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64.FRANCISI’ll be fine. A little cold neverhurt anyone.Freddy nods and heads inside. Francis turns to the camera.FRANCIS (CONT’D)My one guilty pleasure is a goodracks <strong>of</strong> ribs. Even at 7:30 in themorning. I have the whole place tomyself. Freddy opens up just forme...Francis at a table, breath condensing in the cold air.FRANCIS (CONT’D)Where I grew up in South Carolinanobody had two pennies to rubtogether. A rack <strong>of</strong> ribs was aluxury, like Christmas in July.I’ve had a weakness for them eversince.CUT TO:Freddy comes outside with a steaming plate <strong>of</strong> ribs. Placesthem before Francis. Before digging in, Francis glances atthe newspaper he brought with him.Zoe’s breaking story, detailing the contents <strong>of</strong> the leakedEducation Bill, occupies a huge swath <strong>of</strong> the front page. Theheadline reads:EDUCATION BILL FAR LEFT OF CENTERWe PAN DOWN to see Zoe’s byline in bold above the article.QUICK MONTAGE-- Blythe in his <strong>of</strong>fice staring at the article on hiscomputer. Complete horror.-- Vasquez in the back <strong>of</strong> an SUV scrolling through herblackberry in even more horror.-- Zoe, Lucas and Hammerschmidt gathered around a computerwhere a TECH GUY is monitoring a graph.TECH GUYThe web traffic is crazy.-- Janine watching Zoe, Hammer and Lucas from a distance,eyes narrowed - jealous.

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