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Rules and Regulations<br />

Federal Register<br />

Vol. 81, No. 223<br />

Friday, November 18, 2016<br />

81641<br />

This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER<br />

contains regulatory documents having general<br />

applicability and legal effect, most of which<br />

are keyed to and codified in the Code of<br />

Federal Regulations, which is published under<br />

50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.<br />

The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by<br />

the Superintendent of Documents. Prices of<br />

new books are listed in the first FEDERAL<br />

REGISTER issue of each week.<br />


5 CFR Part 2635<br />

RIN 3209–AA04<br />

Standards of Ethical Conduct for<br />

Employees of the Executive Branch;<br />

Amendment to the Standards<br />

Governing Solicitation and Acceptance<br />

of Gifts from Outside Sources<br />

AGENCY: Office of Government Ethics<br />

(OGE).<br />

ACTION: Final rule.<br />

SUMMARY: The U.S. Office of<br />

Government Ethics is issuing a final rule<br />

revising the portions of the Standards of<br />

Ethical Conduct for Executive Branch<br />

Employees that govern the solicitation<br />

and acceptance of gifts from outside<br />

sources. The final rule modifies the<br />

existing regulations to more effectively<br />

advance public confidence in the<br />

integrity of Federal officials. The final<br />

rule also incorporates past interpretive<br />

guidance, adds and updates regulatory<br />

examples, improves clarity, updates<br />

citations, and makes technical<br />

corrections.<br />

DATES: This final rule is effective<br />

January 1, 2017.<br />


Leigh J. Francis, Assistant Counsel, or<br />

Christopher J. Swartz, Assistant<br />

Counsel, Office of Government Ethics,<br />

Suite 500, 1201 New York Avenue NW.,<br />

Washington, DC 20005–3917;<br />

Telephone: 202–482–9300; TTY: 800–<br />

877–8339; FAX: 202–482–9237.<br />


I. Rulemaking History<br />

On November 27, 2015, the U.S.<br />

Office of Government Ethics (OGE)<br />

published for public comment a<br />

proposed rule setting forth<br />

comprehensive revisions to subpart B of<br />

the Standards of Ethical Conduct for<br />

Employees of the Executive Branch<br />

(Standards of Ethical Conduct), 5 CFR<br />

part 2635. 80 FR 74004 (Nov. 27, 2015).<br />

Subpart B of part 2635 contains the<br />

regulations governing the solicitation<br />

and acceptance of gifts from outside<br />

sources by officers and employees of the<br />

Executive Branch. These regulations<br />

implement the gift restrictions set forth<br />

in 5 U.S.C. 7353 and section 101(d) of<br />

Executive Order 12674, as modified by<br />

Executive Order 12731. The proposed<br />

rule was issued following OGE’s<br />

retrospective review of the regulations<br />

found in subpart B, pursuant to section<br />

402(b)(12) of the Ethics in Government<br />

Act of 1978, Public Law 95–521,<br />

codified at 5 U.S.C. Appendix IV, sec.<br />

402(b)(12). Prior to publishing the<br />

proposed rule, OGE consulted with the<br />

Office of Personnel Management and the<br />

Department of Justice in accordance<br />

with section 402(b) of the Ethics in<br />

Government Act and section 201(a) of<br />

Executive Order 12674, as modified by<br />

Executive Order 12731, and with other<br />

officials throughout the Federal<br />

Government.<br />

The proposed rule provided a 60-day<br />

comment period, which ended on<br />

January 26, 2016. OGE received ten<br />

timely and responsive comments, which<br />

were submitted by four individuals,<br />

three professional associations, two<br />

Federal agencies, and a law firm. After<br />

carefully considering all comments and<br />

making appropriate modifications, and<br />

for the reasons set forth below and in<br />

the preamble to the proposed rule at<br />

https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-<br />

2015-11-27/pdf/2015-29208.pdf, OGE is<br />

publishing this final rule.<br />

II. Summary of Comments and Changes<br />

to Proposed Rule<br />

General Comments<br />

OGE received one comment from an<br />

individual observing that various<br />

references to spousal and dating<br />

relationships in the examples used dualgendered<br />

relationships and genderspecific<br />

pronouns. The commenter<br />

expressed concern that such examples<br />

could be read as excluding same-sex<br />

marriages or relationships. OGE treats<br />

same-sex spouses the same as oppositesex<br />

spouses for the purposes of all of its<br />

regulations. OGE Legal Advisory LA–<br />

13–10 (Aug. 19, 2013). OGE has<br />

therefore reviewed the examples<br />

highlighted by the commenter and has<br />

replaced the terms ‘‘husband’’ and<br />

‘‘wife’’ with the gender-neutral term<br />

‘‘spouse.’’<br />

Various commenters suggested that<br />

one or more of the proposed<br />

amendments to the rule might<br />

negatively impact the ability of the<br />

public to interact with Federal<br />

employees. These commenters pointed<br />

out the beneficial impact of this<br />

interaction and encouraged OGE to<br />

consider this equity in drafting gift<br />

regulations. As a general matter, OGE<br />

agrees with the commenters’<br />

proposition that communication<br />

between the Government and the public<br />

is vital to ensuring that Government<br />

decisions are responsive to citizen<br />

needs. Public interaction done in a nonpreferential<br />

manner may: (1) Provide<br />

executive branch decisionmakers with<br />

information and data they may not<br />

otherwise possess; (2) identify policy<br />

options and alternatives that may not<br />

have been raised internally; and (3)<br />

produce better and more thoughtful<br />

decisions. These interactions must,<br />

however, occur in an environment that<br />

promotes the public’s confidence in the<br />

integrity of Government<br />

decisionmaking. When Federal<br />

employees accept or solicit gifts from<br />

members of the public who have<br />

interests that are affected by the<br />

employee’s agency, the public’s<br />

confidence can be eroded as ‘‘[s]uch<br />

gifts may well provide a source of illicit<br />

influence over the government official;<br />

in any case they create a suspicious and<br />

unhealthy appearance.’’ The<br />

Association of the Bar of the City of New<br />

York, Conflict of Interest and Federal<br />

Service 219 (1960). When drafting this<br />

final rule, OGE has carefully considered<br />

the commenters’ concerns in light of the<br />

important objective of promoting the<br />

public’s confidence in the impartial<br />

administration of the Government.<br />

§ 2635.201 Overview and<br />

Considerations for Declining Otherwise<br />

Permissible Gifts<br />

OGE received comments from three<br />

sources on proposed § 2635.201(b)(1).<br />

Section 2635.201(b)(1) establishes a<br />

non-binding standard that can assist<br />

employees in considering whether to<br />

decline an otherwise permissible gift.<br />

The standard encourages employees to<br />

consider whether their acceptance of a<br />

gift that would otherwise be permissible<br />

to accept would nonetheless create the<br />

appearance that their integrity or ability

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