of the consul 146 B.C.); see also F. Münzer, RE XVI 1 (1933) 523-524, 5. v.<br />

Mummius [3] and M. Fluss, ibid., 524, s.v. Mummius [4]; Groag, Reichsbeamten, 99-<br />

100; PIR 1 M 701.<br />

/vO480 facsimile [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a marble plaque bearing also holes for the fitting of a bronze plaque in an earlier or<br />

later use. It bears an honorary inscription of the polis erected by the polis of Elis with the<br />

consent of the boule:<br />

[Νεμ]εσιανόν τον κρά[τ]ιστον Ι [π]ολείτην Ηλείοι. Ψ(ηφίσματι) β(ουλής).<br />

Remarks: The completion of the name is not certain. The letter read by Dittenberger and<br />

287. ΝΙΓΕΡ (Ι)<br />

Purgold as an E could also be a lunata C, so that the name could be completed as<br />

[Κασ]σιανόν, Σοσσιανόν, or something similar. The title κράτιστος is an indication<br />

of his high social status, see EL 192. For the person see also Zoumbaki, Elis und<br />

Olympia, Ν 13.<br />

ΙνΟ 92,1. 6 facsimile [shortly after A.D. 117J.<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel, where he is attested as the father of one of the theocoloi.<br />

Remarks: For the person see Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Ν 15 and for his family Ν 16.<br />

f. Niger (EL 288); for a stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XIX.<br />

288. ΝΙΓΕΡ ΝΙΓΕΡΟΣ (II)<br />

IvO 92,1. 6, 10, 11 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Ν 16 [shortly A.D. after 117].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. Attested in 1. 6 as theocolos and also in 11. 10-11 as father of the<br />

spondophoroi Sophon and Poseidippus.<br />

s. Niger (EL 287); for a stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XIX.<br />



/v0438 facsimile [second half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble erected by the polis of Elis in her honour:<br />



Ή πόλις Ηλείων Ι Νουμισίαν ΤεισίΙοα, Λ(ουκίου) Βετληνοϋ Ι Λαίτου καί Ι Φλαουΐας<br />

Γοργώς Ι θυγατέρα, πάσης Ι ένεκεν αρετής Ι καί σωφροσύνης.<br />

Remarks: For the person and her family see also S. Zoumbaki, "Zu einer neuen Inschrift aus<br />

Olympia: Die Familie der Vettuleni von Elis", ZPE 99, 1993, 227-232 (AnnÉpigr<br />

1993, 1415; SEG 44, 1994, 389) and Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Ν 26.<br />

For the gentilicium Numisius, common in South Italy, Gaul and Spain see Solin and<br />

Salomies, 129 and Mócsy, Nomenciator, 204.<br />

d. L. Vettulenus Laetus (EL 339), Flavia Gorgo (EL 185); for the stemma of the family see<br />

Appendix, Stemma XIX.<br />

290. OKKIA ΠΡΙΣΚΑ<br />

7v0453 facsimile [second half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected by the person for her son, the philosopher L. Peticius<br />

Propas, with the consent of the Elean boule:<br />

Διί Όλυμπίω Λούκιον Πετίκιον Πρόπαντα, Ι φιλόσοφον στωικόν Κορίνθιον, Όκκία Πρίσκα<br />

Ι ή μήτηρ άνέθηκεν αρετής ένεκα καί σοφίας, Ι ψηφισαμένης τής Ηλείων βουλής.<br />

Corinthian (?)<br />

Remarks: The gentilicium Occius is uncommon in the Greek mainland (cf. also IG II 2 3280). It<br />

is found in Italy, Noricum and Gallia Narbonensis, see Mócsy, Nomenclator, 206 and<br />

Solin and Salomies, 130.<br />

m. L. Peticius Propas (EL 298)<br />

*291. ΓΝΑΙΟΣ ΟΚΤΑ[ΟΥΙΟΣ- - -]<br />

IvO 934 facsimile [167 B.C.].<br />

Olympia; a fragment of the upper block of a statue base erected by the polis of Elis in honour<br />

of the person, who is attested as [στρατηγόν Τωμ]αίων.<br />

praetor<br />

Remarks: According to Dittenberger and Purgold he is to be identified with the consul of the<br />

year 165 B.C., Cn. Octavius Cn. f., who took part in the war against Perseus (171-<br />

168 B.C.; Liv. XLIII. 17, 2) as a legate and as praetor (Liv. XLIV. 17, 5; 21, 3). The<br />

honour in Olympia must be dated in the period of his presence in Greece after the<br />

battle of Pydna. He was also honoured in Argos and Echinos, see M. Holleaux,<br />

Στρατηγός ύπατος. Étude surla traduction du titre consulaire (Paris 1918) 157-158;<br />

F. Münzer, RE XVII (1937) 1810-1814 [17] 5. v. Octavius; Broughton, Magistrates<br />

I, 411, 426, 428, 434, 438, 441-443; II, 595; III, 150; P. Charneux, BCH 81, 1957,<br />

185 ff.; L. Pietila-Castrén, "The ancestry and career of Cn. Octavius, cos 165 BC",<br />

Arctos 18,1984, 75-92 (SEG 33,1983,287 and 34, 1984,291); Ta. Schmitt, Der neue<br />

PaulyS, 1099 [I 4] s.v. Octavius.<br />

see also ARG 197.<br />


292. ΟΚΤΑΟΥΙΟ[Σ- - -]ΛΝΟΣ<br />

IvO 332 facsimile [begin, of 1st c. A.D.].<br />


Olympia; fragments of a marble plaque probably bearing an honorary inscription.<br />

f. Octavius [- - -]anus (EL 293)<br />

*293. ΟΚΤΑΟΥΙΟ[Σ- - -]ΑΝΟΣ OKTAOYIO[Y- - -]ANOY<br />

IvO 332 facsimile [begin, of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; fragments of a marble plaque probably bearing an honorary inscription.<br />

Roman magistrate (?)<br />

292-296<br />

Remarks: The inscription is listed by Dittenberger and Purgold among the documents<br />

concerning Roman magistrates. Since the inscription is very fragmentary, the<br />

hypothesis remains uncertain.<br />

s. Octavius [- - -]anus (EL 292)<br />


7v0443 facsimile [1st or 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a limestone plaque from the base of a monument erected for him by his father P.<br />

Ofellius Montanus:<br />

Πόπλιος ΌφέλΙλιος Μοντάνας Ι Γάιον Όφέλλιον Ι Φλώρον, τον έαυίτοϋ υίόν Διί Ι Όλυ­<br />

μπίω.<br />

Remarks: For the name Of(f)ellius see Solin and Salomies, 131; in the Péloponnèse it is found<br />

also in Arcadia (ARC 126-129), it is more common on the islands, maybe because of<br />

the resident Romans. Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Ο 22.<br />

s. P. Ofellius Montanus (EL 295)<br />


JvO 443 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Ο 21 [1st or 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a plaque from the base of a monument erected by him for his son P. Offellius Florus.<br />

f. P. Ofellius Florus (EL 294)<br />


[1] 7v0441 facsimile [end of 1st/ beginning of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base erected by the boule and the demos of Kyparissos in honour of the person:<br />

Ή βουλή καί ο δήΐμος ô ΚυπαρισΙσέων Τιβ(έριον) "Όππιον Ι Τείμανδρον, Ι τον εαυτών<br />

εύερΙγέτην, άριστα Ι πολειτευόμενον.<br />



[2] IvO 442 facsimile [end of 1st/ beginning of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base erected for him by the polis of Phigalia:<br />

Ή πόλις ή των ΦιαΙλέων Τιβ(έριον) "Οππιον Ι Α,ριστοδάμου υίΐόν Τείμανδρον Ι Φιαλέα άρι­<br />

στα ποίλειτευόμενον.<br />

From Phigalia or Kyparissos (?)<br />

Remarks: The origin of the person is uncertain. According to Dittenberger and Purgold, the<br />

place of his origin must be regarded as Kyparissos, since he bears no ethnikon in the<br />

inscription erected by this town.<br />

297. [Γ(ΑΪΟΣ)] ΠΑΝΤΟ[ΥΛΗΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

/vO530 facsimile [64 B.C.].<br />

Olympia; a fragmentary inscription.<br />

Remarks: For the gentilicium, which is common only in Gallia Narbonensis, see Solin and<br />

Salomies, 137 and Mócsy, Nomenclator, 214. However, it is not certain, whether we<br />

have to do here with a name or with another word like παντό[ς—]. For the person<br />

cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Π 4.<br />


7ν0453 facsimile [second half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; the base for a statue erected by Occia Prisca for her son, the philosopher L. Peticius<br />

Propas, with the consent of the Elean boule:<br />

Διί Όλυμπίω Λούκιον Πετίκιον Πρόπαντα, Ι φιλόσοφον στωικόν Κορίνθιον, Όκκία Πρί-<br />

σκα Ι ή μήτηρ άνέθηκεν αρετής ένεκα καί σοφίας, Ι ψηφισαμένης τής Ηλείων βουλής.<br />

Philosopher<br />

Corinthian<br />

Remarks: For the gentlicium see Solin and Salomies, 141 and Mócsy, Nomenclator, 220.<br />

s. Occia Prisca (EL 290)<br />


IvO 223 facsimile [A.D. 41-54].<br />

Olympia; a block of a large pedestal of a victory monument erected for the Olympic victor<br />

Callippus Pisanus by his mother:<br />

Κλαυδία Κλεοδίκη Ι Κάλλιππον Πεισανόν, τον εαυτής υίόν, νειΙκήσαντα Όλύμπια Ι κέλητι<br />

πωλικω, Διί Ι Όλυμπίω.<br />

Remarks: Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 15. He was a member of a prominent Elean<br />

family, see EL 34.<br />



300-303<br />

s. M. Antonius Alexio (EL 34), Claudia Cleodice (EL 117); for a stemma of the family see<br />

Appendix, Stemma XIII.<br />

*300. ΠΟΛΥΧΑΡΜΟΣ<br />

7v0481 facsimile (L. Robert, Hellenica IV [1948] 20) [3rd c. A.D. or later].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble bearing an epigram for the person erected by<br />

Phigalia and reminiscing of the honorary epigrams for Roman officials of the 4th or 5th c. A.D.:<br />

Τόνο' έτεόν Φιαλήες έϋρ(ρ)έκτην Πολύχαρμον Ι στήσαμεν έρμα δίκης Ζηνί παρ' ίθυδίκω. Ι<br />

ηνησαν δ" Έλληνες· εν αίσιμίη γάρ άνυσσεν Ι αρχήν, παντοίης ϊδρις έών αρετής.<br />

Remarks: Cf. PLRE I, 711, s.v. Polycharmus (dates in the 4th c. [(?)]). It is not certain, whether<br />

we have to do with a Roman magistrate or with a prominent Greek. According to<br />

Robert, op.cit., and PLRE the reference to "Hellenes" (1. 3) is an indication that<br />

Polycharmus was a Roman governor.<br />

301. [- - - ΠΟΜΠ]ΗΙΟΣ N[- - -]<br />

IvO 78,1. 2 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Π 31 [1st c. B.C.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

Member of cult personnel<br />


7ν0 477 facsimilec [A.D. 210-220].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue erected for him by his son and his mother:<br />

Λ(ούκιον) Πομπήιον Κράτερον ΚασΙσιανόν, στρατηγήσαντα του Ι κοινού των "Αχαιών καί<br />

τειμηΐθέντα υπό τής κρατίστης ΉλείΙ 5<br />

ων βουλής τειμαΐς ταις άρίσταις Ι άπάσαις, Λπρία Κασ-<br />

σία ή μήτηρ Ι διά Ι Π(οπλίου) Έγνατίου Μαξίμου ΒενυΙστείνου τοϋ ύου (sic) Ι 10<br />

άνέστησεν.<br />

strategos of the Achaean Koinon<br />

Remarks: For the person and his family cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Π 32. His Elean origin<br />

is certain, since other members of his family held Elean offices, like P. Egnatius<br />

Venustinus, son of Venustinus, who is attested as a theocolos (EL 181).<br />

f. P. Egnatius Maximus Venustinus (EL 180), s. Apria Cassia (EL 52), he may be the<br />

grandfather of P. Egnatius Venustinus (EL 181); for the stemma of the family see Appendix,<br />

Stemma XVI.<br />

303. ΚΟΪΝΤΟΣ ΠΟΠΛ[ΙΚΙΟΣ - - -] or ΠΟΠΛ[ΙΛΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

Κ. Kourouniotis, AE 1905, 253-8 facsimile [A.D. 85].<br />

Olympia; list of alytae.<br />

Alytes<br />



Remarks: The first editor of the inscription, Kourouniotis, completes the name as Πόπλ[ιος].<br />

Both gentilicia Poplicius (=Publicius) and Poplilius are uncommon in Greece, see<br />

Solin and Salomies, 147 and Mócsy, Nomenclator, 235. For the person see<br />

Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Π 33.<br />


7ν0241 facsimile [A.D. 241].<br />

Olympia; a bronze disc that bears a dedication of Πόπλ(ιος) Άσκληπιάδης Κορίνθιος πέντα-<br />

θλος εύχαριστήριον Διεί Όλυμπίω, Όλ(υμπιάδι) σνε'.<br />

Corinthian<br />

Remarks: About his Olympic victory see Moretti, Olympionikai, 930; also see M. Lämmer,<br />

"Der Diskos des Asklepiades aus Olympia und das Marmor Parium", ZPE 1, 1967,<br />

107-109; J. Ebert, Tyche2, 1987, 11-15. For the chronology of the inscription on the<br />

other side of the disc (IvO 240) see EL 213.<br />


IvO 322 facsimile and col. 800 (col. 443 no. 320-324 [after middle of the 1st c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia; one of the inscriptions of a group of statues erected on large pedestal honouring L.<br />

Mummius and the 10 legates who worked with him for the organisation of Greece after the<br />

Roman conquest; among them is the person discussed here.<br />

Remarks: On the date see EL 284.<br />

The person is also attested in Cicero's letters to Atticus (Ad Att. XIII. 30, 3; 32, 2).<br />

Albinus was consul of the year 151 B.C. About him see Broughton, Magistrates I,<br />

430. 434. 448. 454-455. 467-468; III, 173 (31); F. Münzer, RE XXII 1 (1953) 902-<br />

908 s.v. Postumius Albinus [31].<br />


IvO 74 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Π 40 [first half of the 1st c. A.D. (?)]:<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

epispondorchestes<br />

Slave<br />

307. [- - - ΠΡ]ΕΙΜΙΩΝ<br />

IvO 113,1. 13 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Π 41 [after A.D. 221].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

epispondorchestes<br />

Slave<br />


308. ΠΡ(Ε)ΙΜΟΣ ΕΥΤΥΧΟΥ<br />

[1] ΙνΟ 103,1. 27 facsimile [second half of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Πρίμος Εύτύχου.<br />

[2] IvO 104,1. 25 facsimile [A.D. 185-189].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Εύτύχου Πρειμος το β'.<br />

epispondorchestes<br />

Slave<br />

Remarks: Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Π 43.<br />

309. ΠΡΙΜΟ[Σ]<br />


308-312<br />

IvO 660 (facsimile); Κ. Hitzl, Die kaiserliche Statuenausstattung des Metroon, Olympische<br />

Forschungen XIX (Berlin 1991) 40. 44. 83-85 [1st c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia; the name is engraved on the leg of a statue of the Emperor Claudius.<br />

Slave (?)<br />

Remarks: Dittenberger and Purgold believe that the person should have been a slave, who<br />

engraved his name of the statue. Hitzl, op. cit., discusses the inscription together<br />

with the artists' signatures IvO 642 and 646. He points out that originally there was<br />

only the ligature ΠΡ, which was later expanded to ΠΡΙΜΟ[Σ]. Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis<br />

und Olympia, Π 45.<br />

ΚΥΑΙΣΕΝΟΣ: see EL 310<br />

310. ΚΥΑΙΣΕ[ΙΤ]ΟΣ (?)<br />

Κ. Kourouniotis, ΑΕ 1905, 258-260 (ph.) [end of the lst/beginning of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of alytae. The person is the father of the alytes Rufus (EL 316).<br />

Remarks: Kourouniotis reads the damaged name as Κυαίσενος, which is not otherwise<br />

attested. The break in the stone does not permit a certain reading of the name. Since<br />

a Roman cognomen Qu(a)esitus is attested (Solin and Salomies, 388), it is a possible<br />

to complete the name in this way. Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 95.<br />


Unpubl. inscription; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 95a [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Elis; a small base bearing a dedication of the person to Heracles.<br />

312. ΚΟΙΝΤΟΣ<br />

IvO 125,1. 5 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 86 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.].<br />



Olympia; list of cult personnel, where he is attested as the father of a theocolos.<br />

313. Κ(ΟΙΝΤΟΣ) [- - - ]<br />

IvO 130,1. 2 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 87 [2nd/3rd c. A.D.]<br />

Olympia, fragment of a list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />

314. ΚΟΙ[ΝΤΟΣ ]<br />

IvO 362 facsimile; Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Κ 88 [1st e. A.D.]<br />

Olympia; block of a base honouring the person's son, [Γάιο]ς [—]ιος Κοΐ[ντου υιός —].<br />

f. Caius [- - -jius (EL 103)<br />

[Ρ]ΗΓΙΛΑ: see adn. EL 348<br />

315. ΡΟΥΦΟΣ (I)<br />

IvO 80,1. 8 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Ρ 2 [third quarter of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. The person is the father of the homonymous auletes, [Το]ύφος<br />

Τούφου, maybe identified with C. Canius Rufus (EL 107).<br />

316. [ΡΙΟΥΦΟΣ ΚΥΑΙΣΕ[ΙΤ]ΟΥ (?)<br />

Κ. Kourouniotis, AE 1905, 258-260 (ph.); cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Ρ 3 [end<br />

of 1 st/beginning of 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of alytae.<br />

Alytes<br />

s. Quaesitus (EL 314)<br />

317. [ΡΟ]ΥΦΟΣ ΡΟΥΦΟΥ (II)<br />

JvO 80,1. 8 facsimile [third quarter of the 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

auletes<br />

see also Γ(άιος) Κάνιος Τοΰφος, EL 107<br />


ΙνΟ 83,1. 5 facsimile [second half 1st c. A.D. ].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />


grammateus<br />


319-322<br />

Remarks: In IvO 80,1. 1 Dittenberger and Purgold complete [Λ(ούκιος) Σαίνιος Άχ]αϊκός.<br />

319. [- - -]ΟΣ ΣΗΛΑΤΟΣ<br />

Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Σ 1. For the name Saenius see Solin and Salomies, 160.<br />

IvO 127,1. 5 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Σ 5 [ca. middle of 2nd c. A.D. (?)]<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />


IvO 323 facsimile and col. 800 (col. 443 no. 320-324 [after middle of the 1st c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia; one of the inscriptions of a group of statues erected on large pedestal honouring L.<br />

Mummius and the 10 legates who worked with him for the organisation of Greece after Roman<br />

conquest; among them is the person discussed here.<br />

Remaks: On the date see EL 284<br />

The correct form of the cognomen of the person must be Tuditanus, since the<br />

Tuditani were one of the most important branches of Sempronii, see comments of<br />

Dittenberger and Purgold on the inscription. About him see Broughton, Magistrates<br />

I, 463; 467-468.<br />


321. [S]ERVILIUS<br />

IvO 918 facsimile (=CIL III. 1, Suppl. 7248); cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Σ 4.<br />

Olympia; the name is preserved on a fragment of a bronze statue; graffitto: [SJervilio.<br />


IvO 329 facsimile [74-50 B.C.].<br />

Olympia; a large pedestal erected for the person by the polis of Elis:<br />

[Ή πόλι]ς ή τώ[ν ]Ι Ηλείων Ι Γάιον Σερουίλιον Ι Ούατίαν αρετής Ι ένεκα Διί Όλυμπίω.<br />

Remarks: Dittenberger and Purgold identify the person with C. Serveil(ius) C. f., who is known<br />

from coins of the period 74 und 50 B.C. (F. Münzer, RE II A [1923], 1764-65, 5. v.<br />

Servilius [14] and stemma 1777-1778). According to Dittenberger and Purgold, he<br />

could be a son of P. Servilius Isauricus (Münzer, op. cit., [91]). The praenomen Gaius<br />

was born also by the father of Isauricus (see Münzer, loc. cit.), but Dittenberger and<br />

Purgold do not accept this identification. Münzer, based on Cic.,Verr. II, 3, 210-211,<br />



identifies him with the father of Isauricus, C. Servilius, who was possibly praetor in<br />

Macedonia. About the identification of the person see also Broughton, Magistrates,<br />

Appendix II, 465; III, 196 and Sarikakis, Άρχοντες, A', 191-192, who accept<br />

Münzer's view.<br />


ΙνΟ 648 (facsimile).<br />

Olympia; artist signature on a female statue of Pentelic marble.<br />

Sculptor<br />

Athenian<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 120,1. 10 facsimile [3rd c. A.D. ]<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Σ[ό]σσι[ος Στέφανος ]ου.<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 121,1. 12 facsimile [A.D. 245-249].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Σόσσ(ιος) Στέφανος Κλυτιάδης.<br />

seer<br />

Remarks: Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Σ 1.<br />


IvO 324 facsimile and col. 800 (col. 443 no. 320-324 [after middle of the 1st c. A.D. (?)].<br />

Olympia; one of the inscriptions of a group of statues erected on large pedestal honouring L.<br />

Mummius and the 10 legates who worked with him for the organisation of Greece after the<br />

Roman conquest; among them is the person discussed here.<br />

Remarks: On the date see EL 284.<br />

326. TEPTIA<br />

The completion of the cognomen EIS Varrò by Dittenberger and Purgold must be<br />

regarded as certain since A. Terentii of the Republican period bear this name (about<br />

Terentii Varrones, see F. Münzer, RE V A 1 [1934] 676, s.v. Terentius [76 ff.]). He<br />

could be a son of the homonym quoted by Livy (XXXVII. 49, 8; XXXIX. 32, 14;<br />

38, 3. 8-12; XLV. 17, 3). His father (Münzer, loc. cit. 678, [80]) was also a member<br />

of a committee of ten legates in Macedonia in the year 167 B.C. About the younger<br />

Varrò, see Münzer, loc. cit., 678, [81]; Broughton, Magistrates I, 467-8.<br />

AD 18, 1963, Bl Chron. 103, fig. 136a (G. Daux, BCH 1963, Chron. 791-795, fig. 7; cf. id.,<br />

BCH 1965, 305, n. 2); G.-J.-M.-J. Te Riele, "L' Epitaphe de Tertia de Messene", Mnemosyne<br />

16, 1963/64, 41-46; id., BCH89, 1965, 586-587 (SEG22, 1967, 355) [2nd c. A.D.].<br />


Miraka, near Olympia; funerary inscription.<br />

Messenian<br />


Remarks: About the adjective Φιλόλογος which follows the name of the discussed person see<br />

G.-J.-M.-J. Te Riele, BCH 89, 1965, 586-587 (according to whom it was a name);<br />

BullÉpigr 1965, 180; 1966, 212 (cf. also L. Robert, Hellenica XIII [1965] 52,<br />

according to whom it was an adjective).<br />

Τ(ΙΤΟΣ) [ΦΛΑΒΙΟΣ (?)]: see. EL 189<br />


IvO 237 facsimile [A.D. 137].<br />

Olympia; a base for a statue commemorating the Olympic victory of P. Aelius Artemas:<br />

...καί άλ(λ)ους θεματικούς [άγώ]1νας σν', υπό φωνασκόν Λ(ούκιον) Τυρρώνιον Λόνγον<br />

Είκονι[έ]α τον καί Λαο[δι]Ικέα.<br />

Citizen of Iconium and Laodicea<br />

Remarks: According to L. Robert, Documents de Γ Asie Mineure méridionale (Genève-Paris<br />

328. ΟΥΑ[ΛΕΡΙΟΣ - - -]<br />

1966) 102-103, n. 1, Laodicea here refers to the city in Lycaonia, while Moretti,<br />

Olympionikai, 854 accepts that it is Phrygian Laodicea. For the name Turronius see<br />

Schulze, 160 and Solin and Salomies, 192.<br />

IvO 361 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Ο 17 [1st or 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a plaque of Pentelic marble that bears a fragmentary inscription.<br />


ΙνΟ 243, facsimile (cf. OlB 6, 1958, 223-225); L. Semmlinger, Weih-, Sieger- und<br />

Ehreninschriften aus Olympia und seiner Umgebung (Diss. Erlangen-Nürnberg 1974) 351 ff.,<br />

no. 67 (cf. BullÉpigr 1976, 279) [A.D. 261].<br />

Olympia; a block of a pedestal for a statue commemorating the victor of several games<br />

(Olympia, Capitolia and the games of Athena Promachos in Rome and the Τώμης αιώνια):<br />

...βουλευτής καί Σμυρναίος βουλευτής καί ΦιλαΟελφεϋς βουλευτής καί Τεραπολείτης βου­<br />

λευτής καί Τριπολείτης βουλευτής καί Περγαιος βουλευτής, κήρυξ τρισπερίοδος άλειπτος,<br />

νεικήσας ιερούς αγώνας τους υπογεγραμμένους...<br />

From Sinope<br />

Remarks: The person is also attested in Athens (IG II 2 3169-70 [Moretti, IAG, no. 90]) and in<br />

Beroea (A. B. Tataki, Ancient Beroea. Prosopography and society, ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ<br />



8 [Athens 1988] 985). Cf. Moretti, Olympionikai, 934; 938-940. Cf. also Zoumbaki,<br />

Elis und Olympia, * Ο 18.<br />


IvO 338 facsimile (SEG 11, 1950, 1193) [A.D. 35-44].<br />

Olympia; a fragmentary honorary inscription on a marble plaque. The monument was erected<br />

by the Elean Polycleitus, son of Proxenides, for his euergetes Pollio:<br />

Γάιον Ούατέρνιο[ν] Πωλλίωνα Π[ολ]ύκ[λει]Ιτος Προξε[νίδου, τον Ι αύτ]οΰ εύε[ργέτην, Διί<br />

Όλυμπίω].<br />

Remarks: According to Dittenberger and Purgold he must be the procurator Augusti under the<br />

331. [- - -] ΒΕΝΥΣΤΟΣ<br />

governor P. Memmius Regulus, who was also honoured by the same Elean citizen;<br />

see also R. Hanslik, RE Vili A 1 (1955) 489, s.v. Vaternius [2]. According to Groag,<br />

Reichsbeamten, 141-142 he could be the father of the proconsul Q. Vaternius Pollio,<br />

who was honoured in Thespiai, about whom see R. Hanslik, loc. cit., 489, [3]; Groag,<br />

Reichsbeamten, 47-48; Thomasson, 199, no. 80.<br />

IvO 108 facsimile; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Β 5 [A.D. 205].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

theocolos<br />


[1] /v0439 facsimile [first half of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia: a large statue base erected by Vetulena Cassia Chrysareta for her husband Claudius<br />

Lucenus Saeclarus after a decree of the Olympic council and the Elean demos and boule:<br />

[Κ(λαύδιον)]Ι Λουκηνόν Ι [Σ]αίκλαρον Ι [Βετ]ληνή ΚασΙ[σί]α Χρυσαρέτα Ι 5 [τ]όν εαυτής<br />

άνΙδρα, ψηφίσματι Ι τής Όλυμπικής Ι βουλής καί τοϋ Ι όήμου καί τών Ι συνέορων.<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 440 facsimile [first half of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia: a statue base of Pentelic marble erected by the polis of Elis and the Olympic boule<br />

for her daughter Lucena Claudia Mnasithea:<br />

Ή πόλις Ηλείων Ι καί ή Όλυμπική Ι βουλή Αουκηνήν Ι Κλαυδίαν ΜνασιθέΙ 5 αν, Κ(λαυδίου)<br />

Λουκηνοΰ ΣαιΙκλάρου καί Βετληνής Ι Κασσίας Χρυσαρέτας Ι θυγατέρα.<br />

Remarks: About the person see also S. Zoumbaki, "Zu einer neuen Inschrift aus Olympia: Die<br />

Familie der Vettuleni von Elis", ZPE99, 1993,227-232 (AnnÉpigr 1993, 1415; SEG<br />

44, 1994, 389); id., Elis und Olympia, Β 7. For the gentilicium Vet(t)ulenus, which is<br />

especially common in Central Italy but rare in the provinces, see Mócsy,<br />

Nomenclator, 309 and Solin and Salomies, 206.<br />



333-335<br />

w. Claudius Lucenus Saeclarus (EL 251), m. Lucena Claudia Mnasithea (EL 250); for the<br />

stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />

333. [ΒΕΤ]ΟΥΛΗΝΗ ΚΛΑΥ[ΛΙΑ]<br />

IvO 386 facsimile [A.D. 211].<br />

Olympia; a statue base in secondary use bearing an honorary inscription for the Emperor<br />

Caracalla, erected by the person and her son:<br />

[Αύτοκρά]τορα Καί[σαρα] Ι [Μ. Αύρήλι]ο[ν] Σεβ[ήρον] Ι ρΑντωνεϊϊνον Ε[ύσεβή] Ι [Σεβα-<br />

στό]ν 'Α[ρ]αβικ[όν ΆδιΙ 5 αβηνικ]ό[ν] Παρθ[ικόν μέΙγιστο]ν ΓΑσ]κλ[ηπιάΙδης] συν τ[ή] μητ[ρί<br />

ΒεΙτ]ουληνή Κλαυ[δία τόν]Ι κύ[ρι]ον.<br />

Remarks: About her and her family see S. Zoumbaki, "Zu einer neuen Inschrift aus Olympia:<br />

Die Familie der Vettuleni von Elis", ZPE 99, 1993, 227-232 (AnnÉpigr 1993, 1415;<br />

SEG 44, 1994, 389); id., Elis und Olympia, Β 13. For a stemma of the family see<br />

Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />

334. Μ(ΑΡΚΟΣ) ΒΕΓΓΛΗΝΟΣ- - -]<br />

IvO 100,1. 9 facsimile [ca. A.D. 181].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel.<br />

spondophoros<br />

Remarks: About him and his family see S. Zoumbaki, "Zu einer neuen Inschrift aus Olympia:<br />

Die Familie der Vettuleni von Elis", ZPE 99, 1993, 227-232 (AnnÉpigr 1993, 1415;<br />

SEG 44, 1994, 389); id., Elis und Olympia, Β 8. For a stemma of the family see<br />

Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />


IvO 541 facsimile [A.D. 169].<br />

Olympia; a large fragmentary marble base bearing an honorary inscription for the person:<br />

ταμ[ίαν θεοϋ] Γ Αδρια[νοϋ, πρεσβευτήν] θεού °Αν[τωνείνου Ευσεβούς Σεβαστού] γ'<br />

ά[νδρών...ω]ν, δή[μαρχον (?)]...<br />

Remarks: He is probably to be identified with M. Vettulenus Civica Barbarus, uncle of the<br />

Emperor L. Verus. Cf. also an inscription of the year A.D. 169 from Argos (P.<br />

Charneux, "M. Vettulenus Civica Barbarus", BCH 81, 1957, 121 [SEG 16, 1959,<br />

257]). A base for a statue from Attica is preserved from a monument erected by<br />

Herodes Atticus in honour of the named person (SEG 16, 1959, 166; cf. also T. L.<br />

Shear, Hesperia 7, 1938, 328). Vettulenus Civica Barbarus took part in the Parthian<br />

wars; he was consul of the year A.D. 157. About him see also PIR 2 II C. 602; R.<br />

Syme, "Antonine relatives: Ceionii and Vettuleni", Athenaeum NS 35, 1957, 306-<br />

315(=Roman Papers (edited by E. Badian) [Oxford 1979] 325-332); W. Eck, RE<br />



Suppl. XIV (1974) 845-846, s.v. Vettulenus [2]. His cursus honorum includes the<br />

functions of consul, triumvir monetalis aere argento auro flando feriundo, sodalis<br />

Antoninianus, sodalis Verianus, quaestor, praetor.<br />

see also ARG 263.<br />


[1] /ν0 226 facsimile [A.D. 53].<br />

Olympia; plaque of Pentelic marble from the facing of a large pedestal, commemorating the<br />

equestrian Olympic victory of Tib. Claudius Aphrodisius. The monument was financed by L.<br />

Vettulenus Florus:<br />

Τιβέριον Κλαύδιον Ι Αψροδείσιον, νεικήΐσαντα κέλητι τελείω Ι επί της ση' "Ολυμπιάδος, Ι<br />

Λούκιος Βετιληνός Φλώρος Διί Όλυμπίω.<br />

[2] ΙνΟ435 facsimile [1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble erected by the polis of Elis for his wife Claudia<br />

Alcinoa:<br />

[Ή π]όλις Ήλ[είων] Ι [Κ]λαυδίαν "Αλκιν[όαν] Ι Κλαυδίου ΘεογέΙνους καί Ιουλίας Ι 5 Χρυ-<br />

σαρέτας θυγαΐτέρα καί Λουκίου Ι Βετληνου Φλώρου Ι γυναίκα πάσης ενεΐκεν αρετής.<br />

Remarks: About him and his prominent family, the members of which are attested in the Elean<br />

inscriptions from the 1st to the 3rd c. A.D., see S. Zoumbaki, "Zu einer neuen<br />

Inschrift aus Olympia: Die Familie der Vettuleni von Elis", ZPE 99, 1993, 227-232<br />

(AnnÉpigr 1993, 1415; SEG 44, 1994, 389); id., Elis und Olympia, Β 12 and for the<br />

family Β 10; cf. below EL 337.<br />

h. Claudia Alcinoa (EL 114), f. L. Vettulenus Laetus (EL 339), see M. Vettulenus Laetus I (EL<br />

337); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />


7ν0 233 (facsimile)+BCH 114, 1990, 746-748 [A.D. 21].<br />

Olympia; a marble plaque from the monument commemorating the Olympic equestrian<br />

victory of his daughter Cassia (text EL 108).<br />

Remarks: About him, his family and the distinction of the homonymous person EL 338 see<br />

Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Β 10. He is the first attested member of a prominent<br />

Elean family, the members of which are to be attested from the 1st to the 3rd c. A.D.<br />

Many Vettuleni held important offices and one of them, L. Vettulenus Laetus (EL<br />

339) held the first office of the Roman equestrian cursus, that of tribunus militum.<br />

The Elean Vettuleni are most possibly the descendants of Italians residents in Eleia,<br />

see S. Zoumbaki, "Zu einer neuen Inschrift aus Olympia: Die Familie der Vettuleni<br />

von Elis", ZPE 99, 1993, 227-232 (AnnÉpigr 1993, 1415; SEG 44, 1994, 389). For<br />

the diffusion of their gentilicium see EL 332.<br />



338-339<br />

f. Cassia (EL 108), maybe f. L. Vettulenus Florus (EL 336); for the stemma of the family see<br />

Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />


ΙνΟ 54 facsimile [A.D. 41-123].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of dark marble bearing an honorary decree of the Eleans in which Tib.<br />

Claudius Rufus is awarded Elean citizenship after a proposal of M. Vetulenus Laetus.<br />

Remarks: About him, his family and the distinction of the homonymous person EL 337 see<br />

Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Β 6 and 10; because of the problems surrounding the<br />

date it seems prudent to speak of two separate M. Vettuleni Laeti; cf. also EL 337<br />

and S. Zoumbaki, "Zu einer neuen Inschrift aus Olympia: Die Familie der Vettuleni<br />

von Elis", ZPE 99, 1993, 227-232 (AnnÉpigr 1993, 1415; SEG 44, 1994, 389). For<br />

the date see EL 162. For the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />


[1] JvO 436 facsimile [A.D. 85].<br />

Olympia; a large marble base for a statue erected for the discussed person by the xystos, the<br />

attendants of the Olympic games and the xystike synodos:<br />

[Τών άπό τής] οικουμένης άθληΙ[τών ο τε] συμπάς ξυστός, Ι [οι παραγ]ενόμενοι επί τον Ι<br />

[αγώνα] τών Όλυμπίων ΌΙ[λυμπι]άδι σις', καί ή ιερά Ι 5 [ξυσ]τική σύνοδος Ι [Λού]κιον Βετ-<br />

ληνόν ΛαΙτον Ι [τ]όν αρχιερέα καί φιλοκαίΙ[σ]αρα καί άγορανόμον τής Ι 10 Ηλείων πόλεως,<br />

αρετής Ι ένεκα καί τής εις αυτούς Ι λ[α]μπρότητος καί φιλανΙ[θρ]ωπίας, Διί Όλυμπίω.<br />

[2] 7ν0437 facsimile [end 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; ten fragments of an honorary inscription on a plaque of Pentelic marble, which could<br />

be part of the facing of a large pedestal, possibly for an equestrian statue, erected for him by<br />

the polis of Elis and the Olympic boule:<br />

Ή [τών Ηλείων πόλι]ς Ι [καί] Ι ή Όλ[υμπική βουλή] Ι Λ(ούκιον) Βετλ[ηνόν ΛαΙτον] Ι 5<br />

ά[ρχοντα] Ι [ καί αρχιερέα αύτο]Ι[κράτορ]ος Κα[ίσαρος] Ι [Ν]έ[ρβα Σ]εβασ[τ]ο[ύ καί] Ι<br />

[χ]ειλία[ρχ]ον λεγιώ[νος] Ι 10 [ καί] άλυτάρχ[ην] Ι καί έπ[ιμ]ελητήν καί Ι ιερέα [Δι]ός "Ολυ­<br />

μπίου, Ι άγορα[νομ]ήσαντα τή Ι σ' κα[ί ι]ς' [Όλυμ]πι[ά]δι [μ]εΙ 15 γαλοψ[υχότατα καί γυ]<br />

Ιμνασια[ρχήσαντα] Ι λαμπρό[τατα, άρξαντα] Ι διηνεκώ[ς καί άξίως τή φί]1λη πατρί[δι Ήλιδι<br />

καί] Ι 20 κοινή κα[ί κατ' ιδίαν], Ι πάσης [ένεκεν αρετής].<br />

[3] ΙνΟ 438 facsimile [second half of 1st c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble erected for the daughter of Laetus by the polis of Elis:<br />

Ή πόλις Ηλείων Ι Νουμισίαν ΤεισίΙδα, Λ(ουκίου) Βετληνου Ι Λαίτου καί Ι 5 Φλαουΐας<br />

Γοργώς Ι θυγατέρα, πάσης Ι ένεκεν αρετής Ι καί σωφροσύνης.<br />

Archiereus [1], [2] (of the emperor cult, maybe of Nerva), φιλόκαισαρ [1], agoranomos [1],<br />



alytarches [2], έπ[ιμ]ελητήν και ιερέα [Δι]ος Όλυμπίου [2], gymnasiarchos [2],<br />

[χ]ειλία[ρχ]ον λεγιώ[νος] (tribunus militum) [2]<br />

Eques romanus<br />

Remarks: About and his family see S. Zoumbaki, "Zu einer neuen Inschrift aus Olympia: Die<br />

Familie der Vettuleni von Elis", ZPE99, 1993,227-232 (AnnÉpigr 1993, 1415; SEG<br />

44, 1994, 389); cf. EL 337. For the person, who held the first office of the equestrian<br />

cursus honorum, i.e. that of tribunus militum, see also Devijver, V 84, p. 858 and<br />

Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Β 9.<br />

h. Flavia Gorgo (EL 185), s. L. Vettulenus Florus (EL 336), f. Numisia Teisis (EL 289); for the<br />

stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />


ΙνΟ 116,1. 7 and 11 facsimile [A.D. 233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is followed by the abbreviation Φ. (cf. EL 82).<br />

theocolos<br />

Remarks: About him and his family see S. Zoumbaki, "Zu einer neuen Inschrift aus Olympia:<br />

Die Familie der Vettuleni von Elis", ZPE 99, 1993, 227-232 (AnnÉpigr 1993, 1415;<br />

SEG 44, 1994, 389); id., Elis und Olympia, Β 11. For the stemma of the family see<br />

Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />


ΙνΟ 621 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 132, no. 123); Bol, Hemdes- Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 213-4, no. 12, pi. 8.9, facsimile (fig. 54) [middle of the 2nd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes Atticus erected by the<br />

polis of Elis for Herodes' mother, Vibullia Alcia Agrippina:<br />

Βιβουλλίαν Αλκίαν Α.γριππεΙ[ναν], Ι [θυγατέ]ρα [Τ]ο[ύ]φο[υ], Α[τχ]ι[κ]ο[ϋ γυν]αικ[α] Ι<br />

Ήρώδου μητέρα, ή πόλις ή των Ι Ηλείων.<br />

Athenian<br />

Remarks: For the person see also: PIR 2 C 802; R. Stiglitz, RE Vili A 2 (1958) 2470-2471, s.v.<br />

Vibullius [12]; Halfmann, Senatoren, 123, 158; Ameling, Herodes Atticus I, 24. 28;<br />

Settipani, 469-470.<br />

m. Herodes Atticus (EL 144); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XV.<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 113,1. 3 facsimile [after A.D. 221].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Βιβούλλιος Φαυστεινιανος Ία]μίδης.<br />

[2] ΙνΟ 114,1. 9 facsimile [A.D. 225-229].<br />



Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Βιβούλλιος Φαυστ]εινιανος [Ίαμ(ίδης)].<br />

[3] ΙνΟ 115,1. 8-9 facsimile + Ε. Kunze, 01Β5, 173-5, fig. 73 (SEG 15, 1958, 258,1. 8-9) [A.D.<br />

229-233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Βιβ(ούλλιος) [Φαυ]στεινι[ανος Ία]μί(δης).<br />

[4] ΙνΟ 116,1. 12-13 facsimile [A.D. 233].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Βιβούλλιος Φαυστ[ει]νιανος Ίαμ(ίδης).<br />

[5] ΙνΟ 117,1. 15 facsimile [2nd quarter of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Βιβούλλιος Φαυστεινιανος [Τ]αμί(όης).<br />

[6] ΙνΟ 118,1. 14 facsimile [A.D. 241].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Βιβ(ούλλιος)] Φαυ[στεινιανός].<br />

[7] ΙνΟ 120,1. 9 facsimile [3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Βιβού[λλιος Φαυστεινιανος Άλεξά]νδρου.<br />

[8] ΙνΟ 121,1. 13 facsimile [A.D. 245-249].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Βιβ(ούλλιος) Φαυστεινιανος Κλυτιάδης.<br />

[9] ΙνΟ 122,1. 11 facsimile [A.D. 265].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Βιβ(ούλλιος) Φαυστει(νι)ανός Κλυτιάδης.<br />

seer<br />

Remarks: According to Dittenberger and Purgold all these attestations of the name are<br />

connected with one person, who was the son of an Alexander (the name of his father<br />

is only partly preserved in IvO 120). In the lists IvO 113-120 he appears as a<br />

member of the mantic branch of Iamidae, while in the IvO 121 and 122 as one of the<br />

Clytiadae. Cf. also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Β 15.<br />


ΙνΟ 627 facsimile (Ameling, Herodes Atticus II, 134, no. 129); Bol, Herodes- Atticus-<br />

Nymphäum, 134-141, no. 18, pi. 12, facsimile (fig. 61).<br />

Olympia; front part of a statue base of Pentelic marble from the exedra of Herodes Atticus<br />

bearing merely the name of the honorand without a patronymic or any title.<br />

Athenian<br />

Remarks: The lettering and the style of engraving indicate that this inscription, as well as IvO<br />

628, are later additions to the statues of the exedra. This excludes the identification<br />

of L. Vibullius Hipparchus with one of the homonyms in the family ancestry. We<br />

should identify him with a descendant of Herodes. According to Dittenberger and<br />

Purgold, he is to be identified with the son in law of Herodes Atticus and husband of<br />

his daughter Elpineice, while Athenais, daughter of Hipparchus of IvO 628, could<br />

have been his and Elpineice's daughter. Ameling accepts the identification of<br />

Dittenberger and Purgold (cf. comments with bibliography of Ameling, Herodes<br />

525<br />



Atticus II, 140). Bol, loc. cit., accepts Graindor's opinion (Graindor, Atticus, 105,<br />

no. 8. 108), that he was a grandson of Herodes, son of L. Vibullius Rufus and Claudia<br />

Athenais. J.H. Oliver, EOS II, 587 (stemma) considers him as the husband of<br />

Herodes' daughter Athenais. For the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemmata<br />

XI, 1.2.3.<br />


[1] IvO 118,1. 16 facsimile [A.D. 241].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personne: Βιβο[ύλλιος Μάρκος].<br />

[2] IvO 121,1. 17 facsimile [A.D. 245-249].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Βιβ(ούλλιος) Μάρκος.<br />

[3] IvO 122,1. 14 facsimile [A.D. 265]<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: Βιβ(ούλλιος) Μάρκος.<br />

exegetes<br />

Remarks: Marcus should be treated here as a cognomen and not as an inversion of the<br />

praenomen; for parallels see Kajanto, 20, n. 2. 27. 30. 39.40. 101.112. 173 and Solin<br />

and Salomies, 358. For the person see also Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Β 14.<br />



7V0 913 facsimile [ca. 38 B.C.].<br />

Olympia; fragments of a marble plaque possibly bearing the name M(arcus) [Agjrippa, perhaps<br />

a building inscription.<br />

Remarks: For the person see R. Hanslik, REIX A, 1 (1961) 1226, Nachträge s.v. Vipsanius [2];<br />

PIR V 457; Broughton, Magistrates II, 340-341. 380. 383. 388-389. 393. 395. 403.<br />

409. 413. 415. 419. 422-423. 427; Thomasson, 189, no. 1; J.-M. Roddaz, Marcus<br />

Agrippa (Rome 1984). see also ARG 265.<br />


[1] ΙνΟ 110,1. 7 facsimile [A.D. 209-213].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel. His name is followed here by the abbreviation Μ: Μ(άρκος)<br />

Βιψ(άνιος) Σαυνίδας M.<br />

[2] IvO 117,1. 5 facsimile [2nd quarter of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; list of cult personnel: [Μ(άρκος) Βιψ(άνιος) Σαυνί]δας Μ, το ò.<br />

[3] IvO 118 facsimile [A.D. 241].<br />


Olympia; list of cult personnel: Βιψάνιος [Σαυνίδας (?)].<br />

theocolos<br />


Remarks: Cf. Zoumbaki, E/7'5 und Olympia, Β 16. For the abbreviation see EL 82.<br />


7v0461 facsimile [end of 2nd / beginning of 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a marble column erected by the person for his grandfather C. Fuficius Seileas with<br />

the consent of the Olympic boule:<br />

Γ(άιον) ΦουφείΙκιον Σειλέα[ν] Ι Μ(άρκος) Ούιψάνιος Ι Σειλέας τον πάπΙπον, ψηφισαμένης<br />

Ι της Όλυμπικης Ι βουλής.<br />

Remarks: For the name Σειλέας see EL 215; cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Β 19.<br />

grandson of C. Fuficius Seileas (EL 215).<br />

348. [- - -ΙΙΛΛΑ<br />

7V0485 facsimile [middle of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Olympia; a marble statue base erected by the discussed person for his wife [—]illa, who was<br />

a priestess of Demeter Chamynaia:<br />

[—]ιλλαν, Ι [την ίέ]ρειαν της Ι [Χα]μυναίας, Φλάβ(ιος)Ι 'Αρχέλαος την γυναίκα.<br />

Remarks: The honorand is regarded as the wife of the most important Elean personality of the<br />

3rd c. A.D., T. Flavius Archelaus. Her name appears in 7v0485 as [—]ιλάαν, but<br />

it seems more sensible to read it as [—]ιλλαν, which can be the suffix of a Roman<br />

cognomen. From the facsimile it is possible to read [Τ]ηγίλαν. Cf. also<br />

Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, FRAG. 30.<br />

w. T. Flavius Archelaus (EL 192); for the stemma of the family see Appendix, Stemma XVII.<br />

[ΓΑΙΟ]Σ [- - -]ΙΟΣ KOI[NTOY ΥΙΟΣ - - -]: see EL 189<br />

[- - -]ΟΣ ΥΓΕΙΝΟΣ, cf. EL 81<br />

[- - -]ΟΣ ΣΗΔΑΤΟΣ, see EL 319<br />




349. (Ι)ΟΥΛΙΑΝΟΣ<br />

J.Ε. Coleman (with a contribution by K. Abramovitz), Excavations atPylos in Elis (Princeton,<br />

New Jersey 1986) E 23, 125 and 133; Cf. Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Ο 20 [end of the<br />

2nd/begin. of the 3rd c. A.D.].<br />

Pylos (Agrapidochori); relief inscription on the base of a clay lamp. Probably it is the<br />

producer's name in the genitive.<br />

350. ΠΡΙΜΟ[Σ]<br />

/v0 945 facsimile [imperial].<br />

Olympia; stamp on lamp. Dittenberger and Purgold, in the comments of IvO 945, refer to one<br />

more lamp with the same stamp.<br />



The stemmata of certain important families are given in full (often extracted from earlier<br />

publications). They often include persons not listed in our catalogue.<br />

STEMMA I<br />

7GV2,463<br />

M. Tadius Teimocrates (I)<br />

(ARC 156)<br />

M. Tadius Spedianus<br />

(ARC 155)<br />

Tadius Teimocrates (II)<br />

(ARC 157)<br />

Tib. Claudia Iulit(t)a<br />

(ARC 58)<br />

Tadius Soterichus<br />

(ARC 154)<br />

529<br />

X<br />

Ti. Claudius Polyxenus<br />

(ARC 69)



S. Zoumbaki, Archaiognosia9, 1995/96, 134<br />

Celadus —,— X<br />

(M. Aur.?) Charixenus (I)<br />

(ARG 40)<br />

Lucius (I)<br />

Neicod[—] M. Aur. Charixenus (II) Theodora<br />

(ARG 41)<br />


X X Myrtilus<br />

Lucia Epictetus (I)<br />

Lucius (II)<br />

(ARG 174)<br />

Aur. Sostratus<br />

(ARG 56)<br />

IG IV 2 1, 686 (in the stemma of IG the person appears as Tib. Claudius Phaedrias).<br />

Tib. Claudius Polycrates<br />

(ARG 99)<br />

Claudia Damaro<br />

(ARG 75)<br />

Tib. Claudius Phaedrias (II)<br />

(ARG 96)<br />

Aur. Lucia (I)<br />

(ARG 30)<br />

Epictetus (II) — Aur. Lucia (II) Aur. Antigonus Aur. Neice<br />

(ARG 31) (ARG 37) (ARG 32)<br />

530<br />

Phaedrias* (I)<br />

Tib. Claudius Xenocles<br />

(ARG 106)<br />

Tib. Claudius Paulus<br />

(ARG 95)



IV&VI<br />

IG IV 2<br />

1, p. XXV (The line connecting Ti. Claudius Nicoteles with Ti. Iulius Sianthes has been abandoned)<br />

Cn. Cornelius Nicatas Archelochus<br />

(ARG 114)<br />

Cn. Cornelius Pulcher<br />

(ARG 116)<br />

Ti. Cornelius Pulcher<br />

(ARG 118)<br />

Cn. Cornelius Fa. Pulcher Calpurnia Frontina<br />

(ARG 117) (COR 131)<br />


E. Kapetanopoulos, Mnemosyne22, 1969, 82.<br />

ca. a. 87 p.<br />

ca. a. 117 p.<br />

ca. a. 137 p.<br />

Dameas<br />

Claudia Laphanta<br />

(ARG 76)<br />

Antonius Sospis I<br />

Plut. Quaest. Com. Vili. 4<br />

(δευτέρα των άγωνοθεσιών)<br />

and IX. 5, ι (ρήτωρ)<br />

No. 170 (cursus honorum)<br />

No. 226 (τρις αγωνοθέτης)<br />

Antonia Sosipata<br />

No. 170<br />

No. 226<br />

531<br />

Ti. Iulius Claudianus<br />

(ARG 144)<br />

(?) Antonia Sedata<br />

No. 170<br />

P. Aelius Sospis II<br />

No. 226 (ρήτωρ)<br />

Ti. Claudius Nicoletes<br />

(ARG 94)<br />

Ti. Iulius Sianthes<br />

(ARG 153)<br />

P. Aelius Apollodotos<br />

No. 170<br />

No. 226

STEMMA V<br />


A.J.S. Spawforth, ABSA 80, 1985, 249, table 7<br />

Lamprias (I)<br />

T. Statilius Lamprias (II)<br />

(ARG 244)<br />

Callicrateia T. Statilius Timocrates (II)<br />

P. Memmius Pratolaus (III)<br />

(ARG 190)<br />

TABLE I<br />

(ARG 252)<br />

Memmia Pasichareia<br />

(ARG 189)<br />

532<br />

Ί 7<br />

T. Statilius Lamprias (IV) Memmianus<br />

(ARG 246)<br />

T. Statilius Timocrates (II)<br />

(ARG 253)<br />

(T. Statilius) Lamprias (IV)<br />

(ARG 247)<br />

T. Statilius Timocrates (III) Memmianus<br />

(ARG 254)<br />

Statilia Timosthenis<br />

(ARG 242)<br />

T. Statilius Lamprias (III)<br />

(ARG 245)


Settipani, p. 479<br />

L.Gellius Iustus<br />

t after 127)<br />

L.Gellius Iustus<br />

e. 124-139<br />

t after 145)<br />

Flavianos (X) Salvia<br />


Flavianos Xenagoras<br />

L.Gellius Menander<br />

t after 79/93)<br />

co?<br />

L.Gellius Mysticus<br />

L.Gellius Menander<br />

e. 124-139<br />

t after 139)<br />

533<br />

Flaviana<br />

(L.Gellius) Aristomenes<br />

(L.Gellius) Aristomenes<br />

(L.Gellius) Aristomenes<br />

(L.) Gellius Aristomenes<br />

t after 212)<br />


STEMMA Vili<br />


J.H. Oliver, GRBS 1970, 337 fig. 1.<br />


L. Gellius Menander<br />

(Corinth VIII.2.93 and Hesperia 39)<br />

L. Gellius Iustus<br />

(Corinth VIII.2.93 and Hesperia 39)<br />

L. Gellius Menander L. Gellius Iustus filius<br />

(Corinth VIII.3.124 and 125. also CIL III 7269) (Corinth VIII.3.124 and 125, also CIL III 7269)<br />

L. Moretti, RFIC 1975, 183.<br />

STEMMA X<br />

L. Moretti, RFIC 1975, 185.<br />

L. Gellius Menander<br />

(Kent 124.125; CIL III 7269)<br />

L. Gellius Menander<br />

(West 93; Geagan)<br />

L. Gellius Iustus<br />

(West 93; Geagan)<br />

L. Gellius Menander<br />

L. Gellius Iustus f(ilius)<br />

(Kent 124.125; CIL III 7269)<br />

L. Gellius Mysticus L. Gellius Iustus<br />

L. Gellius Menander L. Gellius Iustus f.<br />


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XII<br />



Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Σ 2<br />

Molossus<br />

Samippus<br />

Hellanicus<br />

4th c. B.C.<br />

Theotimus qui et Samippus X<br />

Glaucus Damo<br />

Molossus<br />

Molossus<br />

Theotimus<br />

Samippus X<br />

Samippus Oxylus<br />

538<br />

M. Antonius Samippus<br />

(EL 46)<br />

Γ<br />

M. Antonius Oxylus<br />

X (Baebia)<br />

Antonia Baebia<br />

(EL 20)


Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, A 99<br />

M. Antonius Pisanus<br />

(EL 41)<br />


M. Antonius Alexio<br />

(EL 34)<br />

Callipus Pisanus<br />

Antonius Alexio (A 90)<br />

(EL 229)<br />

Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Γ 4<br />

Mousaius<br />

Gaius<br />

(EL 102)<br />

Claudia Cleodice<br />

(EL 22)<br />

Antonia Cleodice<br />

(EL 117)<br />


Ti. Claudius Aristeas<br />

(EL 140)<br />

Ti. Claudius Pelops Ti. Claudius Aristomenes Claudia Damoxena<br />

(EL 160) (EL 142) (EL 118)<br />

Mousaius Gaius<br />

539<br />

(EL 100)<br />

Gaius<br />

(EL 101)



Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Β 10<br />

Ti. Claudius Agias-<br />

(EL136)<br />

Claudia Aristomantis<br />

(EL 115)<br />

Claudius Lucenus Saeclarus<br />

(EL 251)<br />

Lyso<br />

Ti. Claudius Lyso<br />

(EL 115)<br />

Claudius Theogenes<br />

(EL 164)<br />

Gegania Polla<br />

(EL 219)<br />

Lucena Claudia Mnastithea<br />

(EL 250)<br />

M. Ve[ttulenus- -<br />

(EL 334)<br />

Vettulena Claudia<br />

(EL 333)<br />

Claudia Alcinoa<br />

(EL 114)<br />

Iulia Chrysareta<br />

(EL 227)<br />

L. Vettulenus Laetus -<br />

(EL 339)<br />

Vettulena Cassia Chrysareta<br />

(EL 332)<br />

Asclepiades<br />

Vettulenus Stachys<br />

(EL 340)<br />

540<br />

Nepho<br />

M.Vettulenus Laetus<br />

(EL 337)<br />

L. Vettulenus Floras Cassia<br />

(EL 336) (EL 108)<br />

Numisia Teisis<br />

(EL 289)<br />

X<br />

Flavia Gorgo<br />

(EL 185)<br />

M. Vettulenus Laetus<br />

(EL 338)


Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Π 35<br />


Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Φ 32<br />


Apria Cassia (L. Pompeius — ?)<br />

Archelaus<br />

L. Pompeius Crateras Casssianus<br />

(EL 302)<br />

P. Egnatius Maximus Venustinus<br />

(EL 180)<br />

P. Egnatius Venustinus, Sohn des Venustinus<br />

T. Flavius Archelaus<br />

(EL 192)<br />

(EL 181)<br />

541<br />

Flavius / lrchelaus<br />

(EL 193)<br />

[- - -]illa<br />

(EL 348)



Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, I 14<br />


C. Iulius Sostratus<br />

(EL 241)<br />

Zoumbaki, Elis und Olympia, Ν 16<br />

Niger<br />

(EL 287)<br />

Iulia Hapla<br />

(EL 226)<br />

Niger<br />

(EL 288)<br />

X<br />

P. Memmius Philodamos<br />

(EL 276)<br />

Poseidippus Sopho<br />

542<br />

C. Memmius Eudamos<br />

(EL 275)

C. INDEX<br />






Names are arranged by nomen gentilicium (where known), then by cognomen, then (if necessary) by praenomen<br />

and filiation. Names whose beginning is fragmentary or not known will be found at the end. Numbers refer to<br />

entries in the catalogue. All names are given in the nominative case except for various forms, which are recorded<br />

in the case in which they occur in the inscription and in italics. The names of individuals holding offices related<br />

to the provincial or imperial administration are marked with an asterisk; cross precedes false or ambiguous<br />

names. The names are arranged by geographical area: Achaia [ACH], Arcadia [ARC], Argolis (Argia, Hermionia,<br />

Troezenia, Epidauria) [ARG], Corinthia (with Sicyonia, Phliasia and Cleonaea) [COR] and Eleia [EL] .


A[- - -]<br />

ACH: M(arcus) A[- - -] Pri[- - -], 1; Sal(vius)<br />

A[- - -], 209<br />

COR: Μ(αρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) A[- - -], 100; A[- - -],<br />

657<br />

'Αβάσκαντος<br />

EL: Αύρ(ήλιος) Άβάσκαντος Ζωΐλου, 65<br />

Abidius/Άβίδιος<br />

COR: [- - -] Abidius [- - -], 1; Γ(άιος) 'Αβίδιος<br />

Φλά[κκος], 2; Γ(άιος) 'Αβίδιος Π[- - -], 3<br />

Ac[- - -]<br />

COR: [- - -]tius Ac[- - -], 4; P(ublius) Puticius<br />

Ac[---],518<br />

Achaicus/' Αχαϊκός<br />

ARG: Μ(αρκος) 'Αντώνιος 'Αχαϊκός, 18<br />

COR: M(arcus) Antonius M. f. [A]em(ilia)<br />

[A]chaicus, 53: M. Antonio M. f. [A]em(ilia)<br />

[AJchaico, 53 [1]; [- - -]cha[- - -], 53 [3]; [- - -]i f.<br />

Ae[m- - -], 53 [4]; [---]![--- Ac]haicu[s], 53 [5]<br />

EL: *[-] Μόμμιος Γαϊου υ[ίός Αχαϊκός], 285;<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Σαίνιος 'Αχαϊκός, 318<br />

Acilius<br />

ARC: *Μάνιος (Manius Acilius Glabrio), 1<br />

COR: M(arcus) Acilius Candidus, 5<br />

'Ακμή<br />

ACH: 'Ιουλία 'Ακμή, 133<br />

Adauctus<br />

COR: C(aius) Vibul[lius] P. f. Ada[uctus], 640<br />

Aebutius<br />

COR: P(ublius) Aebutius, 6; P(ublius) Aebutius<br />

Sp(urii) f., 7<br />

Aeficius/Αίφίκιος<br />

COR: [P. Aef]icius Atimetus, 8; [P. Aef]icius<br />

Atimetus [Lic]inianus, 9; (L.) Aeficius Certus, 10;<br />

Μ. Αίφίκιος Πριμιγενιανός, 10 adn.; [P.<br />

Aefi]cius P. f. [Ae]m(ilia) Firmus Sta[tia]nus, 11:<br />

P. Aefici[u]s Firm[us - - -], 11 [1]; [P(ublio)<br />

Aefijcio P. f. [Ae]m(ilia) Firmo Sta[tia]no, 11 [2]<br />

Αίλία<br />

ARG: Αίλία Άκυλείνη, 1<br />

545<br />

Αιλιανός<br />

ARC: Μ(αρκος) Πομπήιος Είσας Αιλιανός, 137<br />

ARG: Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος Μαρκίο[υ υί]ός<br />

Αιλιανός, 243<br />

Aelius/ Αιλιος<br />

ACH: Aelius Iucundus, 2; Κ(όιντος) Αΐλ(ιος)<br />

Ζώσιμος, 3<br />

ARC: Πόπ(λιος) Αιλ(ιος) Λεωνείδης<br />

Πλο[κάμ]ου, 2<br />

ARG: Πό(πλιος) Αιλιος [—], 2; Πό(πλιος)<br />

Αΐλιο[ς —]δης, 3; Π(όπλιος) Αιλι(ος) Άντίο-<br />

χος, 4; [Τίτ]ος Α[ίλ]ιος 'Αττικός, 5; Τ(ίτος)<br />

Αιλ(ιος) Βλαστός, 6; L(ucius) Aelius Camus, 7;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Αιλι(ος) Διονύσιος ό Άντιόχου, 8;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Αιλιος Εϋτυχος, 9; [Γ]άι[ο]ς<br />

Α[ίλι]ος Ν[ικόπο]λις, 10; Π(όπλιος) Αιλι(ος)<br />

Θο[---], 11<br />

COR: Π(όπλιος) Αιλιος Άλυπιανός, 12;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Αϊλιος Άπολλόδο[τ]ος/Ρ. Aelius<br />

Apollodotus, 13: [P. Aeli]i [Apollodoti], 13 [1];<br />

Π(οπλίον) Αίλίου Άπολλοοό[τ]ου, 13 [2]<br />

Αιλιος Διόσκορος, 14; [Π(όπλιος) Αΐ]λιος<br />

Φόρτο [υνατος], 15; *Λεύκιος Αΐλιος Λα[μί]α,<br />

16; [Α]ΐλιος Σα[—], 17; [Π(όπλιος)] Αιλιος<br />

Σώσπις, 18; Γ(άιος) Αιλιος [—] Θασικό[ς],<br />

19; Π. Αίλιος [ ]άσιχος, 19 adn.; Γ(άιος)<br />

Αιλιος Θεμίσων Θεοδότου, 20<br />

EL: Π(όπλιος) [Αΐλιος —], 1; Π(όπλιος)<br />

Αΐλ(ιος) 'Αντώνιος Κρισπεϊνος Μητρότειμος,<br />

2; Πό(πλιος) Αίλιος Άλκανδρίδας Δαμοκρατί-<br />

δα, 3; Π(όπλιος) Αΐλιος 'Αρίστων (Ι), 4;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Αΐλιος 'Αρίστων (Π) Π(οπλίου)<br />

Αίλίου Άρίστωνος (Ι), 5; Π(όπλιος) Αΐλιος<br />

Άρτεμας, 6; [Αΐ]λ(ιος) Καλλίνεικος, 7;<br />

Πόπλιος Αΐλ(ιος) Άρμόνεικος, 8; [Αι]λ(ιος)<br />

Έρμιππος, 9<br />

Aemilia/Αίμιλία<br />

ACH: Aemilia Erotis, 4; Aemilia Secunda, 5<br />

EL: Αιμιλία Φιλόξενα, 10

Aemilius<br />

ACH: L(ucius) (Aemilius), 6; L(ucius) Aemilius<br />

L(ucii) f(ilius) Qui(rina), 7; P(ublius) Aemfilius<br />

L(ucii) f(ilius) Qui(rina)], 8; L(ucius) Aemil(ius)<br />

La(—), 9; P(ublius) Aemilius Primionis<br />

l(ibertus) Primigenius, 10; P(ublius) Aemilius<br />

Urbanus, 11<br />

COR: L(ucius) A[emi]lius L. f. [Paus]ania[s], 21;<br />

L(ucius) Aemilius Rui[—], 22<br />

Aeminius<br />

ACH: 101 adn.<br />

Aenius<br />

ACH: [.] Aeni(us) Secundus T(iti) f(ilius), 12<br />

COR: M(arcus) Aenius Onesiphorus, 23;<br />

[M(arcus)] Aenius M. f. Aem(ilia)<br />

Onesiph[or]us, 24<br />

Aepicia<br />

ACH: Aepicia Nice, 13<br />

Aequ[—]<br />

ACH: Aequ[- - -], 14<br />

Aequana<br />

ACH: Aequana, 15; Aequana Sex(ti) f(ilia)<br />

Musa, 16<br />

Αίκουάνιος<br />

EL: Αίκου[άνιος], 11 adn.<br />

Aequanus/Αίκουανός<br />

ACH: (Aequanus) Antas, 17; Sex(tus) Aequanus,<br />

18; Sex(tus) Aequ[anus] Sex(ti) l(ibertus) Astius, 19<br />

EL: Α'ικου[ανός (?)], 11<br />

Aetrius<br />

ACH: Q(uintus) Aetrius Tertius, 20<br />

Άγαθ[- - -]<br />

ARC: Αύρ(ήλιος) Άγαθ[- - -], 22<br />

Agatho<br />

COR: Heius Agatho, 305; [Scri]bonius<br />

Agath[o], 550<br />

'Αγαθοκλής<br />

ARC: Μάρκος Αυρήλιος Άγαθοκλ[ή]ς Όνησίμου,<br />

23; Πό(πλιος) Μέμμιος 'Αγαθοκλής, 122<br />

Άγαθόπους<br />

COR: 'Οκτάβιος Άγαθόπους, 442<br />

Agele<br />

ACH: +Agele Vallia, 236<br />

'Αγίας<br />

EL: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος 'Αγίας Λύσωνος, 136:<br />

Κλαυ[δίο]υ Αγία, 136 [1], Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου<br />

Αγία, 136 [2], Τιβ(έριον) Κλαύδιον Αγίαν, 136<br />

[3], Αγίας [Αύσωνος], [Α]γίας Αν[σ]ω[ν]ος Π.,<br />

Λ[ύσων Αγία], 136 [4]<br />


546<br />

Agrippa/Άγρίππας<br />

ACH: *Agrippa Iulius, 20; Πόπλιο[ς] Κανείνιος<br />

Άγρίπ[πας], 64<br />

ARG: Άγρίππας, 12; *(Μάρκος Βιψάνιος)<br />

Άγρίππας, 265; [Ιούλιος Άγρίπ]πας (?), 140<br />

COR: *M(arcus) Agrippa, 25; L(ucius) Caninius<br />

Agrippa, 134; *P(ublius) Caninius Alexiadae f.<br />

Co(llina) Agrippa, 135: P. Caninio Alexiadae f.<br />

Agrippae, 135 [1]; [P. Cajninio Alexiad. f. Co.<br />

[Agripjpae, 135 [2]; [P. Caninijus Alexia[dae f.<br />

Co(llina) Agrippa], 135 [3]; P(ublius) Vipsanius<br />

Agrippa, 650<br />

EL: 'Ιούλιος Άγρίππας, 233; *M(arcus) (Vipsanius)<br />

[Ag]rippa, 345<br />

Άγριππιανή<br />

ACH: Άγριππιανή, 21<br />

Άγριππείνα<br />

EL: Βιβουλλία Άλκία Άγριππεϊ[να, θυγάτη]ρ<br />

[Τ]ο[ύ]φο[υ], 341; Άππία Άννία Ά[τ]ειλία<br />

Τήγιλλα Έλπινείκη Άγριππείνα Άτρία Πόλλα,<br />

Ήρώδου και [Τη]γίλλης θυγάτ[ηρ], 16<br />

Aicia<br />

ACH: 13 adn.<br />

Άλβεΐνος<br />

EL: *[Α]ΰλος Ποστούμιος Άλβεΐνος, 305<br />

Albus<br />

COR: *[L(ucius) Antonius L. f.] Albus, 54<br />

Άλκανδρίδας<br />

EL: Πό(πλιος) Αΐλιος Άλκανδρίδας Δαμοκρατίδα,<br />

3<br />

Alcia/Άλκία<br />

ACH: Iunia D(ecimi) lib(erta) Alcia, 140<br />

EL: Βιβουλλία Άλκία Άγριππεΐ[να θυγάτη]ρ<br />

[Τ]ο[ύ]φο[υ], 341<br />

Alcimus<br />

COR: L(ucius) Rutilius Alcimus, 537<br />

Άλκινόα<br />

EL: Κλαυδία Άλκιν[όα] Κλαυδίου Θεογένους<br />

και 'Ιουλίας Χρυσαρέτας θυγάτηρ και Λουκίου<br />

Βετληνοϋ Φλώρου γυνή, 114<br />

Alexander/Αλέξανδρος<br />

ARC: Αύρ(ήλιος) Αλέξανδρος (Αλεξάνδρου),<br />

24; Ίούλ(ιος) Αλέξανδρος, 97<br />

ARG: Γ(άιος) Φλάβιος Αλέξανδρος, 128<br />

COR: Γ(άιος) Αλέξανδρος TO[-ca. 4-]ΟΔΟ[- - -],<br />

116; Γ(άιος) Άλέξαν[δρος—], Γ. Αλέξανδρος<br />

ΤΕ[....]ΟΛΟ[—], 116 adn.; Δομίτιος Αλέξανδρος,<br />

247; [A]ntonius Alexander Antoni<br />

Timothei fil., 55


EL: Αύ(ρήλιος) Αλέξανδρος (Αλεξάνδρου)<br />

Ίαμίδης, 66: [Αλέξα]νδρος (Αλεξάνδρου)<br />

Ίαμίδης, 66 [1]; Αύ(ρήλιος) Αλέξανδρος (Αλε­<br />

ξάνδρου) [Ί]αμίδης, 66 [2]; [Αύ(ρήλιος) Αλέ­<br />

ξανδρος (Αλεξάνδρου) Ίαμ]ίδης, 66 [3]<br />

Άλεξίων<br />

EL: Μ(αρκος) Αντώνιος Πισανοϋ υιός Άλε­<br />

ξίων, 34: Μ(αρκος) Αντώνιος Πισανοϋ υιός<br />

Αλεξίων, 34 [1]; Μ(άρκου) Αντωνίου Αλεξίω-<br />

νος, 34 [2]; [Αντώνιο]ς Αλεξίων, 34a.<br />

Άλφιος<br />

EL: *Πόπλιο[ς] Άλφ[ιος] Πρίμος, 12<br />

Άλλήιος<br />

ARG: [Κύι]ντος Άλλήιος 'Επίκ[τητος (?) —]τος<br />

υιός, 13; [Κύι]ντος Άλλήιος Έπίκ[τητος (?)<br />

]ιο[υ] υίός, 13 adn.; [. Β]ασσον Άλλήιον<br />

Έπικ[- ca. 5- Έπιδαυρ]ίο[υ] υίόν, 13 adn.<br />

Alliatius/Άλλιάτιος<br />

ACH: Alliatius Probus, 22<br />

EL: Άλλιάτιος Μά[ρκος —], 13; [Άλλιάτιος<br />

Μάρκο]ς Άλλιατίου Μά[ρκου υίός —]ατος, 14<br />

Αλφειός<br />

EL: Αύ(ρήλιος) Αλφειός Σόφωνος, 67:<br />

Αύ(ρήλιος) Αλφειός Σόφωνος, 67 [1];<br />

Αλφ(ε)ιό[ς Σόφωνος], 67 [2]<br />

Άλυπιανός<br />

ACH: Λ(ούκιος) Άννιος Άλυπιανός, 23<br />

COR: Π(όπλιος) Αιλιος Άλυπιανός, 12<br />

Άλυπος<br />

ARC: Κλαύ(διος) Άλυπος, 61<br />

Άμανδος<br />

ARG: Κορ(νήλιος) Άμανδος, 110<br />

Αμάραντος)<br />

ARG: Αύρ(ήλιος) Αμάραντος, 36<br />

Amemptus<br />

ACH: [-ca. 3-]t[i]u[s] Amemptu[s], 267<br />

Άμίνιος<br />

COR: [—]στος Άμίνιος [— ω]ρ, 26<br />

Άμμιανή<br />

COR:[Άμ]μιαvή, 27<br />

Άμυκος<br />

ARC: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Άμυκος, 62<br />

Αη[- - -]/Άν[- - -]<br />

COR: Άν[- - -], 28; [M. A]nton[i]us An[ - - -], 56<br />

Anastasia<br />

COR: 462 adn.<br />

Anatole<br />

ACH: Vibia lib(erta) Anatole, 248<br />

ΑΜχί1α(υ)8/Άναξίλαος<br />

COR: Ti[berius] Claudius Anaxilas, 167;<br />

547<br />

Ti(berius) Claudius Anaxilaus, 168; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Άππαληνός Άναξίλαος, 80<br />

Άγχάριος<br />

EL: *Κόιντος Άγχάριος Κοΐντου υίός, 15<br />

Άννία<br />

EL: Άππία Άννία Ά[τ]ειλία Τήγιλλα Έλπινείκη<br />

Άγριππείνα Άτρία Πόλλα; Ήρώδου καί<br />

[Τη]γίλλης θυγατ[έρα], 16; [Άππία Άν]νί[α<br />

Τήγιλλα Άππίου] ύ[π]άτο[υ πο]ντ[ίφικος<br />

θ]υγάτηρ; [Τιβερί]ου [Κλαυδί]ου [Ήρώδου<br />

γυ]νή, 17: Τήγιλλα, 17 [1], [2], [6], [8] and [9];<br />

[Αππία Αν]νί[α Τήγιλλα Αππίου] ύ[π]άτο[υ<br />

πο]ντ[ίφικος θ]υγάτηρ, [Τιβερί]ου [Κλαυδί]ου<br />

[Ήρώδου γυ]νή, 17 [3]; 'Ρηγίλλης... της Ήρώδου<br />

[γυ]ναικό[ς], 17 [4]; Τη[γίλλης], 17 [5];<br />

[Τη]γίλλης, 17 [7]<br />

Άννιος<br />

ACH: Λ(ούκιος) Άννιος Άλυπιανός, 23<br />

EL: *Άππιος Άννιος Γάλλος, 18<br />

Annusidius<br />

ACH: [C(aius) Annusidius C. (?) f(ilius)]<br />

Q[uir(ina) Rufus], 24; C(aius) Annusidius C(aii)<br />

f(ilius) Quir(ina) Rufus Marcellianus, 25; [C(aius)<br />

Annusidi]us C(aii) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Rufus<br />

Vireianus, 26<br />

Antas<br />

ACH: (Aequanus) Antas, 17<br />

Άντειος<br />

ARG: Πόπλιος Άντειος Άντίοχος, 14<br />

Άντέρως<br />

ARG: Λεύκιος Λικίνιος Άντέρως, 164<br />

Άνθέστιος/Άντίστιος<br />

ARC: Λ(ούκιος) Άντίστιος, 3<br />

ARG: Λ(ούκιος) Άντίστιος Μεστιανός, 15<br />

EL: Δ(έκμος) Άνθέστιος Θεογένης, 19<br />

COR: *Γ(άιος) Άντίσ[τιος Βοϋρ]ρος, 29; Άντίστιος<br />

Μάξιμ[ος], 30; Άντίσ[τιος] Μιν[—], 31<br />

Antigona<br />

COR: Numis[ia] L. 1. Antigon[a], 436<br />

Antigonus/Άντ ίγονος<br />

ACH: (T. Granius T. L.) Antigonus, 126<br />

ARG: Τι(βέριος) Κλαύδιος Αντίγονος, 84,<br />

Αυρήλιος Αντίγονος, 37<br />

Antiochis<br />

ACH: Marcia Antiochis, 160<br />

COR: Vibullia Anftiochis], 631<br />

Antiochus/Άντίοχος<br />

ARG: Π(όπλιος) ΑΙλι(ος) Άντίοχος, 4, Πόπλιος<br />

Άντειος Άντίοχος, 14<br />

COR: T(itus) Flavius Aug. lib. Antio[chus], 263

Αντίπατρος<br />

ARC: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Αντίπατρος, 62a<br />

EL: [Μ(άρκος) Ά]ντώνιος Αντίπατρος, 36<br />

Άντεικός<br />

EL: Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Άντεικός, 35;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Μέμμ(ιος) Άντεικός, 274<br />

Άντίστιος: see Άνθέστιος<br />

Antonia/ Άντωνία<br />

ARC: Άντωνία, 4<br />

COR: An[tonia- - -], 32; Antonia, 33; [A]nto[nia]<br />

Sedata, 34; Άντων[ί]α Σωσιπάτρα/Anftonia<br />

Sosipatra] Sospitis f., 35: An[tonia Sosipatra]<br />

Sospitis f., 35 [1]; Αντων[ί]ας Σωσιπάτρας, 35 [2]<br />

EL: Άντωνία Βαιβία, 20; Άντωνία Καλλώ, 21;<br />

Άντωνία Κλεοδίκη, 22; Άντωνία Πώλλα, 23<br />

Άντωνϊνος<br />

ARG: *Ίούλιος Μαΐωρ Άντωνϊνος, 149: [Ιούλιος<br />

Μαίωρ Αντωνΐνο]ς, 149 [1], Αντωνεΐνος,<br />

149 [2], [9], [Ιούλιος Μαΐωρ Αντ]ωνΐν[ος, υιός<br />

Ίουλ(ίου) Μαΐορος], 149 [3], [Ιούλιος Μαΐωρ]<br />

Αντωνεΐνος [συγκλητικός (?)] [υιός Ιουλίου]<br />

Μαΐορος, 149 [4], [Αντωνϊ]νος, 149 [5], Μαΐορος,<br />

149 [6], [Α]γτωνΐνος [Μαΐο]ρος, 149 [7],<br />

Ίούλιον Αντωνϊνον Μαΐορος ύόν, 149 [8]<br />

Antonius/ Άντώνι(ο)ς<br />

ACH: C(aius) (Antonius), 27; M(arcus)<br />

Ant(onius) Aris(tarchus), 28; [—] Antonius<br />

Eu[tychus (?)], 29; C(aius) Antonius C(aii)<br />

l(ibertus) Pamphilus, 30<br />

ARC: Άντώνις Ήρακλά, 5; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Άντ[ώ]νιος Λυγκε[ύς], 6; Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος<br />

Όνήσιμος, 7<br />

ARG: [—]ος Αντώνιος [—], 16: *Μαρκος<br />

Αντώνιος, 17: Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Αχαϊκός,<br />

18: Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Αχαϊκός, 18 [1],<br />

Μ(άρκου) Αντωνίου Αχαϊκού, 18 [2],<br />

Μ(αρκον) Αντώνιον Μ(άρκου) υίόν Αχαϊκόν,<br />

18 [3]; Μάρκος Αντώνιος Άναξίωνος υιός<br />

Αριστοκράτης, 19; Μάρκος Αντώνιος<br />

Σιλ[άσ]ιμος, 20<br />

COR: [. A]nton[ius - - -], 36; [- - -A]nton[ius],<br />

37; [. Antonius [- - -], 38; Antonius C. f. [- - -],<br />

39; C(aius) (Antonius), 40; Γ(άιος) Αντώνιος<br />

[ ], 41; [L(ucius)] (Antonius), 42; L(ucius)<br />

Antonius —] (I), 43; L(ucius) Antonius —]<br />

(II), 44; L(ucius) Antonius, 45; *[[Marcus<br />

Antonius]], 46 and 68 adn.; 114 adn.; 318 adn.;<br />

320 adn.; [M(arcus)] An[t]onius, 47; M(arcus)<br />

(Antonius), 48; Μ(άρκος) Άν[τώνιος], 49;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Άν[τώνιος —], 50; [M(arcus)]<br />


548<br />

Antonius —], 51; M(arcus) Antoniufs —], 52;<br />

M(arcus) Antonius M. f. [A]em(ilia) [A]chaicus,<br />

53: M. Antonio M. f. [A]em(ilia) [AJchaico,<br />

53[1]; [M(arcus) Antonius Achaicus], 53 [2];<br />

[- - -]cha[- - -], 53 [3]; [- - -] M. f. Ae[m. - - -], 53<br />

[4]; [- - - Ac]haicu[s], 53 [5]; *[L(ucius) Antonius<br />

L. f.] Albus, 54; [A]ntonius Alexander Antoni<br />

Timothei fil., 55; [M. A]nton[i]us An[- - -], 56;<br />

[M(arcus) Antonius Aristocraties], 57 and 52<br />

adn.; Αντώνιος Βα[—], 58; Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος]<br />

Βλαστός, 59; Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος<br />

Κλημ[εντεϊνος], 60; L(ucius) Antonius<br />

Damonicus, 61; Γ(άιος) Αντώνιος<br />

Εύμο[λ]πο[ς], 62; M(arcus) Antonius<br />

Hipparchus, 63; [L(ucius) Antonius Iulianus], 64;<br />

L. Antonius Iulianus, 272; [M(arcus) An]ton[iu]s<br />

Glau[c]i f. Milesius, 65; [M(arcus)] An[t]onius<br />

[M. f. —] Nigrinus, 66; Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος<br />

Ό[—], 67; M(arcus) Antonius Orestes, 68;<br />

[L(ucius) A]nto[nius L. f.] Me[n(inia)] Pr[iscus],<br />

69; Μ(άρκος) Άντ[ώνιος] Πρόμα[χ]ος, 70;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Ά[ν]τώνιος Κυϊήτος, 71;<br />

[. A]nt[onius —] S[os]p[is]AAvfrcu]vioc<br />

Σώσπις, 72: [. A]nt[onius. f. - --] S[os]p[is] 72<br />

[1]; Αν[τω]νίου Σώσπιδος, 72 [2]; [. Άντ]ώνιος<br />

Στακτη[—], 73; [— A]ntonius Taurus, 74;<br />

[Μ(άρκος) Ά]ντώνιος Τέρτιος, 75; M(arcus)<br />

Antonius Theophilus, 76; [Antonius Timotheus,<br />

77; [Άντ]ών[ιος], 684<br />

EL: [Άντ]ώνιος (?), 24; Μ(άρκος) Ά[ντώνιος<br />

— ] , 25; Μ(άρκος) Ά[ντώνιος —], 26;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Άντ[ώνιος —], 27; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Άντώ[νιος —], 28; Μ(άρκος) Άντών[ιος —],<br />

29; Μ(άρκος) Ά[ντώνιος —], 30; [Μάρκο]ς<br />

Άντ[ώνιος —], 31; Μ(άρκος) Άντώ[νιος —],<br />

32; Μ. Antonius, 41 adn.; Γάιος [Αντώνιος]<br />

Πεισ[ανοϋ υιός —], 33; Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος<br />

Πισανοϋ υιός Αλεξίων, 34: Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος<br />

Πισανοϋ υίός Αλεξίων, 34 [1]; Μ(άρκου)<br />

Αντωνίου Αλεξίωνος, 34 [2]; [Αντώνιο]ς<br />

Αλεξίων, 34a; Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Άντεικός,<br />

35; [Μ(άρκος) Ά]ντώνιος Αντίπατρος, 36;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Άντ[(ώνιος) Άπολλ]οφά[νης (?)], 37;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Άριστέας Δάμωνος, 38;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Αΐλ(ιος) Αντώνιος Κρισπεϊνος<br />

Μητρότειμος (see also Aelius), 2; Μ. Antonius<br />

Creticus, 15 adn.; Μ(αρκος) ΆνΓτώνιος<br />

Εύ]δημος, 39; Γ(άιος) [Άντ]ώνιος Λέων, 40; Μ.<br />

Antonius Oxylus, 46 adn.; Μάρκος Αντώνιος<br />

Πεισανός, 41: Μάρκος Αντώνιος Πεισανός, 41


[1], Πίσανοϋ, 41 [2]; M. Antonius Pisanus, 33<br />

adn.; Μ(άρκος) 'Αντώνιος Πολύκλειτος, 42:<br />

[Μ(άρκος) Αν]τώνιος Πολύκλειτος Π., 42 [1];<br />

Μ(άρκος) 'Αντώνιος [Πολύκλειτος, 42 [2];<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος [Πολύκλειτος], 42 [3];<br />

Μ(άρκος) Άν[τώνιος Πο]λύκλειτος, 43;<br />

Μ(άρκος) "Αντώνιος Πρόκλος, 44; [Μ(άρκος)<br />

Άν]τώνιος Τουφεΐνος, 45; Μ(άρκος) 'Αντώνιος<br />

Σάμιππος, 46; [Μ(άρκος) Ά]ντ(ώνιος)<br />

Σεκοΰνδος, 47; Μ(άρκος) 'Αντώνιος Ζήθος Κλυτιάδης,<br />

48: [Αντώνιος Ζήθος Κλυ]τιάδης, 48 [1],<br />

ΓΑντ(ώνιος) Ζ]ήθο[ς Κλυ(τιάδης)], 48 [2],<br />

Αντ(ώνιος) Ζήθος Κλν(τιάδης), 48 [3],<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αντ(ώνιος) Ζή[θ]ος Κλντιάδης, 48 [4]<br />

Antullus<br />

ACH: Antullus, 277<br />

Άπ[- - -]<br />

COR: Πουτίκιος Άπ[- - -], 519<br />

Άπελλάς<br />

ARC: Πομπήιος Άπελλάς, 134<br />

ARG: Μ(άρκος) 'Ιούλιος Άπελλάς, 141<br />

Άπερ<br />

ARG: Μάρκος Σέξτιος Άπερ, 239<br />

Άφ[- - -]<br />

ARC: [Αύρ(ήλιος)] Άφ[- - -], 25<br />

Άφροδείσιος<br />

EL: Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Άφροδείσιος, 137<br />

Άπίων<br />

ARG: Άπίων Μαϊορος, 21<br />

'Απόλαυστος<br />

COR: [Τιβ(έριος) 'Ιούλιος Άπόλαυστος], 337<br />

Άπολλ[—]<br />

COR: Π(όπλιος) Έγ[νάτιος] Άπολλ[—], 252<br />

Apolli(- - -)<br />

ACH: C(aius) Apolli(- - -), 31<br />

Apollodotus/Άπολλόδοτος<br />

COR: Π(όπλιος) Αιλιος Άπολλόδο[τ]ος/Ρ.<br />

Aelius Apollodotus: [P. Aeliji [Apollodoti], 13<br />

[1]; Π(οπλίου) Αιλίου Απολλοδό[τ]ου, 13 [2]<br />

Άπολλωνίδης<br />

ARG: Αύ[ρ(ήλιος) ?] Άπολλωνίδης, 38;<br />

Α[ΰ](λος) Άπολλωνίδης, 38 adn.; Πό(πλιος)<br />

Άπολλωνίδ, 228<br />

Άπολλωνίς<br />

COR: Δομετία Φιλίπα και Λουκίου<br />

Δομετίου Λουκίου υίο Φαλέρνα Σατορνίλα<br />

Άπολλωνίς, 244<br />

Απολλώνιος<br />

ARG: (Μαίνιος) Απολλώνιος, 177<br />

EL: Αύρ(ήλιος) Σεπτίμιος Απολλώνιος, 90;<br />

549<br />

Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Απολλώνιος Απολλώνιου,<br />

138: Απολλ[ώ]νιος Απολλώνιου ύός Ήλειοςό<br />

και Τιβέριος [Κλ]αύδιος, 138 [1]; Τι[βέριος<br />

Κ]λαύδιος Απολλώνιου υιός ο και<br />

Απολλών[ιος], 138 [2]; Απολλώνιον Απολλώνιου<br />

υον και Τιβέριον, 138 [3]<br />

Άπολλοφάνης<br />

EL: Μ(αρκος) Άντ[(ώνιος) Άπολλ]οφά[νης<br />

(?)], 37; [Τ(ίτος) Φλ]άβιος Άπολλοφάνης, 191<br />

Appalenus/Άππαληνός<br />

ARC: Μ(αρκος) Άππαληνος Τι[β(ερίου) υιός —],<br />

8; Ti(berius) Appalenus Anaxilaus, 8 adn.<br />

COR: M(arcus) (Appalenus), 78; M(arcus)<br />

(Appalenus), 79; Τιβ(έριος) Άππαληνός<br />

Άναξίλαος, 80; *[M(arcus) App]alenus[M. f.]<br />

M. n. Aem(ilia) [P]ulcher, 81<br />

Άππία<br />

COR: (Άππία Άννία) Τήγιλλα (Άτιλία Καουδικία<br />

Τέρτουλλα), 528<br />

EL: Άππία Άννία Ά[τ]ειλία Τήγιλλα Έλπινείκη<br />

Άγριππεΐνα Άτρία Πόλλα; Ήρώδου και<br />

[Τη]γίλλης θυγάτ[ηρ], 16; [Άππία Άν]νί[α<br />

Τήγιλλα Άππίου] ύ[π]άτο[υ πο]ντ[ίφικος<br />

θ]υγάτηρ; [Τιβερί]ου [Κλαυδί]ου [Ήρώδου<br />

γυ]νή, 17: Τήγιλλα, 17 [1], [2], [6], [8] and [9];<br />

[Αππία Αν]νί[α Τήγιλλα Αππίου] ϋ[π]άτο[υ<br />

πο]ντ[ίφικος θ]νγάτηρ, [Τιβερί]ου [Κλαυδί]ου<br />

[Ήρώδου γυ]νή, 17 [3]; Τηγίλλης... τής Ήρώδου<br />

[γυ]ναικό [ς], 17 [4]; Τη[γίλλης], 17 [5];<br />

[Τη]γίλλης, 17 [7]<br />

Αρρϊ^ΓΑππιος<br />

ACH: Άππιος Κυ[- - -], 32<br />

EL: Άπ[πιος —], 49; Μ. Appius Atilius<br />

Bradua, 50 adn.; *Μ(αρκος) Άππιος Βραδούας,<br />

50; *Άππιος Άννιος Γάλλος, 18; *Appius<br />

Claudius Pulcher, 49 adn.; *Άππιος Σαβεΐνος,<br />

51; Ap. Sabinus Probi f., 51 adn.<br />

Apponius<br />

ACH: T(itus) Apponius Quartio, 33<br />

Appuleia<br />

ACH: Appuleia [—], 34; Appuleia Musa, 35<br />

Appuleius/Άππουλή ιος<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Appuleius Pri[mus], 36<br />

COR: [. Ά]ππουλήιο[ς], 82<br />

Appulus<br />

ACH: L(ucius) (Appulus), 37; Sex(tus) Appulus<br />

L(ucii) f(ilius) Firmus, 38<br />

Άπρία<br />

EL: Άπρία Κασσία, 52<br />

Aptus<br />

ACH: Sex(tus) Mallius Aptus, 153

Ακύλας<br />

EL: [Άκύ]λας, 53; [Ά]κύλας, 54; Ακύλας<br />

[Ά]κύλα, 55<br />

Άκυλείνη<br />

ARG: Α'ιλία Άκυλείνη, 1<br />

Aquillius<br />

COR: *[L(ucius) A]quillius C. f. Pom(ptina)<br />

[Fl]orus Turcianus Gallus, 83<br />

Άρ [—]: see Άρ[τεμάς<br />

Άρκαδίων<br />

ARC: Αύρ(ήλιος) Άρκαδίων Σωτάδο[υ], 26<br />

Αρχέλαος<br />

EL: *Τ(ίτος) Φλάβ(ιος) Αρχέλαος (Ι) Αρχελάου,<br />

192: Φλ(άβιος) Αρχέλαος Αρχελάου, 192<br />

[1]; Τ(ίτος) Φλ(άβιος) Αρχέλαος ο κράτιστος,<br />

192 [2]; Τ(ίτον) Φλάβιον Αρχέλαον, 192 [3];<br />

Τ(ίτον) Φλάβ(ιον) Αρχέλαον, 192 [4];<br />

Φλάβ(ιος) Αρχέλαος, 192 [5]; Φλ(άβιος) Αρχέλαος<br />

Αρχελάου, 193<br />

Αρχίλοχος<br />

ARG: Τιβ(έριος) Κόιντος Αρχίλοχος, 232<br />

Άρήδιος<br />

ARC: [Ά]ρήδ(ιος) Σεκοΰνδο[ς], 9<br />

Arei[- - -]<br />

COR: L(ucius) Arei[- - -], 84<br />

Arellius<br />

COR: A[rel]lius, 21 adn.<br />

Arennius<br />

COR: [L. Arenniu]s Zosimu[s], 84 adn.<br />

Arescusa<br />

ACH: (Fulvia M. 1.) Arescusa, 111; Cania<br />

Aresqus[a], 63<br />

Άρέτων<br />

EL: Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος Άρέτων, 220<br />

Aristarchus<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Ant(onius) Aris(tarchus), 28<br />

Άριστέας<br />

EL: Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Άριστέας Δάμωνος,<br />

38; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Άριστέας, 140<br />

Άριστίων<br />

ARC: Σουλπίκιος Άριστίων, 153<br />

Aristo/Αρίστων<br />

COR: C(aius) Heius Arist[o], 306<br />

EL: Π(όπλιος) ΑΙλιος Άριστων (I), 4;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Αιλιος Αρίστων (Π) Π(οπλίου)<br />

Αίλίου Άρίστωνος (Ι), 5; Π(όπλιος) Κορνήλιος<br />

Ειρηναίου υίος Αρίστων, 173; Aristo from<br />

Ephesos, 165 adn.<br />

Άριστόβιος<br />

EL: Τ(ίτος) Φλά(βιος) [Άριστόβιος (?)], 194<br />


550<br />

Aristocles/Άριστοκλής<br />

EL: Κλαύδιος Αριστοκλής, 141; Aristocles of<br />

Pergamon, 141 adn.<br />

Aristocrates/ Αριστοκράτης<br />

ARC: Πομπήιος Άρ[ι]στοκράτης, 135; Ούολοσσηνός<br />

Αριστοκράτης, 173<br />

ARG: Μάρκος Αντώνιος Άναξίωνος υιός<br />

Αριστοκράτης, 19; Λούκιος Ούολοσσηνός Αριστοκράτης,<br />

266; Σέξτος Πομπήιος Σέξτου υίος<br />

Μαρκιανός Άριστοκράτεος εκγονος, 211;<br />

COR: [M(arcus) Antonius Aristocrates], 57<br />

Άριστομάντις<br />

EL: Κλαυδία Άριστομάντις, 115<br />

Αριστομένης<br />

EL: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Αριστομένης, 142<br />

Arminius<br />

ARC: T(itus) Arm[inius] Tauriscus/[T(ÎTOç)<br />

Άρμίνιος Ταυ]ρίσκος, 10<br />

Arrianus/Άρριανός<br />

COR: Ti. Flavius Arrianus, 260 adn.; 545 adn.;<br />

* [(Λούκιος) Φλάβιος Άρριανός], 264<br />

Άρριδαιος<br />

Arrius<br />

COR: Λ(ούκιος) Κλώδιος Άρριδαιος, 191<br />

ACH: C(aius) Arri(us) A(uli) f(ilius), 39<br />

COR: [.] (Arrius), 85; L(ucius) Arrius Peregrinus,<br />

86; A(ulus) Arri[us] [. f.] Aem(ilia) Proc[ulus], 87<br />

Arruntius<br />

COR: [.] [A]rruntius Mosch[us], 88<br />

Άρτεμάς<br />

EL: Π(όπλιος) Αιλιος Άρτεμάς, 6; Τι(βέριος)<br />

[Κ]λαύδιος Άρ[— Άρ]τεμά, 139 and Τι(βέριος)<br />

[Κ]λαύδιος Άρ[τεμάς Άρ]τεμά, 139 adn.<br />

Άρτέμων<br />

EL: [Αύρ(ήλιος)] Άρτέμων, 69; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Ά[ρτ]έμων, 70<br />

Άσκληπιάδης<br />

EL: [Ίού]νιος Άσκλ[ηπιάδης], 245; Πόπλ(ιος)<br />

Άσκληπιάδης, 304<br />

Άσι[- - -]<br />

COR: Μάρκος Άσι[- - -], 89<br />

Ασιατικός<br />

ARG: [Γάι]ος Ίο[ύ]λιος Ά[σι]ατικός, 5 adn.<br />

Άσίνιος<br />

ARC: Γάιος Άσίνιος Φήλει[ξ], 12<br />

COR: Γ(άιος) Άσίνιος Γέμινος, 90<br />

EL: *Γ(άιος) Άσίνιος Κουαδράτος, 56<br />

Άσιννία<br />

ARC: Άσιννία Μαμμία, 11


Astius<br />

ACH: Sex(tus) Aequ[anus] Sex (ti) l(ibertus)<br />

Astius, 19<br />

Athenaeus/Άθήναιος<br />

COR: [- - -]lius Athenaeus, 91<br />

EL: Ιούλιος Αθηναίος 'Ιουλίου Νεοπολειτανοϋ<br />

υιός, 234<br />

Άθηνάίς<br />

EL: Μαρκία Κλαυδία Άλκία Άθηναΐς Γαβιδία<br />

Λατιαρία Ήρώδου και 'Ρηγίλλης θυγάτηρ, 113<br />

Atianus<br />

ACH: P(ublius) Pomponius P(ublii) f(ilius)<br />

Qu(irina) Atianus, 190<br />

Atilia/Άτειλία<br />

COR: Atilia T. f. Thalussa, 92<br />

EL: Άππία Άννία Ά[τ]ειλία Τήγιλλα Έλπινείκη<br />

Άγριππεινα Άτρία Πόλλα; Ήρώδου και<br />

[Τη]γίλλης θυγάτ[ηρ], 16; see also Attilia<br />

Άτιλιανός<br />

ARG: Π(όπλιος ?) Άτιλιανός, 22<br />

Αΐϊ1ηΐ8/Άτ(ε)ίλιος<br />

COR: T(itus) Atilius, 93; *Τ(ίτος) Άτ[ίλιος<br />

Τ]οΰφος Τιτιανός, 94<br />

EL: *Μ(άρκος) Άτείλιος Άττι[κός] Βραδούας<br />

Τήγιλλος Ήρώδου και Τηγίλλης υιός, 57; *Μ.<br />

Atilius Metilius Bradua, 50 adn.; *Μάρκος Άτίλιος<br />

Βραδούας, 50 adn.; *Ti. Claudius Appius<br />

M. Attilius Bradua Regillus Atticus, 144 adn.<br />

Atimetus<br />

COR: [P. Aef]icius Atimetus, 8; [P. Aef]icius<br />

Atimetus [Lic]inianus, 9<br />

Άτρατεΐνος<br />

ACH: [Σεμπρώνιος] Άτρατε[ϊνος], 212<br />

Άτρία<br />

EL: Άππία Άννία Ά[τ]ειλία Τήγιλλα Έλπινείκη<br />

Άγριππεινα Άτρία Πόλλα, Ήρώδου και<br />

[Τη]γίλλης θυγάτ[ηρ], 16<br />

Attalus<br />

COR: [- - -] Attalus, 95<br />

Attedius/Άττήδιος<br />

EL: Μ(άρκος) Άττήδιος Κόγνιτος, 58:<br />

[Μ(αρκος) Αττήδιος] Κόγνιτος 58 [1],<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αττήδιος Κόγνιτορ 58 [2]; Attedius<br />

Geminus, 58 adn.<br />

Attia<br />

ACH: Attia Tertia, 40<br />

Attice<br />

ACH: Heredia Attice, 129<br />

Atticus/ Αττικός<br />

ARC: (Κλαύδιος) Αττικός, 63<br />

551<br />

ARG: [Τίτ]ος Α[ίλ]ιος Αττικός, 5;<br />

[Κανο(?)]υλλήιος Αττικός, 72<br />

COR: *Ti(berius) Claudius Ti. Claudi Hipparchi f.<br />

Quir(ina) Atticus, 169: Ti. Claudio Ti. Claudi<br />

Hipparchi f. Quir. Attico, 169 [1 A]; Ti. Claudio Ti.<br />

Cjjaudi] Hippar[chi f. Quir. A]t[tico], 169 [IB]; Ti.<br />

C[l. Attjici [- - -], 169 [2]; *Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Ηρώδης Αττικός, 174: Ηρώδης, 174 [1], [4];<br />

[Αττικ]ός Ηρώδης, 174 [2]; 150 adn.; Tib.<br />

Claudius Herodes Atticus, 260 adn. and 545 adn.<br />

EL: *Μ(άρκος) Άτείλιος Άττι[κός] Βραδούας<br />

Τήγιλλος, Ήρώδου καί Τηγίλλης υίός, 57;<br />

[Αύ]ρ(ήλιος) Αττικός, 71; *[Τι(βέριος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Άττ[ικό]ς Ήρώδη[ς] [Τπ]πάρχο[υ], 143:<br />

Α[ττ]ι[κ]ο[ϋ], 143 [1]; [Τι. Κ]λαύδιον<br />

Αττ[ικο]ν Ήρώδη[ν Ίπ]πάρχο[υ], 143 [2];<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Βιβούλλιος "Ιππαρχος Τι(βέριος)<br />

Κλαύδιος Αττικός Ηρώδης (s. also Ηρώδης),<br />

144: [Τιβ(έριον) Κλαύδιον] Ήρ[ώ]δη, 144 [1];<br />

[Τιβερί]ου [Κλαυδί]ου [Ήρώδου] and [Τιβέριος<br />

Κλαύδφς, Τ[ιβερίου Κλαυδίου Αττικού] υίός,<br />

Ηρώδης Αθηναίος, 144 [2]; Ηρώδης, 144 [3a-i]<br />

Attilia<br />

COR: Attili[a R]ufa, 96; see also Atilia<br />

Attius<br />

ACH: (Attius) Clemens, 41; M(arcus) Attius<br />

Faustus, 42<br />

COR: *[Q. Licinius - - -] Modestin[us Sex. (?)]<br />

Attius Labeo, 377<br />

Auctus<br />

ACH: T(itus) Granius T(iti) f(ilius) Quir(ina)<br />

Auctus, 127<br />

Augurinus/Αύγουρεΐνος<br />

ARG: *Αΰ(λος) Πομπώνιος Γ(αΐου) υιός<br />

Αύγουρεινος Τ(ίτος) Πριφέρνιος Παΐτος, 213<br />

COR: *[Α. P]omp[onius] C. f. Quir(ina)<br />

Augur[inus T. Prifer]nius Paetus, 487<br />

Αΰλος<br />

ARG: Α[ύλ(ος)] Άπολλωνίδης, 38 adn.; Αύλος,<br />

23, Αΰλος, 24; *[Α]ΰλος, 25, Αΰλος (Ι), 26,<br />

Αΰλος Αύλου (II), 27<br />

EL: Αύλος, 59<br />

Ώράριος<br />

EL: Μ(αρκος) Ώρά[ρ]ιος Σαβ(ε)ϊνος, 60:<br />

Ώρά[ρι]ος Σαβίνος Α., 60 [Ι]; Μ(αρκος)<br />

Ώρά[ρ]ιος Σαβεΐν[ος], 60 [2]<br />

Αύρη[- - -]<br />

COR: Αύρη[- - -], 97<br />

Αύρηλία<br />

ARC: Αύρηλία Τερτία, 13

ARG: Αύρ(ηλία) Χρηματίνη, 28; Αύρηλί[α<br />

Έλευ]θερίς, 29; Αύρηλία Λουκία (Ι), 30; (Αύρηλία)<br />

Λουκία (Π), 31; Αύρηλία Νείκη, 32;<br />

Αύρ(ηλία) Τειμαρέτη, 33<br />

EL: Αύρ(ηλία) Ζωσίμη Άφροδεισίου του και<br />

θριασίου γυνή, θυγάτηρ δέ Αύρ(ηλίου) Εύκαρπίδου<br />

Τρικορυσίου, 61<br />

Αύρηλιανός<br />

COR: Αύρηλιανός, 98<br />

Aurelius/Αύρήλιος<br />

ACH: C(aius) (Aurelius), 43; C(aius) Aurelius<br />

P(ublii) f(ilius) Quir(ina), 44; P(ublius) (Aurelius),<br />

45; C(aius) Aurelius C(aii) f(ilius) Bassus, 46;<br />

C(aius) Aurelius C(aii) f(ilius) [—] Prisais, 47;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αυρήλιος Σέσσωρ, 48<br />

ARC: Αυρ(ήλιος) [- - -], 14; Αύο(ήλιος) [- - -],<br />

15; Αύρ(ήλιος) [..]ικραλσ[—], 16;<br />

[Α]υ[ρ(ήλιος) ..]ο[—]ω[—], 17; [Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

—]ωνά, 18; [Αύρ(ήλιος) —]ριου, 19;<br />

[Α]υρ(ήλιος) [—]σ[—], 20; [Αύρ(ήλιος)]<br />

[- - -Ά]γαθία, 21; Αύρ(ήλιος) Άγαθ[- - -], 22;<br />

Μάρκος Αυρήλιος Άγαθοκλ[η]ς Όνησίμου, 23;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Αλέξανδρος (Αλεξάνδρου), 24;<br />

[Αύρ(ήλιος)] Άφ[—], 25; Αύρ(ήλιος) Άρκαδίων<br />

Σωτάδο[υ], 26; [Αύρ(ήλιος)] Διονύσιος<br />

(Διονυσίου), 27; Αύρ(ήλιος) Έλπιδϋς, 28;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Έπαφρόδιτος Αφροδισίου, 29;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Έπαφρόδιτος Έπαφρ[ά], 30;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύοδος 'Ιέρωνος, 31; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Εύτ[υχ- - -], 32; Αύρ(ήλιος) Το[- - -], 33;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Ίρανίων 'Ιταλού, 34; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Νεικ[ ], 35; Αύρ(ήλιος) Παρ[ ], 36;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Φιλουμενό[ς], 37; Αύρ(ήλιος) Ποσιδώνιο[ς],<br />

38; [Αύρ(ήλιος)] Πρεΐμος Συμφόρου,<br />

39; Αύο(ήλιος) Σ[- ca. 3 -]τασ[- - -], 40;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Σέμνος, 41; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Σωσι[κ]ράτης Εύτύχο[υ], 42; Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωτάδης<br />

(Σωτάδου), 43; Αυρ(ήλιος) Σωτήριχος Χρυσίππου],<br />

44; [Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωτή]ριχος (Σωτηρίχου),<br />

45; Αύρ(ήλιος) Συμ[—], 46; [Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Σ]ύμφορος Εύτύχου, 47; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Σύμ[φ]ορος [-ca. 2-]\i[-ca. 3-], 48; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Τ[- - -]νος Άγ[- ca. 3-4-], 49; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

©άλλος Εύκάρπο[υ], 50; [Αύρ(ήλιος) Ξ]ενομένης<br />

[·]ζ[—], 51; [Αύρ(ήλιος)] Ζώ[σι]μος<br />

Κορίνθου, 52<br />

ARG: Αύρ(ήλιος) [—], 34; Μ(άρκος) Αυρήλιος<br />

Σώλωνος, 35; Αύρ(ήλιος) Αμάραντος, 36;<br />

Αυρήλιος Αντίγονος, 37; Αύ[ρ(ήλιος) ?] Άπολ­<br />


552<br />

λωνίδης, 38; Αύρ(ήλιος) Βλαστός, 39;<br />

[Αύρ(ήλιος) ? Χ]αρίξενος (Ι) Κελάδου, 40;<br />

[Α]ύρ(ήλιος) Χαρίξενος (Π) [Αύρ(ηλίου) ?<br />

Χ]αριξένου του Κελάδου υίός, 41; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Κόρινθος, 42; Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Διονύσιος,<br />

43; Αύρ(ήλιος) Ελικών, 44; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Έπαφρ[όδιτος] Εύτύχου, 45;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Ίωσης, 46; Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Λικιννιανός Σωκράτους, 47: Μ(άρκον)<br />

Αύρ(ήλιον) Αικιννιανον Σωκράτους, 47[1];<br />

Μ(άρκου) Αϋρ(ηλίου) Σωκράτου[ς τ]οϋ Αικιννιανοϋ,<br />

47[2]; Αικιννιανοϋ, [3]; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Νικέρως, 48; *Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Όλυμπιόδωρος,<br />

49; Αύρ(ήλιος) Φιλο[υμ]ενός, 50;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Πλήσμων, 51: [Αύρ(ηλίου) Πλήσμονος],<br />

51 [1]; Αϋρ(ηλίου) Πλήσμονος, 51 [2];<br />

Μάρ(κος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Πυ[θόδωρ]ος, 52;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Τοϋφος Τούφου, 53:<br />

Αύρ(ηλίω) Τούφω, 53 [1]; Μ(αρκον)<br />

Αύρ(ήλιον) [Το]ϋφον [Τ]ούφου, 53 [2];<br />

[Α]ύρ(ήλιον) Τοϋφον Τούφου, 53 [3];<br />

[Μ(άρκος) Α]ύρ(ήλιος) Σα[τορ]νε|Χν]ος Αικιννιανοϋ,<br />

54; Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωκράτης<br />

Αικιννιανοϋ, 55; Αυρήλιος Σώστρατος, 56;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αυρήλιος Σώστρατος, 57; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωτήρας (Ι), 58; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωτήρας (Π), 59; [Αύρήλι]ος Στρατήγιος<br />

ô Σωστράτου, 269; Αύρ(ήλιος) Τρόφιμος,<br />

60; Αύρ(ήλιος) Τρόφ[ι]μος, 61; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Τρύφων ό Διοφάντου, 62;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Τύχ[ανδρος (?)], 63<br />

COR: [- - -] Aur(elius) [- - -], 99; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Α[ ], 100; *Aur(elius) Dionysius,<br />

101; *Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύτυχιανός, 102; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Μενέδημος, 103; Aurelius Nestor, 104; (Aurelius)<br />

Theoprepes, 586 adn.<br />

EL: Αύρή[λιος —], 62; [Μ(άρκος)<br />

Α]ύρή[(λιος) ], 63; Μ(άρκος) Α[ύρ(ήλιος) -<br />

- -], 64; Αύρ(ήλιος) Άβάσκαντος Ζωΐλου, 65;<br />

Αύ(ρήλιος) Αλέξανδρος (Αλεξάνδρου) Ίαμίδης,<br />

66: [Αλέξα]νδρος (Αλεξάνδρου) Ίαμίδης,<br />

66 [1]; Αύ(ρήλιος) Αλέξανδρος (Αλεξάνδρου)<br />

[Ί]αμίδης, 66 [2]; [Αύ(ρήλιος) Αλέξανδρος<br />

(Αλεξάνδρου) Ίαμ]ίδης, 66 [3]; Αύ(ήλιος)<br />

Αλφειός Σόφωνος, 67: Αύ(ρήλιος) Αλφειός<br />

Σόφωνος, 67 [1]; Αλφ(ε)ιό[ς Σόφωνος] 67 [2] ;<br />

Αυρήλιος Άρ[—], 68; [Αύρ(ήλιος)] Άρτέμων,<br />

69; Αύρ(ήλιος) Ά[ρτ]έμων, 70; [Αύ]ρ(ήλιος)<br />

Αττικός, 71; Αύρ(ήλιος) Βασιλείδης, 72;<br />

Μάρ(κος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Κάλλων, 73; Αύ(ρήλιος)


Κλεόμαχος (Κλεομάχου) Κλυτιάδης, 74;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύκαρπίδης, 75; [Μάρ(κος)]<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύκαρπίδης Ζωπύρο[υ], 76;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύτύχης, 77; Μάρκος Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Ηλιόδωρος [Ήλιοδ]ώρου, 78; Μ(άρκος) Αυρήλιος<br />

Έλληνοκράτης, 79: Μ(αρκος) Αυρήλιος<br />

Έλληνοκράτης Φ., 79 [1]; [Αύρ(ήλιος) Έλληνο]κράτης,<br />

79 [2]; [Μ(άρκος) Αύρή]λιος Έρμήνιο[ς],<br />

80; Μ(άρκος) Αύ(ρήλιος) Ύγεινος, 81:<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Ύγείνος, 81 [1], [4]; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Αύ(ρήλιος) Ύγείνος, 81 [2]; [Αύ(ρήλιος)<br />

Ύγεΐν]ος, 81 [3]; Αύ(ρήλιος) 'Ιουλιανός Πρείμου,<br />

82; Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Μαρκιανός, 83;<br />

Αύ(ρήλιος) Μητρόβιος Σωτηρίχου, 84;<br />

Αύ(ρήλιος) Νεικηφόρος (Νεικηφόρου), 85;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Νεοκλής Βασιλείδου, 86;<br />

Αύ(ρήλιος) "Ολυμπος Διονείκου Κλυτιάδης, 87;<br />

Αύ(ρήλιος) Όνησίφορος Κλεομάχου, 88;<br />

[Αύρή]λιος Πυ[θίων Ίαμίδης], 89; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Σεπτίμιος Απολλώνιος, 90; Αύρ(ήλιος) Στρατόνεικος,<br />

91; Μάρκος Αυρήλιος Σότηρος<br />

[Σοτή]ρου, 92; Αύρ(ήλιος) Ζήθος, 93;<br />

[Μάρ(κος) Α]ύρ(ήλιος) Ζώπυρος, 94;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Ζώπυρος Ζωπύρου, 95<br />

Autronius<br />

COR: Autron[ius - - -], 105<br />

Avillius<br />

COR: A[vil]lius, 21 adn.<br />

Axia<br />

ACH: Axia L(ucii) l(iberta) Megiste, 49<br />

Axius<br />

ACH: L(ucius) (Axius), 47<br />

B[- - -]<br />

COR: M(arcus) B[- - -], 660<br />

Ba[- - -] /Ba[- - -]<br />

ACH: Ba[-ca. 4-] Cn(aei) f(ilia) Postuma, 51; see<br />

Babbia<br />

COR: Αντώνιος Βα[- - -], 58<br />

Babbia<br />

ACH: Ba[bbia], 51 adn.<br />

COR: Babbia, 106<br />

Babbius<br />

COR: [- - -] Babbius [- - -], 107; [.] Babbius, 108;<br />

[C]n(aeus) Babbi[us - - -], 109; [Cn(aeus)]<br />

Babbius Cn. f. Aem(ilia) [I]talic[us], 110;<br />

Cn(aeus) Babbius Philinus, 111: Cn. Babbius<br />

Philinus, [1A]; Cn. Ba[bbius Thilinus], 111 [2];<br />

553<br />

Cn. Babbius [Thilinus], 111 [3]; Cn. Babbi[us<br />

Thilinus], 111 [4]; [Cn.] Babbius T[hilinus], 111<br />

[5]; Cn. Babbius Thilin[us], 111 [6] [C]n. Babbius<br />

Thilinus, 111 [7]; [Cn. Babbius Thilinujs, 111 [8];<br />

Cn. [Babbio] Thilin[o], 111 [9]; [- - - Ba]bbius<br />

[. f. Qui]r(ina) Piu[s] (?), 112<br />

Baebia/Βαιβία<br />

COR: Cornel(ia) Baebia, 202<br />

EL: Άντωνία Βαιβία, 20; Κλ(αυδία) Βαιβία<br />

Βαιβιανή Κλ(αυδίου) Δημητρίου θυγάτηρ, 116;<br />

Βαιβία Πρόκλα Καικιλίου Πρόκλου και Άντω-<br />

νίας Πώλλης θυγάτηρ καί Φλαβίου Λεωνίδου<br />

γυνή, 96<br />

Βαιβιανή<br />

EL: Κλ(αυδία) Βαιβία Βαιβιανή Κλ(αυδίου)<br />

Δημητρίου θυγάτηρ, 116<br />

Βαίβιος<br />

ARC: *Κόιντος Βαίβιος Κοΐντου υίός, 53: Κόιντον<br />

Βαίβιον Κοΐντου υίόν Τωμαΐον, 53 [1];<br />

Κόιντον [- ca. 6- Κοΐ]ντου υίόν, 53 [2]<br />

Balbus<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Doius L(ucii) f(ilius) Quir(ina)<br />

Balbus, 91<br />

Banausis<br />

COR: Publicia Banausis, 498<br />

Βάρβαρος<br />

ARG: *(Μάρκος) Ούετουληνός Σέξ(του) υίος<br />

Κυρί(ναι) Κείβικας Βάρβαρος, 263<br />

EL: *[Μ(άρκος) Ούετουληνός Κείβικας]<br />

Βά[ρβαρος], 335<br />

Barbatius<br />

COR: M(arcus) (Barbatius), 113; [M(arcus)]<br />

Barbatius M. [f.] Ae[m](ilia) Celer, 114; *M.<br />

Barbatius Pollio, 114 adn.<br />

Bas(s)il(l)a<br />

COR: Iulia Basila, 322; Bastila, 322 adn.;<br />

Bassilla, 322 adn.<br />

Βασιλάς<br />

ARG: *Τ(ίτος) Έλο[ύιος Βασιλάς], 134<br />

Βασιλείδης<br />

EL: Αύρ(ήλιος) Βασιλείδης, 72<br />

Βασίλιος<br />

ACH: Βασίλιος (Βασιλίου), 52<br />

Bassus/Βάσσος<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Iul(ius) Bassus, 134; T(itus)<br />

Prif[ernius Sex(ti) f(ilius) QJuir(ina) Paetus<br />

[Rosianus Gemi]nus Laecan[ius Bassus (?)], 198;<br />

C(aius) Aurelius C(aii) f(ilius) Bassus, 46<br />

ARC: Βάσσος, 54; Γέλλιος Βάσσος, 83

ARG: Βάσσος Άλκίδου, 64; Μάνιος Γέλλιος<br />

Βάσσος, 132; Γ(άιος) Ί(ούλιος) Βάσσος, 142<br />

COR: *Q(uintus) Granius Q. f. Bassus, 302;<br />

M(arcus) Novius Bassus, 432<br />

Bellius<br />

COR: M(arcus) Bellius Proculus, 115<br />

Benignus<br />

COR: C(aius) Curtius Benignus, 238; C(aius)<br />

C[urtius] C. fil. [—] Benig[n]us Iuventianus,<br />

239<br />

Betutia<br />

ACH: Betutia T(iti) L(iberta) Philete, 53<br />

Betutius<br />

ACH: T(itus) (Betutius), 54<br />

Bilia<br />

COR: Iulia Bilia [- - -], 323<br />

Billien[- - -]<br />

ACH: Billien[- - -], 55; L(ucius) Billien[- - -], 56<br />

Βλαστός<br />

ARG: Τ(ίτος) Αΐλ(ιος) Βλαστός, 6; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Βλαστός, 39<br />

COR: Μ(άρκος) Άντώνι[ος] Βλαστός, 59<br />

Βράχυλλος<br />

EL: Π(όπλιος) Έγνάτιος Βράχυ[λλος], 179<br />

Bractice<br />

COR: Clodia Bractice, 186<br />

Βραδούας<br />

EL: *Μ(άρκος) Άππιος Βραδούας, 50;<br />

*Μ(άρκος) Άτείλιος Άττι[κός] Βραδούας<br />

Τήγιλλος, Ήρώδου και Τηγίλλης υίός, 57<br />

Βοΰρρος<br />

COR: *Γ(άιος) Άντίσ[τιος Βοϋρ]ρος, 29<br />

C[- - -]/Κ[- - -]<br />

COR: Κ[- - -] Άτ[ - - -], 117; Q(uintus) C[- - -] I<br />

[ ]uli [---], 118<br />

EL: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύ[δι]ος Κ[- - -], 145<br />

Κακούριος<br />

ARG: Κ(όιντος) Κακούριος Καισέννιος, 65<br />

Καικιλιανός<br />

EL: [Φλ]άβιος Καικιλι[α]νός, 195<br />

Caecilius/Καικίλιος/Καικέλιος<br />

ACH: L(ucius) Caecilius, 57; L(ucius) Caecilius<br />

L(ucii) f(ilius) Macer, 58<br />

ARG: *Q. Caecilius C. f. Metellus, 66; Κ(όιντος)<br />

Καικίλιος Κ(οΐντου) υίος Σωτήριχος, 67<br />

COR: Q(uintus) Caecilius Niger, 119<br />

EL: *Κόιντος Καικέλιος Κοΐντου Μέτελλος,<br />

97; Καικίλιος Πρόκλος, 98; Λ(ούκιος) Καικί-<br />


554<br />

λιος Φοίβος [ό] και Έφηβος, 99<br />

Καικίλος<br />

ACH: Τ(ίτος) Φλ(άβιος) Καικίλος<br />

Κρισπέϊνος, 108<br />

Caelius<br />

COR: *C(aius) Caelius C. fil. Ouf(entina)<br />

Martialis, 121<br />

Caesennia<br />

COR: Caesennia Lais, 122<br />

Caesennius/Καισέννιος<br />

ARG: Κ(όιντος) Κακούριος Καισέννιος, 65<br />

COR: P(ublius) Caesennius Thamyris, 123<br />

Caesius<br />

COR: A. Caesius Malch[- - -], 124<br />

Caetronia<br />

ACH: Caetronia Quinta, 59;<br />

Caetronia Veneria, 60<br />

Καφατία<br />

ACH: Καφατία, 61<br />

Γαι[- - -]<br />

COR: Γαι[. . .]AI, 125<br />

Caius/Γάιος<br />

ACH: Γά[ιος (?)], 62; C(aius) Apolli(- - -), 31<br />

ARC: Γά(ιος), 55; Ίούλ(ιος) Γάιος, 98<br />

ARG: Γάιος, 68, Γάιος, 69; *Γά[ι]ος (=c.<br />

Popillius Laenas), 218; Γάιος Δαμοσθέ[νους], 70<br />

COR: Γ(άιος) Αλέξανδρος ΓΟ [3-4]ΟΔΟ[- - -],<br />

116; C(aius) [- - -], 661; Γάιο[ς], 685<br />

EL: Γάιος Γάίου, 100; Γάιος [Γαΐο]υ, 101; Γάιος<br />

Μουσαίου, 102; [Γάιο]ς [—]ιος Κοΐ[ντου υιός<br />

- - -], 103; Γ(άιος) Μο[- - -], 104<br />

Calamus<br />

ACH: C(aius) Iuli(us) Calamus, 135<br />

Calandio<br />

ACH: Calandio, 277<br />

Calendio<br />

COR: [- - - Qalendio, 126<br />

Γαληνός<br />

COR: Γαληνός, 686; see also Galenus<br />

Καλλέας<br />

ARG: Γν(αιος) Πομπήιος Κλεοσθένους υιός<br />

Καλλέας, 205<br />

Calliana<br />

COR: Call[i]ana Hilara, 127<br />

Καλλιγένης<br />

EL: Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Καλλιγένης (I), 146;<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Καλλιγένης (Π), 147<br />

Καλλίνεικος<br />

EL: [ΑΙ]λ(ιος) Καλλίνεικος, 8<br />

Κάλλιππος<br />

EL: [Φ]λ(άβιος) Κάλλιππος, 196; Κάλλιππος

Πισανός, 299<br />

Callistus/Κάλλιστος<br />

ARG: L(ucius) Naevius Callistus, 195: Naevius<br />


Callistus [1], [Naejvius Callistus [2], [L. Naevius<br />

Calflistus and L. Naevius Callistus [3], L. Naevi<br />

Callisti [4]<br />

EL: Γ(άιος) Μ[ε]λφέννιος Κάλλιστος, 272<br />

Καλλώ<br />

EL: Άντωνία Καλλώ, 21<br />

Κάλλων<br />

EL: Μάρ(κος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Κάλλων, 73<br />

Κάλλουσα<br />

ARC: 'Ιουλία Κάλλουσα, 90<br />

Calpetana: Calpetana Magna, 128<br />

Calpetanus<br />

COR: M(arcus) Calpetanus Corinthus, 129;<br />

Calpetanus Ianuarius, 130; Ca[l]pet[anus], 256<br />

adn. and 455 adn.<br />

Καλπουρνία<br />

COR: Καλπουρνία Φροντείνα, 131<br />

Calpurnius/Καλιπόρνιος<br />

COR: *P[ublius] Calpu[rnius] [. f(ilius)]<br />

Croto[nensis], 132; *[L. C]alpu[rnius] [Pr]o[clus],<br />

54 adn.; [L. Pr]o[clus C]alpu[rnius], 54 adn.<br />

EL: *Κόιντος Καλιπόρνιος Γαΐου υίός, 105; L.<br />

Calpurnius Piso, 15 adn.<br />

Cam[- - -]<br />

COR: P(ublius) P[uticius] Cam[- - -], 520<br />

Camus<br />

ARG: L(ucius) Aelius Camus, 7<br />

Candidus/Κάνδιδος<br />

COR: M(arcus) Acilius Candidus, 5<br />

EL: Γάιος Κάνδιδο[ς —] or Γάιος Κανδίδο[υ<br />

- - -], 106<br />

Cania<br />

ACH: Cania Aresqus[a], 63<br />

Caninia<br />

COR: Can[inia] Donet[a], 133<br />

Caninius/Kαv(ε)ίvιoς<br />

ACH: Πόπλιο[ς] Κανείνιος Άγρίπ[πας], 64;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Κανείνιος Ζήνων, 65<br />

ARG: *Γάλλος Κανί[νιος - - -], 71<br />

COR: L(ucius) Caninius Agrippa, 134; *P(ublius)<br />

Caninius Alexiadae f. Co(llina) Agrippa, 135: P.<br />

Caninio Alexiadae f. Agrippae, 135 [1]; [T.<br />

Ca]ninio Alexiad. f. Co. [Agripjpae, 135 [2]; [P.<br />

Caninijus Alexia[dae f. Co(llina) Agrippa], 135<br />

[3]; L. Caninius Gallus, 135 adn.; M(arcus)<br />

Ca[ninius Rufus] (I), 136; M(arcus) [Caninius]<br />

Rufus (II), 137; Κανείνιος Σο[- - -], 138; [P.<br />

555<br />

Caninius P. li]b(ertus) Strab, 139<br />

Canius/Κάνιος<br />

ACH: C(aius) Canius S[- - -], 66<br />

COR: Λούκιος Κάν[ι]ος, 140<br />

EL: Γ(άιος) Κάνιος Τοϋφος, 107: [Το]ϋφος<br />

Τούφου, 107 [1]; Γ(άιος) Κάνιο[ς Τοϋφος],<br />

107 [2]; Γ(άιος) Κάνιος Τοϋφος Φ., 107 [3];<br />

[Γ(άιος) Κάνιος Τ]οϋφος Φ., 107 [4]<br />

Κανουλλήιος<br />

ARG: [Κανο(?)]υλλήιος Αττικός, 72<br />

Capito<br />

ARG: C(aius) Iulius Capito, 143<br />

COR: Q(uintus) Publicius Capito, 505;<br />

C(aius) Vergilius C. f. Aem(ilia) Capito<br />

f. (I), 617; C(aius) Vergilius C. f. Aem(ilia)<br />

Capito f. (II), 618<br />

Caristanius<br />

COR: *C(aius) Caristanius<br />

[. f. Ser(gia) I]ulianus, 141<br />

Carpetanus<br />

COR: Q. Fab[ius] Q. f. [- - -] Carpet[anus], 256<br />

Carpi(us)<br />

ACH: Carpi(us), 277<br />

Carpus<br />

ARC: Γέλλιος Κάρπος, 84<br />

Κάρος<br />

ARG: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Κάρος Φλαουιανός,<br />

85<br />

Cas(- - -)<br />

COR: L. Cas., 142<br />

Casperianus<br />

COR: Ca[s]pe[rianus], Casper[ianus], 256 adn.<br />

Cassia/ Κασ(σ)ία<br />

ACH: [Κασ]σία Σε[κο]υνδίλλα, 67<br />

ARG: Κασία, 73<br />

EL: Κασσία Μ[άρκου Β]ετληνοΰ Λαίτου<br />

θ[υγάτη]ρ, 108; Άπρία Κασσία, 52; Βετληνή<br />

Κασσία Χρυσαρέτα, 332: [Βετ]ληνή Κασ[σί]α<br />

Χρυσαρέτα, 332 [1]; Βετληνής Κασσίας Χρυσαρέτας,<br />

332 [2]<br />

Κασσιανός<br />

EL: Α(ούκιος) Πομπήιος Κρατερός Κασσιανός,<br />

302<br />

Cassius/Κάσσιος<br />

ACH: Q(uintus) Cassius Euprepes, 68;<br />

[Κάσ]σιος Εύπρπή[ς], 69<br />

COR: 142 adn.; Γ(άιος) Κάσσιος, 143; Γ(άιος)<br />

Κάσσιος Γ. ύός Φλάκκος, 144<br />

EL: Κάσσιος, 109; Κάσσιο[ς] Οίνεύς Πολυκράτους,<br />

109 adn.; Κάσσιος Βέγετος, 110: Κάσσιος

Βέγ[ετος], 110 [1]; [Κάσσ]ιος Βέγετος 110 [2];<br />

[Κάσσιο]ς Βέγ[ετος], 110 [3]; Κά(σσιος) Βέγετος,<br />

110 [4]; Γ(άιος) Κάσσιος Βέγετος, 111:<br />

Κάσιος Βέ[γετος], 111 [1]; Βέγετος Κ[.....]ου,<br />

111 [2]; Γ(άιος) Κάσσιος [Βέγετος], 111 [3];<br />

[Κάσσ]ιος Βέγετος, 111 [4]; Κάσσ(ιος) Βέγετος,<br />

111 [5]; [Κάσ(σιος) Βέ]γετος, 111 [6]; Κάσσιος<br />

Βέγε[τος], 111 [7]; Κάσ(σιος) Βέγετος, 111 [8];<br />

Κάσσιος Βέγ[ετος], 111 [9]; [Κάσσιος Βέγ]ετος,<br />

111 [10]<br />

Castricius<br />

COR: [L(ucius)] (Castricius), 145; [L(ucius)<br />

Castriciu]s [L. f. - - -] Reg[ulus] (I), 146: [L.<br />

Castricio. f. Regulo], 146 [1]; [Castriciu]s<br />

Reg[ulus], 146 [2]; [L(ucius) Castri]cius<br />

Regulus, 147<br />

Cav[- - -]<br />

COR: L(ucius) Cav[- - -], 148<br />

Ce[- - -]<br />

COR: [- - - S]puri f. [Ae]m(ilia) Ce[- - -], 149<br />

Celer<br />

COR: [M(arcus)] Barbatius M. [f.] Ae[m](ilia)<br />

Celer, 114<br />

Καιλήριος<br />

COR: Καιλήριος Κλάρος, 120<br />

Κελεστινιανός<br />

ARC: Κελεστινιανός Σόλωνος, 56<br />

Celsus<br />

COR: L(ucius) Hermidius Celsus, 314<br />

Κηνσωρείνα<br />

ACH: (Μαρκία) [Κην]σωρείνα [(Μαρκίου)<br />

Κηνσωρείν]ου θυγάτη[ρ Σεμπρωνίου]<br />

Άτρατε[ίνου γυνή], 161<br />

Censorinus/ΚηνσωρεΙνος<br />

ACH: *(Α. Μάρκιος) [Κηνσωρειν]ος, 164<br />

COR: [— Qensorinus, 150; Cocceius<br />

Censorinus, 150 adn.; *L. Marcius Censorinus,<br />

150 adn.<br />

Cerialis<br />

COR: *C(aius) Ceri[alis], 151<br />

Certus<br />

COR: (L.) Aeficius Certus, 10<br />

Κεστιανός<br />

COR: Πεδουκαΐος Κεστιανός, 471<br />

Χάραξ<br />

ACH: *Α(ΰλος) Κλ(αύδιος) Χάραξ, 71<br />

Χαρεινος<br />

ARG: Μ(άρκος) Πομπήι[ο]ς Χ[α]ρεΧνος, 206<br />

Χαρίξενος<br />

ARG: [Αύρ(ήλιος) ? Χ]αρίξενος (Ι) Κελάδου,<br />


556<br />

40; [Α]ύρ(ήλιος) Χαρίξενος (Π) [Αύρ(ηλίου) ?<br />

Χ]αριξένου τοϋ Κελάδου υίός, 41<br />

Chilo<br />

COR: P(ublius) Tadius Chilo, 579<br />

Χρηματίνη<br />

ARG: Αύρ(ηλία) Χρηματίνη, 28<br />

Χρύσανθος<br />

ACH: 'Οκτάβιος Χρύσανθος, 180<br />

Χρυσαρέτα<br />

EL: 'Ιουλία Χρυσαρέτα, 227; Βετληνή Κασσία<br />

Χρυσαρέτα, 332: [Βετ]ληνή Κασ[σί]α<br />

Χρυσαρέτα 332 [1], Βετληνής Κασσίας Χρυσαρέτας<br />

332 [2]<br />

Cispuleius<br />

COR: Q(uintus) (Cispuleius), 152; Q(uintus)<br />

Cispuleius Q. 1. Primus, 153: Q. Cispuleio Q. 1.<br />

Trimo 153 [1]; Q. Cispul[ei]u[s Tri]mu[s] 153 [2];<br />

Q(uintus) Cispuleius Q. f. Aem(ilia)<br />

Theophilus, 154<br />

Cissus<br />

ACH: L(ucius) Durcatius L(ucii) lib(ertus)<br />

Cissus, 97<br />

Κείβικας<br />

ARG: *(Μάρκος) Ούετουληνός Σέξ(του) υίός<br />

Κυρί(ναι) Κείβικας Βάρβαρος, 263<br />

EL: *[Μ(άρκος) Ούετουληνός Κείβικας]<br />

Βά[ρβαρος], 335<br />

Cla[- - -]<br />

COR: [- - -] Cla[- - -], 663<br />

Κλάρος<br />

COR: Καιλήριος Κλάρος, 120<br />

Claudia/Κλαυδία<br />

ARC: Κλαυδία Έπιγόνη, 57; Τιβ(ερία) Κλαυδία<br />

Ίουλίτ(τ)η, 58: Κλαυδίας Ίουλίτης, 58 [1];<br />

Τιβ(ερίας) Κλα[υ]δίας Ίουλίττης, 58 [2]<br />

ARG: Κλαυδία, 74; [Κ]λαυδία Τιβ(ερίου)<br />

Κλαυδίου Πολυκράτους θυγατέρα Δαμαρώ, 75;<br />

Κλαυδί[α] Δαμέα θυγατέρα Λαφάντα, 76;<br />

Κλαυδία Όλυ[μπ]ία, 77; Κλαυδία Φιλομάθια,<br />

78; Κλαυδί[α- - -] or Κλαύδι[ος - - -], 81<br />

EL: [— Κλαυ]δία, 112; [Βετ]ουληνή<br />

Κλαυ[δία], 333; Μαρκία Κλαυδία Άλκία Αθήναις<br />

Γαβιδία Λατιαρία Ήρώδου καί Τηγίλλης<br />

θυγάτηρ, 113; Κλαυδία Άλκιν[όα] Κλαυδίου<br />

θεογένους καί 'Ιουλίας Χρυσαρέτας θυγάτηρ<br />

και Λουκίου Βετληνοϋ Φλώρου γυνή, 114;<br />

Κλαυδία Άριστομάντις, 115; Κλ(αυδία) Βαιβία<br />

Βαιβιανή Κλ(αυδίου) Δημητρίου θυγάτηρ, 116;<br />

Κλαυδία Κλεοδίκη, 117; Κλαυδία Δαμοξένα,<br />

118; Λουκηνή Κλαυδία Μνασιθέα Κ(λαυδίου)


Λουκηνοϋ Σαικλάρου καί Βετληνής Κασσίας<br />

Χρυσαρέτας θυγάτηρ, 250; Claudia Tisamenis,<br />

adn. 143 and 144; Κλαυδία Τύχη Τιβ(ερίου)<br />

Κλαυδίου Τερτύλλου καί Αιμιλίας Φιλοξένας<br />

θυγάτηρ,119<br />

Claudianus/Κλαυδιανός<br />

ARG: Κλαυδιανός (see Τιβ. Ιούλιος Σιάνθου<br />

υιός Κλαυδιανός), 144; Κλαυδιανός, 79<br />

COR: [- - -] Claudia[nus], 155; Κλ(αύδιος)<br />

[Κλα]υ[δ]ιανός Εύ[πυ]ρίδης Κλ(αυδίου)<br />

Μινουκιανοϋ υίός, 171; [.] Πομπήιος<br />

Κλαυδιαν[ός], 484<br />

EL: Κλαυδια[νός], 120<br />

Claudius/Κλαύδιος<br />

ACH: Clau[dius] T(iti) f(ilius) Qu[ir(ina) - - -],<br />

70; Α(ύλος) Κλ(αύδιος) Χάραξ, 71; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

[Κλαύδιος Τ]οϋφος, 72; Ti(berius) Claudius<br />

Satyrus, 73<br />

ARC: Κλ(αύδιος) [- - -], 59; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος,<br />

60; Κλαύ(διος) Άλυπος, 61; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλαύδιος Άμυκος, 62; Ti(berius) Claudius<br />

Antipater and Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Αντίπατρος<br />

ARC 62a; (Κλαύδιος) Αττικός, 63; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλαύδιος Ευρώτας, 64; Κλ(αύδιος) Έλενος,<br />

65; (Κλαύδιος) "Ιππαρχος, 66, 63 adn.; Cn.<br />

Claudius Leonticus, 83 adn.; Κλ(άυδιος) Νεικόστρατος,<br />

67; Κλ(αύδιος) Φιλάριστος, 68;<br />

[Τιβ(έριος)] Κλαύδιος Πο[λύξ]ενος, 69;<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Πρώτος, 70; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλαύδι[ος] Σεκοϋνδος, 71; Κλαύδιος Σύμφορος,<br />

72; Κλαύδιος Τείμανδρος, 73<br />

ARG: Κλ[αύδιος - - -], 80; Κλαύδι[ος - - -] or<br />

ΚλαυδίΓα- - -], 81; Κλαύδιος, 82; Τι(βέριος)<br />

Κλαύδι(ος), 83; Τι(βέριος) Κλαύδιος Αντίγονος,<br />

84: Τι(βέριος) Κλαύδιος Αντίγονος, 84 [1];<br />

Τι[β(ερίου) Κλ]αυδίου Αντιγόνου, 84 [2];<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Κάρος Φλαουιανός, 85;<br />

Κλαύδιος Κλ(ε)οσσ[—], 86; [Τιβέρι]ος<br />

Κλάυδ[ιος Δι(?)]ογένης, 87; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Διοδότου υίός Διόδοτος, 88; [Τ]ιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλαύδιος Φλαβίου Τερτίου υίό[ς Τ]έρτιος Φλαβιανός,<br />

89; *[Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Φροντεΐνος],<br />

90; *[Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Τιβερίου Φροντείνου<br />

υιός Κυρείνα Φροντεΐνος] Νεική[ρατ]ο[ς], 91;<br />

*Γν(αιος) Κλαύδιος Λεοντικός, 92; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλαύδι[ος] Μενεκλής, 93; [Τιβέριο]ς Κλαύδιος<br />

Εύνόμου υίος Νικοτέλης, 94: Τι(βέριος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Εύνόμου υιός Νικοτέ[λης], 94 [1]; [Τιβέριο]ς<br />

Κλαύδιος Εύνόμου υίος Νικοτέλης, 94<br />

[2]; [Νικο]τέλης 94 [3]; Τ[ι]β(έριος) Κλαύδιος<br />

557<br />

Παϋλος, 95; Τ[ι]β(έριος) Κλαύδιος Φαιδρίας,<br />

96: Φα[ι]δρίου, 96 [1]; Τιβ(έριοι) Κλαύδιοι Φαιδρίας<br />

καί Παϋλος, 96 [2]; [Φ]αιδ[ρ]ίας, 96 [3];<br />

Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Φιλόξενος, 97; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλαύδιος Πωλλίων, 98; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Πολυκράτης, 99: Κλαύδιος Πολυκρ[ά]της, 99<br />

[1]; Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Πολυκράτους, 99 [2];<br />

[Κ]λαύδιος Προκλια[νός], 100; Κλ(αύδιος)<br />

'Ρητορικός, 101; Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος)<br />

Σευήρος, 102: Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(άυδιος) Σευή[ρος],<br />

102 [1], Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Σευήρος, 102 [2];<br />

[Κλ]αύδιος Τειμ[- - -], 103; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Τυχικός, 104: Τι(βερίου) Κλαυδίου Τυχικοϋ,<br />

104 [1]; Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Τυχικοϋ, 104<br />

[2a]; [Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδί]ου [Τυχικοϋ], 104 [2b];<br />

Κλαυδίου Τυχικοϋ, 104 [3]; [- - -]ικός, 104 [4];<br />

Γάιος Κλαύδιος Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Τυχικοϋ<br />

υίός Τυ[χικός], 105: [Γ(άιον)] Κλαύδιον<br />

Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Τυχικοϋ υίόν Τυ[χικόν],<br />

105 [a]; Γ(άιον) Κλα[ύδιον Τιβ(ερίου)<br />

Κλαυδί]ου [Τυχικοϋ υίόν] Τυ[χι]κ[όν], 105 [b];<br />

Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Φαιδρίου υίος Ξενοκλής (Ι),<br />

106: Τυβέρ[ι]ος (sic) Κλαύδιος Φα[ι]δρίου υιός<br />

Ξενοκλής, 106 [1]; Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Ξενοκλέους,<br />

106 [2]; Τι(βέριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Ξενοκλής<br />

(II), 107<br />

COR: [.] (Claudius), 156; P(ublius) (Claudius),<br />

157; Ti(berius) Qlaudius - - -], 158; [Ti(berius)]<br />

Cl[audius], 159, [Ti.] Cl[audio] 159 adn.;<br />

Ti(berius) Cl[audius - - -], 160; Ti(berius)<br />

Cla[udius - - -], 161; Ti(berius) Cla[udius - - -],<br />

162; [T]i(berius) Clau[dius - - -], 163;<br />

ΓΤ]ιβ(έριος) Κλαύ[(διος) - - -], 164; [Τιβ. Κλαύδιος<br />

[- - -], 165; Ti(berius) Claudius [- - -], 166;<br />

Ti[berius] Claudius Anaxilas, 167; Ti(berius)<br />

Claudius Anaxilaus, 168; *Ti(berius) Claudius Ti.<br />

Claudi Hipparchi f. Quir(ina) Atticus, 169: Ti.<br />

Claudio Ti. Claudi Hipparchi f. Qu t. Attico, 169<br />

[ΙΑ]; Ti. Claudio Ti. Qlaudi] Hippar[chi f. Quir.<br />

A]t[tico], 169 [IB]; Ti. C[l. Attjici, 169 [2];<br />

*Ti(berius) Claudius P. f. Fab(ia) Dinippus, 170:<br />

Ti. Claudio T. f. Fab. Dinippo, 170 [1]; Ti.<br />

Claudio T. f. [Fab.] Dinippo, 170 [2]; ; [Ti.<br />

Claudijo T. [f. Fab. Dinippo], 170 [4]; [Ti.]<br />

Claudi[oP. f. Fab.] Dinippo, 170 [5]; Ti. Claudio<br />

T. f. Fab. Dinippo], 170 [6]; Ti. Claudio T. f.<br />

[Fab.] Dinippo, 170 [7]; [Ti. Claudi]oT f. [Fab.<br />

Dinippo], 170 [8]; [Ti.] Claudio Τ f. [Fab.<br />

Dinippo], 170 [9]; [Ti. Claudio Τ f. Fab.<br />

Dinippo], 170 [10]; [Ti. Claudi Din]ippi, 170

[11]; [Ti. Claudi Dinijppi, 170 [12]; Κλ(αύδιος)<br />

[Κλα]υ[δ]ιανός Εύ[πυ]ρίδης Κλ(αυδίου)<br />

Μινουκιανοϋ υίός, 171; Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος)<br />

Φα[- - -], 172; Ti(berius) Cl[audius<br />

Her]mox[e]nus, 173; *Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Ηρώδης Αττικός, 174: Ηρώδης, 174 [1], [4];<br />

[Άττικ]ός Ηρώδης, 174 [2]; Tib. Claudius<br />

Herodes Atticus, 260 adn. and 545 adn.;<br />

Ti(berius) Claudius Hipparchus, 175; [Κλαύδιος]<br />

'Ιλλυριός, 176; [Τιβ(έριος)] Κλαύδιος Μάξιμος,<br />

177: [Τιβ. Κ]λαυδίου Μαξίμου, 177 [1]; [Τιβ.]<br />

Κλαυδίου Μαξίμο[υ], 177 [2]; [Τιβ. Κ]λαυδίου<br />

Μαξίμου, 177 [3]; [Τιβ(έριος)] Κλαύδιος Μάξιμος<br />

[Νεώτερος], 178; Κλ(αύδιος) Μινουκιανός,<br />

179; Ti(berius) Claudius Optatus, 180; Ti(berius)<br />

Claudius Primigenius, 181; [Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλα]ύδιος Σπηράτος, 182; Ti(berius) Claudius<br />

Stephanus, 183; [..] Claudi[us] [.. f.] Qu[ir(ina)]<br />

Valer [ianus], 184<br />

EL: [Κλ]αύδ[ιος - - -], 121; [Κ]λαύ[διος - - -],<br />

122; [Κ]λ[α]ύδ[ιος - - -], 123; [Κ]λαύδ[ιος - - -],<br />

124; [Τιβ(έριος)] Κλαύδιος [- - -], 125;<br />

ΓΤιβ(έριος)] Κλαύ[διος - - -], 126; [Τιβ(έριος)]<br />

Κλαύδ[ιος - - -], 127; [Τι]β(έριος) ΚλΓαύδιος<br />

- - -], 128; ΓΤι]β(έριος) Κλ[αύδιος - - -], 129;<br />

Τ(ιβέριος) Κλ[αύδιος - - -], 130; ΓΤι](βέριος)<br />

Κλ[αύδιος —]ανα[—] υίός, 131; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλαύ[διος — Ίαμίδης], 132; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλ(αύδιος) [—ι]ος, 133; Τιβ(έριος) Κλα[ύδιος<br />

— Κλυτιάδης], 134; Κλαύδ[ιος —]ος, 135;<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Αγίας Λύσωνος , 136:<br />

Κλαυ[δίο]υ Αγία, 136 [1], Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου<br />

Αγία, 136 [2], Τιβ(έριον) Κλαύδιον Αγίαν, 136<br />

[3], Αγίας [Αύσωνος], [Α]γίας Αύ[σ]ω[ν]ος Π.,<br />

Α[ύσων Αγία], 136 [4]; Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος<br />

Άφροδείσιος, 137; Claudius Apollonios, 162<br />

adn.; Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Απολλώνιος Απολλώνιου,<br />

138: Απολλ[ώ]νιος Απολλώνιου ϋός<br />

Ηλείος ό καί Τιβέριος [Κλ]αύδιος, 138 [1];<br />

Τι[βέριος Κ]λαύδιος Απολλώνιου υίος ô καί<br />

Απολλών[ιος], 138 [2]; Απολλώνιον Απολλώνιου<br />

τον καί Τιβέριον, 138 [3]; Τι(βέριος)<br />

[Κ]λαύδιος Άρ [ Άρ]τεμά, 139; Τι(βέριος)<br />

[Κ]λαύδιος Άρ[τεμάς Άρ]τεμά, 139 adn.;<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Άριστέας, 140; *Κλαύδιος<br />

Αριστοκλής, 141; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Αριστομένης,<br />

142; *[Τι(βέριος) Κ]λαύδιος Άττ[ικό]ς<br />

Ήρώδη[ς] [Ίπ]πάρχο[υ], 143: Α[ττ]ι[κ]ο[ϋ],<br />

143 [1]; [Τι. Κ]λαύδιον Αττ[ικό]ν Ήρώδη[ν]<br />

[Ίπ]πάρχο[υ], 143 [2]; *Λ(ούκιος) Βιβούλλιος<br />


558<br />

"Ιππαρχος Τι(βέριος) Κλαύδιος Αττικός Ηρώδης<br />

(s. also Ηρώδης), 144: [Τιβ(έριον) Κλαύδιον]<br />

Ήρ[ώ]δη, 144 [1]; [Τιβερί]ου [Κλαυδί]ου<br />

[Ήρώδου] and [Τιβέριος Κλαύδφς, Τ[ιβερίου<br />

Κλαυδίου Αττικού] υίός, Ηρώδης Αθηναίος,<br />

144 [2], Ηρώδης, 144 [3a-i]; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλαύ[δι]ος Κ[- - -], 145; Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος)<br />

Καλλιγένης (Ι), 146; Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος)<br />

Καλλιγένης (II), 147; *Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Κρισπιανός, 148: Τιβ(έριον) Κλαύδιον Κρισπιανόν,<br />

νέον Έπαμεινώνδαν, 148 [1];<br />

Τιβ(έριον) Κλαύδιον Κρισπιανόν, 148 [2];<br />

*Κλ(αύδιος) Δημήτριος, 149; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Διοκλής, 150; Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Φαυστεινος,<br />

151; Τιβέρ(ιος) Κλ(αύδιος) Ύπατιανός,<br />

152; [Κλάυδιο]ς Ύπατια[νός], 153;<br />

Τιβέρ(ιος) Κλαύδιος Ύπατιανός, 154:<br />

[Κλ(αύδιος) Ύπατιανός], 154 [1]; Κλαύ(διος)<br />

Ύπ[α]τιανός, 154 [2]; Κλαύ(διος)<br />

[Ύπατιανός], 154 [3]; Κλα(ύδιος) [Ύ]πατιανός,<br />

154 [4]; [Κλαύδιος] Ύπ[ατιανός], 154 [5];<br />

Κλαύδ(ιος) [Ύπατιανός], 154 [6]; Κλ(αύδιος)<br />

Ύπατιανός, 154 [7]; Κλ(αύδιος) Ύπατιανός,<br />

154 [8]; Τι(βέριος) Κ[λαύδιος Ύπατιανός], 154<br />

[9]; [Κλαύδιος Ύπατιανός], 154 [10]; Κλαύδιος<br />

Λουκηνός Σαίκλαρος, 251; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Λύσων Κλαυδίου Αγία υίός, 155: Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλαύδιος Αύσων, 155 [1]; Τι(βέριον)<br />

Κλαύδ[ιο]ν Λύσωνα, Κλαυ[δίο]υ Αγία υίόν,<br />

155 [2]; Τιβ(έριον) Κλαύδιον Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου<br />

Αγία καί Γιγανίας Πώλλης υίόν Αύσωνα,<br />

155 [3]; Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Αύσωνος, 155 [4];<br />

Α[ύσων Αγία], 155 [5a]; Αύσων Αγία Π., 155<br />

[5b]; [Τιβ(έριος) Κ]λαύδιος Μάξιμος, 156;<br />

Τίτος Κλ(αύδιος) Νικήρατος, 157; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλαύδιος Όλυμπος Ίαμίδης, 158: [Τι(βέριος)<br />

Κλα]ύδιος "Ολυνπος Ίαμίδης, 158 [1];<br />

Κλ(αύδιος) ν Ολυμ[πος] Ταμίδης, 158 [2]; Κλαύδιος<br />

"Ολυ[μ]πος Ταμίδης Ν, 158 [3];<br />

[Τιβ(έριος)] Κλ(αύδιος) "Ολυμπος [Ίαμίδης],<br />

158 [4]; Κλ(αύδιος) "Ολυμπος Ίαμίδης, 158 [5];<br />

Τιβ(έριος) [Κλ(αύδιος) "Ολυμπος Ίαμ]ίδης, 158<br />

[6]; [Όλ]ύμπου, 158 [7]; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύ(διος)<br />

Όπτάτο[ς], 159; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Πέλωψ<br />

Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Άριστέα καί Άντωνίας<br />

Κλεοδίκης υίός, 160: Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου<br />

Πέλοπος, 160 [1]; Τιβ(έριον) Κλαύδιον Πέλοπα,<br />

Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Αριστέα καί Αντωνίας<br />

Κλεοδίκης υίόν, 160 [2]; Κλαύ(διος) Πολυκράτης<br />

Ίαμίδης, 161: [Κλαύδιος Πολυκράτης]


Ίαμίδης, 161 [1]; Κ[λαύ(διος) Πολυκράτης<br />

Ίαμ(ίδης)], 161 [2]; Κλαύ(διος) Πολυκρά[της]<br />

Ίαμ(ίδης), 161 [3]; Κλαύδ(ιος) Πολυκράτης<br />

Ίαμ(ίδης), 161 [4]; [Κλαύδιος Πολυ]κράτης<br />

Ίαμίδης, 161 [5]; Κλ(αύδιος) Πολυκράτης<br />

Ίαμίδης, 161 [6]; Κλαύδιος Πολύνεικος 161a;<br />

Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Τοϋφος, 162; Claudius<br />

Rufus, 162 adn.; Κλαύδιος Τέρτυλλος, 163;<br />

Κλαύδιος Θεογένης, 164; Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος<br />

Θεσσαλός, 165; Κλαύδιος Τεισαμενός Ίαμίδης,<br />

166: [Κλαύδιος Τεισαμενός Ία]μίδης, 166 [1];<br />

[Κλαύδιο]ς Τισαμενός [Ίαμίδης], 166 [2];<br />

Κλαύ(διος) Τεισαμενός Ίαμ(ίδης), 166 [3];<br />

Κλ(αύδιος) Τεισαμενός Ίαμ(ίδης), 166 [4];<br />

[Κ]λ(αύδιος) [Τ]εισ[αμ]ενος Ία[μ]ίδης, 166 [5];<br />

Κλ(αύδιος) Τεισαμενός Ίαμίδης, 166 [6] and<br />

166 [7]; Claudius Valerius Menander, 213 adn.;<br />

*Λ(ούκιος) Κλαύδιος Βιβούλλιος Τήγιλλος<br />

Ηρώδης, Ήρώδου καί Τηγίλλης υίός, 167;<br />

Κλαύδιος Ζηνόφιλος, 168<br />

Cleander<br />

COR: [Publius Memmius C]leand[er], 421<br />

C\(e)isthenesfKXeioQév(]ç<br />

COR: Cl(e)isthenes, [Κλεισθένης], 159 adn.<br />

Clemens<br />

ACH: (Attius) Clemens, 41; C. Laetitius<br />

Clemens, 142<br />

Κλημεντεΐνος<br />

COR: Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Κλημ[εντεΐνος], 60<br />

Κλεόβουλος<br />

EL: Γ(άιος) Κλώδιος Ιούλιος Κλεόβουλος,<br />

169: Γ(άιος) Κλώδιος Ιούλιος Κλεόβουλος, 169<br />

[Ι]; Γ(άιον) Κλώ(διον) Ίού(λιον) Κλεόβουλον,<br />

169 [2]<br />

Κλεοδίκη<br />

EL: Άντωνία Κλεοδίκη, 22;<br />

Κλαυδία Κλεοδίκη, 117<br />

Cleogenes/Κλεογένης<br />

ARG: [—]ένους υιός Κλεογένης, 268<br />

COR: [Q(uintus)] [M]a[e]cius<br />

Q. 1. Cleogen[es], 389<br />

Κλεόμαχος<br />

EL: Αύ(ρήλιος) Κλεόμαχος (Κλεομάχου) Κλυτιάδης,<br />

74<br />

Κλ(ε)οσσ[- - -]<br />

ARG: Κλαύδιος Κλ(ε)οσσ[- - -], 86<br />

Κλεοσθένης<br />

ARG: Γν(αιος) Πονπήιος Κλεοσθένης (Ι), 207;<br />

Γν(αιος) Πομπήιος Κλεοσθένους υιός Κλεοσθένης<br />

(Π), 208<br />

559<br />

COR: Πομπήιος Κλεοσθένης, 485<br />

Clodia<br />

COR: [Cl]odia, 185; Clodia Bractice, 186; Clodia<br />

Homonoia, 187; Clodia Polla, 188<br />

Clodius/Κλώδιος<br />

ACH: A. Clod[ius- - -], 74; C(aius) Clodius<br />

Urbanus, 75<br />

ARG: [Κλ]ώδιος Φιλίσκος, 108<br />

COR: [- - -] Cl[odiu]s [- - -], 189; [- - -<br />

Κλ]ώδιο[ς—], 190; Λ(ούκιος) Κλώδιος Άρρι-<br />

δαιος, 191; Clodius Euphemus, 192; Clodius<br />

Granianus, 193; Γάιος Κλώδιος Φίλων, 194;<br />

Γ(άιος) Κλώδιος Σεκοϋνδος, 195; Κλώδιο<br />

θαλλ[—], 196; Λ(ούκιος) Κλώδιος Βήρος<br />

Φαυστινιανός, 197<br />

EL: Γ(άιος) Κλώδιος 'Ιούλιος Κλεόβουλος,<br />

169: Γ(άιος) Κλώδιος Ιούλιος Κλεόβουλος, 169<br />

[1]; Γ(άιον) Κλώ(διον) Ίού(λιον) Κλεόβουλον,<br />

169 [2]; Γ(άιος) Κλώδιος ΣεκοΓϋνδος], 170<br />

Clymenus<br />

COR: L(ucius) Rutilius Clymenus 1,538<br />

Cnaeus<br />

ARG: *Γναιος (see *Cnaeus Publilius, 225)<br />

Cocceius/Κοκκαίειος<br />

ARC: Κοκκαίειος, 74<br />

COR: *Cocce[ius - - -], 198; Cocceius<br />

Censorinus, 150 adn.<br />

Κόκος<br />

COR: Κόκος, 199<br />

Coelia<br />

ACH: Coelia M(arci) [f(ilia)] Secunda, 76<br />

Coelius<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Coelius P(ublii) f(ilius), 77;<br />

P(ublius) (Coelius), 78;<br />

(M. Coelius M. 1.) Felix, 79<br />

Κόγνιτος<br />

EL: Μ(άρκος) Άττήδιος Κόγνιτος, 58:<br />

[Μ(άρκος) Αττήδιος] Κόγνιτος, 58 [1];<br />

Μ(αρκος) Αττήδιος Κόγνιτορ, 58 [2]<br />

Κολεστινιανός<br />

ARC: Κο[λ]εσ[τ]ινιανοΰ, 56 adn.<br />

Cor[- - -]<br />

COR: M(arcus) Fu[lvius- - - (?)] Cor[- - -], 280<br />

Coranus<br />

COR: L(ucius) Coranus Patrobius, 200<br />

Κόρινθος<br />

ARG: Αύρ(ήλιος) Κόρινθος, 42<br />

EL: Corinthas, son of Nicephorus, adn. 144<br />

Corinthius<br />

COR: C(aius) Heius Corin[thius], 307

Corinthus/Κόρινθος<br />

COR: M(arcus) Calpetanus Corinthus, 129; [- - -]<br />

Corint[hu]s, 201; Λ(ούκιος) Κορνήλιος Κόρινθος<br />

(I), 220; Λ(ούκιος) Κορνήλιος Κόρινθος<br />

(Π), 221; Γ(άιος) Μούσσιος Κόρινθ[ος], 429;<br />

P(ublius) Terentius Cor[in]thus, 584: [- - -<br />

Terejntius [- - - Corìnjthus, 584 [1]; [rasura - - -]<br />

Teren[tius - - -], 584 [2]; P. Terentio Cor[- - -],<br />

584 [3]; Βαλερις Μα. Κ[ό]ρινθος, 605<br />

Cornelia<br />

ACH: Cornelia Gemella, 80<br />

COR: Cornel(ia) Baebia, 202; Cornelia M. f.<br />

[Procula] (?), 203; [Co]rn[elia Secunda], 204;<br />

[Cornelia Semne, 205<br />

Cornelius/Κορνήλιος<br />

ARC: Κορνή[λιος —], 75; Κορνήλιος Έπαφρόδειτος,<br />

76; Κορνήλιος Έπιτυγχανίων, 77<br />

ARG: Κορνήλιος, 109; Κορ(νήλιος) Άμανδος,<br />

110; Λ(εύκιος) Κορνήλιος Ίνγένου[ος] or "Ινγενος,<br />

111: Α(εύκιον) Κορνήλιον Ίνγένου[ον],<br />

111 [1]; Α(εύκιον) Κορνήλιον Ίνγενον, 111 [2];<br />

[. Κορ]νήλιος Λυκεύς, 112; Κορ(νήλιος)<br />

Μακίας or Μαικίας, 113: Κορ(νηλίου) Μακία<br />

113 [1], Κορ(νηλίου) Μαικία 113 [2]; Γναΐος<br />

Κορνήλιος Σωδάμου υίος Νικάτας, 114: Νικάταν<br />

Σωδάμου, 114 [1]; Γναΐον Κορνήλιον<br />

Σωδάμου υίόν Νικάταν, 114 [2]; Γναίου, 114<br />

[3]; Γν(αιος) Κορνήλιος Φιλίσκος, 115; Γναιος<br />

Κορνήλιος Γναίου υίος Ποϋλχρος, 116: Γναΐος<br />

Κορνήλιος Ποϋλχερ, 116 [1]; Γναΐον Κορνήλιον<br />

Γναίου υίόν Ποϋλχρον, 116 [2]; *Γν(αιος)<br />

Κορνήλιος Τιβερίου υιός Φαβία Ποΰλχρος,<br />

117: Γν(αΐον) Κορνήλιον Τιβερίου υίόν Φαβία<br />

Ποϋλχρον, 117 [1]; Κορνήλιε Ποϋλχε[ρ], 117<br />

[2]; Τιβέριος (Κορνήλιος Ποϋλχρος), 118<br />

COR: *[- - -] Κορνή[λιος] [- - -], 206; *[- - -]<br />

Κορνήλει[ος], 207; Κορνήλιο[ς - - -], 208; [.]<br />

(Cornelius), 209; [- - - Qornelius Q. f. [- - -],<br />

210; L(ucius) Cor[nelius —], 211; L(ucius)<br />

Cornelius], 212; M(arcus) (Cornelius), 213;<br />

M(arcus) Cornelius [—], 214; Q(uintus)<br />

(Cornelius), 215; Q(uintus) Corneli[us], 216;<br />

Q(uintus) Cor[nelius —], 217; Q(uintus)<br />

Cornelius [- - -], 218; Τιβ(έριος) Κορνήλιο[ς - - -],<br />

219; Λ(ούκιος) Κορνήλιος Κόρινθος (Ι), 220;<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Κορνήλιος Κόρινθος (Π), 221;<br />

*P(ublius) Cornelius Crescens, 222; Κορνήλιος<br />

Δε[- - -], 223; *[. ] Κορνή[λιος] Μαικι[ανός],<br />

224; Κορνήλιο[ς ]ων, 225; [. Cornelius<br />

[Pulcher], 226; Τιβ(έριος) Κορνήλιος<br />


560<br />

Ποϋλχρος, 227; *Γν(αϊος) Κορνήλιος Τιβ. Κορνηλίου<br />

Πούλχρου Φαβία Ποϋλχρος, 228:<br />

Γν(αΐον) Κορνήλιον Τιβ(ερίου) Κορνηλίου<br />

Πούλχρου υίόν Φαβία(ι) Ποϋ[λ]χρον, 228 [ΙΑ];<br />

[Γ]ν. Κορνήλιον Τιβ. Κορνηλίου Πού[λχρου<br />

υ]ίόν Φαβία(ι) Ποϋλχρον, 228 [IB]; Γν(αΐον)<br />

Κορνήλιον Ποϋλχρο[ν], 228 [2]; Γν(αϊον) Κορνήλιον<br />

Ποϋλχρον, 228 [3]; Γν(αΐον) [Κορνήλιον<br />

Ποϋλχρον Τιβ(ερίου) Φαβ(ίαι) Πούλχρου<br />

υίόν, 228 [8]; Γν(αΐον) [Κορνήλιον] Τιβ(ερίου)<br />

[Φαβ(ίαι) Πούλχρου] υβόν], 228 [9]; [Γν. Κορνηλίου]<br />

Πούλχρου, 228 [12]; Γν. Κορνήλιος Γν.<br />

υίος Ποϋλχρος, 226 adn. and 577 adn.; Γν(αΐος)<br />

Κορνήλιος Ποϋλχερ νεώτ(ερος), 229; Λ(ούκιος)<br />

Κορνήλιος Σαβεΐνος, 230; Q(uintus) Co[r]n-<br />

[elius . f. A]em(ilia) Secundus (I), 231: Q(uintus)<br />

Co[r]n[elius . f. A]em(ilia) Secundus, 231 [1];<br />

[- - - Cor]neli[- - -], 231 [2]; Q(uintus)<br />

Corn[elius] Secu[nd]us (II), 232; [. Cornelius<br />

Secundus M]a[e]cianus, 233; Cn(aeus)<br />

[Corneliu]s Speratus, 234; Κορνήλιος Βετούριος<br />

Θεόφιλος, 235<br />

EL: Κορνήλιος, 171; Γ(άιος) Κορνήλ[ιος —],<br />

172; Π(όπλιος) Κορνήλιος Ειρηναίου υιός<br />

Αρίστων, 173; Ρ. Cornelius Aristo, adn. 173<br />

Contunda<br />

ACH: Cornufic[ia] Gn(aei) f(ilia) Modesta, 81<br />

Cornuficius<br />

ACH: Gn(aeus) (Cornuficius), 82<br />

Κρατερός<br />

EL: Λ(ούκιος) Πομπήιος Κρατερός Κασσιανός,<br />

302<br />

Κρατίνος<br />

ARC: Γάιος Ιούλιος Λάκωνος υίος Κρατίνος, 99<br />

Crescens/Κρήσκης/Κρήσκενς<br />

ACH: Q(uintus) Manlius Q(uinti) f(ilius)<br />

Quir(ina) Crescens, 158; Κρήσκενς, 272,277;<br />

Κρήσκης, 83<br />

COR: *P(ublius) Cornelius Crescens, 222; Κρήσκης,<br />

687<br />

Κρισπιανός<br />

EL: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Κρισπιανός, 148<br />

Crispinus/Κρισπεΐνος<br />

ACH: Κρισπεϊνος, 84; Crispinus, 84 adn.;<br />

Τ(ίτος) Φλ(άβιος) Καικίλος Κρισπεΐνος, 108<br />

EL: Π(όπλιος) Αιλ(ιος) Αντώνιος Κρισπεινος<br />

Μητρότειμος, 2<br />

Crispus/ Κρεισσπος<br />

COR: M(arcus) Iulius Μ. f. Aem(ilia) Crispus, 338<br />

EL: [— Κ]ρεϊσσπο[ς], 174

Crotonensis<br />

COR: *P[ublius] Calpu[rnius. f(ilius)]<br />

Croto[nensis], 132<br />

Κούριος<br />

EL: Μ(άρκος) Κούριο[ς —], 175<br />

Curtius<br />

ACH: P(ublius) Curtius [- - -], 85; L(ucius)<br />

Curtius Onesiphorus, 86<br />


COR: C(aius) (Curtius), 237; C(aius) Curtius<br />

Benignus, 238; C(aius) Qurtius] C. fil. [- - -]<br />

Benig[n]us Iuventianus, 239; C(aius) Cu[r]tius C.<br />

f. [- - -] Les[b]ic[us], 240<br />

Cutius<br />

ARG:Cutius, 119<br />

D[---]<br />

COR: Manlia D[- - -], 392<br />

Δαμαίνετος<br />

ARC: Πομπήιος Δαμαίνετος, 136<br />

Δαμάριστος<br />

EL: Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος Δαμάριστος, 197<br />

Δαμαρώ<br />

ARG: [Κ]λαυδία Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Πολυκράτους<br />

θυγατέρα Δαμαρώ, 75<br />

Damo<br />

EL: Damo, son of Aristeas, 38 adn.<br />

Damonicus<br />

COR: L(ucius) Antonius Damonicus, 61<br />

Δαμοξένα<br />

EL: Κλαυδία Δαμοξένα, 118<br />

Daphnus<br />

ACH: [. P]ontius [Da]phnus, 195<br />

Δε[- - -]<br />

COR: Κορνήλιος Δε[- - -], 223<br />

Δεκούμιος<br />

ARG: Λ(ούκιος) Δεκούμιος Ξάνθος, 120<br />

Delm[- - -]/Δηλμ[- - -]<br />

COR: [L(ucius) - - - L. 1.] Delm[- - -], [Λεύκιος<br />

—]ος Λευκίου απελ[εύθερος Δηλμ—], 241<br />

Delmaticus<br />

COR: Delm[aticus (?)], 241 adn.<br />

Δημήτριος<br />

ARG: [Δημ]ήτριος Δημητρίου 'Ρωμαίος, 121<br />

EL: *Κλ(αύδιος) Δημήτριος, 149<br />

Δέρκιος<br />

ARG: Δέρκιος (?), 122<br />

Δικαιοσύνη<br />

EL: Ιουλία [Δικαιοσύνη Γά£ο[υ Ίο]υ[λίο]υ<br />

Ίτ[αλικοϋ], 228<br />

561<br />

Didia<br />

ACH: (Didia) Prima, 87; Didia Urbana, 88<br />

Didius<br />

EL: *A(ulus) Didi[u]s [Gallus], 176<br />

Digna<br />

ACH: Digna, 89<br />

Dinippus<br />

COR: *Ti(berius) Claudius P. f. Fab(ia) Dinippus,<br />

170<br />

Διοκλής<br />

EL: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Διοκλής, 150<br />

Διόδοτος<br />

ARG: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Διοδότου υίος Διόδοτος,<br />

88; Γν(αΐος) Πομπήιος Κλεοσθένους<br />

υίος Διόδοτος, 209<br />

Διογένης<br />

ARG: [Τιβέρι]ος Κλαύδ[ιος Δι(?)]ογένης , 87<br />

Dionysius/Διονύσιος<br />

ARC: [Αύρ(ήλιος)] Διονύσιος (Διονυσίου), 27;<br />

'Ιούλιος Διονύσιος, 100; Όφίλλιος Διονύσιος,<br />

127; Π(όπλιος) Σύλλιος Διονύσιος, 152<br />

ARG: Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Διονύσιος, 43;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Αιλι(ος) Διονύσιος ό Άντιόχου, 8<br />

COR: *Aur(elius) Dionysius, 101<br />

Διόσκορος<br />

COR: Αιλιος Διόσκορος, 14<br />

Doius<br />

ACH: L(ucius) (Doius), 90; M(arcus) Doius<br />

L(ucii) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Baibus, 91<br />

Δομέστιχος<br />

COR: Δομ[έστιχος], 688<br />

Domitia/Δομετία<br />

COR: [Do]mitia, 242; [Domit]ia Saturni[la], 243;<br />

Δομετία Φιλίπα καί Λουκίου Δομετίου<br />

Λουκίου υίο Φαλέρνα Σατορνίλα<br />

Άπολλωνίς, 244<br />

Domitius/Dometius/Δομίτιος/Δομέτιος<br />

ACH: P(ublius) (Domitius), 92; [P(ublius)<br />

Do]mitius P(ublii) f(ilius) [T]ro(mentina) Oriculo,<br />

93; Δομίτιος Φαιδρός, 94; [.] Δομίτιος [0]ύρβα-<br />

νός, 95<br />

COR: Λούκιος [Δομέτιος], 245; Λούκιος Δομέ-<br />

τιος Λουκίου υίος Φαλέρνα, 246; Δομίτιος<br />

Αλέξανδρος, 247<br />

EL: *Γναΐος Δομέτιος, 177; Cn. Dometius<br />

Ahenobarbus, Cn. Dometius L. f. L. n.<br />

Ahenobarbus, Cn. Dometius Cn. f. L. n.<br />

Ahenobarbus, Cn. Dometius Cn. f. Cn. n.<br />

Ahenobarbus adn. ill

Donatus<br />

COR: Donatus, 248<br />

Doneta<br />

COR: Can[inia] Done[ta], 133; [Doneta], 249<br />

Δωράς<br />

ARC: Ίούλ(ιος) Δωράς, 101<br />

Δώρος<br />

ARC: Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Δώρος, 102<br />

Durcatius<br />

ACH: L(ucius) (Durcatius), 96; L(ucius)<br />

Durcatius L(ucii) lib(ertus) Cissus, 97; L(ucius)<br />

Durcatius Eros, 98<br />

Εκλεκτός<br />

EL: Ούαλέριος Εκλεκτός, 329<br />

Edasena<br />

ACH: Numisia L(ucii) f(ilia) Edasena, 172<br />

Egnatius/Έγνάτ ιος<br />

ACH: Q(uintus) (Egnatius), 99; Q(uintus) Egnatius<br />

Q(uinti) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Timotheus, 100<br />

COR: C(aius) (Egnatius), 250; Cn(aeus)<br />

Egnatius C. f., 251; Π(όπλιος) Έγ[νάτιος]<br />

Άπολλ[- - -], 252<br />

EL: *Γναΐος Έγνάτιος Γναίου υίός, 178:<br />

[Γναΐον Έγνά]τιον Γναίου υίόν, 178 [1], Γναΐον<br />

Έγνάτιον Γναίο[υ] υίόν, 178 [2]; Π(όπλιος)<br />

Έγνάτιος Βράχυ[λλος], 179; Π(όπλιος) Έγνάτιος<br />

Μάξιμος Βενυστεινος, 180; Π(όπλιος)<br />

Έγνάτιος Βενυστεΐνος Βενυστείνου, 181<br />

Είσάς<br />

ARC: Μ(άρκος) Πομπήιος ΕΊσάς Αιλιανός, 137<br />

ΕΊσίδωρος<br />

EL: Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος Είσίδωρος, 198<br />

Έλευθερίς<br />

ARG: Αύρηλί[α Έλευ]θερίς, 29<br />

Έλπιδϋς<br />

ARC: Αύρ(ήλιος) Έλπιδΰς, 28<br />

Έλπινείκη<br />

EL: Άππία Άννία Ά[τ]ειλία Τήγιλλα Έλπινείκη<br />

Άγριππεινα Άτρία Πόλλα, Ήρώδου καί<br />

[Τη]γίλλης θυγάτ[ηρ], 16<br />

Em[- - -]<br />

ACH: C(aius) Em[- - -], 101<br />

Eminius<br />

ACH: 101 adn.: Em[inius]<br />

Epagathus<br />

COR: C(aius) Iulius Aug(us)ti l(ibertus)<br />

Epagathus, 339; *[C(aius) Iulius Aug(usti)<br />

l(ibertus)] Epagathus, 340<br />


562<br />

Έπαφρόδιτος<br />

ARC: Αύρ(ήλιος) Έπαφρόδιτος Αφροδισίου,<br />

29; Αύρ(ήλιος) Έπαφρόδιτος Έπαφρ[ά], 30;<br />

Κορνήλιος Έπαφρόδειτος, 76<br />

ARG: Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Έπαφρ[όδιτος]<br />

Εύτύχου, 45; Τι(βέριος) 'Ιούλιος Έπαφρόδειτος,<br />

145<br />

Έφηβος<br />

EL: Λ(ούκιος) Καικίλιος Φοίβος [ο] καί<br />

Έφηβος, 99<br />

Epictetus/Έπίκτητος<br />

ARG: [Κύι]ντος Άλλήιος Έπίκ[τητος (?) —]τος<br />

υίός, 13; [Κύι]ντος Άλλήιος Έπίκ[τητος (?)<br />

—]ιο[υ] υίός, 13 adn.; [. Β]άσσον Άλλήιον<br />

Έπικ[- ca. 5- Έπιδαυρ]ίο[υ] υίόν, 13 adn.<br />

COR: Epictetus 260 adn. and 545 adn.<br />

Έπιγόνη<br />

ARC: Κλαυδία Έπιγόνη, 57<br />

Epinicus/Έπίνικος<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Lollius Epinicus, 147<br />

EL: Δ(έκμος) 'Ιούνιος Έπίνικος, 246<br />

Επιφανής<br />

ARC:*Ίoύλιoς Επιφανής Φιλόπαππος, 103<br />

Epiroticus<br />

ACH: (C. Iulius C. 1.) Philomusus Epiroticus, 138<br />

Έπιτυγχανίων<br />

ARC: Κορνήλιος Έπιτυγχανίων, 77<br />

Erastus/Έραστος<br />

COR: [—] Erastus, 254; Βιτέλλιος Έραστος,<br />

651<br />

Έράτων<br />

EL: Αΰλος Σέξτ(ι)ος Έράτων, 323<br />

Ermetus<br />

COR: Marcius Ermetus, 397<br />

Eros<br />

ACH: L(ucius) Durcatius Eros, 98<br />

Erotis<br />

ACH: [— i]a Erotis, 261; Aemilia Erotis, 4<br />

Εύκαρπίδης<br />

EL: Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύκαρπίδης, 75; [Μάρ(κος)]<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύκαρπίδης Ζωπύρο[υ], 76<br />

Ευχάριστος<br />

COR: [.] Λικίνιος Ευχάριστος, 376<br />

Ευδαίμων<br />

ARC: Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Ευδαίμων, 104<br />

Εϋδαμος<br />

EL: Γ(άιος) Μέμμιος Εΰδαμος, 275<br />

Εϋδημος<br />

EL: Μ(άρκος) Άν[τώνιος Εϋ]δημος, 39

Ευδία<br />

ARC: 'Ιουλία Ευδία Εύτελείνου, 91<br />

Εύέλπιστος: see Evelpistus/Εύέλπιστος<br />

Εύμένης<br />

EL: Μ(άρκος) Εύμ[έν]ης, 269<br />

Εύμολπος<br />

COR: Γ(άιος) Αντώνιος Εϋμο[λ]πο[ς], 62<br />

Εύοδος<br />

ARC: Αύρ(ήλιος) Εϋοδος 'Ιέρωνος, 31<br />

Euphami[—]<br />

COR: [- - -]s Euphami[- - -], 253<br />

Euphamidas<br />

COR: Euphami[das] 253 adn.<br />

Euphemus<br />

COR: Clodius Euphemus, 192<br />

Euporus<br />

COR: M(arcus) Pacuius Euporus, 455<br />

Euprepes/Εύπρεπής<br />

ACH: Q(uintus) Cassius Euprepes, 68;<br />

[Κάσ]σιος Εύπρπή[ς], 69<br />


Εύπυρίδης<br />

COR: Κλ(αύδιος) [Κλα]υ[δ]ιανός Εύ[πυ]ρίδης<br />

Κλ(αυδίου) Μινουκιανοϋ υίός, 171<br />

Ευρώτας<br />

ARC: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Ευρώτας, 64<br />

Eurycles/Εύρυκλής<br />

ARC: *Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος Φαβία Εύρυκλής<br />

Ήρκλανός Λ(ούκιος) Ούιβούλλιος Πειος, 105:<br />

Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος Εύρυκλής Ήρκλανός<br />

Α(ούκιος) Ούιβούλλιος Πεΐος, 105 [1]; [Γ(άιον)<br />

Ίούλι]ον Φαβία Εύρυ[κλέα Ήρκλανόν<br />

Α(ούκιον) Ούι]βούλλιον Π[εΐον], 105 [2]<br />

ARG: [Γάιος] 'Ιούλιος Λαχάρους υιός Εύρυκλής,<br />

146: [Γάιον] Ίούλιον Ααχάρους υίό[ν<br />

Εύρυκλέα], 146 [1], [Γ(αϊου) Ιουλίου] Εύρυκλέους,<br />

146 [2]<br />

COR: *C(aius) (Iulius Eurycles), 341<br />

Εύτυχ[- - -]<br />

ARC: Αύρ(ήλιος) Εϋτ[υχ- - -], 32<br />

ARG: Γ(άιος) Βαλέριος Εύτυχ[—], 261<br />

Εύτύχης<br />

COR: Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος Ευτυχής, 342<br />

EL: Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύτύχης, 77<br />

Εύτυχιανός<br />

COR: *Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύτυχιανός, 102<br />

Eutychis<br />

COR: Fulvia Eutychis, 277<br />

Εύτυχος/Eutychus<br />

ACH: [- - -] Antonius Eu[tychus ?], 29<br />

ARC: Μ(άρκος) Οϋλπιος Εϋτυχος Σεβαστού<br />

563<br />

απελεύθερος, 163<br />

ARG: Π(όπλιος) Αΐλιος Εϋτυχος, 9<br />

Evelpistus/Εύέλπιστος<br />

COR: Marcius Evelpistus, 398; Γάιος Ούίβι[ος]<br />

Εύέλπισ[τος], 624<br />

Fabius/Φάβιος<br />

ACH: C(aius) Fabius D(ecimi) [f(ilius) - - -], 102;<br />

L(ucius) (Fabius), 103; L(ucius) Fabius L(ucii)<br />

f(ilius) Quir(ina), 104; Κόιντος Φάβιος Κοΐντου<br />

Μάξιμος, 105<br />

COR: Q. Fab[ius] Q. f. [- - -] Carpet[anus], 256<br />

Φάβουλλος<br />

ARG: Φάβουλλος, 123<br />

Fau[- - -]<br />

ACH: VatiniaFau[---],241<br />

Φαυστεινιανός<br />

COR: Λ(ούκιος) Κλώδιος Βήρος Φαυστεινιανός,<br />

197<br />

EL: Βιβούλλιος Φαυστεινιανός [Άλεξά]νδρου,<br />

342: [Βιβούλλιος Φαυστεινιανός Ία]μίδης, 342<br />

[1]; [Βιβούλλιος Φαυσφινιανός [Ίαμ(ίδης)],<br />

342 [2]; Βιβ(ούλλιος) [Φαυ]στεινι[ανός<br />

Ία]μί(δης), 342 [3]; Βιβούλλιος Φαυστ[ει]νιανός<br />

Ίαμ(ίδης), 342 [4]; Βιβούλλιος Φαυστεινιανός<br />

[Ί]αμί(δης), 342 [5]; [Βιβ(ούλλιος)] Φαυ[στεινιανός],<br />

342 [6]; Βιβού[λλιος Φαυστεινιανός<br />

Αλεξά]νδρου, 342 [7]; Βιβ(ούλλιος) Φαυστεινιανός<br />

Κλυτιάδης, 342 [8]; Βιβ(ούλλιος) Φαυστει(νι)ανός<br />

Κλυτιάδης, 342 [9]<br />

Φαυστ(ε)1νος<br />

COR: Α(ύλος) Μαίκιο[ς Φαυστΐ]νος, 390;<br />

[Λ(ούκιος)] Μαίκιο[ς Φ]αυστεΐνο[ς], 391<br />

EL: Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Φαυστεΐνος, 151<br />

Faustus/Φαΰστος<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Attius Faustus, 42; Faustus, 277<br />

ARG: Φαϋστος (I), 124; Φαϋστος (II) Φαύστου,<br />

125<br />

COR: Faustus, 257<br />

EL: Φαϋστος, 182: Φαύστου 182 [1], [Φαύστου]<br />

182 [2]; [Φ]αϋστ[ος] Φιλίππου, 183<br />

Felicula<br />

ACH: [- ca. 4-] Feli[c]ula, 106<br />

Felix/Φήλειξ<br />

ACH: (M. Coelius M. 1.) Felix, 79; T(itus)<br />

Statilius T(iti) f(ilius) Pal(atina) Felix, 222; T(itus)<br />


COR: [- - -] [Fe]lix, 258; C(aius) Novius Felix,<br />

433; Feli(x), 689<br />

Fervida<br />

COR: Marcia Ferv[ida], 395<br />

Festus/Φήστος<br />

ACH: Festus, 107<br />

EL: Φήστος, 184<br />

Φίδος<br />

ARG: Λ(ούκιος) Λαίλιος Φίδος, 158<br />

Firmus<br />

ACH: Sex(tus) Appulus L(ucii) f(ilius) Firmus, 38<br />

COR: [P. Aefi]cius P. f. [Ae]m(ilia) Firmus<br />

Sta[tia]nus, 11: T. Aefici[u]s Firm[us - --], 11 [1];<br />

[P(ublio) Aefijcio T. f. [Ae]m(ilia) Firmo<br />

Sta[tia]no, 11 [2]<br />

Flaccus/Φλάκκος<br />

COR: Γ(άιος) Άβίδιος Φλά[κκος], 2; Γ(άιος)<br />

Κάσσιος Γ. ύός Φλάκκος, 144; Q(uintus) Fulvius<br />

Flaccus, 281<br />

Flam[- - -]<br />

COR: L(ucius) Paconius Flam[- - -], 449<br />

Flamininus<br />

COR: T. Quinctius Flamininus 526 adn.<br />

Flavia/Φλαουΐα<br />

EL: Φλαουϊα Γόργω, 185; Flavia Scriboniana<br />

213 adn.<br />

Φλαβιανή<br />

COR: Φλαβιανή, 259<br />

Φλαβιανός/ Φλαουιανός<br />

ACH: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Κάρος Φλαουιανός,<br />

85; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Φλαβίου Τερτίου υίό[ς<br />

Τ]έρτιος Φλαβιανός, 89<br />

COR: Φλαβιανός, 174 adn, 264 adn., 545 adn.;<br />

Φλαβιανός (I), 260; Φλαβιανός (Π), 261;<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Φλάβιος Φλαβιανός, 265<br />

Flavius/Φλάβιος/Φλάουιος<br />

ACH: Τ(ίτος) Φλ(άβιος) Καικίλος<br />

Κρισπείνος, 108<br />

ARC: Φλάβιος Σωσικράτου ύός, 78; Φλάβιος<br />

Ήρακλείδας, 79; Τ(ίτος) Φλ(άβιος)<br />

Φιλάργυρος, 80<br />

ARG: Φλά[βι- - -], 127; Γ(άιος) Φλάβιος Αλέξανδρος,<br />

128; Φλάβιος Τέρτιος, 129<br />

COR: Φλά[βιος] 2 adn.; Τ(ίτος) Φλαβ[ιος- - -],<br />

262; T(itus) Flavius Aug. lib. Antio[chus], 263;<br />

*[Λ(ούκιος) Φλάβιος Άρριανός], 264 adn.; Ti.<br />

Flavius Arrianus 260 and 545 adn.; *Λ(ούκιος)<br />

Φλάβιος Φλαβιανός, 265; Φλ(άβιος)<br />

Γενεθλίδ(ιος) Ίοΰστος, 266; *Φλάβιος<br />

Έρμ[ο]γενης, 267; Λ(ούκιος) Φλ[—] Λ[—],<br />


564<br />

268; [- - -] Fla(vius) 0[l]umpu[s], 269; *Τ(ίτος)<br />

Φλάβ(ιος) Όλυμπιανός, 270; Q(uintus) Flavius<br />

Philippus, 271; T(itus) Flavius Pompeianus, 272<br />

and [T. Flavius Pompeianus] 64 adn.; Φλάβιος<br />

Τρωΐλος (I), 273; Φλάβιος Τρωϊλος (Π), 274;<br />

*Φλ(άβιος) Ουλπ(ιος) Μακάριος, 275;<br />

Φλ(άβιος) Βαλ[- - -], 276<br />

EL: [- - -] Φλ(άβιος) [- - -], 186; Φλ(άβιος) [- - -],<br />

187; Τ(ίτος) Φλά[(βιος) - - -], 188; Τ(ίτος)<br />

Φ[λάβιος - - - (?)], 189; [Τ(ίτος) Φλ]άβιο[ς],<br />

190; T. Flavius Alexander 208 adn.; ΓΤ(ίτος)<br />

Φλ]άβιος Άπολλοφάνης, 191; *Τ(ίτος)<br />

Φλάβ(ιος) Αρχέλαος (Ι) Αρχελάου, 192:<br />

Φλ(άβιος) Αρχέλαος Αρχελάου, 192 [1];<br />

Τ(ίτος) Φλ(άβιος) Αρχέλαος ό κράτιστος, 192<br />

[2]; Τ(ίτον) Φλάβιον Αρχέλαον, 192 [3]; Τ(ίτον)<br />

Φλάβ(ιον) Αρχέλαον, 192 [4]; Φλάβ(ιος) Αρχέλαος,<br />

192 [5]; Φλ(άβιος) Αρχέλαος (Π) Αρχελάου,<br />

193; Τ(ίτος) Φλά(βιος) [Άριστόβιος (?)],<br />

194; [Φλ]άβιος Καικιλι[α]νός, 195; [Φ]λ(άβιος)<br />

Κάλλιππος, 196; Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος Δαμάριστος,<br />

197; Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος ΕΊσίδωρος, 198;<br />

Φλάβ(ιος) Αρμόδιος, 199; Τίτος Φλάουιος<br />

Ηράκλειτος, 200; Φλάβ(ιος) Λάιος, 201;<br />

Φλάβ(ιος) Λεωνίδας, 202: Φλά(βιος) Αεωνίδας<br />

Ν, 202 [1]; Φλαβίου Αεωνίδου, 202 [2]; ΓΤ(ίτος)<br />

Φλά(βιος) Λεωνί(?)]δας, 203; Flavius Marc(ius ?)<br />

Scribonianus 213 adn.; Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος Νάρκισσος,<br />

204; Τίτος Φλ(άβιος) Νικήρατος 157 adn.;<br />

Φλά(βιος) Φιλόμουσο[ς], 205; Φλά(βιος)<br />

Φιλό[μουσ]ος, 206; Φλ(άβιος) Φιλόστρατος,<br />

207; (Flavius) Phoenix, 208 adn.; Φλάβιος Φύλαξ<br />

Αλεξάνδρου, 208; Τ(ίτος) Φλ(άουιος) Πολύβιος<br />

(Ι), 209; Τίτος Φλάβιος Πολύβιος (II), 210: Τ(ίτον)<br />

Φλά(βιον) Πολύβιον 210 [1], Τίτον Φλάβιον<br />

Πολύβιον 210 [2]; Τ(ίτος) Φλάουιος Πρ[- - -]δα<br />

υ'ιός Π[—], 211; Τ(ίτος) Φλάουιος Πρ[οξενί]δα<br />

υίος Π[ροξενίδας] 211 adn.; Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος<br />

Σαβεινος, 212; Φλ(άβιος) Σκρειβωνιανός, 213;<br />

Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος θε[- - -], 214<br />

Floron (?)<br />

ACH: [T(itus)] Su[lp]icius T(iti) [f[(ilius)]<br />

Quir(ina) Floron(?), 226<br />

Florus/Φλώρος<br />

COR: *[L(ucius) A]quilius C. f. Pom(ptina)<br />

[Fl]orus Turcianus Gallus, 83; L(ucius) Marius<br />

Florus Stlaccianus, 411; Λ(ούκιος) Βείβιος<br />

Φλώρος, 625<br />

EL: Γάιος Όφέλλιος Φλώρος, 294; Λούκιος<br />

Βετ(ι)ληνός Φλώρος, 336: Λούκιος Βετιληνός

Φλώρος, 336 [1]; Λουκίου Βετληνοΰ Φλώρου,<br />

336 [2]<br />

Foeba<br />

ACH: Livia Foeba, 145<br />

Folius<br />

ACH: P(ublius) Folius Potitus, 109<br />

Fortunata<br />

ACH: [- - - Fo]rtunat(us vel a), 110<br />

Fortunatus/Φορτουνάτος<br />

ACH: [- - - Fo]rtunat(us vela), 110<br />

ARC: Φορτουνάτος, 81; Φορτουνάτος, 82<br />

COR: [Π(όπλιος) ΑΙ]λιος Φόρτο[υνάτος], 15<br />

Φροντείνα<br />


COR: Καλπουρνία Φροντείνα, 131<br />

Φροντεινος<br />

ARG: *[Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Φροντεΐνος], 90;<br />

*[Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Τιβερίου Φροντείνου<br />

υίος Κυρείνα Φροντεινος] Νεική[ρατ]ο[ς], 91<br />

COR: Βιτέλλιος [Φρο]ντεινος, 652<br />

Franto<br />

ACH: L(ucius) Veirius L(ucii) f(ilius) Quir(ina)<br />

Franto, 242<br />

COR: P(ublius) Ventidius Franto, 613<br />

Φουφείκιος<br />

EL: Γ(άιος) Φουφείκιος Σειλέας, 215:<br />

[Φουφ]είκιος Σειλέας, Μ. 215 [1]; Γ(άιον) Φουφείκιον<br />

Σειλέα[ν], 215 [2]<br />

Fuficulena<br />

ARG: Fuficulena Veneria, 130: Fuficulenae<br />

Veneriae 130 [1], Veneriae 130 [2]<br />

Fufius/Φούφιος<br />

EL: *[Κ]όιντος Φούφιος [Κ]οΐντου Φουφίου<br />

[υ]ίός, 216; *[Κόιντος Φούφιος] ΚοΓιντου<br />

υίός], 217; Q. Fufius Calenus, 216 adn.; Γ(άιος)<br />

Φούφ(ιος) Ίούλ(ιος) Θεαγένης, 218<br />

Fulvia<br />

ACH: (Fulvia M. 1.) Arescusa, 111<br />

COR: Fulvia Eutychis, 277<br />

Fulvinia<br />

ACH: Fulvinia Helene, 112<br />

Fulvius/Φούλβιος<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Ful[vius M(arci) f(ilius)<br />

Quir(ina)—] (I), 113; M(arcus) Fulvpus M(arci)<br />

f(ilius) Quir(ina) —] (II), 114; M(arcus) (Fulvius),<br />

115; P(ublius) Fulvius Q(uinti) f(ilius) Quir(ina),<br />

116; M(arcus) (Fulvius), 117; Q(uintus) (Fulvius),<br />

118; M(arcus) Fulvius Herophilus, 119; M(arcus)<br />

Fulvius M(arci) l(ibertus) Philotimus, 120<br />

COR: Q(uintus) (Fulvius), 278; [Q(uintus)]<br />

(Fulvius), 279; M(arcus) Fu[lvius- - - (?)] Cor[- - -],<br />

565<br />

280; Q(uintus) Fulvius Flaccus, 281; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Φούλβιος 'Ιουλιανός, 282; Q(uintus) Fulvius Q.<br />

f. [Q. (?)] n. Ouf(entina) Nob[ili]or, 283; *Marcus<br />

Fulvius Nobilior, 283 adn.<br />

Furius<br />

COR: L(ucius) Furius Labeo, 284<br />

Fuscus<br />

COR: [- - -] Fusc[us - - -], 285; [- - - Fu]scus, 286;<br />

[L(ucius)] Rutilius L. f. Fuscus, 539: [L] Rutili L.<br />

f. [- - -], 539 [1]; [- - -Rutili] Fusci, 539 [2];<br />

C(aius) Rutilius L. f. Aem(ilia) Fuscus, 540: C.<br />

Rutilio L. f. Aem. Fusco, 540 [1]; [- - - Rutili]<br />

Fusci, 540 [2]; [C. Rutijlio L. f. [Aem. F]usc[o - - -],<br />

540 [3]<br />

Gaiene<br />

COR: [- - -]nia Gaiene, 287<br />

Galenus/Γαληνός: see also Calenus<br />

ACH: Galenus, 277<br />

COR: Γαληνός, 686<br />

Galla<br />

COR: [- - -] [G]alla, 288<br />

Γαλλικιανός<br />

COR: *Μ(άρκος) Γάβιος [Σκουϊλ]λας Γαλλικιανός,<br />

289<br />

Gallus/Γάλλος<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Minucius C(ai) f(ilius) Quir(ina)<br />

Gallus, 168<br />

ARC: C. Vireius C. f. Q(uirina) Gallu[s], 171<br />

COR: L. Caninius Gallus, 135 adn.; *[L(ucius)<br />

A]quillius C. f. Pom(ptina) [Fl]orus Turcianus<br />

Gallus, 83; *[L(ucius) Munatius M. f. Ter(entina)]<br />

Gal[lus], 427: L. [- - -] M. f. Ter. Gallo, 427 [1];<br />

[L. Munatio M. f. Ter.] Gal[lo], 427[2]<br />

EL: *Άππιος Άννιος Γάλλος, 18; *A(ulus)<br />

Didi[u]s [Gallus], 176<br />

Γαβιδία<br />

EL: Μαρκία Κλαυδία Άλκία Άθηναΐς Γαβιδία<br />

Λατιαρία Ήρώδου καί Τηγίλλης θυγάτηρ, 113<br />

Gavius/Γάβιος<br />

ACH: L(ucius) Gavius [- - -], 121<br />

COR: *Μ(άρκος) Γάβιος [Σκουϊλ]λας Γαλλικιανός,<br />

289<br />

Γιγανία<br />

EL: Γιγανία Πώλλα, 219<br />

Gellius/Γέλλιος<br />

ARC: Γέλλιος Βάσσος, 83; [Λ(ούκιος)] Γέλλιος<br />

[Βάσ]σος, 83 adn.; Manius Gellius Bassus 83<br />

adn.; Γέλλιος Κάρπος, 84

ARG: Γέλλιος Άφροδεισίου, 131; Μάνιος Γέλλιος<br />

Βάσσος, 132<br />

COR: Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος Ίοϋστος (Ι), 290: Λ.<br />

Γέλλιος Ίοϋστος, 290 [1]; [L Gejllio Ι<br />

[Mena]ndri [Aem.] Iusto, 290 [2]; L. Gellius<br />

[Iustus], 290 [3]; [Α. Γέλλιος Ίοϋστος], 290 [4];<br />

Α. Γελλίο[υ Μενά]νδρου υίοϋ Αίμ. Ίούσ[του],<br />

290 [5]; L(ucius) Gellius Iustus f. (II), Λ(ούκιος)<br />

Γέλλιος [Ίο]ϋστος υ(ίός), 291; Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος<br />

Μένανδρος (Ι), 292: Α. Γέλλιος<br />

Μέναν[δρος], 292 [1]; [L. Gejllio [Menajndri<br />

[Aem.] Iusto, 292 [2]; [L. Gellius Menajnder, 292<br />

[3]; [L. Geljlius Menander, 292 [4]; [Α. Γέλλιος<br />

Μένανδρος], 292 [5]; [L.] Gellio Monandri], 292<br />

[6]; L(ucius) Gellius Menander (Π)=[Λ. Γ]έλλιος<br />

Μ[ένανδρος], 293: [Α. Γ]έλλιος Μ[ένανδρος,<br />

293 [1]; L. Gellius Menander, 293 [2]; L. Gellius<br />

Menander, 293 [3]; [Γελλίου] Μενάνδρου, 293<br />

[4]; Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος Μυστικό[ς Γελλίου]<br />

Μενάνδρου, 294; Λ(ούκιος) Γέ[λλιος]<br />

Ζώσ[ιμος], 295<br />

EL: Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος Άρέτων, 220; [Λούκιος]<br />

Γέλλιος[---]σος,221<br />

Gemella/Γέμελλα<br />

ACH: Cornelia Gemella, 80<br />

EL: Γέμελλα, 222<br />

Geminius<br />

ACH: M(arcus) (Geminius), 122; M(arcus)<br />

Geminius M(arci) [f(ilius)] Primus, 123<br />

Geminus/Γέμενος/Γέμινος<br />

ACH: T(itus) Prif[ernius Sex(ti) f(ilius)<br />

QJuir(ina) Paetus [Rosianus Gemi]nus Laecan[ius<br />

Bassus ?], 198<br />

ARC: *[- - -]του υιός Γέμενος, 86; Gemin[- - -], 85<br />

EL: *[- - - Γ]έμι[νος], 223<br />

Γενεθλίδιος<br />

COR: Φλ(άβιος) Γενεθλίδ(ιος) Ίοϋστος, 266<br />

Γενύκιος<br />

COR: Γάιος Γενύκιος Ζήνων, 296<br />

Γερελλανός<br />

COR: Π(όπλιος) Γερελλανός [- - -], 297<br />

Γερμανός<br />

COR: Γερμ[ανός], 298<br />

Glabrio<br />

ARC: *(Manius Aquilius Glabrio), 1<br />

Granianus<br />

COR: Clodius Granianus, 193<br />

Granius<br />

ACH: Granius, 124; T(itus) (Granius), 125; (T.<br />

Granius T. L.) Antigonus, 126; T(itus) Granius<br />

T(iti) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Auctus, 127<br />


566<br />

COR: Grania Homonoia, 299; Grania Quinta,<br />

300; Q(uintus) (Granius), 301; *Q(uintus)<br />

Granius Q. f. Bassus, 302<br />

Grattius<br />

ACH: [.] Grattius P(ublii) [f(ilius) - -], 128<br />

Gratus<br />

COR: Γράτος, 303<br />

Άβρα<br />

ARG: Μαινία Άβρα, 175<br />

Hagne<br />

COR: Iu[ventia] Hagne, 366<br />

Hai- - -<br />

COR: [- - - Ae]m. Hai[- - -], 304<br />

Άπλα<br />

EL: 'Ιουλία Άπλα, 226<br />

Αρμόδιος<br />

EL: Φλάβ(ιος) Αρμόδιος, 199<br />

Άρμόνεικος<br />

EL: Πόπλιος Αϊλ(ιος) Άρμόνεικος, 8<br />

Heius/ΉοςΛΉιος<br />

ARC: "Ηος Ευφρόσυνος, 87<br />

ARG: Ήιος, 133<br />

COR: Heius Agatho, 305; C(aius) Heius Arist[o],<br />

306; C(aius) Heius Corin[thius], 307; [Γ(άιος)<br />

Ήιος] Ίκέσιος π(ατήρ), 308: [.] Ήΐου Ίκεσίου<br />

πατρός, 308 [2]; [C(aius) Heiu]s [Pa]mphilus,<br />

309; C. Heius Pamphilus 7 adn.; C(aius) Heius<br />

Pollio (I), 310; C(aius) Heius Pollio (II), 311<br />

Helene<br />

ACH: Fulvinia Helene, 112<br />

"Ελενος<br />

ARC: Κλ(αύδιος) Έλενος, 65<br />

Ελικών<br />

ARG: Αύρ(ήλιος) Ελικών, 44<br />

Ηλιόδωρος<br />

ARG: Μ(άρκος) Ούλπιος Διόδωρου υιός Ηλιόδωρος,<br />

259<br />

EL: Μάρκος Αύρ(ήλιος) Ηλιόδωρος<br />

[Ήλιοδ]ώρου, 78<br />

Έλληνοκράτης<br />

EL: Μ(άρκος) Αυρήλιος Έλληνοκράτης, 79:<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αυρήλιος Έλληνοκράτης Φ., 79 [1];<br />

[Αύρ(ήλιος) Έλληνο]κράτη,ς 79 [2]<br />

Helpis<br />

ACH: Spedia [Help]is, 219; Paconia<br />

[Hel]pis, 183<br />

COR: Helpis 1. V[ibulei], 312<br />

Helvius/Έλούιος<br />

ARC: Έλούιος, 88<br />

ARG: *Τ(ίτος) Έλο[ύιος Βασιλάς], 134

EL: M. Helvius Geminus, 223 adn.<br />

Heraclanus<br />

COR: C(aius) Iulius Herac(lanus), 343<br />

Ήρακλείδας<br />

ARC: Φλάβιος Ήρακλείδας, 79<br />

Ηράκλειτος<br />

EL: Τίτος Φλάουιος Ηράκλειτος, 200<br />

Ήρακλιανός<br />

ARG: Ήρακλιανός, 135<br />

Heraclius<br />

COR: [M(arcus) V]ibuleius M. l(ibertus)<br />

Heracliu[s], 629<br />

Ήρκλανός<br />

ARC: Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Φαβία Εύρυκλής<br />

Ήρκλανός Λ(ούκιος) Ούιβούλλιος Πειος, 105<br />

Heredia<br />

ACH: Heredia Attice, 129<br />

Έρεννιανός<br />

EL: Έρεννιανός, 224; Έρεννιανός, 225<br />

Έρέννιος<br />


COR: Λ(ούκιος) Έρέννιος Φ[.]λ[..]νο[ς], 255<br />

and 312a; Έρέννι[ο]ς [—], 255 adn.; Λ. Έρέννειος<br />

Φιλεινος, 255 adn.<br />

Έρμήνιος<br />

EL: [Μ(άρκος) Αύρή]λιος Έρμήνιο[ς], 80<br />

Hermidius<br />

COR: L(ucius) Hermidius [ —], 313; L(ucius)<br />

Hermidius Celsus, 314; L(ucius) Hermid[ius]<br />

Maximus, 315<br />

"Ερμιππος<br />

EL: [Αι]λ(ιος) Έρμιππος, 9<br />

Ερμογένης<br />

ARG: Π(όπλιος) Λικίννιος Έ[ρμ]ογένης, 165<br />

COR: Φλάβιος Έρμ[ο]γένης, 267<br />

Hermoxenus<br />

COR: Ti(berius) Clfaudius Her]mox[e]nus, 173<br />

Herodes/Ήρώδης<br />

ARC: Ίούλι(ος) Ηρώδης, 106<br />

COR: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Ηρώδης Αττικός,<br />

174: Ηρώδης, 174 [1], [4]; [Άττικ]ός Ηρώδης,<br />

174 [2]; 150 adn.; Tib. Claudius Herodes Atticus,<br />

260 adn. and 545 adn.<br />

EL: Λ(ούκιος) Βιβούλλιος "Ιππαρχος<br />

Τι(βέριος) Κλαύδιος Αττικός Ηρώδης, 144;<br />

[Τι(βέριος) Κ]λαύδιος Άττ[.ικό]ς Ήρώδη[ς]<br />

[Ίπ]πάρχο[υ], 143; Λ(ούκιος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Βιβούλλιος 'Ρήγιλλος Ηρώδης, Ήρώδου καί<br />

'Ρηγίλλης υίός, 167<br />

Herophilus<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Fulvius Herophilus, 119<br />

567<br />

Hesychus<br />

COR: [- - -] l(ibertus) Hesychus, 316<br />

Hicesius/Ίκέσιος<br />

COR: [Γ(άιος) Ήιος] Ίκέσιος π(ατήρ), 308; [- - -]<br />

Hicesius, 317<br />

Hilara<br />

COR: Call[i]ana Hilara, 127<br />

Hilarianus<br />

ARG: Σέκ(στος) Πομ(πώνιος) Ίλαριανός<br />

Άλκάστου, 214<br />

Hilario<br />

ACH: C(aius) Pomponius Hilario, 191<br />

"Ιλαρός<br />

ARC: Μέμμιος "Ιλαρός, 123<br />

ARG: Πό(πλιος) Πάκκιος "Ιλαρός, 199<br />

Hiluria/Ίλυρία<br />

ARG: [Marcia P(ublii)] l(iberta) Ηί1υτΐ3/[Μαρκία<br />

Π]οπλίου Ίλυρί[α], 180<br />

ΗίρραΓαι^ΓΙππαρχος<br />

ARC: (Κλαύδιος) "Ιππαρχος, 66<br />

COR: M(arcus) Antonius Hipparchus, 63;<br />

Ti(berius) Claudius Hipparchus, 175<br />

EL: Λ(ούκιος) Βιβούλλιος Ίππαρχος, 343;<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Βιβούλλιος "Ιππαρχος Τι(βέριος)<br />

Κλαύδιος Αττικός Ηρώδης, 144<br />

Hirrus<br />

COR: *(C. Lucillius) Hirrus, 318<br />

Όμ[- - -]<br />

COR: [- - - Σε]ρβίλιος Όμ[- - -]ς, 567<br />

Homonoia<br />

COR: Clodia Homonoia, 187; Grania Homonoia,<br />

299<br />

Homuncio<br />

ACH: L(ucius) Numisius L(ucii) f(ilius) Quir(ina)<br />

Homuncio, 175<br />

Όστίλιος<br />

ARG: Όστίλιος Μάρκελλος, 136<br />

Hyacynthus<br />

ACH: (M. Minucius M. L.) Hyacynthus, 169<br />

Ύγείνος<br />

EL: Μ(άρκος) Αύ(ρήλιος) Ύγεΐνος, 81:<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Ύγεΐνος, 81 [1], [4]; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Αύ(ρήλιος) Ύγεΐνος, 81 [2]; [Αϋ(ρήλιος)<br />

Ύγεΐν]ος 81 [3]<br />

Hymnus/'Ύμνος<br />

ARG: Μ. Περπέρνας Ύμνος/Μ. Perperna<br />

Hymnus, 203<br />

Ύπατιανός<br />

EL: Τιβέρ(ιος) Κλ(αύδιος) Ύπατιανός, 152;<br />

[Κλαύδιο]ς Ύπατια[νός], 153; Τιβέρ(ιος)<br />

Κλαύδιος Ύπατιανός, 154

I[- - -]<br />

COR: Vibullia I[- - -], 632<br />

Ianuarius<br />

COR: Calpetanus Ianuarius, 130<br />

'Ιλλυριός<br />

COR: [Κλαύδιος] 'Ιλλυριός, 176<br />

Ingenuus<br />

ARG: Λ(εύκιος) Κορνήλιος Ίνγένου[ος] or<br />

Τνγενος, 111: Α(εύκιον)Κορνήλιον<br />

Ίνγένου[ον] 111 [1]; Α(εύκιον) Κορνήλιον<br />

Ίνγενον 111 [2]<br />

Insteius<br />

COR: C(aius) (Insteius), 319; *M(arcus) Insteius<br />

C. f. Tectus, 320: M. Inste[i]o C. f. Tecto 320 [1];<br />

M. Instei[um Tectum] 320 [2]<br />

Ίο[- - -]<br />

ARC: Αύρ(ήλιος) Ίο[- - -], 33<br />

"Ιων<br />

COR: Γάιος 'Ιούλιος Ίων, 344<br />

Ίωσης<br />

ARG: Αύρ(ήλιος) Ίωσης, 46<br />

Ίωτάπη<br />

ARG: Ίουλ(ία) Ίωτάπη, 138<br />

Ίρανίων<br />

ARC: Αύρ(ήλιος) Ίρανίων Ίταλοΰ, 34<br />

Ισίδωρος: see Είσίδωρος<br />

Isthmicus<br />

COR: [- - - Se]mpr[onius(?) I]sthmi[cus], 562<br />

Italicus/ 'Ιταλικός<br />

COR: [Cn(aeus)] Babbius Cn. f. Aem(ilia)<br />

[I]talic[us], 110<br />

EL: [Γάιος Ίο]ύ[λιος] Ίτ[αλικός], 235<br />

'Ιταλός<br />

ARC: 'Ιταλός, 89<br />

Ίου[- - -]<br />

ACH Ίου[- - -], 130; Γα[- - -] Ίου[- - -], 131<br />

Iucundus<br />

ACH: Aelius Iucundus, 2<br />

ARG: Λικίνιος Ίουκοϋνδος, 166<br />

Ίουλ[- - -]<br />

ACH: Ίουλ[- - -], 132<br />

Iulia/ Ιουλία<br />

ACH: 'Ιουλία Ακμή, 133<br />

ARC: 'Ιουλία Κάλλουσα, 90; Ιουλία Ευδία<br />

Εύτελείνου θυγάτηρ, 91: Ιουλία Εύ[δία Εύτελείνου<br />

θυγάτηρ], 91 [1], Ιουλία [Ευδία Εύτελείνου<br />

θυγάτηρ, Ίουλίαν Ε[ύδίαν], 91 [2];<br />

Ίουλ[ία — Εύ]φροσύνη, 96 adn.; Ιουλία<br />

Παντιμία Λάκωνος θυγάτηρ, 92; Ιουλία<br />

Ποθοΰσα, 93<br />


568<br />

ARG: ['Ιουλία Ιουλίου] Εύρυκλέους γυνή, 137;<br />

Ίουλ(ία) Ίωτάπη, 138<br />

COR: Iulia, 321; Mia Basila, 322; Mia Buia [- - -],<br />

323; Ιουλία Τηκτείνη, 324; Τερεντία 'Ιουλία, 582<br />

EL: 'Ιουλία Άπλα, 226; Ιουλία Χρυσαρέτα,<br />

227; 'Ιουλία [Δικαιοσύνη Γαϊο[υ Ίο]υ[λίο]υ<br />

Ίτ[αλικοϋ], 228<br />

Iulianus/Ίουλιανός<br />

ACH: Iulianus, 277<br />

ARG: 'Ιουλιανός, 139<br />

COR: [L(ucius) Antonius Iulianus], 64; L.<br />

Antonius Iulianus, 272 adn.; *C(aius)<br />

Caristanius [. f. Ser(gia) I]ulianus, 141;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Φούλβιος Ιουλιανός, 282; 'Ιουλιανός,<br />

325; 'Ιουλιανός, 326<br />

EL: Ιουλιανός, 229; Ίουλιαν[ός], 230;<br />

Αύ(ρήλιος) 'Ιουλιανός Πρείμου, 82; (Ί)ουλιανός,<br />

349<br />

Ίουλίττα<br />

ARC: Τιβ(ερία) Κλαυδία Ίουλίτ(τ)η, 58<br />

ARG: Ίουλίττα, 155<br />

Μηΐ5/Ίούλι(ο)ς<br />

ACH: * Agrippa Iulius, 20; M(arcus) Iul(ius)<br />

Bassus, 134; C(aius) Iuli(us) Calamus, 135;<br />

[Γ(άιος) Ίο]ύλιος Να[- - -], 136; I(ulius) Philo,<br />

137; (C. Iulius C. 1.) Philomusus Epiroticus, 138;<br />

C. Iulius Tanginus, 139<br />

ARC: Ίούλις Ιουλίου, 94; Ιούλιος, 95;<br />

Ιούλιος, 96; Ίούλ(ιος) Αλέξανδρος, 97;<br />

Ίούλ(ιος) Γάιος, 98; Γάιος 'Ιούλιος Λάκωνος<br />

υιός Κρατίνος, 99; 'Ιούλιος Διονύσιος, 100;<br />

Ίούλ(ιος) Δωρας, 101; Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Δώρος,<br />

102; *Ίούλιος Επιφανής Φιλόπαππος, 103;<br />

Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Ευδαίμων, 104; *Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος<br />

Φαβία Εύρυκλής Ήρκλανός Λ(ούκιος)<br />

Ούιβούλλιος Πειος, 105: Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος Εύρυκλής<br />

Ήρκλανός Α(ούκιος) Ούιβούλλιος Πεΐος,<br />

105 [1]; [Γ(άιον) Ίούλφν Φαβία Εύρυ[κλέα<br />

Ήρκλανόν Α(ούκιον) Ούι]βούλλιον Π[εΐον],<br />

105 [2]; Ίούλι(ος) Ηρώδης, 106; *(Ίούλιος)<br />

Λάκων, 107; Ίούλ(ιος) 'Ορειβάτης, 108;<br />

Ίούλ(ιος) Σ[—], 109; Γάιος 'Ιούλιος<br />

Στρόβ(ε)ιλος, 110: Στρόβειλος 110 [1], [Γάιος<br />

Ιούλιος] Στρόβιλος 110 [2]<br />

ARG: ['Ιούλιος Άγρίπ]πας (?), 140; Μ(άρκος)<br />

'Ιούλιος Άπελλάς, 141; [Γάι]ος Ίο[ύ]λιος<br />

Ά[σι]ατικός (?), 5 adn.; Γ(άιος) Ί(ούλιος)<br />

Βάσσος, 142; C(aius) Iulius Capito, 143; Τιβέριος<br />

'Ιούλιος Σιάνθου υιός Κλαυδιανός, 144:<br />

Τιβέριον Ίούλιον Σιάνθου υίόν Κλαυδιανόν,


144 [1]; Κλαυδιανός, 144 [2]; Τι(βέριος) 'Ιούλιος<br />

Έπαφρόδειτος, 145; [Γάιος] 'Ιούλιος<br />

Λαχάρους υίος Εύρυκλής, 146: [Γάιον] Ίούλιον<br />

Ααχάρους υίό[ν Εύρυκλέα], 146 [1]; [Γ(αϊου)<br />

Ιουλίου] Εύρυκλέους, 146 [2]; Ιούλιος Λ[—],<br />

147; *Ίούλιος Μαΐωρ, 148: [Ίουλ(ίου) Μαϊορος],<br />

148 [1]; [Ιουλίου] Μαϊορος 148 [2]; ^Ιούλιος<br />

Μαΐωρ Άντωνινος, 149: [Ιούλιος Μαίωρ<br />

Αντωνΐνο]ς, 149 [1]; Αντωνεΐνος, 149 [2], 149<br />

[9]; [Ιούλιος Μαΐωρ Αντ]ωνΐν[ος, υιός<br />

Ίουλ(ίου) Μαΐορος], 149 [3]; [Ιούλιος Μαΐωρ]<br />

Αντωνεΐνος [συγκλητικός (?) υιός Ιουλίου]<br />

Μαΐορος, 149 [4]; [Αντωνΐ]νος, 149 [5]; Μαΐορος,<br />

149 [6]; [Α]ντωνΐνος [Μαΐο]ρος, 149 [7];<br />

Ίούλιον Αντωνΐνον Μαΐορος ϋόν, 149 [8];<br />

C(aius) Iulius Maximu[s], 150; Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος<br />

Ποπλάς, 151; Τιβ(έριος) Ίούλ[ιος —] υιός<br />

Ρυ[—], 152; Τιβέριος 'Ιούλιος Σίανθος or<br />

Σιάνθης, 153: Τιβερίου Ιουλίου Σιάνθου, 153<br />

[1]; Σιάνθου, 153 [2]; Γάιος 'Ιούλιος Λάκωνος<br />

υιός Σπαρτιατικός, 154<br />

COR: [- - -] Iuli[us - - -], 327; [I]ulius, 328;<br />

C(aius) Iu[lius], 329; C(aius) Iulius, 330; C(aius)<br />

Iu[lius - - -], 331; Γ(άιος) Ίούλ[ιος - - -], 332;<br />

Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος [—], 333; Λ(ούκιος) 'Ιούλιος,<br />

334; M(arcus) (Iulius), 335; Σέξτος 'Ιούλιος, 336;<br />

[Τιβ(έριος) Ιούλιος Άπόλαυστος], 337; [C.<br />

Iu]lius Athenaeus 91 adn.; M(arcus) Iulius M. f.<br />

Aem(ilia) Crispus, 338; C(aius) Iulius Aug(usti)<br />

l(ibertus) Epagathus, 339; [C(aius) Iulius<br />

Aug(usti) l(ibertus)] Epagathus, 340; C(aius)<br />

(Iulius Eurycles), 341; Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος Ευτυχής,<br />

342; *C(aius) Iulius Herac(lanus), 343; Γάιος<br />

Ιούλιος "Ιων, 344; *C(aius) Iulius C. f. Fab(ia)<br />

Laco, 345; C(aius) Iulius Lectus, 346; Γ(άιος)<br />

Ιούλιος Μαρκιανός, 347; C(aius) Iulius<br />

Nicephorus, 348; Λ(ούκιος) Ιούλιος Νεικόστρατος,<br />

349; C(aius) Iulius Polyaenus, 350; [Γ(άιος)<br />

Ί]ούλιος Πολύαινος υ(ίός), 351 and 350 adn;<br />

*C(aius) Iulius Iuli Quadrati [f. F]ab(ia) Severus,<br />

352; *Γάιος 'Ιούλιος Σπαρτιατικός/ C. Iulius<br />

Laconis f. Euryclis n. Fab(ia) Spartiati[cus], 353;<br />

C. Iulius [S]yr[us], 354; [Ί]ούλιος Τειμοκράτης,<br />

355; Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Θρασέας, 356<br />

EL: Γ[άιος] Ί[ούλιος —], 231; [Γάιος] Ίούλιο[ς<br />

—], 232; Ιούλιος Άγρίππας, 233; ['Ιούλιος<br />

Άγρίπ]πας, 233; 'Ιούλιος Αθηναίος Ιουλίου<br />

Νεοπολειτανοϋ υίός, 234; Γ(άιος) Κλώδιος<br />

Ιούλιος Κλεόβουλος, 169: Γ(άιος) Κλώδιος<br />

Ιούλιος Κλεόβουλος, 169 [1]; Γ(άιον)<br />

569<br />

Κλώ(διον) Ίού(λιον) Κλεόβουλον, 169 [2];<br />

[Γάιος Ίο]ύ[λιος] Ίτ[αλικός], 235; *Γ(άιος)<br />

Ιούλιος Εύρυκλέους υιός Λάκων, 236; P. Iulius<br />

Geminius Marcianus, adn. 223; [Ίού]λιος<br />

Λε[πτίνης (?)], 237; 'Ιούλιος Νεοπολειτανός,<br />

238; *Γ(άιος) Ίούλιο[ς] Φίλιππος, 239; 'Ιούλιος<br />

Κόιντος Σαβεϊνος, 240; Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος<br />

Σώστρατος, 241: [Γ(άιος)] Ιούλιος<br />

Σώστρα[τος], 241 [1]; Γ(αΐου) Ιουλίου Σωστράτου<br />

241 [2]; Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος Θεαγένης (Ι), 242;<br />

Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Θεαγένης (Π), 243; Γ(άιος)<br />

Φούφιος 'Ιούλιος Θεαγένης, 218; C. Iulius<br />

Theophrastus, 143 adn.<br />

Iulius<br />

COR: P(ublius) Puticius M. f. Aem(ilia) Iulius<br />

Pa[te]rnus, 521<br />

Iunia/Ίουνία<br />

ACH: Iunia D(ecimi) lib(erta) Alcia, 140<br />

COR: [- - - Ίου]νία, 357; Iunia P. f. Polla, 358;<br />

Ίουνία Λευκίου Θεοδώρα, 359<br />

Iunius/ Ιούνιος<br />

ACH: D(ecimus) (Iunius), 141<br />

ARC: Ιούνιος, 111<br />

ARG: Μάρ(κος) Ίού(νιος) Ν(εώτερος), 156:<br />

Μάρ. Ίου. Ν, 156 [1] and [2]; Μ. [Ίού ]νου<br />

Αθη[ναΐο]ς, 156 [3]; [Αύλος Ιούνιος]<br />

Πάστωρ, 157<br />

COR: [- - - I]unius [---], 360; Λεύκιος (Ιούνιος),<br />

361; P(ublius) [(Iunius)], 362; M(arcus)<br />

I(unius) A(escinus), 691<br />

EL: Δ(έκμος) 'Ιούνιος [—], 244; [Ίού]νιος<br />

Άσκλ[ηπιάδης], 245; Δ(έκμος) 'Ιούνιος Έπίνικος,<br />

246<br />

Ίούνωρ<br />

COR: *Ίούνωρ, 363<br />

Ίούστα<br />

ARC: Ούολοσσηνή Ίούστα Ούολοσσηνοΰ Άριστοκράτους<br />

θυγάτηρ, 172<br />

Iustitius<br />

COR: M(arcus) Iustitiu[s] Priscus, 364<br />

Iustus/ Ίοΰστος<br />

ACH: L(ucius) Romanius L(ucii) f(ilius)<br />

Ani(ensis) Iustus, 205<br />

COR: Φλ(άβιος) Γενεθλίδ(ιος) Ίοϋστος, 266;<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος Ίοϋστος (Ι), 290: Α. Γέλλιος<br />

Ίοϋστος 290 [1]; [L. Gejllio I [Menajndri<br />

[Aem.] Iusto 290 [2]; L. Gellius [Iustus] 290 [3];<br />

[Α. Γέλλιος Ίοϋστος] 290 [4]; Α. Γελλίο[υ<br />

Μενά]νδρου υίοϋ Αίμ. Ίούσ[του] 290 [5];<br />

L(ucius) Gellius Iustus f. (Π), Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος

[Ίο]ϋστος υ(ίός), 291; Ίο(ϋ)στος, 365<br />

Iuvencus<br />

COR: T(itus) Manlius T. f. Col(lina) Iuvencus, 394<br />

Iuventianus/Ίουβεντιανός<br />

COR: C(aius) C[urtius] C. fil. [- - -] Benig[n]us<br />

Iuventianus, 239; [P. Li]cinius Priscu[s<br />

Iuventianu]s/n. Λικί[νιος Π. υ(ίός) Α]ίμ(ιλία)<br />

Πρεϊσκ[ος] Ίουβεντιανός, 378: [T. Li]cinius<br />

Triscu[s Iuventianjus, 378 [1]; Π. Αικι[νίω] [ Π.<br />

υ(ίω) Α]ίμ. Πρείσκ[ωι] [Ίουβεντιανω], 378 [2];<br />

Ίουβεντιανός, 378 [3]; Λικίνιον Π[ρ]εΐσ[κον]<br />

and Πρεΐ[σκ]ος, 378 [4]; Π. Αικίνιος Πρεΐσκος,<br />

378 [5]; [Π. Αικί]γ[ιος] [Π]ρεΐσκ[ος<br />

Ίο]υβεντ[ιανός], 378 [6]<br />

Iuventius<br />

COR: Iu[ventia] Hagne, 366; Iuventius Proclus,<br />

366 adn.<br />

Κυ[- - -]<br />

ACH: Άππιος Κυ[- - -], 32<br />

Λ[- - -]<br />

ARG: Ιούλιος Λ[- - -], 147<br />

COR: Λ(ούκιος) Φλ[άβιος ] Λ[- - -], 268<br />

La(- - -)<br />

ACH: L(ucius) Aemil(ius) La(—), 9<br />

Labeo<br />

COR: L(ucius) Furius Labeo, 284; *[Q. Licinius<br />

- - -] Modestin[us] [Sex. (?)] Attius Labeo, 377;<br />

A(ulus) Vatronius Labeo, 611<br />

Laco/Λάκων<br />

COR: *C(aius) Iiulius C. f. Fab(ia) Laco, 345<br />

EL: *Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος Εύρυκλέους υιός<br />

Λάκων, 236<br />

Λαιλιανός<br />

ARG: *Μάρκος Πόντιος Λαι[λιανός], 216<br />

Λαίλιος<br />

ARG: Λ(ούκιος) Λαίλιος Φίδος, 158<br />

Laenas<br />

COR: Ser. Octavius Laenas Pontianus, 488 adn.<br />

laetilius<br />

ACH: C. laetilius Clemens, 142<br />

Λαιτος<br />

ARCAaîraç, 112<br />

COR: Κρονίων ô καί Λαιτος, 236<br />

EL: Μάρκος Βετληνός Λαιτος (Ι), 337; Μάρκος<br />

Βετιληνός Λαιτος (Π), 338; *Λ(ούκιος) Βετ-<br />

ληνός Λαιτος, 339: [Λού]κιον Βετληνόν<br />


570<br />

Aafrov, 339 [1], Α(ούκιον) Βετλ[ηνόν Ααΐτον],<br />

339 [2], Λ(ουκίου) Βετληνοϋ Ααίτου, 339 [3]<br />

Lais<br />

COR: Caesennia Lais, 122<br />

Λάιος<br />

EL: Φλάβ(ιος) Λάιος, 201<br />

Λαμία<br />

COR: *Λεύκιος Αΐλιος Λα[μί]α, 16<br />

Λαμπρίας<br />

ARG: Τ(ίτος) Στατίλιος Λαμπρίου (Ι) υίος<br />

Λαμπρίας (II), 244; Τ(ίτος) Στατίλιος Λαμπρίας<br />

(III) Τειμοκράτεος, 245; Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος Τειμοκράτους<br />

υιός [Λα]μπρίας (IV) Μεμμιανός,<br />

246; (Τ. Στατείλιος) [Λ]αμπρίας (V), 247<br />

Lanius<br />

COR: Lanius, 140 adn.<br />

Λαφάντα<br />

ARG: Κλαυδί[α] Δαμέα θυγατέρα Λαφάντα, 76<br />

Lartidius<br />

ACH: Sextus Lartidius, 143<br />

Latinus<br />

ARG: [- - -] Λατίνος, 159<br />

Λαυρέντιος<br />

COR: Λαυρέτηος Καλωγενήτω, 367<br />

Lectus<br />

COR: C(aius) Iulius Lectus, 346<br />

Λέων<br />

EL: Γ(άιος) [Άντ]ώνιος Λέων, 40<br />

Λεωνάς<br />

ARC: Βήδιος Λεωνάς , 168<br />

Leonidas/Λεωνίδας<br />

COR: Leonidas of Melite, 72 adn.<br />

EL: Φλάβ(ιος) Λεωνίδας, 202; [Τ(ίτος)<br />

Φλά(βιος) Λεωνί (?)]δας, 203<br />

Λεωνείδης<br />

ARC: Πόπ(λιος) Αιλ(ιος) Λεωνείδης<br />

Πλο[κάμ]ου, 2<br />

Λεοντικός<br />

ARG: *Γν(αιος) Κλαύδιος Λεοντικός, 92<br />

Λεπτίνης<br />

EL: [Ίού]λιος Λε[πτίνης (?)], 237<br />

Lesbicus<br />

COR: C(aius) Cu[r]tius C. f. [- - -] Les[b]ic[us], 240<br />

Λεύκιος: see Lucius/Λούκιος/Λεύκιος<br />

Λιβυρνός<br />

ARC: Λιβυρνός, 113<br />

Licinia/Λικινία<br />

ACH: Λικινία, 144<br />

COR: Licinia Philist[a], 370<br />

EL: [Λ]ικινία, 247


Licinianus/Awiv(v)iavóc<br />

COR: [P. Aef]icius Atimetus [Lic]inianus, 9; [—<br />

Λικ]ινιανός, 371<br />

ARG: Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Λικιννιανός<br />

Σωκράτους, 47; [—]ος Λικινιανός, 47 adn.<br />

Licinius/Λικίνιος<br />

ARG: Λεύκιος Λικίνιος Άντέρως, 164;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Λικίννιος Έ[ρμ]ογένης, 165; Λικίνιος<br />

Ίουκοϋνδος, 166<br />

COR: Licinius, 372; P(ublius) (Licinius), 373;<br />

Π(όπλιος) (Λικίνιος), 374; P(ublius) Licinius P.<br />

1. [—], 375; [.] Λικίνιος Ευχάριστος, 376; *[Q.<br />

Licinius —] Modestin [us] [Sex. (?)] Attius<br />

Labeo, 377; [P. Li]cinius Priscu[s<br />

Iuventianu]s=n. Λικί[νιος Π. υ(ίός) Α]ίμ(ιλία)<br />

Πρεισκ[ος] Ίουβεντιανός, 378: [T. Lijcinius<br />

Triscu[s Iuventian]us, 378 [1]; Π. Λικι[νί[ω] [Π.<br />

υ(ίφ) Α]ίμ. Πρείσκ[ωι] [Ίουβεντιανφ], 378 [2];<br />

Ίουβεντιανός, 378 [3]; Αικίνιον Π[ρ]εΐσ[κον<br />

and Πρεΐ[σκ]ος, 378 [4]; Π. Λικίνιος Πρεΐσκος, 378<br />

[5]; [li. Αικί]ν[ιος] [Π]ρεΐσκ[ος Ίο]υβεντ[ιανός],<br />

378 [6]; Πόπ[λιοςΛικ]ίνιος [- - -], 378 [7]<br />

EL: Λικί[νιος —], 248; *Λ(εύκιος) Λικίνιος<br />

Μουρήνας, 249; Ρ. Licinius Murena, 249 adn.<br />

Livia<br />

ACH: Livia Foeba, 145<br />

Livius<br />

ACH: D(ecimus) Liv[ius ?] Naia[- - -], 146<br />

Λογισμός<br />

COR: Λογισμός, 553 adn.<br />

Lollius<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Lollius Epinicus, 147; T(itus)<br />

Lollius Spintharus, 148<br />

Λόνγος<br />

ARG: Λόνγος, 167<br />

EL: Λ(ούκιος) Τυρρώνιος Λόνγος, 327<br />

Λουκάνιος<br />

ARG: Μ(άρκος) Λουκάνιος [- ca. 1-], 168<br />

COR: 378 adn.<br />

Λουκάς<br />

ARC: Λουκάς , 114; Λουκάς Έπικτά, 115<br />

COR: Λο[υκάς], 380 adn.<br />

Λουκηνή<br />

EL: Λουκηνή Κλαυδία Μνασιθέα Κ(λαυδίου)<br />

Λουκηνοϋ Σαικλάρου καί Βετληνής Κασσίας<br />

Χρυσαρέτας θυγάτηρ, 250<br />

Λουκηνός<br />

EL: Κλαύδιος Λουκηνός Σαίκλαρος, 251:<br />

[Κλαύ(διος) Λ]ουκηνός [Σαίκλαρος], 251 [1];<br />

Κλαύδιον Λουκηνόν Σαίκλαρον, τον εκ Κλαυ-<br />

571<br />

δίας Αριστομάντιδος, 251 [2]; [Κ(λαύδιον)]<br />

Λουκηνόν [Σ]αίκλαρον, 251 [3]; Κ(λαυδίου)<br />

Λουκηνοϋ Σαικλάρου, 251 [4]<br />

Λουκι[—]<br />

ACH: Βιψανία Λουκι[—], 255<br />

Λουκία<br />

ARG: Λουκία Λουκίου, 169; Λουκία Τρόπου,<br />

170; Αύρηλία Λουκία (Ι), 30; (Αύρηλία) Λουκία<br />

(Π), 31<br />

Lucillius<br />

COR: (C. Lucillius) Hirrus, 46 adn. and 318<br />

Lucius/Λούκιος/Λεύκιος<br />

ACH: Λ(εύκιος) [- - -]ος Μαξ[- - -], 269; Λού­<br />

κιος, 273; Luci, 277<br />

ARC: Λούκιο[ς - --], 116<br />

ARG: Λούκιος, 171; Λούκιος, 172; Λούκιος,<br />

173; Λούκιος, 272; Λούκιος, 273; Λούκιος Επι­<br />

κτήτου, 174: Λουκίου, 174 [1], Λούκιος Επι­<br />

κτήτου, 174 [2]; Τ(ίτος) Στατ(ίλιος) Λούκιος,<br />

249; Λεύκιος, 122 adn.; Λεύκιος, 160; Λεύκιος,<br />

161; Λεύκιος (Ι), 162; Λεύκιος (Π) Λευκίου,<br />

163; Τ(ίτος) Στατ(ίλιος) Λεύκιος, 248<br />

COR: Λεύκιο[ς ]ΚΑ[- - -], 368; Λεύκιος<br />

[—]ος / Lucius, 369; Λούκιος, 379; Lucius, 380;<br />

L(ucius) (—), 381; *Λούκι[ος —] Λουκίου<br />

[υίός], 382; Luci(us), 692; Λούκιος, 693<br />

EL: Λούκιος, 252; Λ(ούκιος) [—], 253; Λού­<br />

κιος Καλλι[κρά]τους, 254; Λούκιος Διός, 255;<br />

see Λείκιος<br />

Lucretius<br />

Lucrius<br />

COR: Λουκρήτιος [—], 383<br />

COR: Lucrius, 384<br />

Lupercus<br />

Lupus<br />

COR: L(ucius) Papius L. f. Fal(erna) Lupercus,<br />

460; L. Tutilius Lupercus Pontianus, 488 adn.<br />

ACH: [- ca. 8 -]s Lupus, 149; Q(uintus)<br />

Pomponius Lupus, 192<br />

Λυκαρίων<br />

Λυκεύς<br />

EL: Λυκαρίων Κασσίο[υ], 109 adn.<br />

ARG: [. Κορ]νήλιος Λυκεύς, 112<br />

Lycortas<br />

ARG: M. Tadius Lycortas, 156 adn.<br />

Λυγκεύς<br />

ARC: Μ(άρκος) Άντ[ώ]νιος Λυγκε[ύς], 6<br />

Lysander<br />

COR: [L]ysander Aug. lib., 385

EL: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Λύσων Κλαυδίου<br />

Άγια υίός, 155<br />

Μ[- - -]<br />

COR: Μ(άρκος) Τύλληιος Μ[- - -], 591<br />

Ma[- - -]<br />

ACH: Numisius Ma[- - -], 176<br />

Μακάριος<br />

COR: *Φλ(άβιος) Οϋλπ(ιος) Μακάριος, 275<br />

Macer<br />

ACH: L(ucius) Caecilius L(ucii) f(ilius) Macer, 58<br />

Μακίας/Μακίας<br />

ARG: Κορ(νήλιος) Μακίας or Μαικίας, 113<br />

Μακρεινος<br />

ARC: *[Μ(άρκος)] Πομπήιο[ς νέος Θεοφάνης<br />

Κυρί]να Μακρεϊν[ος], 138<br />

EL: Μακρεινος, 256<br />

Maec[—]<br />

ACH: Maec[- - -], 150<br />

Maecianus/Μαικιανός<br />

COR: *[. ] Κορνή[λιος] Μαικι[ανός], 224;<br />

[. Cornelius Secundus M]a[e]cianus, 233<br />

Maecilius/Μαικίλιος<br />

ACH: *M. Maecilius Rufus, 150 adn.<br />

EL: *Μάρκος Μαικίλιος Τοϋφος, 257<br />

Maecius/Μαίκιος<br />

ACH: Maecius, 277<br />

ARC: Α(ύλος) Μαίκιος Φαιδρός, 117<br />

COR: Maec[ia Q.] 1., 386; L(ucius) Maecius [- - -],<br />

387; Q(uintus) (Maecius), 388; [Q(uintus)]<br />

[M]a[e]cius Q. 1. Cleogenfes], 389; Α(ύλος) Μαίκιο[ς<br />

Φαυστι]νος, 390; [Λ(ούκιος)] Μαίκιο[ς<br />

Φ]αυστεινο[ς], 391; Μαίκιος, 694<br />

Maedius<br />

ACH: P(ublius) (Maedius), 151; P(ublius)<br />

Maedius P(ubli) [f(ilius) Qui(rina)], 152<br />

Μαινία<br />

ARG: Μαινία Άβρα, 175; Μαινία Τίτου Σμύρνα,<br />

176<br />

Μαίνιος<br />

ARG: (Μαίνιος) Απολλώνιος, 177<br />

Magna<br />

COR: Calpetana Magna, 128<br />

Μάγνος<br />

ARG: * Γναΐος Πομπήιος Γναίου υίος<br />

Μάγνος, 210<br />

Μαΐωρ<br />

ARG: Μαΐωρ, 178; *Ίούλιος Μαΐωρ, 148;<br />


*Ίούλιος Μαΐωρ Άντωνΐνος, 149: [Ιούλιος<br />

Μαίωρ Αντωνΐνο]ς, 149 [1]; Αντωνεΐνος, 149<br />

[2], [9]; [Ιούλιος Μαΐωρ Αντ]ωνΐν[ος, υιός<br />

Ίουλ(ίου) Μαΐορος], 149 [3]; [Ιούλιος Μαΐωρ]<br />

Αντωνεΐνος [συγκλητικός (?)] [υιός Ιουλίου]<br />

Μαΐορος, 149 [4]; [Αντωνΐ]νος, 149 [5], Μαΐορος,<br />

149 [6]; [Α]ντωνΐνος [Μαΐο]ρος, 149 [7];<br />

Ίούλιον Αντωνΐνον Μαΐορος ϋόν, 149 [8];<br />

Μ(άρκος) Πόντιος Μαΐωρ, 217<br />

Malch[- - -]<br />

COR: Α. Caesius Malch[- - -], 124<br />

Malchio/Μαλχίων<br />

COR: 124 adn. Malch[io] and Μαλχίων<br />

Malchus/Μάλχος<br />

COR: 124 adn. Malch[us] and Μάλχος<br />

Mallius/Μάλλιος<br />

ACH: Sex(tus) Mallius Aptus, 153<br />

EL: Μάλλιος, 258<br />

Mamilia<br />

ACH: Mamilia Trophime, 154; Mamilia<br />

Tyr[a]nnis, 155<br />

Μαμμία<br />

ARC: Άσιννία Μαμμία, 11<br />

Manius/Μάνιος<br />

ARC: *Μάνιος (Manius Aquilius Glabrio), 1<br />

Manlius<br />

ACH: Manli(us) T(iti) f(ilius), 156; Q(uintus)<br />

(Manlius), 157; Q(uintus) Manlius Q(uinti) f(ilius)<br />

Quir(ina) Crescens, 158<br />

COR: Manlia D[- - -], 392; T(itus) (Manlius),<br />

393; T(itus) Manlius T. f. Col(lina) Iuvencus, 394<br />

Marcellianus<br />

ACH: C(aius) Annusidius C(aii) f(ilius) Quir(ina)<br />

Rufus Marcellianus, 25<br />

Μάρκελλος<br />

ARG: Όστίλιος Μάρκελλος, 136<br />

Marcia/Μαρκία<br />

ACH: Μαρκία, 159; Marcia Antiochis, 160;<br />

(Μαρκία) [Κην]σωρείνα [(Μαρκίου) Κηνσωρείν]ου<br />

θυγάτη[ρ Σεμπρωνίου] Άτρατε[ίνου<br />

γυνή], 161; Marcia Maxima, 162; Marcia<br />

Secunda, 163<br />

ARG: Μαρκία, 179; [Marcia P(ublii)] l(iberta)<br />

Hiluria/ΕΜαρκία Π]οπλίου Ίλυρί[α], 180<br />

Μαρκιανή<br />

ARC: Μαρκιανή, 118<br />

Marcianus/Μαρκιανός<br />

ACH: Marcianus, 277<br />

ARG: Σέξτος Πομπήιος Σέξτου υιός Μαρκιανός,<br />

Άριστοκράτεος εγγονός, 211


COR: Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Μαρκιανός, 347; Μαρκιανός,<br />

695<br />

EL: Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Μαρκιανός, 83<br />

Μαρκίων<br />

COR: Μαρκίων ό καί Θηριώτης, 396<br />

Marcius/ Μ(α)άρκιος<br />

ACH: (Λ. Μάρκιος) [Κηνσωρεΐν]ος, 164;<br />

L(ucius) Marcius Ruh[—], 165<br />

ARG: Μάρκιος (?), 181; *Q(uintus) Maarcius Q.<br />

[f. RexJ/Κόιντος Μαάρκιο[ς Κοΐ]ντου υιός Ρήξ,<br />

182<br />

COR: Marcia Ferv[ida], 395; L. Marcius<br />

Censorinus, 150 adn.; Marcius Ermetus, 397;<br />

Marcius Evelpistus, 398; [Marcius] Pollio, 399;<br />

Marcius Pr[iscus], 400; [Μ]άρκιος T[- - -], 401<br />

EL: *[Κ]όιντος Μαρκιος Λευκίου<br />

Φίλιππος, 259; Μαρκία Κλαυδία Άλκία Αθήναις<br />

Γαβιδία Λατιαρία Ήρώδου καί 'Ρηγίλλης<br />

θυγάτηρ, 113; [Γν]αΐος Μάρκιος [—], 260<br />

Marcus/Μάρκος<br />

ACH: [- - -] Μ(άρκου) υίό[ς], 166<br />

ARC: Μάρκος Σωσικράτους, 119; Μάρκος<br />

Τίτου, 120<br />

ARG: Μάρκος [- - -], 183; Μάρκος, 184;<br />

Μάρκος, 185; Μάρκος Έρμαΐσκου, 186:<br />

[Μ]άρκου Έρμαΐσκου, 186 [1]; Μάρκος<br />

Έρμαΐσκου, 186 [2]; Μάρκ[ου], 186 [3]<br />

COR: Μ[ά]ρκος, 402; Μάρκο[ς - - -], 403;<br />

M(arcus) (- - -), 404; M(arcus) (- - -), 405;<br />

Μά(ρκος) (Βάλερις), 406; M(arcus) (- - -), 407<br />

EL: [Μά]ρκος, 261; [- - -] Μάρκος, 262;<br />

Μάρκος (Ι), 263; Μάρκος Δειδά, 264; Μάρκος<br />

Φαύστου, 265: Μάρκος Φαύστου Γ, 263 [1];<br />

[Μά]ρκος [Φαύστου Γ], 263 [2];<br />

[Μ]άρκος Μαλλίου, 266; Μάρκος Μάρκου (Π),<br />

267; Μάρκος Μάρκου (III), 268; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Εύμ[έν]ης, 269; Βιβούλλιος Μάρκος, 344:<br />

Βιβο[ύλλιος Μάρκος], 344 [1], Βιβ(ούλλιος)<br />

Μάρκος, 344 [2] and [3]<br />

Μαρίνος<br />

COR: Μαρίνος, 408; Μαρίνος, 409<br />

Marius/Μάριος<br />

ARG: Μάριος (?), 156 adn.; *Γάιος Μάριος<br />

Γαΐου υίός, 187; [Λ]ούκιος Μάριος Πυλάδης,<br />

188<br />

COR: L(ucius) Mar[ius—], 410; L(ucius) Marius<br />

Floras Stlaccianus, 411; *[L(ucius)] Marius Piso,<br />

412; L(ucius) Marius Piso Resianus, 413; Μάριος<br />

Τύραννος, 414<br />

EL: *[Γάιος] Μάριος [Γα]ΐο[υ υίός], 270;<br />

573<br />

Marius, 15 adn.<br />

Martia<br />

COR:[Ma]rtia,415<br />

Martialis<br />

COR: *C(aius) Caelius C. fil. Ouf(entina)<br />

Martialis, 121; L(ucius) Rutilius Martialis, 541<br />

Μαυρίκιος<br />

COR: Μαυρίκιος, 416<br />

Μαξ[- - -]<br />

ACH: Λ(εύκιος) [- - -]ος Μαξ[- - -], 269<br />

Maxima<br />

ACH: Marcia Maxima, 162<br />

Maximus/Μάξιμος<br />

ACH: Κόιντος Φάβιος Κοΐντου Μάξιμος, 105<br />

ARG: C(aius) Iulius Maximu[s], 150<br />

COR: Άντίστιος Μάξιμ[ος], 30; [Τιβ(έριος)]<br />

Κλαύδιος Μάξιμος, 177: [Τιβ. Κ]λαυδίου<br />

Μαξίμου, 177 [1]; [Τιβ.] Κλαυδίου<br />

Μαξίμο[υ], 177 [2]; [Τιβ. Κ]λαυδίου Μαξίμου,<br />

177 [3]; [Τιβ(έριος)] Κλαύδιος Μάξιμος<br />

[Νεώτερος], 178; L(ucius) Hermid[ius] Maximus,<br />

315; [- - -Ma]xim[us- - -], 417; Μά[ξ]ιμος, 418;<br />

Μάξιμος, 419; Μάξιμος, 420<br />

EL: Μ[ά]ξιμος, 271; [Τιβ(έριος) Κ]λαύδιος<br />

Μάξιμος, 156; Π(όπλιος) Έγνάτιος Μάξιμος<br />

Βενυστεΐνος, 180<br />

Megiste<br />

ACH: Axia L(ucii) l(iberta) Megiste, 49<br />

Μελφέννιος<br />

EL: Γ(άιος) Μ[ε]λφέννιος Κάλλιστος, 272<br />

Memmia/Μεμμία<br />

ARC: Μεμμία, 12<br />

ARG: (Μεμμία) Πασιχάρεια, 189<br />

EL: Memmia (?) Ageta, 8 adn.<br />

Μεμμιανός<br />

ARG: Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος Τειμοκράτους υίος<br />

[Λα]μπρίας (IV) Μεμμιανός, 246; Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος<br />

Λαμπρίου (V) υίος [Τ]ειμοκράτης (III)<br />

[Μ]εμ[μια]νό[ς], 254<br />

Memmius/Μέμμιος<br />

ARC: Πό(πλιος) Μέμμιος Αγαθοκλής, 122:<br />

[Πό(πλιος) Μέ]μμιος Αγαθοκλής [1],<br />

Πό(πλιος) Μέμμιος Αγαθοκλής [2]; Μέμμιος<br />

"Ιλαρός, 123<br />

ARG: (Π. Μέμμιος) Πρατόλαος, 190; *Γ(άιος)<br />

Μέμμιο[ς Τήγλος] Π(οπλίου) Μεμμί[ου<br />

Τήγλου], 191: Γ(άιον) Μέμμιο[ν Τήγλον]<br />

Π(οπλίου) Μεμμί[ου Τήγλου], 191 [1], Τήγλος<br />

[Π(οπλίου) Μεμμίου] υίός, 191 [2]; *Πόπλιος<br />

Μέμμιος Ποπλίου υίος Τήγλος, 192:

[Π(όπλιον) Μέμμιον Γαΐον or Ποπλίου] υίον<br />

[Τήγλον], 192 [1]; Πόπλιον Μέμμιον Ποπλίου<br />

υίον Τήγλον, 192 [2]; Π(όπλιον) Μέ[μ]μιον<br />

[Ποπλίου υίον Τήγλο]ν, 192 [3]; [Πόπλιον<br />

Μέμμφν Τήγλον, 192 [4] adn.<br />

COR: [Publius Memmius C]leand[er], 421; *Μέμμιος<br />

Πόντιος Πτολεμέος ο κέ Παρνάσιος, 422;<br />

*P(ublius) Memm[ius Ρ. f.] Regulus, 423: T.<br />

Memm[io T. f.] Regulo, 423 [1], Ρήγλ[ο]ν, 423 [2]<br />

EL: [- Μέ]μμ[ιος —], 273; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Μέμμ(ιος) Άντεικός, 274; Γ(άιος) Μέμμιος<br />

Εύδαμος , 275; Π(όπλιος) Μέμμιος Φιλόδαμος;<br />

Γ(αΐου) Μεμμίου Εύδάμου υίός; Γ(αΐου) Ιουλίου<br />

Σωστράτου εγγονός, 276; *Πόπλιο[ς Μέ]μμιος<br />

[Τή]γλος, 277<br />

Menander/Μένανδρος<br />

COR: Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος Μένανδρος (Ι), 292: Λ.<br />

Γέλλιος Μέναν[ορος], 292 [1]; [L. Ge]llio<br />

[Menajndri [Aem.] Iusto, 292 [2]; [L. Gellius<br />

Mena]nder, 292 [3]; [L. Geljlius Menander, 292<br />

[4]; [Λ. Γέλλιος Μένανδρος], 292 [5]; [L] Gellio<br />

M[enandri], 292 [6]; L(ucius) Gellius Menander<br />

(ΙΙ)/[Λ. Γ]έλλιος Μ[ένανδρος], 293: [Λ. Γ]έλλιος<br />

Μ[ένανδρος, 293 [1]; L. Gellius Menander, 293<br />

[2]; L. Gellius Menander, 293 [3]; [Γελλίου]<br />

Μενάνδρου, 293 [4]<br />

Μενεκλής<br />

ARG: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδι[ος] Μενεκλής, 93<br />

Μενέδημος<br />

COR: Αύρ(ήλιος) Μενέδημος, 103<br />

Μηνοφάνης<br />

ARC: Σέκστος Πομπήιος Μηνοφάνης<br />

Θεοξένου, 139<br />

Μεσσαλεινος<br />

EL: [—] Μεσσαλειν[ος], 278<br />

Μεστιανός<br />

ARG: Λ(ούκιος) Άντίστιος Μεστιανός, 15<br />

Metellus/Μέτελλος<br />

ARG: *Q. Caecilius C. f. Metellus, 66<br />

COR: Μ[ετ]έλλ[ου], 402 adn.<br />

EL: *Κόιντος Καικέλιος Κοΐντου Μέτελλος, 97<br />

Methe<br />

COR: Papia L. f. Donati uxo(r) Methe, 456<br />

Metilius<br />

EL: *M. Metilius Rufus, 257 adn.<br />

Μητρόβιος<br />

EL: Αύ(ρήλιος) Μητρόβιος Σωτηρίχου, 84<br />

Μητρότειμος<br />

EL: Π(όπλιος) Αϊλ(ιος) 'Αντώνιος ΚρισπεΙνος<br />

Μητρότειμος, 2<br />


574<br />

Mi[- - -]<br />

ACH: M. Mi[- - -], 167<br />

Milesius<br />

COR: [M(arcus) An]ton[iu]s Glau[c]i f.<br />

Milesius, 65<br />

Min[- - -]<br />

COR: Άντίσ[τιος] Μιν[- - -], 31<br />

Μινουκιανός<br />

COR: Κλ(αύδιος) Μινουκιανός, 179; Μινικιανός,<br />

696<br />

Minucius/Μινίκιος<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Minucius C(ai) f(ilius) Quir(ina)<br />

Gallus, 168; (M. Minucius M. L.) Hyacynthus,<br />

169; C(aius) (Minucius), 170<br />

COR: C(aius) Min[ucius - - -], 424<br />

EL: *[Λούκιος Μινίκιος] Νατάλις, 279; *L.<br />

Minicius Natalis Quadronius Verus, 279 adn.; *L.<br />

Minicius Natalis, 279 adn.<br />

Μνασιθέα<br />

Λουκηνή Κλαυδία Μνασιθέα Κ(λαυδίου) Λουκηνοϋ<br />

Σαικλάρου και Βετληνής Κασσίας Χρυσαρέτας<br />

θυγάτηρ , 250<br />

Μο[- - -]<br />

EL: Γ(άιος) Μο[- - -], 104<br />

Modesta<br />

ACH: Cornufic[ia] Gn(aei) f(ilia) Modesta, 81<br />

Μοδεστεινα<br />

ACH: Βαλερία Μοδεστεινα, 235<br />

Modestinus<br />

COR: *[Q. Licinius - - -] Modestin[us] [Sex (?)]<br />

Attius Labeo, 377<br />

Μόδεστος (Modestus)<br />

EL: *Μόδ[εστος], 280<br />

Μοντανός<br />

EL: [— Μο]ντανός, 281; Μοντ[α]νός 'Αχαϊκού,<br />

282; Πόπλιος Όφέλλιος Μοντανός, 295<br />

Moschus<br />

ACH: Vir(eius) Moschus, 256<br />

COR: [.] [A]rruntius Mosch[us], 88; Cn(aeus)<br />

[- - -] Mosc[hus], 426<br />

Μούκιος<br />

EL: *[Κό]ιντος [Μούκιος Ποπλίου υιός] Σκαι-<br />

όλας, 283<br />

Mummia<br />

EL: Mummia Achaica 285 adn.<br />

Mummius/Μόμμιος<br />

ARC: *Λεύκιος Μόμμιος Λευκίου, 124<br />

ARG: [-ca. 4-]ιος Μόμμιος Γαΐου Τωμ[α]ϊος,<br />

193; *Λεύκιος Μόμμιος Λευκίου, 194<br />

COR: Λεύκιος Μόμμιος, 425


EL: *Λεύκιος Μόμμιος Λευκίου υίός, 284: Λεύκιος<br />

Μόμμιος, 284 [1]; [7]; Λεύκιος Μόμμιος<br />

Λευκίου υίός, 284 [2], [3], [4] and [5]; Λεύκων<br />

Μόμμιον Λευκίου, 284 [6]; *[-] Μόμμιος Γαΐου<br />

υ[ίός Αχαϊκός], 285; Mummius Achaicus, 285<br />

adn.; Sp. Mummius, 285 adn.<br />

Munatius<br />

COR: [L(ucius) Munatius M. f. Ter(entina)]<br />

Gal[lus], 427: L. [- - -] M. f. Ter. Gallo [1], [L.<br />

Munatio M. f. Ter.] Gal[lo] [2]<br />

Murena<br />

EL: *Λ(εύκιος) Λικίνιος Μουρήνας, 249; *L.<br />

Murena, 249 adn.<br />

Musa<br />

ACH: Aequana Sex(ti) f(ilia) Musa, 16; Appuleia<br />

Musa, 35<br />

Mussius<br />

COR: Mussius, 428; Γ(άιος) Μούσσιος<br />

Κόρινθ[ος], 429; C(aius) Mussius Prisais 430<br />

Μούτιος<br />

ACH: Μούτιος, 171<br />

Myrine<br />

ACH: Tadia Q(uinti) li[b(erta)] Myrine, 227<br />

Μυστικός<br />

COR: Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος Μυστικό[ς Γελλίου]<br />

Μενάνδρου, 294<br />

Na[- - -]<br />

ACH: [. Ίο]ύλιος Να[- - -], 136<br />

Naevius/Ναίβιος<br />

ARG: L(ucius) Naevius Callistus, 195: Naevius<br />

Callistus, 195 [1]; [Naejvius Callistus 195 [2]; [L.<br />

Naevius Caljlistus and L. Naevius Callistus, 195<br />

[3]; L. Naevi Callisti, 195 [4]; [Ν]αίβιος<br />

Τοϋφος, 196<br />

Naia[- - -]<br />

ACH: D(ecimus) Liv[ius (?)] Naia[- - -], 146<br />

Νατάλις<br />

EL: *[Λούκιος Μινίκιος] Νατάλις, 279<br />

Νεικ[—]<br />

ARC: Αύρ(ήλιος) Νεικ[- - -], 35<br />

Νεικόστρατος<br />

ARC: Κλ(αύδιος) Νεικόστρατος , 67<br />

COR: Λ(ούκιος) 'Ιούλιος Νεικόστρατος, 349<br />

Νεμεσιανός<br />

EL: [Νεμ]εσιανός, 286<br />

Νεοκλής<br />

EL: Αύρ(ήλιος) Νεοκλής Βασιλείδου, 86<br />

Νεοπολειτανός<br />

575<br />

EL: Ιούλιος Νεοπολειτανός, 238<br />

Νέος Θεοφάνης<br />

ARC: *[Μ(άρκος)] Πομπήιο[ς νέος Θεοφάνης<br />

Κυρί]να ΜακρεΙν[ος], 138<br />

Nestor<br />

COR: Aurelius Nestor, 104<br />

Νικάτας<br />

ARG: Γναϊος Κορνήλιος Σωδάμου υιός Νικάτας,<br />

114<br />

Nice/Νείκη<br />

ACH: Aepicia Nice, 13; +Turpilia Nice, 231<br />

ARG: Αύρηλία Νείκη, 32<br />

Nicephorus/Νεικηφόρος<br />

COR: C(aius) Iulius Nicephorus, 348<br />

EL: Αύ(ρήλιος) Νεικηφόρος (Νεικηφόρου), 85<br />

Νικήρατος<br />

ARG: *[Γιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Τιβερίου Φροντείνου<br />

υιός Κυρείνα Φροντεΐνος] Νεική[ρατ]ο[ς], 91<br />

EL: Τίτος Κλ(αύδιος) Νικήρατος, 157<br />

Νικόπολις<br />

ARG: [Γ]άι[ο]ς Α[ϊλι]ος Ν[ικόπο]λις, 10<br />

Νικοτέλης<br />

ARG: [Τιβέριο]ς Κλαύδιος Εένόμου υιός Νικοτέλης,<br />

94<br />

Niger/Νίγερ<br />

COR: Q(uintus) Caecilius Niger, 119<br />

EL: Νίγερ (I), 287; Νίγερ (Π) Νίγερος, 288<br />

Nigrinus<br />

COR: [M(arcus)] An[t]onius [M. f. - - -]<br />

Nigrinus, 66<br />

Ν(ε)ίν(ν)ιος<br />

COR: Νείν[ιος] Διογ[ένους], 431; Ποπ[ίλιον<br />

Ν]ίννιον, 378 adn.<br />

Νο[- - -]<br />

COR: Βαλέριος Νο[- - -], 602<br />

Nobilior<br />

COR: Q(uintus) Fulvius Q. f. [Q. (?)] n.<br />

Ouf(entina) Nob[ili]or, 283; Marcus Fulvius<br />

Nobilior, 283 adn.<br />

Νομωνία<br />

COR: Νομωνία, 439<br />

Novius<br />

COR: M(arcus) Novius Bassus, 432; C(aius)<br />

Novius Felix, 433<br />

Nympha<br />

ACH: Turpilia Nympha, 232<br />

Nudus<br />

ACH: P(ublius) Rutilius P(ublii) f(ilius) Nudus, 207<br />

Num[- - -]<br />

COR: Num[- - -], 434

Numerius<br />

COR: L. Numerous - - -], 435<br />

Numisia/Νουμισία<br />

ACH: Numisia L(ucii) f(ilia) Edasena, 172<br />

COR: Numis[ia] L. 1. Antigon[a], 436; Numisia<br />

L.l. Prima, 437<br />

EL: Νουμισία Τεισίς Λ(ουκίου) Βετληνοΰ Λαίτου<br />

και Φλαουΐας Γοργώς θυγάτηρ, 289<br />

Numisius<br />

ACH: Num[isius—], 173; L(ucius) (Numisius),<br />

174; L(ucius) Numisius L(ucii) f(ilius) Quir(ina)<br />

Homuncio, 175; Numisius Ma[—], 176; Numisius<br />

[Sec]undus, 177; L(ucius) Num[isius —Jternus, 178<br />

COR: L(ucius) (Numisius), 438<br />

0[- - -]<br />

COR: Μ(άρκος) 'Αντώνιος Ό[—], 67<br />

Όκκία<br />

Όκκία Πρίσκα, 290<br />

Ώκλάτιος<br />

COR: Π(οπλιος) Ώκλάτιος Τύ[ρα]ννος, 440, Π.<br />

Ώκλάτιος Τύραννος, 440 adn.<br />

ΟαανΜ8/Ό(Ώ)κτάβιος/Όκτάιος/Όκτάουιος<br />

ACH: Cn(aeus) Octa(vius), 179; 'Οκτάβιος Χρύσανθος,<br />

180; 'Οκτάβιος, 274; Octavius, 277<br />

ARC: 'Οκτάβιος Παπύλου, 125<br />

ARG: *Γναϊος 'Οκτάιος Γναίου, 197; 'Οκτάβιος<br />

and [Όκτά]βι[ος], 274<br />

COR: Octavius, 441; 'Οκτάβιος Άγαθόπους,<br />

442; 'Οκτάβιος, 697; Ώκ[τ]ά[β]ιος (?) [- - -], 440<br />

adn.; *Ser. Octavius Laenas Pontianus, 488 adn.<br />

EL: *Γναιος Όκτά[ουιος —], 291; Όκτάουιο[ς<br />

—]ανος, 292; Όκτάουιο[ς —]ανος<br />

Όκταουίο[υ —]ανοΰ, 293<br />

Octonius<br />

COR: [- - -] Octon[ius - - -], 443<br />

Όφέλλιος/Όφίλλιος<br />

ARC: Όφίλλιος, 126; Όφίλλιος Διονύσιος,<br />

127; Όφίλλιος Όνησίφορος, 128; Όφίλλιος<br />

Παρδαλός, 129<br />

EL: Γάιος Όφέλλιος Φλώρος, 294; Πόπλιος<br />

Όφέλλιος Μοντανός, 295<br />

Olius<br />

COR: [L(ucius)] (Olius), 444; Sex. Olius Sex. f.<br />

Aem(ilia) Procupus], 445; Sex. Oflius L. f.]<br />

A[e]m(ilia) Secu[ndus], 446<br />

'Ολυμπία<br />

ARG: Κλαυδία Όλυ[μπ]ία, 77<br />

Όλυμπιανός<br />

COR: *Τ(ίτος) Φλάβ(ιος) Όλυμπιαννός, 270;<br />


576<br />

Όλυμπιανός, 698<br />

Όλυμπιόδωρος<br />

ARG: *Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Όλυμπιόδωρος, 49<br />

Όλυμπος<br />

EL: Αύ(ρήλιος) Όλυμπος Διονείκου Κλυτιάδης,<br />

87; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Όλυμπος Ίαμίδης,<br />

158: ΓΓι(βέριος) Κλα]ύδιος "Ολυνπος<br />

Ταμίδης, 158 [1]; Κλ(αύδιος) "Ολυμ[πος] Ίαμίδης<br />

158 [2]; Κλαύδιος ν<br />

Ολυ[μ]πος Ίαμίδης Ν,<br />

158 [3]; [Τιβ(έριος)] Κλ(αύδιος) "Ολυμπος<br />

[Ταμίδης], 158 [4]; Κλ(αύδιος) "Ολυμπος Ταμίδης,<br />

158 [5]; Τιβ(έριος) [Κλ(αύδιος) "Ολυμπος<br />

Ταμ]ίδης, [6]; [Όλ]ύμπου, 158 [7]<br />

Olumpus<br />

COR: [- - -] Fla(vius) 0[l]umpu[s], 269<br />

Όνήσιμος<br />

ARC: Μ(άρκος) 'Αντώνιος Όνήσιμος, 7<br />

Onesiphorus/ Όνησίφορος<br />

Oppia<br />

ACH: L(ucius) Curtius Onesiphorus, 86<br />

ARC: Όφίλλιος Όνησίφορος, 128<br />

COR: M(arcus) Aenius Onesiphorus, 23;<br />

[M(arcus)] Aenius M. f. Aem(ilia)<br />

Onesiph[or]us, 24<br />

EL: Αύ(ρήλιος) Όνησίφορος Κλεομάχου, 88<br />

ACH: Oppia L(ucii) lib(erta) Synpherousa, 181<br />

Oppius/Όππιος<br />

ACH: L(ucius) (Oppius), 182<br />

EL: Τιβ(έριος) Όππιος Άριστοδάμου υιός Τείμανδρος,<br />

296: Τιβ(έριον) "Οππιον Τείμανδρον<br />

[1], Τιβ(έριον) Όππιον Άριστοδάμου υίον Τείμανδρον<br />

[2]<br />

Optata<br />

ACH: Publicia Optata, 202<br />

Optatus/Όπτάτος<br />

ACH: Sal(vius) Vettius Sal(vii) l(ibertus) Optatus,<br />

244<br />

COR: Ti(berius) Claudius Optatus, 180<br />

EL: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύ(διος) Όπτάτο[ς], 159<br />

Όρκιος<br />

ARG: Όρκιος, 198<br />

'Ορειβάτης<br />

Orestes<br />

ARC: Ίούλ(ιος) 'Ορειβάτης, 108<br />

COR: M(arcus) Antonius Orestes, 68<br />

Oriculo<br />

ACH: [P(ublius) Do]mitius P(ublii) f(ilius)<br />

[T]ro(mentina) Oriculo, 93

P[- - -]<br />

COR: Γ(άιος) Άβίδιος Π[- - -], 3<br />


Π[- - -]<br />

EL: Τ(ίτος) Φλάουιος Πρ[—]δα υιός Π[—],<br />

211<br />

Pa[- - -]<br />

COR: [- - -]li f. [Ae]m. Pa Mamae, 447<br />

Πακκιανος<br />

ARG: *Ούετούριος Πακκιανός, 264<br />

COR: [- - -] Πακκιανός, 448<br />

Πάκκιος<br />

ARG: Πό(πλιος) Πάκκιος "Ιλαρός, 199<br />

Paconia<br />

ACH: Paconia [Hel]pis, 183<br />

ARC: Paconia Q. f., 130<br />

Paconius/Πακώνιος<br />

ARC: Πακώνιος Ζώσιμος , 131<br />

COR: L(ucius) Paconius Flam[—], 449; Πακώνιος<br />

Θε[—], 450<br />

Pacuius<br />

COR: [M(arcus)] (Pacuius), 451; M(arcus)<br />

Pacu[ius .f. — ] , 452; M(arcus) Pacuius M. f.<br />

[—], 453; [M(arcus) Pacuius M. f.] Aem(ilia)<br />

[—], 454; M(arcus) Pacuius Euporus, 455<br />

Paetus/Παϊτος<br />

ACH: *T(itus) Prif[ernius Sex(ti) f(ilius)<br />

Q]uir(ina) Paetus [Rosianus Gemi]nus Laecan[ius<br />

Bassus (?)], 198<br />

ARG: *Αύ(λος) Πομπώνιος Γ(άίου) υίός<br />

Αύγουρεϊνος Τ(ίτος) Πριφέρνιος Παϊτος, 213<br />

COR: *[Α. P]omp[onius] C. f. Quir(ina)<br />

Augur[inus T. Prifer]nius Paetus, 487<br />

Pamphilus<br />

ACH: C(aius) Antonius C(aii) l(ibertus)<br />

Pamphilus, 30; Q(uintus) Pomponius Q(uinti)<br />

f(ilius) Thallio f(ilius) qui et Pamphilus, 194<br />

COR: [C(aius) Heiu]s [Pa]mphilus, 309<br />

Panathenais<br />

EL: Panathenais, 113 adn.<br />

Παντιμία<br />

ARC: 'Ιουλία Παντιμία Λάκωνος θυγάτηρ , 92<br />

Παντουλήιος<br />

EL: [Γ(άιος)] Παντο[υλήιος - - -], 297<br />

Papia<br />

COR: Papia L. f. Donati uxo(r) Methe, 456<br />

Papius<br />

COR: L(ucius) (Papius), 457; L(ucius) (Papius),<br />

458; L(ucius) (Papius), 459; L(ucius) Papius L. f.<br />

Fal(erna) Lupercus, 460; L(ucius) Papius L. f.<br />

Aem(ilia) Venerius, 461<br />

577<br />

Πάπυλος<br />

ARC: Πουτυλος, 132<br />

Παρ[- - -]<br />

ARC: Αύρ(ήλιος) Παρ[- - -], 36<br />

Παρδαλός<br />

ARC: Όφίλλιος Παρδαλός, 129<br />

Παρνάσιος<br />

COR: Μέμμιος Πόντιος Πτολεμέος ό κέ<br />

Παρνάσιος, 422<br />

Πασκασία<br />

COR: Πασκασία, 462<br />

Paschasius<br />

COR: 462 adn.<br />

Πασιχάρεια<br />

ARG: (Μεμμία) Πασιχάρεια, 189<br />

Πάστωρ<br />

ARG: *[Αΰλος Ιούνιος] Πάστωρ, 157<br />

Paternus<br />

ACH: [- - -]ienus Pater[nus], 263<br />

COR: P(ublius) Puticius M. f. Aem(ilia) Iullus<br />

Pa[te]rnus, 521<br />

Patrobius<br />

COR: L(ucius) Coranus Patrobius, 200<br />

Παύλα<br />

COR: Παύλα, 463<br />

Παυλΐνα<br />

COR: Παυλϊν[α], 464<br />

Paulus/Παύλος<br />

ARG: Παύλος, 202; Τ[ι]β(έριος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Παύλος, 95<br />

COR: Παΰ[λος], 465; *[- - -] Παύλος [- - -], 466;<br />

Πύ[λος], 467; Παΰλ(ος), 468; Παύλος, 469;<br />

Παύλος, 470; Luci[u]s Sul. Paulus, 578<br />

Pausanias<br />

COR: L(ucius) A[emi]lius L. f. [Paus]ania[s], 21<br />

Pavia<br />

ACH: Pavia, 184<br />

Πεδουκαϊος<br />

COR: Πεδουκαΐος Κεστιανός, 471<br />

Πέλωψ<br />

EL: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Πέλωψ Τιβ(ερίου)<br />

Κλαυδίου Άριστέα και Άντωνίας Κλεοδίκης<br />

υίός, 160: Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Πέλοπος, 160<br />

[1]; Τιβ(έριον) Κλαύδιον Πέλοπα, Τιβ(ερίου)<br />

Κλαυδίου Άριστέα καί Άντωνίας Κλεοδίκης<br />

υίόν, 160 [2]<br />

Peregrinus<br />

COR: L(ucius) Arrius Peregrinus, 86<br />

Perperna/Περπέρνας<br />

ARG: Μ. Περπέρνας Ύμνος/Μ. Perperna

Hymnus, 203<br />

Πετίκιος<br />

EL: Λούκιος Πετίκιος Πρόπας, 298<br />

Πετρούνια<br />

COR: Πετρούνια, 472<br />

Φ[ - - -]<br />

COR: Λ(ούκιος) Έρέννιος Φ[.]λ[..]νο[ς], 255<br />

and 312a<br />

Φα[ - - -]<br />

COR: ΤΦ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Φα[ - - -], 172<br />

Φαιδρίας<br />

ARG: Τ[ι]β(έριος) Κλαύδιος Φαιδρίας, 96<br />

Φαιδρός<br />

ACH: Δομίτιος Φαιδρός, 94<br />

ARC: Α(ύλος) Μαίκιος Φαιδρός ,117<br />

Φανόκλεια<br />

ARG: Στατειλία [Φα]νόκλεια (?), 241<br />

Φάων<br />

COR: Λ(ούκιος) Σερ[β]ί[λ]ιος Μαξίμου υιός<br />

Φάων, 568<br />

Phi[ - - -]<br />

COR: [- - - Vi]bullius Phi[- - -], 641<br />

Philadelphus/Φιλάδελφος<br />

ACH: C(aius) Pomponius Philadelphus, 193<br />

COR: [- - -]ουιος Φιλάδελφο[ς], 473<br />

Φιλάργυρος<br />

ARC: Τ(ίτος) Φλ(άβιος) Φιλάργυρος, 80<br />

Φιλάριστος<br />

ARC: Κλ(αύδιος) Φιλάριστος, 68<br />

Phileros/Φιλέρως<br />

ACH: Σερβίλιος Φιλέρως, 216<br />

COR: *Phileros Aug. lib(ertus), 474<br />

Philete<br />

COR: Betutia T(iti) L(iberta) Philete, 53<br />

Philinus<br />

COR: Cn(aeus) Babbius Philinus, 111: Cn.<br />

BabbiusPhilinus, 111 [1A]; Cn. Ba[bbius<br />

Philinus], 111 [2]; Cn. Babbius [Philinus], 111<br />

[3]; Cn. Babbi[us Philinus], 111 [4]; [Cn.]<br />

Babbius P[hilinus], 111 [5]; Cn. Babbius<br />

Philin[us], 111 [6] [C]n. Babbius Philinus, 111<br />

[7]; [Cn. BabbiusPhilinu]s, 111 [8]; Cn. [Babbio]<br />

Philin[o], 111 [9]<br />

Philippus/Φίλιππος<br />

ACH: Q(uintus) Flavius Philippus, 271<br />

EL: *Γ(άιος) Ίούλιο[ς] Φίλιππος, 239;<br />

*[Κ]όιντος Μαρκιος Λευκίου Φίλιππος, 259<br />

Φιλίσκος<br />

ARG: [Κλ]ώδιος Φιλίσκος, 108; Γν(αϊος) Κορνήλιος<br />

Φιλίσκος, 115<br />


578<br />

Philista<br />

COR: Licinia Philist[a], 370<br />

Philo/Φίλων<br />

ACH: I(ulius) Philo, 137<br />

COR: Γάιος Κλώδιος Φίλων, 194<br />

Φιλόδαμος<br />

EL: Π(όπλιος) Μέμμιος Φιλόδαμος, Γ(άίου)<br />

Μεμμίου Εύδάμου υίός, Γ(αΐου) 'Ιουλίου<br />

Σωστράτου εγγονός, 276<br />

Φιλομάθια<br />

ARG: Κλαυδία Φιλομάθια, 78<br />

Philomusus/Φιλόμουσος<br />

ACH: (C. Iulius C. 1.) Philomusus Epiroticus, 138<br />

EL: Φλά(βιος) Φιλό[μουσ]ος, 205; Φλά(βιος)<br />

Φιλόμουσο[ς], 206<br />

Φιλόπαππος<br />

ARC: *Ίούλιος 'Επιφανής Φιλόπαππος, 103<br />

Φιλόστρατος<br />

EL: Φλ(άβιος) Φιλόστρατος, 207<br />

Φιλώτας<br />

ARC: Μ(αρκος) Τουρπίλιος Φιλώτας, 162<br />

Philotimus<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Fulvius M(arci) l(ibertus)<br />

Philotimus, 120<br />

Φιλόξενα<br />

EL: Αιμιλία Φιλόξενα, 10<br />

Φιλόξενος<br />

ARG: Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Φιλόξενος, 97<br />

Φιλουμενός<br />

ARC: Αύρ(ήλιος) Φιλουμενό[ς], 37<br />

ARG: Αύρ(ήλιος) Φιλο[υμ]ενός, 50<br />

Φοι[- - -]<br />

COR: Π(όπλιος) Σέξτιος Φοι[- - -], 570<br />

Φοίβος<br />

EL: Λ(ούκιος) Καικίλιος Φοίβος [ό] και "Εφηβος,<br />

99<br />

Φωσφόριος<br />

ARG: *Φωσφόριος, 204<br />

Φύλαξ<br />

EL: Φλάβιος Φύλαξ 'Αλεξάνδρου, 208<br />

Pinarius<br />

ACH: T(itus) (Pinarius), 185; T(itus) Pinarius<br />

T(iti) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Rufus, 186<br />

Pinnius<br />

COR: C(aius) Pinnius, 475; T. Pinnius, 475 adn.<br />

Pisanus/n (ε) ισανός<br />

EL: Κάλλιππος Πισανός, 299 and 33 adn.;<br />

Μάρκος 'Αντώνιος Πεισανός, 41: Μάρκος<br />

Αντώνιος Πεισανός, 41 [1], Πισανοϋ, 41 [2];<br />

Μ. Antonius Pisanus, 33 adn.<br />

Piso<br />

COR: Piso, 302 adn.; *[L(ucius)] Marius Piso,


412; L(ucius) Marius Piso Resianus, 413; L(ucius)<br />

Rutilius Piso, 542<br />

Pius/Πεϊος<br />

ARC: *Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Φαβία Εύρυκλής<br />

Ήρκλανός Λ(ούκιος) Ούιβούλλιος Πεϊος, 105;<br />

Πεϊος, 133<br />

COR: [- - - Ba]bbius [. f. Qui]r(ina) Piu[s] (?),<br />

112; Cn(aeus) [- - -] Pius, 476; L(ucius) Vibullius<br />

Pius, 642<br />

Plancus<br />

COR: L(ucius) Rutilius Plancus, 543<br />

Πλώτιος<br />

COR: Πλώτιος, 478<br />

Πλήσμων<br />

ARG: Αύρ(ήλιος) Πλήσμων, 51<br />

Πλεινιανός<br />

COR: Μάρκος[- - -] Πλεινι[ανός], 477<br />

Plotius<br />

COR: D(ecimus) Plotius Valens, 479<br />

Po[- - -]/Πο[- - -]<br />

ACH: M. Po[- - -], 187; M. Po[- - -], 188<br />

COR: Πο[- - -], 480<br />

Polla/Πώλλα/Πώλλη<br />

ARG: Πώλλα, 200; Πώλλα, 201, Ούεσπικία<br />

Πώλλη, 262<br />

COR: Clodia Polla, 188; Iunia P. f. Polla, 358;<br />

Tallia Polla, 580<br />

EL: Άππία 'Avvia Ά[τ]ειλία Τήγιλλα Έλπινείκη<br />

Άγριππεΐνα Άτρία Πόλλα, Ήρώδου και<br />

[Τη]γίλλης θυγάτ[ηρ], 16; Άντωνία Πώλλα, 23;<br />

Γιγανία Πώλλα, 219<br />

Pollio/Πωλλίων<br />

ARG: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Πωλλίων, 98<br />

COR: C(aius) Heius Pollio (I), 310; C(aius) Heius<br />

Pollio (II), 311; [Marcius] Pollio, 399<br />

EL: *Γάιος Ούατέρνιος Πωλλίων, 330<br />

Pollis<br />

COR: Vibullia Pollis, 633<br />

Polyaena<br />

COR: [- - -] M. f. [Poly]aena, 481<br />

Polyaenus/Πολύαινος<br />

COR: C(aius) Iulius Polyaenus, 350 and 351 adn.;<br />

[Γ(άιος) Ί]ούλιος Πολύαινος υ(ίός), 351 and<br />

350 adn.; [—] Polyaenus, 350 adn.; Tib(erius)<br />

Polyaenus, 482<br />

Πολύβιος<br />

EL: Τ(ίτος) Φλ(άουιος) Πολύβιος (I), 209;<br />

Τίτος Φλάβιος Πολύβιος (Π), 210<br />

Πολύχαρμος<br />

EL: *Πολύχαρμος , 300<br />

579<br />

Πολύκλειτος<br />

EL: Μ(άρκος) 'Αντώνιος Πολύκλειτος, 42:<br />

[Μ(άρκος) Αν]τώνιος Πολύκλειτος Π., 42 [1],<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος [Πολύκλειτος, 42 [2],<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος [Πολύκλειτος], 42 [3];<br />

Μ(άρκος) Άν[τώνιος Πο]λύκλειτος, 43<br />

Πολυκράτης<br />

ARG: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Πολυκράτης, 99<br />

EL: Κλαύ(διος) Πολυκράτης Ίαμίδης, 161<br />

Πολύνεικος<br />

EL: Κλαύδιος Πολύνεικος 161 a<br />

Πολύξενος<br />

ARC: [Τιβ(έριος)] Κλαύδιος Πο[λύξ]ενος, 69<br />

Πομ[- - -]<br />

COR: Γ(άιος) Πομ[ ]ος Σκέπτος, 483<br />

Pompeianus<br />

COR: T(itus) Flavius Pompeianus, 272<br />

Pompeius/Πομπήιος<br />

ACH: Σάλβιος Πανκράτους ό και Πομπήιος, 209<br />

ARC: Πομπήιος Άπελλάς, 134; Πομπήιος<br />

Άρ[ι]στοκράτης, 135; Πομπήιος Δαμαίνετος,<br />

136, 135 adn.; Μ(άρκος) Πομπήιος Είσας<br />

Αιλιανός, 137; *[Μ(άρκος)] Πομπήιο[ς νέος<br />

Θεοφάνης Κυρί]να Μακρεϊν[ος], 138 and 137<br />

adn.; Σέκστος Πομπήιος Μηνοφάνης<br />

Θεοξένου, 139<br />

ARG: Γν(αϊος) Πομπήιος Κλεοσθένους υιός<br />

Καλλέας, 205; Μ(άρκος) Πομπήι[ο]ς<br />

Χ[α]ρεϊνος, 206; Γν(αϊος) Πονπήιος Κλεοσθένης<br />

(Ι), 207: Πομπήιος Κλεοσθένης, 207 [1],<br />

Γν(αίου) Πομπηί[ου] Κλε[οσ]θένους, 207 [2],<br />

Κλεοσθένους, 207 [3]; Γν(αΐος) Πομπήιος Κλεοσθένους<br />

υιός Κλεοσθένης (Π), 208; Γν(αΐος)<br />

Πομπήιος Κλεοσθένους υιός Διόδοτος, 209;<br />

*Γναϊος Πομπήιος Γναίου υιός Μάγνος , 210;<br />

Σέξτος Πομπήιος Σέξτου υιός Μαρκιανός;<br />

Άριστοκράτεος εγγονός, 211<br />

COR: 318 adn., 426 adn., 476 adn.; [.] Πομπήιος<br />

Κλαυδιαν[ός], 484; Πομπήιος Κλεοσθένης, 485;<br />

Γναϊος Πομπήιος Ζηνάς, 486; Cn. Pompeius<br />

Zosimus, 656 adn.<br />

EL: [— Πομπ]ήιος N[—], 301; Λ(ούκιος)<br />

Πομπήιος Κρατερός Κασσιανός, 302<br />

Pomponius/Πομπώνιος<br />

ACH: P(ublius) (Pomponius), 189; P(ublius)<br />

Pomponius P(ublii) f(ilius) Qu(irina) Atianus,<br />

190; C(aius) Pomponius Hilario, 191; Q(uintus)<br />

Pomponius Lupus, 192; C(aius) Pomponius<br />

Philadelphus, 193; Q(uintus) Pomponius Q(uinti)<br />

f(ilius) Thallio f(ilius) qui et Pamphilus, 194

ARG: Πο[μ]πών(ιος) Έπαφροδιτα, 212;<br />

*Αΰ(λος) Πομπώνιος Γ(άΐου) υιός Αύγουρεϊνος<br />

Τ(ίτος) Πριφέρνιος Παϊτος, 213; Σέκ(στος)<br />

Πομ(πώνιος) Τλαριανός Άλκάστου, 214; [—<br />

Πομ]πώνιος Σεουήρος, 215<br />

COR: *[Α. P]omp[onius] C. f. Quir(ina)<br />

Augur[inus T. Prifer]nius Paetus, 487<br />

Pontianus/Ποντιανός<br />

COR: *[- - - Πον]τιαν[ός], 488; Ser. Octavius<br />

Laenas Pontianus, 488 adn.; L. Tutilius Lupercus<br />

Pontianus, 488 adn.<br />

Pontius/Πόντιος<br />

ACH: [. P]ontius [Da]phnus, 195<br />

ARG: *Μάρκος Πόντιος Λαι[λιανός], 216;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Πόντιος Μάίωρ, 217<br />

COR: *Μέμμιος Πόντιος Πτολεμέος ο κέ Παρνάσιος,<br />

422; Πόντιος Σωγένης, 489<br />

Popillius/Ποπίλιος<br />

ARG: *Γά[ι]ος (C. Popillius Laenas), 218<br />

COR: [Popill]ius, 699; Ποπ[ίλιον Ν]ίννιον,<br />

378 adn.<br />

Ποπλάς<br />

ARG: Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Ποπλάς, 151<br />

Ποπλίκιος/Poplicius: see also Popli(l)ius, Publicius<br />

EL: Κόιντος Ποπλ[ίκιος —] or<br />

Ποπλ[ίλιος —], 303<br />

Ποπλιλία: see also Publilia<br />

ARG: Ποπλιλία Σεκούνδα Γναίου θυγάτηρ, 224<br />

ΡορπΊΟί^/Ποπλίλιος: see also Publilius<br />

COR: [Popill]ius, 699; Ποπ[ίλιον Ν]ίννιον, 378<br />

adn.<br />

EL: Κόιντος Ποπλ[ίλιος —] or Ποπλ[ίκιος—],<br />

303<br />

Poppaeus<br />

ACH: [C(aius) P]opp[aeus Sabinus], 196<br />

Pos[- - -]<br />

COR: L(ucius) Pos[- - -], 490<br />

Ποσ(ε)ιδώνειος<br />

COR: Ποσειδώνειο[ς], 491<br />

ARC: Αύρ(ήλιος) Ποσιδώνιο[ς], 38<br />

Postuma<br />

ACH: Ba[-ca. 4-] Cn(aei) f(ilia) Postuma, 51<br />

Ποστούμιος<br />

EL: *[Α]ύλος Ποστούμιος Άλβεϊνος, 305<br />

Ποθούσα<br />

ARC: 'Ιουλία Ποθούσα, 93<br />

Potitus<br />

ACH: P(ublius) Folius Potitus, 109<br />

Ποΰλχρος: see Pulcher<br />

Pri[- - -]<br />

M(arcus) A[—] Pri[—], 1; M(arcus) Appuleius<br />


580<br />

Pri[mus], 36<br />

Prifernius/Πριφέρνιος<br />

ACH: Sex(tus) (Prifernius), 197; *T(itus)<br />

Prif[ernius Sex(ti) f(ilius) Q]uir(ina) Paetus<br />

[Rosianus Gemi]nus Laecan[ius Bassus ?], 198<br />

ARG: *Αΰ(λος) Πομπώνιος Γ(αΐου) υίός<br />

Αύγουρεϊνος Τ(ίτος) Πριφέρνιος Παϊτος, 213<br />

COR: *[Α. P]omp[onius] C. f. Quir(ina)<br />

Augur[inus T. Prifer]nius Paetus, 487<br />

Prima/Πρεϊμα<br />

ACH: (Didia) Prima, 87<br />

ARC: Πρεϊμα, 146 adn.<br />

ARG:Πρεΐμα,219<br />

COR: Numisia L.l. Prima, 437<br />

Πρείμερος<br />

ARG: Πρείμερο[ς (?)], 220<br />

Primigenius<br />

ACH: P(ublius) Aemilius Primionis l(ibertus)<br />

Primigenius, 10<br />

COR: Ti(berius) Claudius Primigenius, 181<br />

Primio/n ρ(ε) ιμίω(ο)ν<br />

ACH: (Publius Aemilius) Primio, 199<br />

ARG: Πριμίον, 275<br />

EL: Πρειμίων Άρμ[οδίου], 306; [—<br />

Πρ]ειμίων, 307<br />

Primus/Πρ(ε)ΐμoς<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Appuleius Pri[mus], 36;<br />

M(arcus) Geminius M(arci) [f(ilius)] Primus, 123;<br />

Πρεϊμος, 275; Primus, 277<br />

ARC: Πρεϊμο[ς —], 140; Πρεϊμος, 141;<br />

Πρειμος Δάφνου, 142; [—] Πρειμος Συμφόρου<br />

(s. [Αύρ(ήλιος)] Πρείμος Συμφόρου, 39);<br />

Πρίμος (Ι), 143; Πρίμος (Π) Πρίμου, 144<br />

COR: Primus, 69 adn.; Q(uintus) Cispuleius Q. 1.<br />

Primus, 153: Q. Cispuleio Q. 1. Primo, 153 [1];<br />

Q. Cispul[ei]u[s Pri]mu[s], 153 [2]; [- - -] P. f.<br />

Aem. Primus, 492; L(ucius) Rutilius Primus 1.,<br />

544; C(aius) Servilius C. f. Primus, 569; Πρεϊμος,<br />

700; Πρίμος, 701<br />

EL: Πρ(ε)ϊμος Εύτύχου, 308: Πρίμος Εϋτύχου,<br />

308 [1]; Εύτύχου Πρείμος, 308 [2]; Πρϊμο[ς],<br />

309; *Πόπλιο[ς] "Αλφ[ιος] Πρίμος, 12;<br />

Πρΐμο[ς], 350<br />

Prisca/Πρίσκα<br />

COR: Sau[feia] P[risca], 549<br />

EL: Όκκία Πρίσκα, 290<br />

Priscus/Πρεϊσκος<br />

ACH: C(aius) Aurelius C(aii) f(ilius) [- - -]<br />

Prisais, 47; +Priscus Silivius, 200<br />

COR: [L(ucius) A]nto[nius L. f.] Me[n(inia)]


Pr[iscus], 69; M(arcus) Iustitiu[s] Priscus, 364;<br />

[P. Li]cinius Priscu[s Iuventian]us/n. Λικί[νιος<br />

Π. υ(ίός) Α]ίμ(ιλία) Πρεϊσκ[ος] Ίουβεντιανός,<br />

378: [P. Lijcinius Priscu[s Iuventian]us, 378 [1];<br />

Π. Λικι/νίφ 77. υ(ίφ) Α]ίμ. Πρείσκ[ωι Τουβεντιανφ],<br />

378 [2]; Τουβεντιανός, 378 [3], Λικίνιον<br />

Π[ρ]εΐσ[κον] and Πρεΐ[σκ]ος, 378 [4]; 77.<br />

Λικίνιος ΠρεΙσκος, 378 [5]; [Π. Λικί]ν[ιος<br />

Π]ρεΐσκ[ος Το]υβεντ[ιανός], 378 [6]; Marcius<br />

Pr[iscus], 400; C(aius) Mussius Priscus, 430<br />

Pro[- - -]<br />

COR: L(ucius) Pro[- - -], 493<br />

Probus<br />

ACH: Alliatius Probus, 22<br />

COR: Probus, 69 adn.<br />

Προκλιανός<br />

ARG: *Προκλιανός, 221; Προκλιανός, 222;<br />

[Κ]λαύδιος Προκλια[νός], 100<br />

Procula/Πρόκλα<br />

ACH: [Pr]ocula Paconiae [Hel]pidis e[t] Numisi<br />

[Sec]undi alumna, 201<br />

ARC: Πρόκλα, 145<br />

COR: Cornel[i]a M. f. [Procula], 203; Ver[g]ilia<br />

C. f. Procula, 614<br />

EL: Βαιβία Πρόκλα, 95<br />

Ρηχ^Ι^/Πρόκλος<br />

COR: Proculus, 69 adn.; [- - - Pro]clus, 494; *[L.<br />

Pr]o[clus C]alpu[rnius], 54 adn.; A(ulus)<br />

Arri[us.f.] Aem(ilia) Proc[ulus], 87; M(arcus)<br />

Bellius Proculus, 115; Sex. Olius Sex. f. Aem(ilia)<br />

Procu[lus], 445; T(itus) Vergilius C. f. Aem(ilia)<br />

Proculus, 619; Γ(άιος) Ούιβούλλιος Λ. υίός<br />

Πρόκλος, 643<br />

EL: Μ(αρκος) 'Αντώνιος Πρόκλος, 44; Καικίλιος<br />

Πρόκλος, 98<br />

Πρόμαχος<br />

COR: Μ(άρκος) Άντ[ώνιος] Πρόμα[χ]ος, 70<br />

Πρόπας<br />

EL: Λούκιος Πετίκιος Πρόπας, 298<br />

Πρώτος<br />

ARC: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Πρώτος, 70<br />

Πτολεμέος<br />

COR: *Μέμμιος Πόντιος Πτολεμέος ο κέ Παρνάσιος,<br />

422<br />

Pyladis/Πυλάδης<br />

ARG: [Λ]ούκιος Μάριος Πυλάδης, 188<br />

COR: [- - -]arius Pyladis, 524<br />

Πυθίων<br />

EL: [Αύρή]λιος Πυ[θίων Ίαμίδης], 89<br />

Πυθόδωρος<br />

ARG: Μάρ(κος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Πυ[θόδωρ]ος, 52<br />

581<br />

Pu[- - -]<br />

COR: M(arcus) Pu[- - -], 495<br />

Πουβλι[- - -]<br />

COR: Γν(αϊος) Πουβλι[- - -], 496<br />

Πουβλία<br />

ARG: [Πο]υβλία Σκεπτιανή, 223<br />

Publicia<br />

ACH: Publicia Optata, 202<br />

COR: [- - - P]ublicia, 497; Publicia Banausis, 498<br />

Publicius: see also Ποπλίκιος/Poplicius<br />

COR: [- P]ubli[cius - - -], 499; [-P]ublic[ius- - -],<br />

500; M(arcus) (Publicius), 501; M(arcus)<br />

(Publicius), 502; M(arcus) (Publicius), 503;<br />

M(arcus) Pu[blicius Cn. f.], 504; Q(uintus)<br />

Publicius Capito, 505; Cn(aeus) Publicius<br />

Regulus, 506; Cn(aeus) Public[ius] M. f. M. n. M.<br />

pr[on.] Aem(ilia) Rusti[cus], 507<br />

EL: Κόιντος Ποπλ[ίκιος —] or<br />

Ποπλ[ίλιος —], 303<br />

Ποπλία<br />

Π(οπλία) Σειμά, 146 adn.<br />

Ποπλιλία: see also Poplil(l)ia<br />

ARG: Ποπλιλία Σεκούνδα Γναίου θυγάτηρ, 224<br />

Ποπλιλιανός<br />

COR: Λ(ούκιος) Βετ[ούριο]ς<br />

Ποπ[λιλιαν]ός, 621<br />

Publilius: see also Poplil(l)ius<br />

ARG: *Γναΐος Ποπλίλιος, 225: [Γναΐον Πο]πλίλιον<br />

(?), 225 [1], Γναίου, 225 [2]<br />

COR: Cn(aeus) Publil[ius - - -], 508; Cn.<br />

Publil[ius C]n. f., 508 adn.; Cn(aeus) Publilius,<br />

509; Cn. Publil[ius] Re[gulus], 508 adn.; [- - -<br />

Pu]blilius Tyrannu[s], 510 and 508 adn.<br />

EL: Κόιντος Ποπλ[ίλιος —] or<br />

Ποπλ[ίκιος—], 303<br />

Publius/Πόπλιος<br />

ACH: P(ublius) [- - -]ius, 203<br />

ARC: Π(όπλιος) Σειμάς, 146<br />

ARG: Πόπλιος, 226; [Ρ(υωΰΐ8)]/[Π]όπλιος, 227;<br />

[Πο]ύπλιος, 276; Πό(πλιος) Άπολλωνίδ (?),<br />

228; Πόπλιος Έπαφροδίτου, 229<br />

COR: P(ublius) (---), 511; P(ublius) (- - -), 512;<br />

P(ublius) (- - -), 513; Πού[βλιος], 702<br />

EL: Πόπλ(ιος) Άσκληπιάδης, 304<br />

Pudens<br />

COR:[---]iusPuden[s],514<br />

Pulcher/Πούλχερ/Πούλχρος<br />

ARG: Τιβέριος (Κορνήλιος Ποΰλχρος), 118;<br />

Γναϊος Κορνήλιος Γναίου υιός Ποΰλχρος, 116;<br />

*Γν(αϊος) Κορνήλιος Τιβερίου Φαβία

Ποΰλχρος, 117<br />

COR: *[M(arcus) App]alenus [M. f.] M. n.<br />

Aem(ilia) [P]ulcher, 81; [. Cor]nelius [Pulcher],<br />

226; Τιβ(έριος) Κορνήλιος Ποΰλχρος, 227; Γν.<br />

Κορνήλιος Γν. υιός Ποΰλχρος, 226 adn.;<br />

*Γν(αΐος) Κορνήλιος Τιβ. Κορνηλίου Πούλχρου<br />

Φαβία Ποΰλχρος, 228: Γν(αΐον) Κορνήλιον<br />

Τιβ(ερίου) Κορνηλίου Πούλχρου υίον<br />

Φαβία(ι) Ποϋ[λ]χρον, 228 [ΙΑ]; [Γ]ν. Κορνήλιον<br />

Τιβ. Κορνηλίου Πού[λχρου υ]ίόν Φαβία(ι)<br />

Ποϋλχρον, 228 [IB]; Γν(αίον) Κορνήλιον<br />

Ποϋλχρο[ν] [2]; Γν(αΐον) Κορνήλιον Ποϋλχρον,<br />

228 [3]; Γν(αΐον) [Κο]ρνήλιον Ποϋλχρον<br />

Τιβ(ερίου) Φαβ((ίαι) Πούλχρου υίόν, 228 [8];<br />

Γν(αΐον) [Κορνήλιον] Τιβ(ερίου) [Φαβ(ίαι)<br />

Πούλχρου] υ[ίόν], 228 [9]; [Γν. Κορνηλίου]<br />

Πούλχρου, 228 [12]; 577 adn.; Γν(αϊος) Κορνήλιος<br />

Ποΰλχερ νεώτ(ερος), 229<br />

Puticius<br />

COR: P. Pu[ticius], 515; M. (Puticius), 516;<br />

P(ublius) (Puticius), 517; P(ublius) Puticius<br />

Ac[- - -], 518; Πουτίκιος Άπ[- - -], 519; P(ublius)<br />

P[uticius] Cam[- - -], 520; P(ublius) Puticius M. f.<br />

Aem(ilia) Iullus Pa[te]rnus, 521; P(ublius) Puticius<br />

P. f. Aem(ilia) R[ufus], 522: P. Putido P. f. Aem.<br />

R[ufo], 522 [1]; [- - -] Aem. Ruffo], 522 [2];<br />

P(ublius) Puticius Secu[ndus], 523<br />

Quadratus/Κοδράτος/Κουαδράτος<br />

COR: Κοδράτος, 525; *Q(uintus) Vil[lius . f.]<br />

Titia[nus] Quadra[tus], 645<br />

EL: *Γ(άιος) Άσίνιος Κουαδράτος, 56<br />

Κυαίσειτος<br />

Κυαίσε[ιτ]ος (?), 310; Κυαίσενος, 310 adn.<br />

Quartio<br />

ACH: T(itus) Apponius Quartio, 33<br />

Κυϊήτος<br />

COR: Μ(άρκος) Ά[ν]τώνιος Κυϊήτος, 71<br />

Quinctius/Κοΐνκτ ιος<br />

COR: Τίτος [Τίτου υιός Κοΐνκτιος], 526 and<br />

adn. (T. Quinctius Flamininus)<br />

Quint[- - -]<br />

COR: Quint[- - -]a M. f. T[- - -], 527<br />

Quinta<br />

ACH: Caetronia Quinta, 59<br />

COR: Grania Quinta, 300<br />

Κυντιλλιανός<br />

EL: Κυντιλλιανός Σειλέου, 311<br />

Κόιντος<br />

ARG: Κόιντος, 230, Κ(όιντος), 231; Τιβ(έριος)<br />


582<br />

Κόιντος 'Αρχίλοχος, 232<br />

EL: Κόιντος, 312; Κ(όιντος) [- - -], 313;<br />

Κόι[ντος], 314<br />

Τηκτείνη<br />

COR: Ιουλία Τηκτείνη, 324<br />

Τήγιλλα<br />

COR: Τήγιλλα, 528<br />

EL: Άππία Άννία Ά[τ]ειλία Τήγιλλα Έλπινείκη<br />

Άγριππεΐνα Άτρία Πόλλα, Ήρώδου και<br />

[Τη]γίλλης θυγάτ[ηρ], 16; [Άππία Άν]νί[α<br />

Τήγιλλα Άππίου] ύ[π]άτο[υ πο]ντ[ίφικος<br />

θ]υγάτηρ, [Τιβερί]ου [Κλαυδί]ου [Ήρώδου<br />

γυ]νή, 17: Τήγιλλα, 17 [1], [2], [6], [8], [9];<br />

[Αππία Αν]νί[α Τήγιλλα Αππίου] ύ[π]άτο[υ<br />

πο]ντ[ίφικος θ]υγάτηρ, ΓΤιβερί]ου [Κλαυδί]ου<br />

[Ήρώδου γυ]νή, 17 [3], Τηγίλλης... της Ήρώδου<br />

[γυ]ναικό[ς], 17 [4]; Τη[γίλλης], 17 [5],<br />

[Τη]γίλλης, 17 [7]; [Τ]ήγιλα, 348 adn.<br />

Τήγιλλος<br />

EL: *Μ(άρκος) Άτείλιος Άττι[κός] Βραδούας<br />

Τήγιλλος, Ήρώδου καί Τηγίλλης υίός, 57;<br />

*Λ(ούκιος) Κλαύδιος Βιβούλλιος Τήγιλλος<br />

Ηρώδης, Ήρώδου καί Τηγίλλης υίός, 167<br />

Regulus/Τήγλος<br />

ARG: [- - -]όου υιός Τήγλος, 233; *Γ(άιος)<br />

Μέμμιο[ς Τήγλος] Π(οπλίου) Μεμμί[ου<br />

Τήγλου], 191: Γ(άιον) Μέμμιο[ν Τήγλον]<br />

Π(οπλίου) Μεμμί[ου Τήγλου], 191 [1]; Τήγλος<br />

[Π(οπλίου) Μεμμίου] υίός, 191 [2]; *Πόπλιος<br />

Μέμμιος Ποπλίου υιός Τήγλος, 192:<br />

[Π(όπλιον) Μέμμιον Γαϊου or Ποπλίου] υίον<br />

[Τήγλον], 192 [1]; Πόπλιον Μέμμιον Ποπλίου<br />

υίόν Τήγλον, 192 [2], Π(όπλιον) Μέ[μ]μιον<br />

[Ποπλίου υίόν Τήγλο]ν, 192 [3]; [Πόπλιον<br />

Μέμμφν Τήγλον, 192 [4] adn.<br />

COR: [L(ucius) Castriciu]s [L. f.] Reg[ulus] (I),<br />

146: [L. Castricio . f. Regulo], 146 [1];<br />

[Castriciujs Reg[ulus], 146 [2]; [L(ucius)<br />

Castri]cius Regulus (II), 147; Cn(aeus) Publicius<br />

Regulus, 506; Cn. Publil[ius] Re[gulus], 508 adn.<br />

EL: *Πόπλιο[ς Μέ]μμιος [Τή]γλος, 277<br />

Resianus<br />

COR: L(ucius) Marius Piso Resianus, 413<br />

Τητορικός<br />

ARG: Κλ(αύδιος) Τητορικός, 101<br />

Rex/Τήξ<br />

ARG: *Q(uintus) Maarcius Q. [f. RexJ/Κόιντος<br />

Μαάρκιο[ς Κοϊ]ντου υίός Τήξ, 182


Romanius<br />

ACH: L(ucius) (Romanius), 204; L(ucius)<br />

Romanius L(ucii) f(ilius) Ani(ensis) Iustus, 205<br />

Τωμανός<br />

COR: Τωμανός, 529<br />

Romulus<br />

COR: Cn(aeus) [- - -] Rom[ulus], 530; [- - -]ius<br />

Romu[lus],531<br />

Roscius<br />

COR: Rosc[ius], 532<br />

Rosianus<br />

ACH: T(itus) Prif[ernius Sex(ti) f(ilius) Q]uir(ina)<br />

Paetus [Rosianus Gemi]nus Laecan[ius<br />

Bassus (?)], 198<br />

Τυ[- - -]<br />

ARG: Τιβ(έριος) [- - -]υίός Τυ[- - -], 152<br />

Rufa<br />

COR: Attili[a R]ufa, 96<br />

Τουφ(ε)ΐνος<br />

ARC: [- - - Τ]ουφεΐνος, 147<br />

COR: Τουφίνος, 533<br />

EL: [Μ(άρκος) Άν]τώνιος Τουφεϊνος, 45<br />

Rufus/Τοΰφος<br />

ACH: [- - -] f(ilius) Rufu[s], 206; [C(aius)<br />

Annusidius C. (?)] f(ilius)] Q[uir(ina) Rufus], 24;<br />

C(aius) Annusidius C(aii) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Rufus<br />

Marcellianus, 25; [C(aius) Annusidi]us C(aii)<br />

f(ilius) Quir(ina) Rufus Vireianus, 26; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

[Κλαύδιος Τ]οΰφος, 72; T(itus) Pinarius T(iti)<br />

f(ilius) Quir(ina) Rufus, 186<br />

ARC: Τοΰφος, 148; *Τοΰφος, 149<br />

ARG: Τούφος, 234; Τοΰφος, 235; [- - -<br />

Τ]οΰφος [—]τίνου υίός, 236; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Τοΰφος Τούφου, 53; [Ν]αίβιος<br />

Τούφος, 196<br />

COR: M(arcus) Ca[ninius Rufus] (I), 136;<br />

M(arcus) [Caninius] Rufus (II), 137; P(ublius)<br />

Puticius P. f. Aem(ilia) R[ufus], 522: P. Putido P.<br />

f. Aem. R[ufo], 522 [1]; [- - -] Aem. Ru[fo], 522<br />

[2]; [- - -Τ]οΰφος, 534; Τοΰ[φος], 703<br />

EL: Rufus, 56 adn.; Rufus, sophist, 162 adn.;<br />

Τούφος (I), 315; [Τ]οΰφος Κυαισε[ίτ]ου (?),<br />

316; [Το]ΰφος (Π) Τούφου, 317; Γ(άιος)<br />

Κάνιος Τούφος, 107: [Το]ϋφος Τούφου, 107<br />

[1], Γ(άιος) Κάνιο[ς Τοϋφος], 107 [2], Γ(άιος)<br />

Κάνιος Τοϋφος Φ., 107 [3], [Γ(άιος) Κάνιος<br />

Τ]οϋφος Φ., 107 [4]; Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος<br />

Τοΰφος, 162; *Μάρκος Μαικίλιος Τοΰφος, 257<br />

Ruh[- - -]<br />

ACH: L(ucius) Marcius Ruh[- - -], 165<br />

583<br />

Rui- - -<br />

COR: L(ucius) Aemilius Rui[- - -], 22<br />

Rusticus<br />

COR: Cn(aeus) Public[ius] M. f. Μ. η. M .<br />

pr[on.] Aem(ilia) Rusti[cus], 507<br />

Rutilius<br />

ACH: *P(ublius) Rutüius P(ublii) f(ilius) Nudus, 207<br />

COR: L(ucius) (Rutilius), 535; L(ucius) Rutilius<br />

[—], 536; L(ucius) Rutilius Alcimus, 537;<br />

L(ucius) Rutilius Clymenus 1., 538; [L(ucius)]<br />

Rutilius L. f. Fuscus, 539: [L.] Rutili L. f. [- - -],<br />

539 [1]; [- - - Rutili] Fusci, 539 [2]; C(aius)<br />

Rutilius L. f. Aem(ilia) Fuscus, 540: C. Rutilio L.<br />

f. Aem. Fusco, 540 [1]; [- - - Rutili] Fusci, 540<br />

[2]; [C. Rutijlio L. f. [Aem. F]usc[o - - -], 540<br />

[3]; L(ucius) Rutilius Martialis, 541; L(ucius)<br />

Rutilius Piso, 542; L(ucius) Rutilius Plancus, 543;<br />

L(ucius) Rutilius Primus 1., 544<br />

S[- - -]/Σ[- - -]<br />

ACH: C(aius) Canius S[- - -], 66<br />

ARC: Ίούλ(ιος) Σ[- - -], 109; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Σ[- ca. 3 -]τασ[- - -], 40; Ούαλερία Σ[---], 166<br />

Σα[- - -]<br />

COR: [Α]ιλιος Σα[- - -], 17<br />

Sabinus^aß^)lvoc<br />

ACH: [C(aius) P]opp[aeus Sabinus], 196<br />

COR: Λ(ούκιος) Κορνήλιος Σαβεϊνος, 230;<br />

[Sabi]nus, 704<br />

EL: *Άππιος Σαβεϊνος, 51; Ap. Sabinus Probi<br />

f., 51 adn.; Μ(άρκος) Ώρά[ρ]ιος Σαβ(ε)Ινος, 60:<br />

Ωρά[ρι]ος Σαβίνος Λ. [1], Μ(άρκος) Ωρά[ρ]ιος<br />

Σαβεΐν[ος] [2]; Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος Σαβεϊνος, 212;<br />

'Ιούλιος Κόιντος Σαβεϊνος, 240<br />

Σαίκλαρος<br />

EL: Κλαύδιος Λουκηνός Σαίκλαρος, 251<br />

Σαίνιος<br />

EL: Λ(ούκιος) Σαίνιος Άχα[ϊκός], 318;<br />

[Λ(ούκιος) Σαίνιος Άχ]αϊκός, 318 adn.<br />

Σαλβία<br />

COR: Σαλβία, 174 adn., 264 adn.; Σαλβία, 545<br />

Salvius/Σάλβιος<br />

ACH: Sal(vius) Α[- - -], 208; Σάλβιος Πανκράτους<br />

ό καί Πομπήιος, 209<br />

Σάμιππος<br />

EL: Μ(άρκος) 'Αντώνιος Σάμιππος, 46<br />

Σατορνεΐνος<br />

ARG: [Μ(άρκος) Α]ύρ(ήλιος) Σα[τορ]νε[ίν]ος<br />

Λικιννιανοΰ, 54

Saturnila/Σατορνίλα<br />

COR: [Domit]ia Saturnina], 243; Δομετία<br />

Φιλίπα καί Λουκίου Δομετίου Λουκίου<br />

υίο Φαλέρνα(ι) Σατορνίλα Άπολλωνίς, 244<br />

Σατορνίλος<br />

COR: [- - -Σ]ατορνίλος, 546<br />

Saturnina<br />

COR: [- - -]ia Saturnifna], 243 adn.<br />

Saturninus<br />

COR: [- - - Sat]urnin[us] (?), 547<br />

Saturnus<br />

COR: [- - -] Saturn[us], 548<br />

Satyrus<br />

ACH: Ti(berius) Claudius Satyrus, 73<br />

Saufeia<br />

COR: Sau[feia] Pfrisca], 549<br />

Σαυνίδας<br />

EL: Μ(άρκος) Βιψ(άνιος) Σαυνίδας, 346:<br />

Μ(άρκος) Βιψ(άνιος) Σαυνίδας Μ., 346 [1];<br />

[Μ(άρκος) Βιψ(άνιος) Σαυνί]δας Μ., 346 [2];<br />

Βιψάνιος [Σαυνίδας (?)], 346 [3]<br />

Σκαιόλας<br />

EL: *[Κό]ιντος [Μούκιος Ποπλίου υιός] Σκαιόλας,<br />

283<br />

Σκεπτιανή<br />

ARG: [Πο]υβλία Σκεπτιανή, 223<br />

Σκέπτος<br />

COR: Γ(άιος) Πομ[ ]ος Σκέπτος, 483<br />

Σκρειβωνιανός<br />

EL: Φλ(άβιος) Σκρειβωνιανός, 213<br />

Scribonius<br />

COR: [Scri]bonius Agath[o], 550; Scribonius<br />

Syr[iacus], 551<br />

Secu[—]<br />

ACH:Secu[---],210<br />

Secunda<br />

ACH: Aemilia Secunda, 5; Coelia M(arci) [f(ilia)]<br />

Secunda, 76; Marcia Secunda, 163; [ ]ia<br />

Secunda, 262<br />

ARG: Ποπλιλία Σεκούνδα Γναίου θυγάτηρ, 224<br />

COR: [Co]rn[elia Secunda], 204; [- - -]είνια<br />

Σεκο[ύνδα], 552<br />

Σεκουνδίλλα<br />

ACH: [Κασ]σία Σε[κο]υνδίλλα, 67<br />

COR: Σεκουνδίλλα, 553<br />

Σεκουνδινος<br />

COR: Σεκουν[δεινος], 554; Σεκουνδϊνος, 555<br />

Σεκούνδιος<br />

COR: [Σ]εκούνδ[ιος] Σθενο .. .ος [Δ]είνιππος,<br />

560 adn.<br />


584<br />

Secundus/Σεκούνδος<br />

ACH: [.] Aeni(us) Secundus T(iti) f(ilius), 12;<br />

Numisius [Sec]undus, 177; T(itus) Varius<br />

Secundus, 237; Secundus, 277<br />

ARC: Σεκοΰνδος, 150; Σεκοΰνδος Σωτηρίχου,<br />

151; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδι[ος] Σεκοΰνδος, 71;<br />

[Ά]ρήδ(ιος) Σεκοΰνδο[ς], 9<br />

ARG: Σεκοΰνδος, 237; Σεκοΰνδ[ος], 277; Στα-<br />

τείλιος Σεκοΰνδος, 250<br />

COR: Γ(άιος) Κλώδιος Σεκοΰνδος, 195;<br />

Q(uintus) Co[r]n[elius. f. A]em(ilia) Secundus<br />

(I), 231: Q(uintus) Co[r]n[elius . f. A]em(ilia)<br />

Secundus, 231 [1]; [- - - Cor]neli[- - -], 231 [2];<br />

Q(uintus) Corn[elius] Secu[nd]us (II), 232;<br />

[. Cornelius Secundus M]a[e]cianus, 233; Sex.<br />

0[lius L. f.] A[e]m(ilia) Secu[ndus], 446; P(ublius)<br />

Puticius Secu[ndus], 523; Σεκο[ΰνδος], 556; [—<br />

Σεκο]ΰνδος, 557; Σεκοΰνδος, 558; Σεκοΰνδος,<br />

559; [Σ]εκοΰνδο[ς] Σθενο[ ]ος Δ[ε]ίνιππος,<br />

560 and adn.; [—]ούνδ[ου] Σθεν[—]νίππου;<br />

Βαλέρις Μα. Σεκοΰνδος, 606; Σεκούνδος, 705<br />

EL: [Μ(άρκος) Ά]ντ(ώνιος) Σεκοΰνδος, 47;<br />

Γ(άιος) Κλώδιος Σεκο[ΰνδος], 170<br />

Sedata<br />

COR: [A]nto[nia] Sedata, 34<br />

Σηδάτος<br />

EL: [---]ος Σηδάτος, 319<br />

Seia<br />

ACH:[S]eia,211<br />

Σειλέας<br />

EL: Γ(άιος) Φουφείκιος Σειλέας, 215; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Ούιψάνιος Σειλέας, 347<br />

Σειμάς<br />

ARC: Π(όπλιος) Σειμάς, 146<br />

Semne<br />

COR: [Cornelia Semne, 205; [- - - i]a<br />

Semne, 561<br />

Σέμνος<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Σέμνος, 41<br />

Sempronius/Σεμπρώνιος/Σεμπρόνιος<br />

ACH: [Σεμπρώνιος] Άτρατε[ϊνος], 212<br />

COR: [- Se]mpr[onius (?) I]sthmi[cus], 562;<br />

[Σε]μπρό[νιος (?)], [Σε]μπρώ[νιος] Κορίν[θιος],<br />

562 adn.<br />

EL: *Γ(άιος) Σεμπρώνιος Τυρτανός, 320<br />

Sentius<br />

ACH: M(arcus) (Sentius), 213; L(ucius) Sentius<br />

M(arci) f(ilius) Q[ui(rina)—], 214; L(ucius)<br />

Sentius L(ucii) [f(ilius) Qui(rina)]<br />


Σεπτίμιος<br />


EL: Αύρ(ήλιος) Σεπτίμιος 'Απολλώνιος, 90<br />

Ser[- - -]<br />

COR: C(aius) Ser[- - -] Ruf[- - -], 563<br />

Σέργιος<br />

ARG: Σέριος, 238<br />

COR: Σέργιος, 564<br />

5α·νίΐΜ8/Σερβίλιος/Σερου(ε)ίλιος<br />

ACH: Σερβίλιος Φιλέρως, 216<br />

COR: Σερου[ί]λιος, 566 adn.; C(aius)<br />

(Servilius), 565; Μάρκος Σεουείλιος, 566;<br />

[— Σε]ρβίλιος Όμ[—]ς, 567 and adn.:<br />

Servilius Hom[il]us; Λ(ούκιος) Σερ[β]ί[λ]ιος<br />

Μαξίμου υιός Φάων, 568; C(aius) Servilius C. f.<br />

Primus, 569<br />

EL: C. Serveil(ius) C. f., 322 adn.; C. Servilius,<br />

322 adn.; [S]ervilius, 321; P. Servilius Isauricus,<br />

322 adn.; *Γάιος Σερουίλιος Ούατίας, 322<br />

Σέσσωρ<br />

ACH: Μ(άρκος) Αυρήλιος Σέσσωρ, 48<br />

Severus/Σεβήρος/Σευήρος/Σεουήρος<br />

ACH: Σεβήρος, 217<br />

ARG: Σεβήρος, 278; Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος)<br />

Σευήρος, 102; [— Πομ]πώνιος Σεουήρος, 215<br />

COR: *C(aius) Iulius Iuli Quadrati [f. F]ab(ia)<br />

Severus, 352; [Σεβ]ήρος, 706<br />

Σέξτιος<br />

ARG: Μάρκος Σέξτιος Άπερ, 239<br />

COR: Π(όπλιος) Σέξτιος Φοι[- - -], 570<br />

EL: Αύλος Σέξτ(ι)ος Έράτων, 323<br />

Sextus/Σέξτος<br />

ARG: Σέξτος, 240<br />

COR: Sex(tus) [- - -], 571<br />

Σιάνθης/Σίανθος<br />

ARG: Τιβέριος 'Ιούλιος Σίανθος or<br />

Σιάνθης, 153<br />

Σιλάσιμος<br />

ARG: Μάρκος 'Αντώνιος Σιλ[άσ]ιμος, 20<br />

Silivius<br />

ACH: +Priscus Silivius, 200<br />

Σμύρνα<br />

ARG: Μαινία Τίτου Σμύρνα, 176<br />

Σο[- - -]<br />

COR: Κανείνιος Σο[- - -], 138<br />

Σωκράτης<br />

ARG: Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωκράτης Λικιννιανοΰ,55<br />

Σωγένης<br />

COR: Πόντιος Σωγένης, 489<br />

Σων[- - -]<br />

ARG: Στατείλιος Σων[- - -], 251<br />

585<br />

Σωρανός<br />

ACH: [- - -]τιος Σωρανός, 268<br />

Σωσικράτης<br />

ARG: Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωσι[κ]ράτης Εύτύχο[υ], 42<br />

Sosipatra/Σωσιπάτρα<br />

COR: Άντων[ί]α Σωσιπάτρα, 35: An[tonia<br />

Sosipatra] Sospitis f. [1]; Αντων[ί]ας Σωσιπάτρας<br />

[2]; Τυρανία Σωσιπάτρα, 592<br />

Sospis/Σώσπις<br />

COR: [Π(όπλιος)] Αΐλιος Σώσπις, 18; [.<br />

A]nt[onius —] S[os]p[is], 72: [.] [A]nt[onius .<br />

f. - --] S[os]p[is], 72 [1]; Αν[τω]γίου Σώσπιδος,<br />

72 [2]<br />

Σόσ(σ)ιος<br />

ACH: Σόσιος, 218<br />

EL: Σόσ(σιος) Στέφανος Κλυτιάδης [—]ου,<br />

324: Σ[ό]σσι[ος Στέφανος ]ου, 324 [1],<br />

Σόσσ(ιος) Στέφανος Κλυτιάδης, 324 [2]<br />

Sosthenes<br />

COR: [- - -i]us Sosthe[nes], 572<br />

Σώστρατος<br />

ARG: Αυρήλιος Σώστρατος, 56; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Αυρήλιος Σώστρατος, 57<br />

EL: Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Σώστρατος, 241<br />

Σωτάδης<br />

ARC: Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωτάδης (Σωτάδου), 43<br />

Σωτήρας<br />

ARC: Βάριος Σωτήρας, 167<br />

ARG: Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωτήρας (Ι), 58;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωτήρας (Π), 59<br />

Σωτήριχος<br />

ARC: [Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωτή]ριχος (Σωτηρίχου), 45;<br />

Αυρ(ήλιος) Σωτήριχος Χρυσίππ[ου], 44;<br />

Τάδιος Σωτήριχος, 154<br />

ARG: Κ(όιντος) Καικίλιος Κ(οΐντου) υίός<br />

Σωτήριχος, 67<br />

Σότηρος<br />

EL: Μάρκος Αυρήλιος Σότηρος [Σοτή]ρου, 92<br />

Spaitiaticus/Σπαρτιατικός<br />

ARG: Γάιος 'Ιούλιος Λάκωνος υιός Σπαρτιατικός,<br />

154<br />

COR: *Γάιος 'Ιούλιος Σπαρτιατικός/ C. Iulius<br />

Laconis f. Euryclis n. Fab(ia) Spartiati[cus], 353<br />

Spedia<br />

ACH:Spedia[Help]is,219<br />

Σπεδιανός<br />

ARC: Μ(άρκος) Τάδιος Σπεδιανός Μ(άρκου)<br />

Ταδίου Τειμοκράτους Ξός, 155<br />

Speratus/Σπηράτος<br />

COR: ΓΤιβ(έριος) Κλα]ύδιος Σπηράτος, 182;<br />

Cn(aeus) [Corneliu]s Speratus, 234

Spintharus<br />

ACH: T(itus) Lollius Spintharus, 148<br />

Σπωσιανός<br />

ACH: Σπωσιανός, 220, Σπωσιανός, 221; Σπωσιανός,<br />

276<br />

ARG: Σπωσιανός, 279<br />

COR: Σπωσιανός, 707<br />

Σκούϊλλας<br />

COR: *Μ(άρκος) Γάβιος [Σκούϊλ]λας Γαλλικανός,<br />

289<br />

St[- - -]<br />

COR: [- - -]ius St[- - -], 573<br />

Στάχυς<br />

EL: Λ(ούκιος) Βετιληνός Στάχυς, 340<br />

Στακτη[—]<br />

COR: [. Άντ]ώνιος Στακτ[η- - -], 73<br />

Statianus<br />

COR: [P(ublius) Aefi]cius P. f. [Ae]m(ilia) Firmus<br />

Sta[tia]nus, 11: F. Aefici[u]s Firm[us —] [1];<br />

[P(ublio) Aefijcio P. f. [Ae]m(ilia) Firmo<br />

Sta[tia]no [2]<br />

Statilia<br />

ARG: Στατειλία [Φα]νόκλεια (?), 241; Στατειλία<br />

Τειμοσθενίς, 242: [Σ]τατειλία Τειμοσ[θενίς],<br />

242 [1]; [Στατει]λία Τειμοσθενίς, 242 [2]; Τειμοσθενίδος,<br />

242 [3] and [5]; Τειμοσθενίδα<br />

Δ[αμά]ρεος, 242 [4]<br />

5ΐαΐίΐΜ8/Στατ(ε)ίλιος<br />

ACH: T(itus) (Statilius), 222; T(itus) Statilius<br />

T(iti) f(ilius) Pal(atina) Felix, 223<br />

ARG: Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος Μαρκίο[υ υί]ός<br />

Αιλιανός, 243; Τ(ίτος) Στατίλιος Λαμπρίου (Ι)<br />

υίός Λαμπρίας (II), 244: Τίτος Στατείλιος<br />

Λαμπρίου υιός Λαμπρίας [1], [Λαμ]πρίαν<br />

Λαμπρία [2], Καλλικράτειαν Λα[μ]π[ρία] [3],<br />

Λαμπρίαν [4]; Τ(ίτος) Στατίλιος Λαμπρίας (III)<br />

Τειμοκράτεος, 245: Τίτον Στατείλιον Στατειλίου<br />

υίόν Τειμοκράτους Λαμπρίαν and Λαμπρίαν<br />

Τειμοκράτους, 245 [1]; Τίτον Στατείλιον<br />

Λαμπρίαν, υίόν μεν Τειμοκράτους καί Τειμοσθενίδος,<br />

άδελφόν δέ Πασιχαρείας, άδελφιδοϋν<br />

δε Αριστοκράτους, 245 [2]; Λαμπρίαν Τειμοκράτεος,<br />

245 [3]; Τίτον Στατείλιον Τειμοκράτους<br />

υίόν Λαμπρίαν, 245 [4], [5], 6]; Τίτον Στατείλιον<br />

Τειμοκράτους καί Τειμοσθενίδος υίόν<br />

Λαμπρίαν, 245 [7]; Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος Τειμοκράτους<br />

υίός [Λα]μπρίας (IV) Μεμμιανός, 246;<br />

(Τ. Στατείλιος) [Λ]αμπρίας (V), 247 ; Τ(ίτος)<br />

Στατ(ίλιος) Λεύκιος, 248; Τ(ίτος) Στατ(ίλιος)<br />

Λούκιος, 249: Τ(ίτου) Στατείλιον [Λουκίου] [1],<br />


586<br />

Στατειλίου Λουκίου [2]; Στατείλιος Σεκοΰνδος,<br />

250; Στατείλιος Σων[—], 251; Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος<br />

Λαμπρίου (II) υιός Τειμοκράτης (Ι), 252:<br />

Τίτον Στατείλιον Τειμοκράτη, 252 [Ι]; Τίτος<br />

Στατείλιος Λαμπρίου υιός Τειμοκράτης, 252<br />

[2]; Τ[ι]μοκρ[άτ]εος, 252 [3]; Τειμοκράτεος, 252<br />

[4]; Τειμοκράτους, 252 [5] and [6]; Στατειλί[ου]<br />

Τιμοκράτ[ου]ς, 252 [7]; Τει[μ]οκράτην Λαμπρία,<br />

252[8]; Τ(ίτος) Στατίλιος Λαμπρίου (Γν) υιός<br />

Τιμοκράτης (II), 253: Τίτον Στα[τί]λιον<br />

Λαμ[πρί]ου υίόν Τειμ[ο]κράτην, 253 [1]; Τ[ίτον]<br />

Στατείλιον [Λ]αμπρία ύόν Τειμοκράτη.253 [2];<br />

Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος Λαμπρίου (V) υιός [Τ]ειμοκράτης<br />

(III) [Μ]εμ[μια]νό[ς], 254: Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος<br />

[Τ]ειμοκράτης [Μ]εμ[μια]νό[ς], 254 [1],<br />

Τ(ίτον) Στατίλιον Λαμπρίου ύόν (sic) Τιμοκράτη<br />

Μεμμιανόν, 254 [2]; Τ[ίτον] Στατείλιον<br />

[Λ]αμπρία υόν Τειμοκράτη, 254 [3]; Τει[μ]οκράτην<br />

Λαμπρία, 254 [4]<br />

COR: T(itus) Stat[ilius - - -], 574<br />

Statius/Στάτιος<br />

COR: Q(uintus) (Statius), 575; [.] Statius Q. f. [- - -],<br />

576; Α(ύλος) Στά[τιος Π]οΰλχρος, 577: Α.<br />

Στα[τίου Π]ούλχρου; [ Σ]τ[α]τίου 0[—],<br />

577 adn.<br />

Stephanus/Στέφανος<br />

COR: Ti(berius) Claudius Stephanus, 183<br />

EL: Σόσσι(ος) Στέφανος Κλυτιάδης [—]ου, 324<br />

Stlaccianus<br />

COR: L(ucius) Marius Florus Stlaccianus, 411<br />

Strabo<br />

COR: [P. Caninius P. li]b(ertus) Strab, 139<br />

Στρατήγιος<br />

ARG: [—]ος Στρατήγιος ό Σωστράτου, 269<br />

Στρατόνεικος<br />

EL: Αύρ(ήλιος) Στρατόνεικος, 91<br />

Στρόβ(ε)ιλος<br />

ARC: Γάιος 'Ιούλιος Στρόβ(ε)ιλος, 110<br />

Succ[—]<br />

ACH: [- - -Qui]r(ina) Succ[- - -], 224<br />

Sul[- - -]<br />

COR: *Luci[u]s Sul[- - -] Paulus, 578<br />

Σύλλιος<br />

ARC: Π(όπλιος) Σύλλιος Διονύσιος, 152<br />

Sulpicius/Σουλπίκιος<br />

ACH: +T(itus) Sui

Σύμφορος<br />

ARC: Κλαύδιος Σύμφορος, 72; [Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Σ]ύμφορος Εύτύχου, 47; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Σύμ[φ]ορος [-ca. 2-]\i[-ca. 3-], 48<br />

Syneros<br />

ACH: C(aius) Varronius Syn[e]ros, 239<br />

Synpherusa/Συνφέρουσα<br />


ACH: Oppia L(ucii) Lib(erta) Synpherousa, 181;<br />

Βολούμνια Συνφέρουσα, 258<br />

Syriacus<br />

COR: Scribonius Syrpacus], 551<br />

Syrus<br />

COR: C. Iulius [S]yr[us], 354<br />

T[- - -]<br />

COR: [Μ]άρκιος T[- - -], 401<br />

Tadia<br />

ACH: Tadia Q(uinti) li[b(erta)] Myrine, 227<br />

Tadian[- - -]<br />

ACH: Tadian[- - -], 228<br />

Tadius/Τάδιος<br />

ACH: Q(uintus) (Tadius), 229<br />

ARC: M. Tadius Lycortas, 156 adn.; Τάδιος<br />

Σωτήριχος, 154; Μ(άρκος) Τάδιος Σπεδιανός<br />

Μ(άρκου) Ταδίου Τειμοκράτους ύός, 155;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Τάδιος Τειμοκράτης (Ι), 156; Μ.<br />

Tadius Teimocrates, 156 adn.; Τάδιος Τειμοκράτης<br />

(Π), 157<br />

COR: P(ublius) Tadius Chilo, 579<br />

Tallia<br />

COR: Tallia Polla, 580<br />

Tanginus<br />

ACH: C. Iulius Tanginus, 139<br />

Τατιανός<br />

COR: Τατ[ιανός (?)], 581<br />

Ταυρεΐνος<br />

COR: Μ(άρκος) Βαλ[έριος] Μ. υ[ίός]<br />

ΤαυρεΓινο]ς, 603<br />

Tauriscus/Ταυρίσκος<br />

ARC: T(itus) Armfinius] Tauriscus/[T(ÎTOç)<br />

Άρμίνιος Ταυ]ρίσκος, 10<br />

Taurus<br />

COR: [. A]ntonius Taurus, 74<br />

Tectus<br />

COR: M(arcus) Insteius C. f. Tectus, 320: M<br />

Inste[i]o C. f. Tecto, 320 [1]; M. Instei[um<br />

Tectum], 320 [2]<br />

Τειμ[—]<br />

ARG: [Κλ]αύδιος Τειμ[- - -], 103<br />

587<br />

Τείμανδρος<br />

ARC: Κλαύδιος Τείμανδρος, 73<br />

EL: Τιβ(έριος) Όππιος Άριστοδάμου υιός Τείμανδρος,<br />

296<br />

Τειμαρέτη<br />

ARG: Αύρ(ηλία) Τειμαρέτη, 33<br />

Τειμοκράτης<br />

ARC: Μ(άρκος) Τάδιος Τειμοκράτης (Ι), 156;<br />

Μ. Tadius Teimocrates, 156 adn.; Τάδιος Τειμοκράτης<br />

(Π), 157<br />

ARG: Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος Λαμπρίου (Π) υίός<br />

Τειμοκράτης (Ι), 252; Τ(ίτος) Στατίλιος<br />

Λαμπρίου (IV) υιός Τιμοκράτης (II), 253;<br />

Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος Λαμπρίου (V) υιός [Τ]ειμοκράτης<br />

(III) [Μ]εμ[μια]νό[ς], 254<br />

Τειμοκράτης<br />

COR: [Ί]ούλιος Τειμοκράτης, 355<br />

Τειμοσθενίς<br />

ARG: Στατειλία Τειμοσθενίς, 242<br />

Τεισίς<br />

EL: Νουμισία Τεισίς Λ(ουκίου) Βετληνοΰ Λαί-<br />

του καί Φλαουΐας Γοργώς θυγάτηρ, 289<br />

Τερεντία<br />

COR: Τερεντία 'Ιουλία, 582; Τερεντία Θεοδώ­<br />

ρα, 583<br />

Terentius/Τερέντιος<br />

Tertia<br />

COR: P(ublius) Terentius Cor[in]thus, 584: [- - -<br />

Terejntius [- - - Corin]thus [1]; [- - -] Teren[tius<br />

- - -] [2]; P. Terentio Cor[- - -] [3]<br />

EL: *Α[ύλος] Τερέντιος [Ούάρρων], 325<br />

ACH: Attia Tertia, 40<br />

Tertius/Τέρτιος<br />

ACH: [- - -]ius Tertius, 266; Q(uintus) Aetrius<br />

Tertius, 20<br />

ARC: Τέρτιος Άφροδα, 158; Αύρηλία Τερτία, 13<br />

ARG: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Φλαβίου Τερτίου<br />

υίό[ς Τ]έρτιος Φλαβιανός, 89; Φλάβιος Τέρ-<br />

τιος, 129<br />

COR: [Μ(άρκος) Ά]ντώνιος Τέρτιος, 75;<br />

Τέρτι[ος- - -], 585<br />

EL: Τερτία, 326<br />

Τέρτυλλος<br />

EL: Κλαύδιος Τέρτυλλος, 163<br />

Θαλλ[- - -]<br />

Thallio<br />

COR: Κλώδιο Θαλλ[- - -], 196<br />

ACH: Q(uintus) Pomponius Q(uinti) f(ilius)<br />

Thallio f(ilius) qui et Pamphilus, 194

Θάλλος<br />

ARC: Αύρ(ήλιος) Θάλλος Εύκάρπο[υ], 50<br />

Thalussa<br />

COR: Atilia T. f. Thalussa, 92<br />

Thamyris<br />

COR: P(ublius) Caesennius Thamyris, 123<br />

Θασικός<br />

COR: Γ(άιος) Αΐλιος [- - -] Θασικό[ς], 19<br />

Θε[- - -]<br />

COR: Πακώνιος Θε[- - -], 450<br />

EL: Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος Θε[- - -], 214<br />

Θεαγένης<br />

EL: Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Θεαγένης (Ι), 242; Γ(άιος)<br />

Ιούλιος Θεαγένης (Π), 243; Γ(άιος) Φούφ(ιος)<br />

Ίούλ(ιος) Θεαγένης, 218<br />

Θεμίσων<br />

COR: Γ(άιος) Αίλιος Θεμίσων Θεοδότου, 20<br />

Θεοδώρα<br />

COR: Ίουνία Λευκίου Θεοδώρα, 359; Τερεντία<br />

Θεοδώρα, 583<br />

Θεόδωρος<br />

ARG: Μάρκος Ούλπιος Θεόδωρος, 260; *Θεόδωρος,<br />

255<br />

Θεογένης<br />

EL: Δ(έκμος) Άνθέστιος Θεογένης, 19; Κλαύδιος<br />

Θεογένης, 164<br />

Θεοφάνης<br />

ARC: *[Μ(άρκος)] Πομπήιο[ς νέος Θεοφάνης<br />

Κυρί]να Μακρειν[ος], 138<br />

Theophilus/Θεόφιλος<br />

COR: M(arcus) Antonius Theophilus, 76;<br />

Q(uintus) Cispuleiu s Q. f. Aem(ilia) Theophilus,<br />

154; Κορνήλιος Βετούριος Θεόφιλος, 235<br />

Theoprepes<br />

COR: *Theoprepes Aug. lib., 586 and adn.<br />

(Aurelius) Theoprepes<br />

Θηριώτης<br />

COR: Μαρκίων ό καί Θηριώτης, 396<br />

Θεσσαλός<br />

EL: Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Θεσσαλός, 165<br />

Θο[- - -]<br />

ARG: Π(όπλιος) Αΐλι(ος) Θο[- - -], 11<br />

Θρασέας<br />

COR: Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Θρασέας, 356<br />

Thyrsus<br />

COR: [- - -] P. 1. Thyr[sus], 587<br />

Ti[- - -]<br />

COR: M. Ti[- - -], 588<br />

Τιβέριος<br />

ARG: Τιβέριος, 256; Τιβ(έριος) [- - -], 257;<br />


588<br />

Τι[βέριος - - -] (or Τί[τος- - -]), 149 [3] adn;<br />

Τιβέριος=Τιβ(έριος) Κορνήλιος Ποΰλχρος, 118<br />

COR: [Τ]ιβ. [- - -]ιος, 589 and adn. [Τ]ιβέρ[ιος]<br />

Timotheus<br />

ACH: Q(uintus) Egnatius Q(uinti) f(ilius)<br />

Quir(ina) Timotheus, 100<br />

COR: [Antonius Timotheus, 77<br />

Τεισαμενός<br />

EL: Κλαύδιος Τεισαμενός Ίαμίδης, 166<br />

Titianus/Γιτιανός<br />

ARC: Τιτιανός, 159<br />

COR: *Q(unitus) Vil[lius . f.] Titia[nus]<br />

Quadra[tus], 645<br />

Τίτος<br />

ARC: Τίτος, 160; Τίτος, 161<br />

ARG: Τίτος, 258; Τίτος, 133 adn.<br />

EL: Τ(ίτος) [Φλάβιος (?)], 189<br />

Trebulanus<br />

ACH: [T]rebulanus, 230<br />

Τρωΐλος<br />

COR: Φλάβιος Τρωΐλος (I), 273; Φλάβιος<br />

Τρωΐλος (Π), 274<br />

Trophime<br />

ACH: Marmila Trophime, 154<br />

Τρόφιμος<br />

ARG: Αύρ(ήλιος) Τρόφιμος, 60; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Τρόφ[ι]μος, 61<br />

Τρύφων<br />

ARG: Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Τρύφων ο Διοφάντου,<br />

62<br />

Τύχανδρος<br />

ARG: Αύρ(ήλιος) Τύχ[ανδρος (?)], 63<br />

Tyche/Τύχη<br />

COR: [- - -]a Tyche, 590<br />

EL: Κλαυδία Τύχη Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Τερτύλλου<br />

καί Αιμιλίας Φιλοξένας θυγάτηρ, 119<br />

Τυχικός<br />

ARG: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Τυχικός, 104; Γάιος<br />

Κλαύδιος Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Τυχικοΰ υιός<br />

Τυ[χικός], 105<br />

Τυρανία<br />

COR: Τυρανία Σωσιπάτρα, 592<br />

Tyrannis<br />

ACH: Mamilia Tyr[a]nnis, 155<br />

Tyrannus/Τύραννος<br />

COR: Μάριος Τύραννος, 414; [- - -] [Pu]blilius<br />

Tyrannu[s], 510; Π. Ώκλάτιος Τύραννος, 440<br />

and adn.<br />

Τυρτανός<br />

EL: *Γ(άιος) Σεμπρώνιος Τυρτανός, 320

Tuditanus<br />

EL: Tuditanus, 320 adn.<br />

Τύλληιος<br />

COR: Μ(άρκος) Τύλληιος M[- - -], 590<br />

Turcianus<br />

COR: *[L(ucius) A]quillius C. f. Pom(ptina)<br />

[Fl]orus Turcianus Gallus, 83<br />

Turpilia<br />

ACH: +Turpilia Nice, 231; +Tuφilia<br />

Nympha, 232<br />

Turpilius/Τουρπίλιος<br />

ACH: +T(itus) Turpili(us), 233<br />

ARC: Μ(άρκος) Τουρπίλιος Φιλώτας, 162<br />

Τυρρώνιος<br />

EL: Λ(ούκιος) Τυρρώνιος Λόνγος, 327<br />

Tutilius<br />

COR: L. Tutilius Lupercus Pontianus, 488 adn<br />

T[- - -]anos<br />

ARC: Αύρ(ήλιος) T[- - -]νος 'Αγ[- ca 3-4-], 49<br />


Ούλπιος<br />

ARC: Μ(άρκος) Οΰλπιος Εύτυχος Σεβαστοΰ<br />

απελεύθερος, 163<br />

ARG: Μ(άρκος) Ούλπιος Διόδωρου υίός Ηλιόδωρος,<br />

259; Μάρκος Οΰλπιος Θεόδωρος, 260<br />

COR: *Φλ(άβιος) Ούλπ(ιος) Μακάριος, 275<br />

Urbana<br />

ACH: Didia Urbana, 88<br />

Urbanus/O^^ßavoc<br />

ACH: P(ublius) Aemilius Urbanus, 11; C(aius)<br />

Clodius Urbanus, 75; [.] Δομίτιος [0]ύρβανός, 95<br />

ARC: Όρβανός, 164; Ούρβανός, 165<br />

Οΰρσυλος<br />

COR: Λ(ούκιος) Βείβιος Ούρσυλος, 627<br />

Va[- - -]/Ούα[- - -]<br />

ACH: Va[- - -], 203<br />

COR: Ουα[- - -], 593<br />

Val[- - -]<br />

COR: Φλ(άβιος) Βαλ[- - -], 276<br />

Valens<br />

COR: C(aius) Valerius C. f. Quir(ina) Valens, 604<br />

Valer<br />

COR: [- - -] Valer, 594<br />

Βαλερία/Ούαλερία<br />

ACH: Βαλερία Μοδεστεινα, 235<br />

ARC: Ούαλερία Σ[- - -], 166<br />

Valerianus/Βαλεριανός/Ούαληριανός<br />

COR: [..] Claudios Ti. f.] Qu[ir(ina)]<br />

Valer[ianus], 184; Βαλεριανός, 595; Ούα[ληρια-<br />

589<br />

νός], 593 adn.<br />

ν£ΐΐ6Γΐυ8/Βαλέρι(ο)ς/Ούαλέριος/Ούαλήριος<br />

ACH: Valerius, 277<br />

ARG: Γ(άιος) Βαλέριος Εύτυχ[—], 261<br />

COR: [- - -] Valerius, 596; L(ucius) (Valerius),<br />

597; Μ(άρκος) (Βαλέριος), 598; Valerius] (?) L.<br />

f. Aem(ilia) [- - -], 599; L(ucius) Valerius, 600;<br />

[L(ucius)] Val[erius] L. f. Aem(ilia) [- - -], 601;<br />

Βαλέριος No[—], 602; Μ(άρκος) Βαλ[έριος]<br />

Μ. υ[ίός] Ταυρε[ΐνο]ς, 603; C(aius) Valerius C. f.<br />

Quir(ina) Valens, 604; Βαλέρις Μα. Κ[ό]ρινθος,<br />

605; Βαλέρις Μα. Σεκοΰνδος, 606; Βαλέριος,<br />

708; Ούα[λήριος], 593 adn.<br />

EL: Ούα[λέριος —], 328; Ούαλέριος Εκλεκτός,<br />

329<br />

Vallia<br />

ACH: +Agele Vallia, 236<br />

Βάλλιος<br />

COR: Λ(ούκιος) Βάλλιος [ ]ς, 607<br />

Varazdates<br />

EL: Varazdates, 76 adn.<br />

Varius/Βάριος<br />

ACH: T(itus) Varius Secundus, 237<br />

ARC: Βάριος Σωτήρας, 167<br />

Ούάρρων<br />

EL: *Α[ΰλος] Τερέντιος [Ούάρρων], 325<br />

Varronia<br />

ACH: Varronia Vera, 238<br />

Varronius<br />

ACH: C(aius) Varronius Syn[e]ros, 239; [C(aius]<br />

Varronius C(aii) Vaironi Syn[e]rotis Aug(ustalis)<br />

f(ilius) Quir(ina) [V]erus, 240<br />

Vaternius/Ούατέρνιος<br />

EL: *Γάιος Ούατέρνιος Πωλλίων, 330; Q.<br />

Vaternius Pollio, 330 adn.<br />

Ούατίας<br />

EL: *Γάιος Σερουίλιος Ούατίας, 322<br />

Vatinia<br />

ACH:VatiniaFau[---],241<br />

Vatinianus<br />

ACH: L(ucius) Sentius L(ucii) [f(ilius) Qui(rina)]<br />

Vatinian[us], 215<br />

Vatronius<br />

COR: [.] Vatronius, 608; Q(uintus) (Vatronius),<br />

609; A(ulus) V[a]tro[ni]us [Me]n(inia) A. f. Q. n.<br />

[.] [pro]n., 610; A(ulus) Vatronius Labeo, 611<br />

Βήδιος<br />

ARC: Βήδιος Λεωνάς, 168<br />

Βέγετος<br />

EL: Κάσσιος Βέγετος, 110; Γ(άιος) Κάσσιος

Βέγετος, 111; Βέγετος Κ[- - -]ου (s. Γάιος Κάσσιος<br />

Βέγετος) ,111<br />

Veirius: see also Βερήιος<br />

ACH: L(ucius) (Veirius), 243; L(ucius) Veirius<br />

L(ucii) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Fronto, 242<br />

Βενενάτος<br />

COR: Βενενάτος, 612<br />

Veneria<br />

ACH: Caetronia Veneria, 60<br />

ARG: Fuficulena Veneria, 130: Fuficulenae<br />

Veneriae [1], Veneriae [2]<br />

Venerianus<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Vibullius Ven[erianus (?)], 253<br />

Venerius<br />

COR: L(ucius) Papius L. f. Aem(ilia)<br />

Venerius, 461<br />

Ventidius<br />

COR: P(ublius) Ventidius Fronto, 613<br />

Venustinus<br />

EL: Π(όπλιος) Έγνάτιος Μάξιμος Βενυστεΐνος,<br />

180; Π(όπλιος) Έγνάτιος Βενυστεΐνος Βενυστείνου,<br />

181<br />

Venustus<br />

EL: [- - -] Βένυστος, 331<br />

Vera<br />

ACH: Varronia Vera, 238<br />

Βερήιος: see also Veirius<br />

ACH: Βερήιος, 271,277<br />

Vergilius<br />

COR: Ver[g]ilia C. f. Procula, 614; Βεργ[ίλιος],<br />

615; C(aius) (Vergilius), 616; C(aius) Vergilius C.<br />

f. Aem(ilia) Capito (I), 617; C(aius) Vergilius C.<br />

f. Aem(ilia) Capito f. (II), 618; T(itus) Vergilius<br />

C. f. Aem(ilia) Proculus, 619<br />

Verus/Βήρος<br />

ACH: [C(aius] Varronius C(aii) Vaironi<br />

Syn[e]rotis Aug(ustalis) f(ilius) Quir(ina)<br />

[V]erus, 240<br />

COR: Λ(ούκιος) Κλώδιος Βήρος Φαυστεινιανός,<br />

197<br />

Vespicia<br />

ARG: Ούεσπικία Πώλλη, 262<br />

Vet[- - -]<br />

COR: L. Vet[- - -], 620<br />

Vettius<br />

ACH: Sal(vius) (Vettius), 245; Sal(vius) Vettius<br />

Sal(vii) l(ibertus) Optatus, 244<br />

Βετληνή/Βετουληνή<br />

EL: Βετληνή Κασσία Χρυσαρέτα, 332:<br />

[Βετ]ληνή Κασ[σί]α Χρυσαρέτα 332 [1], Βετ-<br />


590<br />

ληνής Κασσίας Χρυσαρέτας 332 [2];<br />

[Βετ]ουληνή Κλαυ[δία], 333<br />

Ούετουληνός/Βετ(ι)ληνός<br />

ARG: *(Μάρκος) Ούετουληνός Σέξ(του) υιός<br />

Κυρί(ναι) Κείβικας Βάρβαρος, 263<br />

EL: Μ(άρκος) Βε[τληνός —], 334; *[Μ(άρκος)<br />

Ούετουληνός Κείβικα] Βά[ρβαρος], 335; Λούκιος<br />

Βετ(ι)ληνός Φλώρος, 336: Λούκιος Βετιληνός<br />

Φλώρος [1], Λουκίου Βετληνοϋ Φλώρου<br />

[2]; Μάρκος Βετληνός Λαΐτος (Ι), 337; Μάρκος<br />

Βετιληνός Λαΐτος (Π), 338; *Λ(ούκιος) Βετληνός<br />

Λαΐτος, 339: [Λού]κιον Βετληνόν<br />

Λαΐτον, 339 [1]; Λ(ούκιον) Βετλ[ηνόν ΛαΙτον],<br />

339 [2]; Λ(ουκίου) Βετληνοϋ Λαίτου, 339 [3];<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Βετιληνός Στάχυς, 340<br />

Vetullus<br />

ACH: M(arcus) (Vetullus), 247; C(aius) Vetullus<br />

M(arci) f(ilius) Qui(rina), 2246<br />

Veturius<br />

ARC: Veturius, 169<br />

ARG: *Ούετούριος Πακκιανός, 264<br />

COR: Κορνήλιος Βετούριος Θεόφιλος, 235;<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Βετ[ούριο]ς Ποπ[λιλιαν]ός, 621<br />

Vib[- - -]<br />

COR: L(ucius) Vib[- - -], 622<br />

Vibia<br />

ACH: Vibia lib(erta) Anatole, 248<br />

ν^Μ8/Β(ε)ίβιος/Ούίβιος<br />

ACH: C(aius) (Vibius), 249; L(ucius) Vibius<br />

C(aii) f(ilius) Quir(ina), 250<br />

ARC: Βίβιος, 170<br />

COR: L(ucius) (Vibius), 623; Γάιος Ούίβι[ος]<br />

Εύέλπισ[τος], 624; Λ(ούκιος) Βείβιος Φλώρος,<br />

625; L(ucius) Vib(ius) L. [f. - - -], 626; Λ(ούκιος)<br />

Βείβιος Ούρσυλος, 627<br />

Vibuleius<br />

COR: M(arcus) (Vibuleius), 628; [M(arcus)<br />

V]ibuleius M. l(ibertus) Heracliu[s], 629<br />

Βιβουλλία<br />

EL: Βιβουλλία Άλκία Άγριππεΐ[να; θυγάτη]ρ<br />

[Τ]ο[ύ]φο[υ], 341<br />

Vibullius/Βιβούλλιος/Ούιβούλλιος<br />

ACH: M(arcus) (Vibullius), 252; M(arcus)<br />

Vibullius M(arci) f(ilius) [---], 251; M(arcus)<br />

Vibullius Ven[erianus ?], 253<br />

ARC: *Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Φαβία Εύρυκλής<br />

Ήρκλανός Λ(ούκιος) Ούιβούλλιος Πεΐος, 105<br />

COR: Vibullia [ ], 630; Vibullia An[tiochis],<br />

631; Vibullia I[- - -], 632; Vibullia Pollis, 633; [- - -<br />

V]ibulli[us - - -], 634; Vibull[ius - - -], 635; [- - -]


Vibull[ius - - -], 636; L(ucius) Vib[ullius - - -], 637;<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Ούιβούλλιος, 638; P(ublius)<br />

(Vibullius), 639; C(aius) Vibul[lius] P. f.<br />

Ada[uctus], 640; [- - - Vi]bullius Phi[- - -], 641;<br />

L(ucius) Vibullius Pius, 642; Γ(άιος) Ούιβούλλιος<br />

Λ. υιός Πρόκλος, 643<br />

EL: Βιβούλλιος Φαυστεινιανός [Άλεξά]νδρου,<br />

342: [Βιβούλλιος Φαυστεινιανός Ία]μίδης, 342<br />

[1]; [Βιβούλλιος Φαυστ]εινιανός [Ίαμ(ίδης)], 342<br />

[2]; Βιβ(ούλλιος) [Φαυ]στεινι[ανός Ία]μί(δης),<br />

342 [3];Βιβούλλιος Φανστ[ει]νιανός Ίαμ(ίδης),<br />

342 [4]; Βιβούλλιος Φαυστεινιανός [Ί]αμί(δης),<br />

342 [5]; [Βιβ(ούλλιος)] Φαυ[στεινιανός], 342 [6],<br />

Βιβού[λλιος Φαυστεινιανός Αλεξά]νδρου, 342<br />

[7]; Βφ(ούλλιος) Φαυστεινιανός Κλυτιάδης,<br />

342 [8]; Βιβ(ούλλιος) Φαυστει(νι)ανός Κλυτιάδης<br />

[9]; *Λ(ούκιος) Βιβούλλιος Ίππαρχος, 343;<br />

Vibullius Hipparchus, 144 adn.; Βιβούλλιος<br />

Μάρκος, 344: Βιβο[ύλλιος Μάρκος], 344 [1];<br />

Βιβ(ούλλιος) Μάρκος, 344 [2], and [3];<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Κλαύδιος Βιβούλλιος Τήγιλλος<br />

Ηρώδης, 167; L. Vibullius Rufus, 343 adn.<br />

Βικτωρΐνος<br />

COR: Βικτωρΐνος, 644<br />

Villius<br />

ACH: [.] Villius C(aii) f(ilius) [- - -], 254<br />

COR: *Q(uintus) Vil[lius . f.] Titia[nus]<br />

Quadra[tus], 645<br />

Βιψανία<br />

ACH: Βιψανία Λουκι[—], 255<br />

Vipsanius/Βιψάνιος<br />

ARG: *(Μάρκος Βιψάνιος) Άγρίππας, 265<br />

COR: [- - - Vi]psan[ius - - -], 646; [- - -<br />

Vi]psanius [—], 647; [— V]ipsan[ius —],<br />

648; [- - - V]ipsani[us - - -], 649; P(ublius)<br />

Vipsanius Agrippa, 650; (M. Vipsanius) Agrippa,<br />

135 adn.<br />

EL: *M(arcus) (Vipsanius) [Ag]rippa, 345;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Βιψ(άνιος) Σαυνίδας, 346: Μ(άρκος)<br />

Βιψ(άνιος) Σαυνίδας Μ., 346 [1]; [Μ(άρκος)<br />

Βιψ(άνιος) Σαυνί]δας Μ., 346 [2]; Βιψάνιος<br />

[Σαυνίδας (?)], 346 [3]; Μ(άρκος) Ούιψάνιος<br />

Σειλέας, 347<br />

Vireianus<br />

ACH: [C(aius) Annusidi]us C(aii) f(ilius)<br />

Quir(ina) Rufus Vireianus, 26<br />

Vireius<br />

ACH: Vir(eius) Moschus, 256<br />

ARC: C. Vireius C. f. Q(uirina) Gallu[s], 171<br />

Βιτέλλιος<br />

591<br />

COR: Βιτέλλιος Έραστος, 651; Βιτέλλιος<br />

[Φρο]ντεΐνος, 652<br />

Βίβιος<br />

ARC: Βίβιος, 170; see also Vibius<br />

Vo[- - -]<br />

ACH: C(aius) Vo[- - -] Quir(ina), 257<br />

Βολούμνια<br />

Βολούμνια Συνφέρουσα, 258<br />

Ούολοσσηνή<br />

ARC: Ούολοσσηνή Ίούστα Ούολοσσηνού Άριστοκράτους<br />

θυγάτηρ, 172 adn. 135; Ούολοσσηνή<br />

Π(ο)ύστα, 172 adn.; Ούολοσσηνή Πούσ(ιλλα),<br />

172 adn.<br />

Ούολοσσηνός<br />

ARC: Ούολοσσηνός 'Αριστοκράτης, 173<br />

ARG: Λούκιος Ούολοσσηνός<br />

'Αριστοκράτης, 266<br />

Βολουσσιανή<br />

ARC: Βολουσσια[νή], 174 adn.<br />

Βολουσσιανός<br />

ARC: Βολουσσια[νός], 174<br />

Ούωλούσιος<br />

ARG: Μάρκος Ούωλούσιος, 267<br />

Βουλτήιος<br />

COR: Π. Βουλτήιος [- - -], 653<br />

Ξάνθος<br />

ARG: Λ(ούκιος) Δεκούμιος Ξάνθος, 120<br />

Ξενοκλής<br />

ARG: Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Φαιδρίου υίός Ξενοκλής<br />

(Ι), 106; Τι(βέριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Ξενοκλής<br />

(Π), 107<br />

Ξενομένης<br />

ARC: [Αύρ(ήλιος) Ξ]ενομένης [.]ζ[—], 51<br />

Ζηνάς<br />

COR: Γναΐος Πομπήιος Ζηνάς, 486<br />

Ζήνων<br />

ACH: Π(όπλιος) Κανείνιος Ζήνων, 65<br />

COR: Γάιος Γενύκιος Ζήνων, 296<br />

Ζηνόφιλος<br />

EL: Κλαύδιος Ζηνόφιλος, 168<br />

Ζήθος<br />

EL: Μ(άρκος) 'Αντώνιος Ζήθος Κλυτιάδης, 48:<br />

[Αντώνιος Ζήθος Κλυ]τιάδης, 48 [1],<br />

[Αντ(ώνιος) Ζ]ήθο[ς Κλυ(τιάδης)], 48 [2],<br />

Αντ(ώνιος) Ζήθος Κλυ(τιάδης), 48 [3],<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αντ(ώνιος) Ζή[θ]ος Κλυτιάδης, 48<br />

[4]; Αύρ(ήλιος) Ζήθος, 93

Ζώπυρος<br />

EL: [Μάρ(κος) Α]ύρ(ήλιος) Ζώπυρος, 94;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Ζώπυρος Ζωπύρου, 95<br />

Ζωσίμη<br />

EL: Αύρ(ηλία) Ζωσίμη Άφροδεισίου τοΰ καί<br />

Θριασίου γυνή, θυγάτηρ δε Αύρ(ηλίου) Εύκαρπίδου<br />

Τρικορυσίου, 61<br />

Zosimus/Ζώσιμος<br />

ACH: Κ(όιντος) Αΐλ(ιος) Ζώσιμος, 3<br />

ARC: [Αύρ(ήλιος)] Ζώ[σι]μος Κορίνθου, 52;<br />

Πακώνιος Ζώσιμος, 131<br />

COR: Λ(ούκιος) Γέ[λλιος] Ζώσ[ιμος], 295; [- - -]<br />

Zosim[us], 654; [—] Zosim[us], 655; [—]us<br />

Zosi[mus], 656; Cn. Pompeius Zosimus, 656 adn.<br />


[- - -]a<br />

COR: [- - -]a C[- - -], 658<br />

[—]arius<br />

COR: [- - -]arius Pyladis, 524<br />

[—]cius<br />

COR: [- - -]cius, 662<br />

[—]culeia<br />

ACH: [- - -]culeia, 259<br />

[- - -]dia<br />

COR: [- - -]dia, 664<br />

[- - -]dio<br />

COR: [- - -]dionis f. Aem(ilia) [- - -], 665<br />

[—]eius<br />

COR: [- - -]eius, 666; [- - -]ηιος, 690<br />

[—]elius<br />

COR: [- - -]elius [- - -], 667; [- - -]elius R[- - -], 668<br />

[- - -]elli[us]<br />

COR: [- - -]elli[us - - -], 669<br />

[—]enna<br />

ACH: [---]enna, 260<br />

[—]εντιος<br />

[- - -]ia<br />

COR: [ ]εντιος [- - -], 670<br />

ACH: [- - -]ia Secunda, 262; [- - -i]a Erotis, 261<br />

[—]ienus y<br />

ACH: [- - -]ienus Pater[nus], 263<br />

[—]είλιος<br />

ARC: [—]είλιος Σωσικράτης, 175<br />

[—]ιλλα<br />

EL: [- - -]ιλλα, 348<br />


[—]ινα<br />

COR: [- - -]ινα, 671<br />

[- - -]ιος<br />

EL: [Γάιο]ς [—]ιος Κοΐ[ντου υίός—], 189<br />

[- - -]ius<br />

ACH: [- - -]ius P(ubli) f(ilius) Q[uirina-?-], 264;<br />

[- - -]ius Tertius, 265<br />

COR: [- - -]ius, 672; [- - -iu]s L. f. A[em(ilia)],<br />

673; [- - -]ius P. f. Aem(ilia) [- - -], 674; [- - -]ius<br />

M. f. [- - -]ilianus, 675<br />

[—]λίννος<br />

COR: [- - -]λίννος, 676<br />

[—]lius<br />

COR: [- - -]lius Athenaeus, 91; [- - -]lius, 677;<br />

[- - -]lius, 678<br />

[—]mius<br />

COR: [- - -]mius, 679<br />

[—]nia<br />

COR: [- - -]nia Gaiene, 287<br />

[—]ων<br />

COR: Κορνήλιο[ς ]ων, 225<br />

[- - -]ωρ<br />

COR: [—]στος Άμίνιος [ — ω]ρ, 26<br />

[- - -]ος<br />

ACH: Λ(εύκιος) [- - -]ος Μαξ[- - -], 269; [-ca. 4-]us<br />

[- ca. 4-]s, 270<br />

EL: [- - -]ος Σηδάτος, 319<br />

[—]πιλλιος<br />

COR: [- - -]πίλλιο[ς- - -], 680<br />

[—]reiticus<br />

COR: [- - -]reiticus, 681<br />

[ ]rniu[s]<br />

COR: [- - -]rniu[s], 682<br />

[—]ssius<br />

ACH: [- - -]ssius [- - -] Quir(ina) [- - -], 266<br />

[—]στος<br />

COR: [—]στος Άμίνιος [ — ω]ρ, 26<br />

[—]ternus<br />

ACH: L(ucius) Num[isius —]ternus, 178<br />

[- - -]thus<br />

COR: [- - -]thus, 683<br />

[—]τΐνος<br />

ARG: [- - -]τΐνος, 271<br />

[—]tius/ [—]τιος<br />

ACH: [- - -]τιος Σωρανός, 268; [- - -]t[i]u[s]<br />

Amemptu[s], 267<br />

COR: [- - -]tius Ac [- - -], 4<br />

[—]ουιος<br />

COR: [—]ουιος Φιλάδελφο[ς], 473

A[- - -]: ACH: M(arcus) A[- - -] Pri[- - -], 1; Sal(vius)<br />

A[- - -], 209<br />

Abidius/Άβ ίδιος<br />

COR [- - -] Abidius [- - -] 1; Γ(άιος) Άβίδιος<br />

Φλά[κκος] 2; Γ(άιος) Άβίδιος Π[—] 3<br />

Acilius<br />

ARC: *Μάνιος (Manius Acilius Glabrio), 1<br />

COR: M(arcus) Acilius Candidus, 5<br />

Aebutius: P(ublius) Aebutius, 6; P(ublius) Aebutius<br />

Sp(urii) f., COR 7<br />

Aeficius/Αιφίκιος<br />

COR: [P. Aef]icius Atimetus, 8; [P. Aef]icius<br />

Atimetus [Lic]inianus, 9; (L.) Aeficius Certus, 10;<br />

Μ. Αίφίκιος Πριμιγενιανός, 10 adn. ; [P.<br />

Aefi]cius P. f. [Ae]m(ilia) Firmus Sta[tia]nus, 11<br />

Αιλία: Αίλία Άκυλείνη ARG 1<br />

Aelius/ Αΐλιος<br />

ACH: Aelius Iucundus, 2; Κ(όιντος) Αΐλ(ιος)<br />

Ζώσιμος, 3<br />

ARC: Πόπ(λιος) Αΐλ(ιος) Λεωνείδης<br />

Πλο[κάμ]ου, 2<br />

ARG: Πό(πλιος) Αΐλιος [—], 2; Πό(πλιος)<br />

Αΐλιο[ς —]δης, 3; Π(όπλιος) Αΐλι(ος) Άντίοχος,<br />

4; [Τίτ]ος Α[ΐλ]ιος 'Αττικός, 5; Τ(ίτος)<br />

Αΐλ(ιος) Βλαστός, 6; L(ucius) Aelius Camus, 7;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Αιλι(ος) Διονύσιος ό Άντιόχου, 8;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Αΐλιος Εΰτυχος, 9; [Γ]άι[ο]ς<br />

Α[ΐλι]ος Ν[ικόπο]λις, 10; Π(όπλιος) Αιλι(ος)<br />

Θο[---], 11<br />

COR: Π(όπλιος) Αίλιος Άλυπιανός, 12;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Αΐλιος Άπολλόδο[τ]ος/Ρ. Aelius<br />

Apollodotus, 13; Αΐλιος Διόσκορος, 14;<br />

[Π(όπλιος) Αΐ]λιος Φόρτο[υνάτος], 15; *Λεύκιος<br />

Αΐλιος Λα[μί]α, 16; [Α]ΐλιος Σα[—], 17;<br />

[Π(όπλιος)] Αΐλιος Σώσπις, 18; Γ(άιος) Αΐλιος<br />

[—] Θασικό[ς], 19; Π. Αΐλιος [ ]άσιχος,<br />

9 adn.; Γ(άιος) Αΐλιος Θεμίσων Θεοδότου, 20<br />

EL: Π(όπλιος) [Αΐλιος —], 1; Π(όπλιος)<br />

Αΐλ(ιος) 'Αντώνιος Κρισπεΐνος Μητρότειμος,<br />

2; Πό(πλιος) Αΐλιος Άλκανδρίδας Δαμοκρατί-<br />


593<br />

δα, 3; Π(όπλιος) Αΐλιος 'Αρίστων (Ι), 4;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Αΐλιος 'Αρίστων (Π) Π(οπλίου)<br />

Αίλίου Άρίστωνος (Ι), 5; Π(όπλιος) Αΐλιος<br />

Άρτεμάς, 6; [Αΐ]λ(ιος) Καλλίνεικος, 7;<br />

Πόπλιος Αΐλ(ιος) Άρμόνεικος, 8; [Αΐ]λ(ιος)<br />

Έρμιππος, 9<br />

Aemilia/Α'ιμιλία<br />

ACH: Aemilia Erotis, 4; Aemilia Secunda, 5<br />

EL: Αιμιλία Φιλόξενα, 10<br />

Aemilius<br />

ACH: L(ucius) (Aemilius), 6; L(ucius) Aemilius<br />

L(ucii) f(ilius) Qui(rina), 7; P(ublius) Aem[ilius<br />

L(ucii) f(ilius) Qui(rina)], 8; L(ucius) Aemil(ius)<br />

La(—), 9; P(ublius) Aemilius Primionis<br />

l(ibertus) Primigenius, 10; P(ublius) Aemilius<br />

Urbanus, 11<br />

COR: L(ucius) A[emi]lius L. f. [Paus]ania[s], 21;<br />

L(ucius) Aemilius Rui[—], 22<br />

Aeminius: ARG 101 adn.<br />

Aenius<br />

ACH: [.] Aeni(us) Secundus T(iti) f(ilius), 12<br />

COR: M(arcus) Aenius Onesiphorus, 23;<br />

[M(arcus)] Aenius M. f. Aem(ilia)<br />

Onesiph[or]us, 24<br />

Aepicia: Aepicia Nice ACH 13<br />

Aequ[- - -]: Aequ[- - -] ACH 14<br />

Aequana<br />

ACH: Aequana, 15; Aequana Sex(ti) f(ilia)<br />

Musa, 16<br />

Αίκουάνιος: Α'ικου[άνιος] EL 11 adn.<br />

Aequanus/Αίκουανός<br />

ACH: (Aequanus) Antas, 17; Sex(tus)<br />

Aequanus, 18; Sex(tus) Aequfanus] Sex(ti)<br />

l(ibertus) Astius, 19<br />

EL: Αίκου[ανός (?)], 11<br />

Aetrius: Q(uintus) Aetrius Tertius ACH 20<br />

Aicia: ACH 13 adn.<br />

Alcia/Άλκία<br />

ACH: Iunia D(ecimi) lib(erta) Alcia, 140<br />

EL: Βιβουλλία Άλκία Άγριππεΐ[να θυγάτη]ρ

[Τ]ο[ύ]φο[υ], 341<br />

Άλφιος: *Πόπλιο[ς] Άλφ[ιος] Πρίμος EL 12<br />

Άλλήιος<br />

ARG: [Κύι]ντος Άλλήιος Έπίκ[τητος (?)<br />

—]τος υίός, 13; [Κύι]ντος Άλλήιος<br />

Έπίκ[τητος (?) —]ιο[υ] υίός, 13 adn.; [.<br />

Β]άσσον Άλλήιον Έπικ[- ca. 5 - Έπιδαυρ]ίο[υ]<br />

υίόν, 13 adn.<br />

Alliatius/Άλλιάτιος<br />

ACH: Alliatius Probus, 22<br />

EL: Άλλιάτιος Μά[ρκος —], 13; [Άλλιάτιος<br />

Μάρκο]ς Άλλιατίου Μά[ρκου υίός —]ατος, 14<br />

Άμίνιος: [—]στος 'Αμίνιος [— ω]ρ COR 26<br />

Άγχάριος: *Κόιντος Άγχάριος Κοΐντου υίός EL 15<br />

'Avvia<br />

EL: Άππία 'Avvia Ά[τ]ειλία Τήγιλλα Έλπινείκη<br />

Άγριππεΐνα Άτρία Πόλλα; Ήρώδου καί<br />

[Τη]γίλλης θυγατ[έρα], 16; [Άππία Άν]νί[α<br />

Τήγιλλα Άππίου] ύ[π]άτο[υ πο]ντ[ίφικος<br />

θ]υγάτηρ, ; [Τιβερί]ου [Κλαυδί]ου [Ήρώδου<br />

γυ]νή,17<br />

Άννιος<br />

ACH: Λ(ούκιος) Άννιος Άλυπιανός, 23<br />

EL: *Άππιος Άννιος Γάλλος, 18<br />

Annusidius<br />

ACH: [C(aius) Annusidi]us C. (?) f(ilius)]<br />

Q[uir(ina) Rufus], 24; C(aius) Annusidius C(aii)<br />

f(ilius) Quir(ina) Rufus Marcellianus, 25; [C(aius)<br />

Annusidi]us C(aii) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Rufus<br />

Vireianus, 26<br />

Άντειος: Πόπλιος Άντειος Άντίοχος ARG 14<br />

Άντίστιος/Άνθέστιος<br />

ARC: Λ(ούκιος) Άντίστιος, 3<br />

ARG: Λ(ούκιος) Άντίστιος Μεστιανός, 15<br />

COR: *Γ(άιος) Άντίσ[τιος Βοΰρ]ρος, 29; Άντίστιος<br />

Μάξιμ[ος], 30; Άντίσ[τιος] Μιν[—], 31<br />

EL: Δ(έκμος) Άνθέστιος Θεογένης, 19<br />

Antonia/ Άντωνία<br />

ARC: Άντωνία, 4<br />

COR: An[tonia - - -], 32; Antonia, 33;<br />

[A]nto[nia] Sedata, 34; Άντων[ί]α Σωσιπάτρα /<br />

An[tonia Sosipatra] Sospitis f., 35<br />

EL: Άντωνία Βαιβία, 20; Άντωνία Καλλώ, 21;<br />

Άντωνία Κλεοδίκη, 22; Άντωνία Πώλλα, 23<br />

Antonius/ Άντώνι(ο)ς<br />

ACH: C(aius) (Antonius), 27; M(arcus)<br />

Ant(onius) Aris(tarchus), 28; [—] Antonius<br />

Eu[tychus ?], 29; C(aius) Antonius C(aii)<br />

l(ibertus) Pamphilus, 30<br />

ARC: Άντώνις Ήρακλά, 5; Μ(άρκος)<br />


594<br />

Άντ[ώ]νιος Λυγκε[ύς], 6; Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος<br />

Όνήσιμος, 7<br />

ARG: [- - -]ος Αντώνιος [—], 16: *Μάρκος<br />

Αντώνιος, 17; Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Αχαϊκός,<br />

18; Μάρκος Αντώνιος Άναξίωνος υιός Αριστοκράτης,<br />

19; Μάρκος Αντώνιος Σιλ[άσ]ιμος, 20<br />

COR: [- - - A]nton[ius - - -], 36; [- - -A]nton[ius],<br />

37; [- - - Antonius [- - -], 38; Antonius C. f. [- - -],<br />

39; C(aius) (Antonius), 40; Γ(άιος) Αντώνιος<br />

[ ], 41; [L(ucius)] (Antonius), 42; L(ucius)<br />

Antonius —] (I), 43; L(ucius) Antonius —]<br />

(II), 44; L(ucius) Antonius, 45; *[[Marcus<br />

Antonius]], 46 and adn.; 68 adn.; 114 adn.; 318<br />

adn.; 320 adn.; [M(arcus)] An[t]onius, 47;<br />

M(arcus) (Antonius), 48; Μ(άρκος) Άν[τώνιος],<br />

49; Μ(άρκος) Άν[τώνιος —], 50; [M(arcus)]<br />

Antonius —], 51; M(arcus) Antoniu[s —], 52;<br />

M(arcus) Antonius M. f. [A]em(ilia) [A]chaicus,<br />

53; *[L(ucius) Antonius L. f.] Albus, 54;<br />

[A]ntonius Alexander Antoni Timothei fil., 55;<br />

[M. A]nton[i]us An[—], 56; [M(arcus)<br />

Ant]onius Aristocraties], 57 and 52 adn.; Αντώνιος<br />

Βα[—], 58; Μ(άρκος) Άντώνι[ος] Βλαστός,<br />

59; Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Κλημ[εντεΐνος],<br />

60; L(ucius) Antonius Damonicus, 61; Γ(άιος)<br />

Αντώνιος Εύμο[λ]πο[ς], 62; M(arcus) Antonius<br />

Hipparchus, 63; [L(ucius) Antonius Iulianus], 64;<br />

L. Antonius Iulianus, 272 adn.; [M(arcus)<br />

An]ton[iu]s Glau[c]i f. Milesius, 65; [M(arcus)]<br />

An[t]onius [M. f. —] Nigrinus, 66; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Αντώνιος Ό[—], 67; M(arcus) Antonius<br />

Orestes, 68; [L(ucius) A]nto[nius L. f.]<br />

Me[n(inia)] Prfiscus], 69; Μ(άρκος) Άντ[ώνιος]<br />

Πρόμα[χ]ος, 70; Μ(άρκος) Ά[ν]τώνιος<br />

Κυϊήτος, 71; [. A]nt[onius —] S[os]p[is]/<br />

Άν[τώ]νιος Σώσπις, 72; [. Άντ]ώνιος Στακτη[—],<br />

73; [— A]ntonius Taurus, 74;<br />

[Μ(άρκος) Ά]ντώνιος Τέρτιος, 75; M(arcus)<br />

Antonius Theophilus, 76; [Antonius Timotheus,<br />

77; [Άντ]ών[ιος], 684<br />

EL: [Άντ]ώνιος (?), 24; Μ(άρκος) Ά[ντώνιος<br />

], 25; Μ(άρκος) Ά[ντώνιος —], 26;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Άντ[ώνιος —], 27; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Άντώ[νιος —], 28; Μ(άρκος) Άντών[ιος —],<br />

29; Μ(άρκος) Ά[ντώνιος —], 30; [Μάρκο]ς<br />

Άντ[ώνιος —], 31; Μ(άρκος) Άντώ[νιος —],<br />

32; Μ. Antonius, 41 adn.; Γάιος [Αντώνιος]<br />

Πεισ[ανοΰ υίός —], 33; Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος<br />

Πισανοΰ υιός Άλεξίων, 34; [Άντώνιο]ς Άλεξίων,<br />

34a; Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Άντεικός, 35;

[Μ(άρκος) Ά]ντώνιος Αντίπατρος, 36;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Άντ[(ώνιος) Άπολλ]οφά[νης (?)], 37;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Άριστέας Δάμωνος, 38;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Αΐλ(ιος) Αντώνιος Κρισπεΐνος<br />

Μητρότειμος (see also Aelius), 2; Μ. Antonius<br />

Creticus, 15 adn.; Μ(άρκος) Άν[τώνιος<br />

Εύ]δημος, 39; Γ(άιος) [Άντ]ώνιος Λέων, 40; Μ.<br />

Antonius Oxylus, 46 adn.; Μάρκος Αντώνιος<br />

Πεισανός, 41; Μ. Antonius Pisanus, 33 adn.;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Πολύκλειτος, 42;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Άν[τώνιος Πο]λύκλειτος, 43;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Πρόκλος, 44; [Μ(άρκος)<br />

Άν]τώνιος Τουφεΐνος, 45; Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος<br />

Σάμιππος, 46; [Μ(άρκος) Ά]ντ(ώνιος)<br />

Σεκοΰνδος, 47; Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Ζήθος<br />

Κλυτιάδης, 48<br />

Appalenus/Άτιπαληνός<br />

ARC: Μ(άρκος) Άππαληνός Τι[β(ερίου) υίός<br />

— ] , 8; Ti(berius) Appalenus Anaxilaus, 8 adn.<br />

COR: M(arcus) (Appalenus), 78; M(arcus)<br />

(Appalenus), 79; Τιβ(έριος) Άππαληνός<br />

Άναξίλαος, 80; *[M(arcus) App]alenus[M. f.]<br />

M. n. Aem(ilia) [P]ulcher, 81<br />

Άππία<br />

COR: (Άππία Άννία) Τήγιλλα (Άτιλία Καουδικία<br />

Τέρτουλλα), 528<br />

EL: Άππία Άννία Ά[τ]ειλία Τήγιλλα Έλπινείκη<br />

Άγριππεΐνα Άτρία Πόλλα; Ήρώδου καί<br />

[Τη]γίλλης θυγάτ[ηρ], 16; [Άππία Άν]νί[α<br />

Τήγιλλα Άππίου] ύ[π]άτο[υ πο]ντ[ίφικος<br />

θ]υγάτηρ; [Τιβερί]ου [Κλαυδί]ου [Ήρώδου<br />

γυ]νή,17<br />

Appius/Άππιος<br />

ACH: Άππιος Κυ[- - -], 32<br />

EL: Άπ[πιος —], 49; M. Appius Atilius<br />

Bradua, 50 adn.; *Μ(άρκος) Άππιος Βραδούας,<br />

50; *Άππιος Άννιος Γάλλος, 18; *Appius<br />

Claudius Pulcher, 49 adn.; *Άππιος Σαβεΐνος,<br />

51; Ap. Sabinus Probi f., 51 adn.<br />

Apponius: T(itus) Apponius Quartio ACH 33<br />

Appuleia: Appuleia [—], 34; Appuleia Musa ACH 35<br />

Appuleius/Άππουλή ιος<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Appuleius Pri[mus], 36<br />

COR: [. Ά]ππουλήιο[ς], 82<br />

Appulus<br />

ACH: L(ucius) (Appulus), 37; Sex(tus) Appulus<br />

L(ucii) f(ilius) Firmus, 38<br />

Άπρία: Άπρία Κασσία EL 52<br />

Aquillius: *[L(ucius) A]quillius C. f. Pom(ptina)<br />

[Fl]orus Turcianus Gallus COR 83<br />


595<br />

Άρήδιος:[Ά]ρήδ(ιος) Σεκοΰνδο[ς] ARC 9<br />

Arei[- - -]: L(ucius) Arei[- - -] ARC 84<br />

Arellius: A[rel]lius COR 21 adn.<br />

Arennius: [L. Arenniu]s Zosimufs] COR 84 adn.<br />

Arminius/Άρμίνιος:<br />

T(itus) Arm[inius] Tauriscus/[T(ÎTOç) Άρμίνιος<br />

Ταυ]ρίσκος ARC 10<br />

Arrius<br />

ACH: C(aius) Arri(us) A(uli) f(ilius), 39<br />

COR: [.] (Arrius), 85; L(ucius) Arrius Peregrinus,<br />

86; A(ulus) Arri[us] [. f.] Aem(ilia) Proc[ulus], 87<br />

Arruntius: [.] [A]rruntius Mosch[us] COR 88<br />

Άσιννία: Άσιννία Μαμμία ARC 11<br />

Άσίνιος<br />

ARC: Γάιος Άσίνιος Φήλει[ξ], 12<br />

COR: Γ(άιος) Άσίνιος Γέμινος, 90<br />

EL: *Γ(άιος) Άσίνιος Κουαδράτος, 56<br />

Atilia/Άτειλία (see also Attilia)<br />

COR: Atilia T. f. Thalussa, 92<br />

EL: Άππία Άννία Ά[τ]ειλία Τήγιλλα Έλπινείκη<br />

Άγριππεΐνα Άτρία Πόλλα, Ήρώδου καί<br />

[Τη]γίλλης θυγάτ[ηρ], 16;<br />

Αΐί1ϊυ8/Άτ(ε)ίλιος<br />

COR: T(itus) Atilius, 93; *Τ(ίτος) Άτ[ίλιος<br />

Τ]οΰφος Τιτιανός, 94<br />

EL: *Μ(άρκος) Άτείλιος Άττι[κός] Βραδούας<br />

Τήγιλλος Ήρώδου καί Τηγίλλης υίός, 57; *Μ.<br />

Atilius Metilius Bradua, 50 adn.; *Μάρκος Άτίλιος<br />

Βραδούας 50 adn.; *Ti. Claudius Appius M.<br />

Attilius Bradua Regillus Atticus, 144 adn.<br />

Άτρία<br />

EL: Άππία Άννία Ά[τ]ειλία Τήγιλλα Έλπινείκη<br />

Άγριππεΐνα Άτρία Πόλλα, Ήρώδου καί<br />

[Τη]γίλλης θυγάτ[ηρ], 16<br />

Attedius/Άττήδιος<br />

EL: Μ(άρκος) Άττήδιος Κόγνιτος EL 58;<br />

Attedius Geminus, 58 adn.<br />

Attia: Attia Tertia ACH 40<br />

Attilia: Attili[a R]ufa COR 96<br />

Attius<br />

ACH: (Attius) Clemens, 41; M(arcus) Attius<br />

Faustus, 42<br />

COR: *[Q. Licinius - - -] Modestinfus Sex. (?)]<br />

Attius Labeo, 377<br />

Ώράριος: Μ(άρκος) Ώρά[ρ]ιος Σαβ(ε)ΐνος EL 60<br />

Αύρη[- - -]: Αύρη[- - -] COR 97<br />

Αύρηλία<br />

ARC: Αύρηλία Τερτία, 13<br />

ARG: Αύρ(ηλία) Χρηματίνη, 28; Αύρηλί[α<br />

Έλευ]θερίς, 29; Αύρηλία Λούκια (Ι), 30; (Αύρη-

λία) Λουκία (Π), 31; Αύρηλία Νείκη, 32;<br />

Αύρ(ηλία) Τειμαρέτη, 33<br />

EL: Αύρ(ηλία) Ζωσίμη Άφροδεισίου τοΰ καί<br />

Θριασίου γυνή, θυγάτηρ δε Αύρ(ηλίου) Εύκαρπίδου<br />

Τρικορυσίου, 61<br />

Aurelius/Αύρήλιος<br />

ACH: C(aius) (Aurelius), 43; C(aius) Aurelius<br />

P(ublii) f(ilius) Quir(ina), 44; P(ublius) (Aurelius),<br />

45; C(aius) Aurelius C(aii) f(ilius) Bassus, 46;<br />

C(aius) Aurelius C(aii) f(ilius) [—] Priscus, 47;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αυρήλιος Σέσσωρ, 48<br />

ARC: Αύρ(ήλιος) [—], 14; Αύρ(ήλιος) [—],<br />

15; Αύρ(ήλιος) [..]ικραλσ[—], 16;<br />

[Α]υ[ρ(ήλιος)—]ο[—]ω[—], 17; [Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

—]ωνά, 18; [Αύρ(ήλιος) —]ριου, 19;<br />

[Α]ύρ(ήλιος) [—]σ[—], 20; [Αύρ(ήλιος) —<br />

Ά]γαθία, 21; Αύρ(ήλιος) Άγαθ[- - -], 22;<br />

Μάρκος Αυρήλιος Άγαθοκλ[ή]ς Όνησίμου, 23;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Αλέξανδρος (Αλεξάνδρου), 24;<br />

[Αύρ(ήλιος)] Άφ[—], 25; Αύρ(ήλιος) Άρκαδίων<br />

Σωτάδο[υ], 26; [Αύρ(ήλιος)] Διονύσιος<br />

(Διονυσίου), 27; Αύρ(ήλιος) Έλπιδΰς, 28;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Έπαφρόδιτος Αφροδισίου, 29;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Έπαφρόδιτος Έπαφρ[ά], 30;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύοδος Τέρωνος, 31; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Εύτ[υχ—], 32; Αύρ(ήλιος) Ίο[—], 33;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Ίρανίων 'Ιταλού, 34; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Νεικ[—], 35; Αύρ(ήλιος) Παρ[—], 36;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Φιλουμενό[ς], 37; Αύρ(ήλιος) Ποσιδώνιο[ς],<br />

38; [Αύρ(ήλιος)] Πρεΐμος Συμφόρου,<br />

39; Αύρ(ήλιος) Σ[- ca. 3 -]τασ[- - -], 40;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Σέμνος, 41 ; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Σωσι[κ]ράτης Εύτύχο[υ], 42; Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωτάδης<br />

(Σωτάδου), 43; Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωτήριχος Χρυσίππου],<br />

44; [Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωτή]ριχος (Σωτηρίχου),<br />

45; Αύρ(ήλιος) Συμ[—], 46; [Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Σ]ύμφορος Εύτύχου, 47; Αύρ(ήλιος) Σύμ[φ]ορος<br />

[-ca. 2-\\i[-ca. 3-], 48; Αύρ(ήλιος) Τ[- - -]νος<br />

Άγ[- ca. 4 -], 49; Αύρ(ήλιος) Θάλλος Εύκάρπο[υ],<br />

50; [Αύρ(ήλιος) Ξ]ενομένης [.]ζ[—], 51;<br />

[Αύρ(ήλιος)] Ζώ[σι]μος Κορίνθου, 52<br />

ARG: Αύρ(ήλιος) [—], 34; Μ(άρκος) Αυρήλιος<br />

Σώλωνος, 35; Αύρ(ήλιος) Αμάραντος, 36;<br />

Αυρήλιος Αντίγονος, 37; Αύ[ρ(ήλιος) ?] Άπολλωνίδης,<br />

38; Αύρ(ήλιος) Βλαστός, 39;<br />

[Αύρ(ήλιος) ? Χ]αρίξενος (Ι) Κελάδου, 40;<br />

[Α]ύρ(ήλιος) Χαρίξενος (Π) [Αύρ(ηλίου) ?<br />

Χ]αριξένου τοΰ Κελάδου υίός, 41; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Κόρινθος, 42; Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Διονύσιος,<br />

43; Αύρ(ήλιος) Ελικών, 44; Μ(άρκος)<br />


596<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Έπαφρ[όδιτος] Εύτύχου, 45;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Ίωσης, 46; Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Λικιννιανός Σωκράτους, 47; Αύρ(ήλιος) Νικέρως,<br />

48; *Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Όλυμπιόδωρος,<br />

49; Αύρ(ήλιος) Φιλο[υμ]ενός, 50;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Πλήσμων, 51; Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Τοΰφος Τούφου, 53; [Μ(άρκος) Α]ύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Σα[τορ]νε[ΐν]ος Λικιννιανοΰ, 54; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωκράτης Λικιννιανοΰ, 55; Αυρήλιος<br />

Σώστρατος, 56; Μ(άρκος) Αυρήλιος Σώστρατος,<br />

57; Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωτήρας (Ι), 58;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωτήρας (II), 59; [Αυρήλιος<br />

Στρατήγιος ô Σωστράτου, 269; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Τρόφιμος, 60; Αύρ(ήλιος) Τρόφ[ι]μος, 61;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Τρύφων ο Διοφάντου, 62;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Τύχ[ανδρος (?)], 63<br />

COR: [- - -] Aur(elius) [- - -], 99; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Α[—], 100; *Aur(elius) Dionysius,<br />

101; *Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύτυχιανός, 102; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Μενέδημος, 103; Aurelius Nestor, 104; (Aurelius)<br />

Theoprepes, 586 adn.<br />

EL: Αύρή[λιος —], 62; [Μ(άρκος) Α]ύρή[(λιος)<br />

—], 63; Μ(άρκος) Α[ύρ(ήλιος) —], 64;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Άβάσκαντος Ζωΐλου, 65;<br />

Αύ(ρήλιος) Αλέξανδρος (Αλεξάνδρου) Ίαμίδης,<br />

66; Αύ(ήλιος) Αλφειός Σόφωνος, 67;<br />

Αυρήλιος Άρ[—], 68; [Αύρ(ήλιος)] Άρτέμων,<br />

69; Αύρ(ήλιος) Ά[ρτ]έμων, 70; [Αύ]ρ(ήλιος)<br />

Αττικός, 71; Αύρ(ήλιος) Βασιλείδης, 72;<br />

Μάρ(κος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Κάλλων, 73; Αύ(ρήλιος)<br />

Κλεόμαχος (Κλεομάχου) Κλυτιάδης, 74;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύκαρπίδης, 75; [Μάρ(κος)]<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύκαρπίδης Ζωπύρο[υ], 76;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύτύχης, 77; Μάρκος Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Ηλιόδωρος [Ήλιοδ]ώρου, 78; Μ(άρκος) Αυρήλιος<br />

Έλληνοκράτης, 79; [Μ(άρκος) Αύρή]λιος<br />

Έρμήνιρ[ς], 80; Μ(άρκος) Αύ(ρήλιος) Ύγεΐνος,<br />

81; Αύ(ρήλιος) 'Ιουλιανός Πρείμου, 82;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Μαρκιανός, 83;<br />

Αύ(ρήλιος) Μητρόβιος Σωτηρίχου, 84;<br />

Αύ(ρήλιος) Νεικηφόρος (Νεικηφόρου), 85;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Νεοκλής Βασιλείδου, 86;<br />

Αύ(ρήλιος) Όλυμπος Διονείκου Κλυτιάδης, 87;<br />

Αύ(ρήλιος) Όνησίφορος Κλεομάχου, 88;<br />

[Αύρή]λιος Πυ[θίων Ίαμίδης], 89; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Σεπτίμιος Απολλώνιος, 90; Αύρ(ήλιος) Στρατόνεικος,<br />

91; Μάρκος Αυρήλιος Σότηρος<br />

[Σοτή]ρου, 92; Αύρ(ήλιος) Ζήθος, 93;<br />

[Μάρ(κος) Α]ύρ(ήλιος) Ζώπυρος, 94;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Ζώπυρος Ζωπύρου, 95

Autronius: Autron [ius —] COR 105<br />

Avillius: A[vil]lius COR 21 adn.<br />

Axia: Axia L(ucii) l(iberta) Megiste ACH 49<br />

Axius: L(ucius) (Axius) ACH 47<br />

B[- - -]: M(arcus) B[- - -] COR 660<br />

Ba[- - -]: Ba[- ca. 4-] Cn(aei) f(ilia) Postuma ACH 51<br />

Babbia<br />

ACH: Ba[bbia], 51 adn.<br />

COR: Babbia, 106<br />

Babbius<br />

COR: [- - -] Babbius [- - -], 107; [.] Babbius,<br />

108; [C]n(aeus) Babbi[us - - -], 109; [Cn(aeus)]<br />

Babbius Cn. f. Aem(ilia) [I]talic[us], 110;<br />

Cn(aeus) Babbius Philinus, 111; [— Ba]bbius<br />

[. f. Qui]r(ina) Piu[s] (?), 112<br />

Baebia/Βαιβία<br />

COR: Cornel(ia) Baebia, 202<br />

EL: Άντωνία Βαιβία, 20; Κλ(αυδία) Βαιβία<br />

Βαιβιανή Κλ(αυδίου) Δημητρίου θυγάτηρ, 116;<br />

Βαιβία Πρόκλα Καικιλίου Πρόκλου καί Άντωνίας<br />

Πώλλης θυγάτηρ καί Φλαβίου Λεωνίδου<br />

γυνή, 96<br />

Βαίβιος: *Κόιντος Βαίβιος Κόίντου υίός ARC 53<br />

Barbatius: M(arcus) (Barbatius) COR 113;<br />

[M(arcus)] Barbatius M. [f.] Ae[m](ilia) Celer<br />

COR 114; *M. Barbatius Pollio, COR 114 adn.<br />

Bellius: M(arcus) Bellius Proculus COR 115<br />

Betutia: Betutia T(iti) L(iberta) Philete ACH 53<br />

Betutius: T(itus) (Betutius) ACH 54<br />

Billien- - -: Billien[- - -] ACH 55; L(ucius) Billien[- - -]<br />

ACH 56<br />

C[- - -]/K[- - -]<br />

COR: K[- - -] Άτ[ - - -], 117; Q(uintus) C[- - -] I<br />

[ ] u li [ ], 118<br />

Κακούριος: Κ(όιντος) Κακούριος Καισέννιος ARG 65<br />

Caecilius/Καικίλιος/Καικέλιος<br />

ACH: L(ucius) Caecilius, 57; L(ucius) Caecilius<br />

L(ucii) f(ilius) Macer, 58<br />

ARG: *Q. Caecilius C. f. Metellus, 66; Κ(όιντος)<br />

Καικίλιος Κ(οΐντου) υιός Σωτήριχος, 67<br />

COR: Q(uintus) Caecilius Niger, 119<br />

EL: *Κόιντος Καικέλιος Κόίντου Μέτελλος,<br />

97; Καικίλιος Πρόκλος, 98; Λ(ούκιος) Καικί-<br />

λιος Φοίβος [ό] καί Έφηβος, 99Καιλήριος:<br />

Καιλήριος Κλάρος COR 120<br />


597<br />

Caelius: *C(aius) Caelius C. fil. Ouf(entina) Martialis<br />

COR 121<br />

Caesennia: Caesennia Lais COR 122<br />

Caesennius/Καισέννιος<br />

ARG: Κ(όιντος) Κακούριος Καισέννιος, 65<br />

COR: P(ublius) Caesennius Thamyris, 123<br />

Caesius: A. Caesius Malch[- - -] COR 124<br />

Caetronia: Caetronia Quinta ACH 59; Caetronia<br />

Veneria ACH 60<br />

Καφατία: Καφατία ACH 61<br />

Calpetana: Calpetana Magna COR 128<br />

Calpetanus: M(arcus) Calpetanus Corinthus COR<br />

129; Calpetanus Ianuarius COR 130;<br />

Ca[l]pet[anus] COR 256 adn.; COR 455 adn.<br />

Καλπουρνία: Καλπουρνία Φροντείνα COR 131<br />

Calpurnius/Καλιπόρνιος<br />

COR: *P[ublius] Calpu[rnius. f(ilius)]<br />

Croto[nensis], 132; *[L. C]alpu[rnius] [Pr]o[clus,<br />

54 adn.; *[L. Pr]o[clus C]alpu[raius], 54 adn.<br />

EL: *Κόιντος Καλιπόρνιος Γαΐου υίός, 105; L.<br />

Calpurnius Piso, 15 adn.<br />

Cania: Cania Aresqusfa] ACH 63<br />

Caninia: Can[inia] Donet[a] COR 133<br />

Caninius/Kav(8)ivioç<br />

ACH: Πόπλιο[ς] Κανείνιος Άγρίπ[πας], 64;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Κανείνιος Ζήνων, 65<br />

ARG: *Γάλλος Κανί[νιος - - -], 71<br />

COR: L(ucius) Caninius Agrippa, 134; *P(ublius)<br />

Caninius Alexiadae f. Co(llina) Agrippa, 135; L.<br />

Caninius Gallus, 135 adn.; M(arcus) Ca[ninius<br />

Rufus] (I), 136; M(arcus) [Caninius] Rufus (II),<br />

137; Κανείνιος Σο[- - -], 138; [P. Caninius P.<br />

li]b(ertus) Strab, 139<br />

Canius/Κάνιος<br />

ACH: C(aius) Canius S[- - -], 66<br />

COR: Λούκιος Κάν[ι]ος, 140<br />

EL: Γ(άιος) Κάνιος Τοΰφος, 107<br />

Κανουλλήιος: [Κανο(?)]υλλήιος Αττικός ARG 72<br />

Caristanius: *C(aius) Caristanius [. f. Ser(gia)<br />

I]ulianus COR 141<br />

Carpi(us): Carpi(us) ACH 277<br />

Cas(- - -): L. Cas. COR 142<br />

Casperianus: Ca[s]pe[rianus], Casper[ianus], COR<br />

256 adn.<br />

Κασ(σ)ία<br />

ACH: [Κασ]σία Σε[κο]υνδίλλα, 67<br />

ARG: Κασία, 73<br />

EL: Κασσία Μ[άρκου Β]ετληνοΰ Λαίτου<br />

θ[υγάτη]ρ, 108; Άπρία Κασσία, 52; Βετληνή<br />

Κασσία Χρυσαρέτα, 332

Cassius/Κάσσιος<br />

ACH: Q(uintus) Cassius Euprepes, 68;<br />

[Κάσ]σιος Εύπρπή[ς], 69<br />

COR: 142 adn.; Γ(άιος) Κάσσιος, 143; Γ(άιος)<br />

Κάσσιος Γ. ύός Φλάκκος, 144<br />

EL: Κάσσιος, 109; Κάσσιο[ς] Οίνεύς Πολυκρά­<br />

τους, 109 adn.; Κάσσιος Βέγετος, 110; Γ(άιος)<br />

Κάσσιος Βέγετος, 111<br />

Castricius: [L(ucius)] (Castricius) COR 145; [L(ucius)<br />

Castriciu]s [L. f. - - -] Reg[ulus] (I) COR 146];<br />

[L(ucius) Castri]cius Regulus COR 147<br />

Cav[- - -]: L(ucius) Cav[- - -] COR 148<br />

Cerialis: *C(aius) Ceri[alis] COR 151<br />

Cispuleius: Q(uintus) (Cispuleius) COR 152;<br />

Q(uintus) Cispuleius Q. 1. Primus COR 153;<br />

Q(uintus) Cispuleius Q. f. Aem(ilia) Theophilus<br />

COR 154<br />

Claudia/Κλαυδία<br />

ARC: Κλαυδία Έπιγόνη, 57; Τιβ(ερία) Κλαυδία<br />

Ίουλίτ(τ)η, 58<br />

ARG: Κλαυδία, 74; [Κ]λαυδία Τιβ(ερίου)<br />

Κλαυδίου Πολυκράτους θυγατέρα Δαμαρώ, 75;<br />

Κλαυδί[α] Δαμέα θυγατέρα Λαφάντα, 76;<br />

Κλαυδία Όλυ[μπ]ία, 77; Κλαυδία Φιλομάθια,<br />

78; Κλαυδί[α—] or Κλαύδι[ος —], 81<br />

EL: [— Κλαυ]δία, 112; [Βετ]ουληνή<br />

Κλαυ[δία], 333; Μαρκία Κλαυδία Άλκία Αθήναις<br />

Γαβιδία Λατιαρία Ήρώδου καί Τηγίλλης<br />

θυγάτηρ, 113; Κλαυδία Άλκιν[όα] Κλαυδίου<br />

Θεογένους καί 'Ιουλίας Χρυσαρέτας θυγάτηρ<br />

καί Λουκίου Βετληνοϋ Φλώρου γυνή, 114;<br />

Κλαυδία Άριστομάντις, 115; Κλ(αυδία) Βαιβία<br />

Βαιβιανή Κλ(αυδίου) Δημητρίου θυγάτηρ, 116;<br />

Κλαυδία Κλεοδίκη, 117; Κλαυδία Δαμοξένα,<br />

118; Λουκηνή Κλαυδία Μνασιθέα Κ(λαυδίου)<br />

Λουκηνοΰ Σαικλάρου καί Βετληνής Κασσίας<br />

Χρυσαρέτας θυγάτηρ, 250; Claudia Tisamenis,<br />

143 adn. and 144; Κλαυδία Τύχη Τιβ(ερίου)<br />

Κλαυδίου Τερτύλλου καί Αιμιλίας Φιλοξένας<br />

θυγάτηρ, 119<br />

Claudius/Κλαύδιος<br />

ACH: Clau[dius] T(iti) f(ilius) Qu[ir(ina) - - -],<br />

70; Α(ΰλος) Κλ(αύδιος) Χάραξ, 71; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

[Κλαύδιος Τ]οΰφος, 72; Ti(berius) Claudius<br />

Satyrus, 73<br />

ARC: Κλ(αύδιος) [- - -], 59; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος,<br />

60; Κλαύ(διος) Άλυπος, 61; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλαύδιος Άμυκος, 62; Ti(berius) Claudius<br />

Antipater and Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Αντίπατρος<br />

ARC 62a; (Κλαύδιος) Αττικός, 63; Τιβ(έριος)<br />


598<br />

Κλαύδιος Ευρώτας, 64; Κλ(αίδιος) Έλενος, 65;<br />

(Κλαύδιος) "Ιππαρχος, 66, 63 adn.; Cn. Claudius<br />

Leonticus, 83 adn.; Κλ(αύδιος) Νεικόστρατος,<br />

67; Κλ(αύδιος) Φιλάριστος, 68; ΓΓιβ(έριος)]<br />

Κλαύδιος Πο[λύξ]ενος, 69; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Πρώτος, 70; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδι[ος]<br />

Σεκοΰνδος, 71; Κλαύδιος Σύμφορος, 72; Κλαύδιος<br />

Τείμανδρος, 73<br />

ARG: Κλ[αύδιος - - -], 80; Κλαύδι[ος - - -] or<br />

Κλαυδί[α- - -], 81; Κλαύδιος, 82; Τι(βέριος)<br />

Κλαύδι(ος), 83; Τι(βέριος) Κλαύδιος Αντίγονος,<br />

84; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Κάρος Φλαουιανός,<br />

85; Κλαύδιος Κλ(ε)οσσ[—], 86;<br />

[Τιβέρι]ος Κλάυδ[ιος Δι(?)]ογένης, 87;<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Διοδότου υιός Διόδοτος,<br />

88; [Τ]ιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Φλαβίου Τερτίου<br />

υίό[ς Τ]έρτιος Φλαβιανός, 89; *[Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλαύδιος Φροντεΐνος], 90; *[Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Τιβερίου Φροντείνου υιός Κυρείνα Φροντεΐνος]<br />

Νεική[ρατ]ο[ς], 91; *Γν(αΐος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Λεοντικός, 92; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδι[ος]<br />

Μενεκλής, 93; [Τιβέριο]ς Κλαύδιος Εύνόμου<br />

υιός Νικοτέλης, 94; Τ[ι]β(έριος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Παΰλος, 95; Τ[ι]β(έριος) Κλαύδιος Φαιδρίας,<br />

96; Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Φιλόξενος, 97;<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Πωλλίων, 98; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλαύδιος Πολυκράτης, 99; [Κ]λαύδιος Προκλια[νός],<br />

100; Κλ(αύδιος) Τητορικός, 101;<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Σευήρος, 102;<br />

[Κλ]αύδιος Τειμ[- - -], 103; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Τυχικός, 104; Γάιος Κλαύδιος Τιβ(ερίου)<br />

Κλαυδίου Τυχικοΰ υιός Τυ[χικός], 105; Τιβέριος<br />

Κλαύδιος Φαιδρίου υιός Ξενοκλής (Ι),<br />

106; Τι(βέριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Ξενοκλής (Π), 107<br />

COR: [.] (Claudius), 156; P(ublius) (Claudius),<br />

157; Ti(berius) Cflaudius - - -], 158; [Ti(berius)]<br />

Cl[audius], 159, [Ti.] Cl[audio], 159 adn.;<br />

Ti(berius) Cl[audius - - -], 160; Ti(berius)<br />

Cla[udius - - -], 161; Ti(berius) Cla[udius - - -],<br />

162; [T]i(berius) Clau[dius - - -], 163;<br />

ΓΤ]ιβ(έριος) Κλαύ[(διος) - - -], 164; [Τιβ. Κλαύδιος<br />

[- - -], 165; Ti(berius) Claudius [- - -], 166;<br />

Ti[berius] Claudius Anaxilas, 167; Ti(berius)<br />

Claudius Anaxilaus, 168; *Ti(berius) Claudius Ti.<br />

Claudi Hipparchi f. Quir(ina) Atticus, 169;<br />

*Ti(berius) Claudius P. f. Fab(ia) Dinippus, 170;<br />

Κλ(αύδιος) [Κλα]υ[δ]ιανός Εύ[πυ]ρίδης<br />

Κλ(αυδίου) Μινουκιανοΰ υίός, 171; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλ(αύδιος) Φα[- - -], 172; Ti(berius) Cl[audius<br />

Her]mox[e]nus, 173; *Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος

Ηρώδης 'Αττικός, 174; Ti(berius) Claudius<br />

Hipparchus, 175; [Κλαύδιος] Ιλλυριός, 176;<br />

[Τιβ(έριος)] Κλαύδιος Μάξιμος, 177; [Τιβ(έριος)]<br />

Κλαύδιος Μάξιμος [Νεώτερος], 178; Κλ(αύδιος)<br />

Μινουκιανός, 179; Ti(berius) Claudius Optatus,<br />

180; Ti(berius) Claudius Primigenius, 181;<br />

[Τιβ(έριος) Κλα]ύδιος Σπηράτος, 182;<br />

Ti(berius) Claudius Stephanus, 183; [..] Claudios]<br />

[.. f.] Qu[ir(ina)] Valer[ianus], 184<br />

EL: [Κλ]αύδ[ιος - - -], 121; [Κ]λαύ[διος - - -],<br />

122; [Κ]λ[α]ύδ[ιος - - -], 123; [Κ]λαύδ[ιος - - -],<br />

124; [Γιβ(έριος)] Κλαύδιος [- - -], 125; [Τιβ(έριος)]<br />

Κλαύ[διος - - -], 126; [Τιβ(έριος)] Κλαύδ[ιος - - -],<br />

127; [Τι]β(έριος) Κλ[αύδιος - - -], 128;<br />

[Τι]β(έριος) Κλ[αύδιος - - -], 129; Τ(ιβέριος)<br />

Κλ[αύδιος - - -], 130; [Τι](βέριος)<br />

Κλ[αύδιος —]ανα[—] υίός, 131; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλαύ[διος — Ίαμίδης], 132; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλ(αύδιος) [- - -ι]ος, 133; Τιβ(έριος) Κλα[ύδιος<br />

— Κλυτιάδης], 134; Κλαύδ[ιος —]ος, 135;<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος 'Αγίας Λύσωνος , 136;<br />

Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Άφροδείσιος, 137; Claudius<br />

Apollonios, 162 adn.; Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος 'Απολλώνιος<br />

'Απολλώνιου, 138; Τι(βέριος) [Κλαύδιος<br />

Άρ[ Άρ]τεμά, 139; Τι(βέριος) [Κ]λαύ-<br />

διος Άρ[τεμδς Άρ]τεμά, 139 adn.; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλαύδιος Άριστέας, 140; *Κλαύδιος 'Αριστοκλής,<br />

141; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος 'Αριστομένης,<br />

142; *[Τι(βέριος) Κ]λαύδιος Άττ[ικό]ς<br />

Ήρώδη[ς] [Ίπ]πάρχο[υ], 143; *Λ(ούκιος)<br />

Βιβούλλιος "Ιππαρχος Τι(βέριος) Κλαύδιος<br />

'Αττικός Ηρώδης (s. also Ηρώδης), 144;<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύ[δι]ος Κ[- - -], 145; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλ(αύδιος) Καλλιγένης (Ι), 146; Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλ(αύδιος) Καλλιγένης (Π), 147; *Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλαύδιος Κρισπιανός , 148; *Κλ(αύδιος)<br />

Δημήτριος, 149; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Διοκλης,<br />

150; Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Φαυστεΐνος, 151;<br />

Τιβέρ(ιος) Κλ(αύδιος) Ύπατιανός, 152; [Κλάυδιο]ς<br />

Ύπατια[νός], 153; Τιβέρ(ιος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Ύπατιανός, 154; Κλαύδιος Λουκηνος Σαίκλαρος,<br />

251; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Λύσων Κλαυδίου<br />

'Αγία υίός, 155; [Τιβ(έριος) Κ]λαύδιος<br />

Μάξιμος, 156; Τίτος Κλ(αύδιος) Νικήρατος,<br />

157; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Όλυμπος Ίαμίδης,<br />

158; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύ(διος) Όπτάτο[ς], 159;<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Πέλωψ Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου<br />

Άριστέα και Άντωνίας Κλεοδίκης υίός,<br />

160; Κλαύ(διος) Πολυκράτης Ίαμίδης, 161;<br />

Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Τοϋφος, 162; Claudius<br />


599<br />

Clodia<br />

Rufus, 162 adn.; Κλαύδιος Τέρτυλλος, 163;<br />

Κλαύδιος Θεογένης, 164; Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος<br />

Θεσσαλός, 165; Κλαύδιος Τεισαμενος Ίαμίδης,<br />

166; Claudius Valerius Menander, 213 adn.;<br />

*Λ(ούκιος) Κλαύδιος Βιβούλλιος Τήγιλλος<br />

Ηρώδης, Ήρώδου και 'Ρηγίλλης υίός , 167;<br />

Κλαύδιος Ζηνόφιλος, 168<br />

COR: [Cl]odia, 185; Clodia Bractice,186; Clodia<br />

Homonoia, 187; Clodia Polla, 188<br />

Clodius/Κλώδιος<br />

ACH: A. Clod[ius- - -], 74; C(aius) Clodius<br />

Urbanus, 75<br />

ARG: [Κλ]ώδιος Φιλίσκος, 108<br />

COR: [- - -] Cl[odiu]s [- - -], 189; [- - -<br />

Κλ]ώδιο[ς—], 190; Λ(ούκιος) Κλώδιος Άρριδαιος,<br />

191; Clodius Euphemus, 192; Clodius<br />

Granianus, 193; Γάιος Κλώδιος Φίλων, 194;<br />

Γ(άιος) Κλώδιος Σεκοϋνδος, 195; Κλώδιο<br />

Θαλλ[—], 196; Λ(ούκιος) Κλώδιος Βήρος<br />

Φαυστινιανός, 197<br />

EL: Γ(άιος) Κλώδιος Ιούλιος Κλεόβουλος,<br />

169; Γ(άιος) Κλώδιος Σεκο[ΰνδος], 170<br />

Cocceius/Κοκκαίειος<br />

ARC: Κοκκαίειος, 74<br />

COR: *Cocce[ius - - -], 198; Cocceius<br />

Censorinus, 150 adn.<br />

Coelia: Coelia M(arci) [f(ilia)] Secunda ACH 76<br />

Coelius<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Coelius P(ublii) f(ilius), 77;<br />

P(ublius) (Coelius), 78; (M. Coelius M. 1.) Felix, 79<br />

Cornelia<br />

ACH: Cornelia Gemella, 80<br />

COR: Cornel(ia) Baebia, 202; Cornelia M. f.<br />

[Procula] (?), 203; [Co]rn[elia Secunda], 204;<br />

[Cor]nelia Semne, 205<br />

Cornelius/Κορνήλιος<br />

ARC: Κορνή[λιος —], 75; Κορνήλιος Έπαφρόδειτος,<br />

76; Κορνήλιος Έπιτυγχανίων, 77<br />

ARG: Κορνήλιος, 109; Κορ(νήλιος) "Αμανδος,<br />

110; Λ(εύκιος) Κορνήλιος Ίνγένου[ος] or "Ινγενος,<br />

111; [. Κορ]νήλιος Λυκεύς, 112;<br />

Κορ(νήλιος) Μακίας or Μαικίας, 113; Γναιος<br />

Κορνήλιος Σωδάμου υιός Νικάτας, 114;<br />

Γν(αιος) Κορνήλιος Φιλίσκος, 115; Γναιος<br />

Κορνήλιος Γναίου υιός Ποΰλχρος, 116;<br />

*Γν(αιος) Κορνήλιος Τιβερίου υιός Φαβία<br />

Ποϋλχρος, 117; Τιβέριος (Κορνήλιος<br />

Ποΰλχρος), 118<br />

COR: *[- - -] Κορνή[λιος] [- - -], 206; *[- - -]

Κορνήλει[ος], 207; Κορνήλιο[ς - - -], 208; [.]<br />

(Cornelius), 209; [- - - C]ornelius Q. f. [- - -],<br />

210; L(ucius) Cor[nelius —], 211; L(ucius)<br />

Cornelius], 212; M(arcus) (Cornelius), 213;<br />

M(arcus) Cornelius [—], 214; Q(uintus)<br />

(Cornelius), 215; Q(uintus) Comeli[us], 216;<br />

Q(uintus) Cor[nelius —], 217; Q(uintus)<br />

Cornelius [—], 218; Τιβ(έριος) Κορνήλιο[ς —],<br />

219; Λ(ούκιος) Κορνήλιος Κόρινθος (Ι), 220;<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Κορνήλιος Κόρινθος (Π), 221;<br />

*P(ublius) Cornelius Crescens, 222; Κορνήλιος<br />

Δε[—], 223; *[. ] Κορνή[λιος] Μαικι[ανός],<br />

224; Κορνήλιο[ς ]ων, 225; [. Cornelius<br />

[Pulcher], 226; Τιβ(έριος) Κορνήλιος<br />

Ποϋλχρος, 227; *Γν(αιος) Κορνήλιος Τιβ. Κορνηλίου<br />

Πούλχρου Φαβία Ποϋλχρος, 228; Γν.<br />

Κορνήλιος Γν. υιός Ποΰλχρος, 226 adn.; 577<br />

adn.; Γν(αιος) Κορνήλιος Ποΰλχερ νεώτ(ερος),<br />

229; Λ(ούκιος) Κορνήλιος Σαβεινος, 230;<br />

Q(uintus) Co[r]n[elius. f. A]em(ilia) Secundus<br />

(I), 231; Q(uintus) Cornelius] Secu[nd]us (II),<br />

232; [. Cornelius Secundus M]a[e]cianus, 233;<br />

Cn(aeus) [Corneliu]s Speratus, 234; Κορνήλιος<br />

Βετούριος Θεόφιλος, 235<br />

EL: Κορνήλιος, 171; Γ(άιος) Κορνήλ[ιος —],<br />

172; Π(όπλιος) Κορνήλιος Ειρηναίου υίός<br />

'Αρίστων, 173; Ρ. Cornelius Aristo, 173 adn.<br />

Cornuficia: Cornufic[ia] Gn(aei) f(ilia) Modesta<br />

ACH 81<br />

Cornuficius: Gn(aeus) (Cornuficius) ACH 82<br />

Κούριος: Μ(άρκος) Κούριο[ς —] EL 175<br />

Curtius<br />

ACH: P(ublius) Curtius [---], 85; L(ucius)<br />

Curtius Onesiphorus, 86<br />

COR: C(aius) (Curtius), 237; C(aius) Curtius<br />

Benignus, 238; C(aius) C[urtius] C. fil. [- - -]<br />

Benig[n]us Iuventianus, 239; C(aius) Cu[r]tius C.<br />

f. [- - -] Les[b]ic[us], 240<br />

Cutius: Cutius ARG 119<br />

Δεκούμιος (Decumius): Λ(ούκιος) Δεκούμιος Ξανθός<br />

ARG 120<br />

Delm[- - -]/Δηλμ[- - -]: [L(ucius) - - - L. 1.] Delm[- - -],<br />

[Λεύκιος —]ος Λευκίου άπελ[εύθερος Δηλμ—]<br />

COR 241<br />

Δέρκιος: Δέρκιος (?) ARG 122<br />

Didia<br />

ACH: Prima, 87; Didia Urbana, 88<br />

Didius: *A(ulus) Didi[u]s [Gallus] EL 176<br />


600<br />

Doius<br />

ACH: L(ucius) (Doius), 90; M(arcus) Doius<br />

L(ucii) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Balbus, 91<br />

Domitia/Δομετία<br />

COR: [Do]mitia, 242; [Domit]ia Saturnina], 243;<br />

Δομετία Φιλίπα και Λουκίου Δομετίου<br />

Λουκίου υίο Φαλέρνα Σατορνίλα Άπολλω-<br />

νίς, 244<br />

Domitius/Dometius/Δομίτιος/Δομέτιος<br />

ACH: P(ublius) (Domitius), 92; [P(ublius)<br />

Do]mitius P(ublii) f(ilius) [T]ro(mentina) Oriculo,<br />

93; Δομίτιος Φαιδρός, 94; [.] Δομίτιος I<br />

[0]ύρβανός, 95<br />

COR: Λούκιος [Δομέτιος], 245; Λούκιος Δομέ-<br />

τιος Λουκίου υιός Φαλέρνα, 246; Δομίτιος<br />

'Αλέξανδρος, 247<br />

EL: *Γναΐος Δομέτιος, 177; Cn. Dometius<br />

Ahenobarbus, Cn. Dometius L. f. L. n.<br />

Ahenobarbus, Cn. Dometius Cn. f. L. n.<br />

Ahenobarbus, Cn. Dometius Cn. f. Cn. n.<br />

Ahenobarbus, 177 adn.<br />

Durcatius: L(ucius) (Durcatius) ACH 96; L(ucius)<br />

Durcatius L(ucii) lib(ertus) Cissus ACH 97;<br />

L(ucius) Durcatius Eros ACH 98<br />

Egnatius/Έγνάτιος<br />

ACH: Q(uintus) (Egnatius), 99; Q(uintus)<br />

Egnatius Q(uinti) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Timotheus, 100<br />

COR: C(aius) (Egnatius), 250; Cn(aeus)<br />

Egnatius C. f., 251; Π(όπλιος) Έγ[νάτιος]<br />

Άπολλ[- - -], 252<br />

EL: *Γναιος Έγνάτιος Γναίου υίός, 178;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Έγνάτιος Βράχυ[λλος], 179;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Έγνάτιος Μάξιμος Βενυστεΐνος,<br />

180; Π(όπλιος) Έγνάτιος ΒενυστεΧνος Βενυστείνου,<br />

181<br />

Em[ - - -]: C(aius) Em[- - -] ACH 101<br />

Eminius: Em[inius] ACH 101 adn.<br />

Fabius/Φάβιος<br />

ACH: C(aius) Fabius D(ecimi) [f(ilius) - - -], 102;<br />

L(ucius) (Fabius), 103; L(ucius) Fabius L(ucii)<br />

f(ilius) Quir(ina), 104; Κόιντος Φάβιος Κοϊντου<br />

Μάξιμος, 105<br />

COR: Q. Fab[ius] Q. f. [- - -] Carpet[anus], 256<br />

Flavia/Φλαουΐα: Φλαουΐα Γοργώ EL 185; Flavia<br />

Scriboniana EL 213 adn.<br />

Flavius/Φλάβιος/Φλάουιος<br />

ACH: Τ(ίτος) Φλ(άβιος) Καικίλος

Κρισπεινος, 108<br />

ARC: Φλάβιος Σωσικράτου ύός, 78; Φλάβιος<br />

Ήρακλείδας, 79; Τ(ίτος) Φλ(άβιος)<br />

Φιλάργυρος, 80<br />

ARG: Φλά[βι- - -], 127; Γ(άιος) Φλάβιος 'Αλέξανδρος,<br />

128; Φλάβιος Τέρτιος, 129<br />

COR: Φλά[βιος], 2 adn.; Τ(ίτος) Φλαβ[ιος] [---],<br />

262; T(itus) Flavius Aug. lib. Antio[chus], 263;<br />

*[Λ(ούκιος) Φλάβιος Άρριανός], 264, Ti.<br />

Flavius Arrianus, 260 adn.; 545 adn.; *Λ(ούκιος)<br />

Φλάβιος Φλαβιανός, 265; Φλ(άβιος)<br />

Γενεθλίδ(ιος) Ίοΰστος, 266; *Φλάβιος<br />

Έρμ[ο]γένης, 267; Λ(ούκιος) Φλ[—] Λ[—],<br />

268; [- - -] Fla(vius) 0[l]umpu[s], 269; *Τ(ίτος)<br />

Φλάβ(ιος) Όλυμπιανός, 270; Q(uintus) Flavius<br />

Philippus, 271; T(itus) Flavius Pompeianus, 272<br />

and [T. Flavius Pompeianus], 64 adn.; Φλάβιος<br />

Τρωΐλος (I), 273; Φλάβιος Τρωΐλος (Π), 274;<br />

*Φλ(άβιος) Οΰλπ(ιος) Μακάριος, 275;<br />

Φλ(άβιος) Βαλ[- - -], 276<br />

EL: [- - -] Φλ(άβιος) [- - -], 186; Φλ(άβιος) [- - -],<br />

187; Τ(ίτος) Φλά[(βιος) - - -], 188; Τ(ίτος)<br />

Φ[λάβιος - - - (?)], 189; [Τ(ίτος) Φλ]άβιο[ς],<br />

190; T. Flavius Alexander, 208 adn.; [Τ(ίτος)<br />

Φλ]άβιος Άπολλοφάνης, 191; *Τ(ίτος)<br />

Φλάβ(ιος) 'Αρχέλαος (Ι) 'Αρχελάου, 192;<br />

Φλ(άβιος) 'Αρχέλαος (Π) 'Αρχελάου, 193;<br />

Τ(ίτος) Φλά(βιος) [Άριστόβιος (?)], 194;<br />

[Φλ]άβιος Καικιλι[α]νός, 195; [Φ]λ(άβιος) Κάλλιππος,<br />

196; Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος Δαμάριστος, 197;<br />

Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος Είσίδωρος, 198; Φλάβ(ιος)<br />

'Αρμόδιος, 199; Τίτος Φλάουιος Ηράκλειτος,<br />

200; Φλάβ(ιος) Λάιος, 201; Φλάβ(ιος) Λεωνίδας,<br />

202; [Τ(ίτος) Φλά(βιος) Λεωνί(?)]δας, 203;<br />

Flavius Marc(ius ?) Scribonianus, 213 adn.;<br />

Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος Νάρκισσος, 204; Τίτος<br />

Φλ(άβιος) Νικήρατος, 157 adn.; Φλά(βιος)<br />

Φιλόμουσο [ς], 205; Φλά(βιος) Φιλό[μουσ]ος,<br />

206; Φλ(άβιος) Φιλόστρατος, 207; (Flavius)<br />

Phoenix, 208 adn.; Φλάβιος Φύλαξ<br />

'Αλεξάνδρου, 208; Τ(ίτος) Φλ(άουιος) Πολύβιος<br />

(Ι), 209; Τίτος Φλάβιος Πολύβιος (Π), 210;<br />

Τ(ίτος) Φλάουιος Πρ[—]δα υιός Π[—], 211;<br />

Τ(ίτος) Φλάουιος Πρ[οξενί]δα υίός Π[ροξενίδας],<br />

211 adn.; Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος Σαβεινος, 212;<br />

Φλ(άβιος) Σκρειβωνιανός, 213; Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος<br />

Θε[---],214<br />

Folius: P(ublius) Folius Potitus ACH 109<br />

Φουφείκιος: Γ(άιος) Φουφείκιος Σειλέας EL 215<br />

Fuficulena: Fuficulena Veneria ARG 130<br />


601<br />

Fufius/Φούφιος: *[Κ]όιντος Φούφιος [Κ]οΐντου<br />

Φουφίου [υ]ίός EL 216; *[Κόιντος Φούφιος]<br />

Κο[ιντου υίός] EL 217; Q. Fufius Calenus EL<br />

216 adn.; Γ(άιος) Φούφ(ιος) Ίούλ(ιος) Θεαγένης<br />

EL 218<br />

Fulvia<br />

ACH: (Fulvia M. 1.) Arescusa, 111<br />

COR: Fulvia Eutychis, 277<br />

Fulvinia: Fulvinia Helene ACH 112<br />

Fulvius/Φούλβιος<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Ful[vius M(arci) f(ilius)<br />

Quir(ina)—] (I), 113; M(arcus) Fulv[ius M(arci)<br />

f(ilius) Quir(ina) - - -] (II), 114; M(arcus)<br />

(Fulvius), 115; P(ublius) Fulvius Q(uinti) f(ilius)<br />

Quir(ina), 116; M(arcus) (Fulvius), 117; Q(uintus)<br />

(Fulvius), 118; M(arcus) Fulvius Herophilus, 119;<br />

M(arcus) Fulvius M(arci) l(ibertus) Philotimus, 120<br />

COR: Q(uintus) (Fulvius), 278; [Q(uintus)]<br />

(Fulvius), 279; M(arcus) Fu[lvius- - - (?)] Cor[- - -],<br />

280; Q(uintus) Fulvius Flaccus, 281; Μ(αρκος)<br />

Φούλβιος 'Ιουλιανός, 282; Q(uintus) Fulvius Q.<br />

f. [Q. (?)] n. Ouf(entina) Nob[ili]or, 283; *Marcus<br />

Fulvius Nobilior, 283 adn.<br />

Furius: L(ucius) Furius Labeo COR 284<br />

Γαβιδία: Μαρκία Κλαυδία Άλκία Άθηναΐς Γαβιδία<br />

Λατιαρία Ήρώδου και 'Ρηγίλλης θυγάτηρ<br />

EL 113<br />

Gavius/Γάβιος<br />

ACH: L(ucius) Gavius [- - -], 121<br />

COR: *Μ(άρκος) Γάβιος [Σκουϊλ]λας Γαλλικιανός,<br />

289<br />

Γιγανία: Γιγανία Πώλλα EL 219<br />

Gellius/Γέλλιος<br />

ARC: Γέλλιος Βάσσος, 83; [Λ(ούκιος)] Γέλλιος<br />

[Βάσ]σος, 83 adn.; Manius Gellius Bassus, 83<br />

adn.; Γέλλιος Κάρπος, 84<br />

ARG: Γέλλιος Άφροδεισίου, 131; Μάνιος Γέλλιος<br />

Βάσσος, 132<br />

COR: Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος Ίοΰστος (Ι), 290;<br />

L(ucius) Gellius Iustus f. (Π), Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος<br />

[Ίο]ΰστος υ(ίός), 291; Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος<br />

Μένανδρος (Ι), 292; [L.] Gellio Monandri] 291<br />

[6]; L(ucius) Gellius Menander (Π)/[Λ. Γ]έλλιος<br />

Μ[ένανδρος], 293; Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος Μυστικό[ς<br />

Γελλίου] Μενάνδρου, 294; Λ(ούκιος)<br />

Γέ[λλιος] Ζώσ[ιμος], 295<br />

EL: Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος Άρέτων, 220; [Λούκιος]<br />

Γέλλιος [---]σος, 221

Geminius: M(arcus) (Geminius) ACH 122; M(arcus)<br />

Geminius M(arci) [f(ilius)] Primus ACH 123<br />

Γενεθλίδιος: Φλ(άβιος) Γενεθλίδ(ιος) Ίοΰστος<br />

COR 266<br />

Γενύκιος: Γάιος Γενύκιος Ζήνων COR 296<br />

Γερελλανός: Π(όπλιος) Γερελλανός [- - -] COR 297<br />

Grania<br />

Granius<br />

COR: Grania Homonoia, 299; Grania Quinta, 300<br />

ACH: Granius, 124; T(itus) (Granius), 125; (T.<br />

Granius T. L.) Antigonus, 126; T(itus) Granius<br />

T(iti) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Auctus, 127<br />

COR: Q(uintus) (Granius), 301; *Q(uintus)<br />

Granius Q. f. Bassus, 302<br />

Grattius: [.] Grattius P(ublii) [f(ilius)- - -] ACH 128<br />

Heius/"Hoç/"Hioç<br />

ARC: "Ηος Ευφρόσυνος, 87<br />

ARG: Ήιος, 133<br />

COR: Heius Agatho, 305; C(aius) Heius Arist[o],<br />

306; C(aius) Heius Corin[thius], 307; [Γ(άιος)<br />

Ήιος] Ίκέσιος π(ατήρ), 308; [C(aius) Heiu]s<br />

[Pa]mphilus, 309; C. Heius Pamphilus, 7 adn.;<br />

C(aius) Heius Pollio (I), 310; C(aius) Heius<br />

Pollio(II), 311<br />

Helvius/Έλούιος<br />

ARC: Έλούιος, 88<br />

ARG: *Τ(ίτος) Έλο[ύιος Βασιλάς], 134<br />

EL: M. Helvius Geminus, 223 adn.<br />

Heredia: Heredia Attice ACH 129<br />

'Ερέννιος<br />

COR: Λ(ούκιος) Έρέννιος Φ[.]λ[..]νο[ς], 255<br />

and 312a; Έρέννι[ο]ς [—], 255 adn., Λ. Έρέν-<br />

νειος Φιλεινος, 255 adn.<br />

Έρμήνιος: [Μ(άρκος) Αύρή]λιος Έρμήνιο[ς] EL 80<br />

Hermidius: L(ucius) Hermidius [ —] COR 313;<br />

L(ucius) Hermidius Celsus COR 314; L(ucius)<br />

Hermid[ius] Maximus COR 315<br />

Όστίλιος: Όστίλιος Μάρκελλος ARG 136<br />

Insteius<br />

COR: C(aius) (Insteius), 319; *M(arcus) Insteius<br />

C. f. Tectus, 320<br />

Ίου[- - -]<br />

ACH: Ίου[- - -], 130; Γα[- - -] Ίου[- - -], 131<br />

Ίουλ[- - -]: Ίουλ[- - -] ACH 132<br />


602<br />

Iulia/ 'Ιουλία<br />

ACH: 'Ιουλία 'Ακμή, 133<br />

ARC: 'Ιουλία Κάλλουσα, 90; Ιουλία Ευδία<br />

Εύτελείνου θυγάτηρ, 91; Ίουλ[ία — Ευφροσύνη,<br />

96 adn.; Ιουλία Παντιμία Λάκωνος θυγάτηρ,<br />

92; 'Ιουλία Ποθούσα, 93<br />

ARG: [Ιουλία Ιουλίου] Εύρυκλέους γυνή, 137;<br />

Ίουλ(ία) Ίωτάπη, 138<br />

COR: Iulia, 321; Iulia Basila, 322; Iulia Bilia [- - -],<br />

323; 'Ιουλία Τηκτείνη, 324; Τερεντία 'Ιουλία, 582<br />

EL: 'Ιουλία "Απλα, 226; 'Ιουλία Χρυσαρέτα,<br />

227; Ιουλία [Δικαι]οσύνη Γαϊο[υ Ίο]υ[λίο]υ<br />

Ίτ[αλικοϋ], 228<br />

ΜΜ8/Ίούλι(ο)ς<br />

ACH: *Agrippa Iulius, 20; M(arcus) Iul(ius)<br />

Bassus, 134; C(aius) Iuli(us) Calamus, 135;<br />

[.Ίο]ύλιος Να[- - -], 136; I(ulius) Philo, 137;<br />

(C. Iulius C. 1.) Philomusus Epiroticus, 138; C.<br />

Iulius Tanginus, 139<br />

ARC: Ίούλις Ιουλίου, 94; Ιούλιος, 95;<br />

'Ιούλιος, 96; Ίούλ(ιος) 'Αλέξανδρος, 97;<br />

Ίούλ(ιος) Γάιος, 98; Γάιος Ιούλιος Λάκωνος<br />

υιός Κρατίνος, 99; Ιούλιος Διονύσιος, 100;<br />

Ίούλ(ιος) Δωράς, 101; Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος Δώρος,<br />

102; *Ίούλιος 'Επιφανής Φιλόπαππος, 103;<br />

Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος Ευδαίμων, 104; *Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος<br />

Φαβία Εύρυκλής Ήρκλανός Λ(ούκιος)<br />

Ούιβούλλιος Πειος, 105; Ίούλι(ος) 'Ηρώδης,<br />

106; *(Ίούλιος) Λάκων, 107; Ίούλ(ιος) 'Ορειβάτης,<br />

108; Ίούλ(ιος) Σ[- - -], 109; Γάιος Ιούλιος<br />

Στρόβ(ε)ιλος, 110<br />

ARG: [Ιούλιος Άγρίπ]πας (?), 140; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Ιούλιος Άπελλάς, 141; [Γάι]ος Ίο[ύ]λιος<br />

Ά[σι]ατικός (?), 5 adn.; Γ(άιος) Ί(ούλιος)<br />

Βάσσος, 142; C(aius) Iulius Capito, 143; Τιβέριος<br />

'Ιούλιος Σιάνθου υ'ιός Κλαυδιανός, 144;<br />

Τι(βέριος) 'Ιούλιος 'Επαφρόδειτος, 145; [Γάιος]<br />

'Ιούλιος Λαχάρους υιός Εύρυκλής, 146; 'Ιούλιος<br />

Λ[- - -], 147; *Ίούλιος Μαΐωρ, 148; *Ίούλιος<br />

Μαΐωρ Άντωνινος, 149; C(aius) Iulius<br />

Maximu[s], 150; Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος Ποπλας, 151;<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Ίούλ[ιος - - -] υ'ιός Ρυ[- - -], 152;<br />

Τιβέριος Ιούλιος Σίανθος or Σιάνθης, 153;<br />

Γάιος Ιούλιος Λάκωνος υιός Σπαρτιατικός, 154<br />

COR: [- - -] Iuli[us - - -], 327; [I]ulius, 328;<br />

C(aius) Iu[lius], 329; C(aius) Iulius, 330; C(aius)<br />

Iuflius - - -], 331; Γ(άιος) Ίούλ[ιος - - -], 332;<br />

Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος [—], 333; Λ(ούκιος) Ιούλιος,<br />

334; M(arcus) (Iulius), 335; Σέξτος 'Ιούλιος, 336;

[Τιβ(έριος) 'Ιούλιος Άπόλαυστος], 337; [C.<br />

Iu]lius Athenaeus, 91 adn.; M(arcus) Iulius M. f.<br />

Aem(ilia) Crispus, 338; C(aius) Iulius Aug(usti)<br />

l(ibertus) Epagathus, 339; [C(aius) Iulius<br />

Aug(usti) l(ibertus)] Epagathus, 340; C(aius)<br />

(Iulius Eurycles), 341; Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Ευτυχής,<br />

342; *C(aius) Iulius Herac(lanus), 343; Γάιος<br />

Ιούλιος "Ιων, 344; *C(aius) Iulius C. f. Fab(ia)<br />

Laco, 345; C(aius) Iulius Lectus, 346; Γ(άιος)<br />

'Ιούλιος Μαρκιανός, 347; C(aius) Iulius<br />

Nicephorus, 348; Λ(ούκιος) 'Ιούλιος Νεικόστρατος,<br />

349; C(aius) Iulius Polyaenus, 350; [Γ(άιος)<br />

Ί]ούλιος Πολύαινος υ(ίός), 351 and 350 adn.;<br />

*C(aius) Iulius Iuli Quadrati [f. F]ab(ia) Severus,<br />

352; *Γάιος 'Ιούλιος Σπαρτιατικός/ C. Iulius<br />

Laconis f. Euryclis n. Fab(ia) Spartiati[cus], 353;<br />

C. Iulius [S]yr[us], 354; [Ί]ούλιος Τειμοκράτης,<br />

355; Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Θρασέας, 356<br />

EL: Γ[άιος] Ί[ούλιος - - -], 231; [Γάιος] Ίούλιο[ς<br />

—], 232; 'Ιούλιος Άγρίππας, 233; ['Ιούλιος<br />

Άγρίπ]πας, 233 adn.; Ιούλιος 'Αθηναίος<br />

Ιουλίου Νεοπολειτανοΰ υ'ιός, 234; Γ(άιος)<br />

Κλώδιος 'Ιούλιος Κλεόβουλος, 169; [Γάιος<br />

Ίο]ύ[λιος] Ίτ[αλικός], 235; *Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος<br />

Εύρυκλέους υιός Λάκων, 236; P. Iulius<br />

Geminius Marcianus, 223 adn.; [Ίού]λιος<br />

Λε[πτίνης (?)], 237; 'Ιούλιος Νεοπολειτανός,<br />

238; *Γ(άιος) Ίούλιο[ς] Φίλιππος, 239; 'Ιούλιος<br />

Κόιντος Σαβεΐνος, 240; Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος<br />

Σώστρατος, 241; Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος Θεαγένης (Ι),<br />

242; Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Θεαγένης (Π), 243; Γ(άιος)<br />

Φούφιος 'Ιούλιος Θεαγένης, 218; C. Iulius<br />

Theophrastus, 143 adn.<br />

Iunia/Ίουνία<br />

ACH: Iunia D(ecimi) lib(erta) Alcia, 140<br />

COR: [- - - Ίου]νία, 357; Iunia P. f. Polla, 358;<br />

Ίουνία Λευκίου Θεοδώρα, 359<br />

Iunius/ Ιούνιος<br />

ACH: D(ecimus) (Iunius), 141<br />

ARC: 'Ιούνιος, 111<br />

ARG: Μάρ(κος) Ίού(νιος) Ν(εώτερος), 156;<br />

[Αΰλος Ιούνιος] Πάστωρ, 157<br />

COR: [- - - I]unius [- - -], 360; Λεύκιος (Ιούνιος),<br />

361; P(ublius) [(Iunius)], 362; M(arcus)<br />

I(unius) A(escinus), 691<br />

EL: Δ(έκμος) 'Ιούνιος [—], 244; [Ίού]νιος<br />

Άσκλ[ηπιάδης], 245; Δ(έκμος) 'Ιούνιος 'Επίνικος,<br />

246<br />

Iustitius: M(arcus) Iustitiu[s] Priscus COR 364<br />


603<br />

Iuventia: Iu[ventia] Hagne COR 366<br />

Iuventius: Iuventius Proclus COR 366 adn.<br />

Λαίλιος: Λ(ούκιος) Λαίλιος Φίδος ARG 158<br />

laetilius: C. laetilius Clemens ACH 142<br />

Lantus: Lantus, COR 140 adn.<br />

Lartidius: Sextus Lartidius ACH 143<br />

Λαυρέντιος: Λαυρέτηος Καλωγενήτω COR 367<br />

Licinia/Λικινία<br />

ACH: Λικινία, 144<br />

COR: Licinia Philist[a], 370<br />

EL: [Λ]ικινία, 247<br />

Licinius/Λικίνιος<br />

ARG: Λεύκιος Λικίνιος Άντέρως, 164;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Λικίννιος Έ[ρμ]ογένης, 165; Λικίνιος<br />

Ίουκοΰνδος, 166<br />

COR: Licinius, 372; P(ublius) (Licinius), 373;<br />

Π(όπλιος) (Λικίνιος), 374; P(ublius) Licinius P.<br />

1. [—], 375; [.] Λικίνιος Ευχάριστος, 376;<br />

*[Q. Licinius —] Modestin[us] [Sex. (?)] Attius<br />

Labeo, 377; [P. Li]cinius Priscu[s<br />

Iuventianu]s=n. Λικί[νιος Π. υ(ίός) Α]ίμ(ιλία)<br />

Πρεισκ[ος] Ίουβεντιανός, 378<br />

EL: Λικί[νιος —], 248; *Λ(εύκιος) Λικίνιος<br />

Μουρήνας, 249; P. Licinius Murena, 249 adn.<br />

Livia: Livia Foeba ACH 145<br />

Livius: D(ecimus) Liv[ius ?] Naia[—] ACH 146<br />

Lollius<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Lollius Epinicus, 147; T(itus)<br />

Lollius Spintharus, 148<br />

Λουκάνιος<br />

ARG: Μ(αρκος) Λουκάνιος [- ca. 8 -], 168<br />

COR: 378 adn.<br />

Λουκηνή: Λουκηνή Κλαυδία Μνασιθέα Κ(λαυδίου)<br />

Λουκηνοΰ Σαικλάρου και Βετληνής Κασσίας<br />

Χρυσαρέτας θυγάτηρ EL 250<br />

Λουκηνός: Κλαύδιος Λουκηνός Σαίκλαρος EL 251<br />

Lucillius: (C. Lucillius) Hirrus COR 46 adn. and 318<br />

Lucretius: Λουκρήτιος [—] COR 383<br />

Lucrius: Lucrius COR 384<br />

Maecilius/Μαικίλιος<br />

ACH: *M. Maecilius Rufus, 150 adn.<br />

EL: *Μάρκος Μαικίλιος 'Ροΰφος, 257<br />

Maec[- - -]: Maec[- - -] ACH 150<br />

Maecius/Μαίκιος<br />

ACH: Maecius, 277

ARC: Α(ύλος) Μαίκιος Φαιδρός, 117<br />

COR: Maec[ia Q.] 1., 386; L(ucius) Maecius [- - -],<br />

387; Q(uintus) (Maecius), 388; [Q(uintus)]<br />

[M]a[e]cius Q. 1. Cleogen[es], 389; Α(ΰλος) Μαίκιο[ς<br />

Φαυστΐ]νος, 390; [Λ(ούκιος)] Μαίκιο[ς<br />

Φ]αυστεινο[ς], 391; Μαίκιος, 694<br />

Maedius: P(ublius) (Maedius) ACH 151; P(ublius)<br />

Maedius P(ubli) [f(ilius) Qui(rina)] ACH 152<br />

Μαινία<br />

ARG: Μαινία "Αβρά, 175; Μαινία Τίτου Σμύρνα,<br />

176<br />

Μαίνιος: (Μαίνιος) 'Απολλώνιος ARG 177<br />

Mallius/Μάλλιος<br />

ACH: Sex(tus) Mallius Aptus, 153<br />

EL: Μάλλιος, 258<br />

Mamilia: Mamilia Trophime ACH 154; Mamilia<br />

Tyr[a]nnis ACH 155<br />

Μαμμία: Άσιννία Μαμμία ARC 11<br />

Manlius<br />

ACH: Manli(us) T(iti) f(ilius), 156; Q(uintus)<br />

(Manlius), 157; Q(uintus) Manlius Q(uinti) f(ilius)<br />

Quir(ina) Crescens, 158<br />

COR: Manlia D[- - -], 392; T(itus) (Manlius),<br />

393; T(itus) Manlius T. f. Col(lina) Iuvencus, 394<br />

Marcia/Μαρκία<br />

ACH: Μαρκία, 159; Marcia Antiochis, 160;<br />

(Μαρκία) [Κην]σωρείνα [(Μαρκίου) Κηνσωρείν]ου<br />

θυγάτη[ρ Σεμπρωνίου] Άτρατε[ίνου<br />

γυνή], 161; Marcia Maxima, 162; Marcia<br />

Secunda, 163<br />

ARG: Μαρκία, 179; [Marcia P(ublii)] l(iberta)<br />

ΗίΚιΐΊ3/[Μαρκία Π]οπλίου Ίλυρί[α], 180<br />

Marcius/ Μ(α)άρκιος<br />

ACH: (Λ. Μάρκιος) [Κηνσωρεΐν]ος, 164;<br />

L(ucius) Marcius Ruh[—], 165<br />

ARG: Μάρκιος (?), 181; *Q(uintus) Maarcius<br />

Q. [f. RexJ/Κόιντος Μαάρκιο[ς Κοΐ]ντου υ'ιός<br />

Ρήξ, 182<br />

COR: Marcia Ferv[ida], 395; L. Marcius<br />

Censorinus, 150 adn.; Marcius Ermetus, 397;<br />

Marcius Evelpistus, 398; [Marcius] Pollio, 399;<br />

Marcius Pr[iscus], 400; [Μ]άρκιος T[- - -], 401<br />

EL: *[Κ]όιντος Μαρκιος Λευκίου<br />

Φίλιππος, 259; Μαρκία Κλαυδία Άλκία 'Αθήναις<br />

Γαβιδία Λατιαρία Ήρώδου και 'Ρηγίλλης<br />

θυγάτηρ, 113; [Γν]αΐος Μάρκιος [—], 260<br />

Marius/Μάριος<br />

ARG: Μάριος (?), 156 adn.; *Γάιος Μάριος<br />

Γάΐου υίός, 187; [Λ]ούκιος Μάριος<br />

Πυλάδης, 188<br />


604<br />

COR: L(ucius) Mar[ius—], 410; L(ucius) Marius<br />

Florus Stlaccianus, 411; *[L(ucius)] Marius Piso,<br />

412; L(ucius) Marius Piso Resianus, 413; Μάριος<br />

Τύραννος, 414<br />

EL: *[Γάιος] Μάριος [Γα]ΐο[υ υίός], 270;<br />

Marius, 15 adn.<br />

Martia: [Ma]rtia COR 415<br />

Μαυρίκιος: Μαυρίκιος COR 416<br />

Μελφέννιος: Γ(άιος) Μ[ε]λφέννιος Κάλλιστος<br />

EL 272<br />

Memmia/Μεμμία<br />

ARC: Μεμμία, 12<br />

ARG: (Μεμμία) Πασιχάρεια, 189<br />

EL: Memmia (?) Ageta, 8 adn.<br />

Memmius/Μέμμιος<br />

ARC: Πό(πλιος) Μέμμιος 'Αγαθοκλής, 122<br />

ARG: (Π. Μέμμιος) Πρατόλαος, 190; *Γ(άιος)<br />

Μέμμιο[ς 'Ρήγλος] Π(οπλίου) Μεμμί[ου<br />

'Ρήγλου], 191; *Πόπλιος Μέμμιος Ποπλίου<br />

υιός 'Ρήγλος, 192<br />

COR: [Publius Memmius C]leand[er], 421;<br />

*Μέμμιος Πόντιος Πτολεμέος ό κέ Παρνάσιος,<br />

422; *P(ublius) Memm[ius Ρ. f.] Regulus, 423<br />

EL: [— Μέ]μμ[ιος —], 273; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Μέμμ(ιος) Άντεικός, 274; Γ(άιος) Μέμμιος<br />

Εύδαμος, 275; Π(όπλιος) Μέμμιος Φιλόδαμος;<br />

Γ(αΐου) Μεμμίου Εύδάμου υιός; Γ(αΐου) Ιουλίου<br />

Σωστράτου εγγονός, 276; *Πόπλιο[ς<br />

Μέ]μμιος ['Ρή]γλος, 277<br />

Metilius: *Μ. Metilius Rufus EL 257 adn.<br />

Minucius/Μινίκιος<br />

ACH: M(arcus) Minucius C(ai) f(ilius) Quir(ina)<br />

Gallus, 168; (M. Minucius M. L.) Hyacynthus,<br />

169; C(aius) (Minucius), 170<br />

COR: C(aius) Min[ucius - - -], 424<br />

EL: *[Λούκιος Μινίκιος] Νατάλις, 279; *L.<br />

Minicius Natalis Quadronius Verus 279 adn.; *L.<br />

Minicius Natalis, 279 adn.<br />

Mo[- - -]: Γ(άιος) Mo[- - -] EL 104<br />

Μούκιος: *[Κό]ιντος [Μούκιος Ποπλίου υιός]<br />

Σκαιόλας EL 283<br />

Mummia: Mummia Achaica EL 285 adn.<br />

Mummius/Μόμμιος<br />

ARC: *Λεύκιος Μόμμιος Λευκίου, 124<br />

ARG: [- ca. 4 -]ιος Μόμμιος Γαΐου 'Ρωμ[α]Ιος,<br />

193; *Λεύκιος Μόμμιος Λευκίου, 194<br />

COR: Λεύκιος Μόμμιος, 425<br />

EL: *Λεύκιος Μόμμιος Λευκίου υ'ιός, 284;<br />

*[—] Μόμμιος Γαΐου υ['ιός Αχαϊκός], 285;<br />

Mummius Achaicus, 285 adn.; Sp. Mummius,<br />

285 adn.

Munatius: [L(ucius) Munatius M. f. Ter(entina)]<br />

Gal[lus] COR 427<br />

Mussius<br />

COR: Mussius, 428; Γ(άιος) Μούσσιος<br />

Κόρινθ[ος], 429; C(aius) Mussius Priscus, 430<br />

Μούτιος: Μούτιος ACH 171<br />

Naevius/Ναίβιος<br />

ARG: L(ucius) Naevius Callistus, 195; [Ν]αίβιος<br />

'Ροΰφος, 196<br />

Ν(ε)ίν(ν)ιος/ Ν]ίννιος<br />

COR: Νείν[ιος] Διογ[ένους], 431; Ποπ[ίλιον<br />

Ν]ίννιον, 378 adn.<br />

Novius: M(arcus) Novius Bassus COR 432; C(aius)<br />

Novius Felix COR 433<br />

Num[- - -]: Num[- - -] COR 434<br />

Numerius: L. Numerous —] COR 435<br />

Numisia/Νουμισία<br />

ACH: Numisia L(ucii) f(ilia) Edasena, 172<br />

COR: Numis[ia] L. 1. Antigon[a], 436; Numisia<br />

L.l. Prima, 437<br />

EL: Νουμισία Τεισίς Λ(ουκίου) Βετληνοΰ Λαίτου<br />

και Φλαουΐας Γοργώς θυγάτηρ, 289<br />

Numisius<br />

ACH: Num[isius—], 173; L(ucius) (Numisius),<br />

174; L(ucius) Numisius L(ucii) f(ilius) Quir(ina)<br />

Homuncio, 175; Numisius Ma[- ? -], 176; Numisius<br />

[Sec]undus, 177; L(ucius) Num[isius —]<br />

ternus, 178<br />

COR: L(ucius) (Numisius), 438<br />

Νομωνία: Νομωνία COR 439<br />

Όκκία: Όκκία Πρίσκα EL 290<br />

Ώκλάτιος<br />

COR: Π(οπλιος) Ώκλάτιος Τύ[..]ννος, Π.<br />

Ώκλάτιος Τύραννος, 440 adn.<br />

Octavius/Όκτάβιος/Όκτάουιος<br />

ACH: Cn(aeus) Octa(vius), 179; 'Οκτάβιος Χρύσανθος,<br />

180; 'Οκτάβιος, 274; Octavius, 277<br />

ARC: 'Οκτάβιος Παπύλου, 125<br />

ARG: *Γναΐος Όκτάιος Γναίου, 197; 'Οκτάβιος<br />

and [Όκτά]βι[ος], 274<br />

COR: Octavius, 441; 'Οκτάβιος Άγαθόπους,<br />

442; 'Οκτάβιος, 697; Ώκ[τ]ά[β]ιος (?) [- - -], 440<br />

adn.; *Ser. Octavius Laenas Pontianus, 488 adn.<br />

EL: *Γναΐος Όκτά[ουιος —], 291; Όκτάουιο[ς<br />

—]ανος , 292; Όκτάουιο[ς —]ανος<br />

Όκταουίο[υ —]ανοΰ, 293<br />


605<br />

Octonius: [- - -] Octon[ius - - -] COR 443<br />

Όφέλλιος/Όφίλλιος<br />

ARC: Όφίλλιος, 126; Όφίλλιος Διονύσιος,<br />

127; Όφίλλιος Όνησίφορος, 128; Όφίλλιος<br />

Παρδαλάς, 129<br />

EL: Γάιος Όφέλλιος Φλώρος, 294; Πόπλιος<br />

Όφέλλιος Μοντανός, 295<br />

Olius<br />

COR: [L(ucius)] (Olius), 444; Sex. Olius Sex. f.<br />

Aem(ilia) Procu[lus], 445; Sex. 0[lius L. f.]<br />

A[e]m(ilia) Secu[ndus], 446<br />

Oppia: Oppia L(ucii) lib(erta) Synpherousa ACH 181<br />

Ορρί^/Όππιος<br />

ACH: L(ucius) (Oppius), 182<br />

EL: Τιβ(έριος) Όππιος Άριστοδάμου υιός Τεί-<br />

μανδρος, 296<br />

Όρκιος: Όρκιος ARG 198<br />

Πάκκιος: Πό(πλιος) Πάκκιος "Ιλαρός ARG 199<br />

Paconia<br />

ACH: Paconia [Hel]pis, 183<br />

ARC: Paconia Q. f., 130<br />

Paconius/Πακώνιος<br />

ARC: Πακώνιος Ζώσιμος, 131<br />

COR: L(ucius) Paconius Flam[—], 449; Πακώνιος<br />

Θε[- - -], 450<br />

Pacuius<br />

COR: [M(arcus)] (Pacuius), 451; M(arcus) Pacu-<br />

[ius .f. —], 452; M(arcus) Pacuius M. f. [—],<br />

453; [M(arcus) Pacuius M. f.] Aem(ilia) [—],<br />

454; M(arcus) Pacuius Euporus, 455<br />

Παντουλήιος (Pantuleius): [Γ(άιος)] Παντο[υλήιος<br />

- - -] EL 297<br />

Papia: Papia L. f. Donati uxo(r) Methe COR 456<br />

Papius<br />

COR: L(ucius) (Papius), 457; L(ucius) (Papius),<br />

458; L(ucius) (Papius), 459; L(ucius) Papius L. f.<br />

Fal(erna) Lupercus, 460; L(ucius) Papius L. f.<br />

Aem(ilia) Venerius, 461<br />

Pavia: Pavia ACH 184<br />

Πεδουκαΐος: Πεδουκαΐος Κεστιανός COR 471<br />

Perperna/Περπέρνας: Μ. Περπέρνας Ύμνος/Μ.<br />

Perperna Hymnus ARG 203<br />

Πετίκιος: Λούκιος Πετίκιος Πρόπας EL 298<br />

Πετρούνια: Πετρούνια COR 472<br />

Pinarius: T(itus) (Pinarius) ACH 185; T(itus) Pinarius<br />

T(iti) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Rufus ACH 186<br />

Pinnius:<br />

COR: C(aius) Pinnius, 475; T. Pinnius, 475 adn.

Πλώτιος: Πλώτιος COR 478<br />

Plotius: D(ecimus) Plotius Valens COR 479<br />

Po[- - -]/Πο[- - -]<br />

ACH: M. Po[- - -], 187; M. Po[- - -], 188<br />

COR: Πο[- - -], 480<br />

Πομ[—]: Γ(άιος) Πομ[ ]ος Σκέπτος<br />

COR 483<br />

Pompeius/Πομπήιος<br />

ACH: Σάλβιος Πανκράτους ο και Πομπήιος, 209<br />

ARC: Πομπήιος Άπελλάς, 134; Πομπήιος<br />

Άρ[ι]στοκράτης, 135; Πομπήιος Δαμαίνετος,<br />

136 adn., 135; Μ(άρκος) Πομπήιος Είσας Αιλιανός,<br />

137; *[Μ(άρκος)] Πομπήιο[ς νέος Θεοφάνης<br />

Κυρί]να Μακρεΐν[ος], 138 and 137 adn.;<br />

Σέκστος Πομπήιος Μηνοφάνης Θεοξένου, 139<br />

ARG: Γν(αΐος) Πομπήιος Κλεοσθένους υιός<br />

Καλλέας, 205; Μ(αρκος) Πομπήι[ο]ς<br />

Χ[α]ρεΐνος, 206; Γν(αΐος) Πονπήιος Κλεοσθένης<br />

(Ι), 207; Γν(αΧος) Πομπήιος Κλεοσθένους<br />

υιός Κλεοσθένης (Π), 208; Γν(αΐος) Πομπήιος<br />

Κλεοσθένους υιός Διόδοτος, 209; *Γναΐος<br />

Πομπήιος Γναίου υιός Μάγνος, 210; Σέξτος<br />

Πομπήιος, Σέξτου υιός Μαρκιανός, Άριστοκράτεος<br />

εγγονός, 211<br />

COR: 318 adn.; 426 adn.; 476 adn.; [.] Πομπήιος<br />

Κλαυδιαν[ός], 484; Πομπήιος Κλεοσθένης, 485;<br />

Γναιος Πομπήιος Ζηνάς, 486; Cn. Pompeius<br />

Zosimus, 656 adn.<br />

EL: [— Πομπ]ήιος N[—], 301; Λ(ούκιος)<br />

Πομπήιος Κρατερός Κασσιανός, 302<br />

Pomponius/Πομπώνιος<br />

ACH: P(ublius) (Pomponius), 189; P(ublius)<br />

Pomponius P(ublii) f(ilius) Qu(irina) Atianus,<br />

190; C(aius) Pomponius Hilario, 191; Q(uintus)<br />

Pomponius Lupus, 192; C(aius) Pomponius<br />

Philadelphus, 193; Q(uintus) Pomponius Q(uinti)<br />

f(ilius) Thallio f(ilius) qui et Pamphilus, 194<br />

ARG: Πο[μ]πών(ιος) Έπαφροδιτά, 212;<br />

*Αΰ(λος) Πομπώνιος Γ(άίου) υίός Αύγουρεινος<br />

Τ(ίτος) Πριφέρνιος Παΐτος, 213; Σέκ(στος)<br />

Πομ(πώνιος) Ίλαριανός Άλκάστου, 214; [—<br />

Πομ]πώνιος Σεουήρος, 215<br />

COR: *[Α. P]omp[onius] C. f. Quir(ina)<br />

Augur[inus T. Prifer]nius Paetus, 487<br />

Pontius/Πόντιος<br />

ACH: [. P]ontius [Da]phnus, 195<br />

ARG: * Μάρκος Πόντιος Λαι[λιανός], 216;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Πόντιος Μαΐωρ, 217<br />

COR: *Μέμμιος Πόντιος Πτολεμέος ô κέ Παρ-<br />

νάσιος, 422; Πόντιος Σωγένης, 489<br />


606<br />

Popillius/Ποπίλιος<br />

ARG: *Γά[ι]ος (=C. Popillius Laenas), 218<br />

COR: [Popill]ius, 699; Ποπ[ίλιον Ν]ίννιον,<br />

378 adn.<br />

Ποπλίκιος/Poplicius: Κόιντος Ποπλ[ίκιος —] or<br />

Ποπλ[ίλιος —] EL 303; see also Publicius<br />

Ποπλιλία: Ποπλιλία Σεκούνδα Γναίου θυγάτηρ<br />

ARG 224; see also Publilia<br />

Ρορ1Π(1)ηΐ8/Ποπλίλιος<br />

COR: [Popill]ius, 699; Ποπ[ίλιον Ν]ίννιον,<br />

378 adn.<br />

EL: Κόιντος Ποπλ[ίλιος ] or<br />

Ποπλ[ίκιος ], 303; see also Publilius<br />

Poppaeus: [C(aius) P]opp[aeus Sabinus] ACH 196<br />

Pos[- - -] : L(ucius) Pos[- - -] COR 490<br />

Ποστούμιος: *[Α]ΰλος Ποστούμιος Άλβεΐνος<br />

EL 305<br />

Prifernius/Πριφέρνιος<br />

ACH: Sex(tus) (Prifernius) ACH 197; T(itus)<br />

Prif[ernius Sex(ti) f(ilius) Q]uir(ina) Paetus<br />

[Rosianus Gemi]nus Laecanfius Bassus ?] ACH 198<br />

ARG: *Αΰ(λος) Πομπώνιος Γ(αΐου) υίός<br />

Αύγουρεινος Τ(ίτος) Πριφέρνιος Παιτος, 213<br />

COR: *[Α. P]omp[onius] C. f. Quir(ina)<br />

Augur[inus T. Prifer]nius Paetus, 487<br />

Pro[- - -]: L(ucius) Pro[- - -] COR 493<br />

Pu-[- - -]: M(arcus) Pu[- - -] COR 495<br />

Πουβλι[- - -]: Γν(αΐος) Πουβλι[- - -] COR 496<br />

Πουβλία: [Πο]υβλία Σκεπτιανή ARG 223<br />

Ποπλία: Π(οπλία) Σειμα, ARC 146 adn.<br />

Publicia<br />

ACH: Publicia Optata, 202<br />

COR: [- - - P]ublicia, 497; Publicia Banausis, 498<br />

Publicius<br />

COR: [- - - P]ubli[cius - - -], 499; [- - - P]ublic[ius<br />

- - -], 500; M(arcus) (Publicius), 501; M(arcus)<br />

(Publicius), 502; M(arcus) (Publicius), 503;<br />

M(arcus) Pu[blicius Cn. f.], 504; Q(uintus)<br />

Publicius Capito, 505; Cn(aeus) Publicius<br />

Regulus, 506; Cn(aeus) Public[ius] M. f. M. n. M.<br />

pr[on.] Aem(ilia) Rusti[cus], 507<br />

EL: Κόιντος Ποπλ[ίκιος ] or<br />

Ποπλ[ίλιος ], 303; see also<br />

Ποπλίκιος/Poplicius<br />

Ποπλιλία : Ποπλιλία Σεκούνδα Γναίου θυγάτηρ<br />

ARG 224; see also Poplil(l)ia<br />

Publilius<br />

ARG: *Γναΐος Ποπλίλιος, 225<br />

COR: Cn(aeus) Publil[ius - - -], 508; Cn.<br />

Publil[ius C]n. f., 508; Cn(aeus) Publilius, 509;

Cn. Publil[ius] Re[gulus], 508 adn.; [- - -<br />

Pu]blilius Tyrannu[s], 510 and 508 adn.<br />

EL: Κόιντος Ποπλ[ίλιος ] or<br />

Ποπλ[ίκιος ], 303; see also Poplil(l)ius<br />

ΡυΜηΐ8/Π(όπλιος)<br />

ACH: P(ublius) [- - -]ius, 203<br />

ARC: Π(όπλιος) Σειμδς, 146<br />

ARG: Πόπλιος, 226; [Ρ(υΜίυ8)]/[Π]όπλιος, 227;<br />

[Πο]ύπλιος, 276; Πό(πλιος) Άπολλωνίδ (?),<br />

228; Πόπλιος Έπαφροδίτου, 229<br />

COR: P(ublius) (---), 511; P(ublius) (- - -), 512;<br />

P(ublius) (- - -), 513; Πού[βλιος], 702<br />

EL: Πόπλ(ιος) Άσκληπιάδης, 304<br />

Puticius<br />

COR: P. Pu[ticius], 515; M. (Puticius), 516;<br />

P(ublius) (Puticius), 517; P(ublius) Puticius<br />

Ac[- - -], 518; Πουτίκιος Άπ[- - -], 519;<br />

P(ublius) P[uticius] Cam[- - -], 520; P(ublius)<br />

Puticius M. f. Aem(ilia) Iulius Pa[te]rnus, 521;<br />

P(ublius) Puticius P. f. Aem(ilia) R[ufus], 522;<br />

P(ublius) Puticius Secu[ndus], 523<br />

Quinctius/Κοΐνκτιος: *Τίτος [Τίτου υίός Κοΐνκτιος]<br />

COR 526 and adn.: T. Quinctius Flamininus<br />

Κόιντος: Τιβ(έριος) Κόιντος 'Αρχίλοχος ARG 232<br />

Romanius: L(ucius) (Romanius) ACH 204;<br />

L(ucius) Romanius L(ucii) f(ilius) Ani(ensis)<br />

Iustus ACH 205<br />

Roscius: Rosc[ius] COR 532<br />

Rutilius<br />

ACH: *P(ublius) Rutilius P(ublii) f(ilius)<br />

Nudus, 207<br />

COR: L(ucius) (Rutilius), 535; L(ucius) Rutilius<br />

[ ], 536; L(ucius) Rutilius Alcimus, 537;<br />

L(ucius) Rutilius Clymenus 1., 538; [L(ucius)]<br />

Rutilius L. f. Fuscus, 539; C(aius) Rutilius L. f.<br />

Aem(ilia) Fuscus, 540; L(ucius) Rutilius Martialis,<br />

541; L(ucius) Rutilius Piso, 542; L(ucius) Rutilius<br />

Plancus, 543; L(ucius) Rutilius Primus 1., 544<br />

Σαίνιος: Λ(ούκιος) Σαίνιος Άχα[ϊκός] EL 318;<br />

[Λ(ούκιος) Σαίνιος Άχ]αϊκός EL 318 adn.<br />

Σαλβία<br />

COR : Σαλβία 174 adn., 264 adn.; 545<br />

Saufeia: Sau[feia] P[risca] COR 549<br />

Scribonius:<br />


607<br />

COR: [Scri]bonius Agath[o], 550; Scribonius<br />

Syr[iacus], 551<br />

Σεκούνδιος: [Σ]εκούνδ[ιος] Σθενο .. .ος [Δ]είνιππος,<br />

COR 560 adn.<br />

Seia:[S]eiaACH211<br />

Sempronius/Σεμπρώνιος/Σεμπρόνιος<br />

ACH: [Σεμπρώνιος] Ατρατε[ΐνος], 212<br />

COR: [- - - Se]mpr[onius (?) I]sthmi[cus], 562;<br />

[Σε]μπρό[νιος (?)], [Σε]μπρώ[νιος] Κορίν[θιος],<br />

562 adn.<br />

EL: *Γ(άιος) Σεμπρώνιος Τυρτανός, 320<br />

Sentius<br />

ACH: M(arcus) (Sentius), 213; L(ucius) Sentius<br />

M(arci) f(ilius) Q[ui(rina)—], 214; L(ucius) Sentius<br />

L(ucii) [f(ilius) Qui(rina)] Vatinian[us -?-], 215<br />

Σεπτίμιος: Αύρ(ήλιος) Σεπτίμιος 'Απολλώνιος EL 90<br />

Ser[- - -]: C(aius) Serf- - -] Ruf[- - -] COR 563<br />

Σέργιος<br />

ARG: Σέριος, 238<br />

COR: Σέργιος, 564<br />

56ΐ·νϋήΐ8/Σερβίλιος/Σερου(ε)ίλιος<br />

ACH: Σερβίλιος Φιλέρως, 216<br />

COR: Σερου[ί]λιος, 566 adn.; C(aius) (Servilius),<br />

565; Μάρκος Σεουείλιος, 566; [— Σε]ρβίλιος<br />

Όμ[—]ς, 567 and adn.: Servilius Hom[il]us;<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Σερ[β]ί[λ]ιος Μαξίμου υιός Φάων,<br />

568; C(aius) Servilius C. f. Primus, 569<br />

EL: C. Serveil(ius) C. f., 322 adn.; C. Servilius<br />

adn. 322; [S]ervilius, 321; P. Servilius Isauricus,<br />

322 adn.; *Γάιος Σερουίλιος Ούατίας, 322<br />

Σέξτιος<br />

ARG: Μάρκος Σέξτιος "Απερ, 239<br />

COR: Π(όπλιος) Σέξτιος Φοι[- - -], 570<br />

EL: Αΰλος Σέξτ(ι)ος Έράτων, 323<br />

Silivius: +Priscus Silivius ACH 200<br />

Σόσ(σ)ιος<br />

ACH^ooioç,218<br />

EL: Σόσ(σιος) Στέφανος Κλυτιάδης [—]ου, 324<br />

Spedia: Spedia [Help]is ACH 219<br />

Statilia:<br />

ARG: Στατειλία [Φα]νόκλεια (?), 241; Στατειλία<br />

Τειμοσθενίς, 242<br />

Statilius^aT^)üdoc<br />

ACH: T(itus) (Statilius), 222; T(itus) Statilius<br />

T(iti) f(ilius) Pal(atina) Felix, 223<br />

ARG: Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος Μαρκίο[υ υί]ός<br />

Αιλιανός, 243; Τ(ίτος) Στατίλιος Λαμπρίου (Ι)<br />

υίος Λαμπρίας (Π), 244; Τ(ίτος) Στατίλιος<br />

Λαμπρίας (III) Τειμοκράτεος, 245; Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος<br />

Τειμοκράτους υιός [Λα]μπρίας (IV)

Μεμμιανός, 246; (T. Στατείλιος) [Λ]αμπρίας<br />

(V), 247 ; Τ(ίτος) Στατ(ίλιος) Λεύκιος, 248;<br />

Τ(ίτος) Στατ(ίλιος) Λούκιος, 249; Στατείλιος<br />

Σεκοΰνδος, 250; Στατείλιος Σων[—], 251;<br />

Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος Λαμπρίου (II) υιός Τειμοκράτης<br />

(Ι), 252; Τ(ίτος) Στατίλιος Λαμπρίου<br />

(IV) υιός Τιμοκράτης (Π), 253; Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος<br />

Λαμπρίου (V) υιός [Τ]ειμοκράτης (III)<br />

[Μ]εμ[μια]νό[ς], 254<br />

COR: T(itus) Stat[ilius - - -], 574<br />

Statius/Στάτιος<br />

COR: Q(uintus) (Statius), 575; [.] Statius Q. f. [- - -],<br />

576; Α(ύλος) Στά[τιος Π]οΰλχρος, 577; [<br />

Σ]τ[α]τίου 0[- - -], COR 577 adn.<br />

Sul[- - -]: *Luci[u]s Sul[- - -] Paulus COR 578<br />

Σύλλιος: Π(όπλιος) Σύλλιος Διονύσιος ARC 152<br />

Sulpicius/Σουλπίκιος<br />

ACH: T(itus) Sui

Varronia: Varronia Vera ACH 238<br />

Varronius<br />

ACH: C(aius) Varronius Syn[e]ros, 239; [C(aius]<br />

Varronius C(aii) Vaironi Syn[e]rotis Aug(ustalis)<br />

f(ilius) Quir(ina) [V]erus, 240<br />

Vaternius/Ούατέρνιος<br />

EL: *Γάιος Ούατέρνιος Πωλλίων, 330; Q.<br />

Vaternius Pollio, 330 adn.<br />

Vatinia: Vatinia Fau[- - -] ACH 241<br />

Vatronius<br />

COR: [.] Vatronius, 608; Q(uintus) (Vatronius),<br />

609; A(ulus) V[a]tro[ni]us [Me]n(inia) A. f. Q. n.<br />

[.] [pro]n., 610; A(ulus) Vatronius Labeo, 611<br />

Βήδιος: Βήδιος Λεωνάς ARC 168<br />

Veirius:<br />

ACH: L(ucius) (Veirius), 243; L(ucius) Veirius<br />

L(ucii) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Fronto, 242; see also<br />

Βερήιος<br />

Veneria<br />

ACH: Caetronia Veneria, 60<br />

ARG: Fuficulena Veneria, 130<br />

Venerius: L(ucius) Papius L. f. Aem(ilia) Venerius<br />

COR 461<br />

Ventidius: P(ublius) Ventidius Fronto COR 613<br />

Βερήιος: ACH 271,277: see also Veirius<br />

Vergilius:<br />

COR: Ver[g]ilia C. f. Procula, 614; Βεργ[ίλιος],<br />

615; C(aius) (Vergilius), 616; C(aius) Vergilius C.<br />

f. Aem(ilia) Capito (I), 617; C(aius) Vergilius C.<br />

f. Aem(ilia) Capito f. (II), 618; T(itus) Vergilius<br />

C. f. Aem(ilia) Proculus, 619<br />

Ούεσπικία: Ούεσπικία Πώλλη ARG 262<br />

Vet[- - -]: L. Vet[- - -] COR 620<br />

Vettius: Sal(vius) (Vettius) ACH 245; Sal(vius)<br />

Vettius Sal(vii) l(ibertus) Optatus ACH 244<br />

Βετληνή/Βετ]ουληνή:<br />

EL: Βετληνή Κασσία Χρυσαρέτα, 332;<br />

[Βετ]ουληνή Κλαυ[δία], 333<br />

Ούετουληνός/Βετ(ι)ληνός<br />

ARG: *(Μάρκος) Ούετουληνός Σέξ(του) υιός<br />

Κυρί(ναι) Κείβικας Βάρβαρος, 263<br />

EL: Μ(άρκος) Βε[τληνός —], 334; *[Μ(άρκος)<br />

Ούετουληνός Κείβικα] Βά[ρβαρος], 335; Λούκιος<br />

Βετ(ι)ληνος Φλώρος EL 336; Μάρκος Βετληνος<br />

Λαϊτος (Ι), 337; Μάρκος Βετιληνός<br />

Λαιτος (Π), 338; *Λ(ούκιος) Βετληνός Λαιτος,<br />

339; Λ(ούκιος) Βετιληνός Στάχυς, 340<br />

Vetullus<br />

ACH: M(arcus) (Vetullus), 247; C(aius) Vetullus<br />


609<br />

M(arci) f(ilius) Qui(rina), 2246<br />

Veturius<br />

ARC: Veturius, 169<br />

ARG: *Ούετούριος Πακκιανός, 264<br />

COR: Κορνήλιος Βετούριος Θεόφιλος, 235;<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Βετ[ούριο]ς Ποπ[λιλιαν]ός, 621<br />

Vib[- - -] L(ucius) Vib[- - -] COR 622<br />

Vibia: Vibia lib(erta) Anatole ACH 248<br />

νπ)ΰΐ8/Β(ε)ίβιος/Ούίβιος<br />

ACH: C(aius) (Vibius), 249; L(ucius) Vibius<br />

C(aii) f(ilius) Quir(ina), 250<br />

ARC: Βίβιος, 170<br />

COR: L(ucius) (Vibius), 623; Γάιος Ούίβι[ος]<br />

Εύέλπισ[τος], 624; Λ(ούκιος) Βείβιος Φλώρος,<br />

625; L(ucius) Vib(ius) L. [f. - - -], 626; Λ(ούκιος)<br />

Βείβιος Οΰρσυλος, 627<br />

Vibulleius: M(arcus) (Vibuleius) COR 628; [M(arcus)<br />

V]ibuleius M. l(ibertus) Heracliu[s] COR 629<br />

Vibullia: Βιβουλλία Άλκία Άγριππεΐ[να; θυγάτη]ρ<br />

[Τ]ο[ύ]φο[υ] EL 341<br />

Vibullius/Βιβούλλιος/Ούιβούλλιος<br />

ACH: M(arcus) (Vibullius), 252; M(arcus)<br />

Vibullius M(arci) f(ilius) [—], 251; M(arcus)<br />

Vibullius Ven[erianus ?], 253<br />

ARC: *Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Φαβία Εύρυκλής<br />

Ήρκλανός Λ(ούκιος) Ούιβούλλιος Πειος, 105<br />

COR: Vibullia [- - -], 630; Vibullia An[tiochis],<br />

631; Vibullia I[- - -], 632; Vibullia Pollis, 633; [- - -<br />

V]ibulli[us - - -], 634; Vibull[ius - - -], 635; [- - -]<br />

Vibullfius - - -], 636; L(ucius) Vib[ullius - - -],<br />

637; Λ(ούκιος) Ούιβούλλιος, 638; P(ublius)<br />

(Vibullius), 639; C(aius) Vibul[lius] P. f.<br />

Ada[uctus], 640; [- - - Vi]bullius Phi[- - -], 641;<br />

L(ucius) Vibullius Pius, 642; Γ(άιος) Ούιβούλλιος<br />

Λ. υιός Πρόκλος, 643<br />

EL: Βιβούλλιος Φαυστεινιανός [Άλεξά]νδρου,<br />

342; *Λ(ούκιος) Βιβούλλιος Ίππαρχος, 343;<br />

Vibullius Hipparchus, 144 adn.; Βιβούλλιος<br />

Μάρκος, 344; Λ(ούκιος) Κλαύδιος Βιβούλλιος<br />

'Ρήγιλλος 'Ηρώδης, 167; L. Vibullius Rufus,<br />

343 adn.<br />

Villius<br />

ACH: [.] Villius C(aii) f(ilius) [- - -], 254<br />

COR: *Q(uintus) Vil[lius . f.] Titia[nus]<br />

Quadra[tus], 645<br />

Βιψανία: Βιψανία Λουκι[—] ACH 255<br />

Vipsanius/B ιψάνιος<br />

ARG: *(Μάρκος Βιψάνιος) Άγρίππας, 265<br />

COR: [— Vi]psan[ius —], 646; [— Vi]psanius

[- - -], 647; [- - - V]ipsan[ius - - -], 648; [- - -<br />

V]ipsani[us —], 649; P(ublius) Vipsanius<br />

Agrippa, 650; (M. Vipsanius) Agrippa, 135 adn.<br />

EL: *M(arcus) (Vipsanius) [Ag]rippa, 345;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Βιψ(άνιος) Σαυνίδας, 346; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Ούιψάνιος Σειλέας, 347<br />

Vireius<br />

ACH: Vir(eius) Moschus, 256<br />

ARC: C. Vireius C. f. Q(uirina) Gallu[s], 171<br />

Βιτέλλιος: Βιτέλλιος Έραστος COR 651; Βιτέλλιος<br />

[Φρο]ντεΐνος COR 652<br />

Βίβιος: Βίβιος ARC 170; see also Vibius<br />

Vo[- - -]: C(aius) Vo[- - -] Quir(ina) ACH 257<br />

Βολούμνια: Βολούμνια Συνφέρουσα ACH 258<br />

Ούολοσσηνή<br />

ARC: Ούολοσσηνή Ίούστα Ούολοσσηνοΰ Άριστοκράτους<br />

θυγάτηρ, 172 adn., 135; Ούολοσσηνή<br />

Π(ο)ύστα, 172 adn.; Ούολοσσηνή<br />

Πούσ(ιλλα), 172 adn.<br />

Ούολοσσηνός<br />

ARC: Ούολοσσηνός 'Αριστοκράτης, 173<br />

ARG: Λούκιος Ούολοσσηνός 'Αριστοκράτης, 266<br />

Ούωλούσιος: Μάρκος Ούωλούσιος ARG 267<br />

Βουλτήιος: Π. Βουλτήιος [—] COR 653<br />


[- - -]a: [- - -]a C[- - -] COR 658<br />

[- - -]arius: [- - -]arius Pyladis COR 524<br />

[- - -]cius: [- - -]cius COR 662<br />

[- - -]culeia: [- - -]culeia ACH 259<br />

[- - -]dia: [- - -]dia COR 664<br />

[—]eius<br />

COR: [- - -]eius, 666; [- - -]ηιος, 690<br />


610<br />

[—]elius<br />

COR: [- - -]elius [- - -], 667; [- - -]elius R[- - -], 668<br />

[- - -]elli[us]: [- - -]elli[us - - -] COR 669<br />

[- - -]enna: [- - -]enna ACH 260<br />

[- - -]εντιος: [ ]εντιος [- - -] COR 670<br />

[- - -]ia<br />

ACH: [- - -]ia Secunda, 262; [- - -i]a Erotis, 261<br />

[—]ienus: [—]ienus Pater[nus] ACH 263<br />

[—]είλιος: [—]είλιος Σωσικράτης ARC 175<br />

[—]ιος: [Γάιο]ς [—]ιος Κοΐ[ντου υιός —] EL 189<br />

[—]ius<br />

ACH: [- - -]ius P(ubli) f(ilius) Q[uirina-?-], 264;<br />

[- - -]ius Tertius, 265<br />

COR: [- - -]ius, 672; [- - -iu]s L. f. A[em(ilia)],<br />

673; [- - -]ius P. f. Aem(ilia) [- - -], 674; [- - -]ius<br />

M. f. [- - -]ilianus, 675<br />

[- - -]lius<br />

COR: [- - -]lius Athenaeus, 91; [- - -]lius, 677;<br />

[- - -]lius, 678<br />

[- - -]mius: [- - -]mius COR 679<br />

[- - -]nia: [- - -]nia Gaiene COR 287<br />

[- - -]πιλλιος: [- - -]πίλλιο[ς- - -] COR 680<br />

[- - -]reiticus: [- - -]reiticus COR 681<br />

-[- - -]rniu[s]: [- - -]rniu[s] COR 682<br />

[- - -]ssius: [- - -]ssius [- - -] Quir(ina) [- - -] ACH 266<br />

[—]στος: [—]στος Άμίνιος [ — ω]ρ COR 26<br />

[—]tius/ [—]τιος<br />

ACH: [- - -]τιος Σωρανός, 268; [- - -]t[i]u[s]<br />

Amemptufs], 267;<br />

COR: [- - -]tius Ac [- - -], 4<br />

[—]ουιος: [—]ουιος Φιλάδελφο[ς] COR 473<br />

[- - -]us/-[- - -]ος<br />

ACH: Λ(εύκιος) [- - -]ος Μαξ[- - -], 269; [- ca.<br />

4 -]us [- ca. 4 -]s, 270<br />

EL: [- - -]ος Σηδάτος, 319

A[—]: Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) A[—]<br />

COR 100; A[- - - ] COR 657<br />

Άβάσκαντος: Αύρ(ήλιος) Άβάσκαντος Ζωΐλου<br />

EL 65<br />

Ac[- --]:[-- -]tius Ac [- - - ] COR 4; P(ublius)<br />

PuticiusAc[---]COR518<br />

Achaicus/Άχαΐκός: M(arcus) Antonius M. f.<br />

[A]em(ilia) [A]chaicus COR 53; Μ(άρκος)<br />

'Αντώνιος 'Αχαϊκός ARG 18; *[—] Μόμμιος<br />

Γαΐου υ[ίός Αχαϊκός] EL 285; Λ(ούκιος) Σαίνιος<br />

'Αχαϊκός EL 318<br />

'Ακμή: Ιουλία 'Ακμή ACH 133<br />

Adauctus: C(aius) Vibuipius] P. f. Ada[uctus] COR 640<br />

Αιλιανός: Μ(άρκος) Πομπήιος Είσάς Αιλιανός<br />

ARC 137<br />

Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος Μαρκίο[υ υ'ι]ός Αιλιανός<br />

ARG 243<br />

Άγαθ[- - -]: Αύρ(ήλιος) Άγαθ[- - -] ARC 22<br />

Agatho: Heius Agatho COR 305; [Scri]bonius<br />

Agath[o] COR 550<br />

'Αγαθοκλής: Μάρκος Αυρήλιος Άγαθοκλ[ή]ς Όνησίμου<br />

ARC 23; Πό(πλιος) Μέμμιος 'Αγαθοκλής<br />

ARC 122<br />

Άγαθόπους: 'Οκτάβιος Άγαθόπους COR 442<br />

Agele: +Agele Vallia ACH 236<br />

'Αγίας: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος 'Αγίας Λύσωνος EL 136<br />

Agrippa/'Αγρίππας: Agrippa Iulius, ACH 20;<br />

Πόπλιο[ς] Κανείνιος Άγρίπ[πας] ACH 64;<br />

'Αγρίππας ARG 12, *(Μάρκος Βιψάνιος)<br />

'Αγρίππας ARG 265; [Ιούλιος Άγρίπ]πας (?)<br />

ARG 140; *M(arcus) Agrippa COR 25; L(ucius)<br />

Caninius Agrippa COR 134; *P(ublius) Caninius<br />

Alexiadae f. Co(llina) Agrippa COR 135;<br />

P(ublius) Vipsanius Agrippa COR 650; 'Ιούλιος<br />

Άγρίππας EL 233; *M(arcus) (Vipsanius)<br />

[Ag]rippa EL 345; 'Ιούλιος 'Αγρίππας EL 233<br />

Άγριππιανή: Άγριππιανή ACH 21<br />

Άγριππεΐνα: Βιβουλλία Άλκία Άγριππεΐ[να; θυγάτη]ρ<br />

[Τ]ο[ύ]φο[υ] EL 341; Άππία Άννία<br />

Ά[τ]ειλία 'Ρήγιλλα Έλπινείκη Άγριππεΐνα<br />


(Cognomina, signa and nomina simplicia)<br />

611<br />

Άτρία Πόλλα, Ήρώδου καί ['Ρη]γίλλης<br />

θυγάτ[ηρ] EL 16<br />

'Αλβεΐνος: *[Α]ΰλος Ποστούμιος Αλβεΐνος EL 305<br />

Albus: *[L(ucius) Antonius L. f.] Albus COR 54<br />

Άλκανδρίδας: Πό(πλιος) Αιλιος Άλκανδρίδας<br />

Δαμοκρατίδα EL 3<br />

Alcimus: L(ucius) Rutilius Alcimus COR 537<br />

Άλκινόα: Κλαυδία Άλκιν[όα] Κλαυδίου Θεογένους<br />

καί 'Ιουλίας Χρυσαρέτας θυγάτηρ καί<br />

Λουκίου Βετληνοΰ Φλώρου γυνή EL 114<br />

Alexander/Αλέξανδρος: [A]ntonius Alexander<br />

Antoni Timothei fil. COR 55; Αύρ(ήλιος) 'Αλέξανδρος<br />

('Αλεξάνδρου) ARC 24; Ίούλ(ιος)<br />

'Αλέξανδρος ARC 97; Γ(άιος) Φλάβιος 'Αλέξανδρος<br />

ARG 128; Γ(άιος) 'Αλέξανδρος<br />

ΓΟ [-ca. 4-]ΟΔΟ[- - -] COR 116; Γ(άιος) 'Αλέξανδρος-<br />

- -], Γ. 'Αλέξανδρος ΤΕ[....]ΟΛΟ[- - -<br />

] adn. COR 116; Δομίτιος 'Αλέξανδρος COR<br />

247; Αύ(ρήλιος) 'Αλέξανδρος ('Αλεξάνδρου)<br />

Ίαμίδης EL 66<br />

Άλεξίων: Μ(άρκος) 'Αντώνιος Πισανοΰ υιός Άλεξίων<br />

EL 34; [Άντώνιο]ς Άλεξίων EL 34a<br />

Αλφειός: Αύ(ρήλιος) Αλφειός Σόφωνος EL 67<br />

Άλυπιανός: Λ(ούκιος) Άννιος Άλυπιανός ACH<br />

23; Π(όπλιος) Αΐλιος Άλυπιανός COR 12<br />

Άλυπος: Κλαύ(διος) Άλυπος ARC 61<br />

Άμανδος: Κορ(νήλιος) Άμανδος ARG 110<br />

Αμάραντος: Αύρ(ήλιος) Αμάραντος ARG 36<br />

Amemptus: [- ca. 3 -]t[i]u[s] Amemptufs] ACH 267<br />

[Άμ]μιανή: [Άμ]μιανή COR 27<br />

Άμυκος: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Άμυκος ARC 62<br />

An- - -: [M. A]nton[i]us An[ - - - ] COR 56<br />

Άν[- - -]: Άν[- - -] COR 28;<br />

Anastasia: COR 462 adn.<br />

Anatole: Vibia lib(erta) Anatole ACH 248<br />

Anaxilas: Ti[berius] Claudius Anaxilas COR 167<br />

Anaxilaus/Άναξίλαος: Ti(berius) Claudius Anaxilaus<br />

COR 168; Τιβ(έριος) Άππαληνός Άναξίλαος<br />

COR 80<br />

Antas: (Aequanus) Antas ACH 17<br />

Άντέρως: Λεύκιος Λικίνιος Άντέρως ARG 164

Antigona: Numis[ia] L. 1. Antigon[a] COR 436<br />

Antigonus/Άντίγονος: T. Granius T. L.) Antigonus<br />

ACH 126; Τι(βέριος) Κλαύδιος Αντίγονος<br />

ARG 84; Αυρήλιος Αντίγονος ARG 37<br />

Antiochis: Marcia Antiochis ACH 160; Vibullia<br />

An[tiochis]COR631<br />

Antiochus/Άντίοχος: T(itus) Flavius Aug. lib.<br />

Antio[chus] COR 263; Π(όπλιος) Αιλι(ος)<br />

Άντίοχος ARG 4; Πόπλιος Άντειος Άντίοχος<br />

ARG 14<br />

Antipater/Άντίπατρος: [Μ(άρκος) Ά]ντώνιος<br />

Αντίπατρος EL 36; Ti(berius) Claudius<br />

Antipater and Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Αντίπατρος<br />

ARC 62a_<br />

Άντεικός: Μ(αρκος) Αντώνιος Άντεικός EL 35;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Μέμμ(ιος) Άντεικός EL 274<br />

Άντωνΐνος: *Ίούλιος Μαΐωρ Άντωνΐνος ARG 149<br />

Antullus: Antullus ACH 277<br />

Άπ[- - - ]: Πουτίκιος Άπ[- - - ] COR 519<br />

Άπελλάς: Πομπήιος Άπελλάς ARC 134; Μ(άρκος)<br />

'Ιούλιος Άπελλας ARG 141<br />

Άπερ: Μάρκος Σέξτιος Άπερ ARG 239<br />

Άφ[- - -]: [Αύρ(ήλιος)] Άφ[- - -] ARC 25<br />

Άφροδείσιος: Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Άφροδείσιος<br />

EL 137<br />

Άπίων: Άπίων Μαΐορος ARG 21<br />

Άπόλαυστος: [Τιβ(έριος) 'Ιούλιος Άπόλαυστος]<br />

COR 337<br />

Άπολλ[— ]: Π(όπλιος) Έγ[νάτιος] Άπολλ[—]<br />

COR 252<br />

Apolli(- - -): C(aius) Apolli(- - -) ACH 31<br />

Αρο11οαοίυ5/Άπολλόδο[τ]ος: Π(όπλιος) Αΐλιος<br />

Άπολλόδο[τ]ος/Ρ. Aelius Apollodotus COR 13<br />

Άπολλωνίδης: Αύ[ρ(ήλιος) ?] Άπολλωνίδης ARG<br />

38; Α[ύ](λος) Άπολλωνίδης ARG 38 adn.;<br />

Πό(πλιος) Άπολλωνίδ (?) ARG 228<br />

Άπολλωνίς: Δομετία Φιλίπα καί Λουκίου<br />

Δομετίου Λουκίου υ'ιο Φαλέρνα Σατορνίλα<br />

Άπολλωνίς COR 244<br />

Απολλώνιος: (Μαίνιος) Απολλώνιος ARG 177;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Σεπτίμιος Απολλώνιος EL 90;<br />

Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Απολλώνιος Απολλώνιου<br />

EL 138<br />

Άπολλοφάνης: Μ(άρκος) Άντ[(ώνιος)<br />

Άπολλ]οφά[νης (?)] EL 37; [Τ(ίτος) Φλ]άβιος<br />

Άπολλοφάνης EL 191<br />

Aptus: Sex(tus) Mallius Aptus ACH 153<br />

Ακύλας: [Άκύ]λας EL 53; [Ά]κύλας EL 54; Ακύ­<br />

λας [Ά]κύλα EL 55<br />


612<br />

Άκυλείνη: Αίλία Άκυλείνη ARG 1<br />

Άρκαδίων: Αύρ(ήλιος) Άρκαδίων Σωτάδο[υ]<br />

ARC 26<br />

Αρχέλαος: *Τ(ίτος) Φλάβ(ιος) Αρχέλαος (Ι) Αρχελάου<br />

EL 192; Φλ(άβιος) Αρχέλαος Αρχελάου<br />

EL 193<br />

Αρχίλοχος: Τιβ(έριος) Κόιντος Αρχίλοχος<br />

ARG 232<br />

Aresqusa: Cania Aresqus[a] ACH 63; (Fulvia M. 1.)<br />

Arescusa ACH 111<br />

Άρέτων: Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος Άρέτων EL 220<br />

Aristarchus: M(arcus) Ant(onius) Aris(tarchus)<br />

ACH 28<br />

Άριστέας: Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Άριστέας Δάμωνος<br />

EL 38; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Άριστέας EL 140<br />

Άριστίων: Σουλπίκιος Άριστίων ARC 153<br />

Aristo/Αρίστων: C(aius) Heius Arist[o] COR 306;<br />

Π(όπλιος) Αιλιος Άριστων (Ι) EL 4; Π(όπλιος)<br />

Αΐλιος Αρίστων (Π) Π(οπλίου) Αίλίου Άρίστωνος<br />

(Ι) EL 5; Π(όπλιος) Κορνήλιος<br />

Ειρηναίου υίός Άριστων EL 173; Aristo from<br />

Ephesos EL 165 adn.<br />

Aristobius: Τ(ίτος) Φλά(βιος) [Άριστόβιος (?)]<br />

EL 194<br />

Aristocles/Άριστοκλής: Κλαύδιος Αριστοκλής EL<br />

141; Aristocles of Pergamon adn. EL 141<br />

Aristocrates/Αριστοκράτης: Πομπήιος Αριστοκράτης<br />

ARC 135; Ούολοσσηνός Αριστοκράτης<br />

ARC 173; Μάρκος Αντώνιος Άναξίωνος υιός<br />

Αριστοκράτης ARG 19; Λούκιος Ούολοσσηνός<br />

Αριστοκράτης ARG 266; Σέξτος Πομπήιος<br />

Σέξτου υ'ιός Μαρκιανός Άριστοκράτεος εκγονος<br />

ARG 211; [M(arcus) Antonius<br />

Aristocra[tes] COR 57<br />

Άριστομάντις: Κλαυδία Άριστομάντις EL 115<br />

Αριστομένης: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Αριστομένης<br />

EL 142<br />

Arrianus/Άρριανός: Ti. Flavius Arrianus COR 260<br />

adn.; COR 545 adn.; * [(Λούκιος) Φλάβιος<br />

Άρριανός] COR 264<br />

Άρριδαΐος: Λ(ούκιος) Κλώδιος Άρριδαιος COR 191<br />

Άρτεμάς: Π(όπλιος) Αΐλιος Άρτεμάς EL 6;<br />

Τι(βέριος) [Κ]λαύδιος Άρ[— Άρ]τεμά EL<br />

139 and EL 139; Τι(βέριος) [Κ]λαύδιος<br />

Άρ[τεμάς Άρ]τεμά EL 139 adn.<br />

Άρτέμων: [Αύρ(ήλιος)] Άρτέμων EL 69;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Ά[ρτ]έμων EL 70<br />

Άσκληπιάδης: [Ίού]νιος Άσκλ[ηπιάδης] EL 245;<br />

Πόπλ(ιος) Άσκληπιάδης EL 304

Ά[σι]ατικός: [Γάι]ος Ίο[ύ]λιος Ά[σι]ατικός<br />

ARG 5 adn.<br />

Astius: Sex(tus) Aequ[anus] Sex(ti) l(ibertus) Astius<br />

ACH 19<br />

Athenaeus/Άθήναιος: [— ]lius Athenaeus COR 91;<br />

Ιούλιος Αθηναίος Ιουλίου Νεοπολειτανοΰ<br />

υίός EL 234<br />

Άθηναΐς: Μαρκία Κλαυδία Άλκία Άθηναϊς Γαβιδία<br />

Λατιαρία Ήρώδου καί 'Ρηγίλλης θυγάτηρ<br />

EL 113<br />

Atianus: P(ublius) Pomponius P(ublii) f(ilius)<br />

Qu(irina) Atianus ACH 190<br />

Άτιλιανός: Π(όπλιος ?) Άτιλιανός ARG 22<br />

Atimetus: [P. Aef]icius Atimetus COR 8; [P.<br />

Aef]icius Atimetus [Lic]inianus COR 9<br />

Άτρατε[ΐνος]: [Σεμπρώνιος] Άτρατε[ΐνος]<br />

ACH 212<br />

Attalus: [- - - ] Attalus COR 95<br />

Attice: Heredia Attice ACH 129<br />

Atticus/Άττικός: (Κλαύδιος) Αττικός ARC 63;<br />

[Τίτ]ος Α[ΐλ]ιος Αττικός ARG 5;<br />

[Κανό (?)]υλλήιος Αττικός ARG 72; *Ti(berius)<br />

Claudius Ti. Claudi Hipparchi f. Quir(ina) Atticus<br />

COR 169; *Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Ηρώδης Αττικός<br />

COR 174; COR 150 adn.; Tib. Claudius<br />

Herodes Atticus COR 260 adn.; COR 545 adn.;<br />

*Μ(άρκος) Άτείλιος Άττι[κός] Βραδούας<br />

'Ρήγιλλος, Ήρώδου καί 'Ρηγίλλης υίός EL 57;<br />

[Αύ]ρ(ήλιος) Αττικός EL 71; *[Τι(βέριος)<br />

Κ]λαύδιος Άττ[ικό]ς Ήρώδη[ς] [Ίπ]πάρχο[υ]<br />

EL 143; *Λ(ούκιος) Βιβούλλιος "Ιππαρχος<br />

Τι(βέριος) Κλαύδιος Αττικός 'Ηρώδης EL 144<br />

(see also Ηρώδης)<br />

Auctus: T(itus) Granius T(iti) f(ilius) Quir(ina)<br />

Auctus ACH 127<br />

Augurinus/Αύγουρεΐνος: *[A. P]omp[onius] C. f.<br />

Quir(ina) Augur[inus T. Prifer]nius Paetus COR<br />

487; *Αύ(λος) Πομπώνιος Γ(αΐου) υίός Αύγουρεΐνος<br />

Τ(ίτος) Πριφέρνιος Παΐτος ARG 213<br />

Αΰλος: Α[ΰλ(ος)] Άπολλωνίδης adn. ARG 38;<br />

Αΰλος ARG 23; Αύλος ARG 24, Αύλος (Ι) ARG<br />

26; Αύλος Αύλου (Π) ARG 27; Αύλος EL 59<br />

Αύρη[- - -]: Αύρη[- - -] COR 97<br />

Αύρηλιανός: Αύρηλιανός COR 98<br />

Βαιβιανή: Κλ(αυδία) Βαιβία Βαιβιανή Κλ(αυδίου)<br />

Δημητρίου θυγάτηρ EL 116<br />

Baibus: M(arcus) Doius L(ucii) f(ilius) Quir(ina)<br />

Baibus ACH 91<br />


613<br />

Banausis: Publicia Banausis COR 498<br />

Βάρβαρος: *(Μάρκος) Ούετουληνός Σέξ(του) υίός<br />

Κυρί(ναι) Κείβικας Βάρβαρος ARG 26;<br />

*[Μ(άρκος) Ούετουληνός Κείβικας] Βά[ρβαρος]<br />

EL 335<br />

Bas(s)il(l)a: Iulia Basila COR 322; Basilla adn. COR<br />

322; Bassilla adn. COR 322<br />

Βασιλάς: *Τ(ίτος) Έλο[ύιος Βασιλάς] ARG 134<br />

Βασιλείδης: Αύρ(ήλιος) Βασιλείδης EL 72<br />

Βασίλιος: Βασίλιος (Βασιλίου) ACH 52<br />

Bassus/Βάσσος: M(arcus) Iul(ius) Bassus ACH 134;<br />

*T(itus) Prif[ernius Sex(ti) f(ilius) Q]uir(ina)<br />

Paetus [Rosianus Gemi]nus Laecan[ius Bassus ?]<br />

ACH 198; C(aius) Aurelius C(aii) f(ilius) Bassus<br />

ACH 46; Βάσσος ARC 54; Γέλλιος Βάσσος ARC<br />

83; Βάσσος Άλκίδου ARG 64; Μάνιος Γέλλιος<br />

Βάσσος ARG 132; Γ(άιος) Ί(ούλιος) Βάσσος<br />

ARG 142; *Q(uintus) Granius Q. f. Bassus COR<br />

302; M(arcus) Novius Bassus COR 432<br />

Benignus: C(aius) Curtius Benignus COR 238;<br />

C(aius) C[urtius] C. fil. [- - -] Benig[n]us<br />

Iuventianus COR 239<br />

Bilia: Iulia Bilia [- - -] COR 323<br />

Βλαστός: Τ(ίτος) Αΐλ(ιος) Βλαστός ARG 6;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Βλαστός ARG 39; Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος]<br />

Βλαστός COR 59<br />

Βράχυλλος: Π(όπλιος) Έγνάτιος Βράχυ[λλος]<br />

EL 179<br />

Bractice: Clodia Bractice COR 186<br />

Βραδούας: *Μ(άρκος) Άππιος Βραδούας EL 50;<br />

*Μ(άρκος) Άτείλιος Άττι[κός] Βραδούας<br />

'Ρήγιλλος, Ήρώδου καί 'Ρηγίλλης υίός EL 57<br />

Βοΰρρος: *Γ(άιος) Άντίσ[τιος Βοΰρ]ρος COR 29<br />

Κ[- - -]: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύ[δι]ος Κ[- - -] EL 145<br />

Καικιλι[α]νός: [Φλ]άβιος Καικιλι[α]νός EL 195<br />

Καικίλος: Τ(ίτος) Φλ(άβιος) Καικίλος Κρισπεΐνος<br />

ACH 108<br />

Καφατία: Καφατία ACH 61<br />

Γαι[...] AI: COR 125<br />

Caius/Γάιος: Γά[ιος (?)] ACH 62; C(aius) Apolli(- - -)<br />

ACH 31; Γά(ιος) ? ARC 55; Ίούλ(ιος) Γάιος<br />

ARC 98; Γάιος ARG 68; Γάιος ARG 69; Γάιος<br />

Δαμοσθέ[νους] ARG 70; Γ(άιος) Αλέξανδρος<br />

ΓΟ [3-4]ΟΔΟ[- - -] COR 116; Γάιο[ς] COR 685;<br />

Γάιος Γαΐου EL 100; Γάιος [Γαϊο]υ EL 101;<br />

Γάιος Μουσαίου EL 102<br />

Calamus: C(aius) Iuli(us) Calamus ACH 135<br />

Calandio: Calandio ACH 277

Calendio: [- - - C]alendio COR 126<br />

Γαληνός: Γαληνός COR 686<br />

Καλλέας: Γν(αΐος) Πομπήιος Κλεοσθένους υιός<br />

Καλλέας ARG 205<br />

Calliana: Call[i]ana Hilara COR 127<br />

Καλλιγένης: Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Καλλιγένης (Ι)<br />

EL 146; Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Καλλιγένης (Π)<br />

EL 147<br />

Καλλίνεικος: [Αΐ]λ(ιος) Καλλίνεικος EL 8<br />

Κάλλιππος: [Φ]λ(άβιος) Κάλλιππος EL 196; Κάλ-<br />

λιππος Πισανός EL 299<br />

Callistus/Κάλλιστος: L(ucius) Naevius Callistus ARG<br />

195; Γ(άιος) Μ[ε]λφέννιος Κάλλιστος EL 272<br />

Καλλώ: Άντωνία Καλλώ EL 21<br />

Κάλλων: Μάρ(κος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Κάλλων EL 73<br />

Κάλλουσα: Ιουλία Κάλλουσα ARC 90<br />

Cam[- - - ]: P(ublius) P[uticius] Cam[- - - ] COR 520<br />

Camus: L(ucius) Aelius Camus ARG 7<br />

Candidus/Κάνδιδος: M(arcus) Acilius Candidus COR<br />

5; Γάιος Κάνδιδο[ς ] or Γάιος Κανδίδο[υ<br />

- - -] EL 106<br />

Cania: Cania Aresqus[a] ACH 63<br />

Capito: C(aius) Iulius Capito ARG 143; Q(uintus)<br />

Publicius Capito COR 505; C(aius) Vergilius C. f.<br />

Aem(ilia) Capito f. (I) COR 617; C(aius)<br />

Vergilius C. f. Aem(ilia) Capito f. (II) COR 618<br />

Carpetanus: Q. Fab[ius] Q. f. [— ] Carpet[anus]<br />

COR 256<br />

Carpi(us): Carpi(us) ACH 277<br />

Κάρπος: Γέλλιος Κάρπος ARC 84<br />

Κάρος: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Κάρος Φλαουιανός<br />

ARG 85<br />

Casperianus: Ca[s]pe[rianus], Casper[ianus]<br />

COR 256 adn.<br />

Κασσιανός: Λ(ούκιος) Πομπήιος Κρατερός Κασσιανός<br />

EL 302<br />

Ce[- --]:[--- S]puri f. [Ae]m(ilia) Ce[- - -] COR 149<br />

Celer: [M(arcus)] Barbatius M. [f.] Ae[m](ilia) Celer<br />

COR 114<br />

Κελεστινιανός: Κελεστινιανός Σόλωνος ARC 56<br />

Celsus: L(ucius) Hermidius Celsus COR 314<br />

[Κην]σωρείνα: (Μαρκία) [Κην]σωρείνα [(Μαρκίου)<br />

Κηνσωρείν]ου θυγάτη[ρ Σεμπρωνίου]<br />

Άτρατε[ίνου γυνή] ACH 161<br />

Censorinus/[Krrvaa^Îvoç: *(Λ. Μάρκιος) [Κηνσωρεΐν]ος<br />

ACH 164; [- - - C]ensorinus COR 150;<br />

Cocceius Censorinus COR 150 adn.; *L. Marcius<br />

Censorinus COR 150 adn.<br />

Certus: (L.) Aeficius Certus COR 10<br />

Κεστιανός: Πεδουκαιος Κεστιανός COR 471<br />


614<br />

Χάραξ: Α(ύλος) Κλ(αύδιος) Χάραξ ACH 71<br />

Χ[α]ρεΐνος: Μ(άρκος) Πομπήι[ο]ς Χ[α]ρεΐνος<br />

ARG 206<br />

Χαρίξενος: [Αύρ(ήλιος) ? Χ]αρίξενος (Ι) Κελάδου<br />

ARG 40; [Α]ύρ(ήλιος) Χαρίξενος (Π)<br />

[Αύρ(ηλίου) ? Χ]αριξένου τοΰ Κελάδου υίός<br />

ARG 41<br />

Chilo: P(ublius) Tadius Chilo COR 579<br />

Χρηματίνη: Αύρ(ηλία) Χρηματίνη ARG 28<br />

Χρύσανθος: 'Οκτάβιος Χρύσανθος ACH 180<br />

Χρυσαρέτα: Βετληνή Κασσία Χρυσαρέτα EL 332;<br />

Ιουλία Χρυσαρέτα EL 227<br />

Cissus: L(ucius) Durcatius L(ucii) lib(ertus) Cissus<br />

ACH 97<br />

Κείβικας: *(Μάρκος) Ούετουληνός Σέξ(του) υιός<br />

Κυρί(ναι) Κείβικας Βάρβαρος ARG 26;<br />

*[Μ(άρκος) Ούετουληνός Κείβικας] Βά[ρβαρος]<br />

EL 335<br />

Κλάρος: Καιλήριος Κλάρος COR 120<br />

Claudianus/Κλαυδιανός: Κλαυδιανός (see Τιβ. Ιούλιος<br />

Σιάνθου υιός Κλαυδιανός) ARG 144;<br />

Κλαυδιανός ARG 79; [- - -] Claudia[nus] COR<br />

155; Κλ(αύδιος) [Κλα]υ[δ]ιανός Εύ[πυ]ρίδης<br />

Κλ(αυδίου) Μινουκιανοΰ υίός COR 171; [.]<br />

Πομπήιος Κλαυδιαν[ός] COR 484;<br />

Κλαυδια[νός] EL 120<br />

Cleander: [Publius Memmius C]leand[er] COR 421<br />

Κλεισθένης: [Κλεισθένης] COR 159 adn.<br />

Clemens: (Attius) Clemens ACH 41; C. laetilius<br />

Clemens ACH 142<br />

Κλημ[εντεινος]: Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος<br />

Κλημ[εντεΐνος] COR 60<br />

Κλεόβουλος: Γ(άιος) Κλώδιος 'Ιούλιος Κλεόβουλος<br />

EL 169<br />

Κλεοδίκη: Άντωνία Κλεοδίκη EL 22; Κλαυδία<br />

Κλεοδίκη EL 117<br />

Cleogenes/Κλεογένης: [—]ένους υιός Κλεογένης<br />

ARG 268<br />

[Q(uintus)] [M]a[e]cius Q. 1. Cleogen[es] COR 389<br />

Κλεόμαχος: Αύ(ρήλιος) Κλεόμαχος (Κλεομάχου)<br />

Κλυτιάδης EL 74<br />

Κλ(ε)οσσ[- - -]: Κλαύδιος Κλ(ε)οσσ[- - -] ARG 86<br />

Κλεοσθένης: Γν(αΐος) Πονπήιος Κλεοσθένης (Ι)<br />

ARG 207; Γν(αΐος) Πομπήιος Κλεοσθένους<br />

υ'ιός Κλεοσθένης (Π) ARG 208; Πομπήιος Κλεοσθένης<br />

COR 485<br />

Clodia: [Cl]odia COR 185<br />

Clymenus: L(ucius) Rutilius Clymenus 1. COR 538<br />

Κόκος: Κόκος COR 199<br />

Κόγνιτος: Μ(άρκος) Άττήδιος Κόγνιτος EL 58<br />

Colestinianus: Κο[λ]εσ[τ]ινιανοΰ adn. ARC 56

Cor[- - -]: M(arcus) Fu[lvius- - - (?)] Cor[- - -]<br />

COR 280<br />

Corinthas/Κορινθάς: Αύρ(ήλιος) Κόρινθος ARG<br />

42; Corinthas, son of Nicephorus 144 adn.<br />

Corinthius: C(aius) Heius Corinphius] COR 307<br />

Corinthus/Κόρινθος: M(arcus) Calpetanus Corinthus<br />

COR 129; [- - -] Corint[hu]s COR 201;<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Κορνήλιος Κόρινθος (I) COR 220;<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Κορνήλιος Κόρινθος (Π) COR 221;<br />

Γ(άιος) Μούσσιος Κόρινθ[ος] COR 429;<br />

P(ublius) Terentius Cor[in]thus COR 584; Βαλέρις<br />

Μα. Κ[ό]ρινθος COR 605<br />

Κορνήλιος: Κορνήλιος EL 171<br />

Κρατερός: Λ(ούκιος) Πομπήιος Κρατερός Κασσιανός<br />

EL 302<br />

Κρατίνος: Γάιος 'Ιούλιος Λάκωνος υιός Κρατίνος<br />

ARC 99<br />

Crescens/Κρήσκενς/Κρήσκης: Q(uintus) Manlius<br />

Q(uinti) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Crescens ACH 158;<br />

ACH 272,277; Κρήσκης ACH 83; *P(ublius)<br />

Cornelius Crescens COR 222; Κρήσκης COR 687<br />

Κρισπιανός: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Κρισπιανός<br />

EL 148<br />

Crispinus/Κρισπεΐνος: Κρισπεΐνος ACH 84;<br />

Crispinus adn. ACH 84; Τ(ίτος) Φλ(άβιος) Καικίλος<br />

Κρισπεΐνος ACH 108; Π(όπλιος) Αιλ(ιος)<br />

Αντώνιος Κρισπεΐνος Μητρότειμος EL 2<br />

Crispus/ Κρεισπος: M(arcus) Iulius Μ. f. Aem(ilia)<br />

Crispus COR 338; [- - - Κ]ρεΐσπο[ς] EL 174<br />

Crotonensis: *P[ublius] Calpu[rnius] [. f(ilius)]<br />

Crotofnensis] COR 132<br />

D[- - -]: Manlia D[- - -] COR 392<br />

Δαμαίνετος: Πομπήιος Δαμαίνετος ARC 136<br />

Δαμάριστος: Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος Δαμάριστος EL 197<br />

Δαμαρώ: [Κ]λαυδία Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Πολυκράτους<br />

θυγατέρα Δαμαρώ ARG 75<br />

Damo: Damo, son of Aristeas EL 38 adn.<br />

Damonicus: L(ucius) Antonius Damonicus COR 61<br />

Δαμοξένα: Κλαυδία Δαμοξένα EL 118<br />

Daphnus: [. P]ontius [Da]phnus ACH 195<br />

Δε[- - - ]: Κορνήλιος Δε[- - - ] COR 223<br />

Delmaticus: Delm[aticus (?)] COR 241 adn.<br />

Δημήτριος: *Κλ(αύδιος) Δημήτριος EL 149;<br />

[Δημ]ήτριος Δημητρίου 'Ρωμαίος ARG 121<br />

Δικαιοσύνη: Ιουλία [Δικαι]οσύνη Γαΐο[υ<br />

Ίο]υ[λίο]υ Ίτ[αλικοΰ] EL 228<br />

Digna: Digna ACH 89<br />

Dinippus: *Ti(berius) Claudius P. f. Fab(ia) Dinippus<br />


COR 170<br />

Διοκλής: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Διοκλής EL 150<br />

Διόδοτος: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Διοδότου υίός Διόδοτος<br />

ARG 88; Γν(αΐος) Πομπήιος Κλεοσθένους<br />

υιός Διόδοτος ARG 209<br />

Διογένης: ΓΤιβέρι]ος Κλάυδ[ιος Δι(?)]ογένης ARG 87<br />

Dionysius/Διονύσιος: [Αύρ(ήλιος)] Διονύσιος (Διονυσίου)<br />

ARC 27; 'Ιούλιος Διονύσιος ARC 100;<br />

Όφίλλιος Διονύσιος ARC 127; Π(όπλιος) Σύλλιος<br />

Διονύσιος ARC 152; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Διονύσιος ARG 43; Π(όπλιος)<br />

Αιλι(ος) Διονύσιος ô Άντιόχου ARG ;<br />

*Aur(elius) Dionysius COR 101<br />

Διόσκορος: Αΐλιος Διόσκορος COR 14<br />

Δομ[έστιχος]: Δομ[έστιχος] COR 688<br />

Donatus: Donatus COR 248<br />

Doneta: Can[inia] Done[ta] COR 133; [Doneta]<br />

COR 249<br />

Δωράς: Ίούλ(ιος) Δωράς ARC 101<br />

Δώρος: Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Δώρος ARC 102<br />

"Εκλεκτός: Ούαλέριος "Εκλεκτός EL 329<br />

Edasena: Numisia L(ucii) f(ilia) Edasena ACH 172<br />

Είσάς: Μ(άρκος) Πομπήιος ΕΊσάς Αιλιανός<br />

ARC 137<br />

Είσίδωρος: Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος Είσίδωρος EL 198<br />

Έλευθερίς: Αύρηλί[α Έλευ]θερίς ARG 29<br />

Έλπιδΰς: Αύρ(ήλιος) Έλπιδΰς ARC 28<br />

Έλπινείκη: Άππία Άννία Ά[τ]ειλία 'Ρήγιλλα<br />

Έλπινείκη Άγριππεΐνα Άτρία Πόλλα, Ήρώδου<br />

καί ['Ρη]γίλλης θυγάτ[ηρ] EL 16<br />

Epagathus: C(aius) Iulius Aug(us)ti l(ibertus)<br />

Epagathus COR 339; *[C(aius) Iulius Aug(usti)<br />

l(ibertus)] Epagathus COR 340<br />

Έπαφρόδ(ε)ιτος: Αύρ(ήλιος) Έπαφρόδιτος Αφροδισίου<br />

ARC 29; Αύρ(ήλιος) Έπαφρόδιτος<br />

Έπαφρ[ά] ARC 30; Κορνήλιος Έπαφρόδειτος<br />

ARC 76; Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Έπαφρ[όδιτος]<br />

Εύτύχου ARG 45; Τι(βέριος) 'Ιούλιος Έπαφρόδειτος<br />

ARG 145<br />

"Εφηβος: Λ(ούκιος) Καικίλιος Φοίβος [ό] καί<br />

Έφηβος EL 99<br />

ΈπίκΕτητος/Ερί^εί^: [[Κύι]ντος Άλλήιος<br />

Έπίκ[τητος (?) —]τος υίός ARG 13; [Κύι]ντος<br />

Άλλήιος Έπίκ[τητος (?) —]ιο[υ] υίός ARG 13<br />

adn.; [. Β]άσσον Άλλήιον Έπικ[.- ca. 5- Έπι-<br />

δαυρ]ίο[υ] υ'ιόν ARG 13 adn.; Epictetus COR<br />

260 and 545 adn.<br />

Έπιγόνη: Κλαυδία Έπιγόνη ARC 57

Epinicus/Έπίνικος: M(arcus) Lollius Epinicus ACH<br />

147; Δ(έκμος) Ιούνιος Έπίνικος EL 246<br />

Επιφανής: *Ίούλιος Επιφανής Φιλόπαππος<br />

ARC 103<br />

Epiroticus: (C. Iulius C. 1.) Philomusus Epiroticus<br />

ACH 138<br />

Έπιτυγχανίων: Κορνήλιος Έπιτυγχανίων ARC 77<br />

Erastus/Έραστος: [— ] Erastus COR 254; Βιτέλ-<br />

λιος "Εραστος COR 651<br />

Έράτων: Αΰλος Σέξτ(ι)ος Έράτων EL 323<br />

Ermetus: Marcius Ermetus COR 397<br />

Eros: L(ucius) Durcatius Eros ACH 98<br />

Erotis: [— i]a Erotis ACH 261; Aemilia Erotis<br />

ACH 4<br />

Εύκαρπίδης: Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύκαρπίδης EL 75;<br />

[Μάρ(κος)] Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύκαρπίδης Ζωπύρο[υ]<br />

EL 76<br />

Ευχάριστος: [.] Λικίνιος Ευχάριστος COR 376<br />

Ευδαίμων: Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος Ευδαίμων ARC 104<br />

Εΰδαμος: Γ(άιος) Μέμμιος Εΰδαμος EL 275<br />

Εύδημος: Μ(άρκος) Άν[τώνιος Εύ]δημος EL 39<br />

Ευδία: 'Ιουλία Ευδία Εύτελείνου ARC 91<br />

Ευε1ρΐ8ηΐ8/Εύέλπισ[τος]: Marcius Evelpistus COR<br />

398; Γάιος Ούίβι[ος] Εύέλπισ[τος] COR 624<br />

Εύμένης: Μ(άρκος) Εύμ[έν]ης EL 269<br />

Εύμολπος: Γ(άιος) Αντώνιος Εΰμο[λ]πο[ς] COR 62<br />

Εύοδία: [- ca. 5 - Ε]ύοδία ACH 134<br />

Εύοδος: Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύοδος Ιέρωνος ARC 31<br />

Euphami[- - -]: [- - - ]s Euphami[- - -] COR 253<br />

Euphamidas: Euphami[das] COR 253 adn.<br />

Euphemus: Clodius Euphemus COR 192<br />

Euporus: M(arcus) Pacuius Euporus COR 455<br />

Euprepes/Εύπρεπής: Q(uintus) Cassius Euprepes<br />

ACH 68; [Κάσ]σιος Εύπρπή[ς] ACH 69<br />

Εύπυρίδης: Κλ(αύδιος) [Κλα]υ[δ]ιανός<br />

Εύ[πυ]ρίδης Κλ(αυδίου) Μινουκιανοΰ υίός<br />

COR 171<br />

Ευρώτας: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Ευρώτας ARC 64<br />

Eurycles/Εύρυκλής: *Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Φαβία Εύρυκλής<br />

Ήρκλανός Λ(ούκιος) Ούιβούλλιος Πεΐος<br />

ARC 105; [Γάιος] 'Ιούλιος Λαχάρους υιός<br />

Εύρυκλής ARG 146; *C(aius) (Iulius Eurycles)<br />

COR 341<br />

Εύτ[υχ—]: Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύτ[υχ—] ARC 32;<br />

Γ(άιος) Βαλέριος Εύτυχ[—] ARG 261<br />

Ευτυχής: Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Ευτυχής COR 342;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύτύχης EL 77<br />

Eutychianus: *Αύρ(ήλιος) Εύτυχιανός COR 102<br />

Eutychis: Fulvia Eutychis COR 277<br />


616<br />

Εύτυχος: Μ(άρκος) Ούλπιος Εΰτυχος Σεβαστοΰ<br />

απελεύθερος ARC 163; Π(όπλιος) ΑΙλιος Εύτυ­<br />

χος ARG 9; [- - -] Antonius Eu[tychus ?] ACH 29<br />

Φάβουλλος: Φάβουλλος ARG 123<br />

Fau[- - -]: Vatinia Fau[- - -] ACH 241<br />

Φαυστεινιανός: Λ(ούκιος) Κλώδιος Βήρος Φαυ-<br />

στεινιανός COR 197;Βιβούλλιος Φαυστεινιανός<br />

[Άλεξά]νδρου EL 342<br />

Φαυστ(ε)ΐνος: Α(ύλος) Μαίκιο[ς Φαυστΐ]νος COR<br />

390; [Λ(ούκιος)] Μαίκιο[ς Φ]αυστεΐνο[ς] COR<br />

391<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Φαυστεΐνος EL 151<br />

Faustus/Φαΰστος: M(arcus) Attius Faustus ACH 42;<br />

Faustus ACH 277; Φαΰστος (I) ARG 124;<br />

Φαΰστος (Π) Φαύστου ARG 125; Faustus COR<br />

257; Φαΰστος EL 182; [Φ]αΰστ[ος] Φιλίππου<br />

EL 183<br />

Felicula: [- ca. 4-] Feli[c]ula ACH 106<br />

Ρε1ίχ/Φήλ(ε)ιξ: (M. Coelius M. 1.) Felix ACH 79;<br />

T(itus) Statilius T(iti) f(ilius) Pal(atina) Felix<br />

ACH 222; T(itus) Sui

L(ucius) Marius Floras Stiacciarne COR 411;<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Βείβιος Φλώρος COR 625; Γάιος<br />

Όφέλλιος Φλώρος EL 294; Λούκιος<br />

Βετ(ι)ληνός Φλώρος EL 336<br />

Foeba: +Livia Foeba ACH 145<br />

Fortunatus/Φορτουνάτος: Φορτουνάτος ARC 81;<br />

Φορτουνάτος ARC 82;[Π(όπλιος) Αι]λιος<br />

Φορτο[υνάτος] COR 15; [— Fo]rtunat(us vel a)<br />

ACH 110<br />

Φροντείνα: Καλπουρνία Φροντείνα COR 131<br />

Φροντεινος: *[Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Φροντεΐνος]<br />

ARG 90; *[Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Τιβερίου Φροντείνου<br />

υίός Κυρείνα Φροντεΐνος]<br />

Νεική[ρατ]ο[ς] ARG 91; Βιτέλλιος<br />

[Φρο]ντεΐνος COR 652<br />

Fronto: L(ucius) Veirius L(ucii) f(ilius) Quir(ina)<br />

Fronto ACH 242; P(ublius) Ventidius Fronto<br />

COR 613<br />

Fuscus: [- - - ] Fusc[us - - - ] COR 285; [- - -<br />

Fu]scus COR 286; [L(ucius)] Rutilius L. f.<br />

Fuscus COR 539; C(aius) Rutilius L. f.<br />

Aem(ilia) Fuscus COR 540<br />

Gaiane: [- - -]nia Gaiene COR 287<br />

Galenus: Galenus ACH 277<br />

Galla: [- - -] [G]alla COR 288<br />

Γαλλικιανός: *Μ(άρκος) Γάβιος [Σκουϊλ]λας Γαλλικιανός<br />

COR 289<br />

Gallus/Γάλλος: M(arcus) Minucius C(ai) f(ilius)<br />

Quir(ina) Gallus ACH 168;C. Vireius C. f.<br />

Q(uirina) Gallu[s] ARC 171; L. Caninius Gallus<br />

COR 135 adn.; *[L(ucius) A]quillius C. f.<br />

Pom(ptina) [Fl]orus Turcianus Gallus COR 83;<br />

*[L(ucius) Munatius M. f. Ter(entina)] Gal[lus]<br />

COR 427;*Άππιος Άννιος Γάλλος EL 18;<br />

*A(ulus) Didi[u]s [Gallus] EL 176<br />

Gemella/Γέμελλα: Cornelia Gemella ACH 80; Γέμελλα<br />

EL 222<br />

Geminus/Γέμινοςΐ-Γέμενος: *T(itus) Prif[ernius<br />

Sex(ti) f(ilius) Q]uir(ina) Paetus [Rosianus<br />

Gemi]nus Laecan[ius Bassus ?] ACH 198;<br />

*[—]του υιός Γέμενος ARC 86; Gemin[—]<br />

ARC 85;*[- - - Γ]έμι[νος] EL 223<br />

Γερμανός: Γερμ[ανός] COR 298<br />

Glabrio: *(Manius Aquilius Glabrio) ARC 1<br />

Granianus: Clodius Granianus COR 193<br />

Γράτος: Γράτος COR 303<br />

Άβρα: Μαινία Άβρα ARG 175<br />


617<br />

Hagne: Iu[ventia] Hagne COR 366<br />

Hai[- --]:[--- Ae]m. Hai[- - - ] COR 304<br />

Άπλα: 'Ιουλία Άπλα EL 226<br />

Αρμόδιος: Φλάβ(ιος) Αρμόδιος EL 199<br />

Άρμόνεικος: Πόπλιος Αΐλ(ιος) Άρμόνεικος EL 8<br />

Helene: Fulvinia Helene ACH 112<br />

Έλενος: Κλ(αύδιος) "Ελενος ARC 65<br />

'Ελικών: Αύρ(ήλιος) Ελικών ARG 44<br />

Ηλιόδωρος: Μ(άρκος) Ούλπιος Διόδωρου υιός<br />

Ηλιόδωρος ARG 259; Μάρκος Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Ηλιόδωρος [Ήλιοδ]ώρου EL 78<br />

Έλληνοκράτης: Μ(άρκος) Αυρήλιος Έλληνοκράτης<br />

EL 79<br />

Helpis: Spedia [Help]is ACH 219; Paconia [Hel]pis<br />

ACH 183; Helpis 1. V[ibulei] COR 312<br />

Heraclanus: C(aius) Iulius Herac(lanus) COR 343<br />

Ήρακλείδας: Φλάβιος Ήρακλείδας ARC 79<br />

Ηράκλειτος: Τίτος Φλάουιος Ηράκλειτος EL 200<br />

Ήρακλιανός: Ήρακλιανός ARG 135<br />

Heraclius: [M(arcus) V]ibuleius M. l(ibertus)<br />

Heracliu[s] COR 629<br />

Ήρκλανός: Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος Φαβία Εύρυκλής<br />

Ήρκλανος Λ(ούκιος) Ούιβούλλιος Πεΐος<br />

ARC 105<br />

Έρεννιανός: Έρεννιανός EL 224; Έρεννιανός<br />

EL 225<br />

Έρμήνιος: [Μ(άρκος) Αύρή]λιος Έρμήνιρ[ς] EL 80<br />

"Ερμιππος: [Αΐ]λ(ιος) Έρμιππος EL 9<br />

'Ερμογένης: Π(όπλιος) Λικίννιος Έ[ρμ]ογένης<br />

ARG 165;*Φλάβιος Έρμ[ο]γένης COR 267<br />

Hermoxenus: Ti(berius) Cl[audius Her]mox[e]nus<br />

COR 173<br />

Ηρώδης: Ίούλι(ος) Ηρώδης ARC 106;*Τιβ(έριος)<br />

Κλαύδιος Ηρώδης Αττικός COR 174;<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Βιβούλλιος "Ιππαρχος Τι(βέριος)<br />

Κλαύδιος Αττικός Ηρώδης EL 144;<br />

ΓΓι(βέριος) Κ]λαύδιος Άττ[.ικό]ς Ήρώδη[ς]<br />

[Ίπ]πάρχο[υ] EL 143; Λ(ούκιος) Κλαύδιος<br />

Βιβούλλιος 'Ρήγιλλος Ηρώδης, Ήρώδου καί<br />

'Ρηγίλλης υίός EL 167<br />

Herophilus: M(arcus) Fulvius Herophilus ACH 119;<br />

Hesychus: [— ] l(ibertus) Hesychus COR 316<br />

Hicesius/Ίκέσιος: [Γ(άιος) "Ηιος] Ίκέσιος π(ατήρ)<br />

COR 308; [- - - ] Hicesius COR 317<br />

Hilara: Call[i]ana Hilara COR 127<br />

Ίλαριανός: Σέκ(στος) Πομ(πώνιος) Ίλαριανός<br />

Άλκάστου ARG 214<br />

Hilario: C(aius) Pomponius Hilario ACH 191<br />

"Ιλαρός: Μέμμιος "Ιλαρός ARC 123; Πό(πλιος)<br />

Πάκκιος "Ιλαρός ARG 199

Hiluria: [Marcia P(ublii)] l(iberta) Ηί1υιΐα/[Μαρκία<br />

Π]οπλίου Ίλυρί[α] ARG 180<br />

Hipparchus/Ίππαρχος: (Κλαύδιος) "Ιππαρχος ARC<br />

66; M(arcus) Antonius Hipparchus COR 63;<br />

Ti(berius) Claudius Hipparchus COR 175;<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Βιβούλλιος Ίππαρχος EL 343;<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Βιβούλλιος "Ιππαρχος Τι(βέριος)<br />

Κλαύδιος Αττικός Ηρώδης EL 144<br />

Hirras: *(C. Lucillius) Hirrus COR 318<br />

Homonoia: Clodia Homonoia COR 187; Grania<br />

Homonoia COR 299<br />

Homuncio: L(ucius) Numisius L(ucii) f(ilius)<br />

Quir(ina) Homuncio ACH 175<br />

Hyacynthus: (M. Minucius M. L.) Hyacynthus<br />

ACH 169<br />

Ύγεΐνος: Μ(άρκος) Αύ(ρήλιος) Ύγεΐνος EL 81<br />

Hymnus/'Ύμνος: Μ. Περπέρνας Ύμνος/Μ.<br />

Perperna Hymnus ARG 203<br />

Ύπατιανός: Τιβέρ(ιος) Κλ(αύδιος) Ύπατιανός EL<br />

152; [Κλαύδιο]ς Ύπατια[νός]; EL 153;<br />

Τιβέρ(ιος) Κλαύδιος Ύπατιανός EL 154<br />

Ι[- - - ]: Vibullia Ι[- - - ] COR 632<br />

Ianuarius: Calpetanus Ianuarius COR 130<br />

'Ιλλυριός: [Κλαύδιος] 'Ιλλυριός COR 176<br />

ΊνγένουοςΠνγενος: Λ(εύκιος) Κορνήλιος Ίνγένου[ος]<br />

or "Ινγενος ARG 111<br />

Ιο[- - -]: Αύρ(ήλιος) Ίο[- - -] ARC 33<br />

"Ιων: Γάιος 'Ιούλιος "Ιων COR 344<br />

Ίωσης: Αύρ(ήλιος) Ίωσης ARG 46<br />

Ίωτάπη: Ίουλ(ία) Ίωτάπη ARG 138<br />

Ίρανίων: Αύρ(ήλιος) Ίρανίων Ίταλοΰ ARC 34<br />

ΕΊσίδωρος: Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος Είσίδωρος EL 198<br />

Isthmicus: [ — Se]mpr[onius(?) I]sthmi[cus] COR 562<br />

Italicus/Ίταλικός: [Cn(aeus)] Babbius Cn. f.<br />

Aem(ilia) [I]talic[us] COR 110; [Γάιος<br />

Ίο]ύ[λιος] Ίτ[αλικός] EL 235<br />

Ιταλός: 'Ιταλός ARC 89<br />

Iucundus/Ίουκοΰνδος: Aelius Iucundus ACH 2;<br />

Λικίνιος Ίουκοΰνδος ARG 166<br />

Iulia: Iulia COR 321<br />

Iulianus/Ίουλιανός: Ιουλιανός ARG 139; Iulianus<br />

ACH 277; [L(ucius) Antonius Iulianus] COR 64;<br />

L. Antonius Iulianus adn. COR 272; *C(aius)<br />

Caristanius [. f. Ser(gia) I]ulianus COR 141;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Φούλβιος Ιουλιανός COR 282; 'Ιουλιανός<br />

COR 325; 'Ιουλιανός COR 326; 'Ιουλιανός<br />

EL 229; ΊουλιανΓός] EL 230; Αύ(ρήλιος)<br />

'Ιουλιανός Πρείμου EL 82; (Ί)ουλιανός EL 349<br />


618<br />

Ίουλίττα: Τιβ(ερία) Κλαυδία Ίουλίτ(τ)η ARC<br />

58;Ίουλίττα ARG 155<br />

Iulius: P(ublius) Puticius M. f. Aem(ilia) Iulius<br />

Pa[te]rnusCOR521<br />

Ίούνωρ: *Ίούνωρ COR 363<br />

Ίούστα: Ούολοσσηνή Ούολοσσηνοΰ Άριστοκρά-<br />

τους θυγάτηρ ARC 172<br />

Iustus/Ίοΰστος: L(ucius) Romanius L(ucii) f(ilius)<br />

Ani(ensis) Iustus ACH 205;Φλ(άβιος)<br />

Γενεθλίδ(ιος) Ίοΰστος COR 266; Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος<br />

Ίοΰστος (Ι) COR 290; L(ucius) Gellius<br />

Iustus f. (Π), Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος [Ίο]ΰστος<br />

υ(ίός) COR 291; Ίο(ΰ)στος COR 365<br />

Iuvencus: T(itus) Manlius T. f. Col(lina) Iuvencus<br />

COR 394<br />

Iuventianus/Ίουβεντιανός: C(aius) C[urtius] C. fil.<br />

[- - -] Benig[n]us Iuventianus COR 239; [P.<br />

Li]cinius Priscu[s Iuventianu]s=n. Λικί[νιος Π.<br />

υ(ίός) Α]ίμ(ιλία) Πρεΐσκ[ος] Ίουβεντιανός<br />

COR 378<br />

Κυ[- - -]: Άππιος Κυ[- - -] ACH 32<br />

L[- - -]: Ιούλιος Λ[- - -] ARG 147; Λ(ούκιος)<br />

Φλ[άβιος ] Λ[- - - ] COR 268<br />

La(—): L(ucius) Aemil(ius) La(—) ACH 9<br />

Labeo: L(ucius) Furius Labeo COR 284; *[Q. Licinius<br />

- - - ] Modestin[us] [Sex. (?)] Attius Labeo COR<br />

377; A(ulus) Vatronius Labeo COR 611<br />

Laco/Λάκων: *C(aius) Iiulius C. f. Fab(ia) Laco COR<br />

345;*Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Εύρυκλέους υιός Λάκων<br />

EL 236<br />

Λαιλιανός: * Μάρκος Πόντιος Λαι[λιανός] ARG 216<br />

Laenas: Ser. Octavius Laenas Pontianus COR 488 adn.<br />

Λαΐτος: Λαΐτος ARC 112; Κρονίων ό καί Λαΐτος<br />

COR 236;Μάρκος Βετληνός Λαΐτος (Ι) EL 337;<br />

Μάρκος Βετιληνός Λαΐτος (Π) EL 338;<br />

*Λ(ούκιος) Βετληνός Λαΐτος EL 339<br />

Λαφάντα: Κλαυδί[α] Δαμέα θυγατέρα Λαφάντα<br />

ARG 76<br />

Lais: Caesennia Lais COR 122<br />

Λάιος: Φλάβ(ιος) Λάιος EL 201<br />

Λαμία: *Λεύκιος Αΐλιος Λα[μί]α COR 16<br />

Λαμπρίας: Τ(ίτος) Στατίλιος Λαμπρίου (Ι) υιός<br />

Λαμπρίας (Π) ARG 244; Τ(ίτος) Στατίλιος<br />

Λαμπρίας (III) Τειμοκράτεος ARG 245; Τ(ίτος)<br />

Στατείλιος Τειμοκράτους υιός [Λα]μπρίας (IV)<br />

Μεμμιανός ARG 246; (Τ. Στατείλιος)<br />

[Λ]αμπρίας (V) ARG 247

Λατίνος: [—] Λατίνος ARG 159<br />

Λαυρέντηος: Λαυρέτηος Καλωγενήτω COR 367<br />

Lectus: C(aius) Iulius Lectus COR 346<br />

Λέων: Γ(άιος) [Άντ]ώνιος Λέων EL 40<br />

Λεωνάς: Βήδιος Λεωνάς ARC 168<br />

Leonidas/Λεωνίδας: Leonidas of Melite. COR 72<br />

adn; Φλάβ(ιος) Λεωνίδας EL 202; ΓΓ(ίτος)<br />

Φλά(βιος) Λεωνί(?)]δας EL 203<br />

Λεωνείδης: Πόπ(λιος) Αΐλ(ιος) Λεωνείδης<br />

Πλο[κάμ]ου ARC 2<br />

Λεοντικός: *Γν(αΐος) Κλαύδιος Λεοντικός ARG 92<br />

Λεπτίνης: [Ίού]λιος Λε[πτίνης(?)] EL 237<br />

Lesbicus: C(aius) Cu[r]tius C. f. [— ] Les[b]ic[us]<br />

COR 240<br />

Λεύκιος: Λ(εύκιος) [—]ος Μαξ[—] ACH 269;<br />

Λεύκιος ARG 122 adn., Λεύκιος ARG 160; Λεύκιος<br />

ARG 161; Λεύκιος (I) ARG 162; Λεύκιος<br />

(Π) Λευκίου ARG 163; Τ(ίτος) Στατ(ίλιος) Λεύκιος<br />

ARG 248; Λεύκιο[ς ]ΚΑ[- - -] COR<br />

368; Λεύκιος [—]ος / Lucius COR 369; see<br />

Lucius<br />

Λιβυρνός: Λιβυρνός ARC 113<br />

Λικινία: [Λ]ικινία EL 247<br />

Licinianus/Λικιννιανός: [P. Aef]icius Atimetus<br />

[Lic]inianus COR 9; [- - -Λικ]ινιανός COR 371;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Λικιννιανός Σωκράτους<br />

ARG 47; [—]ος Λικινιανός ARG 47 adn.<br />

Licinius: Licinius COR 372<br />

Λογισμός: Λογισμός COR 553 adn.<br />

Λόνγος: Λόνγος ARG 167; Λ(ούκιος) Τυρρώνιος<br />

Λόνγος EL 327<br />

Lucanius: COR 378 adn.<br />

Λουκάς: Λουκάς ARC 114; Λουκάς Έπικτά ARC<br />

115;Λο[υκάς] COR 380 adn.<br />

Λουκι[—]: Βιψανία Λουκι[—] ACH 255<br />

Λουκία: Λουκία Λουκίου ARG 169; Λούκια Τρόπου<br />

ARG 170; Αύρηλία Λουκία (Ι) ARG 30;<br />

(Αύρηλία) Λουκία (II) ARG 31<br />

Lucius/Λούκιος: Λούκιος ACH 273; Luci ACH 277;<br />

Λούκιο[ς - - -] ARC 116; Λούκιος ARG 171;<br />

Λούκιος ARG 172; Λούκιος ARG 173; Λούκιος<br />

ARG 272; Λούκιος ARG 273; Λούκιος Επικτήτου<br />

ARG 174; Τ(ίτος) Στατ(ίλιος) Λούκιος<br />

ARG 249; Lucius COR 380; Luci(us) COR 692;<br />

Λούκιος COR 693; Λούκιος EL 252; Λ(ούκιος)<br />

[—] EL 253; Λούκιος Καλλι[κρά]τους EL 254;<br />

Λούκιος Διός EL 255; see Λεύκιος<br />

Lucrius: Lucrius COR 384<br />

Lupercus: L(ucius) Papius L. f. Fal(erna) Lupercus<br />

COR 460; L. Tutilius Lupercus Pontianus COR<br />


619<br />

488 adn.<br />

Lupus: [- ca. 8 -]s Lupus ACH 149; Q(uintus)<br />

Pomponius Lupus ACH 192<br />

Λυκαρίων: Λυκαρίων Κασσίο[υ] EL 109 adn.<br />

Lycortas: M. Tadius Lycortas ARC 156 adn.<br />

Λυκεύς: [. Κορ]νήλιος Λυκεύς ARG 112<br />

Lyngeus: Μ(άρκος) Άντ[ώ]νιος Λυγκε[ύς] ARC 6<br />

Lysander: [L]ysander Aug. lib. COR 385<br />

Λύσων: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Λύσων Κλαυδίου<br />

Αγία υίός EL 155<br />

Μ[- - - ]: Μ(άρκος) Τύλληιος Μ[- - - ] COR 591<br />

Ma[- - - ]: Numisius Ma[- ? -] ACH 176<br />

Μακάριος: *Φλ(άβιος) Ούλπ(ιος) Μακάριος<br />

COR 275<br />

Macer: L(ucius) Caecilius L(ucii) f(ilius) Macer<br />

ACH 58<br />

Μακρεΐνος: *[Μ(άρκος)] Πομπήιο[ς νέος Θεοφάνης<br />

Κυρί]νς* Μακρεΐν[ος] ARC 138<br />

Μακρεΐνος EL 256<br />

Μαικιανός: *[. ] Κορνή[λιος] Μαικι[ανός] COR<br />

224; [. Cornelius Secundus M]a[e]cianus COR 233<br />

Magna: Calpetana Magna COR 128<br />

Μάγνος: *Γναΐος Πομπήιος Γναίου υιός Μάγνος<br />

ARG 210<br />

Μαΐωρ: Μαΐωρ ARG 178; *Ίούλιος Μαΐωρ ARG<br />

148; *Ίούλιος Μαΐωρ Άντωνΐνος ARG 149;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Πόντιος Μαΐωρ ARG 217<br />

Malch[- - -]: Α. Caesius Malch[- - -] COR 124<br />

Μαλχίων: COR 124 adn.<br />

Μάλχος: COR 124 adn.<br />

Μάλλιος: Μάλλιος EL 258<br />

Marcellianus: C(aius) Annusidius C(aii) f(ilius)<br />

Quir(ina) Rufus Marcellianus ACH 25<br />

Μάρκελλος: Όστίλιος Μάρκελλος ARG 136<br />

Marciana: Μαρκιανή ARC 118<br />

Marcianus/Μαρκιανός: Marcianus ACH 277; Σέξτος<br />

Πομπήιος Σέξτου υιός Μαρκιανός, Άριστοκράτεος<br />

εγγονός ARG 211; Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος<br />

Μαρκιανός COR 347; Μαρκιανός<br />

COR 695; Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Μαρκιανός<br />

EL 83<br />

Μαρκίων: Μαρκίων ο καί Θηριώτης COR 396<br />

Μάρκος: Μάρκος Σωσικράτους ARC 119; Μάρκος<br />

Τίτου ARC 120; Μάρκος [- - -] ARG 183;<br />

Μάρκος ARG 184; Μάρκος ARG 185; Μάρκος<br />

Έρμάίσκου ARG 186; Μ[ά]ρκος COR 402;<br />

Μ[ά]ρκου Μ[ετ]έλλ[ου] adn. COR 402;<br />

[Μά]ρκος EL 261; [- - -] Μάρκος EL 262;

Μάρκος (I) EL 263; Μάρκος Δειδά EL 264;<br />

Μάρκος Φαύστου EL 265 [Μ]άρκος Μαλλιού<br />

EL 266; Μάρκος Μάρκου (II) EL 267; Μάρκος<br />

Μάρκου (III) EL 268; Μ(άρκος) Εύμ[έν]ης EL<br />

269; Βιβούλλιος Μάρκος EL 344<br />

Μαρίνος: Μαρίνος COR 408; Μαρίνος COR 409<br />

Martia: [Ma]rtia COR 415<br />

Martialis: *C(aius) Caelius C. fil. Ouf(entina)<br />

Martialis COR 121; L(ucius) Rutilius Martialis<br />

COR 541<br />

Μαυρίκιος: Μαυρίκιος COR 416<br />

Μαξ[- - -]: Λ(εύκιος) [- - -]ος Μαξ[- - -] ACH 269<br />

Maxima: Marcia Maxima ACH 162<br />

Maximus/Μάξιμος: Κόιντος Φάβιος Κοϊντου<br />

Μάξιμος ACH 105; C(aius) Iulius Maximu[s]<br />

ARG 150; Άντίστιος Μάξιμ[ος] COR 30;<br />

ΓΤιβ(έριος)] Κλαύδιος Μάξιμος COR 177;<br />

[Τιβ(έριος)] Κλαύδιος Μάξιμος [Νεώτερος]<br />

COR 178; L(ucius) Hermid[ius] Maximus COR<br />

315; [- - -Ma]xim[us- - -] COR 417; Μά[ξ]ιμος<br />

COR 418; Μάξιμος COR 419; Μάξιμος COR<br />

420; Μ[ά]ξιμος EL 271; ΓΤιβ(έριος) Κ]λαύδιος<br />

Μάξιμος EL 156; Π(όπλιος) Έγνάτιος Μάξιμος<br />

Βενυστεΐνος EL 180<br />

Megiste: Axia L(ucii) l(iberta) Megiste ACH 49<br />

Μεμμιανός: Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος Τειμοκράτους υιός<br />

[Λα]μπρίας (IV) Μεμμιανός ARG 246; Τ(ίτος)<br />

Στατείλιος Λαμπρίου (V) υιός ΓΓ]ειμοκράτης<br />

(III) [Μ]εμ[μια]νό[ς] ARG 254<br />

Menander/Μένανδρος: Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος Μένανδρος<br />

(Ι) COR 292; L(ucius) Gellius Menander<br />

(Π)/[Λ. Γ]έλλιος Μ[ένανδρος] COR 293<br />

Μενεκλής: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδι[ος] Μενεκλής ARG 93<br />

Μενέδημος: Αύρ(ήλιος) Μενέδημος COR 103<br />

Μηνοφάνης: Σέκστος Πομπήιος Μηνοφάνης Θεοξένου<br />

ARC 139<br />

Μεσσαλεΐνος: [—] Μεσσαλεΐν[ος] EL 278<br />

Μεστιανός: Λ(ούκιος) Άντίστιος Μεστιανός<br />

ARG 15<br />

Metellus/Μέτελλος: *Q. Caecilius C. f. Metellus<br />

ARG 66; Μ[ετ]έλλ[ου] COR 402 adn.; *Κόιντος<br />

Καικέλιος Κοΐντου Μέτελλος EL 97<br />

Methe: Papia L. f. Donati uxo(r) Methe COR 456<br />

Μητρόβιος: Αύ(ρήλιος) Μητρόβιος Σωτηρίχου<br />

EL 84<br />

Μητρότειμος: Π(όπλιος) Αΐλ(ιος) Αντώνιος Κρισπεΐνος<br />

Μητρότειμος EL 2<br />

Milesius: [M(arcus) An]ton[iu]s Glau[c]i f. Milesius<br />

COR 65<br />


620<br />

Miv[- - -]: Άντίσ[τιος] Μιν[- - -] COR 31<br />

Μινικιανός: Μινικιανός COR 696<br />

Μινουκιανός: Κλ(αύδιος) Μινουκιανός COR 179<br />

Μνασιθέα: Λουκηνή Κλαυδία Μνασιθέα Κλαυδίου)<br />

Λουκηνοΰ Σαικλάρου καί Βετληνής Κασσίας<br />

Χρυσαρέτας θυγάτηρ EL 250<br />

Modesta: Cornufic[ia] Gn(aei) f(ilia) Modesta<br />

ACH 81<br />

Μοδεστεΐνα: Βαλερία Μοδεστεΐνα ACH 235<br />

Modestinus: *[Q. Licinius —] Modestin[us] [Sex<br />

(?)] Attius Labeo COR 377<br />

Μόδεστος: *Μόδ[εστος] EL 280<br />

Μοντανός: [— Μο]ντανός EL 281; Μοντ[α]νός<br />

Άχαϊκοΰ EL 282; Πόπλιος Όφέλλιος Μοντανός<br />

EL 295<br />

Moschus: Vir(eius) Moschus ACH 256;[.] [A]rrantius<br />

Mosch[us] COR 88; Cn(aeus) [- - -] Mosc[hus]<br />

COR 426<br />

Murena/Μουρήνας: *Λ(εύκιος) Λικίνιος Μουρήνας<br />

EL 249; *L. Murena adn. EL 249<br />

Musa: Aequana Sex(ti) f(ilia) Musa ACH 16;<br />

Appuleia Musa ACH 35<br />

Μούτιος: Μούτιος ACH 171<br />

Myrine: Tadia Q(uinti) li[b(erta)] Myrine ACH 227<br />

Μυστικός: Λ(ούκιος) Γέλλιος Μυστικό[ς Γελλίου]<br />

Μενάνδρου COR 294<br />

Να[- - -]: [Γ(άιος) Ίο]ύλιος Να[- - -] ACH 136<br />

Naia[- - -]: D(ecimus) Liv[ius ?] Naia[- - -] ACH 146<br />

Νατάλις: * [Λούκιος Μινίκιος] Νατάλις EL 279<br />

Νεικ[- - -]: Αύρ(ήλιος) Νεικ[- - -] ARC 35<br />

Νεικόστρατος: Κλ(αύδιος) Νεικόστρατος ARC 67;<br />

Λ(ούκιος) Ιούλιος Νεικόστρατος COR 349<br />

Νεμεσιανός: [Νεμ]εσιανός EL 286<br />

Νεοκλής: Αύρ(ήλιος) Νεοκλής Βασιλείδου EL 86<br />

Νεοπολειτανός: Ιούλιος Νεοπολειτανός EL 238<br />

Νέος Θεοφάνης: *[Μ(άρκος)] Πομπήιο[ς νέος Θεοφάνης<br />

Κυρί]να Μακρεΐν[ος] ARC 138<br />

Nestor: Aurelius Nestor COR 104<br />

Νικάτας: Γναΐος Κορνήλιος Σωδάμου υιός Νικά-<br />

TaçARG114<br />

Nice/Νείκη: Aepicia Nice ACH 13; +Turpilia Nice<br />

ACH 231; Αύρηλία Νείκη ARG 32<br />

Nicephorus/Νεικηφόρος: C(aius) Iulius Nicephoras<br />

COR 348; Αύ(ρήλιος) Νεικηφόρος (Νεικηφόρου)<br />

EL 85<br />

Νικήρατος: *[Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Τιβερίου Φροντείνου<br />

υίός Κυρείνα Φροντεΐνος]<br />

Νεική[ρατ]ο[ς] ARG 91; Τίτος Κλ(αύδιος)

Νικήρατος EL 157<br />

Νικόπολις: [Γ]άι[ο]ς.Α[Χλι]ος Ν[ικόπο]λις ARG 10<br />

Νικοτέλης: [Τιβέριο]ς Κλαύδιος Εύνόμου υιός<br />

Νικοτέλης ARG 94<br />

Niger/Νίγερ: Q(uintus) Caecilius Niger COR 119;<br />

Νίγερ (I) EL 287; Νίγερ (Π) Νίγερος EL 288<br />

Nigrinus: [M(arcus)] An[t]onius [M. f. — ] Nigrinus<br />

COR 66<br />

No[- - -]: Βαλέριος No[- - - ] COR 602<br />

Nobilior: Q(uintus) Fulvius Q. f. [Q. (?)] n.<br />

Ouf(entina) Nob[ili]or COR 283; *Marcus<br />

Fulvius Nobilior COR 283 adn.<br />

Nudus: *P(ublius) Rutilius P(ublii) f(ilius) Nudus<br />

ACH 207<br />

Num[- - -]: Num[- - -] COR 434<br />

Nympha: +Turpilia Nympha ACH 232<br />

'0[- - - ]: Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Ό[- - - ] COR 67<br />

'Ολυμπία: Κλαυδία Όλυ[μπ]ία ARG 77<br />

Olympianus: *Τ(ίτος) Φλάβ(ιος) Όλυμπιαννός<br />

COR 270; Όλυμπιανός COR 698<br />

Όλυμπιόδωρος: *Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Όλυμπιόδωρος<br />

ARG 49<br />

Όλυμπος: Αύ(ρήλιος) Όλυμπος Διονείκου Κλυτιάδης<br />

EL 87; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Όλυμπος<br />

Ίαμίδης EL 158<br />

Olumpus: [- - -] Fla(vius) 0[l]umpu[s] COR 269;<br />

Όνήσιμος: Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Όνήσιμος<br />

ARC 7<br />

Ομ[- --]:[--- Σε]ρβίλιος Ομ[- - - ]ς COR 567<br />

Onesiphoras/Όνησίφορος: L(ucius) Curtius<br />

Onesiphorus ACH 86; Όφίλλιος Όνησίφορος<br />

ARC 128; M(arcus) Aenius Onesiphorus COR<br />

23; [M(arcus)] Aenius M. f. Aem(ilia)<br />

Onesiph[or]us COR 24; Αύ(ρήλιος) Όνησίφορος<br />

Κλεομάχου EL 88<br />

Optata: Publicia Optata ACH 202<br />

Optatus/'Οπτάτος: Sal(vius) Vettius Sal(vii)<br />

l(ibertus) Optatus ACH 244; Ti(berius) Claudius<br />

Optatus COR 180; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύ(διος)<br />

Όπτάτο[ς] EL 159<br />

'Ορειβάτης: Ίούλ(ιος) 'Ορειβάτης ARC 108<br />

Orestes: M(arcus) Antonius Orestes COR 68<br />

Oriculo: [P(ublius) Do]mitius P(ublii) f(ilius)<br />

[T]ro(mentina) Oriculo ACH 93<br />

Ούαληριανός: see Valerianus<br />

Π[- - - ]: Γ(άιος) Άβίδιος Π[- - - ] COR 3<br />


621<br />

Pa[- --]:[--- ]li f. [Ae]m. Pa[ ] Mamae COR 447<br />

Paccianus/Πακκιανός: *Ούετούριος Πακκιανός<br />

ARG 264; [- - -] Πακκιανός COR 448<br />

Paetus/Παΐτος: *T(itus) Prif[ernius Sex(ti) f(ilius)<br />

Q]uir(ina) Paetus [Rosianus Gemi]nus Laecan[ius<br />

Bassus ?] ACH 198; *Αΰ(λος) Πομπώνιος<br />

Γ(αΐου) υιός Αύγουρεΐνος Τ(ίτος) Πριφέρνιος<br />

Παΐτος ARG 213; *[Α. P]omp[onius] C. f.<br />

Quir(ina) Augur[inus T. Prifer]nius Paetus<br />

COR 487<br />

Pamphilus: C(aius) Antonius C(aii) l(ibertus)<br />

Pamphilus ACH 30; Q(uintus) Pomponius<br />

Q(uinti) f(ilius) Thallio f(ilius) qui et Pamphilus<br />

ACH 194; [C(aius) Heiu]s [Pa]mphilus COR 309<br />

Panathenais: Panathenais adn. EL 113<br />

Παντιμία: Ιουλία Παντιμία Λάκωνος θυγάτηρ<br />

ARC 92<br />

Papulus: Πάπυλος ARC 132<br />

Παρ[- - -]: Αύρ(ήλιος) Παρ[- - -] ARC 36<br />

Παρδαλάς: Όφίλλιος Παρδαλάς ARC 129<br />

Παρνάσιος: Μέμμιος Πόντιος Πτολεμέος ό κέ<br />

Παρνάσιος COR 422<br />

Πασκασία: Πασκασία COR 462<br />

Πασιχάρεια: (Μεμμία) Πασιχάρεια ARG 189<br />

Πάστωρ: *[Αύλος Ιούνιος] Πάστωρ ARG 157<br />

Paternus: [—]ienus Pater[nus] ACH 263; P(ublius)<br />

Puticius M. f. Aem(ilia) Iulius Pa[te]rnus COR 521<br />

Patrobius: L(ucius) Coranus Patrobius COR 200<br />

Paula/Παύλα: Παύλα COR 463;<br />

Paulina: Παυλΐν[α] COR 464<br />

Paulus/Παΰλος: Παΰλος ARG 202; Τ[ι]β(έριος)<br />

Κλαύδιος Παΰλος ARG 95; Παΰ[λος] (?) COR<br />

465; *[---] Παΰλος [- - -] COR 466;<br />

Πΰ[λος] COR 467; Παΰλ(ος) COR 468;<br />

Παΰλος COR 469; Παΰλος COR 470; Luci[u]s<br />

Sul. Paulus COR 578<br />

Pausanias: L(ucius) A[emi]lius L. f. [Paus]ania[s]<br />

COR 21<br />

Πέλωψ: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Πέλωψ Τιβ(ερίου)<br />

Κλαυδίου Άριστέα καί Άντωνίας Κλεοδίκης<br />

υίός EL 160<br />

Peregrinus: L(ucius) Arrius Peregrinus COR 86<br />

Πετρούνια: Πετρούνια COR 472<br />

Φ[.]λ[..]νο[ς]: Λ(ούκιος) Έρέννιος Φ[.]λ[..]νο[ς]<br />

COR 255 and 312a<br />

Φα[ - - - ]: Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Φα[ - - - ] COR 172<br />

Φαιδρίας: Τ[ι]β(έριος) Κλαύδιος Φαιδρίας ARG 96<br />

Φαιδρός: Δομίτιος Φαιδρός ACH 94; Α(ΰλος) Μαίκιος<br />

Φαιδρός ARC 117<br />

[Φα]νόκλεια: Στατειλία [Φα]νόκλεια(?) ARG 241

Φάων: Λ(ούκιος) Σερ[β]ί[λ]ιος Μαξίμου υίός<br />

Φάων COR 568<br />

Phi[- --]:[--- Vi]bullius Phi[- - - ] COR 641<br />

Philadelphus/Φιλάδελφος: C(aius) Pomponius<br />

Philadelphus ACH 193; [- - -]ουιος<br />

Φιλάδελφο[ς] COR 473<br />

Φιλάργυρος: Τ(ίτος) Φλ(άβιος) Φιλάργυρος ARC 80<br />

Φιλάριστος: Κλ(αύδιος) Φιλάριστος ARC 68<br />

Phileros/Φιλέρως: Σερβίλιος Φιλέρως ACH 216;<br />

*Phileros Aug. lib(ertus) COR 474<br />

Philete: Betutia T(iti) L(iberta) Philete ACH 53<br />

Philinus: Cn(aeus) Babbius Philinus COR 111<br />

Philippus/Φίλιππος: Q(uintus) Flavius Philippus<br />

COR 271; *Γ(άιος) Ίούλιο[ς] Φίλιππος EL<br />

239; *[Κ]όιντος Μαρκιος Λευκίου Φίλιππος<br />

EL 259<br />

Φιλίσκος: [Κλ]ώδιος Φιλίσκος ARG 108; Γν(αΐος)<br />

Κορνήλιος Φιλίσκος ARG 115<br />

Philista: Licinia Philist[a] COR 370<br />

Philo/Φίλων: I(ulius) Philo ACH 137; Γάιος Κλώδιος<br />

Φίλων COR 194<br />

Φιλόδαμος: Π(όπλιος) Μέμμιος Φιλόδαμος,<br />

Γ(αΐου) Μεμμίου Εύδάμου υίός, Γ(αΐου) Ιουλίου<br />

Σωστράτου εγγονός EL 276<br />

Φιλομάθια: Κλαυδία Φιλομάθια ARG 78<br />

Philomusus/Φιλόμουσος: (C. Iulius C. 1.) Philomusus<br />

Epiroticus ACH 138;Φλά(βιος) Φιλό[μουσ]ος<br />

EL 205; Φλά(βιος) Φιλόμουσο[ς] EL 206<br />

Φιλόπαππος: *Ίούλιος Επιφανής Φιλόπαππος<br />

ARC 103<br />

Φιλόστρατος: Φλ(άβιος) Φιλόστρατος EL 207<br />

Φιλώτας: Μ(άρκος) Τουρπίλιος Φιλώτας ARC 162<br />

Philotimus: M(arcus) Fulvius M(arci) l(ibertus)<br />

Philotimus ACH 120<br />

Φιλόξενα: Αιμιλία Φιλόξενα EL 10<br />

Φιλόξενος: Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Φιλόξενος ARG 97<br />

Φιλουμενός: Αύρ(ήλιος) Φιλουμενό[ς] ARC 37;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Φιλο[υμ]ενός ARG 50<br />

Φοι[- - - ]: Π(όπλιος) Σέξτιος Φοι[- - - ] COR 570<br />

Φοίβος: Λ(ούκιος) Καικίλιος Φοίβος [ό] καί "Εφηβος<br />

EL 99<br />

Φωσφόριος: *Φωσφόριος ARG 204<br />

Φύλαξ: Φλάβιος Φύλαξ Αλεξάνδρου EL 208<br />

Pisanus/n^)ioavoç: Κάλλιππος Πισανός EL 299<br />

and EL 33 adn.; Μάρκος Αντώνιος Πεισανός<br />

EL 41; Μ. Antonius Pisanus EL 33 adn.<br />

Piso: Piso COR 302 adn.; *[L(ucius)] Marius Piso<br />

COR 412; L(ucius) Marius Piso Resianus COR<br />

413; L(ucius) Rutilius Piso COR 542<br />


622<br />

Pius/ Πεΐος: *Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Φαβία Εύρυκλής<br />

Ήρκλανός Λ(ούκιος) Ούιβούλλιος Πεΐος ARC<br />

105; Πεΐος ARC 133; [- - - Ba]bbius [. f.<br />

Qui]r(ina) Piu[s] (?) COR 112; Cn(aeus) [- - -]<br />

Pius COR 476; L(ucius) Vibullius Pius COR 642<br />

Plancus: L(ucius) Rutilius Plancus COR 543<br />

Πλώτιος: Πλώτιος COR 478<br />

Πλήσμων: Αύρ(ήλιος) Πλήσμων ARG 51<br />

Πλειν[- - -]: Μάρκος [- - -] Πλειν[ιανός] COR 477<br />

Πο[- - -]: Πο[- - -] COR 480<br />

Polla/Πώλλα/Πώλλη: Άππία Άννία Ά[τ]ειλία<br />

'Ρήγιλλα Έλπινείκη Άγριππεΐνα Άτρία Πόλλα,<br />

Ήρώδου καί ['Ρη]γίλλης θυγάτ[ηρ] EL 16;<br />

Άντωνία Πώλλα EL 23; Γιγανία Πώλλα EL<br />

219; Πώλλα ARG 200; Πώλλα ARG 201; Ούεσπικία<br />

Πώλλη ARG 262; Clodia Polla COR 188;<br />

Iunia P. f. Polla COR 358; Tallia Polla COR<br />

580;Ούεσπικία Πώλλη ARG 262<br />

Pollio/Πωλλίων: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Πωλλίων<br />

ARG 98;C(aius) Heius Pollio (I) COR 310;<br />

C(aius) Heius Pollio (II) COR 311; [Marcius]<br />

Pollio COR 399; *Γάιος Ούατέρνιος Πωλλίων<br />

EL 330<br />

Pollis: Vibullia Pollis COR 633<br />

Polyaena: [- - -] M. f. [Poly]aena COR 481<br />

Polyaenus/Πολύαινος: C(aius) Iulius Polyaenus<br />

COR 350 and COR 351 adn.; [Γ(άιος) Ί]ούλιος<br />

Πολύαινος υ('ιός) COR 351 and COR 350 adn.;<br />

[- - -] Polyaenus COR 350 adn.; Tib(erius)<br />

Polyaenus COR 482<br />

Πολύβιος: Τ(ίτος) Φλ(άουιος) Πολύβιος (Ι) EL 209;<br />

Τίτος Φλάβιος Πολύβιος (Π) EL 210<br />

Πολύχαρμος: *Πολύχαρμος EL 300<br />

Πολύκλειτος: Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Πολύκλειτος EL<br />

42; Μ(άρκος) Άν[τώνιος Πο]λύκλειτος EL 43<br />

Πολυκράτης: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Πολυκράτης<br />

ARG 99; Κλαύ(διος) Πολυκράτης Ίαμίδης<br />

EL 161<br />

Πολύνεικος: Κλαύδιος Πολύνεικος 161a<br />

Πο[λύξ]ενος: [Τιβ(έριος)] Κλαύδιος Πο[λύξ]ενος<br />

ARC 69<br />

Pompeianus: T(itus) Flavius Pompeianus COR 272<br />

Pontianus/nov]uav[oç]: *[— Πον]τιαν[ός] COR<br />

488; Ser. Octavius Laenas Pontianus COR 488<br />

adn.; L. Tutilius Lupercus Pontianus COR 488 adn.<br />

Ποπλάς: Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Ποπλάς ARG 151<br />

Ποσ(ε)ιδώνιος: Ποσειδώνειο[ς] COR 491;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Ποσιδώνιο[ς] ARC 38<br />

Postuma: Ba[- ca. 4-] Cn(aei) f(ilia) Postuma ACH 51

Ποθοΰσα: Ιουλία Ποθοΰσα ARC 93<br />

Potitus: P(ublius) Folius Potitus ACH 109<br />

Πρ[—]δας: Τ(ίτος) Φλάουιος Πρ[—]δα υιός<br />

n[---]EL211<br />

Pri[- - -]: M(arcus) Α[- - -] Pri[- - -] ACH 1;<br />

M(arcus) Appuleius Pri[mus] ACH 36<br />

Prima/Πρεΐμα: (Didia) Prima ACH 87; Πρεΐμα ARC<br />

146 adn.; Πρεΐμα ARG 219<br />

Numisia L.l. Prima COR 437<br />

Πρείμερος: Πρείμερο[ς(?)] ARG 220<br />

Primigenius: P(ublius) Aemilius Primionis l(ibertus)<br />

Primigenius ACH 10; Ti(berius) Claudius<br />

Primigenius COR 181<br />

Primio/Πρειμίων-Πριμίον: (Publius Aemilius)<br />

Primio ACH 199; Πριμίον ARG 275; Πρειμίων<br />

Άρμ[οδίου] EL 306; [— Πρ]ειμίων EL 307<br />

Primus/Πρ(ε)ΐμoς: M(arcus) Appuleius Pri[mus]<br />

ACH 36; M(arcus) Geminius M(arci) [f(ilius)]<br />

Primus ACH 123; Πρεΐμος ACH 275; Primus<br />

ACH 277; Πρεΐμρ[ς - - -] ARC 140; Πρεΐμος<br />

ARC 141; Πρεΐμος Δάφνου ARC 142; [- - -]<br />

Πρεΐμος Συμφόρου (see [Αυρ(ήλιος) Πρεΐμος<br />

Συμφόρου ARC 39); Πρίμος (I) ARC 143;<br />

Πρίμος (Π) Πρίμου ARC 144; Primus COR 69<br />

adn.; Q(uintus) Cispuleius Q. 1. Primus COR 153;<br />

[- - - ] P. f. Aem. Primus COR 492; L(ucius)<br />

Rutilius Primus 1. COR 544; C(aius) Servilius C. f.<br />

Primus COR 569; Πρεΐμος COR 700; Πρίμος<br />

COR 701; Πρ(ε)ΐμος Εύτύχου EL 308; Πρΐμο[ς]<br />

EL 309; *Πόπλιο[ς] Άλφ[ιος] Πρίμος EL 12;<br />

Πρΐμο[ς] EL 350<br />

Prisca: Sau[feia] P[risca] COR 549; Όκκία Πρίσκα<br />

EL 290<br />

Priscus/Πρεΐσκος: C(aius) Aurelius C(aii) f(ilius) [—]<br />

Priscus ACH 47; +Priscus Silivius ACH 200;<br />

[L(ucius) A]nto[nius L. f.] Me[n(inia)] Pr[iscus]<br />

COR 69; M(arcus) Iustitiu[s] Priscus COR 364;<br />

[P. Li]cinius Priscu[s Iuventian]us/n. Λικί[νιος<br />

Π. υ('ιός) Α]ίμ(ιλία) Πρεΐσκ[ος] Ίουβεντιανός<br />

COR 378; Marcius Pr[iscus] COR 400; C(aius)<br />

Mussius Priscus COR 430<br />

Probus: Alliatius Probus ACH 22; Probus COR<br />

69adn.<br />

Procula/Πρόκλα: [Pr]ocula Paconiae [Hel]pidis e[t]<br />

Numisi [Sec]undi alumna ACH 201; Πρόκλα<br />

ARC 145; Cornelia M. f. [Procula] (?) COR<br />

203; Ver[g]ilia C. f. Procula COR 614; Βαιβία<br />

Πρόκλα EL 95<br />

Προκλιανός: *Προκλιανός ARG 221; Προκλιανός<br />

ARG 222; [Κ]λαύδιος Προκλια[νός] ARG 100<br />


623<br />

Proculus/Πρόκλος: Proculus COR 69 adn.; [—<br />

Pro]clus COR 494; *[L. Pr]o[clus C]alpu[rnius]<br />

COR 54 adn.; A(ulus) Arri[us . f.] Aem(ilia)<br />

Proc[ulus] COR 87; M(arcus) Bellius Proculus<br />

COR 115; Sex. Olius Sex. f. Aem(ilia) Procu[lus]<br />

COR 445; T(itus) Vergilius C. f. Aem(ilia)<br />

Proculus COR 619; Γ(άιος) Ούιβούλλιος Λ. υίός<br />

Πρόκλος COR 643; Μ(άρκος) Αντώνιος Πρόκλος<br />

EL 44; Καικίλιος Πρόκλος EL 98<br />

Πρόμα[χ]ος: Μ(άρκος) Άντ[ώνιος] Πρόμα[χ]ος<br />

COR 70<br />

Πρόπας: Λούκιος Πετίκιος Πρόπας EL 298;<br />

Πρώτος: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Πρώτος ARC 70<br />

Πτολεμέος: *Μέμμιος Πόντιος Πτολεμέος ό κέ<br />

Παρνάσιος COR 422<br />

Ποπ[λιλιαν]ός: Λ(ούκιος) Βετ[ούριο]ς<br />

Ποπ[λιλιαν]όςΟΑ621<br />

Publius /Πό(υ)πλ(ιος): Π(όπλιος) Σειμάς ARC 146;<br />

Π(οπλία) Σειμά ARC 146 adn.<br />

Πόπλιος ARG 226; [Ρ0Λ1ΰΐ8)]/[Π]όπλιος ARG<br />

227; [Πο]ύπλιος ARG 276; Πό(πλιος) Άπολλωνίδ<br />

(?) ARG 228; Πόπλιρς Έπαφροδίτου<br />

ARG 229; P(ublius) (- - -) COR 511;<br />

P(ublius) (- - -) COR 512; P(ublius) (- - -) COR<br />

513; Πού[βλιος] COR 702; Πόπλ(ιος) Άσκληπιάδης<br />

EL 304<br />

Pudens: [- - -]ius Puden[s] COR 514<br />

Pulcher/Ποΰλχρος/Ποΰλχερ: Τιβέριος (Κορνήλιος<br />

Ποΰλχρος) ARG 118; Γναΐος Κορνήλιος Γναίου<br />

υιός Ποΰλχρος ARG 116; *Γν(αΐος) Κορνήλιος<br />

Τιβερίου Φαβία Ποΰλχρος ARG 117;<br />

*[M(arcus) App]alenus [Μ. f.] M. n. Aem(ilia)<br />

[P]ulcher COR 81; [. Cor]nelius [Pulcher] COR<br />

226; Τιβ(έριος) Κορνήλιος Ποΰλχρος COR 227;<br />

Γν. Κορνήλιος Γν. υίός Ποΰλχρος COR 226<br />

adn.; *Γν(αΐος) Κορνήλιος Τιβ. Κορνηλίου<br />

Πούλχρου Φαβία Ποΰλχρος COR 228; [Γν.<br />

Κορνηλίου] Πούλχρου [12]; COR 511 adn.;<br />

Γν(αΐος) Κορνήλιος Ποΰλχερ νεώτ(ερος)<br />

COR 229<br />

Pyladis/Πυλάδης: [Λ]ούκιος Μάριος Πυλάδης ARG<br />

188; [- - - ]arius Pyladis COR 524<br />

Πυ[θίων]: [Αύρή]λιος Πυ[θίων Ίαμίδης] EL 89<br />

Πυ[θόδωρ]ος: Μάρ(κος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Πυ[θόδωρ]ος<br />

ARG 52<br />

Quadratus/Κουαδράτος/Κοδράτος: Κοδράτος COR<br />

525; *Q(uintus) Vilnius. f.] Titia[nusS] Quadra[tus]<br />

COR 645; *Γ(άιος) Άσίνιος Κουαδράτος EL 56

Κυαίσε[ιτ]ος: Κυαίσε[ιτ]ος(?) EL 310; Κυαίσενος<br />

EL 310 adii.<br />

Quartio: T(itus) Apponius Quartio ACH 33<br />

Κυϊήτος: Μ(αρκος) Ά[ν]τώνιος Κυϊήτος COR 71<br />

Quinta: Caetronia Quinta ACH 59; Grania Quinta<br />

COR 300<br />

Κυντιλλιανός: Κυντιλλιανος Σειλέου EL 311<br />

Κόιντος: Κόιντος ARG 230; Κόιντος EL 312;<br />

Κ(όιντος) [- - -] EL 313; Κόι[ντος] EL 314<br />

Τηκτείνη: Ιουλία Τηκτείνη COR 324<br />

Regilla/Τήγιλλα: Τήγιλλα COR 528;Άππία Άννία<br />

Ά[τ]ειλία Τήγιλλα Έλπινείκη Άγριππεΐνα<br />

Άτρία Πόλλα, Ήρώδου και [Τη]γίλλης<br />

θυγάτ[ηρ] EL 16; [Άππία Άν]νί[α Τήγιλλα<br />

Άππίου] ύ[π]άτο[υ πο]ντ[ίφικος θ]υγάτηρ,<br />

[Τιβερί]ου [Κλαυδί]ου [Ήρώδου γυ]νή EL 17;<br />

[Τ]ήγιλα EL 348 adn.<br />

Regillus/Τήγιλλος: *Μ(αρκος) Άτείλιος Άττι[κος]<br />

Βραδούας Τήγιλλος, Ήρώδου και Τηγίλλης<br />

υιός EL 57; *Λ(ούκιος) Κλαύδιος Βιβούλλιος<br />

Τήγιλλος Ηρώδης, Ήρώδου και Τηγίλλης<br />

υίός EL 167<br />

Regulus/Τήγλος: [—]όου υιός Τήγλος ARG 233,<br />

*Γ(άιος) Μέμμιο[ς Τήγλος] Π(οπλίου)<br />

Μεμμί[ου Τήγλου] ARG 191; *Πόπλιος Μέμμιος<br />

Ποπλίου υιός Τήγλος ARG 192; [L(ucius) .<br />

Castriciu]s [L. f.] Reg[ulus] (I) COR 146;<br />

[L(ucius) Castri]cius Regulus (II) COR 147;<br />

Cn(aeus) Publicius Regulus COR 506; Cn.<br />

Publil[ius] Re[gulus] COR 508 adn.; *Πόπλιο[ς<br />

Μέ]μμιος [Τή]γλος EL 277<br />

Resianus: L(ucius) Marius Piso Resianus COR 413<br />

Τητορικός: Κλ(αύδιος) Τητορικός ARG 101<br />

Rex/Ρήξ: *Q(uintus) Maarcius Q. [f. RexJ/Κόιντος<br />

Μαάρκιο[ς Κοΐ]ντου υιός Ρήξ ARG 182<br />

Τωμανός: Τωμανός COR 529<br />

Romulus: Cn(aeus) [- - -] Rom[ulus] COR 530; [- - -]ius<br />

Romu[lus]COR531<br />

Roscius: Roscfius] COR 532<br />

Rosianus: *T(itus) Prif[ernius Sex(ti) f(ilius)<br />

Q]uir(ina) Paetus [Rosianus Gemi]nus Laecan[ius<br />

Bassus ?] ACH 198<br />

Rufa: Attili[a R]ufa COR 96<br />

Τουφ(ε)ινος: [— Τ]ουφεϊνος ARC 147; Τουφί-<br />

νος COR 533; [Μ(αρκος) Άν]τώνιος Του-<br />

φεΐνος EL 45<br />

Rufus/Τοϋφος: [- - -] f(ilius) Rufu[s] ACH 206;<br />

[C(aius) Annusidius C. (?) f(ilius)] Q[uir(ina)<br />


624<br />

Rufus] ACH 24; C(aius) Annusidius C(aii) f(ilius)<br />

Quir(ina) Rufus Marcellianus ACH 25; [C(aius)<br />

Annusidi]us C(aii) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Rufus<br />

Vireianus ACH 26; Τιβ(έριος) [Κλαύδιος<br />

Τ]οΰφος ACH 72; T(itus) Pinarius T(iti) f(ilius)<br />

Quir(ina) Rufus ACH 186; Τοΰφος ARC 148;<br />

*Τοΰφος ARC 149; Τοϋφος ARG 234; Τοϋφος<br />

ARG 235; [- - - Τ]οϋφος [- - -]τίνου υιός ARG<br />

236; Μ(αρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Τοϋφος Τούφου<br />

ARG 53; [Ν]αίβιος Τοϋφος ARG 196; M(arcus)<br />

Ca[ninius Rufus] (I) COR 136; M(arcus)<br />

[Caninius] Rufus (II) COR 137; P(ublius) Puticius<br />

P. f. Aem(ilia) R[ufus] COR 522; [- - -Τ]οϋφος<br />

COR 534; Τοϋ[φος] COR 703; Rufus EL 56<br />

adn.; Rufus, sophist EL 162 adn.; Τοϋφος (I) EL<br />

315; [Τ]οϋφος Κυαισε[ίτ]ου (?) EL 316;<br />

[Το]ϋφος (Π) Τούφου EL 317; Γ(άιος) Κάνιος<br />

Τοϋφος EL 107; Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Τοϋφος<br />

EL 162; *Μαρκος Μαικίλιος Τοϋφος EL 257<br />

Ruh[- - -]: L(ucius) Marcius Ruh[- - -] ACH 165<br />

Rui-[- - -]: L(ucius) Aemilius Rui[- - -] COR 22<br />

Rusticus: Cn(aeus) Public[ius] M. f. M. n. M . pr[on.]<br />

Aem(ilia) Rusti[cus] COR 507<br />

Τυ[- - -]: Τιβ(έριος) [- - -]υίός Ρυ[- - -] ARG 152<br />

S[- - -]/Σ[- - -]: C(aius) Canius S[- - -] ACH 66;<br />

Ίούλ(ιος) Σ[- - -] ARC 109; Αύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Σ[- ca. 3 -]τασ[- - -] ARC 40; Ούαλερία Σ[- - -]<br />

ARC 166; Σα[- - -]: [Α]ιλιος Σα[- - -] COR 17<br />

Sabinus/ΣαβεΙνος: [C(aius) P]opp[aeus Sabinus]<br />

ACH 196; Λ(ούκιος) Κορνήλιος ΣαβεΧνος COR<br />

230; [Sabi]nus COR 704; *"Αππιος Σαβεϊνος EL<br />

51; Ap. Sabinus Probi f. EL 51 adn.; Μ(αρκος)<br />

Ώρά[ρ]ιος Σαβ(ε)Ινος EL 60; Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος<br />

ΣαβεΙνος EL 212; 'Ιούλιος Κόιντος ΣαβεΧνος<br />

EL 240<br />

Σαίκλαρος: Κλαύδιος Λουκηνός Σαίκλαρος EL 251<br />

Σαλβία: Σαλβία COR 174, COR 264 adn.; Σαλβία<br />

COR 545<br />

Σάλβιος: Σάλβιος Πανκράτους ό και Πομπήιος<br />

ACH 209<br />

Σάμιππος: Μ(αρκος) 'Αντώνιος Σάμιππος EL 46<br />

Σα[τορ]νε[ϊν]ος: [Μ(αρκος) Α]ύρ(ήλιος)<br />

Σα[τορ]νε[ίν]ος Λικιννιανοϋ ARG 54<br />

Saturnila/Σατορνίλα: [Domit]ia Saturni[la] COR<br />

243; Δομετία Φιλίπα και Λουκίου<br />

Δομετίου Λουκίου υίο Φαλέρνα(ι) Σατορνίλα<br />

Άπολλωνίς COR 244<br />

Σατορνίλος: [—Σ]ατορνίλος COR 546;

Saturnina: [—]ia Saturni [na] COR 243 adn.<br />

Saturninus: [— Sat]urnin[us] (?) COR 547<br />

Saturnus: [- - - ] Saturn[us] COR 548<br />

Satyrus: Ti(berius) Claudius Satyrus ACH 73<br />

Σαυνίδας: Μ(αρκος) Βιψ(άνιος) Σαυνίδας EL 346<br />

Σκαιόλας: *[Κό]ιντος [Μούκιος Ποπλίου υιός]<br />

Σκαιόλας EL 283<br />

Σκεπτιανή: [Πο]υβλία Σκεπτιανή ARG 223<br />

Σκέπτος: Γ(άιος) Πομ[ ]ος Σκέπτος COR 483<br />

Σκρειβωνιανός: Φλ(άβιος) Σκρειβωνιανός EL 213<br />

Secu[- - -]: Secu[- - -] ACH 210<br />

Secunda/Σεκούνδα: Aemilia Secunda ACH 5; Coelia<br />

M(arci) [f(ilia)] Secunda ACH 76; Marcia<br />

Secunda ACH 163; [- - -]ia Secunda ACH 262;<br />

Ποπλιλία Σεκούνδα Γναίου θυγάτηρ ARG 224;<br />

[Co]rn[elia Secunda] COR 204; [- - -]είνια<br />

Σεκο[ύνδα] COR 552<br />

Σεκουνδίλλα: [Κασ]σία Σε[κο]υνδίλλα ACH 67;<br />

Σεκουνδίλλα COR 553<br />

Σεκουνδ(ε)Ινος: Σεκουν[δεινος] COR 554; Σεκουνδΐνος<br />

COR 555<br />

Secundus/Σεκοϋνδος: [.] Aeni(us) Secundus T(iti)<br />

f(ilius) ACH 12; Numisius [Sec]undus ACH 177;<br />

T(itus) Varius Secundus ACH 237; Secundus<br />

ACH 277; Σεκοϋνδος ARC 150; Σεκοϋνδος<br />

Σωτηρίχου ARC 151; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδι[ος]<br />

Σεκοϋνδος ARC 71; [Ά]ρήδ(ιος) Σεκοϋνδο[ς]<br />

ARC 9; Σεκοϋνδος ARG 237; Σεκοΰνδ[ος] ARG<br />

277; Στατείλιος Σεκοϋνδος ARG 250; Γ(άιος)<br />

Κλώδιος Σεκοΰνδος COR 195; Q(uintus)<br />

Co[r]n[elius . f. A]em(ilia) Secundus (I) COR<br />

231; Q(uintus) Corn[elius] Secu[nd]us (II) COR<br />

232; [. Cornelius Secundus M]a[e]cianus COR<br />

233; Sex. 0[lius L. f.] A[e]m(ilia) Secu[ndus]<br />

COR 446; P(ublius) Puticius Secu[ndus] COR<br />

523; Σεκο[ΰνδος] COR 556; [- - - Σεκο]ϋνδος<br />

COR 557; Σεκοϋνδος COR 558; Σεκοϋνδος<br />

COR 559; [Σ]εκοΰνδο[ς] Σθενο[ ]ος<br />

Δ[ε]ίνιππος COR 560 and adn. [— ]ούνδ[ου]<br />

Σθεν[ ]νίππου; Βαλέρις Μα. Σεκοϋνδος<br />

COR 606; Σεκοϋνδος COR 705; [Μ(αρκος)<br />

Ά]ντ(ώνιος) Σεκοϋνδος EL 47; Γ(άιος) Κλώδιος<br />

Σεκο[ϋνδος] EL 170<br />

Sedata: [A]nto[nia] Sedata COR 34; Σηδατος:<br />

[- - -]ος Σηδατος EL 319<br />

Seia:[S]eiaACH211<br />

Σειλέας: Γ(άιος) Φουφείκιος Σειλέας EL 215;<br />

Μ(αρκος) Ούιψάνιος Σειλέας EL 347<br />

Seimas: Π(όπλιος) Σειμας ARC 146<br />


625<br />

Semne: [Cornelia Semne COR 205; [— i]a Semne<br />

COR 561<br />

Σεμνός: Αύρ(ήλιος) Σεμνός ARC 41<br />

Ser[- - -]: C(aius) Ser[- - -] Ruf[- - -] COR 563<br />

Σέργιος: Σέργιος COR 564<br />

Σέσσωρ: Μ(αρκος) Αυρήλιος Σέσσωρ ACH 48<br />

Severus/Σεβήρος/Σεουήρος: Σεβήρος ACH 217;<br />

Σεβήρος ARG 278; Τιβ(έριος) Κλ(αύδιος)<br />

Σευήρος ARG 102; [— Πομ]πώνιος Σεουήρος<br />

ARG 215; *C(aius) Iulius Iuli Quadrati [f.<br />

F]ab(ia) Severus COR 352; [Σεβ]ήρος COR 706<br />

Σίανθος or Σιάνθης: Τιβέριος 'Ιούλιος Σίανθος or<br />

Σιάνθης ARG 153<br />

Σιλ[άσ]ιμος: Μάρκος 'Αντώνιος Σιλ[άσ]ιμος<br />

ARG 20<br />

Σμύρνα: Μαινία Τίτου Σμύρνα ARG 176<br />

Σο[- - -]: Κανείνιος Σο[- - -] COR 138<br />

Σωκράτης: Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωκράτης Λικιν-<br />

νιανοϋ ARG 55<br />

Σωγένης: Πόντιος Σωγένης COR 489<br />

Σων[- - -]: Στατείλιος Σων[- - -] ARG 251<br />

Σωρανός: [—]τιος Σωρανός ACH 268<br />

Σωσι[κ]ράτης: Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωσι[κ]ράτης Εύτύχο[υ]<br />

ARC 42<br />

Σωσιπάτρα: Άντων[ί]α Σωσιπάτρα COR 35; Τυρα-<br />

νία Σωσιπάτρα COR 592<br />

Sospis/Σώσπις: [Π(όπλιος)] Αΐλιος Σώσπις COR<br />

18; [. A]nt[onius - - -] S[os]p[is] COR 72<br />

Sosthenes: [—i]us Sosthe[nes] COR 572<br />

Σώστρατος: Αυρήλιος Σώστρατος ARG 56;<br />

Μ(άρκος) Αυρήλιος Σώστρατος ARG 57;<br />

Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Σώστρατος EL 241<br />

Σωτάδης: Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωτάδης (Σωτάδου) ARC 43<br />

Σωτήρας: Βάριος Σωτήρας ARC 167; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωτήρας (Ι) ARG 58; Μ(άρκος)<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωτήρας (Π) ARG 59<br />

Σωτήριχος: [Αύρ(ήλιος) Σωτή]ριχος (Σωτηρίχου)<br />

ARC 45; Αυρ(ήλιος) Σωτήριχος Χρυσίππ[ου]<br />

ARC 44; Τάδιος Σωτήριχος ARC 154;<br />

Κ(όιντος) Καικίλιος Κ(οΐντου) υίός Σωτήριχος<br />

ARG 67<br />

Σότηρος: Μάρκος Αυρήλιος Σότηρος [Σοτή]ρου<br />

EL 92<br />

Spartiaticus/Σπαρτιατικός: Γάιος 'Ιούλιος Λάκωνος<br />

υίός Σπαρτιατικός ARG 154; *Γάιος 'Ιούλιος<br />

Σπαρτιατικός/ C. Iulius Laconis f. Euryclis n.<br />

Fab(ia) Spartiati[cus] COR 353<br />

Σπεδιανός: Μ(άρκος) Τάδιος Σπεδιανός Μ(άρκου)<br />

Ταδίου Τειμοκράτους ύός ARC 155

Speratus/Σπηράτος: [Τιβ(έριος) Κλα]ύδιος<br />

Σπηράτος COR 182; Cn(aeus) [Corneliu]s<br />

Speratus COR 234<br />

Spintharus: T(itus) Lollius Spintharus ACH 148<br />

Σπωσιανός: Σπωσιανός ACH 220, Σπωσιανός<br />

ACH 221; Σπωσιανός ACH 276<br />

Σπωσιανός ARG 279; Σπωσιανός COR 707<br />

Σκουΐλλας: *Μ(άρκος) Γάβιος [Σκουΐλ]λας Γαλλικανός<br />

COR 289<br />

St[- - -]: [- - - ]ius St[- - -] COR 573<br />

Στάχυς: Λ(ούκιος) Βετιληνός Στάχυς EL 340<br />

Στακτ[η—]: [. Άντ]ώνιος Στακτ[η—] COR 73<br />

Statianus: [P(ublius) Aefi]cius P. f. [Ae]m(ilia)<br />

Firmus Sta[tia]nus COR 11<br />

Stephanus/Στέφανος: Ti(berius) Claudius Stephanus<br />

COR 183; Σόσσι(ος) Στέφανος Κλυτιάδης<br />

[- - -]ου EL 324<br />

Stlaccianus: L(ucius) Marius Florus Stlaccianus<br />

COR 411<br />

Strabo: [P. Caninius P. li]b(ertus) Strab COR 139<br />

Στρατήγιος: [—]ος Στρατήγιος ό Σωστράτου<br />

ARG 269<br />

Στρατόνεικος: Αύρ(ήλιος) Στρατόνεικος EL 91<br />

Στρόβ(ε)ιλος: Γάιος 'Ιούλιος Στρόβ(ε)ιλος ARC 110<br />

Succ[- --]:[-- -Qui]r(ina) Succ[- - -] ACH 224<br />

Συμ[- - -]: Αύρ(ήλιος) Συμ[- - -] ARC 46<br />

Σύμφορος: Πρειμος Συμφόρου ARC 39; Κλαύδιος<br />

Σύμφορος ARC 72; [Αύρ(ήλιος) Σ]ύμφορος<br />

Εύτύχου ARC 47; Αύρ(ήλιος) Σύμ[φ]ορος [-ca.<br />

2-]\i[-ca. 3-] ARC 48<br />

Syneros: C(aius) Varronius Syn[e]ros ACH 239<br />

Synpherousa/Συνφέρουσα: Oppia L(ucii) lib(erta)<br />

Synpherousa ACH 181; Βολούμνια Συνφέρουσα<br />

ACH 258<br />

Syriacus: Scribonius Syrfiacus] COR 551<br />

Syrus: C. Iulius [S]yr[us] COR 354<br />

T[- - - ]: [Μ]άρκιος Tl· - - ] COR 401<br />

Tadian[- - -]: Tadian[- - -] ACH 228<br />

Tanginus: C. Iulius Tanginus ACH 139<br />

Τατ[ιανός]: Τατ[ιανός] (?) COR 581<br />

Ταυρε[ινο]ς: Μ(αρκος) Βαλ[έριος] Μ. υ[ίός]<br />

Ταυρε[ΐνο]ς COR 603<br />

Tauriscus/Ταυΐρίσκος: T(itus) Arm[inius]<br />

Tauriscus/[T(ÎTOç) Άρμίνιος Ταυ]ρίσκος ARC 10<br />

Taurus: [. A]ntonius Taurus COR 74<br />

Tectus: M(arcus) Insteius C. f. Tectus COR 320]<br />

Τειμ[- - -]: [Κλ]αύδιος Τειμ[- - -] ARG 103<br />


626<br />

Τείμανδρος: Κλαύδιος Τείμανδρος ARC 73;<br />

Τιβ(έριος) Όππιος Άριστοδάμου υιός Τείμανδρος<br />

EL 296<br />

Τειμαρέτη: Αύρ(ηλία) Τειμαρέτη ARG 33<br />

Τειμοκράτης: Μ(άρκος) Τάδιος Τειμοκράτης (Ι)<br />

ARC 156; Μ. Tadius Teimocrates ARG 156 adn.;<br />

Τάδιος Τειμοκράτης (Π) ARC 157;<br />

Τ(ίτος) Στατείλιος Λαμπρίου (Π) υιός Τειμοκράτης<br />

(Ι) ARG 252; Τ(ίτος) Στατίλιος Λαμπρίου<br />

(IV) υιός Τιμοκράτης (II) ARG 253; Τ(ίτος)<br />

Στατείλιος Λαμπρίου (V) υιός [Τ]ειμοκράτης<br />

(III) [Μ]εμ[μια]νό[ς] ARG 254; [Ί]ούλιος Τειμοκράτης<br />

COR 355<br />

Τειμοσθενίς: Στατειλία Τειμοσθενίς ARG 242<br />

Timotheus: Q(uintus) Egnatius Q(uinti) f(ilius)<br />

Quir(ina) Timotheus ACH 100; [Antonius<br />

Timotheus COR 77<br />

Τεισαμενός: Κλαύδιος Τεισαμενός Ίαμίδης EL 166<br />

Τεισίς: Νουμισία Τεισίς Λ(ουκίου) Βετληνοϋ Λαίτου<br />

και Φλαουΐας Γοργώς θυγάτηρ EL 289<br />

Tertia/Τερτία: Attia Tertia ACH 40; Αύρηλία Τερτία<br />

ARC 13; Τερτία EL 326<br />

Tertius/Τέρτιος: [- - -]ius Tertius ACH 265;<br />

Q(uintus) Aetrius Tertius ACH 20; Τέρτιος<br />

Άφροδά ARC 158; Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Φλαβίου<br />

Τερτίου υίό[ς Τ]έρτιος Φλαβιανός ARG 89;<br />

Φλάβιος Τέρτιος ARG 129; [Μ(άρκος) Ά]ντώνιος<br />

Τέρτιος COR 75; Τέρτι[ος- - -] COR 585<br />

Τέρτυλλος: Κλαύδιος Τέρτυλλος EL 163<br />

θαλλ[- - -]: Κλώδιο θαλλ[- - -] COR 196<br />

Thallio: Q(uintus) Pomponius Q(uinti) f(ilius) Thallio<br />

f(ilius) qui et Pamphilus ACH 194<br />

Θάλλος: Αύρ(ήλιος) Θάλλος Εύκάρπο[υ] ARC 50<br />

Thalussa: Atilia T. f. Thalussa COR 92<br />

Thamyris: P(ublius) Caesennius Thamyris COR 123<br />

Θασικός: Γ(άιος) Αιλιος [—] Θασικό[ς] COR 19<br />

Θε[- - -]: Πακώνιος Θε[- - -] COR 450; Τ(ίτος) Φλάβιος<br />

Θε[---] EL 214<br />

Θεαγένης: Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Θεαγένης (Ι) EL 242;<br />

Γ(άιος) Ιούλιος Θεαγένης (Π) EL 243; Γ(άιος)<br />

Φούφ(ιος) Ίούλ(ιος) Θεαγένης EL 218<br />

Θεμίσων: Γ(άιος) Αϊλιος Θεμίσων Θεοδότου<br />

COR 20<br />

Θεοδώρα: Ίουνία Λευκίου Θεοδώρα COR 359;<br />

Τερεντία Θεοδώρα COR 583<br />

Θεόδωρος: Μάρκος Οϋλπιος Θεόδωρος ARG 260;<br />

*Θεόδωρος ARG 255<br />

Θεογένης: Δ(έκμος) Άνθέστιος Θεογένης EL 19;<br />

Κλαύδιος Θεογένης EL 164

Θεοφάνης: *[Μ(άρκος)] Πομπήιο[ς νέος Θεοφάνης<br />

Κυρί]να Μακρεϊν[ος] ARC 138<br />

Theophilus/Θεόφιλος: M(arcus) Antonius Theophilus<br />

COR 76; Q(uintus) Cispuleius Q. f. Aem(ilia)<br />

Theophilus COR 154; Κορνήλιος Βετούριος<br />

Θεόφιλος COR 235<br />

Theoprepes: *Theoprepes Aug. lib. COR 586<br />

Θηριώτης: Μαρκίων ό και Θηριώτης COR 396<br />

Θεσσαλός: Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Θεσσαλός EL 165<br />

Θο[- - - ]: Π(όπλιος) Αΐλι(ος) Θο[- - - ] ARG 11<br />

Θρασέας: Γ(άιος) 'Ιούλιος Θρασέας COR 356<br />

Thyrsus: [- - -] P. 1. Thyr[sus] COR 587<br />

Titianus /Τιτιανός: Τιτιανός ARC 159; *Q(unitus)<br />

Vil[lius. f.] Titia[nus] Quadra[tus] COR 645<br />

Titus/Τίτος: Τίτος ARC 160; Τίτος ARC 161; Τίτος<br />

ARG 258; Τίτος ARG 133 adn.<br />

Trebulanus: [T]rebulanus ACH 230<br />

Τρώΐλος: Φλάβιος Τρωΐλος (I) COR 273; Φλάβιος<br />

Τρωΐλος (Π) COR 274<br />

Trophime: Mamilia Trophime ACH 154<br />

Τρόφιμος: Αύρ(ήλιος) Τρόφιμος ARG 60;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Τρόφ[ι]μος ARG 61<br />

Τρύφων: Μ(άρκος) Αύρ(ήλιος) Τρύφων ό Διοφά-<br />

ντου ARG 62<br />

Tuditanus: Tuditanus. EL 320 adn.<br />

Turcianus: *[L(ucius) A]quillius C. f. Pom(ptina)<br />

[Fl]orus Turcianus Gallus COR 83<br />

Turpilia: +Turpilia Nice ACH 231; +Turpilia<br />

Nympha ACH 232<br />

Turpilius: +T(itus) Turpili(us) ACH 233<br />

Τύχανδρος: Αύρ(ήλιος) Τύχ[ανδρος(?)] ARG 63<br />

Tyche/Τύχη: [- - -]a Tyche COR 590; Κλαυδία Τύχη<br />

Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Τερτύλλου και Αιμιλίας<br />

Φιλοξένας θυγάτηρ EL 119<br />

Τυχικός: Τιβ(έριος) Κλαύδιος Τυχικός ARG 104;<br />

Γάιος Κλαύδιος Τιβ(ερίου) Κλαυδίου Τυχικοϋ<br />

υιός Τυ[χικός] ARG 105<br />

Τυρανία: Τυρανία Σωσιπάτρα COR 592; Tyrannis:<br />

Mamilia Tyr[a]nnis ACH 155<br />

Tyrannus/Τύραννος: Π(οπλιος) Ώκλάτιος<br />

Τύ[..]ννος COR 440; Μάριος Τύραννος COR<br />

414; [- - -] [Pu]blilius Tyrannu[s] COR 510; Π.<br />

Ώκλάτιος Τύραννος COR 440 adn.<br />

Τυρτανός: *Γ(άιος) Σεμπρώνιος Τυρτανός EL 320<br />

Τ[- - - ]νος: Αύρ(ήλιος) Τ[- - - ]νος 'Αγ[- ca. 3-4-]<br />

ARC 49<br />

Urbana: Didia Urbana ACH 88<br />


627<br />

Urbanus/0(u^ßavoc: P(ublius) Aemilius Urbanus<br />

ACH 11; C(aius) Clodius Urbanus ACH 75; [.]<br />

Δομίτιος [0]ύρβανός ACH 95;'0ρβανός ARC<br />

164; Ούρβανός ARC 165<br />

Οϋρσυλος: Λ(ούκιος) Βείβιος Οϋρσυλος COR 627<br />

Ούα[- - -]: Ουα[- - -] COR 593<br />

Βαλ[- - -]: Φλ(άβιος) Βαλ[- - -] COR 276<br />

Valens: C(aius) Valerius C. f. Quir(ina) Valens<br />

COR 604<br />

Valer: [- - -] Valer COR 594<br />

Valerianus/Βαλεριανός/Ούαληριανός: [..] Claudifus<br />

Ti. f.] Qu[ir(ina)] Valer[ianus] COR 184; Βαλεριανός<br />

COR 595; Ούα[ληριανός] COR 593 adn<br />

Valerius: Valerius ACH 277<br />

Ούάρρων: *Α[ύλος] Τερέντιος [Ούάρρων] EL 325<br />

Ούατίας: *Γάιος Σερουίλιος Ούατίας EL 322<br />

Vatinianus: L(ucius) Sentius L(ucii) [f(ilius)<br />

Qui(rina)] Vatinian[us -?-] ACH 215<br />

Βέγετος: Κάσσιος Βέγετος EL 110; Γ(άιος) Κάσσιος<br />

Βέγετος EL 111; Βέγετος Κ[—]ου (see<br />

Γάιος Κάσσιος Βέγετος) EL 111<br />

Βενενάτος: Βενενάτος COR 612<br />

Veneria: Caetronia Veneria ACH 60<br />

Veneri anus: M(arcus) Vibullius Ven[erianus ?]<br />

ACH 253<br />

Venerius: L(ucius) Papius L. f. Aem(ilia) Venerius<br />

COR 461<br />

Βενυστεινος: Π(όπλιος) Έγνάτιος Μάξιμος Βενυστεινος<br />

EL 180; Π(όπλιος) Έγνάτιος Βενυστεΐνος<br />

Βενυστείνου EL 181<br />

Βένυστος: [—] Βένυστος EL 331<br />

Vera: Varronia Vera ACH 238<br />

Βερήιος: Βερήιος ACH 271,277<br />

Verus/Βήρος: [C(aius] Varronius C(aii) Varroni<br />

Syn[e]rotis Aug(ustalis) f(ilius) Quir(ina) [V]erus<br />

ACH240; Λ(ούκιος) Κλώδιος Βήρος Φαυστεινιανός<br />

COR 197<br />

Βετούριος: Κορνήλιος Βετούριος Θεόφιλος COR<br />

235; Λ(ούκιος) Βετ[ούριο]ς Ποπ[λιλιαν]ός<br />

COR 621<br />

Βικτωρΐνος: Βικτωρινος COR 644<br />

Vireianus: [C(aius) Annusidi]us C(aii) f(ilius)<br />

Quir(ina) Rufus Vireianus ACH 26<br />

Βολουσσια[νή]: Βολουσσια[νή] ARC 174 adn.<br />

Βολουσσια[νός]: Βολουσσια[νός] ARC 174<br />

Ξάνθος: Λ(ούκιος) Δεκούμιος Ξάνθος ARG 120

Ξενοκλής: Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος Φαιδρίου υιός Ξενοκλής<br />

(Ι) ARG 106; Τι(βέριος) Κλ(αύδιος) Ξενοκλής<br />

(II) ARG 107<br />

[Ξ]ενομένης: [Αύρ(ήλιος) Ξ]ενομένης [.]ζ[—]<br />

ARC 51<br />

Ζηνάς: Γναίος Πομπήιος Ζηνάς COR 486<br />

Ζήνων: Π(όπλιος) Κανείνιος Ζήνων ACH 65;<br />

Γάιος Γενύκιος Ζήνων COR 296<br />

Ζηνόφιλος: Κλαύδιος Ζηνόφιλος EL 168<br />

Ζήθος: Μ(άρκος) 'Αντώνιος Ζήθος Κλυτιάδης EL<br />

48; Αύρ(ήλιος) Ζήθος EL 93<br />

Ζώπυρος: [Μάρ(κος) Α]ύρ(ήλιος) Ζώπυρος EL 94;<br />

Αύρ(ήλιος) Ζώπυρος Ζωπύρου EL 95<br />

Ζωσίμη: Αύρ(ηλία) Ζωσίμη Άφροδεισίου τοϋ και<br />

Θριασίου γυνή, θυγάτηρ δε Αύρ(ηλίου) Εύκαρπίδου<br />

Τρικορυσίου EL 61<br />

Zosimus/Ζώσιμος: Κ(όιντος) Αιλ(ιος) Ζώσιμος<br />

ACH 3; [Αύρ(ήλιος)] Ζώ[σι]μος Κορίνθου ARC<br />


52; Πακώνιος Ζώσιμος ARC 131; Λ(ούκιος)<br />

Γέ[λλιος] Ζώσ[ιμος] COR 295; [- - -] Zosim[us]<br />

COR 654; [- - -] Zosim[us] COR 655; [- - - ]us<br />

Zosi[mus] COR 656; Cn. Pompeius Zosimus<br />

COR 656 adn.<br />


- - -]dia: [- - -]dia COR 664<br />

- - -]dio: [- - -]dionis f. Aem(ilia) [- - -] COR 665<br />

- - -]ιλλα: [- - -]ιλλα EL 348<br />

- - -]ινα: [- - -]ινα COR 671<br />

[- - -]λίννος: [- - -]λίννος COR 676<br />

- - -]ων: Κορνήλιο[ς ]ων COR 225<br />

— ω]ρ: [—]στος Άμίνιος [ — ω]ρ COR 26<br />

—]reiticus: [—]reiticus COR 681<br />

—]ternus: L(ucius) Num[isius —]ternus ACH 178<br />

- -]thus: [- - -]thus COR 683<br />

- -]τΐνος: [- - -]τινος ARG 271<br />


Capitals indicate ancient sites and italics indicate modern sites where inscriptions were found. No distinction is<br />

made for the other names or ethnics, old or new.<br />

ΑΒΙΑ (Messenia): EL 38<br />

Achaia: ACH 259<br />

Achaia (province): ACH 64, 71, 109, 150, 159, 196,<br />

212,214,236,270<br />

COR 90, 101, 106, 121, 132, 176, 182, 193, 198,<br />

200, 222, 256, 267, 270, 345, 352, 363, 423, 427,<br />

487,586, 645<br />

EL 56, 58, 107, 116, 149, 176,221,276,277<br />

'Αχαιοί: COR 526<br />

ACROCORINTH: COR 125, 290 [4], 331, 384, 428,<br />

518,556<br />

Actium: ARG 67<br />

COR 46, 63, 65, 76, 320<br />

Aeolis: COR 140<br />

Aitolia: ACH 152, 250<br />

COR 283<br />

628<br />

Aitolians: ARC 1<br />

Africa: EL 57,279<br />

Agrapidochori(on): EL 349<br />

Aigeai (Cilicia): ARG 14<br />

AIGEIRA: ACH 65, 217<br />

AIGION: ACH 32, 136, 144, 207 (and Aegei), 255,<br />

268,269<br />

Alea: see Piali, TEGEA<br />

Alexandria: ARG 117; COR 182, 228<br />

Amorgos: EL 56<br />

Andania: EL 5<br />

Anô Goumenitsa (act. Drosaton, near Kalavryta):<br />

ARC 62a [1] and [2]<br />

Antioch: EL 2, 264<br />

Άντιοχεύς: από Δάφνης: EL 264; Άντιοχεύς άπό<br />

Μαιάνδρου: EL 90

Antiochian: COR 19<br />

Antinoian/ Άντινοεύς: COR 14, 19, 312a<br />

Aphrodisias: EL 171<br />

Apollonia: COR 471<br />

Άπολλωνιάτης: COR 471<br />

Alpheios (river): ARC 10<br />

Arcadia: ACH 256; EL 119, 143, 177,294<br />

Arcadian: COR 340; EL 10<br />

Άργειος: COR 229 (Έπιδαύριος ô καί Άργειος),<br />

344 (Κορίνθιος ό καί Άργειος)<br />

Argolis: ARG 143, 150; EL 221<br />

ARGOS (city of—): ACH 105<br />

ARG 7, 14, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 38, 42, 46; 50, 69,<br />

70, 77, 78, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 104,<br />

105, 111, 112,120, 121, 126, 128, 129, 130, 133,<br />

134, 142, 145, 155, 161, 162, 163, 167, 176, 177,<br />

180, 181, 182, 183, 18407, 208, 209, 210, 211,<br />

213, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 227, 228, 230, 233,<br />

235, 240, 241, 243, 247, 254[2], 256, 258, 259,<br />

260, 263, 265, 268, 270, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276,<br />

277, 278,279<br />

ASPIS: ARG 50, 61, 63, 147, 179; COR 173,<br />

425, 487, 625; EL 291<br />

Xd)vixaçnear HERAEUM: ARG 16<br />

HERAEUM:ARG 86, 113<br />

Hag. Manna, LARISSA: ARG 139<br />

ARGYRA: ACH 52 (Αργυρής), 259<br />

Asia: ACH 53<br />

EL 49, 90, 176, 280, 283<br />

Asia (province): COR 352<br />

Asia Minor: ACH 219<br />

COR 65<br />

ASPIS: see Argos<br />

Άθηναίος/οι: ARG 13, 156[3]; EL 71, 76 and 144<br />

Athenian: ACH 186<br />

COR 72, 176, 260, 264<br />

EL 17 [10] and adn., 46, 57, 61 (Αθηναία), 75,<br />

76 (Αθηναίος), 94, 113, 143, 144 (Αθηναίος),<br />

167, 208, 257, 285, 323, 341, 343<br />

Athens: ACH 214, 219;<br />

ARG 71, 117, 141, 192, 245, 252, 237, 255;<br />

COR 83, 141, 263, 264; EL 6 (εν Αθήναις), 57<br />

adn., 143, 207,208, 329<br />

Attica: EL 335<br />

Augeion: see Bouchioti(on)<br />

Baetica: ACH 53<br />

Barcelona: EL 279<br />


629<br />

Barcino: EL 279<br />

Barium (Apulia): ARC 8<br />

Berbaka: see Merbaka<br />

Bithynia: EL 49<br />

Boiotia: ACH 232<br />

Bosporus: EL 176<br />

Βρεταννία/Britannia: EL 50, 176<br />

Buchioti (act. Augeion): EL 61<br />

Γερμανία: EL 50<br />

Γέται: ARG 213<br />

CALAURIA (Pows): ARG 101, 267, 269<br />

Canae (in Aeolis): COR 140<br />

Chalkedon: ACH 207<br />

Cheliotomylos: COR 24,299, 395, 397-400<br />

Xcbvixaçnear HERAEUM: see ARGOS<br />

Cierum (Thessalia): ARG 203<br />

Cilicia: ACH 3, 71 (Κιλικίας)<br />

COR 46, 318<br />

Cladeos (river): EL 147<br />

Corinth: ACH 48,51, 69, 150; ARG 117, 192<br />

CORINTH (Old Corinth): COR 1-4,8,9,11-19,21-25,<br />

27-30, 32-39, 41, 43-46, 49, 51-58, 60-76, 80-84,<br />

87-106,107,109-112,114,116,118,121-127,131-<br />

133, 135-141, 144, 146-151, 153-155, 158-164,<br />

166-174, 176-179, 181, 182, 184-208, 210, 211,<br />

212, 214, 216-226, 228-234, 238-240, 242, 243,<br />

244, 249, 251-254, 256, 257, 258, 262-264, 265,<br />

266, 268-272, 275, 276, 280, 282, 283, 285-300,<br />

302-304, 306, 308, 309, 312-318, 320, 323-329,<br />

331-333, 336, 337, 340, 343-347, 351-354, 356-<br />

359, 363-368, 371, 375-378, 380-386, 387, 389-<br />

392, 394, 395, 397-400, 402, 403, 408-413, 415-<br />

424, 426-429, 431, 433, 434-437, 440, 442, 443,<br />

445.448, 450, 452-454, 456, 460-465, 466, 467-<br />

474, 476-485, 487-500, 504, 505, 507, 508, 510,<br />

514, 515, 518-528, 529, 530-534, 536-541, 544,<br />

546-552, 554, 556-567, 570-574, 576, 577, 578,<br />

580-582,584,584 [3], 586-589,590,591,592,594-<br />

596, 599-603, 607, 610, 612, 614, 615, 617-622,<br />

624, 625 (also εν Κορίνθω)-627, 629-637, 640-<br />

649, 653-673, 674, 675-677, 679-688, 690-702,<br />

704-708<br />

EL 17 adn., 143 adn., 144 adn., 221, 284<br />

Corinth New: COR 183<br />

Corinthia: COR 20,26,31,50,117,120,128,129,130,<br />

146, 165, 174, 235, 236, 241, 247, 259, 260, 261,<br />

267, 273, 274, 277, 305, 307, 321, 322, 334, 336,

338,339, 342,348,349, 355,359,370,378 [6], 396,<br />

401,414,425,430,439,448 [2], 455,486,545,553,<br />

555,568,583,585,593,604,605,606,644,651,652<br />

Corinthian/Κορίνθιος: ARC 8; ARG 164; COR 5-7,<br />

10, 39,59, 63, 64, 68, 72, 76, 86, 115, 118, 119,<br />

134, 142, 168, 170 adn., 180,225 (Κορίνθιος),<br />

227,228 (Κορινθίων), 254,260, 264,267 (and<br />

Κορινθίων), 281, 300, 309-311, 320 [3], 330,<br />

343, 344 (Κορίνθιος ό καί Άργειος), 345, 348,<br />

350, 372, 391,421 [2], 422 (Κορινθίων), 432,<br />

441, 446,449,475,506,509,542,543, 545, 568<br />

(Κορίνθιος), 569,579, 611, 613, 624 (Κορινθίων),<br />

625 (Κορίνθιον), 650, 656;<br />

EL 220,290,298, 304 (Κορίνθιος)<br />

CORONE (Argolis, near Lygourio): ARG 191 [1],<br />

192[1]<br />

Creta: ACH 91; ARG 66<br />

Cretan: ARG 66; EL 15<br />

Dacia: COR 121<br />

Dacian: COR 121<br />

Dalmatia: ACH 61<br />

Damala see TROEZEN: ARG 79<br />

Danube: ACH 219;<br />

COR 104<br />

Delos:ACH219;<br />

EL 284<br />

Delphi: ACH 51; ARG 116, 192; COR 111, 141, 337;<br />

EL 15, 208, 284<br />

Delphian: COR 226<br />

Dentheliatis: EL 10<br />

Dion: ARG 192<br />

Doliana: see TEGEA<br />

Δωριείς: ARG 252<br />

DYME (act. Kato Achaia): ACH 9,28,29, 30, 39,<br />

57, 58, 63, 66, 85, 100, 102, 104, 105, 113, 120,<br />

121, 128, 135, 139, 143, 147, 179, 230, 254, 263;<br />

EL 107<br />

ΔυμαΙος/Δυμαίοι: ACH 105; COR 526<br />

Dyrrhachion: EL 215<br />

Echinos: EL 291<br />

Έδεσσα: ACH 172<br />

Έδεσηνός: ACH 172; EL 240<br />

Egypt: ACH 81<br />

COR 182, 228, 422<br />

ΕΊκονιεύς: EL 6, 327<br />

Elateia, Elateans: ARC 1<br />


630<br />

Elean: EL 4,5,20,21,22,46,52,58,136,138,142,146,<br />

155, 193, 200, 216, 217, 221, 227, 236, 248, 263,<br />

267,268,275,298,299,302,330,336,337,338,348<br />

Eleia:EL34, 117, 142,143,213<br />

'Ηλείος: EL 5, 12, 18,22, 90, 113, 114, 117, 119,<br />

136, 138, 142, 143, 144 [3d], 155, 160, 161a, 162,<br />

167, 180, 192,202, 212,250, 251 [3], 257,270,<br />

285,298, 302, 332, 336, 339, 341<br />

Eleusis: COR 151; EL 144 adn., 215<br />

Eleutherolacones: ARC 64<br />

ELIS: ACH 52; EL 2, 10, 12, 17 [8], [9], [10], 20,23,<br />

34,41,46,61,75,96,98,113, 114,115, 118,119,<br />

136, 138, 139, 143, 155, 157, 167, 212, 219, 225,<br />

250, 257, 278, 286, 289, 291, 311, 322<br />

Emessa: EL 240<br />

Eordaea: EL 107<br />

Epidamnos: EL 215<br />

Epidaurian/Έπιδαύριος: ARG 13,57, 97, 116, 117,<br />

146[2], 153, 225, 232, 264<br />

COR 226,228,229 (Έπιδαύριος ό καί<br />

Άργεΐος), 574<br />

Epidauros: ACH 270; COR 227; EL 233<br />

EPIDAUROS (city of —): ARG 74<br />

EPIDAUROS (sanctuary of —): ARG 1,2, 3,4,5,6, 8,<br />

9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 21, 22, 27, 39, 41, 43, 44, 48,<br />

51,52,57,62, 64,65, 71, 75, 76, 80, 81, 82, 92, 94,<br />

95,96,97,98,99,102,106,107,109,110,114,116,<br />

117[2], 119, 122, 123, 135, 136, 137, 140, 141, 144,<br />

146, 148, 149, 151, 153, 154, 156, 157, 158, 159,<br />

160, 168, 178, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191[2], 192[2],<br />

192[3], 194[2], 212, 214, 215, 216, 225, 226, 229,<br />

232, 236, 239, 242, 244, 245, 246, 248, 249, 250,<br />

251,252,253,254[1], [3] and [4], 257,264,266,271<br />

Epirus Ήπειρος: ARG 117; COR 228,586 (Epiri)<br />

Etruria: ACH 61<br />

EUA: EL 144 adn.<br />

Pilla: see KLEITOR<br />

Gallia Narbonensis: ACH 53; EL 58, 290,297<br />

Gallian: EL 52<br />

Gaul: ACH 242,256; EL 177, 289<br />

Gortys: ARC 162<br />

Goths: ARG 255<br />

Gouba: COR 235,247<br />

Gytheion: EL 15, 143<br />

Hagia Marina, LARISSA: see ARGOS

Ragia Trias: see Merbaka<br />

Hagios Andreas: see Orthocostas (monastery of —)<br />

Hagios Athanassios (Kynouria, PRASIAI): ARC 64<br />

Hagios Basileios (near PATRAI): ACH 251,252,283<br />

Hagios Euthymios near Thanam: see TEGEA<br />

Helisson (river): ARC 10<br />

HERAEUM: see ARGOS<br />

HERMIONE (city of —): 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36,<br />

45,47 (Bisti), 53[1] and [2], 54,55,56,58,59, 67,<br />

138, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174,231,234[2],238<br />

Hexamilia: COR 216,220,221,230, 324, 347,561,582<br />

Hypata: EL 208<br />

Iconium: EL 327<br />

Τεραπολείτης: EL 329<br />

Illyria: COR 471<br />

Isauria: ACH 71 (Ίσαυρίας)<br />

Isthmia: ARG 116<br />

ISTHMUS (sanctury of Poseidon): COR 20, 31, 50,<br />

117,236, 318, 342, 355, 378 [6], 396,401,414,448<br />

[2], 593,687,696 [2], 698 [2], 700 [5], 703,705 [22]<br />

Italian: ACH 3, 207; COR 90; EL 337<br />

Italicei: ACH 207<br />

'Ιταλοί: ARG 182<br />

Italy: ACH 24,53,55,109,214; EL 107,289,290, 332<br />

Jews: ARC 28<br />

Καισαρεύς από Μαυρητανίας: ACH 48<br />

Kala Nesia: COR 59<br />

Kalavryta : see KYNAITHA<br />

Kalydon: ACH 250<br />

Καππαδοκία (province): COR 264<br />

Karystos:COR 151<br />

Kato Achaia (anc. DYME): ACH 29, 30,58, 63, 66,<br />

85, 100, 102, 104, 105, 112, 120, 121, 128, 135,<br />

139, 143, 147,230,254,263<br />

KENCHREAI: COR 146, 273, 274, 322, 338, 349,<br />

486, 644, 689 , 697, 700 [6]<br />

Kephallenia: EL 33<br />

Kiaton: see SICYON<br />

Κίλιξ: ACH 3<br />

KLEITOR: Paleopolis near Mazi: ARC 85, 88,<br />

130, 145<br />

Filia and Leucasia: ACH 11; EL 119, 163; ARC<br />

9, 14, 16, 17,20,24,26,27,29, 30, 31, 34, 37,<br />


631<br />

38, 39, 40, 4, 42, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 52, 49,<br />

65, 67, 68, 89, 97, 98, 101, 108, 109, 175<br />

Κλειτορία (ethnic): EL 119<br />

KLEONAI: COR 120, 235, 247, 425, 439<br />

Κλεωναιοι: COR 235<br />

Kokkinobrysi: COR 305, 307, 370<br />

Κορίνθιος: ACH 48<br />

ΚορωναΧος: EL 243<br />

Koroni: EL 8,58, 169, 218, 219, 242, 243<br />

Kos: EL 165<br />

Kraneion: COR 564, 604<br />

Kretika: COR 583<br />

Kyzikos: EL 2<br />

KYNAITHA (near Kalavryta): ACH 256, ARC 171<br />

KYNOURIA: see Loukou, Hagios Athanassios<br />

(PRASIAI)<br />

ΚυπαρισσεΧς: EL 296<br />

Kyparissos: EL 296<br />

Κώος: EL 165<br />

Λαοδικεύς: EL 6 (Λαοδικεούς), 327<br />

Λιβύη: EL 279<br />

Λυχνιδός: COR 103<br />

Lacedaemonian/Λακεδαιμόνιος: ARG 137, 146, 154,<br />

242; EL 3, 105,210,236<br />

Laconia: EL 221<br />

Laconian: EL 3<br />

Laodicea: EL 6, 327<br />

Latin: EL 35, 60,219,274<br />

LECHAION: COR 267, 387<br />

Leucasia: see KLEITOR<br />

Libya: EL 279<br />

Locroi: ARG 252<br />

Loukou: (monastery of — near ASTROS): ARC 63,<br />

66,82, 118; EL 143, 144<br />

Lycaonia: ACH 71 (Λυκαονίας); EL 6, 327<br />

Lychnedios: COR 103<br />

Lycia: COR 645<br />

Lycian: COR 359<br />

LYKOSOURA: ARC 73, 134, 135, 136, 172<br />

Lydia: COR 337<br />

Lygourio: see CORONE<br />

Macedonia: ACH 105, 159, 196,219<br />

Macedonia (province): EL 15, 107, 176, 223,276,<br />

277, 322, 325<br />

Macedonia (Upper): COR 103

Mazi: see KLEITOR<br />

Μακεδών : EL 97 (Μακεδών από Θεσσαλονίκης,<br />

Μακεδόνας)<br />

ΜΑΝΤΙΝΕΑ: ARC 3, 28, 56, 87, 91, 102, 105,<br />

110[1], 111, 112, 117, 120, 121, 133, 141, 160<br />

i?iza/:ARC91[2], 110[2]<br />

Tsipiana: ARC 77, 90<br />

Μαραθώνιος: EL 143 [2]<br />

ΜεγαλοπολΧτις/ΜεγαλοπολΧται: ARC 155<br />

COR 439<br />

MEGALOPOLIS: ARC 10, 11,57,58[1] and [2], 60,<br />

69, 71, 86, 92, 99, 103, 107, 136, 154, 155<br />

Megalopolis: COR 439; EL 221<br />

Megara: ARG 192<br />

Μειλήσιοι: COR 20<br />

Messene: ARG 192; EL 8,44, 117, 118, 140, 146,<br />

147, 148, 238, 249<br />

Messenia: EL 58, 218,219, 242, 243<br />

Messenian/Μεσσήνιος: ARG 91; EL 4,5 (Μεσσήνιος),<br />

8 (Μεσσανίων), 21 (Μεσσήνιοι), 34, 38,<br />

44, 105, 117, 146, 147 (Μεσσηνίων), 160,209,<br />

210,234 (Μεσσηνίων), 238, 326<br />

ΜΕΤΗΑΝΑ: ARG 60, 164, 165<br />

Miletos: COR 20<br />

Merbaka: see Hagia Trias<br />

Miraka: EL 326<br />

Moesia: ACH 196;<br />

ARG 149, 213; EL 176, 276, 277;<br />

Moesia Superior: EL 58<br />

Naples: EL 59, 281<br />

Naupactos: ACH 152<br />

Nauplion: ARG 53 [3], 166, 234 [1], 262<br />

Νεικοπολείτης: EL 240<br />

ΝΕΜΕΑ: COR 174 [4], 259, 260, 261, 425, 545<br />

Nicomedia: COR 264<br />

EL 116, 149<br />

Nicopolis (of Syria): EL 240<br />

Noricum: ACH 33; EL 290<br />

Νουμιδία: ARG 149<br />

Olympia: ACH 11, 16; ARG 192 and 264; COR 195<br />

OLYMPIA: EL 1-60, 62-74, 76-211, 213-224, 226-<br />

310,312-348,350<br />

ORCHOMENOS: ARC 80; EL 216<br />

Oriculum: 93<br />

Oropos: EL 216<br />


Orthocostas: (monastery of —in Kynouria near<br />

Hagios Andreas) ARC 84<br />

Palaea Episcopi: see Episcopi (TEGEA)<br />

Pannonia: EL 107<br />

Parian: EL 10, 115, 119, 136, 155, 163<br />

Paros:EL213<br />

Parthian: EL 335<br />

Patara: COR 645<br />

PATRAI: ACH 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,<br />

16, 17, 18, 19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26, 31, 33, 35,<br />

36, 38, 40,41, 42, 44, 46, 47,48,49,51, 52, 53,55,<br />

56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74,<br />

75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91,<br />

93, 94, 95, 97,98, 106,107, 108,109,110,111,113,<br />

114,116,119,123,124,126,127,129,130,131,132,<br />

133,134,136,137,140,142,145,146,148,149,150,<br />

152,153,154,155,156,158,159,162,163,164,165,<br />

166,167,168,171,172,173,175,176,177,178,181,<br />

182,184,186,191,192,193,194,195,196,198,199,<br />

200,201,202,205,206,208,209,210,211,212,214,<br />

215,216,218,219,220,221,222,224,225,226,227,<br />

228,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,<br />

241,242,244,246,251,253,256,257,258,259,260,<br />

261,262,264,265,266,270,271,272,273,274,275,<br />

276,277<br />

PatrahCOR 112,150,422<br />

EL 11, 14, 148, 177<br />

Πατρεύς: COR 625; EL 177 (Πατρή)<br />

Πείσα: ACH 52 (ένί Πείση)<br />

Πελληνέοι: ACH 61<br />

ΠεργαΧος: EL 329<br />

Περίνθιος: COR 12<br />

PELLENE: ACH 64<br />

Péloponnèse: COR 340; EL 107, 144,213,221,294<br />

Peloponnesian: ACH 71; COR 266; EL 143<br />

Pentelic: EL 1, 6, 16, 17, 22, 32, 57, 59, 113, 140,<br />

143, 144, 160, 164, 227, 231, 239, 241 [2], 276,<br />

289,300,332,339,341,343<br />

Pergamon: ACH 71, 180;<br />

EL 141, 283<br />

Perinthian: COR 12<br />

Petri: COR 174 [4], 259,260,261,545,553<br />

PHARAI (act. Prevedos): ACH 126, 127,248<br />

Φιαλεύς: EL 296 (ΦιαλεΧς, Φιαλέα), 300 (Φιαλήες)<br />

PHIGALIA: EL 296, 300<br />

Φιλαδελφεύς: EL 9, 329<br />

Philadelphia: EL 9<br />

Φλιάσιοι: COR 568

PHLIUS: COR 334, 553<br />

Phocian (Φωκαεύς): COR 273,274<br />

Phrygia: EL 6<br />

Phrygian: EL 327<br />

Piali (act. Alea): see TEGEA<br />

Plaka (near Leonideion): ARC 64<br />

Platani (anc. ARGYRA): ACH 259<br />

Plèvres: COR 321, 605, 606<br />

Polyphegon: COR 568<br />

Pontus: EL 49<br />

Poros: see CALAURIA<br />

PRÄSIAI: see Hagios Athanassios<br />

Prevedos (anc. PHARAI): ACH 126, 127, 248<br />

Pydna: EL 291<br />

Pylos (Elean): EL 349<br />

Ταβεννήσιος: ACH 3<br />

ΤωμαΧος/ΤωμαΧοι: ARC 10; ACH 64, 71, 105; ARG<br />

66, 121, 193, 194 [1], 194 [2]; COR 336; EL 12,<br />

178,259, 283, 284,291<br />

Raetia: COR 121<br />

Ravenna: ACH 3<br />

Rhodes: EL 138<br />

Rizahset MANTINEA<br />

Roman: EL 8, 12,41, 87, 136, 138, 144, 155, 162,<br />

208, 211, 223, 247, 257, 258, 260, 276, 279, 280,<br />

284, 293, 294, 300, 305, 310, 325, 37<br />

Rome: ACH 105, 232, 242; COR 352; EL 56, 57, 329<br />

Samos: EL 213<br />

Sardian/ Σαρδιανός: EL 83; COR 349<br />

Sardis: EL 83, 90 (εν Σάρδεσι)<br />

Settai: COR 337<br />

Sicilia: ACH 71 (Σικελίας); COR 119; EL 176<br />

SICYON (act. Kiaton): COR 26, 128, 129, 130, 165,<br />

277, 339, 455, 585, 625<br />

Σικυώνιος: COR 355<br />

Sinope: EL 329<br />

SA:oufe7a:COR651, 652<br />

Smyrna: EL 6 (εν Ζμύρνη), 162 (and Ζμύρνη)<br />

ΣμυρναΧοι: EL 162 (Ζμυρναίων), 329 (ΣμυρναΧος)<br />

Solomos: COR 241, 336, 359<br />

Spain: ACH 53; EL 107, 289<br />

Sparta/Spartans: ACH 71; ARG 136, 139, 245,252,<br />

189, 190; EL 3, 8, 34, 57, 67, 143, 144, 147, 236<br />

Stymphalos, Stymphalians: ARC 1<br />

Συρακόσιος: COR 144<br />

Syria: ARG 117; COR 222; EL 222,240<br />


Σύρος: EL 240<br />

TEGEA (city of — ): ARC 2, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 18,<br />

19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 32, 33, 35, 36, 45, 46, 62, 70,<br />

74, 75, 76, 78, 81, 94, 95, 96, 100, 104, 113, 114,<br />

115, 116, 119, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129,<br />

131, 132, 137, 140, 142, 143, 144, 148, 149, 150,<br />

151, 153, 158, 159, 164, 166 {Hagios Euthymios<br />

near Thanam), 167, 168<br />

Doliana: ARC 6<br />

Episcopi: ARC 8, 61, 106, 126, 138, 139, 147,<br />

149, 165,<br />

Piali (=Alea): ARC 53[1] and [2], 55, 146<br />

TENEA: COR 555<br />

Τενέδιος: EL 91<br />

Tenedos: EL 91<br />

Thebes: El 216<br />

THELPOUSA (SLCt.Visitzi/Paleobabaena near<br />

Tropaia): ARC 93, 163<br />

Thermopylai: ARC 1<br />

Thespiai: ACH 51, 156,236; ARG 71, 192; COR<br />

656; EL 73, 78, 92, 330<br />

Θεσπιεύς: EL 73, 78, 92<br />

Thessalia: COR 586<br />

Thessalian: COR 260, 545; EL 208<br />

Θεσσαλονίκη, ΘεσσαλονικεΧς: ARG 239<br />

Thessalonike: ACH 109; EL 11, 97 (and Μακεδών<br />

από Θεσσαλονίκης), 219<br />

Θεσσαλός: EL 208<br />

Θριάσιος: EL 61<br />

Θυρεατική χώρα: ARC 84<br />

THYREATIS, THYREA : see Loukou (monastery<br />

of —), Orthocostas (monastery of —)<br />

Τραλλιανός: EL 239<br />

Τρικορύσιος: EL 61<br />

Τριπολείτης: EL 329<br />

Τροιζήνιοι: ARG 49<br />

Tralles: EL 239<br />

Tripolis: ARC 54, 161<br />

Tripolitania: EL 155<br />

TROIZEN (city of —): ARG 15, 35, 49, 65, 72, 73,<br />

79 (Damala), 100, 103, 108, 115, 117 [1], 118,<br />

124, 125, 127, 131, 196, 222, 255, 261<br />

Tropaia (Visitzi/Paleobabaena): ARC 174;<br />

see THELPOUSA<br />

Tsipiana: see MANTINEA<br />

Tyana: EL 207<br />

Umbria: ACH 61

Venice: ARG 64<br />

Vercel(lensis): ACH 205<br />


Visigoths: ARC 149<br />

Visitzi/Paleobabaena: see TropaisL, THELPOUSA<br />


aedilicius: ACH 71: [κατ]αλεχθέντα υπό της<br />

[συ]γκλήτου είς τους αγορανομικούς (adlectus<br />

inter aedilicios)<br />

aedilis:ACH 24,44, 58, 68 and adn.; 113, 147, 239,<br />

259; 264: ob honor(em) aed[il(itatis)]<br />

COR 53 [3], [4]; 69; 87, 111 [7], [8]; 114, 146 [1];<br />

149, 254 and adn.: pro aedilit[at]e<br />

aedilis curulis: ARG 91: άγορανόμον κουρούλλιον,<br />

see also adn.<br />

agonothetes / άγωνοθέτης: ACH 70: [a]gono[th—]<br />

ARC 3: [άγωνοθετήσαντα του ίσολυμπίο]υ καί<br />

πενταετηρικοϋ ά[γώνος των Άντινοείων...]; 58:<br />

άγωνοθετήσαντα των Λυκαίων καί Καισαρήων;<br />

155: άγωνοθετήσαντα των Λυκαίων καί Καισαρήων<br />

λαμπρώς καί έναρέτως<br />

ARG 13: άγωνοθέ[τ]ην των Μεγάλων [Ασκληπιέ]<br />

ίων, άγωνοθέτην των ['Αδριάνειων (?)],<br />

άγωνοθέτην των [μ]εγ[άλ]ων [Παν]ελληνίων; 18<br />

[2]: επί άγωνοθέτου, 18 [3]: άγωνοθετήσαντα<br />

Σεβάστεια καί Νέμεια το β σεμνώς καί δικαίως;<br />

45; 47: άγωνοθετήσαντα επαξίως τοΰ γένους<br />

αύτοΰ; 53 [3]: [το τρίτ]ον άγωνοθέτην; 54: άγωνοθε[τ]ήσαντα<br />

έπ[α]ξίως τοΰ γένους αυτού; 88:<br />

άγωνοθετήσαντα Σεβάστεια καί Νέμεια δικαίως<br />

καί μεγαλοψύχως (1. 4-6), εκ πάππων άγωνοθέταν<br />

(1. 14-15); 89: άγωνοθετήσαντα Σεβαστείων<br />

καί Νεμείων καί δικαίως καί μεγαλοψύχως; 94<br />

adn.; 104 [4]: άγων[οθέτης Ηραίων καί] Νεμείων<br />

το β'; 105; 111: λαβόντα τειμάς άγωνοθετικάς;<br />

114 [2]: άγωνοθετήσαντα πρώτον τά<br />

Άπολλωνίεια καί Άσκλαπίεια κτίσαντά τε<br />

τ[άν] Καισαρείων πανάγυριν καί αγώνας καί<br />

πρώτον άγωνοθετήσαντα; 116 adn.; 117 [1]:<br />

άγωνοθέτην Καισαρήων Νερουανήων Τραϊανήων<br />

Σεβαστήων Γερμανικήων Δακήων καί<br />

Ίσθμίων καί Καισαρήων καί άγωνοθέτην Σεβα­<br />

634<br />

στείων καί Άσκληπείων; 172, 208, 209; 233:<br />

άγωνοθετήσαντα [Σεβάστεια δικαί]ως καί μεγαλοψύχως;<br />

236; 246: άγωνοθετήσαντα Άπολλωνεια<br />

καί Άσκλαπ[εΧα]; 252 [8], 253 [2], 254 [2]:<br />

άγωνοθέταν Ηραίων καί Νεμείων καί Άντινοείων<br />

εν Άργει καί Άντινοείων εν Μαντινεία<br />

καί Άσκλαπείων εν Έπιδαύρω; 254 [3]; 268:<br />

[άγωνοθέτην Σεβαστ]είων καί Νεμείων<br />

COR 53 [1], 72 [1], 72 [2], 74, 87, 118, 146 [1],<br />

164, 168 [2], 169 [2], 170, 207, 212, 226, 228<br />

[1Α.Β], [4], [5], [6], [10], 235, 239, 290 [2], [5],<br />

292 [2], 293 [4], 294, 304, 309 [1], 345, 353, 366,<br />

394, 447,448 [1] and adn.; 461,495,522, 539<br />

adn.; 540 [1], [2], 560, 577 adn.; 642 adn.; 661,<br />

681 adn.<br />

EL 169 [2]: άγωνοθέτην των μεγάλων Άντινοείων;<br />

209 [2]: ά[γωνο]θ[έτη]ν Άντιν[οείω]ν; 218:<br />

άγωνοθέτην τών μεγάλων Άντινοείων; 283:<br />

[ άγωνοθέτη]ν<br />

αγορανομικός: see aedilicius<br />

άγορανόμος: EL 223: άγορα[νόμον]; see also<br />

aedilis; ARG 91: άγορανόμος κουρούλλιος, see<br />

aedilis curulis<br />

άγορανομώ: ACH 269: καλώς [άγορανο]μήσα[ντα]<br />

ARC 58: άγορανο[μήσαντα]; 69: άγορανο[μήσαντα];<br />

121: άγορανομήσας<br />

ARG 17, 88: άγορανομήσαντα; 111, 116: άγορανομήσαντα<br />

εν ταις παναγύρεσιν; 254 [2]<br />

COR 378 adn.; 486<br />

EL 136, 155 [3], 157: κατά το αυτό άρξαντα καί<br />

άγορανομήσαντα; 209 [2]: άγ[ν]ώς κ[αί<br />

έπιμε]λώ[ς άγορανομή]σαν[τα]; 339 [1]: άγορανόμον<br />

της Ηλείων πόλεως, [2]: άγορα[νομ]ήσαντα<br />

τη σ κα[ί ι]ς [Όλυμ]πι[ά]δι [μ]εγαλοψ[υχότατα]<br />

αίγιάριος: έγιαρίου COR 326

άλ(λ)υτάρχης: EL 136, 155 [3], 168: τόνκράτιστον<br />

άλυτάρχην; 192: φιλοτείμως άλυταρχήσαντα;<br />

211, 213 and 339 [2]<br />

άλυτης: EL 106, 211,258, 266, 303, 310 and 316<br />

άμφικτύων: ARG 254 [2]<br />

ανθύπατος: see proconsul<br />

αντιστράτηγος: see pro praetore<br />

άντιταμίας: see pro quaestore<br />

απελεύθερος: see libertus<br />

άποστράτηγος: COR 102 [1]: άποστρά(τηγος); 422<br />

άρκαδάρχης: ARC 23: άρκαδάρχην<br />

άρχέφηβος: ARC 62 adn.; 106 and 126<br />

άρχιέρεια: ARC 3: άρχιέρεια<br />

COR 26: [άρχιέρε]ια Σεβαστή[ς], τή[ς] δια βίου<br />

[άρχιερεί]ας Σεβαστής; 165<br />

EL 119: άρχιέρεια δια βίου τοΰ κυρίου ημών<br />

αύτοκράτορος καί τοΰ κοινού τών Αχαιών καί<br />

Εστία δια βίου τοΰ κοινοΰ τών Άρκάδων<br />

archiereus/άρχιερεύς: ARC 23: αρχιερέα τοΰ οίκου<br />

τών Σεβαστών καί τών προγόνων αυτών; 139:<br />

αρχιερέα τοΰ Σεβαστού καί τών θείων προγόνων<br />

αύτοΰ καί αρχιερέα δια βίου τοΰ Κοινού<br />

τών Αχαιών<br />

ARG 104 [4]: ά[ρχιερεύ]ς διά βίου τοΰ οίκου<br />

τών Σεβ[αστών]; 117 [1]; 254 [2]: αρχιερέα διά<br />

βίου τών Έλλάνων<br />

COR 26: άρχιερέως; 228 [ΙΑ. Β]: άρχιερεύς της<br />

Ελλάδος καί έλλαδάρχης άπό τοΰ κοινού τών<br />

Αχαιών συνεδρίου διά βίου; 228 [6]: [έ]λλαδάρχη[ς<br />

κ]αί άρχιερεύς [αύτοκράτορος Καίσαρος<br />

Τ]ραϊανοΰ Άδ[ριαν]οΰ Σεβ[αστοΰ άπό τοΰ κοινού<br />

τ]ών Άχαιώ[ν συνεδρίου διά βίου]; 228[4]:<br />

[— archieri— i]ani A[ugusti et domus<br />

August]ae in perpetu[um]; 353 [2]: archieri<br />

domus Aug. [in] perpetuum primo Achaeon; 378<br />

[1]; 378 [7]: [αρχιερέα Σεβ]αστοΰ; 481<br />

EL 33: [άρχ]ιερεύ[ς]; 34; 90: αρχιερέα Ασίας<br />

ναών τών εν Σάρδεσιν; 143 adn.: άρχιερεύς τών<br />

Σεβαστών; 147: τον αρχιερέα τοΰ οίκου τοΰ<br />

Σεβασμίου; 148: αρχιερέα διά βίου τών<br />

Σεβαστών; 236; 339 [1]: αρχιερέα; 339 [2]: [αρχιερέα<br />

αύτοκράτορ]ος Κα[ίσαρος Ν]έ[ρβα<br />

Σ]εβασ[τ]ο[ΰ]; high priest: ARG 91 adn. ; ARG<br />

117aiÄ7.<br />

άρχισυνάγωγος: COR 357<br />

άρχων: ARC 6: άρχό[ν]των; 103 adn.<br />

ARG 13: έπώνυμον άρχοντα τής λαμπρότατης<br />

Άθην[αί]ων πόλεως; 79: τών αρχόντων<br />

[καί συνεδρηών]; 89: άρξαντα φιλοτείμως;<br />

172 and 237<br />

EL 57 adn.; 136: άρξαντα τάς μεγίστας αρχάς;<br />


635<br />

146: άσυνκρίτως άρξαντα τής Ελλάδος; 148:<br />

[άρ]ξαντα τοΧς Έλλησι συν[φερ]όντως; 157:<br />

κατά το αυτό άρξαντα καί άγορανομήσαντα;<br />

339 [2]: ά[ρχοντα], άρξαντα] διηνεκώ[ς καί<br />

άξίως τη φί]1λη πατρί[δι Ήλιδι καί] κοινή κα[ί<br />

κατ' ιδίαν]<br />

άρχων τοΰ Πανελληνίου: COR 228 [1Α.Β] and [7];<br />

see also άρχων τών Πανελλήνων<br />

άρχων τών Πανελλήνων: ARG 13: άρχον[τα τών]<br />

σ[εμν]οτάτων Πανελλήνων; ARG 117 adn.; see<br />

also άρχων τοΰ Πανελληνίου<br />

άρχων τοΰ αγώνος: ARG 13: [άρχ]ον[τα τοΰ<br />

αγώνος τών] Πα[νελληνίων]<br />

άρχος πενταέτηρος: ACH 52: άρχος πενταέτηρος;<br />

see also duumvir<br />

Άρεοπαγείτης: EL 208: Αθηναίων Άρεοπαγείτης<br />

άριστα πολειτευόμενος: EL 8, 209 [1] and 296<br />

άριστοπολειτεύσας: ARG 97: άριστοπολειτεύσαντα<br />

άριστοπολιτεία: EL 147: άριστοπολιτείας; 210 [1]:<br />

[λ]αβόντα τάς τής άριστοπολειτείας τειμάς<br />

κατά τον νόμον; 234: στεφανώσασα τφ τής άριστοπολιτείας<br />

στεφάνφ<br />

άριστος: ARG 53 [1]: [τω κατά πάν]τα άρίστω; 252<br />

[4]: υιός άριστ[ος]<br />

άσιάρχης: EL 90 adn. and 239<br />

augur: ACH 233: aug(ur)<br />

COR 87, 170, 345<br />

augustalis: ACH 19: A[ug(ustali)]; 225: August[ali];<br />

237: augusta(lis); 239: aug(ustalis)<br />

COR 153 adn.; 183 adn.; 316 adn.; 447 adn.; 660 adn.<br />

αυλητής: EL 107, 315<br />

αξιόλογος: ARG 252 [1]: άνήρ αξιόλογος<br />

άξιολογώτατος: ARC 2: τον άξιολογώτατον δεκάπρωτον;<br />

8: [τον άξιολογώτατον] ρήτορα; 13:<br />

τής άξιολογωτάτης γυναικός; 23: τον άξιολογώτατον<br />

δεκάπρωτον, τής άξιολογωτάτης γυναικός;<br />

139: τον άξιολογώτατον στρατηγόν τοΰ<br />

Κοινού τών Αχαιών<br />

ARG 6<br />

άξιόνεικος: EL 147: τον άξιόνεικον δεκάπρωτον<br />

balnicarius: COR 325<br />

βασιλεύς: ARC 103; EL 235<br />

bouleutes/βουλευτής: COR 529; EL 329<br />

Γ ' ανδρός: see triumvir<br />

candidatus: ACH 198: [candidato Cae]saris Nerv[ae<br />

Traiani — ]<br />

ARG 91: κανδίδατον αύτοκράτορος Μ(άρκου)

ΑύρηΙλίου Άντωνείνου Αυγούστου Γερμανικοΰ<br />

COR 54: candidato Imperai. Caesa]ris T[r]aiani<br />

Hadria[n]i Aug., [sevir. equitum Rom. (?), qua]estor[i...<br />

candidat]o Imp. Nervae [Traiani<br />

Caesaris Aug.]<br />

κάσεν: EL 143 adn.: κ(άσεν)<br />

κηδεμών τοΰ έθνους: EL 143 adn.<br />

centurio leg(ionis): ACH 7: cent(urioni) [l]eg(ionis)<br />

X Eq(uestris); 8: cent(urio) l[eg(ionis) ];<br />

257: c(enturioni) l[eg(ionis)—]<br />

κήρυξ τής εξ Αρείου Πάγου βουλής: ARG 13:<br />

[κή]ρυ[κ]α [τή]ς έ[ξ Άρ]είου Πάγου βουλή[ς]<br />

κηθυροδίκας: EL 143 adn.<br />

χρυσοφορία μετά πορφύρας: ARG 88: χρυσοφορίαν<br />

μετά πορφύρας διά βίου; 233; 268: [χρυσοφόρον<br />

μετά πορ]φύρας<br />

comes: COR 302 [2]: comes Aug(usti); 427 [2]:<br />

com[iti] [—] imp[e]rato[ris —] et di[vi —]<br />

comes et legatus Imperatorie: EL 176: [comes et<br />

legatus Impe]ratoris i[n] [Britannia ]<br />

commilitio imperatoris: COR 21: com[mi]litio<br />

[im]peratori[s]<br />

conagonothetes: COR 461 and 642<br />

consul: ACH 71: ύπατον 'Ρωμαίων<br />

ARC 1 adn.; 138; 149<br />

ARG 149 [3]: υπάτου Τ[ωμαίων]; 157,216,263<br />

COR 16,25,29, 94, 198 adn.: consul suffectus;<br />

283,289,488 adn.: senior Ordinarius; 526 adn., 566<br />

EL 17 [3], 18,50,56,57 adn., 97 adn., 141 adn.<br />

(consul suffectus), 143, 144, 176 and adn.: consul<br />

suffectus; 177 adn., 216 adn., 221,259,270,277,<br />

279, 283 adn., 284: ô ύπατος; 284 adn.: consul,<br />

291 adn., 335 adn.<br />

consularis: ARG 92: τον λαμπρότατον ύπατικόν;<br />

192 [1], [3], [4]; 225<br />

COR ύπατικόν 264<br />

EL 51, 63, 141, 143 adn., 144,213<br />

corrector: ARC 83 adn.: corrector Achaiae<br />

ARG 92: έπανορθωτήν τής Αχαΐας<br />

EL 116: έπανορθωτοΰ τών ελευθέρων πόλεων;<br />

149: πρεσβ(ευτοΰ) Σεβ(αστοΰ) καί αντιστράτηγου<br />

καί έπανορθωτοΰ τών ελευθέρων πόλεων<br />

see also έπανορθωτής<br />

κοσμόπολις: EL 155<br />

κόσμος: see ornamentum<br />

κράτιστος: COR 207,224<br />

EL 168: τον κράτιστον άλυτάρχην; 192: [τό]ν<br />

κρ(άτιστον) έλλαδάρχην; 286: τον κρά[τ]ιστον<br />

[π]ολείτην<br />

κτίστης: ARG 19; see also σωτήρ καί κτίστης<br />


636<br />

curator: see also λογιστής and επιμελητής<br />

curator annonae: COR 53 [3], 69, 72, 149, 170;<br />

COR 228 [6], [8], [10], [11]: επιμελητής εύθηνίας;<br />

[— an]non. cu[r.]: COR 304; see also επιμελητής<br />

εύθηνίας<br />

curator aquarum: EL 176: curator aquarum<br />

curator viae Latinae: ACH 71: έπιμελητήν οδού<br />

Λατείνης<br />

ARC 138: έπιμελητήν Λατείνης<br />

curator viarum: COR 54; curatori viae No[ment.];<br />

COR 256<br />

curio: COR 345; COR 352<br />

διάκονος: ACH 21<br />

δαδοΰχος: ARG 156: δαδοΰχος τών ΈλευσεΧνι<br />

μυστηρίων<br />

δέκα ανδρών τών τά φονικά δικασάντων: see<br />

decemvir (Χvir) stlitibus iudicandis<br />

δεκάπρωτος: ARC 2: τον άξιολογώτατον δεκάπρωτον;<br />

23: τον άξιολογώτατον δεκάπρωτον<br />

EL 147: τον άξιόνεικον δεκάπρωτον<br />

decemvir (Χvir) stlitibus iudicandis: ACH 198:<br />

Xvir(o) stlitib(us) i[ud(icandis)<br />

ARG 91: τών [δέ]κα ανδρών τών τά φονι[κ]ά<br />

δικασάντων<br />

COR 83, 377 and 427 [1]<br />

δεκτήρ: ARC 120: δεκτήρος<br />

decurio: ACH 24: dec(urioni) col(oniae)]<br />

[Pa]tr(ensis); 91: dec(urioni); 172: decur(iones)<br />

col(oniae) Patr(ensis)<br />

COR 81, 150 adn. ; 153 [1], 241, 271, 309 [1]; see<br />

στρατηγός<br />

δήμαρχος: see tribunus plebis<br />

διαφανέστατος άνήρ: EL 283: δια[φανέστατον<br />

άνδρα]<br />

δικαιοδότης: see iuridicus<br />

dona militaria: COR 121: donis militaribus donatus<br />

est ab imp(eratori) Caesari Nerva Traiano<br />

Aug(usto) Germanico Dacico; 487: [ab] Imp.<br />

Caesare Ne[rva Traiano Aug. Germ. Dae. doni]s<br />

mfilitaribus vexillo argenteo hasta pura corona<br />

murali] honorato<br />

δύανδροι: see duumvir<br />

dummvir: ACH 7: Ilvir(o); 9; 24: IIv[ir(o)]; 28, 39,<br />

58: Ilvir; 68: Ilvir(um); 85, 104: Ilvir et Ilvir<br />

quin(quennalis); 113: II[vir(o); 121: II[vir]; 135,<br />

139, 147: Ilvir; 179, 190: pro Ilvir(atu); 202,260:<br />

[II]vir; 264: Ilvir(atus)<br />

ARG 117 [1]: δύ' ανδρών άντιστράτηγον εν


Κορίνθω<br />

COR 5, 6, 7, 10, 53 [3] and [4], 63, 64, 72, 81, 86,<br />

87, 110, 111 [7] and [8]; 114, 115, 119, 134, 142,<br />

146 [1], 149, 168, 170, 180; [δύο] άνδ[ρών] 228<br />

[10], 272, 281,284,285, 290 [2], 292 [2], 309 [1]<br />

and [2]; 310, 311, 320, 330, 343, 348, 350, 372,<br />

394, 421 [1], 430, 432, 441, 449, 461 adn.; 482,<br />

506, 543, 569, 572, 579, 611 [1], 613 and 650<br />

dummvir quinquennalis: ACH 104: Ilvir et Ilvir<br />

quin(quennalis); 52: άρχος πενταέτηρος<br />

μοΰνος έών...<br />

COR 6, 53 [3] and [4], 68, 76, 135 [4], 146 [1]<br />

and [3], 170; στρατηγός τής πόλεως Κορινθίων<br />

πενταετηρικός 228 [1Α.Β] [6], 320, 345, 353,421<br />

[2], 509, 542<br />

dux: EL 176: [dux Moe]siae<br />

egregius: see κράτ ιστός<br />

(ε)ίσαγωγεύς/isagogeus: ARG 105: εισαγωγέα γενόμενον<br />

Ηραίων; 205, 207 [3], 208,209<br />

COR 53 [1], 74, 87, 88, 169 [2], 226, 239, 447,<br />

461,495 adn.; 522 [1] and [2], 539 adn.; 540 [1]<br />

and [2]; 671<br />

έλαιοθέτης: ARC 153; see also θέντα έλαιον<br />

ένλυχνιδάς: ARG 200<br />

έπανορθωτής and έπανορθωτής τών ελευθέρων<br />

πόλεων: see corrector<br />

έπαρχος: see praefectus<br />

έφηβος/έφηβεύω: EL 241 [2]: έφηβεύσαντα, EL 276<br />

έφορος: EL 143 adn.<br />

έπιγνωμονεύων: ARC 56: έπιγνωμονεύοντος<br />

επιμελητής: ARG 165<br />

COR 120,235, 245, 421 adn.<br />

EL 14, 34, 63, 136, 144, 252, 339 [2]:<br />

έπ[ιμ]ελητήν καί ίερέα [Δι]ός 'Ολυμπίου<br />

επιμελητής εύθηνίας: ARG 117 [1]: εύθηνίας έπιμελητήν;<br />

see also curator and curator annonae<br />

επιμελητής γυμνασιαρχίας: ARG 13: έπιμελητήν<br />

γυμνασιαρχία[ς] θεού Αδριανού<br />

επιμελητής γυμνασίου: ARG 13: έπιμελητήν<br />

γυμνα[σίου τοΰ] θεοΰ [Άδ]ρι[ανοΰ]<br />

επιμελητής Λατείνης: see curator viae Latinae<br />

επιμελητής πόλεως: ARG 13: έπι[μελητ]ήν [τή]ς<br />

λαμπρο[τάτ]ης [Άρ]γείΙων πό[λε]ω[ς]<br />

έπιμελοΰμαι: ARG 6: έπιμελη[σ]άμενον τοΰ αγώνος<br />

τών Μεγάλων Άσκλη[π]είων<br />

έπισπονδορχηστής: EL 53, 109 adn.; 306, 307 and 308<br />

επίτροπος: ARG 88: [τ]όν έ[πιτ]ρόπων εύεργέταν;<br />

117 adn.: 'Ηπείρου επίτροπος, Αιγύπτου καί<br />

637<br />

Αλεξανδρείας δικαιοδότης; see also procurator<br />

eques: EL 260<br />

COR 10 adn.: eques praedives<br />

equus publicus: ACH 222<br />

εθνάρχης: ARG 46: έθναρχών<br />

ευεργέτης: ACH 64: τον εκ προγόν[ων εύερ]1γέτην;<br />

161 adn.; 212<br />

ARC 53: εύεργέταν [1], [εύεργέταν] [2], 80,<br />

139, 147<br />

ARG 47 [2], 55, 88: [τ]όν έ[πιτ]ρόπων εύεργέταν;<br />

91, 92, 105, 140, 146, 149 [8], 152,206,211:<br />

τον έκ προγόνων εύεργέταν; 240, 264<br />

EL 15, 21, 63, 138, 144, 192, 216, 221, 223, 236,<br />

277, 278, 283, 285, 330<br />

ευπατρίδης: EL 57 adn.<br />

εύθηνία: see επιμελητής εύθηνίας<br />

εξηγητής: EL 17 [3], 42, 60, 111, 155, 156, 344<br />

flamen Augusti: COR 345; flam, divi Iuli: COR 353<br />

[2]<br />

frater Arvalis: ARG 192 adn.<br />

COR 54 and 423<br />

γέροντες: ARG 265<br />

γραμματεύς: ARC 3: [τον γραμματέα τοΰ συνεδρίου;<br />

117: υπέρ γραμματείας<br />

ARG 88: γραμματεύσαντα; 111<br />

EL 58, 136, 155 [3], 194, 195,204,261,272<br />

and 318<br />

γραμματεύς τής πόλεως: EL 221: γραμ[ματεύσαντα<br />

τής πόλεω]ς<br />

γραμματεύς (τοΰ Κοινοΰ) τών Αχαιών: ARG 117<br />

[1]: γραμματέα (τοΰ Κοινοΰ) τών Αχαιών<br />

EL 38 adn.; 160: γραμματέα το β'; 231<br />

γραμματεύς τοΰ Παναχαϊκού συνεδρίου: ARG 252<br />

[1]: γραμματέα αυτών γενόμενον and<br />

[αίρε]θείς γραμματεύς μετά τό τήν έλευθερίαν ήμεΧν<br />

άποδοθήναι<br />

γροφεύς: ARG 217<br />

γυμνασιαρχία: see έπιμελετής γυμνασιαρχίας<br />

γυμνασίαρχος/γυμνασιαρχώ: ARC 62, 152<br />

ARG 111: γυμνασιαρχήσαντα έν τοΧς τρισί<br />

γυμνασίοις; 116: ετών όντα τεσσάρων καί<br />

γυμνασιαρχήσαντα; 253 [2]:<br />

γυμνασιαρχήσ[α]ντ[α έ]γ Λυ[κ]είω; 254 [3];<br />

EL 33: [γυ][μνασ]ίαρχ[ος]; 136, 139: [γυμνασιαρχήσαντα<br />

έκ [τών ιδίων] έπί τής [σ.. 'Ολυμπιάδος;<br />

155 [3], 339 [2]: [γυ]μνασια[ρχήσαντα]<br />

λαμπρό [τατα]

γυμνάσιον: see επιμελητής γυμνασίου<br />

ήγεμών: see legatus Augusti pro praetore<br />

ήγεμών λεγιώνος: see legatus legionis<br />

ηγεμονεύω: see legatus Augusti pro praetore<br />

έλλαδάρχης: ARC 83 adn.<br />

ARG 91 adn.; 254 [2]; 254 [2]: έλλαδάρχαν<br />

άμφικτυόνων; 254 adn.<br />

COR 491<br />

EL 192: [τό]ν κρ(άτιστον) έλλαδάρχην; 220:<br />

έπί στρατηγοΰ καί Έλλαδάρχου; 221:<br />

έλλ[αδάρχ]ην τών [—]<br />

ελλανοδίκης: ARG 24, 69, 70, 104 [1], 120, 126, 128,<br />

145, 183, 268<br />

COR 2, 3, 15, 28, 60, 71, 75, 80, 82, 90, 177, 178,<br />

195,228 [12], 282, 291, 308 [1], 350 adn.; 351,<br />

356, 368, 371, 390, 429, 480, 483, 484, 577 [1],<br />

[2]; 670<br />

έλληνοταμίας: ARG 254 [2]<br />

ήρως: ARG 19, 84 [2] and 93<br />

Εστία: EL 119: Εστία διά βίου τοΰ κοινού τών<br />

Άρκάδων<br />

ίεραπόλος/ίεραπολώ: ARG 5, 8,48 adn.; 62, 98 [1];<br />

236,251, 252 [8]: ίερ[α]πολήσαντα δίς; ARG<br />

253 [2]: [ίερα]πρ[λή]σαντα ετει κ' άριστα καί<br />

δ[ικαιό]τατα; 254 [3] and adn.<br />

ιέρεια: ARC 150: ίερασαμένα Αλέα Άθάνα καί<br />

Δάματρι<br />

ARG 174 [2]; COR 442<br />

EL 17 [2]: ιέρεια Δήμητρος; 20: ίέρειαν γενομένην<br />

τής Δήμητρος έπ[ί] τής σλδ' Όλυμπ[ι]άδος;<br />

116: εν ίερείας σχήματι; 119: Ιέρεια Δήμητρος;<br />

192: [τήν ίέ]ρειαν τής [Χα]μυναίας; 348: [την<br />

ίέ]ρειαν τής [Χα]μυναίας<br />

ιερεύς: ARC 56: ιερέως τοΰ Ποσειδώνος; 77: ιερέως<br />

τοΰ Ποσειδώνος; 91: τοΧς ίερεΰσι τοΰ Διός; 92:<br />

ίερέος; 103: ίερέος; 120: ίερέος τώι Ποσιδάνος;<br />

133: ιερέως; 135: ιερέως; 160: ίερέος τώι<br />

Ποσιδάνος; 162: ό ιερεύς Ασκληπιού<br />

ARG 13: ίε[ρέ]Ιως [σωτήρ]ος Άσκληπιοΰ,<br />

[ί]ε[ρέα Διός Ό]λυμπίου; 19, 38: [ιερεύς] Διός<br />

Σεβαζείου; 41: ίερέα θεοΰ [Π]οσειδώνος; 43,47:<br />

τον ίερέα τοΰ Σωτήρος Άσκληπιοΰ; 48 and adn.;<br />

54: ίερέα Άρεως Ένοιαλίου; 58: τον ίερέα τοΰ<br />

σωτήρος Ασκληπιού; 83, 102, 135, 156: ό ιερεύς<br />

τοΰ Σωτήρος Ασκληπιού; 170: ίερέα τοΰ Κλυμένου;<br />

172: είρεύς; 186; 188; 192 [1]: ίερέα [τοΧς<br />

—] π[αι]σίν, [γενόμεν]ον ίερέα [εν τρισί συστήμα]σιν<br />

[ίερωσυνών]; 228: [ιερεύς] Διός Σεβαζεί­<br />


638<br />

ου; 237: ιερέως Δρούσου υπάτου; 248: ιερεύς<br />

Ασκληπιού; 250; 263: ίερεΧ Άντωνεινιανώι.<br />

see also sodalis Antoninianus<br />

COR: 228 [8]: [Αύτ]οκράτο[ρο]ς Καίσαρος<br />

[Τραϊανοΰ Άδρια]νοΰ Σεβαστού [Πανελληνίου<br />

ιερέα]; 228 [1Α.Β], [7]: ιερεύς Άδρια]νοΰ<br />

Πανελληνίου; 378 [3], [5]; 421 adn.: ιερεύς<br />

τών Σεβαστών; 624: Μέγητος Ά]σκλ[ηπιοΰ]<br />

ίερέα [—].<br />

EL: 136: ίερέα γ' Διός 'Ολυμπίου; 143: ίερέ[α<br />

τών Σεβαστώ]ν έν Άθή[ναις]; 155 [3]: ίερέα γ'<br />

Διός 'Ολυμπίου; 210 [1] and [2]: ίερέα θεάς<br />

Τώμης; 221: [ίερέα τοΰ Δ]ιός τοΰ Ό[λυμ]πίου;<br />

339 [2]: ίερέα [Δι]ός 'Ολυμπίου<br />

ιερεύς έν τοις Αύγουσταλίοις: see sodalis Augustalis<br />

ιερεύς έν τοις ιε' άνδράσιν: see quindecemvir<br />

(XVvir) sacris faciundis<br />

ιερεύς τοΰ Σεβαστοΰ: ARG 114 [2]: ίερέα τοΰ Σεβαστοΰ<br />

Καίσαρος δίς and adn.; see also sodalis and<br />

ιερεύς τοΰ Σεβαστοΰ<br />

ίερομνήμων: ARG 43; 51; 57; 98 [2]; 249<br />

COR 87; 394 adn.<br />

ίεροφάντης: ARC 134: τον ίεροφάντην τών Μεγάλων<br />

θεών<br />

ARG 88: ίεροφαντήσαντα<br />

EL 4 and 5<br />

ύφιερεύς: ARC 70<br />

ύπατικός: see consularis<br />

ύπατος: see consul<br />

ύπογυμνασίαρχος: ARC 61<br />

υπόμνημα: έπί τών υπομνημάτων τής συγκλήτου:<br />

see ab actis senatus<br />

ιατρός: COR 624<br />

imperator: ARG 66<br />

COR 198 adn.<br />

isagogeus: see (ε)'ισαγωγεύς<br />

iuridicus: ARG 117 adn.: 'Ηπείρου επίτροπος,<br />

Αιγύπτου καί Αλεξανδρείας δικαιοδότης<br />

COR 182: δικα[ιο]δότην Αιγύπτου; 228 [1Α.Β],<br />

[6], [7]: Αιγύπτου καί Αλεξανδρείας δικαιοδότης<br />

λαμπρότατος<br />

ACH 32: τον λαμΙ[πρότατον άνθύπατ]ον<br />

EL 21, 143 adn.<br />

legatus: COR 645: [leg(ato) prov(inciae)] Ach(aiae)<br />

ob ius[titiam et fidem], quam circa [universam]<br />

Acahia[m exhibuit], qu[a]m pro pr(aetore)<br />

[administravit]<br />

EL 249; 280 adn.; 285: πρεσβευτήν; 305, 320,

325; see also πρεσβευτής<br />

legatus Augusti: EL 335: [πρεσβευτήν] θεοΰ<br />

Άν[τωνείνου Ευσεβούς Σεβαστοΰ]<br />

legatus Augusti legionis; see also legatus legionis<br />

legatus legionis: ACH 71: ηγεμόνα λεγιώνος Β' Αύγ.;<br />

196: legato div]i Aug(usti) pro [pr(aetore)<br />

prov(inciae) Moesiae item] legato Ti(berii)<br />

Caes(aris) [Aug(usti) pro pr(aetore) extra sortem]<br />

optinenti prov(incias) [Achaiam et Maced]oniam<br />

ARC 138: ηγεμόνα λεγιώνος έκτης Νικηφόρου<br />

(VI victricis)<br />


ARG 264 adn.: ηγεμόνα λεγιώνος Μυσίας<br />

τής Άνω<br />

COR 72: [legat(us) legi]on(is) II [Adiutricis] COR<br />

352: leg. leg. IUI Scythicae<br />

legatus (Augusti) pro praetore: ACH 71: ηγεμόνα<br />

Κιλικίας, Λυκαονίας, Ίσαυρίας; 161 adn.; 164,<br />

270: legatus [pr]o pr(aetore)<br />

ACH 161 adn.; 164,270: legatus [pr]o praetore<br />

ARC 138: πρεσβευτήν καί άντιστράτηγον Αύτοκράτορος<br />

Καίσαρος Τραϊανοΰ Γερμανικού<br />

Δακικοΰ Παρθικού έπαρχείας Κιλικίας<br />

ARG 134 adn.; 149: [ήγεμονεύσ]αντος τής [Νουμιδίας?<br />

καί] Μυσίας τ[ής κάτω καί τής άνω<br />

καί] Συρίας; 192 [1], [4], adn. ([leg(atus)<br />

Caesaris Augus[t]i G[er(manici) pr(o) praet(ore)]<br />

pro[v(inciae) Achaiae —]); 225; 264 adn. (πρεσβευτήν<br />

καί άντιστράτηγον διοικήσεως<br />

Έφεσιακής)<br />

COR 54 l[eg. pr. pr.] prov. A[siae ?]; 132 adn.;<br />

141: le[g. pr]o pr. provinc[iae ]ae ;<br />

264: [πρεσ]βευτήν [αύτοκράτορος] Ι Καί[σα]ρος<br />

Τραια[νοΰ Άδρ]ι[ανοΰ] Ι [Σ]εβα[σ]τοΰ,<br />

άντιστ[ράτηγ]ον [τής] έπαρχ[είας τής<br />

Καπαδ]οκ[ίας]; 312; 352: leg. pro pr. prov. Asiae;<br />

423: Peg.] Caesaris Augus[t]i G[er.] [pro praet.<br />

pro [v. Achaiae]; 645: [leg(ato) prov(inciae)]<br />

Ach(aiae) ob ius[titiam et fidem], quam circa<br />

[universam] Achaiafm exhibuit], qu[a]m pro<br />

pr(aetore) [administravit]<br />

EL 12: πρεσβευ[τ]ήν καί άντιστ[ράτη]γον; 15<br />

adn. ; 50: [πρεσβευτήν καί άντιστράτηγον] θεοΰ<br />

Αδριανού ύπατικόν Γερμανίας καί Βρεταννίας;<br />

116: πρεσβ(ευτοΰ) Σεβ(αστοΰ) καί αντιστράτηγου<br />

καί έπανορθωτοΰ τών ελευθέρων<br />

πόλεων (legatus Augusti pro praetore ad<br />

corrigendum statum liberarum civitatium); 149:<br />

πρεσβ(ευτοΰ) Σεβ(αστοΰ) καί αντιστράτηγου;<br />

176: leg(atus) Aug(usti) pr(o) pr(aetore)<br />

Moe]siae; 216: πρεσ[βευτήν] καί άντιστράτη­<br />

γον]; 279 adn.<br />

legatus Augusti pro praetore ad corrigendum statum<br />

liberarum civitatium: EL 149: πρεσβ(ευτοΰ)<br />

Σεβ(αστοΰ) καί αντιστράτηγου καί έπανορθωτοΰ<br />

τών ελευθέρων πόλεων<br />

libertus/άπελεύθερος: ACH 10: l(ibertus); 12:<br />

lib(ertis) libertab(us); 14: l(ibertus); 15: lib(erto);<br />

17: lib(erto); 19 l(iberto); 30: l(iberto); 40:<br />

libertae; 49: l(iberta); 53: liberta; 73 adn. ; 79; 97;<br />

111; 120: l(iberto); 126 138: l(ibertus); 140; 153<br />

adn. ; 155: l(iberto); 168; 181; 206; 233:<br />

libertab(us), libertis; 244: l(iberto); 248<br />

ARC 163: Σεβαστοΰ απελεύθερος<br />

λογιστής: ARC 2: λογιστεύσαντα άκαταγνόστως; 8:<br />

καθαρόν λο[γισ]τήν; 80: λογιστοΰ; 84: τοις<br />

[λογιστ]αΧς τής χώρας<br />

ARG 49: τειμηθέντα λογιστέα ύπό τής βασιλείας<br />

εις δεκαετίαν<br />

λογιστεύσας: see λογιστής<br />

μάντις: EL 48, 66, 74, 87, 89, 121, 132, 134, 158,<br />

161, 166, 324, 342<br />

miles: ACH 178: m[il(itis) leg(ionis)—] (centuriae)<br />

Grani; 205: mil(es) col[h]or(tis) X prae(toriae)<br />

[c(enturiae)] Crispini<br />

COR 604: mil(es) leg(ionis) VIII Augustae<br />

(centuria) Senuci(onis)<br />

munerarius: ACH 190: munerar(ius) bis<br />

νεανισκάρχης: EL 212<br />

νεωκόρος: COR 342: νεοκόρος; 442<br />

νομοφύλαξ: EL 143 adn.<br />

νομοθετήσας: ARG 97: τρις νομοθετήσαντα<br />

οικονόμος: οικονόμος τής πόλεως; 290 [2]; 292 [2]<br />

and 394; see πραγματευτής<br />

ornamenta: ACH 24: Ilvir(alibus) et agonothet(iciis)<br />

ornam(entis); 25: Ilvir(alibus) et agonothet(iciis)<br />

ornam(entis) honor(atus); 34: or[na]mentis<br />

sace[r]do[tal(ibus)] honorata[e—]; 44: aedil(iciis)<br />

ornament(is); 51: or[na]mentis sace[r]do[tal(ibus)]<br />

honorata[e—]; 73: ornament(is) august(alibus)<br />

d(ecreto) d(ecurionum) honorato; 163; 172:<br />

ornam(enta) sacerdot(alia); 201: ornam(entis)<br />

[sace]rdotial(ibus); 215: or[na]mentis<br />

sace[r]do[tal(ibus)]; 225: ornamentis Ilviral(ibus)<br />

honor(ato); 226: ornamentis Ilviral(ibus)<br />

ARG 213: τιμηθέντα μετά τήν κατά Γετών νείκην<br />

υπό αύτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Νέρουα

Τραϊανοΰ Σεβαστοΰ Γερμανικοΰ κόσμω άριστείφ,<br />

ούηξίλλω άργυρώ καί δόρατι καθαρψ<br />

καί στεφάνω τειχήρι; 213 adn.: vexillum<br />

argenteum, hasta pura, corona muralis<br />

COR 53 [1]: [de]curionalib(us) [— ornam]entis<br />

[ornato]; 53 [4]: [agonothe]t. ornfamentis<br />

honorato]; 69: [I]I v[iralib. et II] vir. q.<br />

[ornamentis] honorato; 154: decurionalibus et<br />

aediliciis ornament., d. d. honorato; 169 [1A],<br />

[IB]: praetoriis ornament(is) ornato; 239:<br />

aedilic. et Ilvir et quinq. et agonoth. ornament.<br />

honorato; 258: [aedilic. et II viralib. et quin]q. et<br />

agonotheti [ornamentis ornato]; 353 [2]: equo<br />

[publico] [ex]ornato a Divo Claudio; 446: aedilic.<br />

et [Ilvir. e]t qu[in]q. et ag[ono]t[eti]c.<br />

ornament[i]s d. [d. o]rnato; 454: [aed.] et Ilvir<br />

[et quinquen. ornamentis] ornato [d. d.]; 460:<br />

aed. et Ilvir. et agonothetic. et quinq. ornamen.<br />

ornato; 507: Ilviralibus [et quinquen.] et<br />

agonoth[et. ornamentis] hon[orato]; 601:<br />

sacerdotfal.] ornamen. h[onorato]; 657:<br />

[or]nament. decurion[alia]; 660: [aed. et] Ilvir, et<br />

[Ilvir q.] et a[gonothetic ornamentis honorato];<br />

683: [- - - et] II v[ir] [- - - hono]rato<br />

EL: 143 adn.: ornamenta praetoria; EL 155 adn.:<br />

praetoriis ornament(is) ornato ex s(enatus)<br />

c(onsulto)<br />

ornatus: EL 176: [orn]atus [dono Ti(beri)] Claudi<br />

Caesfaris] Aug(usti) Ger[mani]ci tr[i]umphal[ibus<br />

o]rname[ntis]<br />

πάτρων: see patronus<br />

παιδοτρίβης: ARC 72<br />

Πανέλλην: ARG 254 [2]; COR 391: παν[έ]λλ[ηνα];<br />

see also άρχων Πανελλήνων<br />

πατήρ λαοΰ ARC 28; πόλεως: ARG 41<br />

πατρονόμος: EL 143 adn.<br />

patronus: ACH 32: [-ca. 3- τον εαυτού πά]τρωνα;<br />

161; 212<br />

ARC 53: πάτρωνα [1], πάτρω[να] [2]; 147<br />

ARG 13 and 146<br />

COR 25; 135 [2]; 228 adn.; 352; 422: τον<br />

λαμ(πρότατον) πάτρωνα τής λαμ(προτάτης)<br />

Κορινθίων πόλεως<br />

EL 15,41, 138, 168<br />

πενταέτηρος: see dummvir quinquennalis<br />

perfectissimus: v(ir) p(erfectissimus) COR 578<br />

φαιδ(ρ)υντής: EL 200: φαιδυντήν τοΰ Διός 'Ολυμπίου,<br />

adn. phaed(r)yntae (φαιδρυνταί)<br />


640<br />

φιλόκαισαρ: ARC 139; COR 587<br />

EL 241 [1]; 339 [1]<br />

philosebastos: COR 375<br />

φιλόσοφος: ARG 49; EL 290; 298<br />

πολείταρχος: ARG 228<br />

πολειτευόμενος/πολειτευσάμενος: ARG 47: ένδόξως<br />

πολειτευσάμενον; ARG 53 [2]: π[άσ]αν<br />

πολιτείαν [οΐκοθ]εν πολειτευ[σάμενον —];<br />

ARG 54: πάσαν πολιτεία[ν] πολειτευσάμενον;<br />

ARG 114 [1]: άριστα πολειτευόμενον; ARG 252<br />

[8]: άριστα πολειτευόμενον; ARG 254 [2]: καί<br />

τά άλλα καί λό{γο}γοις καί έργοις πολειτευσάμενον<br />

άριστα καί φιλοτειμότατα<br />

πόλις: see επιμελητής πόλεως, πατήρ πόλεως<br />

πολιτεία: ARG 41: πά[σα]ν πολιτείαν έπι[φ]ανώς<br />

έκτελέσαν[τ]α οίκοθεν τή πό[λ]ει υπέρ τε<br />

αύτοΰ[καί] τών τέκνων αύ[τ]οΰ; 45: [καί τάς]<br />

λοιπάς πο[λιτείας] άπάσας ένδ[όξως έκ]τελέσαντα<br />

τ [ή πόλει]; 53 [2]: π[άσ]αν πολιτείαν<br />

[οΐκοθ]εν πολειτευ[σάμενον —], 53 [3]: [τον]<br />

καί τάς πολιτείας οίκοθεν έν[δόξ]ως έκτελέσαντα<br />

υπέρ τε αύτοΰ καί τών τέκνων αύτοΰ; 54:<br />

πάσαν πολιτεία[ν] πολειτευσάμενον<br />

polos: ACH 81: polos Cerer(is)<br />

pontifex / ποντίφηξ; ACH 260: pon[tif(ex)]<br />

COR 111 [7], [8]; 353 [2]; 394, 426<br />

EL: 17 [3]: [πο]ντ[ίφικος]; 18, 50, 144<br />

praefectus/επαρχος: COR 241; praefectus Aegypti:<br />

COR 422 adn.<br />

praefectus alae: COR 141,443; 487: [p]raef. alae II Fl.<br />

praefectus cohortis: COR 121: praef(ecto) coh(ortis)<br />

I Raetorum quae tendit in Raetia; 487: prae[f.<br />

coh. I miliariae]<br />

έπαρχος σπείρης: EL 148: έπαρχον σπείρης πρώτης<br />

Βοσποριανής (praefectus cohortis primae<br />

Bosporianae)<br />

praefectus equitatus: EL 176: pr[aefectus] equitat(us)<br />

praefectus equitum: COR 256<br />

praefectus fabrum: COR 87, 170, 302 [2] and 446<br />

praefectus iure dicundo: COR 53 [3], 69, 81, 114, 146<br />

[1], 309 adn. and 394<br />

praefectus pro Ilvir.: COR 309 [1] and adn.<br />

praefectus urbis: EL 212 adn.<br />

praepositus: praepositum a fibulis praeposit[um] a<br />

crystallinis COR 586<br />

praeses: COR 578: v(ir) p(erfectissimus) praes(es)<br />

[p]r[ov](inciae) [Ach]aiae<br />

praetor/στρατηγός: ACH 71: [στ]ρατηγόν Τωμαίων<br />

ARC 138: στρατη[γόν Ρώμης];<br />

ARG 71 adn.; 91: στρατηγόν Τωμαίων; 140;


263: στρατηγώι<br />

COR 46: (praetor) pro consule; 54: praet]or[i];<br />

83, 102 adn.: ex-praetor; 141: [praetori in]ter<br />

c[iv]is (?) et civis et peregr]inos et in[ter]<br />

per[egr]inos; 352,412<br />

EL 18: σ[τρ]α[τ]η[γ]όν; 50, 58, 105 and adn.;<br />

176,223: [στρατηγ]όν; 291: [στρατηγόν<br />

Τωμ]αίων and adn.; 322, 335 adn.<br />

praetorianus: COR 486: Πραιτωριανοί<br />

praetorius: EL 279: στρατηγικός<br />

πραγματευτής: ARC 84: πραγματευτής τής Θυρεατικής<br />

χώρας; see οικονόμος<br />

πρεσβευτής: ARG 192 [4]; 197: αποσταλείς...πρεσβευτάς;<br />

218, 225; see also legatus<br />

πρεσβευτής καί αντιστράτηγος: see legatus Augusti<br />

pro praetore<br />

πρέσβης/πρεσβεύσας: ARG 94; 254 [2]: πρεσβεύσαντα<br />

υπέρ τε τάς πατρίδος καί τών Έλλάνων<br />

προς τε τάν σύγκλητον καί προς βασιλέας<br />

EL 38: πρεσβεύσαντα υπέρ τοΰ κοινοΰ τών<br />

Αχαιών<br />

pro praetore: [άντι]στράτηγον COR 382<br />

proconsul: ACH 32: τον λαμΙ[πρότατον<br />

άνθύπατ]ον; 105: ανθύπατος Τωμαίων; 270:<br />

proco(n)s(ul) prov(inciae) Ach(aiae)<br />

ARC 1 adn.; 138: άνθύπατον Σικελίας<br />

(proconsul provinciae Siciliae), άνθύπατον<br />

Άφρικος (proconsul provinciae Africae)<br />

ARG 103; 134: άνθύπα[τος Αχαΐας]; 149 [3]:<br />

άν[θυπατεύσαντο]ς [τής Άσία]ς; 202: άνθυπάτοιο;<br />

221; 255 adn. ; 264 adn.<br />

COR 54: proconsul provinciae Achaiae; 83:<br />

procos. provinciae Ach.; 102 [2], 141, 174 adn.;<br />

176 adn.; \9adn.; 200 adn.; adn. 206,267, 270,<br />

275, 352: procos. prov. Ach.; 363; 377adn.;<br />

427adn.<br />

EL 49: [άνθύπατον] Άσ[ίας]; 56; adn. 57:<br />

proconsul Africae; 116: ανθυπάτου τής Αχαΐας;<br />

149: ανθυπάτου τής Αχαΐας; 176: proco(n)-<br />

[s(ul)...a]e et Siciliafe], proco[s. Asia]e et<br />

Sicilia[e]; 223: [άν]θύπα[τον Μακεδ]ονί[ας];<br />

257, 279: ανθύπατος Λιβύης; 280 adn.; 283:<br />

[στρατη]γόν άνθύπατον Τωμαίων; 283 adn.:<br />

proconsul of Asia<br />

procurator: ARC 87 adn.<br />

ARG: 117 [1] and adn.; 213: έπίτροπον<br />

Σεβασ[τοΰ έ]παρχείας Αχαΐας<br />

COR: 76 adn.; 121: proc(urator) provinc(iae)<br />

Achaiae, proc(urator) ferrari[arum]; 132: [proc]<br />

Aug. pr[ov. Achaiae]; 134 adn.; 135: procur.<br />

641<br />

Caesa. Aug. provine. Achaiae; 151 adn.: proc.<br />

im[p.] Caesaris Traiani Hadriani Aug. provinciae<br />

Achaiae, procurator marmorum; 182: έπί]τροπον<br />

[Αύ]τοκράτορος Νέρβ[α Τ]ραϊανοΰ [Κα]ίσαρος<br />

Σεβαστοΰ Γερμα[νικοΰ] Δακικοΰ [το]ΰ έν Άλεξανδρεία(ι)<br />

φ[ίσκου] καί [έπαρ]χείας Αχαίας;<br />

228 [1]: επίτροπος [αύτ]οκράτο[ρο]ς Καίσαρος<br />

[Νέρουα Τραϊα]νοΰ Σεβαστοΰ; 228 [8] and<br />

[11]: επίτροπος [αύτ]οκράτο[ρο]ς Καίσαρος<br />

[Τραϊανού Άδρια]νοΰ Σεβαστοΰ; 228 [1Α.Β]<br />

and [6]: 'Ηπείρου επίτροπος; 256: proc. Aug.<br />

prov[inc] Achaiae; 302 [1], [2]; 345: Ti. Claudi<br />

Caesar. Aug. Germanici procuratori; 353 [2]:<br />

[procuratori Caesaris et Augustae Agrippinae];<br />

474: [procur]at XX her. [pr]ov. Acha.; 487: [proc.<br />

Aug. prov. Achaiae]; 586: proc. domini n. M. Aur.<br />

Severi Alexandri Pii Fel. Aug. provinciae Achaiae<br />

et Epiri et Thessaliae rat. purpurarum, proc. ab<br />

ephemeride, proc. a mandatis proc. at praedia<br />

Galliana, proc. saltus Domitiani<br />

EL 236<br />

promagister: COR 222: publici vicesimae libertatis:<br />

promag. pub. XX li[b.] I provine. Achaiae et I Syriae<br />

proquaestor: ARC 53: άντι[ταμίαν]<br />

COR 427 [2]: [p]roq[uaestori (?)]<br />

EL: 15 and adn.: άν[τι]ταμίαν<br />

προστάτης: ARG 89<br />

προστάτης διά βίου τών Ελλήνων: EL 169 [2], 218<br />

προστάτης τής γερουσίας: ARG 78 and 207 [2]<br />

πρόξενος: ARG 164: πρόξ[ε]νον [τ]άς π[ό]λιος άμών<br />

πυρφόρος, πυροφορήσας: ARG 2, 27,40, 83, 107,<br />

117 adn., 168, 186, 188, 191 [2], 212, 226, 245<br />

[3], 252 [4], 254 [1]<br />

COR 88<br />

publicanus: COR 555: τελών(ις)<br />

quaestor/ ταμίας: ACH 68: q(uaestorem); 71: ταμίαν<br />

Σικελίας (quaestor prov. Siciliae); 190:<br />

qu(aestor); 198: q(uaestori) urb(ano); 207:<br />

q(uaestorem)<br />

ARG 263: ταμίαι Αύτοκράτορος Καίσαρος<br />

θεοΰ Άντωνίνου Σεβαστοΰ Εύσεβοΰς, and adn.:<br />

ταμ[ίαν θεοΰ] Άδρια[νοΰ, πρεσβευτήν] θεοΰ<br />

Άν[τωνείνου Εύσεβοΰς Σεβαστοΰ]; 264 adn.<br />

COR 72: [qu. pro q]uaest. Cypro ex auetoritate<br />

Aug. 83; 119 adn.; 198,265,412 adn.<br />

EL 18: [τ]α[μ]ί[α]ν; 50; 176: [quaestor<br />

impe]ratoris; 335<br />

quaestor pro praetore: ARC 138: ταμίαν καί<br />

άν[τιστρά]τηγον Πόντου καί [Βειθυνίας]

ARG 91: ταμίαν καί άντιστράτηγον<br />

έπαρχείας Αχαΐας<br />

quattuorvir: COR 645: IlIIvir(o) vi[ar(um)<br />

cur(an darum)]<br />

quattuorvir viarum curandarum: ARC 138: τεσσάρων<br />

ανδρών<br />

quindecimvir (XVvir): EL 143: [κυι]νδεκέμ[β]ηρα<br />

quindecimvir (XVvir) sacris faciundis: ARC 138:<br />

ιερέα έν τοΧς ιε' άνδράσιν<br />

EL 176: [XVvir s(acris) f(aciundis)]<br />

στρατηγικός: see praetorius<br />

sacerdos: ACH 16: sacerd(oti) Dianae Aug(ustae)<br />

Laphriae et sac(erdoti) Aug(usti); 112: sacerdos<br />

eius d(e) (of Venus Augusta); 123: sacerdoti<br />

COR 39: sacerdos Genii coloniae [Laus Iuliae<br />

Corinthi]; 87: sacerdoti] Neptuni Aug. sacerdos;<br />

170: victoriae Britann(icae); 239: s[a]cer[doti<br />

Ne]ptuni [Aug.]; 314: [sacerdos Apollinis(?)]<br />

Augusti; 461: sacerdoti] M[a]rtis Aug.; 481:<br />

[sacerdoti Victoriae; 536: [sacerdos Apollinis (?)]<br />

Augusti; 584 [1] and [2]; 658<br />

Sagittarius: COR 403: σαγιττα[ρίων ?]<br />

senator: ARG 149 [4]; 264; EL 90; 213<br />

senatus: ARG 91: έπί τών υπομνημάτων τής<br />

συγκλήτου (ab actis senatus), see also adn.<br />

Septem vir: epulonum, ARG 192 adn.<br />

COR 423<br />

sexvir: ACH 47: VIvir<br />

signifer legionis: ACH 246: signifer leg(ionis) X<br />

Equ(estris)<br />

slave: EL 184; EL 255; see also epispondorchestes<br />

sodalis: COR 72<br />

sodalis Antoninianus: ARG 263: ίερεΧ Άντωνεινιανώι<br />

and adn.<br />

EL 335 adn.: sodalis Antoninianus, sodalis<br />

Verianus<br />

sodalis Augustalis: ARC 138: ιερέα έν τοΧς Αύγουσταλίοις<br />

ARG 192 adn.<br />

COR 161, 423,427, 660<br />

sodalis Hadrianalis: ARG 91: [σ]ό[δαλ]ιν<br />

Άδ[ριά]να[λ]ιν<br />

EL 50: σοδάλιν Άδριανάλιν<br />

sodalis Verianus: ARG 263 adn.<br />

EL 335 adn.: sodalis Antoninianus, sodalis<br />

Verianus<br />

σοφιστής: EL 207, 208<br />

σωτήρ: EL 216,283: σωτήρα καί [εύεργέτην<br />

γε]νόμενον εαυτών<br />


642<br />

σωτήρ καί κτίστης: EL 143 adn.<br />

σπατοληασταί: ARG 19<br />

σπονδαύλης: EL 67, 93,255, 271<br />

σπονδοφόρος: EL 27, 30, 35, 36, 37, 42 adn.; 43, 54,<br />

55, 62, 65, 70, 71, 79, 81 adn.; 84, 85, 86, 88, 95,<br />

100, 101, 110, 115, 126, 136, 151, 153, 155 [1],<br />

[5a]; 159, 183, 186, 187, 188, 193, 205, 224, 229,<br />

230, 244, 245, 251 [2], 282, 288, 318, 319 and 334<br />

στρατηγός: EL 5: στρατηγήσαντα τών Ελλήνων<br />

ACH 69: [στρ]ατηγός<br />

ARG 6: [σ]τρατηγήσαντα τής πατρίδος; 13:<br />

[Έπιδαυρίων ?] στρατηγόν, στρατηγόν; 35; 47<br />

[2] and adn.; 55; 131: έπί στρατηγοΰ τής πόλεος<br />

(sic); 136; 254 [2]: στρατηγήσαντα τρις<br />

COR 102 adn. and άπό στρα(τηγών); 206 adn.;<br />

235, 382, 391<br />

EL 146: τον άπό τής μητροπόλεως Μεσσήνης<br />

στρατηγόν; see also dummvir<br />

στρατηγός ανθύπατος: EL 283: [στρατη]γόν άνθύπατον<br />

Τωμαίων<br />

στρατηγός έπί Κρητών: ARG 17: τοΰ έπί Κρητών<br />

στραταγοΰ<br />

στρατηγός έπί τά όπλα: ARG 13: έπί τά όπλα<br />

στρατηγόν<br />

στρατηγός τής πόλεως πενταετηρικός: see duumvir<br />

quinquennalis<br />

στρατηγός τών Αχαιών: ARC 134: έστρατήγει τών<br />

Αχαιών; 139: τον άξιολογώτατον στρατηγόν<br />

τοΰ Κοινού τών Αχαιών<br />

ARG 117 [1]; 165; 254 [2]: στρατηγήσαντα τών<br />

Αχαιών [γ]<br />

EL 8 adn.; 32: Έπί στρ[ατηγοΰ τών Αχαιών];<br />

52: στρατηγήσαντα τοΰ κοινού τών Αχαιών;<br />

146: τον άπό τής μητροπόλεως Μεσσήνης στρατηγόν,<br />

άσυνκρίτως άρξαντα τής Ελλάδος; 160:<br />

στρατηγόν τών Αχαιών; 169 [1]: στρατηγήσαντα<br />

τοΰ Κοινού τών Αχαιών, στρατηγών τοΰ<br />

κοινο(ΰ) τών Αχαιών; 169 [2]: στρατηγόν τοΰ<br />

κοινού τών Αχαιών; 179; 180: στρατηγήσαντα<br />

τοΰ κοινοΰ τών Αχαιών; 209 [2]: στρατη[γόν]<br />

τών Αχαιών; 210 [2]; 218: στρατηγόν τοΰ κοινοΰ<br />

τών Αχαιών; 220: έπί στρατηγοΰ; 233: έπί<br />

στρατηγοΰ; 243: στρατηγήσαντα τοΰ Κοινοΰ<br />

τών Αχαιών, στρατηγών τοΰ κοινο(ΰ) τών<br />

Αχαιών; 302: στρατηγήσαντα τοΰ κοινού<br />

τών Αχαιών<br />

στρατηγός ύπατος: ARC 124 adn.: στρατη[γός<br />

ύπατος Τωμαίων]<br />

ARG 25: υπάτου στραταγοΰ τών Τωμαίων;<br />

187: στραταγόν ύπατον τών Τωμαίων; 194:

στρατηγός ύπατος Τωμαίων; 197: τοΰ υπάτου<br />

στραταγοΰ τών Τωμαίων<br />

EL 97: στρατηγόν ύπατον Τωμαίων; 177: στραταγοΰ<br />

υπάτου Τωμαίων; 259: στραταγόν<br />

ύπατον Τωμαίων; 284: στρατηγός ύπατος<br />

Τωμαίων<br />

see also praetor<br />

συγκλητικός: see senator<br />

συνεδρήα: ARG 79: τών αρχόντων [καί συνεδρηών]<br />

σύνεδρος: EL 208: Θεσσαλών σύνεδρος<br />

συνέφηβος: EL 57 adn. and 144 adn.<br />

tabellarius: COR 474: Phileros Aug. lib. tabul(arius)<br />

eiusdem<br />

tabularius Augusti: COR 340<br />

ταμίας/ταμιεύω: ARG 111 [2]: ταμιεύσαντα δίς;<br />

ARG 254 [2]: ταμιεύσαντα<br />

see also quaestor<br />

ταμίας καί αντιστράτηγος: see quaestor pro<br />

praetore<br />

technitai of Dionysos: ARG 121; ARG 193<br />

τελώνης: see publicanus<br />

τεσσάρων ανδρών: see quattuorvir viarum<br />

curan darum<br />

τίθημι έλαιον: ARG 89: θέντα έλαιον πρώτον έν<br />

ταΧ[ς] θέαις τοΰ κυρίου αύτοκράτορος Νέρβα<br />

Τραϊανοΰ Καίσαρος αρίστου Σεβαστοΰ Γερμανικο[ΰ]<br />

Δακικοΰ Παρθικοΰ (1. 3-7), θέντα<br />

έ[λα]ιον κατά πάν γυμνάσιον καί βα[λ]ανειον<br />

πάν άνεπικωλύτως άπό ανατολής ηλίου μέχρι<br />

δύσεος(1. 11-12)<br />

θεοκόλος: COR 239: theocolo [Iov]is Capit[ol]ini;<br />

446: theocol. Iovis I [Ca]p[it]ol.<br />

EL 19,25,26,28,29, 31, 39, 40,45, 68, 69, 72,<br />

77, 82, 99, 102, 104, 120, 125, 127, 133, 136, 145,<br />

150, 152, 155 [5 b], 172, 174, 175, 181, 182, 191,<br />

192, 196, 197, 198, 199, 201, 202, 203, 206, 214,<br />

215, 232, 246, 251 [1], 253, 254, 262, 265, 274,<br />

287, 288, 311, 312, 331, 340, 346<br />

τοξάρχης/τοξαρχήσας: ARG 67, 231<br />

τρίανδρος: see triumvir<br />

tragodos: ARG 142<br />

tribunicia potestas: COR 25<br />

tribunus coh(ortis): ACH 24: [trib(unus) coh(ortis)]<br />

[— c]iv(ium) · Rom(anorum); 150: [t]rib(uni)<br />

[- - -]; 222: trib(unus) c(o)ho(rtis) XXVI<br />

voluntariorum civium Romanorum<br />

tribunus (mil.) legionis/ χειλίαρχος λεγιώνος: ACH<br />

24: [trib(uno)] milit(um) exercitu; 198: [trib(uno)<br />


mil(itum) leg(ionis) I Min]erviae Germ(aniae)<br />

[inf(erioris)]<br />

ARG 91: χειλίαρχ[ο]ν πλατύσημον λε[γι]ώνος<br />

δ' Φλα[ου]ίας, see also adn.; 117 [1]: χειλίαρχον<br />

λεγ(εώνος) δ' Σκυθικής; 213: χειλίαρχον<br />

λεγιώνος ι ' Φρητενσίας, έπα[ρ]χον σπείρης α '<br />

χειλιάνδρου<br />

COR 54: [tri]b. mil. leg. I Minerv. piae fidelis]; 72:<br />

[trib(unus) mil(itum) legion(is) I [II Aug(ustae)];<br />

83: trib. mil. leg. VIII Mac; 121: trib(uno)<br />

leg(ionis) XIII Gem(inae) quae tendit in Dacia;<br />

141: [trib. mil. leg. XI]I Fu[l]m.; 170: trib(unus)<br />

mil(itum) leg(ionis) VI Hispanensis; 182:<br />

[χι]λίαρχον [ [λεγεών]ος ιβ' Κεραυνοφόρ[ου];<br />

228 [6] and [10]: χειλίαρχ λε[γεώνος δ'<br />

Σκυθικής]; 353 [2]: trib. mil.; 487: trib. [mil.<br />

legionis X] Fretensis; 645: [trib(uno)]<br />

la[t]icl(avio) [le]g(ionis) —<br />

EL 148: χειλίαρχον λεγιώνος δωδέκατης κεραυνοφόρου<br />

(tribunus militum legionis XII Fulminatae);<br />

339 [2]: [χ]ειλία[ρχ]ον λεγιώ[νος —]<br />

tribunus plebis: ARC 138: δήμαρχον<br />

ARG 263 adn.: δή[μαρχον ?]<br />

COR 54: [tr]ib. pi.; 83; 320 adn.<br />

EL 335: δή[μαρχον ?]<br />

tricliniarches: COR 586: tricliniarcham<br />

triumvir/τριών ανδρών: COR 54: [Illvir a. a. a.] f. f.<br />

EL 335 adn.: γ ' ά[νδρών...ω]ν<br />

triumvir monetalis aere argento auro flando<br />

feriundo: ARG 263: Γ ' άνδρωι · Χ(αλκοΰ)<br />

Ά(ργύρου) Χ(ρυσοΰ) Χ(ωνεύσεως) Κατα­<br />

σκευής) and adn.: γ' ά[νδρών...ω]ν<br />

veteranus: ACH 44: veter(ano) leg(ionis) X Eq(uestris);<br />

77: vet[e(rano)] I leg(ionis) XII Fulm(inatae); 93:<br />

leg(ionis) XII; 116: vet(eranus) leg(ionis) XII; 152:<br />

vet(erano)] leg(ionis) XII F[ulm(inatae)]; 242:<br />

veter(ano) leg(ionis) XII Ful(minatae); 250:<br />

vete(ranus) leg(ionis) XII Fulmi(natae)<br />

vilicus: ACH 71: vilico XX heredit(atium); 163<br />

ξυσταρχία: EL 162: τυχόντα τής διά γένους<br />

ξυστ[α]ρχίας πάντων τών αγομένων αγώνων έν<br />

Σμύρνη<br />

ύπατος: see consul

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Α. Β. Tataki, Macedonians Abroad. A Contribution to<br />

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