Alumnae - Omega Phi Alpha National Service Sorority

Alumnae - Omega Phi Alpha National Service Sorority

Alumnae - Omega Phi Alpha National Service Sorority


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<strong>Alumnae</strong>Whirlwind in Westminster<strong>Alumnae</strong> track remains part of Convention scheduleby Keshia Gibson, <strong>Alumnae</strong> Board of Directors<strong>Alumnae</strong> had plenty of time to socializeand be involved in activities duringConvention in Westminster, a suburb ofDenver. The tradition of an alumnaetrack continued, complete with an alumnaemeeting, alumnae workshops and analumnae lounge.Day-by-day highlights of alumnae trackWednesday<strong>Alumnae</strong> LoungeAn alumnae lounge opened upWednesday night as a room wherealumnae could gather to chitchat, snackor even nap during Convention. Thelounge was also used for alumnae business,such as alumnae workshops andSenior Ceremony.Thursday<strong>Alumnae</strong> WorkshopsThe alum track offered two workshops:"OPA Today" and "So You Want to Startan Alum Chapter?" "OPA Today" servedas an overview of the many changes inO<strong>Phi</strong>A's organizational structure inrecent years. Such changes include thecreation of districts and new leadershippositions for alumnae. The latter workshopfocused on alumnae chapters--their current status, intended future andproposed legislation governing them.<strong>Alumnae</strong> MeetingThe main topic of this year's alumnaemeeting was the concept of alumnae initiation(allowing someone to join asorority outside of collegiate years). Themeeting's discussion included thoughtson how alumnae initiation might impactO<strong>Phi</strong>A, if it's suitable for O<strong>Phi</strong>A, and, ifaccepted, how it might be implemented.Friday<strong>Alumnae</strong> LuncheonThe alumnae luncheon is an opportunityto recognize any alumnae present atConvention. A speech by the VP ofalum relations addressed the diversity ofthe alumnae group, which representednine home chapters. Special recognitionwas given to current and past NEBmembers. Luncheon attendees ate chickenwith capers or vegetable lasagna andcheesecake for dessert.<strong>Alumnae</strong> Society InductionsThe society inductions immediately followedthe alumnae luncheon. <strong>Alumnae</strong>societies recognize an alumna's longevity(based on number of years since activation)and service to <strong>Omega</strong> <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Alpha</strong>.This year's inductees were all inductedinto the Topaz society (10 years):Elizabeth Anderson, Shayna Morris andAnita Thibodeaux. The society inductionsconcluded with the unveiling onthe new alumnae pin.Senior CeremonyTime was set aside to give any seniorswho had recently graduated, or wouldsoon graduate, an opportunity to be partof the senior ceremony. <strong>Alumnae</strong> performedthe ceremony for three sisters:Bambi McLeskey (<strong>Alpha</strong> Beta), LizNew (<strong>Alpha</strong> Zeta), and Dawn Tupper(<strong>Alpha</strong> Delta).Alum OutingA group of alumnae hopped on a shuttlein search of fun and ended up inBroomfield, Co. Sisters spent the afternoonbonding and shopping at FlatIronCrossing before heading back to enjoythe evening in downtown Denver.SaturdayAwards Banquet<strong>Alumnae</strong> wrapped up their Conventionby attending the Rock Star Banquet atthe Denver Museum of Natural Science.Two alumnae awards were presented.Elizabeth Anderson received the<strong>Alumnae</strong> Travel Award. The <strong>Alumnae</strong><strong>Service</strong> Award went to KarinHoodenpyle Coulter.<strong>Alumnae</strong> Track in <strong>Phi</strong>llyIf you missed out on the "Whirlwind inWestminster," there's always next year.Keep an eye out for Convention 2009registration to open sometime nextspring. If you would like to get involvedin or provide input for developing nextyear's alumnae track, contact the VP of<strong>Alumnae</strong> Relations atalumnae@omegaphialpha.org.Fall 2008 y Chevron 13

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