Jarvis Magnet - 1905 Volume 1 Number 1

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T he firs t debate is sch eduled for F rid a y J an. zoth. 11 1.11. ~'S . IV. Resolved<br />

that Protection is m ore a dva ntag-ous tI' a Nat ion's wel fare than Free Trade. 111..-1.<br />

will tak e th e aflirrnative. ~I ess rs. \ Vig-h tllla n, C la rk and l vey will a ct as J udg es.<br />

Feb. :qth, has been fixed as t he date 0 : t he " At H ome. " Committees w ill<br />

shortly be appointed a nd every effort will he mail.: to make this y ear's " At Home ,­<br />

the best ever.<br />

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T H I ~ desig n appearing" upon the front corner of Tn u ~h C :-: E T is th e Ol'ig-iilal work<br />

of :\Ir. R. E . Xlill.s of The l\lag-llet Editorial Staff. .. Bobs " artistic work i,<br />

already well k nown throughout th e schoo l and TH E ;\IAC;-': ET is fo rtunate in haviru;<br />

·0 clever an artist in black a nd white on its staff. There are a numbe r of others in<br />

the school who possess decided talent in this direction, a nd we hope to reproduce<br />

from time to time, specimens o f thei r work. All drawings intended fo r puhlicatio n<br />

should be submitted to ;\1r. R. I ~ . ~ I ills, Art Editor.<br />

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Once il) a n."~l)-bril ·) ';: l'l l'nl'g-iatc..·. Whl)Se name I distin ctly n'l1h ' 111h ~'r\<br />

1"01' its n j nd hlng- a nd wcl] it bo t ,<br />

Th ere wa,; a form. Il IA , a nd lilled was it a h\" a~'s wilh sd H' l at · ~ ,<br />

St udying', cl-anllnillg' 'their IH·iH.!s wit h k nowlccljrc of Lang-uag-e a nd ~ l 'i " I H " ~<br />

Clever the youths .uid b righl, bu t de\',~n 'r xtill t he maick-n-, ;<br />

~\ n d in t hi-, c la~s yOll mig ht ~ l' ~ th at g'"('nius, \Ill' sch ol urvhip p'llpil ,<br />

Of thes e we)"...' t h ha rd thl')" Cl) IH e hpad in cx<br />

Plugg-ing morning, noon a nd nig ht, ra re-ly l.'easiJ'lg' { heir labo r.<br />

The teache r», 100. I ho ugh ~h" 'a d ,,,1 by S I'llll',<br />

Are admired a nd loved by lh e~ e scholars,<br />

,h , into the heads " I' th,';" pnp ils the y xtrivc to in st ill \ I ~ , · fll l k,""vi,·,lg,·.<br />

Let us pray th at su cce-o- lIlay a tt e nd their e ffo rts . and, a s " resutt o f t lu -ir lnb o r,<br />

In the dim and shad owy years ill co rm - the world Inay hear of th... fa me of<br />

Those who had h-arned. an d la bored. a nd la \l ~ he d . in that fl "\nn of t hl' j a rvi -. Col1eg-ia t..·\<br />

1I1:J. ' g05, J, ~ J.

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