Teóricas Dr. Juan C. Calvo (2003) Archivo 1 (PDF)

Teóricas Dr. Juan C. Calvo (2003) Archivo 1 (PDF)

Teóricas Dr. Juan C. Calvo (2003) Archivo 1 (PDF)


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Table 2. Methods for studying the involvement of MMPs in diseaseMethodQuantitative PCRImmunohistochemistryELISAActivity assaysGene knock out in miceMMP inhibitors inmodelsAdvantages•MMP specific•Can measure changes in mRNA for multipleMMPs in small samples•High throughput•Primers easy to design and test•Can be MMP specific•Can localize MMP expression•MMP specific•High throughput of samples•MMPs found in blood and tissue fluids•High sensitivity possible•Can detect active MMP•Can be very sensitive•MMP specific•Direct relevance to therapyDisadvantages•Does not measure protein or activity•Antibodies can cross react with other MMPs•Does not discriminate active and inactive enzyme•Labor intensive•Low sensitivity•May crossreact with other MMPs•May detect inactive or inhibitor -complexed MMPs•May not be specific for particular MMP•Subject to sample interference•Costly•Requires establishment of disease model inknock out strain•Knock out may be compensated for indevelopment•MMP specific inhibitors have not yet beendescribed

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