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outcome for our troubles. When will the stars align with her womb andmy manhood? She: born December 31, 1983 in Chakdaha, India. Me:born January 7, 1984 in Mathabhanga, India. —Desperate for Babies.”Dear Desperate: I’m happy to report that you Capricorns have entereda highly fertile period. It’s already going strong, and will culminatebetween May 16 to May 23. I suggest you jump on this sexy opportunity.You couldn’t ask for a better time to germinate, burgeon, and multiply.AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “Welcome home,beautiful!” I hope you hear those words or atleast experience those feelings very soon. In myastrological opinion, you need to intensify your senseof belonging to a special place or community. You’ve gotto grow deeper roots or build a stronger foundation or surroundyourself with more nurturing—or all of the above. And that’s not all. Asyou bask and thrive in your enhanced support system, you also deserveto feel better appreciated for the wonderful qualities you’re working sohard to develop in yourself. Ask and you shall receive.PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Whatever you havebeen trying to say, it’s time to say it stronger andclearer. You can no longer afford to hope peoplewill read your mind or guess what you mean. Yourcommunications must be impeccable and irresistible. Asimilar principle holds true for the connections and alliances you’ve beenworking to ripen. It’s time to raise your intensity level—to do everythingyou can to activate their full potentials. Starting today, you’d be crazyto tolerate shaky commitments, either from yourself or others. Be sharpand focused and unswerving, Pisces—keen and candid and to the point.To check out my expandedaudio forecast of your destinygo to RealAstrology.com.47 | rollmagazine.com

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