G-Storm GS4822 Thermal Cycler

G-Storm GS4822 Thermal Cycler

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G-Storm by labtech.comG-Storm GS2 Thermal Cycler6The G-Storm GS2 is the perfect thermal cycler solutionfor laboratories that require medium to high throughputperformance or for labs that have multi-user demands!A good looking, medium to high throughput workhorse,the G-Storm GS2 is purpose built for the demands of themodern molecular biology laboratory.Colour touch-screen displayThe full colour VGA, 8.4 inch TFT touch-screen displaypresents users with an interface in which programmingand control is point and click, as well as drag and drop.Control of GS2 is via the touch-screen, using a stylus,ball pen, or even your finger! (An optional keyboard andmouse can be attached via the USB port if you prefer).G-Storm software – simple yet powerfulIf you are new to molecular biology, programming anythermal cycler for the first time can be a daunting prospect.This is not the case with GS2’s interface! Novices throughto experts find the software intuitive and easy to learn yetpowerful enough to handle the most complex of protocols.Users have the choice of entering known programsmanually or utilising the fabulous Program Wizard. TheProgram Wizard function and in-built primer algorithmsremove the requirement to calculate the ideal protocol foryour experiment manually. Simply enter your primersequences or melting temperatures (TM’s) and let thewizard do the rest! Manual programming utilises drag anddrop principles, and the icon driven commands enablequick, clear and intuitive protocol inputs. Even utilisingGS2’s gradient function effectively is simple. Optimalconditions from any gradient protocol can be convertedstraight into a standard protocol with only a single click!(Excludes Germany, USA and Japan, see the LicenseStatement on page 12).A site license for G-Storm programming software interfaceis also provided free of charge for use on PC’s, enablingexperimental design and programming from your desktop.Protocols can be transferred via memory stick to and fromyour PC straight onto the GS2.G-Storm is changing the way molecular biologists thinkabout using thermal cyclers. With so many featuresavailable from one machine combined with incredible easeof use, you’ll be amazed!Multi-Sensor block technologyBoth of the thermal blocks within the GS2 have 4independent temperature control sensors and 8 peltierheating units, ensuring that temperature control anduniformity across the block surface is accurate andreproducible time after time, cycle after cycle. Withfeatures such as Active Sample Cooling (ASC) ensuringthat samples are cooled until the heated lid reaches itstarget temperature, therefore reducing non-specificprimer binding and extension, GS2 is protecting yoursamples even before your protocol has begun.A gradient feature for protocol optimisation is standard onall blocks, plate and tube block formats, 96, 96 combi and384 well, ensuring that you get the very best data fromyour starting biological material. The gradient range isuser programmable from 4°C to 30°C across the thermalblock (gradient can be run within a temperature range of30°C to 80°C).FAST BlocksChoose between standard and new FAST Blocks:• Ramp rates of up to 6°CS -1 with FAST Block option• Increased productivity by faster protocolsQuality assured• NIST/UKAS traceable calibration procedures• Password control – allows access to various reports• Administrator, user and guest levels enableprograms to be written, edited, protected and runaccording to status• Power failure options – continue or halt• Barcode reading option• Encrypted GLP documentation produced with everyprogram runLabtech France - 2bis rue Léon Blum - 91120 PalaiseauTél.: +33 (0)1 64 53 22 70 - Fax: +33 (0)820 568 811Email: contact@labtech.fr - www.labtech.frMay 2012:V1

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