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7<br />

As<br />

a little girl, I had always dreamed and<br />

fantasized about my wedding day. I was<br />

hoping to marry a very handsome, God fearing, smart<br />

and rich gentleman. My entire family was part of this<br />

fantasy. There were times when my dad will hold my<br />

hands and we would pretend walking down the aisle<br />

to the altar to be handed over to the groom. My mom<br />

and younger brothers will follow us, pretending to be<br />

part of the bridal train. Guess what, true to our so<br />

called fantasy, that day actually came when my dad<br />

walked me down the aisle. Not only that, but my mom<br />

and brothers were part of the bridal train. Most<br />

importantly, I married one of God’s finest men in the<br />

whole world, beyond what I had in mind. Having an<br />

end in mind, my family and I prayed, planned, waited,<br />

endured and even persevered; but eventually, we saw<br />

the manifestation of our vision.<br />

It is always great to have an end in mind when<br />

pursuing any endeavor. The word of God in Hebrews<br />

12:2 says that “Looking unto Jesus the author and<br />

finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before<br />

Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set<br />

down at the right hand of the throne of God.” The end<br />

in sight for Jesus was the joy that was set before Him.<br />

Having the end in mind, Jesus endured the cross. As<br />

children of God, we know from the scriptures that God<br />

knew us before we were made in our mothers’ womb;<br />

and also, before we were fashioned or came into<br />

existence, all the days of our lives were written in<br />

God’s books. However, things just do not happen by<br />

chance and we shouldn’t assume that because God has<br />

a plan for us, they will automatically come to pass.<br />

Pastor Dr. Cynthia Paintsil<br />

This is where I believe many children of God miss out<br />

on God’s plan for their lives. For anything to happen or<br />

to be accomplished, there should be a clear purpose or<br />

what some call a vision. Simply put, a vision is the<br />

faculty or state of being able to see. It is also an<br />

experience of seeing someone or something in a dream<br />

or as a supernatural apparition. In the word of God in<br />

Habakkuk 2:2, it says “Write the vision and make it<br />

plain on tablets, that he may run that reads it.” The<br />

first step in achieving anything meaningful is having<br />

the end in mind. This calls for us to have a clear vision<br />

and purpose.<br />

The question now is how do we get and write down<br />

the vision or have the desired end in mind? As<br />

children of God, we have to pray and have our will<br />

aligned with that of the will of God. In 1Corinthians 2:9<br />

-16, we are told that eyes have not seen or entered into<br />

the heart of man, the things which God has prepared<br />

for those who love Him. We are told that those things<br />

are revealed to us through His Spirit, that is from the<br />

Spirit of God to the spirit of man. Again, we are told<br />

that no one has known the mind of the Lord to instruct<br />

Him, but we have the mind of Christ. Thus, as we<br />

pray, worship, study the word of God and wait upon<br />

Him, His will, plans and purposes will be revealed to<br />

us. These will in turn become our own plans and<br />

purposes or visions. Having them in mind, we are then<br />

in a position to partner with the Holy Spirit to bring

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