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A Manual on applying theCBD Guidelines on Biodiversityand Tourism DevelopmentTourismSupportingBiodiversity

Comstock/ThinkstockPublished by the Secretariat of the Convention on BiologicalDiversity.ISBN: 92-9225-585-1 (print)ISBN: 92-9225-585-X (electronic)Copyright © 2015, Secretariat of the Convention on BiologicalDiversity.The designations employed and the presentation of material inthis publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoeveron the part of the Secretariat of the Convention on BiologicalDiversity concerning the legal status of any country, territory,city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation ofits frontiers or boundaries.The views reported in this publication do not necessarily representthose of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.This publication may be reproduced for educational or non-profitpurposes without special permission from the copyright holders,provided acknowledgement of the source is made. The Secretariatof the Convention on Biological Diversity would appreciate receivinga copy of any publications that use this document as a source.Citation: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2015)Tourism supporting Biodiversity - A Manual on applying the CBDGuidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development. Montreal,56 pages.For further information, please contact:Secretariat of the Convention on Biological DiversityWorld Trade Centre413 St. Jacques Street, Suite 800Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2Y 1N9Phone: 1 (514) 288 2220Fax: 1 (514) 288 6588E-mail: secretariat@cbd.intWebsite: www.cbd.intDesign & typesetting: S4Carlisle Publishing ServicesCover photo: © Photos and illustrations as specified.Cover images (from left to right): Front: Photodisc/Thinkstock;Ryan McVay/Lifesize/Thinkstock; Filipe Fortes/www.flickr.com/photos/fortes; Goodshot/Thinkstock; iStockphoto/Thinkstock

TourismSupportingBiodiversityA Manual on applying the CBD Guidelineson Biodiversity and Tourism Development

Table of ContentsACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...........................................................................................................4FOREWORD ...............................................................................................................................5INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................61. The CBD Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development –Context, Purpose and Use ............................................................................................. 81.1 The CBD, tourism and the Guidelines .................................................................. 91.2 Positioning within the wider sustainable tourism context ................................ 91.3 The purpose and content of the Guidelines ...................................................... 112. Tourism and Biodiversity – Dimensions of the Relationship ................................... 122.1 Tourism, biodiversity and sustainable development ........................................ 132.2 The impact of tourism on biodiversity ............................................................... 142.3 Contribution to achieving the Aichi targets ...................................................... 143. Tourism and Biodiversity Policy and Governance – an Integrated Approach ........ 153.1 National government policies and legislation................................................... 163.2 Engaging key stakeholders .................................................................................. 163.3 Multi-stakeholder structures and participatory processes ............................. 184. Baseline Information on Tourism and Biodiversity .................................................. 204.1 The need for baseline information and the process involved ......................... 214.2 The range of information required ..................................................................... 214.3 Sources of information ........................................................................................ 225. Plan Formulation for Tourism and Biodiversity ........................................................ 235.1 National framework for local planning ............................................................. 245.2 Preparing an effective local plan ........................................................................ 245.3 Setting vision, goals and objectives .................................................................... 255.4 Key outcomes from a local plan ......................................................................... 252 Tourism Supporting BiodiversityPhotodisc/Thinkstock

6. Tools for Controlling and Influencing Tourism Impacts on Biodiversity................ 276.1 The range of instruments to use ........................................................................ 286.2 Regulations and their enforcement .................................................................... 286.3 Voluntary instruments ........................................................................................ 296.4 Economic instruments ......................................................................................... 307. Notification and Impact Assessment of Tourism Projects ....................................... 327.1 Prior communication and notification of tourism projects ............................. 337.2 Environmental Impact Assessment requirements,content and procedures ....................................................................................... 337.3 Decision-making on tourism projects ................................................................ 358. Management Initiatives to Support Biodiversity through Tourism ........................ 368.1 Dimensions and purpose of the management process .................................... 378.2 Working with tourism businesses to support conservation ............................ 378.3 Visitor management and conservation benefit ................................................. 388.4 Working with local communities to support conservation ............................. 399. Monitoring, Reporting and Adaptive Management of TourismImpacts on Biodiversity ............................................................................................... 409.1 What needs to be monitored? ............................................................................. 419.2 The monitoring and reporting process .............................................................. 419.3 The requirement for flexibility and adaptation ................................................ 4210. Awareness Raising and Capacity-Building for Tourism and Biodiversity ............... 4310.1 Raising awareness of biodiversity issues in tourism ........................................ 4410.2 Capacity-building and resource mobilization ................................................... 4511. Reporting on Tourism and Biodiversity and The Application of the Guidelines ... 47NOTES .....................................................................................................................................49REFERENCES* ..........................................................................................................................53

AcknowledgementsLead authors: Richard and Jackie Denman (The Tourism Company).Project management: Monica Kobayashi and Oliver Hillel (Secretariat of the Convention on BiologicalDiversity)We would like to recognize the valuable contributions and review of the following experts:Alejandro Argumedo Executive Director, Associacion ANDES, Peru; Andrea Cruz, Officer, SEMARNAT,Mexico; Anna Spenceley, Chair, IUCN Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist Group, South Africa; ArianeJanér, Director, Bromelia Consult, Brazil; Barbara Engels, Director, BfN, Germany; Deirdre Shurland, HelenaRey and Charles Arden-Clarke, tourism and sustainable consumption experts, UNEP DTIE, France;Dorothy Queiros, Coordinator, University of South Africa; Francis Vorhies, Executive Director, Earthmind,France; Jamie Sweeting, Vice-President for Sustainability at G Adventures and President, Planeterra Foundation,United States of America; Jane Ashton Director for Sustainable Tourism, TUI Travel, United Kingdom;Jennifer Seif, Executive Director, Fair Trade Tourism, South Africa; Jose Koechlin, Founder and President,Inkaterra Group, Peru; Giulia Carbone, Deputy Director, IUCN, Switzerland; Klaus Lengefeld and Manuel Bollmann,Tourism Experts, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Germany; MarionHammerl and Herbert Hamele, tourism experts, ECOTRANS e.V., Germany; Mark Watson, Executive Director,Tourism Concern, United Kingdom; Megan Epler Wood. CEO, EplerWood International, United States;Neill Sperath, Founder and Director of TIME Unlimited Tours, New Zealand; Netsai Sibanda, Manager, FairTrade Tourism South Africa; Olivia Ruggles-Brise, the World Travel and Tourism Council, United Kingdom;Nicola Breier, Head of Division, Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and NuclearSafety, Germany; Paul Eshoo, Advisor, tourism expert, Wildlife Conservation Society, United States; PeterDogse, Programme Officer, UNESCO, France; Randy Durband, Chief Executive Officer, the Global SustainableTourism Council (GSTC), United States; Richard Tapper, Executive Director, Environment Business and DevelopmentGroup, United Kingdom; Robyn Bushell, Associate Professor, University of Western Sydney, Australia;Ronald Sanabria, Vice-President, Rainforest Alliance, Costa Rica; Sofía Gutiérrez, Deputy Director,Sustainable Development of Tourism Programme, UNWTO, Spain; Swathi Seshadri, coordinator, Equations,India; Thomas Meller, CEO, Soluciones Sostenibles, MexicoThis publication, including related consultations and content validation at side events parallel to thetwelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 12), hasbeen made possible by support from the Federal Government of Germany.4 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity

ForewordBiodiversity and sustainable tourism are interlinked. A healthy,properly functioning natural environment is a main tourism attractionand serves to heighten awareness of the intrinsic value ofnature for us all. Many of the issues in the Convention on BiologicalDiversity tend to affect the tourism sector, and progress madein reducing the sector’s environmental and social footprint hasenhanced its overall contribution to the preservation of nature.In fact, tourism contributes to meeting at least 12 of the 20 AichiBiodiversity Targets, and builds on early efforts taken towardsmore sustainable ecosystems and economies.This was confirmed in September 2014 by the SAMOA Pathway, theoutcome document of the third International Conference on Small Island Developing States, which recognizedthat sustainable tourism represents an important driver of sustainable economic growth and jobcreation for small island developing States. It was reiterated by the United Nations General Assembly in November2014, when the Assembly recognized the importance of promoting sustainable tourism, includingeco-tourism, for poverty eradication and protection of the environment.Developing countries are the stewards of the vast majority of Earth’s biodiversity, and this provides theirtourism industry with a competitive advantage. Tourism has been identified as a priority sector for developmentof the vast majority of least developed countries and small island developing States, and has primarilybeen responsible for the development of such countries as Botswana, Cabo Verde and the Maldives.In terms of tourism volume, according to the World Tourism Organization, developing country destinationshave grown twice as fast as destinations in developed countries, a trend that is expected to continue. Travelbetween developing countries, approximately 47 per cent of the total volume in 2011, is expected to growto 60 per cent by 2030.Without a doubt, however, the greatest contribution that tourism makes is in opening minds to the wondersof nature. Every year, millions of visitors and tourists make a point of seeing and experiencing the wondersthat nature has to offer. Visitors can, among other things, marvel at the natural beauty of coral reefs andwetlands, enjoy the pleasure of birdwatching and viewing other wildlife, and experiencing first-hand theinherent beauty of rainforests. As the French philosopher Michel Serres once remarked, “There is no travelwithout learning, and no learning without travel.”Recently, several decisions emanating from the mid-term review of the implementation of the StrategicPlan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 at the twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties, held in the Republicof Korea, served to highlight the important role that tourism serves, and called for further application ofthe Convention’s Guidelines. I would like to thank the Government of Germany for identifying the need forthis timely publication, and I call upon all Parties, regional partners and organizations to use this and othertools to upscale the contributions of the tourism sector to the achievement of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversityand the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.Braulio DiasExecutive Secretary, Convention on Biological DiversityTourism Supporting Biodiversity 5


This Manual provides information for planners, developers,managers and decision makers involvedwith tourism development and resource managementin areas of sensitive biodiversity. The purposeis to help them to mainstream biodiversity concernsand ecosystem services within sustainable tourismdevelopment. Its primary target is public authoritiesand other agencies in a position to influence tourismimpacts, while also being relevant to potentialdevelopers of tourism projects.The Manual has been prepared as a result of decisionstaken by the Parties to the Convention on BiologicalDiversity (CBD) in 2012 (COP 11) and furtherdeveloped in 2014 (COP 12) to improve knowledgeand materials to better inform the integration of biodiversityinto sustainable tourism development.The Manual is based on the CBD Guidelines on Biodiversityand Tourism Development. However, italso reflects a wider perspective on approaches andexperience in sustainable tourism development andmanagement. 1This Manual, with an emphasis on managementand governance, complements the more technicalUser’s Manual on the CBD Guidelines on Biodiversity andTourism Development published in 2007. 2This Manual is available as a PDF document at: AManual on applying the CBD Guidelines on Biodiversityand Tourism Development. 3Tourism Supporting Biodiversity 7

Chapter 1The CBD Guidelines on Biodiversity and TourismDevelopment – Context, Purpose and UseGoodshot/Thinkstock

Users of the CBD Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development should be aware of their origin,purpose and content, and how they relate to the wider context of international policies, initiatives andmaterials on sustainable tourism.1.1 The CBD, tourism and the GuidelinesFor many years, the Convention on Biological Diversity(CBD) has recognized tourism as an importantissue for biodiversity, as a positive force for conservationbut also as a source of various negativeimpacts if not effectively managed and routinelymonitored.In 1999, the Conference of the Parties (COP) to theCBD agreed to include tourism in an in-depth considerationof the sustainable use of biodiversity.In 2001, this was linked to an invitation from theCommission on Sustainable Development to prepareinternational guidelines for activities relatedto sustainable tourism development in vulnerableecosystems. Following a lengthy period of drafting,workshops and consultation involving a wide rangeof stakeholders the final CBD Guidelines on Biodiversityand Tourism Development were endorsed byCBD COP 7 in 2004.The Guidelines have remained a central pillar of theCBD contribution to addressing the many impacts oftourism on biodiversity. Subsequent meetings of theConference of the Parties have called for improvedapplication of the Guidelines.At COP 10, in Nagoya, Japan, in paragraph 20 of decisionX/20 on Cooperation with other conventionsand international organizations and initiatives, theConference of the Parties requested the ExecutiveSecretary to continue collaboration with the WorldTourism Organization, including on a review of theapplication of the Guidelines on Biodiversity andTourism Development.At COP 11, in Hyderabad, India, in paragraph 48 ofthe decision XI/6 the Conference of the Parties decidesto review the application of the Guidelines onBiodiversity and Tourism Development at its twelfthmeeting, in order to improve, inter alia, the provisionof updated and innovative tools and instruments onsustainable tourism management to Parties and interestedstakeholders and enhance their contributionto the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020.At COP 12, in Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea, decisionXII/11 the Conference of the Parties recognizedthe ongoing relevance of the Guidelines. In additionto their general application, it called for their use indemonstration projects in tourism and conservationhotspots. It also requested the facilitation of voluntaryreporting by Parties on the application of theGuidelines.Beyond the Guidelines, the Secretariat of the CBDhas engaged in a range of issues relating to tourismand biodiversity which they have drawn to the attentionof the Parties and other stakeholders. Relevantinformation on tourism and biodiversity madeavailable to COP 12 and previous meetings of theCOP, together with decisions taken, can be found athttp://www.cbd.int/cop.1.2 Positioning within the wider sustainable tourism contextThe CBD engagement with tourism and use of theGuidelines forms just one part of a wider internationalmovement to promote and enhance the sustainabilityof the tourism sector. The impact of tourismon biodiversity should be seen as one elementof a range of interrelated environmental, socioculturaland economic impacts. Many policy areas, programmes,initiatives and tools aimed at sustainabledevelopment and resource management can directlyand indirectly affect the relationship betweentourism and biodiversity.Users of the Guidelines should be aware of relevantglobal initiatives, knowledge and materials relatingto sustainable tourism, which are referred tothroughout this Manual. While noting that the listbelow is neither comprehensive nor exhaustive,attention is drawn to relevant work by various partnersof CBD:Sustainable consumption and production of tourismThe 10-year framework of programmes on sustainableconsumption and production patterns(10YFP) includes a specific Sustainable TourismProgramme, led by the World Tourism Organization(UNWTO), co-led by the Governmentsof France, Morocco and the Republic of Korea,and supported by the United Nations EnvironmentProgramme (UNEP) as the 10-YFP Secretariat.The programme supports cooperationbetween stakeholders for the development andimplementation of innovations and good practicesin resource efficient and low-carbon tourismplanning, reducing the loss of biodiversity,Tourism Supporting Biodiversity 9

conserving ecosystems, preserving cultural heritage,alleviating poverty, improving sustainablelivelihoods and adapting to the reality of climatechange. 4Sustainable tourism developmentUNWTO has prepared a range of policy and advisorypublications on sustainable tourism whicha have a direct or indirect relevance to biodiversity.These include work on tourism as a sustainabledevelopment tools, indicators, tourismand poverty alleviation, tourism in small islanddeveloping States (SIDS), coastal tourism, andmore specific tourism and biodiversity themes.UNEP has developed a series of publications ontourism development and operations in sensitiveenvironments such as coastal, deserts, mountains,rainforest. 5, 6In December 2014, the United Nations GeneralAssembly adopted resolution 69/233 on promotionof sustainable tourism, including ecotourism,for poverty eradication and environmentprotection, drawing attention to the opportunitiespresented by sustainable tourism, includingfor conservation, protection and sustainable useof biodiversity.The resolution, significantly broader in scopethan previous ones on the subject, builds on a2012 General Assembly resolution on ecotourismand draws on a report prepared by UNWTO. Inline with UNWTO recommendations, it underlinesthe importance of appropriate national policies,guidelines and regulations for promotingsustainable tourism, including ecotourism, andencourages United Nations Member States andregional and international financial institutionsto support sustainable tourism projects, enablingthe creation of small and medium-sizedenterprises, promoting cooperatives and facilitatingaccess to inclusive financial services, includingmicrocredit initiatives for the poor, localcommunities and indigenous peoples.Tourism in protected and designated areasMuch work has been done in this field, includingspecific initiatives and programmes, sustainabletourism charters, research and advisory materials.The International Union for Conservationof Nature (IUCN)’s World Commission on ProtectedAreas has established a Tourism and ProtectedAreas Specialist Group (TAPAS Group), whichfacilitates knowledge development and capacity-building.7, 8The United Nations Educational, Scientific andCultural Organization (UNESCO) has a WorldHeritage and Sustainable Tourism Programmeand has been pursuing implementation of the CBDGuidelines within its World Network of BiosphereReserves, 9 and has established a toolkit for sustainabletourism in World Heritage10, 11Sites.Tools guiding tourism concessions in protectedareas have been produced by the United NationsDevelopment Program (UNDP) for protected areamanagers 12 and by the World Bank Group forpractitioners advising them.Sustainability of tourism businessesA number of United Nations, international andsector bodies are promoting sustainability in thedesign and operation of individual tourism businesses.For example, the IUCN Business andBiodiversity Programme has produced guidelineson the sustainable use of biodiversity in hoteland resort operations. 13Sustainable tourism standards and certificationThe Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC),supported by a range of international bodies, hasestablished sustainable tourism standards fortourism businesses and for destinations. Theseinclude criteria on biodiversity. The Council is alsoaccrediting certification schemes that embracethe standards. 14 For more details, see Section 6.DestiNet, an independent portal supported bythe European Commission and officially registeredas a United Nations “Partnership for SustainableDevelopment”, offers a comprehensive inventoryof worldwide certification programmes.While it may not list all initiatives, it is regularlyupdated: 15Tourism and climate changeClimate change mitigation and adaptation strategiesand actions within tourism destinations andbusinesses have important direct and indirectimplications for biodiversity. The UNWTO UNEP,OECD and other agencies have pursued various16, 17, 18studies and initiatives in this field.Sustainable Tourism and other Multilateral EnvironmentalAgreementsIn addition to UNESCO’s contribution in theframework of the World Heritage Conventionand the Man and Biosphere Programme as notedabove, a number of other biodiversity-relatedconventions are also promoting sustainabletourism. In this regard, the Convention on theConservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals(CMS) has published a reference book,“Wildlife Watching and Tourism – a study on thebenefits and risks of a fast-growing touristic activityand its impacts on species”. 19At their COP 14, a document on boat-based wildlifewatching was distributed. 2010 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity

The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, building onthe CBD Guidelines, adopted Resolution XI/7 ontourism, recreation and wetlands in 2012. 21At the regional level, the Framework Conventionon the Protection and Sustainable Developmentof the Carpathians adopted in May 2011 theProtocol on Sustainable Tourism, followed by aStrategy and a collection of good practices. 221.3 The purpose and contentof the GuidelinesThe stated aim of the CBD Guidelines is to make“tourism and biodiversity more mutually supportive, engagingthe private sector and local communities and indigenouspeoples, and promoting infrastructure and landuse planning based on the principles of conservation andsustainable use of biodiversity.”The Guidelines are relevant to all tourism developmentanywhere. In order to be sustainable, tourismshould always be concerned about any potentialimpact on biodiversity. However, as a priority, theyshould be applied in areas with significant terrestrialand marine habitats, whether or not these arewithin protected areas.The Guidelines provide guidance on two key relatedactivities:✤Developing and implementing related policies,strategies, master or local plans for tourism developmentin a way that takes full account of biodiversityand its needs.✤Assessing, controlling and influencing individualtourism development proposals and projects,and their technical and financial partners, withrespect to their impact on biodiversity.Boat-based wildlife watching – When wildlifewatching is managed carefully, the revenues generatedcan benefit the conservation of the targetspecies. However, excessive exposure to wildlifewatching boats may lead to changes in the behaviourof wildlife, with negative consequences,such as emigration and reduced reproduction oreven loss of the population. Credit: iStockphoto/ThinkstockThe Guidelines emphasize the importance of stakeholderengagement. They set out a systematic approachto planning, project assessment and management.This includes gathering baseline information,setting goals and objectives, establishing relevantcontrol and management tools, assessing impacts,engaging in management, monitoring results, andadaptation. This Manual provides practical guidanceon pursing this approach.Tourism Supporting Biodiversity 11

Chapter 2Tourism and Biodiversity – Dimensionsof the RelationshipHemera/Thinkstock

In applying the Guidelines, it is necessary to understand the different directions and dimensions of theimpact of tourism on biodiversity.2.1 Tourism, biodiversity and sustainable developmentTourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenonwhich entails the movement of people tocountries or places outside their usual environmentfor personal or business/professional purposes. 23Tourism accounts for 9 per cent of the world’s grossdomestic product and 6 per cent of exports andcontributes (directly or indirectly) to one in elevenjobs. It is growing rapidly. In 2013, 1,087 million internationaltourists travelled the world generatingUS$ 1.4 trillion in exports. The UNWTO forecaststhat international arrivals will grow at an averageof 3.3 per cent per annum to 2030, with even fastergrowth in Africa, Asia/Pacific and Latin Americawhich contain much of the world’s natural heritagedestinations. A trend observed in more maturesource markets, especially in Europe and NorthAmerica, has been towards soft adventure and authentic,transformative experiences, which ofteninclude an element of visits to natural areas and observingwildlife. Up to date information on tourismperformance is available from UNWTO. 24Biological diversity means the variability amongliving organisms from all sources, including terrestrial,marine and other aquatic ecosystems, and theecological complexes of which they are part; thisincludes diversity within species, between speciesand of ecosystems. In simple terms, it can be describedas the diversity of life on Earth. Key trendsin biodiversity are described in the fourth editionof the Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO-4) released bythe CBD Secretariat and UNEP at COP 12. 25 The reporthighlights good progress towards achieving targetson protected areas, access and benefit sharing,and national biodiversity strategy and action plans(NBSAPs). However, significant additional effort isrequired to meet the objectives of the Strategic Planfor Biodiversity 2011-2020, 26 and to achieve many ofthe Aichi Biodiversity Targets. 27Data related to visitation and tourism to protectedareas is a basic piece of information necessary to understandhow stakeholder and community involvement,revenue flows and pay-back mechanisms canbe effective. However, information regarding theglobal magnitude of visitation is insufficient, as notedalso by Parties at COP 12 when they invited governments,with the support of relevant partners, tomonitor and review recreation, visits and other tourismactivities in protected areas, as well as impactsand relevant management processes in ecologicallysensitive areas, and to share results appropriately.Projecting on existing data, a study published onFebruary 2015 compiled a globally-representativedatabase of visits to PAs and built models to predictvisits rates. The results suggests that together, PAslisted in IUCN’s World Database of Protected Areasreceive roughly 8 billion visits per year (8 times thenumber of global international arrivals according toUNWTO), which resulted in up to US$ 600 billion indirect in-country expenditure and US$ 250 billion inconsumer surplus. 28While the above information relates to global trends,the tourism and biodiversity situation at a local levelwill vary significantly between destinations. TheGuidelines stress the need to obtain good local data,as covered later in Section 4.The Guidelines advocate an ‘ecosystems approach’to planning for tourism and biodiversity. 29 This is anapproach which involves the integrated managementof land, water and living resources that promotesconservation and equitable use in a sustainableway. It recognizes that tourism is dependent onhealthy, functioning ecosystems.This approach is in line with the regularly used conceptof sustainable tourism, which “takes full accountof its current and future economic, social andenvironmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors,the sector, the environment and host communities”.Biological diversity has been recognized asone of 12 interrelated aims of sustainable tourism,with others covering a range of economic, social andenvironmental impacts. 30Providing an experience of nature to tourists canbe seen as a key ecosystems service, benefitting notonly the visitors themselves but also many otherswho can gain from this process, including tourismbusinesses, indigenous peoples and local communitiesand conservation interests. Payment for EcosystemsServices (PES) has gained wide recognition asa significant approach, with strong implications fortourism development, planning and management. 31and underpins work on the economics of ecosystemsand biodiversity. 32 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity 13

Box 1: Georgia TEEB Scoping StudyThe Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) is a global initiative focused on drawing attention to the economic benefitsof biodiversity, including the growing cost of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation. TEEB presents an approach thatcan help decision-makers recognize, demonstrate and capture the values of ecosystem services and biodiversity. Georgia wasone of the pilot countries selected for implementation of the TEEB Initiative in 2011. A scoping study identified tourism as one offive core sectors of the Georgian economy applicable for the TEEB Initiative, the others being energy, agriculture, mining and forestry.The study highlighted the substantial dependence of these driving forces of Georgian economy on natural capital and theservices it provides. While acknowledging the positive economic benefits of tourism, the study also identified various adverse impactsof tourism on ecosystems, including habitat loss due to land encroachment, waste generation, and water quality impacts.In addition, some of these adverse effects on biodiversity may also negatively impinge upon the tourist experience (e.g. untreatedsewage affecting bathing water quality; unregulated waste disposal implying plastic litter in otherwise pristine nature spots).A TEEB study for sustainable tourism in Georgia has been proposed to better inform tourism planning and development(zoning, protected are management), and to identify opportunities and threats for long-term sustainable tourism. 332.2 The impact of tourism on biodiversityTourism and biodiversity have a symbiotic relationship.This can be mutually reinforcing and both negativeand positive. For example, the importance ofbiodiversity to the appeal of certain destinations canbring additional visitor pressure but also more supportfor conservation.The main dimensions of the relationship between tourismand biodiversity can be summed up as follows: 34Negative:✤Pressure on habitats, leading to biodiversity loss,from poorly sited, designed or managed tourismdevelopments, operations and activities;✤Direct threats to individual species, for examplefrom recreational activity, from use for fooditems, souvenirs or other trading, or from competitionfrom invasive alien species introducedthrough tourism activity;✤Site clearing for development of tourisminfrastructure;✤Tourism affecting other environmental conditionswhich may negatively impact on biodiversity,for example through waste disposal, waterconsumption and pollution or greenhouse gasemissions contributing to climate change.✤Decrease of tourism flows due to the degradedstate or loss of biodiversityPositive:✤Recognition of the great importance to tourismeconomies of attractive landscapes and a richbiodiversity, underpinning the political and economiccase for conservation and resourcing;✤The development and operation of nature-basedtourism products providing revenue and othersupport for biodiversity conservation;✤Provide direct incentives to communities to reducethreats to and maintain or increase keywildlife populations and biodiversity valuesthrough tourism revenue.✤Tourism providing education of visitors and fosteringawareness of conservation and biodiversityissues✤Support for the livelihoods and cultural diversityof local communities and indigenous peoplesfrom tourism providing an alternative to unsustainableactivities and raising and strengtheningtheir awareness of conservation issues.An understanding of these relationships shouldlie behind the data collection, analysis and managementprocesses employed in pursuing theGuidelines.2.3 Contribution to achieving the Aichi targetsThe Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 35 referredto earlier, provides further context for theGuidelines. It has been shown 36 that effective tourismplanning and actions can contribute to achievingat least 12 of the 20 Aichi Biodiversity Targets 37contained in the plan. For some Targets (5, 8, 9, 10and 12) this is primarily about greater control andmanagement to reduce damage to biodiversity fromtourism. For others (1, 11, 15, 18, and 20) this isabout pursuing the positive contribution of tourismto biodiversity awareness, protected areas, habitatrestoration, community engagement, and resourcemobilization. A further dimension is the better integrationof biodiversity and sustainability into developmentpolicies and business models that includetourism, thereby supporting Aichi Targets 2 and 4.14 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity

Chapter 3Tourism and Biodiversity Policyand Governance – an Integrated ApproachUpsilon Andromedae (www.flickr.com/photos/upsand)

The Guidelines stress the need for a multi-stakeholder and participatory approach,with coordination of the different policies and interests that can influence the relationshipbetween tourism and biodiversity 383.1 National government policies and legislationTourism policies at the national level should endorseand adopt the principles and aims of sustainabletourism. Specifically within this they shouldrecognize the importance of biodiversity as an attractionfor visitors, the need to address the negativeimpacts of tourism on biodiversity, and the opportunityto support conservation through tourism. Tourismmaster plans, which may consider the natureand location of tourism development, should takeparticular note of areas where biodiversity may bevulnerable and support a careful, well planned approachto tourism in such areas, which closely followsthe Guidelines.Policies for the environment and natural resourcesshould equally recognize the negative and positiveimpacts of tourism on biodiversity. In particular,National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plansshould make explicit reference to tourism as anactivity that requires sound planning and management,and as an opportunity for generating supportfor conservation.Other policy areas that need to reflect biodiversityissues in the context of sustainable tourism planningmay include economic development, finance,poverty eradication, transport, urban development,culture, agriculture, forestry and fisheries.In addition to the alignment of policies, the existenceof effective and relevant enabling legislationfor sustainable tourism should be addressed. Legislationshould also provide a robust basis for effectiveland use planning and development control andthe use of other instruments as identified later inSection 6.The above requirements will be greatly facilitatedthrough strengthening dialogue and coordinationbetween the various government departments, ministriesand agencies responsible for the policy areasmentioned. 39 Regular meetings between them toaddress sustainable tourism, including biodiversity,should be held. This should also link to wider stakeholderstructures as referred to below.It is important that the coordination of policiesshould be integrated vertically between all levels ofgovernment. This includes the consolidation or furtherdevelopment of policies at a subnational level(e.g. in regions, states and provinces) and on theground at a local level.3.2 Engaging key stakeholdersThe importance of engaging various elements ofgovernment in actions that relate tourism and biodiversityis clear from the above discussion aboutpolicy coordination. However there is also a very significantneed to involve all stakeholders.Tourism private sectorEssentially the tourism sector is made up of privatebusinesses which supply services to visitors. Theirdevelopments and operations and the decisionsthat they make will have the greatest influence onbiodiversity. They are the drivers of change. Theyalso provide the main way of reaching markets andinfluencing consumers. They have a strong impacton local communities, which can be either positiveor negative, through the provision of employment,involvement with local supply chains, use of localresources, and investment and engagement in localinfrastructure and support services.A wide range of size and type of business are stakeholdersin the biodiversity-tourism relationship.These include providers of accommodation, catering,transportation, attractions, activities, culturalexperiences, guiding and various related services.International and local tour operators are particularlyimportant in influencing the actions of visitorsand other businesses.There are examples of tourism businesses that havea strong commitment to the environment and biodiversityand have supported conservation throughtheir own land and resource management, funding,and engagement with visitors and communities.Others may be less proactive but still take accountof biodiversity in the management of their businessesor in the suppliers that they use. On the otherhand, many businesses could be doing more to reducenegative impacts and provide positive support.Tourism businesses can be reached individually.However, it is also important to work with nationaland local tourism trade associations where theseexist to encourage sector-wide cooperation and collectiveimpact.16 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity

It is important to bring to attention to the differentscales of impact and forms of management for theformal and informal parts of the tourism sector.Generally, activities of formal businesses, particularlythe larger ones, have a far greater impact on theenvironment and biodiversity, including resourcesand infrastructure to make either positive or negativeimpacts on the environment. Usually, informalor small-scale businesses have lesser impacts. However,their cumulative effect may be significant, andthey also need to be engaged and represented in thetourism sector to have their interests representedin sustainable tourism policies. Moreover, wheneverfinancial investments are needed to make tourismmore sustainable, larger-scale formal business maybe advantaged and special incentives and subsidiesmay be required in order to help the informal sectorand Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) toengage, and be environmentally sustainable in theirpractices.Box 2: Inkaterra – a tourism business pioneering biodiversity conservationInkaterra is a Peruvian eco-tourism company with almost forty years of experience in sustainable tourism initiatives. The companyowns and operates five hotels, including at Machu Picchu Natural Reserve and the south-eastern rain forest of the Amazonin Puerto Maldonado, Tambopata. Each year Inkaterra provides authentic nature experiences to more than 65,000 travellers inPeru. Inkaterra has a holistic approach that produces scientific research for biodiversity conservation and sustainable developmentof local communities in the Amazon rainforest (e.g. the Madre de Dios region in south eastern Peru), the cloud forests ofMachu Picchu, and the tropical sea of Cabo Blanco. Through its associated NGO, Inkaterra Association (ITA), many sustainabledevelopment projects have been carried out, which include:• Peru’s first ecological reserve for tourism purposes, a 15,000 ha area of primary forest at Tambopata• Checklists of birds within properties in Tambopata and Machu Picchu (747 species)• World Birding Rally, the only non-stop international birding championship• The world’s largest native orchid collection, with 372 species• Establishment of the Andean Bear Rescue Centre, for the conservation of the only bear species in the SouthernHemisphere• A technical proposal to justify the creation of Peru’s first marine reserve in Cabo Blanco 40INDIGENOUS PEOPLES ANDLOCAL COMMUNITIESThe Guidelines require direct engagement of indigenouspeoples and local communities in the preparation,agreement and implementation of plans,assessment of impacts and decision-making abouttourism developments. This includes obtaining theirprior informed consent, but goes beyond this in establishingcredible and functional participatory processesfor full and ongoing involvement. It is criticalthat the prior informed consent of affected indigenouspeoples and local communities is obtained aspart of any process linked to the application of theCBD Guidelines. However, merely creating structuresand spaces for this would be inadequate. Informationabout these processes needs to reach all affectedcommunities. They would also need to be empoweredto be able to effectively participate in the processes.There is a wealth of experience and material availableabout community engagement practices in naturalresource management. These include issues ofland rights, recognition of traditional structures andknowledge, ensuring gender and minority balance,effective and objective consultation, use of effectivecommunication and feedback procedures, andrecording agreements on outcomes and responsibilities.The Guidelines draw special attention to theInkaterra - Tambopata Province, Madre deDios, Peru - Special equipment, such as canopywalkways, can make colourful fruit, smallbirds and insects stand out as treetop attractions,previously unavailable to tourists.Credit: Filipe Fortes (www.flickr.com/photos/fortes)Akwé: Kon guidelines 41 for the conduct of assessmentof developments that may affect indigenous peoplesand local communities. 42 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity 17

Box 3: Indigenous peoples engagement in tourism planning – Kakadu, AustraliaA key feature of Kakadu National Park is its location on Aboriginal lands, leased from, and jointly managed with, the Aboriginalgroups to which the land belongs. In 2004, the Park and Aboriginal groups together created the following shared tourism visionfor Kakadu which formed the foundation of the Park’s Tourism Master Plan:“Kakadu National Park is one of the great World Heritage Parks, recognized universally as a place with:– a living Aboriginal culture—home to Bininj/Mungguy– extraordinary natural landscapes and a rich variety of plants and animals– enriching and memorable experiences for visitors– a strong and successful partnership between Traditional Owners, governments– and the tourism sector, providing world’s best practice in caring for country– and sustainable tourism.” 43bodies most directly involved in managing the relationshipbetween visitation, tourism and biodiversityon the ground. The Guidelines are extremely relevantto their operations.Protected area bodies are frequently public bodies,governed and administered at a national, subnationalor local level. Understanding the degree of centralisationas against local autonomy is importanthere. Protected areas also include private reservesor areas owned or managed through public-privatepartnerships and agreements, or by NGOs or otherstructures. 44Kakadu National Park, Australia – Indigenousranger at Gun-warddehwardde Lookout.Credit: Parks Australia (https://www.flickr.com/photos/parksaustralia)Subnational and local authoritiesAs well as their engagement in policy developmentand coordination, subnational (state, province) andlocal (municipal) authorities often have a critical roleto play in planning and influencing development andnatural resource use in their areas and can sometimesbe the final decision makers. They may also beinvolved in tourism management and promotion.Protected area managersAuthorities and managers responsible for parks, reservesand other protected areas will often be theWhatever the nature of their ownership or management,the availability of financial and human resourcesand skills at a local level is critical for thesebodies to perform effective visitor and tourism managementas well as biodiversity conservation functions.One of the challenges in managing impacts isequating investments on visitor management servicesand infrastructure, maintenance and ecosystemrestoration in affected areas with the generalor destination-level revenue flows from tourism– reinvestingwealth generated by tourism into maintenanceof a park’s natural capital to attract visitorsand tourists.Other bodiesA number of other bodies can represent additionalinterests or provide important technical support.These include: international, national or local environmentaland conservation bodies; tourism associationsand chambers of trade, NGOs engaged withlocal sustainable development and work with localcommunities; and institutions involved with relevantresearch, education and capacity-building.3.3 Multi-stakeholder structures and participatory processesWhile the individual position and contribution ofthe above stakeholders should be recognized, theGuidelines require collaborative planning and actionand point to the establishment of multi-stakeholderstructures and participatory procedures. As wellensuring an equitable and inclusive approach and18 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity

agreement on aims and actions, this can strengthenthe spread of awareness, sharing of knowledge, accessto skills and resources, and outreach of influence.Structures that bring together tourism and biodiversitystakeholders should be established at a nationaland local level and may be part of wider sustainabletourism or area and resource management structures.They are likely to require ongoing support andcapacity-building. UNWTO has prepared informationon multi-stakeholder processes in tourism. 45National level structures enable the relevant ministriesand agencies, as identified earlier, to meet withrepresentative bodies of the private sector, resourcemanagement, conservation and local communityinterests. While it may be impracticable for suchbodies to be established simply to address tourismand biodiversity, the key requirement is for this relationshipto be regularly placed on their agenda andaddressed by them.Multi-stakeholder structures and participatoryprocesses are especially important in addressingtourism and biodiversity issues at a local level. Critically,they should involve local authorities, protectedarea bodies, tourism businesses, local communitiesand other relevant stakeholders. They should serveas planning and management bodies in a definedlocal area. In recent years the concept of “local destinations”has proved valuable, as areas which makesense in terms of tourism identity and branding aswell as for the effective management and engagementof stakeholders on the ground. Local destinationsmay be defined, variously, by heritage andtradition, ecosystems, protected areas, administrativeboundaries or in other ways according to localcircumstances. Multi-stakeholder bodies providingthe above functions in such defined areas aresometimes referred to as Destination ManagementOrganizations.A key role for these local structures is to engage inthe planning and management processes that areset out in the Guidelines and covered in the remainderof this Manual.Box 4: Multi-stakeholder engagement in tourism in protected areasThe European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas aims to encourage good practice by recognising protectedareas which are meeting agreed requirements for the sustainable development and management of tourism. By the end of 2014over 130 protected areas had been awarded the Charter spanning 16 countries. A key requirement of the Charter is for all thoseconnected through tourism in and around the protected area to be involved in its development and management. This is usuallymet through a permanent forum, or equivalent arrangement, established between the protected area authority, local municipalities,conservation and community organizations and representatives of the tourism sector. 46Tourism Supporting Biodiversity 19

Chapter 4Baseline Information on Tourismand BiodiversityNPS Climate Change Response (www.flickr.com/photos/npsclimatechange)

The Guidelines require that baseline information is available to enable informed decisions to be taken.The scope and source of relevant information is outlined in the Guidelines. Further clarification onwhat is needed, why and where from is provided below.4.1 The need for baseline information and the process involvedBaseline information, which is then kept up to date,is needed for a number of purposes:✤To inform the preparation of local plans for tourismthat take full account of biodiversity.✤To enable realistic goals to be set, including aspirationaltargets and limits of acceptable change.✤To guide the implementation of plans and all aspectsof management.✤To provide a source of information for potentialdevelopers and for dialogue with them in advanceof any project proposal.✤To provide a basis for impact assessment of individualtourism projects. These may also requirea range of additional evidence relating to theproject in question.✤To establish a framework, baseline and indicatorsfor monitoring.Gathering and analysing information can be timeconsumingand the complexity, scale, spatial andtemporal realities of impacts make it quite difficultto determine a valid baseline. It is important to beclear about what is needed and the process involved.The various steps include:✤Agreeing within the stakeholder group about theinformation desired and prioritising this.✤Building capacity and skills on data collectionand analysis✤Auditing what information is already available,checking its reliability and identifying any gapsthat need to be filled✤Agreeing and sharing out responsibilities for thedata collection process✤Collating, synthesising and analysing data andpresenting it in a digestible summarized form.In setting up multi-stakeholder systems for baselinemonitoring and reporting, tourism observatoriesusually articulate a number of key indicators andcombine the capacities of the private sector, educational,scientific and technical institutions, tourismassociations and local tourism authorities. Data canalso be collected by tourists or tour guides to reducecollection costs and ensure that monitoring is conducted.The UNWTO has helped establish observatoriesin over 150 countries, including six GlobalObservatories on Sustainable Tourism in China andGreece. 474.2 The range of information requiredBased on the Guidelines and subsequent considerationand experience, it is suggested that baselineand management information relating to the potentialimpact of tourism on biodiversity is required infour areas as shown in the table below. This needs tobe considered alongside wider information that maybe required for overall sustainable tourism planningand management.Biodiversitysituation in thelocal areaTourism supplyand demand,performanceand outlook• Details of any protected areas and areas of significant biodiversity• Specifications of ecosystems, habitats and species, including key features and their protection status.• Trends in extent and quality of key habitats, wildlife populations targeted by tourism and other indicatorspecies, including causes of identified change• Current and potential future threats to biodiversity, identifying areas with particular sensitivity and vulnerabilityand any challenges relating to local communities• Level of local community and business awareness of biodiversity value and impact on conservation• Number, origin and length of stay of visitors (preferably by month/quarter)• Visitor flows – routes used, main areas/sites visited, activities undertaken• Trends in visitation• Visitor opinion of the area – assets, needs, level of satisfaction• Visitor spend overall, entrance/user fees, and other biodiversity-related services• Supply of accommodation and other visitor products and services, including their level of environmentalaccreditation• Recent and proposed tourism related developments• Tourism product occupancy or other performance data• Perceptions of current and future markets and outlookTourism Supporting Biodiversity 21

Other relevantsocioculturaland economicdataAdministrativeand managementdata• Ethnological and demographic profile of local community• Level of local community engagement with tourism, directly and indirectly (e.g. equity, employment,sales of products and services)• Other sources of local income/livelihood and effect on biodiversity• Type, significance, location and sensitivity of cultural assets• Pattern of land ownership, including traditional and community land rights• Past and current area plans, including tourism, environment, development and land use plans• Recent Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), Strategic Environmental Assessments and their outcome• Application and enforcement of relevant legislation and regulations• Available human and financial resources for conservation and managementIn collecting and assembling this information, particularattention should be paid to:✤Any known direct impacts of tourism on biodiversity✤Past and current cumulative impacts✤Spatial distribution of biodiversity, tourism andother issues, which will require map-based data✤Relationship to neighbouring and wider areaswhich may affect the local tourism/ biodiversitysituation✤Ability to replicate data over time in order tomonitor and measure change.4.3 Sources of informationThe following main sources are seen as possible providersof existing information or as participants inthe collection of future information.International bodies. UNWTO and other bodies canprovide tourism and other data, which is often assembledfrom local sources. Some bodies may haverelevant data on certain sites which have an internationaldesignation. Technical assistance agenciesthat have been supporting local projects may havegood local knowledge.An Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool for researchand conservation planning (IBAT R&CP) provides accessfor not-for-profit organizations to a range of global andnational data layers, such as protected area boundaries,biological information about habitat and species diversityindices, and key areas for biodiversity. Wider circulation ofthis data to all stakeholders may be important. 48National government/agencies. They may have tourism,biodiversity and socio-economic data on thelocal area or national data that could be disaggregated,but caution is needed to ensure that suchdata is sufficiently robust and relevant to the localsituation.Subnational government, local authorities and protectedarea bodies. They should have at least some localdata on the main topics, but there may be manygaps and possible issues of reliability. Protected areamanagement plans and tourism plans may containvaluable information. In some cases, DestinationManagement or Marketing Organizations can helpdetermine effective monitoring systems.NGOs. International conservation and communityNGOs may have relevant data. They are also likely tobe an important source of knowledge on biodiversityand local community/livelihood issues.Tourism businesses. A highly important source of informationon tourism flows, activities, performanceand outlook. A systematic survey of tourism businesses(formally established as well as informal)could be undertaken, as well as more informal contact.Tourism businesses could participate in datacollection.Local community. Engaging the local community inproviding knowledge and opinion and in collectingnew data is important in raising awareness of theissues and generating support.Visitors. Obtaining information through well designedand simple visitor surveys can add greatly tothe availability of local knowledge on tourism andbiodiversity. Visitors can also be engaged in collectingdata and reporting on issues such as environmentalconditions.Site surveys and observation. Information on biodiversityconditions may need to be obtained directlyfrom site surveys and observations repeated overtime.22 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity

Chapter 5Plan Formulation for Tourism and BiodiversityDeni Williams (www.flickr.com/photos/deniwlp84)

The Guidelines refer to various processes in planning for tourism and biodiversity. This needs somesimplification and clarification and the main requirements are set out below.5.1 National framework for local planningThe main need is for the preparation and implementationof local plans to provide the basis forcontrolling, developing, managing and promotingsustainable tourism at a local level, especially invulnerable areas or in biodiversity ‘hotspots’. However,it is important that these should be set andsupported within a national planning framework.Section 3 of this Manual underlines the need foralignment of tourism and environmental policies.This should lead to: 49✤Clarity about the overall approach to sustainabletourism and biodiversity✤Promotion of the concept of local plans fortourism that embrace biodiversity conservationprinciples✤Identification of key priority areas for such plans.This should take account of the location of allareas where biodiversity is significant or vulnerable,including Key Biodiversity Areas 50✤A focus on protected areas, including further terrestrialand marine designations where appropriate,in which tourism and conservation areespecially carefully planned in harmony✤The provision of sufficient resources and capacity-buildingto support planning and managementat a local level.In areas where no relevant local plan has been prepared,there should nevertheless be agreed proceduresfor considering and addressing biodiversityimpacts of tourism, including the determination ofproposed tourism developments, through the applicationof relevant tools, screening and impact assessmentprocesses and other management activityas outlined in the Guidelines and later sections ofthis Manual.5.2 Preparing an effective local planPlans should be prepared for sustainable visitationand tourism in local areas that clearly address biodiversityissues. These plans need to relate to, orwhere appropriate be incorporated within, other localplans and their planning processes such as: overallarea development plans; land use plans; protectedarea management plans; integrated developmentplans, environment plans, including biodiversity actionplans; and coastal zone management plans andother governance processes.Local plans for sustainable tourism should be preparedthrough a participatory process. Multi-stakeholderstructures, as described in Section 3, shouldbe given a mandate for preparing and implementingthe plans. Ideally, the process should be supportedby a technical team that includes people withknowledge of tourism, biodiversity, planning andcommunity development.The plan should be informed by evidence summarizedfrom relevant baseline information, as coveredin Section 4. A first stage is to agree on what conclusionscan be drawn from this evidence on the issuesaffecting tourism and biodiversity.In the past various models have been advocated forarea planning for tourism and recreation. Most arebased on the need to be clear about how differentfuture levels and types of tourism will impact on theenvironment (including biodiversity), local communitiesand existing users (including visitors themselves)leading to an agreement on limits of acceptablechange. This should form an important part ofthe planning process.Planning for tourism with biodiversity at its coreshould take full account of the precautionary principlewhich requires that lack of certainty regardinga threat to biodiversity should not be taken asa reason for not acting to avert or minimize thatthreat.24 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity

Box 5: Tourism planning in Phong-Nha Ke Bang National Park, Viet NamPhong Nha-Ke Bang National Park is a designated World Heritage Site receiving over 400,000 visitors. Rapid tourism developmentincreased pressures on the ecosystem in the region and on the local communities who rely heavily on local naturalresources. Working with support from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, a SustainableTourism Development Plan was prepared for 2010-20 through a participatory process spanning three years. Interviews wereconducted with local stakeholders on various issues ranging from working partnerships, product development and marketing.The plan includes development, management and implementation guidelines. Further work was undertaken in the surroundingvillages which included an assessment of local livelihoods and their impacts on park ecosystems and wildlife, leading to thecreation of local village development plans.Source: Leung Y-F et al.,Tourism and Visitor Management in Protected Areas, 2015.5.3 Setting vision, goals and objectivesThe Guidelines require the plan to contain a vision,which is a broad statement of long term intent, andassociated goals that provide a set of priorities toaddress and targets to achieve. The vision and goalsshould be agreed jointly by stakeholders through aparticipatory process. They form a point of referencethroughout the preparation and implementation ofthe plan.The Guidelines suggest that the goals can cover prioritiesand targets relating to a range of beneficialoutcomes that may be interrelated. 51 For example,these may include poverty reduction, the protectionof indigenous culture and livelihoods, diversificationof economic activities, and equitable sharing of benefits,as well as prevention of damage to ecosystems,restoration of habitats, and development of tourismthat supports conservation.Objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable,results-orientated and time-bound. They shouldprovide the basis for agreed actions related to attainingthe identified goals.Tourists visiting Sepilok Orangutan RehabilitationCentre, Sabah, Malaysia – The RehabilitationCentre is located in the Kabili Forest Reserve, createdto minimize the impact of deforestation onorang-utans. The Centre provides education forboth local people and visitors.Credit: CIFOR (www.flickr.com/photos/cifor)5.4 Key outcomes from a local planThe implication of the provisions in the Guidelines isthat a resulting local plan should provide a well-considered,detailed, practical and agreed roadmap andguide for sustainable tourism that supports biodiversity.Its content should be sufficient to guide futureactivity and inform decisions on future developmentprojects. Therefore it might be expected toidentify:✤Primary constraints and opportunities for tourismin the area.✤Types of tourism with clear market potential (reflectingthe area’s assets, location, current tourismperformance and global and local market trends)and which are compatible with the local environmental,social and economic circumstances.✤Zones, and maybe specific sites, most suited todifferent types and intensities of tourism developmentand activity. This may include somezones where no development or access shouldbe permitted. Plans should therefore containsome map-based output and be closely relatedto land use planning.✤Actions to minimize existing and future negativeimpacts on biodiversity and to strengthen positivesupport for biodiversity from tourism, usingtools and management processes as identified inSections 6 to 8 of this Manual.Draft plans should be the subject of careful consultationwith national and local stakeholders,seeking consensus where possible and with anyTourism Supporting Biodiversity 25

necessary amendments and additions made to thefinal plan. Some countries may require a StrategicEnvironmental Assessment (SEA) to be undertakenon the proposed plan as an independent systematicassessment of its environmental consequences.This is good practice, can help to streamline theincorporation of environmental concerns (includingbiodiversity) into the decision-making process,and should be considered irrespective of whetherit is a formal requirement. The plan shouldbe well communicated to all national and localstakeholders.Box 6: Land use planning in SeychellesSeychelles has seen considerable growth in pressure for tourism development especially on the coast, which has led to theneed for more detailed and robust land use planning. A land use planning initiative was established as part of the MainstreamingBiodiversity project, supported by the Global Environment Facility. In addition to an assessment of the development context,including tourism, detailed information was gathered on biodiversity, land ownership and community interests through a seriesof local workshops and individual consultation. The output was a series of map-based plans, identifying zones and sites fordifferent uses, including different types and intensities of tourism activity. 5226 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity

Chapter 6Tools for Controlling and Influencing TourismImpacts on BiodiversityFrank Roche (www.flickr.com/photos/orchidthief)

The Guidelines require that there should be a review of legislation and control measures, and their effectiveness,to identify any need to strengthen their use, including the introduction of new instrumentswhere necessary.6.1 The range of instruments to useA range of instruments can be used to address allaspects of the impact of tourism on biodiversity. Instrumentscan be used to influence biodiversity impactsthat may be direct, such as destruction of habitatresulting from development, or indirect, such asinefficient energy or water use leading to resourcedepletion and climate change.Reference to legislation at this point in the Guidelinesis essentially about the existence and use ofenforceable regulations backed by legislation. Themain additional types of instrument are commonlygrouped under the headings of voluntary oreconomic instruments, while others may relate tomeasurement and monitoring processes and supportivemanagement activity. 53The application of regulatory, voluntary and economicinstruments is considered further below. Ongoingmanagement and mitigation activity, whichmay involve practical application of some of theseinstruments, is covered further in Section 8. Monitoringand supportive processes are mainly addressedin Section 9 and Section 10 respectively. 54While any of the instruments may be used on theirown, they can often be more effective if used incombination. An example is the use of economicinstruments to encourage the take up of voluntaryprocesses.6.2 Regulations and their enforcementA primary use of regulations to influence tourismimpact is in the process for land use planning andcontrol that requires prior approval to be grantedbefore any new development or change of usecan take place. All areas of vulnerable biodiversityshould be covered by such a process. Requirementsfor notification of development, impact assessmentand decisions on granting approval are looked atfurther in Section 7.The detail of individual developments may be addressedthrough a local planning process, often includingminimum standards for siting and designyet most often not including biodiversity concerns.For biodiversity, additional requirements may beneeded, particularly in restricted land-use categories.These should include particular requirementsfor minimising environmental impact during theconstruction process and for the decommissioningof buildings. Such regulations should apply to alluses not only tourism.Regulations based on minimum standards shouldalso be applied to certain aspects of the operationof tourism businesses. Waste management and effluentcontrol, for example, is particularly importantfor reducing damage to habitats, in all locations butespecially in coastal and wetland environments.In some situations it may be appropriate to controlvisitor movements and activities through regulation.They may be used, for example, to restrictthe amount or timing of access to certain sites, orto control visitor activities or behaviour through theestablishment of enforceable bylaws, such as proceduresfor diving on sensitive reefs.Abandoned ruins of a resort, French Polynesia,2011 – Regulations for the decommissioning ofbuildings should cover restoration of sites.Credit: Michael R Perry (www.flickr.com/photos/michaelrperry).A major challenge for the use of regulatory instrumentshas proved to be their enforcement, which isoften weak and in some countries is severely hamperedby lack of commitment, external influencesor insufficient capacity for inspection. This underlinesthe need for a full and transparent review, asrequired by the Guidelines.28 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity

Box 7: Planning Policy Guidance (PPG) for Coastal Development in MauritiusThe Ministry of Tourism and Leisure has reviewed and strengthened the Hotel Development Strategy for Mauritius in 2009, inorder to reinforce the country’s competitive edge as an attractive tourism destination. Strict adherence was to be required toPlanning Policy Guidance for coastal development in order to preserve the natural, pristine characteristics of the island’s seascapes.Hotel developments must observe setback, height and plot coverage regulations, with no derogations allowed. Developmentis to take place in clusters, with natural vegetation in between and beach recharging or re-engineering should as faras possible leave untouched the natural features of the site such as rock outcrops, mature trees and natural habitat. 55Box 8: Zoning and regulation of marine tourism activities in Saint LuciaIn the 1990s, rapid growth of the tourism sector in Saint Lucia brought significant pressure from marine-based recreation,including yachting, snorkelling and diving, resulting in conflict with fishermen and damage to the reef environment. In the villageof Soufrière, the Soufriere Marine Management Association, Incorporated, is a local Fisheries Management Authority responsiblefor managing over 22 km of coastline, including two parks. This non-profit body links various government agencies and localinterests and was established to develop and administer a management initiative, resulting in the identification of five types ofzone for different activities, regulated through a permit system. In 2011, the system was completely reviewed, with extensivestakeholder participation, leading to greater commitment and more effective monitoring and enforcement. 566.3 Voluntary instrumentsThese are instruments designed to influence stakeholdersthrough inviting voluntary compliance witha standard. They are often used to supplement regulations,identifying performance and actions that gobeyond a minimum legal requirement.The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) hasestablished global standards for sustainable tourismfor tourism businesses and for destinations. 57The Criteria are the minimum, not the maximum,which businesses and destinations should implementto achieve social, environmental, cultural,and economic sustainability. Both include variousrequirements to consider implications for biodiversity.Businesses are required to conserve biodiversity,ecosystems and landscapes. Destinations arerequired to have regulations to protect natural resourcesin place and enforced, together with a requirementto monitor impacts and protect sensitiveenvironments. 58Voluntary standards, codes and guidelines may beproduced for more specific tourism activities aimedat minimising their biodiversity impact. Examplesinclude IUCN’s work on the siting and design of hotels,or various local and global codes for wildlifewatching. Their success is entirely dependent onsector commitment. 59Standards and codes can be used on their own tobenchmark and promote good practice. They mayalso be backed by certification schemes that verifycompliance, leading to the award of a label. TheGSTC has established an accreditation programmefor certification schemes that work to their standard.A study of the coverage of biodiversity issueswithin criteria for sustainable tourism certificationand award schemes has concluded that whilemost schemes focus on the degradation of ecosystemsand the overexploitation of natural resourcesas the main causes of the loss of biodiversity, muchless attention is given, for example, to invasive alienspecies and to newer concepts such as the No-NetLoss approach or the mitigation hierarchy. One specificrecommendation is that a sustainable tourismstandard should have an explicit goal of making asignificant contribution towards halting the loss ofbiological diversity, and in creating the conditions tohelp achieve an increase in biodiversity. 60In 2014 the number of tourism businesses and destinationsthat are recognized through some form ofsustainability certification remains limited. A rangeof actions should be taken to promote the pursuit ofstandards, certification and good practice in general.These include:✤Encouragement of Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) and other reporting by tourism businessesthat embraces biodiversity✤Business to business influences in the supplychain✤Making financial and other support conditionalon compliance.✤Promotion to consumers, including encouragementof sharing and feedback via social media.Tourism Supporting Biodiversity 29

Box 9: Effectiveness of standards and certificationThe objective contribution of sustainable tourism standards and certification systems for the private sector in terms of biodiversitybenefits and risk reduction has been measured in a study published by the Rainforest Alliance, who has defined, with theGSTC, 78 criteria for sustainable environmental, social, and business practices, adopted by over 600 tourism businesses in12 countries. A survey of 106 businesses being trained and assisted in their certification process in Latin America between 2006and 2011 compared performance along 29 of the criteria most directly related to biodiversity conservation. Over a timeframe oftwo years, results show that the conformance to those criteria had a 31% overall increase. Substantial increases were observed inkey practices and outcomes including wildlife protection, support for nearby protected areas, improved waste management, reducedwater pollution, and improved environmental awareness on the part of visitors and employees. Improvements were greatestfor businesses in the lowest third of performance at baseline and smaller but still significant for those in the middle third. 61Box 10: Certification for Sustainable Tourism, Costa RicaThe Certification for Sustainable Tourism (CST) Programme was developed by the Costa Rica Tourism Institute to differentiatebusinesses of the tourism sector, based on the degree to which they comply with a sustainable model of natural, cultural andsocial resource management. CST certified business benefit from the marketing activity of the Costa Rica Tourism Institute:• CST certified businesses enjoy complete or partial exemption from registration fees to international fairs.• CST certified businesses are listed on the web site 62 available in Spanish, English, and French.• The CST label can also be used by a business in its own marketing promotions to identify them as sustainable.A further way of recognising good practice in sustainabilityamongst tourism businesses or initiativesis through award schemes. The possibility ofwinning an award can act as an incentive but thegreatest benefit from the schemes probably comesfrom raising awareness of sustainability issues,such as biodiversity impacts, and promoting goodpractice as an encouragement and guide to others.Sustainable tourism award schemes are run at aglobal level by various agencies and internationaltourism companies and a number of individualcountries have their own schemes. The majorityof them are associated with relevant internationaltourism fairs.Box 11: Examples of award schemesThe Secretariat of the CBD has collaborated with many of tourism-related award schemes in setting criteria and playing juryroles. Some examples of awards include the TODO! Award - International Contest Socially Responsible Tourism 63 , the WTTCTourism For Tomorrow Awards 64 , the World Responsible Tourism Awards 65 . In 2009 and 2010, the SCBD has organized theIndigenous Tourism and Biodiversity Website Awards in partnership with Planeta.com to showcase best practices in web-basedtechnologies to support indigenous people to manage tourism in a biodiversity-friendly manner 66 . The award aimed to motivatecandidates to improve their online communication on biological and cultural diversity, and to raise tourism operators andpublic’s awareness on biodiversity.6.4 Economic instrumentsEconomic instruments bring about change throughtheir impact on market signals. They can be used:✤As an incentive to take certain actions, throughimposing a penalty or a gain✤To gain revenue for a particular activity, such asconservation.Economic and financial instruments can be usedin different directions, to enhance better practicesand avoid harmful ones. Tourism businesses canbe discouraged from environmentally harmful investmentsand activities through impact fees, forinstance on pollution and consumption of naturalresources such as water, or the phasing out or30 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity

eforming environmentally harmful subsidies. Conversely,direct incentives may be applied in the formof grants or credit for beneficial technologies, suchas installation of low energy systems or visitor impactmanagement infrastructure. Improving the resilienceof infrastructure through ecosystem-basedadaptation and reducing risks of environmentaldisasters (e.g. by keeping/restoring protective mangrovesor forests) can be encouraged through insurancediscounts or the offer of reinsurance funds.Visitors can be bound to contribute to charge systems(entrance or user fees). More complex formsof instrument, such as insurance bonds and depositrefund schemes, can be used as mitigation againstpossible future environmental damage. Trust fundsfor conservation can be established through userrights instruments such as tourism concessions,public-private partnerships and lease agreements.Limits for boat visitation to marine parks by tradablepermit schemes, for instance, can ensure distributionof benefits while keeping visitor volumeswithin acceptable limits. Incentives can be appliedeffectively at a community level. 67Less directly, environmental management and otherconditions may be placed on tourism businessesseeking funding through financial subsidies such asloans, grants and micro-credit schemes which makeworking capital available to SMEs. Several multiandbilateral agencies already utilize biodiversityrelatedinvestment guidelines and safeguards. TheInter-American Development Bank has developed anEnvironment and Safeguards Compliance Policy 68 .The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)has a set of guidelines for environmental and socialconsiderations for investments since 2010 69 . Anotherexample is IFC’s Performance Standard 6 onBiodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Managementof Living Natural Resources, see box below.More economic instruments are covered in Section 8on management activity.Box 12: International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standard 6Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural ResourcesLeading development banks and financial institutions recognize that the conservation of biodiversity, including the services andproducts that natural habitats provide to human society, is fundamental to their vision of long-term sustainable development.IFC’s Environmental and Social Performance Standards define their clients’ responsibilities for managing environmental andsocial risks and apply to all investment and advisory clients whose projects will go through IFC’s initial credit review process. Theobjectives of Performance Standard 6 are• To protect and conserve biodiversity.• To maintain the benefits from ecosystem services.• To promote the sustainable management of living natural resources through the adoption of practices which integrate conservationneeds and development priorities.Conditions attached to finance for implementing or operating a project require that those responsible should seek to avoidimpacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. When avoidance of impacts is not possible, measures are to be implementedto minimize impacts and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services. Differing condition are placed on projects depending onthe nature of the habitat in which they are to be located. For example, more stringent requirements apply to projects in ‘CriticalHabitats’ than to those in ‘Natural Habitats’. 70 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity 31An area of very particular relevance to biodiversitythat has been increasingly recognized for itsimportance in the tourism sector is the processof granting a licence or concession to a businessto operate in a particular area, such as a nationalpark, thereby conveying an economic advantage.The time when concessions are advertised andnegotiated presents a very important window ofopportunity for placing requirements on the developmentand operation of businesses, includingtheir environmental management and support forbiodiversity. Guidance on the letting of concessionsfor tourism in protected areas has been thesubject of a number of studies, including a recentpublication from the United Nations DevelopmentProgramme (UNDP). 71More comprehensive discussion of the use of economicinstruments for tourism and biodiversitymay be found elsewhere. 72

Chapter 7Notification and Impact Assessmentof Tourism ProjectsRoderick Eime (www.flickr.com/photos/rodeime)

A critical determinant of the impact of tourism on biodiversity is the way that individual developmentproposals are handled. The Guidelines set out requirements for the notification of potential projects,undertaking an impact assessment and making decisions about them.7.1 Prior communication and notification of tourism projectsThe Guidelines contain a separate section at theend on Notification that stipulates that “proposalsfor tourism development and activities at particularlocations are to be submitted through a notificationprocess”. Proposers of projects are required toprovide full and timely advance notice of proposeddevelopments to all stakeholders who may be affected.Information that is required from them isset out in paragraph 84 of the Guidelines. In summary,this covers: details of the project; the market,location and legal context; inputs required; anticipatedsocio-economic and environmental impacts;measures to avoid and mitigate adverse impactsand maximize local benefits; and other relevantinformation.Although not specified in the Guidelines, potentialdevelopers should be encouraged to take full accountof national and local policies and plans, includingbiodiversity conditions and constraints, beforeany formal notification. They should also havean appropriate level of dialogue and consultationwith local planning authorities and stakeholders.This will reduce the likelihood of unsuitable proposalscoming forward and save time for the proposers,local authorities and other stakeholders. Itshould occur when the proposals are still flexibleand enable an exchange of ideas. The existenceof good baseline information and a local plan willgreatly assist these early discussions as well as theimpact assessment and decision-making processthat will follow. In some situations, EnvironmentalImpact Assessments (EIA) may be proposed by developers.Hence while Government is approachedto approve an EIA or a building permit, there maybe no obligation to notify the public. Application ofthe Guidelines, however, would still require publicannouncements of any tourism project that Partieshave been asked to approve. BirdLife International,Conservation International, UNEP-WCMC and IUCNoffer a support tool in assessing development andinvestment options, as below.Box 13: IBAT for BusinessThe Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) helps businesses incorporate biodiversity considerations into key projectplanning and management decisions at various stages of a project’s life cycle. The scoping process can help companies identifyareas of high ecological value to avoid during development and narrow in on specific locations for any infrastructure developedas part of the project. IBAT can help to identify information gaps that will need to be followed by on-the-ground surveys and consultationin order to understand the current status of the site and the magnitude of the potential impacts of a project on species,communities and ecological processes.IBAT for business facilitates access to the following datasets in one central integrated platform:• Nationally designated and international recognized protected areas (World Database on Protected Areas);• National sites of global conservation importance (Key Biodiversity Areas, including Important Bird Areas and Alliance forZero Extinction sites), and;• Globally threatened species (The IUCN Red List). 737.2 Environmental Impact Assessment requirements,content and proceduresAn Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) seeksto ensure that the environmental effects of majorprojects and development proposals are fully investigated,understood and taken into account beforedecisions are made on whether they should proceed.The Guidelines require that proposers should assessthe impacts of developments and provide informationon this through the notification process. Governmentsare then required to undertake evaluationsof the adequacy of these impact assessments. Theymay require a further assessment study which mayneed to be funded by the proposer and undertakenTourism Supporting Biodiversity 33

y appropriately qualified personnel. The Guidelinesalso place strong emphasis on the need for a comprehensibleand transparent process, with sufficienttime allowed for consultation, engagement and inputfrom all stakeholders. On occasion, when newpolicies, economic instruments and legal frameworksare put into place, a Strategic EnvironmentalAssessment (SEA) may be indicated and can followthe same guidelines. Special attention should bepaid to indigenous peoples and local communities.Attention is drawn to CBD guidelines for incorporatingbiodiversity-related issues into EIA 74 and theAkwe: Kon guidelines relating to indigenous peoplesand local communities. 75The Convention also prepared, as noted by theConference of the Parties to the CBD in its decisionXI/18, voluntary guidelines for the consideration ofbiodiversity in environmental impact assessmentsand strategic environmental assessments annotatedspecifically for biodiversity in marine and coastalareas, including in areas beyond national jurisdiction,in accordance with Article 4 of the Convention.COP 11 recognized that these annotated voluntaryguidelines for marine and coastal areas would bemost useful for activities that are currently unregulated,with no procedures for assessing impacts, andnoted that the annotations are intended to cover thediverse range of marine and coastal ecosystems, includingissues related to areas beyond national jurisdiction.These annotated voluntary guidelines areavailable as UNEP/CBD/COP/11/23. 76The conduct of EIAs should follow broadly establishedprocedures even if they differ across the Partiesto the CBD. The requirement for an EIA for anyproposed development is usually established by alegal framework or regulation, and may be mandatory(for example in protected areas) or discretionary.It is customary to undertake an initial screeningof proposals to determine whether there are possibleimpacts of sufficient concern to require a fullscaleor detailed assessment. In most countries, onlycertain components of the tourism sector (such aslarge hotels, resorts or marina developments), andparticularly types of tourism development (such asthose with large-scale infrastructure components, orthose in restricted land-use categories), are subjectto project–scale environmental impact assessmentbased on the ecosystem approach. 77 This will dependon the scale and type of project and the vulnerabilityor sensitivity of local ecosystems which may bein the vicinity of the project. There should also be ascoping exercise to determine key issues that needto be investigated, and public consultations and notificationof outcomes should be assured.The Guidelines include a long list of topics that maybe included in an EIA for a proposed tourism project(paras. 41-43). These are grouped according to impactson the environment and biodiversity (e.g. useof land and resources, pollution and waste management,biodiversity risks); socio economic and culturalimpacts (e.g. on traditional activities, social structures,and cultural sites); and the potential benefitsof tourism (e.g. maintenance of natural resources,provision of jobs and alternative livelihoods).The particular nature of tourism points to the needfor pay special attention to a number of factors thatmay not always apparent in planning EIAs. Theseinclude:✤Market volatility. Tourism can suffer from unpredictabledownturns, requiring carefullybusiness planning. If its revenues are linked toconservation payback mechanisms or communityconcessions, the consequences for the environmentand local community of fluctuating incomelevels on what are usually fixed costs needto be considered.✤Marginality, indirect or cumulative impacts andlack of clarity. Many tourism projects and activitiesmay appear as small-scale yet have a clearcatalytic role and expand beyond their originalplan or have impacts outside the immediate areaof operation (e.g., noise, air or water pollution)and thus affect remote biodiversity. Additionallycosts and benefits of a single project on ecosystemsservices may be cumulative impact of multiplesprevious projects. Thus, there is frequentlya lack of clarity about whether an impact assessmentis necessary and what scale of impacts itshould consider. This should be made as clear aspossible in planning guidelines.In some countries, it has been found that althoughEIAs are conducted for tourism projects in sensitiveareas they have not been fully effective. 78 Thismay be because proposers, interested in maximizingprofits, may have underestimated risks and the bodyvested with the responsibility of regulating tourism/ biodiversity may not have reviewed the EIA for objectivityand unbiased assessments, or the EIAs mayhave been undertaken too late and have not beenable to influence the shape of the project and sometimeseven the final decision. There are also moregeneral issues of insufficient consultation, lack ofcompliance with the results and recommendationsand, in some cases, licensing requirements that arenot auditable, feasible, or enforceable. 79 There is aneed to guard against these failings.34 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity

Box 14: EIA Guidelines for the Tourism Sector in KenyaFollowing a review of all tourism-related legislation, policies and best practices, Kenya’s Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife developedEnvironmental Impact Assessment Guidelines specifically for the tourism sector. These were aimed at ensuring thatdecisions on proposed tourism projects and activities are environmentally sustainable. A working committee was set up, comprisingthe Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, National Environment Management Authority, Kenya Wildlife Service, Ministry ofLocal Government, Kenya Tourist Board, Kenya Tourism Federation and Ecotourism Society of Kenya. A draft document wassubject to final review by tourism stakeholders prior to an official launch in November 2007. 807.3 Decision-making on tourismprojectsA separate step in the Guidelines refers to decision-making.A decision about a tourism projectshould be informed by any existing relevant policiesand local plans and by the result of the environmentalimpact assessment. This may result in:✤Approval of the proposal✤Approval subject to certain specified conditions,which may include quite detailed monitoring,mitigation, or other management measures✤A request for further information✤Deferral of the decision, maybe pending furtherinvestigation to be undertaken✤Refusal to grant permission, with reasons given.The Guidelines require that decision-making shouldbe transparent, accountable and apply the precautionaryprinciple. While a decision on approval fordevelopment may rest with the national or localgovernment, it should be informed by participationof all relevant stakeholders. This should includemeaningful consultation with indigenous peoplesand local communities affected by projects, takinginto account all matters of land rights, customsand traditional knowledge. The principle of prior informedconsent should be respected and may be alegal requirement in some countries.Mangrove ecotourism, Kenya - Local women inthe village built a boardwalk through a mangroveforest to give educational tours that increaseawareness of the importance of mangrovesCredits: 25kim (www.flickr.com/photos/equiliberate)Box 15: Q Station, North Head, Sydney – Conditional planning approvalNorth Head is one of several fragmented areas that make up the Sydney Harbour National Park, an IUCN Category V protectedarea. In 2001, the Mawland Group, a private developer, proposed to lease the former quarantine station site from the New SouthWales National Parks and Wildlife Service and to convert the buildings into a high-end hotel, thereby helping to secure and conservethe structures, which are an important part of Australia’s heritage. Following a very thorough EIA, which identified a largenumber of potential biodiversity impacts, the development plan was significantly amended and a conditional planning approvalgranted. The approval conditions included, amongst others:• a comprehensive environmental audit to be undertaken during the construction phase of the project• the maintenance of an agreed monitoring regime, with adaptive management measures to be applied should certain indicatorsbe exceeded (for example, the monitoring of road kill of long-nosed bandicoots, an important endemic species)• further comprehensive environmental audits to be undertaken at five yearly intervals. 81Tourism Supporting Biodiversity 35

Chapter 8Management Initiatives to Support Biodiversitythrough TourismChristopher Hill (www.flickr.com/photos/handsupholidays)

In addition to planning and development control tools and processes, a range of practical managementactivity can be undertaken on the ground to reduce negative impacts on, and gain positive benefits for,conservation from tourism. This relates to the step in the Guidelines on Management and Mitigationand can draw on wider experience notably in the field of protected area management.8.1 Dimensions and purpose of the management processThe Guidelines list a wide range of potential impactsand issues that can be addressed through management(Paragraph 49). Many of these relate to practicalaction to reduce negative impacts but they alsoinclude a range of actions that the Guidelines referto as “supporting sustainable tourism activities thathave a direct commercial interest in maintainingvulnerable ecosystems in good condition”.Some management actions will be concerned withmitigating existing and potential future impactsfrom tourism. These should follow the mitigationhierarchy, a set of prioritized steps to alleviate environmentalharm as far as possible through avoidance,minimization (or reduction) and restorationof detrimental impacts to biodiversity. Biodiversityoffsetting should be considered to address residualimpacts only after appropriate avoidance, minimizationand restoration measures have been applied.A key opportunity is to use management activity toraise support, both financial and political, for conservationdirectly and indirectly from visitors andthe tourism sector. 82The Guidelines are not explicit about which bodiescan or should be leading and implementing managementon the ground. These could be local governmentor protected area authorities, land ownersand managers, private sector bodies, conservationNGOs or community bodies, amongst others. A considerablechallenge in many countries is the lack ofhuman and financial resources for management.Irrespective of the management agency, actionscan be broadly divided between those aimed respectivelyat tourism businesses, visitors and localcommunities.8.2 Working with tourism businesses to support conservationEngagement with tourism business to promote andundertake management actions and support conservationcan take various forms. Examples of themost common activities include:✤Checking on management and mitigation actionsrequired of businesses as a condition of developmentapproval✤Encouraging and supporting businesses in theirown individual management and conservationinitiatives✤Encouraging employees of tourism business toact as champions for biodiversity conservationin their communities✤Collecting rental and user fees from concessionairesand other businesses, with revenues usedfor conservation✤Imposing wider local management charges andtaxes on businesses, where appropriate✤Creating and promoting specific opportunitiesfor tourism businesses to sponsor local conservationprojects or provide voluntary stewardshipof areas✤Encouraging or requiring businesses to collect afee from their visitors, for example on behalf oflocal communities to support their managementand conservation activities or general welfare✤Encouraging well-designed tourism offers thatenable voluntary participation by visitors inpractical conservation work (“voluntourism” )✤Establishing active partnerships between localconcessionaires or other businesses and localgovernment or protected area authorities, toplan and undertake joint initiatives. Partnershipsmay also include NGOs and local communitybodies.Tourism Supporting Biodiversity 37

Box 16: Nurture Lakeland, Lake District National Park, United KingdomNurture Lakeland has developed a Visitor Payback Scheme (VPS) within the Lake District National Park, United Kingdom, whichallows visitors to contribute to landscape management through a small donation, often through a participating tourism business.This practical example of Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) has enabled direct beneficiaries (tourists) and indirect beneficiaries(businesses) of the natural environment to provide support for its restoration and management. Businesses are given theopportunity to support one of three projects, including the Osprey Project, which supports the re-colonization of the area by thisIUCN Red List (Least Concern) species Pandion haliaetus. Nurture Lakeland has raised almost £2 million in donations over an18-year period through their overall scheme. 838.3 Visitor management and conservation benefitA wide range of management actions can influencethe impact of visitors on the local environment. Locationswith high volumes of visitation should haveseparate visitor management plans; elsewhere relevantactions should be identified in overall tourismplans. Actions areas include:✤Keeping abreast of visitor volumes and flows,against targets and possible capacity limits andquotas in sensitive sites✤Provision of visitor infrastructure, such as trailsand car parking, that is well planned and designedto minimize biodiversity impact✤Influencing behaviour through general and focusedvisitor information, before and duringvisits✤Strengthening understanding and supportfor conservation causes through effectiveinterpretation✤Setting appropriate charges for admission orspecific activities in certain sites✤Setting visitor fees or seeking voluntary donationsto support local conservation causes, possiblycollected via businesses as referred to above✤Establishing opportunities for visitors to engagein voluntary conservation activity.Direct and indirect income that is obtained from visitorsand tourism business in the above ways shouldbe allocated preferentially to support local managementand conservation initiatives and causes. Feedbackshould be provided to businesses and visitorson its use.Box 17: Visitor management plans for South GeorgiaThe principle objective of the tourism management policy for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands is to enable visitoraccess, whilst ensuring the continued protection of the island’s unique environment, including its flora, fauna and culturalheritage. Vessels intending to visit any of the islands require a permit, to which conditions are attached. Visitor managementplans are in place for individual locations, which specify the size and number of ships that can land each day, and detail landingarrangements and routes to be followed to visit wildlife sites such as King Penguin colonies. 84While individual passengers do not need to apply to visit, the Government has prepared a document with information aboutmany aspects of the visit, including conduct while ashore, wildlife protection guidelines and biosecurity protocols in place toprotect the fragile ecology of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. 8538 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity

8.4 Working with local communities to support conservationThere are many ways in which local communitiescan benefit from tourism, requiring supportivemanagement activities. In developing countriesa range of mechanisms that link tourism spendingto poverty alleviation has been identified byUNWTO. 86 The extent to which this can bring netbenefits for biodiversity will depend partly onthe impact of the current sources of communitylivelihood and whether possible tourism-relatedopportunities will have less negative impact.This should be looked at in planning relevant actions.Engagement with tourism activities that arebased on experience of wildlife, nature and/or biodiversitymay be more likely to raise communityawareness of the link between their livelihoodsand conservation.Established private sector tourism businesses arehighly important in bringing benefit to local communities,through providing employment and a marketoutlet for their goods and services. However, in somelocations there is potential for local individuals orcommunity bodies to establish their own tourismenterprises selling directly to incoming visitors. Tobe successful such enterprises must meet visitorexpectations and have sufficient access to markets,including links with established businesses. This requiressignificant capacity-building. 87Box 18: Kabu ToursThe Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in partnership with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), and Nicaragua’sMinistry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA) helped to establish Kabu Tours in the Nicaragua Caribbean. KabuTours is a small local tour operator that offers guided ecotours to the Pearl Cays Wildlife Refuge (PCWR) and the Miskitu community,Kahkabila. This community-owned tourism initiative seeks to reduce sea turtle fishing pressure on the PCWR by providingsustainable livelihoods to turtle fishermen. To reduce impact on the refuge, the fisherman have been trained by WCS to leadovernight trips to the Pearl Keys Wildlife Refuge where visitors are provided with an educational experience incorporating seaturtle knowledge gathered through years of research conducted by WCS marine biologists. 88Tourism Supporting Biodiversity 39

Chapter 9Monitoring, Reporting and AdaptiveManagement of Tourism Impacts on BiodiversityiStockphoto/Thinkstock

Any process that involves the planning and implementation of actions to achieve desired goals andobjectives must include an element of monitoring of outcomes and impacts, which can then guide anyneeded changes to the plan and its execution.9.1 What needs to be monitored?The Guidelines point to a broad range of topics(biodiversity, social and economic conditions, tourismperformance) that should or could be the subjectof monitoring. However, they do not provide anyspecificity or prioritization. Baseline information obtainedat the outset should inform the monitoringprocess and be used to measure change, see Section4 of this manual.It is important to distinguish between the monitoringof outputs, outcomes and impacts. Outputs are actionstaken as part of the management process. Monitoringoutputs may be seen as monitoring progresstowards effective planning and management in linewith the Guidelines. Actions taken should be recordedand reported. Priority topics include, for example:✤Establishment of stakeholder structures and levelsof engagement✤Progress with investigation, completion and disseminationof plans✤Number of tourism development projects assessedand decisions taken✤Management actions takenOutcomes are responses to the actions and relateto meeting overall goals and objectives. Monitoringoutputs requires a process of obtaining feedbackfrom stakeholders directly or indirectly involved.Priority topics include, for example:✤Conditions placed on projects, monitoring forlevels of compliance✤Levels of participation in actions and any resultsobtained✤Percentage of tourism businesses undertakingenvironmental management✤Revenue raised from business and visitors tosupport conservation✤Level of engagement of local community in tourismand awareness of value of biodiversity✤Increase in designated protected areaImpacts are consequential environmental or socio-economicchanges, which relate to overarchinggoals and may be long term. Monitoring impacts canbe more difficult, especially in terms of establishingcausality by linking back to actions, but the prioritytask is to keep abreast of any changes in the state ofbiodiversity and other matters of environmental orsocio-economic concern. Priority topics include, forexample:✤Biodiversity condition – population trend of keyspecies, area of habitat lost or restored✤Change in threat levels to biodiversity✤Visitor numbers, length of stay and spend✤Tourism business occupancy and performance✤Local income and employment from sustainabletourism activities9.2 The monitoring and reporting processMonitoring should be designed and implementedas a participatory process, coordinated by themulti-stakeholder group responsible for sustainabletourism planning. Government bodies, tourismbusinesses, NGOs, community groups and visitorsshould be engaged in monitoring and reporting. Recentdevelopers should report on their compliancewith conditions specified in the approval processand on the related state of biodiversity of the site,natural feature or ecosystem.A set of indicators should be identified that reflectthe topics listed above. In principle it is better tohave a small number of indicators that work wellthan a larger number that are difficult to monitor.Indicators should be relevant to the topic, feasibleto monitor cost-effectively with credible data, clearand understandable, and comparable over time. Aconsiderable amount of thinking has gone into thedevelopment of indicators for tourism, 89 and indicatorsfor biodiversity. 90 Ideally, indicators should beagreed at an early stage in the planning, assessmentand management process of any tourism developmentor project.Monitoring should be a continuous process, withminimum annual reporting on the main indicators. Itis often also a challenge to determine effective andefficient means of verification to collect data for thedifferent indicators identified. Existing data sources,dedicated surveys (of visitors, businesses and the localcommunity) and systematic observation should beused. 91 The results should be publically available andactively disseminated through a reporting process.Tourism Supporting Biodiversity 41

Box 19: Yosemite Visitor Use and Impact MonitoringYosemite National Park has established a Visitor Use and Impact Monitoring Program to collect information about the extent ofhuman-induced impacts on natural and cultural resources and the visitor experience. A transparent and rigorous process involvinga variety of stakeholders was used to select and implement indicators and establish monitoring standards. For example, theindicator selection process for the Merced River Plan involved consulting with a wide-ranging group of park planners, resourcemanagers, contractors and a cross-section of park employees throughout divisions within the park. All aspects of field samplingmethods and analytical protocols associated with the Program are guided by an updatable Field Monitoring Guide. Indicatorsand standards help guide management decisions, and field monitoring guide updates and annual reports are made publiclyavailable online. 92Box 20: Engaging tourists in monitoringThe involvement of tourists in monitoring can provide a useful additional source of data as well as helping to secure their commitmentand support for conservation, In the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, the Nam Nern Night Safari, supported by theWildlife Conservation Society, is a 24-hour, boat-based tour into the core of the Nam Et-Phou Louey National Protected Area.The trip involves wildlife-spotlighting, when long-tail boats drift down the Nam Nern River looking for wild and endangered animals.Tourists are asked to fill out a wildlife monitoring form to record what they have seen. Much of the income from the tripsupports a village development fund that is shared equally between the 14 villages that surround the area. In addition to beingpaid for the services they provide, villagers also receive a bonus based on the numbers of wildlife seen by the tourists. 939.3 The requirement for flexibility and adaptationThe Guidelines advocate adaptive management.This requires a flexible approach, with an abilityto rapidly review and alter management actions inthe face of change. This may be stimulated by resultsfrom the monitoring process or by unpredictedevents, such as natural disasters or security threatsaffecting tourism.The Guidelines underline the need for ongoing dialoguebetween tourism and biodiversity managersin responding to results and events. Where biodiversitymay be threatened, the precautionary principleshould be followed. Adaptive management also requirescooperation amongst all stakeholders, andnotably tourism businesses, who must be preparedto discuss and agree any necessary changes and torespond rapidly if required.42 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity

Chapter 10Awareness Raising and Capacity-Building forTourism and BiodiversityFerdi Rizkiyanto – What Lies Under, 2011

These two topics, which are critically important for the take-up and maintenance of good practice, arecovered in a final section of the Guidelines.10.1 Raising awareness of biodiversity issues in tourismThe Guidelines call for education and awareness-raisingcampaigns on the impacts of tourismon biodiversity, good practices in this area, and thelink with cultural heritage and the use of traditionallands and the livelihoods of indigenous peoplesand local communities. Specific attention should bepaid to communication processes that are executedprofessionally and make use of the most relevantmedia. The Guidelines point to a number of targetaudiences, identified below.Indigenous peoples and local communities should bemade aware of the value of conserving and protectingtheir biodiversity and natural attractions to sustain aviable tourism revenue source. Initial awareness raisingshould be conducted before developing tourismin an area with communities and before benefits aredistributed. Regular meetings, perhaps annually ormore frequently should be held to build awarenessabout the key link between conservation and tourism.Tourists. International and domestic visitors shouldbe made more aware of the biodiversity impacts oftheir activities and the facilities and services thatthey choose to use. Campaigns can be targeted tothose user groups with highest volumes or highestrates of impacts on specific resources. This can beachieved through working with a number of differentcommunication channels, including:✤Travel writers and general news media, includingpublishers of guidebooks and online information.✤International and local tour operators, includingspecialist companies and brands relating to natureand adventure travel as well as those operatingin the more general market. Increasingnumbers of tour operators and networks areembracing sustainability in their operationsand market positioning, including engagementin certification schemes. They need to be mademore aware of the biodiversity dimensions ofthis and relevant messages to use.✤Social and Internet-based media, including useof travel blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter feeds andinteraction with consumer-generated evaluationprocesses.Key government ministries. This is partly aboutintra-government structures and dialogue as coveredin Section 3. However more support could begiven to global, regional and national initiatives tofurther raise the profile of tourism as a tool for sustainabledevelopment, including its contribution torural livelihoods and biodiversity, especially withhigh level ministries responsible for developmentand finance as well as environment and tourismministries.Tourism businesses. Individual businesses (formaland informal) and trade bodies will be engaged inmulti-stakeholder structures and processes, andreached through various approaches, as outlined inSections 3, 5 and 6. More could be done to raise theprofile of biodiversity issues through campaigns inglobal and regional trade media and in collaborationwith relevant trade bodies.Educational bodies. Academic, research and traininginstitutions should cover biodiversity and tourismrelationships in their activities and teaching. This isparticularly important in reaching the current andfuture personnel who make relevant decisions at alllevels and interface with visitors.Box 21: Communication and training events on tourism and biodiversityIn 2013-14 the UNWTO organized or supported a number of events specifically on tourism and biodiversity which have servedboth an awareness raising and capacity-building purpose. These included:• Collaboration with the Ramsar Convention on sustainable tourism in wetlands, with the launching of a publication DestinationWetlands: Supporting Sustainable Tourism. This shows which through fourteen case studies how sustainable tourismpractices in and around wetlands can contribute to conservation, economic growth, poverty reduction and local communitysupport. It is aimed at managers, planners and businesses and a communications event during World Wetland Day to informtourists of the value of wetlands.94, 95• Training courses (12 days) on Understanding Tourism Trends and Biodiversity Conservation for Innovative Products andMarketing. 96• Seminars on Turning Tourism Employees into Champions for Biodiversity and Environmental Protection. Based on verysimple messages and communication techniques, these seminars were held in coastal communities in three Africancountries and aimed at tourism staff who have the potential to encourage colleagues and other community membersto help protect the environment. 97• Seminars organized in Ghana and Tanzania. 9844 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity

10.2 Capacity-building and resource mobilizationA fundamental requirement is the availability ofsufficient capacity (technical, institutional and financial)to undertake the planning and managementprocesses outlined in the Guidelines and setout in this Manual.An early action item should be to undertake an auditand review of the existing levels of capacity amongstrelevant stakeholder bodies, especially those thatshould be leading the planning and managementprocess but also others that will need a degree of capacityin order to contribute as active and effectiveparticipants.Limited availability of capacity (such as skills instakeholder engagement, data collection and quantitativeanalysis, strategic planning, impact assessmentsand projections of impacts using scientificdata and computer models) within government canbe a critical barrier to success. This applies to the nationallevel but most especially to local government,including protected area authorities. Insufficient humanand financial resources are often the greatestchallenge, requiring effective resource mobilization.The creation of regional data banks on key indices oftourism impacts on biodiversity contributes to monitorlong-term change.Local knowledge exchange can increasingly be facilitatedthrough on-line systems for learning, sharedplatforms for data, and the development of globalsystems for highlighting where biodiversity vulnerabilityis highest, and where capacity may be lowest.Such concerns should be under constant review toenable global institutions to work to reinforce theinstitutional capacity of local organizations to managetourism impacts on biodiversity. This shouldinclude the implementation and dissemination ofdemonstration projects, following the Guidelines,in areas of significant biodiversity vulnerability andtourism interest.Box 22: Examples of business skills transfer programme for ecotourism developmentTourism is considered by many conservation organizations to be one of the sectors with the greatest potential for linking conservationto economic development. However, with limited experience of business, tourism products and services that theyintroduce can fail to gain market which can have a negative effect on conservation efforts. This situation can be addressedthrough transfer of the wealth of knowledge and experience which exists in the tourism sector to conservation organizations,supporting them in their efforts to design economically viable ecotourism products that also contribute to conservation of nature.Since 2011, IUCN’s Business and Biodiversity Programme has been organising training in partnership with leading Europeantour operator, Kuoni. Kuoni has provided input to the design of the training sections but, more importantly, has brought real lifeexamples and a professional outlook to those sections by involving in house experts in technical areas, such as health and safety,marketing and product development. Kuoni aims to include in their packages as many products developed by the conservationorganizations as possible, so long as they meet their standards. 99 Tools have been published to support the training sections,such as Integrating Business Skills into Ecotourism Operations. 100Another successful example is the Best Practices in Ecotourism programme executed by the Brazilian Ecotourism Society withthe support of the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund (FUNBIO), a non-profit innovative financial mechanism for the development ofstrategies that contribute to the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Brazil. 101Tourism Supporting Biodiversity 45

Box 23: Examples of strengthening the sustainable tourism governance developmentWithin the framework of the Coastal Tourism Project in Africa, UNWTO has developed a methodology for strengthening the sustainabletourism governance and management in coastal areas, which includes an assessment, capacity-building and an actionplanning component. The methodology focuses on five key aspects:(a) Planning the coastal zone for sustainable tourism;(b) Influencing tourism development, including strengthening environmental impact assessments (EIAs), and the use of guidelinesand incentives;(c) Influencing the operation of tourism enterprises, including strengthening environmental management systems (EMS) fortourism enterprises, and the use of inspection processes and certification;(d) Managing the environment for tourism, including actions on waste management and biodiversity conservation;(e) Supporting community livelihoods, including strengthening local employment, local supply chains and local enterprisedevelopment.The methodology started with assessments at country and destination level to identify gaps, needs and options for sustainabletourism governance and management. Based on the outcome of these assessments, tailor made action plans for each countryand destination were prepared, presenting different interventions required to strengthen sustainable tourism governance andmanagement processes. Subsequently, regional seminars were organized to raise awareness and build the capacity on thetopic. The sustainable tourism governance and management methodology developed for coastal destinations can equally beused to strengthen, with minor adaptations, other tourism destinations with a high level of biodiversity. 10246 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity

Chapter 11Reporting on Tourism and Biodiversityand the Application of the GuidelinesCreatas/Thinkstock

In order to evaluate tourism impacts on biodiversity and the extent to which they are being addressed,it is important that relevant information is gathered and shared through a systematic reporting process.The Secretariat of the CBD encourages all Partiesto voluntarily report on their experiences and engagementwith tourism and biodiversity issues. Thisreporting should be integrated within the NationalReports submitted by the Parties. Additional guidanceon the structure of National Reports can be103, 104found elsewhere.The reporting should indicate any known and specificuse of the Guidelines. Where the Guidelines maynot be used as such, information should be providedon the extent of compliance with the approach thatthey advocate. This will require national governmentagencies, who may undertake the reporting, tobe themselves fully aware of processes undertakenat a local level, which may involve systematic gatheringof evidence.Reporting can be structured around the followingkey topics:✤Recognition of the importance of biodiversity intourism policies, and vice versa✤Level of effective coordination between governmentministries and agencies responsible fortourism, environment and sustainable developmentplanning and finance✤Engagement of indigenous peoples and localcommunities and business interests in localtourism planning and decision-making on tourismdevelopment✤Existence of local plans for tourism that reflectbiodiversity issues✤Requirements for impact assessment of tourismprojects, which includes specification for determiningbiodiversity impacts✤Existence and enforcement of relevant legislationand regulations✤Use of other control/management measures, includingvoluntary and economic instruments✤Tourism sector strategy to support sustainablelocal livelihoods and conservation of biodiversity✤Regular monitoring of tourism impacts on biodiversity,and relevant response✤Availability of sufficient management skills andcapacity to undertake relevant impact assessments,plus other resources to address tourismand biodiversity issues and opportunities.48 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity

Notes1 Secretariat of the Convention on BiologicalDiversity. (2004b), Guidelines on Biodiversityand Tourism Development http://www.cbd.int/doc/publications/tou-gdl-en.pdf2 For guidance on the application of theGuidelines, Parties can also consult:– Tourism For Nature and Development – a goodpractice guide, a short and practical guidefor decision-makers focused on sustainabledevelopment. http://www.cbd.int/development/doc/cbd-good-practiceguide-tourism-booklet-web-en.pdf– The Biodiversity and Tourism Network, a webbasedplatform established to foster dialoguebetween tourism practitioners anddisseminate support for the implementationof the Guidelines, allowing public andprivate sector players to evaluate to whatdegree their strategy or project follows theCBD Guidelines in a self-assessment survey.http://tourism.cbd.int/– Managing Tourism & Biodiversity - User’s Manual onthe CBD Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development.http://www.cbd.int/doc/programmes/tourism/tourism-manual-en.pdf3 Manual on applying the CBD Guidelines onBiodiversity and Tourism Development http://www.cbd.int/tourism/doc/tourism-manual-2015-en.pdf4 UNEP 10YFP Programme on Sustainable Tourismhttp://www.unep.org/10yfp/Programmes/ProgrammeConsultationandCurrentStatus/Sustainabletourism/tabid/106269/Default.aspx5 UNWTO Sustainable Development of Tourism:Publications http://sdt.unwto.org/content/publications-226 UNEP Publications http://www.unep.org/publications7 The IUCN/TAPAS Group publication Tourism andVisitor Management in Protected Areas: Guidelinesfor Sustainability Leung Y-F et al., 2015 containsextensive material on tourism and biodiversity.8 IUCN WCPA Tourism Specialist Group http://www.iucn.org/about/work/programmes/gpap_home/gpap_capacity2/gpap_wcpacap/gpap_tourism9 UNESCO Man and Biosphere Programmehttp://www.unesco.org/new/en/naturalsciences/environment/ecological-sciences/biosphere-reserves10 UNESCO World Heritage Sustainable TourismToolkit http://unescost.cc.demo.faelix.net11 UNESCO World Heritage and SustainableTourism Programme http://whc.unesco.org/en/tourism12 UNDP Tourism Concessions in ProtectedNatural Areas: Guidelines for Managers http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/librarypage/environment-energy/ecosystems_and_biodiversity/tourism-concessions-inprotected-natural-areas13 IUCN Siting and design of hotels and resorts:principles and case studies for biodiversityconservation http://www.iucn.org/about/work/programmes/business/key_res/tourism_.cfm?uPubsID=461714 Global Sustainable Tourism Council Criteriahttp://www.gstcouncil.org/gstc-criteria/sustainable-tourism-gstc-criteria.html15 DestiNet Knowledge NetworkingPortal for Sustainable & ResponsibleTourism http://destinet.eu/whowho/market-solutions/certificates/fol442810/quickfinder-gstc-certification/certification-programmes-worldwide16 UNEP Climate Change Adaptation andMitigation in the Tourism Sector: Frameworks,Tools and Practices http://www.unep.fr/shared/publications/pdf/DTIx1047xPA-ClimateChange.pdf17 Climate Change and Tourism Responding toGlobal Challenges http://sdt.unwto.org/sites/all/files/docpdf/climate2008.pdf18 Climate Change and Tourism Policy inOECD Countries http://www.oecd.org/cfe/tourism/48681944.pdf19 Wildlife Watching and Tourism – A study onthe benefits and risks of a fast growing tourismactivity and its impacts on species. http://www.cms.int/sites/default/files/document/ScC14_Inf_08_Wildlife_Watching_E_0.pdf20 Convention on Migratory Species, 18th Meetingof the Scientific Council (2014), UNEP/CMS/ScC18/Doc.10.5. http://www.cms.int/sites/default/files/document/Doc_10_5_Boatbased_Wildlife_Watching_E.pdf21 Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention, 11thMeeting of the Conference of the Parties to theConvention on Wetlands http://www.ramsar.org/sites/default/files/documents/pdf/cop11/res/cop11-res07-e.pdf22 Carpathian Convention – Sustainable Tourismhttp://www.carpathianconvention.org/tourism.htmlTourism Supporting Biodiversity 49

23 UNWTO - Understanding Tourism: BasicGlossary http://media.unwto.org/en/content/understanding-tourism-basic-glossary24 World Tourism Organization, Facts and figureshttp://www.unwto.org/facts/menu.html25 Secretariat of the Convention on BiologicalDiversity Global Biodiversity Outlook 4http://www.cbd.int/gbo426 Adopted in 2010 at COP 10 in Nagoya, AichiPrefecture, Japan by the Parties to the CBDas an overarching international framework.http://www.cbd.int/sp27 A set of 20 targets identified in the StrategicPlan for Biodiversity 2011 – 2020, relating to thegoals of addressing the cause of biodiversityloss, reducing pressures on biodiversity andpromoting sustainable use, improving thestatus of biodiversity, enhancing benefits fromit and enhancing implementation. http://www.cbd.int/sp/targets/28 Walk on the Wild Side: Estimating the GlobalMagnitude of Visits to Protected Areas Balmfordet al.,2015, PLOS Biology DOI:10.1371/journal.pbio.100207429 Secretariat of the Convention on BiologicalDiversity, Ecosystem Approach http://www.cbd.int/ecosystem/30 Making Tourism More Sustainable, UNEP andUNWTO, 200531 for Ecosystem Services: GettingStarted http://www.unep.org/pdf/PaymentsForEcosystemServices_en.pdf32 The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity(TEEB). http://www.teebweb.org33 The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity(TEEB) Scoping Study for Georgia: MainFindings and Way Forward (2013). http://doc.teebweb.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/TEEBScoping-study-for-Georgia-main-findings7wayforward-2013.pdf34 Also see Tourism and Visitor Managementin Protected Areas: Guidelines forSustainability Leung Y-F et al., 2015 for moredetail, Chapters 4-5.35 Secretariat of the Convention on BiologicalDiversity Strategic Plan for Biodiversity2011-2020. http://www.cbd.int/sp36 UNEP/CBD/COP/11/INF/52/Rev.137 Secretariat of the Convention on BiologicalDiversity Strategic Plan for Biodiversity2011-2020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.http://www.cbd.int/sp/targets38 A full treatment of international and nationalpolicy frameworks and governance issuesfor tourism and protected areas, includingreference to the Guidelines, may be foundin Tourism and Visitor Management in ProtectedAreas, Leung, Y-F et al., 2015, Chapter 3.39 A more detailed coverage of policycoordination and intra-governmentengagement is contained in SustainableTourism for Development, UNWTO, 2013 http://dtxtq4w60xqpw.cloudfront.net/sites/all/files/docpdf/devcoengfinal.pdf40 Inkaterra http://www.inkaterra.com41 Voluntary guidelines adopted by theConference of the Parties to the Conventionon Biological Diversity at its seventhmeeting, in 2004, for the conduct of cultural,environmental and social impact assessmentsregarding developments proposed to take placeon, or which are likely to impact on, sacredsites and on lands and waters traditionallyoccupied or used by indigenous and localcommunities.42 Secretariat of the Convention on BiologicalDiversity (2004a), Akwé: Kon VoluntaryGuidelines for the Conduct of Cultural,Environmental and Social Impact Assessmentregarding Developments Proposed to TakePlace on, or which are Likely to Impacton, Sacred Sites and on Lands and WatersTraditionally Occupied or Used by Indigenousand Local Communities http://www.cbd.int/doc/publications/akwe-brochure-en.pdf43 A Shared Vision for Tourism in KakaduNational Park. http://www.environment.gov.au/system/files/resources/296f549b-b7f6-402a-b283-61ea58e57db4/files/tourismbrochure-full.pdf44 See Borrini-Feyerabend et al. http://www.iucn.org/about/work/programmes/gpap_home/gpap_capacity2/gpap_bpg/?13678/Governanceof-Protected-Areas-From-understanding-toaction45 World Tourism Organization (2010a)Joining Forces – Collaborative Processesfor Sustainable and Competitive Tourism.http://www.e-unwto.org/content/u01642/fulltext?p=3fc07e5cf4e84db0b95f442db5dd5271&pi=0#section=889992&page=146 European Charter for Sustainable Tourism inProtected Areas. http://www.european-charter.org/47 UNWTO Global Observatories on SustainableTourism (GOST). http://sdt.unwto.org/content/unwto-global-observatories-sustainabletourism-gost48 IBAT for Research and ConservationPlanning. https://www.ibat-alliance.org/ibat-conservation49 This approach is further detailed in paragraph28 of the Guidelines.50 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity

50 The concept of Key Biodiversity Areas is beingfurther developed and promoted by IUCN andBirdlife International. https://www.cbd.int/doc/meetings/sbstta/sbstta-17/information/sbstta-17-inf-10-en.pdf51 Set out on paragraph 22 of the Guidelines.52 http://coast.iwlearn.org/en/copy_of_131021_coast_management_africa_UNIDO_wm.pdf53 The identification and description of specificinstruments under these five headings iscovered in detail in Making Tourism MoreSustainable, UNEP and UNWTO, 2005.54 A detailed treatment of management andmonitoring models and tools relating totourism in protected areas may be found inTourism and Visitor Management in ProtectedAreas, Leung, Y-F et al., 2015, Chapters 6-8.55 http://www.mauritiustourism.org/en/investirdans-le-tourisme/development-policy.html56 Understanding threats, resolving conflictsand building collaborative solutions, in theSoufriere Marine Management Area (SMMA)and the Canaries & Anse La Raye MarineManagement Area (CAMMA) in Saint LuciaWest Indies. http://www.smma.org.lc/finder/files/Project%20Reports/SMMA%202012%20ToT%20Follow%20Up%20Project%20Report.pdf57 Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC)Criteria http://www.gstcouncil.org/gstccriteria/sustainable-tourism-gstc-criteria.html58 GSTC’s criteria were included in a review of thebiodiversity requirements of standards andcertification schemes conducted across eightsectors (Review of the Biodiversity Requirementsof Standards and Certification Schemes, CBDTechnical Series No. 63, UNEPWCMC, 2011).They were shown to cover virtually allrequirements other than the specific inclusionof “No net loss/net positive impact”.59 https://portals.iucn.org/library/efiles/documents/2012-013.pdf60 http://www.business-biodiversity.eu/global/download/%7BDYNBBCFUWF-1217201414757-QFOHBOEUVI%7D.pdf61 Reducing tourism’s threats to biodiversity:Effects of a voluntary sustainability standardand training programme on 106 LatinAmerican tourism enterprises, 2015 JeffreyC. Milder, Deanna Newsom, Claudine Sierra,Volker Bahn. http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/tourism/certification62 Certification for Sustainable Tourism (CST)Programme http://www.turismo-sostenible.co.cr63 TO DO! International Contest SociallyResponsible Tourism http://www.todocontest.org/64 World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC)Tourism For Tomorrow Awards http://www.wttc.org/tourism-for-tomorrow-awards/65 World Responsible Tourism Awards http://www.responsibletravel.com/awards/66 http://www.cbd.int/tourism/doc/2rdindigenous-tourism-biodiversity-websiteaward-en.pdf67 The Wildlife Conservation Society’s TmatBoey model in Cambodia. http://www.samveasna.org/userfiles/file/WCSCaseStudy-Cambodia-ecotourism-Final.pdf and theMesomagor Bamboo Orchestra in Ghanahttp://www.mesomagor.org/bamboo/bamboo.html, supported by Denmark, ConservationInternational, CILTAD/Agoro and ICOMOS,are some examples of successful communitybasedincentive systems towards biodiversityfriendlytourism.68 http://idbdocs.iadb.org/wsdocs/getdocument.aspx?docnum=148195069 JICA Guidelines for environmental and socialconsiderations. http://www.jica.go.jp/english/our_work/social_environmental/guideline/pdf/guideline100326.pdf70 Performance Standard 6: BiodiversityConservation and Sustainable Managementof Living Natural Resources. http://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/bff0a28049a790d6b835faa8c6a8312a/PS6_English_2012.pdf?MOD=AJPERES71 UNDP Tourism Concessions in ProtectedNatural Areas: Guidelines for Managers. http://www.undp.org/content/dam/undp/library/Environment%20and%20Energy/biodiversity/UNDP%20Tourism%20Concessions%20in%20Protected%20Natural%20Areas%20LR.PDF72 The Role of Economic Incentives in theGovernance and Management of SustainableTourism in Coastal Areas, World TourismOrganization on behalf of COAST. http://coast.iwlearn.org/en/baps-and-bats/Project-Formats/FinalEconomicIncentivesPaperCOASTUNWTO2013.pdf73 IBAT for Business. https://www.ibatforbusiness.org/ibat_and_your_business74 Voluntary Guidelines on Biodiversity-InclusiveImpact Assessment. https://www.cbd.int/doc/publications/cbd-ts-26-en.pdf. Also decisionVI/7, Part A (1-24), updated decision VII/7, PartA, and VIII/28.75 CBD COP 7 Decision VII/16 Part F76 Marine and coastal biodiversity: revisedvoluntary guidelines for the considerationof biodiversity in environmental impactassessments and strategic environmentalassessments in marine and coastal areas,Tourism Supporting Biodiversity 51

UNEP/CBD/COP/11/23. http://www.cbd.int/doc/meetings/cop/cop-11/official/cop-11-23-en.pdf77 Buckley, R. Standards and Thresholds for ImpactAssessment, Environmental Protection in theEuropean Union, Volume 3, 2008, 205–215.78 Sustainable Tourism Governance and Managementin Coastal Areas of Africa, UNWTO 2013.79 The role of international standard-setting bodies incoordinating EIA and environmental compliance andenforcement functions, 2014.80 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)Guidelines for the Tourism Sector in Kenya.http://www.dlist-asclme.org/sites/default/files/doclib/EIA%20Guidlines%20kenya.pdf81 North Head Quarantine Station Conservationand Adaptive Reuse Project EnvironmentalAudit 2011. http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/resources/parks/120851QSEnvAud.pdf82 Specific consideration of tools for sustainablefinancing of protected areas through tourismmay be found in Tourism and Visitor Managementin Protected Areas, Leung, Y-F et al.,2015,Chapter 1083 Payments for Ecosystem Services: ABest Practice Guide. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/200901/pb13932a-pesbestpractice-annexa-20130522.pdf84 Fortuna Bay Visitor Management Plan(2014). http://www.sgisland.gs/index.php/(d)Visitor_Management_Plans?useskin=edu85 Information for Visitors to South Georgia2014/15http://www.sgisland.gs/download/visitors/Information%20for%20visitors%20to%20South%20Georgia%202014-15.pdf86 Tourism and Poverty Alleviation: Recommendationsfor Action, UNWTO, 200487 Guidance for capacity-building for tourism,including for communities, can be found inTourism and Visitor Management in ProtectedAreas, Leung, Y-F et al.,2015, Chapter 988 Kabutours http://www.kabutours.com/89 Indicators of sustainable development fortourism destinations. http://www.e-unwto.org/content/x53g07/?p=c1a8815e60d44ea1b5e202bd799548f2&pi=0&hl=u90 Biodiversity Indicator Partnership - KeyKnowledge for Successful BiodiversityIndicators.http://www.bipindicators.net/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=0ad-yu3VSg8%3d&tabid=3891 This is covered also in Section 4 of this Manual.92 Yosemite National Park (2014) Visitor use andimpact monitoring. http://www.nps.gov/yose/naturescience/visitor-use-monitoring.htm93 The Nam Nern Night Safari http://www.namet.org/namnern94 Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention onWetlands and World Tourism Organization(2012c), Destination wetlands: supportingsustainable tourism. http://archive.ramsar.org/pdf/cop11/tourism-publication/Ramsar_UNWTO_tourism_E_Sept2012.pdf95 Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention onWetlands and World Tourism Organization(2012d), Wetland Tourism Case Studies.http://archive.ramsar.org/cda/en/ramsarwetlandtourismcasestudiestoc/main/ramsar/1%5E25719_4000_0__96 UNWTO Training on Tourism andBiodiversity. http://biodiv.unwto.org/content/training-tourism-and-biodiversity-097 UNWTO Tourism and Biodiversity seminarsin Gambia. http://www2.unwto.org/en/news/2013-05-14/gambia-trainingseminar-tourism-and-biodiversity-23-25-april-201398 UNWTO Tourism and Biodiversity seminars inTanzania and Ghana. http://step.unwto.org/news/2014-06-04/unwto-organizes-tourismand-biodiversity-seminars-tanzania-andghana99 IUCN Working With Business. http://www.iucn.org/about/work/programmes/business/bbp_work/by_sector/tourism/ecotourism/working_with_business/100 Integrating Business Skills into EcotourismOperations. IUCN and Kuoni Group.https://portals.iucn.org/library/efiles/documents/2012-032.pdf101 Brazilian Biodiversity Fund (FUNBIO)http://www.funbio.org.br/o-que-fazemos/melhores-praticas-para-o-ecoturismo-mpe102 Regional Capacity Building Seminar in Nairobi,Kenya, from 21 to 23 May 2013. http://step.unwto.org/news/2013-06-06/regional-capacity-building-seminar-nairobi-kenya-21-23-may-2013103 Secretariat of the Convention on BiologicalDiversity Guidelines for the Fifth NationalReport. https://www.cbd.int/reports/guidelines/default.shtml104 There is an opportunity to includeimplementation of tourism and biodiversity asa cross-cutting theme, see Appendix III of theResource Manual, p. 46. https://www.cbd.int/doc/nr/nr-05/NR5-resource-manual-en.pdf52 Tourism Supporting Biodiversity

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Available: http://www.iucn.org/about/work/programmes/gpap_home/gpap_capacity2/gpap_wcpacap/gpap_tourismIUCN (2007), Guidelines for applying the precautionary principle tobiodiversity conservation and natural resource management,IUCN. Available: http://cmsdata.iucn.org/downloads/ln250507_ppguidelines.pdfIUCN (2012a), Integrating Business Skills into EcotourismOperations. IUCN and Kuoni Group, Switzerland.Available: https://portals.iucn.org/library/efiles/documents/2012-032.pdfhttp://www.iucn.org/about/work/programmes/business/bbp_work/by_sector/tourism/ecotourism/working_with_business/IUCN (2012b), Siting and design of hotels and resorts: principlesand case studies for biodiversity conservation, Gland,Switzerland. Available: https://portals.iucn.org/library/efiles/documents/2012-013.pdf and http://www.iucn.org/about/work/programmes/business/key_res/tourism_.cfm?uPubsID=4617IUCN (2013), Global Protected Areas Programme, Governanceof Protected Areas: from understanding to action.Available: http://www.iucn.org/about/work/programmes/gpap_home/gpap_capacity2/gpap_bpg/?13678/Governance-of-Protected-Areas-From-understanding-to-actionIUCN (2014), A strategic approach on biodiversity: the what, whyand how: A summary briefing for business, Gland, Switzerland.Available: http://cmsdata.iucn.org/downloads/iucn_a_strategic_approach_on_biodiversity_summary_briefing_for_business_web.pdfJICA (2010), Guidelines for environmental and socialconsiderations. Available: http://www.jica.go.jp/english/our_work/social_environmental/guideline/pdf/guideline100326.pdfKabu Tours. Available: http://www.kabutours.com/Leung, Y-F., A. Spenceley, G. Hvenegaard and R. 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Langhammer, P.F., Bakarr, M.I., Bennun, L.A., Brooks, T.M., Clay, R.P.,Darwall, W., De Silva, N., Edgar, G.J., Eken, G., Fishpool, L.D.C.,3Fonseca, G.A.B. da, Foster, M.N., Knox, D.H., Matiku, P., Radford,E.A., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Salaman, P., Sechrest, W., and Tordoff,A.W. (2007), Identification and Gap Analysis of Key BiodiversityAreas: Targets for Comprehensive Protected Area Systems.Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. Available: https://portals.iucn.org/library/efiles/documents/pag-015.pdfMesomagor Bamboo Orchestra, Ghana. Available: http://www.mesomagor.org/bamboo/bamboo.htmlMillennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005). Ecosystems andHuman Well-being: Biodiversity Synthesis. World ResourcesInstitute, Washington, DC. Available: http://www.unep.org/maweb/documents/document.354.aspx.pdfMinistry of Tourism and Wildlife (2007), Environmental ImpactAssessment (EIA) Guidelines for the Tourism Sector in Kenya.Available: http://www.dlist-asclme.org/sites/default/files/doclib/EIA%20Guidlines%20kenya.pdfMorse, J., King, J. and Bartlett, J. (2005), A Shared Vision for Tourismin Kakadu National Park [Online]. Available: http://www.environment.gov.au/system/files/resources/296f549b-b7f6-402a-b283-61ea58e57db4/files/tourism-brochure-full.pdfOECD and United Nations Environment Programme, ClimateChange and Tourism Policy in OECD Countries. Available:http://www.oecd.org/cfe/tourism/48681944.pdfRainforest Alliance, Certification Services for TourismBusinesses. Available: http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/tourism/certificationSecretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity Guidelinesfor the Fifth National Report. Available: https://www.cbd.int/reports/guidelines/default.shtmlSecretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity ResourceManual for the Fifth National Report. Available: https://www.cbd.int/nr5/resource-manual/default.shtmlSecretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity Strategic Planfor Biodiversity 2011-2020. Available: http://www.cbd.int/spSecretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity Strategic Planfor Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.Available: http://www.cbd.int/sp/targets/Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, EcosystemApproach. Available: http://www.cbd.int/ecosystem/Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2004a),Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural,Environmental and Social Impact Assessment regardingDevelopments Proposed to Take Place on, or which are Likely toImpact on, Sacred Sites and on Lands and Waters TraditionallyOccupied or Used by Indigenous and Local Communities (CBDGuidelines Series), Montreal, Canada. Available: http://www.cbd.int/doc/publications/akwe-brochure-en.pdfSecretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. (2004b),Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development,Montreal, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity,Montreal, Canada. 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KEY MESSAGES AND CONCLUSIONSThe CBD Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development, adopted in 2004, continue toprovide a basis for area planning and assessing tourism projects in vulnerable ecosystems.This User’s manual aims to support decision makers in applying the guidelinesby mainstreaming biodiversity concerns and ecosystem services within sustainabletourism development. Its key messages and conclusions are:1A multi-stakeholder approach in planning and managing sustainable tourism is fundamental toachieve good results. This may involve an inter-ministerial/ inter-agency body for coordination, atvarious levels of government (national, subnational, local). Engaging the private sector is extremelyimportant. Local authorities have a particularly important role to play in providing leadership inconjunction with other local stakeholder interests (for instance through a destination managementorganization).2Gathering baseline information is a key element for planning, providing a basis for impact assessment,setting realistic goals, guiding implementation and determining indicators for monitoring.3Tourism planning requires coordinating strategies among local, subnational and national authorities.Objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable and time-bound. Key outcomes of theplanning process include articulating a vision and goals, determining types of tourism to be supported,ways and means to address impacts on biodiversity from planned developments, and identifyingkey constraints and opportunities.4A range of tools can be used to control and influence tourism impacts on biodiversity. Regulationsmay be adopted, such as minimum standards for construction/decommissioning, operational standards,and measures to control visitor movement and activities. Voluntary tools can be implemented,such as product and destination standards, certification systems, codes of conduct and recognitionof best practices such as through awards. Economic instruments might include penalties to discourageenvironmentally harmful investments and activities, incentives such as concessions to operatein protected areas, and indirect incentives such as larger grants, loans and micro-credit schemes forsustainable tourism through multi- and bilateral funding entities.5Project proposers should be required to provide full and timely advance notification of developmentsto all affected stakeholders.

6Impact assessments should pay special attention to indigenous peoples and local communities, tomarket volatility which can impact local revenues, and to cumulative impacts of multiple successiveprojects on-site and applying the ecosystems approach on the wider landscape.7There are a wide-ranging set of management approaches and initiatives that have been extensivelytested for improving benefits to biodiversity through tourism. Parties and partners are encouraged toidentify those most suited to their needs and adapt them to their realities.8Management should be adaptive, in order to be able to respond to uncertainties. Monitoring andreporting should be done through a continuous participatory process, incorporating the indicatorframework for baseline information collection, and focusing on outcomes, outputs and impactmeasurements.9Certification agents, NGOs, educational bodies and other entities can provide capacity-building, andtogether with media can promote awareness on sustainable tourism, for consumers, indigenouspeoples and local communities, government, business and educational bodies. Training and resourcemobilization can help to build capacity within governments, protected areas authorities and otherstakeholders.10Regular voluntary reporting to the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity on bestpractices and lessons learned through the Clearinghouse Mechanism is important to support cooperationand facilitate matching technical and scientific offers and needs.Tourism Supporting Biodiversity v

Secretariat of the Convention on Biological DiversityWorld Trade Centre413 St. Jacques Street, Suite 800Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2Y 1N9Phone: +1 514 288 2220Fax: +1 514 288 6588E-mail: secretariat@cbd.intWebsite: www.cbd.intiiTourism Supporting Biodiversity

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