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MCNAIR <strong>NEWSLETTER</strong> OCTOBER 2016<br />

Grade 12 Information<br />

On October 26 th , McNair hosted an<br />

information night for Grade 12 parents.<br />

Organized by Mrs. Bagnall and Mr. Leslie,<br />

this evening was attended by over 70 parents<br />

of Grade 12 students who had questions<br />

about Graduation Requirements,<br />

Scholarship Applications, Post-Secondary Admissions and the<br />

Major Events in the Graduation year.<br />

The Grade 12 year is an incredibly important time in a child’s<br />

life and there are many milestones and important events. It is<br />

very important to help your child maintain balance in their<br />

lives, ensuring that they eat well, get enough sleep, exercise<br />

and manage to balance the academic demands and the social<br />

opportunities that come with the last year of high school. If<br />

you have questions about how to help your child, be sure to<br />

contact the school and ask to speak with their Counselor.<br />

The first major Grad Event is coming up in November. The<br />

Winter Formal dinner/dancing is being hosted on Friday,<br />

November 25 th at the Paradise Banquet Hall in Delta.<br />

This evening of fun, food, and dancing will bring the class<br />

together for the first of several big events and promises to be a<br />

great time. Grad Council will be selling tickets as of<br />

November 2nd for $50 in the fishbowls, so be sure to get yours<br />

and be part of the fun!<br />

There will be a Post Secondary Institutions BC<br />

Minifair Event at McNair Secondary on November<br />

15, 2016. Various BC Post-Secondary institutions<br />

(SFU, UVic, Langara, Trinity Western, KPU, VCC to name<br />

a few) will be at McNair from 10:00am - 11:30am.<br />

Also coming up in November will be a TVR assembly.<br />

This is where Counselors will give students a report that shows<br />

all courses and marks they have taken towards graduation. It<br />

is very important that students look over this document very<br />

carefully so we can correct any mistakes.<br />

New Curriculum<br />

Hopefully, parents are aware that changes are happening to<br />

curriculum and reporting in all schools in British Columbia. At<br />

McNair Secondary, the changes are happening this year in<br />

Grades 8 and 9 and they will be in place next year for Grade<br />

10-12. Our teachers are committed to studying, discussing and<br />

implementing the changes in steady, thoughtful steps. Parents<br />

are encouraged to read and learn more about the changes<br />

online at https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca<br />

The Ministry is also considering changes to report cards and<br />

how schools inform parents on their child’s progress. All<br />

parents are invited to participate in an online survey to provide<br />

input: http://engage.gov.bc.ca/yourkidsprogress/en/home/<br />

Register Your Bike<br />

Bike thefts have long been a problem all<br />

across the Lower Mainland, and Richmond<br />

is no exception. In recent weeks, we have<br />

had 4 bike thefts at McNair and we suspect<br />

that the person responsible is an adult (not<br />

a McNair student). While we are in the<br />

process of having surveillance cameras<br />

installed (they hope to working at McNair soon), we also<br />

encourage all students to get their bicycles registered with the<br />

new bike theft program that has been initiated by the<br />

Vancouver Police Department. Project 529 is something that<br />

services the entire lower Mainland and we suggest you register<br />

your bike with this program. To learn more and register you<br />

bicycle, please go to this site:<br />

https://project529.com/garage/users/sign_in<br />

Terry Fox Run<br />

On Thursday, September 29 th ,<br />

McNair hosted its annual Terry Fox<br />

run in honour of the great Canadian<br />

hero, Terry Fox. This year’s run was<br />

the 36 th anniversary of Terry’s<br />

Marathon of Hope. The Terry Fox<br />

Foundation is still raising money<br />

towards cancer research and is now<br />

close to $700 million dollars. This incredible legacy is one that<br />

has touched many lives, and McNair was proud to be a part of<br />

it. Special thanks go out to Mr. Sangra and the Athletic<br />

Council who organized the event. Also worth mentioning are<br />

all of our 830 students who participated and each of the staff<br />

who went out and helped supervise and set a great example.<br />

Our efforts raised almost $500. Well done, Marlins!!<br />

“A great place to learn”<br />

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