Lazy Man Wealth Secrets




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<strong>Lazy</strong> <strong>Man</strong><br />

<strong>Wealth</strong><br />

<strong>Secrets</strong><br />

By Joshua Boswell

Men and women who have large piles of cash get their money far easier and faster<br />

than poor people.<br />

What is more, oftentimes, their money comes in great droves, instead of in tiny<br />

sprinkles.<br />

How do they do it?<br />

How do they work less and stress less … yet have more security, more freedom of<br />

time, more luxuries, and more money?<br />

In short … they discover where money is flowing … and they rig up wealthcapture<br />

devices.<br />

Doesn’t that sound simple and nice?<br />

Well, it is. In fact, I have often been amazed at how fast money flows to me and<br />

others when we are positioned right, with the right money-scoop system in place.<br />

Operation Money-Scoop: How to Grab Money as It Flows<br />

Today, I’m going to tell you about the first money-scoop method I’ve seen my<br />

multimillionaire friends use. (I’ve got three of these for you … so stay tuned.) I<br />

think it’s the best one and easiest to implement, but see what you think when I’m<br />

done telling you about it.<br />

First, let me give you two examples of how fast money can flow when you know<br />

this principle. The first example is almost unimaginable in its size and scope … the<br />

second is much closer to home and could easily be done by people like you and<br />

me.<br />

Meet Stanley Druckenmiller. Stanley was born to a poor chemical engineer in<br />

Philadelphia. It seemed unlikely that he would ever be wealthy.<br />

Yet today, he has an estimated net worth of $2.5 billion and is ranked as the 149th<br />

wealthiest person in America. In 2008 alone, he is reported to have earned $260<br />

million dollars.<br />

I can assure you he did not dig ditches, flip burgers, or even sit in a cubicle,<br />

surrounded by hundreds of other engineers to make this kind of money.

In fact, from the reports I’ve read, he didn’t really do anything that you and I<br />

would classify as work.<br />

Obviously, Stanley knows a lot about getting rich and being lazy doing it.<br />

His first major dump of wealth came in 1992. At the time, he was working for a<br />

man named George Soros, managing the now famous Quantum Fund. It was<br />

Stanley that realized the British Sterling Pound was valued far too high and was set<br />

to drop.<br />

It was Stanley that convinced Soros to bet a whopping $10 billion against the<br />

Pound.<br />

Their plan paid off and in less than 24 hours, they had made over $1.1 billion<br />

dollars.<br />

But, the massive tidal wave of money did not stop there … over the next few<br />

months, as the Pound continued to plunge, they leveraged their position in the<br />

Pound to bet against the German Mark. This too paid off and netted them an<br />

estimated $2.6 billion.<br />

That’s a total of $3.7 billion in profits in less than 3 months … with almost no<br />

work involved at all. Insane.<br />

Of course, that does not usually happen … and certainly you and I are not in that<br />

league. But, that it CAN and DOES happen is what is encouraging to me … and<br />

should be to you, too.<br />

The Real Story Behind St. Louis’ First Multimillionaire<br />

Let’s look at another example and then I’ll give you <strong>Lazy</strong> <strong>Man</strong> <strong>Wealth</strong> Secret #1 so<br />

you can put it all in context.<br />

In 1839, Nicholas Schaeffer immigrated to St. Louis from Germany. He began<br />

selling soaps and candles to farmers in the area. As the Westward Pioneer<br />

movement expanded, more and more wagons were coming west.<br />

One day, a Wagon Master stopped in his shop asking for axle grease. Nicholas<br />

realized that the same lard he used to make candles with could just as easily be<br />

turned into axle grease … and sold for much more money.

It is one thing to be without a candle in the middle of the wilderness … it is quite<br />

another to have your wagon wheel freeze up.<br />

In no time, and with no extra effort on Nicholas’s part, the axle grease business had<br />

expanded from wagons to steamboats and was doing exponentially better than<br />

soaps and candles.<br />

It was about that time that train tracks made their way to St. Louis. It didn’t take<br />

Nicholas any time at all to realize that with some slight, no-cost adjustments to his<br />

axle grease, he could sell it as a commercial lubricant to help keep the trains<br />

running smoothly also.<br />

In all of this, Nicholas became St. Louis’ first multimillionaire without any extra<br />

work. In fact, the more his company grew, the less he worked and more secure his<br />

empire became.<br />

It was so secure, in fact, that it is still in operation today, doing over $90 million. It<br />

is still run and owned by his descendants, who are lazy and wealthy just like their<br />

great-great-grandfather.<br />

<strong>Lazy</strong> <strong>Man</strong> <strong>Wealth</strong> Secret #1<br />

What is the <strong>Lazy</strong> <strong>Man</strong> <strong>Wealth</strong> Secret here?<br />

Two words: Focused Variance.<br />

I know it sounds odd, but that’s the best term I’ve come up for it.<br />

Every successful person I know of has two seemingly conflicting attributes inside<br />

of them.<br />

They are intensely focused … and often widely varied in their efforts to make<br />

money.<br />

At the time that Stanley convinced George Soros to bet against the British Pound,<br />

Quantum Fund was not dealing in currency. It was outside of their core business.<br />

Yet, they saw an opportunity to make money … and they acted quickly on it.

Stated another way … their key focus was to make money. Who cares how it got<br />

done?! They were willing to shift their focus and go where the money was flowing.<br />

In a similar vein, Nicholas was a soap maker, but had no problem switching to axle<br />

grease and commercial lubricants when he saw that there was more money to be<br />

made there.<br />

In contrast, middle-class people are usually neither focused on getting rich nor<br />

willing to vary from their money-making plan. (They usually just dream of being<br />

rich and cling to their fears.)<br />

They get a degree, work in a particular industry for 40 or 50 years, at 40-60 hours a<br />

week, retire in poverty, and die without their family worrying in the slightest how<br />

to pay the “estate tax” … because there isn’t any estate left to tax.<br />

Focused Variance. That is the first key to becoming wealthy the lazy man’s way.<br />

You have to develop an eye for where the money is flowing.<br />

Become Aware of the Opportunities All Around You<br />

Years ago, I heard Mark Ford give a talk on this topic. He said that wealthy people<br />

learn to see opportunities for riches and develop the courage to grasp those<br />

opportunities. The more they reach, the better they get at grasping … and the richer<br />

they get, the less they have to work and stress.<br />

So, how do you develop the skill of Focused Variance?<br />

I have identified five key steps to owning the skill of Focused Variance. Sadly, I<br />

can’t share all of them with you right now — not enough time or space.<br />

But, I can give you the first one. In fact, I already mentioned it when I told you<br />

about Mark’s speech.<br />

You must learn to become aware of opportunities. You can easily do this by<br />

observing how others are making real money. Last week, I told you five stories of<br />

people who became wealthy in tough times.<br />

Go back and read those stories. How did they do it?

Think of 10 of the wealthiest people you know. How did they do it?<br />

<strong>Wealth</strong> and success are everywhere and the first step to Focused Variance is<br />

simply observing and becoming aware. Get out of your daily routine. Step outside<br />

the box. Open your eyes. Observe. Take some notes and think about what you're<br />

observing.<br />

When you are aware of how others make money, you’ll start seeing opportunities<br />

of your own.<br />

Once you see the truth about making money, you’ll become hungry to vary from<br />

your current path and step into the path of real money. With the right system,<br />

you’ll be able to scoop up as much of it as you can carry.<br />

I’ll help you get started. Look at this …<br />

This Guy Went from $6.50/hour to $318/hour …<br />

Being <strong>Lazy</strong><br />

Just over 17 years ago, Paul was stocking shelves in a grocery store. His boss told<br />

him he was terrible at it. How can you be terrible at stocking shelves?<br />

It was so bad, in fact, that he overheard his bosses talking. The one said to the<br />

other that Paul was going to get fired for being so slow and lazy.<br />

Well, Paul showed them … he began observing and noticing different moneymaking<br />

opportunities. He developed the skill of Focused Variance.<br />

Today, he works 3-4 hours a day and makes between $300,000 and $400,000 a<br />

year. Apparently his lazy approach has paid off.<br />

Since his money-making system is so solid and so easy, I want to invite you to<br />

view this video he put together. It will show you exactly how he makes so much<br />

money being lazy.<br />

Click Here to Find Out How to Be <strong>Lazy</strong> and Make $318 an Hour.

Part II

Today, I’m going to give you one of the deepest secrets of them all to being rich<br />

and lazy.<br />

Have you ever felt that you are not smart enough or good enough to be wealthy<br />

and live like rich people live? The amazing thing is that you don’t actually have to<br />

be brilliant or dripping with wisdom to live that kind of life. Especially when you<br />

know this amazing secret I’m going to share with you today.<br />

I’ll illustrate with a true story …<br />

The Million-Dollar Barstool Chat<br />

It was the last day of the conference when Perry Marshall found himself sitting at<br />

the restaurant bar. He had a lot to think about and needed a clear head so the clear<br />

liquid in the glass in front of him was water, and not vodka like you’d suppose.<br />

Perry was at a major turning point in his life. He didn’t know how major, but he<br />

sensed that a piece of his destiny was in his hands. He wanted to handle it VERY<br />

carefully.<br />

A few years ago, Perry had hit the eject button on the Dilbert cube and ventured<br />

out on his own as a consultant. It had done well for him … but being of a lazyambitious<br />

make, it had not done well enough.<br />

To give his customers more meaty advice, he had gone headlong into Google<br />

AdWords — which, at the time, was a wild, new, amazing technology. He found<br />

out that he was pretty good at crawling inside the Google system skin and figuring<br />

it out in ways others couldn’t.<br />

Because of this, he was sitting in the restaurant bar contemplating his future. He<br />

was speaking at a conference on how to make AdWords pay in spades. The crowd<br />

loved it.<br />

His decision: Should he keep focusing on consulting or focus more on teaching the<br />

intricacies of AdWords?<br />

While he was thus deliberating, in walks Bill. Bill is a brilliant man who, for years,<br />

has helped hundreds of people get on prime time TV and radio spots with some of<br />

the biggest talk show and new personalities in the business.

As Bill and Perry spoke about the dilemma at hand, Bill said,<br />

“You know, Perry, what you need to do is put together an 8-12 week group<br />

coaching program and charge upwards of $6,000 a person for it. I bet your list<br />

would eat it up.”<br />

Lights went on for Perry and thus was born his now wildly-successful and famous<br />

Bobsled Run. With minimal effort and almost no advanced planning, Perry was<br />

able to take Bill’s idea and turn it into a multimillion-dollar division of his<br />

company.<br />

Now, that would be a really great story all by itself, but it gets even better …<br />

The Second Million-Dollar Chat<br />

Fast forward a few years, and Perry and Bill find themselves sitting together again<br />

at dinner. As Perry told Bill all that had happened and how fast his business is<br />

growing, Bill said, “You know, Perry, you really should put together an exclusive<br />

mastermind club and charge upwards of $18,000 for it. I bet your list would eat it<br />

up.”<br />

From this comment sprang Perry’s now wildly-successful Roundtable. This too has<br />

made Perry millions over the years. Perry talks to his Roundtable members once a<br />

month for 30 minutes and meets with them in a live group session three times a<br />

year. I have no idea how much he makes an hour from his Roundtable income, but<br />

it is surely pretty high.<br />

So, have you figured out the deep, amazing secret for being lazy and rich that I’m<br />

illustrating here?<br />

I will spell it out in three simple words:<br />

Other People’s Ideas.<br />

Just Be <strong>Lazy</strong> (and Humble) and Get Rich on Other’s Ideas<br />

That is right, the really wealthy among us NEVER rely exclusively on their own<br />

genius or ideas. They happily and shamelessly borrow the brilliance of others.

I’m not talking about plagiarizing … I’m talking about capitalizing. I’m talking<br />

about discovering the talents, gifts, and genius of others and making it work for<br />

you.<br />

So, how do you do that? How do you find ideas that are good enough to use? How<br />

do you find people with these kinds of ideas?<br />

3 Ways to Discover and Use Great Ideas<br />

I have three suggestions for you that will help you find people with Great Ideas,<br />

identify those ideas, and put them to work for you so you happily get rich the<br />

“lazy” way.<br />

1. Study Great Ideas.<br />

You’ll never learn to recognize Great Ideas if you don’t know what they<br />

look like. Great Ideas that can make people rich are all around you. Read<br />

biographies, study successful companies, attend meetings, read websites …<br />

And as you do those kinds of things, ask yourself … what is the Great Idea<br />

here that made this company or individual successful, rich, and happy?<br />

Once you put up the antenna, you start seeing great ideas everywhere. I<br />

suggest you carry around a smartphone, tablet, or good old-fashioned piece<br />

of paper and record the Great Ideas you come across. You’ll be surprised at<br />

what you find.<br />

2. Surround Yourself With Proven Winners.<br />

It has been said that what you read and who you spend time with every day<br />

are the two biggest factors in defining who you are and who you will<br />

become.<br />

And, I believe this statement is true. It always amazes me how much money<br />

I make when I surround myself with wealthy, successful people. They just<br />

think different. It is refreshing and rewarding.<br />

One word of caution … Don’t be deceived by external trappings and bling. I<br />

have known far too many people who go into debt to “look” rich … but in<br />

reality, their bank accounts and self-worth are bankrupt.

How do you know? Almost all “winners” and truly wealthy people are rich<br />

in many areas of their life, not just money. Mark Ford, as you know, is one<br />

of my heroes and mentors. I am always delighted to talk to him because I<br />

come away with much more than good money ideas … I come away with<br />

great wisdom for life. Perry Marshall is another one of those that is wealthy<br />

in many areas of life, and not just money. I could list many of my other rich<br />

friends (Katie, Rebecca, Garrett, Jon, Brian, etc.) — all of whom have life<br />

well put together.<br />

3. Rich, <strong>Lazy</strong> People Act Fast and Relax More Later.<br />

<strong>Man</strong>y years ago, I was at a conference with Joe Vitale. He said something<br />

wise and profound … “Money loves speed.” It is a truth that I have seen<br />

over and over in the lives of wealthy, lazy people. They act quickly and<br />

decisively now, so they can relax and play a lot more later.<br />

So, I encourage you to keep a notebook, smartphone, or something else<br />

handy so you can record the brilliant thoughts of others … and then, most<br />

importantly, immediately set down a thought or two about how you could<br />

act on that thought to build your wealth.<br />

Money loves speed. The faster you act on ideas, the more money you will<br />

make.<br />

Mark Ford preaches, “Ready, Fire, Aim” for good reason. You should live<br />

by it. It might seem like being lazy means putting things off and<br />

procrastinating, but that is not the way of the lazy rich man. They take rapid,<br />

decisive action and enjoy the wealth that flows.<br />

Buy More Than 20 Years of Great Ideas For Less Than $50<br />

In all my years of making money and doing my best to be ambitiously lazy, I have<br />

found that there is one surefire way to make money without being ground down by<br />

the proverbial grindstone. It is the fastest and safest way to capitalize on Other<br />

People’s Ideas.<br />

Here it is: Invest a tiny amount of your time and buy over 20 years of experience<br />

from another human being.<br />

It sounds crazy, but it can be done.

When you buy a business book or wealth-building system, what are you really<br />

buying? Access to dozens of years of experience and wisdom from another human.<br />

Today, I would like you to watch a video from a friend of mine that has spent the<br />

past 20 years mastering the art of being rich and lazy. He makes over $320,000 a<br />

year … and works under 20 hours a week. And the truth is, he really doesn’t have<br />

to work that much.<br />

By watching this video, you will be able to borrow his ideas and position yourself<br />

to duplicate his efforts. During this video, he will tell you exactly what he has<br />

done, share with you more than 20 years of insights and wisdom, and show you<br />

how you could do the same thing … minus the 20 years, of course.<br />

Take some time right now and watch this very fascinating video …<br />

Click here to watch now

Part III

Since all of us are only allotted 24 hours in a day, the rich must know something<br />

about creating wealth that other people don’t.<br />

Today, I’m going to share a secret with you. This secret allows rich, “lazy” people<br />

to make $500, $5,000, or even $50,000 an HOUR when so many others in the<br />

world are camping out in parks demanding that minimum wage be raised from<br />

$7.25 to closer to $8.00.<br />

To understand this money-making secret that allows ordinary people like you and<br />

me to make extraordinary incomes … and with far less effort than most people …<br />

I’m going to tell you three short, but true stories.<br />

My Journey from $2.50/hour to $1,400/hour<br />

First, a number of years ago, I landed a copywriting project. My fee was $1,000 —<br />

with 50% up front. I spent more than 200 hours on that project. I wrote, re-wrote,<br />

debated, consulted, spent time on the phone and in person trying to make this client<br />

happy.<br />

But it was no use. They simply did not like my copy … and in the end, refused to<br />

pay my final fee, so I only ever got $500 out of it.<br />

My hourly rate: $2.50<br />

Not very good … and it was a lot of work.<br />

Fast forward 4 years. By now, I had learned the <strong>Lazy</strong> <strong>Man</strong> <strong>Wealth</strong> Secret I’m<br />

going to share with you.<br />

I now have a client that pays me $5,000 a month … plus 3% commission on all<br />

new monies the company makes. My time commitment is 1 hour per week on the<br />

phone, plus another optional hour per week of answering emails.<br />

Total maximum time commitment: 8 hours.<br />

My hourly rate for this project: $625 … and with very LITTLE effort.<br />

But, when you factor in the commissions, you more than double that. I actually<br />

average around $1,400 an hour for that client.<br />

Not bad.

How did I go from $2.50 to $1,400 an hour? For the most part, I used <strong>Lazy</strong> <strong>Man</strong><br />

<strong>Wealth</strong> Secret #2: Other People’s Ideas and stole an idea from a man named<br />

Vilfredo Pareto who died in 1923.<br />

An Italian Secret to Becoming Rich<br />

Pareto was an Italian economist who studied wealth distribution in England in the<br />

late 1800’s. He discovered 80% of the wealth was held by 20% of the population.<br />

He further discovered that of those top 20% very rich people, there were 20% of<br />

those (or 5% of the total population) that were SUPER rich.<br />

And, of course, of those 5%, 20% (or 1%) were SHOCKINGLY rich. (Yep, they<br />

were griping about the 1% in the 1800’s … the lazy will always be among us …<br />

but that’s another story.)<br />

The magic behind Pareto’s discovery is that 80/20 is in operation in ALL areas of<br />

life.<br />

Stated another way, “Big doors swing on small hinges” or “A big ship is controlled<br />

by a very little helm.”<br />

Using this reality, I took a very small hinge and made my income swing wide<br />

open.<br />

And now for my last story …<br />

A Piece of String Launches a Mighty Ship<br />

Vilfredo was not the first person to see that little things can make a massive, huge<br />

difference.<br />

Around the year 257 BC, a man named Archimedes made a wager with a friend<br />

that he could launch a large ship into the ocean by himself pulling on nothing but a<br />

little piece of string.<br />

The people of the time laughed at him … until he connected a series of pulleys and<br />

ropes to the ship. Using this leverage, he pulled on the piece of string and<br />

successfully pulled the massive ship from dry dock into the water.<br />

No one was laughing after that.

It was around this time that Archimedes also boasted, “Give me a place to stand<br />

and a fulcrum and I will move the world.”<br />

It Is Time to Move Your “World”<br />

The <strong>Lazy</strong> <strong>Man</strong> <strong>Wealth</strong> Secret I’m talking about here is, of course: Leverage.<br />

The rich use leverage in all kinds of situations … investing, time management,<br />

business development, relationships, etc. …<br />

And so can you.<br />

The way to put this to work for you is by asking one specific question in every<br />

situation you find yourself.<br />

The One Question You Should Be Asking if You Want to Be Rich and <strong>Lazy</strong><br />

Here’s the question:<br />

“How can I put in one unit and get five (or ten, or twenty, or 100) out.”<br />

When I say unit, you just fill in the blank and turn it into questions like these …<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

“How can I spend one hour and get $1,000 back from that?”<br />

“How can I invest $1,000 and get $30,000 back?”<br />

“What can I do right now to make my spouse feel 10x more in love with<br />

me?”<br />

“Where can I invest 5% of my time to make 95% of my income?”<br />

“What do I need to say in this one letter to get 10,000 people to buy?”<br />

“What talents, skills, and resources of other people can I use to make an<br />

extra $100,000 this year with relatively little effort?”<br />

See, it works in every area of your life.<br />

Rich people do far less work and make far more money because they leverage<br />

everything around them.<br />

The starting point of all this leverage is asking the question.

Every Leverage Question Has An Answer … 100% Guaranteed<br />

As you go along, you will find that you get better and better at asking the question<br />

and finding answers.<br />

Oh, and you can be 1,000% certain that there is always an answer. You can always<br />

get more “bang” for your “buck” in life. You just have to be willing to ask how<br />

and act on the thoughts and ideas that come to you.<br />

Yes, there is always a way to leverage the things in life to get more for less work.<br />

If I can figure out how to go from $2.50/hour to $1,400/hour … and if 5% of the<br />

population on this earth can control 95% of the wealth … and if Archimedes can<br />

move a massive ship with a piece of string … then you can most certainly discover<br />

how to have a whole lot more money with a whole lot less effort than you are<br />

putting in today.<br />

You just need to ask the “leverage” question in EVERYTHING you do … and<br />

have the courage to follow up on the answer.<br />

We Went to Lunch in His New Mercedes-Benz<br />

My good friend Paul discovered a way to utilize leverage in his life. I have<br />

mentioned his story before because I think it is very powerful.<br />

Like me, he was making a pittance … but then he found a lever that allowed him to<br />

drastically increase his income.<br />

A few days ago, I was with Paul in southern Florida. He took me to lunch. As he<br />

pulled up in his new Mercedes-Benz, I couldn’t help thinking of his former life as<br />

a broken man, stocking shelves at the local grocery store.<br />

Today he has two homes, several very nice cars, a beautiful boat, and an amazing<br />

lifestyle. He works far less today than he did as a stock boy.That is the power of<br />

leverage. You need to learn it.<br />

I want you to watch a video that Paul put together describing how he made this<br />

incredible journey. The lever he used to lift himself out of the grocery store and<br />

into the Mercedes-Benz could be exactly what you need. Watch Paul’s video now<br />

and begin living like a lazy, rich man by having more and doing less.

Part IV

Half a dozen men from the crowd had to break up the fight.<br />

At first, they were content to watch. But as the insulting words turned to shoves …<br />

and shoves to blows … and blows to blood … it was time to put an end to the<br />

madness.<br />

The crowd of close to 1,000 people had assembled just outside a medium-sized<br />

shop in an upscale part of Tokyo.<br />

They had been there all night. Some for over 24 hours — like the man with blood<br />

on his hand from having broken open his foe’s upper lip.<br />

24 hours was a long time to wait in line, but in his mind, it was worth it. His<br />

position meant that he would be the fourth person in Tokyo to get a new iPad.<br />

It was an honor that he deeply coveted. Enough to wait in line for just over 24<br />

hours.<br />

Given this mindset, it is no wonder that when the other man attempted to cut in<br />

line, a bloody argument ensued. The patient-line-waiter lost his cool and forcibly<br />

secured his spot.<br />

No one blamed him.<br />

I wouldn’t … would you?<br />

<strong>Lazy</strong> <strong>Man</strong> <strong>Wealth</strong> Secret #4 — The Final Secret<br />

Have you ever wondered, as I have, how a company like Apple can come from the<br />

verge of insignificance and bankruptcy and create a global empire in less than 10<br />

years?<br />

How did they build a string of products that became the envy of the technology<br />

world?<br />

How did they so enrapture the minds of the masses that they were (are) willing to<br />

stand in line for days at a time and pay for products in blood as well as money?<br />

Today, I’m going to share with you an observation I have on this point.

I know that “four” is not really a great marketing number, but this is the Final<br />

Secret I have for you in this <strong>Lazy</strong> <strong>Man</strong> <strong>Wealth</strong> Secret series.<br />

Actually, there is a Fifth Secret, but you will not learn it if I tell you.<br />

As I have written these essays, I have peppered them with the Fifth Secret, leaving<br />

you clues all along the way.<br />

I challenge you to see if you can uncover it. Once you unlock that Fifth Secret …<br />

and actively combine it with the other Four … you will have a very solid<br />

foundation for transforming yourself into an official <strong>Lazy</strong> Rich <strong>Man</strong> (or Woman,<br />

as the case may be).<br />

The “End of America” Phenomena<br />

Steve Jobs is not the only one who has reached into the minds of masses of people<br />

and driven them to the point of distraction as they do all they can to hand over<br />

money.<br />

A more recent example is Stansberry & Associates and the hypnotic promotion<br />

they wrote a little over a year ago. It’s called “End of America.”<br />

I remember driving to a Church meeting about a year ago when I got a call from<br />

my sister-in-law who lives down in Gilbert, Arizona.<br />

“Joshua, do you have any idea what is happening with our government and<br />

economy?!?! I’m really concerned that the dollar is going to collapse and that the<br />

government is going to implode. We need to do something about this. I have a<br />

special report I’m going to send you. We need to get moving on this!”<br />

Because I’ve worked with Agora for a while, I knew exactly what she was talking<br />

about.<br />

She had been reading Stansberry’s “End of America” letter.<br />

Actually, I found out that she’d heard an advertisement on the radio about it and<br />

then looked it up online later.<br />

What surprised me is that this sister-in-law never talks about money or politics …<br />

and here she was lathering at the mouth. She couldn’t tell me about it fast enough.

Amazing.<br />

How did Stansberry do it? One last story might give you a clue …<br />

If the Shoe Fits, Wear It<br />

Nick’s feet were very sore. He had been walking in the mall for more than two<br />

hours … looking for shoes.<br />

The ones on his feet were old, worn out, and not really suited for long walks in the<br />

mall.<br />

Now, if he could only find a shop in the mall that had what he was looking for.<br />

He couldn’t. So he went home, with sore feet and a frustrated heart.<br />

The search turned online. But it was 1999, and Nick did not find much there either.<br />

Being really frustrated now, he decided to start his own online specialty shoe store.<br />

And so, the now world-famous Zappos.com was born.<br />

In 2009 — just 10 years later — Amazon.com bought Zappos for a cool $880<br />

million.<br />

Now Nick can buy any kinds of shoes he wants … and have them delivered with a<br />

smile.<br />

In the process, most of the free world has been taken by shoe storm. If you have<br />

ever dealt with Zappos.com, you know what I’m talking about. Their customer<br />

service is ridiculously delightful.<br />

That’s why, every year, they sell billions of dollars’ worth of shoes and apparel …<br />

and why tens of thousands of people have posted free-will-offering testimonials on<br />

their site.<br />

Secret #4 is …<br />

Have you guessed it?<br />

I call it “Inner Child Marketing.”

Have you ever spoken with a three year old who wants something?<br />

“Daddy, I want … I want … ahh … one of those!”<br />

Smiling, I reply, “What’s ‘those’?”<br />

“Umm, it’s, it’s … umm … that … I want one of those things!”<br />

In their little mind and heart, they know EXACTLY what they want. It’s clear. They<br />

know the feeling, the experience, the smell, the sound, the texture … the<br />

everything … they know exactly what they want …<br />

They just can’t articulate it.<br />

And after a few guesses, I hit on what “those” is, and their face lights up, they clap<br />

their hands, and they rejoice inside.<br />

“Yes! That is what I want!” is written all over their whole little being.<br />

Adults Do the Same Thing<br />

Even though we are all “grown up,” we walk around in life acting just like three<br />

year olds. There is a feeling, an emotion, an experience, a sight, a sound, a texture,<br />

a taste that we want.<br />

We know exactly what it is.<br />

But sometimes, we don’t know exactly how to articulate it.<br />

It is just outside our grasp.<br />

Steve Jobs … Porter Stansberry … Nick Swinmurn … they each became a voice<br />

for the masses. In their products and in their marketing, they clearly articulated<br />

what another human being really wanted.<br />

And when they did that, the masses lit up with joy and happiness. They were<br />

ecstatic. They couldn’t pull out their wallets fast enough.<br />

The people that can clearly reach into the hearts and minds of others … and then<br />

give voice to their wants, needs, and innermost desires … those are the people that<br />

can live super rich. Both rich in money and rich in the magic moments of life that<br />

deluge us with the intangibles of peace and happiness.

How do you develop this ability to give voice to the “Inner Child” desires of<br />

others?<br />

I’m not going to tell you. But my friend will …<br />

How Does He Make So Much Money Working at Home?<br />

The other day, my neighbor was pulling out of her driveway.<br />

I was on the front lawn (it’s about 1.4 acres of cut grass and nicely-trimmed trees,<br />

thanks to my children) exercising (okay, mostly frolicking) with my wife.<br />

You could see the expression on my neighbor’s face … “What does that guy do for<br />

a living anyway? I wonder if it’s legal? He never actually works.”<br />

Ha, ha!<br />

I do work, but compared to my neighbors, I’m pretty lazy.<br />

I can do that, because years ago, I learned some pretty cool secrets from a good<br />

friend of mine named Paul.<br />

If you are serious about being wealthy and somewhat (or totally) lazy, you need to<br />

know the secrets Paul shared with me<br />

Not only did he help me understand how to give voice to the “Inner Child” of the<br />

masses all around … his system showed me exactly how to make money doing it.<br />

He put together a short, but rather unique video showing how you can learn these<br />

secrets as well.<br />

Watch the video now …

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