In Touch autumn 2007 - Teign Housing

In Touch autumn 2007 - Teign Housing

In Touch autumn 2007 - Teign Housing


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Garden competitionYour LettersAfter weeks of wet weather, theday chosen for judging the gardencompetition turned out to be dryand sunny. The number of entrieswas slightly down due to the rainthis summer but there were stillplenty of gardens to be visited andour gardeners had done a fantasticjob of coping with the less thanclement summer. Once again thejudges had a difficult task pickinga winner in each of the categoriesbecause of the high quality ofentries. The winners were eachpresented with a cup and £25 ofgarden centre vouchers.<strong>In</strong>dividual GardenFirst Prize –Mr and Mrs Dennis, AshburtonHighly Commended:Mrs Welfare, BuckfastleighMr Wells, BuckfastleighLeslie Linton, ChudleighMrs Dunning, DenburyMrs Hayter, KentonJenny Preece, KingsteigntonMrs Budd, Tedburn St MaryContainer GardenFirst Prize – Mrs Hume andMrs Jeffery, BuckfastleighHighly Commended:Pauline Gooding, IpplepenIrene Burt, Newton AbbotMary Prince, Newton AbbotJean Boyne, <strong>Teign</strong>mouthAlice Hammond, <strong>Teign</strong>mouthMr Stoneman, <strong>Teign</strong>mouthMrs Williams, <strong>Teign</strong>mouthCommunal GardenFirst Prize – St Mary’s Court,Newton AbbotHighly Commended:Hamlyns Way, BuckfastleighBoard members Mike Tolchard (left) and Barry Kaye (right) with Mr and Mrs DennisMrs Hume and Mrs Jeffery receive their prizeGreen fingered residents at St Mary’s CourtPlease send us your letters in the pre-paid envelope enclosed or e-mail:intouch@teignhousing.co.ukStar letterJust recently we have beenblessed with a wonderfulcaretaker, Tony Workman.Tony is quiet, courteous andvery conscientious. He hasdone an excellent job oflooking after Caunters Closeand I just want to say “Thankyou Tony”. Nothing is toomuch trouble for him andhe really has made such adifference.SW, IpplepenEd – Thank you so much for yourletter. We’re really glad to hearthat you’re pleased with your newcaretaking service and have passedon your compliments to Tony.Tony WorkmanI’ve noticed that you have lots oflanguages listed on the inside pageof <strong>In</strong> <strong>Touch</strong> and I’m intrigued. WhileI recognise or could guess whatlanguage one or two of them are,there are some I don’t know. Could youtell me what they are and why you’vechosen these languages? What do theyall say? Please satisfy my curiosity!GH, Newton AbbotEd – Good questions! The languagesprinted in the front of the magazineare also printed on all our leaflets.From top to bottom they are Bengali,Greek, French, Dutch, Mandarin,Polish, Spanish and Punjabi. Eachline says “If you would like thisinformation in another languageor format, please ask”. We usethese languages because we knowthat these are the ones most usedin <strong>Teign</strong>bridge. We’ve made thelanguages we print particularlyrelevant not just to <strong>Teign</strong>bridgebut also to our residents, using theinformation you’ve given us <strong>Teign</strong><strong>Housing</strong>’s Resident Census.Walking past one of the tourist shopsin Dawlish this summer I spotted apostcard with a poem on that I canremember seeing back when I was achild. It’s written in Devon Dialectand I had to go in and buy one. Ithought you might like to share thepoem with your readers, some of whomare probably not as familiar as I with“prop’r Deb’nshire”.FW, DawlishGreetins vrumdere ol’ Deb’nYurs a welcum vrum dere ol’Deb’nThe zunniest place this zide o’heavenVul o’ ‘istory an’ claims tu vameWith scrumpy, dumblins an’clotted crameQuaint thatched cottages an’vields so greenThe purtiest scenery yu’ve everzeenThe wild rolling Moors zomajestic an’ grandWi’ deep wooded valleys an’ zeaclose at ‘and<strong>In</strong> Deb’n the fust thing thelocal volks zayIz “Do ‘ee ‘ave a dish o’ tay!”Yu’ll come again in vuture yearsWe’re sartin sure o’ that m’dearsEd – What a fantastic poem. Do youhave a favourite poem or story toshare? If so, please sent it in to usand we’ll print it in the magazine.18 19

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