The Symbolic Representation of the Sefer Torah - Maqom

The Symbolic Representation of the Sefer Torah - Maqom

The Symbolic Representation of the Sefer Torah - Maqom


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Appendix 1Classic Rabbinical Texts cited in this EssayArukh Hashulkhan Yechiel Mechel Halevi Epstein b. Bobruisk, Belorussia 1829 d.Novogrudok, Russia 1908.Ben Ish Chai Chaim Yosef Abdula b. Iraq 1832 d. Iraq 1909.Baruch Sheamar Baruch Halevi Epstein b. Russia 1860 d. Belarus 1941.Darche Tishuva R. Zvi Hirsh Shapiro b. Poland 1850 d. Hungary 1913.Damesek Eliezar Eliezer Papo b. Bosnia 1785 d. Bulgaria 1828.Gra or Beyur Ha Gra R. Eliyahu <strong>of</strong> Vilna (Vilna Gaon) b Lithuania 1720 d. Lithuania 1797.Graz Gaon Rabbeinu Shneyur Zalman <strong>of</strong> Lyady b. Russia 1745(6) d. Russia 1813.Hilchot Ketanot Mordechai R. Yaakov Chagiz b. Morocco 1620 d. Turkey 1674.Igrot Moshe Moshe Feinstein b. Belarus 1895 d. New York 1986.Ittur R. Yitzchak ben Abba Marl b. Provence c. 1122 d. Provence c. 1193.Kaf Hachaim R. Yaacov Hayim S<strong>of</strong>er b. Iraq 1870 d. Israel 1939.Keter Shem Tov Shemtob Gaguine b. Israel 1884 d. England 1953.Kitzur Hashela Mechel Segel Epstein d. Germany 1707.Kneset Hagedolah R. Hayim Benbenishti b. Turkey 1603 d. Turkey 1673.Kolbo author unknown first published Naples 1490.Leket Yosher R. Yosef ben Moshe b. Bavaria (Germany) c. 1420 d. Bavaria c. 1490.Machzor Vitri R. Simcha <strong>of</strong> Vitry d. France 1105.Magen Avraham R, Avraham Abale Gombiner b. Poland 1634 d. Poland 1682.Maharik Rabbi Yosef colon b. France c. 1420 d. Italy 1480.Manhig R. Avraham Ha Yarchi b. c. Provence 1155 d. Spain 1214.Mekorei Minhagim Avraham Levinson Published Berlin 1846.Mishnah Berurah Israel Mayer Hacohen (Hafetz Hayim) b. Blarus 1838 d. Radin 1933,Poland.Mishnah <strong>Torah</strong> Maimonides R. Moshe Ben Maimon b. Spain 1135 d. Egypt 1204.Maharik Rabbi Yosef Colon b. France 1410 d. Italy 1480.Mitpachat Sefarim Yaakov Emden b. Germany 1697 d. Germany 1776.Mordechai Mordechai B. Hillel Ashkenazib. b. 1240 d. Germany 1298.Nachmanides <strong>Torah</strong> Commentary R. Moshe Ben Nachman b. Spain 1194 d. Israel 1270.Noda B’yehudah R. Yichezkel Landau b. Poland 1713 d. Czechoslovakia 1793.Or Zarua Yitzchak <strong>of</strong> Vienna b. Bohemia late 12 th century d. Vienna mid 13 th century.Pri Eitz Chaim R. Chaim Vital b. Italy 1543 d. Syria 1620.Rama R. Moshe Issereles b. Poland 1530 d. Poland 1572.Ran R. Nissim b. Spain 1290 d. Spain 1375.Rashbah R. Shlomo B. Avraham Aderet . b. Spain 1235 d. Spain 1310.Rosh Rabbeinu Asher B. Yechiel b.1250 Germany d. Spain1327.Responsa Yosef Ometz R. Chaim Joseph David Azulai (Hida) b. 1724 Jerusalem d. 1806Italy.Responsas Terumat Hadeshen Yisroel Isserlein b. Germany c. 1390 d. Austria 1460.40

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