English-German Wordlist

English-German Wordlist

English-German Wordlist


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Englisch Aussprache Deutsch Beispielsatz<br />

reputation /"repj@'teIS@n/ Ruf French food has a reputation for being very rich.<br />

restaurateur /"rest@r@'tÆ:/ Gastwirt Gordon Ramsey is a celebrity chef and international restaurateur.<br />

ridicule /'rIdIkju:ld/ verspotten Jane was angry when Ted ridiculed her in front of her friends.<br />

roast /r@Ust/ Braten Beef is the basis of a traditional Sunday roast.<br />

roll /r@Ul/ rollen Roll out the dough and use it to cover the top of the pie.<br />

roll /r@Ul/ Brötchen Mum made me three cheese rolls for my lunch today.<br />

salty /'sO:lti/ salzig Mackerel has a salty taste.<br />

saturated fat /"s{tS@reItId 'f{t/ gesättigte Fettsäuren Saturated fat raises the level of cholesterol in the blood.<br />

sauté /'s@UteI/ sautieren, kurz anbraten She sautéed the onion in butter for a few minutes.<br />

savoury /'seIv@ri/ herzhaft Janice bought some savoury party snacks for the buffet.<br />

seal /si:ld/ versiegeln Donna put the letter into the envelope and sealed it.<br />

seat /si:t/ fassen The arena seats 60,000.<br />

seed /si:d/ Samen The children planted some sunflower seeds in the garden.<br />

sell-by date /'sel baI "deIt/ Haltbarkeitsdatum I wouldn't eat a yoghurt two days past its sell-by date.<br />

shell /Sel/ Schale Coconuts have very hard shells that are difficult to break.<br />

shoot /Su:t/ herausschiessen He shook the bottle and the sauce shot out all over the table.<br />

single /'sIÎg@l/ solo My mum keeps asking why I'm still single.<br />

slap /sl{p/ schlagen Sarah slapped the bottle on the bottom to get the mayonnaise out.<br />

slice /slaIs/ in Scheiben schneiden Thinly slice the cucumbers and add them to the salad.<br />

slim /'slImIÎ/ abnehmen Julie's been slimming for about five years!<br />

sour /saU@/ sauer This milk tastes sour – how old is it?<br />

sour cream /"saU@ 'kri:m/ Schmand At the Mexican restaurant we ordered fajitas with gaucamole and sour cream.<br />

soy sauce /"sOI 'sO:s/ Sojasoße Leave the meat in a dish overnight with some soy sauce.<br />

spice /spaIs/ Gewürz Dad added some more spices to the cake mix.<br />

spicy /'spaIsi/ würzig For this dish, cook the meatballs in a spicy tomato sauce.<br />

squeezy /'skwi:zi/ ausquetschen Plastic squeezy bottles are very practical.<br />

starchy /'stA:tSi/ stärkehaltig Starchy foods such as pasta and rice are an important part of a healthy diet.<br />

steak /steIk/ Steak We had steak and chips for dinner.<br />

steam /sti:m/ dämpfen Vegetables are better steamed than boiled.<br />

stir /stÆ:/ rühren Stir the sauce to make sure it is smooth.<br />

store /stO:/ lagern If you store the bottle upside down you'll have fewer problems.<br />

swede /swi:d/ Steckrübe Ben ordered steamed salmon with mashed swede.<br />

sweetcorn /'swi:tkO:n/ Zuckermais Can I have a tuna and sweetcorn sandwich, please.<br />

takeaway /'teIk@weI/ Essen zum Mitnehmen Let's have a takeaway tonight.<br />


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