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In Battle Creek's Social, Church, Music and Club Life<br />

dslntily decorated with psie<br />

tapers. During the afternoon<br />

auction bridge was played at eight<br />

Mrs. p. L. Meehsn and Mrs.<br />

I White won the bridge<br />

There win be another bridge<br />

April f. but no regular<br />

meeting until May.<br />

The girls hylrettiell team of<br />

•pringflrld Place school was given<br />

a banquet at the school Tuesday<br />

evening. Decorations were In black<br />

and while, and place cards representing<br />

white beck boards with<br />

. black baskets painted sgainst them<br />

were used to mark places for about<br />

^ at the table. Ruth CampbeU<br />

~ was toastndstress and read a prophesy<br />

of what the girls of the team<br />

would be doing 10 years from now.<br />

Mrs. Olennls Marsh, teacher of Knglish,<br />

spoke; Claire Stlllmsn, accompanied<br />

by Mks Anna Marie<br />

Totter, gave a vocal solo; Stvola<br />

Trumble and Wanda cnteefe gave<br />

a tap danne. Miss Lorraine Ollnger,<br />

the coach, was presented with a<br />

glfft. in behalf of the team by MU-<br />

< died BaMck. The teachers who were<br />

present were Miss Doris Hitter. Bliss<br />

Aria Weyant, Miss Olinger, Miss<br />

Yotter and Mrs. Marsh.<br />

L « .<br />

i ;<br />

t—<br />

Mrs. Mary Turner and daughter<br />

Miss Ruth Turner, gave an enjoyable<br />

birthday party at the Turner farm<br />

home on the Oorsline road Monday<br />

evening in commemoration of the<br />

birthday anniversary oi Mrs. Turner's<br />

son. Tilts Turner. Progressive<br />

pedro was played at three tables, the<br />

prises being awarded to Mrs. Lament<br />

Bliss and Hurbert MacDonald<br />

Mrs. MacDonald was awarded the<br />

guest prise. A birthday lunch was<br />

served for 13. The guest of honor<br />

received some nice birthday pre<br />

ents. Thoee preeent were MT. and<br />

MTs. Lament Bliss. Mr. and Mrs<br />

Surbert MacDonald, Miss Catherine<br />

Beaton, Miss Brma Maloney, Miss<br />

Margery Brook, Harley Emmenon<br />

Mansel Banks. Alvin Smith of Battle<br />

Creek, and the grandfather. Edward<br />

Kipp. who resides at the Turner<br />

home.<br />

Mrs. James A Elliott. 997 Capital<br />

Ave. 8. W., entertained the auxiliary<br />

to the Calhoun county medical society<br />

at a 6:90 cooperative dinner<br />

Tuesday evening. Places were laid<br />

for 37 at the tables which were<br />

prettily decorated with pink roses<br />

and candles. A business meeting<br />

followed the dinner In which It<br />

was decided a bolt of toweling<br />

should be msde up for the Calhoun<br />

county hospital during the<br />

month of March. No definite plans<br />

were made concerning the rest of<br />

the series of card parties which<br />

had been planned, but in an probability<br />

one large party win be held<br />

after Easter. Bridge was played<br />

during the evening and Mrs. Russell<br />

Mustard won the prise in contract,<br />

and Mrs. H. M. Lowe in auction.<br />

Announcement Is made of the<br />

marriage of Miss Arlene Cry derm an.<br />

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer<br />

Crydcrman of Battle Creek and<br />

EmU R. He Ike, Jr.. son of Mr. and<br />

Mrs. EmU R. Heike of Port Huron.<br />

The wedding took place at 7 o'clock<br />

Saturday evening. February 27, in<br />

St. John Evangelical church in Port<br />

Huron, the Rev. E. J. SoeU officiating.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fields were<br />

the attendants. Following the<br />

church services, a reception was<br />

held and collation served at the<br />

home of the bridegroom's parents.<br />

After a brief wedding trip, the<br />

newlyweds win reside in Sparlingvnie.<br />

Mrs. Walter Frederick Martin of<br />

ISO Ann avenue and daughter. Miss<br />

Ruth Martin, left on the Twilight<br />

for Chicago Tuesday evening enroute<br />

for Miami Springs. Fla.. where<br />

they will be the guests of Dr. and<br />

Mrs. Richard Norton and where they<br />

wiy be met by Dr. Martin, who is<br />

coming through from California<br />

Mrs. Norton waa • formerly Miss<br />

Jeanette Martin and her parents<br />

and sister expect to be her guests<br />

for the next 16 days. Dr. Norton<br />

is a member of the medical staff<br />

of Battle Creek, Inc.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James O. Redner<br />

.and daughter. Katherlne. of Country<br />

Club Hills, who have been'<br />

•spending the last two and one-half<br />

months in California, are en route<br />

home by automobile and expected<br />

to arrive in Battle Creek the coming<br />

weekend. They have motored to<br />

all parts of California and down<br />

into Old Mexico. They write that<br />

there is much rain. They enjoyed<br />

the snow storms for the snow soon<br />

disappeared in the bright sunlight.<br />

About 90 guests attended the<br />

social get-together meet held in the<br />

mezzanine parlors of the Sanitarium<br />

Tuesday afternoon from 4:30 to 6:4b<br />

o'clock. Mrs. Abble Warden played<br />

several selections on tha piano and<br />

played the piano accompaniment<br />

for Harry Hacker, who sang. Miss<br />

Leta Browning presided. Miss Josephine<br />

CoUenden of Racine, Wis.,<br />

poured. This Is the first of a series<br />

of similar gatherings to be held<br />

weekly.<br />

A group of women whose birth-}<br />

days have occurred during tha last<br />

two-weeks, met at the home of Mrs.<br />

Florence Ryder, 665 West Van Buren,<br />

Friday to play bridge and enjoy<br />

a social day. A potluck dinner was<br />

served at noon and In the card<br />

games which followed each player<br />

reoeived a prise. The women having<br />

the birthdays were Mrs. Ooldle<br />

ind Mrs. A.<br />

A. Hoyt wwt hortkmm at the lovely<br />

I Celocfc IubiJuiih ml bridge sgelsss bsek sae forth<br />

Summed Up<br />

party for the women's orfsnise- repeat<br />

Uoc of the Mesonlc Country club Their wlsardry; year after year upon<br />

vhleh wss held st the club Tuesday<br />

afternoon. The luncheon table AM once la Tyre, as ooce in<br />

The hills sad hollows April wslki her<br />

best "<br />

Bsbylonoso<br />

•till bnllds within them for<br />

_ while.<br />

Starts st the moon Atlantis watcb#

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