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Sunday was a day of triumph and fulfilled the anticipation of the Jews of a day for which<br />

they had waited four centuries. The Messiah had finally come, at the time predicted by<br />

scripture. They were certain He would free them from the burdensome and cruel yoke<br />

of Roman rule. The Jews would finally be on top of the power pyramid. They would<br />

rule the world under Him! As the week went on, they found that was not to be. He did<br />

not come to rule this world, but to bring us to His World. He came to give them the key<br />

to eternal salvation. This is a far more important gift than to have power temporarily and<br />

for a short time. This is more precious than any earthly jewel, riches or rainment one can<br />

ever find here on planet Earth. He came to take them from this veil of tears to a state of<br />

perfect freedom. They wanted someone to throw the Romans out and all God sent them<br />

was the key to eternal life. What a disappointment! But to us, it is not a disappointment.<br />

It is a gift of great joy, the fact is we should be all rights dead and headed for the pit,<br />

instead headed to a kingdom of joyfulness and laughter and all pleasant things, and a<br />

world that will be far better than our pitiful shadowland here. This is indeed the most<br />

valuable of all gifts we will ever receive in our lifetime.<br />

By the way, the Chief Priests, who had so much invested in their 613 laws, likely searched<br />

far and wide for the crowd to convict Jesus of the crimes they imagined against their<br />

system. Their system, not God’s. Remember, there are none so blind as those who will<br />

not see. They would not see because what was being shown to them was a new way that<br />

would interfere with their comfortable way of living. A new way that asked of them, no<br />

demanded of them, accountability unto God for their actions. Know the crowd was not<br />

a self-forming group naturally set on condemning Jesus, but a handpicked gang. At the<br />

same time, many of those in the crowd who condemned Him the morning of Good Friday<br />

were in the crowd that welcomed Him to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. What a difference<br />

five days can make.<br />

Make no mistake, we are that crowd. And, like Pilate, no matter what we say, we cannot<br />

wash our hands of the responsibility. Thus, we must separate ourselves from the crowd.<br />

Separate, that is to make ourselves holy, set aside.<br />

When the time comes, how will you ACT?<br />

It is by our actions we are known.<br />

Be of God - Live of God - Act of God<br />

Roy Morales-Kuhn, Bishop and Pastor - St. Paul's Anglican Church - Anglican<br />

Orthodox Church<br />

Bishop Roy is pastor of the biggest AOC parish West of the Mississippi and is in charge<br />

of the Diocese of the Epiphany.<br />

Palm Sunday<br />

Thy King cometh...having salvation...<br />

9 April 2017<br />

Psalm 22 • Zechariah 9:9-12 • Mark 11:1-11<br />

The Sunday next before Easter, commonly called<br />

Palm Sunday.<br />

The Collect.<br />

LMIGHTY and everlasting God, who, of thy tender love<br />

A towards mankind, hast sent thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, to take upon him our<br />

flesh, and to suffer death upon the cross, that all mankind should follow the example of<br />

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