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45-46<br />

Night .on€s dd with it a norde oi hle€ spiddB<br />

merS€s fron OE .ave mddl Fady to hmt for OEn<br />

qued The gimt ara.hnids imediat€]y pofte on<br />

you Thft ft t6o my of *1.h fo. you to have my<br />

lope of defendinA yollRu md ]Du soon sualnb to<br />

nmes venomous bit€s- You adrEhE mds heE.<br />

You .onhnue your way dmugh dE woods mdhturbed<br />

by Mn or bedt, Op sbnds ol beech and eln<br />

mcmily quer. Ihe sm sinls lower util the day ii a<br />

nmpurple-orange line @ the honrcrvhalf-glnpset<br />

oNugh dE gnalLed md tangled trunts. With slret<br />

alact do.e md hoon sewelluderwa,yourea.n<br />

a cmsrcads r the lolest pa th Surprisinglt Io! such a<br />

lorel, jsolated pLae, theE is a si8npGt with lou<br />

pla@ mmes Mt€d on tie fou pdeL that point<br />

norih west/ s@th-west, north4at md mrth-w6t,<br />

€p{tively: Balci, sEl8oiv4 vargdnol dd Mafr.<br />

Having kaveled 6m tle w€st.lFady, ad sing<br />

dEt you path li4 tdwaJds tne €ft, you rCnoe 0E<br />

EE<br />

other Eack L\at leads back wer $rcu8h the foFst,<br />

l€ving you a drorce or h{o tuuLes. Y@ hav€ h€ard t@<br />

mny ts16 abour what happeN duing lhe wilching<br />

hou to sFnd a night in th€ opd at a dosroads So,<br />

wil you head northsst tryard! vargdrhot indl<br />

cat€d in 8o6ic l€Henng on a larA€. sisn (tum to 49o)<br />

o!fo ow th€ Mau path south€Gi (tum [o 433)?<br />

47<br />

'Comt Vfola., I hav€ not fought ny way a.os<br />

nay leagG to joi^ you h you dehan.hed cele<br />

b.ariq oI ure wn tuF that !d L\ls land wihin its<br />

cruel grup!'],ou de.lar€ Ihavecomeheletok yoq<br />

to liberare luprawia and E€€ n,6elf koh the Curp df<br />

'Brave wods,' VaEolac cout€s, Aut I hav€ 4duEtL<br />

lonS md have lamt now to @ ny Sift !o the b€st of<br />

ny ability wheEs you m yet to .mbd@ ils Pw€i<br />

How 6 ytu hope to bst ne, cout vatok., Prine<br />

oI Lupdwia the Wullm rord?' wid| dDt tlE Cour<br />

mps nis IinE€6 dd the huge wolv6 pad towards<br />

yd,ndnsry Id ali[.lly@ have tpcd ofth.INild<br />

sp€.ialah i9, tum to 247 r nd you m going to have<br />

to fighi dr€e @atms liogethq ir you aE to get to<br />

88<br />


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