The Seven Gems - spic macay

The Seven Gems - spic macay

The Seven Gems - spic macay


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Sandesh13 October 2009Saluting alegendTryst with a MysticC.S. Panchamkesan remembers his first meeting with UstadAbdul Rashid Khan, who completed 100 years of age and recentlyperformed at our 24th National Convention.<strong>The</strong> schedule I had in my hand, of the10th National School Convention ofSPIC MACAY at Modern School, NewDelhi, looked impressive with a hostof legends gathered 'under one roof' forthe Intensive workshops, concerts andparticipation.<strong>The</strong>re was a particular name inthe list that looked awe inspiring. <strong>The</strong>schedule had Ustad Abdul Rashid Khanslated to perform as well as conduct afive-day workshop for children. A fewmonths ago, one had chanced a reviewin <strong>The</strong> Hindu about this nonagenarianand that is how I recognised the nameof the artist. Now that I write of thisexperience, I feel somewhat ashamedthat it has taken me almost six decadesof life to know about such a great artistof our era. I now had the opportunityto find out more about this mysticwithin the precincts of the hallowedModern School.As I walked towards the GuestHouse where the visiting artistes werehoused, there was a great sense of anticipation,awe and even trepidationas to what the Darshan would be like.I asked a student where Khan Sahebwould be and she directed me to anearby banyan tree under which hewas seated. I glanced yonder and sawthe majestic tree which could be aboutseventy five years old. Little did Irealise at that time that under the treewas a mystic older than the tree itself.Yes, Ustad Abdul Rashid Khan was sittingthere in the pleasant sunshine ofthe winter month, in a very pensiveand perhaps meditative mood. I somehowunderstood that he was not alseepbut in deep search of peace and tranquilitythrough the spiritual path of“...I felt mosthumbled at the profundityof the occasion whenhe tried to focus his visionon me at his feet. <strong>The</strong> eyesdidn't see but had strangerecognition in them, therecognition the mystichad for SPIC MACAY...”music.I have often wondered why I amalways overwhelmed when I see anelderly person. Is it the awareness ofmortality or is it the awe of looking ata person with decades of struggles, triumphs,pains and achievements ? Asper a tradition practiced by my forefathersand bequeathed to me by myparents, I am intuitively trained to recitemy lineage and offer a Namaskarat the feet of the elderly for blessings. Iwas uncertain as I neared the wizenedold man almost beyond anyanotomical size or shape, sitting therewith his back towards me. From whereI was, I could only see an outline of awhite Kurta and a rather shakystooped figure on a wheel chair. I camewithin inches of the old man, as old astime itself. <strong>The</strong> external contours of hisshape reminded me of the sketch ofMahatma Gandhi - the simplicity of asketch of an outline.I was shocked to see the mysticwhose extremities were eaten up byage and whose eyes looked vision-less.I was aware that the divine being atmy arms’ length had suffered a lot andwas crippled by some illness. Age andillness vied with each other to debilitatehis size and shape but not his willpower, determination and great musicalacumen. He fell on the thorns oflife, bled yet he conquered everythingthat life shoved at him with his musicalpowers and he continues to do so. Itmoved me so much that I ran the remainingfive steps and stumbled at hisfeet with my palms and head in acharan sparsh.I realised that my forehead restedon a pair of stump like legs. Tearsrolled out of my eyes and I washedthese two stubs, which once upon atime were legs. My mind was filledwith the sense of divine reward and astrange tranquility prevailed as I introducedmyself as a SPIC MACAY volunteer.I felt most humbled at the profundityof the occasion when he triedto focus his vision on me at his feet. Ibecame aware that the eyes didn't seeexternally but had some strange recognitionin them which I later realisedwas the recognition which the mystichad for SPIC MACAY.Continued on page 14

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