Nevio De Luca - Opere/Works

This is the result of the daily research I do, using my expressive nomadism technique, along a critical path on the various figurative movements of the last century, like an irreverent itinerary. Using a language without frills, I try to rescue that European culture which respects the necessities and the needs of a standard audience, namely the people who approached Art “and want to understand it.”

This is the result of the daily research I do, using my expressive nomadism technique, along a critical path on the various figurative movements of the last century, like an irreverent itinerary.

Using a language without frills, I try to rescue that European culture which respects the necessities and the needs of a standard audience, namely the people who approached Art “and want to understand it.”


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Lo “scorrere della vita” in un<br />

diario irriverente intitolato:<br />

OPERE<br />

Da un saggio Zen: “Mi sono lasciato trasportare<br />

come un vecchio guscio di zucca nella corrente<br />

della vita...“<br />

Nello “scorrere continuo” dagli anni '60 ad oggi,<br />

il libro è una pellicola che si srotola nuda e<br />

cruda con testi e immagini, tra incertezze e<br />

ripensamenti, ma sempre in un “contrappunto<br />

dolce” con la realtà contemporanea.<br />

E' un “fluttuare” in mutazione continua, con le<br />

nuove correnti artistiche del '900, di un cronista<br />

alla ricerca poetica della bellezza, in un mondo<br />

di valori pienamente in crisi.<br />

Tra i molti nichilismi espressivi della società<br />

contemporanea, ogni sua opera entra<br />

nell'universo Zen : dai tovagliati alle tavole nerojuta,<br />

dagli acquerelli in galleria ai frammenti<br />

spaziali, dai notturni in puzzle alle strutture<br />

primarie, dalle sculture di Abracadabra alle<br />

figure femminili di Ventoforte.<br />

Tutto è fluido e trasparente nel fiume che<br />

trascina, il “vecchio guscio di zucca” dal gioco<br />

sempre più ironico e dissacrante, verso quella<br />

citazione finale: ”Installazione di una vita su carta, a<br />

memoria dell'autore.”<br />

This is a "life stream" as<br />

described in an irreverent<br />

diary entitled: WORKS<br />

Quoting a Zen master: "I got carried away like<br />

an old pumpkin shell in the tide of life ... "<br />

In the "continuous flow" from the '60s to the<br />

present, this book is an overshined foil that<br />

unrolls with texts and images, which includes<br />

uncertainties and second thoughts, but always<br />

in a "sweet counterpoint" with the<br />

contemporary age.<br />

It is a constantly changing fluctuation, with new<br />

artistic trends from the 1900s, a poetic<br />

chronicler of the pursuit of beauty, a world of<br />

values in crisis.<br />

Among the many expressions of nihilisms in the<br />

contemporary society, each of his works adds to<br />

the vision of a world of Zen: from the<br />

tablecloths to the black-jute boards, from the<br />

watercolors in the gallery to the spatial<br />

fragments, from the puzzle of the nightlife to<br />

the primary structures, from Abracadabra<br />

sculptures of female figures of Ventoforte.<br />

Everything is fluid and transparent in the river<br />

that carries the "old pumpkin shell" by an<br />

increasingly ironic and irreverent game, towards<br />

that final quote:<br />

"Installation of a life on paper, to the author's<br />


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