Week 1 Bible Study Notes - Heart of Wisdom

Week 1 Bible Study Notes - Heart of Wisdom

Week 1 Bible Study Notes - Heart of Wisdom


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The Four Rivers <strong>of</strong> EdenHe took one <strong>of</strong> his ribs and closed upthe flesh at that place.The Lord God fashioned into a woman therib which He had taken from the man,and brought her to the man.The man said,“This is now bone <strong>of</strong> my bones,And flesh <strong>of</strong> my flesh;She shall be called Woman,Because she was taken out <strong>of</strong>Man.”For this reason a man shall leave hisfather and his mother, and be joinedto his wife; and they shall becomeone flesh.And the man and his wife were both nakedand were not ashamed.The Last Days <strong>of</strong> CreationWith these two pictures the artist, Burne-Jones, completes his celebrated series <strong>of</strong> thecreation. Each day is represented by a gigantic angel bearing the globe <strong>of</strong> the earth,with the work done upon it in that “day.” Thus the fifth angel upholds a world <strong>of</strong> birdsand fishes, the sixth a world <strong>of</strong> vaguely shadowed land animals with man rising beforethem all. Each angel, as his day is completed, steps into the background to give placeto the next; but the earlier angels do not disappear, for their worlds are still existent andin harmony with the newer creations. Only the flame fades from their foreheads. Thisflame typifies the creative power, the word <strong>of</strong> God Himself operating for a moment inthem and through them, in the creation <strong>of</strong> the world.At the feet <strong>of</strong> the sixth angel sits a seraph singing; for the work is finished, the time <strong>of</strong>rest is come. When God viewed all the work that He had done, He was satisfied. He“saw that it was good.” So on the seventh day God rested, and sanctified that day to bea day <strong>of</strong> blessing and song and rest for-ever.Sir A. Hamilton

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