company overview and product reference ... - Enviro-Solutions

company overview and product reference ... - Enviro-Solutions

company overview and product reference ... - Enviro-Solutions

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Why Choose Certified Green?Why Choose Certified Green?O V E R V I E W O F C U R R E N T S I T U A T I O N“Green & safer” claims <strong>and</strong> <strong>product</strong>s have been around for close to 20 years. However, until recently, Green cleaning has notgrown significantly. Why?N O T G R O W N F O R V A R I O U S R E A S O N S :• Poor <strong>product</strong> performance• Price premium• Unclear st<strong>and</strong>ards/lack of consistent st<strong>and</strong>ards• Unproven claims/misinformation/false claims• Lack of underst<strong>and</strong>ing by cleaning professionals• Lack of acceptance by the major manufacturers ofcleaning chemicals• Complacency <strong>and</strong> resistance to changeThings have changed over the past few years, <strong>and</strong> there has beentremendous growth in “Proven Green” cleaning chemicals. Themore significant reasons are that “Proven Green” <strong>product</strong>s nowperform as well or better than traditional <strong>product</strong>s; there is nolonger a price premium; <strong>and</strong> there are some very large users thathave been using “Proven Green” cleaning chemicals for yearswhich provide testimonial proof that the <strong>product</strong>s work costcompetitively. This provides end-users with independent <strong>and</strong>objective verification of Green claims.This trend promises to continue gaining momentum exponentiallyas public awareness, <strong>and</strong> health <strong>and</strong> safety concerns escalate.Significant development: Canada’s (EcoLogo Program) <strong>and</strong>Designed for the <strong>Enviro</strong>nment (DfE) were adapted by several largeorganizations, making it easy for purchasers to know exactly whatconstitutes a Green <strong>product</strong>.T H E P R O B L E M . . .There are a lot of false, misleading claims being made bymany manufacturers. Others do not provide the necessaryinformation to do a thorough analysis of “how Green” the<strong>product</strong>s truly are. Others make claims that are unsupportedby objective, 3rd party verification. This “eco-babble/greenwashing” often takes the form of non-scientific <strong>and</strong>non-verifiable claims.• misleading by using terms such as the following:- safe...no <strong>product</strong> is 100% safe (water can kill)- 100% biodegradable...but not giving the test. For example,does it biodegrade in 10 days or 10 years?- implying that since the ingredients come from plant extractsthey are safe...bear in mind that nicotine comes from tobacco<strong>and</strong> cocaine also comes from a natural plant. Furthermore,turpines such as pine oil are natural but are not consideredrapid biodegradable.- non-toxic to aquatic life...but not specifically advising iftested against algae, invertebrea, vertibrea, minnows oragainst whales• misleading in their claims...”Does Not Contain”.There are over 100,000 ingredients in the marketplace.Any <strong>company</strong> can pick ingredients that their <strong>product</strong> doesnot contain.• misleading in their claims...”Contains”.Similar to the point above. This information is relevant only ifit lists ALL ingredients.• They list no ingredients in Section 2 of their MSDS.By not disclosing all ingredients, like <strong>Enviro</strong>-<strong>Solutions</strong> does, the<strong>product</strong>s may in fact have ingredients that are hazardous butare less than 1% of the solution or have cancer-causingingredients but being less than 0.1% of the solution, or haveingredients that are hazardous to the environment but not onthe list of ingredients that determine if you must report ifgreater than 1% (such as phosphates). The only way you canbe sure is to force the manufacturer to divulge all ingredients<strong>and</strong> then review each for human <strong>and</strong> environmental impact.12www.enviro-solution.com C Choose Wisely...Choose <strong>Enviro</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>

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