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FOREWORDxiIn a great industrial country like GreatBritain there is far more favourable ground thanthere was in Hungary for the production of antisocialphilosophies and the manufacture of revolutionaries; the danger from insidious propaganda,from the failure of Government to govern, is noless but rather more than it was in Hungary.This book shows how appalling are the consequencesof even a temporary overthrow ofthose bulwarks of civilisation, law, order andreligion, and that mankind in the 20th Centuryiscapable of reverting in a moment to thebarbarism and anarchy of the Dark Ages.Russia, Italy, Hungary and Ireland have allin the past few years told the same tale. Oneof the greatest empires of the world nowpresents the picture of a society enduring aliving death ; Hungary and Italy have savedthemselves by their exertions and perhapsEurope by their example. Ireland's fate istrembling in the balance, but the corruption ofa whole population, the systematic training ofthe youth of a country to exalt rebellion intoa science and murder into a religion, can onlyhave one result. If the cancer has been checkedin some quarters, if the gangrene has beenamputated here and there, the poison is stillworking through all the European body politic,not only in those outrageous forms whichnaturally arouse opposition in all decent andeducated minds, but in those subtle formswhich disguise themselves under the cloak ofa spurious Christianity, a zeal for humanity,the brotherhood of man, and the internationalismof Labour. The open and thehidden agitations subsist side by side andeach plays into the other's hands. The"Red" International of Moscow, the "Yellow"International of Amsterdam, the various shades

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