Oct 10 - Everything Epping Forest

Oct 10 - Everything Epping Forest

Oct 10 - Everything Epping Forest


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<strong>Everything</strong> <strong>Epping</strong> <strong>Forest</strong>Page 7 of 20Tickets cost £12 each, including food. There will be tables of eight.For more details, email secretary@eppingchamber.co.uk, ring 0843 289 8184, or visitwww.eppingchamber.co.ukQuiz night raises £1,00022nd <strong>Oct</strong>ober 20<strong>10</strong>A QUIZ night organised by a Debden hairdressers raised £1,000 for St Clare Hospice.The quiz, held at Parsonage Court, Loughton, was organised by Geraldine, fromGeraldine’s Hair in The Broadway, and Anita, the event co-ordinator at Parsonage Court.The hospice's community and corporate fundraiser, David Bishop, said: "Special thanksmust also go to Greg and Paul for supplying the pie and mash, Nick Taylor, our quizmaster for the evening, and Jan McNeil for providing the delicious ploughman’s lunches."Artists to host museum workshops22nd <strong>Oct</strong>ober 20<strong>10</strong>ARTISTS from Creative Space will be at the <strong>Epping</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> District Museum, WalthamAbbey.They will be leading the Big Draw art workshops tomorrow (Saturday), Tuesday (<strong>Oct</strong>ober26) and Saturday, <strong>Oct</strong>ober 30.The theme will be the museum's current exhibition, Eric Dawson at Ninety.Participants will be encouraged to use Eric’s watercolours of people and places in <strong>Epping</strong><strong>Forest</strong> to create their own works of art in a variety of media.The cost is £1 per child. There is no need to book, just drop in. Children must beaccompanied by an adult at all times.For more information, ring the museum, at 39-41 Sun Street, on 01992 716882 or visitwww.eppingforestdistrictmuseum.org.ukFree electric blanket testing22nd <strong>Oct</strong>ober 20<strong>10</strong>EPPING <strong>Forest</strong> District Council’s safer communities team and Essex Fire and RescueService is holding a free electric blanket testing session.Electric blankets can be taken to the Civic Offices (first floor), High Street, <strong>Epping</strong>,between <strong>10</strong>am and 2.30pm on Monday, November 8, and the team will test it while youwait.The safer communities team will also be available to answer questions about crime anddisorder and anti-social behaviour.For more information, ring the safer communities team on 01992 564608 or emailsafercommunities@eppingforestdc.gov.ukHelp keep cats safe22nd <strong>Oct</strong>ober 20<strong>10</strong>A CHARITY is urging people to take action to keep pet cats safe during the fireworksseason.The <strong>Epping</strong> <strong>Forest</strong> and District branch of Cats Protection said while celebrations can begreat fun for people, cats can be left stressed-out, confused or injured by fireworks.A spokesman said: "Apart from the obvious physical damage suffered through accidentalcontact with fireworks, cats can be badly affected by fireworks noise and lights."Possible behavioural problems as a result of fear and stress could include house soilingor excessive grooming, whilst there is also the danger of a pet cat running away and neverreturning home."For more information on keeping felines safe and happy during the fireworks season, ringCats Protection on 01992 579539.Jewellery theft sparks appeal21st <strong>Oct</strong>ober 20<strong>10</strong>FOUR items of jewellery have been stolen from a property in Loughton.Entry was gained to the property in Hatfields when a rear kitchen window was forcedbetween 8.20pm on Sunday, <strong>Oct</strong>ober <strong>10</strong>, and 1.20am the next day.Stolen were a gold wedding band which is described as quite wide, patterned with sets ofthree vertical and horizontal lines around the ring and a gold ring with Topaz mount, set ina high claw patterned with lines up the side.The ring is slightly worn.Thieves also got away with a ladies watch (make unknown) with a gold and silver metalstrap, white face and gold numbers, and a gold chain, not fine, with the links joinedtogetherAnyone with any information should ring Detective Sergeant Caroline Williams at LoughtonPolice Station on 0300 333 4444 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.Church welcomes new curate21st <strong>Oct</strong>ober 20<strong>10</strong>A NEW curate has been appointed to the <strong>Epping</strong> District Team Ministry.Helen Gheorghiu Gould was born and grew up in Bedford and moved to North Waleswhen she was eight.She is married to Sergiu who was born in Romania and they have three children.Helen started her working life as a journalist in Ely and spent several years at the theatricalnewspaper The Stage, before becoming a freelance writer and researcher into arts andculture in humanitarian situations.She became culture and development consultant for the British Council, and served on theUK UNESCO culture committee, linking culture to international development policy. Sheran a charity, Creative Exchange, promoting culture in humanitarian aid and developmentfor ten years.Helen and her family moved to <strong>Epping</strong> from Leytonstone where they had worshipped at StAndrew’s Church since 1997.In recent years Helen has served as development worker at St Andrew's, developing acommunity cafe, Cafe Refresh, and creative programme, and more recently has beendevelopment worker for Commission4Mission promoting visual art in churches and missionin Chelmsford and London, in which she will continue to be involved after ordination.She first sensed that God was calling her to be ordained at the time of her confirmation in2000 by the Bishop of Richborough.She has trained for ordination at St Mellitus College in London and Chelmsford and willserve as curate with <strong>Epping</strong> District Team Ministry.Helen said: "I hope to have a particular community emphasis to my ministry in <strong>Epping</strong>. Ienjoy being out and about on market day, and visiting local shops and businesses."I also hope to be involved in the development project for St John's - it is a really exciting02/12/20<strong>10</strong>

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