Life Extension Travel, Get Well, Recover & Feel Alive No More Guesswork... First Target the Cause... Stop Treating the Symptoms

Life Extension Travel, Get Well, Recover & Feel Alive
No More Guesswork... First Target the Cause... Stop Treating the Symptoms


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February - March 2017<br />

Issue # 1 Digital Publication<br />


Life Extension Wellness Travel<br />

Discover Rejuvenation & Recovery with Eco Adventures in Tobago<br />

No More Guesswork... First Target The Cause... Stop Treating The Symptoms<br />

No More Guesswork... First Target the Cause... Stop Treating the Symptoms<br />

n when You Arrived<br />

Eco Adventures<br />


2<br />

Follow the link below to view this Rain Forest Booklet<br />


Recovery & Wellness Tourism in Trinidad & Tobago<br />

3<br />

Wellness tourism is a term that has been used more frequently in recent years. Its definitional<br />

complexity lies in the elusive nature of what the word 'wellness' itself actually incorporates.<br />

There are relative consensus among researchers, hotel management and travel agents that optimum<br />

wellness comes from a balance between wellbeing in the body, the mind and the spirit. However, the<br />

concept of wellness clearly means different things in different contexts and countries. The wellestablished<br />

tradition of bathing in spa waters in Europe is far removed from the spiritual traditions of<br />

Asia, and different again from more modern forms of wellness, such as occupational psychology<br />

workshops or cosmetic surgery holidays.<br />

The 'spa and eco tourism' has been the main focus of much tourism operators and also sectoral<br />

uptake, as most top-end hotels have responded to tourist needs. In essence, the spa has been the<br />

longest-established part of any tourism industry, but has been revitalised as part of recent health and<br />

wellness consumer trends. I recalled when some hotel business first started out, they marketed their<br />

business and accommodations as Fun in the Sun, people want more than this advert, they need<br />

excitement, adventure, wellness, culture and to immerse themselves in activities with taste, people,<br />

and beneficial knowledge that makes a difference in their lives pertaining to wellness.<br />

Much has been written about the rise in consumption of complementary and alternative therapies,<br />

yoga, meditation and society's preoccupation with health and fitness. New forms of tourism<br />

destinations, resorts and retreat centres are rapidly appearing to meet this new consumer demand<br />

However, the wellness sector is broad and comprises of a range of provision ranging from basic<br />

ashrams in India focusing on spiritual enlightenment, British-run yoga retreat centres on the Greek<br />

islands, up-market 'pampering hotels', to traditional health-related spas around other parts of the<br />

world, one area that has not been focused on by hotels is disease management and cure.<br />

The GDS or Global Distribution System refers to the reservation tool travel agents use when<br />

making an air, hotel, car or other travel service booking. And not only do GDSs power the content of<br />

‘traditional’ travel agency platforms, but they also provide pricing, availability and reservation<br />

functionality to many online travel agencies. These TA’s are the pit bulls whom are feed by<br />

commissions and promotions, and by having the a product which is in demand, they push it out there<br />

to all their clients, especially the baby boomers.<br />

Amadeus LinkHotel is a multi-GDS services company which distributes your inventory and content to<br />

the world’s global distribution systems – Amadeus, Sabre, Travelport (Galileo and Worldspan).<br />

With one simple connection to Amadeus LinkHotel, hotels will be available to be booked by hundreds<br />

of thousands of GDS travel professionals who generate millions of room nights each year, having a<br />

hotel with a branded service which is relatively new to the industry, such as Life Extensions Wellness<br />

Boutiques in Tobago hotels, there is a good chance of attracting the TA’s clientele to Tobago<br />

destination once packaged right and once these hotels are marketing together the trends in recovery<br />

& wellness travels.<br />

This document aims not only to express how the wellness sector is emerging and offers insight into a<br />

new aspect of wellness tourism, that of the 'retreat'. In particular, the perspective of the retreat<br />

operator and tourism authorities is being presented an untapped niche of wellness tourism, “Disease<br />

Management & Cure”, hence our product we present, “Life Extension Wellness Boutiques” for hotels<br />

interested in this franchise. Unhealthy individuals with travel experiences and health challenges will<br />

clearly identify with this new tourism product and which will be marketed through the GDS of 750.000<br />

travel agents and www.mailpound.com.<br />

The key aim here is to deconstruct the wellness, health and medical tourism terminology away from its<br />

often inappropriately broad and interchangeable usage, by offering individuals a chance not only to

come on a wellness spa holiday, but to immerse themselves in simple therapies while basking in<br />

effortless activities in the Tobago rain forest, scuba diving, helping to build homes and churches etc;<br />

we need to offer this market of individuals an opportunity to travel to Tobago, immerse themselves in<br />

our cultures, and accommodations that offer affordable stemcell therapy which gives guaranteed<br />

results and/or visiting the rain forest where healing can take place, then sending them off home better<br />

than when they have arrived in Tobago, yes I do actually mean recovered, healed and cured from a<br />

particular health challenge or dis-ease..<br />

4<br />

These individuals must be educated first of all on health and wellness, there is absolutely no cancer<br />

disease, disease is a trillion dollar business opportunity, people like myself can cure cancer before a<br />

dermatologist can remove acne or athletes foot, this is indeed is a statement which many practitioners<br />

will never be able to make or repeat to anyone, but I challenge anyone to the above mentioned.<br />

My name is Richard Homer; currently I am a Corporate Wellness Consultant, Certified Health Coach,<br />

and Certified Bio-Feedback Technician/Trainer for L.I.F.E. Systems, Magnetic Resonance Diagnostic<br />

Analyzer (MRA) and Chinese Energy Medicine.<br />

I have been in Trinidad just over six years working as a health<br />

coach within the community and churches. I love people and<br />

have a passion for my work; I have a relentless passion for<br />

saving lives. I specialize in chronic health challenges and<br />

cancers which do not usually respond to traditional medicine.<br />

I have been in the tourism industry many years ago for more<br />

than 25 years, I have been the back bone of many visitors<br />

mainly in Barbados, Geneva and Corsica, people depend on<br />

my advice and trust everything I say and ask them to do. I am<br />

an underwater tour guide and dive master for penetration in<br />

shipwrecks; I am a certified water-sport instructor of the Royal Yachting Association in the United<br />

Kingdom and a license captain for water vessels and boats.<br />

When asking individuals how healthy they feel presently, you’re more likely to hear a litany of<br />

complaints than a list of benefits. Even when we take a vacation to unwind, jet lag, missing sleep,<br />

body pains, brain fog and most important, failing to be fit, all due to unhealthy meals and the lack of<br />

detoxification to the right systems and organs periodically, a lack of exercise routines are also side<br />

effects of the way they feel while on their travels, whether for business or for pleasure this makes the<br />

body very lethargic, they seem as if they will never recover from tiredness, mainly there is one cause<br />

for this, insufficient blood and oxygen to the brain.<br />

Now there's a growing movement to change travel to include healthy activities and disease<br />

management without mentioning it: "Wellness & Ecotourism." working with individuals throughout<br />

Europe, has brought me to re-evaluating and define Wellness Tourism and to measure the size of the<br />

market which is currently existing and untapped. People tell me they are home glued to their TV’s<br />

hoping for a place that they can go to, or for a church pastor to say a prayer and heal them.<br />

Let's first agree on what is Wellness Tourism. It isn't medical tourism, where people travel to other<br />

countries to receive discounted medical care or procedures that aren't available in the United States,<br />

Europe, etc. Nor is it simply super-expensive stays in exclusive spas that are mainly for the ultrawealthy.<br />

It instead encompasses two types of trips available on a more global scale. Some travellers<br />

take trips specifically to maintain and improve their health, while others want to keep up with their<br />

healthy habits when they travel for business or pleasure. Stated quite simply, Wellness Tourism is<br />

“travel associated with the pursuit of maintaining or enhancing one's personal wellbeing.”<br />

And while this might seem like an obvious distinction, it is becoming more important to individuals<br />

across all segments of the travel industry. Many tourists plan their travels specifically for wellness<br />

activities—visiting spas, health resorts, baths and springs, but also yoga retreats, national parks, gyms<br />

and fitness centers, and even specialty restaurants.

However, what surprised me in today’s wellness tourism, was that that secondary-purpose wellness<br />

travellers—those whose primary purpose of their travel is not for wellness programs but who seek<br />

those types of activities during their trips—make up a much larger proportion of the market,<br />

accounting for approximately 85 percent of all wellness trips and expenditures. While it's not the sole<br />

purpose of their trip, these travellers have an interest in maintaining wellness during travel. This can<br />

range from finding a hotel with a healthy menu and extensive exercise facilities to a person who<br />

spends a day at the spa during a scuba-divng vacation. And it includes a tourist visiting a country<br />

mainly with a cultural interest, but who also visits a holistic or alternative wellness center, or takes a<br />

few yoga classes. We want to take this one step further, because more than 70% of the world<br />

population is sick, they just do not know it as yet.<br />

5<br />

Following researchers over the past four years has put this trend into perspective. While measuring<br />

the size of any industry is always a challenge, through research I was able to estimate the number of<br />

wellness tourists by country and aggregate their expenditures. In total, we estimate that the global<br />

wellness tourism economy is worth nearly $440 billion, actually, in my recent research it is now grown<br />

to $525 billion and accounts for roughly 14 percent of global tourism expenditures. It directly creates<br />

12 million jobs around the world and has a total economic impact of $1.3 trillion when multiplied<br />

economic impacts are included. Not surprisingly, wellness tourism is a rather large segment, similar in<br />

size to ecotourism and culinary tourism, but bigger than sports tourism and medical tourism.<br />

More and more, these niche markets do not operate independently of<br />

each other—a wellness tourist can be simultaneously an eco-tourist, a<br />

cultural tourist, and a sports tourist. There are many opportunities to<br />

cross-market niche tourism products to these potential customers.<br />

And while the 525 million trips made by wellness travellers represent<br />

only 6 percent of all tourism trips, they account for 14 percent of all<br />

tourism spending. Wellness travellers tend to be wealthier, have<br />

achieved a higher level of education, and spend more per trip on<br />

average. For example, an international tourist on average spends<br />

$1,000 per trip (not including international air travel), while an<br />

international wellness tourist spends 65 percent more. The difference between an average domestic<br />

traveller and a wellness traveller is even greater, with domestic wellness travellers spending 2.5 times<br />

the average domestic tourist per trip.<br />

In concluding, Wellness Tourism is clearly a growing market for the tourism industry. Industry<br />

executives would be well-advised to offer services and options that meet the wellness travellers’<br />

needs. Already, a number of hotel brands in the Caribbean are doing just that, with healthy rooms,<br />

better meals, well-equipped fitness centers, and even yoga classes. However, this market is bigger<br />

than we can imagine. It's a trend worth paying attention to. And don't be surprised when an airline like<br />

Branson’s Virgin Airlines brands itself as the No. 1 “fly healthy” carrier to target this travel segment<br />

with perks, after all the man has vision, and financial backing to make people fill those seats to the<br />

destinations that offer Wellness Ecotourism with benefits and answers travellers are searching for.<br />

Discover Laminine® "We can choose Life over Sickness"<br />

Feel Assured and Be Cured! Watch the Videos!<br />

Visit our website at the links below<br />

Be Alive Episode 1 Papillary Thyroid Cancer<br />

Be Alive S2 Ep1 Chronic Kidney Disease<br />


The following videos links above; were aired at GMA News TV Channel 11 in the Philippines. Heart warming<br />

testimonies of users were documented to show how Laminine works. Laminine is truly "A Miracle In A Capsule".<br />

6<br />

Laminine is a health supplement manufactured by LifePharm Global© USA (LGPN). It is a unique patented<br />

formula that provides the most essential proteins and amino acids our body needs along with the proper<br />

transport mechanisms to direct these nutritional building blocks to where the body needs it most.<br />

This natural, synergistic superfood contains most known vitamins, important trace minerals, essential amino<br />

acids and FGF (Fibroblast Growth Factor) for perfect health.<br />

The Philippines is the 2nd country to open worldwide next to United States of America. To date, Laminine is<br />

available in twelve countries, USA, Philippines, Canada, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, Russia, Ukraine,<br />

Lithuania & Latvia, Australia and New Zealand. We will soon be opening in Singapore, Hongkong and Africa.<br />

Laminine is available through individual and group distributors around the world. Most of our distributors learned<br />

about Laminine through their friends and relatives who also benefited from this wonderful product.<br />

Laminine® it's from the "Miracle of Life" with a 30 day Money Back Guarantee<br />


Energy and Physical Strength<br />

“Dalip was diagnosed with Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy about 27 years ago. Dalip says, ‘I can do more things<br />

such as walk again; I'm not in a wheelchair now, which is an amazing feeling. With this independence, I've been<br />

able to travel to more places, such as Tobago. In Tobago, I was able to go out every day and sometimes walk a<br />

few kilometers. Since coming back from Tobago with renewed invigoration and confidence, I started driving<br />

again for short trips. It just feels great to have my independence and mobility back’”<br />

Dalip A. Trinidad & Tobago<br />

Energy and Physical Strength<br />

“I first started consuming Laminine in March 2016. In the first week I noticed I had more energy, and then my<br />

sleep improved! I struggled with sleep deprivation and hormone imbalances for years. But as time went on, I<br />

noticed my back problems that began 25 years ago were gone. My digestion improved and other physical<br />

problems eventually dissipated. I love this product and share it with anyone I can.”<br />

Charmain H. Trinidad & Tobago<br />

Pain Free- Stress Free & Energized<br />

“Seven years ago my knees were very hurt. I thought I would never be able to walk comfortably again. When I<br />

started taking Laminine®, I felt so full of energy and enthusiasm, and the severe discomfort in my knees even<br />

went away! I also had polycystic kidneys disease where I experienced relief and in three weeks I was off dialysis<br />

treatment, i now have my dialysis machine for sale.<br />

This is an incredible miracle.”<br />

- Martha H. Trinidad & Tobago

What CAN Laminine Do for you?<br />

7<br />

Reverse the following<br />




Laminine ® Health Benefits include, but are not limited to:<br />

Builds collagen for healthier looking skin and reduced signs of aging<br />

Improves joint mobility and activating your stem cells allowing self healing<br />

Reduces cortisol and improves insulin sensitivity to assists in weight loss<br />

Promotes more restful sleep<br />

Increases libido (in both males and females)<br />

Increased alertness<br />

Increased physical strength<br />

Improves stamina and energy<br />

Reduces physical and mental stress<br />

Improves memory & intellectual problem solving<br />

Enhances brain function and activity including mental focus<br />

Increases alertness<br />

Down-regulates pain receptors in the body and reduces perception of pain<br />

Elevates serotonin levels to raise your mood, and assist the body to fight depression, and<br />

improve feelings of well-being<br />

Improves metabolic parameters (lowered cholesterol, triglycerides, CRP, and blood glucose,<br />

increased HDL)<br />

Increases sexual desire, enhances libido, and improves sexual satisfaction in both men and<br />

women<br />

Stimulates natural DHEA and lowers cortisol to reduce physical and mental stress<br />

Produces quicker recovery after work out and increases muscle tone and lean muscle

mass.<br />

Has been known to repair end stage kidney failure for dialysis patients around the world<br />

8<br />

The mechanism of action for these diverse effects is 4-fold.<br />

The product provides the building blocks and nutritional support to significantly enhance the<br />

production and maintenance of Laminin, the structural foundation of the human body. It has<br />

been clinically proven to:<br />

(1) Laminine® provides the building blocks and nutritional support to significantly enhance the<br />

production and maintenance of Laminin, the structural intracellular matrix and foundation of<br />

the human body.<br />

(2) It has been clinically proven to increase serotonin (increasing serotonin improves mood,<br />

reduces perception of pain, and helps the body to fight depression)<br />

(3) It has been clinically proven to reduce the body's production of cortisol (the stress<br />

chemical which can damage our bodies and health), and<br />

(4) It is proven to enhance and support the production of valuable Growth Factors, specifically<br />

Fibroblast Growth Factors which help the body to replenish and repair itself, act in wound<br />

healing, and are critical for normal brain function and central nervous system health.<br />

Purchase Laminine at: https://richardhomer1.mylifepharm.com/<br />

Giving the People Hope, Faith, Courage and Renewed Strength

9<br />


Testimony Day 1 On Laminine Stem Cell Therapy<br />

Day Four On Laminine Stem Cell Therapy<br />

Dat Nine on Laminine Stem Cell Therapy<br />

Laminine -THE Health Breakthrough of the 21st Century



What is Double Stemcell?<br />

Double StemCell is a combination of 2 main fruits ingredient in nourishing the skin from the<br />

inner level to give you a significant and effective result.<br />


Main ingredients:<br />

13<br />

<br />

<br />

Swiss Apple Stemcell (PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica)<br />

Grape Stemcell (PhytoCellTec Solar Vitis)<br />

Further enriched with other ingredients:<br />

<br />

<br />

Acai Berry Extract<br />

Blueberry Powder<br />

Overall benefits of consuming Double Stemcell<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Delays aging process<br />

Enhances health and vitality<br />

Repairs and rejuvenates cell<br />

Maintains acid-base balance within body<br />

Anti-oxidation<br />

Boosts immune system<br />

Burn fat and lower cholesterol level<br />

Moisturize and firm the skin<br />

Reduce wrinkles<br />

Stimulate the body to produce more collagen<br />

Enhance the absorption of collagen in the body<br />

Helps strengthen joints and bones<br />

Triple Stemcell Miracle Intense Essence 100Ml<br />

Triple Stem Cells H2o Moisturizer<br />

Double Stemcell (1 Pack of 14 Sachets)


Most of us have hundreds of toxins stored in our bodies, all of which strain the natural states of our<br />

organs and tissues. The channels of elimination our body uses are:<br />

15<br />

1. Lungs: The lungs dispel toxins with every exhalation. Chief among these toxins is carbon dioxide, a<br />

by-product of respiration, the body's release of energy.<br />

2. Liver: In today's polluted world, health researchers believe the added toxic burden on our livers<br />

contributes to chronic fatigue, high cholesterol, irritable bowel syndrome, cognitive difficulties, and<br />

high blood pressure. A major organ of elimination, the liver serves as the manager of the entire<br />

detoxification process in the body. The Liver needs to be cleanse at least four times a year.<br />

3. Colon: The Colon is the final place in the body where waste (food residue) travels before being<br />

eliminated. It is critical that bowel elimination happens daily 1 to 3 hours after every meal.<br />

4. Kidneys: The kidneys filter out water soluble wastes from the blood that flows to them from the<br />

liver.<br />

5. Skin: As protective covering, it keeps toxins from entering the Body.<br />

6. Blood: The blood that moves through the cardiovascular system is the key transportation system in<br />

the body, bringing nutrients, enzymes, minerals, trace minerals and oxygen to the cells and flushing<br />

away waste products and toxins.<br />

7. Lymphatic System: Lymph, is a clear fluid filled with immune cells called lymphocytes, moves<br />

around the body in a series of vessels that parallel the paths of the veins. Lymph delivers nutrients<br />

as well as collects cellular waste and helps destroy pathogens, however, because we are not told or<br />

have not learnt that this system must be manually drained at least eight times a year, we have a host<br />

of problems happening at the same time, weight loss is the most comprehensive task one can have<br />

when they do not drain the Lymphatic system and when we do not continually cleanse our colon,<br />

intestines, blood and digestive system.<br />

Bottom line: Cleanse, Nourish and Support all of your channels of elimination as often as you can.<br />

Doing this typically requires a few modifications to your lifestyle and diet, which help reduce your<br />

exposure to toxins and aid in your body's expulsions of current toxins hiding out deep in YOUR BODY.<br />

Your Complete Cleansing System from Symmetry Global<br />

Symmetry Cleanse Bundle is an effective cleansing duo to<br />

detoxify your body all year long! These botanicals will rid<br />

your body of dangerous parasites and accumulated<br />

wastes, restoring your body to its optimal performance<br />

level. Use them quarterly. This product bundle contains<br />

one Para-Cleanse and one Botana-Cleanse Plus.<br />

Do you ever suffer from low energy, head-aches, and<br />

mental "fogginess" for which you cannot find an explanation? If so, you may be experiencing the<br />

effects of systemic toxicity. According to traditional medicine practices, proper diet alone is not enough<br />

to eliminate many of the stored toxins which accumulate in our digestive systems.

BotanaCleanse Plus is a 2-formula, 14-day consolidated formula, powerful yet easy on your stomach<br />

to rid your body of parasites, bacteria and viruses. Cleanse, nourish and support your digestive<br />

system for good health.<br />

16<br />

According to the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is estimated that 85-95% of<br />

the U.S. population is living with parasites, which means you could unknowingly have these damaging<br />

parasites in your system. Symptoms associated with parasite contamination in your body may include:<br />

digestive problems, allergy symptoms, impaired vision, menstrual irregularities, gas and bloating,<br />

numbness in the hands, anemia, general lethargy and much more.<br />

Symmetry's ParaCleanse is the best and most gentle solution to rid your body of these symptoms<br />

from harmful parasites. Our formula features powerful botanicals to eliminate impurities from the body<br />

and supports the body's natural system.<br />

This Cleanse Bundle should be used a minimum of 4 times a year.<br />

Liver Cleanse<br />

Some of the material you are about to read is quoted from Dr. Hulda's book, “The Cure for All Diseases ".<br />

Excerpt from the book:<br />

Doing a Kidney Cleanse and Parasite Cleanse prior<br />

to doing the liver cleanse will improve the<br />

effectiveness of the liver cleanse. The exfoliating sea<br />

salt scrub and infrared sauna is also recommended<br />

while doing so.<br />

Cleansing the liver of gallstones dramatically<br />

improves digestion, which is the basis of your whole<br />

health. You can expect your sinus allergies to<br />

disappear also, and more with each cleanse you do.<br />

Incredibly, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm, and upper back pain. You have more energy and increased<br />

sense of wellbeing.<br />

It is the job of the liver to make bile, 1 to 1.5 quarts in a day! The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver<br />

the bile to one large tube (the common bile duct). The gallbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts<br />

as a storage reservoir. Eating fat or protein triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about 20<br />

minutes and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine.<br />

For many persons, including children, the biliary tubing is choked with gallstones. Some develop allergies or<br />

hives but some have no symptoms. When the gallbladder is scanned or X-rayed nothing is seen. Typically, they<br />

are not in the gallbladder. Not only that, most stones are too small and not calcified; a prerequisite for visibility on<br />

an X-ray. There are over half a dozen varieties of gallstones, most of which have cholesterol crystals in them.<br />

They can be black, red, white, green or tan coloured. The green ones get their colour from being coated with<br />

bile. Notice in the picture (pg. 545) how many have imbedded unidentified objects. Are they fluke remains?<br />

Notice how many are shaped like corks with longitudinal.<br />

Reverse High Blood Pressure, Hypertension & Heart Diseases in 120 Days with<br />

the Nitric Oxide Protocol & Therapy, Laminine & Double Stemcell

17<br />

<strong>LIFE</strong> <strong>EXTENSION</strong><br />


Discover Procedures for Your Body’s Biggest Complaints<br />

Discover Botanical Lipo Contouring<br />

Services<br />

Rejuvenating Chronic Health Issues & Youthful Appearances<br />

Tel: 1868-479-7586 / 333-3547


19<br />

The Infrared Cardio Sauna<br />

The Ion Pedi Detox



22<br />

Rejuvenating Chronic Health Issues & Youthful Appearances<br />

Tel: 1868-479-7586 / 333-3547<br />

Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JST_L03SHZ0

Your personal lifestyle oracle.<br />

23<br />

Change the way you live.<br />

Monitor vital signs in real-time, 24/7.<br />

Increase your energy and reduce<br />

stress.<br />

All your Vital signs recorded in one place<br />

Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, ECG, Breath Rate, Fitness,<br />

Step, Distance & Calories, Sleep Quality, SoS with GPS<br />

Location, Mood, Fatigue & a Mosquito frequency repellant,<br />

your entire Lifestyle Oracle technology on your wrist.<br />

Your Personal Lifestyle Oracle.<br />

Helo is a smart wristband that can be worn 24/7 to monitor vital signs in real-time, providing data that<br />

can be used to immediately inform lifestyle choices, leading to better life, wellbeing and physical<br />

condition.<br />

The most advanced wearable.<br />

Helo is the first bracelet that emerges the most advanced technology<br />

in vital-signs monitoring with minerals and stone to bring benefits to your body and lifestyle.

24<br />

Unlike ordinary wristbands, Helo is not limited to monitoring and reporting physical data. Helo has<br />

active sensors, minerals and stones that improves your wellbeing—recording emotions, fatigue, sleep<br />

quality, exercise, blood pressure, heart rate and ECG.<br />

Body and Physical<br />

Blood Pressure<br />

Breath Rate<br />

Heart Rate<br />

ECG / EKG<br />

Fitness<br />

Step, Distance<br />

and Calories<br />

Reporting<br />

Future Models for 2017<br />

Blood Sugar<br />

Alcohol Levels<br />

Oxygen in the blood<br />

Sleep Quality<br />

Mosquito Shield,<br />

Activate to prevent<br />

the Zika Virus<br />

Sleep quality monitor<br />

Preventing Disease<br />

Guardian SoS (gives your family your GPS location<br />

through your smartphone) Helps prevent kidnapping<br />

Lifestyle<br />

Mood<br />


Legal Disclaimer:<br />

Helo measurements are trend measurements and are for self evaluation purposes only. All<br />

measurements should be considered as ambulatory measurements. Accuracy may vary significantly<br />

and measurements are not designed or intended to substitute professional medical advice, clinical<br />

assessment or medical measurement. In case of concern, inconsistency or measurement<br />

abnormalities or if you develop skin irritation or any negative effects, stop use immediately and consult<br />

your medical professional.<br />

25<br />

Mineral and magnetic therapy products are considered unproven remedies. Their efficacy is not<br />

recognised in traditional medicine and should not be used as a substitute for medically prescribed<br />

treatments.<br />

Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem.<br />

Safety Information:<br />

Not to be worn by anyone wearing any medical electrical implant device.<br />

Medical Warning:<br />

This product is NOT being sold as a Medical Device or to replace professionally prescribed Medical<br />

treatment. Consult your Doctor before use. DO NOT USE IF YOU ARE PREGNANT, WEAR A<br />



A constant, discrete, monitoring<br />

Helo can measure biological rhythm, mood and fatigue, sleep quality, breath and hearth<br />

beat and so on. Thanks to the dedicated app on your smartphone, You can understand<br />

your emotions and record your data and progress, to obtain a complete schema of your<br />

lifestyle behaviors, sleep quality, exercise, blood pressure, heart rate and ECG.<br />

Advanced Sensors<br />

Helo use the most innovative sensors<br />

available on the market to give you<br />

accurate results and monitoring.<br />

Reporting Your ECG, ECK<br />

Photoplethysmography Sensor – Measures<br />

Blood Volume Pulse (BVP), from which heart<br />

rate, heart rate variability (HRV) and other<br />

cardiovascular features,<br />

Sleep quality management<br />

Improve the quality of your sleep.

Legal Disclaimer:<br />

Helo measurements are trend measurements and are for self evaluation purposes only. All<br />

measurements should be considered as ambulatory measurements. Accuracy may vary significantly<br />

and measurements are not designed or intended to substitute professional medical advice, clinical<br />

assessment or medical measurement. In case of concern, inconsistency or measurement<br />

abnormalities or if you develop skin irritation or any negative effects, stop use immediately and consult<br />

your medical professional.<br />

26<br />

Mineral and magnetic therapy products are considered unproven remedies. Their efficacy is not<br />

recognized in traditional medicine and should not be used as a substitute for medically prescribed<br />

treatments.<br />

Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem.<br />

Safety Information:<br />

Not to be worn by anyone wearing any medical electrical implant device.<br />

Medical Warning:<br />

NOTICE<br />

This product is NOT being sold as a Medical Device or to replace professionally prescribed Medical<br />

treatment. Consult your Doctor before use. DO NOT USE IF YOU ARE PREGNANT, WEAR A<br />



A Gem With A Secret<br />

Most people intend to change their habits<br />

and improve their well-being.<br />

Helo doesn’t forget anything.<br />

Even when you’re at home resting and relaxing,<br />

Helo gives you all the info about your body status.<br />

Don’t Panic<br />

The continuous monitoring of Helo will be for you a discrete friend in your life. But also a useful<br />

companion if you are in trouble. With the Panic Button you can call automatically<br />

your loved ones to signal you have a problem, sending automatically also your GPS position.<br />



28<br />

GPS Position<br />

Automatic Call<br />

SMS Contact<br />

In the stones.<br />

The Ipo-Allergenic band contains replaceable and removable titanium plates,<br />

with stones of pure Germanium at 99,99% and crystals of Himalyan Salt.

29<br />

The Infrared Cardio Sauna Chamber<br />

Germanium<br />

Germanium (Ge) is a naturally occurring<br />

semiconductor. Number 32 in the periodic table<br />

of the elements, it is also a natural antioxidant.<br />

Himalayan salt<br />

Himalayan salt predominantly consists of<br />

sodium chloride and contains the same 84 natural<br />

minerals and elements found in the human body.<br />

This Medical device is equipped with three precious<br />

healing stones, germanium, tourmaline and jade,<br />

the stones are made from Tourmaline powder,<br />

Infrared powder and Anion powder which has 92.1%<br />

far infrared & radiates a wavelength of 8-10 mu that is<br />

human optimal absorption frequencies and<br />

wavelengths, (no radiation) far infrared ray<br />

radiates five inches deep and invades the body,<br />

adsorption into the human body removing toxic<br />

materials and heavy metal and blood clots, moreover,<br />

far infrared ray with human cells resonate effect,<br />

forming polyure, make the capillaries, promote better<br />

blood circulation, relieve fatigue, cool blood<br />

homeostatic, drop non-return functions of excessive<br />

fat to the liver and restore normal blood pressure.

Legal Disclaimer:<br />

Helo measurements are trend measurements and are for self evaluation purposes only. All<br />

measurements should be considered as ambulatory measurements. Accuracy may vary significantly<br />

and measurements are not designed or intended to substitute professional medical advice, clinical<br />

assessment or medical measurement. In case of concern, inconsistency or measurement<br />

abnormalities or if you develop skin irritation or any negative effects, stop use immediately and consult<br />

your medical professional.<br />

30<br />

Mineral and magnetic therapy products are considered unproven remedies. Their efficacy is not<br />

recognized in traditional medicine and should not be used as a substitute for medically prescribed<br />

treatments.<br />

Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem.<br />

Safety Information:<br />

Not to be worn by anyone wearing any medical electrical implant device.<br />

Medical Warning:<br />

This product is NOT being sold as a Medical Device or to replace professionally prescribed Medical<br />

treatment. Consult your Doctor before use. DO NOT USE IF YOU ARE PREGNANT, WEAR A<br />



Why Do you need it?<br />

The modern lifestyle puts us in contact with many positive ions generated<br />

by smartphones, computers, electronic devices, UV rays and more.<br />

An excess of positive ions in the body causes muscle stiffening, decreases the metabolic<br />

cycle, accelerates aging, making us more susceptible to diseases.

31<br />

Positive Hole<br />

When a negative ion replaces a positive ion, it creates a “positive gap.”<br />

This gap helps the body maintain its balance, relaxing muscles<br />

and reducing pain.<br />

Fir Effect<br />

The stones emit a high percentage of infrared microwave rays (or Far Infrared Rays). These waves<br />

activate your body’s water molecules, increasing the oxygen level and improving blood circulation by<br />

up to 300%, leading to a better quality of sleep.<br />

Legal Disclaimer:<br />

Helo measurements are trend measurements and are for self evaluation purposes only. All

measurements should be considered as ambulatory measurements. Accuracy may vary significantly<br />

and measurements are not designed or intended to substitute professional medical advice, clinical<br />

assessment or medical measurement. In case of concern, inconsistency or measurement<br />

abnormalities or if you develop skin irritation or any negative effects, stop use immediately and consult<br />

your medical professional.<br />

32<br />

Mineral and magnetic therapy products are considered unproven remedies. Their efficacy is not<br />

recognised in traditional medicine and should not be used as a substitute for medically prescribed<br />

treatments.<br />

Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem.<br />

Safety Information:<br />

Not to be worn by anyone wearing any medical electrical implant device.<br />

Medical Warning:<br />

This product is NOT being sold as a Medical Device or to replace professionally prescribed Medical<br />

treatment. Consult your Doctor before use. DO NOT USE IF YOU ARE PREGNANT, WEAR A<br />



33<br />

Monitor the progress.<br />

Thanks to the app installed on your smartphone, you can monitor the<br />

progress of you vital signs, experience better quality of sleep, relax more, enjoy a high percentage of<br />

blood oxygenation, and benefit from thousands of lifestyle tips, including tips about mood and<br />

behavior.<br />

Enjoy the incredible combination of the most modern technology along<br />

with the well-documented effects of Germanium and Himalayan Salt.

34<br />

This is what peace of mind looks like.<br />

WOR(l)D provides innovative devices for m-health that<br />

everyone wants to have — and builds a network that<br />

shares its profits with you!<br />

Legal Disclaimer:<br />

Helo measurements are trend measurements and are for self evaluation purposes only. All<br />

measurements should be considered as ambulatory measurements. Accuracy may vary significantly<br />

and measurements are not designed or intended to substitute professional medical advice, clinical<br />

assessment or medical measurement. In case of concern, inconsistency or measurement<br />

abnormalities or if you develop skin irritation or any negative effects, stop use immediately and consult<br />

your medical professional.<br />

Mineral and magnetic therapy products are considered unproven remedies. Their efficacy is not<br />

recognized in traditional medicine and should not be used as a substitute for medically prescribed<br />

treatments.<br />

Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem.<br />

Safety Information:<br />

Not to be worn by anyone wearing any medical electrical implant device.<br />

Medical Warning:<br />

This product is NOT being sold as a Medical Device or to replace professionally prescribed Medical<br />

treatment. Consult your Doctor before use. DO NOT USE IF YOU ARE PREGNANT, WEAR A<br />



35<br />

Helo Individual<br />

(Partner) Pack<br />

The Helo pack for you, with a full<br />

suite of tools to empower your<br />

business.<br />

$ 420.00 USD<br />

Purchase before end of December 2016<br />

and get $100 OFF this Promo offer.<br />

Helo Family<br />

(Executive) Pack<br />

The perfect pack for your family<br />

and loved ones with the perfect and<br />

complete suite of tools to empower<br />

your business<br />

$ 1,380.00<br />

Purchase before end of December 2016<br />

and get $100 OFF this Promo offer and<br />

one FREE HELO Oracle health device<br />


Rejuvenating Chronic Health Issues & Youthful Appearances<br />

Tel: 1868-479-7586 / 333-3547

36<br />


The 5.5 “widescreen INFOLIO SmartPhone 5G is the first Smartphone that supports our mCell 5G Network. It<br />

works with the mCell 5G Sim Card, which supports multiple networks.





41<br />

How 5G will push a supercharged network to your phone,<br />

home and even your car, launches end of Nov 2016.<br />

The next evolution in wireless networking holds promises of self-driving cars and<br />

movies that download in the blink of an eye. 5G is big at this year's Mobile<br />

World Congress, but don't expect it until 2020 so they say, WORLD is launching<br />

their 5.5 “widescreen INFOLIO SmartPhone 5G end of November 2016.<br />

Fifth-generation networks should be dramatically faster than the 3G and 4G networks in use today.<br />

Five years from now, you may be thanking your dog for helping to make you healthier, safer, more<br />

productive and smarter about what's happening in the world around you.<br />

And it has nothing to do with taking Scruffy on long walks.<br />

Instead, it has to do with faster, more powerful wireless networks. Today, the networks that drive our<br />

smartphones and Internet-connected devices are mostly based on 4G technology. But higherperformance<br />

fifth-generation technology, called 5G, is coming, and it promises to take us places we've<br />

never been before.<br />

Here's where your dog comes in. 5G is considered key to the Internet of Things (IoT), the name given<br />

to the notion of tying just about every and any thing into the Net. Billions of sensors will be built into<br />

appliances, security systems, health monitors, door locks, cars and wearable’s -- from smartwatches<br />

to dog collars. Analyst firm Gartner predicts the number of networked devices will skyrocket from<br />

about 5 billion in 2015 to 25 billion by 2020.<br />

All those sensors producing mountains of data should, in turn, spur carriers to spend billions<br />

upgrading their networks for 5G so they can cash in on your increased appetite for IoT data --<br />

including updates to your smartphone on what Scruffy is up to throughout the day.<br />

"You'll have tags on your dogs talking to devices in your home," says Femi Adeyemi, lead mobile<br />

architect for Fujitsu. "You'll know when your children come home. Cars on the highway will be<br />

autonomously managed."<br />

Plus, 5G networks will be about 66 times faster than 4G. That speed opens up intriguing new<br />

capabilities. Self-driving cars can make time-critical decisions. Video chats will make us feel like we're<br />

all in the same room. And cities can monitor traffic congestion, pollution levels and parking demand --<br />

and then feed that information to your smart car in real time. WORLD has been the first to really<br />

capture the market by storm and will take the lead with this awesome new technology.<br />

Reasons to be eager for 5G<br />

Expect plenty of benefits from the next-gen network.<br />

<br />

New realities: 5G will push augmented reality and virtual reality into the mainstream. Augmented<br />

reality overlays information like walking directions, product prices or acquaintances' names over our<br />

view of the real world by, for example, projecting data onto a car windshield. Virtual reality creates<br />

an entirely artificial view. Both need to pull in new data almost instantly.

Instant gratification: Download speeds should increase from today's 4G peak of 150 megabits per<br />

second to at least 10 gigabits per second. That's fast enough to download "Guardians of the Galaxy"<br />

in 4 seconds instead of 6 minutes.<br />

Lightning-fast response: In addition to cramming more bits into every second, 5G will shorten the lag<br />

time before the first bits show up. Waiting a few seconds for a streaming video to start over 4G is no<br />

big deal, but that's unacceptably slow for things like self-driving cars, where every millisecond<br />

counts. 4G ideally needs 15 to 25 milliseconds for one car to tell another behind it that it's begun<br />

emergency braking. That delay will drop to 1 millisecond with 5G.<br />

It ain't easy<br />

The wireless industry is fixated on delivering the first 5G networks by 2020. AT&T and Nokia Networks<br />

say the schedule is reasonable.<br />

Craig Wigginton, leader of the telecom practice at consulting firm Deloitte & Touche, thinks 2022 is<br />

more realistic. And Tod Sizer, head of wireless research at Alcatel-Lucent's Bell Laboratories, doesn't<br />

expect widespread availability until 2025.<br />

42<br />

INFOLIO SmartPhone 5G will be released end of November 2016<br />

WATCH the INFOLIO SmartPhone 5G Presentation NOW!<br />

Click on this link below<br />

http://worldgncanada.com/infolio-smartphone<br />

In just a decade, FB went from zero (2003) to a US$70B company (2013). And currently, it is valued at<br />

around $ 350B with strong prospects of it hitting the US$ 1 Trillion mark in a few years. Good for Mark<br />

Zuckerberg, his Team and the investors.<br />

Now we are presented with this opportunity to be part of the Wor(l)d Global Network. This company<br />

has been operating for just 5 years and whose global sales last year is only US$ 150M (mainly from<br />

North Africa & Northern Europe), is aiming to hit US$ 2B in 3 years. By 2020 and beyond, we don't

even know how much more. Now are you letting this opportunity slip through your hands? I don't<br />

know about you but certainly I will not.<br />

43<br />

Does this technology interest you? Then sign up for FREE and begin by purchasing the most advance<br />

wearable health devices in the WORLD. There are two packages, choose one, and that’s not all, you<br />

receive a comprehensive MRA Diagnostic Check-Up FREE for high blood pressure, hypertension or<br />

heart diseases and we will reverse it for you within 180 days, NO DRUGS, NO SURGERY, NO<br />

STENTS.<br />

Results Guaranteed in 120 days or your money refunded!<br />

Use HELO, know your health status.<br />

Sign up for FREE and get $100 USD OFF: https://my.worldgn.com/store/genesisltd<br />

Reverse Heart Disease & High Blood Pressure Naturally<br />


Rejuvenating Chronic Health Issues & Youthful Appearances<br />

(Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular) MRA Analysis Report<br />

Name JOHN DOE Sex: Male Age: 45<br />

Figure: Severe partial fat(188cm,95kg) Testing Time: 2016-09-10 09:13<br />

Actual Testing Results that may cause a heart attack or stroke within 11 months<br />

Testing Item<br />

Blood Viscosity<br />

Cholesterol<br />

Crystal<br />

Blood Fat<br />

Vascular<br />

Resistance<br />

Vascular<br />

Elasticity<br />

Myocardial<br />

Blood Demand<br />

Myocardial Blood<br />

Perfusion Volume<br />

Myocardial<br />

Oxygen<br />

Consumption<br />

Stroke Volume<br />

Left Ventricular<br />

Ejection<br />

Impedance<br />

Normal<br />

Range<br />

48.264 -<br />

65.371<br />

56.749 -<br />

67.522<br />

0.481 -<br />

1.043<br />

0.327 -<br />

0.937<br />

1.672 -<br />

1.978<br />

0.192 -<br />

0.412<br />

4.832 -<br />

5.147<br />

3.321 -<br />

4.244<br />

1.338 -<br />

1.672<br />

0.669 -<br />

1.544<br />

Actual<br />

Measurement<br />

Value<br />

72.492<br />

66.802<br />

1.672<br />

0.774<br />

1.252<br />

0.492<br />

5.057<br />

3.682<br />

1.266<br />

1.979<br />

Testing Result

evious<br />

Next<br />

Left Ventricular<br />

Effective Pump<br />

Power<br />

1.554 -<br />

1.988<br />

1.443<br />

44<br />

Coronary Artery<br />

Elasticity<br />

Coronary<br />

Perfusion<br />

Pressure<br />

Cerebral Blood<br />

Vessel Elasticity<br />

Brain Tissue<br />

Blood Supply<br />

Status<br />

1.553 -<br />

2.187<br />

11.719 -<br />

18.418<br />

0.708 -<br />

1.942<br />

6.138 -<br />

21.396<br />

1.395<br />

15.247<br />

1.269<br />

15.646<br />

Normal(-)<br />

Moderately Abnormal(++)<br />

Mildly Abnormal(+)<br />

Severely Abnormal(+++)<br />


Our Community Outreach Wellness Program gives you the opportunity to bring your family and friends<br />

together in one location, to experience our services at the very best prices.<br />

Take the MRA Diagnostic Scan, scanning from heart and Cardiovascular to bone density, 36 systems<br />

will be scanned and observed by you with the MRA Assessment Instruments.<br />

Experience the Fir Infrared Meta Chamber Sauna Therapy; reduce cellulite, many toxins and Pain in<br />

an instant, sleep better, feel rejuvenated and restore your energy.<br />

After the IR Sauna, experience the Ion Foot Spa Detoxification and remove everything the sauna has<br />

just liquefied and broken down in your body. After this program you need to detox your body, normally<br />

the IR Sauna is $275 for 30 minutes & the Ionic Foot Detox is $200 for 30 minutes. Take a package of<br />

8 one hour saunas and 8 one hour foot detox and pay only $1,000 dollars. Make your bookings in<br />

Groups of 6 persons minimum.<br />

Put together a group of SIX TO TEN PERSONS, then organise a venue in someone’s home, in the<br />

gardens, garage etc; and we will bring our clinic to your venue.<br />

Each person will only pay $700 to experience all three health services. Normally $1,650 per<br />


This health event had over 47 people in Princess Town at a private home, photos inset at<br />

bottom shows the MRA Scan being done, Infrared Sauna & Ion Foot Detox with mini pedicure.<br />

45<br />

The Infrared Sauna Dome<br />

What is Far Infrared (FIR)?<br />

FIR rays are part of the sunlight’s spectrum that is invisible to the naked eye. FIR<br />

heat is a form of energy that heats objects without heating the air between. Infrared<br />

heat produces a radiated heat that moves as energy waves. The heat is caused by<br />

the frictional vibration of molecules in the body. FIR energy is by far the best form of<br />

energy for natural healing and for maintaining body vitality without any side effects.<br />

This radiant heat penetrates deeper than steam or heat saunas and when far infrared<br />

waves are applied to water molecules (comprising 70% of our body) these molecules<br />

begin to vibrate. This vibration reduces the ion bonds and they eventual breakdown of<br />

the water molecules causes encapsulated gases and other toxic materials to be released. This has a profound<br />

effect on the tissues increasing metabolism, releasing toxins and improving circulation, every time a clients’<br />

blood pressure is taken before the IR Sauna and it reads high, after the IR Sauna session, it is normal most<br />

times.<br />

Far-Infrared Cellular & Blood Purification<br />

The process of perspiration is nature's way of detoxifying your body of waste materials accumulated in your daily<br />

life. These FAR Saunas stimulates this natural process at comfortable, low temperatures. Because it operates<br />

more effectively (the body actually sweats more) at temperatures 60 to 80 degrees lower than conventional<br />

saunas, the detoxification is from 7 to 10 times greater.<br />

In addition, infrared therapy in Japan has been effective for relief of pain associated with backache, bursitis,<br />

fibromyalgia, headache, sprains, strains and many other muscle-skeletal ailments. Much of the stiffness and<br />

soreness that comes with aging is reduced or eliminated in the Far Infrared Sauna. Pain may be relieved via the<br />

reduction of attendant or secondary muscle spasms.<br />

Pain is also at times related to ischemia due to tension or spasm which can be improved by the hyperemia that<br />

heat-induced vasodilatation produces, thus breaking the feedback loop, in which the ischemia leads to further<br />

spasm and then more pain. Heat has been shown to reduce pain sensation by direct action on both free-nerve<br />

endings in tissues and on peripheral nerves.<br />

In one dental study, repeated heat applications led finally to abolishment of the whole nerve responsible for pain<br />

arising from dental pulp. Heat may both lead to increased<br />

endorphin production and a shutting down of the so-called "spinal gate" of Melzach and Wall, each of which can<br />

reduce pain.

The IR Sauna detoxifies alcohol, nicotine and other drugs. It also purifies the body and blood at the cellular<br />

level. It also detoxifies heavy metals including mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminium, arsenic, formaldehyde,<br />

pesticides, Agent Orange, industrial chemicals and gasoline.<br />

46<br />

The function of Germanium Stone:<br />

This Luxurious IR Sauna Dome is equipped with three precious healing stones,<br />

germanium, tourmaline and jade, the stones are made from Tourmaline powder,<br />

infrared powder and anion powder, which has 92.1% far infrared radiation rate<br />

and wavelength of 8-10 mu that is human optimal absorption frequencies and<br />

wavelengths, far infrared ray radiation deeply invades the body, adsorption in the<br />

human body toxic materials and heavy metal and decomposition, moreover, far<br />

infrared ray with human cells resonate effect, forming polyure, make the<br />

capillaries, promote human blood circulation, relieve fatigue, cool blood<br />

homeostatic, drop non-return functions of excessive fat to the liver.<br />

The function of Tourmaline Stone:<br />

Tourmaline stone is a semi-precious mineral stone well known for its incredible ability to aid in the detoxification<br />

process of the human body; it has been used by the Japanese and Chinese for over 5.000 years. It is one of<br />

only a handful of minerals that have the ability to emit negative ions and far-infrared rays while removing<br />

irrelevant positive ions in our bodies that has no purpose.<br />

Studies have shown the increased incidence of chronic disease is directly related to toxic overflow in the body.<br />

Tourmaline stone is known to aid in relieving stress, increase mental alertness, improve circulation and<br />

strengthen the immune system. It is a powerful agent for reducing toxin-related ailments caused by chemicals<br />

and foods.<br />

Furthermore, tourmaline produces a detoxifying, cleansing effect on the nervous system, as well as the organs,<br />

cells and tissues of the body. It has been shown as a useful aid for improving circulation, reducing stress,<br />

improving brain alertness and activating the immune system. This colourful gemstone has a highly stabilizing<br />

effect on our nerves, due to its capacity to generate its own heat. This ability to self-produce an electrical change<br />

makes it one of the only minerals that can emit far infrared heat, as well as negative ions.<br />

The function of the Jade Mat:<br />

Benefits of Jade which is said to be the stone of Serenity, Longevity and Warmth, releases every toxin and<br />

increases overall health. Prevents chronic illness, decreases high<br />

blood pressure, regulates female function,<br />

Adopt The Healthy Lifestyle Initiative into your home or workplace;<br />

this home used downstairs of their house and garage for family &<br />

friends. A group of 47 persons took part in the initiative to fight<br />

obesity, ages 32 to 78, all pains were reversed and normal<br />

circulation and blood pressure was restored to almost everyone.<br />

strengthens blood vessels, smoothes wrinkles<br />

and can reduce cellulite completely, it is a<br />

natural way to eliminate unwanted pounds. Lying<br />

down is the most beneficial and relaxing way to<br />

sauna. Lying down in the Sauna has distinct<br />

cardiovascular and neurological advantages<br />

over sitting in a sauna. Gravity places a burden<br />

on the body to keep an erect posture; therefore,<br />

when we naturally lay down to sleep because<br />

this position is optimal for rest, healing and<br />

repair. Under the heat, stress which is common<br />

in a sauna the lying down position in the<br />

Sauna maximizes relaxation and the regulation<br />

of internal body systems responses toward self<br />

healing.<br />

Keeping the head outside and cool while lying<br />

down is the optimal way to get the most benefits with the least discomfort. Our clients are using Hydrogen Rich<br />

Alkaline Water, before, during and after their sessions to assure hydration to the cellular network, this Hydrogen

Alkaline Water also allows all cells to not only to be richly hydrated with hydrogen, it also causes toxins and<br />

chemicals to be released more effectively while restoring their electrically charged status in order to allow cells to<br />

transport information, nutrition and energy to every area of the body.<br />

47<br />

Some of the Benefits of the Far Infrared Sauna:<br />

Pain Relief removes crystallized uric acid and inflammation from joints and blood<br />

Reduces Sunburn the only known antidote for sunburn<br />

You Burn Calories, from 600 and up to 2,400 Calories in 30 to 60 minutes<br />

Detoxification, detoxifies alcohol, nicotine, chemicals, radiation and other drugs<br />

Helps Diminish Cellulite, in four sessions you can lose 1 dress sizes<br />

Increased Circulation, removes plaque, cholesterol and calcium build-up in arteries<br />

Cholesterol Removal, from blood, arteries, thighs, arms and full body parts<br />

Normalizes Blood Pressure<br />

Fibromyalgia<br />

Reduces Stress & Fatigue in one 60 minute therapy session<br />

Speeds Healing to Cuts & Bruises<br />

Reduces Swelling and Inflammation in feet<br />

Reduces Swellings of Prostate in Men<br />

Controls Excessive Leukorrhea in Women (PMS & Yeast)<br />

Improves Joint Stiffness<br />

Relaxes Muscles<br />

Heal wounds faster & removes inflammation<br />

Reduces Sinus Congestion & Asthma Attacks<br />

Fascinating Far Infrared Therapy Medical Facts and Nitric Oxide Data:-<br />

Clinical Benefits of the Infrared Sauna Cardio Therapy Reported by the Japanese Developers<br />

Improves Skin Repair- The only known antidote for sunburn<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Burns Calories- Once heat conditioned burns as much as 600 calories in 30 minutes or 1,050 calories in<br />

an hour.<br />

Removes Toxins- Even promotes chemical, heavy metals and mercury detoxification!<br />

Relieves Pain- Arthritis, muscle spasms, joint stiffness, sprains<br />

Strengthens Cardiovascular System- Heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate increase, while<br />

diastolic blood pressure drops, removes cholesterol crystal & plaque using the L’arginine Protocol,<br />

endothelium network is repaired and 100,000 miles of cardiovascular system can be cleaned out,<br />

repaired and reversed to the age of a twenty year old person over a period of one year. NO DRUGS, NO<br />


(Dr. Joseph Prendergast) http://no-more-heart-disease.com/high-desert-heart-institute-study/<br />

Reduces Stress/Fatigue and assist in more oxygen and blood to the brain<br />

Strengthens Immune System, cleanses cells and balances chemistry in the body<br />

Reduces Swelling of Prostate in Men and cleanses organs and blood<br />

Controls Excessive Leukorrhea in the blood of Women (PMS & Yeast)<br />

Contraindications: Lupus/MS sufferers should be carefully monitored. Pregnant, menstrating and nursing<br />

mothers should not utilize sauna.<br />


Weight Loss: Infrared heat saunas burn 600 -1.050 calories in just one 30 - 60 minute session!<br />

Here’s how many calories a 150 pound person normally burns up in 30 minutes of exercise:<br />

Sport<br />

Marathon Running 590<br />


Vigorous Racquet<br />

Ball<br />

510<br />

48<br />

Rowing (peak<br />

effort)<br />

600<br />

Swimming (crawl<br />

stroke)<br />

300<br />

Jogging 300<br />

Tennis (fast game) 265<br />

Cycling (10 mph) 225<br />

Walking (3.5mph) 150<br />

Some weight loss authorities believe that our bodies use fat to dilute toxins. An infrared heat sauna is an<br />

unsurpassed expeller of toxins; it is also a great way to get rid of any fat our bodies are using to dilute toxins we<br />

are storing.<br />

For Beautiful Skin:<br />

Your infrared sauna is excellent for increasing blood circulation to the skin, which is essential for beautiful,<br />

youthful, glowing skin! A new "inner Glow" as the skin is free of accumulated dirt and dry skin cells, due<br />

to deep cleansing of impurities! Help acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns and any skin lesions or cuts.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Open wounds heal quicker with reduced scarring.<br />

Removes roughness, leaving skin baby smooth and soft again.<br />

Firms and improves skin tone and elasticity.<br />

Scars on Skin: Scars fully formed, even keloids, may be gradually softened. Burns and other wounds or<br />

incisions may heal with significantly reduced scarring.<br />

Cellulite: Cellulite is a gel-like substance made up of fat, water and wastes which are trapped in pockets below<br />

the skin. An infrared sauna can assist this condition, as profuse sweating helps clear this form of unwanted<br />

debris from the body. European Beauty Specialists confirm: a sauna will greatly speed any anti-cellulite<br />

program! Due to at least twice the depth of heat penetration into cellulite combined with up to 10 times the level<br />

of heating in these tissues your infrared sauna can be significantly more effective than any conventional steam<br />

sauna.<br />

Relieve Pain: Effective for arthritis, back pain, muscle spasm, headache and cardiovascular issues and<br />

detoxification, etc.<br />

Injuries: Radiant heat helps with sprains, strains, arthritis, muscle spasm and pain. If you are an athlete, your<br />

infrared sauna is all good news. It allows oxygen debt to be repaid more quickly. That’s likely to lead to improved<br />

and quicker healing of sprains and muscle pain for you!<br />

Runners: Your infrared sauna is the perfect solution for keeping up your cardiovascular fitness while avoiding a<br />

run on a difficult weather day – days you may want to just skip a workout or when you need to rest to allow an<br />

injury to heal. Also, your infrared sauna is great for warming up before stretching or staring any vigorous activity.<br />

You simply get in your infrared sauna with your clothes on and allow the infrared rays to pour right through your<br />

clothing until you just begin to break a sweat.<br />

Now you are pre-warmed for stretching, skiing, running in cold conditions, etc. For the maximal stretching benefit<br />

from this system you will need a 40-minute sauna before your stretching. Research indicates that stretching after<br />

a 40-minute sauna session should produce a 1/2% permanent increase in your flexibility. Even one 20-minute

session may create temporary increase in your flexibility of up to 10%. As a warm-up, your infrared sauna should<br />

help to prevent injuries and enhance your ability to stay with your training program or enjoy any outdoor activity.<br />

Your infrared sauna is also great cold weather post-activity warm-up. Especially for any frostbitten areas that<br />

may be present.<br />

49<br />

Relaxation & Enjoyment: Remove stress in the comfortable warm temperature with a fresh air vent for easy<br />

breathing.<br />

Outstanding Caloric Consumption and Weight Control:<br />

In Guyton’s Textbook of Medical Physiology, we find that producing one gram of sweat requires 0.586 kcal. The<br />

JAMA citation referred to above goes on to state that, "A moderately conditioned person can easily sweat off<br />

500 gms. In a sauna, consuming nearly 300 kcal- the equivalent of running 2-3 miles.<br />

A heat-conditioned person can easily sweat off 600-2,400-kcal with no adverse effects. While the weight of the<br />

water loss can be regained by hydration with water, the calories consumed will not<br />

be." Since an infrared sauna helps generate two to three times the sweat produced in a hot-air sauna, the<br />

implications for increased caloric consumption are quite impressive. Assuming "a sauna" as mentioned in JAMA,<br />

to last for 30 minutes, some interesting comparisons may be drawn. Two of the highest calorie output forms of<br />

exercise are rowing and marathon running. Peak output on a rowing machine or during a marathon run can burn<br />

about 600 calories in 2-3 hours, while the IIR Sauna burns 600 calories in 30 minutes.<br />

Your infrared sauna can, thus, play a pivotal role in both weight control and cardiovascular conditioning. This<br />

would be easily valuable for those who don’t exercise and those who can’t exercise, yet you want effective<br />

weight control and fitness maintenance program and the benefits that regular exercise can contribute to such a<br />

program.<br />

Musculoskeletal Cases- success reported with Infrared treatments by medical<br />

researchers:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

TMJ Arthritis<br />

Traumatic Arthritis<br />

Acel-dacel Injury<br />

Sequelae Disc-protrusion<br />

Brain Contusion-accelerated<br />

healing<br />

Tight Shoulders- relaxed<br />

Clogged Cardiovascular<br />

Arteries- Reversed in 12 to 16<br />

Therapy Sessions<br />

Shoulder Pain – relieved or<br />

eliminated<br />

Bursitis – eliminated<br />

Muscle Spasms – reduced or<br />

eliminated<br />

Low Back Pain – relieved<br />

Post-exercise Muscle Pain –<br />

vital to competitive athletes<br />

Spinal Cord Shock-post<br />

traumatic shock reversed<br />

Muscle Tension - relaxed<br />

It increases blood flow<br />

Heating of one area of the body produces reflex-modulated vasodilations in distant-body areas, even in the<br />

absence of a change in core body temperature’ i.e. heat one extremity and the contra lateral extremity also<br />

dilates; heat a forearm and both lower extremities dilate; heat the front of the trunk and the hand dilates.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Heating of muscles produces an increased blood flow level similar to that seen during exercise.<br />

Temperature elevation produces an increase in blood flow and dilation directly in capillaries, arterioles<br />

and venuies, probably through direct action on their smooth muscles. The release of bradykinin,<br />

released as a consequence of sweat-gland activity, also produces increased blood flow and<br />

vasodilatation.<br />

Whole-body hypothermia, with a consequent core temperature elevation, further induces vasodilatation<br />

via a hypothalamic-induced decrease in sympathetic tone on the arteriovenous anastomoses.<br />

Vasodilatation is also produced by axonal reflexes and by reflexes that change vasomotor balance.

It assists in resolution of inflammatory infiltrates, edema and exudates.<br />

The increased peripheral circulation provides the transport needed to help evacuate the edema which can help<br />

end inflammation, decrease pain and help speed healing.<br />

50<br />

Blood Circulation<br />

All of the following ailments below may be associated to some degree with poor circulation and, thus,<br />

may respond well to the increased peripheral dilation associated with IR Sauna application:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Arthritis<br />

Sciatica<br />

Backaches<br />

Hemorrhoids<br />

Nervous Tension<br />

Diabetes<br />

Over-tired Muscles<br />

Strained Muscles<br />

Varicose Veins<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Neuritis<br />

Bursitis<br />

Rheumatism<br />

Fatigue<br />

Upset Stomach<br />

Stretch Marks<br />

Menstrual Cramps<br />

Leg and Decubitus<br />

Ulcers failing to heal using<br />

conventional approaches<br />

Post-operative Edema - treatment with infrared in Europe, Canada and the USA has been so successful<br />

that hospital stays were reported to have been reduced by 35%.<br />

.<br />

Precautions & Prescription Drugs:<br />

Check with you physician or pharmacist for possible changes in the drug's effect due to an interaction with<br />

infrared therapy.<br />

Certain Ailments:<br />

According to some authorities, it is considered inadvisable to raise the core temperature of someone with<br />

Adrenal Suppression, Systemic Lupus Erythematous, Multiple Sclerosis and pregnant women.<br />

Joint Problems: If a person has a recent (acute) joint injury, it should not be heated for the first 48 hours or until<br />

the hot and swollen symptoms subside. Joints that are chronically hot and swollen may respond poorly to<br />

vigorous heating of any kind. Vigorous heating is in cases of enclosed infections as in dental, in joints, or in any<br />

other tissues is not advisable.<br />

Pregnancy: Or the suspicion of pregnancy, discontinuation of sauna use is recommended.<br />

Surgical Implants: Metal pins, rods, artificial joints, or any other surgical implants generally reflect infrared rays<br />

and are not heated by any infrared heat system. Nevertheless, a person should consult their surgeon before<br />

receiving such therapy. Certainly infrared therapy must be discontinued if a person experiences pain near any<br />

implants.<br />

Menstruation: Heating of the lower back area of women during their cycle increases menstrual flow. She can<br />

choose to allow herself to experience this short-term effect without worry or she may simply avoid using an<br />

infrared heat source at that time of her cycle.<br />

Haemorrhage: Hemophiliacs and anyone predisposed to hemorrhage should avoid infrared usage or any type<br />

of heating that would induce vasodilatation that can lead to the tendency to bleed.<br />

Worsened Condition: Should any condition worsen with the use of an infrared heat system, the use of the<br />

system should be discontinued.<br />

Note: The Far Infrared Sauna Dome is NOT a cure for any diseases and no claims for any healing or cures is<br />

given or intended. There is no assurance of any kind that any user will attain the results others have.

Each user should consult their physician regarding their specific condition and whether they can use the Far<br />

Infrared Sauna.<br />

51<br />

Using the IR Sauna is absolutely like a workout in the gym, but much greater, using the IR Sauna for 30 minutes<br />

is equivalent to running 6 to 8 miles. Lose 600 calories in 30 minutes or 1,050 calories in one hour.<br />

Always hydrate your body with water, have a light meal, bring 3 towels, a change of clothes and a pair of thick<br />

white socks.<br />

NOTICE: Not for use by people with heart conditions, pacemakers, children, or women who are menstruating or who are pregnant.<br />

The Exfoliating Himalayan Sea Salt Full Body Scrub & Wrap<br />

On a spiritual level and in all receptiveness, our Himalayan 3D Body Scrubs will stimulate your lymphatic system,<br />

aid in circulation and help with the elimination of toxins with the IR Sauna, then removes up to 40% of toxins from<br />

your entire body through the Ion Detox Foot Spa in one hour; fear, grief and un-forgiveness will also be removed<br />

from Lungs, Heart, Liver and Kidneys in order for healing to take place. The scrub is a whole new experience in<br />

wellness, in which you will enjoy a lymphatic drainage and body wrap with MMS, avocado, cayenne, cucumber,<br />

sea salts, lemon and oils. On a subtle level, the power of the MMS, Himalayan salt and oils in the 3D sea salt<br />

scrub cleanse, strengthens the body leaving you looking and feeling radiant and pain free. This is a Blissful<br />

Experience of leaving your skin youthful like Genesis (The Beginning) and chronic pain relieved. Healing is<br />

through God and in every herb bearing seed.<br />

Overview<br />

The 3D salt scrub, benefits your skin by exfoliating and removing old skin cells and reducing inflammation in the<br />

blood, leaving you with hydrated, smooth, more lustrous skin. The 3D salt scrub consists of 100% marine salts,<br />

avocado, cayenne, cucumber, lemon, MMS and essential or virgin olive oils blended into a paste-like substance<br />

that will be gently massaged over the body then wrapped onto your body, then you are ready for your IR Sauna<br />

therapy. If you need to look extra special for some occasion, count on a 3D sea salt scrub and IR Sauna therapy<br />

to give you that radiant look from the inside out. Hydrating your body with 4 litres of alkaline water is a must<br />

before doing the 3D salt scrub and IR Sauna Therapy, four sessions are recommended for best results,<br />

however, we shall give members 6 IR Saunas with 2 Lymphatic Massages and 2- 3D Sea Salt Scrubs for only<br />

$750.00, this allows you to cleanse your Cardiovascular system and to reverse High Blood Pressure or<br />

Hypertension, blood clots, Detox all organs and to keep your lymphatic system free of toxins, infections and<br />

parasites.<br />

Exfoliating<br />

Just as sanding returns restoration to hardwood floors or an old sailboat, scrubbing the skin with an abrasive<br />

ingredient -- like sea salt -- buffs away the top layer of dead skin, leaving a polished appearance that feels silky<br />

smooth. Exfoliation not only improves skin tone, but it can relieve the symptoms of certain skin disorders, such<br />

as eczema and psoriasis. Because of the high concentration of magnesium in sea salt, both the National<br />

Eczema Association and the National Psoriasis Foundation recommend using a sea salt body scrub as a<br />

method to reduce the itching and inflammation caused by skin diseases. The skin is the largest organ on the<br />

body.<br />

Detoxifying<br />

A 3D sea salt scrub in conjunction with the IR Sauna Therapy helps draw the toxins from the body and increases<br />

skin blood circulation, promoting the growth of new skin cells. According to the International Journal of<br />

Dermatology, the presence of magnesium sulfate in marine salts, especially those from the Dead Sea,<br />

stimulates the liver and adrenal glands to dump their toxins. By detoxifying, you assist your immune system in<br />

fighting inflammation, yeast infections and illnesses.

Hydrating<br />

The Sea salt, which is laden with minerals, nourishes and hydrates the skin while the hydrogen rich alkaline<br />

water hydrates your cells and organs internally. Essential oils are also used in 3D sea salt body scrub recipes,<br />

and these oils not only smell good, sea salt baths act as moisturizers that soothe dry and irritated skin.<br />

52<br />

Health Benefits of the Lymphatic Drainage Massage Therapy<br />

The most important benefits of a lymphatic massage is the boost that the immune system receives with the<br />

health of this particular massage. In boosting the body's defence mechanism, various illnesses and ailments can<br />

be warded off and puffiness kept at bay. The lymphatic massage treatment can also help to generate feelings of<br />

completeness, good health therapy vitality.<br />

More importantly, the lymphatic massage therapy brings about a positive effect on the physical being of the<br />

individual, and one of the signs of good health is a healthy glow on the appearance of the skin. The Massage<br />

also helps reduce the puffiness around the eyes caused due to water retention of poor circulation of blood. In<br />

keeping with other forms of holistic treatment, a lymphatic drainage massage is extremely vital in helping an<br />

individual cope with pain from arthritis, sprains, rheumatism and even fractures.<br />

The lymphatic massage therapy helps to increase and in hands of the body's healing system. There are<br />

numerous benefits in undergoing a lymphatic massage therapy and this form of holistic therapy is extremely<br />

critical for individuals who have a stressful lifestyle and are constantly travelling in polluted environments and<br />

having deficient immune systems. By boosting the immune system in the body, an individual is less likely to<br />

suffer from contagious diseases or viral and bacterial infections.<br />

One of the other important benefits of lymphatic massage is that it helps to unblock the lymphatic fluid that is<br />

built up in a blocked lymphatic system which causes stagnation and the entire system to become toxic. The<br />

lymphatic drainage massage helps to clear out the blockages and eliminate the metabolic toxins and waste from<br />

the body. Additionally it also helps nutrients to reach the cells effectively that increasing the efficiency of<br />

metabolism and reducing the excess fluid in the lymphatic system.<br />

Fluid retention which is also popularly known as the edema makes an individual to feel bloated and congested.<br />

The lymphatic massage also helps in assisting the reduction of weight and also helps the nervous system by<br />

relieving stress and tension from the mind. By helping and enhancing the body's ability to build up and fortified<br />

the circulation of blood the drainage massage helps get rid of waste products like lactic acid which gets built up<br />

over a period of time in the body.<br />

The lymphatic massage is instrumental in treating respiratory disorders such as inflammation of the membranes<br />

lining the bronchial tubes, wheezing, and inflammation of the lung parenchyma, influenza, in addition to certain<br />

digestive conditions, irregular and infrequent or difficult evacuation of the bowels, general toxemia, bruising and<br />

inflamed tissues.

The Facts & Benefits of the Quantum Ion Foot Detox Therapy – Price $200 per 30 minutes<br />

53<br />

Foot detoxing helps balance your energy. When combining the Infrared Sauna and reflexology with the science<br />

of ionics, osmosis and reinstating resonance signatures, foot detoxing can be an incredibly powerful health<br />

management strategy with important therapeutic benefits.<br />

Benefits<br />

People who first use the Infrared Sauna with the Ion foot detoxing report feeling relief from:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Increased energy and physical stamina<br />

Helps in regulating blood pressure and cholesterol<br />

Enhanced damaged cell replacement and repair<br />

Building the body’s network of defence systems at a cellular level<br />

Slowing of many conditions associated with aging<br />

Cleanses all fluid and tissue, repairing prostate, adrenal glands, endocrine system & Pancreas<br />

Removes toxins and heavy metals<br />

Improved sleep<br />

Symptomatic relief from painful, swollen or deteriorating joints<br />

Total Pain Relief from the Body- Reversed<br />

An ionic foot detox bath takes place in a foot tub capable of negatively charging ions, which attract toxins.<br />

Positive ions help assist the body's natural detoxification process and help the body to detox more efficiently,<br />

this is even greater after a one hour Infrared Sauna Therapy and a full body Lymphatic drainage massage.<br />

The ionic foot machine is a modern day energy device that safely and effectively helps balance the body's<br />

natural energy system. More specifically, it also works in essence by introducing a high level of negative ions<br />

into water of a foot bath/soak, the feet, utilizing principles of reflexology and the science of ionization and<br />

osmosis, create a positive cellular environment and enable the body's natural detoxification abilities and<br />

processes to function at their maximum.<br />

Negative ions attract positive ions. For this reason, it's recommended that you add Celtic or Himalayan sea salt<br />

with trace minerals to the tub (water) to enhance the cleansing effect during an ionic foot detox bath session,<br />

magnesium plays an important role in detoxification, many people use the iodised sea salt, this is un-acceptable<br />

in Europe, this salt has chemicals from radiator coolant and petroleum.<br />

Reverse High Blood Pressure, Hypertension & Heart Diseases in 120 Days with The Nitric Oxide Protocol,<br />

Laminine & Double Stemcell Therapy<br />

Taking Your Cardio Wellness & Body Fitness Training to a New Level

MRA Cardio Screening Targets Health Problems at the Cellular Level in 15<br />

Minutes<br />

When our health is not in good condition, our body will automatically give out certain alarms, such as fatigue,<br />

body aches, headaches, insomnia, lack of appetite, depression, anxiety, stress, fear, bad temper, heart<br />

palpitations, dizziness, constipation, PMS cramps, and so on. Good Cardio & Oxygen systems are mandatory to<br />

have optimum wellness in every other area of your body, your Cardiovascular system regulates every organ and<br />

muscle and is responsible for delivering minerals, nutrition, enzymes, etc.<br />

People who have these symptoms are determined to be in sub-health condition.<br />

54<br />

Is Sub-Health Detectable? The Answer Is Yes<br />

The electromagnetic wave signals emitted by the human body represent the specific state of the human body<br />

and the emitted electromagnetic wave signals are different under the body’s different conditions, such as health,<br />

sub-health, disease, etc. If we can determine these specific electromagnetic wave signals, we can determine<br />

the status of the body's health and life.<br />

The Future In Whole Health & Cardio Diagnostics Has Arrived... Non-Invasive Cardio screening at the<br />

Cellular Level! Used by European Medical Practitioners since 1989.<br />

The Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer (QMRA) replaces the need for ultrasonic, nuclear magnetic<br />

resonance or radiography for various health related conditions and quickly helps the practitioner and fitness<br />

trainer target the cause and make beneficial recommendations helpful to their clients in the gym.<br />

Non-Invasive and Painless... The Analysis Will Tell You The Condition Of Your Entire Health Without<br />

Blood Analysis Or Radiography... No Radiation - No Blood Drawn.<br />

No More Guesswork... First Target The Cause... Stop Treating The Symptoms... Recommend the right<br />

cardio cleansing protocols and stemcell therapy programs for our clients.<br />

The MRA reports in detail on the following 36 health<br />

categories, these are just a few listed below:<br />

A CARDIO <strong>WELLNESS</strong> & FITNESS ASSESSMENT is a great way to evaluate your current wellness and fitness<br />

level. It includes a series of measurements and MRA & Bio-Metric Screening and Assessments that help<br />

determine physical fitness of body, organs, systems and muscles and are a great way to gauge your current<br />

fitness level EXTERNALLY AND INTERNALLY.<br />

1. Basic Physical Quality (pH, hydration, oxygenation, brain function activity)<br />

2. Blood Sugar - insulin secretion, blood sugar coefficient (the property of a substance)<br />

3. Bone Condition - degree of cervical/lumbar calcification, age of ligaments, rheumatism<br />

4. Bone Mineral Density - calcium loss, osteoporosis, bone hyperplasia, mineral density<br />

5. Brain Nerve Analysis - memory index, brain blood supply, cranial/cerebral function<br />

6. Cardiovascular - elasticity of arteries, myocardial blood demand/volume, age of arteries,<br />

7. Gastrointestinal Function - gastric & small intestine peristalsis and absorption; digestive juices<br />

8. Gallbladder Function - A/G, TBIL, ALP, TBA, DBIL<br />

9. Gynaecology - full hormonal profile<br />

10. Toxicity - pesticides, radiation, metals and the levels of other toxic elements<br />

11. Kidney Function - urine protein, uric acid, urea nitrogen, urobilinogen<br />

12. Liver Function - bile secretion function, detox function, liver fat content, protein metabolism<br />

13. Lung Function - lung capacity, airway resistance, arterial oxygen content,<br />

14. Pancreatic Function - insulin, pancreatic polypeptide, glucagon<br />

15. Male Sexual Function - testosterone, gonadotropin, ejection transmitter<br />

16. Prostate - degree of prostatic hyperplasia, calcification, prostatitis syndrome<br />

What you should know and how to prepare: • Wear athletic shorts, t-shirt and athletic shoes. • Drink at least 2<br />

litres of fluids over the 24-hour period preceding the Screening to ensure normal hydration prior to the Cardio

and fitness assessment. • Avoid heavy meals, tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine for at least 4 hours before<br />

Screening. You may have a small snack 1 hour before the test, MAKE SURE IT IS FRUITS.<br />

55<br />

Avoid exercise or strenuous physical activity the day of the test. • Get an adequate amount of sleep (6-8 hours)<br />

the night before the test. A Cardio Fitness Assessment measures height, weight, body composition, blood<br />

pressure, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and performance of the following:<br />

1. Height and Weight Measurements 2. Resting Heart Rate<br />

3. Blood Pressure 4. Body Composition 5. Sit-up Test/min<br />

6. Push-up Test/min 7. Step Test 8. Sit and Reach Below<br />

you will find a brief description of each element of the<br />

fitness assessment. To take your Resting Heart Rate, sit in<br />

a chair, feet on floor in a relaxed position. Your pulse will be<br />

taken on your wrist to determine your resting heart rate.<br />

This is a person's heart rate at rest. The best time to find<br />

out your resting heart rate is in the morning, after a good<br />

night's sleep, and before you get out of bed.<br />

The average heart beats about 60 to 80 times a minute when at rest. Resting heart rate usually rises with age,<br />

and it's generally lower in physically fit people. Your Blood Pressure will be taken with an automatic blood<br />

pressure monitor. Resting heart rate and blood pressure are important indicators to measure as you begin and<br />

progress in your fitness routine. The 1st number: systolic pressure is the pressure generated when the heart<br />

contracts.<br />

The 2nd number: diastolic pressure is the blood pressure when the heart is relaxed. Systolic Diastolic 90 60<br />

borderline low 110 75 low normal 120 80 normal 130 85 high normal 140 90 stage 1 high BP 160 100 stage 2<br />

high BP 180 110 stage 3 high BP 210 120 stage 4 high BP.<br />

HIGH blood pressure symptoms: stressed, sedentary, bloated, weak, failing LOW blood pressure symptoms:<br />

weak, tired, dizzy, fainting, coma Body Composition measures the ratio of lean body mass to fat mass with skin<br />

fold measurements. We strongly suggest wearing comfortable, loose fitting clothing (shorts and a t-shirt). Body<br />

composition measurements are most accurate when taken first thing in the morning before consuming any food<br />

or drink.<br />

The Sit-Up and Push-Up Tests test the ability of your muscles to exert force over and extended period of time.<br />

The Step Test estimates your aerobic fitness level by performing a 3-minute step test on a 12-inch step. The Sit<br />

and Reach test is the most common way to measure lower back and hamstring flexibility.<br />

You will be well warmed up by the time you do the sit and reach test. Place the ruler on the ground between your<br />

legs (0 end lined up with your feet) or on the top of the step. Place one hand on top of the other, then reach<br />

slowly forward. At the point of your greatest reach, hold for a couple of seconds, and we will measure how far<br />

you have reached. You will have 2 practice reaches, and then on the third hold your reach for 3 seconds.<br />

What Your Sit and Reach Test Results Mean: sit-and-reach results compare your own flexibility over time as well<br />

as comparing your score to norms, or averages, for your gender and age. Adequate flexibility is being able to<br />

reach your toes while keeping your legs straight. If you can’t reach your toes (the 0 mark on the ruler), your<br />

flexibility is less than recommended. MEN WOMEN Super > + 10.5 > + 11.5 Excellent + 6.5 to + 10.5 + 8.0 to<br />

+11.5 Good + 2.5 to + 6.0 + 4.5 to +7.5 Average 0 to + 2.0 + 0.5 to + 4.0 Fair -3.0 to – 0.5 -2.5 to 0 Poor -7.5 to -<br />

3.5 -6.0 to -3.0 Very Poor < -7.5 < -6.0<br />

Your maximum heart rate is about 220 minus your age. The figures below are averages, so use them as general<br />

guidelines.<br />

AGE TARGET HR ZONE 50-85% AVERAGE MAXIMUM HEART RATE 100% 20 years 100–170 beats per<br />

minute 200 beats per minute 25 years 98–166 beats per minute 195 beats per minute 30 years 95–162 beats<br />

per minute 190 beats per minute 30 years 93–157 beats per minute 185 beats per minute 40 years 90–153<br />

beats per minute 180 beats per minute 45 years 88–149 beats per minute 175 beats per minute 50 years 85–<br />

145 beats per minute 170 beats per minute 55 years 83–140 beats per minute 165 beats per minute 60 years

80–136 beats per minute 160 beats per minute 65 years 78–132 beats per minute 155 beats per minute 70<br />

years 75–128 beats per minute 150 beats per minute.<br />

56<br />


Please answer all questions accurately and honestly to allow us to fully determine your individual needs.<br />

Date __________________ First Name__________________________________________<br />

Last Name______________________________________________<br />

Address__________________________________________________ City ______________________<br />

Home Phone________________________________________<br />

Business or Alternate Phone________________________________ Age___________________<br />

Height____________________ Weight______________________<br />

For questions 1-9, have you experienced the following? Please mark, Yes, No or Unsure.<br />

1. Pain or discomfort (or anginal equivalent) in the chest, neck, jaw, arms,<br />

or other areas that may be due to ischemia (decreased blood flow)<br />

YES - NO – UNSURE<br />

2. Shortness of breath at rest or w/mild exertion YES - NO – UNSURE<br />

3. Dizziness or syncope at rest or w/mild exertion YES - NO - UNSURE<br />

4. Orthopnea/paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (shortness of breath) YES – NO - UNSURE<br />

at rest or w/mild exertion<br />

5. Edema (excessive accumulation of tissue fluid) YES – NO - UNSURE<br />

6. Palpitations or tachycardia (sudden rapid heartbeats) YES – NO – UNSURE<br />

7. Intermittent claudication (lameness due to decreased blood flow) YES – NO – UNSURE<br />

8. Known heart murmur (abnormal heart sound) YES – NO – UNSURE<br />

9. Unusual fatigue or shortness of breath with usual activities YES – NO – UNSURE<br />

10. Do you smoke cigarettes or Marijuana? YES – NO -<br />

11. Do you drink sodas or fruit juices occasionally? YES – NO –<br />

12. Have you been a member of a health club before? YES – NO –<br />

13. Have you been exercising regularly for the past 6 months? YES – NO –<br />

14. Please rate your exercise level on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 indicating very strenuous) for each age range<br />

through your present age: 15-20_____ 21-30_____ 31-40_____ 41-50_____ 51+_____<br />

15. Are you currently involved in regular endurance (cardiovascular) exercise? Yes No If yes, please specify<br />

the type of exercise(s)_____________________ _____minutes / day ______days / week<br />

16. How often do you eat flour & rice?_______________times per week.

18. Please list the habits that you would like to<br />

change______________________________________________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________________<br />

57<br />

19. On a scale of 1 – 10, (with 10 being very serious/painful) what pain level do you have currently and<br />

how serious are you about achieving your goals? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. Pain #___________<br />

20. Is there anything else your trainer or doctor should be aware of?<br />

Example: Illnesses, Medications, Surgery, High BP etc. _______________________________<br />




I, the undersigned, assume full responsibility for death, injuries, catastrophic injuries or damages which may<br />

occur to me in, on, or about the premises of the facility and do hereby fully and forever release and discharge<br />

Trainer/Fitness Club or Clinic, _______________________________, the Board of Trustees, employees, any<br />

therapist and medical representatives from any and all suits, claims, damages, costs and expenses of every kind<br />

in conjunction with the use of the facilities called; _________________________________________and thereof<br />

equipment associated within.<br />

I, the undersigned, acknowledge that the Cardio Wellness & Training Fitness Assessment hereunder includes<br />

participation in Infrared Sauna Cardio Therapy & Cardio Products, MRA Bio-Metric Assessments, physical<br />

activities, including but not limited to, various aerobic exercises, muscular endurance and or resistance training,<br />

flexibility and other physical measurements or therapy.<br />

The member acknowledges these physical activities may be strenuous and may involve inherent risk of physical<br />

injury. Member agrees to assume all risk and responsibility involved with participation in these physical and<br />

wellness activities and assessments. I, the undersigned, certify that the information I have given on this form is<br />

complete and accurate.<br />

A Public Health Action Plan to Prevent Heart Disease, Strokes & Non<br />

Communicable Diseases<br />

No More Heart Disease – – No Drugs – No Stents, No Surgery Needed.<br />

No health topic is more important, or fuller of misinformation, and more complex than this one. This report<br />

tackles the four most common conditions associated with "heart disease": hypertension, high blood<br />

pressure, stroke, coronary heart disease, and congestive heart failure. The information herein should be<br />

useful for all heart problems.<br />

Heart disease is the number one killer around the world, and yet it does not induce terror as cancer does.<br />

The reason for this is because people are horrified of the cancer treatments, not the disease itself. Alas,<br />

heart health is frequently ignored in lieu of cancer concerns, with breast cancer being an excellent example<br />

of this short sightedness. Case in point: For every woman who dies of breast cancer (cancer treatments)<br />

11 more will die from coronary heart disease. About 60% of heart disease deaths happen suddenly in<br />

people who had no previous symptoms and normal cholesterol levels. These people simply collapsed<br />

unexpectedly. The real lesson to be learned, as you will see, is everything that we have been taught about

heart disease is wrong. If the experts whom we have been listening to were right, then heart disease would<br />

not be the #1 failure of modern medicine.<br />



Causes of Heart Disease<br />

60<br />

“Sometimes emergency medical personnel save lives with emergency medicine, but this is the best that<br />

orthodox medicine can do. They fail at everything else, and this is partly because effective therapies are<br />

illegal. All approved therapies must be drug-based, which means that all of the successful nutritional<br />

therapies (to what is a very nutritional problem) are forbidden to all doctors who wish to remain licensed to<br />

practice medicine. The consequence is that it is actually illegal for any licensed doctor to cure or to<br />

successfully mitigate heart disease, since successful and natural therapies are not approved by medical<br />

regulators. If you receive the standard treatments (chemical symptom suppression) for heart conditions, or<br />

the establishment's supposedly preventative treatments, which usually do the opposite of what they are<br />

presented to do, then you will die of either heart disease, or the treatments themselves. It is equally likely<br />

that you will die of complications caused by the medications, such as the development of a cancer, or liver<br />

failure, or diabetes. They call it "progress".<br />

Heart disease is not truly normal or natural, and it is not genetic. The only thing that is genetic about our<br />

cardiac catastrophe is that lifestyles, family doctors, and eating habits are inherited. At the core of the<br />

problems are ignorance and irresponsibility that span generations. In this sense, there are genetic<br />

components to heart disease, but the problem was never God's engineering.<br />

While heart disease is a term used to describe all forms of circulatory problems, the most common<br />

circulatory ailment is coronary heart disease. It is a narrowing of the small blood vessels that supply blood<br />

and oxygen to the heart. Coronary heart disease is also referred to as coronary artery disease.<br />

"The main cause of cardiovascular disease is the instability and dysfunction of the blood vessel wall<br />

caused by chronic vitamin deficiency; (our Cardio 5000, Advance Omega, Ultra Vitality, Calcium Coverage,<br />

Ace Aloe and Genesis are certified neutraceuticals and natural products that assist in reversing the age of<br />

your arteries within 120 days to 150 days depending on how toxic your body is etc.). You can reverse your<br />

cardiovascular system and the biological age of all 100,000 miles of arteries. Or we personally will give you<br />

a 120 day Money Back Guaranteed on the Cardio 5000.<br />

This is called the L’arginine Cardio Protocol. Lack of vitamins, enzymes, minerals etc, will eventually lead<br />

to millions of small lesions and cracks in the artery wall, particularly in the coronary arteries. The coronary<br />

arteries are mechanically the most stressed arteries because they are squeezed flat from the pumping<br />

action of the heart more than 100,000 times per day, similar to a garden hose which is stepped upon."<br />

Cardiovascular disease is a slower, less-severe form of scurvy. In scurvy, cracks in the vessel walls are<br />

deeper, leading to massive internal bleeding. Richard Homer, a certified L’arginine Cardiovascular therapist<br />

labeled artheriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) as a pre-scurvy condition.<br />

It was discovered that the arteries actually pump blood too, which is common knowledge in medical circles.<br />

This phenomenon is what makes it possible to test ones pulse with a finger pressure test. The pumping<br />

action of the arteries is stimulated by the heart. When the heart beats, arteries expand to create a negative,<br />

vacuum-like pressure to pull blood. When the heart relaxes, the arteries contract, exerting a force that is<br />

strong enough to aid in pushing the blood along. Neither alternative medicine nor orthodox medicine<br />

understands much about how this works. The big difference is that we admit that we do not fully<br />

understand, whereas typical doctors use medical buzz-words to disguise their ignorance.<br />

Cracks in the arterial walls are repaired by the body using a sticky protein known as APO(a) and a<br />

lipoprotein called LP(a). Then LDL, the "bad" cholesterol comes along to help them form the finished repair<br />

patch. Due to deficiencies of the anti-oxidant vitamin C, these fats may oxidize, leading to a hardening of<br />

the arteries. Oxidation which is unchecked by vitamins, leads to the calcification of the cells. "Plaque<br />

deposits" is the phrase given to the calcification of fats lining the arterial walls, which is the end result of<br />

malnutrition-induced oxidation damage.

The coronary arteries are the most stressed; and hence, they need the most repair. Plaque forms as the<br />

inner walls of the arteries oxidize. When the interior of arteries become narrow, due to plaque formation,<br />

dislodged pieces of plaque can lead to blockages. Blockages may also be caused by travelling blood clots,<br />

whenever they become wedged inside thick plaque deposits. These blockages are commonly called<br />

myocardial infarctions by medical professionals and heart attacks by the rest of us.<br />

61<br />

Within five years of diagnosis of coronary heart disease, 50% of patients die from it or the long-term effects<br />

of medical treatments. Diuretics, for example, are the most common medications given for the worst heart<br />

problems, but they flush out the B vitamins that a patient's heart desperately needs, along with flushing<br />

potassium (a deficiency of which may lead to sudden heart failure). To highlight just how moronic this<br />

approach is: diuretics stress the kidneys (and the rest of the body) by chemically forcing a body to purge<br />

itself of fluids. In other words, the most popular treatment for severe heart problems is forced chemical<br />

dehydration, and attacking the kidneys, which have a direct effect upon heart health.<br />

Our modern lifestyle has paved the way for the epidemic of heart disease. Most municipal water is<br />

contaminated with pharmaceutical drugs, fluoride, BPA, and chlorine. Chlorine-tainted water changes the<br />

preferred HDL cholesterol into LDL cholesterol, creates free radicals inside the body that require more antioxidant<br />

vitamins to neutralize, and it destroys fatty acids that are needed by the heart. According to the<br />

book, Coronaries Cholesterol Chlorine by Dr. Joseph M. Price, chlorination was first suspected of causing<br />

heart disease during the Korean War, because the men who had canteens with the highest amounts of<br />

chlorine also had the greatest damage to their arteries. Physically fit soldiers in their twenties had arteries<br />

reminiscent of their seventy-year-old grandfathers.<br />

"Chlorine is the greatest crippler and killer of modern times. While it prevented epidemics of one disease, it<br />

was creating another. Two decades ago, after the start of chlorinating our drinking water in 1904, the<br />

present epidemic of heart trouble, cancer and senility began."<br />

A massive amount of chlorine is inhaled and absorbed during a typical shower, and thus a shower filter is<br />

strongly recommended. We recommend drinking spring water, or getting a Berkey water filter with the<br />

optional fluoride-removing add-ons. Be aware of filters which only remove the taste of chlorine, and instead<br />

get one that removes all impurities.<br />

Most cooking oils are already oxidized (rancid) before they are even bottled, because of the processing.<br />

Even otherwise healthy oils become slightly toxic and carcinogenic when they are rancid. It is vital to get<br />

cold-pressed oils for this reason. Chemical deodorizers are sometimes added to hide the unpleasant scent<br />

of rancidity. Rancid (oxidized) fats are chemically unstable and provide damaging free radicals. Trans fats<br />

cause inflammation that may induce arterial patching. Beware of both trans fats and healthy oils that have<br />

been made rancid. Use cold-pressed, extra-virgin olive oil for most cooking, and peanut oil for high-heat<br />

applications. Cold-pressed, extra-virgin coconut oil is easily the healthiest oil of all for cold recipes, but it<br />

breaks down rapidly in heat to become rancid. Pristine coconut oil is an extremely healthy dietary<br />

supplement that will help to protect the arteries, like other healthy saturated fats will. Trans fats are<br />

industrially-produced artificial foods. They commonly contain aluminum, lead, and cobalt residues, as a<br />

result of their manufacturing processes.<br />

The same biotechnology industry that brought us trans fats has more recently created geneticallyengineered<br />

soy and canola. Both soy and canola oils are used as pesticides. Soy causes drastic hormone<br />

imbalances, which has resulted in the epidemics of hypothyroidism and endometriosis. Soy is toxic in even<br />

its organic state, and it has to undergo a fermentation process just to make it safe for human consumption,<br />

with very mixed results. As a general rule, soy should be considered unsafe for human consumption. The<br />

canola plant has no organic variety, because the first canola plant was born in a test tube in the 1970's.<br />

The nuclear industry assisted in genetically engineering it. Canola is the Frankenstein spawn of the deadly<br />

rapeseed plant.

Rapeseed oil was banned in foods for causing heart tumors. Rapeseed's bastard child, canola, is being<br />

deceptively marketed as being free of trans fats. The lie is based upon the fact that they only use the test<br />

results from before the oil is heated, and flagrantly ignore the test results of heated canola oil. Then, they<br />

market canola as the healthiest cooking oil, using cherry-picked test results from only uncooked oil. The<br />

biotechnology companies forget to mention that canola oil becomes a trans fat as soon as it is heated.<br />

However, they never forget to place the FDA-approved "heart healthy" label on every bottle of canola oil.<br />

Canola oil is also marketed as being high in omega-3, but all of the omega-3 becomes rancid and<br />

carcinogenic as soon as it is heated. Studies have shown that canola oil can produce heart lesions,<br />

particularly when accompanied by a diet that is low in protective saturated fats. It also produces high levels<br />

of benzene and formaldehyde when it is heated. The biotech industry brought us trans fats to ironically<br />

save us from heart disease, and it is now bringing us genetically-engineered canola and soy, whilst<br />

promoting the very same con-job.<br />

62<br />

Heavy metals inside the body accumulate, leading to immune system suppression and inflammation in<br />

increasing amounts with age. Heavy metal toxicity leads to obesity, which in-turn leads to even more<br />

inflammation and heart stress. Thus, metal extraction through chelation therapy is immensely beneficial for<br />

reversing heart disease. All heavy metal cleansing should first begin with a liver cleanse. The liver will need<br />

to be at maximum efficiency for additional cleansing to be effective.<br />

Allopathic medicine is beginning to believe that renin (the clotting agent in the blood) is the main cause of<br />

heart disease. It is trivial to pharmaceutically-lower renin levels, just as drugs may reduce cholesterol<br />

levels. Both are typically expected to be life-long treatments, but neither is advisable. The presence of<br />

either renin or cholesterol in elevated amounts is a warning that the real problem elsewhere should be<br />

dealt with properly. The standard procedures of merely suppressing the symptoms has led to the huge<br />

mortality rate, because patient bodies have been prevented from defending themselves.<br />

Symptom suppression as heart medicine is a dangerous strategy, but it is nonetheless typical. For<br />

instance, cardiac arrhythmia is often caused by severely imbalanced hormones, and it is frequently the<br />

result of birth control drug usage. Treating the arrhythmia with more pills can be a deadly cocktail, and<br />

masking the symptom could shortly result in a heart attack, because the real cause was never addressed:<br />

namely the other medication. Unfortunately, allopathic medicine tends to negate the significance of<br />

symptoms, as if they were just a menace to be suppressed with chemical warfare; but symptoms should<br />

always be traced to their root causes, in order to map courses toward life-saving interventions.<br />

Homogenized milk is one reason why heart disease is the number one killer in America, and we suspect<br />

that it could actually be the main culprit. Homogenization causes the fat in milk to be broken into such tiny<br />

particles that milk does not separate from its cream. These fat particles are so unnaturally small that they<br />

are absorbed directly into the bloodstream without proper digestion. These undigested fat particles stress<br />

the immune system greatly and cause extreme inflammation. There is an enzyme in cow's milk that<br />

becomes dangerous whenever milk is homogenized. It is called "xanthine oxidase" or simply "XO".<br />

This enzyme is used by young calves to aid with digestion, but it causes cardiovascular disease in humans<br />

whenever it is unbound from the fat by homogenization. With raw, or even pasteurized milk (creamline<br />

milk), this toxic substance is not absorbed into the blood. Prior to homogenization, this offensive enzyme<br />

was always chemically bound inside milk fats, which were too large to enter into the human bloodstream<br />

undigested. The natural particle size of fat inside unadulterated cow's milk acts as a shield to protect<br />

humans from the milk's xanthine oxidase.<br />

Homogenized milk should always be avoided, but if complete avoidance is not an option, then some of its<br />

negative effects can be neutralized with folate or folic acid supplements combined with vitamin C. Folic acid<br />

is inferior to folate for supplementation purposes. Be advised that the homogenized fats will still be<br />

damaging to the heart, even if the arteries are somewhat shielded from the xanthine oxidase. We<br />

recommend whole creamline (non-homogenized) milk, which can be found at many health food stores.

There is no significant benefit to using raw milk over pasteurized milk, so our recommendation is to simply<br />

stay with sterile milk.<br />

63<br />

"Bovine milk xanthine oxidase (BMXO) may be absorbed and may enter the cardiovascular system. People<br />

with clinical signs of atherosclerosis have greater quantities of BMXO antibodies. BMXO antibodies are<br />

found in greater quantities in those patients who consume the largest volumes of homogenized milk and<br />

milk products."<br />

-- The XO Factor, by Kurt Oster, M.D. and Donald Ross, Ph.D.<br />

Most soft dairy products are made with homogenized milk. Although they are rarely labeled as being so.<br />

Some people eat yogurt in an attempt to become healthier, and it is something that we have recommended<br />

many times in the past. Overall, yogurt usually helps more than it harms, but due to homogenization, it is<br />

not as healthy as most people believe. Most soft dairy products will cause inflammation and arterial<br />

damage, because of homogenization. Those who eat homogenized products should compensate<br />

somewhat with vitamin C and folate (or folic acid), in order to shield the body. Hard cheeses and butter are<br />

currently not being made with homogenized milk, so they are safe. Goat milk and products made from it<br />

are safe, because goat milk is never homogenized.<br />

No person, especially a heart patient, should ever consume high fructose corn syrup. It is one of the most<br />

damaging ingredients that a person can consume. It is present in a wide variety of processed foods and all<br />

major brands of soft drinks. It has long been implicated in causing heart disease and obesity. More<br />

recently, it has been tied to diabetes, dementia, and metabolic disorders. High fructose corn syrup is<br />

frequently made from genetically-engineered corn, and the resultant chemically and genetically-engineered<br />

fructose produces scarring inside the arteries.<br />

In contrast, natural fructose that is metabolized by the body, such as fructose derived from fruits, does not<br />

have any known harmful effects. The arterial scarring caused by high fructose corn syrup becomes a<br />

permanent hindrance to the cardiovascular system. It is vital for anyone with any health problem<br />

(particularly heart disease, cancer, or diabetes) to avoid high fructose corn syrup completely.<br />

Refined sugars cause inflammation in the body. The harmful sugars are those which have been bleached<br />

white, or which have gone through intensive industrial processing, such as high fructose corn syrup, and<br />

bleached sugar (also known as table sugar). These sugars cause inflammation, which damages the arterial<br />

walls, requiring the body to produce cholesterol to repair them. These sugars cause both inflammation and<br />

oxygen starvation at the cellular level.<br />

This makes a person much more likely to acquire diabetes and cancer. Refined sugars also disrupt<br />

intestinal flora, which is a beneficial bacteria that is necessary for the proper absorption of nutrients from<br />

foods. When flora is damaged by toxic sugars, people become malnourished because they can no longer<br />

properly absorb nutrients, even from nutrient-dense foods. The same problems come from processed<br />

carbohydrates, which convert into sugars inside the body. As is the case with sugars, what makes<br />

carbohydrates especially dangerous is being over-processed and bleached.<br />

Thus, whole grain carbohydrates are significantly healthier, and significantly less inflammatory. This rule<br />

also applies to rice, so whole grain rice is much preferred over bleached, processed white rice. We would<br />

like to include a special warning about purchasing whole wheat bread, because we have found that the<br />

chemical ingredients in commercial whole grain breads tend to be significantly worse than those of white<br />

breads. Therefore, the only safe bread is homemade bread, which is preferably whole wheat. Healthy<br />

sugars, such as those found naturally in fruits, honey, and evaporated cane juice do not contribute to<br />

inflammation, and they do not damage the intestinal flora. If a powdered sugar is needed for cooking,<br />

choose one whose only ingredient is "evaporated cane juice". It should have a beige to brown color, as any<br />

natural sugar will.

As shown, there are many causes for heart disease, but it always comes back to what we eat and drink.<br />

Congenital heart failure is present at birth, but it too can always be traced back to a malnourished mother,<br />

pharmaceuticals taken during pregnancy, or nutrient-depleting toxins inside the mother.<br />

64<br />

Heart Attacks Which Strike the Healthy<br />

Some heart attacks occur without warning signs, within people having normal cholesterol levels and blood<br />

pressure. Here is how that usually happens. Infections routinely occur in the blood, and a healthy immune<br />

system eliminates them without displaying any symptoms. However, if a blood infection is not dealt with<br />

rapidly, then the infection becomes more prominent. In such cases, extreme inflammation may be created<br />

by the viral wastes or by direct arterial attacks, and then the "bad cholesterol" must provide protective<br />

patches over the resulting scarred tissues.<br />

Then the cholesterol patch is covered by a fibrous cap. Macrophage cells then come along, whose job it is<br />

to assimilate things that are causing problems, like cholesterol. Eventually, they become too full to function,<br />

at which point scientists call them "foam cells". These foam cells can die underneath the fibrous cap,<br />

forming into something like a boil. Eventually, the boil will burst, and when it does, the body must clean up<br />

these bits. The blood cells in the area then join together to form a patch. A poor diet and lifestyle results in<br />

excess fibrin in the blood (the clotting factor) which means that it is already thick, sticky, and ready to clot.<br />

This, in turn, may cause the patch to become much bigger than it should be, allowing it to be dislodged<br />

easily from pressure and contractions.<br />

When it is dislodged, it floats through the blood supply to possibly arrive at the brain to cause a stroke, or to<br />

the heart causing a heart attack. People experiencing these things may have had no prior symptoms of<br />

heart disease. For these victims, the combined effects of their poor lifestyle suddenly come together at<br />

once like an avalanche, with no warnings, and the game is over.<br />

Reversing Heart Disease<br />

The longer that a person has had heart disease and hardening of the arteries, the more challenging it is to<br />

reverse. In some cases, the damage will be too severe to completely eliminate, but stopping the<br />

progression and reversing it partially is possible in even the worst cases with our protocols.<br />

Cardio 5000, Double StemCell and Hawthorn has been proven to help those with congestive heart failure,<br />

pulse irregularities, and angina. These are the most recommended supplements for heart health, in both<br />

alternative and mainstream medicine in Europe and China. Cardio 5000, Double StemCell and Hawthorn is<br />

considered to be the Swiss army knife of heart supplements. According to the University of Maryland<br />

Medical Center, hawthorn has been used since the 1st century as a remedy for heart and respiratory<br />

ailments. In Germany, it is regularly prescribed by mainstream doctors to those with heart failure or<br />

hypertension. Hawthorn also reduces the likelihood of blood clots, and has a strong anti-inflammatory<br />

effect. The research study, Alternative Therapies: Part II. Congestive Heart Failure and<br />

Hypercholesterolemia, aggregated the results of 50 clinical trials. It was performed by the Louisiana State<br />

University School of Medicine. It concluded that a "clear improvement in the subjects receiving hawthorn<br />

was observed". The standard dosage in the studies was 500 mg. per 100 lbs. of body weight.<br />

Perform a heavy metal cleanse. Those with heart disease generally have a history of heavy metal toxicity,<br />

and the difference that heavy metal cleanse makes can be dramatic. As noted earlier, always begin with a<br />

thorough liver cleanse. When heavy metals are removed, the body can properly create nitric oxide. Nitric<br />

oxide allows vessels to expand and contract efficiently, and it allows greater oxygen into cells.<br />

Toxic iron accumulation inside the blood is a problem specific to men. Therefore, adult males should never<br />

use supplements containing iron. Men develop an excess of iron in their bodies because of male<br />

hormones, and because the male body will not remove excess iron without proper nutritional augmentation.

The typical resultant iron excess in males is believed to be one of the main reasons why men die younger<br />

than women. The bodies of females of child-bearing age flush excess iron through their menstrual process,<br />

which acts as a natural blood-letting. A woman's remaining iron reserves are then used to produce<br />

replacement blood. Donating blood is the quickest way for a man to reduce his iron levels, and it may<br />

therefore save two lives. The study, A Historical Cohort Study of the Effect of Lowering Body Iron Through<br />

Blood Donation on Incident Cardiac Events, has shown that men who give blood have a 30% reduced risk<br />

of heart disease. An unusual but potentially effective option is to occasionally supplement with colloidal<br />

silver, for silver is able to neutralize iron in the body. Please read our article about it, because bad colloidal<br />

silver is always worse than none at all.<br />

65<br />

The Genesis product from Symmetry Global has grape and the skins in it, and grape skins aids in the<br />

removal of iron. Resveratrol can also directly reverse plaque deposits. A study by the University of<br />

Wisconsin found that when people with coronary artery disease drank 20 fluid ounces of purple grape juice<br />

for just two weeks, their blood vessels became noticeably more elastic, and both platelet aggregation and<br />

LDL oxidation decreased. Due to its Resveratrol content, wine consumption has been identified as one of<br />

the primary reasons for France's low rate of heart disease, while living in France even kids age 14 and over<br />

have red wine with their meals.<br />

In perhaps the greatest irony herein, salt is needed to reverse heart disease. In this western medicine<br />

doctrine, doctors tell you not to use salt, well they need to be educated. Natural salts are needed because<br />

of the trace minerals that they contain, which are not attainable by any other means. We recommend that<br />

our readers, especially the travel market folks that we are offering recovery and wellness travel to in<br />

Tobago, replace all table salt with mineral-rich sea salt such as Himalayan and Celtic Sea Salt. Do not buy<br />

the fake sea salts from regular grocery stores, because they are just as refined as the table salts, and are<br />

thereby counterproductive. True sea salt should never be a bright white color. Always avoid salts that are.<br />

Use unrefined, non-adulterated, mineral-rich sea salt that can be purchased online or from a health food<br />

store. Small amounts of natural sea salt should be added to your drinking water and home-cooked meals<br />

as a healthy and flavor-enhancing supplement. Be cautious about adding it to foods that are already salted,<br />

like salt fish and smoked heron however.<br />

The human body can create new arteries when its old arteries become clogged, amazing right, but it needs<br />

copper to accomplish this. Oral supplementation with copper is dangerous, because it quickly becomes<br />

toxic with an overdose, and it takes only a tiny amount to overdose. Excessive amounts are known to<br />

cause severe organ damage; especially to the kidneys and liver. Therefore, at our clinic we discourage<br />

people from orally consuming any man-made copper solutions, such as colloidal copper or copper<br />

hydroxide which other alternative clinics recommend.<br />

For the sake of safety, copper should only be supplemented by way of the following nutritional methods.<br />

Natural sea salts contain safe amounts of natural copper and important trace minerals. Another option is<br />

chlorophyll extract, which will have the additional benefits of increasing the number of red blood cells,<br />

increasing blood oxygenation, protecting against radiation, and neutralizing benzene compounds. It<br />

contains much more copper than sea salt. Chlorophyll is the dark green pigment of plants and vegetables,<br />

but it can be purchased in a concentrated extract for supplementation. It is a recommended supplement for<br />

all heart disease patients. In moderation, chlorophyll safely gets large amounts of copper into the human<br />

body.<br />

Avoid all processed foods. They contain excessive amounts of sodium from dangerous sources, such as<br />

monosodium glutamate. MSG is especially dangerous to the heart, because it neutralizes taurine, which is<br />

necessary for pulse regulation. Monosodium glutamate intake in combination with deficiencies of both<br />

magnesium and taurine can make MSG deadly. This combination is the cause of many unexplained heart<br />

attacks in otherwise healthy people; including young athletes in their prime years, whose only mistake was<br />

that last meal at K.F.C. (Kentucky Fried Chicken).

Two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling recommended 2 grams daily of vitamin C for everyone, and 5-6<br />

grams for those suffering from any kind of heart problems, or for those who are at high risk. He also<br />

recommended 2-5 grams of L-lysine.<br />

66<br />

The very first step in reversing coronary heart disease is nutrition, and there is no other product I can<br />

recommend that gives our clients great results than Cardio 5000, Genesis, Ultra Vitality and Advanced<br />

Omega and people with coronary heart disease are deficient in trace minerals. In particular, vitamin C<br />

supplementation is essential. In a book by Dr. Pauling, one of the best heart researchers, Why Animals<br />

Don't Get Heart Disease, But People Do, explained that the only other species to get heart disease is the<br />

guinea pig, and it is also the only other species that does not internally produce its own vitamin C.<br />

Hardening of the arteries is a pre-scurvy condition, and it will occur if not enough vitamin C is available.<br />

Vitamin C also bonds with iron, allowing excess iron to be removed, it suppresses cholesterol oxidation,<br />

and it shields the body against so-called "free radicals".<br />

Niacin (vitamin B-3) and pantothenate (vitamin B-5) work in conjunction with vitamin C. Niacin protects the<br />

arteries, and is metabolized in the body from L-tryptophan. L-tryptophan naturally occurs in eggs and<br />

meats, but can also be obtained through supplementation. It is recommended that people avoid timereleased<br />

niacin, because too many people have had bad experiences, including blackouts and<br />

hallucinations from the chemical impurities. Both niacin and L-tryptophan are effective for treating<br />

depression, and this again reinforces the connection between emotional and heart health. Vitamin B-5<br />

(sold as "pantothenic acid") works with vitamin C to protect against arterial damage, thus reducing a body's<br />

overall need to produce cholesterol. Vitamin B-5 can be found naturally in eggs, peanuts, legumes, and<br />

meats.<br />

In the 1950's, Dr. Johanna Budwig was reversing heart disease with what is now known as the Budwig<br />

Protocol. However, this alternative protocol is much more famous for reversing cancers, and there is a<br />

strong connection between the two inflammatory disease states, but that connection is too complex to<br />

explain in this report. At the core of Dr. Budwig's protocol is a combination of flax seed oil and a food item<br />

that is rich in sulfur proteins. Johanna discovered that maximum absorption of omega-3 into cells required it<br />

to be mixed with sulfur proteins. Whenever properly combined, this solution is best able to penetrate into<br />

the deep tissues and through cellular membranes. Flax seed oil supplies the building blocks for cellular<br />

repair, helps dissolve excess cholesterol inside the arteries, balances the high omega-6 concentrations that<br />

are found in trans fats and processed foods, increases cellular energy, increases the efficiency of<br />

respiration, and it is an overall tonic to general cellular functions. The heart benefits of flax seed oil (omega-<br />

3 supplementation) are now well recognized, even by orthodox medicine. Whenever flax seed oil is heated<br />

or exposed to air, it rapidly becomes rancid, and thereby harmful. People should avoid products which<br />

contain heated or exposed flax seed. This often includes cereals, breads, and flour. The companies that<br />

sell these products deceptively promote them as being healthier, but ironically, most of the omega oils have<br />

been destroyed by the processing, and any remaining oils have become inflammatory and carcinogenic.<br />

The medical establishment has sabotaged alternative medicine's otherwise beneficial Budwig Protocol into<br />

being something harmful. Instead of following the original protocol that uses only flax seed oil as the source<br />

for omega-3 supplementation, the medical establishment prescribes fish oil to heart disease patients, which<br />

has been industrially processed by the pharmaceutical industry with high-heat and poisonous chemical<br />

solvents to extract the oil from fish livers. The livers of fish are where the PCB's, heavy metals, and<br />

pesticides are stored; because such substances are too toxic for their digestive and immune systems to<br />

excrete normally.<br />

A liver is a body's toxic waste dump, in other words. The high heat and extreme processing that is used to<br />

chemically extract the omega oil from fish livers means that the derived oil is always rancid by the time that<br />

it reaches the patients; and therefore, this doctor-prescribed 'medicine' actually causes heart disease and<br />

cancers. Most of the fish that are used to pharmaceutically produce omega oil have high amounts of the<br />

inflammatory omega-6 and very low amounts of omega-3, because the pharmaceutical industry's fish are

farm-raised in unhealthy conditions in Chinese fish farms. Adding an even greater insult to the injury,<br />

American patients are charged hundreds of dollars for this impure and carcinogenic version of omega-3 by<br />

the medical industry, while the safe and more effective equivalent (flax seed oil) can be found cheaply at<br />

any health food store. Health food stores also sell fish oil, but it too should be avoided in lieu of the superior<br />

flax option.<br />

67<br />

Co-enzyme Q10 is absolutely essential for recovery from heart disease and heart failure. It can be found in<br />

some foods (particularly meats and fish) and it is produced by the body during exercise. While studies have<br />

shown great benefits through intravenous supplementation, oral supplements are unfortunately not<br />

absorbed well. Thus, it must be obtained through dietary sources and exercise. CoQ10 is essential for the<br />

emulsification of fats. It also lowers the blood pressure and provides an increased chance of survival<br />

following cardiac arrest. Research has also found that those with gingivitis have a deficiency of CoQ10.<br />

Vegetarians may attempt supplementation, even though absorption will be very low. Nevertheless, even a<br />

small amount will be helpful.<br />

Japan currently has the lowest rate of heart disease in the world, so it is logical to examine their dietary and<br />

medicinal practices, in order to adopt them into our own society. The Japanese eat lots of fish, and thereby<br />

get large amounts of vitamin D, omega-3, and safe iodine. In addition to that, whenever heart disease is<br />

diagnosed, L-taurine is a common recommendation by Japanese doctors. Taurine is a natural nutrient,<br />

which makes it un-patentable (unprofitable), so it is "not approved" for medical use in the United States. It<br />

can stabilize the heart rate, neutralize MSG, and it helps the body to better regulate potassium, calcium,<br />

and sodium in the body. It is known for its ability to protect the kidneys from damage.<br />

Taurine supplementation has also been shown to reverse some of the damage caused by smoking, even<br />

amongst smokers who continued smoking during the clinical trials. A 2003 study by the Royal College of<br />

Surgeons found that damage caused by chronic smoking can be reversed in as little as five days with a<br />

dosage of 1.5 grams of taurine. The inner lining of the blood vessels and the diameter of blood vessels<br />

returned to normal in the study.<br />

It is wise to take anti-inflammatories when attempting to reverse heart disease. As already stated,<br />

inflammation is the first step in arterial plaque. Effective natural anti-inflammatories include devil's claw,<br />

vitamin C, MSM, cherry concentrate, and resveratrol. Curcumin, a component of the turmeric spice, is also<br />

an anti-inflammatory and it has the added benefit of reversing some arterial plaque. Never underestimate<br />

the benefits of culinary spices, which are sometimes known as herbal medicine.<br />

We have already written an entire article about the benefits of cayenne pepper, but it is absolutely vital for<br />

people with heart problems. It aids circulation, stabilizes blood pressure, and it can actually stop a heart<br />

attack in its tracks. Seriously. Remember this, because cayenne pepper can save a life. This is especially<br />

true whenever it is mixed with taurine. The suffering patient may need to hold them in his mouth for fastest<br />

results. During a heart attack, nobody ever complains that something tastes too spicy. Cayenne pepper is<br />

even good for painless weight loss. It can be conveniently supplemented in a pill form that is available from<br />

health food stores. We recommend that everyone with heart problems supplement with cayenne, or put it<br />

into a tea daily. Dr. David Christopher has been labelled "Dr. Cayenne" for his endless promotion of this<br />

spice.<br />

Another reason for calcification inside the arterial walls is an excess of blood-borne calcium, which is<br />

typical in Western nations. Vitamin D and magnesium are critically needed for a body to make proper use<br />

of its calcium, so that it does not simply get dumped onto the artery inner walls. A large portion of people<br />

are not able to properly assimilate vitamin D supplements, so it is best obtained through sunlight and fish.<br />

When purchasing fish, bottom-feeders should be avoided because of their heavy metal content. Farm<br />

raised fish have the wrong omega ratio along with various other toxicities from chemicals, hormones, and<br />

antibiotics. Americans should carefully read the packaging for fish, because much of America's fish is<br />

coming from China now.

Fish will typically cause more harm than good if they are not wild-caught. With the exception of bottom<br />

feeders, most wild-caught fish will contain enough selenium to counteract any metals found within them.<br />

Eat fish that has been baked, not fried. Magnesium is vital to prevent calcium waste, but supplementing<br />

with it can be risky. Too much magnesium will cause other nutrients to be flushed out of the body. Thus,<br />

magnesium is best obtained from green leafy vegetables. Magnesium steadies the blood pressure, and<br />

aids in the absorption of potassium, which likewise regulates the heart rhythm. Migraine headaches are a<br />

common symptom of people who are deficient in magnesium too.<br />

68<br />

It is important that you reduce or eliminate nicotine in cases of severe heart problems. Nicotine, along with<br />

alcohol, caffeine, and a host of pharmaceuticals, interferes with the absorption of key nutrients, which are<br />

vital for recovery. If you must smoke, ensure that you are making your own cigarettes with organic<br />

tobaccos and a rolling machine, or else you will be inhaling a host of chemicals including (but not limited<br />

to) carpet glue. Modern cigarettes have intentionally been made much more harmful than they need to be<br />

by the chemical industry, and they are fertilized with radioactive fertilizers. Indian tobacco can help<br />

eliminate a large number of addictions, including nicotine, and it can also help to clean the lungs.<br />

Nuts lower the heart disease risk because they contain alpha-linolenic acid (LNA). It is an omega-3 fatty<br />

acid. Countries with the most LNA in their diets also have the lowest risk of heart disease. Walnuts and<br />

cashews are the most nutritious nuts available. Peanuts contain the least amount of nutrients and are likely<br />

to have pesticide residues.<br />

Ginkgo biloba improves circulation, and it reduces cholesterol concentrations in the arterial walls. It also<br />

enables the arteries and veins to more fully relax between pumping cycles. The National Institutes of<br />

Health reported that ginkgo is very useful for alleviating leg pain that is attributed to blocked arteries.<br />

Exercise is essential for preventing heart disease or recovering from it. Not only does exercise allow the<br />

body to create its own CoQ10, but it also creates nitric oxide and L-carnitine. As already stated, nitric oxide<br />

aids the vessels to expand and contract more efficiently, and L-carnitine can improve the heart's function.<br />

We recommend finding an exercise that you can enjoy, and if possible, do it with others. Try to remember<br />

how enjoyable exercise was when you were a child, and attempt to make it that way again. Let us not<br />

forget that positive emotions are vital to heart health. Jogging on a treadmill is a chore, and it can even be<br />

a humiliating, demeaning experience.<br />

Grapefruit pectin is available in supplement form. It reverses arterial plaque, reduces cholesterol, and<br />

widens the arteries. While it is not a standard supplement, we would nevertheless recommend it to anyone<br />

with chronic heart problems.<br />

Due to the importance of nutrition, we recommend that people try a juice fast for about two weeks when<br />

they are strong enough. Juicing is the process of mixing fruits and vegetables together in a blender or<br />

juicer, and then using the extracted juices as a food source. A juice fast is a means of flooding a body with<br />

nutrients that it is normally lacking in due to our modern diets. The first few days may be difficult, but the<br />

long-term benefits can be dramatic. We recognize that many people will require a source of pure protein<br />

each day (such as organic eggs) to be able to continue with their normal lives uninterrupted. The fasting<br />

procedure should vary, depending on each individual's needs, so a little bit of common sense is required.<br />

The Prognosis<br />

Throughout this report, I resisted the temptation to rant about the sorry state of cardiac medicine world<br />

over, if it can indeed be reasonably called medicine. I began by citing that the medical industry's own<br />

statistics prove that standard medicine for cardiac issues is the single biggest failure of orthodox medicine.<br />

Now I end this report with an honest commentary about our well-earned biases against the status quo.

Heart disease takes lots of work to reverse, but it is more-or-less curable in most cases, regardless of what<br />

a doctor tells you. Remember that it took years to get yourself into this state of ill-health, and it may take a<br />

long time to get yourself out of it. Do not disregard the importance of emotional and spiritual health,<br />

because these things have a major impact upon the heart, and a full recovery may not be possible<br />

otherwise. Whenever we use the term "spiritual health", we are referring to real spirituality, such as forming<br />

a personal relationship with our Creator, not the type of empty ritualism like that which is practiced by yoga<br />

practitioners, or the paganistic Earth worship that has become prevalent in the alternative health<br />

movement.<br />

69<br />

Symptoms of a Heart Attack<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Discomfort, pressure, heaviness, or pain in the left arm or chest<br />

Discomfort radiating to the back, jaw, throat, or arm<br />

Fullness, indigestion, or choking feeling (may feel like heartburn)<br />

Sweating<br />

Nausea<br />

Dizziness<br />

Extreme weakness<br />

Anxiety<br />

Shortness of breath<br />

Rapid or irregular heartbeat<br />

Emergency Treatment for Heart Attacks<br />

In the event of a heart attack, do not forgo calling for an ambulance. The establishment's forté is<br />

emergency medicine, and the risk is too great to delay calling for help. While waiting for the ambulance to<br />

arrive, small amounts of these supplements should be placed into the mouth of the victim, and allowed to<br />

absorb through the walls of his cheeks:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

L-taurine<br />

Cayenne<br />

Magnesium<br />

Americans need not be concerned with legalities when trying to employ these methods. Every American<br />

state has a Good Samaritan law, which provides special legal protection to those who make a good faith<br />

effort to save a life.<br />

Please have these supplements available beforehand. Get them now. They could save your life, or the life<br />

of someone you love, and there is no time for shopping when a heart attack strikes. Being able to respond<br />

within minutes could mean the difference between life and death.<br />

Precautions & Prescription Drugs:<br />

Check with you physician or pharmacist for possible changes in the drug's effect due to an interaction with<br />

infrared therapy.<br />

Certain Ailments:<br />

According to some authorities, it is considered inadvisable to raise the core temperature of someone with<br />

Adrenal Suppression, Systemic Lupus Erythematous, Multiple Sclerosis and pregnant women.

Joint Problems: If a person has a recent (acute) joint injury, it should not be heated for the first 48 hours<br />

or until the hot and swollen symptoms subside. Joints that are chronically hot and swollen may respond<br />

poorly to vigorous heating of any kind. Vigorous heating is in cases of enclosed infections as in dental, in<br />

joints, or in any other tissues is not advisable.<br />

70<br />

Pregnancy: Or the suspicion of pregnancy, discontinuation of sauna use is recommended.<br />

Surgical Implants: Metal pins, rods, artificial joints, or any other surgical implants generally reflect infrared<br />

rays and are not heated by any infrared heat system. Nevertheless, a person should consult their surgeon<br />

before receiving such therapy. Certainly infrared therapy must be discontinued if a person experiences pain<br />

near any implants.<br />

Menstruation: Heating of the lower back area of women during their cycle increases menstrual flow. She<br />

can choose to allow herself to experience this short-term effect without worry or she may simply avoid<br />

using an infrared heat source at that time of her cycle.<br />

Haemorrhage: Hemophiliacs and anyone predisposed to haemorrhage should avoid infrared usage or any<br />

type of heating that would induce vasodilatation that can lead to the tendency to bleed.<br />

Worsened Condition: Should any condition worsen with the use of an infrared heat system, the use of the<br />

system should be discontinued.<br />

Note: The Far Infrared Sauna Dome is NOT a cure for any diseases and no claims for any healing or cures<br />

is given or intended. There is no assurance of any kind that any user will attain the results others have.<br />

Each user should consult their physician regarding their specific condition and whether they can use the<br />

Far Infrared Sauna.<br />

Using the IR Sauna is absolutely like a workout in the gym, but much greater, using the IR Sauna for 30 to<br />

60 minutes is equivalent to running 6 to 10 miles.<br />

Have you ever been evaluated for Parasites? Consider the following below!<br />

Trichinosis, trichinellosis or trichiniasis is a parasitic disease caused by roundworms of the<br />

genus Trichinella. Several subspecies cause human disease, but T. spiralis is the most known. [1] Infection<br />

may occur without symptoms, while intestinal invasion can cause diarrhea, abdominal<br />

pain orvomiting. Larval migration into muscle tissue (one week after being infected) can cause edema of<br />

the face or around the eyes, conjunctivitis, fever, muscle pains, splinter hemorrhages, rashes,<br />

and peripheral eosinophilia. Life-threatening cases can result in myocarditis, system involvement,<br />

and pneumonitis. Larval encystment in the muscles causes pain and weakness, or can be followed by slow<br />

progression of muscle growth if you are into fitness.<br />


Price $611<br />

Cardio 5000<br />

Price $396<br />

Ultra Vitality<br />

Price $396<br />

Genesis<br />

Price $229<br />

Advance Omega<br />

Are you struggling to Control Diabetes with Traditional Medicine?

Now you can take control of diabetes without the need for artificial chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs and<br />

injections. All of our methods and approaches in Cure Diabetes Naturally are based on years of clinical research<br />

71<br />

Normalize your blood sugar with natural and holistic approaches that bring the type of results that western<br />

medicine has been missing for years. Benefit from years of research and hands-on success to treat the root<br />

cause of diabetes today. Give us a call at 1868 479 7586.<br />

Reverse Heart Disease & High Blood Pressure Naturally<br />

Genesis Natural StemCell Clinic<br />

Rejuvenating Chronic Health Issues & Youthful Appearances<br />


We hear the phrase “high blood pressure” all the time, yet most people don’t even give it a second thought. More<br />

than 45% or more of Trinidadians are overweight, have cardiovascular issues and do not even realize that they<br />

have it because there is no physical symptom to help you diagnose the problem, unless you take the MRA Bio-<br />

Metric Assessment and Screening.<br />

Cardio 5000 combines superior product design with documented state-of-the-art<br />

manufacturing to deliver the finest L-arginine supplement for nourishing your<br />

endothelial cells!<br />

That’s a big headline, but Cardio 5000 is a remarkable product designed to improve your nitric oxide production<br />

for improved blood flow. This allows your tissues and organs to experience:<br />

• Enhanced Blood Flow and Cardiovascular Health!<br />

• Combats Premature Cardiovascular Aging!<br />

• Improved Nitric Oxide Production in 100,000 miles of your arteries!<br />

• Reduced LDL (Bad Cholesterol) Oxidation and Damage!<br />

• Improve the Integrity of the Entire Cardio-Metabolic System!<br />

• Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure and Sugar Levels!<br />

• Increased Blood Flow to the Muscles & Tissues<br />

for Improved Fitness & Athletic Performance while producing<br />

lean muscles!<br />

• Improved Sexual Health! No more dysfunction!<br />

• Decrease Your Body Fat!<br />

• Improved Organ Function and Overall Wellness!<br />

New Strategies Needed to Fight Obesity in the Caribbean<br />

The rapidity of obesity increase in the Caribbean is alarming. In two decades obesity has grown by almost<br />

400%. It is now the most important underlying cause of death in the region and the range of consequent<br />

illnesses is wide among those who survive. This places enormous pressure on our meager health budgets and<br />

left unchecked obesity can render our public health systems unsustainable. What can be done? We at Genesis<br />

Natural StemCell Clinic are making efforts to work toward this end within the communities.<br />

The silent escalating epidemic of obesity is the underlying cause of most deaths in the English-Speaking<br />

Caribbean today. If action is not taken to curb our increasingly overweight populations, the resultant burden of<br />

chronic diseases will overwhelm our health systems and ultimately retard our overall health and development.<br />

Source: Dr. Fitzroy J. Henry – Director of the Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute (CFNI).

72<br />

Blended Fruit Vegetables<br />

Drink Recipes<br />


http://www.yummly.com/recipes/blended-fruitvegetables-drink<br />

The Far Infrared Cardio Detox Sauna Dome<br />


Foods that Thin Blood Naturally<br />

73<br />

There are a number of foods and supplements that are known to thin the blood. These include foods with high<br />

amounts of aspirin-like substances called salicylates, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E supplements, and foods<br />

with natural antibiotic properties.<br />

While many people that have problems with blood clots, it is important to note that blood thinning foods are not<br />

desirable for everyone in the population. I have been an easy bleeder all of my life, so I have compiled this list so<br />

that I know which foods to limit, in order to keep my blood from being too thin.<br />

People taking prescription anti-coagulant drugs also need to be careful not to consume too many foods with<br />

natural blood thinning compounds in addition to their regular medication. One of my relatives is on a prescription<br />

anticoagulant drug for blood clots and has had eye hemorrhages from ingesting too many blood thinning foods<br />

in conjunction with his prescription medication.<br />

Interestingly, my relative was given a list of foods high in vitamin K so he would know what foods to limit so as<br />

not to reduce the effectiveness of his medication. However he was not given a list of foods that have their own<br />

anticoagulant properties, which if taken in conjunction with his medication could cause bleeding problems. He<br />

found some information on his own about blood thinning foods after he had the two eye hemorrhages.<br />

Blood coagulation should fall within a desirable range. If it coagulates (sticky and thick) too easily, clots can form<br />

which in turn can lead to adverse health conditions such as heart attacks. If blood doesn't clot enough,<br />

conditions such as bleeding from the nose aka (nosebleeds or epistaxis), hemorrhages, hematuria (blood in the<br />

urine), heavy periods in women, and bleeding strokes may occur. If a person's blood isn't clotting enough and he<br />

has surgery or a traumatic event like a car accident, he could have a serious problem by losing too much blood<br />

from wounds or surgical incisions failing to clot properly.<br />

Some of the foods that are generally thought to have natural blood thinning compounds are listed below. Please<br />

note that this is a hodge-podge list based on information I've collected over the years based on my own<br />

experiences, my assortment of alternative health books and internet research, so it's possible it may contain<br />

some errors. See your doctor before you implement any diet, supplement or exercise changes, especially if you<br />

are taking any prescription medications or have any health concerns related to coagulation.<br />

Salicylates<br />

One type of natural blood thinners are substances that block vitamin K known as salicylates. The most well<br />

known of these is aspirin, but many foods, such as preservatives and flavorings, also contain salicylates or<br />

aspirin-like substances. Some individuals are known to be aspirin or salicylate sensitive. I'm one of those<br />

salicylate sensitive types, but I have found that I can eat more salicylates as long as I eat a balanced amount of<br />

vitamin K foods. (Vitamin K plays an important role in the body's in blood clotting processes. The "K" in vitamin K<br />

gets its name from the Danish word for coagulation.)<br />

Foods that are higher in salicylates include many spices, most fruits, especially dried fruits, nuts, and also some<br />

flavorings and preservatives.<br />

Herbs and spices high in salicylates include:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Curry powder<br />

Cayenne pepper<br />

Ginger<br />

Paprika<br />

Thyme<br />

Cinnamon<br />

Dill<br />

Oregano<br />

Turmeric<br />

Licorice<br />


In Ayurvedic (traditional Indian medicine) many of the above spices are known as "warming spices". I think this<br />

is because by thinning the blood they increase a person's blood circulation, which in turn speeds up the<br />

metabolism and makes a person feel warmer.<br />

74<br />

My family was really cold one late evening at Disneyland, but as soon as we ate some churros we all warmed<br />

up. We did not know why at the time, but later realized it was because the churros were dipped in sugar<br />

with cinnamon, a spice high in blood thinning compounds and one of the key warming spices discussed<br />

frequently in Ayurvedic medicine.<br />

One of my children has had trouble with night sweats, so we put him on a diet that, among other changes,<br />

limited the amount of salicylates he consumed. That seemed to help him stay much cooler at night.<br />

Fruits high in salicylates include<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Raisins<br />

Prunes<br />

Cherries<br />

Cranberries<br />

Blueberries<br />

Grapes<br />

Strawberries<br />

Tangerines<br />

Oranges<br />

Other substances high in salicylates:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Chewing gum<br />

Honey<br />

Peppermints<br />

Vinegar<br />

Wine<br />

Cider<br />

Though there are some exceptions, in general most meat, fish, dairy, grains and vegetable foods are not high in<br />

salicylates. Many types of fish do however have blood thinning properties due to their omega-3 fatty acid<br />

content, as noted below.<br />

Chinese food is often prepared with many warming spices, such as ginger and garlic. One morning, after having<br />

Chinese food for dinner the night before, I was barefoot in the kitchen and stepped on a sharp pieces of glass<br />

from a broken glass storage bowl. The actual cut was very small, but the amount of blood loss was quite scary. I<br />

tried applying direct pressure to the wound but that didn't help. My foot only stopped bleeding after I ate a bowl<br />

of vitamin K rich lettuce.<br />

A 2001 study published in the European Journal of Nutrition found the salicylate content of organic foods to be<br />

higher than conventional foods. So if you are salicylate sensitive or have unexplained easy bleeding issues, you<br />

may want to experiment and see if you feel better by not eating organic foods.<br />

Ayurvedic Notes<br />

About Saffron<br />

Saffron's use is ancient. Saffron-based pigments have been found in 50,000 year-old paintings in northwest Iran.<br />

It conjures romance, royalty, and delicacy wherever it appears. Alexander the Great bathed in saffron to cure<br />

battle wounds. Cultivated saffron emerged in late Bronze Age Crete, bred from its wild precursor by selecting for<br />

unusually long stigmas making the plant sterile. Called Kumkum or Kesar in Ayurveda, it also appears as an<br />

important medicinal herb in many ancient texts including Ayurveda, Unani, and Chinese Medicine.<br />

Cooling Blood Purifier<br />

Saffron is a nourishing purifier that invigorates and moves the blood while cooling it. Saffron breaks up blood<br />

clots and clears liver stagnation. While most blood movers are heating, saffron is unique among blood movers

for its cooling properties. This makes saffron a useful herb for Pitta disorders with blood stagnation, including<br />

inflammation, arthritis, acne, and hepatitis.<br />

75<br />

Skin Tonic<br />

Saffron's ability to dilate the blood vessels encourages sweating and opening the pores (diaphoretic), effectively<br />

cleansing the skin and restoring a healthy glow. Saffron is also a cardiotonic that destroys phlegm. A paste is<br />

used topically in bruises and sores. Its blood moving qualities enhance digestion.<br />

Cools the mind<br />

Saffron is a refrigerant for the mind. It's Pitta pacifying qualities have been used to restore eyesight and to lower<br />

fevers.<br />

Reproductive Tonic<br />

Saffron with milk and ghee is a nourishing reproductive tonic for both men and women. Saffron's blood moving<br />

qualities are particularly desirable among herbs that stimulate the release of oxytocin, the "tend and befriend"<br />

hormone, supporting saffron's use to encourage mother's milk flow (galactogogue), and to contract and restore<br />

the uterus after giving birth. Like most oxytocic herbs, saffron is an abortifascient and should not be used during<br />

pregnancy. Its blood moving qualities can stimulate the menses (emmenogogue).<br />

Urinary Tract<br />

Saffron is also a purifying diuretic for urinary disorders. Saffron is mixed with honey for urinary stones. The<br />

recommended dosage of saffron is 1.5 to 3 grams of dried herb, usually taken as a decoction.<br />

7- Easy Smoothie Recipes Using Fresh Herbs<br />

Fresh herbs bring color, flavor, and vitality to all sorts of recipes: from soups and salads to sandwiches and<br />

casseroles. As great as they are in boosting the WOW factor of cooked savory dishes, they’re just as great in<br />

with fruit-based dishes—case in point: Smoothies! Here are 7 easy smoothie recipes using fresh herbs.<br />

The below recipe ideas are mere templates for ingredient combinations that work well together and complement<br />

the herbs listed. The formula for how much fruit, milk, yogurt, etc. in each is up to your individual palate. Some<br />

like a really thick smoothie—so add more frozen fruit. Some like a more icy, slushy smoothie—so add a small<br />

handful of ice.<br />

Also, these ideas aren’t sweetened at all. They call upon the natural sweetness of the fruits themselves and any<br />

natural sugars in your milk or yogurt of choice. If you like a sweeter smoothie or you aren’t used to the “green”<br />

flavor of fresh herbs, try using vanilla milk or yogurt, or maybe just a small dollop of honey in the mix.<br />

Once you get comfortable tossing fresh herbs into fruit-based smoothies, you’ll see how easy it is to use them is<br />

all sorts of fruit-basedrecipes you never thought of: pies, tarts, galettes, puddings, parfaits, compotes … the<br />

limits are truly endless. Enjoy experimenting!<br />

1. Frozen banana, yogurt or milk, and mint. A frozen banana smoothie is refreshing in its own right, but a bit<br />

of fresh mint in the mix adds an even more invigorating kick. Try 1 frozen banana + ½ cup yogurt + ¼ to ½<br />

cup loosely pack mint leaves + a splash of milk.<br />

2. Avocado, strawberry, and mint. Creamy, thick, and berrylicious, this combination is rich yet simple. Try ½<br />

avocado + ½ cup strawberries + ½ cup yogurt + ¼ to ½ cup loosely pack mint leaves + a splash of milk.<br />

3. Avocado, tropical fruit, and cilantro. For a south-of-the-border inspired smoothie, mix up this invigorating<br />

summery quaff. Awesome tropical fruits to experiment with include frozen mango, pineapple chunks, or<br />

guava. Try ½ avocado + 1 cup frozen tropical fruit + ½ cup to 1 cup milk + ¼ to ½ cup loosely packed<br />

cilantro leaves.

4. Frozen cherries, lime, and basil. This ingredients in this smoothie would make for one mean cocktail, but<br />

they’re just as delicious in a healthy smoothie. Try 1 cup frozen cherries + 1 lime, juiced + 1 cup milk + ¼ to<br />

½ cup loosely packed basil leaves.<br />

5. Frozen blueberries, lime or lemon, and basil. As bare-bones as the above cherry smoothie, and just as<br />

every drop delicious. Try 1 cup frozen blueberries + 1 lime or small lemon, juiced + 1 cup milk + ¼ to ½ cup<br />

loosely packed basil leaves.<br />

6. Ginger, apple, lemon juice, and parsley. This near-green juice is tart, sharp, and tangy—a great palatecleanser!<br />

Try 1 apple + 1/2-inch peeled raw ginger + 1 small lemon, juiced + ¼ to ½ cup loosely packed<br />

parsley leaves.<br />

76<br />

Raspberry, yogurt, and rosemary. This smoothie combination is both uplifting from the raspberries and<br />

soothing from the fresh rosemary. Rosemary is more concentrated in flavor than leafy herbs like parsley or basil,<br />

so you can use far less of it in your recipes. Try 1 cup frozen raspberries + 1 cup yogurt + 1 sprig fresh<br />

rosemary, leaves chopped.<br />

Are you struggling to Control Diabetes with Traditional Medicine?<br />

Now you can take control of diabetes without the need for artificial chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs and<br />

injections. All of the methods and approaches in Cure Diabetes Naturally are based on years of clinical research<br />

and real world treatment of hundreds of patients.<br />

Normalize your blood sugar with natural and holistic approaches that bring the type of results that western<br />

medicine has been missing for years. Benefit from years of research and hands-on success to treat the root<br />

cause of diabetes today.<br />

Detoxification Guidelines<br />

Detoxification comes in many forms and refers to many different programs that cleanse the body of toxins.<br />

Today, our environment is toxic and the foods we eat, even the air we breathe and the water we drink is laden<br />

with chemicals foreign to our system. Therefore, everyone is undergoing some type of detoxification to maintain<br />

life and health. Although basic detoxification begins with diet, detox programs may include nutritional fortification<br />

for the liver, lungs, kidneys, bowels and blood. There are seven channels of elimination we must maintain<br />

always.<br />

These organs are so important in detoxification. Detoxification for the body may refer to the cleansing of the<br />

bowels, kidneys, lungs, the liver or the blood, since these are the organs involved in detoxification of chemicals<br />

and toxins from the body. The liver acts as an “in-line” filter for the removal of foreign substances and wastes<br />

from the blood. The kidneys filter wastes from the blood into the urine, while the lungs remove volatile gases as<br />

we breathe. Most people’s liver and kidneys functions between 40% to 58% when an MRA Assessment and<br />

Diagnostics scan is done.<br />

Our body is designed to utilize natural substances, which includes foods, herbs and phytochemicals. Any foreign<br />

substance will serve as a stimulus to our immune system, which has the function of removing these substances.<br />

Although the toxicity of a chemical may vary, it is the job of the liver to reduce toxins into compounds that the<br />

body can safely handle and eliminate through the kidneys (as urine), skin (as sweat), lungs (as expelled air) and<br />

bowels (as faeces). Maintaining these eliminative organs in good working order is essential for one’s good health<br />


to continue every two to three months, using our Symmetry health products in conjunction with double stemcell,<br />

you are sure to look at least ten years younger all the time.

If you are already on insulin, absolutely do not stop taking insulin, and do not stop<br />

measuring your glucose levels, without your doctor's permission.<br />

77<br />

What Causes Type II Diabetes<br />

Type 2 diabetes can be cured!! But before understanding any cure for type 2<br />

diabetes, it is first necessary to understand the cause of type 2 diabetes.<br />

First of all, being overweight does NOT cause type 2 diabetes!!! Scientists generate a lot of data, but<br />

frequently have no clue how to interpret the data.<br />

The reason there is a high statistical correlation between being overweight and having type 2 diabetes is that the<br />

same thing that causes type 2 diabetes also causes some people to be overweight. For example, bad fats (such<br />

as in margarine) are what cause type 2 diabetes, and bad fats can also cause a person to be overweight.<br />

Thus the statistical correlation is not a "causal" relationship, but rater a "common cause" relationship. It is<br />

extremely rare when a scientist discusses "common cause" statistical correlations because they get paid to sell<br />

drugs. Let me repeat: being overweight does NOT cause type 2 diabetes.<br />

Here is more information about what really causes type 2 diabetes:<br />

<br />

"Another lipid in a cell wall is cholesterol. And you thought it was a terrible thing. The cholesterol in each<br />

one of your cells forms a "hydrophobic" bond within the cell wall. Hydrophobic means "fear of water." It’s<br />

a cute way to describe this function of our cells, but in our lives it simply describes the reason we don’t<br />

melt in a rainstorm or fall apart when we take a shower or bath. Our cells resist water. Without this<br />

resistance, we would be water-soluble and we'd all dissolve in a rainstorm.<br />

Our diets in this country (and in Budwig’s country at the time) lack these highly unsaturated fatty acids<br />

and contain an excess of man-made oils known as trans fats (or partially hydrogenated oils). These oils<br />

are very much like cholesterol and our bodies cannot tell the difference. These oils get into our cell walls<br />

and destroy the electrical charge. Without the charge, our cells start to suffocate. Without the oxygen,<br />

the only way the cell can replicate is anaerobically. (They also are very tough oils and have a 20-year<br />

shelf life. They impede the process of cellular exchange, or letting nutrition in and letting wastes out.<br />

Trans fats are also responsible for Type II diabetes, since insulin is a very large molecule it has a difficult<br />

time passing through a cell wall created with man-made fats and not cholesterol.)"<br />

http://www.mnwelldir.org/docs/cancer1/budwig.htm<br />

In other words, trans-fatty acids attach themselves to the cell walls, and because they are a different type and<br />

shape of molecule, make the cell walls "rigid," and the large glucose molecules cannot penetrate the cell walls<br />

and get into the cells.<br />

Here is a more detailed way to explain it (taken from an email from a medical doctor):<br />

<br />

"Insulin binds with a cell wall receptor that causes a transport molecule to come to the wall and escort<br />

the glucose/ascorbate to where it is needed. The trouble is that it can't easily come through a port made<br />

of the wrong fatty acids. The cell may still have some good ports so increasing insulin will still help. Over<br />

time as the body continues to store excess glucose as triglyceride in fat cells and doesn't burn fat the<br />

person becomes obese--just look around you, it's everywhere.<br />

Most diets are low-fat and the fats they do contain are bad fats and the problem just gets worse."<br />

Type II or Type 2 diabetes is one of the rare diseases that is not caused by a microbe or impurities in<br />

vaccinations. It is caused by our diet of "bad fats" and the lack of "good fats" in our diet.<br />

These same bad fats cause heart disease and many cases of people being overweight.

In other words, the same bad fats cause three major health problems:<br />

1) Type 2 diabetes,<br />

2) heart disease,<br />

3) many cases of being overweight.<br />

78<br />

There are many other things these molecules cause as well.<br />

The medical community, having no interest in what causes disease, claims that type 2 diabetes causes heart<br />

disease. This is partly true, but most of their statistical correlation is caused by the fact that both of them are<br />

caused by the same thing - the ratio of bad fats to good fats.<br />

If a person were to simply avoid the trans-fatty acids and many other bad fats, eventually their type 2 diabetes<br />

would go away because as the bad cells (i.e. the ones with rigid fats on them) died, they would be replaced by<br />

new cells made of good fats (assuming there were good fats in your diet). However, this process would take<br />

several years since many cells live for multiple years.<br />

However, there is a way to speed up the process. By avoiding the bad fats, and flooding your body with the right<br />

type of good fats, especially water-soluable omega 3, type 2 diabetes is very easy to cure. It generally takes 7-<br />

12 months (much less time if it is newly diagnosed).<br />

It is absolutely critical to avoid ALL trans-fatty acids, ALL hydrogenated oils, ALL CANOLA OIL, ALL<br />

margarine and ALL other "bad fats" like the plague, because they ARE A PLAUGUE on humanity!!!<br />

The Cure for Type II Diabetes<br />

Reversing diabetes is not only possible; it is likely if you are willing to put forth the effort. This website is about<br />

reversing diabetes. It's about honest information; not about rampant industry promoting disinformation. It is<br />

about reversing a monstrous degenerative disease syndrome that shouldn't even exist. Diabetes is a disease<br />

syndrome that is so common that all of us either have the disease or we know someone that does have it. It is a<br />

primary, if not the primary, economic support for a medical community whose policy level management has<br />

absolutely no interest in curing it. This one disease syndrome alone accounted for over 40% of the deaths in the<br />

US from all causes in 1995 (Based on data published by American Demographics). This disease syndrome<br />

currently constitutes one of our most effective restraints on population growth in the developed nations. At the<br />

beginning of the twentieth century, this disease syndrome was so rare that it was considered a medical curiosity.<br />

By mid-2005, I had known for several months that there was a cure for Type II diabetes, and I knew a little bit<br />

about the cure, but I did not know all of the details. In mid-2005 I received an email from a medical doctor with<br />

enough details that I could put the cure online. Prior to sending the email to me he had his facts checked with a<br />

PhD who was familiar with the cure.<br />

Here is the cure, taken from an email from the same medical doctor mentioned above:<br />

<br />

"I know you have the theory on this from some of the e-mails I sent you, but I finally got around to<br />

sending the cure to [a PhD who works at a medical clinic] who runs the lab at [medical clinic], and heads<br />

the dept. at [a university]. He confirmed it is true and had been around for some time now. The natural<br />

therapy will take several months to kick in after which you can flush the medications a person takes<br />

down the toilet and pronounce them cured so long as they continue eating right.<br />

The cure is to eliminate partially hydrogenated oils and trans-fats [i.e. trans-fatty acids, such as is in<br />

margarine] from the diet. Replace these with natural oils such as flaxseed, olive oil, real butter, lard, any<br />

organic animal or plant fats, coconut oil, etc. Try to make omega 3/omega 6 ratio > 1 [i.e. consume more<br />

omega 3 than omega 6 - I would also add walnuts to his list of things with omega 3].<br />

Cells cannot get glucose and also vit C inside when the walls are made by DuPont [the MD is a bit<br />

cynical]. You're not surprised are you? DuPont probably knew this 50 years ago. It takes 3-12 months<br />

for blood sugars to return to normal without any more drugs. This treatment is being done by the<br />

naturopathic docs in Phoenix. If you add an organic diet and vitamin c on top of this you will stop most<br />

heart disease and cancer. If a person would then only seek medical care for trauma or some surgical<br />

emergency, he will have eliminated the top 3 causes of death in the USA."<br />

I personally find it amazing that few medical doctors tell their patients that the major cause of type 2 diabetes is<br />

man-made fats, such as trans-fatty acids, hyrogenated oils, canola oil, etc.

I cannot emphasize enough that you must take significantly MORE omega 3 than omega 6. You MUST monitor<br />

both items in your diet and supplements!!<br />

79<br />

It is important to understand that a person's diet generally contains more omega 6 than omega 3. Thus, when<br />

you buy an omega 3 supplement, it must be of the highest quality (certainly not a pill) and it must have a ratio of<br />

at least 3:1 of omega 3 to omega 6.<br />

Think about why. If your diet has more omega 6 than omega 3, and if you need to intake more omega 3 than<br />

omega 6, then your supplements must contain at least a 3:1 ratio of omega 3 to omega 6.<br />

Details of the Cure<br />

NOTE: Each time you make a batch of the Budwig Diet, consume it within 10 minutes so it does not<br />

deteriorate in potency. Also, do not add anything into the mixture until AFTER the cottage cheese and<br />

flax seed oil have completely mixed together.<br />

Because the Budwig Diet Mixture is used for multiple diseases, a separate article has been written on<br />

how to make the Budwig Diet Mixture. Read this detailed article very carefully and keep referring to it.<br />

After reading it for the first time, come back to this article:<br />

How to Make the Budwig Mixture<br />

A diabetic should take at least 4 tablespoons of the flaxseed oil every day as part of their treatment. That<br />

is the minimum dose.<br />

You can make one mixture twice a day or you can make one very large mixture once a day. It doesn't matter.<br />

Remember to shake the bottle of flaxseed oil each time before you use it and remember to eat the mixture within<br />

half an hour after making it.<br />

Also, do NOT use flax seeds or flaxseed cereal as part of the mixture (but they can be added after it is mixed).<br />

The whole point to making the Budwig mixture is to convert oil soluble omega-3 into water soluble omega-3 and<br />

this can only be done with oils.<br />

When buying fish oils it is critical to make sure the oils do not have mercury and other heavy metals in it. That is<br />

why I endorse the high quality Norwegian products.<br />

I need to mention some comments from the superb book: The pH Miracle for Diabetes, by the brilliant<br />

researcher Dr. Robert O. Young, PhD. On page 84 he mentions that the body converts alpha lipoic acid into<br />

forms of omega-3. On page 111 he recommends a ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 of 3:1 and he recommends<br />

borage oil (1,000 mg capsule three times a day) to get the omega-6 GLA (gamma-linolenic acid), LA (linoleic<br />

acid) and EA (erucic acid). That is good advice.<br />

MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) - Another Critical Supplement<br />

MSM is the key to making cell walls more elastic. The sulfur in MSM is necessary for the cell walls to return to<br />

normal.<br />

However, you should NOT buy MSM unless it is absolutely guaranteed to have zero additives. Take at least 10<br />

grams a day.<br />

Here is an article on how to make MSM Water:<br />

How To Make MSM Water

Some Highly Critical Supplements<br />

My only additions to this treatment would be the following:<br />

80<br />

1) A REQUIRED supplement for anyone using omega 3 is one of its cofactors: vitamin B12. Two sources of B12<br />

will be given, one a single cell plant, called chlorella, and the other a B12 supplement:<br />

Free eBook on Chlorella and list of vendors<br />

Endorsed vendor of B12 supplement<br />

2) Six capsules of coral calcium (during the treatment), two in the morning, two in the afternoon and two in the<br />

evening. After the treatment, you can cut this dose in half. This should be 100% coral calcium (I prefer the<br />

Barefoot product), not a mixture of coral calcium and other forms of calcium.<br />

3) A minimum of 10,000 I.U. of Vitamin D daily. This is absolutely required in order for your body to absorb the<br />

coral calcium.<br />

4) Vitamin C. Take at least 3 grams a day, but after a couple of weeks gradually move it up to 6 grams a day.<br />

Vitamin C should be taken in the form of mineral ascorbates, such as sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate,<br />

magnesium ascorbate, etc. Here is a highly recommended vendor:<br />

Buffered Vitamin C Product<br />

5) Cinnamon - at least 1/2 teaspoon a day, which is critical to "soften" the cell membranes. Cinnamon mimics<br />

insulin, thus it may lower your need for insulin immediately.<br />

6) A top quality liquid ionic vanadium product, which will also help the cell membranes. It also mimics insulin and<br />

will reduce your need for insulin.<br />

7) A top quality liquid ionic chromium supplement to help the pancreas have the nutrients it needs to make<br />

insulin.<br />

All of the items, except for the Vitamin B12, vitamin C and chromium, are added to help your cell membranes.<br />

The liquid ionic vanadium, the liquid ionic chromium and a high quality chlorophyll "green drink" product can be<br />

purchased at.<br />

Essense of Life<br />

Important Enzymes<br />

For type 2 diabetes patients who have circulatory problems, it is important to take an enzyme supplement to help<br />

treat the symptoms of type 2 diabetes.<br />

While the above treatment will cure your diabetes, you may have more immediate needs related to the sideeffects<br />

of having diabetes.<br />

It is important for such patients to study the "Type 1" diabetes article for critical information about treating the<br />

dangerous symptoms of diabetes.<br />

Here is the article:<br />

Type 1 Diabetes Article (for treating the symptoms of diabetes)<br />

Article #1: Introduction to Type I Diabetes<br />

Note #1: It is important to read all 3 chapters in this article, as there may be several different sections that apply<br />

to your situation.

Note #2: It is important to check back with this article very couple of months. This article does change from time<br />

to time or you may forget a key issue.<br />

81<br />

Introduction to Type I Diabetes<br />

Did you know that there are two products that have cured advanced type 1 diabetes cases? Both of them will be<br />

discussed in this article. But more importantly, one of these products can reverse cumulative severe side-effects<br />

of type 1 or type 2 diabetes.<br />

Type I diabetes is actually a set of symptoms, meaning it can be caused by several different things. The<br />

symptoms are that the blood lacks insulin. There are actually several things that can cause an abnormally low<br />

level of insulin in the blood.<br />

Type I diabetes is a very severe disease. The average life-span of a type 1 diabetic is 5-8 years shorter than an<br />

average person. But death is not the worst thing about type 1 diabetes. Here is a list of some of the health<br />

problems it can lead to:<br />

1) Amputation of limbs<br />

2) Blindness (retinopathy) - diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness in America - 12,000 to<br />

24,000 cases anually<br />

3) Kidney failure (nephropathy) - frequently leading to dialysis or a kidney/pancreas transplant<br />

4) Liver disease<br />

5) Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)<br />

6) Heart disease<br />

7) Stroke (e.g. paralysis)<br />

8) High blood pressure<br />

9) Nerve damage (neuropathy)<br />

10) Dementia<br />

11) Urinary tract infection (mostly in women)<br />

12) Depression<br />

Note: Aspartame (e.g. Equal, NutraSweet, etc.) and sugar are the leading causes of depression in nondiabetics.<br />

However, because the average diabetic consumes more aspartame than the average person, it is<br />

highly possible that aspartame is by far the REALcause of depression in diabetics!! A diabetic should absolutely<br />

avoid aspartame and all other artificial sweeteners!<br />

13) Bone quality<br />

Note: See this cancer article for people whose bones have become brittle:<br />

Bone Cancer Article<br />

14) Hearing loss<br />

The Common Thread<br />

A casual glance at the above list makes it clear that there is a common thread among what causes the majority<br />

of the above problems. That problem is circulatory problems, especially with the small capillaries.<br />

Obviously, controling the insulin level of a type 1 diabetic does NOT prevent circulatory problems. Likewise, it is<br />

obvious that controling the glucose level of a type 1 diabetic doesNOT prevent circulatory problems.

Thus, orthodox medicine does virtually nothing to prevent the severe complications of diabetes or to cure<br />

diabetes. This article is about both preventing the severe side-effects of diabetes and curing diabetes.<br />

82<br />

While there are some things that are known to cure some type 1 diabetes cases, the majority of type 1 diabetes<br />

cases still cannot be cured with alternative medicine.<br />

However, there is good news. The treatment described in this article will deal with several different causes of<br />

type 1 diabetes, and will point the patient in the direction of understanding what might be causing their diabetes,<br />

which may lead to effective treatments.<br />

This is a long article, but there is a lot of information that is critical to know for the type 1 diabetes patient.<br />

Cases of Type 1 Diabetes Which are Caught Early<br />

There are two substances that have been shown in scientific studies to cure type 1 diabetes if it is caught early<br />

enough. These two substances are niacinamide and vitamin E. Exactly how soon the diabetes has to be caught<br />

is not known. Generally, 80% of the beta cells are dead before the diabetes is caught, so anyone who has been<br />

taking insulin for less than about a year should try these two substances immediately.<br />

There were two scientific studies on niacinamide and Type 1 diabetes. In one study, 90% of the newly<br />

diagnosed diabetic patients were cured of their diabetes with niacinamide. In another study, 50% of the newly<br />

diagnosed diabeted patients were cured of their diabetes with niacinamide. What was the difference in the<br />

studies?<br />

The difference was that the newly diagnosed patients in one study (the 90% cure) were not allowed to partake of<br />

any dairy products. In the other study the patients were allowed to partake of dairy products.<br />

The results of these two studies makes it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that the patient must stop taking every<br />

possible form of dairy products immediately.<br />

Supplements That Mimic Insulin<br />

There are two substances that are known to mimic insulin, leading to the need for less insulin. These two items<br />

are cinnamon and liquid ionic vanadium.<br />

Taking both of these products can lead to the nearly immediate need for slightly less insulin. While these two<br />

substances are not part of the treatment for diabetes, they can be hugely beneficial to the patient during the<br />

treatment. Both of these items are in the treatment described below.<br />

How To Make the Budwig Diet Mixture<br />

The Budwig Diet, meaning the Budwig Protocol (it is actually not a "diet," but rather a specific mixture) is<br />

necessary for many alternative treatments; from type 2 diabetes to cancer to heart disease to auto-immune<br />

diseases, etc.<br />

Its purpose is to energize the cells by restoring the natural electrical balance in the cell. Many human diseases<br />

are caused by "sick cells" which have lost their normal electrical balance; generally via a lower ATP energy in<br />

the cell's mitochondria.<br />

One thing to understand, and this is critical, is that the WHOLE purpose of the Budwig Diet is to convert oilsoluble<br />

omega-3 fatty acids into water-soluble omega-3 fatty acids.

This is why it is so important to add things to the mixture in the right order. If you mix them in the wrong order<br />

you may lose a lot of the opportunity to convert the oil-soluble omega-3s into water soluble-omega-3s.<br />

83<br />

Since someone may "hit" this article directly from the Internet, here are a few resources on the theory behind the<br />

Budwig Diet and the use of the Budwig Diet.<br />

Here is an article on the Budwig Diet by cancer researcher Mike Vrentas:<br />

Budwig Diet<br />

Here is another article on the Budwig Diet which was written by another Budwig expert:<br />

Healing Cancer Naturally<br />

Here is a DVD which details an entire day on the Budwig Protocol:<br />

Entire Day on the Budwig<br />

The Ingredients<br />

Here are the ingredients to make the Budwig Diet and how to mix them together.<br />

Item #1: Refrigerated, Liquid Flaxseed Oil<br />

This is generally purchased at a health food store. For people who do not live near a health food store they can<br />

order it over the Internet. Even if it takes a few days of travel to arrive at your house, leaving it unrefrigerated for<br />

this period should not affect the product. But after it arrives refrigerate it.<br />

The most popular brand is Barlean's Flax Oil, but there are other brands. The key is that it is liquid and has far<br />

more omega 3s than omega 6s. For example, my bottle (Barlean's) has 6,200 mg of omega 3s to 1,810 mg of<br />

omega 6s. The reason for this ratio is that a normal diet will have far more omega 6 than omega 3, thus the<br />

supplement must have far more omega 3 than omega 6.<br />

One main issue is "lignans." Lignans are particles which contain fiber. Some people claim you should buy nonlignan<br />

versions of flax oil and some people suggest you buy high lignan varieties.<br />

The answer really depends on what you are using it for. For example, if you are using it for stomach cancer, and<br />

are on the Cellect-Bugwig protocol or Bill Henderson protocol, then you definitely need the "high lignan" version.<br />

This is because the stomach needs the fiber.<br />

On the other hand, Mike Vrentas recommends no lignan varieties for other types of cancer patients. However,<br />

his reason is that it is hard to tell when the lignan version becomes rancid. This is generally not an issue in high<br />

volume health food stores.<br />

What you use is up to you and your research.<br />

MAKE A NOTE TO YOURSELF to shake the flaxseed oil well before putting it in the bowl.<br />

Item #2: Cottage Cheese (U.S. Variety) or Yogurt<br />

Here are the basic instructions on how to make the Budwig Mixture.<br />

Grind with a small coffee grinder (1) Tblsp of Flax Seed and put in a small bowl. Do not buy pre-ground flax seed<br />

as the flax seed goes rancid 15 minutes after grinding. Brown or Golden whole Flaxseed is available and either<br />

will work. Grind fresh each time.

We have always recommended using the immersion [stick or wand like] mixer for the Flax Seed Oil and Cottage<br />

Cheese. Here is a link to photos of an immersion mixer:<br />

http://tinyurl.com/2wwte7<br />

84<br />

Mix (4) Tbs of organic 2% low fat Cottage Cheese with (2) Tbs organic cold pressed Flax Seed Oil commonly<br />

referred to as (Flax Oil). It is best (not) to use Flavored, Lignum or Highest Lignum Flax Oil. Two good flax oils<br />

are Barlean’s or Spectrum’s cold pressed organic flax oil. This can be found in the refrigerated section of the<br />

grocery or health food store. Never off the shelf. Never capsule or flakes. Watch the expiration date. Blend the<br />

flax oil and cottage cheese together with the immersion blender until reaching a creamy quality and the oil has<br />

been absorbed. There should be no standing oil. Then add to this mixture if needed, 1-3 Tbs of low fat milk for a<br />

creamery mixture and (stir with a spoon) no blender. This mixture should then be poured over the freshly ground<br />

flax seed and mixed together by spoon; again no blender. The ratio may be adjusted for smaller or larger<br />

proportions. A rule of thumb to keep in mind is one tablespoon of oil to two tablespoons of cottage cheese. The<br />

amount of milk can be adjusted as needed for consistency and easier blending. Once the mixture is completed it<br />

must be eaten immediately for best results. Make fresh each time. Here's the link to the (YouTube) page<br />

showing how to combine the Flax Oil and Cottage Cheese in a video.<br />

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSoddptWL0s<br />

The above mixture can be flavored differently every day by adding nuts, preferably organic such as pecans,<br />

almonds or walnuts (not peanuts), banana, organic cocoa, shredded coconut, pineapple (fresh) blueberries,<br />

raspberries, cinnamon, vanilla or (freshly) squeezed fruit juice. It’s usually best to place the fresh fruit on top of<br />

the completed mixture and enjoy as its own meal. Try your best to obtain organic fruit when possible. Many<br />

times this can be found frozen when not in season.<br />

The above protocol should not be consumed with any other supplements, foods or oils at the same time. This<br />

should be a stand alone meal.<br />

Dr Budwig pointed out that people who are suffering from Chronic or Terminal disease should work themselves<br />

up to consuming 4-8 Tblsp of the oil daily. Usually the higher limits 6-8 Tbs were for people with cancer. She<br />

stated, people with Liver or Pancreatic Cancer etc, may have to work up very slowly with the oil and possibly<br />

only start with 1 teaspoon at a time giving their body time to adjust. Dr Budwig pointed out that cancer patients<br />

once starting the protocol and getting it under control must continue with a maintenance dose to prevent<br />

reoccurrence. A maintenance dose is considered (1) Tbs of the oil per one hundred pounds of body weight. The<br />

Budwig Diet takes time to work and in the event of cancer may take 3-6 months. Many other health issues can<br />

be much faster in responding.<br />

Item #3: Cinnamon<br />

Each brand of cinnamon has an oil content. For diabetic patients it is critical to go to a health food store and buy<br />

the highest percentage of oil as possible. Cinnamon mimics insulin, thus by adding cinnamon you may need less<br />

insulin immediately. See the article on how to cure type 2 diabetes for more information because other things<br />

also mimic insulin:<br />

Diabetes Type II article<br />

For everyone else, the main purpose of the cinnamon is to kill the taste of the flaxseed oil and cod liver oil, so<br />

the oil content is not that important.<br />

Item #4: Mandarin Oranges or Some Other Fruit<br />

The sole purpose of this item is for taste, thus add whatever fruits you wish.

Final Important Comments<br />

85<br />

You must consume the Budwig mixture within 20 minutes of making it. Do NOT make more than you<br />

need and do not refrigerate the leftovers!!!<br />

Also, don't forget to put the cottage cheese into the bowl first, then the flaxseed oil. THEN mix the two<br />

together before putting anything else in the bowl.<br />

See the individual treatment articles for more information on how to use the Budwig Diet for that particular health<br />

condition.<br />

Flaxseed Oil & Cottage Cheese Recipe www.budwig-videos.com<br />

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSoddptWL0s<br />

Comments About Cinnamon<br />

Dr. Richard A. Anderson, at the Human Nutrition Research Center (USDA), found that people who eat apple pie<br />

have a significantly lower probability of getting Type II diabetes. Upon further examination, he isolated cinnamon<br />

as the substance in the apple pies that was preventing the diabetes. Within cinnamon, the key substance is<br />

called: methylhydroxychalcone polymer (MHCP):<br />

<br />

"Dr. Anderson discovered that MHCP can stimulate glucose uptake by our cells. It can even help in the<br />

synthesis of glycogen, a polymer of glucose that our bodies produce as a means of storing energy for<br />

later use, when it is depolymerized back to glucose. Most of our glycogen is found in the liver, but some<br />

is found in our muscles - a handy place to be when we start exercising and need quick energy.<br />

Producing adequate amounts of glycogen is a principal function of blood sugar metabolism, and MHCP<br />

can help.<br />

Dr. Anderson says that MHCP has effects similar to those of insulin and works almost as well. Both of<br />

these substances work by chemically modifying our cells' insulin receptors in a manner that activates<br />

them to do their job, which is to allow glucose molecules to pass through the cell wall into the insulin<br />

cascade--the series of molecular events triggered by insulin's interaction with its receptor-is also<br />

triggered by MHCP. He also discovered that when MHCP and insulin act together, the effect is<br />

synergistic, i.e., the total effect is greater than the sum of its parts."<br />

http://www.diabetesincontrol.com/issue118/item8.shtml<br />

While this is published information, orthodox medicine does not encourage people to eat cinnamon as a<br />

prevention measure for type 2 diabetes. Nor do they mention that type 2 diabetes is caused by trans-fatty acids<br />

and other bad fats. Nor do they tell people what the best diet is for type 2 diabetes patients. Nor do they tell<br />

people how to cure their type 2 diabetes.<br />


Our large capacity 3.5 Liter Alkaling Water Pitcher gives the user all the benefits of Alkaline Water in about 10<br />

minutes. It acts as an Alkaline Water Ionizer for your tap water turning it into Mineral Rich Health Promoting<br />

Water which is Alkaline in pH and also has antioxidant properties, magnesium, potassium, calcium and trace<br />

minerals, you can also add one teaspoon of celtic sea salt to supercharge your water.<br />

Our Alkaline Water Pitcher is now the most cost effective way for people to enjoy the benefits of drinking filtered<br />

alkaline antioxident water. Alkaline Water Pitcher acts as a alkaline water treatment system.<br />

It uses a new generation of special natural ceramics that affects the water as it flow through it. Pitcher can be<br />

easily re-filled through an opening in the top. No need to take the top off. Pitcher allows for a capacity of 3.5

liters of alkaline antioxidant water, suitable to sit in most refrigerator doors. The water filter increases the quality<br />

of water to be used for tea, coffee, cooking and drinking water.<br />

86<br />

You can even make your own bottled alkaline water and take it with you, to enjoy alkaline water in your daily<br />

tasks. Filter contains: Tourmaline balls to raise pH, Chlorine reduction balls, Negative Potential balls for negative<br />

ORP, Maifan Stone balls to re-mineralize the water by adding iron, zinc, calcium, & other beneficial minerals,<br />

and Far InFrared balls to energize the water. Makes approx: 150 liters of filtered water with each filter!<br />

Drinking Alkaline Water ideally combined with a more alkaline diet reportedly can: 1. Increase energy level. 2.<br />

Boost Immunity 3. Slow down the aging process 4. Reduce Heavy Metals, water hardness, pollution and<br />

pesticides Alkaline ionized water has been credited with having beneficial properties in the treatment of many<br />

diseases in addition to helping healthy people maintain their good health with high levels of vitality.<br />

Alkaline Water Can help with: Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholestrol, Kidney Problems, Gout, Chronic<br />

Fatique, Acid Reflux, Osteoporosis, Stomach Inflammation, Liver Inflammation and Rheumatism.<br />

God Wants You Healed And Whole<br />

Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of<br />

punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy].<br />

But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement<br />

[needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are<br />

healed and made whole. — Isaiah 53:4–5 (AMP)<br />

But He was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was<br />

whipped so we could be healed. — Isaiah 53:5 (NLT) … who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree,<br />

that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed. — 1 Peter 2:24<br />

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will<br />

also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. — Romans 8:11 He who did not spare<br />

His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? —<br />

Romans 8:32 Suddenly, a man with leprosy approached Him and knelt before Him. “Lord,” the man said, “if You<br />

are willing, You can heal me and make me clean.” Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” He said.<br />

“Be healed!” And instantly the leprosy disappeared. — Matthew 8:2–3 (NLT) “Lord, help!” they cried in their<br />

trouble, and He saved them from their distress.<br />

He sent out His word and healed them, snatching them from the door of death. — Psalm 107:19–20 (NLT) For<br />

He will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. — Psalm 91:3 (NLT) He also brought<br />

them out with silver and gold, and there was none feeble among His tribes. — Psalm 105:37<br />

15 Health Benefits of Cardamom<br />

Cardamom is native to the evergreen forests of India. This spice is<br />

commonly used in Indian cuisine even right here in Trinidad, but what many<br />

people do not know is the astonishing benefits derived from cardamom, it<br />

has also made its way into Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for mouth<br />

ulcers, digestive problems, and even depression and many more illnesses.<br />

Some of the health benefits of this peppery, citrusy spice are now making<br />

their way into modern studies. Its well worth adding cardamom to your food<br />

for the flavour alone, but these health benefits are also something to<br />

consider whenever you break out the spices.<br />

1. Digestion – Cardamom is related to ginger and can be used in much the same way to counteract digestive<br />

problems. Use it to combat nausea, acidity, bloating, gas, heartburn, loss of appetite, constipation, and much<br />


2. Detoxify – This spice helps the body eliminate waste through the kidneys.<br />

3. Halitosis – In India they chew cardamom after meals or whenever they need to freshen their breath.<br />

4. Diuretic – Part of the reason cardamom is such a good detoxifier is thanks to the diuretic properties. It helps<br />

clean out the urinary tract, bladder, and kidneys, removing waste, salt, excess water, toxins, and combating<br />

infections too.<br />

5. Depression – The science behind the antidepressant qualities of cardamom hasn’t been studied yet, but<br />

Ayurvedic medicine swears by the tea as a means to fight depression.<br />

6. Oral Health – Apart from helping with bad breath, cardamom is used for mouth ulcers and infections of the<br />

mouth and throat.<br />

7. Cold and Flu – This pungent spice may help prevent and relieve cold and flu symptoms. It’s also used for<br />

bronchitis and coughs.<br />

8. Cancer – Animal studies are showing promise that cardamom protects against, inhibits growth, and even<br />

kills some cancers.<br />

9. Blood Pressure – As a diuretic and fiber rich spice, cardamom significantly lowers blood pressure.<br />

10. Blood Clots – Cardamom prevents dangerous blood clots by preventing platelet aggregation and the<br />

sticking to the artery walls.<br />

11. Antioxidant – Many of the vitamins, phytonutrients, and essential oils in cardamom act as antioxidants,<br />

cleaning up free radicals and resisting cellular aging.<br />

12. Pathogens – The volatile essential oils in cardamom inhibit the growth of viruses, bacteria, fungus, and<br />

mold.<br />

13. Anti-inflammatory – Like ginger and turmeric, its relatives, cardamom has some anti-inflammatory<br />

properties that limit pain and swelling, especially in mucus membranes, the mouth, and throat.<br />

14. Hiccups – Cardamom is an anti-spasmodic that can help get rid of hiccups. This also applies to other<br />

involuntary muscle spasms, like stomach and intestinal cramps.<br />

15. Aphrodisiac – Traditional medicine lists cardamom as a powerful aphrodisiac that can help with erectile<br />

dysfunction and impotence.<br />

87<br />

7 Health Benefits Nutmeg Provides<br />

Known as a popular spice around the world, nutmeg is also popular for its many health benefits. In fact, since<br />

ancient times, nutmeg has been used as a remedy for various ailments or to improve health in general. Here are<br />

some of the health benefits that nutmeg provides.<br />

1. Brain Tonic<br />

During ancient times, Roman and Greek civilizations used nutmeg as a type of brain tonic. This is because<br />

nutmeg can effectively stimulate your brain. As a result, it can help eliminate fatigue and stress. If you are<br />

suffering from anxiety or depression, nutmeg may also be a good remedy. Nutmeg can also improve your<br />

concentration so you can become more efficient and focused at work or at school.<br />

2. Pain Relief<br />

Nutmeg is also an effective sedative. In fact, nutmeg is a staple in ancient Chinese medicine. The Chinese used<br />

the spice to treat inflammation and abdominal pain. Use nutmeg if you are suffering from aching joints, muscle<br />

pain, arthritis, sores and other ailments. To relieve the pain, apply nutmeg oil to the affected areas.

3. Indigestion Relief<br />

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If you suffer from digestion-related problems like diarrhea, constipation, bloating, flatulence and so on, nutmeg<br />

can effectively offer you relief. Nutmeg oil relieves stomachaches by removing the excess gas from your<br />

intestines. Nutmeg can also boost your appetite.<br />

4. Bad Breath Treatment<br />

Because of its antibacterial properties, nutmeg can also effectively treat halitosis or bad breath. As you probably<br />

know, bad breath is usually caused by a build-up of bacteria in your mouth. Nutmeg can rid your mouth of these<br />

bacteria. This is the reason why nutmeg is a common ingredient in many brands of toothpastes. Nutmeg can also<br />

be used to treat gum problems and toothaches.<br />

5. Liver and Kidney Detox<br />

Detoxification is an important factor of good health. Diet, pollution, stress, tobacco, medication and other<br />

external substances can lead to the build-up of toxins in your organs. The liver and kidney are two of the organs<br />

where this toxic build-up usually develops. As a tonic, nutmeg can clean your liver and kidney and remove these<br />

toxins. If you are suffering from a liver disease then nutmeg can also be beneficial. Nutmeg is also effective in<br />

preventing and dissolving kidney stones. When your liver and kidney are successfully detoxified, they can<br />

perform their function better.<br />

6. Skin Care<br />

If skin care is one of your priorities then you might want to incorporate nutmeg into your regimen. Nutmeg can<br />

actually help you achieve smoother and healthier skin by helping you treat several skin problems. A scrub made<br />

from nutmeg powder and orange lentil powder can help you remove blackheads, a type of acne characterized by<br />

pores clogged with excess oil and dead skin cells. If you suffer from acne marks, nutmeg can also help make<br />

your scars less noticeable. What you need to do is mix some nutmeg powder with some honey to make a paste,<br />

which you will then apply to the acne marks.<br />

7. Sleep Aid<br />

If you have difficulty sleeping at night, drink a cup of milk with some nutmeg powder. This will help you achieve<br />

relaxation and will induce sleep.

10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Cinnamon<br />

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Cinnamon is a highly delicious spice. It has been prized for its medicinal properties for thousands of years.<br />

Modern science has now confirmed what people have instinctively known for ages. Here are 10 health benefits<br />

of cinnamon that are supported by scientific research.<br />

1. Cinnamon is High in a Substance With Powerful Medicinal Properties<br />

Cinnamon is a spice that is made from the inner bark of trees called Cinnamomum.<br />

It has been used as an ingredient throughout history, dating back as far as Ancient Egypt. It used to be rare and<br />

valuable, and was regarded as a gift fit for kings.<br />

These days, cinnamon is cheap, available in every supermarket and found in all sorts of foods and recipes.<br />

There are two main types of cinnamon (1):<br />

<br />

<br />

Ceylon cinnamon: Also known as “true” cinnamon.<br />

Cassia cinnamon: This is the more common variety today, what people generally refer to as “cinnamon.”<br />

Cinnamon is made by cutting the stems of the cinnamomum tree. The inner bark is then extracted and the<br />

woody parts removed from it.<br />

When it dries, it forms strips that curl into rolls, called cinnamon sticks. The sticks can be ground to form<br />

cinnamon powder.<br />

This is what cinnamon looks like.<br />

The distinct smell and flavor of cinnamon is due to the oily part, which is very high in a compound<br />

called cinnamaldehyde (2).<br />

It is this compound that is responsible for most of cinnamon’s powerful effects on health and metabolism.<br />

Bottom Line: Cinnamon is a popular spice. It is high in a substance called cinnamaldehyde, which is<br />

responsible for most of the health benefits.<br />

2. Cinnamon is Loaded With Antioxidants<br />

Antioxidants protect the body from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.<br />

Cinnamon is loaded with powerful antioxidants, such as polyphenols (3, 4, 5).

In a study that compared the antioxidant activity of 26 spices, cinnamon wound up as the clear winner, even<br />

outranking “superfoods” like garlic and oregano (6).<br />

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In fact, it is so powerful that cinnamon can be used as a natural food preservative (7).<br />

Bottom Line: Cinnamon contains large amounts of highly potent polyphenol antioxidants.<br />

3. Cinnamon Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties<br />

Inflammation in the body is incredibly important. It helps the body fight infections and repair tissue damage.<br />

However, inflammation can become a problem when it is chronic (long-term) and directed against the body’s<br />

own tissues.<br />

Cinnamon may be useful in this regard, because some studies show that the antioxidants in it have potent antiinflammatory<br />

activity (3).<br />

Bottom Line: The antioxidants in cinnamon have anti-inflammatory effects, which may help lower the risk of<br />

disease.<br />

4. Cinnamon May Cut the Risk of Heart Disease<br />

Cinnamon has been linked with reduced risk of heart disease, the world’s most common cause of premature<br />

death.<br />

In people with type 2 diabetes, 1 gram of cinnamon per day has beneficial effects on blood markers.<br />

It reduces levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, while HDL cholesterol remains stable (8).<br />

More recently, a big review study concluded that a cinnamon dose of just 120 milligrams per day can have these<br />

effects. In this study, cinnamon also increased HDL (the “good”) cholesterol (9).<br />

In animal studies, cinnamon has been shown to reduce blood pressure (3).<br />

When combined, all these factors may drastically cut the risk of heart disease.<br />

Bottom Line: Cinnamon can improve some key risk factors for heart disease, including cholesterol, triglycerides<br />

and blood pressure.<br />

5. Cinnamon Can Improve Sensitivity to The Hormone Insulin<br />

Insulin is one of the key hormones that regulate metabolism and energy use.<br />

It is also essential for the transport of blood sugar from the bloodstream and into cells.<br />

The problem is that many people are resistant to the effects of insulin.<br />

This condition, known as insulin resistance, is a hallmark of serious conditions like metabolic syndrome and type<br />

2 diabetes.

Well, the good news is that cinnamon can dramatically reduce insulin resistance, helping this incredibly<br />

important hormone to do its job (10, 11).<br />

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By helping insulin do its job, cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels, which brings us to the next point…<br />

Bottom Line: Cinnamon has been shown to significantly increase sensitivity to the hormone insulin.<br />

6. Cinnamon Lowers Blood Sugar Levels and Has a Powerful Anti-Diabetic Effect<br />

Cinnamon is well known for its blood sugar lowering effects.<br />

Apart from the beneficial effects on insulin resistance, cinnamon can lower blood sugar by several other<br />

mechanisms.<br />

First, cinnamon has been shown to decrease the amount of glucose that enters the bloodstream after a meal.<br />

It does this by interfering with numerous digestive enzymes, which slows the breakdown of carbohydrates in the<br />

digestive tract (12, 13).<br />

Second, a compound in cinnamon can act on cells by mimicking insulin (14, 15).<br />

This greatly improves glucose uptake by cells, although it acts much slower than insulin itself.<br />

Numerous human trials have confirmed the anti-diabetic effects of cinnamon, showing that it can lower fasting<br />

blood sugar levels by up to 10-29% (16, 17, 18).<br />

The effective dose is typically 1-6 grams of cinnamon per day (around 0.5-2 teaspoons).<br />

Bottom Line: Cinnamon has been shown to both reduce fasting blood sugar levels, having a potent antidiabetic<br />

effect at 1 to 6 grams per day.<br />

7. Cinnamon May Have Beneficial Effects on Neurodegenerative Diseases<br />

Neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by progressive loss of the structure or function of brain cells.<br />

Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are two of the most common types.<br />

Two compounds found in cinnamon appear to inhibit the buildup of a protein called tau in the brain, which is one<br />

of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (19, 20, 21).<br />

In a study looking at mice with Parkinson’s disease, cinnamon helped to protect neurons, normalize<br />

neurotransmitter levels and improve motor function (22).<br />

These effects need to be studied further in humans.<br />

Bottom Line: Cinnamon has been shown to lead to various improvements for Alzheimer’s disease and<br />

Parkinson’s disease in animal studies.<br />

8. Cinnamon May Be Protective Against Cancer<br />

Cancer is a serious disease, characterized by uncontrolled growth of cells.

Cinnamon has been widely studied for its potential use in cancer prevention and treatment.<br />

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Overall, the evidence is limited to test tube experiments and animal studies, which suggest that cinnamon<br />

extracts may protect against cancer (23, 24, 25, 26, 27).<br />

It acts by reducing the growth of cancer cells and the formation of blood vessels in tumors, and appears to be<br />

toxic to cancer cells, causing cell death.<br />

A study in mice with colon cancer revealed cinnamon to be a potent activator of detoxifying enzymes in the<br />

colon, protecting against further cancer growth (28).<br />

These findings were supported by test tube experiments, which showed that cinnamon activates protective<br />

antioxidant responses in human colon cells (29).<br />

Whether cinnamon has any effect in living, breathing humans needs to be confirmed in controlled trials.<br />

Bottom Line: Animal studies and test tube experiments indicate that cinnamon may have protective effects<br />

against cancer.<br />

9. Cinnamon Helps Fight Bacterial and Fungal Infections<br />

Cinnamaldehyde, the main active component of cinnamon, may help fight various kinds of infection.<br />

Cinnamon oil has been shown to effectively treat respiratory tract infections caused by fungi.<br />

It can also inhibit the growth of certain bacteria, including Listeria and Salmonella (30, 31).<br />

The antimicrobial effects of cinnamon may also help prevent tooth decay and reduce bad breath (32, 33, 34).<br />

Bottom Line: Cinnamaldehyde has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which may reduce infections and<br />

help fight tooth decay and bad breath.<br />

10. Cinnamon May Help Fight The HIV Virus<br />

HIV is a virus that slowly breaks down the immune system, which can eventually lead to AIDS if untreated.<br />

Cinnamon extracted from Cassia varieties is thought to help fight against HIV-1 (35, 36).<br />

This is the most common strain of the HIV virus in humans.<br />

A laboratory study looking at HIV infected cells found that cinnamon was the most effective treatment of all 69<br />

medicinal plants studied (37).<br />

Human trials are needed to confirm these effects.<br />

Bottom Line: Test tube studies have shown that cinnamon can help fight HIV-1, the main type of HIV virus in<br />

humans.<br />

It is Better to Use Ceylon (“True” Cinnamon)<br />

Not all cinnamon is created equal.

The Cassia variety contains significant amounts of a compound called coumarin, which is believed to be harmful<br />

in large doses.<br />

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All cinnamon should have health benefits, but Cassia may cause problems in large doses due to the coumarin<br />

content.<br />

Ceylon (“true” cinnamon) is much better in this regard, and studies show that it ismuch lower in coumarin than<br />

the Cassia variety (38).<br />

Unfortunately, most cinnamon found in supermarkets is the cheaper Cassia variety.<br />

You may be able to find Ceylon in some health food stores, and there is a good selection on Amazon.<br />

Take Home Message<br />

At the end of the day, cinnamon is one of the most delicious and healthiest spices on the planet.<br />

It can lower blood sugar levels, reduce heart disease risk factors, and has a plethora of other impressive health<br />

benefits.<br />

Just make sure to get Ceylon cinnamon, or stick to small doses (no more than 0.5-2 teaspoons a day) if you’re<br />

using the Cassia variety. We at Genesis recommend blending all your greens and fruits with 1 gram of<br />

cinnamon and one gram of nutmeg once a day for 21 days then reduce to half of gram.<br />

God's Faith = Spiritual, Physical and Emotional Wellness<br />

Welcome to our Ministry of Health & Healing and to our Supernatural world<br />

at Genesis Natural Stemcell Clinic where healing is naturally<br />

supernatural.<br />

Genesis Natural Stemcell Clinic, We are asking the business<br />

community and churches to adopt the S.M.I.L.E INITIATIVE in an effort or<br />

the attempt to heal our Nations..<br />

We specialize in detoxification for high blood pressure, hypertension, heart<br />

diseases, erectile dysfunction and reversing 95% of all cancers, other<br />

services offered are for, chronic health issues and chronic pain or injury that<br />

does not respond to other traditional and non-traditional treatments. We<br />

specialize in helping you enhance your current level of physical training,<br />

relational, emotional, mental and spiritual wellness thru divine connection and to support you in living<br />

your life to its fullest and guide you to a higher level of consciousness with God. All participating<br />

Churches and homes from the community shall be trained to use the new technology in healing<br />

people.<br />

In every health program offered by Genesis Natural Stemcell Clinic, will firstly be measured<br />

through a process of MRA assessments and questions to determine the appropriate treatment, prayer<br />

and protocol of management for your condition or any other concerns that you may appear to have<br />

concerning your spirituality with yourself and in your homes.

At Genesis Natural Stemcell Clinic, we do not diagnose diseases, we EDUCATE our clients on<br />

how their choices in their daily diets, lifestyle habits, mind-sets and response to life's myriad of<br />

stresses are impacting their lives, including disconnection from divine source, resulting in people<br />

looking and feeling older than they should also because of obesity and stress. In God have Faith. In<br />

Him is found the Faith that you need for victory. This faith is not found in yourself. He will accomplish<br />

in you what you cannot do for yourself. The work of the Spirit cannot be done in your human strength.<br />

It takes supernatural power to receive the victory. Your part is to Believe and you shall indeed<br />

receive, but Doubt and you will definitely go without. Stand still and watch the salvation of the<br />

Lord.<br />

94<br />

Give God the whole problem. Ask Jesus to make you willing to forgive. Like Paul said in the Bible we<br />

do not know how to perform that which is good. It's just not in us. We need God to work it in us.<br />

Our part is to believe that God will do it in us. You give God permission by your willingness for Him<br />

to change you. He'll take it from there. He is the expert. He brings you spiritual, physical and emotional<br />

wellness The beginning of your victory is in the decision you make in the name of Jesus to want to do<br />

His will. Your will is then lined up with His will and that sets the stage for miracles to begin to happen.<br />

Align yourself with the will and the word of God. Speak out loud a prayer that gives God permission to<br />

do His work in you. Give yourself time to meditate on God and His promises to His children. Then<br />

waiting on Him expect a miracle.<br />

You may ask yourself or tell yourself, I am a Christian and walk in Faith with Almighty God.<br />

Why is there any need for me to indulge myself in holistic wellness therapies for healing?<br />

I will begin to tell you and show you why and how a single person or the church cannot or will not heal<br />

you or you heal yourself. It all begins with you; from our past life we have gone through many<br />

situations in life which has brought imprints, imperfections and blockages in our body, removing<br />

specific energy signatures with different frequencies God has developed for each and every vital<br />

organ and system in our body, we were given an instruction from God to maintain our health.<br />

Here is one instruction we are all familiar with; And God said, “See, I have given YOU every herb that<br />

yields seed which is on the face of the Earth, and every tree which fruit yields seed, to you it shall be<br />

for food.” Genesis 1: 29 NKJV<br />

Three things which hinders us from having complete Faith and stops the process of healing is fear,<br />

grief and sin. What is SIN and what causes us to SIN? Some of us say we are only humans, we say<br />

this because we have forgotten our origin as Superior Supernatural Beings, or we may have not even<br />

been taught that we are such Beings. Jesus teachings were to transform us from the way we think, so<br />

we can be like Him; we were and still are thinking with our minds from the physical realm and not our<br />

spirit and forget or do not know that the spiritual realm governs the physical realm.


95<br />

.<br />

Was Jesus Obese when He was put on the cross?


Pilot Project<br />

97<br />


(Single Mothers In Legal Employment Symmetry Clinics) <br />



Empowering Women – S.M.I.L.E. BEAUTY SPAS –<br />

A Home-Based Business Opportunity in order to help stop Poverty & Obesity Globally<br />

"Women’s economic empowerment is a prerequisite for sustainable development and pro-poor<br />

growth. Achieving women’s economic empowerment requires sound public policies, a holistic<br />

approach and long-term commitment and gender-specific perspectives must be integrated at the<br />

design stage of policy and programming. Presently, we cannot depend on the Government where<br />

there is corruption for healing our Nation<br />

Women must have more equitable access to assets and services; infrastructure programmes should<br />

be designed to benefit the poor, both men and women, and employment opportunities must be<br />

improved while increasing recognition of women’s vast unpaid work. Innovative approaches and<br />

partnerships include increased dialogue among developing actors, improved co-ordination among<br />

Churches and support for women organizing at the national and global level.<br />

The private sector should be the acting agent in assisting to make this developing S.M.I.L.E. DETOX<br />

SPAS is a Network opportunity and a reality for women." S.M.I.L.E. DETOX SPAS (Single Mothers In<br />

Legal Employment) Community & Workplace Outreach Wellness INITIATIVE is the brainchild of<br />

Richard Homer, it is a home-based and workplace business program empowering single parents in<br />

Churches and HR managers to become Detox & Beauty Therapist.<br />

This will be sponsored by companies from the public sector. “Genesis Natural Stemcell Clinic, was<br />

started with a vision of empowering women to reach their goals and dreams”.<br />

Whether a mother wants to provide a college education to her children, a daughter wants to help out<br />

her parents financially, a single mom or moms-to-be wants to have flexibility with her children while<br />

still providing for them financially, or simply someone who loved to look and feel good from the inside<br />

out, Genesis Natural Stemcell Clinic, is a vehicle through which many women & men will be reaching<br />

those dreams and goals. We are passionate about who we are and the values we stand for and we<br />

are proud to be a champion for women! We want to share this with the Churches, Workplace and the<br />

Community at no cost.<br />

Richard Homer - Founder - Trainer at Genesis Natural Stemcell Clinic, is introducing a stylish and<br />

lucrative home-based business opportunity that is fun and rewarding, working a 25 to 30 hour a week<br />

can earn women between $1,500 and over $3,000 a week or a month based on part time or full time<br />

spiritual efforts. Spiritual efforts are within God’s spiritual laws for your information.<br />

S.M.I.L.E. DETOX SPA Home-Based Business Opportunity was founded by Richard Homer whose<br />

vision was to build a company for women who wanted a contemporary and progressive way to earn

an honest income independently and not to abuse their bodies to do so, not being racially gendered,<br />

men are also included, however, this business will be governed and managed by the Churches.<br />

Beauty and health go hand in hand and Symmetry Direct high performance wellness detox & beauty<br />

health products, formulated with the most natural ingredients available to help people dotox while<br />

losing inches and looking years younger and to achieve vibrant beauty and health from inside and out,<br />

obesity is now an epidemic, people need to be living comfortable and without pain and disease.<br />

Systems are already available to tack each and every church member’s business and performance,<br />

weather it is done from home or from the church.<br />

98<br />

S.M.I.L.E. DETOX SPAS offers women to become Detox Beauty Therapist in their church<br />

communities or working from home, S.M.I.L.E. DETOX SPAS will be seeking assistance from the<br />

United Nations Development Program for Women, the corporate private sector and sponsors to Adopt<br />

a S.M.I.L.E. DETOX SPAS! Certified S.M.I.L.E. DETOX SPAS Therapist is our Ground Floor<br />

Opportunity. S.M.I.L.E. DETOX SPAS Certified Therapist will be trained to be very elite people for<br />

God’s Kingdom, top field leaders who have demonstrated exceptional leadership and solid spiritual<br />

and business acumen.<br />

These leaders, who will be selected in countries within the Caribbean, will perpetuate the Founder’s<br />

vision for wanting to build a company governed by the churches for women who want a contemporary<br />

and progressive way to earn honest money. This program offers those leaders the opportunity to not<br />

only earn lucrative bonuses, special recognition, and direct support from the Symmetry Direct<br />

company, but also the opportunity to build their business any part of the world and own 100% of the<br />

business, I consider this a blessing indeed,.<br />

Location: You have the choice to convert a room in your house to a spa, or to be able to do call out to<br />

homes to deliver your service to your clients, so if you do not have a place at home, do not worry, you<br />

can provide a call out business to your clients for them to begin the Detox Program and also to have<br />

your services in their homes with friends..<br />

One of the objectives here is for the first year is NOT to pay additional rent for a place to work out from<br />

and to have a return on investment within 30 days.<br />

Creating a Legacy "One's real life is often the life that one does not lead, Oscar Wilde At one point or<br />

another, we've all asked ourselves: "<br />

What is the purpose of my life?" In a world where most of our activities are focused on short-term<br />

goals - paying bills, raising children, buying a better house, or just owning my home, working towards<br />

the next holiday away from Trinidad and Tobago - it is easy to lose sight of the long-term goals or the<br />

'greater purpose' of our lives, look after our Father’s business FIRST and He will look after your<br />

business & health which = prosperity in abundance.<br />

Everyone wants to leave a legacy: knowing that they won't be forgotten, that they left something<br />

worthwhile behind, that they made a difference. Creating a legacy, that’s 'something' to be<br />

remembered for, is not only about leaving your children a financial inheritance. It is about making a<br />

difference while you're here to positively benefit the people and communities around you; it is to make<br />

absolutely sure people lives are not destroyed through evil forces, war and domestic violence, crime<br />

and are left behind when our Lord and Savoir returns.<br />

This is our main purpose in life. It is easy to be overwhelmed into doing nothing if you start to<br />

contemplate all the causes and people that need a helping hand. In reality however, it is small<br />

gestures and acts of kindness that can snowball into bigger, positive, sustainable change in our lives<br />

and the communities we live in.

Make a difference: 1. Start at home: Often the thing most remembered about someone is not how<br />

much money they had, but how they made others feel. Be generous with your time and attention and<br />

pass on the intangible legacy of spiritual kindness and support for those you love.<br />

99<br />

2. Foster spiritual healthy lifestyles: Ask any older person and they will tell you that your health is<br />

the most important thing particularly as you grow older and they will always add, i came this far only<br />

by the grace of God. This opportunity, by the grace and will of God allows you to enjoy life to the<br />

fullest and spend time creating memories with those you care for.<br />

Encourage positive lifestyle choices and teach by example. Regular exercise, a healthy diet and<br />

regular preventative health checks could make all the difference to your future health and that of your<br />

family and loved ones.<br />

3. Share your history, culture and spiritual beliefs: People need to have a sense of belonging. It is<br />

important to know where we come from in order to contextualise our lives. Take the time to share<br />

stories and talk about your culture, your ancestors, your beliefs and religious heritage with future<br />

generations. We are supernatural beings having a human experience here on earth and we at most<br />

times forget our spiritual origin.<br />

4. Plan for your financial future: Yes, money does matter. Planning for your own financial future<br />

gives you freedom. It means that there is less pressure on future generations to support you and more<br />

time to be shared enjoying experiences together. A financial legacy or inheritance can also be a good<br />

foundation for your family and loved ones, it’s one way for your support to continue.<br />

5. Reach out: Modern life is very insular and it is easy to forget that there is life beyond the circle of<br />

our work, friends and family. Giving can be the most rewarding experience, whether it is of your time,<br />

your skills or your means. Find a cause or project you're passionate about - a soup kitchen, up-liftment<br />

project or environmental campaign - and get involved. I use my 2 bedroom to accommodate people<br />

who need help and the roof leaks, I do not complain, I thank God for my home.<br />

6. Pay it forward: In your career you have learnt through training, experience and from mentors along<br />

the way. Be generous with your knowledge. Sharing your skills and expertise does not diminish them<br />

but rather helps to develop and inspire future business leaders.<br />

Passing on knowledge, can only make the workplace a better place to be. Most of all when creating a<br />

legacy, consider what positive change you can evoke in the world around you.<br />

Ask yourself, "How would I like to be remembered?" Will God say to you when you do arrive, well<br />

done my child? Or will He say the elevator is not going up for you, you are going down.<br />


Introduction<br />

According to the World Health Organisation, many low- and middle-income countries are now<br />

facing a "double burden “of disease. While people in general continue to deal with the<br />

problems of infectious disease and under-nutrition, they are experiencing a rapid upsurge in<br />

non-communicable disease risk factors such as obesity and overweight, particularly in urban<br />


Obesity is known to be a primarily public health issue. It is a health care issue that has clear<br />

implications for the workplace. It has already been established that as a consequence of<br />

obesity, many workers incur high medical costs. Many persons suffer from related health<br />

issues such as hypertension and diabetes. The workplace is directly impacted upon as high<br />

incidence of absenteeism is recorded.<br />

100<br />

As the problem of obesity escalates, it requires a heightened public education awareness<br />

response, so as to draw attention to its devastating consequences. In the United Kingdom<br />

and the United States of America, the impact of obesity on workplaces is startling. In 2011 a<br />

total of 18 million sick days lost though obesity at an estimated cost of £3.7 billion. In the USA<br />

it is currently costing the Federal Government $147 billion annually to fight the problem of<br />

obesity.<br />

Research released by Duke University in 2010, detailed the annual cost to employers for<br />

obesity among full time employees at $ 73.1 million. These are alarming figures, which justify<br />

the claim that both the USA and the UK are experiencing an obesity epidemic.<br />

Based on observation, it would seem that Barbados is quickly moving in this direction. The<br />

picture painted by Fitzroy J. Henry in an editorial captioned, ‘New Strategies Needed to Fight<br />

Obesity in the Caribbean,’ indicated that half of the Caribbean adult population is overweight.<br />

The implications here are the working population is severely affected. This therefore has<br />

serious implications for the productivity of the labour force.<br />

Statistics presented by Dr. Hennis, Head of the Chronic Disease Research Centre in<br />

Barbados, clearly highlighted the magnitude of the problem of obesity on the island. He cited<br />

that of 190,000 Barbadians age 20 years and older, 90,000 were overweight. Findings from<br />

research completed by the Barbados Food Consumption and Anthropometric Surveys<br />

(BFCAS 2000), revealed that the prevalence of overweight (pre-obesity) and obesity among<br />

adult Barbadians to be 55.8% in men and 63.8% in women.<br />

A collection of twelve research articles that explore the many complex links between low<br />

socioeconomic status and the growing prevalence of obesity in Latin America and the<br />

Caribbean. Authored by leading experts in the nutritional sciences, the articles cite compelling<br />

evidence that obesity in poor populations has strikingly different causes and consequences<br />

than obesity seen in affluent societies. All articles share a public health perspective aimed at<br />

identifying causative factors that can help shape effective policies,<br />

_______________________________________________________________________<br />

To a much greater extent, Dr. Fitzroy J. Henry; Director of the Caribbean Food and Nutrition<br />

Institute announced: the rapidity of obesity increase in the Caribbean is alarming. In two<br />

decades obesity has grown by almost 400%. It is now the most important underlying cause of<br />

death in the region and the range of consequent illnesses is wide among those who survive.<br />

This places enormous pressure on our meager health budgets and left unchecked, obesity<br />

can render our public health systems unsustainable. What can be done?<br />

Source: Dr. Fitzroy J. Henry, Director, Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute.<br />

We believe this problem is the lack of knowledge in nutrition and healthy lifestyles and bad<br />

practices of un-healthy eating habits, it also is that most broken families in urban areas<br />

cannot afford to purchase foods on the salary they make, we are encouraging the corporate<br />

sector and the CHURCH to Adopt A Healthy Lifestyle Challenge Initiative for your employees<br />

and members in order to educate them on healthy living, identify causes of illness while<br />

restoring their health issues.

Adopt The Obesity Challenge Initiative For Healthy Lifestyles<br />

101<br />

The Obesity Challenge Initiative was adopted by residents of<br />

New Grant this year 2014. In the photo is Jennifer<br />

Ramcharitar, the coordinator responsible for the program.<br />

Our wellness program is promoting Healthy<br />

Lifestyles Globally, in the workplace and in<br />

the community locally.<br />

Our assessments will identify undernourished<br />

and other health related issues including but<br />

not limited to 16 assessments of the entire<br />

Cardiovascular & Cerebrovascular system,<br />

such as; blood viscosity, blood fat content,<br />

cholesterol crystal and plaque build-up in<br />

arteries, brain tissue blood supply status,<br />

oxygen delivery to the brain, myocardial blood<br />

demand through the 100,000 miles of arteries<br />

in your body, vascular resistance, stroke<br />

volume and this may also indicate approximately when you can have a stroke.<br />

By taking the MRA Bio Resonance Assessment, we can<br />

now identify what individuals need to do in order to put<br />

their health back into balance through a series of<br />

detoxification sessions and programs, once we have<br />

identified these different situations, we then begin to<br />

regulate your pH balance, remove and destroy parasites<br />

and pathogens, Candida (a yeast infection), heavy metals<br />

from using cooking utensils (aluminium pots), chemicals from using deodorants, cologne and<br />

perfume, cleanse the blood and arteries with an L’arginine program, this L’arginine program<br />

over a period of a year has the possibility to reverse the age of your arteries back to a 20 year<br />

old, we nourish the body with suggested vitamins and nutraceuticals, restore energetic<br />

signatures and frequencies<br />

to cells and organs and suggest that you maintain the Healthy Lifestyle Initiative Challenge by<br />

consuming live foods for optimum health with Stemcell Nutrition.<br />

Anger and emotional issues coming from your domestic and working related environments<br />

has a lot to do with people being over acidic and system imbalances.<br />

We strongly suggest using the IR Sauna especially when you have no time for exercise.



To order any of It Works Slimming Products, please call 1868-479-7586 or eMail, joytolive@mail.com .<br />


Tel: 1868-479-7586<br />


WHAT IS S.I.N.<br />

“Sub-sequential Internal Non-Morality,” or more commonly known to us as S.I.N.<br />

S.I.N. is a very serious defect in the primary and central component of our heart. This is due to a<br />

malfunction in the original prototype code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the<br />

same defect in all other human beings here on Earth.<br />

106<br />

Some of the symptoms of S.I.N. include: Different spirits of Satan causes us to SIN.<br />

1. Loss of direction due to the lack of knowledge, this is a spirit.<br />

2. Foul vocal emissions due to the people you are associated with, unclean spirits.<br />

3. Amnesia of origin, Satan has his workers in every community, demons that influence you to<br />

lie over and over that you believe what you are saying is true.<br />

4. Lack of peace and joy due to spirits of confusion, hatred and fear.<br />

5. Selfish or violent behaviour due to jealousy, greed etc. these spirits are out to destroy you.<br />

6. Depression or confusion in our homes and work, these are also spirits from Satan.<br />

7. Fearfulness, fear not is mentioned 365 times in the Bible, one for each day, however, in the<br />

King James version the phrase - fear not - appears 63 times (bear in mind that this is the<br />

precise phrase - fear not - and omits 'fear ye not'.<br />

8. Idolatry is the worship of idols or excessive devotion to money, vices, lust etc. Bad spirits.<br />

9. Rebellion, many of us at times have opposition to one in authority or dominance, people like<br />

our parents, teachers and bosses on the job. This again is another spirit, these spirits are all<br />

there to stop you from having everlasting life abundantly.<br />

We say life is not easy, life is not fair, life is what we make it, what do you think about life now<br />

you know what is S.I.N.?<br />

Strongholds Can Be Broken<br />

In ancient times strongholds were huge walls or fortified fortresses that were built to keep invading<br />

forces from getting in. They were made for protection against enemies. But they could also be used as<br />

a prison. The old physical fortresses were built stone by stone cemented together with mortar. A<br />

negative emotional stronghold is in your mind. It's built with recurring lies and strong beliefs.<br />

The lie may be something that has been recurring since you were a child. Some examples might be...<br />

"your stupid", or... "you'll never amount to anything",..."your no good",... " your ugly and no one will<br />

ever love you".<br />

A lie is anything that does not line up with the Word of God. The question you must answer is; What<br />

does God say about me? Bible Scriptures will tell you the truth.<br />

Re-enforcement to the lies comes as you consider the accusations of the enemy when he says,...<br />

"look at your report card, see you are stupid" or "look at all the trouble that you have been in." etc....<br />

Others can speak these lies into your life and if you receive it, it becomes a stronghold in your mind.<br />

Every negative thought has a negative emotions attached to it. Believing these lies causes negative<br />

emotions to drive you to act out what you believe. So you fall into a stronghold pattern of negative<br />


Actions follow thoughts, but thoughts are driven by emotions. You can find yourself in an emotional<br />

stronghold, a virtual prison that controls your life.<br />

107<br />

Information about God’s Pharmacy on Earth<br />

It's not likely that when you look at a fruit or vegetable you see how much it looks like a body part.<br />

I never noticed it before I saw it several months ago. It's true, many fruits and vegetables do look<br />

like certain body parts and they may help those body parts.<br />

The doctrine of signatures is an ancient European philosophy that held that plants bearing parts<br />

that resembled human body parts, animals, or other objects, had useful relevancy to those parts,<br />

animals or objects.<br />

And / Or<br />

It's been said that God first separated the salt water from the fresh, made dry land, planted a<br />

garden, made animals and fish. all before making a human. He made and provided what we'd<br />

need before we were born. These are best & more powerful when eaten raw.<br />

A sliced Carrot resembles the human eye including the pupil, iris, and radiating<br />

lines. Science indicates that carrots help protect the vision, especially night vision. WHFoods:<br />

Carrots<br />

A Tomato has up to four chambers and is commonly red. Tomatoes are rich in<br />

lycopene and helps prevent heart disease, prostate cancer, breast and more. Tomato juice can<br />

also reduce the tendency toward blood clotting.WHFoods: Tomatoes<br />

Grapes hang in a cluster that resembles the shape of the heart. The stronger<br />

the color of the grape is, the higher the concentration of phytonutrients. Grapes prevent heart<br />

disease and reduce platelet clumping and harmful blood clots. WHFoods: Grapes

108<br />

Walnuts resemble the brain, mimicking the wrinkles and folds of the neocortex.Research<br />

suggests that walnuts may reduce the risk or delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Walnut -<br />

Wikipedia The high concentration of omega-3 fats in walnuts promotes healthy brain<br />

function. WHFoods: Walnuts<br />

Kidney Beans, true to their name are kidney shaped. They provide nutrients<br />

that are helpful to the human kidneys. Kidney beans contain molybdenum, which helps sulfite<br />

oxidase to form and is responsible for detoxifying sulfitesWHFoods: Kidney beans.<br />

Sweet Potatoes resemble the pancreas and have a low glycemic index count,<br />

which is beneficial for diabetics. North Carolina Sweet Potato Commission<br />

Olives resemble ovaries and may help reduce hot flashes in women going through<br />

menopause. WHFoods: Olives Research indicates that Olive Oil may reduce ovarian cancer by<br />

30%. ACS: Olive Oil May Lower Ovarian Cancer Risk<br />

Oranges, Grapefruits and other Citrus fruits have been compared to the<br />

appearance of female mammary glands. These fruits contain nutrients that are helpful in the fight<br />

against breast cancer. Health Benefits of Citrus Limonoids Explored

109<br />

Sliced Onions resemble skin cells and contain quercetin. Studies have shown when treated with a<br />

combination of quercetin and ultrasound at 20 kHz for 1-minute duration, skin and prostate<br />

cancers show a 90% mortality within 48 hours with no visible mortality of normal cells. From<br />

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.<br />

Celery has a bone like appearance and is rich in silicon and Vitamin K,<br />

which are needed for healthy joints and bones Gillian McKeith You Are What You Eat<br />

Avocados were used by the Aztecs as a sex stimulant and the Aztec name for avocado was<br />

ahuacatl, meaning "testicle" History of Avocados. An extract of avocado impedes the growth of<br />

both androgen-dependent and androgen-independent prostate cancer cells. WHFoods:<br />

AvocadosToday's research shows that when a woman eats 1 avocado a week, it balances<br />

hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this?<br />

.... It takes exactly 9 months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over<br />

14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science<br />

has only studied and named about 141 of them).<br />

Figs have a rich history and often been referred to as a sexual food, this is partly symbolic due to<br />

the appearance of the fruit. Figs are loaded with seeds and when halved, many note a<br />

resemblance to female genitalia. The Hindu name for fig is anjeer and research has shown that

anjeer is helpful for sexual weakness Ficus carica - medicinal plants. Figs have also been<br />

mentioned as a source helpful for male fertility and motility.<br />

110<br />

Additional index words. almond, date, fig, grape, olive, pomegranate<br />

Abstract. The sacred writings of three religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) are contained<br />

in the Hebrew Bible (referred to by Christians as the Old Testament), the Christian Bible (New<br />

Testament), and the Qur’an (Koran).<br />

These writings encompass events occurring over a period of more than two millennia and taken<br />

together represent a broad picture of mid-eastern peoples, describing their interactions with the<br />

sweep of events of that era. The writings include the sacred and profane, prose and poetry,<br />

history and myth, legend and fable, love songs and proverbs, parables and revelations.<br />

The basic agricultural roots of desert people are infused in the texts. Plants, plant products, and<br />

agricultural technology are referred to in hundreds of verses. References to fruits are abundant so<br />

that these bibles can be read almost as a pomological text in addition to the religious and sacred<br />

meanings that still inspire billions of people.<br />

The plants of the bibles have long been of historic interest despite the many translation problems.<br />

The Hebrew bible was written in Hebrew and Aramaic, translated into Greek in the second<br />

century BCE, and then constantly translated into all the languages of the world, but the precise<br />

species originally referred to is unknown in a number of cases.<br />

In 1556, the plants of the bible were specifically dealt with in a book by Levinus Lemmes, and<br />

sub- sequently treated in a number of other works. In 1952, the indefatigable husband and wife<br />

team of Harold N. and Alma L. Moldenke compiled a treatise entitled Plants of the Bible (Fig. 1A)<br />

that includes key mentions of plants by chapter and verse, and assigned binomials, from 53<br />

books of the Hebrew Bible and 27 of the Christian Bible (Authorized Version). This is a valuable<br />

source book for any study of biblical horticultural. The Moldenkes (Moldenke and Moldenke,<br />

1952) refer to 230 species from Acacia nilotica to Zostera marina.<br />

They also provide chapter and verse for general references for which no particular plant can be<br />

identified, such as fruit (most common), herb, thicket, tree, grass, and forest. The Moldenkes cite<br />

‘‘only the most important or interesting verses’’ (Moldenke and Moldenke, 1952), but<br />

nevertheless, the number of chapters cited gives some idea of the prominence of each fruit (Table<br />

1); grape is clearly the most significant fruit of the bible.<br />

One of the best sources of information on biblical fruits is the impressive work of Asaph Goor and<br />

Max Nurock (1968) entitled The Fruits of the Holy Land (Fig. 1B). This work not only covers the<br />

canonical texts of the Hebrew and Christian bibles, but also includes post-biblical Jewish<br />

commentaries including the Mishna (ca.300 CE)and Talmud (ca. 600 CE).<br />

Fruits covered include grape, olive, fig, date, pomegranate, almond (the chief biblical fruits); citron<br />

(not specifically mentioned except in the non-canonical Book of Jubilees of the first century CE);<br />

walnut (mentioned once in the Hebrew bible); carob (mentioned twice in the Christian bible);<br />

apple (mentioned three times in the Song of Songs, and a few times elsewhere, although the<br />

attribution is questionable because the Hebrew word tappuahmay not refer to Malus);

And pear, peach, apricot, plum, and banana (not mentioned in the canonical bibles). A number of<br />

plants as well as horticultural and agricultural practices are mentioned in various verses of the<br />

Qur’an (Koran), the sacred book of Islam. References to fruits from this source were obtained<br />

from a translation of the Holy Qur’an by Shakir (1983).<br />

111<br />

Fruits of the Qur’an include grape, olive, date, fig, and pomegranate. In this paper, the main<br />

biblical fruits— grape, olive, date, fig, pomegranate, and almond—are considered. The origin of<br />

these fruits is briefly discussed (Janick, 2005), and references from the bibles that are rich in<br />

horticultural imagery are included.<br />

GRAPE (Vitis orientalis, V. vinifera)<br />

Both wild and cultivated grapes are referred to in the Hebrew bible. The wild grapes of the Old<br />

World V. sylvestris are indigenous to the South Caspian belt, Turkey, and the Balkans, and were<br />

widely distributed in the northern Mediterranean area including the Black and Caspian seas.<br />

Toward 5000 BCE and perhaps earlier, the domestic grape, V. vinifera, migrated from Anatolia to<br />

Syria and thence totheHoly Land.Signs ofBronzeAge domestication are found in Mesopotamia,<br />

the Holy Land, Syria, Egypt, and the Aegean. By the second millennium BCE, there is evidence of<br />

vessels for wine storage as well as raisins. Grapes are easily propagated vegeta- tively,<br />

permitting extensive plantings of unique clones. The great genetic change in domestication was<br />

the switch from dioecism to hermaphroditism, increase in berry size and sugar content, and<br />

selection of various skin colors, and later, selection for seedless- ness, a key factor for table<br />

grapes and raisins. The cultivation of grapes involves extensive vine training and pruning, and in<br />

no other fruit crops are these practices more important. The Hebrew bible is rich in allusions to<br />

viticultural practices and wine making (Walsh, 2000). The replacement of tree sup- ports with<br />

arbors or trellises is amply shown fromMesopotamianandEgyptianiconography (Fig. 2). Protection<br />

of grapes from birds and thieves is a common feature of the early cultivation of wine, and the<br />

construction of wallsandtowersisassociatedwithvineyardsin ancient Israel. Various techniques<br />

were devel- oped for overwintering, including covering sprawling vines with soil, techniques that<br />

still exist in Afghanistan. Grapes were preserved by sun drying to produce raisins, or by transforming<br />

grape juice to wine. The culture of grapes and the technology of wine making are<br />

common themes in biblical writings, and become infused in Jewish and Christian reli- gious<br />

practices and social encounters. Wine wasassociatedwith blessingsandjoy,although drunkenness<br />

was frowned upon. Grapes and raisins are highly prized in the Qur’an and, although wine is<br />

prohibited in Islam, ‘‘rivers of wine’’ are promised in Paradise.<br />

Biblical references<br />

Now will I sing to my wellbeloved a song of my beloved toughing his vineyard. My well beloved<br />

had a vineyard in a very fruitful hill. And he fenced it, and gathered out the stones thereof, and<br />

planted it with the choicest vine, and built a tower in the midst of it, and also made a winepress<br />

therein: and he looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes. And now .<br />

judge . betwixt me and my vineyard. What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have<br />

not done in it? Wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild<br />

grapes? Isaiah 5:1–7, 10<br />

He took also of the seed of the land, and planteditin a fruitfulfield; he placedit bygreat waters, and<br />

set it as a willow tree. And it grew, and became a spreading vine of low stature, whose branches

turned toward him, and the roots thereof were under him: so it became a vine, and brought forth<br />

branches, and shot forth sprigs. Ezekial 17:5–7<br />

112<br />

I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he<br />

taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.<br />

As the branch cannot bear fruit in itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye<br />

abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me and I in him, the same<br />

bringeth forth much fruit for without me ye can do nothing. If a man abides not in me, he is cast<br />

forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them and cast them into the fire, and they are<br />

burned. John 15:1–6<br />

And He it is Who produces gardens (of vine), trellised and untrellised, and palms and seedproduce<br />

of which the fruits are of various sorts, and olives and pomegranates, like and unlike; eat<br />

of its fruit when it bears fruit.<br />

Be Encouraged In Life..<br />

Heavy rains remind us of challenges in life. Never ask for a lighter rain. Just pray to God for a better<br />

umbrella. – That is attitude!<br />

Life is not about finding the right person, but creating the right relationship, it's not how we care in the<br />

beginning, but how much we care till the very end. Some people always throw stones in your path. It<br />

depends on what you make with them. A Wall or a Bridge? - Remember you are the architect of your life.<br />

Search for a good heart, but don't search for a beautiful face. Coz beautiful things are not always good, but<br />

good things are always beautiful. It’s not important to hold all the good cards in life. But it’s important how<br />

well you play with the cards you hold, friends are acquaintances, and your enemies keep them closer than<br />

family.<br />

Often when we lose all hope & think this is the end, Remember God and pray, it’s just a bend, not the end.'<br />

- Have faith and have a successful life. One of the basic differences between God and humans is, God<br />

gives, gives and forgives. But the human gets, gets, gets and forgets.<br />

Be thankful in life... IT CAN'T BE NO CO-INCIDENCE OF <strong>LIFE</strong>: 1. <strong>LIFE</strong> has 4 letters so does DEAD. 2.<br />

HATE has 4 letters, so does LOVE.... 3. ENEMIES has 7, so does FRIENDS. 4. LYING has 5, so does<br />

TRUTH. 5. HURT has 4, so does HEAL. 6. NEGATIVE has 8, so does POSITIVE. 7. FAILURE has 7, so<br />

does SUCCESS. 8. BELOW has 5, but so does ABOVE. 9. CRY has 3 letters so does JOY. 10. ANGER<br />

has 5 so does HAPPY. 11. RIGHT has 5 so does WRONG. 12. RICH has 4 so does POOR. 13. FAIL has 4<br />

so does PASS 14. KNOWLEDGE has 9 so does IGNORANCE.<br />

Are they all by Co-incidence? We should choose wisely, this means <strong>LIFE</strong> is like a Double-Edged Sword.<br />

If U think it is your alarm clock that woke you up this morning, try putting it beside a dead body and you will<br />

realise that it is the Grace of God that woke you up. If you are grateful to God, forward this to all your<br />

friends to inform them that it is JUST BY THE GRACE OF GOD that we are alive.<br />

The FDA banned vitamin B17 years ago, actually, in<br />

the 1980's when "World Without Cancer" was<br />


Although it is banned, it is not illegal.<br />

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You Ask: What's the Difference?<br />

The difference is ~<br />

If any hospital uses laetrile, the law says that they jeopardize any grants from the government as well as<br />

any monies from Medicaid and other hospital insurance originating from the government. Since nearly all of<br />

hospital revenues come from patient insurance, not one hospital in the U.S. will take the chance and use<br />

any banned substance including, Amygdalin (also called vitamin B17 and Laetrile).<br />

Any doctor that wants to use the substance from apricot pits, must have their patient fill out a form, and<br />

then the doctor must submit the form to the FDA. Again, doctors don't want to get involved in this and<br />

would rather keep their names off of the FDA lists. Additionally, the doctor's malpractice insurance will not<br />

be valid if they prescribe laetrile (B17--amygdalin) to a patient. The American Medical Association (AMA)<br />

treats any doctor that prescribes laetrile to be a renegade (traitorous) and that he has violated the AMA's<br />

membership policies and will be subject to membership termination. Therefore, any doctor that prescribes<br />

laetrile may destroy his career as a doctor.<br />

Any individual that sells laetrile must not claim that it does anything in his place of business. Many health<br />

food stores in the past were raided and had to give up their supplies of B17 because the B17 was near<br />

books that claimed that the B17 was the answer to cancer. In other words the books were near the B17 in<br />

the stores and was therefore considered "labelling" which is a term used by the FDA. Labelling according<br />

to the FDA is against the law and can be prosecuted.<br />

However, on the Internet, it is different. Internet law is tricky and not the same as U.S. commercial law. In<br />

one case, Ken Kholas took the FDA to court and won his B17 back. That court case proved it wasn't wrong<br />

for him to have or to sell it though it cost Ken's father a tremendous amount of MONEY.<br />

What does THIS MEAN TO YOU is that you can purchase, use and have B17, and you will not have<br />

violated any law. Begin to purchase from amazon.com and be free of cancer today.<br />






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