Apr 12 - Everything Epping Forest

Apr 12 - Everything Epping Forest

Apr 12 - Everything Epping Forest


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<strong>Everything</strong> <strong>Epping</strong> <strong>Forest</strong>Page 14 of 25to help a local cause."They were such a great help to us at such a bad time. They do such great work at thehospice and in the community for the patients and their families."The May Fair runs from 11am until 4pm.There will be a circus workshop, reflexology, tombolas and raffle and stalls selling cakesand preserves, linens, soft toys and much more.There will also be a children's stall and a stall selling knitwear.Admission is £1 for adults (50p for children).Vehicle appeal over arson attack8.01pm - 19th <strong>Apr</strong>il 20<strong>12</strong>POLICE investigating an arson attack at business premises in Old Nazeing Road,Nazeing, are appealing for information about a van seen leaving the site.A blaze broke out at a pallet yard at Chimes Nursery at about 10pm on Thursday, March22. Nobody was injured.Investigating officer Michael King said: "A white new transit van with Xenon headlightswas seen to leave the front of the nursery at just before 10pm, heading towards NazeingRoad in the general direction of the parade of shops."Also, it is believed three mopeds may have been in the area. If anyone has anyinformation, or if you were driving any of the vehicles mentioned, please contact me asyou may hold information relevant to our enquiries."Anyone with any information should contact PC Michael King on 101 or Crimestoppersanonymously on 0800 555 111.Cricketer to be guest at churches6.58pm - 19th <strong>Apr</strong>il 20<strong>12</strong>EX-international Zimbabwean cricketer Henry Olonga will be the special guest at twochurches - in High Ongar and Norton Mandeville - and speak at two services next month.Olonga made his international debut in 1995, becoming the youngest player and firstblack cricketer to play for Zimbabwe.Aged 27, he was picked to play cricket for his country in the 2003 World Cup in SouthAfrica and Zimbabwe.Olonga achieved international recognition (along with team mate Andy Flower) in 2003 bywearing a black armband in a World Cup match to protest against the policies ofZimbabwe's government.Olonga had to flee Zimbabwe from impending threats to his life. An evening of food,music and testimony with Henry is being held at St Mary's Church, High Ongar, at 7.30pmon Saturday, May 19.Tickets, priced £7.50, are available from the church office on 0<strong>12</strong>77 366047.And then on Sunday, May 20, Olonga will be speaking at the 10.15am morning service atSt Mary's, High Ongar, and the 6.30pm service at All Saints' Church, Norton Mandeville.In his book, 'Blood, Sweat and Treason', Olonga explains how he had been taughtMugabe was a great leader but as Olonga grew up, he realised the president hadchanged his methods and stories circulated of violence being used to overcome peoplewho were against Mugabe.Olonga now lives in England and undertakes commentary for Channel 4 and the BBC.He is also a photographer, singer and does public speaking around the country, talkingabout his life and his faith.Olonga has been a practising Christian since the age of 15 and enjoys travelling andpreaching the gospel and sharing the story of God's mercy in his life and how God hasfaithfully preserved him and sustains him and what God can do to all humble enough tocall on His name.He tries to use his story and songs to convey this testimony to point people in thedirection of the good news of Jesus Christ.All set for Great British Cucumber Festival6.56pm - 19th <strong>Apr</strong>il 20<strong>12</strong>ACTRESS and comic Hattie Hayridge, 'Holly' in the cult British sci-fi comedy show RedDwarf, will open Cue Fest 20<strong>12</strong> in the Abbey Gardens, Waltham Abbey, on Saturday,May <strong>12</strong>.Hattie's father and both grandfathers worked in the cucumber industry.National Cucumber Day will be celebrated at The Great British Cucumber Festival whichruns from 10am until 4pm.The festival will be the highlight of Waltham Abbey Town Partnership's 'Waltham AbbeyLoves Food' initiative 20<strong>12</strong> programme of events and activities.A food festival event was initially the idea of Waltham Abbey Town Partnership but it hasbeen wholeheartedly and enthusiastically supported by Lea Valley Growers.The festival's aim is threefold - raise awareness of the significance of the Lea Valley saladindustry and highlight the importance to buy local, to raise funds for local charities and tooffer a great day out for all.There will be live music on the Cool as a Cucumber stage and an arena area will hostdemonstrations from dance groups and the return of the now infamous cucumber relayrace.Various other sports will be featured to fit in with this year's health and fitness theme.There will also be tomatoes, peppers and strawberries to taste and buy and a variety ofdifferent refreshments on sale including hog roast, Chinese, Jamaican and specialistsausages plus cooking demonstrations.There will also be craft stalls, health, fitness and beauty stalls, local businesses, voluntaryorganisations, clubs and local tourist attractions stands to visit too.The day is very much for children with hands-on activities and cucumber-related arts andcrafts free of charge plus competitions to enter including 'The Longest CucumberCompetition', bouncy castles, Zorbing, face painters and puppet shows.Also taking part will be Waltham Abbey Town Crier Peter Frost and Mr Cucumber andMini Cucumber mascots.For more details, visit http://www.cuefest.co.uk/ or contact the organisers via Facebook"The Great British Cucumber Festival" or Twitter @cuefest.Charities benefiting from the event are 3rd Waltham Abbey Scouts, Hillside Dog RescueKennels and The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution.Anglers wanted for competition6.54pm - 19th <strong>Apr</strong>il 20<strong>12</strong>ST Clare Hospice is casting its nets in search of budding anglers, with an invitation totake part in a fishing competition at Moreton Lake, Moreton, on Thursday, May 10.Ongar & District Angling Society is holding the event in aid of St Clare Hospice.Entry costs £<strong>12</strong>, with prize winnings, a trophy and goody bags sponsored by DanielRobinson and Son funeral directors of <strong>Epping</strong>.Dave Bishop, the hospice's community fundraiser, said: "We'd like to thank the guys fromOngar & District Angling Society for agreeing to hold this competition in aid of St Clare."Although I'm no expert in the art of angling, the venue appears to have a great variety offish available.01/06/20<strong>12</strong>

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