March/April 2007 - International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

March/April 2007 - International Christian Embassy Jerusalem


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MAR<br />

APR<br />

2007<br />

A <strong>PLACE</strong> <strong>TO</strong> <strong>PLAY</strong><br />


“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much<br />

more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”<br />

Matthew 7:11

The International<br />

Christian Embassy<br />

Jerusalem (ICEJ)<br />

T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S<br />

w o r d f r o m j e r u s a l e m<br />

3<br />

The International Christian<br />

Embassy Jerusalem was founded in 1980<br />

as an act of comfort and solidarity with<br />

Israel and the Jewish people in their claim<br />

to Jerusalem.<br />

Today, the Christian Embassy stands<br />

at the forefront of a growing mainstream<br />

movement of Christians worldwide who<br />

share a love and concern for Israel and an<br />

understanding of the biblical significance<br />

of the modern ingathering of Jews to the<br />

land of their forefathers.<br />

From our headquarters in Jerusalem<br />

and through our branches and representatives<br />

in over 80 nations, we seek to<br />

challenge the Church to take up its scriptural<br />

responsibilities towards the Jewish<br />

people, to remind Israel of the wonderful<br />

promises made to her in the Bible, and to<br />

be a source of practical assistance to all<br />

the people of the Land of Israel.<br />

The ICEJ is a non-denominational<br />

faith ministry, supported by the voluntary<br />

contributions of our members and friends<br />

worldwide. We invite you to join with us<br />

as we minister to Israel and the Jewish<br />

people worldwide.<br />

If you wish to make a donation to the<br />

general work of the ICEJ or to a specific<br />

project described in this magazine, please<br />

use the attached response envelope, use<br />

the address below or visit our secure Web<br />

site at www.icej.org/donate.php to send<br />

your gift. All donations are tax deductible<br />

according to the law of your country.<br />


Essential Truth<br />

Pages 06-07<br />

B I B L E T E A C H I N G<br />

Director’s letter ........................................... 05<br />

Essential truth: A return to biblical preaching ...............................................................................................................................06-07<br />

I N S I D E T H E E M B A S S Y<br />

ICEJ and Yad Vashem: Joining Forces for Holocaust Remembrance ..................................................................................................08<br />

S E R V I N G T H E N AT I O N<br />

A place to play: ICEJ & the children of the disengagement .................................................................................... 10-11<br />

W O R L D W I D E<br />

God in Africa: Embracing a bold, raw New Testament faith ...............................................................................................14-15<br />

ICEJ USA: The Ambassador’s farewell ............... 16<br />

Hometown Rally: Oklahoma City’s night to honor Israel ...................................................................................................................16<br />

V I E W P O I N T<br />


A Place to Play<br />

Pages 10-11<br />


God in Africa<br />

Pages 14-15<br />


A State of Denial<br />

Pages 18-20<br />

State of Denial: The dark agenda behind Iran’s Holocaust revision .............................................................................18-20<br />


MK Yuri Shtern and<br />

“Mayor Teddy”<br />

Pages 22-23<br />

international christian embassy jerusalem<br />

20 Rachel Imeinu Street · P.O. Box 1192<br />

Jerusalem · 91010, Israel<br />

Tel +972 2 539 97 00<br />

Fax +972 2 566 96 12<br />

icej@icej.org · www.icej.org<br />

T R I B U T E<br />

MK Yuri Shtern: A champion of deepening Jewish-Christian ties ............................................................................................22<br />

“Mayor Teddy”: A visionary friend of the ICEJ ........ 23<br />

cover:<br />

Jewish children evacuated<br />

from the Gaza Strip in<br />

the summer of 2005 at<br />

a new playground in the<br />

‘refugee city’ of Nitzan,<br />

built with funds donated<br />

by Christians around the<br />

world to the ICEJ. (Photo:<br />

Sasson Tiram)<br />

The first almond blossoms of<br />

the year mark the beginning<br />

of spring in Israel.<br />

executive director: ................................................................ Malcolm Hedding<br />

financial director: ................................................................ Timothy King<br />

international director: ....................................................... Jürgen Bühler<br />

editors: ....................................................................................... Michael Hines, Kathy Rowlands, Jake King<br />

layout & design: ....................................................................... Beverley Dwyer<br />

administration: ....................................................................... Doron Schneider<br />

photos: ....................................................................................... Associated Press, Sherwood Burton,<br />

...................................................................................................................... Istock Photos, Sasson Tiram<br />

contributors: .......................................................................... Mark Bish, James Cheatham<br />

The ICEJ’s International<br />

Headquarters in Jerusalem<br />

preferred carrier of the icej

I C E J w o r d f r o m j e r u s a l e m 5<br />

marched on undeterred. The result was and is carnage, terror,<br />

violence and bloodletting. Israelis have paid a high price indeed<br />

for the delusions of unprincipled politicians!<br />

Even when Israel withdrew from Gaza the terror never<br />

came to an end. Hardly had the Jewish people left the region<br />

when Kassam rockets began to rain down on the southern<br />

towns and villages of Israel. They continue to fall to this day!<br />

Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah in Lebanon, with his radical<br />

Islamic militia Hizb’Allah, attacked Israel in August of last year,<br />

all the time being armed, equipped and rearmed by Iran via<br />

Syria. But still the West lives in denial, twisting and turning like<br />

a snake as it endeavours to ignore the obvious, i.e. Islamic fascism<br />

is at war with the West!<br />

Malcolm Hedding<br />

Executive Director of the ICEJ<br />

Now Hamas together with Fatah are hatching another<br />

plan, all designed to loosen the financial pockets of the West<br />

without really having to turn away from and dismantle their terrorist<br />

agenda. The West will no doubt buy it – again!<br />

The Bible all the while warns that days will come when<br />

men will again say, “Peace, peace” but there is no peace! The<br />

truth is, peace at any price is no peace at all!<br />

Dear Friends,<br />

The Middle East region is becoming more<br />

problematic with every passing day. Part of the<br />

problem is the inability of the West to come to terms<br />

with the threat of radical Islam. Indeed Western<br />

halls of government have been in self-denial in terms of the<br />

very real threat that Islamic terrorism poses to them.<br />

As a number of recent television programmes made<br />

undercover in the United Kingdom have revealed, even the socalled<br />

‘moderate’ Muslims are, behind closed doors, calling for<br />

violent jihad against their host countries and approving of it<br />

elsewhere.<br />

Israel has been at the forefront of this conflict for years.<br />

The West was duped by the likes of Yasser Arafat, and through<br />

Oslo and the Road Map initiatives has pressurized Israel to<br />

make agreements with ‘partners’ who were always bent on her<br />

total destruction. Though organisations like ours and many<br />

others frequently warned about this duplicity, the ‘peaceniks’<br />

We could go on and on, referring to Iranian president<br />

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and others but the point is made, I<br />

believe. The bottom line is that Israel needs friends. The Christians<br />

are her true friends and in recent years have proved it over<br />

and over again. Above all, Israel needs your constant intercession<br />

and your visibility. That is, if you can by the grace of God,<br />

attend this year’s Feast it would speak volumes to Israelis. God<br />

knows our times and seasons and this could be your time to<br />

ascend to Zion to help us blow an urgent but blessed trumpet.<br />

We value your support, love and encouragement and trust<br />

that, as ever, your eyes will be upon our great King Who after all<br />

controls everything.<br />

Yours in Jesus,<br />

Malcolm Hedding<br />

Executive Director<br />

International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

B I B L E T E A C H I N G<br />

w o r d f r o m j e r u s a l e m<br />

7<br />

Essential truth<br />

By Malcolm Hedding<br />

In today’s church it’s rare to hear powerful<br />

preaching on sin, repentance, and the<br />

death of Christ creating the impression<br />

that Jesus died for our problems and not<br />

our sins…<br />

Scripture warns of a time<br />

when there will be a great<br />

falling away from the Christian<br />

faith (2 Thessalonians<br />

2:3). Jesus himself declared that the<br />

“love of many would grow cold …” and<br />

He also said, “When the Son of Man<br />

comes will He really find faith on the<br />

earth” (Matthew 24:12-13; Luke 18:8).<br />

I believe that we are living in these<br />

times. A recent edition of Newsweek<br />

highlights the fact that churches across<br />

Europe are being turned into discos,<br />

restaurants, entertainment halls, offices<br />

and even homes. The figure they give<br />

is quite staggering in that thousands of<br />

church buildings are suffering this fate.<br />

Indeed Europe is post-Christian!<br />

To make matters worse, in many<br />

Evangelical churches today one never<br />

hears powerful preaching on sin,<br />

repentance and the death of Christ. On<br />

the contrary, one often comes away with<br />

the feeling that Jesus died for our problems<br />

and not our sins. Failure to properly<br />

define these biblical concepts is<br />

producing a man–centered gospel that<br />

fails to go to the root of the problem.<br />

Sin is now depression, loneliness,<br />

debt, illness and troubles, etc. whereas<br />

it is in fact rebellion against the character<br />

of God, deserving nothing short of<br />

the wrath of God (John 3:36). The Ten<br />

Commandments reflect the righteous<br />

demands of God’s character and our<br />

failure to meet them all the time constitutes<br />

us as sinners and enemies of God<br />

(Romans 3:20; Romans 5:6-11).<br />

Repentance is godly sorrow that<br />

confesses our rebellion against God<br />

and genuinely asks for forgiveness on<br />

the grounds of Jesus’ death (2 Corinthians<br />

7:10). This death is a once-for-all<br />

propitiation (Romans 3:23-26) for our<br />

sins in that He endured the anger of<br />

God on our behalf and thus fully satisfied<br />

the demands of God’s character on<br />

our behalf (Romans 1:18; 1 Thessalonians<br />

5:9-11).<br />

As regards this wrath or anger of<br />

God, it is a manifestation of God’s holy<br />

love! God is only love and nothing more<br />

or less. His love is also just and righteous<br />

and therefore it judges sin and this<br />

righteous loving judgment gives Him<br />

the right in the end to judge the world<br />

by Jesus Christ. A God Who makes pro-<br />

vision for the world’s sin in the death of<br />

His son has the right to judge a world<br />

that rejects this gift (Acts 17:30-31).<br />

Sadly, the truths above are infrequently<br />

laid out before congregations,<br />

perhaps because the preachers think<br />

that all of this is too negative. After all<br />

people come to church to be blessed,<br />

uplifted and edified! The truth is, nothing<br />

edifies and brings comfort like the<br />

“awful medicine” that heals. The only<br />

thing that can truly heal the sinner is<br />

true repentance based on a recognition<br />

of our rebellion against God and thankfulness<br />

for His grace extended toward<br />

us in the death of Jesus (Titus 2:11-15).<br />

A ‘bloodless’ Christianity is producing<br />

a lukewarm, failure-ridden<br />

church in the world that is far from<br />

the heart of God. We must, once again,<br />

rediscover the sermons of great preachers<br />

who once changed their world dramatically<br />

and populated heaven with<br />

millions of blood-bought children.<br />

Does all this sound radical, too radical?<br />

It should.<br />

We must return to biblical preaching<br />

and we must, like the Apostle Paul,<br />

make the death of Jesus the platform<br />

upon which we stand constantly. He<br />

said, “I determined to know nothing<br />

among you save Christ and Him crucified”<br />

(1 Corinthians 1:17,23; 2:2).<br />

May God help us to know, believe<br />

and preach essential truth.

8 i n s i d e t h e e m b a s s y<br />

8 w o r d f r o m j e r u s a l e m i n t e r n a t i o n a l c h r i s t i a n e m I C E J W O R L D W I D E b a s s y j e r u s a l e w o r d f r o m j e r u s a l e m<br />

m<br />

ICEJ & Yad Vashem<br />

Joining forces for Holocaust<br />

Remembrance<br />

By Malcolm Hedding<br />

Feast of<br />

Tabernacles<br />

27th September-3rd October<br />

At the end of last year the International Christian<br />

Embassy Jerusalem and Yad Vashem entered into<br />

a partnership agreement that essentially sets up a<br />

Christian Desk at Yad Vashem. One may well ask,<br />

“Why such an initiative and what prompted it?” The answer is<br />

simple and disturbing.<br />

Simple because Yad Vashem is visited annually by hundreds<br />

of thousands of Christians who love Israel and feel overwhelmingly<br />

shocked by the events of the Holocaust. They want<br />

to make a difference, and by supporting Yad Vashem and its<br />

mission to maintain the memory of the victims of the Holocaust<br />

they are empowered to do so.<br />

Disturbing because in many parts of the world, as demonstrated<br />

by the recent conference in Teheran, denying the<br />

Holocaust is becoming more of a reality. This trend not only<br />

dishonours the memory of the six million Jews who were murdered<br />

by the Nazi killing machine. But it also by implication<br />

vilifies the Jews as liars and lays again the awful and evil seeds<br />

of anti-Semitism.<br />

A Christian desk at Yad Vashem will reach out to the<br />

Christian world, educate it and enable it to learn the eternal<br />

lessons that will ensure that nothing like this will ever happen<br />

again.<br />

Blow A Trumpet<br />

In Zion!<br />

Jack Hayford<br />

Jane Hansen<br />

The nominated Director of the Christian Desk at Yad<br />

Vashem is Rev. Sam Clarke. Sam is an Evangelical Episcopalian<br />

Minister from the United States of America. He has served<br />

in Florida and Washington DC and has always had a deep and<br />

abiding love for Israel. He and his family actually come from<br />

Tennessee where, in the town of Franklin, they have a family<br />

home.<br />

Malcolm Hedding<br />

Sam will not only seek to involve Christians in the lessons<br />

to be gleaned from the Holocaust but he will also raise money<br />

for Yad Vashem. By undergirding the future of Yad Vashem<br />

we can protect generations to come from the scourge of anti-<br />

Semitism and thereby create a safer world.<br />

See Also: Viewpoint - “A State of Denial” pp 18-20<br />

ICEJ Feast Registration Office<br />

PO Box 1192 • Jerusalem, Israel • 91010<br />

Tel +972 2 539 9700 • Fax +972 2 566 9612<br />

Email: feastreg@icej.org<br />

Web: www.icej.org<br />

Robert Stearns<br />

Mosy Madugba

10<br />

w o r d f r o m j e r u s a l e m<br />

S E R V I N G T H E N A T I O N<br />

I C E J W O R L D W I D E<br />

w o r d f r o m j e r u s a l e m<br />

11<br />

I N S I D E T H E E M B A S S Y<br />

w o r d f r o m j e r u s a l e m<br />

11<br />

Eighteen months after the<br />

Israeli security forces began<br />

the traumatic process of evicting<br />

thousands of Jewish residents<br />

of Gaza and northern Samaria from<br />

their homes in August 2005, the wounds<br />

have yet to heal.<br />

Men and women who dedicated<br />

their lives to farm the barren sand dunes<br />

of the southern Gaza Strip – known as the<br />

‘accursed land’ by their Arab neighbors<br />

when they built the first settlements there a<br />

generation ago – turned them into some of<br />

the most prosperous farming communities<br />

in the Middle East.<br />

A place to play<br />

ICEJ & the children of the disengagement<br />

By Jake King<br />

Today, many of those same farmers<br />

who used to send their high quality fruit,<br />

and vegetable produce for export across<br />

Europe are unemployed and living in temporary<br />

housing, with no land to work.<br />

In the year and a half since the<br />

pullout took place, the ICEJ has continued<br />

to seek ways to assist these families<br />

and their children to adjust to life after<br />

‘disengagement’.<br />

Almost 1,700 Jewish families<br />

were uprooted from the Gaza Strip,<br />

with massive social consequences for<br />

all those forcibly removed from their<br />

homes. Many of the families that were<br />

pulled out of the area before it was<br />

handed over to Palestinian Authority<br />

control had been there for more than<br />

two decades, having originally been<br />

sent by the government to settle the<br />

land in the late 1970’s.<br />

Even as the emotionally-charged<br />

disengagement was taking place, the ICEJ<br />

launched a campaign to aid the evicted<br />

Israeli families, focusing specifically on<br />

helping the displaced and traumatized<br />

children adjust to their new surroundings.<br />

More than $200,000 in donations<br />

has been collected from Christians worldwide<br />

for this purpose.<br />

“These courageous children<br />

have already experienced<br />

much trauma in their young<br />

lives and the ICEJ wants to<br />

bring them joy, and a place<br />

to just be kids again.”<br />

Rev. Malcolm Hedding<br />

In early February, ICEJ Executive<br />

Director Malcolm Hedding was invited<br />

to dedicate a playground in the Israeli<br />

refugee city of Nitzan, just one of several<br />

projects that have been funded by the<br />

Embassy’s Social Assistance Program as<br />

a result of that campaign.<br />

“ICEJ Executive Director Malcolm Hedding (center) and Financial Director Tim King at the Nitzan<br />

playground dedication in February.” (Photo: Sasson Tiram)<br />

According to Dror Vanunu, International<br />

Coordinator for the Friends of<br />

Gush Katif Committee, there are currently<br />

about 500 evacuated families crowded<br />

into Nitzan’s temporary housing, which<br />

is located just a short distance from the<br />

Mediterranean Sea between the coastal<br />

cities of Ashdod and Ashkelon.<br />

The Israeli government estimates<br />

that permanent homes will not be ready<br />

for at least another two years-more than<br />

two years behind schedule-and in the<br />

meantime, the children have been left<br />

without basic recreational outlets.<br />

Made possible by a $30,000 donation<br />

from the ICEJ together with $20,000 from<br />

the Jewish Federation of Houston, Texas,<br />

“this playground is bringing a lot of joy and<br />

happiness to the 1,200 children in Nitzan,”<br />

Vanunu said.<br />

“Unfortunately, many families are<br />

still suffering, and many parents are still<br />

unemployed. This place will bring relief<br />

to both children and parents, and we are<br />

thankful for the ICEJ’s many contributions<br />

to rehabilitating their lives.”<br />

The playground at Nitzan was<br />

designed to be portable, so that when<br />

the families move to their permanent<br />

homes, the equipment can be transferred<br />

with them<br />

In addition the ICEJ has also<br />

provided funding for the local cultural<br />

center in Nitzan, which gives music,<br />

art, and language lessons to children<br />

and adults, and is continuing to support<br />

the communities’ efforts to rebuild<br />

their once expansive library. Before the<br />

February 1st ribbon cutting ceremony<br />

at the Nitzan playground Malcolm Hedding<br />

was able to present a cheque for<br />

almost $3,500 to the library.<br />

“These courageous children have<br />

already experienced much trauma in<br />

their young lives and the ICEJ wants to<br />

bring them joy, and a place to just be<br />

kids again,” Rev. Hedding told the residents<br />

of Nitzan at the dedication.<br />

“We are thankful for this opportunity<br />

to invest in the most important<br />

thing in life – our children – and proud<br />

to stand with this community. Your children<br />

are the real treasure of Israel.”

Spring 2007<br />

North American<br />

Tour<br />

With an international touring cast and crew of 30,<br />

the compelling ICEJ-sponsored musical drama, The<br />

Covenant, is returning to North America this spring for<br />

four weeks of performances across the southern USA<br />

and Canada.<br />

Recounting the miraculous story of the People of<br />

Israel from the call of Abraham to the re-birth of the<br />

modern State, The Covenant offers a powerful glimpse<br />

of the faithfulness of God to His people and promises<br />

throughout history.<br />

Following shows in seven US cities from Miami, FL to<br />

Tulsa, OK the 2007 Spring Tour is poised to take The<br />

Covenant to Canada for the first time, where it will<br />

be broadcast nationwide to participating theatres,<br />

churches and synagogues from the main stage of<br />

the prestigious Toronto Center for the Arts on the<br />

evening of May 13.<br />

Performances<br />

Miami, FL: April 17-18<br />

Melbourne, FL: April 21-22<br />

Charlotte, NC: April 26<br />

Murfreesboro, TN: April 29<br />

Austin, TX: May 2-3<br />

Houston, TX: May 6-7<br />

Tulsa, OK: May 9<br />

Performances and<br />

Simulcast*<br />

Toronto, Canada:<br />

May 13<br />

*Live broadcast to<br />

Cineplex Theatres,<br />

Churches and<br />

Synagogues across<br />

Canada<br />


AND TICKETING INFORMATION GO <strong>TO</strong>:<br />

www.icejusa.org<br />

1-615- 895-9830<br />

www.icejcanada.org<br />


14 w o r d f r o m j e r u s a l e m I C E J W O R L D W I D E<br />

I C E J W O R L D W I D E<br />

w o r d f r o m j e r u s a l e m<br />

15<br />

God is moving in Africa today!<br />

This is evident in the work<br />

of evangelists like Reinhard<br />

Bonnke, whose rallies attract<br />

unprecedented numbers and in places<br />

like Lagos, Nigeria, where Africa’s largest<br />

church building hosts more than 50,000<br />

worshippers every Sunday. Not long ago,<br />

one local denomination set a goal of planting<br />

a church on every street corner in<br />

Nigeria, and each major city is now graced<br />

every few hundred meters with a church,<br />

mission center or bible college.<br />

God in Africa<br />

No longer the prime target of world missions - Africans are setting the world alight<br />

with their zeal for God, His church… and Israel<br />

By Jürgen Bühler<br />

God’s Fire in the Oilfields<br />

This January we found ourselves in<br />

the middle of southern Nigeria’s oilfields,<br />

experiencing the powerful move of God that<br />

is spreading across the entire country. It<br />

was our great privilege to attend the Global<br />

Prayerquake Conference in Port Harcourt<br />

along with more than 10,000 other pastors<br />

and leaders from all around Africa,<br />

as organized by the ICEJ’s Nigerian<br />

National Director, Rev. Mosy Madugba.<br />

The challenging messages delivered<br />

in Port Harcourt and the intensive<br />

times of prayer were characterized by<br />

an overwhelming sense of dedication<br />

and expectancy that God would move<br />

mightily among His people.<br />

This dedication and expectancy is<br />

not just the Sunday sermon being preached<br />

in Africa today, but the very real experience<br />

of the church. Many are being healed of illness<br />

and delivered from demons. The dead<br />

are being raised. The theological argument<br />

over whether signs and wonders can still<br />

be expected today is virtually nonexistent in<br />

Africa. Signs and wonders are happening<br />

and many are being saved.<br />

Love for Zion<br />

Setting apart Africa’s new and<br />

dynamic church movement is their distinctive<br />

love for Israel. In Nigeria alone several<br />

large prayer networks have been founded to<br />

intercede for Israel and pray for the peace<br />

of Jerusalem. At the 6-day ministers’ conference<br />

in Port Harcourt an entire day was<br />

dedicated “to honor Israel”. This not only<br />

greatly impacted the Israeli Ambassador<br />

to Nigeria, but demonstrated as well that<br />

Israel has good and warm friends in Africa.<br />

The relationship to Israel is very natural for<br />

most African Christians, as they recognize<br />

that Israel is where their spiritual roots lie,”<br />

said Rev. Madugba.<br />

The connection that Rev. Madugba<br />

spoke of is also sacrificial in nature. After<br />

offerings had already been collected for<br />

different projects, the Prayerquake conference<br />

delegates decided to bless Israel with<br />

their finances. Although the annual Gross<br />

Domestic Product in Nigeria is only US<br />

$450 per capita, (compared to $42,000 in<br />

the US), almost $3,000 was raised for Israel<br />

in one offering.<br />

Advancing Africa<br />

While only a few decades ago Africa<br />

was considered the primary and even quintessential<br />

target for missions work, things<br />

have changed dramatically in recent years.<br />

While the number of Western missionaries<br />

is constantly decreasing, Nigeria is well<br />

on the way to implementing its own vibrant<br />

missions strategy. When ICEJ Executive<br />

Director Rev. Malcolm Hedding and I visited<br />

the Prayerquake conference last year,<br />

the theme was “Missions Now as Never!”<br />

More than 100 missionaries were sent<br />

out from Nigeria at that conference alone,<br />

with many heading to Europe and others<br />

to the widely unreached and often dangerous<br />

Islamic world. Malcolm and I will<br />

never forget how those men and women<br />

were told not to depend on and wait for the<br />

financial support of a missions organization,<br />

but to trust fully in the Lord to provide.<br />

It is no coincidence that the largest church<br />

in Europe is pastored by a Nigerian whose<br />

Kiev congregation numbers some 10,000<br />

members. The largest church in Brussels<br />

- the symbolic capital city of the European<br />

Union - is a black African church with<br />

2,000 members.<br />

Hunger for God’s Presence<br />

The image of poverty and disorder on<br />

the streets of Nigeria seems a contradiction<br />

to the order and the sense of God’s presence<br />

in our meetings there. While widespread<br />

government corruption and the Western oil<br />

and mining barons are taking their toll on<br />

Nigeria, it seems that the social and political<br />

insecurity is driving people towards<br />

God. Many have realized that only the Lord<br />

can give them hope and salvation.<br />

Simultaneously - and more importantly<br />

- is the tremendous and unbridled<br />

hunger for God and the powerful move<br />

of His hand over this country. Okona<br />

Ontly is a former Muslim Imam and was<br />

born into an influential Islamic family<br />

in Nigeria. After finding Jesus, the Lord<br />

called Ontly to evangelism, and through<br />

his ministry countless numbers of people<br />

have been miraculously touched by<br />

the power of God. “It’s not about signs<br />

and wonders, but the presence of God<br />

which is the most important,” Ontly<br />

said. “But, if you live a holy life in the<br />

presence of God, signs and wonders will<br />

follow as your travel companions.”<br />

What Does This Mean for Us?<br />

If we in the western world want<br />

to experience more of the power of the<br />

Holy Spirit, we must learn from our<br />

brothers and sisters in Africa. The rapid<br />

secularization of Europe is calling for a<br />

new manifestation of God’s Spirit, and<br />

we need the spiritual gifts that God<br />

has deposited in Africa. It’s time to<br />

stop looking at them as a mission field<br />

and recognize that the Holy Spirit has<br />

uniquely equipped them to instruct<br />

us. It is time for partnership. For that<br />

reason, the ICEJ decided last year to<br />

include our Nigerian National Director<br />

Mosy Madugba as a part of our international<br />

leadership association.<br />

Many Nigerian Christians have recognized<br />

that God has visited their nation<br />

and entrusted them with a responsibility<br />

to evangelize the world. They carry<br />

with them a sense of urgency that I have<br />

rarely seen in Western churches, even in<br />

Israel. “When I get close to the Africans<br />

my faith grows more aggressive, my<br />

prayers become more militant and my<br />

spiritual passion grows hotter,” said Lee<br />

Grady of Charisma Magazine, who also<br />

attended the Prayerquake conference.<br />

This zeal has nothing to do with<br />

skin color or nationality. It has to do<br />

with embracing a bold, raw, New Testament<br />

faith. When this African zeal<br />

reaches Western shores, we can expect<br />

great things for our own nations<br />

and beyond.

16<br />

16 w o r d f r o m j e r u s a l e m I C E J W O R L D W I D E<br />

S E R V I N G T H E N A T I O N<br />

16<br />

I N S I D E T H E E M B A S S Y<br />

ICEJ co-hosts Ambassador’s farewell<br />

In the ‘classiest’ Jewish-Christian<br />

event that any in Washington can<br />

remember, the ICEJ’s American<br />

branch joined the Israeli Embassy<br />

and a handful of other Christian and<br />

Jewish groups in January and threw a gala<br />

farewell dinner for former Israeli ambassador<br />

to the US Danny Ayalon.<br />

HOME<strong>TO</strong>WN RALLY<br />

ICEJ Music Director Chuck King performs in<br />

front of a hometown crowd at the Oklahoma<br />

City ‘Night to Honor Israel’ in January, one of<br />

36 similar events being held across the United<br />

States this year by Pastor John Hagee’s<br />

new umbrella group, Christians United for<br />

Israel.<br />

“Tonight, Christians and Jewish people alike<br />

are joined together in oneness, and we’re<br />

going to send a message,” the 2,500 capacity<br />

crowd was told by event host Gary Bachman,<br />

a local attorney, municipal judge and member<br />

of the ICEJ’s governing Association. “Together<br />

we are going to stand for Israel.”<br />

The prestigious black-tie event<br />

brought together some 700 Christian<br />

and Jewish leaders alongside prominent<br />

congressmen and diplomats to<br />

voice common cause for Israel and to<br />

build on Ambassador Ayalon’s impressive<br />

legacy of reaching out to her Christian<br />

friends.<br />

In a keynote address, Rep. Tom<br />

Lantos, the only Holocaust survivor ever<br />

elected to the US Congress, compared the<br />

Christians present to the righteous gentiles<br />

who saved Jews during the Holocaust. “We<br />

cannot tell you how precious you are to us,”<br />

Lantos stated.<br />

“We deeply love and respect you<br />

more than you’ll ever know because you<br />

represent the finest of civilization.”<br />

Before the dinner, ICEJ USA Director<br />

Susan Michael and Executive Director<br />

Malcolm Hedding were able to join the<br />

Ayalons in their hotel suite to thank them<br />

for the warmth of their friendship during<br />

their time in Washington and to present<br />

a petition containing 11,489 signatures<br />

declaring Christian support of Jerusalem<br />

as the eternal and undivided capital of the<br />

State of Israel.<br />

The petition was prompted by the<br />

withdrawal of the last two remaining foreign<br />

embassies in the Israeli capital - El Salvador<br />

and Costa Rica, during last summer’s<br />

Lebanon border war.<br />

“We are proud that the International<br />

Christian Embassy Jerusalem is located<br />

in Jerusalem, representing the millions<br />

of Christians from all over the world who<br />

stand with Israel,” the petition declared.<br />

Summer<br />

Hands On<br />

Tour<br />

July 5th – 16th 2007<br />

Land Price US $ 850.00<br />

18-30 yrs old<br />


• Answering the call of Isaiah<br />

40 to be a voice of hope, love<br />

and restoration to the people of<br />

Israel.<br />

• Choosing to be representatives<br />

of God’s truth to the nations<br />

in these unique and turbulent<br />

days.<br />

• Joining together as one, to<br />

move with God’s purposes for<br />

our lives and for the Nation of<br />

Israel.<br />


JOIN GRAFTED AS WE SEEK <strong>TO</strong><br />



HANDS ON <strong>TO</strong>UR 2007!<br />

Price includes 11 nights accommodation,<br />

touring, entrance fees, half board (full<br />

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does not include airfare to and from<br />

Israel, lunches, travel insurance, and<br />

tips for guides and bus drivers.<br />

For more information and online registration go to: www.grafted.org<br />

or contact the Grafted staff at: grafted@icej.org

18<br />

w o r d f r o m j e r u s a l e m<br />

V I E W P O I N T<br />

19<br />

18 I N S I D E T H E E M B A S S Y<br />

I N S I D E T H E E M B A S S Y<br />

A State of Denial<br />

The dark agenda behind Iran’s<br />

Holocaust revision<br />

By David Parsons<br />

The genesis of Holocaust revisionism<br />

As the horrors of the Holocaust<br />

began to emerge in the waning days of<br />

World War II, many found it difficult to<br />

truly believe that an advanced society like<br />

Germany could have committed such<br />

atrocities. But the proof was there, not<br />

only in the meticulous records kept by<br />

German authorities, but also in the form<br />

of survivors and other eyewitnesses who<br />

could testify first-hand to the stark brutality<br />

of the Nazi death camps.<br />

Ma n y w o r l d l e a d e r s<br />

expressed dismay at the<br />

recent Holocaust denial<br />

conference in Tehran.<br />

Yet the nature and extent of Iran’s hostile<br />

campaign to undermine Israel’s legitimacy,<br />

taken together with its relentless drive<br />

to acquire nuclear capabilities, should<br />

be setting off much greater alarm bells<br />

worldwide. The Islamic regime clearly<br />

has ventured beyond traditional forms<br />

of Holocaust denial and distortion into<br />

what some consider outright ‘Holocaust<br />

promotion’ – deliberately preparing the<br />

groundwork for yet another genocidal<br />

attempt against the Jewish people.<br />

Behind the rhetoric<br />

Shortly after his election as Iran’s<br />

president in June 2005, Mahmoud<br />

Ahmadinejad began signalling his apocalyptic<br />

intentions, echoing the words of<br />

Ayatollah Khomeini that Israel must be<br />

“wiped off the map”. Before long, he also<br />

started issuing repeated denials that the<br />

Holocaust ever happened.<br />

The Iranian regime’s official campaign<br />

to denigrate the Jewish state and<br />

people gathered steam in 2006, with<br />

a Holocaust cartoon competition that<br />

culminated in August with over 1,100<br />

entries from more than 60 nations.<br />

Then in December, Iran’s foreign ministry<br />

co-sponsored an international<br />

conference to “review” the Holocaust<br />

and its historical basis.<br />

For those unclear about its purpose,<br />

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr<br />

Mottaki opened the gathering by stating:<br />

“If the official version of the Holocaust<br />

is thrown into doubt, then the identity<br />

and nature of Israel will be thrown into<br />

doubt.”<br />

Mottaki added, “And if, during this<br />

review, it is proved that the Holocaust was<br />

a historical reality, then what is the reason<br />

for the Muslim people of the region and<br />

the Palestinians having to pay the cost of<br />

the Nazis’ crimes?”<br />

These comments mirrored<br />

Ahmadinejad’s remarks one year earlier<br />

at a gathering in Mecca of the Organisation<br />

of the Islamic Conference:<br />

“Certain European countries insist on<br />

saying that Hitler has killed millions of Jews<br />

in gas chambers… We do not believe this<br />

assertion, but even if it were true, we ask the<br />

Europeans: Is the murder of innocent Jews<br />

by Hitler the reason for the support of the<br />

occupiers of Jerusalem? … The Europeans<br />

should offer part of their territory, from Germany,<br />

Austria or other countries, so that the<br />

Jews can install their state there.”<br />

According to a new study on Iran’s<br />

intentions released by Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld,<br />

an expert on anti-Semitism in<br />

the post-Holocaust era, Ahmadinejad<br />

believes the Shoah is the sole moral justification<br />

for Israel’s existence, despite the<br />

fact that the Zionist movement pre-dates<br />

the Nazi genocide by decades. Thus, the<br />

Iranian president thinks if he can undermine<br />

the veracity of the Holocaust, he can<br />

cultivate a popular mindset that would<br />

acquiesce in the elimination of the Jewish<br />

state. Gerstenfeld contends that this<br />

has gone beyond Holocaust denial and<br />

lapsed over into “Holocaust promotion”.<br />

Dissecting denial<br />

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Holocaust revisionism has become an integral part of the foreign policy of Tehran. (Photo: AP)<br />

In essence, Holocaust denial is an<br />

anti-Semitic conspiracy theory which<br />

holds that, for self-serving reasons, the<br />

Jewish people have deceived the entire<br />

world into believing a colossal tale about<br />

their own destruction.<br />

Scholars have broken down the<br />

phenomenon into several categories:<br />

1) Holocaust denial – outright assertions<br />

that there were no gas chambers<br />

and no mass killings of Jews;<br />

2) Holocaust minimisation – claims,<br />

for instance, that less than one<br />

million Jews died, or that other<br />

recent genocides have been just<br />

as bad;<br />

3) Holocaust distortion – allegations,<br />

for example, that the Jews brought<br />

the Shoah down upon themselves;<br />

4) Holocaust manipulation – charges<br />

that Zionist leaders actually conspired<br />

with the Nazis to begin exterminating<br />

European Jewry in order<br />

to draw sympathy for establishing a<br />

Jewish state in Palestine, and finally<br />

5) Holocaust inversion – accusations<br />

that Israelis are today’s Nazis and<br />

the Palestinians are victims of a<br />

new and even worse genocide.<br />

After touring an internment camp<br />

near Gotha in western Germany, Allied<br />

commander Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower<br />

wrote on 15 April 1945 about his own<br />

encounter with a room where thirty dead,<br />

emaciated Jewish bodies were found<br />

stacked on top each other.<br />

“The visual evidence and the verbal<br />

testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality<br />

were so overpowering as to leave me a<br />

bit sick… [The notoriously macho General]<br />

George Patton would not even enter. He said<br />

he would get sick if he did so. I made the<br />

visit deliberately, in order to be in a position<br />

to give first-hand evidence of these things if<br />

ever, in the future, there develops a tendency<br />

to charge these allegations merely to ‘propaganda’.”<br />

Eisenhower’s foresight was unfortunately<br />

correct, as the “tendency” to cast<br />

doubts on the Holocaust did develop, initially<br />

in the 1950s in France. Among fascists<br />

on the right and communists on the<br />

left, charges arose that the gas chambers<br />

were used only to de-lice inmates or that<br />

the Jews were responsible for their own<br />

suffering, since they had caused Germany’s<br />

financial and political troubles.<br />

But it was the Soviet Union that<br />

mastered the genre of Holocaust denial<br />

during the Cold War. Suppressing reams<br />

of captured German war documents and<br />

other hard evidence (which eventually<br />

resurfaced after the fall of the Iron Curtain),<br />

the Kremlin courted the Arab world<br />

to its side by assaulting the legitimacy of<br />

the international decision to create Israel,<br />

which had aligned with the democratic<br />


20 w o r d f r o m j e r u s a l e m<br />

V I E W P O I N T<br />

W h e r e J e w s a n d C h r i s t i a n s C o m e T o g e t h e r<br />

A ready market<br />

Muslim minds were already conditioned<br />

to viewing Jews as having an<br />

inherently evil, conspiratorial nature, due<br />

to accounts of the Prophet Muhammad’s<br />

own encounters with local Jewish tribes<br />

contained in the Koran and hadiths (early<br />

traditions). Thus, the Arabs were willing<br />

consumers of this new Soviet propaganda.<br />

The forged “Protocols of the Elders of<br />

Zion” become a best seller in the Middle<br />

East, while the “myth” of the Holocaust<br />

was popularised.<br />

Egyptian president Gamal Abdul<br />

Nasser, for instance, once said he opposed<br />

“the lie of the six million”.<br />

Palestinian Authority president<br />

Mahmoud Abbas completed his doctoral<br />

dissertation at a Soviet university<br />

in 1982 on “the secret ties between the<br />

Nazis and the Zionist Movement leadership”.<br />

Published in Arabic in 1984, his<br />

study cited infamous Holocaust deniers,<br />

raised doubts about the use of gas chambers<br />

to exterminate Jews, and claimed<br />

that “even less than a million” Jews were<br />

killed. According to<br />

MEMRI, Abbas also<br />

charged that the<br />

Zionists believed<br />

in the purity of the<br />

Jewish race as Hitler<br />

believed in the purity<br />

of the Aryan race.<br />

Such ‘findings’ reflect the inability<br />

of the Arab world to come to terms with<br />

its repeated defeats on the battlefield<br />

against tiny Israel. It was inconceivable<br />

that the inferior Jews went from near<br />

annihilation in Europe to conquering<br />

sacred Muslim lands just three short<br />

years later. It simply became easier to<br />

Israelis reckon that the West is in<br />

denial to the threat of a nuclear<br />

Iran. They hope to wake the<br />

world up before it’s too late.<br />

chalk it up to the Jewish people’s mystic<br />

ability to deceive the whole world with<br />

the Holocaust ‘hoax’.<br />

Coming to power in Iran in 1979,<br />

Khomeini preached that Israel was also<br />

a bridgehead for<br />

the Western assault<br />

on the culture and<br />

religion of the Middle<br />

East, and that<br />

the Jews prevented<br />

Islam from expanding<br />

worldwide. He<br />

thus set his country on a collision course<br />

with Israel that is being zealously pursued<br />

by Ahmadinejad today.<br />

Enough denial to go around<br />

Dr. Gerstenfeld, himself a survivor,<br />

insists that, “Holocaust denial is offensive,<br />

but few respectable people engage<br />

in it anymore because they end up looking<br />

ignorant. What is far more worrying<br />

today is the ‘Holocaust promotion’<br />

coming out of Iran and the world’s tepid<br />

response.”<br />

He points out, for instance, that<br />

former Iranian president Ayatollah<br />

Hashemi Rafsanjani is labelled by many<br />

in the Western media as a “pragmatic<br />

conservative”, even though he was the<br />

first to suggest back in 2002 that acquiring<br />

an atomic bomb to annihilate Israel<br />

could be beneficial for Islam, since Israel’s<br />

response would only result in “some<br />

damage” to Arab cities.<br />

ICEJ & Knesset Allies Caucus<br />

Women’s Summit Tour<br />

13th – 22nd May 2007<br />

Land Price USD 1144*<br />

includes 2 day registration fee to Summit<br />

Highlights Include:<br />

10 day tour including a 2 day Christian<br />

Allies Caucus Women’s Summit<br />

focusing on the hardships facing women<br />

worldwide and the solutions that can be<br />

found by the application of Judeo-Christian<br />

values. The conference will focus on<br />

lobbying governments to end:<br />

• Abuse of women<br />

• Female genital mutilation<br />

• Trafficking of women<br />

• Incest<br />

• Honour killing<br />

Visit shared Biblical sites common to<br />

Jews and Christians throughout the land of<br />

Israel.<br />

Dialogue with women from all backgrounds<br />

and walks of life, from Knesset<br />

members to victims of terror.<br />

Discuss the ideas that govern radical<br />

Islam, take a closer look at Europe’s<br />

response to women in a post holocaust<br />

society and examine the Biblical<br />

values that tie Israel to the west.<br />

Join Christian and Jewish women from all walks of life in Jerusalem, the city of God, to become<br />

empowered by the application of Biblical values to educate and influence your nation on issues<br />

critical to women globally. Travel throughout the land of Israel and discover how Jewish and<br />

Christian women can unite to impact the present and future generations.<br />

US General Dwight D. Eisenhower surveys the horrors of the Dachau concentration camp after its<br />

liberation by Allied forces in early 1945<br />

Many Israelis reckon that the West<br />

is largely still in their own state of denial<br />

as to the seriousness of the threat posed<br />

by a nuclear Iran and its radical brand<br />

of Islam. It is a very human trait to react<br />

to virtually hopeless situations by suppressing<br />

the grim truth and believing<br />

things are not as bad as they seem. It is<br />

a symptom many Israelis succumbed<br />

to with regards to the Palestinians until<br />

the sobering collapse of the Oslo peace<br />

process. They hope to wake up the rest<br />

of the world about Iran as well, before it’s<br />

too late.<br />

contact ICEJ Women’s Summit Tour at:<br />

P. O. Box 1192 • Jerusalem •91010 • Israel<br />

Tel +972 (0)2 5399700 (Israel)<br />

+1 704 283 2833 (USA)<br />

womenssummit@icej.org<br />

Christian Allies Caucus<br />

Women’s Council<br />

*Subject to change based on minimum 35 persons

22<br />

T R I B U T E<br />

w o r d f r o m j e r u s a l e m<br />

23<br />

22 w o r d f r o m j e r u s a l e m<br />

I N S I D E T H E E M B A S S Y<br />

Yuri possessed a rare<br />

combination of graciousness,<br />

honesty, intel-<br />

?????????????<br />

lect and foresight that<br />

uniquely qualified him<br />

to be a leader in this<br />

new era of warmer relations<br />

between Israel and<br />

her Christian admirers<br />

worldwide.<br />

MK Yuri Shtern<br />

A champion of deepening Jewish-Christian ties<br />

Remembering ‘Mayor Teddy’<br />

When Jerusalem’s legendary<br />

former mayor,<br />

Teddy Kollek, died on<br />

2 January 2007, it took<br />

me back to the days of the founding of the<br />

International Christian Embassy Jerusalem<br />

over 26 years ago.<br />

Only a visionary like Teddy would<br />

have responded as he did to a group of<br />

Christians like us who wanted to express<br />

our support for Israel. Back then, most<br />

Israelis were still very sceptical of evangelical<br />

Christians, but the beloved Mayor<br />

of Jerusalem recognised early on that our<br />

friendship was genuine and helped open<br />

the doors of the city and the nation to us.<br />

I stood with quiet expectation as<br />

‘Mayor Teddy’ – as he was fondly known<br />

By Timothy King<br />

– arrived on September 30, 1980 to preside<br />

over the dedication of our first Embassy<br />

building just down the street from his<br />

home in Jerusalem’s Rehavia neighbourhood.<br />

International reaction to Israel’s passage<br />

of the “Jerusalem Law” had just driven<br />

13 foreign embassies from the capital to Tel<br />

Aviv. But a group of Evangelicals decided<br />

it was time to go against the tide of world<br />

opinion and open our own “Christian<br />

Embassy” in the city.<br />

There were many reasons for him<br />

to stay away that day. But Teddy realised<br />

the enormous potential of Christian support<br />

for Jerusalem and for the nation,<br />

and despite his European background<br />

forged in the shadow of the Holocaust,<br />

he extended a welcoming hand.<br />

In fact, Kollek later was to recall it<br />

as “one of the most moving days of my<br />

life.”<br />

Looking back, we can appreciate<br />

even more the foresight of Teddy Kollek,<br />

who valued Christian support before it<br />

was acceptable to do so.<br />

Serving the city proudly from 1965<br />

to 1993, Teddy was a mayor for ALL the<br />

people, and we shall miss him deeply.<br />

By Malcolm Heddiing<br />

We were deeply saddened<br />

by the passing<br />

of our beloved friend<br />

Dr. Yuri Shtern, Member<br />

of Knesset and chairman of the<br />

Knesset Christian Allies’ Caucus, who<br />

died on 16 January 2007 at age 58.<br />

In our hearts, Yuri will always be<br />

remembered as a gentle, selfless champion<br />

of the historic deepening of Christian-Jewish<br />

relations in our time.<br />

The International Christian<br />

Embassy Jerusalem has been closely<br />

acquainted with Dr. Shtern for over two<br />

decades, ever since his pioneering days<br />

as an activist for the release of Soviet<br />

Jewry. Thus we came to appreciate his<br />

genuine openness to Christians long<br />

before he realised his vision of creating<br />

a forum in the Israeli parliament to<br />

engage with the Christian world.<br />

Yuri possessed a rare combination<br />

of graciousness, honesty, intellect and<br />

foresight that uniquely qualified him to<br />

be a leader in this new era of warmer<br />

relations between Israel and her Christian<br />

admirers worldwide.<br />

Despite his protracted battle with<br />

cancer, Yuri continued to tirelessly work<br />

on Israel’s behalf to strengthen ties<br />

with Christians without any thought for<br />

himself. His persistence and sacrifice<br />

were truly inspiring, as was his ability<br />

to identify and address the most daunting<br />

challenges of our day.<br />

Though we share Yuri’s trust in<br />

Providence, we cannot help but sense<br />

that we lost him before his time. It is<br />

our duty and privilege to build on his<br />

noble legacy.<br />

Looking back, we can<br />

appreciate even more the<br />

foresight of Teddy Kollek,<br />

who valued Christian<br />

support before it was<br />

acceptable to do so.<br />


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NEW<br />



An inside look at this year’s<br />

Feast celebration, The Great<br />

Hosanna offers an exclusive<br />

taste of Israel’s largest annual<br />

Christian gathering. (89 mins.)<br />

DVD $20/Video $15 - PAL<br />

and NTSC<br />

NEW<br />


A Worshipper’s Guide to the<br />

Holy Land<br />

The ministry of Dennis Jernigan<br />

and Chuck King is reunited on<br />

the soil of Israel in this 280<br />

page devotional book with a<br />

compilation CD of original music,<br />

including three duets with Chuck<br />

and Dennis.<br />

CD/DVD<br />

In February of 2004, The<br />

Covenant was filmed live at<br />

the International Convention<br />

Center Jerusalem. Now also<br />

available on DVD with subtitles<br />

in various languages.<br />

DVD $20/Video $15<br />


• Psalms of Ascent<br />

• Highways to Zion<br />

• Water From The Rock<br />

Making an eclectic musical journey<br />

through the scriptures, Chuck King<br />

utilizes original and traditional<br />

music in these beautiful collections<br />

of worship.<br />

NEW<br />


A new series by Rev.<br />

Malcolm Hedding about<br />

foundational beliefs<br />

in Zionism, support<br />

for Israel and God’s<br />

promises for the nation.<br />

Individual books, the<br />

full set and tape series<br />

are available.<br />

Qty Item Description Price<br />

Book — The Basis of Christian Support for Israel (Malcolm Hedding)<br />

Book — The Heart of Biblical Zionism (Malcolm Hedding)<br />

Book — The Great Covenants of the Bible (Malcolm Hedding)<br />

Book — The New Testament and Israel (Malcolm Hedding)<br />

Book — Celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles (Malcolm Hedding)<br />

5x Book Series — Foundational Teaching Series (Malcolm Hedding)<br />

NEW<br />

Music CD — Water From The Rock (Chuck King)<br />

Music CD — Psalms of Ascent (Chuck King)<br />

Music CD — Highways to Zion (Chuck King)<br />

NEW<br />

NEW<br />

NEW<br />

NEW<br />

NEW<br />

DVD — 2006 Feast Highlights, “The Great Hosanna” NTSC PAL US$20<br />

Video — 2006 Feast Highlights, “The Great Hosanna” NTSC PAL US$15<br />

Music CD — The Covenant (2-CD set) 2006 recording<br />

DVD - PAL — The Forsaken Promise - 3 hour, 2 disc set<br />

DVD - NTSC — The Forsaken Promise - 2 hour, 1 disc set<br />

NEW DVD — 2006 Feast Ein Gedi opening night NTSC PAL US$20<br />

DVD — The Covenant, The Story of my People (Multi-zone) NTSC PAL US$20<br />

DVD — Replacement Theology (Teaching DVD) NTSC PAL US$20<br />

DVD+CD — The Covenant SPECIAL: SAVE US$10!<br />

NTSC PAL US$30<br />

4x Tape Series — The Mystery of Israel (Lance Lambert)<br />

4x Tape Series — Biblical Perspective on the Restoration of Israel (Malcolm Hedding)<br />

5x Tape Series — Foundational Teaching Series (Malcolm Hedding)<br />

NEW<br />

Book/CD — A Worshipper’s Guide to the Holy Land<br />

3DVDCD — Bundle: 2005 Feast Highlights DVD, Way of Life/Jerusalem March DVD, Feast 2005 Music CD NTSC PAL US$45<br />

3VHSCD — Bundle: 2005 Feast Highlights Video, Way of Life/Jerusalem March Video, Feast 2005 Music CD NTSC PAL US$35<br />

Important Shipping Information!<br />

Please add US $5 for the first item! Add an extra US$ 1.50 for each additional CD and tape. Add US $4 for each additional book,<br />

DVD, video or tape series. Please allow 4-6 weeks for shipping. The ICEJ is NOT liable for shipping damage.<br />

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a) fill out this form and mail to: Embassy Resources Ltd., PO Box 1192, Jerusalem 91010, Israel, cheque attached b) fill out this form<br />

and fax it to 00-972-2-5669970 *Please make your cheques payable to Embassy Resources Ltd. c) email: resources@icej.org<br />

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