Mar 10 - Everything Epping Forest

Mar 10 - Everything Epping Forest

Mar 10 - Everything Epping Forest


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<strong>Everything</strong> <strong>Epping</strong> <strong>Forest</strong>Page 21 of 22It is hoped the whole process will be completed by the end of this year. Whatever youdecide, you will be able to change your mind at any time.For more information, visit www.westessexpct.nhs.uk and click on the purple SummaryCare Records button.Chigwell School staff stage pantomime2nd <strong>Mar</strong>ch 20<strong>10</strong>STAFF at Chigwell School took to the boards at the start of Lent Term for the biennial staffpantomime, Beauty and the Beast.Deputy headmaster David Gower was the Beast and Samantha Dick made her stagedebut as Belle.Roderick Lonsdale played Belle's father and had to contend with the traditional pantomimehorse in the guise of Andy Hill (front) and Richard Hartley (rear).Creag Lawrence made a convincing baddie drawing plenty of booing from the enthusiasticaudiences and Rob Ogle and Stephen Goodfellow were his bumbling sidekicks.Juliet Boughton as Mrs Potts, Ben Wille her son Chip, together with Father Simon Paulensured a happy ending was reached.here were cameo appearances from a number of staff including Jenny Gwinn and asurprise appearance from headmaster Michael Punt.Particular thanks go to drama scholar Abbie Cassen and her crew who directed theproduction and to Jack Jeffreys and the returning Matthew Gibbs (who took a break fromuniversity to maintain his record of being the only person to have watched every staffpantomime since it started in 1999) who did a great deal of work backstage.The two performances were very well received by the audience and the event raised wellover £2,000 for Haven House Children’s Hospice.Mr Gower thanked everyone involved and said he was, as ever, very impressed with whatstaff could put on in such a short space of time during the term.MONEY MATTERS - Monthly column2nd <strong>Mar</strong>ch 20<strong>10</strong>THIS month, in their monthly column, Loughton-based chartered accountants andbusiness advisers Haslers focus on student loan repayments and the vehicle scrappageschemeStudent loan repaymentsHMRC has announced a new initiative to reduce student loan over repayments for thoseex-students who repay their loan through PAYE deductions.Ex-students have been in the position whereby it has been difficult for them to avoid overrepaying their student loan as the loan term came to an end.This is due to the time delay between their employer making deductions from their salaryeach month and submitting an annual return showing the individual repayment amounts foreach employee.Ex-students will now be able to opt-out of PAYE repayments in the last 23 months ofrepayment and transfer to a Direct Debit arrangement. This should meant the ex-studentwill not over repay their loan.This new initiative has been introduced by the Student Loans Company (SLC).The SLC will try to contact borrowers shortly before the last 23 months to offer and arrangethis option.However if a borrower is aware they are reaching this point they can contact the SLCdirect and arrange to repay the balance of their loan in this way.Employers will not have to change their procedures as their authority to stop makingdeductions comes from HMRC on a form SL2 Stop Notice and this authority will be issuedin the normal way.For more details, visit www.hmrc.gov.uk/news/student-loan.htmand www.studentloanrepayment.co.uk/Vehicle scrappageThe Vehicle Scrappage Scheme is a voluntary scheme for motor dealers under whichparticipating dealers give buyers a £2,000 discount off the purchase price of a new car (orcertain types of small van) in exchange for scrapping their old qualifying vehicle.The government has announced the deadline for the end of the Vehicle ScrappageScheme has been extended from the proposed February 20<strong>10</strong> until <strong>Mar</strong>ch 20<strong>10</strong>.The extension is to allow manufacturers and dealers more time to prepare for and operatethe final phase of the scheme.The scheme, which is jointly run by the government and car manufacturers, will now rununtil the end of <strong>Mar</strong>ch 20<strong>10</strong> or until the funding is exhausted, whichever is the sooner.Business Secretary Lord Mandelson said: "Against the background of the economicdownturn the Scrappage Scheme has proved a great success, driving UK car sales,protecting jobs and supporting the supply chain for car manufacture at a time when thissector needed it most."If you’re considering buying a new car, you should place your order as soon as possibleto avoid disappointment, because the budget is strictly limited."For more details, visit www.scrappage.org.uk/If you would like further advice on either of these issues, or any other matter, contactHaslers chartered accountants and business advisers, on 020 8418 3333, emailadvice@haslers.comBurglars flood house1st <strong>Mar</strong>ch 20<strong>10</strong>A HOUSE in Loughton was flooded after burglars stole all the water and heating pipes,radiators and water tanks.Detectives are appealing for help after thieves broke into the council-owned property inGoldings Road which had been left empty following the death of its last occupant.When officials went to visit on February 23 they found entry had been forced, metalfixtures had been stolen and damage running into thousands of pounds had been caused.Police say the thieves would have needed a vehicle to remove the stolen metal.Anyone who saw anything suspicious in Goldings Road should ring Detective ConstableLee Pudney at Loughton Police Station on 0300 333 4444.A century of guiding celebrated1st <strong>Mar</strong>ch 20<strong>10</strong>ABOUT 150 Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, the Senior Section and adult leaders from<strong>Epping</strong>, Theydon Bois and Coopersale helped mark a century of Girl Guiding.They were joined by past members and leaders at St John’s Church, <strong>Epping</strong>, to celebrateand give thanks for <strong>10</strong>0 years of Girl Guiding.This was the largest guiding gathering for some years in the church, with a total of 12 flagsbeing paraded.03/05/20<strong>10</strong>

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