Lawrence F. Eichenfield, MD - Rady Children's Hospital

Lawrence F. Eichenfield, MD - Rady Children's Hospital

Lawrence F. Eichenfield, MD - Rady Children's Hospital


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Curriculum VitaeAugust 2012<strong>Lawrence</strong> F. <strong>Eichenfield</strong>, M.D.66. Etanercept treatment for children and adolescents with plaque psoriasis. CanadianDermatology Association (CDA) Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada. June 27-July 2, 2008(Poster)67. A topical physiologic, lipid-based, barrier repair formulation (EpiCeram® Emulsion) is highlyeffectivemonotherapy for pediatric atopic dermatitis. 34th Annual Meeting, Society forPediatric Dermatology. Snowbird, Utah. July 9-12, 2008 (Poster).68. Safety and adverse effects of isotretinoin in the pediatric dermatology clinical setting. 34thAnnual Meeting, Society for Pediatric Dermatology. Snowbird, Utah. July 9-12, 2008 (Poster).69. Evaluating the tolerance and efficacy of a colloidal oatmeal cream and cleanser in infants andchildren with atopic dermatitis. 34th Annual Meeting, Society for Pediatric Dermatology.Snowbird, Utah. July 9-12, 2008 (Poster).70. Addition of pimecrolimus cream 1% to the treatment of severe pediatric atopic dermatitis withtopical corticosteroids yielded a comparable safety profile. 17th European Academy ofDermatology and Venereology (EADV) Conference. Paris, France. September 15-19, 2008(Abstract and Poster).71. Long-term intermittent use of tacrolimus ointment as maintenance treatment for flareprevention I pediatric patients with stabilized atopic dermatitis. 17th European Academy ofDermatology and Venereology (EADV) Conference. Paris, France. September 15-19, 2008(Abstract and Poster).72. Effect of etanercept treatment on nail psoriasis in children and adolescents. 17th EuropeanAcademy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) Conference. Paris, France. September 15-19, 2008 (Abstract and Poster).73. Etanercept Treatment in Children and Adolescents with Plaque Psoriasis. 27th Fall ClinicalDermatology Conference, Las Vegas, NV. October 16-19, 2008 (Abstract and Poster).74. Concomitant use of topical corticosteroids (TCS) and pimecrolimus cream 1% in the treatmentof severe pediatric atopic dermatitis has a safety profile comparable to TCS alone. AmericanAcademy of Dermatology 67th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. March 6-10, 2009(Abstract and Poster).75. Managing moderate to severe acne in adolescents: benefits of a fixed combination clindamycinphosphate (1.2%) and low concentration benzoyl peroxide (2.5%) aqueous gel in asubpopulation of 1,755 subjects. American Academy of Dermatology 67th Annual Meeting.San Francisco, CA. March 6-10, 2009 (Abstract and Poster).76. An innovative approach to flare prevention and long-term disease control in pediatric patientswith atopic dermatitis: three times weekly applications of tacrolimus. Pediatric AcademySociety Annual Meeting. Baltimore, <strong>MD</strong>. May 2-5, 2009 (Abstract and Poster).77. Elevated IgE in children with eczema – significant or not? Society for Pediatric Dermatology35th Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. July 10-11, 2009 (Abstract and Poster).78. Elevated IgE in children with eczema – significant or not? American Academy of DermatologySummer Academy Meeting. Boston, MA. July 29 – August 2, 2009 (Abstract and Poster).Page 36 of 69

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