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This awakening is occurring simultaneously with a raising of vibrations so<br />

that individuals are able to recognize the truth of reality and process the<br />

falseness of the world they have been living in. As this awakening process<br />

takes hold, each individual finds his consciousness raised as he becomes<br />

aware of his place in the universe, the nature of his purpose, and the perception<br />

that he is part of a new humanity. Awakening is not always an easy<br />

process, and for some it can seem confusing and overwhelming. It is important<br />

to recognize that what is happening to you is a great blessing, and to<br />

move ahead with the knowledge that you are here as a divine being, not a<br />

slave to a system which controls and manipulates you at every turn.<br />

The rate that each individual transcends will vary, while some may transcend<br />

in this lifetime and others may not. Transcend to what you may ask.<br />

Where am I and these other individuals going? To a higher dimension.<br />

A dimension exists in its own time and space and yet it is located right<br />

where you are now. Earth as we know it exists in the third dimension. This<br />

3D world is a learning center. Our lessons and experiences here are meant<br />

to advance our spirituality with the assistance of our individual free will. The<br />

first, second, and fourth dimensions are also learning centers.<br />

TRANSCENDING <strong>TO</strong> THE 5D UNIVERSE<br />

This third dimension is ruled by money and by how much you have. The<br />

3D world is not one of expanded consciousness, nor one of empathy, nor<br />

one of faith. We may find ourselves sympathizing with someone’s plight,<br />

volunteering for charity, or donating funds and goods. But do we really<br />

believe that all human beings are worthy of the same financial remuneration<br />

as we are? No, most don’t. We live in a pecking-order system where certain<br />

jobs are considered lower than others, and those who make reams of money<br />

are deemed more worthy than those who don’t. In the chain of command,<br />

money is at the top, and spiritual, humane consciousness is at the bottom.<br />

There are those outside this third dimension who are helping humanity<br />

overcome these issues and the circumstances we find ourselves in. There are<br />

Starseeds who have incarnated here to educate and lift the vibration, and<br />

high level-teachers known as Ascended Masters are here to help. There are<br />

many working with humanity from esoteric, extraterrestrial, and interdimensional<br />

realms, toiling to restore balance to a planet dangerously out of alignment.<br />

There are tools, prayers, symbols, frequencies, and sacred structures to<br />

help us. But the lifting of our consciousness is in the end up to us, a task to<br />

be mastered by each individual on their own.<br />


This high vibrational frequency is affecting each living thing on this planet<br />

and mother earth herself. Our bodies, minds and spirits are shifting as our<br />

consciousness becomes more perceptive and lighter. Old paradigms are no<br />

longer working as we suddenly hunger to say good-bye to unfulfilling relationships<br />

or dead-end careers. There’s a reason you want to leave that marriage,<br />

friend, or job, beyond what may be obvious to you. The reason is, you<br />

are changing. What was once good enough, just isn’t working anymore. You<br />

are stuck and feeling it, gathering the energy to change things.<br />

You come to learn the pursuit of money on its own end is a drudgery, an<br />

undesirable course of action. Petty feelings of victimhood, jealousy and deprivation<br />

are trivial. If you don’t already know this you soon will.<br />

As the earth shifts on its axis a new paradigm is emerging for those who<br />

make the effort to transcend. This paradigm operates out of a place of unconditional<br />

love, forgiveness and faith. This is a much higher frequency than<br />

that of the 3D world. Welcome to the 5D Universe.<br />

Excerpted with permission from Divine Transcendence, by Rev.<br />

Christopher Macklin, Ph.D.<br />

Rev. Christopher Macklin, Ph.D., is a powerful channeling medium and<br />

healer from England who utilizes Divine Healing techniques. Christopher is<br />

able to heal many people simultaneously and is the author of Dissolving the<br />

Enigma of Divine Healing and Divine Transcendence.<br />

Christopher Macklin will be lecturing and exhibiting at the <strong>NEW</strong>LIFE Expo.<br />

16 <strong>NEW</strong>LIFE MARCH-APRIL 2016

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