M.Sc Physics - Skymount Distance Education

M.Sc Physics - Skymount Distance Education

M.Sc Physics - Skymount Distance Education


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UNIT IVElectromagnetic waves - the wave equation - oolarization - reflection andtransmission - boundary conditions - electromagnetic waves In nonconducting media - propagation through linear media - reflection andtransmission at normal incidence and oblique incidence - electromagneticwaves in conductors - reflection and transmission at conducing surface -plasma wave guides -T£ waves in rectangular wave guides - coaxialtransmission line.UNIT VElectromagnetic radiation - retarded potential and potential - electric andmagnetic dipole radiation - radiation from point charge – fields of a pointcharge Bremsstrauhlung, Synchrotron radiation and Cerenkov radiation.REFERENCE BOOKS:1. Classical Electrodyhamics - J.D. Jackson.2. Foundation of electromagnetic theory - Rietz, Milford and Griffith.3. Electromagnetic fields and waves - P. Lorrain and D. Corson.

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