Rites of Passage – William Golding - bzelbublive.info

Rites of Passage – William Golding - bzelbublive.info

Rites of Passage – William Golding - bzelbublive.info


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and drew his chin back to his collar."I am happy to hear you say so, ma'am. But I have seencards played in some queer places, I can tell you!""As to that, sir, <strong>of</strong> course I have no knowledge. But surelygames are not altered in themselves by the nature <strong>of</strong> theplace in which they are played? I speak <strong>of</strong> it as I must,knowing no more <strong>of</strong> the games than as they are played int h e houses <strong>of</strong> gentlefolk. But I would expect someknowledge <strong>of</strong>-let us say-whist, as necessary to a younglady, always provided-" and here I believe there must havebeen a change <strong>of</strong> expression on the invisible face, since acuriously i ro ni c inflection entered the voice-"alwaysprovided she has the wit to lose prettily." The tall young<strong>of</strong>ficer crowed in the way these fellows suppose to belaughing and Mr Summers took the opportunity <strong>of</strong>presenting me to the lady, Miss Granham. I declared I hadoverheard part <strong>of</strong> the conversation and felt inferior in nothaving a wide and deep knowledge <strong>of</strong> the games theyspoke <strong>of</strong>. Miss Granham now turned her face on me andthough I saw she could not be Mr Taylor's ' regular snorter"her features were severely pleasant enough when lightedwi th t he social smile. I praised the innocent hours <strong>of</strong>enjoyment afforded by cards and hoped that at some timein our long voyage I should have the benefit <strong>of</strong> MissGranham's instruction.Now there was the devil <strong>of</strong> it. The smile vanished.

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