2016 Destiny Is Calling Spring Issue

Joshua 1:9 This Spring Issue encourages everyone to be strong and to trust God no matter what you are going through right now in your life. We dedicate this issue to those who are facing new opportunities that may be causing them to feel like they are not good enough for the position or to take the lead. We want you to know that your and God has already equipped you for the job! In this issue, we address how you, too can be courageous and bold just like Joshua. " Destiny Is Calling" and your life has a purpose, for with God all things are possible!

Joshua 1:9
This Spring Issue encourages everyone to be strong and to trust God no matter what you are going through right now in your life. We dedicate this issue to those who are facing new opportunities that may be causing them to feel like they are not good enough for the position or to take the lead.
We want you to know that your and God has already equipped you for the job! In this issue, we address how you, too can be courageous and bold just like Joshua. " Destiny Is Calling" and your life has a purpose, for with God all things are possible!


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<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>Is</strong>sue

SWAMP stands for Saints With A Mission And A Purpose. The<br />

ministry that God has given my husband and I is based on The<br />

Great Commission Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8 (NLT) 8But<br />

you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And<br />

you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in<br />

Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the<br />

earth.”<br />

God has given us a tool to lift the name of Jesus, spread the gospel<br />

and to be a witness for Jesus and to tell of his goodness that others<br />

may believe in Him. That is the main purpose of this magazine.<br />

It is our prayer that Saints With A Mission And A Purpose Magazine<br />

reach as many people all over the world as it can. This magazine<br />

will go places that my husband and I have never been.<br />

In our magazine, we share testimonies, Christian Education and<br />

much more with our readers.<br />

We advertise church functions, and various styles of Gospel music<br />

to include: Quartet, Contemporary, Holy Hip Hop / Rap. Holy Rock, Country Gospel as, well as Gospel Dj’s.<br />

There are so many more styles of gospel music we have not advertised yet. (We are open to all styles of Gospel Music.)<br />

We love working with Gospel Television Networks, Gospel Award Shows, Concerts within the body of Christ and<br />

Gospel Radio Stations. We also advertise different businesses, schools, and Political Leaders.<br />

Did I mention that we don't charge for ads? We only ask for a generous love gift of any amount to cover the cost of<br />

printing physical copies of the magazine and to maintain our website. Our goal is to also make advertisement affordable<br />

for everyone who wants to lift up the name of Jesus.

The concept of naming people, places and things during biblical times involved being aware of what you were looking<br />

at whenever you named something. The name would express or reveal its nature, characteristic or individual feature.<br />

Let's briefly discuss the name and life of Joshua; Joshua was first mentioned shortly, after Moses led his people, <strong>Is</strong>rael<br />

out of Egypt. Joshua was elected by Moses to defend <strong>Is</strong>rael against the attack of Amalek at Rephidim Exodus 17:13<br />

Before the Lord said to Moses send men to explore and scout out the land of Canaan, which I gave to the <strong>Is</strong>raelites<br />

Numbers 13:1-2. Joshua’s original name was Hoshea Numbers 13:16. His original name meant "May Yahweh Save".<br />

His parents named him this because they had faith that God would keep His promise and deliver His people.<br />

Gen15:24-25. Joshua was the first born of the tribe of Ephraim. Joshua life was in danger the very night of the Passover<br />

but he was covered by the blood of the Lamb.. Ex 11-12 Moses, God’s servant and prophet changed the son of<br />

Nun’s name from Hoshea to Joshua meaning, “Yahweh Saves”. Hoshea’s “destiny was calling” but he would have to<br />

answer to his new name. Moses knew that Joshua would be a future leader. Joshua’s new name had a greater meaning<br />

and purpose. Now, as Joshua, he would have to trust God for himself. All of his future victories would be depending on<br />

God fighting his battles for him.<br />

Joshua Part 1 The Prophetic Voice<br />

“What We Must Remember In This Season”<br />

1.The real meaning of who you are is revealed through the one who created you. (Essence)<br />

2.In this season, you must answer to only who Jesus says you are.<br />

3.There is always purpose attached to the name God calls you by.<br />

4.You must understand that men like to network but, God creates divine connections and works through them. (Moses<br />

and Joshua). Ask God who is your divine connection / mentor.<br />

5.You must trust the plans that God has for your life. You must understand that God is a God that cannot lie (Take Him<br />

at His Word). Whatever He tells you to do, do it even when you don’t understand. You don’t always have to have all the<br />

answers. ( 5 is the number of Grace )<br />

6.You must obey God and have faith in Him.<br />

(6 is the number of sin. Lean not to your on understanding.)<br />

7.The number 7 stands for completeness. God will fulfill His purpose in your life!<br />



Exodus 24:12-13New Living Translation (NLT) 12 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Come up to me on the mountain.<br />

Stay there, and I will give you the tablets of stone on which I have inscribed the instructions and commands so you can<br />

teach the people.” 13 So Moses and his assistant Joshua set out, and Moses climbed up the mountain of God.<br />

In verse 13 it tells us that Joshua was the only person allowed to accompany Moses on the mountain of God. Remember<br />

Joshua wasn’t called Joshua until Numbers 13:8, 16. Even though you may not have had your name changed yet, God<br />

is still in the process of using you. People are always trying to define you by what they call you. Maybe you call yourself<br />

a dope boy, maybe you call yourself a Boss B*. Everywhere you go people address you as, “Crip” because you<br />

have a handicap, or how about nicknames like Lil Preacher, or Bishop and you feel you are far from being what people<br />

are calling you. This is ok because when you start learning the ways of God,<br />

the next time “People Hear About You”, you will be called a servant of the Lord (JEHOVAH). His spirit will bear witness<br />

that you are truly His servant. You may not be where you should be, you many not be where you like to be, but at<br />

least, you are not where you were. Joshua didn’t go all the way to the top of the mountain like Moses, but at least, he<br />

was on the mountain. God, is going to separate you from some people for a period of time, they may not necessarily be<br />

negative people. So, when they don’t understand why you can’t spend time with them like you use to; like my Pastor<br />

Kevin Diggs says, Just tell them “I’m about to bust a move”. I hear my “destiny is calling me”. People can’t always go<br />

where you are going and you can’t always go where they're going either see Ex.24:14. Moses went to the very top<br />

(summit, peak) of the mountain into the cloud see Exodus 24:15.In this season of your life, God (ELOHIM) is calling<br />

you higher. But you must be willing to accept the call and make the climb. We make that climb by praying without ceasing<br />

and living a life of worship that is holy, and acceptable to God. Your promotion starts the minute you strive to do<br />

these things by taking on the mindset of Jesus. The minute you say, “Yes Lord I will do all that you have told me to do”<br />

and mean it. I encourage everyone of my brothers and sisters today including myself to,<br />

“Rise Up And Make The Climb”!

The reason why something is done or used. To make it plain there is a purpose why you<br />

are reading this. There is a purpose God birthed you into creation. There is a purpose for<br />

everything according to the bible.<br />

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Ecclesiastes<br />

3:1<br />

We are all under heaven and we are alive for a season to fulfill a purpose. Think of it this way if you will, the eco system<br />

was created for the purpose of Energy, water, nitrogen and soil minerals are other essential abiotic components.<br />

The energy that flows through ecosystems is obtained primarily from the sun. It generally enters the system through<br />

photosynthesis, a process that also captures carbon from the atmosphere.<br />

Not to get all scientific on you but I would like to talk about the other son. We live in a natural state that is sustained for<br />

the purpose of reproduction. But spiritually we need to understand our purpose to be reconciled to the God that created<br />

all things for his glory.<br />

The bible makes it crystal clear that God is a God of purpose. 1 Kings 5:5 said And, behold, I purpose to build an house<br />

unto the name of the LORD my God, as the LORD spake unto David my father, saying, Thy son, whom I will set upon<br />

thy throne in thy room, he shall build an house unto my name.<br />

We see from that verse of scripture the purpose of a temple in the name of the Lord God. The purpose of King David<br />

and his son and future king Solomon. It is sad that when people come into the faith that some fail to seek the purpose<br />

why God birthed them and gave them the gifts they have. So often people accept salvation from Jesus Christ but are not<br />

converted into the faith through the knowledge and understanding of who Jesus Christ is. When you understand his<br />

purpose, you can understand your purpose for him.<br />

The thing we must understand is that when it is purposed by God nothing can stop it. <strong>Is</strong>aiah 14:27 said For the LORD<br />

of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?<br />

I can say without any doubt that you was born for a purpose without even ever knowing you or meeting you. You are<br />

living proof of grace and the very fact that you are alive is proof positive that you are purposed to do something for<br />

God. It was purposed for me to meet Prophet Pam online and to help her with her ministry. And by accepting this purpose<br />

she has granted me a platform through the magazine to speak to you about your purpose.<br />

Comfort yourself with these word from Acts 26:16 But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for<br />

this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the<br />

which I will appear unto thee; Your purpose for God is the greatest purpose you will ever be blessed with.<br />

When you discover and perfect that purpose like the eco system you will be a part of the body of believers working<br />

with God reconciling man unto himself. You are a person of purpose and the sooner you understand that the better this<br />

journey will be for you. I have completed my purpose by writing this to you and I pray that you are encouraged and<br />

inspired to seek out your purpose.<br />

Sean Henry Scott Sr. Apostle<br />

Church: Hand of God<br />


Booking (614)723-9770

Am I Prepared For Adulthood<br />

Vincent A. Larry ( 931) 645-9596 http:/www.reocministries.com<br />

Living Word International Ministries<br />

A man’s mind plans his way [as he journeys through life], But the<br />

LORD directs his steps and establishes them. Proverbs 16:9 Amplified<br />

Bible<br />

Every teen goes through a phase<br />

in their life where they feel uncertain<br />

about becoming a man<br />

or becoming a woman. The<br />

questions that take place in their<br />

minds are “am I ready for adulthood”.<br />

"Can I handle the responsibilities<br />

of being and adult"?<br />

"Will I let those down who<br />

raised me"?<br />

I've found that wisdom is the<br />

key. We can do everything that<br />

man can offer to prepare us for<br />

life, but without the wisdom of<br />

God, there is no maturity only what perceives to be the way of life.<br />

So positive thoughts are the keys to growing into adulthood, but allowing<br />

God to direct your planning is the power that so many lacks.<br />

I grasped this at a young age. I wasn't scared of moving from home. I had<br />

a sense of preparedness because of my faith in God leading my life and<br />

keeping me safe.<br />

Like so many teens that grew up in a poor society with a single parent,<br />

there are always obstacles. I grew up with a mom who was not only single<br />

she was also mentally ill this was my faith builder as a teen for the<br />

work of God to keep me safe in what was my hardest part of growing up.<br />

If you are a teen reading this know that the way you dress, the color of<br />

your hair, neither the friends that you possess will identify your character.<br />

Ponder on how God has kept you safe through your hardest time of<br />

life thus far.<br />

Trust in him that for every move you make he will be with you. God<br />

corrects our mistakes don't be afraid to make them. We all have made<br />

mistakes ask your parents.<br />

I'm pretty sure they can share some of the mistakes they have made, but<br />

life went on. Don't let starting a career or paying bills frighten you. These<br />

are small things that come with ease if you allow God to grow within<br />

you. So from now on know that you’re ready for whatever life has to<br />

offer God has a plan for you.<br />

It doesn't need preparation just receiving.<br />

Have you ever had a dream. Some people<br />

say life is a dream. Sometimes people have<br />

lofty dreams and ambitions set up through<br />

what they've dealt with in life. Life experiences<br />

tend to shape us and mode us and at<br />

times..... Cause us to escape into another<br />

reality. But the dream I want to focus on is<br />

the dream God gives us.<br />

God may give you a dream in small increments.<br />

But when God gives you a dream,<br />

rest assured that it shall come to pass. The<br />

thing about a dream is that unlike sleep<br />

dreams, it has a tendency to keep us up at<br />

night. A dream will make us change directions<br />

in life. Dreams also will make you<br />

take a closer look at yourself. <strong>Is</strong> my dream<br />

obtainable. Can it become a reality. Do I<br />

have what it take. But when The Lord<br />

places a dream inside of you, there is no<br />

need to doubt. There is no need to stress<br />

and there is certainly no need to try to<br />

make it happen.<br />

It will happen. Look at Joseph. He had a<br />

dream given to him by God. Even though,<br />

at first it seemed unlikely that it would<br />

have been fulfilled. Every obstacle, false<br />

accusation, betrayal and set back keep him<br />

on course towards his dream. His destiny.<br />

Because when God ordains a thing it will<br />

happen.<br />

No matter how it looks at the time I invite<br />

you to trust in God. His timing, His planning<br />

and His ultimate goal. The Word of<br />

God says that The Lord establishes the<br />

ending before the beginning. This means<br />

that God already has set your expected end<br />

in place.<br />

He is God and God alone. No devil in hell<br />

or person on earth can derail the dream<br />

God has given to you. Only in trusting the<br />

One who establishes the ending from the<br />

beginning can you stay on course for your<br />

dream. Your God given destiny. Don't<br />

despise the process. It's the process that<br />

prepares you for your destination. Your<br />

God given dream. Don't lose your<br />

dream !!!!!!!!!<br />

By Minister, Freddie Hodrick

Hi, my name is Christian Moody I'm 13<br />

years old. My life has been nothing but<br />

topsy-turvy I’ve had good times and bad<br />

times. My life has been a spiritual battle<br />

since the day I was born. I've been through a<br />

lot. I was born prematurely and almost died.<br />

My mom left my dad when I was 3. When I<br />

was 5, my mom left her boyfriend, we<br />

moved to Prattville Alabama.<br />

When I was 7, my mom's boyfriend had a<br />

stroke and was put into a special home then<br />

after that, we moved to Pensacola Florida.<br />

When I was 8, my mom died of a drug overdose.<br />

My grandmamma died. Then my uncle<br />

got custody of me and died when I was<br />

9.<br />

Then my uncle got custody of me. Less than<br />

a year later he died so did two more of my<br />

family members. After that at the age 10,<br />

my brother and his girlfriend got custody of<br />

me, she is like a mom to me even though<br />

they broke up and I’ve been going back and<br />

forth. This past year, I was recently baptized.<br />

I felt amazing! For the past two years,<br />

I’ve been going to Journey Church in Prattville<br />

Alabama. Since I've lived in Montgomery,<br />

I couldn’t ask for a better church.<br />

I also couldn’t ask for a better family they might not be blood but by God, we are all family. As I continue, to go<br />

through tough times in my life I think about three things. I think about Philippians 4:6.It says, don’t worry about anything,<br />

instead, pray about everything; tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.<br />

The second thing I think about is Genesis 50:20.The devil plans evil for you, but God uses those same plans of evil<br />

against you not to harm you but for your good and so that you can help others.<br />

The third thing I like about is what our pastor said.<br />

He said that life is like a race no matter how your life starts good or bad you can always finish out your life well and<br />

that's exactly what, I'm going to do! You might think I'm crazy, but God speaks to me. He tells me what's going to<br />

happen, and it happens no matter if it is almost impossible. He also tells<br />

me everything will be ok.<br />

To hear God just listen, Just pray even if it’s in your head he will respond<br />

and if not you need Jesus in the center of your life. So ask yourself.<br />

<strong>Is</strong> Jesus the center of my life? Remember God always follow<br />

through with his plan.<br />

If I'm 13 and have gone through and experienced all these things and<br />

survived you will too. When I'm older, I want to pastor people and help<br />

My Testimony<br />

by<br />

Christina Moody

James 5:16<br />

Therefore confess<br />

your sins to<br />

each other and<br />

pray for each<br />

other so that you<br />

may be healed.<br />

The prayer of a<br />

righteous person<br />

is powerful and<br />

effective. Experiencing<br />

the power<br />

of God through<br />

prayer. A place for the saints to meet together literately<br />

anytime of day and any place in the world for<br />

prayer. Our prayer is one of our most effective tools<br />

of spiritual warfare, but it is--in my opinion--very<br />

under used. The purpose of this group is to Pray<br />

without ceasing. My hope is that it will be an encouragement<br />

to saints that lives will be changed and souls<br />

will be saved. I encourage YOU to post your prayers<br />

and the concerns of your heart to allow us to pray for<br />

you and with you. If there is something that you want<br />

to pray about but don't want to post feel free to in<br />

box me and let me know how much discretion to use.<br />

God bless You. Let's pray! Check us out on facebook<br />

at The Praying Place. Summit your prayer<br />

request, give us your praise report or become a<br />

prayer partner. May the Lord keep you and bless you<br />

with perfect peace,<br />

Minister Jessica E. Griggs<br />

Living Word International Ministries<br />

Mrs. Lucille McCall lives in Hayneville, Alabama. Where she<br />

use to walk 2.3miles three times out of a week until, one day<br />

she noticed that her left hip began to give her terrible pain.<br />

Mrs. McCall tried to bear with the pain as best she could. Fortunately,<br />

she sought out medical attention by visiting UAB<br />

Medical Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama. Where the doctor<br />

told her that a hip replacement was needed quickly. The procedure<br />

was done that prior month. After her operation, she was<br />

forced to walk with a cane for 7yrs, until one night someone<br />

had invited her to a church service in Greenville, Alabama.<br />

S.V.W.C is the name of the church. Where powerful prayer<br />

warriors and a Holy Ghost filled Preacher by the name of<br />

Bishop Holmes prayed for Lucile. He took the cane out of her<br />

hand. He began telling her to walk towards him without it and<br />

she did. Mrs. Lucile, expecting a miracle. Knew that this was a<br />

miracle from Jesus. Later after that service sadly to say the<br />

pain started to come back once again. So this time, she called<br />

on prayer warriors at her church Southview Worship Center<br />

under the leadership of Pastor Karl Bell & Co-Pastor Helen<br />

Bell.<br />

What Mrs. McCall didn't know was that Bishop Holmes would<br />

be invited to her church the next week for a Healing and Deliverance<br />

Service. Now how many of us know that what the enemy<br />

meant for evil! God will turn it around and make it for our<br />

good!<br />

Join the Restored Women's Ministry Daily Corporate<br />

Prayer with Purpose. The goal is to Bombard the<br />

Heavens on behalf of our family & friends. Everyday<br />

at 12:00 noontime, please STOP what you are<br />

doing and intercede for someone. Remember 1 can<br />

chase 1,000 BUT 2 can chase 10,000. Let's join<br />

forces & slay them ALL in Jesus' name!!!<br />

Now to just bless your hearts<br />

saints the second time Bishop<br />

Holmes laid hands on her<br />

and prayed with a supernatural<br />

anointing for healing. She<br />

no longer needs a cane to<br />

help her to walk. For more<br />

than 2yrs now, she has been<br />

free from the torment of pain.

Password - AMAGHIMO has numbers of music hits and movie soundtrack awards. He is a talented gospel artist who has<br />

been in the Nigerian music industry for a very long time. He writes all of his own music. He is not only and gospel artist he<br />

is also the producer of ACE.

God <strong>Is</strong><br />

Able Band<br />

Here we see Emmanuel Neequaye and His Pastor and<br />

his Pastor Dr. Lawrence Tetteh. You can see the bond<br />

that he and his pastor has just from the photo of them both as they<br />

embrace with a smile for SWAMP MAGAZINE. Emmanuel is the<br />

leader of a band called "God is Able". The members of the band are<br />

Seth, Raymond, Eli Ray and Kwaku they all live in Accra Ghana.<br />

They have worshiped in many places including, the Methodist Church<br />

Crusade at the Independence Square. In the pictures, you can see <strong>Is</strong>aac<br />

laid back on the drums and Emmanuel in the white shirt focusing and<br />

meditating before it's time to worship.<br />

Emmanuel plays four instruments and has taught others how to play<br />

various instruments. He is a true man of God. I have spoken with him<br />

many times. I have heard a man after God's own heart. He says he<br />

wishes that everyone would dedicate their gifts back to God, but he<br />

realizes that not everyone will. I have also spoken with members of<br />

the band and they are all full of the word of God. The Holy Spirit<br />

walks with them. They are all very encouraging. I knew they were my<br />

brothers in Christ.<br />

The way they worship in Ghana is unexplainable though there are<br />

worshippers here in the U.S. Their worship, honestly took me to another<br />

place in Jesus. To my surprise even though I have always known<br />

that I have had the gift of interpretation. Hearing them worship and<br />

speak was great confirmation for me that the gift of interpretation was<br />

working in me for sure. It was amazing how I could understand their<br />

language even though I had never formally been taught to speak their<br />

language. Emmanuel would laugh and say how do you know what we<br />

are saying? Instead of answering the question we would both laugh<br />

together knowing very well that it was that Holy Spirit.<br />

In the pictures, you can also see Emmanuel and Kwaku at one of the<br />

best hotels in Accra Ghana called the Fiesta Hotel. The hotel looks<br />

very nice. Everything looks gold with lots of colors. People were dining<br />

and enjoying themselves in the background. The band doesn't just<br />

worship, but they also minister the word of God. I know that their<br />

Pastor Dr. Lawrence Tetteh and their families are very pleased with<br />

them. They are truly Saints With A Mission And A Purpose!<br />

If you want diversity at your next<br />

Gospel Fest or Event Book<br />

“ GOD IS ABLE” BAND.<br />

BOOKING:+233574192943<br />

Emmanuel Neequaye P.o.box zip 12219<br />

Accra _Ghana<br />


U.S.A. 334-233-3003

Who said the Kente Clothe I wear lacks class and isn’t suited for<br />

the occasion?<br />

Does pinned-striped suits, or denim jeans give my people representation?<br />

Who said the music I listen is too harsh; vibrating the atmosphere<br />

around? Does classical music, or opera notes tell of the<br />

struggles to which I’m bound?<br />

Who said my hair should be groomed and shaped to keep<br />

my Blackness deep inside?<br />

I’m an Afrikan, child of God, and my mane I’ll wear with pride.<br />

Who said I was incapable, as they scorn and knit their brow?<br />

Try as you will to fight me down I’ll say, “Hallelu-Jah anyhow!”<br />

I’m a man who respects but a few<br />

Who has not many role-models I can look up to,<br />

Who won’t believe the lies they portray of me<br />

Rather, on the foundations instilled within me.<br />

There is a Rock in me that dictates who I am<br />

And if I look, seem, act differently…<br />

That’s because I AM!<br />

Your styles are not mine; your music, your ways<br />

Still, I know that I’m a man, a strong Afrikan anyway!<br />

A Black man who refuses to be a statistic for the KKK<br />

People who blind and deceive with their sly and cunning ways;<br />

A Black man who believes in those who’ve encouraged his fight<br />

And respects them as more than just “skins” for a night. A Black man who knows the history of who I really am<br />

Not dressed up one month out of the year, but actually don’t give a<br />

damn!<br />

A Black man who has seen his fore-parents struggle, and sacrifice<br />

To know better than to take for granted the opportunities in life.<br />

These opportunities were not given to me<br />

They were bought with a price, more valuable than money...<br />

Who will fight to keep the name my ancestors died to save<br />

Rather than to hang on to –with pride—the name I got as a slave.<br />

Within myself, I know who I am<br />

Above all and most importantly, I am God’s creation!<br />

And just because I do not have a European-look, or style<br />

Means nothing to me! It separates me, from the pile.<br />

I’m a Black man who’s running with the baton, which I was<br />

handed in this relay<br />

So that my history and my roots will NEVER decay<br />

A Black man with the attitude as if just to say:<br />

“What give you the right? Who are you, anyway?”<br />

Vizion B Jones<br />

(404) 343-8158


Jeffery Mathews Interim Pastor New Harvest Community Church Montgomery, Alabama<br />

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I truly believe that the Children of God are being<br />

called to do the impossible. What this is going to require is for the believer to know who it<br />

is that is doing the calling. When Jesus called Peter to walk on the water(Matt.14:29) he was<br />

called to do something that was impossible in the natural. What this will also demonstrate is the<br />

significance of keeping your eyes on the one who called. As the world continue to fall deeper<br />

into darkness, God is calling his people to a deeper relationship with him. As we draw nearer to<br />

him through his word I believe we will answer his call to destiny. I believe God is calling his<br />

children to destiny that is beyond human understanding that will cause them to soar as eagles.<br />

God is doing this to show the world that not only is all things possible with him, but also with<br />

his people. Child of God, in the midst of all the chaos that might have come your way, I believe<br />

a calling and destiny is wrapped in the chaos. In this calling in the natural it may appear to be impossible with what you<br />

may be facing. Let me encourage you, don’t be in doubt that it is not your turn. I declare that it is your turn and your<br />

time. In this season of Sweet 16 (<strong>2016</strong>) I’m believing God that many will answer the call from the greatest caller I know.<br />

My prayer for you my brother and my sister is not to miss your call in this season. I truly believe that those who answer<br />

the call shall bring forth new creations, new discoveries, new ideas for this generation. I believe by faith they shall give<br />

new meaning to destiny that will give glory to God.<br />

Faith That Dominated Baghdad is true story of an American soldier, Chief Warrant Officer<br />

and Pastor who would not allow the circumstances of war dictate who God has<br />

called him to be. This book is about understanding the power of faith and that if you learn to live by faith that you can<br />

dominate every storm in your life no matter the size of the giant. The bloody war of was a huge giant that stood before<br />

my purpose and would bring major storms my way to cut off my destiny to cause me to give in and quit. In this book<br />

you will find out how faith when it is in its upright position can tear downs walls of intimidation, fear, and hardship and<br />

guide you to the direction that you desire to go when you walk in faith and say only what the word of God says. I discovered<br />

by living by faith while major attacks are going on in your life and even at war how you can through the words out<br />

of your mouth bring you the results that can only come when you believe what you say to come to pass. There are many<br />

that hear the gospel preached on Sunday mornings that are not getting the results that they deserve being a child of the<br />

most high God and consider themselves a Christian. What we will discover as I witnessed while serving my country<br />

and preaching the gospel with power at Baghdad Iraq bringing souls to Christ under heavy fire attacks, that the gospel<br />

can not profit you when it is not mixed with faith. Witness the power of faith as it shuts down an enemy rocket that lands<br />

in my sleeping quarters but falls short because faith was in the house. BUY Faith That Dominated Baghdad for yourself<br />

or a friend as a gift ! On Online Book Stores below! - Book Rated:<br />

Jeffery Mathews<br />

I am a native of Alexander City, Alabama who started writing poetry at the age of 20. At age 27 I began to<br />

publish my poetry. The first work published was in 2005 which was the beginning of a series of collections of poems.<br />

The titles are A Collection of Thoughts, followed up with Heart Soul and Rhyme in 2007, followed by Simply Runas<br />

which was published in 2010. Most recently I have released a new book Verses Of Pain and Love. In this book I combine<br />

three different genres of writing which is a collection of poetry, two plays and 10 essays on various subjects. It is<br />

these works mentioned above that I am very proud and grateful for God using my gift as poet, playwright, and essayist<br />

to glorify him. My life is full of many examples that show me the awesome power of our Lord Jesus<br />

Christ. Being a Christian, I try to let the Lord use me and guide me through my every day journey. It is<br />

through him that I have been so blessed in life to have accomplished many of my life’s biggest dreams. My<br />

life is no different than many others who call on the lord and are blessed. It is through our Lord Jesus Christ<br />

that I try to use my talents that he gave me to express to others the good news which is the gospel of Jesus<br />

Christ<br />

Mr. Runas C. Powers, III<br />

Mr. Runas Powers III is a very talented African American writer. These are the type of books you would read over and<br />

over again. Purchase them for your book club or as gift for someone you love! These books are also great for school<br />

teaches who want their children to explore different genres of writing such as poetry, plays and essays on various subjects.<br />

Books Rated: -Where These Books can be purchased :

Faith: A Godly Risk<br />

by Aaron Motley<br />

Paperback /2004<br />

Book<br />

Availability: http://amotley.wix.com/aaron-motley-ministries#!home-search<br />

Price: $12<br />

Miracle Deliverance Temple of Christ, Inc.<br />

http://miracledt.org/OrderMaterials<br />

Price:$10<br />

Short Product Description: Are you seeking God’s directions for your life but you are<br />

afraid of making mistakes that can cause you to get off course? This book teaches you what<br />

the perfect will of God is and how to find your destiny.<br />


by Aaron Motley<br />

Paperback<br />

Book<br />

Availability: http://amotley.wix.com/aaron-motley-ministries#!home-search<br />

Price:$10<br />

Miracle Deliverance Temple of Christ, Inc.<br />

http://miracledt.org/OrderMaterials<br />

Price:$10<br />

Short Product Description: Christian Leaders Betrayed!<br />

This is a powerful book filled with examples and analysis to help you to understand that<br />

betrayal is inevitable. Learn what you must do to gain victory in your life when you are<br />


Please add $2.00 for shipping to the price of your order. To order the book "Faith: A Godly Risk" include a gift for<br />

$10.00 per book and add $2.00 for shipping to the price of your order. To order the book "Christian Leaders Betrayed"<br />

include a gift for $10.00 per book plus $2.00 shipping to the price of your order. After we receive your order,<br />

please allow up to ten days for shipping.<br />

If you would like to send a CHECK or MONEY ORDER for your order, please send it to<br />

P.O. Box 20011 Montgomery, AL 36120<br />

All book order checks should be made out to Aaron Motley Ministries.<br />



Breaking Free From An Old-Age System<br />

by Demond Mills<br />

Paperback<br />

Book<br />

Availability: https://www.allamericanspeakers.com<br />

Price: $12.99 Love Clones, Incorporated Usually ships in 24 hours: Eligible For FREE Super<br />

Saver Shipping<br />

Short Product Description: Have you noticed times in your life where the things you use to<br />

say no to, stand up to and have control over, are now uncontrollable? You often find yourself<br />

being driven by things and not led. This is a clear sign that the enemy desires to take control of<br />

your life and drive you into a life of misery. The Streets: The 21st Century Egypt, will open your eyes to the Egyptian<br />

spirit, the scriptures call a slave driver. It will give you tools of deliverance so that you can truly break out of the slave<br />

mentality and walk in great purpose!

From The Prison To The Pulpit<br />

by Jermaine Johnson<br />

Paperback /October 14, 2015/<br />

Written Reviews<br />

$16<br />

Availability: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and www.prophetickingdomministries.com<br />

$16 which includes shipping and handling plus author’s autograph!<br />

Short Product Description: My Testimony From The Prison To The Pulpit is an<br />

autobiography about my life story. It is about me and how the wrong decisions led me to<br />

the jailhouse until I met Jesus.<br />

This biography is an inspirational read for anyone that questions ...<br />

By Tiffany - February 7, <strong>2016</strong><br />

Amazon Verified Purchase<br />

This biography is an inspirational read for anyone that questions what God can and will do in someone's life. Apostle<br />

Jermaine unveils his personal walk through his sinful life into his spiritual relationship with God. Not many people<br />

have the confidence to share such private information to the world. I encourage anyone that isn't familiar with God or<br />

is in a place where they question what God can and will do for them to purchase this book.<br />

Great!!!!!<br />

By Amazon Customer - March 5, <strong>2016</strong><br />

Amazon Verified Purchase<br />

A Soul-stirring account of God's Divine Intervention! This book is a must read not only for our young black males but<br />

for everyone who struggle with the myth that our situations and circumstances are our destiny. This book made me<br />

weep for the troubled young man and had me praising God for his deliverance. This is an excellent book to use as a<br />

discussion group tool for a men's ministry or for an auxiliary geared towards mentoring teens and young adults.<br />

Hear what the Author of Closet Conversation Julie Mitchell had to say about "From the Prison to the Pulpit" I just finished<br />

reading this book!!! My God is so awesome!!!!! My spirit is so uplifted to know that God is able to take you<br />

From The Prison To The Pulpit. Meeting this author via book and a divine connection after releasing my book Closet<br />

Conversations just about a month ago bears witness to my "journey as an employee" for over 25 years in prisons all<br />

over the United States. It is a must read. His book and mine should sit side by side - two different perspectives- but the<br />

last pages read the same- allow God to use what the enemy meant to harm you - use that very thing for spiritual warfare.<br />

I'm so proud he has allowed God to use him and as a retired employee of this institution I concur with what God is<br />

able to do- exceedingly abundantly more than one can ask or think. March 19,<strong>2016</strong><br />

People Who Liked “From The Prison To The Pulpit”<br />

Also Liked “ Closet Conversations”<br />

Hear <strong>Is</strong> What Reads Are Say About “Closet Conversations”<br />


I just finished reading "Closet Conversations" what a blessing this book is I<br />

suggest that you get this book! It helps us to deal with our inner struggles<br />

and strongholds our hidden secrets! The author Julie Mitchell is God sent!<br />

There is purpose in your pain a quote from the book! The book does not<br />

only teach you to go to God with your inner secrets and problems but inspires<br />

you to embrace the courage to face them head on and also gives wisdom<br />

how to overcome them with the help of God! Trust me you need this<br />

book if you have ever battled with rejection and abandonment or any other

Saints With A Mission And A Purpose<br />

–swampmagazine@yahoo.com -334.233.3003-<br />

Ministry Introduction<br />

Approach:<br />

My Vision: To see the kingdom of God demonstrated in all over India, the will of God being out worked and His church<br />

to become known as a House of Prayer for all Nations (Lk. 11:20 & Mk.11:17)<br />

The cry for bibles is great. A bible for the Himalayan believers is the most prized possession. Indeed, the bible is the only<br />

book in the universe that tells us how our sins can be forgiven and the name we must call upon for salvation. It is our<br />

light in darkness, our comfort in sorrow and our guide in following Christ. It is our courage, strengthen and everything<br />

we will ever need to safely reach out Father’s home. If the bible is all this, what then is the fate or more than 99% will<br />

never experience God’s love for them because they have never hear of Jesus or seen a Bible. Do not forget, each time<br />

when you give a Bible, you actually provide the opportunity for people to go to heaven and make the church in India<br />

strong.<br />

It is God’s grace who laid this greatest burden upon me to mobilize churches and evangelize untold souls. Since last<br />

many years I have been carrying out two types of ministries, one is evangelism with bible vision, another one is church<br />

mobilization on intercessory prayer.<br />

We know that in our nation alone there are millions who have never heard the name of Jesus, the God of Bible, even<br />

once, simply because we have failed to share or give a bible to a neighbor. Hence, people live in stark superstition, and<br />

idolatry prevails with millions of gods and goddesses bring worshiped the masses. It is God’s will that the people who sit<br />

in darkness may be brought in to His light. Only His Word can bring light in the midst of those who sit in darkness.<br />

Apostle Paul was given a heavenly vision; God said: “I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from<br />

darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God” (Acts 26:18)<br />

►Prayer is not just going to God with a shopping list or a magic formula to get blessings from God or get one out of<br />

trouble. This may sound strange but true. True prayer is praying with God’s eternal purpose in mind.<br />

► Intercession is a sacred and blessed ministry for every believer. To Jesus, “prayer was not just a part of His life, but<br />

prayer was His life”.<br />

Today in the churches there are almost all facilities are available, if there is a lack that is prayer, especially intercessory<br />

prayer. I believe that nothing is impossible to God, but impossible to Christian if they do not make intercession to win the<br />

lost.<br />

We can win the nation for Christ if we have broken heart, bended knees and wet eyes. Here is a good example we have<br />

in the bible when God took decision to destroy <strong>Is</strong>raelites. “I have seen<br />

these people, the Lord said to Moses, and they are stiff-necked people. Now leave me alone so that my anger may burn<br />

against them and that I may destroy them.” (Exodus 32:9)<br />

But to hearing this, Moses’ heart broke down and he made intercession before God, when God remained on His decision<br />

to destroy them then finally Moses took terrible risk, “ But now, please forgive their sin-but if not, then blot me out of the<br />

book you have written”. Think little about his risk as per Old Testament system, if really God would have killed him. As<br />

He did with Uzziah, Uzzah etc….It could be happened but he took great risk, and then there is clear testimony, “So he<br />

said he would destroy them, had not Moses, his chosen one, stood in breach before him to keep his wrath from destroying<br />

them”. (Ps.106:23)<br />

If today we see nation <strong>Is</strong>rael on the earth that is only because of Moses intercessory prayer. Otherwise it would have been<br />

destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah. Today God is looking for someone like Moses to stand in the gap so that many can<br />

know Him true and living God and could have eternal life in Jesus Christ. “I looked for a man among them who would<br />

build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found<br />

none”. (Ezek.22:30)<br />

Bible does not say that God looked for someone to join a prayer meeting for whatever reason, but He looked for someone<br />

who would stand in the gap on behalf of the nation.<br />

Intercessory prayer is the only prayer that can change the heart and mind of God.

Saints With A Mission And A Purpose<br />

–swampmagazine@yahoo.com -334.233.3003-<br />

Who can believe this? Yet, this is again a great revelation from God’s word. Nothing in this world can change the mind of<br />

God once God decides to act, especially, in judgment.<br />

At the time of final judgment many will go to hell if we do not intercede for them, because with prayer all things are possible<br />

to God’s children.<br />

We can get a glimpse of the burden Jesus carried in prayer in His high-priestly prayer. In John 17:1-4, Jesus prayed that<br />

“they might know thee as the only true and living God”. His interest was His Father’s interest; the nations of the world.<br />

Can we think of any better content in prayer when we think of the lost in a nation like India filled with her millions of<br />

gods and goddesses! No matter where we go in this nation of India we cannot but see a temple not just few temples but<br />

numerous temples on every nook and corner.<br />

When Paul stood in the streets of Athens, he lamented, here is a “city filled with idols”, but if Paul were to visit India, he<br />

would shout saying: here is a Nation filled with idols. If so, what should be our pray?<br />

That’s why I emphasize to mobilize churches because church needs to know the difference between general prayer and<br />

intercession.<br />

Almost, Christian’s prayer revolves to themselves, like my family, my job, my relatives, my daily bread healing etc. It is<br />

not harm to have such kinds of prayer, but remember if we have always such prayer attitude then Jesus says to such kinds<br />

of prayer, Non-Christian are doing much better than you. What to eat, what to drink, what to drive, what to cloths etc.<br />

(Matt.6:31-32). We see prophets, Jesus and His disciples never prayed in this manner but they prayed for the kingdom.<br />

Therefore, my motto is to mobilize church so that they can stand in the gap to win the lost.<br />

►Secondly evangelism with bible vision, bible for the bible-less homes because only god’s word can change the heart of<br />

men and women.<br />


“Lord opened the eyes of the King of England” was the last prayer of William Tyndale (1492-1536), who was strangled<br />

and burnt at the stake for translating the Bible to English. His vision was to equip every farmer in England with a copy of<br />

the bible. Due to his work and sacrifice the word of God became available not only to the farmers in England but to us<br />

too- all because William Tyndale was willing to pay for it with his life. Similarly, every Christian in India and the Church<br />

as a whole need to pay a price in order to reach the Word of God to millions of homes in India.<br />

Bible Vision:<br />

Let's start by asking two simple questions:<br />

Who are the people most likely to possess a bible?<br />

Simple answer: CHRISTIAN<br />

<strong>Is</strong> the Bible meant only for Christian? Simple answer: No.<br />

India is a country of over 1.2 billion people and Christians comprise a paltry 4% of this massive population. Assuming<br />

every Christian in India possesses a copy of the bible, this still leaves over a billion people without a copy of God’s precious,<br />

life-changing Word in their home! Do these people deserve the Word of god?<br />

If yes, who will take up the challenge of reaching those unreached with a copy of the bible? We know that in our nation<br />

alone there are millions who have never heard the name of Jesus, the God of the Bible, even once, simply because we<br />

have failed to share or give a bible to a neighbor. Hence, people live in stark superstition, and idolatry prevails with millions<br />

of gods and goddesses being worshiped by the masses. It is God’s will that the people who sit in darkness may be<br />

brought into His light. Only His Word can bring light in the midst of those who sit in darkness. Apostle Paul was given a<br />

heavenly vision; God said: “I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light and from<br />

the power of Satan to God” (Acts 26:18)<br />

A question arise before every evangelist if he gives bible to the non-Christian, Will they read it or understand it? To tell<br />

you the truth making them read the bible is not in our hands, as only God can make them read, hence it is the work of the<br />

Holy Spirit. Of course we could pray (Intercessory Prayer) and do whatever follow-up possible, but it is again the Holy<br />

Spirit who can make them read and also helps them to understand. Think of this: “when we do what we can, God will do<br />

what we cannot”. Our duty is first to get the Word (Bible) into their homes and let not the enemy discourage us otherwise.<br />

Of course, this is the greatest burden God laid upon my heart to reach the unreached with Word of God and since<br />

long time I have been serving my Lord.

Saints With A Mission And A Purpose<br />

–swampmagazine@yahoo.com -334.233.3003-<br />

Lastly, I can say that this is the burden God has given me for the nation and this way I have been serving my Lord in this<br />

dire needed land where millions are still waiting to hear gospel.<br />

To save lost soul is God’s great concern, but to do what God tells us to do should be our privilege. And when we do what<br />

we can, God will do what we cannot do.<br />

Now let India be filled with the knowledge and glory of the only true and living God, the God of the Bible.<br />

In the service of our Lord Jesus Christ.<br />


(M.A, D. Min)<br />

At Church<br />

Women’s Conference<br />

Teaching Men and Women of God<br />


The Mind On The Mission Pastors and<br />

Leaders Organization was organized in<br />

2013 as a mandate from God given to Pastor<br />

Celeste M. Crenshaw. The word from God was<br />

to bring the Pastors and Leaders together on<br />

one accord no matter the color, gender or denomination.<br />

Crenshaw said she believes God is<br />

getting us ready for another day of Pentecost,<br />

where He is going to pour out His spirit up on<br />

all flesh and His sons, and daughters are going<br />

to prophesy. The word from the Lord was sent to<br />

remind the Pastors and Leaders that the only mission we have in this earth as Pastors<br />

and Leaders, is to win souls for the Kingdom of God. There is so much fighting<br />

in the physical church on today until the lost can't see the spiritual church. We are<br />

the ones who are supposed to be sitting the example of who our great Savior is. We<br />

have too much jealousy, envy and, strife in the churches on today, and the lost is<br />

turned: off by how we treat one another as Christians. Christ is not divided so therefore<br />

the church should not be as well. The organization is called Mind on the Mission<br />

because it means exactly what its slogan says. It’s time we get our mind back on the,<br />

Mission, and get the, Mission back on our minds.<br />

Men and Women of God Coming Together In<br />

Unity To Exalt Jesus Christ As Lord!!!

The Restored Women's Ministry is inviting you to cruise<br />

with us June of 2017 to beautiful Cozumel, Mexico! What<br />

an AWESOME opportunity to experience your<br />

GREATER!!! A small deposit will take care of your reservations<br />

& an affordable payment plan will get you there! If<br />

you are interested & would like more information, inbox<br />

me or use the contact information below. In order to guarantee<br />

the current low rate. The first payment must be received<br />

no later than May 5, <strong>2016</strong>. This is your year for<br />


This <strong>Is</strong> Your Season Of Increase!<br />

Sunday<br />

Early Morning Service 8:00 a.m.<br />

Worship Service 10:30 a.m.<br />

Wednesday<br />

Corporate Prayer Hour of Power 6:15 p.m.<br />

Bible Study 7:17 p.m.<br />

The location of the new church is 959 Tiny Town Road. Presently, the congregation<br />

meets at 1155 Fort Campbell Blvd., just across the parking lot from Rural King.<br />

FOR MORE INFO CALL(931) 645-9596 http://www.reocministries.com<br />

Accept <strong>Destiny</strong>’s call to Arise, walk in<br />

your in purpose, and fulfill God’s<br />

plan for your life!!! You are about to<br />

discover that there is an overcomer in<br />

you!!! The challenges you are facing<br />

are "Divine Appointments" designed<br />

to unleash the Greater One on the<br />

inside of you. Regardless of how bad<br />

some circumstances may look or how<br />

bad you may be feeling, I want you to<br />

know that you are Winning!!!<br />

“<strong>Destiny</strong> <strong>Is</strong> <strong>Calling</strong>”<br />

Pastor, Kevin Diggs<br />

3033 Vaughn Road Montgomery, AL 36106<br />

(334) 272– 0822 Office (334) 272– 0833 Fax<br />




Life Dynamics Incorporated<br />

Denton, Texas (940) 380-8800<br />

Widescreen Format<br />

140 Minutes of truth<br />

Maafa21.com<br />

Davis Day is an Evangelist<br />

that goes out into the world<br />

every day to minister. He<br />

doesn't always minister the<br />

same way, but the word he<br />

proclaims is always the<br />

same. I have never seen him<br />

water down the gospel or<br />

the word of God just because<br />

someone didn't like<br />

what he was saying. In today's time in Montgomery Alabama, I<br />

have not seen a more faithful and bold Evangelist as he is.<br />

People have tried to say all kinds of hateful things about David<br />

Day that are not true. Such as, he is mean, he is not a man that<br />

reflex Jesus at all and he judges people too much. David is a<br />

man after God owns heart. He doesn't get paid to stand in the<br />

hot sun or the cold winds every day. David is doing what most<br />

of us are failing to do, and that is doing the work of and Evangelist.<br />

Things have not been easy for David, he has been cursed<br />

out, hit at, cars have tried to run him over. He has almost if not<br />

have gone to jail and one winter the Abortion Clinic Downtown<br />

on South Perry St. turned the cold water sprinklers on us all like<br />

we were dogs. Through it all, he still has the courage to stand on<br />

the word of God, encourage other Christians, share the Love of<br />

Jesus Christ, and defend life. To God be the Glory for what God<br />

is doing in David's life. He is an effective Christian many people<br />

including babies have been saved and have given their life<br />

to Jesus because of how the Holy Spirit uses him. David goes<br />

wherever God sends him he is defiantly not a Jonah he is more<br />

of a Joshua bold and courageous. I've seen him in many places<br />

including black neighborhoods some of us call them projects,<br />

the bottom or the trap. I wrote this article because David is truly<br />

a Saint With A Mission And A Purpose.<br />

My video of a man forcing his girlfriend to get an abortion was<br />

taken down from Youtube & Vimeo for violation, saying it is<br />

harassing. The proaborts are fighting to keep the truth silent,<br />

that they are not PRO-CHOICE but PRO-DEATH. Amazing<br />

that with all the filth free to watch on YouTube & Vimeo, what<br />

is unacceptable.

Talk Radio Show, WKRP Live hosted by Cedric Miller. Bi weekly show, airing on Thursday on BBS Radio Station 1,<br />

at 10:00am PT streamed live and providing Free show podcast about performing Arts, Health lifestyle children<br />

and Family<br />

Alana is a native of Ft. Deposit Alabama where she began her Music Ministry at the age of 15, she has always loved to<br />

sing and write. She began to play at Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in Calhoun Alabama. Where she was used<br />

by God with a special anointing with her talented voice and advanced playing skills from piano to organ. She knew that<br />

Jesus was calling her to play for His Glory and not for the world. At a young age, her parents Mr. James Herbert and<br />

Mrs. Loretta Herbert knew their daughter had a call on her life to the Music Ministry. They encouraged her to let Jesus<br />

be the center of her life.<br />

So she began to play for Macedonia<br />

Baptist church. It<br />

was by the grace of God she says<br />

being young and play-<br />

ing for two churches was truly<br />

God's blessing. To be<br />

used by Jesus to help minister the<br />

gospel through music<br />

under the anointing. I'm so thankful<br />

for the opportunities<br />

that Jesus has given me. I just<br />

praise Him and magnify<br />

His name!<br />

Now as she has grown<br />

into her ministry she is also a<br />

prayer warrior and a<br />

part of the praise team at Southview<br />

Worship Center.<br />

Her dedication to the gospel is<br />

truly mind blowing.<br />

When it's of God she is there,<br />

without a doubt. I asked<br />

her how she juggle her career?<br />

While being a wife and<br />

mother of three boys whom names<br />

are Quentin, Micah, and<br />

Samuel. Her reply was that I can<br />

do all things through<br />

Christ who strengthens me. Alana<br />

also shared with me how she had a near-death experience as a child at the age of 10yrs old. While at school she fainted in<br />

class and was rushed to the hospital. After being rushed to the hospital. The doctor pronounced that Alana was in a coma.<br />

Alana stayed in a coma for three days. Alana taking the time to praises God, by saying but Jesus! Though she had been in<br />

a coma for those three days the power of Jesus Christ brought her through that coma. Her love for Jesus grew even more<br />

for people who have been sick with a life-threatening illness because she knows what the power of prayer and speaking<br />

life into any situation no matter how bad or dark it seems God can see that person through. When God's light shines into<br />

your life He will make everything alright.<br />

Now Alana has an appearance on Trinity Broadcasting network in March. She is so excited about performing live. After<br />

her appearance on TBN Alana, says that she will be working on her new cd. She praises God for that opportunity because<br />

it is also her first cd. She will also be appearing in a commercial for WkrpliveRadio.<br />

God is truly opening doors for this next up and coming artist and prayer warrior. Her closing remarks to me were, "If<br />

anyone has a dream or desire to be a blessing in life, you must be willing to do God's will". “Be humble because in time<br />

He will exalt you and give you your heart’s desire, so wait and be still even when it seems like nothing is moving in your<br />

life be still and see the Salvation of the Lord”.<br />

By Cedric Miller

The anointed, melodious,<br />

soothing sounds of Saxophonist<br />

Deitrick Lawson Sr. has blessed<br />

God’s people all through the<br />

state of Alabama and surrounding<br />

states. Devoting himself to<br />

be a gospel musician. God has<br />

blessed him to be able to share the stage with some of<br />

the greatest names in the gospel music industry. Such<br />

names as Leandria Johnson, Wess Morgan, Sunday<br />

Best’s winner Geoffrey Golden, Angela Spivey and<br />

Marvin Sapp.<br />

He has also opened up for gospel artists such as Deitrick<br />

Haddon, Todd Dulaney, Dewayne Woods, Lawrence<br />

Flowers, Milton Biggham and Georgia Mass Choir Lisa<br />

Knowles and the Brown Sisters, and John P. Kee. God<br />

put in Deitrick’s spirit to think about the elderly on<br />

Christmas last year, by doing Christmas for Nursing<br />

Homes Tour. Where he has traveled throughout Alabama,<br />

and Georgia, to give a little Christmas spirit<br />

through music. And every since he has obeyed God, and<br />

done this, he has been blessed abundantly!<br />

In January, he had the opportunity to minister through<br />

his instrument, on the world famous Trinity Broadcast<br />

Network. On February 27, <strong>2016</strong>, Deitrick Lawson Sr. did<br />

his first CD live recording at Capital City Friends of<br />

Faith Ministries International Church. And God came in<br />

and used him mightily, for His Glory. Growing up, in<br />

the small town of Atmore, Alabama. Deitrick had a hard<br />

life coming up, in school. Being bullied, having low selfesteem<br />

but God saw something in him that needed to<br />

come out and bless His people. Deitrick was exposed to<br />

nothing but gospel music. Mainly that old school choir<br />

gospel music, so Deitrick had no choice but to get into it<br />

himself.<br />

When he got to Harris Street AOH church, his home<br />

church, he was introduced to worship music, and ever<br />

since then, Deitrick has become a true worshipper. Deitrick<br />

was born in Brewton, Alabama. By his amazing<br />

parents Willie and Bernadette Lawson. He is the middle<br />

child of two brothers, Joel Lawson and Steven Lawson,<br />

who also is a multi-talented musician as well, He’s been<br />

married for 12 years to his lovely wife Cherrie Lawson,<br />

and two kids they have two children (Deitrick Lawson<br />

Jr. and Cheriunti Grandison). Deitrick’s number one<br />

goal for with music ministry that God gave him is to<br />

save souls through the heavenly sounds of the saxophone.<br />

That it may be soothing to their soul, and that<br />

they may seek God for a change in they lives. Also, that<br />

God is pleased with everything he does in His name.<br />

By Cedric Miller

Saints With A M

Saints With A Mission And A Purpose<br />

–swampmagazine@yahoo.com -334.233.3003-<br />


(334)593-5723<br />

EMAIL: authorroseriley@gmail.com<br />



23-"Everything is permissible-but not everything is beneficial.<br />

Everything is permissible- but not everything is constructive. "<br />

24-Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.<br />

29-the other man's conscience, I mean, not yours.<br />

For why should my freedom be judged by another's conscience?<br />

VISIONS: To promote Brotherhood & LOVE by replacing the Negative Problems & Images of Sagging Pants with Positive Solutions<br />

of Style & Swag. In Memory of JOSEPH GI JOE RILEY representing a Good Loving Inner Spirit on a HIGHER LEVEL as<br />


THE GREATEST OF THESE IS LOVE. We Believe we can<br />


MISSION: 1CORINTHIANS 10:30-31-33; 11:1<br />







or DISCRIMINATE those who SAG.33-even as I try to please everybody in every way, For I am not seeking my own good but the<br />

good of many so that they maybe saved. We hope to spread GOOD WILL by SHARING, CARING & TOUCHING a LIFE for<br />


SAG 4 SWAG is taking it's campaign to the Media in an effort to spread awareness, promote public education & an effective open<br />

dialogue to a Negative problem in need of a Positive Solution for Resolution. We also ask you to join thousands of us in the memory<br />

of my Beloved Son, JOSEPH GI JOE RILEY's Legacy & Message of Hope, Civic Mindedness, Community LOVE & Support<br />

for Brotherhood. He exhibited exceptional Integrity & Valor in the struggles to make the World a better place with his Rap Music.<br />

It is known, there is strength in #'s & we definitely need a Village Connection to achieve perfection & to make a powerful United<br />

impact & force for CHANGE to EXCHANGE.<br />

We invite YOU to Support with Inclusion, ALL Individuals, Retail Companies, Businesses, Churches, Schools, Organizations, &<br />

Government Officials in OUR Communities to help carry out our Values, Visions, & Missions for the Betterment of Society all<br />

over the World with Equality, Dignity, & Brotherhood. It is NOT our intentions to Exclude or Judge ANYONE on the basis of their<br />

Clothing but to Emphasize the Content of People's Character. *WE SHOULD NOT BE DEFINED BY WHAT WE WEAR (or not<br />

wear). After all, in 2015 we have Reality Shows painting & promoting Nudity. SAG 4 SWAG wishes to EXCHANGE 4 CHANGE<br />


TINUE. With nothing but LOVE & RESPECT ALWAYS & FOREVER…<br />

CONTACT: ROSE CHAPMAN RILEY for Additional Information, Volunteers, Partnerships, Suggestions,<br />

Donations & Contributions.<br />


Have you ever looked at yourself and wondered who<br />

am I? Society is looking for a "cause" a "marker," an<br />

"identifier" for this generation. We must offer this to<br />

them.<br />

Hope for the Hopeless Tour is more like a campaign<br />

that is aggressively fighting against hopelessness and<br />

lack of confidence. With a focus on empowering<br />

individuals to walk in their potential, purpose, and<br />

providence.<br />

If we truly believe and understand who the Messiah<br />

Yeshua is, and the gift that he has given us and the<br />

purpose we need to achieve, then no adversity that<br />

rises against us will defeat us as a people and we will<br />

prosper.<br />

I have found out over my many years in ministry that<br />

hopelessness is a plague no matter your status, ethnic<br />

background, or family history.<br />

So my goal and passion are to offer hope to the nations,<br />

that no matter where you might find yourself,<br />

no matter what situation you are in, we have to transition,<br />

and always look towards the Messiah. It behooves<br />

us to press and fight with every ounce in your<br />

body because our deliverance depends on it.<br />

For booking go to bethyisraelny.org<br />

Twitter: @RabbiBenYah<br />

Instagram: RabbiBenYah<br />

Facebook: Houseof<strong>Is</strong>raelNY<br />

- Rabbi BenYah<br />

S.H.E Founded by: Evangelist Alison Davenport-Hardmon<br />

Purpose: To seek and save the lost<br />

Where there is sickness you can be healed, where there is brokenness<br />

you can be put back together, there is so much that<br />

women face on a daily basis but with God, you can be delivered<br />

and set free. My vision is simply to help the lost obtain a<br />

personal relationship with God, but most of all “saved.” <strong>Is</strong>aiah<br />

40:31“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their<br />

strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall<br />

run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.<br />

For more information, for prayer and encouraging<br />

words Email Evangelist Alison Davenport by Email at<br />

shewomenministry@gmail.com<br />

Evangelist Alison Davenport is also a motivational speaker<br />

for women and young teen age girl. She make herself available<br />

to schools, children homes and women shelters as well.<br />

Booking contact information: 334-220-4752 or contact us at<br />

Saints With A Mission And A Purpose Ministries 334-233-<br />


Deacon Hamilton<br />

St. James Holt Crossing Baptist Church<br />

Deacon Hamilton just one of the men of God who I admire so much. I admire him for what he does inside and outside<br />

of the church. He gets up early, every Sunday Morning to make sure people who want to go to church make it to<br />

church. Even when there are last minute calls he stills try's his very best to get people to church no time no matter what<br />

side of town they live on.<br />

Outside the church, he encourages people he comes into contact with every day, even if he is going through his own<br />

issues in life. What a Deacon. I've never seen him mad, sad or complain about anything. I see him as a humble and gentle<br />

man. Deacon Hamilton originally from Montgomery, Alabama at the age of 12 was raised, by a friend of his mother<br />

and father. They taught him about going to church as a young man.<br />

I asked Mr. Hamilton about his role in the church. He started off by explaining to me in a very simple way that a Deacon<br />

is a person who is set aside by God to serve the pastor, and the people of God so that God’s work will not go undone.<br />

I asked Deacon Hamilton if he knew that he would one day be called to be a deacon. He told me that he didn't<br />

know that he was called to be a deacon, but his pastor saw the calling of a deacon in his life.<br />

Instead of running from the thought of becoming a deacon, he told me that he prayed about it then he accepted his call<br />

to serve the pastor and God’s people as a deacon. Because I’ve seen many deacons from many different churches I realize<br />

that all deacons are not alike.<br />

Of course, every person character and church are different, but what stands out to me with Deacon Hamilton is his willingness<br />

to sever unconditionally. I really see the love of Christ in him when he is doing whatever he is assigned to do<br />

for the Lord without mumbling and complaining.<br />

The thing that made me sad about this interview was that when I asked Deacon Hamilton. Does he ever think to himself<br />

the church body has gotten away from what it really means to be a deacon if so why? His answer, was yes because deacons<br />

don't put God first like the deacons did back in the old days. We really don't serve the people like we use to. Like<br />

the deacons did in the old church.<br />

I felt heartbroken because I look at him, and say to myself is he the only one left, trying to do the will of God according<br />

to the ministry of a deacon. In reality, I know he’s not, that's just how I felt for that moment. I know that there are still<br />

deacons full of the Holy Ghost trying their best to put God first, serve their Pastor, and serve God’s people.<br />

I ask Deacon Hamilton one last question. How would he encourage deacons all around the world young and old? His<br />

reply was to put God first. Pray for your Pastor, pray for all people and be a servant to God's people.

Match the 10 things Tijuanna Adetunji wants to teach her granddaughter with the pictures<br />

below and you will see just the opposite. Match the numbers with the Bible Trivia and you will<br />

see what the word of God says about these things 10 things. Have Fun!!!<br />

2.<br />

1.<br />

3.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

7.<br />

6.<br />

8. 9.<br />

10.<br />

Proverbs 22:6 (NLT)<br />

6<br />

Direct your children onto<br />

the right path, and when they<br />

are older, they will not leave<br />

it.<br />

1.The fear of the LORD is the beginning of, What? Psalm 111:10NIV<br />

2.The bible say, Children, obey your parents in the Lord, why? Ephesians 6:1-2NIV<br />

3.Until Jesus come, we should devote yourself to the public ___of what? 1 Timothy 4:13 NIV<br />

4.The bible say, Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,<br />

whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, we should? Philippians 4:4-8NIV<br />

5.If you forgive others the bible say your heavenly father will, do what for you? Matthew 6:14-15<br />

6.According to the bible we should not look only to your own interests but to who else interests? Philippians 2:4NIV<br />

7.He guides the ___ in what is right and teaches them,____ what? Psalm 25:9 (NIV)<br />

8.The bible say, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of, Who?<br />

9.The word of God says, Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever<br />

sins sexually, does what?1 Corinthians 6:18 NIV<br />

10.The scriptures read: 29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for<br />

building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of<br />

God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and<br />

slander, along with every form of malice.32What does verse 32 say? Ephesians 4:29-32NIV

Quotes by Marcia Gunter<br />

Restored Women’s Ministry<br />

This speaks to me on so many different levels. Some of<br />

us have incarcerated mindsets. <strong>Is</strong> your mind locked<br />

up??? Free the mind, Free the body. #Self-Love<br />

Bondage is nobody’s friend!! #WAKEUP<br />

#STAYFOCUSE we need our MEN to take<br />

the lead!!!<br />

https://youtu.be/x_LydGDAVKk<br />

12thTribe Throwback Vol.1 check it out!<br />

Marcia Gunter and Her Husband Dustin Gunter<br />

Enjoying each other. We can always count on<br />

Marcia to keep it real with us! Read more of<br />

Marcia’s Quotes on facebook.<br />


https://youtu.be_vVe5_2kym8<br />

Booking:SWAMP MAGZINE<br />

334.233.3003<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?<br />

v=Y5EK1T-4gDE<br />

Check him out on Facebook and Youtube<br />

https://youtu.be/dJKu0aoMaSA<br />

Booking Information : PS23 AGENCY<br />

Email: joy4ulnoise@att.net<br />

Phone: 205.441.1780<br />

Www.Andrewmccartermusic.com<br />

Booking: SWAMP MAGAZINE<br />

334.233.3003<br />

Young Quartet Group From Louisville, Ky<br />

Booking 5025656266, gcrrecords@yahoo.com<br />

sonzofzion1@gmail.com<br />

Booking: SWAMP MAGAZINE<br />

Most groups have<br />

their own booking<br />

agency. SWAMP<br />

MAGAZINE is<br />

just another point<br />

of contact for those<br />

that advertise with<br />

our ministry. Join<br />

our music<br />

group on<br />



LEADER<br />

The success of a leader must be measured over<br />

time. You cannot accurately gauge the effectiveness of<br />

the a persons leadership abilities by a single moment. In<br />

the eyes of my 3 year old son I am a leader. To get to<br />

our destination, the ball field, we must cross the parking<br />

lot. We had to wait for the Car to pass by before we<br />

could cross over to the other side. How often do our<br />

moments within our life look like we are standing still<br />

and doing nothing only to find out that was the best<br />

course of action at that moment. If we put our hands in<br />

God's omniscient hands we are sure to reach our destination<br />

safely and no sooner than we need to be<br />

there. Looking back, all my son remembers is that we<br />

had a great time at the ball field. The moments that we<br />

were not moving now have purpose and aided us in<br />

achieving our destiny.<br />

The Bible tells us, in 2 Peter 3:9, not to confuse slowness<br />

with patience. God has good thoughts for those<br />

who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. As<br />

Lord over our life, we willfully accept Him as our spiritual<br />

leader and endeavor to obey His commands. We<br />

must trust Him, as our navigator, as we journey toward<br />

our destinies. Yes, I said destinies. You see, Jeremiah<br />

29:11 speaks of 'plans/thoughts' not just a 'plan/<br />

thought'. As we go through life we will encounter many<br />

destinations along the way. Not all of the destinations<br />

will bring about the same joys and excitement, but all<br />

are essential to us growing in the knowledge and in understanding<br />

the love of Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). As<br />

we grow, we serve as a model for those around us. They<br />

are witnesses to a life that is devoted to serving God and<br />

allowing Him direct their paths. As they embrace this<br />

way of living, the success of the leader begins to take<br />

shape. Keep the faith, continue serving, stay on the<br />

path, and remember that with God all things are possible.<br />

As we do these things a radical transformation can<br />

take place in the lives of those around us.<br />

A level of trust/faith builds that will stand the test of<br />

time. A level That will endure the setbacks and moments<br />

that appear contrary to forward progress towards<br />

the destiny God has in store for them. In closing I leave<br />

you with this: " <strong>Is</strong>rael served the Lord all the days of<br />

Joshua, and all the days of the elders who outlived<br />

Joshua, who had known all the works of the Lord which<br />

he had done for <strong>Is</strong>rael." (Joshua 24:31 NKJV) Wow!<br />

What a statement to sum up a leaders life. God Bless.<br />

'Min. Cedric Swinney<br />


1corinthians 2:9 9 but just as it is written [in Scripture],<br />




HIM [who hold Him in affectionate reverence, who obey Him,<br />

and who gratefully recognize the benefits that He has bestowed].”<br />

(AMP)<br />

Not only do you have and inheritance but your whole family<br />

has an inheritance. Gen 13:15, But you cannot lead your family<br />

into the promises, visions, and dreams that God has given<br />

you if they don't believe. They may repeatedly ask you questions<br />

such as when will God move on our behalf? Where are<br />

you leading us? How long will it take for us to reach our destination?<br />

As leaders, let's face it we don’t always have all the<br />

answer to everyone questions. So it is wise to just say I don't<br />

know. Be honest and let them know that you are praying<br />

about all of their concerns as well as your own. Remind<br />

them of what God has said to you and assure them that as<br />

long as we follow the Holy Spirit, He will indeed direct our<br />

path and make things clearer to us as we continue to follow<br />

Him. He is the revealer of all truth, John 16:13. God is counting<br />

on you to lead your family, to lead your congregation<br />

into a land flowing with milk and honey Exodus 3:8.<br />

No matter what people may think, there is always a process<br />

and a time to move out in faith about what God has told you<br />

to do. We see this in Joshua 1:2 Moses had died and now it<br />

is Joshua time to lead. As believers, we all have a rich inheritance<br />

in Jesus Christ Ephesians 1:11-14. God always keeps<br />

His promises don't be moved by what you don't see in the<br />

physical realm yet! You have to trust God enough to know<br />

that He is doing something that you can't see 1corinthians 2:9<br />

and that He is working things out for your good Romans<br />

8:28.You must believe that God is all powerful and no matter<br />

what God has shown you or told you to do, nothing is too<br />

hard for God Jeremiah 32:27.<br />

Like, Joshua, you have to trust God and believe what He says<br />

is true. Joshua 1:9 This is my command—be strong and courageous!<br />

Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD<br />

your God is with you wherever you go.” He will walk with<br />

you every step of the way. Sometimes you have to reflect on<br />

all the things that God has already done in your life and the<br />

lives of others to motive you to keep moving forward.<br />

Joshua knew personally the miracles that took place during<br />

the leadership of Moses. This made Joshua’s faith in God<br />

strong. If you say that you believe that God is all-powerful,<br />

that alone should build your faith. Don't let doubt keep you<br />

from what God has for you in this season. Be a courageous<br />

go-getter!2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of<br />

fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. I strongly<br />

encourage you today be courageous and go get what God has<br />

waiting for you!<br />

Prophet Pamela Swinney

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