Infield Gehoer 16-S GB - infield-safety

Infield Gehoer 16-S GB - infield-safety

Infield Gehoer 16-S GB - infield-safety


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Service and delivery<br />

Package of INFIELD hearing protection<br />

Contact<br />

Delivery<br />

INFIELD hearing protection comes with easy to follow instructions. We<br />

also offer on-site consultation through our sales force.<br />

Service<br />

We offer comprehensive consultation and aftercare. Please contact us<br />

directly for general information and individual queries.<br />

Warranty<br />

INFIELD hearing protection products are of high quality and can last<br />

many years with the appropriate care. We offer a 2 year warranty on<br />

fit and protection.<br />


Unit B<br />

Brocks Business Centre<br />

Homefield Road<br />

Haverhill<br />

Suffolk<br />

CB9 8QP<br />

Tel: 01440 705286<br />

Fax: 01440 705557<br />

Email: info@<strong>infield</strong>-<strong>safety</strong>.co.uk<br />

www.<strong>infield</strong>-<strong>safety</strong>.co.uk<br />

INFIELD SAFETY is a member of the Signet Armorlite Group.<br />

<strong>16</strong><br />

©<br />

Blindness separates us from things.<br />

Deafness separates us from people.<br />

Immanuel Kant

Table of contents<br />

Subject Page<br />

Introduction 3<br />

The human ear 4<br />

Hearing – how does it work? 5<br />

What is loud? 5-6<br />

Protective capacity 6<br />

Hearing loss caused by noise 7<br />

Legislation and directives 8<br />

Frequency analysis 8<br />

Frequency analysis jargon 9<br />

Customised hearing protection made by INFIELD 10<br />

Advantages of INFIELD’s ear plugs 10<br />

Material 10<br />

Moulding and manufacture 11<br />

Compact Filter 12<br />

Clear Sound Filter 13<br />

Phonor Pro Filter 14<br />

Seal Integrity Test 15<br />

(Air-) Leakage Test 15<br />

Acoustic Test 15<br />

Service and delivery <strong>16</strong><br />

Contact <strong>16</strong><br />

2<br />

Hearing damage caused by noise is irreversible<br />

We’re asleep. Our entire body is at rest. The muscles, the eyes, the ears –<br />

or so you think! Our ears never sleep! Or how could you explain that we<br />

are awoken by sounds? Be it an intruder alarm, a smoke detector, a crying<br />

baby, a coughing partner or the alarm clock: It wakes us up. This proves that<br />

our ears are wide awake while we’re asleep – all the time.<br />

Most people are unaware of the health problems that noise can cause.<br />

Especially young people expose their ears to high levels of noise by going<br />

to rock concerts and night clubs or using MP-3 players with earphones. In<br />

the medical profession recognises 85dB (Decibel) as the threshold for<br />

hearing damage, 120 -130dB as the pain barrier – this equates to a jet<br />

plane at take-off at 100m distance. The background noise in houses is<br />

typically 40-50dB, in offices 65dB. Traffic noise can easily amount to<br />

85dB, rock concerts and night clubs at 110dB are often louder than<br />

jackhammers giving off 100dB. An increase of 3dB doubles the charge on<br />

the ears.<br />

In the workplace the noise level at which hearing protection must be worn<br />

is legislated. But often the provided equipment isn’t worn by workers - but<br />

why? One reason is that some hearing protection lacks comfort and<br />

practicality, because it makes communication almost impossible. As a<br />

consequence the user feels isolated. Some users also complain about<br />

headaches, contact allergies or sweating under the equipment.<br />

Customised hearing protection by INFIELD Safety is comfortable and reduces<br />

the noise level without acoustic isolation of the user.<br />

In this brochure you will discover how the <strong>safety</strong> experts at INFIELD have<br />

achieved the production of quality hearing protection that provides high user<br />

comfort also.<br />

3<br />

Introduction<br />

Reasons for rejection of hearing protection<br />

INFIELD earplugs

Anatomy of the human ear<br />

Diagram of the ear<br />

1. Outer ear<br />

2. Ear canal<br />

3. Eardrum<br />

4. Hammer<br />

5. Anvil<br />

6. Stirrup<br />

7. Oval window<br />

8. Semicircular canals<br />

9. Auditory nerve<br />

10. Cochlea<br />

11. Eustachian tube<br />

12. Round window<br />

13. Tympanic cavity<br />

Outer ear<br />

The outer ear is made up of the visible portion called the pinna and the ear<br />

canal. The human pinna’s functions are of no great importance, whilst<br />

animals can move and turn their ears to locate sounds.<br />

Middle ear<br />

The middle ear consists of eardrum, tympanic cavity and Eustachian tube.<br />

Inner ear<br />

The inner ear is made up of the organ of Corti and the cochlea.<br />

Ear canal<br />

The ear canal links the outer ear and the eardrum. It is approximately 3-4cm<br />

in depth and 0.5-1cm in diameter. It is completely covered with skin. The<br />

outermost part of the ear canal near the pinna is supported by cartilage, the<br />

inner part by bone. In the section made up of cartilage sebaceous glands<br />

secrete the yellow cerumen which is expelled by tiny hairs.<br />

Eardrum<br />

Between the ear canal and the tympanic cavity lies the eardrum. This membrane<br />

is approximately 1cm in diameter and 0.1mm thick. On the inside of<br />

the eardrum is a mucous membrane; from the outside it looks grey and shiny.<br />

Tympanic cavity<br />

In the tympanic cavity there are the three ear bones or ossicles: hammer,<br />

anvil and stirrup as well as the semicircular canals of the vestibular<br />

apparatus.<br />

Hammer, anvil and stirrup<br />

The hammer, anvil and stirrup are three tiny bones that are connected to<br />

each other. They directly couple and amplify sound energy from the eardrum<br />

to the inner ear.<br />

Oval window<br />

Sound waves travel via this membrane from the ossicles to the inner ear. The<br />

inner ear is located in the cochlea, well protected by the petrous portion of<br />

the temporal bone (‘pyramid’).<br />

Round Window<br />

The round window is positioned adjacent to the oval window and is the end<br />

point of the scala tympani.<br />

Eustachian tube<br />

The Eustachian tube links the tympanic cavity with the pharynx. Its main<br />

function is pressure equalisation in the ear.<br />

Cochlea<br />

The cochlea has three ducts called scalae: the scala vestibuli and the scala<br />

tympani, which both contain perilymph. Between these two is the scala<br />

media filled with endolymph which contains the organ of Corti. The word<br />

cochlea is the latin word for snail and comes from the shape of the organ.<br />

Organ of Corti<br />

The organ of Corti is the essential part of our hearing. It is located in the<br />

cochlea and contains 25,000 hair cells, each equipped with 100 hairs<br />

called stereocilia. These hairs are the sensory receptors of the auditory<br />

system and pass on information from sound waves via the auditory nerve to<br />

the brain.<br />

4 5<br />

To be precise, the human ear doesn’t process sounds, but sound waves that<br />

resonate with the eardrum. The resonance is amplified by the ossicles in the<br />

tympanic cavity and reaches the inner ear through the oval window, where<br />

the actual hearing process begins.<br />

A very important factor in the hearing process is the frequency of sound. The<br />

unit of frequency is Hertz (Hz) and is a measure of the number of sound<br />

waves per second.<br />

The amplification of sounds by the ossicles depends on frequency. The best<br />

amplification of sounds is achieved in the range of the human voice, i.e. between<br />

1000 and 2000 Hz.<br />

When a sound wave reaches the oval window via the previously mentioned<br />

pathway, it is passed on via the perilymph inside the scala vestibuli to<br />

trigger the basilar membrane. Depending on the frequency, sensory hairs in<br />

different locations on the organ of Corti are triggered. An analogy would be<br />

waves breaking at specific points on the beach, depending on their size.<br />

This way we can distinguish between high and low pitches. From the<br />

stereocilia the sound wave travels on towards and resonates with Reissner’s<br />

membrane. This resonance then triggers receptor cells that send an electric<br />

impulse along the auditory nerve to the brain. Here the sound is recognised<br />

and defined e.g. as a note or a word. The ear responds 7 times faster than<br />

the eye. If we could see as fast as we can hear, we would see every single<br />

frame in TV broadcasts instead of fluid movements.<br />

A sound is not only defined by its frequency but also by its volume. This is<br />

measured in decibel (dB). The table below lists typical everyday sounds and<br />

the noise level they cause.<br />

The human pain barrier for sounds is about 120dB, i.e. at volumes above<br />

120dB we perceive the sound as a physical pain in our ears.<br />

If we have to raise our voice in a conversation at a distance of 1m, the<br />

background noise level is about 80dB or more. It is not advisable to expose<br />

the ears to such noise levels for prolonged periods without hearing<br />

protection.<br />

Hearing – how does it work?<br />

Cochlea<br />

1. Stirrup<br />

2. Oval window<br />

3. Helicotrema<br />

4. Scala vestibule<br />

5. Organ of Corti<br />

6. Scala tympani<br />

7. Round window<br />

Diagram of the cochlea<br />

1. Scala vestibule<br />

2. Organ of Corti<br />

3. Scala tympani<br />

4. Auditory nerve<br />

What is loud?<br />

Examples of noise levels in Decibel

What is loud?<br />

Logarithmic increase of volume (dB) in comparison to<br />

weight (kg)<br />

Protective capacity<br />

Decrease of protective capacity<br />

Volume is often underestimated because the decibel scale is not linear but<br />

logarithmic. This means that for every 10dB the intensity rises by 10-fold. To<br />

illustrate the difference, weights can be used as an example.<br />

Going from 60dB to 70dB is particularly dramatic: 10dB is the same<br />

proportional difference as there is between the weight of an average adult<br />

and a family car.<br />

When going 10dB higher the analogy in weight is a heavy goods vehicle.<br />

The duration of exposure is an important factor in hearing loss. The human<br />

ear has its own protective capacity, similar to the role of melanin in the skin<br />

to protect it from UV radiation. Hence we can expose our ears to 80dB for<br />

8 hours without any lasting damage. An increase of 3dB to 83dB halves<br />

this exposure time, i.e. 4 hours are safe. Please refer to the diagram for<br />

further protective capacity times.<br />

If you are exposed to noise levels of 80dB or above, hearing protection<br />

becomes a necessity to prevent lasting damage to your ears.<br />

6 7<br />

Continuous exposure to noise causes hearing loss that is irreversible in 95%<br />

of all cases.<br />

Very often our bodies show symptoms that are not obviously linked with<br />

noise, like insomnia, poor concentration and cardiovascular disease. If you<br />

suffer from any of these complaints, it is advisable that your surroundings are<br />

analysed for noise. In case that sources of dangerous noise levels have been<br />

identified and cannot be eliminated, hearing protection must be worn. Find<br />

more conditions associated with noise damage in the following paragraphs.<br />

Conductive hearing loss<br />

Damage to the ossicles (hammer, anvil and stirrup) renders them unable to<br />

amplify sounds adequately. This results in a hearing loss of approximately<br />

20dB.<br />

Sensorineural hearing loss<br />

Loud noises destroy the hair cells in the organ of Corti and can cause partial<br />

or complete loss of hearing.<br />

Tinnitus<br />

Around 3 Million people suffer from tinnitus (Latin for ‚ringing’). This constant<br />

noise in the ears is mostly described as a whistling sound, but can also take<br />

the form of a buzzing, whooshing or rattling. It can not be measured but is<br />

proven to lead to psychological problems and even suicide. There are many<br />

attempts for therapy but no guarantees for a successful cure. Tinnitus is not<br />

only caused by noise but also by stress, middle ear infection, decreased<br />

blood flow to the inner ear or some medications.<br />

Vertigo<br />

Because the vestibular system located in the inner ear is also responsible for<br />

the sense of balance, damage to the ear can also cause vertigo and<br />

dizziness.<br />

Often these symptoms are ignored, because they aren’t very obvious at first<br />

and they have a very slow progression. Protect yourself, your employees and<br />

your relatives with individually fitted hearing protection.<br />

Hearing loss caused by noise

Legislation and directives<br />

Frequency analysis<br />

First of all, the term ’noise’ needs to be defined. Legislation describes it as<br />

‘any type of sound that disturbs, bothers or damages the health of people,<br />

i.e. all sounds that compromise physical, mental and social well-being’.<br />

According to a new EU guideline (2006) the following applies:<br />

- at 80dB or above, hearing protection must be provided<br />

- at 85dB or above, hearing protection must be worn<br />

Hearing protection on sale in Europe needs a CE-mark, i.e. comply with the<br />

standards of the European Committee of Standardisation (CEN). Within<br />

these EU-standards, hearing protection falls into the category of ‘personal<br />

protective wear’ and is divided into three sub-categories:<br />

• EN 352-1: ear-muffs<br />

•EN 352-2: ear-plugs<br />

• EN 352-3: ear-muffs attached to <strong>safety</strong> helmets<br />

This has been replaced in 2003 by a new series of EU-directives:<br />

•EN 13819-1: physical test methods for hearing protection<br />

•EN 13819-2: acoustic test methods for hearing protection<br />

• The old 352-series is limited to the specific demands that are set by<br />

delivery conditions and guidelines<br />

For optimum protection detailed knowledge of the work environment of the<br />

end user is needed. The noise level in manufacture is not only made up of<br />

the machine in use but also many other background noises with different<br />

frequencies. Specialists have fixed 1000Hz as the standard frequency; this<br />

is the lower range of the human voice. A professional frequency analysis as<br />

it is carried out by INFIELD always refers to 1000Hz as well as six other<br />

frequencies. Three of these frequencies are higher in octave steps; three are<br />

lower in octave steps. The fixed frequencies are 125, 250, 500, 1000,<br />

2000, 4000 and 8000Hz. Please note that a comprehensive frequency<br />

analysis is a sign of professionalism and quality of service.<br />

In the frequency based tables for noise reduction you find a lot of numbers<br />

we would like to explain to you. Now that you are familiar with how these<br />

frequencies have been chosen, we’ll explain more about the individual<br />

numbers.<br />

8 9<br />

The M f - value, measured in dB, determines the mean attenuation of a<br />

frequency. For example 25dB at 500Hz means a noise reduction of 25dB<br />

at the frequency of 500Hz.<br />

The APV (Assumed Protection Value) is measured in dB. The CE-mark is only<br />

issued for hearing protection if this value is above legislated level. The APV<br />

should not be less than declared for 84% of end users.<br />

The S f - value (in dB) is an assumed standard deviation that contributes<br />

towards the determination of the APV.<br />

The SNR - value is the mean attenuation for the complete analysed spectrum<br />

of frequencies, i.e. from 125-8000Hz.<br />

The H/M/L - values are the mean attenuation in the respective areas of<br />

frequencies.<br />

H = High frequency (2000-8000Hz)<br />

M=Medium frequency (500-2000Hz)<br />

L = Low frequency (125-500Hz)<br />

The graphs illustrate the attenuation that is achieved by the individual<br />

acoustic filters. Customised hearing protection provides attenuation that is<br />

evenly balanced across the relevant spectrum of frequencies in contrast to<br />

standard hearing protection.<br />

Frequency analysis jargon<br />

Legislated APVs for the CE-mark<br />

Attenuation table in original size: pages 12-14

Customised hearing protection made by INFIELD<br />

Advantages of INFIELD’s ear plugs<br />

Material<br />

We offer three types of ear plugs to furnish a range of requirements:<br />

• Compact<br />

•ClearSound<br />

• Phonor® Pro<br />

The Compact FlexComfort and ClearSound both come with a complimentary<br />

set of accessories:<br />

•Cord with clip<br />

•Cleaning stick and Otoferm cream<br />

• Case<br />

The Phonor® Pro comes with complimentary:<br />

•Case and cleaning stick<br />

Cleaning spray and tissues can be ordered as accessories.<br />

Special models<br />

All models can be fitted with a tiny metal ball (detection ball). These<br />

specialised models are mainly of interest to the food and chemical industries.<br />

•Customised for perfect fit<br />

• Optimum protection<br />

•Communication is retained<br />

• Filters are individually adjusted to the environment<br />

•Important sounds and signals can still be heard<br />

•Ideal comfort, hardly noticeable<br />

•High user acceptance<br />

• Easy to wear with <strong>safety</strong> helmets<br />

• Almost invisible<br />

• Easy to use<br />

• Easy to clean<br />

The standard material for all our models is silicone, which provides good<br />

mechanical and chemical resistance combined with a long life span. The<br />

soft, flexible material causes no pressure points in the ear canal, even with<br />

prolonged wearing. The basic standard issue of the ear plugs is transparent<br />

silicone, but they can also be produced from a harder acrylate plastic and<br />

in a range of signal colours like red, blue or yellow.<br />

10 11<br />

The ear plug is custom moulded to each user and consists of the silicone plug<br />

and the acoustic filter itself.<br />

Before fitting the ear plug, a medical examination has to be carried out to<br />

assess that it is safe to inject the moulding putty into the ear canal. During<br />

this examination, excess cerumen (earwax) or cerumen plugs should be syringed<br />

from the ear canal.<br />

The moulding is performed according to current best practice for the fitting<br />

of hearing aids. The moulding material is a pliable two-component putty<br />

based on silicone. This is injected into the ear canal without any noticeable<br />

pressure. The moulding process is normally not uncomfortable. The result is<br />

a perfect copy of the ear canal and part of the pinna.<br />

In the next production step, this mould is then used to form the final earpiece.<br />

It fits perfectly into the ear canal and provides a tight fit. Then a hole is<br />

drilled into the part that inserts into the ear canal. Now the appropriate<br />

acoustic filter is fitted, specifically tuned to your requirements for noise reduction.<br />

Compared to other systems, custom made hearing protection has many<br />

advantages. It is anatomically fitted to each user’s ear canal, therefore can<br />

neither slip nor cause pressure points and the protection is consistent throughout<br />

usage. It doesn’t close up the ear canal completely, but is ventilated<br />

through the acoustic filter, which also allows pressure equalisation. In this<br />

way user comfort is maximised.<br />

The large range of acoustic filters allows for a multitude of noise environments,<br />

eliminating under- or over-protection.<br />

Moulding and manufacture<br />

Moulding process with the injector gun<br />

Moulding the gypsum cast<br />

Refining the first mould<br />

Drilling the hole for the acoustic filter

Compact Filter<br />

Earplug with Compact Filter<br />

Broad band filter<br />

The 4 filters of choice MM 12, MM 22, MM 02 and ML 01 find their<br />

use in different situations to filter specific frequencies. They are unique in<br />

their broad band characteristics. The filters MM02 und ML01 are used<br />

at low frequencies (e.g. turbine manufacture, sheet metal production).<br />

12 13<br />

RC 19/18/17/15/13* - Range with reduced attenuation complying<br />

with the new EU noise directive. These broad spectrum filters have very<br />

linear attenuation properties and show no peaks in the spectrum of the<br />

human voice. These properties assure that the user doesn’t feel isolated<br />

and that voices, alarms and signals relevant to health and <strong>safety</strong> can still<br />

be heard. Main fields of use are in railway and monitoring of machine<br />

noises.<br />

* RC13: at 125Hz and 250Hz, the APV84 is with 0.9 and 1.3<br />

respectively lower than the minimum required attenuation with regards to<br />

EN 352-2, i.e. the standard CE does not apply.<br />

Clear Sound Filter<br />

Ear plug with Clear Sound filter<br />

Clear Sound filter

Phonor® Pro Filter<br />

Phonor® Pro Filter<br />

Tubular filter<br />

•Customised hearing protection, 100% made in Germany<br />

•2 acoustic filters with different characteristics<br />

• Choice of 2 materials: acrylate and FlexComfort<br />

•Available with or without cord<br />

•Detector ball available for easy tracking when lost<br />

• Filter is protected from dirt<br />

• Field of use in industry<br />

Pro M and Pro H – Both these filters are simple tubular filters that provide<br />

good protection at medium and high frequencies. They are not suited for<br />

use at low frequencies.<br />

The Pro filters meet the simpler requirements in industrial uses.<br />

There are two main methods to test the tight fit of customised hearing<br />

protection: the (air) leakage test and the acoustic test. Please note that the<br />

total attenuation is mainly a measure of the fit of the ear plug rather than the<br />

actual function of the acoustic filter. The main difference is that seal integrity<br />

tests are carried out for each ear (monaural) whilst the total attenuation is<br />

measured for both ears at the same time (binaural).<br />

If you require tests on your ear plug to confirm the high standard of our<br />

products, INFIELD can carry these out for you at your request.<br />

Procedure:<br />

A small pump that has been developed specifically for this task increases the<br />

pressure between the ear plug and the eardrum. The ear plug has a tight fit,<br />

if the pressure doesn’t decrease.<br />

Advantages:<br />

• Quick and simple method<br />

•No special facilities necessary<br />

• Objective - does not rely on the test persons’ perception<br />

Disadvantages:<br />

• The cable connector can temporarily alter the fit of the ear plug and have<br />

a negative influence on the test results<br />

• The test environment should not be too loud as this can alter the test results<br />

• Can not be applied to all ear plugs<br />

The test is carried out with a micro processor, which is fitted with two microphones.<br />

One of the microphones is connected to the ear plug and measures<br />

the noise level behind the hearing protection (in front of the eardrum). The<br />

other one measures the noise level in front of the hearing protection. After<br />

applying the ear plug to the ear, a low frequency test sound is generated.<br />

The difference in noise levels is the total attenuation.<br />

Advantages:<br />

• Precise measure of attenuation in dB<br />

• Quick and simple method<br />

• Objective - does not rely on the test persons’ perception<br />

•No special facilities necessary<br />

14 15<br />

Disadvantages:<br />

• The test environment should not be too loud as this can alter the test results<br />

Seal integrity test<br />

(Air-) Leakage test<br />

(Air-) Leakage test<br />

Acoustic test<br />

Acoustic test

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