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says that ‘his wife is beautiful, is of good character and is engaged in political or social work’<br />

Wikipedia says ‘his wife Julia Thorne 1 became active in local environmental groups such as<br />

the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. Thorne supported Kerry's 2004 presidential run. She<br />

died of cancer on April 27, 2006.’ Now see all conditions are satisfied of Moon being in 1 st<br />

pada of Mrigasira and additionally it is in 7H of wife with 6L of disease Mars and is retro,<br />

implying incurable disease. He came to public life in 2004 (7H). The result would be of its<br />

dispositor which goes to 12H of death and disease. She died in 2 years.<br />

Second Pada<br />

v If Moon is in 2 nd pada, if moon and Lagna is on the same nakshtra, the native takes birth<br />

in affluent and royal family and he is a good man. He will have an early and happy<br />

marriage. He will suffer in later half of life from bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, and<br />

other lung problem and heart diseases.<br />

Third Pada<br />

v If Moon is in 3 rd pada, the native will have name and fame. His income is satisfactory. He<br />

has to suffer in childhood. He will not get love and affection from his mother. He<br />

indulges in tobacco chewing and begets diseases due to that. He has mark on his back.<br />

Fourth Pada<br />

v If Moon is in 4 th pada, the native is engaged in the profession of medicine, chemistry or<br />

cosmetics. He gets more earning if he is in the profession of a doctor (vaidya). The male<br />

suffers from lung diseases and female suffers from menstrual problems.<br />

Mars in Mrigashira<br />

v If Mars is in the nakshtra of Mrigashira and aspected by Sun, the native likes to follow<br />

the path of righteousness and lives in a forest area. He hates females.<br />

v If Mars is in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and is aspected by Moon, the native has respect<br />

for his mother but runs after prostitutes. He has to undergo a lot of troubles & obstacles<br />

in life.<br />

v If Mars is in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and is aspected by Jupiter, the native will be<br />

blessed with a few children and little wealth.<br />

v If Mars is in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and is aspected by Mercury, the native loves<br />

music and dance. He loves his friends a lot.<br />

v If Mars is in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and is aspected by Venus, the native gains a<br />

high political post or high post in army.<br />

v If Mars is in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and is aspected by Saturn, the native is a rogue,<br />

a villain.<br />

Publishers Notes: Politicians<br />

For Mars in Mrigashira and aspected or conjoined by Venus the text says native gains high<br />

political or army post but only 6 charts were found of natives in mediocre posts in army or<br />

navy in our database. Also 7 charts were found of highly placed politicians.<br />

Chart: Czech President<br />

1 John Kerry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kerry#Family<br />


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