SMITH, CHRISTINA JEAN. What Disappears and What Remains

SMITH, CHRISTINA JEAN. What Disappears and What Remains

SMITH, CHRISTINA JEAN. What Disappears and What Remains


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side room. Thinking it may hide a secret store of food, the father determinedly pries open thelock <strong>and</strong> descends the steps into the darkened basement. There he encounters a sight asmacabre as any in Dante's hell 20 :Huddled against the back wall were naked people, male <strong>and</strong> female, all tryingto hide, shielding their faces with their h<strong>and</strong>s. On the mattress lay a man withhis legs gone to the hip <strong>and</strong> the stumps of them blackened <strong>and</strong> burnt….Helpus, they whispered. Please help us. (110)These pitiful souls are being held as food stores by the b<strong>and</strong> of cannibals who occupy theplantation house. The father hastily <strong>and</strong> uncomprehendingly observes the evidence of thecannibals' "trade" as he is searching for an implement to open the hatch (piles of clothes,shoes, belts, etc. taken from the captives; a 40 gallon cauldron that was once "used forrendering hogs"; a cord <strong>and</strong> brass bell used to signal, from the road, that "prey" isapproaching the house[109]).And while this scene is certainly horrifying <strong>and</strong> far from any conventional ideas ofhome or family, McCarthy presents it as a black inversion of fixed domesticity 21 in thissterile, sunless world. Because they have devised a system to catch the only available "prey"(other human beings) that still roams the dull grey hills <strong>and</strong> valleys, these cannibals are ableto stay rooted in one spot <strong>and</strong> enjoy some of the benefits of such a lifestyle; there aremattresses <strong>and</strong> bedding arranged in front of the fireplace of their home -- indicating that,20 In the Ninth Bolgia of the Eighth Circle of Dante's Inferno is a sword-weilding devil who hacks away at the Sowers ofSc<strong>and</strong>al <strong>and</strong> Schism. These poor sinners are "maimed with limbs lopped off" <strong>and</strong> "guts (spilling) out, with the heart <strong>and</strong>other vital parts, <strong>and</strong> the dirty sack that turns to shit whatever the mouth gulps down" (326). To ensure they will continuallyendure the pain of fresh injury, their bodies heal themselves each time they walk round the circle until they reach the devilwho hacks away at them once more. As the father <strong>and</strong> son descend into the hellish basement of the plantation house, theyencounter the captured travellers who are similarly dismembered; their limbs, however, will not regenerate but will end upin the cauldrons of the bloodcult.21 The father <strong>and</strong> son present a model of small-scale, mobile domesticity <strong>and</strong> have perfected the art of assembling <strong>and</strong>dissasembling their moveable home; however, they are unable to stop in one spot for too long for fear of being discoveredby exactly these types of people (cannibals, bloodcults).39

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