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By: Maria Valentina Rico<br />

Have you ever asked yourself, why do you like to listen to<br />

music so much?. Here I’m going to explain you these<br />

questions and you will know the things that happen in your<br />

brain when you listen to music, I want to explain this ,because,<br />

it’s the explanation of the question that we have asked to<br />

ourselves, so I invite you to enjoy the article.<br />

We all love the music, and the science explains us, why? It is<br />

easy, our favorite type of music produces in the brain<br />

dopamine, and this regulates the happiness and the<br />

excitement. Likewise, when we listen to music, the most part<br />

of our brain is working, so it helps us to the concentration and<br />

mental agility. A study of the McGill University of Montreal<br />

said that the music helps us for the anxiety, the pain control<br />

and to have a better use of the emotions. Also, it increases the<br />

optimist and it helps to have a better communication with<br />

others.<br />

In my opinion the music is the perfect form to be relaxed, so<br />

I’m always listening to music, because when I do that I feel<br />

very good.<br />

Remember to listen to music, it serves to have a good mental<br />

health and to be mare happy, so, go, listen and enjoy your<br />

favorite type of music.

By: María Alejandra Sandoval<br />

Colombia needs to have an open talk about the use of<br />

asbestos and its consequences, since many people are not<br />

informed about the fatal consequences of asbestos.<br />

Colombia should have a debate about the prohibition of<br />

asbestos as diseases Which causes are overwhelming. The<br />

collapse of the bill that sought to ban the production,<br />

marketing, export, import and distribution of any variety<br />

of asbestos in Colombia is bad news for the country, but<br />

some of the positions against those who collaborated in<br />

the funeral of the initiative are open to The discussion<br />

does not end there. It should insist that the country its<br />

use is prohibited, although it may affect the<br />

socioeconomic costs because it is more important the<br />

health of all Colombians.

Asbestos is a fiber in the form of dust that has<br />

been used in Colombia to produce tiles for<br />

more than 70 years. At least 50 countries have<br />

banned its use in all performances by a call by<br />

the World Health Organization (who) and the<br />

International Labour Organization (ILO), to<br />

demonstrate that this fiber is a carcinogenic<br />

highly dangerous to your health. These<br />

countries have shown that workers who have<br />

manipulated the fiber have developed<br />

diseases such as mesothelioma and lung<br />

cancer. In United States, for example, it is<br />

estimated that about 50,000 people become ill<br />

each year due to asbestos.<br />

In Colombia was to prohibit in all cases, but<br />

the opposition of a segment of workers who<br />

would be affected, and the support that this<br />

concern had in Congress, ended up sinking<br />

the project. However, the discussion can be<br />

channelled to the question of when and how<br />

it would be viable to ban asbestos, as<br />

proposed by the Minister of health, Alejandro<br />

Gaviria, in a debate in Congress last year

El Tiempo newspapes says that the<br />

The Senator Álvaro Uribe, leader of<br />

the Democratic Center, party that<br />

opposed the project, said that "there<br />

must be a plan of socio-economic<br />

compensation and alternative<br />

development for workers as the of<br />

camp, Antioquia, whose livelihood<br />

comes from" asbestos.<br />

The same thing had told Gaviria,<br />

proposing that a ban on ranked, with<br />

a time of transition and planning of<br />

three to five years should suggest<br />

not to cause occupational injuries.

Battling to ban asbestos<br />

The most well-known case of dead from<br />

asbestos is that of Ana Cecilia Niño, a<br />

woman who sued the nation for not<br />

allowing the material she was exposed to<br />

for 17 years, and which caused cancer.<br />

Ana Cecilia extracted the left lung, pleura,<br />

pericardium, and all adjacent muscles and<br />

nodes, but the presence of malignant<br />

mesothelioma was fully confirmed.<br />

Dozens of radiotherapies and<br />

chemotherapies were tried to prevent<br />

tumor progression.

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that<br />

affects the pleura, that membrane that<br />

covers the lungs. Between 70% and 80%<br />

of diagnosed patients are the product of<br />

years of exposure to asbestos.<br />

The majority of people diagnosed are<br />

usually exposed to breathing fibers of<br />

this mineral toxic material at some<br />

point in their life, Between 70 and 80%<br />

of diagnosed patients are the product of<br />

years of exposure to asbestos or<br />

asbestos.<br />

The majority of people diagnosed are<br />

usually exposed to breathing fibers of<br />

this mineral toxic material at some<br />

point in their life, and when they are<br />

discovered the disease is at a very<br />

advanced stage, so curative treatment is<br />


In mid-2016, Ana Cecilia and her<br />

husband sued the Colombian State<br />

before the Inter-American<br />

Commission on Human Rights. By<br />

calling for protection of the<br />

fundamental rights to life, health, a<br />

healthy environment, and the<br />

human right to judicial protection,<br />

the CIDH requested a series of<br />

precautionary measures.<br />

The struggle continues, the<br />

foundation Ana Cecilia Niño<br />

continues to fight to prevent asbestos<br />

in Colombia, using several<br />

awareness campaigns, the most<br />

recent is #CuidoTusPulmones.

How good it would be for the<br />

National Government, adopting last<br />

year's proposal from Minister<br />

Gaviria, to demonstrate its<br />

commitment to the health of<br />

Colombians and to put on the<br />

shoulder the necessary ban on<br />

asbestos in the country. To say that it<br />

is necessary to look for alternatives<br />

for the workers, this is not<br />

necessarily imply that this is enough<br />

to lock a decision that will literally<br />

save lives.

By: Maria Valentina Rico<br />

In this recipe we are going to show<br />

you how to do a delicious lemon<br />

dessert.<br />

Bellow the link of the video:<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v<br />


By: Maria Camila Vergel Peñaloza.<br />

In this video you can find how to<br />

make a delicious yogurt pie.<br />

I leave the link of this tutorial.<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?<br />


Hi everybody, in this post i'm going to teach you to prepare a lemon pie<br />

dessert.<br />

I'll prepare the lemon pie with my mother although it can be without the<br />

help of an adult because it doesn't need to be cooked or baked.<br />

I wanted to make this dessert because it is very easy to prepare and is a<br />

delicious dessert which is neither sweet or sour so it is a good choice to<br />

accompany the food or can be a cake.<br />

Lemon pie is very easy to prepare because we just need:<br />

• Ducal cookies.<br />

• Milk cream.<br />

• Milk cans.<br />

• Lemon.<br />

• Mold with aluminum paper.<br />

Steps: (For a medium dessert)<br />

1. We put a layer of cookies in the mold.<br />

2. Put a liter of cream of milk, a big bag of milk and you have to do a<br />

lemon juice (six lemons), after this you have to put that ingredients<br />

in the blender and turn off when everything is like a cream.<br />

3. Put a layer of the previous mixture on the mold over the cookies.<br />

Repeat the second and third until the mixture end.<br />

4. After that, you have to cover the dessert with aluminum paper and<br />

leave in the fridge for twelve hours.<br />

5. Get the dessert and is ready to eat.<br />

6. This is a delicious dessert, is easy to make and is not expensive but<br />

we have to be careful because lemon can cut dairy and damage the<br />

dessert.<br />

7. If you really like the desserts you have to taste the lemon pie, is<br />

very easy to prepare and you don have to cook or bake that.

By: María Alejandra Sandoval<br />

In this video I'm going to show you<br />

how to do a latte pudding cups<br />

If you are a coffee lover this recipe is<br />

dedicated especially for you.<br />

In this link you can find the tutorial:<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?<br />


By: Maria Valentina Rico Gómez<br />

Common crime, Transformation of public<br />

entities and more taxation, this will be the price<br />

of peace for Colombia.

The peace agreement with FARC<br />

(Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces,<br />

in Spanish) was signed on November 10,<br />

2016; this ended 50 years of armed conflict<br />

with the largest subversive group in the<br />

country. In spite of this the state will have<br />

to face everything that the implementation<br />

of the agreements will bring with it.<br />

The nation spent 12 billion pesos every<br />

year financing the war. Although, the<br />

country's largest guerrilla has already<br />

signed its final, we cannot leave aside the<br />

price of peace, because right now, It will be<br />

necessary to finance the reintegration of<br />

the demobilized people, the creation,<br />

organization and the maintenance of the<br />

veredales zones.

Besides, new entities must be created to investigate<br />

and monitor the administrative, disciplinary, criminal<br />

and other situations that may arise with the<br />

implementation of the agreements made in Havana<br />

Cuba. Although we must also emphasize that not<br />

everything is bad. In fact, peace will bring revenues in<br />

tourism, foreign investments, additionally, it reduces<br />

drug trafficking, restore land, it reduces violence in<br />

the countryside, kidnapping, extortion, terrorist<br />

attacks, as well as other forms of violence provoked by<br />

the FARC ep.<br />

In the second place, the signing of the peace<br />

agreement will bring benefits, but to tell the truth, we<br />

have to know that the country will also have to face<br />

difficult situations such as: The increase of crime by<br />

emerging groups that did not accept the peace<br />

agreement, which, will form criminal gangs,<br />

additionally, the massive dismissal of members of the<br />

military forces due to the necessity to transform these<br />

institutions because it will not be necessary so much<br />

personnel to fight in the war, with the demobilization<br />

of approximately 17,500 members of the FARC, in<br />

addition, new jobs will be needed to prevent the<br />

creation of more criminal gangs, and last of all, new<br />

taxes will be created to finance all the expenses of the<br />

peace agreements.<br />


We could say that the most affected part with all<br />

these will be the military since they will have to be<br />

relocated and therefore, certain benefits that they<br />

had , must be changed, not to mention, that society<br />

as we know it will have to change to give way to a<br />

new stage in the history of Colombia.<br />

On the other hand, now, Colombia has a challenge<br />

to achieve a definitive peace, the negotiations with<br />

the ELN, started on February 8th of this year, on<br />

Ecuador, If the result manages to be favorable, the<br />

same as with the last agreement, surely great<br />

benefits will come to the country, meanwhile,<br />

Colombia will have to learn about inclusion,<br />

coexistence and forgiveness.We could say that the<br />

most affected part with all these will be the military<br />

since they will have to be relocated and therefore,<br />

certain benefits that they had , must be changed,<br />

not to mention, that society as we know it will have<br />

to change to give way to a new stage in the history<br />

of Colombia.<br />

On the other hand, now, Colombia has a challenge<br />

to achieve a definitive peace, the negotiations with<br />

the ELN, started on February 8th of this year, on<br />

Ecuador, If the result manages to be favorable, the<br />

same as with the last agreement, surely great<br />

benefits will come to the country, meanwhile,<br />

Colombia will have to learn about inclusion,<br />

coexistence and forgiveness.

By: Maria Camila Vergel Peñaloza.<br />

La la land Is a 2016 American romantic and musical<br />

film, written and directed by Damien Chazelle. The<br />

film is a modern version of Hollywood musicals.<br />

The protagonists are Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone,<br />

a jazz pianist and an aspiring actress who meet and<br />

fall in love in Los Angeles, California. It was<br />

released in the United States on December 9, 2016 by<br />

Summit Entertainment.

Movie casting<br />

Ryan Gosling as Sebastian Wilder, a jazzloving<br />

man who wants to open his own<br />

club and play the music he likes. who<br />

aspires to be famous while retaining the<br />

purism of the genre, is a difficult task in a<br />

world full of fusion music. He works in a<br />

restaurant But some day, it changes his life<br />

to meet Mia.<br />

Emma Stone as Mia Dolan, She is an<br />

enthusiastic actress in search of her great<br />

role that in the meantime she works in a<br />

Warner Bros coffee shop as a waiter<br />

waiting for the moment and performs<br />

thousands of auditions. When he meets<br />

Sebastian, he will begin to fight for his<br />

dreams and a story of a new love.

Positive aspects<br />

This film is amazing, the connection<br />

that exist in the characters of Emma<br />

Stone and Ryan Gosling only leaves us<br />

without words, the effects of the film,<br />

production, their scenarios as in all the<br />

film leaves with their mouths open. His<br />

narration is unlike any other that makes<br />

it play with the viewer and this want to<br />

wait more in every scene. It has a time<br />

makes us remember that to achieve<br />

goals, you have to give up many things,<br />

that moment is that you realize is that<br />

not everything is "perfect".<br />

Negative aspects<br />

From my point of view, this film has no<br />

negative aspects, they know wrap very<br />

well the viewer in the story, while not<br />

musicals like a lot of people I think,<br />

that this is different from the others and<br />

not tired songs if not that every time<br />

you get more in the frame.

Opinion<br />

In my opinion this movie is charming, mixes both the<br />

classic and the modern. La Land goes deep in our<br />

feelings and makes us think inevitably in those tiny<br />

decisions that forever change our destiny. Both its<br />

actors and their production are wonderful. It is an<br />

unexpected film in that sense and its noncomplacency<br />

but painful it magnifies.

By: María Alejandra Sandoval<br />

It is a dramatic American film,<br />

directed by Kenneth Lonergan,<br />

released on November 18, 2016<br />

(United States).

The life of a lonely Boston concierge<br />

takes an unexpected turn when he<br />

returns to the city where he was<br />

born to look after his teenage<br />

nephew. MANCHESTER BY THE<br />

SEA is the story of the Chandlers, a<br />

working-class family settled in a<br />

small town in Massachusetts for<br />

generations.<br />

After the sudden death of Joe, Lee's<br />

older brother, this one is surprised<br />

on having found out that his brother<br />

has that his brother has appointed<br />

him legal guardian to his nephew.<br />

Much to his dismay, he leaves work<br />

to return to Manchester-by-the-Sea<br />

and take care of Patrick, a 16-yearold<br />

boy with a lot of character.

Cast:<br />

• Casey Affleck as Lee Chandler<br />

• Michelle Williams as Randi, Lee's<br />

former wife, now remarried<br />

• Kyle Chandler as Joseph "Joe" Chandler,<br />

Lee's brother<br />

• Lucas Hedges as Patrick Chandler, 16-<br />

year-old son of Joe and Elise<br />

• Gretchen Mol as Elise Chandler, Joe's<br />

former wife<br />

• C.J. Wilson as George, the Chandlers'<br />

family friend

In my opinion I think we are facing a<br />

story as human as felt, magnificently<br />

interpreted and above all built with<br />

great intelligence. Without these<br />

additions could happen to our side<br />

without realizing and, nevertheless, its<br />

director and actors make that its bottom<br />

and form you shrink the heart and turn<br />

a conventional story in a great history<br />

as sad as rotunda. Also has great<br />

soundtrack very successful and<br />

touching, as the story that accompanies.<br />

I think it has what it takes to become<br />

the Oscar winner.

By: Manuela Cardona Garcia

New York, 1926, The eccentist magical<br />

zoologist Newt Scarmander has just Bren<br />

expelled from Hogwards because of an<br />

incident involving one of his magical<br />

creatures. The young wizard then decides to<br />

embark on a journey around the world in<br />

search of new varieties of extraordinary<br />

creatures. Accompanied by an enigmatic<br />

suitcase full of Amazing beings he has<br />

collected over the years, he arrives in New<br />

York. There he crosses by chance with Jacob<br />

Kowalski, a baker who has just returned from<br />

the war. Following a confusion with their<br />

respective luggage, dime of Newt's fantastic<br />

animals are fleeing and the both are forced to<br />

solve this terrible problem, which affects both<br />

the magical community led by The magical<br />

congress of USA, like the muggle.

• Newt Scarmader: Eddie<br />

Redmayne.<br />

• Jacob Kowalski: Dan Fogler<br />

• "Tina" Goldstein: Katherine<br />

Waterston<br />

• Gellert Grindelwald: Johnny<br />

Depp<br />

• Gnarlack: Ron Perlman<br />

• Queenie Goldstein: Alison<br />


This film, can be said to be one of my<br />

favorites because it has a strong<br />

connection to the “Harry Potter saga” J.k<br />

Rowling was also the author of this<br />

magical story.<br />

Science fiction is the best way to escape<br />

from reality for a moment.<br />

They can introduce you to a world of a<br />

magical children, a magic school, trains<br />

with strange stations like 9.3/4, dance,<br />

love, elves, dragons, memaids, trolls,<br />

wicked magicians with unforgivable<br />

spells, emotion and the most recent<br />

version, you will met the fantastic beast,<br />

Taken care of by Newt Scarmander, who<br />

will show us their world and he will<br />

introduce us to each one of them.

Interesting for<br />

the future<br />

• What will<br />

bring to us<br />

the future?<br />

• which are<br />

the careers<br />

that will<br />

have a big<br />

boom in the<br />

future ?

By: Maria Camila Vergel Peñaloza.<br />

In this article, you will find the different careers with<br />

which the world will move in the future.<br />

At the time of choosing a university career, the people look<br />

for something that they like but also something that allow<br />

then to obtain a good economic remuneration.<br />

With the passing of the years, the world has changed<br />

radically, there is its time changing the mentalities of the<br />

young people, as well as a labor market share. The young<br />

people have many opportunities to choose a career that<br />

they like and that helps them to be "someone" in a future.

The generation of the millenials, young<br />

people between 18 and 34 years of age, is<br />

seen like unsupportive and with absence of<br />

ambition, they tend to trust less in the<br />

persons. The director of programs of<br />

Deusto Business School, Iñaki Ortega,<br />

points out that<br />

“This new labor force they are native<br />

global, and that is very important. They<br />

have friends in the whole world, see to<br />

work at any place normal, have begun<br />

being employed at crisis and after its own<br />

work is invented. They are freelances”<br />

Also, According to data collected by the<br />

Observatory for employment in the Digital<br />

Era, 8 out of every 10 young people<br />

between 20 and 30 years will find a job<br />

related to the digital realm in jobs that do<br />

not yet exist.

The 9 most sought after professions will be:<br />

• Engineer factory.<br />

• Chief digital officer.<br />

• Expert in digital innovation.<br />

• Smart data scientist.<br />

• Expert in big data.<br />

• Architect expert in smart cities.<br />

• Expert in usability.<br />

• Director of digital content.<br />

• Digital risk manager.<br />

Besides , a very small number of students have<br />

considered being specialists in digital risk or in<br />

studying Smart data scientist, these are some of the<br />

careers that are innovating around the world. These<br />

careers tend to be outlined like some of more<br />

respondents in the future.These careers are doing of<br />

side to the traditional professions, like the business<br />

administration, accounting, between a long list of<br />

careers that in a future will be disappearing with the<br />

advance of the technology.<br />

Moreover, technology invades every day the world,<br />

that's why at the moment of choosing that to study, it<br />

is necessary to keep in mind the reality and the future<br />

which it faces.

Hello everyone:<br />

• Today carried out a tour of the best places in my<br />

neighborhood because I want to show you how is living<br />

here, that stuff can be found and show you that you can<br />

go to different places in my neighborhood on a<br />

weekend.<br />

• My neighborhood has many things that almost no one<br />

really knows, has themed restaurants, has tracks to<br />

make racing bike, has very large and stylish hairdresser,<br />

has many shops so it is easy to get things that you forget,<br />

it have many pet stores, has incredible bakeries, has two<br />

shopping centers, has many churches, there are also<br />

places to drink. My neighborhood is divided into blocks<br />

which each one has a different park, has many gyms,<br />

stores where they sell fruit salad with ice cream... On<br />

October 31, there is a festival with a large street stage,<br />

sometimes are singers or comedians, although it is<br />

almost always a competition of any costume.<br />

• I am going to go to the most famous places in my<br />

neighborhood and i will show you that this places are so<br />

great, good or flashy but also explain the place a little. I<br />

will go with my cellphone and take pictures of each<br />

location to show you how wonderful is it.

• By: Manuela Cardona Garcia

UMF is annual outdoor electronic music<br />

festival, where thousands of people enjoy<br />

three days of excitement with concerts of<br />

the most recognized DJs in the world.<br />

The festival was founded in 1999 by<br />

Russell Faibish and Alex Ornes and started<br />

with only 70.000 people-<br />

The UMF, is given between March and<br />

April. In the most recent version of the<br />

festival there was 175.000 spectators. The<br />

Djs that were part of this version were<br />

Martin Garrix, Carl Cox, Pendulum, Kygo,<br />

The Chainsmokers, Marshmellow,<br />

Deadmau5, Afrojack, Hardwell, David<br />

Guetta, Tiesto, Armin Van Buuren, Dj<br />

Snacke, Skrillex, etc.

Personally i think that this festival<br />

deserves that all people talk about it,<br />

beign a place where you dont only<br />

enjoy the DJs, but ypu see how cultures<br />

unite before the same feeling for the<br />

electronic music and it doesnt matter<br />

wherever you come because everyone<br />

becomes one.<br />

Finally, I want to recommend the<br />

festival, it is one of those unforgettable<br />

experiences that will mark you for life.

By Sofía Canizales Espinel<br />

Referred to as phantom the appearance of beings out of the ordinary that can<br />

take the form of human, animal or also objects although sometimes seem to<br />

lights. We think that a ghost is who already dies and has something<br />

unsettled in the world of us the living. The ghosts can be detected thanks to<br />

the sounds that make, changes of temperature or feel that you are not only<br />

when really only these you are physically.<br />

The poltergeist phenomenon:<br />

• Poltergeist - Esoteric and Paranormal - The word "poltergeist" means<br />

"noisy ghost", these spirits manifested with loud noises, smells unpleasant,<br />

furniture that move or levitate, unexplained voices and objects that appear<br />

and disappear, and even on some occasions victims levitate.<br />

• All signals which are normally known as activity poltergeist (paranormal<br />

activity)<br />

The residual activity<br />

• This activity is the most common, in this, the ghost appears in more than<br />

one scene or picture in the same place, manifests itself in the places in which<br />

the spirit or Ghost had something important<br />

Persons or shadow creatures<br />

• They manifested through shadows but seem to shadow of someone who is<br />

alive because the light doesn't run through, people think that they are<br />

creatures from another dimension or aliens, they are in places where has<br />

been practiced black magic or macabre ritual.<br />

Demonic or inhumane activity<br />

• It is the less common, they are spirits that never had a deadly human form<br />

but in most cases of violence are, but when there is, when you know that<br />

some a demonic entity is closer to you, must sanctify the person or the place<br />

in which it is located.<br />

• An example can be the spirit that is called through the Ouija.

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