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outcome. Pray also that Levi and family will be able to put their worry on God’s<br />

shoulders. In particular, please pray for pain relief; Levi is 22 years old.<br />

Ray Daley is a member of the Royal Canadian Legion and served his country during the<br />

Korean War era. Ray is taking chemotherapy treatments for cancer. Meanwhile his<br />

son Trevor is in the hospital in a coma and seems to have lost the will to live.<br />

Pat has been under treatment for colon cancer for sometime. He has had major<br />

complications the last few days and your prayers will be appreciated by family and<br />

friends.<br />

Dorothy had pneumonia, on checking her lungs they found tumors which permeated the<br />

lung area. Further investigation found a primary site in the colon, with the lung<br />

being secondary. It would appear there is no viable treatment at this time. Please<br />

pray for a miraculous remission; that her remaining time here on earth might be<br />

good. Help Dorothy and her family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry<br />

their worry.<br />

Becky has fourth stage metastasized lung cancer and is not doing well with chemotherapy<br />

treatments. Please pray for Becky and her husband as they are together during this<br />

difficult time in their lives.<br />

Jane has fourth stage cancer and is not doing well. Please pray for Jane and her family as<br />

they are together during this difficult time in their lives.<br />

Colleen has been battling pancreatic cancer over the last year and it has now spread to one<br />

of her lungs. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.<br />

Christine has cancer of the colon, which spread to her liver; she is receiving chemotherapy<br />

and is having difficulty eating. Please pray for the medical team treating her to pay<br />

attention and do their very best; pray also for confidence in our Lord for Christine<br />

and her family.<br />

Todd and Kenny have both been fighting osteocarcinoma for over five years and have been<br />

told their time here on earth is nearing its end, absent a miracle from God. Both are<br />

ready to go home and leave the pain, but would like to stay. Please pray for them<br />

and their families.<br />

Homebound or Infirm<br />

Sarah had to move to an Assisted Living Home and has found the adjustment very<br />

difficult. Please pray she will come to terms with the situation and that her Lord<br />

Jesus will be close to her. She recently lost 30 pounds and her eyesight is<br />

deteriorating. Pray her appetite will improve and her eyesight will return to<br />

normal. Most of all, please pray our Lord Jesus Christ will be close to her at this<br />

difficult time.<br />

Larry H has general weakness as the result of extreme fatigue. Larry is now up and about,<br />

walking without assistance. The depression is still a part of his life. Due to several<br />

chronic illnesses, he will never be able to live on his own. He will need assistance<br />

for the rest of his life and will most likely never be able to leave the rest home., he<br />

has reached a point where he cannot walk without assistance and is fairly naturally<br />

somewhat depressed. Please pray for help for Larry to put his trust in the Lord,<br />

relax and build strength and give Pastor Roy guidance on helping him.<br />

Laurel Bessessen (95) has begun to lose her mental abilities to recall people, places and<br />

things around her. Her family is no longer able to care for her at home and she is in<br />

a skilled care facility. She is the last of that family’s generation. Please pray for the<br />

mental degradation to stop or for her to leave for home. Pray for her family who do<br />

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