Crossword Puzzles The Book of Hebrews

The Book of Hebrews Crossword Puzzles - Stansarea.com

The Book of Hebrews Crossword Puzzles - Stansarea.com


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Letter to the <strong>Hebrews</strong>; Chapter 3Jesus, the Faithful Son1 2 345 678910 111213 14www.<strong>Crossword</strong>Weaver.comACROSS5 From what country did Moses lead the<strong>Hebrews</strong> from slavery?6 We are to encourage each other as longas it is called what?8 Mose was this in all God's household.10 God was angry with that ________because they tested and tried Him forforty years.11 What kept the <strong>Hebrews</strong> from entering thePromised Land?13 Who was Jesus superior to?14 How long was God angry with the<strong>Hebrews</strong> after the Exodus from Egypt?(Two words, 5 5; no space)DOWN1 Jesus is this kind <strong>of</strong> a priest, a what?(Two words, 4 5; no space)2 We are God's house if we hold fast to ourconfidence and the what <strong>of</strong> which weboast?3 In addition to being declared a HighPriest, the <strong>Book</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Hebrews</strong> also says Heis this as well; an _____.4 We have become partakers or partnerswith Christ if we hold this which we hadwhen we began our Chirstian journey.7 We must see to it that we do not turnaway from the what because <strong>of</strong> anunbelieving heart. (Two words, 6 3; nospace)9 We must not _______ our hearts as the<strong>Hebrews</strong> did in the rebellion in the desert.12 He who built all things is who?

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