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851 8 3 6 08 01 01 01 Akupuntur Acupuncture Sp1 Sp. Akp.<br />

852 5 2 6 08 01 02 Pengobatan Tradisional Indonesia Indonesian Traditional Medicine D3 A.Md. Kes.<br />

853 8 1 6 08 02 Sains (Ilmu) Biomedis Biomedical Science S2 M. Biomed.<br />

854 9 1 6 08 02 Sains (Ilmu) Biomedis Biomedical Science S3 Dr.<br />

855 8 1 6 08 02 07 Imunologi Immunology S2 M. Biomed.<br />

856 8 1 6 08 02 07 02 Vaksinologi dan Imunoterapetika Vaccinology and Immunotherapeutics S2 M. Biomed.<br />

857 8 3 6 08 02 10 Penyakit Mulut Oral Medicine Sp1 Sp. P.M.<br />

858 6 1 6 08 03 Kedokteran Medicine S1 S. Ked.<br />

859 7 3 6 08 03 Profesi Dokter Clinical Medicine Profesi dr.<br />

860 8 1 6 08 03 Kedokteran Klinis Clinical Medicine S2 M. Biomed.<br />

861 8 3 6 08 03 02 Andrologi Andrology Sp1 Sp. And.<br />

862 8 3 6 08 03 03 Anestesiologi Anesthesiology Sp1 Sp. An.<br />

863 6 2 6 08 03 03 06 Keperawatan Anastesiologi Nurse Anesthesiology D4 S.Tr. Kep.<br />

864 8 3 6 08 03 04 Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Cardiology Sp1 Sp. J.P.<br />

865 5 2 6 08 03 04 01 Teknik Kardiovaskular Cardiovascular Technology D3 A.Md. Kes.<br />

866 8 3 6 08 03 07 Parasitologi Klinis Clinical Parasitology Sp1 Sp. Par.K.<br />

867 8 3 6 08 03 08 Patologi Klinis Clinical Pathology Sp1 Sp. P.K.<br />

868 8 3 6 08 03 09 Farmakologi Klinis Clinical Pharmacology Sp1 Sp. F.K.<br />

869 8 3 6 08 03 13 Kedokteran Layanan Primer Primary Care Medicine Setara Sp. Sp. D.L.P.<br />

870 8 1 6 08 03 13 01 Kedokteran Keluarga Family Medicine S2 M. Biomed.<br />

871 8 3 6 08 03 14 01 Kedokteran Forensik Forensic Medicine Sp1 Sp. F.<br />

872 8 3 6 08 03 16 Obstetrik dan Ginekologi Obstetrics and Gynocology Sp1 Sp. O.G.<br />

873 8 3 6 08 03 19 Penyakit Dalam Internal Medicine Sp1 Sp. P.D.<br />

874 8 3 6 08 03 21 Neurologi Neurology Sp1 Sp. N.<br />

875 8 3 6 08 03 22 Bedah Saraf Neurosurgery Sp1 Sp. B.S.<br />

876 8 1 6 08 03 23 Kedokteran Olahraga Sports Medicine S2 M. Biomed.<br />

877 8 3 6 08 03 23 Kedokteran Olahraga Sports Medicine Sp1 Sp. K.Or.<br />

878 8 3 6 08 03 24 Kedokteran Okupasi Occupational Medicine Sp1 Sp. Ok.<br />

879 8 3 6 08 03 26 Ophthalmology Ophthalmology Sp1 Sp. M.<br />

880 8 3 6 08 03 28 Telinga, Hidung, Tenggorok, Kepala dan Leher Otorhinolaryngology Sp1 Sp. T.H.T.K.L.<br />

881 5 2 6 08 03 28 01 Audiologi Audiology D3 A.Md. Kes.<br />

882 8 3 6 08 03 29 Kesehatan Anak Pediatrics/Child Health Sp1 Sp. A.<br />

883 5 2 6 08 03 30 Fisioterapi Physiotherapy D3 A.Md. Ftr.<br />

884 7 3 6 08 03 30 Fisioterapi Physiotherapy D4-Profesi Ftr.<br />

Draft <strong>Lampiran</strong> <strong>Februari</strong> <strong>2015</strong> 26

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