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just know there’s gotta be something wrong<br />

hits and misses? That is something that you<br />

in the mid-60s, what would be prevalent even<br />

because somebody decided to get rid of it. It<br />

grapple with every time you sit down and try<br />

to this day. The way that a modern guitar player<br />

goes against logic as to why you’re interested<br />

to design a guitar to minimize that and focus<br />

would use an amplifier on stage, would totally<br />

in buying it. The attitude of how you want to<br />

more on the hits part of it. But that’s what I think<br />

blow their minds. If you told Leo Fender, “This is<br />

use a tool is just about everything. When you’re<br />

modern designers keep trying to do, which is<br />

how people are going to use your guitar. You’re<br />

selling gear, you have to remember you just<br />

so cool, and thank God we have people who<br />

gonna have Keith Urban, Prince, John 5, and<br />

can’t keep everything. If you’re not using it –<br />

really want to pioneer that.<br />

Bruce Springsteen, they’re all gonna be playing<br />

if it’s not a tool that resonates with you then<br />

your Telecaster by the way”.<br />

you should just move it on cause someone else<br />

We love the designs from the late 40s through<br />

could really enjoy it.<br />

the 50s. Those designs were absolutely<br />

The things you learn are the obvious ones. You<br />

amazing. They had no idea what was coming<br />

learn about wood, the different tones you get<br />

<strong>CG</strong> My friend also owns a Blackface Vibrolux<br />

Reverb you sold. After trying a couple of vintage<br />

Strats, the guitar that sounded best through it<br />

was a JS1200. How much have the various<br />

vintage instruments you’ve played and owned<br />

influenced the JS line?<br />

刀 䔀 䄀 䐀 夀 吀 伀 唀 倀 䜀 刀 䄀 䐀 䔀 㼀<br />

JS A lot. I remember owning several 50’s Strats<br />

and always coming face to face with the fact<br />

that they have serious road blocks in them for<br />

performing songs in my catalog, that stop me<br />

from using them on stage. But they have these<br />

other qualities - all guitars should be this simple<br />

and have such a big, ambient sound to them.<br />

That’s always been the cool thing about Strat’s<br />

continued from page 26<br />

collection.<br />

<strong>CG</strong> Do you still own your Echoplex EP-2?<br />

JS That thing is held together by love at this<br />

point - and some mojo. I remember being in the<br />

studio with John and we wanted to get some<br />

really crazy tape echo magic. We sent the<br />

already-recorded guitar part back out into this<br />

Echoplex so I could manually work it. We had<br />

this old tape that was wonderfully saturated<br />

with thousands of hours of guitar playing. It<br />

was the coolest sound of effects you could<br />

ever imagine, it just sounded so beautiful.<br />

There isn’t a plug-in or digital effect that<br />

would ever be as complex or wonderful. It<br />

always puts a smile on my face when I hear<br />

that part of the song.<br />

Sometimes the vintage stuff is just old, and<br />

other times it has the secret sauce flowing<br />

in it. With old vintage stuff, it’s very much<br />

like brand new guitars. You go into any music<br />

store, find a popular brand, they’ve got three<br />

of them hanging on the wall and you play all<br />

three and go, “This is the good one”. Vintage<br />

gear is the same way, I don’t know what the hit<br />

or miss number is, but let’s say it’s one in ten<br />

items is the thing when it comes to something<br />

where human hands did most of the fashioning<br />

of it - that’s electric and acoustic guitars. That<br />

means that most of the old stuff is simply old<br />

When you’re selling gear, you<br />

have to remember you just can’t<br />

keep everything. If you’re not<br />

using it – if it’s not a tool that<br />

resonates with you then you<br />

should just move it on cause<br />

someone else could really<br />

enjoy it.<br />

and it never got good. But the stuff that was<br />

good, just got better. That gray Echoplex was<br />

one of the winners. Even though that’s a highly<br />

manufactured product; it’s not something you’d<br />

consider hand crafted. But that thing always<br />

has a tone.<br />

<strong>CG</strong> A friend of mine picked up a bunch of<br />

vintage gear you’ve sold through Bananas At<br />

Large in Marin County. How do you decide it’s<br />

time to let something go?<br />

JS Their clientele is very intelligent, they<br />

understand that these tools formerly used<br />

by professionals show up from time to<br />

time and they’ve got scars - they’ve been<br />

through some Rock ‘n Roll battles. For me,<br />

it’s like a tool I don’t want to use any more.<br />

But for somebody else, it’s exactly what<br />

they’ve been waiting for. When I pick up a<br />

used guitar or something like that, I always<br />

think, “Why is someone selling it”? You<br />

and Teles - they pass on this ambience that<br />

translates into excitement for the audience. We<br />

know the pickups are weak and they’re almost<br />

always single coil so there’s noise involved,<br />

there’s issues right? At the same time there’s<br />

an intrinsic excitement, the voodoo part of the<br />

simple design of those guitars. They can be<br />

screwed together and unscrewed in less than<br />

twenty minutes and sound perfect every time<br />

you put them back together. That’s a hallmark<br />

of brilliant design; you just can’t get around it.<br />

Thinking about it that way and then looking at<br />

the JS guitars and you go, “Well OK, the scale<br />

length is the same and yes it is a bolt-on neck”<br />

so there are things about the guitars that are<br />

pretty similar. I’ve learned about the things that<br />

can happen with a classic design. If you’ve<br />

owned a hundred Strats, you’ve owned a<br />

hundred Strats that sound totally different from<br />

each other and you’ve scratched your head<br />

like, “How’s that even possible?” If that first<br />

statement I said, where this design is so classic<br />

is true, why does it provide such a variety of<br />

伀 瘀 攀 爀 㘀 㔀 礀 攀 愀 爀 猀 漀 昀 匀 吀 刀 伀 䈀 䔀 琀 甀 渀 椀 渀 最 琀 攀 挀 栀 渀 漀 氀 漀 最 礀 倀 䄀 䌀 䬀 䔀 䐀 䤀 一 吀 伀 䄀 䌀 䰀 䤀 倀 ⴀ 伀 一<br />

吀 唀 一 䔀 刀 倀 䰀 䄀 䌀 䔀 匀 吀 䠀 䔀 匀 吀 爀 漀 戀 漀 䌀 氀 椀 瀀 䤀 一 䤀 吀 匀 伀 圀 一 䌀 䰀 䄀 匀 匀 ⸀<br />

⼀ 瀀 攀 琀 攀 爀 猀 漀 渀 琀 甀 渀 攀 爀 猀<br />

吀 栀 攀 匀 漀 甀 渀 搀 漀 昀 倀 爀 攀 挀 椀 猀 椀 漀 渀<br />

眀 䔀 䤀 一 嘀 䤀 吀 䔀 夀 伀 唀 吀 伀 䘀 䤀 一 䐀 伀 唀 吀 圀 䠀 夀 ⸀<br />

∠ ⼀ 琀 栀 漀 昀 愀 䘀 爀 攀 琀 䄀 挀 挀 甀 爀 愀 琀 攀 吀 甀 渀 椀 渀 最<br />

∠ ㈀ 㠀 匀 圀 䔀 䔀 吀 䔀 一 䔀 䐀 吀 唀 一 䤀 一 䜀 ∡ 倀 刀 䔀 匀 䔀 吀 匀<br />

∠ 䌀 愀 爀 戀 漀 渀 䘀 椀 戀 攀 爀 䌀 氀 椀 瀀 搀 攀 猀 椀 最 渀<br />

∠ 匀 琀 愀 椀 渀 氀 攀 猀 猀 猀 琀 攀 攀 氀 䠀 漀 甀 猀 椀 渀 最<br />

∠ 猀 甀 猀 琀 愀 椀 渀 洀 漀 搀 攀 漀 瀀 攀 爀 愀 琀 椀 漀 渀<br />

∠ 䈀 甀 稀 稀 昀 攀 椀 琀 攀 渀 猀 甀 瀀 瀀 漀 爀 琀<br />

꤀㈀ 㔀 倀 攀 琀 攀 爀 猀 漀 渀 吀 甀 渀 攀 爀 猀 ⸀ 吀 栀 攀 琀 攀 爀 洀 猀 匀 眀 攀 攀 琀 攀 渀 攀 搀 吀 甀 渀 椀 渀 最 愀 渀 搀 匀 琀 爀 漀 戀 漀 䌀 氀 椀 瀀 愀 爀 攀 琀 爀 愀 搀 攀 洀 愀 爀 欀 猀 漀 昀 倀 攀 琀 攀 爀 猀 漀 渀 䔀 氀 攀 挀 琀 爀 漀 ⴀ 䴀 甀 猀 椀 挀 愀 氀 倀 爀 漀 搀 甀 挀 琀 猀 Ⰰ 䤀 渀 挀 ⸀<br />

䈀 甀 稀 稀 䘀 攀 椀 琀 攀 渀 吀 甀 渀 椀 渀 最 匀 礀 猀 琀 攀 洀 椀 猀 愀 爀 攀 最 椀 猀 琀 攀 爀 攀 搀 琀 爀 愀 搀 攀 洀 愀 爀 欀 漀 昀 䈀 甀 稀 稀 䘀 攀 椀 琀 攀 渀 䐀 攀 猀 椀 最 渀 䌀 漀 ⸀Ⰰ 䤀 渀 挀 ⸀<br />

44 May June 2016<br />

CollectibleGuitar.com May June 2016 CollectibleGuitar.com<br />


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