06 The Ghost Wormhole

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<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro<br />

28. Oktober 2014 ·<br />

OMC OMC, wat bes dat? Me finks me sees sumfings, ans der bes da cold breezies blow thru<br />

heres too. Him panicks ans gets hims purkle fone out ans calls da SC Cooper, ans tells hims<br />

tu gets ober heres ASAPs.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro<br />

28. Oktober 2014 ·<br />

While him talkie to SC Cooper hims bes awl shakie ans da stammering stouffs on da fones tu<br />

hims ans dropping da fings awl obers.<br />

Angela Warren Hang in there... SC Cooper will come and straighten things out!!<br />

Karyn Vanderburg Oh no! Mew don't think it's killer punkins do mew?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro OOOOOO Auntie Karyn Vanderburg holds me, cuz me not knows ans me<br />

bery scared<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro me wills at least me trying really hard AuntieAngela Warren<br />

Angela Warren Maybe its nothing.. maybe someone just left the window open... **Angie<br />

looks around.. but she has shivers running up her spine**

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper come wunnin in* What Shad mei man yu sound da fwantic on<br />

da fone?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Oh SC Cooper fank yus fur da comin here sew bery fast, der be sumfings<br />

scarys goin on heres ans me needs yus tu inbestigating stouffs, hang on me gotta sits down<br />

ans den me tells yus bouts it.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Yu tells mei n ai twys tu do summthing.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro me was here just puttin sum more raviolis in da pot ans me feels dis bery<br />

bery cold not quite da breezy blows thru heres ans dat loaf ob bread just slides off ob da<br />

counters.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Auntie Angela Warren her feels it toos not sure ib her sees da bread tho<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro we gotta finds dis fing ans gets rid ob it afor it scares any more ob da<br />

Aunties, me gotta get Auntie Angela Warren da cuppa nip tea tu settles her<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro < Freddie walks in wearing a bobble hat, scarf, his mittens and warm<br />

slippers> its freezing in here. Did someone leave the freezer door open?

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro did yus feels dat too Ha'ag ans me not know wat goin on heres Freddie<br />

but da cold breezie fingy blows thru heres ans den da bread slide off da counter on tu da<br />

floor.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro did yus feels dat too Ha'ag ans me not know wat goin on heres Freddie<br />

but da cold breezie fingy blows thru heres ans den da bread slide off da counter on tu da<br />

floor.<br />

Angela Warren Thanks for the tea.. i didnt see anything just felt something.. odd ???? and<br />

COLD!!!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro CRASH SMASH BANG!<br />

Angela Warren ** Angie JUMPS about 3 feet into the air** OMG what was that????<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Shadow jumps into Auntie Angela Warren arms, me not knows Auntie,<br />

WOW<br />

Karyn Vanderburg Oh my goodness! Do I need to get my cast iron skillet?

Angela Warren **Petting Shadow** it's OK... SC Cooper will figure it out!! .... I HOPE!!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Fank yus Auntie Angela Warren, whew, dat scared me. Ans me not knows<br />

but tu be safe maybe Auntie Karyn Vanderburg, habs yus gots any ideas?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Freddie ans Ha'ag did yus boff hears dat too?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro SCRATCH SCRATCH woooosh<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Aunties wat bes dat? Me gettin more scareds<br />

Angela Warren ????? I have NO CLUE???<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Yu otay Auntie Angela Warren, yus bes da white?

Angela Warren I'm not sure... LOL .. I'll be fine.. but I think i had better get going... hubby will<br />

be back soon and we need to go to the store .. PLEASE let me know whats going on... Will<br />

keep my fingers crossed that you find an explanation soon<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro otay Auntie Angela Warren, yu takie cares we sees yu bery soons<br />

Angela Warren *** RUNS out the door like her pants are on fire**<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (Comes in through the door and shivers) Oooh, what's the matter?<br />

It's cooler in here than outside!<br />

Tigerstar the beastly one OMC I heard there beez some commotion over here so I<br />

sharpened up mah claws and came running over! Who or what needs a good shredding?

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Shad mei man, what dat fog hangin ober da Bistro n now<br />

commin threw da doo? Duz yu sees it? Can yu Aunties sees it? Maibee ai seein things.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro < Ha'ag > HISS! HISS! HISS!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal I do see it - I just had thought my glasses were fogging up...<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro OMC OMC Tigerstar the beastly one did yus sees dat or feels dat too?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* What yu sees Auntie Johanna Duffek-Kowal?<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal I can see fog... but it's moving in a somewhat strange way! As if it<br />

wanted to get somewhere specifically... Fog shouldn't move that purposefully! And it should<br />

NOT glow. Definitely not!<br />

Liz Reeve ....did you bring in the snow from the mountains Auntie Johanna? I'm<br />

so cold!!!!

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Nope, they still got their's in the Austrian mountains - THAT must be<br />

another batch!<br />

Liz Reeve Isn't there a kittie that would like to sit on me? I need some warmth!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Shadow jumps on Auntie Liz Reeve's lap ans tells her dat him bes bery<br />

bery scarey<br />

Pookie & Starlight I'll warm ya too, Auntie Liz! No bee fraid, me purrtect ya.<br />

Liz Reeve Oh yes...that's better...I'm melting again...Pookie yo can sit on my shoulder....I'll<br />

weap my hands around you Shadow...<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (digs in her back, pulls out a case and changes glasses) Hm... no<br />

ectoplasm, so it's definitely no ghost!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper gets the life determing thingy cranked up and aims it at the<br />

mysterious cwoud.

Liz Reeve Tigerstar....if it's no ghost, you can catch it with your claws?<br />

Pookie & Starlight Mee hab purrtee good klawez too... dat ding better no maek trubbel<br />

heer!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal What does your lifeform detector say, SC Cooper?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Me not knows nuffings, me just feels da cold breezie fingy ans den da loaf<br />

ob bread flys off ob da counter ans me call SC Cooper tu comes obers.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* It be sayin dat dis thing be not frum dis time.<br />

Liz Reeve But it sure is from wintertime.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Oh, great. Does it say whether it comes from the future or the past,<br />


<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro CRASH RATTLE BANG WHOOOOOSH<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (ducks slightly) Now, THAT doesn't sound like any fog I've<br />

witnessed before!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *&SC Cooper* Ai neber seed anything likes it afore dis. Haves anypawdy<br />

here any da idea what it mights be?<br />

Liz Reeve I haven't got any idea!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Da life form determining thingy say it frum da afore dis time.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro it bes bery strange occurances goins on here SC Cooper ans Aunties,<br />

bery strange ans me da bery scaredy too<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Okay, let's think... it's foggy, it's cold, it's from the past, and it makes<br />

loud noises... WHAT was in this place BEFORE the Bistro was built? Anybody knows?<br />

Shadow? SC Cooper?

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Me not sure Auntie Johanna Duffek-Kowal but it sure tryin tu scares me or<br />

maybes gets our attentions.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Or maybe it's just HUNGRY - in which case it would be in just the<br />

right place here!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro We don't really know<br />

anything about this area...<br />

Liz Reeve A mammoth?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Ai goes tu check da wecords in mai ofice n sees if dere be<br />

anything dere.<br />

Aleta Frey I think you might have built the Bistro on a rift. Things may be able to pass thru<br />

without actually becoming visible.<br />

Liz Reeve A rift! Could it be a rift???

Tigerstar the beastly one Meez saw and felt all dat commotion!! *HISS* Meez beez staying<br />

around if anyone else gets scared we can huddle up together and bristle our fur. <strong>The</strong>n we<br />

beez looking like one big puffy cat and scare dat fog away!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro<br />

28. Oktober 2014 ·<br />

*SC Cooper comes back frum da office wif da papers in hims paws*<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro SC Cooper wat dem papers be dat in yus paws? ans how dis gunna<br />

helpie us?<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Did you find any reords about the past of this place?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* It looks like dere wuz twees frum what be here on da map.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal That doesn't explain too much - many things live under trees...<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Or in da trees too Auntie

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Dali!! Dali!! Are you ok??? He's got that strange,<br />

trance type look that he gets when Daddy cuts the lawn........<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Can Dali takie tu da trees, flowerys, ans grass? Maybe him just gots too<br />

muchie ob him nips!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Dali wakey us!!<br />

Liz Reeve Dali! What did the nipplants tell you? What's wrong?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Not groovey, not groovey....<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Lets mei sees here. We gots da meadow tu da norf of us, da<br />

big lake next tu anuther forest tu da souf of us, ne da mountains tu da west of us. Here dere<br />

wuz da forest wif da birdies.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Shadow still sitting on hims Auntie's lap asks wat kinds ob forest tu da<br />


Liz Reeve Oh stay stay Shadow it's so comfy to have you in my arms...<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Fank yus Auntie Liz Reeve, me feels safer heres ans helpie keep yus awl<br />

warms too<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Why is there no forest here now??? Where did it go???<br />

Liz Reeve A beautiful forest with birdies....it's gone...<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro But where??? I mean forests don't just get up and walk off<br />

trippy man!!!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal A sad thought... - But where's the connection to our bread throwing,<br />

ice cold visitor? Maybe it's the birdies who have lost their homes in the forest?<br />

Liz Reeve Would they be cold? Dali, please say something!

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* It say here dat our forest was taken ober tu da uther side of<br />

da big lake tu bes wif dat uther forest.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Oh this is heavy Dudes... <strong>The</strong>y are not happy.......<br />

Liz Reeve Were the trees walking to the other side?<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Dali, Dude - WHO is not happy?<br />

Liz Reeve <strong>The</strong>n there would be magic grounds here...<br />

28.<br />

Liz Reeve Aleta Frey says it good be a rift!<br />

Liz Reeve Do you know more about these things Auntie Aleta?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro We don't have a raft but we do have a boat.....

Liz Reeve No raft Freddie. A rift.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Hmm, maibee we needs summpawdy tu inbesigate da<br />

forest. It gonna takes da day for dem tu gets back here though.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Oops!! I can't hear<br />

with this on.... Hmmmm, the boat..... Maybe the answer is in the forest over the lake?? But<br />

who would volunteer for that trip?? MOL<br />

Liz Reeve wake up Shadow. I have to go homie now. My<br />

toes are freezing. here you are.<br />

He'll keep you warm. Oh these kitties can sleep always and everywhere. Auntie Johanna...Pookie. I don't think he wants to go home with me...<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Hm.... I think THAT would be a task for the famous Intergalactic<br />

Feline Security Commission - they've got all the fancy equipment AND the proper means of<br />

transportation! We probably should call them in for help. Meanwhile, we better find out as<br />

much as we can find out right here. Dude... Dali... can you hear me? What do the vibes tell<br />

you?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Shadow wakies up ans says whos goin where, why ans wiff who ans who<br />

gigglin sew bery louds in my ear too?

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro We've got the speed boat...

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Here yus awl bes, me makie yus dis foods up fur yus travels. Dis sew yu<br />

habs da gud noms fur yus tummies.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper waves as da Freddie n fambly goes off acwoss da big lake,<br />

anxiously waitin fur dem tu weturn tamarrow*<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Dem pushies off frums da pier ans SC Cooper ans Shadow wabs dem da<br />

byes ans da gud journeys. Hurry homes awl ans stay safe. ("") ("")<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Oh dear... I hope they'll be safe on that journey... who knows WHAT<br />

they will find on the other shore??? Meanwhile, anyway... Dude, here, have some nice, hot<br />

nip tea! Dali... come on, open your eyes, or at least your mouth... Goood guy, here you go...<br />

now stop trembling, dude... block out the bad vibes. Ah... this should help you with<br />

it:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frhRIL2j_-M<br />

Siuban Ni Dhuibhir (Celtic meditation)<br />


Angela Warren Praying for a safe trip.. and some answers!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Yaaaawn... I think I'll join Pookie in his nap... Come on, Dali, join us<br />

on the cushions! You shouldn't be alone now, with all those vibes everywhere...<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro<br />

29. Oktober 2014 ·<br />

*Security Chief Cooper paces hims office. Him anxiously awaits da weturn of da Freddie n<br />

Fambly abventurers hopin dey bwings back summ da answers tamorrow concernin da<br />

mystewious happenins at da Bistro eawlier in da day.*<br />

*Leabes da office n heads tu da Bistro fur da cawfee n da company of da Aunties, Unkies n<br />

furiends while him waits*<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Shadow goes ober tu SC Cooper, yus know dat mysterious cloud fingy<br />

still be floatin rounds here but now it changes da colours, wat yu finks ob dat. It seems tu<br />

awlmost bes da happy, dat bery strange stouffs.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Dat be purrty floatin dere, not da mean at awl. Yu hears dat<br />

little whirrin sound commin frum it? Ai knows dat sound, ai just can'ts put mai paw on it dis<br />

minute.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Hi dere Shad. Did yus get any da sweep last night or yu<br />

been keepin dat cawfee pot hot while yu sets up da buffet. Ai hopes Freddie n hims fambly<br />

haves da safe nighet n be back soon wif summ da news fur us. Dis cwoud changin da colors<br />

again but dey awl seems da fwiendly colors. Ai still wunderin bout dat hummin noise.

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro<br />

29. Oktober 2014 ·<br />

Me sure finks dis gunna bes da 2 pots ob cawfee or more nite as him prepares da cawfee<br />

ans sammiches tu munchies on. Me worried bout dem fambily too!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Thanky yu Shad mai furiend. It gonna be da long night here,<br />

maibee da longer nite on da uther side da lake tunite.<br />

Pam Baird I am too...any chance of some niptea while we wait?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Yup Auntie Pam Baird der bes sums niptea too ans sum cake!<br />

Pam Baird perfect. thank you

Dawn Barela Hey Everybody! I brought some sandwiches for while we wait for Freddie and<br />

family to come back.<br />

Dawn Barela<br />

Dawn Barela

Dawn Barela And a salad too!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Dat sew nicie ob yu Auntie Dawn Barela, we awl, chewy our claws hopie<br />

dem bes otay.<br />

Dawn Barela and a tray with Shrimpies!!<br />

Pam Baird this is wonderful. Thanks so much Dawn

Dawn Barela I hope they are ok too! But don't chew your claws. You may need those later!<br />

Anyway, that can hurt you and I don't like that!!<br />

Dawn Barela You are welcome Pam!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Thanky yu so bery much AuntieDawn Barela, dis gonna be<br />

da long night here. Ai sure it gonna feels long on da uther side da lake tu awl da abventurers.<br />

Dey bery bwave tu haves made da decishun tu goes tu dat pwace for us.<br />

Dawn Barela You're welcome Cooper! And you are right, they ARE very brave!!<br />

Liz Reeve Thank you Auntie Dawn for these nomnoms!<br />

Dawn Barela You're welcome Liz!!

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro<br />

29. Oktober 2014 ·<br />

< Freddie and half the gang pull up at the dock on the other side of the Lake. Jerri looks<br />

worried.> nothing good ever happens in films when you pull up your boat at a deserted dock.<br />

silly girl. You've been watching too many horror films with Momma. What<br />

could possibly happen?<br />

Edna Fitzgerald Oh, honey! Don't ever ask that LOL.<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie I agree Edna, never ask "what could possibly happen". Evil forces<br />

take that as a challenge.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro<br />

29. Oktober 2014 ·<br />

Me gunna add sums eggie benny tu da brekkie menus too. Ans sum steak n fried eggies.

Brenda Sue Petty Yum! This makes a good brunch or lunch Shadow.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Hi Shad, Yu did da fine job as da usuawl. Ai wonders how<br />

Freddie n da abventurers be doin.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Teeheehee, me neber finks ob dat, fanks Auntie Brenda Sue<br />

Pam Baird yummms delicious looking.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Wud yu likie sums Auntie Pam Baird? Ans how yu likie yu's sakes.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper shows Shad da pikatures him tooks on da outside of da<br />

cwoud*<br />

Pam Baird oh yes please ..medium well please and thank you

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Gud day tu yu Auntie Pam Baird. It gud tu sees yu here<br />

waitin wif us. It make da waitin da bit easier wif da company n awl.<br />

Deirdre Joan Robson hi everyone, oh Shadow your steak and fried egg looks yummy, may<br />

I have some please steak well done please and a strong nip coffee thank you<br />

Tigerstar the beastly one Meez here fur same fancy eggs bweakfast!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Dis be circlin da Bistro on da outsides, n it makin da soft hummin noise.

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro SC Cooper* gud day tu yu Unkie James n Auntie Deidre, Tigerstar the<br />

beastly one. Gud tu haves yu here helpin us do da waitin.<br />

Deirdre Joan Robson I couldn't be anywhere else, you need to be with friends at a time like<br />

this, I just hope they are all ok<br />

Pam Baird Good Day SC Cooper. I had to be here in case anyone needed a friend<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Ai gots da vibes sayin dey bes awlright. What wif awl dem<br />

what went ai shur dey keeps each uther safe. Dey pwobly awl busy doin da 'xplorin ober dere<br />

findin stuffs out. Maibee dey can helps us figgure out dis mysterious cwoud James N Deirdre<br />

Robson .<br />

Tigerstar the beastly one Ooooh I better not leave da bistro...I don't want that colorful<br />

humming thingy trying to attack meh<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun ** Oh, look, Meomy! Eggs and steak dippers. You can have the<br />

white parts if you cut my steak into nibblets. Meomy ** Thanks, This looks really good on a<br />

cold day. Has anyone heard from Freddie and the family?

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Gud day Auntie Susan Siefers yu n Tigerstar the beastly<br />

one be just da kind da company we needs while we waits. Dat cwoud outside feel just s<br />

fwiendly as da one in heres. Ai wonders why it awl diffrnt colors outside n just da purrty blue<br />

in heres.<br />

Susan Siefers Maybe it's a brand new wormhole getting ready to open.<br />

Sni Purr and Elektra of the Stutz Bear Cat Clan living in GrebelLand Sni...Luk meowmie<br />

an Lady Leki at whut owtside dere. Cooper tuk d pikture.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Hi Sni<br />

n da Ldy Leki<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro . Maibee Auntie Susan Siefers, if dat da new wormhole openin ai hopes<br />

we not falls in it n gets da lost.<br />

Susan Siefers Maybe we should worry about who or what falls OUT<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro SC Cooper ans da Sni n Lady Leki me sure hopie dat not da new wormie<br />

hole cuz der bes one in me kitchens. Dat cud be da dangerous stouffs. Me sew glads<br />

eberypawdy enjoying da guds food cuz me too nebous tu cooks tuday.

Sni Purr and Elektra of the Stutz Bear Cat Clan living in GrebelLand Lady Leki... fall<br />

owt? whut could fall owt?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Yu no bes afwaid Shad mai furriend. We awl tugetter here n<br />

keeps each uther safe. Yu right, ai hopes it not da wormhole tu. Sni n Lady Leki, yu not<br />

worries, we awl right here.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Shadow says tu hims Aunties ans SC Cooper ans da Sni n Lady Leki, lets<br />

hab da groupie huggie ans say da paw prayer fur our furriends cross da wadders.<br />

Sni Purr and Elektra of the Stutz Bear Cat Clan living in GrebelLand Lady Leki...da cloud<br />

nawt scare us Cooper nawt wif mew here.<br />

Sni Purr and Elektra of the Stutz Bear Cat Clan living in GrebelLand Sni and Lady Leki<br />

join paws with Shad and Cooper- we nawt afarids wif Shad an Cooper an da Aunites here.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper puts hims paws tugetter wif Sni, Lady Leki n Shad n da<br />

Aunties*<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Shadow says me wunners ib dat bes one ob dem UFOs dat da momma<br />

watchies on da TV, dem spins ans habs da flashin lights ans kidnappies da peoples?

Sni Purr and Elektra of the Stutz Bear Cat Clan living in GrebelLand Sni and Lady Leki<br />

together-whut is da UFO Shad?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Shadow says who's phone bes dat ringin? Me hopies it bes our furriends<br />

ober da wadders? Oh it bes mine, hello, yes, yes, noooo, yes, okay.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (strolls in throgh the main door, accompanied by Pookie and<br />

Starlight) Hi, friends! Just been over at Dali's greenhouse... He's allright now, not feeling any<br />

bad vibes anymore. You know you've got some apparition in all colours circling the Bistro?<br />

Looks pretty, somehow. - Mmmh, stake an eggs... yummm... - Mee star-fing!<br />

(hurries to the buffet)<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro **SC Cooper* It shur be unidentifwied right now, fur da shur Shad, but we<br />

gonna figgure dis out tugeter.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Hi Auntie Johanna Duffek-Kowal ans Pookie & Starlight, helpie yus selfies<br />

tu da buffet. Yes we know bouts da prettys colourfuls fingy ober da Bistro ans we still gots da<br />

one in da kitchen too.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (sits down with a full plate and a big mug of coffee) At least the<br />

temperature is back to normal... Thank Cat!

Dawn Barela Hi guys! I<strong>The</strong> Eggs Benedict looks yummy! I will have some. What is going<br />

on? <strong>The</strong>re are like Rainbow colored lights floating around! Kinda cool, but still kinda Weird!!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Der bes lots happenin Auntie Dawn Barela, yu habs yu eggie benny ans<br />

reads up wat bes goin on heres lately.<br />

Dawn Barela This is getting interesting, Is it a new <strong>Wormhole</strong>?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Me not knows dat Auntie Dawn Barela buts maybes dat cud bes or da<br />

ways tu communicates wiff da obers der fur sures it seems say Shadow<br />

Dawn Barela You may be right. Whatever it is we shall find out soon enough!<br />

Loretta Turner Yummy! This is good!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Him runs obers ans gibs da grate biggie huggies tu hims Auntie Loretta<br />

Turner xxx sew bery guds tu sees yu Auntie.

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro<br />

29. Oktober 2014 ·<br />

*SC Cooper* Well Shad mai furriend, it still circlin. Summ da how it feel dat it be da<br />

weassurn.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Shadow says me wunners ib we talkie tu dem wat will happens, Aunties<br />

wat due yus awl finks?<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Hmmm... it has the colours of the rainbow, don't you think?<br />

Brenda Sue Petty Is this a sign from Sammi? Maybe he's coming for a visit soon?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Auntie Johanna Duffek-Kowal and Auntie Brenda Sue, ai<br />

sure it be da sign of summthing. Maibee Freddie n da abventurers will haves da answer if we<br />

no figgure it out.

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Dis bes da one dat bes da circlins in da kitchen too! Bery strange stouffs.<br />

Sni Purr and Elektra of the Stutz Bear Cat Clan living in GrebelLand Sni and Lady Leki-<br />

Aul dese rainbows. Whut could it be?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Aunties are yu awl as scaredy as mes?<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (leaning back, sipping coffee) Actually... no. It is a bit strange, but I<br />

don't see any threat towards anybody! And with THOSE colours...<br />

Liz Reeve It's beautiful! But a bit delusive too....if you look at it long enough...<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro < Dali > yeah! Cool colours floating! Groovey!

Liz Reeve Dali! Still under the influence? Are the nip plants speaking to you?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *Quincey peeps out of his brewing shed* What's that thing? Is it a UFO?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *Bonnie throws her apron over her head* Oh nooooooooo we is going to<br />

be abducted!!!<br />

Liz Reeve Oh Bonnie that could be it....we will be chased in some space saucer and brought<br />

to another planet...<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Oh auntie Liz!!!!!!! I don't want to be probed!! *Bonnie tucks her tail as far<br />

between her legs as she can* Lets hide!!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *Quincey puts on a tinfoil hat and hands them out to Bonnie and the<br />

aunties* Where's Emily?<br />

Liz Reeve Oh Bonnie don't be afraid...Here is a pile of cushions Mallory left for us...go hide<br />

under it, and look through the little holes...I'll sit in front of you...

Johanna Duffek-Kowal I don't think there are any aliens or vets up or over there wanting to<br />

abduct and examine anybody... and, remember, SC Cooper's lifeform thingy said it was a<br />

visit from the past, not from outer space.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *Bonnie pulls her tinfoil hat down over her ears* Thank mew auntie Liz,<br />

someone bring me my chicken custard recipe I must keep it safe!!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Eeeeeeeeeeeek! <strong>Ghost</strong>ies! *Bonnie vanishes under the cushions*<br />

Liz Reeve Visit from the past...like the Christmas ghost?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Shadow comes running in carrying hims wittle sweetie Miss Em ans<br />

calling out tu hims lubs, Princess Bonnie, wheres are yus?<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Look under that tinfoil-thing sticking out from under the cushions<br />

over there, Shadow.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Fank yus Auntie Johanna Duffek-Kowal

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Oh Shaddie!! Come and hide the ghosties and aliens are going to probe<br />

us!!!! *Grabs Emily and hides her under a big fluffy cushion and throws her apron over<br />

Shadow Man's head*<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Oh me lubs, hang on, it not be ghosties or aliens, listen! Can you hear, dat<br />

bes da Freddie's voice an Polly's too. Dem nots gunna kidnapps yus or hurts yu. Come outs<br />

ans me lubs ans fank yus sew bery muchie fur tryin tu purrtects me as him gibs her da grate<br />

biggie huggie ans smooch xxx<br />

Liz Reeve Oh look at them...they love eachother so much...<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Fank yus Auntie Liz Reeve ans yes we due lubs each udders bery<br />

muchie.<br />

Dawn Barela You guys are so sweet together!!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Fank yus Auntie Dawn Barela, Bonnie gunna be me bride soons cuz we<br />

lubs each udders bery muchie<br />

Dawn Barela I know Shadow! I am looking forward to the wedding. I am trying to find what I<br />

want to wear!

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro<br />

29. Oktober 2014 ·<br />

< meanwhile, at the other side of the Lake, Freddie and half of the gang set off exploring.<br />

Freddie and Georgia head off East, Chicco and Jerri head off West, Benji and Bob ( ts ) go<br />

straight ahead and Mallory stays with the boat.> its very dark and spooky here don't be such a baby! You've faced trolls and the Scampee<br />

factory, this is just a walk in the woods!<br />

Mary Hutchins I see trouble coming.... boo!<br />

Karyn Vanderburg Uh oh. I hope that there are no killer pumpkins ahead.<br />

Liz Reeve Be careful out there!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro < Freddie jumps> did you hear that? you are a wimp!<br />

Karyn Vanderburg Oh please be careful! I don't like this!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Shadow says tu SC Cooper, did yus hears dat????!!!!!!

Mary Hutchins was that a twig I heard just snap and an evil laugh....oh no...I can't watch<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro < Freddie looks at Georgia> I know I can hear Shadow Man. Can't you<br />

hear it? are my ears deceiving me or<br />

can I hear Shadow!?!?!?!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* could it be? Shad do you hear what I hear.<br />

Liz Reeve Shadow? isn't he at the Bistro?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro < Chicco shouts> I can hear SC Cooper now!!!! How is that possible?<br />

Liz Reeve Another wormhole.....?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Shadow yells out bes dat yu Freddie? It bes me da Shadow<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Freddie, me can hears yu but me thots yus obers on da island?

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Seems to be a very CONNECTIVE phenomenon.... (takes another<br />

sip of her coffee)<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro < Freddie > Georgia! You must be able to hear that! < Freddie shouts><br />



Liz Reeve Ohhh, these are real Halloween days....<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Freddie, me canna believes me ears, how can me hears yu ober der on<br />

da island while me still heres in da kitchen at da Bistro?<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Well... maybe Freddie should look out for some rainbow-coloured,<br />

compact fog-thing over there in the woods. What do you think?<br />

Mary Hutchins nah...<br />

Brenda Sue Petty Be careful!

Liz Reeve this is so scary...<br />

Liz Reeve Freddie are you OK?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Him put Miss Em down ans starts pulling cushions off of Bonnie but her<br />

bes da holdin on tu dem fur da dear live. Me lubs it bes me, yu Shaddie, come out ob der,<br />

me will purrtects yu ans me gots wittle Miss Em wiff mes.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Hello, Miss Em! Good to see you up and around again! - <br />

(waves paw) Hi, Em! Mee happee ya bakk!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Freddie!!!<br />

Freddie!!! Where are you????

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (gets herself another coffee) This is really getting interesting... No,<br />

thank you, Pookie, I don't want to wear any tinfoil hats. <strong>The</strong>y look funny on me, you know.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Shadow calls out, FREDDIE yus bes otay ans wat yu finds ober ders?<br />

Pookie & Starlight Ya shoor ya no wanna hab dat saiftee hat, Mama? Mee dink it look<br />

reelee good...<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Oh Pookie yus hat lookie sew bery cutes on yus<br />

Pookie & Starlight Dank ya!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Yes, very cute, Pooks... And you know I don't do "cute"!

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Yus bes bery welliecomes Pookie says Shadow<br />

Liz Reeve Maybe I want that tinfoil head Pookie. It maybe can protect me from I don't know<br />

what.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro I can hear you even clearer here Shad........ We're all here<br />

together,, <strong>The</strong>re's a series of tunnels and one of them has a glowing light..... It's glowing<br />

rainbow colours..... It's a bit like Dali's lava lamp......Funky!!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro OMC, Shad says me sure wunners wat dat fingy bes since me can hears<br />

yus likie yus right heres, me wunners ib yu comes thru dat tunnels wiff dem rainiebow<br />

colours ib yu wud show up back heres thru our rainiebow cloud? Is yus da brave?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro He's not that brave Shadow!!!! MOL<br />

MOL!!!!! It looks like there's a huge crystal in the middle of it!!! It's sooooooo<br />

purrity!!!!!!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Ib it bes da tunnel tu comes back homes here den dat wud explains<br />

eberyfings or at least da lots but hows we gunna finds out? Say Shad<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Freddie! Freddie!! If yu can hears mei, be da caweful n not<br />

handles it wifout da purrtective globes on yur paws at da least til we finds out what it bes.

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro <br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Uh-oh....<br />

Mary Hutchins What....what happened??????<br />

Pam Baird goes and finds some cushions...snuggles down to nap....going to be a long night<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro<br />

30. Oktober 2014 ·<br />

< Dali sleeps restlessly on the cushions. <strong>The</strong>n he suddenly sits up and yells> NO! JERRI<br />



oh no! Not again! come on little brother. Your not a quantum physicist anymore! Come on back to<br />

normal!<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Miss Polly can I have some of that nip for my Danny please? He<br />

loves to talk physics to me, makes my head spin. Hmmm maybe I need some too!

Johanna Duffek-Kowal I wouldn't simply push aside statements like this one... even if it's<br />

"just" a flashback. Dali might have a point there.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Oh, and, by the way, good morning or whatever!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro < Polly gives Auntie Vicky the little bag of nip> don't let Circles get to close<br />

to it. It's the strongest of Dali's blends. Auntie Johanna, Dali was a genius, before the<br />

accident.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Don't know what accident you are talking about, but I think Dali<br />

STILL is some sort of genius - in his own way... And I would take his words seriously.<br />

Pam Baird Good morning every one<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Hmm I don't know about an accident either. But yes, still a genius<br />

there.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Me poor buddy Dali, me sure hopie him wakies ans bes da otays!

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro<br />

30. Oktober 2014 ·<br />

*SC Cooper* Freddie! Freddie! Where yu go Freddie. why you not answer? Were be Jerri?<br />

Did summthin happen. Freddie!!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (Drinks a big gulp of coffee) I admit, I'm getting kind of worried<br />

now... If there really is developing some new wormhole and they fell in, they could end up<br />

just ANYWHERE!<br />

Dawn Barela Uh Oh! What is happening now?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* If it wuz da new wormhole it not comes out here cuz we gots<br />

no Jerri here yet Auntie Johanna Duffek-Kowal. Oh mai, haves we lost Jerri in da tunnel?<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki SC Cooper,what's happening? Is it a new wormhole? ~Auntie Rena<br />

Ann Kolodnicki<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Ai goin round awl da Bistro n da out da doors part tu see if<br />

dere bes da new wormhole, n lookin fur da Jerri.

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Ai hopes yus can find da Jerri,SC Cooper. ~Auntie Rena Ann<br />

Kolodnicki<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Ai hopes yus can find da Freddie tus!<br />

Dawn Barela Oh No, I hope you find Jerri fast!<br />

Pookie & Starlight Uz halp lookin, SC Cooper! No worree, if uz faind sum ding weerd, uz no<br />

go neer an kall ya. Xept it bee Jerri, den uz halp!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* maibee ai finds dem awl if dere be da wormhole<br />

Auntie Rena Ann Kolodnicki, ai shur hopes so. Dere be da lot of gwound th cubber out heres.<br />

Dawn Barela Well Cooper, if we need to we can all help! with all of us we can cover a lot of<br />

ground!<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Cooper ai will help too.<br />

Auntie Rena

Kahlua Tabanga Good luck finding them Cooper!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro mes cans helpie tu Aunties<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Thanky yus Auntie Dawn Barela and Kahlua Tabanga, we gots lots da<br />

gwond tu cubber. Eberypawdy cans help search.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal If they landed anywhere around here, we'll find them! - Oh,<br />

somebody should look into the kitchen, don't you think?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Auntie Johanna Duffek-Kowal, yus come wiff mes ans we go lookie in da<br />

kitchen ib dems be der, otays?<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Let's go! After all, the glowing fog is concentrating around and IN<br />

the Bistro...<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Ai looked in da kitchen afore ai left n so did da Shad. Dey<br />

not dere.

Johanna Duffek-Kowal In that case, it's gonna be a longer search... Come on, Pookie and<br />

Starlie! Let's start over there!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper headin norf intu da unknowqn* ai guesses dis fannin out in<br />

awl diwections be gud. Ai gwad ai gots da Shad wif mei cuz dis could be da bit scawey if ai<br />

wuz awone.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Ai can still sees da rainbow cwoud circlin ober da Bistro frum<br />

here. Dat will bes gud fur gettin mei back dere. What coulda comed frum da past tu bes<br />

causin dat It not look like da bad thing. Dat cwoud look fwiendly, what eber it be frum. *turns<br />

n looks round* Shad! Shad! where yu goes buddy? Oh no, now Shad be gone, ai losted<br />

hims. Ai shoulda mades shur we wuz still tugetter. Ai gots tu stops dis loosin fowlkes. Not da<br />

gud habit fur da Secuwity Chief.<br />

Dawn Barela Oh dear, that is not good Cooper!!<br />

Deb Belohlavy Oh my goodness, I can help with search but you are right we should stick<br />

together or at least larger groups. How long have they been gone?<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Oh noes,where did Shadow go? Ai sowwies,SC Cooper!<br />

~Auntie Rena Ann Kolodnicki

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro HALP.....HALP.....HALP!!!!!! COOP! COOP, YU DER?<br />

Deb Belohlavy Oh oh, who is that? Where are you? We halps you.......oh heck, where is<br />

Coop I am no good in emergencies. *running in circles*<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro DIS BES DA SHAD, HALP MES PLEASE, GET COOP ANS SUM ROPES<br />

PLEASE!<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Shad,itz Auntie Rena,ai will run ans find Cooper fur yus,ai also will<br />

run ans get sum ropes tus.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SCCooper* AI RIGHT HERE SHAD. YU KEEPS DA HOLLERIN N AI<br />




Rena Ann Kolodnicki COOP,WHERE ARE YUS? SHAD NEEDS YUR HALP! Auntie Rena<br />

Ann Kolodnicki<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro COOP COOP MES CAN HEARS YUS! YUS GOT DA ROPES?

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro < Benji hears the shouting> I thought you were at the bistro. How can we<br />

hear you? we can see you! DON'T TOUCH IT!<br />

Deb Belohlavy *still running in circles* Hold on Shad, Coop is getting some ropes<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro COOP COOP COOP!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro AI COMMIN SHAD!!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro OMC, how can dat bes dat me bes da hearin yus Benji while me in dis<br />

heres hole?<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki AIS COMMIN TUS SHAD! ***lowers da rope into da wormhole so<br />

Shad can climb out.***<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Me hears Dali tus, him say no touchie Freddie! Him bes in da trance since<br />

yus awl left!

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro COOP COOP COOP CAN YU STILLS HEARS ME?<br />

Tigerstar the beastly one<br />

oh no!! Meez worried!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal What the.... hmpf... WHO is WHERE??? Let me think... Freddie and<br />

his gang in some tunnels under the woods on the other side of the lake... Dali at the Bistro...<br />

Shadow fallen into some hole... Cooper in the forest... me... no IDEA! <strong>The</strong>n WHY can I hear<br />

practically EVERYBODY?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Dis be bery weird Auntie Johanna Duffek-Kowal, ai can hawdly wait til we<br />

figgure dat out. Ai gettin da cornfused maiself.<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Shad are yus going tus bes okays? Ais getting cornfused tus! Meez iz<br />

hoping dat ai don't fall into da wormhole either.<br />

Pookie & Starlight Nut all da holees be da wormholees! Mee often taims inspakt da<br />

hollees at home, an dere never bee da worms...<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro COOP COOP COOP CAN YUS STILLS HEARS ME, IT DARK IN HERES<br />


<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro AI JUST BOUT DERE SHAD MAI FURRIEND, AWLMOST DERE.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal I wish I could say the same... but hearing so many voices from all<br />

directions at once, I can't figure out where to go!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro YUS WILL FINDS ME CUZ AUNTIE RENA BES DA STANDIN RITES<br />


Johanna Duffek-Kowal I think I see somebody frantically waving there between those<br />

trees... Pookie, Starlight, PLEASE stay close to me!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro COOP COOP WAT BES TAKIE YUS SEW LONGS? IT BES DA DARKS<br />

IN HERES ....... OUCHIE!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal What happened, Shadow? Did Auntie Rena fall in? Or did you<br />

stumble over some mole down there?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Ai right here Shad, I can see Auntie Rena Ann Kolodnicki now n hears yu<br />

wifout da shoutin yu gonna sees mei in just da minute. It da gud thing yu alone dere wif none<br />

da critters.

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Me just stubbed me wittle paw on da rock Auntie Johanna Duffek-Kowal, I<br />

bes otay.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Phew... With unexplored tunnels and holes, you never know...<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro <strong>The</strong> twins... It's the twins.... <strong>The</strong>y can<br />

help..... <strong>The</strong> twins..... <strong>The</strong> daughter of darkness anf the son of light..... <strong>The</strong>y will know what to<br />

do...... Get the twins......................Flibble!!!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Why do I think we should have expected something like this...?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro FREDDIE ANS GANG CAN YUS STILL HEARS ME, IT BES SHAD STILL<br />


<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro What could dat mean, dat what Dali shoutin?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Wotz wez too doos Dali???? Wez not<br />

noes......... Remember your heritage little ones.........

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro<br />

30. Oktober 2014 ·<br />

*SC Cooper* NO JERRI DON'T TOUCH IT!!!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Aw, forget it, Coop - we're talking about a CAT here...<br />

Cats...Curiousity... And glittering objects... You know what I mean.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro But<br />

Dali....... Wez scared.... Yous sed not to tuche it....... Use your gifts little ones.......<br />

Iz noes what to do!!!!!! < She runs off to their<br />

cleaning cupboard with Ha'ag hot on her tail> IZ ALWAIS NEW WE'D NEED DEM ONE<br />

DAI!!!!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro "POOF" Jerri how yu gets here, me thot yus on da udder sides ob da lake<br />

wiff Freddie ans da udders?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Is dat Ha'ag n Da'as I hears?<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Shadow???? What are you doing here???? Where did everyone<br />

else go????? Why is the crystal shaking???????

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* OMCC!!<br />

Heather Bateman What? What? I just got out of da workie pwace ans reads da goins ons.<br />

Cooper, WHAT IS HAPPENING?<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal THAT is exactly what none of us really knows, Heather!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro I just touched it.... It's sooo purrity..... Look it's shaking again!!!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Yu awlright Jerri. Dat crystal on da uther side musta been da<br />

magic. Hmm, dere be da crystal in da tunnel n da crystal heres. Ai wonders....<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Not widout us!!!!!!

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Ah - NOW we're going somewhere!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Shadow starts da jumpin ups ans downs, how yus awl due dat as him gibs<br />

dem awl da biggie huggie. It sures bes gud tu sees yus gains.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro *SC Cooper* Ai thinks Shad know what wents on here.<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Shadow looks at da SC Cooper ans says tu hims it bes "Elementary, me<br />

dear Watson, Elementary"<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro I don't know...We just touched the crystal like Da's said and we<br />

turned up here..... Da'as??/ Why are you using a "Dust buster"????

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro Oh, he still in the speed boat... He was looking after it......<br />

<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal At least everybody is home again - or safe enough. NOW, of<br />

course, we all want to know what this was all about and where from it came!<br />

<strong>Wormhole</strong> Bistro That is a story best told on Howlween AuntieJohanna Duffek-Kowal<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Aaaand another good reason to be here at Howloween!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Back at my home it is, by the way, five minutes to one in the<br />

morning - still within witching hour - on already Oct. 31st...

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