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<strong>HISTOLOGY</strong><strong>PRACTICE</strong> <strong>QUIZ</strong><strong>For</strong> <strong>each</strong> <strong>tissue</strong>:1. be able to identify it (for lab).2. be able to name a location (lecture andlab)3. be able to name a function (for lecture)Copyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath

Copyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath

Transitional Epithelium• Many layers of cells thatchange shape due to pressure• Locations:– Lining of Urinary bladder– Lining of Ureter• Function:– distensibilityCopyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath

Copyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath

Loose Areolar Connective Tissue• Cells: Fibroblasts• Fibers:Copyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath– Collagen (stained pink)– Elastic (stained purple)• Ground Substance• Location: beneath epithelium– As epithelial membranes• Functions: soppy <strong>tissue</strong> thatlubricates & nourishesepithelial <strong>tissue</strong>;– Cushioning

Copyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath

Pseudostratified Columnar EpitheliumCopyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath• A single layer of elongated cellswhose nuclei are dispersedthroughout the cytoplasm• Surface modifications:– Cilia– Goblet cells• Location: Lining of trachea• Functions:– Secretion– Protection

Copyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath

Adipose Tissue (a connective <strong>tissue</strong>)• Cells: Adipocytes filled with fatglobules• Locations:– Subcutaneous layer– Breasts– Around kidneys and eyeballs• Functions:– Energy Store– Protection– CushionCopyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath

Copyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath

Blood (a connective <strong>tissue</strong>)• Erythrocytes, leukocytes, andthrombocytes in matrix ofplasma• Location: within heart andblood vessels• Function: transportCopyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath

Copyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath

Simple Squamous EpitheliumCopyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath• A single layer of flattened cells• Locations:– Lining air sacs (in lungs)– Lining capillaries• Function:– Adapted for diffusion(exchange of gases, nutrients,wastes)

Copyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath

Dense Regular Connective TissueCopyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath• Matrix of collagen fibers• Locations:– Tendons– Ligaments• Function:– Attachment/ High tensilestrength• Lacks direct blood supply

Copyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath~

Bone (compact; a connective <strong>tissue</strong>)• Osteocytes (in lacunae) surroundedby matrix of calcium phosphate andcollagen• Location: bones of skeleton• Functions:– Support– Protection– Movement– Hematopoiesis– Calcium (mineral) StoreCopyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath

Copyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath

Simple Columnar EpitheliumCopyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath• A single layer of elongated cells,whose nuclei are located nearthe basement membrane• Surface Modifications:– Goblet cells– Microvilli• Location: Lining intestine• Function:– Protection– Absorption– Secretion

Copyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath

Hyaline Cartilage (a connective <strong>tissue</strong>)• Cells: Chondrocytes (in lacunae)• Matrix: Chondroitin sulfate andglucosamine in amorphous mix• Locations:Copyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath– Wall of trachea and larynx– Embryonic Skeleton• Function: Structural and flexiblesupport• No direct blood supply

Copyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath

Copyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat FlathNervous Tissue• Neurons with multiple extensionssurrounded by neuroglial cells.• Locations:– Brain and spinal cord (CNS)– Nerves (PNS)• Function: Integration of all bodyparts• No reproduction of cells.• See page 165 in text.

Copyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath

Simple Cuboidal Epithelium• A single layer of cube-shapedcells with large prominentnuclei• Locations:Copyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath– Glands (*)– Lining kidney tubules• Functions:– Secretion (*only function)– Absorption

Good luck, studying!!!Copyright 2013 Dr. Mary Cat Flath

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